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Class Ix Term II Syllabus

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Reading Comprehension
Writing - Diary Entry, Descriptive Paragraph (Places
and Events) , Story Writing
Grammar - Determiners, Tenses, Reported Speech, S-V
Agreement, Modals, Integrated Grammar
Literature - Prose (Beehive)
1. The Fun They Had
2. Kathmandu
3. The Sound of Music
4. A Truly Beautiful Mind
5. My Childhood
6. If I Were You
1. The Road Not Taken
2. Wind
3. Lake Isle of Innisfree
4. Rain on the Roof
5. On Killing A Tree
6. No Men Are Foreign
7. A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal
Prose - Moments
1. The Lost Child
2. The Adventures of Toto
3. Iswaran the Storyteller
4. In the Kingdom of Fools
5. The Last Leaf
6. A House is not a Home
7. The Beggar
8. The Happy Prince

साहित्य – दु ख का अधिकार
तुम कब जाओगे ,अधतधि
शुक्र तारे के समान
वैज्ञाधनक चेतना के वाहक
संचयन -
मेरा धनजी पुस्तकालय
काव्य खंड -
रहीम के दोहे
नए इलाके में
HINDI व्याकरण - शब्द और पद
उपसगग और प्रत्यय
अिग की दृधि से वाक्य के भेद
स्वर संधि
अनुस्वार और अनुनाधसक
धवराम धचन्ह

लेखन कौशल -अपधित गद्ांश / काव्यां श

पत्र लेखन
अनुच्छेद लेखन
संवाद लेखन

Ch1- Number Systems Ch2- Polynomials Ch3-

Coordinate Geometry Ch4- Linear Equation in two
variables Ch5-Introduction to Euclid's Geometry Ch6-
MATH Lines and Angles Ch7- Triangles Ch8- Quadrilaterals
Ch9- Circles Ch10-Heron's Formula Ch11- Surface
Areas and Volumes Ch12-Statistics
SCIENCE Force & Laws of Motion
Work & Energy
1. Matter In Our Surroundings,
2. Is Matter Around Us Pure,
3. Atoms and Molecules,
4. Structure of Atom
1. The Fundamental Unit of Life
2. Tissues
3. Improvement in Food Resources
History: Ch-1 The French Revolution, Ch-2 Socialism in
Europe & the Russian Revolution, Ch-3 Nazism & the
Rise of Hitler, Ch-5 Pastoralists in the modern world
Civics - Ch 2- Constitutional Design Ch-3 Electoral
Politics. Ch-4 Working of the institutions. Ch-5
SOCIAL Democratic Rights
SCIENCE Geography: Ch-2 Physical Features of India, Ch-3
Drainage, Ch-4 Climate, Ch-5 Natural Vegetation &
Wildlife (Only Map Work) & Ch-6 Population.
Economics:1. The Economic Story of Palampur,2. People
as a Resource,3. Poverty as a Challenge,4. Food Security
in India
Employability Skills:
1) Communication Skills
2) Self-management Skills
FIT Subject Specific Skills:
1) Electronic Spreadsheet
2) Data Entry & Keyboarding Skills
3)Scratch Programming
Subject Specific Skills:
1) AI Project Cycle
2) Programming in Python
AI 3) Neural Network
Employability Skills:
1) Communication Skills
2) Self-management Skills

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