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Case Study 1

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NCM 120


Sunshine Bravo, Angelita Padilla, Rosefrance Reyes, Joseph Torres


Nursing Diagnosis Goals & Outcomes Interventions Evaluations
 Knowledge deficit  The client will be  Use interpreters  Patient verbalized
related to language able to verbalize while understanding of
barriers as understanding and communicating what was told to
evidenced by participate in with a patient so them and was able
difficulty reading therapeutic action that patient to repeat back
English medical understands what was told to
terminology  Speak in shorter her.
sentences than  Patient was able to
normal to make it read medical
easier for documents clearly
interpreter to
improve the
 Refer patient to
language access
department to help
translate medical

 Self-care deficit  The client will not  Perform a mental  The client states
related to inflict any harm to status examination that she promises
depression as themselves or to gauge potential to not harm herself
evidenced by others for committing or others.
verbalization of  The client will state suicide.  Client verbalizes
depression to that she wants to  Establish a safety that she wishes to
nurse manager live plan live.
 The client states  Perform post-  The client states
that they want to discharge follow-up that she is
improve self-care interventions. motivated in
abilities and  Allow the client to performing self-
construct plans for express feelings care activities and
the future to and perceptions. agrees to go to
increase rehabilitation
independence center.
 Risk of body image  The patient  Acknowledge and  Patient expressed
disturbance & self- verbalizes an accept the feelings of
esteem related to understanding of expression of frustration of body
recent surgical body changes. feelings of image
amputation  The client frustration, disturbances.
verbalizes dependency, anger,  Patient agreed to
acceptance of new grief, and hostility. use protheses to
self.  Recognize the assist her with her
 The patient will use normalcy of daily activities.
adaptive response to the  Patient verbalized
devices/prostheses actual or perceived more positive
appropriately. change in body responses about
structure or their body image.
function and
discuss the patient.
 Exhibit positive
caring in routine
 Provided
information on
how to promote
positive image

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