Assignment 3 Guidance
Assignment 3 Guidance
Assignment 3 Guidance
Remember you already have the knowledge of what to do, it is implementation time.
NB: This guide does NOT replace the instructions on the tutorial letter,
or the instructions in the learning units!
▪ Introduce ALL the main elements of your research topic (Remember the context of your own
research! Covid19’s impact to computing is a broad topic. What do YOU need us to focus on?).
▪ Carefully explain how each are linked to each other (Provide context to your proposed study).
▪ What is the problem in your research topic and WHY should anyone care.
▪ Do not forget to add a document layout!!
Problem Statement:
▪ What is the eutopia situation regarding my problem?
▪ What is the current situation?
▪ What has been done to solve my research problem/parts of my research problem?
▪ What is missing?
▪ What will MY contribution be?
▪ Do not forget to add a summary of all the above. (The problem statement for the current study
Research Questions:
▪ Ensure that these are actual questions! Not statements ending in a question mark.
▪ Main research question/s:
— Does the main research question cover/address your problem statement?
— Would you need to conduct research to answer the question?
— Can it be broken up into sub questions?
▪ Research sub questions:
— What is the contribution of each question to answering the main research question/s?
Research Objectives:
▪ What do hope to achieve by answering the research questions? (For every question, there
should be an objective)
Research Deliverables:
▪ What tangible outputs will come out from your research study?
Literature Review:
▪ Do not forget your introduction section which includes the strategy followed to complete your
literature review. (How you find your literature etc.)
▪ Decide on how to present your literature. (historical, themes, arguments…)
▪ Do not be article driven. (Author 1… then Author 2…)
▪ Do NOT answer your research questions. Rather motivate WHY research should be done to
answer your research questions.
▪ Critically show why/how your research questions have not been addressed by previous
▪ Carefully articulate WHY your research questions should be addressed/answered.
▪ Remember this is a proposal! You have not done the research therefore you cannot have all
the answered. You can have an idea on how to address the topic.
▪ Write in simple, short sentences. (If a sentence is more than 2 lines, rather divide into two
shorter sentences)
▪ Use subheadings to make your writing easier to follow. (Do not forget to link each section)
▪ Try not to include subjective/ambiguous terms. (NO: Very large impact. Rather: 80% increase..)
▪ Cite ALL non original ideas.
▪ Ensure all citations are included in your reference list, and vise versa.
▪ Use graphs and diagrams to illustrate what you mean. (Label these correctly)
▪ Strictly use academic English!
▪ Write > Proofread > Write > Proofread (repeat as many times as necessary)
▪ Make sure you include all the required appendix items.