Appendix F - Brain Imaging Techniques Invasi - 2003 - The Cognitive Electrophys
Appendix F - Brain Imaging Techniques Invasi - 2003 - The Cognitive Electrophys
Appendix F - Brain Imaging Techniques Invasi - 2003 - The Cognitive Electrophys
Brain Imaging Techniques:
Invasiveness and Spatial and
Temporal Resolution
Alberto Zani, Gabriele Biella, and Alice Mado Proverbio
The Cognitive Electrophysiology of Mind and Brain 417 Copyright 2002, Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
FIGURE 1 Invasiveness, spatial resolution, and temporal resolution of the main imaging techniques used in
humans to investigate function and structure of the brain. The different sizes of the shapes representing the dif-
ferent techniques vary as a function of the level of both spatial resolution (in milimeters) and temporal resolution
(in seconds). Note that the increasing level of saturation of the gray color represents the increasing levels of inva-
siveness of the techniques.
In PET, for example, the activated parts of Given that the final aim of research on
the brain selectively take up a radioactive the mind and brain should be to construct
tracer previously administered intraven- a model of functional relations between
ously to a patient or healthy volunteer. The the pathways and centers of the brain from
gamma rays deriving from the emission of which mental life comes, besides simple
positrons by these activated structures allow localization of these to particular areas
a functional map of cerebral activation to be of the brain, it is important to have a
built; as illustrated in Fig. 1, such a map has temporal resolution of milliseconds for the
a precision ranging between about 2 and 5 processes involved. The only imaging
mm. fMRI, on the other hand, can reflect techniques that have such a good temporal
structural variations caused by increased resolution are the techniques used sys-
local blood flow and dilatation of cerebral tematically or on single cells that measure
tissues with a mean precision of 3 mm, the electromagnetic activity of the brain
although the range is from 2 to 4 mm. directly. As illustrated by Fig. 1, the maxi-
Notwithstanding their high spatial reso- mal temporal resolution, as well as spatial
lution, none of the functional imaging resolution, is provided by single-unit
techniques, with the exception of MEG, can recordings. Thanks to these it is possible to
provide functional images that are also carry out neurofunctional investigations
accurate in temporal terms. In fact, the with a temporal resolution below the order
temporal resolution with which they can of milliseconds (<10–3), and with a spatial
provide accurate images of ongoing func- resolution under 1 mm. It is, however,
tional activation of the brain is rather poor. unthinkable to use this technique for func-
This resolution can reach the order of a tional imaging of the human brain because
tenth of second (~100–150 msec) with the of its invasiveness; it would require neuro-
most technologically advanced type of surgery to implant the microelectrodes.
fMRI––that is, 3 or 4 tesla echo-planar Unlike single-unit recordings, scalp
fMRI (or event-related fMRI)—but still recordings of voltages (EEGs and ERPs)
remains in the order of seconds with less that mirror the intracranial currents origi-
powerful equipment. The temporal resolu- nating from neuronal sources in the brain
tion of PET is tens of seconds or even cortex, and spreading by volume conduc-
minutes. The significance of this technical tion throughout the brain and the scalp,
limitation to research can readily be can be used as tools for human research.
appreciated by considering that an action Indeed, while having the advantage of
potential originating in the pyramidal 1-msec temporal resolution, or quite close
motor neurones of the premotor cortex to this level, the recording method is com-
propagating along the efferent pathways pletely noninvasive. However, because of
takes about 150 msec to reach the muscle its irregularities, the skull is not a homoge-
bundles of the forearm, causing flexion of neous conductor. The volume currents that
the terminal phalanx of the index finger, in come in contact with the electrodes over
order, for example, to press a button for the scalp are distorted by irregularities
measuring reaction times. Or consider that such that the technique does not have
we can identify an object that enters our sufficient spatial resolution to be able
visual field within a few hundreds of milli- locate the real intracranial sources of the
seconds (~180–220 msec). It is clear that the currents.
velocity with which the above-mentioned This difficulty translates into a spatial
neural processes occur means that their resolution that cannot be relied on for
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