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Fakultas Program Studi Tatap Muka Kode MK Disusun Oleh

FKIP PBI ENG32 Valentina Dyah Arum Sari,

05 S.Pd.,M.Hum.


2019 BAHASA INGGRIS Pengembangan Materi Pembelajaran dan e-learning

Valentina Dyah Arum Sari 2

Telling Procedure

In this lesson, you will learn about telling procedure. There are four parts discussed in
this narration. They are Definition, Examples, Generic Structures, and Language
Features. Each of them is elaborated as follows:

A. The Definition of Procedure text:

We can classify the definition of procedure texts into three groups based on the
purposes. The three definition of procedure text are:
 Texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction / operation
manuals e.g. how to use the video, the computer, the tape recorder, the
photocopier, the fax.
 Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity e.g. recipes, rules for games,
science experiments, road safety rules.
 Texts that deal with human behaviour, e.g how to live happily, how to succeed.

B. The Examples of Procedure text

According to the definition of procedure text, we will show you three different
examples of procedure text.
1. Procedure text of how to use instruction or operation manuals:
How to Use a Fire Extinguisher

1. Pull the pin while holding the extinguisher away from you to unlock the mechanism.
2. Aim low toward the base of the fire.
3. Squeeze the lever slowly.
4. Sweep the nozzle from side to side at the base of the fire.

2. Procedure text of how to do a particular activity such as recipes:

2019 BAHASA INGGRIS Pengembangan Materi Pembelajaran dan e-learning
Valentina Dyah Arum Sari 3
How to Make Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe
- 1 can of full-cream milk.
- 2 cups of heavy cream.
- 1 dark chocolate bar.
- chocolate chips (around 10 grams).

1. Break the dark chocolate bar into chunks.
2. Melt the chocolate bar in the microwave or in a double boiler.
3. As it melts, stir the chocolate.
4. Remove the chocolate from the heat.
5. Pour the can of full-cream milk into the melted chocolate slowly while
stirring the mixture.
6. When the mixture mixed thoroughly, set aside.
7. In a separate bowl, mix the heavy cream with manual or electric mixer
until stiff peaks form.
8. Combine the whipped cream and chocolate mixture.
9. Sprinkle the chocolate chips into the mixture.
10. Fold together until all of them completely mixed.
11. Store in a closed container and freeze for around 2-3 hours.

3. Procedure text that deal with human behaviour:

2019 BAHASA INGGRIS Pengembangan Materi Pembelajaran dan e-learning

Valentina Dyah Arum Sari
How to Move on from Your Ex
1. Accept whatever you feel.
2. Don’t isolate yourself.
3. Get your diary out and filling it in with different activities, especially on
the weekend.
4. Get rid of the relationship reminders.
5. Break away completely from each other right after the breakup.
6. Stay away from the places you used to go to.
7. Keep a journal.
8. Keep reminding yourself that your happiness isn’t dependent on your ex.
9. Try to view the breakup as a chance for a new beginning.
10. Focus on being in the present.

C. The Generic Structure of Procedure Text:

 Goal : It contains the purpose of the text. (e.g : How to make spagheti)
 Materials or Ingredients : it contains of the materials that used in the process. (e.g
: the material to cook omelette are egg, onion, vegetable oil, etc. However, in the
procedure text that deals with the human behaviour, the material or ingredients
are not needed.
 Steps: it contains of the steps to make something in the goal. (e.g : first, wash the
tomatoes, onion, ...., second cut the onions becomes slice. . . )

D. Language Features in Procedure Text:

 Use of action verbs (e.g.: turn, put, mix)
 Use of connectives (e.g. : first, then, finally, …)
 Use of adverbial phrases (e.g. : for five minutes, 2 centimeters from the top)
 Use Simple Present Tense
 Use command – imperrative forms (e.g : pull the pin..., squeeze the lever

Panduan e-learning Bagi Pengelola

Page 5 Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
 Imperative sentence is an expression that is used to give or ask somebody to do
something. There are two forms of imperative, those are:
a. Command
There are some giving instruction in command form that usually we use in the
daily life, those are:
1) Bare infinitive verb + object
 Eat your meal.
 Switch off the phone in class.
2) Be + adjective
 Be strong
 Be happy
 Be polite
 Be careful
 Be ready
b. Prohibition
There are some imperative sentences in prohibition form that usually we use in
the daily life, those are:
1) Don’t + bare infinitive verb
 Don’t eat the fried chicken in the cupboard.
 Don’t close it.
 Don’t stop kneading the dough.
2) Don’t + be + adjective
Examples: Don’t be common in decorating the cake.
3) Don’t + verb + object + please
 Don’t turn off your mobile phone when the system is updating, please.
 Don’t mix all the ingredients at the same time.
2019 BAHASA INGGRIS Pengembangan Materi Pembelajaran dan e-learning
Valentina Dyah Arum Sari

Write a procedure text that explain how something works or how to use instruction /
operation manuals e.g. how to use the video , etc.

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Valentina Dyah Arum Sari 7

Retrieved from on August,2019

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go-of-your-ex-and-move-on/ on October,2019

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by-step-guide on October,2019

2019 BAHASA INGGRIS Pengembangan Materi Pembelajaran dan e-learning

Valentina Dyah Arum Sari

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