The Digital Dr. Stone - Index of Charts and Texts

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Index of Transcribed Charts and Text


The charts below are viewable in their original form as well as their searchable, transcribed
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Alphabetized Index transcribed page.
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Index of Transcribed Charts
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 1 "Energy - The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art"
Supplemental Essays Complete text for Book 1
Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3 Chart 4
Contact Us
Chart 5 Chart 6 Chart 7 Chart 8
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2, "The Wireless Anatomy of Man"
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Complete text for Book 2
Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3 Chart 4
Support Chart 5 Chart 6 Chart 7 Chart 8
DigitalDrStone! Chart 9 Chart 10 Chart 11 Chart 12
Chart 13 Chart 14 Chart 15 Chart 16
Chart 17 Chart 18 Chart 19 Chart 20
Chart 21 Chart 22 Chart 23 Chart 24
Chart 25 Chart 26 Chart 27 Chart 28
Chart 29 Chart 30 Chart 31 Chart 32
Chart 33 Chart 34 Chart 35 Chart 36
Chart 37 Chart 38 Chart 39 Chart 40
Chart 41 Chart 42 Chart 43 Chart 44
Chart 45 Chart 46 Chart 47 Chart 48
Chart 49 Chart 50 Chart 51 Chart 52
Chart 53 Chart 54 Chart 55 Chart 56
Chart 57 Chart 58 Chart 59 Chart 60
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Chart 61 Chart 62 Chart 63 Chart 64
Award" 2012
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3, "Polarity Therapy"
Complete text for Book 3
Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3 Chart 4
Chart 5 Chart 6 Chart 7 Chart 8
Chart 9 Chart 10 Chart 11 Chart 12
Chart 13 Chart 14 Chart 15 Chart 16
Chart 17 Chart 18 Chart 19 Chart 20
Chart 21 Chart 22 Chart 23 Chart 24
Chart 25

Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 4, "The Mysterious Sacrum - The Key to Body
Structure and Function"
Complete text for Book 4
Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3 Chart 4
Chart 5 Chart 6 Chart 7 Chart 8
Chart 9 Chart 10 Chart 11 Chart 12
Chart 13

Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5, "Vitality Balance"

Complete text for Book 5
Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3 Chart 4
Chart 5 Chart 6 Chart 7 Chart 8
Chart 9 Chart 10 Chart 11 Chart 12
Chart 13 Chart 14 Chart 15 Chart 16
Chart 17 Chart 18 Chart 19

Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6, "Body Balance through Evolutionary Energy

Complete text for Book 6
Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3 Chart 4
Chart 5 Chart 6 Chart 7 Chart 8
Chart 9 Chart 10 Chart 11 Chart 12
Chart 13 Chart 14 Chart 15 Chart 16
Chart 17 Chart 18 Chart 19 Chart 20
Chart 21 Chart 22 Chart 23 Chart 24
Chart 25

Polarity Therapy Volume 2, "Enquiry Into the Gross Body"

Chart 1 Chart 2

Health Building
Complete text for Part 1 - Health Building
Complete text for Part 2 - Easy Stretching Postures for Vitality and Beauty

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art
The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art
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[An Improved & Enlarged Edition of
The New Energy Concept of the Healing Art]
Index of Transcribed Charts

Supplemental Essays Book I

Contact Us of Dr. Stone's Complete Collected Works on
Polarity Therapy
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 1

Chart No. 1

The Egyptian Caduceus or the Staff of Hermes

The Caduceus
The Insignia of the Ancient Physicians

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Acknowledgements Two types of caduceus are given here. Different countries had their own design of this same
mystery of energy current flow in the human body and in Nature. The description of the "Tree
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
of Life" and of the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" in our Bible had a similar meaning
hidden in its symbolism, where Life and Knowledge were closely interwoven for good and
Support bad or positive and negative effects in the life of every being.
All these cryptic designs bear a hidden message to thinkers, of energy patterns in man's make-
up so he can better understand himself and his dual and complex pattern design and thinking
process. By knowing them, man can work from the center out and regulate the currents of
thoughts and feelings through intelligent direction and knowledge rather than being tossed
around by every temporary impulse and reaction. "Man know thyself" is the admonition
contained in the symbolism of the Sphinx and of the Staff of Hermes.

Book 1, Chart 2

Book 1, "Explanation of Chart No. 1"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 1

Chart No. 2

The superior triangle to the top of the head is the location of spiritual faculties. In ancient
Greek symbolism this area in the head of Zeus was given to Pallas Athene [Athena], the
goddess of wisdom. See chart No. 11 in Book 2, "Wireless Anatomy of Man".

Click thumbnail for original image.

(A) The Center of Consciousness is the meeting place of
the outgoing energy and the inflowing currents of
(B) Speech
(C) Cervical Plexus
Search Instructions (D) Voice Center
Alphabetized Index (E) Top of Trunk
Advanced Search (F) Heart Plexus
(G) Diaphragm
Index of Transcribed Charts (H) Splanchnic [Intestinal] Plexus
(I) Contact Points for Polarity
Supplemental Essays (J) Umbilicus
(K) Neuter [Neutral] Pole of Parietal Bone
Contact Us (L) Sacral Plexus
(M) Neuter [Neutral] Pole of Temporal Bone & [and]
Acknowledgements Maxillary Joint
(N) Coccygeal Plexus
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes (O) The Ankle is the Negative Pole
(P) Bottom of Trunk
The caduceus, superimposed on the skeleton, illustrates the five stages of stepped-down mind
energy as wireless primal energy currents which built the body in embryonic life according to
definite creative patterns.

The source is in the head, in the center of consciousness. These two currents cross over in
each oval and create a center of function and attraction of energy currents from Cosmos and
between units.

Book 1, Chart 1 ~ Book 1, Chart 3

Book 1, "Explanation of Chart No. 2"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 1

Chart No. 3 - The Three Modes of Motion of Mind and Matter

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The Tree of Life has the brain as the roots, and the nervous system as the trunk and branches.
Index of Transcribed Charts There are three main divisions in its function. They are the cerebrospinal, the sympathetic and
the parasympathetic systems. These must co-operate and flow into and out of each other, as
Supplemental Essays does all energy that has polarity.

Contact Us In the Tree of Life of the circulation of the blood, we have the arterial circulation as the
positive pole, the venous circulation as the negative pole, and the renewal of the blood by
Acknowledgements oxidation, through the lungs as the neuter [neutral] pole, the preserver, the keeper, the
balancer and restorer, like the sympathetic system.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
Let us take a stick for example, as illustrated above. Now, let us bend this stick. As a result we
have a triangle, where the two ends unite by energy currents and close it. So the four elements
of Fire, Air, Water and Earth, in their threefold action of positive, neuter [neutral] and
negative, become three times four, and equal twelve signs or functioning principles of these
elements in the body, according to the signs of the Zodiac, as illustrated in the next chapter.

All this is based upon the lines of force, like threads, which wove this body of ours in the
mother's womb. Our relation, as beings in the Universe, is similar to the embryo's relation (in
the womb) to the body of the mother. The same lines of force are at work in an individualized
way, throughout life on this Earth.

Energy travels in a circuit, from center to circumference and back to its source or neuter
[neutral] center. Let us see how this works out and forms a zodiac or circle. (Chart No. 4 in
this book)

Illustration Keywords: structural poles, superior, middle, inferior, positive, neutral [neuter],
negative, functional poles, +, -

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Book 1, Chart 2 ~ Book 1, Chart 4

Award" 2012

Book 1, "Explanation of Chart No. 3"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 1

Chart No. 4

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012
Principles of corresponding energy lines in the body, based on the four elements, their triad
nature in function, weaving the form in the mother's womb. These energy lines are pattern
lines and cannot be seen.

Illustration Keywords: fire, earth, air, water, head, aries, neck, taurus, shoulders, gemini,
breast, heart, cancer, solar plexus, leo, bowels, virgo, kidneys, super renals, libra,
generatives, generative organs, scorpio, thighs, sagittarius, knees, capricorn, ankles,
aquarius, feet, pisces

Book 1, Chart 3 ~ Book 1, Chart 5

Book 1, "Explanation of Charts No. 4, 5"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 1

Chart No. 5

The embryo (fetus [foetus]) in the mother's womb, woven by the energy lines of the four
elements in their three-fold action.

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


The position of the child in the mother's womb is the natural squatting posture of man, where
all energy currents can flow freely to produce a perfect human body, and for maintaining good
health after birth and throughout life in this world. (Please refer to my book, "Easy Stretching
Postures for Vitality and Beauty". This is the origin of it and here is the reason for its fine
results as a natural health exercise.)

Illustration Keywords: fire, earth, air, water, head, aries, neck, taurus, shoulders, gemini,
breast, heart, cancer, solar plexus, leo, bowels, virgo, kidneys, super renals, libra,
generatives, scorpio, thighs, sagittarius, knees, capricorn, ankles, aquarius, feet, pisces
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012
Book 1, Chart 4 ~ Book 1, Chart 6

Book 1, "Explanation of Charts No. 4, 5"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 1

Chart No. 6

The life breath flowing with the elements, up and down, in and through all tissues, establishes
gravity balance from the center to the circumference.

Click thumbnail for original image.

(A) Fire Element represents Brain and Nervous System

(B) The Neck is the Etheric Neuter [Neutral] Area for Reflexes

(C) Air Element represents Respiratory and Circulatory System

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(D) Earth Element represents Digestive System, Assimilation &
[and] Elimination
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(E) Water Element represents Genito-urinary [genitourinary,

Index of Transcribed Charts urogenital] System
Supplemental Essays

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Acknowledgements Anterior view of gravity lines and four polarized elements in their functioning areas, flowing
up and down through the neck, the neuter [neutral], etheric link.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
The neck region is the cross road of sound energy and mind impulses from the center of
consciousness outward and inward, through the etheric substance. They are felt, but cannot be
Support seen nor photographed. The neck becomes a switchboard for functional diagnosis. Balance is
DigitalDrStone! maintained through polarity action of energy currents flowing through the structures.

Book 1, Chart 5 ~ Book 1, Chart 7

Book 1, "Explanation of Chart No. 6"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 1

Chart No. 7 - Posterior Gravity Lines

Click thumbnail for original image.

The squares indicate gravity straight downward. The

triangles indicate lines of force in motion and stress, in
Keyword pivoting and reaching. The dotted lines are contact points to
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Alphabetized Index The perineum with the neck, occiput, clavicle, first rib,
Advanced Search and the top of the shoulders.

The glutei with the scapula.

Index of Transcribed Charts

Supplemental Essays The top with the bottom, including the four joints.

Contact Us


"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

Book 1, Chart 6 ~ Book 1, Chart 8

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 1

Chart No. 8 - Pelvic Outlet as Shown from Below

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Contact Us The area below line A is strictly for the application of perineal technique [see Book 2, Charts
30 and 31] with a light touch with one finger of the right hand while simultaneously placing
Acknowledgements the left hand above, on the neck or other centers, for bipolar current release. The dotted lines
are contact points. The fine cross lines are tissue lesions to release.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
The area above line A is for muscular tissue therapy on both sides of the coccyx, the sacral
base and over the innominate [hip] bone. It is for a gentle pressure technique to release the
Support blocks between two contact points around the ganglion of impar, located under the coccyx,
DigitalDrStone! shown as a dot here. The glutei, the coccygeal, the pyriformis [piriformis] muscles, etc. can be
contacted in this space by various depths and angles, with the contact finger of the right hand
under the muscle tissue, along the side of the coccyx. At the same time the thumb of the left
hand works on the outside, over the muscles, in a deep manipulative movement against the
pressure from the finger of the right hand below.

Book 1, Chart 7 ~ Book 2, Chart 1

Book 1, "Explanation of Chart No. 8"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Book 2: The Wireless Anatomy of Man
& Its Function - A Course in
The Wireless Anatomy
Manipulative Therapy with Principles
& Illustrations of Man
& Its Function
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search A Course in Manipulative Therapy
Index of Transcribed Charts with Principles & Illustrations
Supplemental Essays

Contact Us
Illustrated by Harlan Tarbell, D.N.
Book II
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes of Dr. Stone's Complete Collected Works on
Polarity Therapy
DigitalDrStone! i

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 1 - Ovals and Centers

Mind working through five etheric pattern field ovals with six
governing centers connected by the ultra sonic [ultrasonic] central
Click thumbnail for original image.
First oval is the head for control and direction. (Fire or
Second oval is the throat. A link for expression through speech.
(Ether and sound)
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Alphabetized Index Third oval is the chest. The heart expresses the life energy in
Advanced Search fluidic form the lungs and diaphragm as gaseous function. (Air)

Index of Transcribed Charts Fourth oval is the abdomen nourishing and sustaining the body.
(Earth energy)
Supplemental Essays
Fifth oval is the pelvis perpetuating the pattern form. (Water
Contact Us energy)

Acknowledgements Three fields and centers are necessary to express the soul as
intelligence, speech, life and motion. Two fields and three centers
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes are necessary to sustain and perpetuate the body.

Arms and legs are extension levers to overcome gravity by motion

Support of shifting polarity forces from a positive through a neuter
DigitalDrStone! [neutral] to a negative pole and repeat.

(A) Current connection of


(B) Continuous energy flow

through centers
Linking each brain lobe to the
opposite side of the body

(C) Head center

(D) Throat center

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service (E) Chest center

Award" 2012
(F) Abdominal center

(G) Generative center

(H) Rectal center

Cells are minature [miniature]

ovals with the five modalities of
matter in action in every living
The Sa pass of the ancient Egyptian priests

A secret made plain by polarizing the brain

Straight lines of
material geometric
extension used in
Expansion and
contraction by
mechanical means

Such congestions are

seen in the muscles of
the back.

The most ancient and perfect arrow or rocket designed by nature self-propelled and self-directed.

Diagram showing the general characteristics of the spermatozoa of various vertebrates: a, Lance;
b, segments of the accessory thread; c, accessory thread; d, body of the head; e, terminal nodule; f,
middle piece; g, marginal thread; h, axial thread; i, undulating membrane; k, fibrils of the axial
thread; l, fibrils of the marginal thread; m, end piece of Retzius; n, rudder-membrane.
Illustration Keywords: (fig. 1) +, -, 0
(fig. 3) +, -
(fig. 4) 5th cervical [fifth cervical, C5]
(fig. 5) brain, -, +
(fig. 6) fields

Book 1, Chart 8 ~ Book 2, Chart 2

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 2 - Chart of the Subtle Prana Currents in the Human Body and
Their Chakras as Whirling Primary Functional Centers of Energy

Psychic phenomena and special sense development is due to the stimulation of a chakra by
concentration of mind energy or interest in its function. Animals depend on the keenness of
Click thumbnail for original image. one sense for their direction and safety.

The two petaled center in the forehead is the seat of consciousness in the brain. It descends as
a dual current in a serpentine twisting motion polarizing and depolarizing in each center of the
five etheric fields.

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The six ventricles of the brain - relate to the six
Advanced Search spinning chakras

Index of Transcribed Charts

Supplemental Essays (A) Etheric center, voice - hearing, throat

Contact Us (B) Airy center, respiration, circulation, lungs,

(C) The fire of digestion, stomach, bowels
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
(D) Water center, generative force, emotional
Support drive, pelvic organs, glandular secretions
(E) Earthy center. Elimination of solids and
liquids. Rectum, bladder

(F) Swastika symbol in the body

Mind and prana (life breath) function thru [through] the fields of
matter and its centers.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012
(A) Prana as the downward current - apana

(B) Prana as the creative function - genito-urinary [genitourinary,

urogenital] organs - liquids

(C) Prana as the fire of digestion. The abdomen, caloric energy

(D) Prana as the energy in the air. Lungs and chest functions
(E) Prana energy as the sound ether, throat - ears

The hand is the same functional neuter [neutral] pole as the foot is the negative pole. Chart
No. 4 gives definite regional anatomical locations for affecting structural changes by
manipulation or pressure on definite reflex areas.

(A) Sound vibrations of speech and hearing. Throat -


(B) Sound vibrations of touch and feeling. Respiration -

circulation, heart and lungs

(C) Digestion and assimilation, stomach - intestines -

colon - Saturn

(D) Generative whirl - ring finger. Creative sun energy -

vital force

(E) Eliminative function - earthy, rectum and bladder

These energy lines are purely functional and physiological as longitudinal influence arising
from the chakras and forming the five sensory and the five motor currents flowing through the
body to each digit of the hands and feet. In the treatment of functional blocks or disturbance
of the five senses these areas are useful when the physiology is mostly involved.

The center line through the body is the location of the path of the ultra-sonic [ultrasonic]
energy substance as the primary life current and the core of being. It flows through the sixth
ventricle of the brain and the spinal cord. It has five stepdown centers below the brain for the
specialization of functions which we call the laws of nature for motion, life and the
preservation of the species. These centers in the five oval etheric fields are the core of the
wireless anatomy of the finest particles of matter known as chakras or lotuses. As they whirl
in a right hand direction from the back, each of the five centers gives off one wave of its
special quality of vibratory energy flowing as an electro-magnetic [electromagnetic] circuit to
each finger and toe. In this manner the sensory and the five motor senses are created and
function in the body.

A spinning center or chakra with a crank inserted

from the back. The wheel gives off shoots of
energy by rotation upward on the left side and
downward on the right side as a right hand turn.

Illustration Keywords: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Book 2, Chart 1 ~ Book 2, Chart 3

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 3 - Composite Picture of the Pattern Forces of the Body and Their
Wireless Circuits.

(A) Ultra-sonic [ultrasonic] core

(B) The polarity of the serpentine brain current

Click thumbnail for original image.
is reversed in the center of each oval field
where the currents cross over each other, thus
stepping down the vibratory intensity of the
currents also changing the nature of its function
in every center and field
Search Instructions (C) The dotted vertical lines are electro
Alphabetized Index magnetic [electromagnetic] wireless waves
Advanced Search flowing through the longitudinal muscle fibres
[fibers] of the body, giving them tone and
Index of Transcribed Charts maintain the body upright against the inertia of
Earth's gravity
Supplemental Essays
(D) The oval horizontal lines around the body
Contact Us are the electro-magnetic [electromagnetic]
wireless currents which give tone to the circular
Acknowledgements fibres [fibers] of the muscles. They correspond
to the currents from east to west in the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes atmosphere

Support (E) The hands should be turned up with the

DigitalDrStone! thumbs forward. But for clarity of illustrating
the 5 [five] currents going through the 5 [five] fingers they are shown thus.

(F) The ultra sonic [ultrasonic] energy forms the 6th [sixth] ventricle of the brain and spinal cord.
It becomes the primitive streak and the notochord in the embryo.

Electro-magnetic [electromagnetic] energy attracts to its own center of polarity in oval waves. It
is prior to the gravity of the Earth, because it overcomes it by muscular motion moved by energy
impulses. Earth gravity attracts to its center of gravity in straight lines of force by the square of
the distance

The fine white line in the central core is the ultra sonic [ultrasonic] energy current of the soul. It is
the primary energy which builds and sustains all others. It flows through the 6th [sixth] ventrical
[ventricle] of the brain and spinal cord when these are formed out of its mind pattern energy field.
This core is the center of attraction and emanation of all currents from the brain to the extremities.
It is the internal gravity of the individual energy and lines of force, distinct from the gravity of the
Earth. This is the true basis for individual therapy.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012
Actual lines of electro A bar magnet with
magnetic concentration of iron filings at
[electromagnetic] force the poles similar to head +
around a solenoid pelvis
A bar magnet and Metakinesis stage
its field as lines Mitotic cell-division of
of force fertilized whitefish eggs

A microscopic cell. The twisted filaments in the center have self inductive electric capacity
through oscilation [oscillation]. Chromosones [Chromosomes] and tubules are made up of
insulating material and filled with mineral salts similar to the ocean for conduction of energy.

(A) Vacule (F) Nuclear fluid

(B) Plastid (G) Cuticle

(C) Twisted filament (H) Nucleolus

(D) Plasma membrane (I) Attraction-spheres

containing centrosomes
(E) Nuclear membrane

A carbon atom with 6 [six] electrons circling around a heavy

neucleus [nucleus] containing 6 [six] elementary units of positive
electric charge.

Illustration Keywords: n [north], s[south]

Book 2, Chart 2 ~ Book 2, Chart 4

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 4 - Diagnostic and Therapeutic Chart of Body Areas Based on the
Regional Relation of Wireless Currents of Energy Flow.

+ Positive pole
Click thumbnail for original image. 0 Neuter [Neutral] pole
- Negative pole
of each area in exact relationship to the whole for diagnostic and therapeutic purpose.
The superior rules the inferior. The inferior reacts upon the superior by return current flow.

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012 Sensitive areas found in these parts are diagnostic and relate to each other as illustrated.
Pressure or manipulation of these areas has a definite therapeutic effect on the other poles, +,
0 or - by the wireless energy currents.

The greatest sensitiveness found by touch in any related area + 0 - shows the seat of the
active current interference.

The anterior soft sensory portion of the hands [palmar] and feet [plantar] respond to the
anterior sensory field of the brain and body currents. The posterior motor areas are on the
reverse side.

Tracing these currents + 0 - in any area is an interesting art as a diagnosis of causes and most
effective as therapy in removing the interuption [interruption] of the current.

Any tissue which is in a constant state of contraction or flaccidity reveals an energy block in
its circuit of conduction or in the wireless pattern of energy flow.

This chart gives a polarity relationship of anatomical structures to each other. It is a part of the
wireless current system in the anatomy of man. These are electro magnetic [electromagnetic]
muscular currents from above downward, and they act inversely as tension reflexes from
below upward.

The nine areas marked ⅓ [one third] are not equal in size but are exact in relation to each
other. They are equivalent to the nine openings in the body for the outlet of energy.

This is an anatomical relationship chart of corresponding body areas of positive, negative and
neuter [neutral] reactions. Its foundation is based upon the embryonic development and
position of the child in the mother's womb.

Illustration Keywords: head & brain area ant. [anterior] & post. [posterior], face & back of
head, ant. & post head area occipital line, neck area front & back, neck - ant. & post,
shoulders & chest, diaphragm, abdomen, center line, navel, pelvis, superior, middle, inferior,
bracelets, +, -, 0, ⅓ [one third]

Book 2, Chart 3 ~ Book 2, Chart 5

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 5 - Electro-Magnetic [Electromagnetic] Waves of the Body and

Their Polarity

(A) Downward flow from negative pole anterior

Click thumbnail for original image.
(B) Upward flow from positive pole anterior to
posterior negative on head.
(C) If the foot was flexed anteriorly the top or bony
portion would reflect to the posterior with which it
Search Instructions polarizes.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search Fig.3 gives the key to determine the flow of the
waves of the electro magnetic [electromagnetic]
energy with the patient face down or up. Insert an
Index of Transcribed Charts
imaginary crank in any joint as shown here and give
Supplemental Essays it a right hand clockwise turn and the circuit is
clearly demonstrated. The operator stands on the
Contact Us side tested.

Acknowledgements These waves change polarity at the ankle where the

current goes forward on the foot. The crossing over
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes of the current polarity at this point anteriorly makes
the ankle a flexible joint. In the energy field all
joints are neuter [neutral] points.

The waves of electro magnetic [electromagnetic] lines of force in the human body arising
from the center core and the brain polarity, whirling in opposite directions. Anterior and

(A) Sign of Aries

(B) Brain

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

These long waves flow on the surface and through the muscular structure of the anterior and
posterior half of the body. They respond to stimuli mostly at the polar extremities, and reflex
from the neuter [neutral] pole.

(A) Right hand turn from center weight

(B) Operator facing patients [patient's] right side

Illustration Keywords: +, -

Book 2, Chart 4 ~ Book 2, Chart 6

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 6 - Electro-Magnetic [Electromagnetic] Currents and Their Proper

Anatomical Relations Anterior and Posterior View of Overall Sweep Plus Polarity

Click thumbnail for original image. Fig.1 shows the palms of the hands relating to the anterior
sensory part of the body. It gives the correct position of thumbs
in relation to central area of entire body. Each half of the body is
divided into 5 [five] longitudinal areas by 5 [five] energy
currents sweeping through from the top of the head and fingers to
tips of the toes. Opposite in direction of flow and in polarity on
Search Instructions each side and on anterior and posterior part of body.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search The soles of the feet when bent upward fall in line with the
anterior currents and the top of the feet with the posterior
currents the same as the hands.
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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Fig. 2 The polarity of the current changes at the wrists making an

almost universal joint movement possible. The current also
reverses its polarity at the ankles where it changes direction in
front and at the heels in the back.

The electro-magnetic [electromagnetic] currents follow the body

outline and extend no more than one-half inch beyond the skin,
forming an electro-magnetic [electromagnetic] enveloping
protection around the body.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

Illustration Keywords: +, 0, -
Book 2, Chart 5 ~ Book 2, Chart 7

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 7 - Electro-Magnetic [Electromagnetic] Waves of the Body and

Their Polarity Also Currents From Each Lobe of the Brain.

Click thumbnail for original image. Left foot leads in marching. The anterior upward sweep lifts
the foot. Every joint is a neuter [neutral] point. Currents cross
over at the ankle joints and at the wrists changing polarity.


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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

The caduceus as the dual wireless brain energy waves operating
in the body in the etheric matter as two polarized currents
around a neutral core of supra [super] sonic [supersonic] energy,
giving a vibratory impulse to every cell in conjunction with the
cosmic energy current latent in the oxygen.

Mind energy waves do not need wires for conduction of its

alternating impulses. Mind substance itself is a perfect
continuous media plus ether. Concentration of mind energy is
the directing power of its substance. It acts by preponderance of
impulse, impact or mental weight.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

These straight lines are an extension of the brain waves seen as

tensions with gravity pull in action on muscles of the back.
Horizontal waves electro magnetic [electromagnetic] energy flow.

Lateral direction of energy impulses influence these waves. They correspond

to the east and west currents of the cosmos.

Illustration Keywords: +, 0, -

Book 2, Chart 6 ~ Book 2, Chart 8

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 8 - Electro-Magnetic [Electromagnetic] Waves Over the Head Areas

and Their Polarity.

Click thumbnail for original image.


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Index of Transcribed Charts

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Contact Us Electro-magnetic [electromagnetic] waves flowing in the

brain area as energy currents in the positive pole, then
Acknowledgements through the body structures as muscular tone and patterns of
motion in the wireless field.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Electro-magnetic Electro-magnetic
[electromagnetic] circuit [electromagnetic] circuit
expanded - long leg side contracted - short leg

Overall body circuits from head to foot on each side govern muscle tone.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 Illustration Keywords: (fig. 1-3) plus, minus, +, -
(fig. 1-2) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(fig. 4) head, feet, right, left, front, rear

Book 2, Chart 7 ~ Book 2, Chart 9

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 9 - Wireless Energy Therapy Chart of Five Pointed Star

The geometric lines of force of this star are important contact points for the release of energy

Fig. 1 represents the anterior sensory angles of force, and their interrelationship. The top of the
Click thumbnail for original image. star at the throat center is the source of the current in the etheric field and the audible sound
energy. In the pelvic basin at the bottom is the sum total force accumulation of all the sensory
tension and emotional frustration. The two lowest points of the star rest on the pelvic basin as a
whole. Here the individual vital force, the electro-magnetic [electromagnetic] currents and the
gravity pull of the earth, all interact. Nature has placed the centers and outlets for the vital and
emotional energies in the pelvis. These can also be released through inhibition over the
Search Instructions attachments of the abdominal muscles to the pubic bone. The psoas magnus [psoas major] and
Alphabetized Index iliacus muscles are also very important factors in the gravity pull - electro-magnetic
Advanced Search [electromagnetic] action - upright position of the body - and anterior posterior relationship of each
half of the body. The polarity currents and the short leg also have a major factor here in front.
Index of Transcribed Charts Deep inhibition reaches them.

Supplemental Essays
Fig. 1
Contact Us
(A) Release to the throat center, the
Acknowledgements shoulders, and the occipital and cervical
region can be accomplished here by inhibition
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes and directional impulse at this basic line of
force as the anterior foundation for all
superior structures.
DigitalDrStone! (B) Functional reflex to the throat and

Fig. 2

(A) Foramen magnum

(B) Sacral articulation relationship

(C) Gravity balance to foramen magnum

The pelvic floor has a definite effect on anterior pelvic tension.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Fig 2 gives a clear cut picture of the relation of the 2 [two] hip joints as the foundation to the
Award" 2012 occiput, the foramen magnum, and the position of the head influenced by gravity pull. Shoulder
joints and hip joints in their relation of diagonal muscular stress and lines of bracing force and
cross over of tension relationship.

(A) Contact points at the intersection of lines of force and on

the foundation.

(B) See Chart 10

Normal colon in relation to energy lines

Distorted colon due to electro-magnetic [electromagnetic] pull

Light contacts for parasympathetic therapy

Perineal technique [see Charts 30 and 31] is very effective in

pregnancy where pelvic stress and strain causes much leg pain.

Illustration Keywords: (fig. 3) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, A, B, C, D, E

(fig. 5) down, up

Book 2, Chart 8 ~ Book 2, Chart 10

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 10 - The Five Pointed Star in the Human Body as Nature's
Geometric Keyboard of Lines of Force and Their Reflexes

Anterior tension is mostly functional and sensory reflex action from the viscera, plus emotional
disturbance from pelvic organs. Posterior tension is usually caused by resistance or blocks in the
Click thumbnail for original image. motor impulses which are controlled by sensory impulses.

Soft tissue work is done with definite directions of lines of force carried through the blockade by
a steady pressure or stimuli from any pole. The impact of the directed force acts upon the
molecules and atoms in the wireless circuit. It does not have to be an adjustment.

All tension seems to accumulate in the neck because it is the main etheric neuter [neutral] field
Search Instructions and the sum total of the return flow of all energy from below upward toward the head. Tension
Alphabetized Index causes are mostly reflexes which must be found and released. Light pressure soothes and
Advanced Search relaxes. Heavy pressure stimulates and releases stronger resistance in the current.

Index of Transcribed Charts That which is above is reflected in the area below, and that which is below has a representation
above in its government.
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Award" 2012

(A) This arrow for directional contact is pointing downward over the sigmoid which is
invariably high in its position
(B) Sigmoid valve as a heart reflex. Treat toward inferior and posterior position against the
current to release heart spasms.

Arrows on lines or along sides of them indicate the directional force in the contact. This is
accomplished by the line up of the fingers, the forearm and the humerus in the exact angle of the
impact of energy and held long enough to create a molecular push in the current flow.

All lines which cross over from one side to the other belong to the bipolar brain reflex chain of
the caduceus.

Soreness and tension over any organ is a protective measure of the deeper tissues and an
extension of the soreness and stagnation to the surface area. Release energy blocks by
directional contacts in the line of force.

All the areas and organs which the lines of force pass over in their ascending flow, have their
representative reflexes above the diaphragm in exactly the same order as they were passed. So
the ovaries and pelvic organs have their reflex in the breasts on the opposite polarity side. Other
organs follow in line and can be traced. By the same token the diaphragm has a definite reflex
below Poupart's [inguinal] ligament on the muscles of the thighs on each side. This is a valuable
reflex to release in spasms of the diaphragm.

Respiration is the first act of life. The diaphragm has a definite superior positive pole - a neuter
[neutral] pole and an inferior or negative pole where it can be influenced.

Energy impulses flow downward. The return currents are the reflex impulses flowing upward.
These may cross over at neuter [neutral] points and centers or flow straight as electro-magnetic
[electromagnetic] lines of force and as gravity impulses. Current resistance anywhere becomes
reflex pain.

Illustration Keywords: foramen magnum, throat, head reflex, head and neck reflexes, akash
[akasha, aakaasha], ether, sound reservoir, thyroid as governor of oxygen intake, shoulder,
superior positive pole of the diaphragm and respiratory reflexes, neuritis, sigmoid reflex, gall
bladder reflex, left kidney reflex, liver reflex, ovarian reflexes over the breasts, neuter [neutral]
pole of respiration, first rib, circulation reflex, airy region, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, heart reflex, esophagus
reflex, stomach reflex, pylorus reflex, ileo caecal [ileocecal] spasm causing coronary heart
reflexes, ampulla of Vater [hepatopancreatic ampulla] reflex, caecum [cecum], diaphragm,
umbilicus, colon, thyroid reflex, ovary, to left shoulder, to stomach, fire of digestion, reflex to
liver, hip reactions to right shoulder, directional force to pubis for release of blocks., pelvic
water basin, psoas magnus [psoas major], iliacus muscle, Poupart's [inguinal] ligament, rectus
[rectus abdominus] muscle, negative pole of diaphragm reflexes, thighs - running respiratory
reflexes, perineum

Book 2, Chart 9 ~ Book 2, Chart 11

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 11 - Energy Therapy Chart of the Lines of Force of the Interlaced

Each oval area is polarized into superior + middle 0 and lower - pole. The negative gathers the
force and becomes positive to all centers below it.

Click thumbnail for original image. The base of the upper triangle of inner energy is the life force with its posterior + superior
pole in the medulla oblongata. It reflects vital energy tension and gravity by the position of the

Keyword The upper triangle conveys the fiery energy of the head downward as warmth and light for
direction of motion. It also conveys the life energy of breath and air mixed in the carburetor of
Search Instructions the heart and distributed through the circulation of the blood to every cell in the body keeping
Alphabetized Index
them alive. This energy impulse is the push behind the circulation.
Advanced Search
God geometrizes

Index of Transcribed Charts (A) One base above as the

positive pole
Supplemental Essays

Contact Us (B) The uvula + pole inside

Acknowledgements (C) The diaphragm as the 0

neuter [neutral] functioning
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes pole

(D) The rectum as the -

Support negative functioning pole
(E) One base below as the
negative pole and energy
reserve in the sacrum

(F) Pubic reflexes to the


(G) Space of spiritual influx

pictured as Athena in the
head of Zeus

(H) Creation of ideas above

(I) Creation of forms below

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service The base of this lower triangle is the vital force. It is a mixture of cosmic water and earth
Award" 2012 energy which reacts to gravity by the position of the sacrum.

When this sleeping force is lifted up to the brain by intense concentration and devotion the
serpent power ascends upward on the tree of life whence it came. This energy then awakens
the latent sleeping force in the pineal gland (the pine cone center) and unfolds the pattern of
cosmic consciousness.

Relationship of energy lines and gravity

stress in the pelvis. Through this fluid
within the sacrum the individual vital force
relates to earthiness and joins with gravity
by its attraction to earth.

The triangle within the sacrum is the seat of

stored up vital pattern energy as the
negative pole of the brain flowing through
the central core. It is a triune energy highly
polarized by intense attraction within itself
and externally

This energy becomes the bow of the archer

Sagitarius [Sagittarius] through the expression of
force in the thighs directed upward or downward

The sacrum
Seat of coiled up energy

Note enlarged space in the dura mater to hold

cerebro spinal [cerebrospinal] fluids

An ancient picture of the Kundalini force as the sleeping

vital energy in the sacrum

This center is the lower irrational pole opposite to the brain

where directive intelligence resides. Here below is a
relentless drive of force downward and outward like a
mainspring coiled up and tense.

Illustration Keywords: (fig. 1) superior, +, oval cavity, 0, medulla, -

(fig. 2) seeing, running
(fig. 4) dura mater

Book 2, Chart 10 ~ Book 2, Chart 12

Book 4, "Comments on Reprint of Chart No.11 from Book II"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 12 - Trees of Life in Man. Divine and Physical. Emphasis of Past
and Present Viewpoints.

Click thumbnail for original image. In the brain lie the pattern fields of mind and energy as the
crown of creation. In the brain also is the blossom of life's
fruits and experiences as consciousness and blissful
(A) Screen of consciousness. Viewer and sound effect
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(B) Transmitter and loud speaker
Advanced Search
(C) Sensory root system of feeling thru [through] the heart
Index of Transcribed Charts center condensing the finer life currents of sound energy
and beating it out in rhythmic pulsations.
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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

(A) Vibration radiation antennae

DigitalDrStone! (B) Condenser bulb

A nerve cell with branched dendrites from the cerebellar cortex of a rabbit.
This nerve tissue also looks like a miniature tree.

Anterior and posterior view of the divine tree of life in man

as seen by Jacob Bohme in the 16th century.[1] Its roots are
in the heart center of feeling, love and devotion, growing
upwards into the divine world of ideas, it brings forth the
fruits of knowledge and illumination.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

Trees are energy forms growing in gardens - ovals and

spheres of composite energy fields out of their very ground
or centers and bring forth fruit thru [through] experience.
The tree of life is portrayed here in the very center of the
garden the temple or body of man in the etheric vibratory
sphere of Eden above the firmament or diaphragm. Trees,
in scriptures have a deeper meaning, like the Christmas tree
for the pine center in the brain, the pineal gland function of
illumination. The sephiroth [sephirot, sefiroth, sefirot] tree
of life of the Kabalah [Kabbalah, Kabala, Cabala], the
secret doctrine of Israel, has a similar design as Fig. 3 of the
nervous system. All emanations in creation are centrifugal
and descend from Kether [Keter], the crown of creation, the
brain, as the positive pole. Chochma [Chokhmah,
Hokhmah], the center of wisdom, of creative speech, equals
the middle sphere of Fig. 1. Binah, understanding, the heart
center of comprehension thru [through] feeling represents
the lower sphere of the triad as the negative pole. Bohme's
tree of life represents the centripetal energy of
contemplation and illumination.

Man's nervous system emanating from the brain as its root

and source like the Kabalistic tree of life. Physical trees of
life in the body of man are pathways of the energy currents
for the expression of the 5 [five] motor and the 5 [five] sensory senses like the 10 [ten]
sephirothic centers of the sephirothic tree of life. The circulation circuits of the body fluids of
blood and lymph represent another tree of life with its fruit. The muscular structure reveals
another tree with branches that look like a complete man. The external and internal skin
reveals a similar design. The bony skeleton is also a form of a tree in man.

These 5 [five] types of trees are the 5 [five] modes of energy spinning as spheres or fields and
out of their centers - currents arise as a new pattern of composite energy which has this
symbolic form of life, as a natural growth. All cells are electro-magnetic [electromagnetic]
conductors and oscilate [oscillate]. They respond to all 5 [five] modes of energy flowing thru
[through] them constantly - called prana in the East.

The brain as the root system of generators condensors

[condensers] and transformers

Fig. 3 inerted [inverted]; planted like a tree with its root

system in the ground. Man is a higher creation with his
roots in heaven and his feet on the earth.

The great pyramid of Gizeh [Giza] is a

symbol of the temple of man in which his
soul lives and ripens thru [through]
experience to ascend thru [through]
apparent solid matter to divine regions of its

In the pyramid of matter all dimensions of

past and future lie hidden.

The pyramid rises out of mother earth as

one solid structure of stone 486 [four
hundred eighty six] feet high covering 13
[thirteen] acres. The base of each of the four
triangular sides is 764 [seven hundred sixty four] feet long. These symbolize the four
polarized primary elementary forces of matter like the four rivers of Genesis flowing out of
one river. See pages 8-9-10 and illustrations on pages 30-31 in "The New Energy Concept of
the Healing Art."[2] The base of the great pyramid is the terra firma or the firmament of the
diaphragm. In that, it agrees with the divine tree of Bohme. The pit, or the generative sphere is
below the earth sphere of the abdomen in this world of mother earth and nature which
supports the structure above it on this earth. The limestone cover which once glistened in the
sunlight represented the skin.

Illustration Keywords: (fig. 4) brain, spinal cord

(fig. 5) head, crown, Ajana [Ajna] chakra, space between eyes, king's chamber, Hriday
[Hridaya] chakra, beauty, queen's chamber, heart, Indri chakra, the foundation, pit,
generative system

1 Jakob Böhme, also Jacob Boehme, (1557-1624), a German theologian and an early Lutheran
2 In The Complete Collected Works, pages 9-14 and Charts 4 and 5, pages 48-49 of Book 1.

Book 2, Chart 11 ~ Book 2, Chart 13

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 13 - A Geometric Relationship of Lines of Force of Energy

Currents, Gravity and Weight Bearing Surfaces of the Body.

The relationship of the head to the pelvis is a vital one of a

Click thumbnail for original image. positive to a negative pole. The dotted lines are the
polarized dual brain currents of the caduceus, crossing over
in every center and producing actions and reactions. These
lines of stress can be seen in the musculature of the back in
Keyword irregular crossover patterns of tensions. The causes may be
in the pelvis or found anteriorly as functional reflexes
Search Instructions crossing over to the superior and posterior. Both can be
traced and released.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search The relationship of the symphisis pubis [pubic symphysis]
and the sacroiliac articulation is clearly shown as well as its
Index of Transcribed Charts interrelated superior reflexes. The crossing over of the
bracing lines of force from the weight bearing sacral
Supplemental Essays articulation is about the fifth dorsal [thoracic, T5] vertebra.
That has a great bearing on middle back pain and
Contact Us indigestion. It also shows in reverse how indigestion can
cause lumbago and sacroiliac trouble. And further it puts
Acknowledgements digestive trouble right in the middle as a cause or an effect
of many pains in the back of the head, occipital pains,
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
frontal headaches, atlas articulation trouble, etc.

Support The two articulating surfaces of the sacrum and ilium have
DigitalDrStone! a direct bearing and relationship on the condyles of the
occiput and the atlas. The superior rests on the inferior by
gravity pull. It is also under stress of reactions from its own
polarity and reflex currents of the electro-magnetic
[electromagnetic] fields in the body even when resting.
Each of the five oval and functioning cavities and centers
can produce definite blocks and reflexes. Mental
distributing waves can produce blocks anywhere especially
in the vital central axis. These also can be traced and released as mental emotional blocks, in a
surprising manner. The perineal, coccygeal, and pubic therapy are powerful factors as well as
reflexes found in the feet, the most negative pole. Vomiting releases the stomach and the fifth
dorsal [thoracic, T5] also the diaphragm and the head reflexes.

The reflex lines from the cavity of the ilium and its brim and along the upper part of the
Poupart's [inguinal] ligaments, are mostly functional, digestive reflexes from the sigmoid,
caecum [cecum], or congestion of the ampulla of Vater [hepatopancreatic ampulla]. These
cross over at the fifth cervical [C5] vertebra. That is literally catching it in the neck. Stiff
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service necks and torticollis have their foundation here. Finding it in the negative pole as a causative
Award" 2012 block will release the severe pain due to spasms from reflexes below. Only when these blocks
are removed will the spasm subside and inhibitive therapy and draining the fibres [fibers] of
central congestion be attempted. Removing causes and balancing of the energy currents by
polarizing the above with the below, is the indicated therapy. Also look to the stomach reflex
and dietetic errors.

Book 2, Chart 12 ~ Book 2, Chart 14

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 14 - Normal Muscular Fibres [Fibers] Where the Electro-Magnetic

[Electromagnetic] Currents Flow Freely

(A) Rectus capitis lateralis

Click thumbnail for original image.
(B) Longus capitas [capitis]

(C) Splenius capitis

(D) Splenius coli [colli]
Search Instructions
(E) Mastoid process
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search (F) Medulla

Index of Transcribed Charts (G) Transverse process of atlas

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Contact Us

Please note the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes similarity of the
over-all [overall]
direction of the
Support polarization of the
DigitalDrStone! muscle fibres
[fibers] and the

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

A muscle cell from the walls of the intestine

Physiology 1909 by Profs. Conn and Budington
Connective tissue
A bit of tendon highly magnified. At C are shown some of
the cells which produced the fibers.

Anatomical drawings from The Human Machine and Its Forces by Dr. Dewanchand Varma of
London. (Out of print).

Illustration Keywords: +, 0, -

Book 2, Chart 13 ~ Book 2, Chart 15

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 15 - Comparative Charts of Anatomy


Click thumbnail for original image.


Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search Abnormal muscular fibres [fibers] due to
elecro-magnetic [electromagnetic] blocks in
Index of Transcribed Charts the muscular structure

Supplemental Essays Symptoms

(A) Neuritis
Contact Us (B) Pulmonary Affections
(C) Rheumatism
Acknowledgements (D) Asthma
(E) Tuberculosis
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes (F) Lumbago
(G) Kidney Complaints
(H) Haemorrhoids [Hemorrhoids], Fistula
Support (I) Sciatica
DigitalDrStone! (J) Phlebitis
(K) Ulceration
(L) Cramp, Muscular Atrophy
(M) Arthritis
(N) Pleurisy

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 Anatomical drawings from The Human Machine and Its
Forces by Dr. Dewanchand Varma of London. (Out of
Book 2, Chart 14 ~ Book 2, Chart 16

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 16 - Comparative Charts of Anatomy


(A) Mental disorders
Click thumbnail for original image. (B) Catarrh
(C) Neuralgia
(D) Eye diseases
(E) Headache
(F) Deafness
(G) Head noises
Search Instructions (H) Caries [tooth decay],
Alphabetized Index neuralgia of jaw
Advanced Search (I) Facial neuralgia
(J) Sinusitis
Index of Transcribed Charts

Supplemental Essays
Contact Us (A) Neuritis
(B) Bronchitis
Acknowledgements (C) Heart affections
(D) Gastric complaints
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
(E) Affections of lungs
(F) Affections of liver
Support (G) Affections of kidneys
DigitalDrStone! (H) Appendicitis
(I) Constipation
(J) Affections of genitals, lymphatic
(K) Sciatica, phlebitis
(L) Bladder affections
(M) Eczema
(N) Cramp, ulceration
(O) Muscular atrophy
(P) Rheumatism
(Q) Chilblains
(R) Beger malady
(S) Cancer

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012


Anatomical drawings from The Human Machine and Its

Forces by Dr. Dewanchand Varma of London. (Out of
Book 2, Chart 15 ~ Book 2, Chart 17

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 17 - Thumbs as Neuter [Neutral] Reflexes Embracing the Entire

Areas Below the Diaphragm on Each Side of the Body, Compared to Reflexes
Around the Outside of the Ankles as the Negative Pole.

Click thumbnail for original image. The thumbs have an etheric quality by being in the center line of the electro magnetic
[electromagnetic] circuit. In this center current they partake of the brain impulse chain of the
caduceus, which cross over from side to side through neuter [neutral] centers, so the thumb webs
contain reflexes of organs situated laterally and also reflex to the negative pole of the heels on
the outside.

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(A) Shaded area for contact against the bone.

(B) Shaded area for contact in the web on both sides of hand.

(C) These two soft tissue contacts represent the negative reflex poles in the thumbs. The contact
on these is from both sides to engage the reacting blockade, the tender spots, and tense tissues
between the operator's fingers.

(D) The two shaded areas for contact along the bone of each thumb represent the positive reflex
poles which have more effect on the muscular structures of those areas.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 See Chart 4 for comparative areas of thumbs 0 body + and foot - reflexes.

Outside right foot

(A) Kidney reflex

(B) Ileo caecal [ileocecal]

(C) Ovaries, testes

(D) Psoas magnus [psoas major], iliacus plus
pelvic reflexes

Outside left foot

(A) Kidney reflex

(B) Sigmoid

(C) Ovaries, testes

(D) Psoas magnus [psoas major], iliacus plus

pelvic reflexes

Illustration Keywords: respiratory - diaphragm reflexes, digestive - pylorus - stomach, gall

bladder reflex, eliminative - desc. [descending] colon, ascending colon reflex, circulatory -
sigmoid valve, reflexes to heart, ileo caecal [ileocecal] valve, reflex to left shoulder and cardiac
muscles, muscular - psoas magnus [psoas major], to shoulder and arm, hip joint reflex,
bracelets, vital force and generative reflexes, glutei reflexes

Book 2, Chart 16 ~ Book 2, Chart 18

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 18 - Measuring the Legs for Comparative Length to Determine the
Side of the Most Contracted Electro Magnetic [Electromagnetic] Circuit Which Is
One Definite Measure of Imbalance, Distinct from Gravity.

Click thumbnail for original image.


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Grasping the side of each foot with a gentle but firm touch evert them to straighten the heels
Supplemental Essays and bring them together slowly with the big toe joints matching. This gives the overall picture
of the length at the bottom of the heels. Chart the short leg only.
Contact Us
The electro magnetic [electromagnetic] field on each side of the body is the overall current
Acknowledgements which is responsible for more tension on one side of the body than the other. See Chart 8 -
Fig. 4.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
In illness, the body is out of balance; there is more tension and obstruction on one side and
this is the inherent weak side from birth, that shows up in every illness.

Another contact for measuring the legs is shown here with the hands under the heels and
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service ankles - bending the heels out to straighten them - then bring them together and look for
Award" 2012 comparison at the heels for the length of legs. The short leg is the factor.

Keeping the electro magnetic [electromagnetic] fields in balance would be a fine health
measure. Balance of energy currents must be restored in every sickness before health can be

When the short leg has become long and stays long, it indicates that the tense magnetic field
on that side has responded and normal repair currents are at work. The patient's improvement
will verify it.
Even legs indicate improvement and are considered normal.

A similar contact is taken with the patient face down. Evert the feet, so there is a straight line
down the center of each leg to the heel and compare them. Measurement differs slightly in this
position from the front measurement.

Showing the left leg short.

Book 2, Chart 17 ~ Book 2, Chart 19

Book 4, "Comments on Reprint of Chart No.18 from Book II"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 19 - A Technique to Release Motor Energy Blocks Immediately

Above the Pubis for Bladder-Urinary-Rectal-Uterine and Prostatic Trouble.
Coccyx Correction for Piles and Coccygodynia.

Tension and soreness found in the

Click thumbnail for original image. rectus abdominalis [rectus
abdominis] and the pyramidalis
muscles usually means that the
structures underneath are in trouble.
Keyword Look for bladder, rectal, prostatic or
uterine disturbance. However, the
Search Instructions release of this tension above the
Alphabetized Index pubis gives remarkable results. The
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thumb is placed over the spastic
muscle, flat and level, like a rocker
runner, to cover the area. Then with
Index of Transcribed Charts the other hand under the neck and
the occiput, the body is raised gently
Supplemental Essays
for a good stretch. Hold it a moment.
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Directional contacts on the contracted muscles next to the pubis, can be held without a neck
Acknowledgements stretch with good results. The lift is for coordinated correction and the release of heavy spastic
muscles. One lift on the short leg side is usually sufficient at one treatment.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
With the thumb close to the symphisis pubis [pubic symphysis] giving the contact an inferior
as well as a posterior direction acts as a powerful correction for the superior pubis and
Support shortens [lengthens?] the leg on that side. Muscle tension can be released on both sides but the
DigitalDrStone! inferior angle should only be used on the short leg side.

A correction of the anterior sacral base. Here the

flat thumb is placed above Poupart's [inguinal]
ligament, about its middle region, for directional
pressure posteriorly on the anterior base of the
sacrum. The head lift is used as above. This is
applied to the opposite side of the short leg for the
release of the anterior sacral base. It lengthens the
short leg.

Contraction of tissues on either side of the coccyx is

usually overlooked in most examinations because
these lumps cannot be felt unless the tissue is
engaged between the internal and external examining fingers. Spastic tissue at this vital spot
interferes with the action of the ganglion of impar and its positive pole in the brain by reflex
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service action. It is a vital factor in coccygodynia and hemorrhoids. For leg pains release the central
Award" 2012 energy blocks here.

Anterior surface of the coccyx

Lump may be found on either side.

This contracted tissue is the real motor energy block. One finger is
inserted into the rectum to examine the anterior articulations of the
coccyx and both sides for congested lumpy tissue. The first finger
of the other hand slides along on the outside of the coccyx and
tissues directly opposite the internal finger. It is between these two
fingers examining with moderate pressure that many conditions are
found which one finger alone would miss. For relief, the stagnant
contracted tissues must be engaged between both fingers and the
energy blockade released by pressure manipulation.

Book 2, Chart 18 ~ Book 2, Chart 20

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 20 - A Stomach Release and Abdominal Contacts for the

Stimulation of the Lacteals and Stagnant Energies.

Click thumbnail for original image. Fig. 1 shows the patient on the back and the
hand of the operator makes mild directional
contact under the pylorus with the head lift
to release stagnation by emptying the

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Fig. 2 shows a free hand contact over tender
Contact Us areas on the abdomen with a partial twist
and a firm grip on the tissues with the
Acknowledgements direction upward toward the opposite
shoulder. The hand opens and closes
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes repeatedly for a gentle stimulation to the
muscles and fatty tissues.

Fig. 3 gives a double hand contact with a

firm twist of the loose fatty tissue for
stimulating the lacteals and producing better
drainage. It is a digestive and bowel
stimulation by directional energy against the
electro magnetic [electromagnetic] flow.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012
Book 2, Chart 19 ~ Book 2, Chart 21

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 21 - Sacral Release by a Support Underneath and Directional

Force Applied Posteriorly and Laterally.

The anterior sacral base is usually the sore side and is tender to the touch, regardless of which
is the short leg. Many times pressure on the same innominate [hip] toward the floor releases
Click thumbnail for original image. the articulate tension and pain in this neuter [neutral] joint.

There is a definite relationship between the anterior sacral base and the lateral atlas on that
side. These joints need careful checking as they are the two poles of the housing of the vital
Keyword forces. A posterior dorsal [thoracic] curve also has its relationship and effect on the sacro iliac
[sacroiliac] articulation release.
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This is the basis for most pelvic tension release. No bony adjustment is aimed at here. Only
Alphabetized Index
the release of spastic tissue by directional force correctly employed to balance the sacral base
Advanced Search and the vital force relationship with the rest of the body's energy fields.

Index of Transcribed Charts A position face down with a firm cushion

support above the pubis, to raise and
Supplemental Essays support the sacral base.
Contact Us When there is posterity [posteriority] in the
lumbar curve - no cushion is needed for this
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
This cushion is firm and pliable, handmade
Support of special rubber, with a plastic cover. The
DigitalDrStone! taper and the firm edge have their advantage
for therapeutic use. It gets closer to the point
of support than a round one.

The posterior sacral base is usually on the

short leg side. Test for it. The short leg will
get longer if your finding and application is

A contact over the posterior base of the

sacrum with the elbow and a thumb contact
under the anterior base on the opposite side
on the tense thigh muscles with a lifting
directional force toward the opposite
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service shoulder. A moderately firm pressure is
Award" 2012 maintained on both contacts until relaxation
takes place. It can be repeated. It releases
sacral twists caused by motor blocks in the
spastic tissues. It has a very good relaxing
effect upon the entire body.

The relationship of the sacral center as the negative pole to the medulla, the positive pole is
clearly illustrated in Chart No. 11.

Illustration Keywords: 12 [twelve] inches, 4 ½ [four and a half] inches

Book 2, Chart 20 ~ Book 2, Chart 22

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 22 - Old Moves with New Impetus and Directional Force Applied
to Energy Blocks to Release Them.

Blocks in the wireless circuits of energy fields are prior to muscle spasms.

Positive prana currents of motor energy pass thru [through] the heavy muscles of the back.
Click thumbnail for original image.
These deep and superficial muscles and connective tissues can be released of energy blocks
and waste deposits, by counter impulses of steady directional force applied at right angles to
the tension lock.
All the contacts given here are for the purpose of releasing energy blocks in the deeper and
anterior parts of the pelvis or spine immediately under the contact.
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Alphabetized Index The contact with the elbow must be started gently and increased to the tolerance of the patient.
Advanced Search Repeat if necessary, rather than hold too long. Sense the relaxation taking place. Short
applications release tension. Long ones exhaust the tissues.
Index of Transcribed Charts
Contacts must be held long enough to make a change in the molecular energy circuits and
Supplemental Essays effect the release of spastic muscles attached to vertebrae.

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(A) All directions of contacts are at right

angles to the curve treated.

All heavy pressure and forceful technique is

dispersing in its effect. It is of the tamas
quality of energy, as a potential compelling
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service force scattering accumulations and forcing
Award" 2012 electrons and molecules to seek other fields
of attraction.
For high blood pressure this is a good therapy to
release the motor energy blocks of the vaso
motor [vasomotor] tension areas on the back.

The elbow contact can be on either side

of the spinous processes in the groove,
but never on them.

This type of steady and slow direct

pressure upon any articulation that is
fixed and chronic gives the connective
tissue and the involuntary muscles time
to let go.

It is also useful in lumbago

spasms where the least
movement causes a spastic
contraction of muscles.

The thumb contact is on the

tender fibres [fibers] of the
gluteus muscles on the short leg
side for tension release. The
directional force is from posterior
to the anterior of the body.

Illustration Keywords: line of force

Book 2, Chart 21 ~ Book 2, Chart 23

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 23 - Relaxed Hand Contacts - Single and Double - with the Current
Flow of the Electro-Magnetic [Electromagnetic] Longitudinal and Circular

The contact hand takes a

Click thumbnail for original image. quarter turn on the skin to
pick up the loose tissues to
about a 45 [forty five]
degree angle reinforcing one
Keyword hand with the other in an
upward movement toward
Search Instructions the spine, with the relaxed
Alphabetized Index body weight behind it. In
Advanced Search this instance the direction is
with the current flow of the
electro magnetic
Index of Transcribed Charts
[electromagnetic] waves for the purpose of overcoming energy blocks which cause
Supplemental Essays inflammation and pain by resistance to the energy waves. The object is to restore and balance
the energy circuits.
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(A) Directional force
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


This a positive raja [rajas] type therapy of a vibratory gentle rocking motion with the greatest
elasticity of impulses behind it. This superimposed force is released in definite lines and
directions to influence the currents of the electro magnetic [electromagnetic] waves of the
body. The direction can be from any angle which accomplishes release of energy blocks.

The angle and the direction is

determined by the highest area on
the back as the patient lies straight
face down on the table with the head
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service in a split cushion. Raised areas
Award" 2012 indicate tissue tension of various
depths along each side of the spine.
These currents must be balanced and
tension blocks removed. The
circular wireless horizontal currents
which go around the body are also a
factor here as well as the
longitudinal north and south circuits
from head to feet. See Chart No. 7
In the presence of pain or inflammation the direction of the lines of force are usually with the

Book 2, Chart 22 ~ Book 2, Chart 24

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 24 - Contacts with Both Hands on Right Side of the Body Against
the Current Flow of the Electro Magnetic [Electromagnetic] Forces, to
Counteract the Excessive Impulses Over the Muscle Fibres [Fibers] Which Keep
Them Under Constant Tension or Spasm.

Click thumbnail for original image. This type of therapy is accomplished by the
application of a concentrated force applied
by the operator with definite direction and
speed to influence the currents of energy in
Keyword the patient's body which control tissue
function. This active force is of the principle
Search Instructions of the raja [rajas] guna type of energy. It is a
Alphabetized Index force, plus physical motion with volume and
Advanced Search polarity direction. The application given
here is against the electro magnetic
[electromagnetic] current flow.
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Contact Us The operator stands on the toes of

one or both feet to get the spring of
the whole body behind the impulse
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes as an elastic wave without the use of
conscious force or push. It is a
rhythmic rocking motion which
Support delivers the impulse of an elastic
DigitalDrStone! volume behind it that rocks the body
of the patient but does not punch it.

Local application of a positive force contact with each thumb on the longitudinal muscles of
the back over areas of current block, each in opposite direction to the current flow for the
release of spastic muscles.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012
A letter 'S' contact on contracted muscle fibres [fibers] of the back can also be used with both
thumbs in opposite directions on the same fibres [fibers] to drain the stagnant material out of
the neuclear [nuclear] centers and repolarize them. This can be done by directional pressure or
vibratory force.

Book 2, Chart 23 ~ Book 2, Chart 25

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 25 - Contacts Above Poupart's [Inguinal] Ligament to Carry

Impulses Across to the Opposite Shoulder. Illustrated Therapy for Charts 9 and

Click thumbnail for original image.

(A) The hand illustrates the finger tips
[fingertips] made even for the contact so it
hurts less and gets an even pressure on the
Keyword deeper muscles.

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Supplemental Essays A deep contact in the iliac fossa just above Poupart's [inguinal] ligament. After relaxing the
superficial abdominal muscles the objective is the release of the psoas magnus [psoas major]
Contact Us and iliacus muscle and pelvic blocks. The direction of the arms is toward the opposite
shoulder which the operator faces. It affects all the organs above it in that line, especially the
Acknowledgements stomach.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
(A) Symphisis pubes [pubic symphysis]
DigitalDrStone! (B) Poupart's [inguinal] ligament below hand

A fist and knuckle contact in the same area for the

release of the superficial muscles. It is general and
less penetrating but very effective if properly done.
A gentle contact first, then steady and specific
directional pressure upward until the tissues under
the contact relax and reflex that release along the
line of force toward the opposite shoulder.

The same purpose contact made with the

thumbs of both hands. The right thumb is
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service making a specific contact on the rectus
Award" 2012 abdominales [rectus abdominus] muscle just
above the pubis. The thumbs make a softer
contact than the finger tips [fingertips] and
get a good hold on surface muscles.
Direction is posterior and diagonally
superior like the other two contacts shown
here. When these areas do not respond - find
the perineal reflex which controls spasms of
intra pelvic [intrapelvic] muscles and leg
(A) Diaphragm reflex
See Chart 4

(B) Neuter [neutral] reflex to


(C) Ilio caecal [ileocecal] valve

reflex to heart on right hand

(D) Neuter [neutral] hip joint reflex

(E) Sigmoid valve reflex to heart on

left hand

(F) Poupart's [inguinal] ligament

A clear picture of the anterior pelvis and Poupart's [inguinal] ligament to clarify the area of
contacts above it and along it's [its] course from the anterior superior spine of the ilium
[ASIS] to the symphisis pubis [pubic symphysis]. Anteriorly this is the negative pole to the
neuter [neutral] diaphragm and the superior shoulder girdle of the trunk. These groin areas
have a powerful reflex as basic areas to the superior diagonally via the polarized brain
currents of the caduceus in a straight line thru [through] the electro-magnetic [electomagnetic]
forces blending in with gravity.

Book 2, Chart 24 ~ Book 2, Chart 26

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 26 - Very Important Directional Contacts on the Symphisis Pubis

[Pubic Symphysis] for Bladder Trouble and Inflammation, for Menstrual and
Leg Cramps and Pains, for Sinus Congestion.

Click thumbnail for original image.

The direction of the lines of force applied in
a contact can be superior inferior or on an
angle. The correctness is proved by the
release of tension and soreness, as well as
the lengthening of the short leg.
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Supplemental Essays The symphisis pubis [pubic symphysis] is the negative central pole in line of relationship and
reflex to the root of the nose above and the sinuses. See Chart No. 11, - Fig. 2. In head
Contact Us congestions, sinus trouble, colds, etc. this is a valuable therapy. For exercise to aid in home
treatment see Chart No. 52.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

The contact is on the tissue next to the bone.
DigitalDrStone! Each innominate [hip] bone forms a triangle
of its own with positive negative and neuter
[neutral] poles anterior and posterior. These
correspond to the positive triangle of the
jaw. See Chart No. 27.

A specific directional contact for the short

leg is inferior and posterior on the tense
muscles nearest the pubis on that side,
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service following the contact under the edge of the
Award" 2012 bone until the tension relaxes.
Angles of contacts and lines of force on the
contracted muscles.

The thumb contact is on the contracted

muscle tissue next to the bone. It hurts less
to go under the bone than on it.

Light application of directional force to one

side of the pubic bone has a powerful
leverage action through the innominate [hip]
on the sacro iliac [sacroiliac] articulation.
By the interaction of three forces blending
in the sacral bone at this articulation it has a
direct polarity reaction to the foramen
magnum and the medulla oblongata. See
Chart No. 11 - Fig. 2.

The contact is on the muscular attachment

to the bone.

A very gentle rocking action can be used in

the directional force application. It makes
the contacts more effective and easier to
tolerate by the patient.

Illustration Keywords: 0, +, -

Book 2, Chart 25 ~ Book 2, Chart 27

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 27 - The Jaw Is the Positive Pole of the Pubic Bone and the

Tonsilitis [Tonsillitis] can be detected

Click thumbnail for original image. as soreness under the jaw with a deep
contact at No. 4. Release the
corresponding area at the negative pole
at the ischium. Tenderness found
Keyword higher up under the condyles of the
mandibles should be checked at the
Search Instructions iliac fossa for its causative reflex.
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Supplemental Essays The mandibular joint and the hip joint have a relationship of positive to negative. The four
areas outlined here roughly relate to the four areas of the perineum. Structural and functional
Contact Us reflexes are present. It is possible to effect powerful specific reactions here at the positive pole
with specific contacts on two points - one above and one below.
All joints are neuter [neutral] points where the energy crosses over, making flexion possible in
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes the lines of force. When energy flows straight it is an extension of force. Through neuter
[neutral] points it becomes mechanical leverage by change of polarity.

Patient on his back showing a contact under

the jaw on both sides as a general stretch of
soft tissues.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

(A) Iliac fossa reflex

(B) Positive pole

Note the resemblance between the jaw, the pubic bone, the
ischium and the ilium.

(A) Iliac fossa

(B) Negative pole

Anteriorly, the diaphragm and immediately below it under

the floating ribs, is the neuter [neutral] area for contacts.

Illustration Keywords: 1, 2, 3, 4

Book 2, Chart 26 ~ Book 2, Chart 28

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 28 - The Three Poles of the Diaphragm in Its Respiratory

Mechanism and Contact Areas to Influence It Anteriorly and Posteriorly.

Many chronic pains under the shoulder blade are a direct reflex from the lower abdominal
region and can be released there. This reflex can be from the ileocaecal [ileocecal] valve, the
Click thumbnail for original image. gall bladder, or the ampulla of vater [hepatopancreatic ampulla], the sigmoid, etc. The current
usually crosses over to the opposite shoulder and registers as a pain under it.


(A) Positive pole of diaphragm and respiratory reflexes and

Search Instructions its anterior triangles
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Advanced Search (B) Inferior pole of the diaphragm

Index of Transcribed Charts Fig. 1 shows the anterior view of the three poles of the
diaphragm. The lower or negative pole is divided into two
Supplemental Essays
lateral (dotted) triangles and a neuter [neutral] one in the
Contact Us middle. The subpositive pole is marked on each side along
the heavy thigh muscles. The entire negative pole is an
Acknowledgements extension anteriorly of the perineal line over the thighs as
the negative respiratory pole in running. Contacts on the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes negative or the neuter [neutral] pole with one hand and on
the positive pole above with the other has a very soothing
effect on the patient. Find the tender spot on the negative,
Support neuter [neutral] or lower positive pole first then place a
DigitalDrStone! moderately firm contact on the muscles in the direction
upward to the superior contact over the shoulder muscles,
on the same side or diagonally. Hold for a moment until the
tension relaxes. Thus release the sore spots from the negative, neuter [neutral] or positive
poles below. The contact on the shoulder is a firm grip on the muscles.

Contacts may be made anywhere along these diagonal lines wherever the energy block is
found. The short leg side usually presents soreness over the mastoid bone, with definite
soreness and congestion over the glutei muscles on that side. A pressure contact with the
thumb over the sore muscles, from the posterior to the anterior, releases them and lengthens
the leg. Then a hip correction can be made over that articulation easily. A North Pole Stretch
will release the superior energy block around the foramen magnum on that side.

(A) Positive pole of diaphragm and respiratory

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service reflexes and its posterior triangles
Award" 2012

Fig. 2 gives a posterior view of three poles of the

diaphragm and its triangles above and below as
respiratory reflex centers. Please note, that the two
lines drawn from the head of the femurs to the
middle of the shoulders cross at the 10th dorsal
[tenth thoracic, T10] vertebrae [vertebra] which is
the center for the diaphragm. See the chart on page
50 in "The New Energy Concept of the Healing
Art", Anterior and Posterior View of Skeleton and
Its Lines of Force for Therapy.[1] The patient lies
face down. Here a positive contact on the tender
spots of the outside of the thigh is used with a firm
grip on either of the shoulder muscles - or from a
neuter [neutral] contact of a tender spot of either
buttock to the shoulder. These two contacts are of a
negative firm pressure type and are held for a
moment until relaxation takes place. This is a dense muscular release where the center of the
muscle needs to be emptied in order to function freely.

Showing the body cavity divided by the diaphragm

into thorax and abdomen

(A) Thorax

(B) Diaphragm

(C) Abdomen

The diaphragm is the main respiratory muscle doing the most important work in life. Every
cell needs the life energy contained in the breath; without which they cannot survive. Its
polarity function and minute distribution of fine energy waves is a most important factor to
reach cellular tissue. Polarity contacts are very soothing to the patient, having a repolarizing
effect. Tender and congested areas indicate energy blocks. The diaphragm is the functioning
neuter [neutral] pole of life. Its powerful effect as a shock treatment by vomiting and its
curative effect upon insanity have been clearly demonstrated by Dr. Bernard Aschner of New
York City.[2] Truly the diaphragm is the firmament which divides the energy (waters) above
and below. It is the bridge where mind and life cross into the emotional vital field. Its
rhythmic motion truly supports the energies above, lifts and activates the contents below.

Illustration Keywords: (fig. 1) diaphragm, -, 0, +

(fig. 2) diaphragm, 10 D [T10], 0

1 In The Complete Collected Works, Charts 6 and 7, pages 76-80 of Book 1.
2 Dr. Bernhard Aschner (1883-1960), a Austrian physician and physiologist. He was a pioneer
in the science of endocrinology and a medical historian.

Book 2, Chart 27 ~ Book 2, Chart 29

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 29 - Respiratory and Autonomic Sensory Reflex Therapy for

Mental-Emotional and Nervous Tension Release.

This is a gentle relaxing technique by the use of the penetrating prana energy in the breath,
which must reach every cell of the body. It is a sensory contact applied through the poles of the
Click thumbnail for original image. diaphragm, by gentle polarizing contacts as in perineal therapy [see Charts 30 and 31]. The
application of the introduced neuter [neutral] force is of the principle of balance (sattwa

It should be used first to relax the mental, emotional nerve centers and to balance the active
spinning chakras in the wireless field. Other treatment may follow.
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Deep rhythmic breathing assists the energy to travel with the neuter [neutral] life current in the

The two thumbs and the big toes are neuter [neutral] energy conveyors because they are in the
center line. One thumb opposes and supports four polarized currents in the four fingers, making
skill and a firm grip possible. It is a practical illustration of the one river of energy (the ether)
flowing out of paradise and splitting into four branches.

These 5 [five] rivers are 5 [five] modes of expressions of the soul thru [through] energy currents.
They become the 5 [five] motor and the 5 [five] sensory centers and they flow as 5 [five]
currents thru [through] the 5 [five] fingers and toes. Thru [Through] perception and mind action,
they become motion and skill thru [through] the sense of touch.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012
The fingers must not touch each other while giving this sensory-polarity treatment. The lightest
touch or proximity counts in polarizing sensory centers.

The buttock lines posteriorly are extensions of the perineal line of the negative pole of the
diaphragm. They reflex to the positive respiratory lines above. Sensory currents are ingoing
currents. Gentle contacts accomplish much with a positive finger on the negative pole and a
negative finger on the positive pole merely directing energy thru [through] polarity and
respiration. Every cell is alive; tissues respond to the rhythmic flow of prana energy in the
breath. These gentle impulses go deep and release sensory mechanism blocks by polarizing and
balancing of the superior and the inferior or the within and the without. It is like perineal
technique, a therapy for balancing respiratory, emotional and sensory energy currents.

Positive +
Neuter [Neutral] 0
Negative -

Book 2, Chart 28 ~ Book 2, Chart 30

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 30 - Perineal Contacts in Relation to the Neck, Shoulder, Elbow and

Deep and concealed energy blocks cause chronic diseases thru [through] spasms of tissue and
stasis. For those conditions a steady and firm contact is used on the spastic muscles of the
perineal floor. The applied line of force follows the blockade into the pelvis and holds it to
Click thumbnail for original image.
toleration until it lets go.

Used in all nervous and thyroid cases, for sleeplessness, neck and general tension especially in
neurasthenia and respiratory symptoms.

A left lateral atlas is usually an emotional block.

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Perineal treatment correctly done will unlock energy blocks quicker than most other methods
because it deals with the vital force of emotional locks and frustrations. For this purpose a light
contact is used to relax gently and allow for release of surface energy blocks by sighing, crying,
heavy breathing. Etc.

Treatment should be repeated several times until the spastic sore spot vanishes. Correlate it with
the other external areas given here.

All reflexes come from below. Impulses of energy come from the brain. All energy flows in
circuits or waves. Organic function demands energy. If blocked anywhere pain is the result.

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Award" 2012
The contact is light at first; the direction is headward and toward the median line.

The first finger is used to find the tense fibres [fibers]. The second [middle] finger is used for

Fig. 1 shows a contact on perineal No. 1 under the symphysis pubis [pubic symphysis] and
slightly to the posterior towards the ischium. The thumb of the left hand is on area No. 1 over
the atlas and above it on the occipital and temporal bones behind the ear with first finger on the
opposite side of the neck on the same area. Contact No. 1 relates to all No. 1 areas on the chart.

Fig. 2 shows contact 4 further back on the perineum near the coccyx in area 4 and above on the
cervical vertebrae 6 and 7 [six, seven, C6, C7] in the spinal groove. Both contacts are on the
right side here. However, the current from the perineum crosses over via the central current and
releases tension on the opposite side of the neck.

Fig. 3 gives the location of the perineal areas and the musculature underlying the skin.

(A) Superficial transverse perineal


(B) Levator ani muscle

(C) Gluteus maximus muscle

(D) Generative organs

(E) Deep perineal muscle, with its

layer of fascia (the triangle ligament)

(F) External obturator muscle

(G) Sacro-sciatic ligament

(H) External sphincter ani muscle

(I) Os coccyx

(J) Rectum

Chart for perineal treatment described on pages 50, 51, 52 in "The New Energy Concept of the
Healing Art." Page 49 gives a diagram of perineal floor and contact points.[1]

Illustration Keywords: 1, 2, 3, 4

1 In The Complete Collected Works, pages 87-89 and Chart 8, page 81 of Book 1.

Book 2, Chart 29 ~ Book 2, Chart 31

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 31 - Perineal Therapy in Connection with Knees and Ankles.

Fig. 1 traces numbered reflex areas which correspond with each other. The perineal area around
the anus reflexes functionally to the earthy triad of the abdomen and knees. Contacts here are
useful in all digestive disturbances. In pregnancy and all leg trouble this technique is a revelation
in its far reaching effect.
Click thumbnail for original image.
The area immediately around the outside of the ankle is an airy and glandular functional reflex. Its
use is indicated in glandular disturbance and kidney condition. Any puffiness here is a kidney
symptom. The heels are pelvic, generative and emotional reflexes. In pregnancy, great relief can
be obtained by releasing the spasm of the inter-pelvic muscles which often affect the legs
severely. In addition venous stasis is released by this relaxation, nervous tension balanced, and
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(A) Digestive reflexes, umbilicus (F) Womb, prostate (J) Ovaries, testes and hips

(B) Posterior reflexes around the (G) Rectum (K) Psoas magnus [psoas
inside maleoli [malleoli] major] and iliacus
(H) Pelvic reflexes
(C) 5th L [fifth lumbar, L5] (L) Kidneys
(I) Around the outside
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service (D) Sacrum maleoli [malleoli] (M) Ileo caecal [ileocecal]
Award" 2012
(E) Coccyx

The doctor can also stand in front of the patient for a deeper contact area 1 and 2 specifically for
prostatic, uterine and digestive reflexes; also to release the atlas and axis on the opposite side of
the body. These are central regions and need steady and deep pressure impulses over spastic
pelvic muscles near the pubic bone. Patient is on side with knees flexed high. The doctor reaches
over the lower legs to make the contact on the perineum. The angle of the direction of force
applied here is very important for specific results.
The first finger is used to locate the tense fibres
[fibers] in the perineum, because it is negative
and more sensitive. For perineal therapy
application the second [middle] finger is used,
because it is positive stronger and longer to
make a better contact.

In making a tissue contact on the perineum for

treatment, a half turn of the finger to the right
takes up the loose tissue and gives the best
result in a light contact which relaxes the body.

Fig. 2 shows a No. 1 perineal contact, superior

and medial in direction; light at first, then
heavier. When the tense and tender areas let go, the contact is slowly released. Any two numbered
areas may be treated against each other to release soreness caused by energy block. Posteriorly,
the achili [Achilles] tendons are reflexes to the lower lumbar region. The os calcis [calcaneus]
bones are reflexes for the sacrum and coccyx. In lumbago and lower back pain, it is very
important to release the negative energy block here. These external areas are manipulated or held
by heavy pressure, if it can be tolerated. Deep directional pressure held steady acts like the
accumulated water that breaks the dam more completely than a lightning stroke or an adjustment.

Fig. 3 shows the combination of

perineal and heel contacts for emotional
tension, and for leg trouble, especially
in pregnancy.

(A) Womb, prostrate, bladder contact

Illustration Keywords: above, below, 1, 2, 3, 4

Book 2, Chart 30 ~ Book 2, Chart 32

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 32 - Contacts for the Release of Energy Blocks in Digestive Areas of
Polarity. Fig. 3 Illustrates Release of Motor Tension Areas.

Fig. No. 1 shows a directional contact below the stomach and under the floating ribs. The other
hand holds a pressure or manipulative contact on the opposite knee for digestive reflexes and
Click thumbnail for original image. pains.


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Fig. 2 gives the same knee contact and the one immediately above Poupart's [inguinal] ligament
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes with a directional force and a light rocking impulse toward the opposite shoulder for stomach
and digestive disturbances.

All currents which cross over from one side of the body to the other in curves or diagonal lines
are of the bipolar brain energy and the caduceus.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 The vertical electro magnetic [electromagnetic] currents and gravity force stay on the same side.

Figs. 1 and 2 could be shown on the opposite side of the body where they would be liver and
gall bladder reflexes and blocks. Many chronic pains in the left knee which are often mistaken
for a bone disease are gall bladder reflexes and will clear up fast when the correction is made.
Fig. 3 illustrates energy block release by manipulation of tendons and muscles at their origin,
which is the positive pole above at the neuter [neutral] or middle pole, and at the insertion or the
negative pole below. This is useful in motor disturbances of the muscle tissue and tendons such
as paralysis and spasms.

Book 2, Chart 31 ~ Book 2, Chart 33

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 33 - Relationship of the Joints as Neuter [Neutral] Points and Their
Polarity from Superior to Inferior.

There are 5 [five] major joints on each side of the body which have a definite relation to each
other. The mandibular [temporomandibular] joint, the shoulder, the hip, the knee, the ankle, all
Click thumbnail for original image. joints are flexion points and neuter [neutral] in relation to the whole. Correlate the troubled joint
with its superior or inferior polarity; ankles to shoulders, hips to the mandibular
[temporomandibular] joints and the wrists. Uterine and pelvic reflexes are often found here.
Knees reflex to the umbilicus and to the elbows on the same side.
In the lower triad, the hips are positive, the knees are neuter [neutral] and the ankles are the
negative reflex joints.
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(A) Psoas magnus [psoas major] and iliacus (D) Pelvic reflexes
(E) Liver, abdominal and brachial reflexes
(B) Digestive reflexes
(F) Inf. [inferior] pelvic and digestive
(C) Umbilicus reflexes
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 The superior joint or area becomes positive in relation to any inferior one, no matter what its
general over-all polarity might be in relation to the whole, because primal energy flows from the
brain above as the root of the Tree of Life, and of the nervous system downward to water the
Garden of Life, the human body.

Reactions are from below upward, like the glow of vital force, the satisfaction of a hot meal. The
inferior supports the superior and reacts via the return energy flow and by gravity pull.

(A) Brachial and scapular reflexes

(B) Liver
(C) Umbilical reflex

(D) Bladder

(E) Womb

(F) Prostate

(G) Rectum

(H) Posterior central pelvic region

(I) Coccyx

(J) Sacrum

(K) 5th lumbar [fifth lumbar, L5]

These areas can be easily located, traced to their source and to their polarity. As one relaxes the
others will also let go and be relieved.

(A) Kidneys

(B) Ileo caecal [ileocecal]

(C) Negative reflex from hip joint

(D) Ovarian, testes

(E) Psoas magnus [psoas major]

and iliacus, plus pelvic reflexes

(F) Shoulder girdle reflex

(G) Neck reflex

(H) Head reflexes

Treat by manipulation, pressure on muscles, or by hot and cold applications of a forceful stream
of water on that spot.

Illustration Keywords: below, above

Book 2, Chart 32 ~ Book 2, Chart 34

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 34 - Pelvic and Hip Adjustments for Every Tender Area in the
Glutei Region.

Draw a straight line from the tender spot found to the head of the femur. That gives the line of
force for the position of the leg and the femur for the adjustment. These adjustments are not
mere hip corrections but are a release for spastic tissue and bony relationship caused by it.
Click thumbnail for original image.

Find the most tender spot in the dotted region

over the glutei muscles.
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Leg position for each contact and correction
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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes (A) Tender spots

(B) Head of femur


Three positions of the hand on the

hip and the leg in relation thereto
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service for a correction.
Award" 2012

(A) Line of force in giving the


(B) Line of force

The lower lumbar and interpelvic structures and spasms are released by this simple adjustment.
First however all anterior and perineal energy blocks of the pelvis should be removed.

Both hands on the body for an adjustment, according to the lines of force. It is first a stretch,
then a very mild natural correction with a very short range of adjustment, ½ [one-half] inch or

Book 2, Chart 33 ~ Book 2, Chart 35

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 35 - Gentle Rocking Motion and Stretch for the Pelvis to Relieve
Spasms and Blocks in the Muscles of the Hip Joint.

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Fig. 1 shows the operator standing behind the patient with one hand fitted lightly to the shoulder
to draw it backwards. The other hand is on the thigh. The thumb digs into the tense muscle
fibres [fibers] above the hip joint, anywhere up to the crest of the ilium wherever they are found.
These have a definite relation to the lateral respiratory and intercostal [intercostals] muscles. A
gentle rocking motion aids in relaxation. Many corrections of tissues can take place easily. This
move may be used on heavy patients, where hip correction is too strenuous for the operator.

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Award" 2012

Fig. 2 shows a stretch and a gentle rocking contact in the opposite direction when it is indicated
by shoulder and hip tension. Here the operator stands in front of the patient. No force is used; it
is a relaxation by short rhythmic motion. The contacts vary with the tension and the energy
blocks found in that area. Fixed and resistant muscle fibres [fibers] yield to resilient impulses,
when the negative pole of the muscle attachment can be polarized to operate normally.

Book 2, Chart 34 ~ Book 2, Chart 36

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 36 - Scapula Lift for Brachial Plexus Release

Contact of the fingers under the scapula inserted anywhere along its ridge from the bottom to
the top, wherever it is hardest to get under. The hand is supported by the knee, which does the
lifting, the foot rests on a stool or table-brace. The next move is to pull the shoulder over with
Click thumbnail for original image. the other hand on to the contact. The knee raises and lifts the shoulder. When the scapular
muscles are so tight that the fingers cannot get under them, then, the big toes joints and the
transverse arch of the feet should be released because they are the negative poles which hold
them bound by their wireless current block.

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accomplishes a brachial plexus release and a
general well being [well-being] often
follows. Patients gain weight and do better
Index of Transcribed Charts after the shoulder blades are freed. Mental
and physical loads are carried over the
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shoulders and are bound up with life thru
Contact Us [through] respiration and by groans.


"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

The completed contact under the shoulder
blade with the forearm of the other hand in
front under the shoulder joint, the hand
extended to gently push the head down for a
more complete relaxation and stretch of the
neck muscles, freeing tension and energy
block over the brachial plexus. It is a
valuable move in all respiratory, heart, and
nervous conditions, and for recuperating

Book 2, Chart 35 ~ Book 2, Chart 37

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Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 37 - Adjustment of Toes in One Move - Big Toe Adjustment and
Its Reflexes.

Click thumbnail for original image. The firm grip of the right hand over the toes, ready
for the adjustment. The movement is a quick motion
of the entire hand, bending the toes down and
pushing the arch up from underneath by the finger
Keyword contact. This releases tension all over, especially
across the shoulder girdle where it reflexes to.
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Contact Us The finger contact clearly under the transverse arch. One finger tip
[fingertip] under each joint is the preparatory point. It is a release
Acknowledgements for nervous tension and emotional locks thru [through] the brachial
plexus. It is the negative pole to the shoulder girdle as a respiratory
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes release.


Do not use this adjustment on an arthritic joint.

The big toe adjustment given here is a valuable

move for the release of tight shoulder blades which
the doctor cannot get under to lift; also for sciatica
and prostate trouble and enlargement. The womb,
too, has a reflex here, and lastly, it is the bunion
adjustment. The correction is made by a sharp
smack against the big toe joint with the soft part of
the palm near the third thumb joint. It will give a
click most of the time. The object is to break the
lock and fixation here of the energy currents that
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service affect many parts of the body. Secondly, the
Award" 2012 physical objective of the bunion adjustment is to
replace the cartilage of the toe joint by a sharp
blow. This joint when locked is stiff and sore. If the
doctor succeeds in breaking that lock, even with a very light slap of the hand, the toe may be
very sore and turn blue where the venous stasis is released. Be sure to tell the patient, first.
When there is no fixation and stasis, this correction does not hurt.

Where there is soreness a mere pull of the big toe will be sufficient for a powerful reaction.
All other toes can be treated likewise when the patient permits. It releases shoulder and neck
reflex tensions. It is most helpful in sciatica.
The big toe joint has a powerful reflex action near the center line and could be compared to an
atlas adjustment at its most negative pole. Of the special senses it has a reflex action to the
nose, the tongue, speech and hearing center above.

Book 2, Chart 36 ~ Book 2, Chart 38

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 38 - Foot Adjustments for High Arch and Low Arch Through the

Click thumbnail for original image. The feet are sensitive structures and need care and
attention plus proper shoes. These bones can be
molded easier than any other group and many
reflexes and pains can be eliminated by it. The feet
Keyword reflex to the entire body.

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The left hand makes a contact with the soft portion
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of the third phalanx of the thumb on the palmar
Acknowledgements side, pressed against the cuboid bone on the outside
of the foot, and supporting the heel with the fingers.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
The adjustment is a twist of the right hand and a
quick short thrust by the left hand. It frees the
Support lowest joint of the big toe plus replacing the cuboid
DigitalDrStone! and raising the arch. It reflexes to the middle part of
the body and is tonic in its effect.

The reverse adjustment for a high arch. The first contact is

made on the foot over the highest spot on the top of the arch
by firm pressure with the strong middle finger upon it.

The kidney reflex area in each foot is adjusted in the same

way as the high arch.

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Award" 2012

Reinforce the first contact with the other hand by

using the middle finger pressure over the original
With the thumbs under the arch, push the foot
headward and with the anterior contact firm. Then
the adjustment is a mere steady push of one contact
against the as a stretch. Then a quick short pull and
it is done. When indicated, the adjustment can be
heard distinctly. Usually it does not hurt. It reflexes
to the middle of the back.

The feet are the most negative pole of the entire body and because of this fact many negative
energy blocks are found here that can be removed by manipulation and moulding [molding] to
conform to the rest of the body in energy response which shows itself in flexibility and
elasticity of tissues. Crystalization [Crystallization] and hardness spell old age decay and
death. Youth is elastic. For specific reflex areas see Chart 4 and for definite functional regions
see Chart 2.

Book 2, Chart 37 ~ Book 2, Chart 39

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 39 - Occipto-Temporal [Occipitotemporal] Contacts and Positions.

(A) Contact point of hand

Click thumbnail for original image. behind ear.


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Adjustment position for the temporal-

occipital region plus a 7th cervical [seventh
cervical, C7] and 1st dorsal [first thoracic,
T1] correction, all in one move.

The principle of this contact is based upon

the crossing over of the brain currents in the
neck and its letter X effect on tissues. A
gentle correction given here is supported by
the entire hand. It gives by itself when the
line of force is correct and indicated by
muscle tension. A relaxation of the lower
poles must be accomplished first or it will
not stay put.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012

Position of hand on occiput for a stretch to open

foramen magnum opposite to the adjusting contact.
It also has a positioning effect on the temporal bone.
Book 2, Chart 38 ~ Book 2, Chart 40

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 40 - Rotation and Sidebend [Side Bend] Stretch to Open the
Foramen Magnum

Click thumbnail for original image. Contact for a stretch on the occiput and the
neck muscles to open the foramen magnum
with the other hand underneath in the same
position acting as a fulcrum

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Contact Us Double contact in action or the rocking

stretch movement to line up the head
Acknowledgements vertically with the body. The occipital
condyles are inside of the atlas articulation
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
and control atlas movements. Pulls from
below also act as leverage on these muscles.
Support Often a left lateral atlas is released by a
DigitalDrStone! perineal contact in all emotional conditions
and especially in pregnancy. Use it first.

Double contact on the temporal and occipital bone

for a lateral side bend stretch

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

Showing the contact from the side view.

The hand must fit the head and support it.
The movement is a gentle molding stretch
no force is necessary for best results. Cells
and tissues move with the vibratory
rhythmic impulse of the life force in the

Book 2, Chart 39 ~ Book 2, Chart 41

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 41 - A Stretch of the Occipital and Upper Dorsal [Thoracic]

Region. Adjustments of the Upper Dorsals [Thoracics] By Two Methods.

The neck is the etheric field of energy out of which the lower ovals and centers are formed by
reflection from above. See Chart 1. From this center flow out the four rivers of energy to the
Click thumbnail for original image. lower four centers or chakras and return to it as a circuit. Therefore we find that the neck is the
proverbial center that catches everything in its position as a link between the head and the
body. In physiology we find that the cranial nerves reflex there, especially the pneumogastric
[vagus, CN X] and its abdominal reaction. The two sympathetic ganglions also have their
influence in the neck with reflexes from below. No wonder most persons are neck conscious
when they are under mental-emotional tension or have indigestion of various kinds.
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Techniques of reflex therapy which release causes of the energy blocks from below should be
used first before any attempt is made to treat or to adjust the neck.
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Fig. 1 shows the patient lying on his
stomach with the face turned to the
Index of Transcribed Charts side of the contacts. The lines of
force to be influenced are shown by
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the arrows. The left hand is on the
Contact Us tender area of the occiput which has
been under tension. The technicians
Acknowledgements [technician's] right hand is on the
right side of the spine over the upper
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes dorsal [thoracic] vertebrae which are
the negative pole of the tension area.
The two contacts are a stretch along
Support the lines of force and the adjustment
DigitalDrStone! is merely a little move at the end of
the stretch. There must be no
rotation movement on the head. This
would produce a twist in the neck
muscles which is undesirable.

Fig. 2 shows an elastic adjustment with the

thumbs on the transverse processes of the
upper dorsals [thoracics] with complete
relaxation this is a unique technique in the
correct direction of the lines of force and
there is little hurt attached to it. A rocking
directional tension release is most effective
in relieving energy blocks which cause
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service soreness and pain.
Award" 2012

General rule for correcting anterior upper dorsal [thoracic] vertabrae [vertebrae]:

The upper dorsal [thoracic] curve must be brought to the posterior before any correction for
anteriority can be made. The higher the curve is placed posteriorly by bending the head
forward on the chest, that much more leverage is applied to the upper six dorsal [thoracic]
articulations for the correction of anteriority. When the patient is lying on the stomach a fairly
firm suitable size cushion should be placed under the chest, to bring the peak of the posterior
curve on the articulation where the anteriors are to be corrected by any method, in this
position. For correcting rib articulations this is a good position with a firm support under the
chest. It can be done without pain with the head in a split cushion - face downward.

Book 2, Chart 40 ~ Book 2, Chart 42

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 42 - The North Pole Stretch.

Contact on the
Click thumbnail for original image. occiput with the
middle fingers for
the north pole stretch
after relaxation of
Keyword tension

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Index of Transcribed Charts This is a move to restore the position of the occiput and atlas, which are pulled inferiorly by
the attached muscles. The object is to release the compression between the vertebrae on the
Supplemental Essays cartilagenous [cartilaginous] disks. This can be accomplished sometimes all along the spinal
column when relaxation is complete.
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A gentle moulding [molding] stretch is used first to release and test tension and the
Acknowledgements advisability of an extension of the head. If too loose or too tight no adjusting pull should be
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

DigitalDrStone! Position for a stretch and an adjustment to
release compression by a pull straight
headward from the occipital base contact.
The jaw area is used only to steady the head
and make the hold firm.

Illustration for page 66 in "The New Energy Concept of the Healing Art."[1]

1 In The Complete Collected Works, page 86 of Book 1.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012 Book 2, Chart 41 ~ Book 2, Chart 43

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 43 - Head Moulding [Molding] Therapy and Its Definite Effect on
Body Areas.

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Top of a baby's skull

Showing the bones of the cranium not yet grown together.

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Award" 2012

Natural divisions of the human skull.

The sacrum

Consisting of five fused vertebrae at the lower end of the

spinal column

Is it possible that these five bones of the sacrum have a definite relationship to the five bones
on the top of the head like the foundation of a house has to its roof? These five bones are
moulds [molds] of the five energy fields or tattwas [tattvas] and the five life energy currents
of prana flowing thru [through] their central contents and nerve centers.

The superior oval is the mental field; the governor. The inferior triangle is the vital sustaining
force and field. One is the crown of man, the other was called the sacred bone. What force of
potential energy lies hidden here? And what are its mysterious possibilities when raised to
fully awakened consciousness? The space in between is the neuter [neutral] pole of the life
energy; the sustainer (Vishnu) the supporter and preserver of organisms.

Every contact on the body has a definite reaction, especially over vital centers and
representative polar reflex areas. In molding the head or the neck which are superiorly located,
the whole body is influenced by direct impulses and by releasing energy blocks due to
reflexes from below, these areas are also benefitted. The molding of the cranial bones is an art
in itself. Everything depends on keen observation an elastic and firm touch, and the skill of
the operator. When working with great interest and attention a doctor can learn direct from
life. The moulding [molding] process involves directional force used plus the polarity
reflexes. The central axis of the body's energy field is definitely influenced by external
impulses of energy applied which reacts thru [through] the wireless energy whirls, flowing
thru [through] the meninges like an induced current and effects the tension of the cerebro
spinal [cerebrospinal] fluids locally. The skull is a hollow band shell in which the ultra sonic
[ultrasonic] energy current of the soul reverberates like the music of the spheres and is thus
broadcasted; the brain acting as the converter and switchboard for the whole body.

Illustration Keywords: (fig. 1) anterior thoracic, abdominal, crural, brachial, spinal,

superior, middle, inferior
(fig. 2) upper dorsal [thoracic], lower dorsal [thoracic], lumbar and sacral
(fig. 3) cardiac stability
(fig. 4) abdominal, tonic, relaxing

Book 2, Chart 42 ~ Book 2, Chart 44

Book 2, "Explanation of Chart No. 43"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 44 - Special Sense Functions of the Brain and Their Representative
Locations on the Head.

These external areas can be influenced by manipulation to react through the brain as a
physiological stimuli.
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Fig. 1 belongs to the other chart of anatomical reflex areas in the head. It is left here on
purpose, to show the connection between the mechanical aspect of molding bones and its
reflexes to the body and effects thru [through] the brain, its convolutions and the cerebrospinal
fluid. Figs. 2-3 and 4 give general areas for the expression of the finer quality actions of the
soul which manifest as faculties thru [through] the mind and build their respective
representative location of organs in the brain to express these mental qualities and impulses.
No attempt is made here to teach phrenology, but merely bring about a link of understanding,
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service that soul function has everything to do with body and mind function.
Award" 2012

All psychiatry has its roots in the mind,

which operates these faculties thru [through]
representative brain areas. Since it is
estimated that from 40 [forty] to 60 [sixty]
percent of all diseases have a psychosomatic
origin it would be well to give this aspect
more attention. An intelligent entity lives in
this body, and it is not a mere chemical-
mechanical laboratory. Every reaction
depends on the central action of this soul in
the body and its fine ultra-sonic [ultrasonic]
vibratory energy currents.

A physiological phase could be added to psychiatry by finding the weaker faculties and
deficient organic representation and build them up by mental exercise like training for a

Illustration Keywords: (fig. 1) mamae [mammae, breasts], thorax, generatives, respiratory,

abdomen, symphysis pubes [pubic symphysis], ilium, shoulders, back, arms, buttocks, sacrum,
pelvis, thighs, legs, feet
(fig. 2) intellect, understanding, observation, benevolent emotions, neutral, sensibility and
excitability, vital mobility, moral power, animal force and muscularity
(fig. 3) delicate, feeble and irregular, soft, tranquil, excited, excited and irritated, normal,
strong and active, hard, forcible or violent
(fig. 4) spiritual senses, sensitive, vision, hearing, sense of muscular force, feeling
(fig. 6) observation, location, time, music, measurement, gravitation, color, system, numbers,
eventuation, induction, human nature, benevelence [benevolence], adoration, firmness, self
esteem, causation, urbanity, imitation, mirth, spirituality, hope, conscience, aprrobativeness
[approbativeness], ideality, grandeur, caution, agriculture, construction, acquisition, secrecy,
destruction, force, bibation, appetite, audition, vitation, application, friendship, habitation,
mating, parental love, amativeness, motivation

Book 2, Chart 43 ~ Book 2, Chart 45

Book 2, "Explanation of Chart No. 44"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 45 - A Specific Contact in the Sitting Position for Adjusting

Fixations of Dorsal [Thoracic] Vertebrae and Anterior Dorsals [Thoracics] - a
Stretch of the Spine for the Release of Gases.

Countryside Technique
Click thumbnail for original image.

Figs. 1-2 show the preparation for the lift and the
Keyword contact points on the hand over the spine. This can
be done on either side.
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below it so the fulcrum is on the anteriority of the
joint by the support immediately below it.
Index of Transcribed Charts This contact can also be used on the transverse
process for rotation or fixation of spinal
Supplemental Essays articulations.
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Support (A) Contact over the transverse

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(B) Contact over the spinous process

Fig. 3 shows the application with the elbow

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service supported on the knee of the operator as a
Award" 2012 fulcrum. The operator's other arm is in front
of the shoulder with a hold on the patient's
elbow for the lift. This can be a gentle
rocking motion and stretch of any
articulation in the spine to separate them
and hold them for a moment for the reflex
release of gas in the bowels and tissues.

The adjustment is merely an increase in the

lift and the fulcrum, raised by the
supporting knee. It is easier than it looks
and needs but little force.

Fig. 4 shows the application in the upper

dorsals [thoracics] with the head bent
further forward for the correction of the
anteriority of any vertebrae selected.

Extreme tenderness on the spinous process

is usually a definite indication of it.
However, any fixation may act like an
anteriority and should be treated as such.

Book 2, Chart 44 ~ Book 2, Chart 46

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 46 - Brachial Plexus and Shoulder Release in the Sitting Position
for Respiratory, Digestive, Circulatory Trouble, and Shock.

Countryside Technique
Click thumbnail for original image.
Fig.1 shows the same arm lift and knee position on
the chair as in Chart No. 36. The thumb and the
fingers slide under the shoulder blade as the
shoulder is lifted. Both contacts are all around the
shoulder blades where the tension is found.
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Any doctor should be equipped with a good
Alphabetized Index manipulative art which can be skillfully given on an
Advanced Search ordinary kitchen chair for the relief of many
ailments and pains. In treating the spine sitting up, a
Index of Transcribed Charts greater leverage can be applied with a fulcrum at
any point to separate articulations, and to correct
Supplemental Essays anteriority by placing the hand as a fulcrum over the
spinous process on the vertebrae below it. For the
Contact Us release of gas pressure and acute indigestion this
type of procedure has an advantage over table
Acknowledgements technique because gases must go up and this helps
the patient to belch freely. Chronic liver and gall
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes bladder patients are usually full of gas, due to an incompetent ileo caecal [ileocecal] valve and
colitis. Even in office treatments the patient should be degased [degassed] first, in order to get
Support relief and make further therapy more effective.

Fig. 2 shows the left hand of the operator fitted over

the anterior part of the shoulder, pushing
backwards, while the fingers of the other hand slips
under the blade as far as possible; then the right
knee lifts the contact and the whole shoulder.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

Book 2, Chart 45 ~ Book 2, Chart 47

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 47 - A Well Supported Move in Sitting Position for Muscle Release
of the Neck and Dorsal [Thoracic] Region Down to the Ninth Vertebra.

Countryside Technique

Click thumbnail for original image.

Contact of the fingers behind the ear on the jaw, and the
hand on the neck so that the head can be rotated.

Note the support on the neck and shoulders so there is no

Search Instructions strain. The middle finger is behind the ear.
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Contact Us (A) High shoulder

The bracing contact point on the high
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes shoulder side. This contact is on the muscles
pushing them toward the spinal groove. It
Support can be anywhere on the neck, or the dorsals
DigitalDrStone! [thoracics] down to the 9th [ninth] shown in
Fig. 3.

This is just one phase of removing energy

blocks in the motor area after having duly
released the sensory blockade in the anterior
and inferior body areas.

This is done with patient sitting on the

treatment table, special chair, or any chair.
The operator stands behind the patient
facing his back.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service The head is used as a supported fulcrum to
Award" 2012 position the atlas thru [through] its condyles
within the ring of the occiput and to release
and free cervical and dorsal [thoracic]
vertebral fixation and tension by gentle
rhythmic moves. Spastic muscles are inhibited in this pressure glide toward the center line and
energy blocks are removed by the directional force employed.

Book 2, Chart 46 ~ Book 2, Chart 48

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 48 - A Final Move for the Correction of a High Shoulder.

Countryside Technique

Click thumbnail for original image. (A) High shoulder

The completed contact from an anterior

view. This procedure is very valuable where
no table is available and release of the neck
tension is necessary, as well as relief over
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the brachial area. It is a powerful leverage
Alphabetized Index and vertebraes [vertebrae] will line up easily
Advanced Search as you go along. Any tense muscle area can
be held longer or gone over again. A correct
Index of Transcribed Charts and relaxing movement given here, will
open the foramen magnum and free the
Supplemental Essays atlas. The shoulder contact is stimulating in
its effect.
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The contact arm fits over the patient's
Acknowledgements shoulder and the hand supports the entire
neck, so there is no strain whatever by an unsupported leverage. It is not the old T.M
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes [temporomandibular?] movement for adjustment. The objective here is to move energy blocks
by stimulation and muscle tension release.
Book 2, Chart 47 ~ Book 2, Chart 49

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 49 - Extension of the Neck in Sitting Position for Headaches, Gas
Pressure and Occipito-atlas [Atlanto-occipital] and Foramen Magnum Release.

Countryside Technique

Click thumbnail for original image.

Contact point of the hand laid over the first

dorsal [thoracic] vertebrae.

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Acknowledgements The hands with the fingers and thumbs under the occiput where they fit. The left hand is
placed on the forehead above the eyebrows.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


The head is pushed back onto the hand

which acts as a lift to the head, by the firm
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service support of the bottom of the hand on the
Award" 2012 vertebra prominence or on the first dorsal
[thoracic], depending on the size of the
operator's hand and the length of the
patient's neck. It is merely a lift by a
posterior flexion over the hand. No force or
jerk should be used. Repeat several times as
a directional stretch to release blocks, pain
and congestion.
Book 2, Chart 48 ~ Book 2, Chart 50

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 50 - Successive Moves of a New Upper Dorsal [Thoracic] Lift for
Anteriority and Relaxation When Indicated.

Countryside Technique

Click thumbnail for original image.

The preliminary contact where the wrist fits
right in over the clavicle.

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Contact Us Fig. 2. The hands are for contact on the

occiput. Note how the thumb fits close to
the shoulder, and the arm is firmly placed
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes under the armpit nearest to the body. No
space for strained leverage is given. The
bend of the head forward is determined by
Support the degree of anteriority in the upper dorsal
DigitalDrStone! [thoracic] region and the amount of flexion
possible without strain.

Fig. 3. The anterior view of the hold, ready

for the lift, which is against the chest of the
operator. The bend of the head must bring
the dorsal [thoracic] anteriority posterior,
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service and at this point, the fulcrum of the chest is
Award" 2012 applied in a gentle lift.

Test the position first. If it hurts at all, no

lift must be given, for there is no lower
dorsal-lumbar [thoracolumbar]
compensation. A correction now would
result in spastic muscles which cannot
Book 2, Chart 49 ~ Book 2, Chart 51

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 51 - Replacement of the Tendon of Biceps for Arm That Can Neither
Be Raised Completely Nor Brought Backwards.

Click thumbnail for original image. (A) Normal tendon (F) Biceps muscle

(B) Tendons (G) Scapula

(C) Radius (H) Clavicle

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(D) Ulna (I) Groove
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(E) Humerus (J) Slipped tendon
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Supplemental Essays The contact lifts the tendon back into the groove of the humerus and holds it there while it is
rotated to a normal position.
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Patient is on the back with the arm flexed to take the strain off the tendon. The humerus is rotated
forward by laying the elbow on the table and the hand flexed on the body. The thumb then takes a
firm contact immediately under the slipped tendon and pushes upward, at the same time the
humerus is rotated posteriorly by bringing the flexed arm up toward the head - even with the
table. The contact is held and the arm is straightened out.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012
Book 2, Chart 50 ~ Book 2, Chart 52

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 52 - Exercise for Opening Nostrils and Sinuses - Relief of Head

A brand new approach to exercise for opening the sinuses and nostrils and to relieve that stuffy
feeling in head colds.
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The position is face down with the legs flexed and the feet swung outward as far as possible
until there is a strain felt in the hip joint and sacroiliac articulation.

Then swing the feet past each other medially, and outward again. Repeat this for 5 [five] or 10
[ten] minutes, several times and the head will clear and the nostrils will open. It can be done on
the floor or on the bed and repeated as often as needed.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012
The factors that produce it are first: the pumping action of the hip joints and muscles stimulating
the sacral center and fluids reacting upon the medulla oblongata and the cerebellum. The serpent
force of the sun and moon energies or the caduceus from the brain are activated at the negative
pole, which opens the breathing centers in the head.

The other point is the fact that the feet in the motion of crossing each other cut the electro-
magnetic [electromagnetic] lines of force emanating from them, acting like a dynamo in
producing a muscular tone effect on the body. This demonstrates the fact of the inferior
producing an effect upon the superior by the return current flow.

Additional Keywords: scissor kick, scissors kick

Book 2, Chart 51 ~ Book 2, Chart 53

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 53 - Checking For the Tense Leg and Hip Which Is Usually the
Short Leg and Releasing It By a Torque and a Rhythmic Movement.

Fig. 1 illustrates the test on both feet. One

Click thumbnail for original image.
resists more and does not go freely towards
the median line when pushed gently with a
finger. Sometimes the test has to be outward
as well, to compare tension and resistance in
the opposite direction when present.
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Supplemental Essays Fig. 2 places the foot and leg with the greatest tension, in a position toward the median line, by
lifting the foot away from the other and rotating the thigh gently toward the middle to take out
Contact Us all the slack. No force is used. It merely lays the leg in the right position.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


The hand from the foot (Fig. 2) is brought on the inside of the thigh and holds rotated position.

Fig. 3 shows the lower hand

on the inside of the thigh and
the other hand spread out on
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service the abdomen with the thumb
Award" 2012 above the symphysis pubis
[pubic symphysis] on the
abdominal muscles to control
the direction. Now a light
rocking motion is started in
which the patient's body rocks
as a whole until the tension of
these muscles is released.
There is no thrust, no force,
and no push.
Spams of the right anterior thigh muscles indicate liver disturbances. Spasms on the left anterior
thigh muscles a stomach block.

Book 2, Chart 52 ~ Book 2, Chart 54

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 54 - The Os Calcis [Calcaneus] Bone As the Negative Reflex Pole
From the Positive Occiput and the Neuter [Neutral] Sacrum Affecting the Posture
and Functions of the Body. Posterior View of Leg Distortions Through the Feet.

Click thumbnail for original image.

Normal heel in line with the leg, which allows free rotation
in either direction.


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Supplemental Essays Both heels out of line, and easy to

bend in one direction only
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Contact on the foot, and the thumb on the most

tender spot just above the heel, for reflex action,
and bringing it in line.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012
Contact held with one hand while the other
hand is rotating and rocking either the thigh
in the same direction for hip release, or is
applied to the back or the neck for reflex
release by just holding both contacts.
A complete finger contact near the
heel for reflex release, and a contact
with the thumb on the diaphragm
area, holding both firmly for release
of tension in the forehead sinuses or
difficult breathing.

(A) Pressure here affects the

diaphragm and releases muscle
tension, clogged nose and stuffiness
in the head.

Book 2, Chart 53 ~ Book 2, Chart 55

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 55 - Rotation of Feet and the Correction of the Os Calcis [Calcaneus]
Position in Relation to the High and Low Sides of the Hips, and the Entire Back.

Illustrating the center line through the feet which should be in a straight line with the leg and
thigh. (As shown in Chart 54)
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(A) Contacts on the heels to straighten them
One hand on one heel and the foot for leverage, and one hand above on the back, neck, or thigh
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes with a rocking motion. This aims to release the inferior block and tension, through the control
areas above, namely the superior positive and the neuter [neutral] pole on the back. Correction
above is applied where blocks exist thru [through] occipital contact. The leg may be flexed to
Support reach the occiput or back, to inhibit or rock the area. This can be done on either side one at a
DigitalDrStone! time with emphasis on the tense short leg side.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012
(A) Gravity center of motion

There is usually a heel soreness and a severe occipital tension found on the short leg side.
Sometimes it crosses over from one heel to the opposite occiput. Raised portions of the back
also show the muscle pull there, which is released by rocking and heel lineup. This is the
polarity way of balancing bad feet by lining them up with gravity and releasing muscular
tensions thru [through] the electro magnetic [electromagnetic] circuits of the body. It
accomplishes more than mere heel lifts and arch supports aim at.
(A) Gravity center of motion

(B) Individual neuter [neutral] balance center to the

gravity motion center.

A straight line drawn thru [through] the center of each

acetabulum gives the weight bearing gravity center of
motion in the body. All motor impulses of the body
expressed as physical motion, reflect to this center
line. The body must maintain a balance between its force of muscular impulses and the center
line. The body must maintain a balance between its force of muscular impulses and the center of
gravity momentum. This is a high point in therapy and easily achieved by this method of
polarizing fields and forces.

Illustration Keywords: left foot, right foot

Book 2, Chart 54 ~ Book 2, Chart 56

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 56 - Correcting Body Rotation Thru [Through] the Hip Joint
Articulation and the Os Calcis [Calcaneus] Position and Reflex on the Side of the
Short and Tense Leg.

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Supplemental Essays The lower contact is on the os calcis [calcaneus] as

shown here with a firm contact - bending the foot
Contact Us outward while the thumb pushes on the tense and
tender spot on the heel bone to release its friction and
Acknowledgements line it up with the center line of the leg as shown on
Chart 54, Fig. 1 + 3. The patient lies on the side with
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes the short leg up so it can be treated.

The upper contact is usually from the anterior around

Support the head of the femur to the crest of the ilium where
DigitalDrStone! the greatest tension exists. Pressure is applied on tight
bands of musculature and held firmly until relaxation
takes place. In this manner the area around the
acetabulum is released of spastic fibres [fibers]. The
direction of the contact is across the tense fibres
[fibers] found. The heel bone contact is held at the
same time to establish coordinated correction and
energy flow by polarity. Holding these two contacts
for just a few minutes will often produce astonishing
results. The short leg will lengthen and the body line
up on the gravity string will be normal or much

This can be done on either side of the body where

ever [wherever] the short leg is. The position of the
patient on the side assists the operator in applying
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service leverage at the heel and at the acetabulum tensions
Award" 2012 found. This unique move of double contacts can be
applied to other bones in the foot and the glutei fibre
[fiber] tensions. There is an energy current flow
established in the patient thru [through] the release of
pent up waves in the hyper tensed areas. Better
conduction is established thru [through] polarity

Fig. 2 illustrates gravity pull from the heel bone thru

[through] the sacro iliac [sacroiliac] articulation to the
occiput by two straight lines. The dotted lines
illustrate energy waves radiating from the occiput plus
muscle pull on each side of body thru [through] the
hip joints, which produce tone and correct posture or
distortions of the body in relation to gravity. The
external lines of posture are from the occiput thru
[through] the hip joint to the heel on each side.

Book 2, Chart 55 ~ Book 2, Chart 57

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 57 - Polarity Contacts on Rib Heads and Spastic Shoulder Muscles
from Posterior to Anterior to Clear Blocks of Digestion and Liver Function.

Click thumbnail for original image. Fig. 1. Patient sitting up or lying on the side.
These contacts on the left side of the body
are mostly for indigestion and gas. When
present the rib heads and shoulder blade
Keyword muscles are very tender to the touch. Hold
contact moderately firm until soreness is
Search Instructions less or a gurgling response from the
Alphabetized Index
digestion is heard.
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Acknowledgements The shoulder contact is held with pressure until the spastic
or rope like [rope-like] muscles soften. The area is
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes suggested by the same rib heads anterior and posterior.

Positive contact finger of the left hand for anterior contacts.


Contact on anterior rib heads

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

Energy flow is promoted by polarity

contacts from posterior to anterior.

Thumb contact on posterior rib heads and

points of thumb contacts on spastic muscles
on the shoulder blade.
0 Neuter [Neutral]
- Negative
+ Positive

Book 2, Chart 56 ~ Book 2, Chart 58

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 58 - The Ear Canals as the Superior Centers of Gravity in the
Head, around Which Local Circuits Whirl.

To increase the central function of ear, one finger can be placed into the ear canal, grasping
the whole lobe firmly between it and the thumb outside, moving and stretching the outer
Click thumbnail for original image. tissue in relation to the center and fixed areas.

Have patient hum while taking polarity treatments, improves the effect on the positive contact.
Body areas will vibrate to right pitch. Higher locations need a higher pitch, lower ones a lower

Search Instructions
Fig. 1 shows the center of the ear canal with its four
major directions of gentle force which may be
Alphabetized Index
applied to illicit [elicit] reflexes in the body. The ear
Advanced Search
canal is the positive pole of the center of gravity in
the body. Normally it is controlled by the
Index of Transcribed Charts semicircular canals and fluids thru [through] the
sound mechanism of vibratory whirls and impacts.
Supplemental Essays Reflexes from the body also affect it. This center
has the same relating position to the head as the
Contact Us umbilicus has to the body in relationship to parts
above and below it. The motor center in the back
responding to both, is between the 2nd and 3rd
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes lumbar [second and third lumbar, L2, L3] vertabrae
[vertebrae]. It is a straight line thru [through] the
sensory umbilical center to the posterior spinal
Support center which is the physical weight and gravity
DigitalDrStone! center of the body.

Fig. 2 gives two general lines of force applied to the

anterior for sensory reflex responses.

The tregas [tragus] or small lobe can also be grasped firmly,

stretched, and rotated with extension releasing energy
blocks for better function of hearing. These moves have
definite reflexes through sound waves on the central core of
the body's energy column.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

(A) Head

(B) Neck
(C) Chest and lungs

(D) Diaphragm

(E) Abdomen

(F) Umbilicus

(G) Pelvis

(H) Vitality and long life

Fig. 3 gives the representative areas of the body on the ear. Redness, discoloration in any one
area can be a diagnostic clue, like a white or yellowish discoloration in this lung area for
pneumonia and other lung diseases. The abdomen is represented in the middle area of the ear.
The pelvis is represented below the ear canal. A large lobe below it shows great vitality and
reserve energy. It is equivalent to buttox [buttocks] tone which is the negative pole and the
wrist bracelets which are the neuter [neutral] pole and indicators of vital force. A person who
has both can go thru [through] an illness with more energy and react better to therapy than
those who do not have that inherited share of vitality. This simple observation is of value to
the doctor. Earlobes, wrist lines, buttox [buttocks] tone, spell reserve energy.

The two general lines of directional force which may be applied to the canal point to the
posterior for motor reflex release. This can be polarized by applying one contact on any
anterior part of the body with a positive finger.

Fig.4 shows the double application of the

little fingers in the ears to clear local
reflexes and tenderness found in most ear

Gurgling sounds may be heard as abdominal

reflexes respond from this area. It is a
valuable aid to relaxation to clear the
positive sound area whirls and fields. See
Chart No. 8. Cranial bone corrections have
their key center here thru [through] the
sphenoid bone. Test for directions by the reactions in any of the four major lines of force
shown here.

Book 2, Chart 57 ~ Book 2, Chart 59

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 59 - Principles of Local Wireless Current Flow in the Body and
How It Can Be Influenced by Polarity Contacts to Flow from the Circumference
to the Center.

The thumb of the right hand contacts the center in the palm of the hand or in the sole of the
Click thumbnail for original image. foot. The positive middle finger of the left hand is placed above it on a triangle line held
firmly for one half a minute or so until polarity flow is established. Then the thumb moves
upward to the place where the finger was and that contact moves upward to the next triangle
nearer the center on arms or legs. Each is treated separately wherever blocks exist; as spasms
Keyword or as paralysis. The thumb is a powerful neuter [neutral] pole; the middle and the little fingers
are warming and relaxing as positive actions. The first and the ring finger are cooling and
Search Instructions tonic for flacid [flaccid] tissue as negative poles.
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Index of Transcribed Charts (A) Thumb contact from neuter

[neutral] pole upward
Supplemental Essays

Contact Us The effort to start the return sensory

current from without inward from
Acknowledgements joint to joint to the center by clearing
blocks from station to station on the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes way.


(A) Vitality

+ Positive
- Negative
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service 0 Neutral
Award" 2012

Every joint is a breaking point or a crossover of a certain type of energy

flow supplying this field and function. On the triangles above and
below the line of flexion are found responsive manipulative contact
points marked as dots.

(A) Thumb contact from the negative pole upward.

Book 2, Chart 58 ~ Book 2, Chart 60

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 60 - The Negative Reflexes of the Colon Found in the Legs Between
the Tibia and the Fibula.

Click thumbnail for original image. Manipulative movements in the direction of the energy
flow are soothing. Movements opposite to it are
stimulating in effect.

On the right leg anterior the energy flows toward the
foot on the left leg anterior - away from the foot and
upward. Fishes show energy flow anteriorly.
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Advanced Search (A) Ascending colon

Index of Transcribed Charts (B) Cecum [caecum]

Supplemental Essays (C) Descending colon

Contact Us (D) Sigmoid flexure


"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

Support The negative pole of the colon is in the legs as illustrated. Aching legs and knee joint pains
DigitalDrStone! especially along the outside of the shin bones are colonic reflexes of irritation, stagnation and
gas pressure. They can cause headaches and heart symptoms.

(A) (Doctor is standing on right side of patient)

(B) Left thumb contacts

(C) Cecum [caecum]

Negative reflex area

(D) Right thumb contact

(E) Under the arch contact with thumb

(F) (Doctor is standing on left side of patient)

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 (G) Right thumb contacts moving up and down
in space between the two bones.

(H) Sigmoid flexure

Negative reflex area

(I) Left thumb contact

Contact 1. From the arch of the foot to the colon reflex area on the leg.

Contact 2. From the outside of the foot to the colon reflex area between the tibula [tibia] and
fibula, also straightening the foot by holding the contacts.

Contact 3. Contact on the same colon area on the leg may be held anywhere on the dotted line
and another contact on the colon itself can be made to balance the neuter [neutral] pole above
with the negative blocks below to eliminate them. The object is polarity of current flow not
massaging. All contact should be made with the same attention as striking keys on the piano
or typewriter.

Illustration Keywords: ascending colon, descending colon

Book 2, Chart 59 ~ Book 2, Chart 61

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 61 - Co-ordinated [Coordinated] Polarity Stimulation of the Airy

Reflex Centers in the Arches of the Feet with the Colon and Its Reflex Centers in
the Legs.

Click thumbnail for original image.


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Patient is on the table. The doctor stands on the left
Supplemental Essays side with his left hand over the toes of left foot, the
fingers supporting the joints under the arch of the
Contact Us foot. The contact bends the toes down firmly lifting
and stretching the arch. The tension is held for a
Acknowledgements moment, then is relaxed and the movement repeated
several times. This stimulates the brachial respiratory
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes positive center by reflex action. The same can be done
on the right with the opposite hand on these areas. The
Support right hand is over the left leg with the thumb pressing
DigitalDrStone! on the dense and contracted tissue blocks in the colon
reflex area between the tibia and fibula. Coordinated
action in these two areas send their reflexes to their
respective positive and neuter [neutral] airy centers
above for better intake of oxygen and elimination of CO2 [carbon dioxide]; also releasing gases
from the stagnant neuter [neutral] colon.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012
(A) Sigmoid contact

The doctor stands on the left side of the patient and his left hand is over the middle of the arch of
the left foot and the thumb makes a firm contact below the left ankle on the outside over the
reflex area of the sigmoid and the psoas muscle. See Chart 17, page 24, Book 2. The foot is
rotated outward and held while the right hand thumb and fingers contact the area over the
sigmoid or psoas muscle on the abdomen. This can be used on either side for the release polarity
current reflexes. This arch contact can also be used in connection with working the colon
reflexes between the tibia and fibula. As the doctor stands on either side of the patient these
contacts become the natural position for the hands without crossing them over each other.
For prostatic and uterine treatments the left contact goes a little lower on the heal [heel] with the
right hand over the muscles of the symphisis pubis [pubic symphysis].

Book 2, Chart 60 ~ Book 2, Chart 62

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 62 - Negative and Neuter [Neutral] Reflex Areas in the Body for the
Treatment of Lumps in the Breasts, also Aortic Reflexes in the Legs.

Click thumbnail for original image.


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(A) Negative pole of breast reflex (C) Neuter [Neutral] pole of breast reflex
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(B) Negative pole of aortic reflex (D) Positive motor area of breast
Contact Us

Acknowledgements The breasts are secretory glands on the anterior superior portion of the body. The mammae [breasts]
have a direct reflex to the uterus in the female and to the prostate in the male via the finer central
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes core wireless energy currents of the caduceus. The neuter [neutral] sensory reflex of this watery
triad is in the pelvis anteriorly and in the buttox [buttocks] posteriorly as a motor vital reflex.
Support Congestions, lumps and very sensitive spots in the buttox [buttocks] have a relationship to the breast
DigitalDrStone! and its stagnant areas. The most negative pole is on the back of each leg as marked here, which give
direct reflexes to the breast and the nipples. These areas are usually very tender on the legs.
Working on the leg area with one hand and on the buttox [buttocks] or brachial area with the other,
polarizes the action in these two fields. When the shoulder area is included and the reflexes
balanced with the negative and neuter [neutral] poles, the breasts function better by the wireless
current flow. With the patient on the side, a gentle rocking motion is the procedure on either two
areas at once. Or with the patient lying face down, a gentle rocking motion headward is applied by
any two contacts.

The breasts are not treated directly. The calves of the legs will act as a diversion treatment when
heat or counter-irritants are applied. Blistering in this area gives excellent reactions because it is in
the negative field where the real clogging exists in the energy field and in the tissues.

The back of the knees are reflexes of the abdominal aorta. Often we find an enlargement there of the
tibial artery which throbs. On the left leg it indicates back pressure in the abdominal aorta and heart
damage. The thrombosis is causing sufficient pressure to dilate the artery here like a bulb. It should
be supported by an elastic bandage, and the resistance area polarized. It is usually below the dilation
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service where the thrombosis is active in arterial obstruction. Above the dilation or ulcer in venous
Award" 2012 obstruction leeches applied to relieve this block below the arterial dilation is the only logical
procedure. This has to be repeated several times because arteries are located deeper and drainage
through the capillaries must be relied upon. The King of England[1] had an arterial thrombosis. The
neuter [neutral] pole area around the umbilicus should be freed.

1 King George VI (1895-1952), King of England from 1936 to 1952, died from a coronary
thrombosis after a long series of major illnesses including lung cancer and arteriosclerosis.

Book 2, Chart 61 ~ Book 2, Chart 63

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 63 - The Ideal Posture and Rocking Balance Stretch for the
Release of the Downward Airy Currents of Energy in the Body Which Govern All
Expelling Functions of Gases, Liquids and Solids. Frees the Back Pressure from
the Heart.

Click thumbnail for original image. The object is the release of blocks in the
tissues by motion while these fields are in
proximity under a polarity action as well as
a muscular pull. Tone and freedom in the
pelvis is the objective. This vitality release
in the most vital field in the body aids
Search Instructions health. The posture is easier with shoes on
Alphabetized Index at first. Try barefooted later as it gives more
Advanced Search stretch. Clothing must be free. Only practice
conquers and accomplishes. Three minutes
Index of Transcribed Charts several times a day gives good results.

Supplemental Essays When a person feels tired, restless and

cannot relax to go to sleep or feels
Contact Us indisposed in any way it means that the
energy currents of the body are not
Acknowledgements operating as they should. There is
interference difficult to interpret. We feel
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes weary. Taking the postures for just a few
minutes each, will start the current flow and
will make resting a real pleasure. Feet should be flat on the floor.
DigitalDrStone! This posture is the final stage of many gentle efforts of squatting which stretches the muscles
by degrees and not by force. For this position the feet are fairly close together to obtain more
support on the colon from the thighs, for the final stretch with the breath from the inside. The
downward force - called apana - in the East is activated by this posture. Gravity assists the
elimination of liquids and solids. Three airy fields in the body are acted upon at once in this
final stage, which makes the downward currents of energy move by releasing the most
negative area blocks first in the calves of the legs. The neuter [neutral] pole of this airy
principle is in the colon, which becomes a storage for gases, pressed by the thighs, and the
arm pull inward on the knees. The positive pole is the chest, as the intake. The brachial plexus
is the governor. The arm pull must stretch the area between the shoulders so it is felt. Then a
deep breath can be used to stretch all the spinal muscles from within against the head, pull
forward, on all these tissues. The response will be felt at once, even vertebrae will adjust
themselves naturally as by an inner lift. Gases will roll, and liquids and solids follow the air
block release. Vital forces are freed to move as the five vital winds in the body. A rocking
motion is now added forward and backward and from side to side as well as a turning rotation
if possible.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 Additional Keywords: health posture, narrow squat

Book 2, Chart 62 ~ Book 2, Chart 64

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 64 - A Posture Stretch for Youthful Elasticity through the Release
of Vital Force and Blocked Energy Circuits in the Heavy Pelvic Muscles, Freeing
the Hip Joints by Gentle Stretching through Rocking Motions.

This posture frees energy in the pelvis

Click thumbnail for original image. which can be used by contacts of the hands
and thumbs on the positive pole of the head
for the release of reflex actions almost
anywhere in the body in self treatment. The
Keyword two thumbs on the bridge of the nose, and
hand touching the forehead affects the
Search Instructions central area of the body. A rocking motion
Alphabetized Index activates all these contacts. The hands can
Advanced Search
be placed on tender spots on opposite sides
of the head, in front and back diagonally
opposed and held while rocking and
Index of Transcribed Charts stretching in all directions for release. It can
also be used for head moulding [molding] in
Supplemental Essays
this manner. Fingers can be locked over the
Contact Us top of the head to mould [mold] the
parietals. It is polarity reaction which is the
Acknowledgements active factor in all these responses. The area
under the lower jaw gives definite pelvic
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes responses, for toning or release of tension.
Using the left thumb or the first and ring
fingers for toning contacts. The right thumb and second [middle] or the little finger positive
Support release the roof of the mouth gives a range of reflexes that are astonishing. One thumb fits
DigitalDrStone! perfectly on it while in this posture. The right thumb will open the sinuses instantly and help
drainage in cold etc. Stomach reflexes can be elicited at once, if you reach back far enough.
The tongue also holds a host of reflex responses to contacts. A few seconds on the right reflex
does wonders.

This posture is started with the feet farther apart than the posture described in Chart no. 63.
Just comfortable to accomplish a stretch and motion on opposite muscles and tissues. The
person eases into this posture slowly and gradually, without force, keeping the heels on the
floor. The arms are placed on the inside of knees, the hands are clasped, pushing the knees
apart gently and comfortably until the stretch is felt in the thighs and the hips. The thumbs
support the head which is bent forward. Now a gentle rocking motion is started for balance of
forces and their release in motion. Forward, backward, from side to side and rotation if
convenient. Two or three minutes several times a day are sufficient for fine results. The hip
joints will be freed and the sacro-iliac [sacroiliac] articulations and the lumbar vertabrae
[vertebrae] will benefit by this polarity normalizing movement. Deep tension, spasms, and
tissue stagnations will disappear. The elasticity of the step will come back as well as the
pleasure of walking. Benefits will be felt by young and old alike. Daily practice does it.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Wasted and flabby tissues will be toned and take on a normal appearance. The sagging buttox
Award" 2012
[buttocks] which is the sign of vital exhaustion will become normal again, through
perserverance [perseverance] of practice, aided by quick cold showers over the buttox
[buttocks] and hips. For the short time and effort spent in this vital posture, vital effects will
be noticed by each person, young or old. Symptoms and pains will change when life currents
flow again. The flush in the cheeks will be felt in the postures. The sparkle in the eyes can
follow if continued. A youthful life at 65 [sixty-five] is possible through polarity energy
currents flowing in their fields again.

Additional Keywords: youth posture, wide squat

Book 2, Chart 63 ~ Book 3, Chart 1

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative
Polarity Therapy
& Its Triune Function

Search Instructions A New Manipulative Therapy

Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search

Illustrated by Harlan Tarbell, D.N.

Index of Transcribed Charts

Supplemental Essays Book III

Contact Us of Dr. Stone's Complete Collected Works on
Acknowledgements Polarity Therapy
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 1 - Psycho-Physiological Key Chart Ancient and Modern for

Polarity Therapy

(A) Soul energy - life and consciousness

(B) Ultrasonic energy

Click thumbnail for original image.
(C) Radiant light energy

(D) Brain

(E) Neuter [Neutral]

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(G) Digestive
Index of Transcribed Charts
(H) Generative
Supplemental Essays
(I) Eliminative
Contact Us
(J) Life breath waves
(K) Polarized brain waves
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
(L) 5 [Five] radiating energy waves - 5 [five] senses
DigitalDrStone! Illustration Keywords: positive, negative, +, -

Book 2, Chart 64 ~ Book 3, Chart 2

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 1"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 2 - Opposites Polarized. Diagram of the Pattern of Life Force and the
Tissue Cell.

Click thumbnail for original image.


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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

Support (A) Quantity (J) Quality

(B) Force (K) Essence

(C) Opposites (L) "Contraria contrariis curantur." [Opposites

are cured by opposites.]
(D) Mind - Brain
(M) "Similia similibus curantur." [Likes are
(E) Nucleus cured by similars.]

(F) Heart Center - Neuter [Neutral] whirl - (N) Centrifugal electro-magnetic

A triune radiating energy [electromagnetic] energy.

(G) Generative Center - Vital and structural (O) Centripetal energy.

(P) Seed power and its individuality dies to
(H) Magnetic energy yield after its kind.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service (I) Polarity attraction (Q) "Unless a seed dies unto itself it cannot
Award" 2012 bring forth fruit."

Book 3, Chart 1 ~ Book 3, Chart 3

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 2"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 3 - Comparative Diagnostic Reflex Areas of Therapeutic Importance.

The Story the Hands Can Tell About Polarity Therapy. Superior-Inferior Locations
of Body Ovals and Their Wireless Circuits Found in the Hands as Acute Neuter
[Neutral] Reflex Areas and in the Feet as Chronic Negative Symptomatic Reflex
Click thumbnail for original image.
The palm of the hand is laid out into areas for the extension of each reflex over the entire body.
These can be traced and treated from the hand up or downward polarizing with the head or feet.
The sole of the foot is divided into longitudinal areas for each reflex over the body. Contacts can
be from below upward or reversed.
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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


(A) ½ [Half] of brain and spinal cord - Head

(B) Neuter [Neutral] - Neck

(C) Respiratory

(D) Circulation - Touch - Chest - Heart

(E) Digestion - Assimilation - Abdomen

(F) Creative - Generative - Pelvis

(G) Eliminative - Bladder - Rectum

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012
Posterior corresponding fields and their diagnostic end reflexes for polarity therapy response in
chronic conditions.

Acute reflexes

(H) Head

(I) Neck
(J) Chest

(K) Abdomen

(L) Pelvis

(M) Rectum

Each half of the body has its response in the hand and the foot on that side. Diagnosis is made
by the nails and the soreness of the joints. Bipolar contacts and pressure is made from the
anterior to the posterior and from side to side for best results.

The back of the hand and the top of the foot reflex to the back of the body. Pressure can be used
between the tendons as well as on the joints and on the nails. Contacts on the back of the hand
are made with the finger tips and the thumb on the palm of the hand.

Book 3, Chart 2 ~ Book 3, Chart 4

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 3"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 4 - Geometric Anterior and Lateral Polarity Reflexes as Potent

Superior and Inferior Contact Points Polarizing the Superior Pole with Middle or
Inferior Pole.

Click thumbnail for original image.


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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Polarized circuit by holding both toes simultaneously.

Illustration Keywords: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, liver, stomach

Book 3, Chart 3 ~ Book 3, Chart 5

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 4"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 5 - Posterior Lateral Geometrical Polarity Reflexes and Contact

Points from Side to Side, and the Superior to the Middle or to the Inferior,
Straight, or Cross Over.

Click thumbnail for original image.


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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

Illustration Keywords: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Book 3, Chart 4 ~ Book 3, Chart 6

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 5"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 6 - Primary Fields of Space Circles as Body Cavities with Their
Cross Over [Crossover] Polarity Lines of Energy and One Neuter [Neutral]
Center in Each. The Chest Represents the Physical Field of Airiness and
Respiration. The Energy Aspect of the Airy Element is Usually Attributed to the
Mind, the Brain, and the Nervous System, Prior to Physical Function.
Click thumbnail for original image.

(F) Primary vital

(A) Fire element
mind pattern
(B) Neuter
(G) Etheric
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Advanced Search (C) Air element and circulatory
Index of Transcribed Charts (I) Digestive
(D) Earth system
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element assimilation
Contact Us elimination
(J) Genito-
Acknowledgements urinary
(E) Water
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes element
Book 3, Chart 5 ~ Book 3, Chart 7

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 6"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 7 - The Path of the Fiery Principle of Light and Warmth.

(A) Positive digestive reflex points for that side of the body

(B) Gall bladder, gall duct, and duodenal reflex point

Click thumbnail for original image. (C) Neuter [Neutral] pole of duodenum and bile duct outlet

(D) First joint and second phalanx of the first finger as the
neuter [neutral] pole reflex of the gall bladder, gall duct,
Keyword and duodenum where it empties.

Search Instructions (E) Second toe, first joint, and below it, as reflex points for
Alphabetized Index the gall bladder, duodenum, and gall duct where it empties.
Advanced Search
(F) Positive pole contact point for the duodenum.
Index of Transcribed Charts (G) Neuter [Neutral] pole of duodenum on the left side
Supplemental Essays
(H) Symphysis pubis [Pubic symphysis] reflex
Contact Us
(I) Left index finger contact for therapy on the first joint
Acknowledgements and second phalanx for the duodenum reflex on the left half
of the body.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
(J) Negative pole, second toe, first joint and second phalanx, as reflex point for the duodenum
on that side of the body.
DigitalDrStone! Additional Keywords: yang

Book 3, Chart 6 ~ Book 3, Chart 8

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 7"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 8 - Principles of Chart No. 7 Applied as Therapy. Polarity Contact

Points for Gall Bladder, Gall Duct and Duodenum, to Release Energy Blocks.

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Book 3, Chart 7 ~ Book 3, Chart 9

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012 Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 8"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 9 - Polarizing Painful Energy Blocks in the Long Bones of the Legs.

Spastic muscles over the

anterior superior spine of the
Click thumbnail for original image. ilium [ASIS] cause the
anteriority of the innominate
[hip] and the sacrum. The
positive pole is the tension
over the shoulder and on the
outer arm muscles on that
Search Instructions side. Both areas must be
Alphabetized Index polarized by firm pressure
Advanced Search contacts simultaneously for
Index of Transcribed Charts See Chart 13 Book 4

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

Support The inner muscles of the thigh on each side

DigitalDrStone! have a releasing effect on pelvic organs and
muscles. Like the perineum, they also have
a polarity reflex to the throat and neck
muscles. Firm polarizing contacts here are
valuable for throat and neck release
especially in torticollis.

Book 3, Chart 8 ~ Book 3, Chart 10

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 9"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 10 - Body Polarity and Gravity Test Board.

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Book 3, Chart 9 ~ Book 3, Chart 11

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 10"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 12 - The Sphenoid Bone and the Coccyx Correspondence as

Superior and Inferior Polarity Reflexes.

Click thumbnail for original image. Chondrocranium of a human embryo

(A) Greater wing of sphenoid


(B) Foramen magnum

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Sphenoid bone posterior view

Support (A) Greater wing of sphenoid


Sacrum and coccyx from the right side

Area of negative pole energy blocks. Reflexes to sphenoid and

foramen magnum

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

Coccyx front view

Book 3, Chart 11 ~ Book 3, Chart 13

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 12"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 13 - Mind the Primal Centrifugal Energy of the Soul Flowing Over
the Field of the Brain, Spinal Cord and Nerves in the Media of the Cerebro-spinal
Fluid as Lines of Balance, and Structural Relationship of Pattern Energy.

Click thumbnail for original image.

(A) Cerebrum

(B) Cerebellum
(C) Medulla
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(D) Mid-brain
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Advanced Search (E) Pons Varolii

Index of Transcribed Charts (F) Olivary body

Supplemental Essays (G) Spinal cord

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Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

Posterior view of brain with symbolic wings of the soul

Gyroscopic balance action in the body.

Illustration Keywords: (fig. 3) frontal, parietal, temporal, temporal muscle, mandible, malar
(fig. 6) occiput, sacrum

Book 3, Chart 12 ~ Book 3, Chart 14

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 13"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 14 - Sacral Balancing Technique by Vibratory Directional

Impulses and Position.

Correcting a lateral tilt of the sacrum, with the inferior base on the side of the lateral spinal
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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

Correction of a right anterior sacral

Support base by leverage and directional
DigitalDrStone! contact.

Book 3, Chart 13 ~ Book 3, Chart 15

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 14"
Award" 2012
Book 4, "Comments on Reprint of Chart No.14 from Book III"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 15 - Vibratory Posterior Sacral and Innominate [Hip] Technique.

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Sacral, temporal and occipital bone polarization.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Book 3, Chart 14 ~ Book 3, Chart 16

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 15"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 16 - Innominate [Hip], Temporal and Occipital Release.

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Releasing umbilical
congestion for eye trouble
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes and polarizing it with the
supra-orbital [supraorbital]
notch by a contact of the left
Support thumb.

Book 3, Chart 15 ~ Book 3, Chart 17

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 16"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 17 - Polarizing Throat Reflexes from the Web Between the Thumb
and the Sore Spots on Top of the Head on That Side.

Click thumbnail for original image.


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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Balancing current reactions by pressure contacts on the big

toe and the chin on that side.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service (A) A specific short leg technique
Award" 2012

Polarity reflexes found in the joints of the big

toe a mild shock treatment with respiratory
reflexes, shoulder tension release and
lengthening the usual short leg.

See Chart 37, Book 2.

Book 3, Chart 16 ~ Book 3, Chart 18

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 17"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 18 - Polarizing Contacts Across the Spine with a Rotational

Twisting Stretch on the Muscles of Each Side in Opposite Directions.

Click thumbnail for original image.


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Book 3, Chart 17 ~ Book 3, Chart 19

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 18"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 19 - Anterior Polarizing Contacts with the Current Flow from
Head to Feet.

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Book 3, Chart 18 ~ Book 3, Chart 20

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012 Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 19"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 20 - Pelvic Polarity Corrections According to the Lines of Tension and
Tenderness Found in the Fibres [Fibers] of the Gluteus Muscles.

Heel rotation and thumb contact on head of

femur for posterior hip correction
Click thumbnail for original image.


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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes A thumb contact on the head of the femur and a finger
tip contact on the apex of the sacrum to correct the
anterior and inferior sacral base.
DigitalDrStone! For hip correction see Chart 34, Book 2.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Neuter [Neutral] polarity reflexes from the back of the
Award" 2012 hand, to that side of the back of the body.
Negative polarity reflexes from the top of the foot, to
that side of the back

Book 3, Chart 19 ~ Book 3, Chart 21

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 20"

Book 4, "Comments on Reprint of Chart No. 20 from Book III"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 21 - Step One in Gas Releasing Technique. Anterior and Posterior

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Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Book 3, Chart 20 ~ Book 3, Chart 22

Award" 2012

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 21"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 22 - Activating Anterior and Posterior Body Areas for the Release
of Gases.

(A) The same firm thumb

Click thumbnail for original image. X contact on the left side
of the back releases the
emotional energy blocks
which contract the
duodenal fibres [fibers]
into spacticity
Search Instructions [spasticity]. This
Alphabetized Index emotional chemistry is
Advanced Search the prime factor of gas
because of the peristaltic
Index of Transcribed Charts stasis which it produces.

Supplemental Essays (B) Thumb contact

between the transverse
Contact Us process of the fourth and
fifth dorsal [thoracic, T4,
Acknowledgements T5] vertebrae opens the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
(C) A contact in front as in Fig. 1 with a flat right hand polarity contact on the back for gas
release. Brace the right elbow on your knee to stretch the back over the hand contact in a
Support lifting motion.
The sitting up posture is best because it favors the release of gases.

Book 3, Chart 21 ~ Book 3, Chart 23

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 22"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 23 - Shoulder Contacts with Knee Support at Various Points on the
Back for Gas Release.

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A thumb support on the neck with a gentle head flexion toward it. Used on both sides.

Book 3, Chart 22 ~ Book 3, Chart 24

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 23"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 24 - Contacts Under the Shoulder Blades for Gas Symptoms and
Better Air Intake.

Click thumbnail for original image.

The same lifting contacts X
are made under the right

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Book 3, Chart 23 ~ Book 3, Chart 25

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 24"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3

Chart No. 25 - Treatment for Gas Pressure by Polarity Stimulation on the

Head, Soft Palate, and Neck.

Click thumbnail for original image.

Cranial sore spots are disturbed polarity
reflexes in the body. Thumb pressure on
each side of the head, front and back, and
diagonally across the head, for release of
gases in the head. Pressure on tender spots
of the occiput on each side is a motor
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release for eye strain [eyestrain].
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A uvula and soft palate stretch for stomach and
Acknowledgements rectal reflex stimulation.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


A rocking spinal relaxation stretch

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

Illustration Keywords: soft palate, uvula

Book 3, Chart 24 ~ Book 4, Chart 1

Book 3, "Explanation of Chart No. 25"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function
The Mysterious Sacrum
The Key to

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Body Structure &
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A Course in Structural Balance Based
Upon the Energy Fields in Man
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
Illustrated by Harlan Tarbell, D.N.
DigitalDrStone! Book IV
of Dr. Stone's Complete Collected Works on
Polarity Therapy

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 4

Chart No. 1 - The Sacrum as the Keystone and Foundation for the Normal
and Abnormal Curves of the Spinal Column.

Click thumbnail for original image.


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Book 3, Chart 25 ~ Book 4, Chart 2

Book 4, "Explanation of Chart No. 1"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 4

Chart No. 2 - Superior and Inferior Polarity Relationships.

Click thumbnail for original image. Mind energy is the primal geometric pattern energy of
designs and relationships which operate in the cerebro
spinal [cerebrospinal] fluid in the brain and in the

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Advanced Search The sacrum is the opposite pole to the brain expressing
action and structural balance.
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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


The gyroscopic action of balance in the body.

Illustration Keywords: occiput, sacrum

Book 4, Chart 1 ~ Book 4, Chart 3

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Book 4, "Explanation of Chart No. 2"
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 4

Chart No. 3 - Sacrum Distorted Laterally with a Crease in the Tissue on the High
Base Side, and a Compensatory Spinal Curve Opposite.

Click thumbnail for original image.


The superior sacral base is usually the

Search Instructions extended side with the high shoulder.
Alphabetized Index
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Index of Transcribed Charts The inferior anterior sacral base is usually

the contracted side with the low shoulder
Supplemental Essays and the short leg.
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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

The sacral tilt is exaggerated here as well as the center line thru [through] it in order to bring it to
the attention because it was overlooked so long. It is only in chronic cases that the center line
between the two buttocks is distorted as well as the inferior level of the buttocks. These are new
diagnostic findings, interpretations and corrective applications.

For correction of a lateral tilt of the base, the patient is laid on the side of the crease with a pillow
under the head and a firm pillow under the hip joint of the high base.

Illustration Keywords: +, -

Book 4, Chart 2 ~ Book 4, Chart 4

Book 4, "Explanation of Chart No. 3"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 4

Chart No. 4

The high or posterior side of the body X and the sacrum. The thumb contacts indicate the
direction for correcting the inferior and anterior base. Contacts on the high side of the body
and sacrum are also indicated with a rocking motion plus an innominate [hip] correction by
Click thumbnail for original image. turning the hip and the leg outward with a firm rotating heel contact. See Chart 20, Book 3.


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Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

For the correct angle of innominate [hip] adjustments on the side. See Chart 34, Book 2.
Fig. 4 and Fig. 2. are outward rotating heel contacts with one hand on the hip and thumb on
the head of the femur. One hand may be shifted from either place to the posterior back tension
in a rocking release.

Illustration Keywords: +, -

Book 4, Chart 3 ~ Book 4, Chart 5

Book 4, "Explanation of Chart No. 4"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 4

Chart No. 5 - The Cause of the Short Leg and Its Physiological Reaction.

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Electro magnetic [Electromagnetic] currents which travel from head to foot on each side of
the body in opposite directions.
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A polarity contact on the sides of the big toe with pressure and
Acknowledgements a stretching movement, toward the median line of the body.
This is used where the quick tap on the joint is counter
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes indicated.


(A) A specific short leg technique

Polarity reflexes found in the joints of the big toe. A

mild shock treatment with respiratory reflexes,
shoulder tension release and lengthening the usual
short leg.

See Chart No. 37, Book 2.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012

Illustration Keywords: (fig. 1) plus, minus, +, -, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

(fig. 2) rear, front, right, left, feet, +, -

Book 4, Chart 4 ~ Book 4, Chart 6

Book 4, "Explanation of Chart No. 5"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 4

Chart No. 6 - Polarity Therapy Applied to the Extremities for Heart Trouble.

A double polarizing contact on the first joint of each

second toe.
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Index of Transcribed Charts A lateral polarizing contact on the first

joint of each second toe.
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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

A double polarity contact on the sore spots between
the tendons on top of each foot, supported by thumb
pressure on the sore spots on bottom.

A double polarizing contact on the first finger tips,

anterior-posterior and lateral pressure on the first
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012

A polarity pressure contact on the sore spots

between the tendons on top of the hand, with
the thumbs in the palm areas.

Book 4, Chart 5 ~ Book 4, Chart 7

Book 4, "Explanation of Chart No. 6"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 4

Chart No. 7 - Brachial Plexus and Occipital Release as a Specific for

Respiration, Circulation, Heart and Digestion.

Click thumbnail for original image. Release of brachial plexus blocks by

getting the fingers under the
shoulder blades as high as possible
in a lifting motion with the patient
Keyword sitting up. Specially indicated in
heart trouble and respiratory
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See Chart No. 36, Book 2, for the
table technique.
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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


A head contact with the chin flexed on the neck by the

thumbs on the jaw, with a gentle rocking extension for the
release of the occipital atlas [atlanto-occipital] articulation,
neck tension and energy blocks in heart conditions.

Book 4, Chart 6 ~ Book 4, Chart 8

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012 Book 4, "Explanation of Chart No. 7"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 4

Chart No. 8 - Releasing the Energy Blocks in Heart Trouble by Polarity

Technique with Diaphragm and Shoulder Contacts.

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Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012 Book 4, Chart 7 ~ Book 4, Chart 9

Book 4, "Explanation of Chart No. 8"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 4

Chart No. 9

A contact under the sternum

Click thumbnail for original image. where the tension is, with a
stimulating finger contact on
the cardiac stability center of
Fig. 3, and a steady thumb
Keyword contact over the pituitary
region on forehead.
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Acknowledgements Fig. 2 - A substernal contact

with the fingers on the jaw
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes in a firm contact over the
relaxing center of Fig. 4. See
Chart 43, Book 2.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

Illustration Keywords: (fig. 3) cardiac stability

(fig. 4) abdominal, tonic, relaxing

Book 4, Chart 8 ~ Book 4, Chart 10

Book 4, "Explanation of Chart No. 9"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 4

Chart No. 10 - Polarity Relationship Established in Fetal Life as the Basis of

Polarity Exercises for Heart and Digestion.

Click thumbnail for original image.


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Index of Transcribed Charts

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Illustration Keywords: warmth, solids, gases, liquids, fire, earth, air, water, head, neck,
shoulders, breast, heart, solar plexus, bowels, kidneys, super renals, generatives, thighs,
knees, ankles, feet

Book 4, Chart 9 ~ Book 4, Chart 11

Book 4, "Explanation of Chart No. 10"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 4

Chart No. 11 - Polarity Exercise for Diaphragm Release Through Its Crura
Attachments and By Toning the Psoas, Iliacus and Abdominal Muscles.

Click thumbnail for original image.


Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index Both hands press in the center under the diaphragm. The legs are tensed and close together,
Advanced Search the feet are extended in a stretch. This is the beginning of this exercise.

The legs are slowly raised and lowered under tension several times.
Index of Transcribed Charts

Supplemental Essays

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Book 4, Chart 10 ~ Book 4, Chart 12

Book 4, "Explanation of Chart No. 11"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 4

Chart No. 12 - Polarity Exercise for the Release of the Brachial Plexus and
Neck Tension.

Click thumbnail for original image.


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Alphabetized Index
Firm polarity contacts on the inner thigh muscles release anterior and lateral shoulder
Advanced Search
muscles. Contacts nearer to the knees, reflex higher on neck. Firm contacts can also be made
on the outside of the thighs in the same manner to release posterior neck muscles.
Index of Transcribed Charts

Supplemental Essays

Contact Us


"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

The legs are pulled up by the hands, then extended and lowered. This raises the body. Repeat.

Book 4, Chart 11 ~ Book 4, Chart 13

Book 4, "Explanation of Chart No. 12"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.

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Index of Transcribed Charts

ave you always wanted to quickly wade through Dr. Stone's
Supplemental Essays material for something but couldn't quite remember where to
look? Well now you can!
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Acknowledgements Enter a keyword here ☆ Anatomy of a search

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
result ☆

Useful Search Tips

DigitalDrStone! Advanced Search

☆ Search by Chart Number / Index

☆ Search by Alphabetized Keywords

If you are interested in a more precise search query, take a look at the
Advanced Search function. Moreover, if you plan on making precise
queries frequently, it may be in your interest to learn some of the
search jargon within Useful Search Tips instead of using the
Advanced Search option each time.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Supplemental Essays and Advancements in

Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index
Doctor Stone wrote during the mid-20th century. Science and
technology have advanced considerably since then, as has our
Advanced Search
understanding of the human body and the myriad systems that work in
and around us. Here you will find further information that applies our
Index of Transcribed Charts modern knowledge to Dr. Stone's writings and Polarity Therapy.
Supplemental Essays
Autonomic Nervous System Terminology - by John Chitty
Contact Us Differentiating between the different nervous systems in the human
body, and disambiguation between how those terms were used in the
Acknowledgements 1950's versus how they are used today.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
The Three Principles and Five Elements - by John Chitty
Disambiguation between "Fire" and "Water" as Principles or as
Support Elements.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any problems with this site, or any ideas
Search Instructions on how to improve it. We look forward to hearing from you.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search Lori Olcott: email

Index of Transcribed Charts

Supplemental Essays

Contact Us


"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.

We would like to thank all the people who have donated their time, efforts and resources to this
Search Instructions project. It wouldn't have been possible without the many hands that made light this work. Know
Alphabetized Index that your efforts have enriched the fields of Polarity Therapy and Human Energy Studies around
Advanced Search the world. Thank you. Danke. Namaste.

Index of Transcribed Charts John Chitty - for asking, "How can we make this more accessible?" and providing the initial
resources to make it happen
Supplemental Essays Lori Olcott - for asking, "Why don't we do it?" and taking on the organizational, design and
formatting tasks
Contact Us David Harel - for asking, "What else do you need?" and offering the technical support that
brought this information to you today
And to the following people - for asking, "Can we help too?" and doing the transcriptions and
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes proof-reading, bringing Dr. Stone's work to the web:

Support John Chitty Matt Goodhart David Harel Debra Kloor

Leal Lauderbaugh Ann Montague Lori Olcott Barry Ryan

Lynn Thoré Cindy Williams

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Dr. Stone's "Bumper Sticker" Quotes

Sometimes a sentence or turn of phrase in Dr. Stone's work is so full

Search Instructions of philosophy and food for thought, sums up a concept so concisely, or
Alphabetized Index so inspires a whole new way of seeing something, that it makes you
Advanced Search say, "That would make a great bumper sticker!"

Index of Transcribed Charts If you have a bumper sticker moment while reading these charts, let us
know! Here are some of the ones submitted thus far. Who knows, one
Supplemental Essays of your favorites may become a real bumper sticker.

Contact Us Service without love is work. - Dr. Randolph Stone

Acknowledgements God geometrizes. - Vol. 1, Book 1, Pg. 22; Vol. 1, Book 2, Chart 11;
Vol. 1, Book 3, Pg. 52; Vol. 2, Book 4, Pg. 51
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
Running water clears itself. - Vol. 1, Book 1, Pg. 60; Vol. 1, Book 1,
Pg. 85
DigitalDrStone! Space and grace are Nature's ace. - Vol. 1, Book 1, Pg. 69

The senses open the way, and the motor impulses obey - Vol. 1, Book
1, Pg. 70

Merely telling the patient to relax is useless. - Vol. 1, Book 1, Pg. 87

Our mind conditions our experience. - Vol. 1, Book 1, Pg. 91

Science has no measure for life. - Vol. 1, Book 2, Pg. 1

The whole constitution of man must be taken into consideration, not

merely the treating of the body as a chemical or mechanical machine. -
Vol. 1, Book 2, Pg. 2

Only practice conquers and accomplishes. - Vol. 1, Book 2, Chart 63

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Daily practice does it. - Vol. 1, Book 2, Chart 64
Award" 2012
That which serves best, is best. - Vol. 1, Book 3, Pg. 2

Obstacles are God's design ~ To make a man with a spine. - Vol. 1,

Book 3, Pg. 30

It is best for man to work with Nature and to be in tune with Nature
and with God instead of giving in to his own desires to control
anything besides himself. - Vol. 1, Book 3 Appendix, Pg. 114

Life flows from above downward, and structure supports function

from below upward. - Vol. 2, Book 4, Pg. 3

Even as the tiny atom is a universe in itself, so is man. - Vol. 2, Book

4, Pg. 44

Faith coupled with effort always gets results. - Vol. 2, Book 4, Pg. 48

It appears that all our effort has been spent on research in matter, and
none on Life itself. - Vol. 2, Book 5, Pg. 3

An injury to physical tissue repairs with time and rest, while mental
injuries require a new vision and viewpoint. - Vol. 2, Book 5, Pg. 23

Conscious growth only comes through whole-hearted attention to an

ideal or objective. - Vol. 2, Book 5, Pg. 27

The true doctor should know Life, feel it and understand its pattern of
flow, ... the same as he knows his anatomy. - Vol. 2, Book 5, Pg. 27

Energy flow is the primary factor. - Vol. 2, Book 5, Pg. 27

We have utterly lost our way in matter and over-valued it. - Vol. 2,
Book 5, Pg. 27-28

Causes are primary factors to correct. - Vol. 2, Book 5, Pg. 30

The neck is a cross road of the main vital currents, downward and
upward. - Vol. 2, Book 5, Pg. 52

It is not by strength nor by might, but by skill that we succeed. - Vol.

2, Book 5, Pg. 59

It is a process of floating with the Universal Currents on the Waters of

Life. Our little boat cannot help but float to the other shore if Truth
and Service are steering it to its goal. - Vol. 2, Book 5, Pg. 72

May this work reach the seekers who are looking for a deeper
perspective of a common denominator in the healing art, to push it
along in keeping with all the atomic discoveries of today. The health
and well-being of the people should not be neglected. It should really
be the first concern of the scientists, doctors and educators. Without
health and happiness, all our modern conveniences are of little comfort
to us. - Vol. 2, Book 5, Pg. 77

All chronic conditions must become acute by increased energy and

circulation before restoration of normal tissue is possible. - Vol. 2,
Book 5, Pg. 78

What the doctor's mind cannot conceive, that, he cannot relieve. - Vol.
2, Book 5, Pg. 87

Man endures - Nature cures. - Vol. 2, Book 5, Pg. 97

Energy is the real substance behind the appearance of matter and

forms. - Vol. 2, Book 6, Pg. 4

Life exists as the result of tension between two extremes - male and
female - positive and negative - yang and yin - pingala and ida - right
and left breath - qualitative and quantitative. - Vol. 2, Book 6, Pg. 4

What the needles can do, the hands can do better. - Vol. 2, Book 6, Pg.

Life itself is a paradox, which comforts while it mocks. - Vol. 2, Book

6, Pg. 19

If we really want health, we must be willing to work for it. - Health

Building, Pg. 7 and Pg. 16

Those who are destined to look for true health will find it. - Health
Building, Pg. 9

We are what we eat and drink ~ What we feel and what we think. -
Health Building, Pg. 15

We will become that which we contemplate. - Health Building, Pg. 16

We cannot think negative thoughts and reap positive results. - Health

Building, Pg. 16

Health is not merely of the body, it is one in all. - Health Building, Pg.

Be an artist and an architect of your own house, your temple, your

body and your mind. - Health Building, Pg. 18
Creation has an outward purpose for the body and an inward purpose
for the soul. - Health Building, Pg. 21

Clear thinkers try to find the causes, while the average look for
escapes from effects. - Health Building, Pg. 27

Don't treat disease; treat the individual. - Health Building, Pg. 47

Is it not possible for man to keep well by doing a few simple things
daily and living less strenuously? The answer is yes. - Health
Building, Pg. 101

If external cleanliness is said to be next to Godliness, what could real

internal cleanliness accomplish? - Health Building, Pg. 102

There must be pioneers for every new idea, or our world would
stagnate and become utterly uninteresting. - Health Building, Pg. 103

We live either by an inner faith or are guided by outer circumstances.

Which is our path and on what do we depend as our guiding star? -
Health Building, Pg. 110

The greatest mystery in the universe is man himself. - Health Building,

Pg. 113

Never force anything, physically or mentally. - Health Building, Pg.


Nature's way is gentle growth. - Health Building, Pg. 123

Could not all the grown-ups in this "Kindergarten of Life" adopt the
same procedure of natural, soulful living? - Health Building, Pg. 142

Ninety per cent of pain is emotional. - Health Building, Pg. 144

Health is movement. Disease is fixation.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
"In this age of over specialization, with emphasis on
Keyword chemistry, bacteriology, and mechanical and surgical
research, we have lost sight of the over-all picture of man
Search Instructions as a living being with lines of force working in fields of
Alphabetized Index
finer energies."
- Dr. Randolph Stone
Advanced Search

Dr. Randolph Stone, DO, DC, ND

Index of Transcribed Charts (1890-1981), was an American
Osteopath born in Austria. He created
Supplemental Essays Polarity Therapy as a synthesis of
western medicine and eastern wisdom
Contact Us traditions. In his fifty years of general
medical practice in Chicago, he
Acknowledgements developed a deep understanding of the
subtle principles underlying wellness
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
and disease.

Support Beginning in 1948, Stone self-

DigitalDrStone! published a series of books and
pamphlets to explain his ideas and
methods. Unfortunately his writing
style and information organization were not linear. Topics appear
sprinkled throughout the whole of the work and no indexing was done.
In addition, much of the text was presented in hand-lettered charts,
thus making it inaccessible to optical character recognition software.
All these factors have combined to make scholarly study of the whole
of Dr. Stone's work difficult at best.

This project is intended to make Dr. Stone's Polarity Therapy more

accessible by converting everything into a digital, searchable, and
indexed format. The Associate Polarity Practitioner Class of 2010 at
the Colorado School of Energy Studies laboriously transcribed all the
hand-lettered charts as a gift to the worldwide Polarity Therapy
community. Our hope is that holistic health scholars everywhere will
benefit from full access to Dr. Stone's material.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 Because of his background and the era in which he wrote, Dr. Stone
used some European spellings and (now) out-dated phrases in his
texts. In the spirit of preserving his original work, we have kept these
spellings and phrases exactly as Dr. Stone first published them. But to
make searches more intuitive for modern researchers, modern
variations are included in brackets following the original text (e.g.,
"psoas magnus [psoas major]"). Call-out points and notes within
illustrations are included either as lists next to the illustration or as
notes at the bottom of each page, thus making their words searchable
as well.

This project also included creating additional keywords and editorial

notes for the transcribed charts, and offering numerous other
supportive resources and tools. Its growth is ongoing and new features
are being contemplated. To enable free access for users, this "Stone-
ipedia" is supported by donations large and small, sponsorships,
referrals and advertising. Please use the links provided if you feel
moved to help this project grow and flourish by patronizing the
vendors who are contributing, or contact us with any questions about
If you have any difficulties with this site, or any ideas on how to
improve it and make the information even more accessible, please feel
free to contact us and let us know. Otherwise, happy searching!

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 4

Chart No. 13 - Fig. 1. Release of Pattern Energy Blocks in the Cerebro-Spinal

[Cerebrospinal] Fluid.
Fig. 2. Structural Bipolar Release of Respiratory Muscles.

Click thumbnail for original image. A rhythmic stimulating double contact over the
brachial plexus and phrenic nerves for
diaphragmatic response. Also a light steady contact
in an upward direction over the spinous processes of
Keyword the 4-5-6 and 7th dorsal [fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh
thoracic, T4, T5, T6, T7] vertabrae [vertebrae] with
Search Instructions the cushion and thumb of the right hand to release
and conduct the vital throbbing pulsating breath
Alphabetized Index
pattern energy of mind substance active in the
Advanced Search
cerebro-spinal [cerebrospinal] fluid.

Index of Transcribed Charts

Structural bipolar contacts on hip and
Supplemental Essays shoulder muscles for tension release of
respiratory muscles.
Contact Us
Muscular contraction over the anterior
Acknowledgements superior spine of the ilium [ASIS] is often
the cause of the anterior innominate [hip]
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes and sacrum on that side. Pain and tension
over the arm marked X usually accompany
Support this symptom. Heavy inhibiting muscular
DigitalDrStone! polarity contacts on both areas marked X
over the arm and close to the anterior
superior spine [ASIS] with a flat thumb
contact releases this anteriority without any
pelvic adjustment. It is a revelation when
both areas are released simultaneously. One
alone will not do it. Polarity tension is the
primary impulse behind muscular tension
which causes rotation and spinal distortions.
This polarity release is done best with the
patient on the back.

Book 4, Chart 12 ~ Book 5, Chart 1

Book 4, "Explanation of Chart No. 13"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles &
Vitality Balance

Further Explorations of
Search Instructions
Polarity Principles & Techniques
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Illustrated with Nineteen New Charts
Index of Transcribed Charts
Book V
Supplemental Essays
of Dr. Stone's Complete Collected Works on
Contact Us
Polarity Therapy
Acknowledgements i
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 1 - The Vital Creative Flame

(A) Downward flame

(B) Upward flame

Click thumbnail for original image.


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Index of Transcribed Charts

Supplemental Essays (C) The diamond soul

Contact Us (D) The balanced vital flame with the jewel of

sound in the center

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Book 4, Chart 13 ~ Book 5, Chart 2

Book 5, "Explanation of Chart No. 1"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 2 - Structural Balance Functional Contacts

As above, so below

Energy impulses flow

Click thumbnail for original image. downward and outward.
Sensory and structural
reflexes flow upward and
inward. The geometric
proportion of two ends
depends on polarity currents
Search Instructions for balance between them
Alphabetized Index and with gravity outside.
Advanced Search Gravity is but the mirror to
show polarity distortions.
Index of Transcribed Charts
Dotted lines are contact
Supplemental Essays points for pelvic therapy, for
prostate, bladder, uterus and
Contact Us lower back pains. (See Chart
No. 8 on page 81 and pages
Acknowledgements 82, 83 and 84 in Book I.)

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

(A) Ganglion of impar


Illustration Keywords: sphenoid, occiput, 1C [C1], 2C [C2], 3C [C3], 4C [C4], 5C [C5], 6C

[C6], 7C [C7], 1D [T1], 10D [T10], 11D [T11], 12D [T12], 1L [L1], 2L [L2], 3L [L3], 4L
[L4], 5L [L5], sacrum, coccyx, cervical, dorsal [thoracic], lumbar

Book 5, Chart 1 ~ Book 5, Chart 3

Book 5, "Explanation of Chart No. 2"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 3 - Energy Circuits

Two circuits, in opposite directions, make a gyroscope of balance in the body. They are waves
of electromagnetic surface tension lines. There are five sensory and five motor energy currents
to which these lines correspond.

Click thumbnail for original image.

(A) Right anterior

(B) Right posterior


(C) Left posterior

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Alphabetized Index (D) Left anterior
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Index of Transcribed Charts

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


The soles of the feet and the palms of the hands correspond to the anterior part of the body in
this position. The back of the hands and the top of the feet react on the posterior bony and
muscular structures.

(A) Anterior poles go to the back of the legs

(B) Posterior field poles go to the front of the legs

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012 Figure 3 shows a change in polarity potential in the fields
below the buttocks. The firm anterior thigh muscles and the
femur laterally polarize with the body posteriorly. This does
not change the surface lines.
Book 5, Chart 2 ~ Book 5, Chart 4

Book 5, "Explanation of Chart No. 3"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 4 - Foundation Circuits

Fig. 1 shows the ligaments and connective

tissue in their position for polarity response
to influence the entire body posture. This is
Click thumbnail for original image. the foundation for structural correction.
Elastic feet with a springy step indicate
good vitality.

(A) Head
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index (B) Neck
Advanced Search
(C) Shoulders
Index of Transcribed Charts
(D) Throat, thyroid, goiter
Supplemental Essays
(E) Kidney
Contact Us
(F) Colon
(G) Sacrum
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Fig. 2 shows muscles and tendons which assist in posture conditioning and in functional
responses through polarity stimulation. "As below, so above."

Structures rest on foundations which must yield to the total impulse in motion.

(A) Tonsils

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service (B) Throat

Award" 2012
(C) Occiput

(D) Lungs

(E) Diaphragm

(F) Liver
(G) Kidneys

(H) Colon also top of foot

(I) Umbilicus, intestines

(J) Pelvis

(K) Uterus

(L) Bladder

(M) Prostate

Body centers found in the feet. Compare with Chart No. 4 in "Wireless Anatomy", Book 2.

Book 5, Chart 3 ~ Book 5, Chart 5

Book 5, "Explanation of Chart No. 4"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 5 - Acute Reflexes

The circle in the lower portion of the hand gives the polarity position of the umbilicus in this
extremity. Everything above it corresponds to the area of the umbilicus in the body; and
below the circle, everything below the umbilicus. See Chart No. 4 in Book 2. It is all mapped
out there and can easily be seen. The wrist corresponds to the pelvis on that side. This
Click thumbnail for original image. illustration gives a fine picture of it. The soft palm area represents the anterior sensitive
structure of the body.


(A) Head
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Alphabetized Index (B) Face
Advanced Search
(C) Throat
Index of Transcribed Charts
(D) Shoulders
Supplemental Essays
(E) Thyroid, goiter
Contact Us
(F) Heart
(G) Stomach
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
(H) Umbilicus
DigitalDrStone! (I) Pelvis

The hands have a similar reflex as the feet only they are neuter [neutral] poles which react to
acute conditions and leave very sore spots to be balanced. The nails correspond to the teeth.
Neuralgias can be relieved by pressure at the root of the nails.

The back of the hand corresponds to the back of the body in its bony similarity. The regions
for centers of response are the same as the front illustrations, only these are posterior.

(A) Teeth, neuralgia release

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service (B) 3 [Three] molars

Award" 2012
(C) 2 [Two] bicuspids

(D) 1 [One] canine

(E) 2 [Two] incisors

(F) Neck

(G) Throat
(H) Back of Shoulders

(I) Heart

(J) Kidney

(K) Sigmoid

(L) Circulation, 7th cervical [seventh

cervical, C7], back of the neck

(M) Stomach

(N) Sacrum

Book 5, Chart 4 ~ Book 5, Chart 6

Book 5, "Explanation of Chart No. 5"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 6 - Evolution Position of the Energy Fields of the Body.

This is brought about by a reversal of the attention currents of mind energy. It opens the sensory body
fields for response to universal currents, and limits the posterior, personal motor expressions of the

Click thumbnail for original image. It is the opposite of the chart on Involution, illustrated in Book I as the embryonic position of a soul
coming to earth.


Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index Anterior poles of
Advanced Search correspondence

Index of Transcribed Charts Posterior fields of

Supplemental Essays

Contact Us Hip joint


"Bumper Sticker" Quotes The umbilicus


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

Both, the Embryonic Chart on Involution in Book I and this chart on the Evolution Position, reveal
vitality currents of relationships as a further source for the foundation and demonstrable logic for this

Book 5, Chart 5 ~ Book 5, Chart 7

Book 5, "Explanation of Chart No. 6"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 8 - Reflected Vital Geometric Pattern Fields

Creative mind patterns emanated as fields below creativeness is expressed as latent vital
function. Mind patterns form the keynote of body construction, reflected from above,
downward, by placing the skull in the four regions of the body. The same regions are
indicated as ovals in Chart No. 1 in Book 2, and in Chart No. 6 in Book 3.

Click thumbnail for original image. Mind is expressed as subconscious function through the four polarized energy fields in the
body. In ancient wisdom the creative mind pattern was considered the crown of creation,
called 'Kether' [Keter] in the Cabala [Kabbalah, Kabala]. This complete ideal is stepped down
gradually in five successive waves of emanation, or days of Creation, as described in Genesis.

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Alphabetized Index (A) Speech
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(C) Heart
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(D) Diaphragm
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(E) Liver
(F) Stomach
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
(G) Colon
Support (H) Kidney
(I) Parietal bone

(J) Temporal bone

(K) Generative organs, prostate, pubic bone

The locations in the body are the land or fields referred to in the Bible and in Book 1. The
energy currents flow through the center of each oval also called a 'chakra' or a whirling disk of
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service By placing the skull in each field we can see the exact representative areas and functions of
Award" 2012 the head expressed in the body organism as vital mind current function in matter, through four
stages or elements as four rivers of supply, for sustenance and function.

Book 5, Chart 7 ~ Book 5, Chart 9

Book 5, "Explanation of Chart No. 8"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 9 - Vital Posture Balance

Motor Balance Position: Note the two hands

clasped over the back of the head, balancing
the positive motor pole with the neuter
Click thumbnail for original image. [neutral] palms of the hands. The mild
stretch relaxes the spinal muscles.


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Contact Us Fig. 2 - Crossing the legs and hands balances the

neuter [neutral] and negative poles. It has a quieting
Acknowledgements sensory affect.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Fig. 3 - The ideal neutral position Squatting Posture,

plus local special sense balancing through the finger
locations: Thumbs in the ears, the first finger lightly
over the eyes, the middle finger over the nose, the
ring finger over the mouth and the little finger on
the chin. It is a posture of the wise men of old.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012
Additional Keywords: motor balance posture, sensory balance posture, wise man of old

Book 5, Chart 8 ~ Book 5, Chart 10

Book 5, "Explanation of Chart No. 9"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 10 - Simplified Gravity Test Board

Also refer to Chart No. 10 in Book 3, 'Polarity Therapy' and pages 62, 63, 64, 65 & 66
therein. The principle and application are fully explained there. The reason for giving this
chart is the newly simplified construction for a better posture position, allowing the feet to be
farther apart, which not only saves time but enables the patient to stand more securely.
Click thumbnail for original image.
(A) Back

(B) Front

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The board is 24" [twenty-four
Alphabetized Index inches] long and 12" [twelve inches]
Advanced Search wide. The center divider is of wood,
2 ½" [two and a half inches] wide
Index of Transcribed Charts and 2" [two inches] high, with a line
in the center for sighting from the
Supplemental Essays string which is fastened to some
object above or to the ceiling and to
Contact Us the spring on the board. The cross
piece is 1" [one inch] thick, runs the
Acknowledgements width of the board and is also 2"
[two inches] high.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
The patient stands at the front end of the board, facing the front, placing the heels snugly
against the cross piece and each foot snugly against the center piece.
DigitalDrStone! The doctor sits facing the back of the board, at the end where the string is fastened to the
spring, and keeps the string sighted with the center. He then marks the exact place where the
string falls on the patient's back, with a skin pencil or crayon. He also marks the hollow spots
with a minus (-) sign and the prominent areas where the tissues bulge, with a plus (+) sign.
This merely indicates what is to be done when the patient is lying on the table where the
structural relationship may be reversed or changed when off gravity. The doctor proceeds to
make the polarity contacts for equalization or balancing of the plus and minus areas with the
center line of gravity.

Book 5, Chart 9 ~ Book 5, Chart 11

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 11 - Vital Kidney Balance

Fig. 1: Contact with the thumb of the right

hand on the kidney area on the sole of the
Click thumbnail for original image. foot, shown in Chart No. 4. The other hand on
the cuboid bone on the outside.


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Fig. 2: Flexion of the foot to bring the lesion to the
Contact Us surface under tension.


"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Fig. 3: Combine it with the back contact

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Award" 2012

Fig. 4: One contact on the kidney pole area with the thumb of one hand on the calf of the leg;
the other contact with the heel of the other hand on the 11th and 12th dorsal [eleventh and
twelfth thoracic, T11, T12] on the same side of the body.

Book 5, Chart 10 ~ Book 5, Chart 12

Book 5, "Explanation of Chart No. 11"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 12 - Superior-Inferior Vital Balancing

Fig. 1 illustrates a contact with the right hand in a firm grip on the heel bone, with the thumb
above and the index finger below. The left hand is on the occiput and atlas area. Top and bottom
are being balanced. Both are weak spots & need release often.

Click thumbnail for original image.


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Fig. 2 shows how any area on the calf of the leg, the leg, or the heel can be treated and balanced
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from a side position, while the doctor sits down. The thumb contact is firm in both applications.
Supplemental Essays Sacral and occipital contacts can also be made in this position.

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Sacral-occipital contacts can also be made per dotted lines on Fig. 2

Fig. 3 depicts a thyroid release contact just above the ankle with one hand, and a gentle lift
under the collar bone with the other. Also work the calf contact firmly for action below.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

A sketch of the joints as vital, interrelated contact points. The jaw, the heel and the hip contacts
are most effective for mumps. Even without touching the tender jaw, balancing the other tender
spots in joints brings instant relief.
Book 5, Chart 11 ~ Book 5, Chart 13

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 13 - Vital Colon Balance

Balancing vital energy currents is the art of stimulating the lagging field and inhibiting the
opposite pole of excess accumulation of energy.

Click thumbnail for original image.


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Index of Transcribed Charts Balancing the hepatic flexure of colon with the arm pole
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Balancing cecum [caecum] with its upper and lower poles in the legs, by two different contacts
below, as shown - one above the knee & one on the leg.

Top and bottom of foot (colon area)

balanced with the leg pole

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012
Neck and lower cervical balance with the hepatic flexure of the colon
Promoting or restoring a current flow in any triune polarity circuit is vital balancing. These
functioning energies flow in rhythm with the vital breath which penetrates all tissue for living

Book 5, Chart 12 ~ Book 5, Chart 14

Book 5, "Explanation of Chart No. 13"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 14 - Vital Pelvic and Foot Balancing

Fig. 1 Contacts on the inside of the heel bones for

prostatic release, balancing the right with the left
Click thumbnail for original image. negative pole.


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Releasing the central vertical lock in the big toe joint on both
Supplemental Essays sides.
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Fig. 3: Deep contact along the coccyx, pushing superior and posterior for ganglion of impar
balancing with spinal nerves. Dotted lines are outer contacts.

Fig. 4: A prostatic contact, upward,

directly behind the symphysis pubis
[pubic symphysis]. Left thumb works
out hip soreness in the posterior pole.

Book 5, Chart 13 ~ Book 5, Chart 15

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 15 - Vital Spinal Balancing Vertical and Lateral

Fig. 1 shows the finger position in the double

contacts, 1 & 2 [one and two], for a superior-
Click thumbnail for original image. inferior balance per Chart No. 2.


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Contact Us Fig. 2 contact is on the 5th lumbar [fifth

lumbar, L5] and 1st cervical [first cervical,
Acknowledgements C1]. It takes the knee support to make the
lower contact firm, also for occipital and
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes sacral contacts.

Dotted lines on head and hip in Fig. 2 are

Support for parietal contact with innominate [hip]
DigitalDrStone! contact.

Fig. 3 shows a double, lateral contact for

balancing one side with the other.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012
Fig. 4 shows position of both hands for spinal contacts - above and below -
per figures 1 & 2

Book 5, Chart 14 ~ Book 5, Chart 16

Book 5, "Explanation of Chart No. 15"

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 16 - Balancing Sphenoid and Coccyx Vital Currents

A neuter [neutral] contact at the root of the

nose, for the superior anterior pole through
Click thumbnail for original image. the sphenoid, the ethmoid & the nasal

The inferior contact is made with the

middle, positive finger of the other hand on
the tip of the coccyx.
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See Chart No. 18 in this book for
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A lateral contact with the thumb on the right
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes wing of the sphenoid bone. The inferior
contact is made with the middle finger of
the left hand, with a gentle pressure on the
Support left side of the coccyx. When the superior
DigitalDrStone! contact is on the left side of the head, the
inferior contact will be made on the right
side of the coccyx. The lateral currents cross
over, so these contacts are made on opposite
sides of the body.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Fig. 3 shows firm finger contacts on both
Award" 2012 sides of the laminae together with a gentle
stretch for tension release and current flow,
without adjustment. For adjustments, see
Book 2, Charts 45 to 50 [Charts No. 45, 46,
47, 48, 49, 50].
Book 5, Chart 15 ~ Book 5, Chart 17

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 17 - Balancing Occiput and Sacrum With the Neck, Back and Leg
Polarity Fields

Fig. 1: A - Contact on the occiput is made with the thumb on the sorest spot on that side. The
fingers may rest on the head, or may be extended like an aerial.

Click thumbnail for original image. B - The hand on the back can be used with the upper or the lower contact.

C - The right thumb contacts the apex of the sacrum on the anterior side of the body, indicated by
the plumb line.

--- are contact points

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes (D) Only thumb

(E) The great sacro sciatic [sacrosciatic] notch contact

DigitalDrStone! C - contact is deep, alongside the coccyx, in an upward, lifting direction, with a slight outward
angle toward the shoulder. Dotted lines on head and hip in Fig. 2 are for parietal contact with
innominate [hip] contact.

Fig. 2: Contacts A & B are similar to that shown in Fig. 1. This is the posterior side of the body.
Contact C is therefore on the posterior sacro iliac [sacroiliac] articulation with the thumb and the
fingers, in a gentle, lifting grip on the glutei, like taking a handful of muscles, pressing downward
and inferiorly with the thumb, like a pull.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

(D) Thyroid

Fig. 3: Illustrates a sphenoid contact above, the same as in the sitting-up position. The middle
finger of the right hand is on right side of the coccyx, pushing toward the middle. The dots and
arrows on the legs are all contact points for any combination, with superior or central contacts on
the body.
(A) Liver (C) Colon areas

(B) Gall bladder (D) Stomach

Book 5, Chart 16 ~ Book 5, Chart 18

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 18 - Occiput and Sacrum, Sphenoid and Coccyx Relationships

Fig. 1 shows the sphenoid bone areas on the skull,

anteriorly, and the great wings, laterally. It is known
Click thumbnail for original image. that even a light pressure on the eyeballs changes
the pulse beat. Whether the sphenoid is a factor in
this is not yet determined.

The great wing on each side of the head is a contact

point for balancing the spinal current with the
coccyx on the opposite side. Being on the side of
Search Instructions the head, the current crosses over to the other side,
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Fig. 2: The top of the head, at the sutures,
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes marked 'X', is also a free thumb contact
point for the central axis current in the body,
together with a gentle contact on the tip of
the coccyx with the middle finger of the
other hand. The right hand below favors the
upward, return current from the positive
finger of the positive hand, to the neuter
[neutral] thumb of the left or negative hand.
Reversing the hands, favors the downward
impulse of energy waves.

The relationship of the occiput and the

sacrum, and the sphenoid and the coccyx is
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service illustrated here as a continuation of
Award" 2012 articulations. Response of currents to
contacts verifies this geometric
arrangement, from the top of the spine to the
bottom, as shown in Chart No. 2 in this

--- = Contact points in center and on both sides.

Right side of coccyx, left sphenoid.

Book 5, Chart 17 ~ Book 5, Chart 19

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 19 - Posterior Relationship of the Head, Neck and Back to the Feet

The tops of the feet have a powerful

influence on the back, through the
exact regions of correspondences
Click thumbnail for original image.
shown here. Many back pains can be
relieved by a firm contact on both
areas at the same time, thus
balancing the vital energy currents.

This works through the polarity

Search Instructions principle of energy flow, as vital
Alphabetized Index circuits in the body. They are the
Advanced Search fetal pattern currents which built the
body and maintain it. Both hands
Index of Transcribed Charts can be placed in the same position
on the back to reveal their polarity
Supplemental Essays fields. See Chart No. 4 in Book 2.

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Additional Keywords: C7, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, L1, L2, L3, L4,

Book 5, Chart 18 ~ Book 6, Chart 1

Book 5, "Explanation of Chart No. 19"

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Book 6: Body Balance Through
Evolutionary Energy Currents and
Body Balance Through
Supplementary Publications
Evolutionary Energy
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Twenty-Five Charts
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Supplemental Essays Illustrating Polarity Principles & Techniques

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Polarity Therapy Principles & Practice

Energy Tracing
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012
Private Notes for Polarity Therapy

A Brief Explanation of the Emerald

Tablet of Hermes
NOTE: All of Dr. Stone's writings not included in this 2-volume set
are available in the new edition of Health Building: The Conscious
Art of Living Well, which includes most of his writings on diet and

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 1 - Evolutionary Energy Series

Evolutionary mind energy flows from the mind principle over the brain and the nervous system
as primary energy waves. Second, as conducted impulses over insulated nerves like wires for all
specific physiological function. This series of evolutionary energy charts show mind and life
impulses flowing over the body like waves. They look like a wheel within a wheel almost as the
Click thumbnail for original image. prophet Ezekiel saw them with life enthroned in the center.[1] The fiery life center in the
umbilicus links the energies into physical life through the umbilical cord from the mother into
the embryo. It is this cycle of nourishment and energy which built the embryo in a perfect
neutral position in the womb. When the cord is cut, the baby is an individual and functions on
Keyword the perpetuation of this energy cycle by taking nourishment direct. This primary vital impulse is
the most important fiery element in our life for digestion of food, assimilation, elimination and
Search Instructions oxidation. These are the healing repairing and building faculties in our bodies. They are utilized
Alphabetized Index
as a therapy to keep this vital energy flowing when obstructed in illness and by disease. It is
truly a vital approach to release vital forces prior to chemistry and mechanics.
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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Fishes are the sign of Pisces and show the direction of the current flow.
Award" 2012
Standing on the right side and making a right hand whirl, the currents travel downward in front
and upward on the back. Standing on the left side they travel upward in front and downward on
the back. There is a crossover in each oval center where the currents polarize as the caduceus
currents of the sun and moon energy or the right and left breath through each nostril.

See Charts No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 60 in "Wireless Anatomy."

Illustration Keywords: first lumbar [L1]

1 Ezekiel 1:15-18

Book 5, Chart 19 ~ Book 6, Chart 2

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 2 - Evolutionary Radiating Vital Energy Which Sustains All Body
Functions. Anterior Waves from the Center Out and Contacts from the
Umbilicus. Other Sensory Centers for Contacts - the Perineum, Uvula, Top of
Head, Palms of Hands, Soles of Feet.

Click thumbnail for original image.

Thighs and upper arms are digestive
reflexes and forearms and calves of legs are
chest and lung reflexes.

(A) Red vital currents of energy flow as the

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fire of life and nourishment. The center of
Alphabetized Index digestion, assimilation, elimination and
Advanced Search oxidation.

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Light pressure with a gentle sensory type
Supplemental Essays touch contact on polarity centers is relaxing
and soothing to nervous patients and to
Contact Us overstimulated and irritated tissues. Tense
perineal muscles are chronic emotional
Acknowledgements reflexes
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Motor joint areas can be used with sensory
contacts to balance both. See Chart No. 4 -
page 45 in "Polarity Therapy"
DigitalDrStone! The emotions are the neutral etheric life
principle and the involutionary actions and
reactions of the vegetative nervous system.
They constitute the unconscious cellular life impulses and behavior. Tenderness on tip of
spinous process shows a congestion in the meninges and a stagnation in the cerebro spinal
[cerebrospinal] fluid as the central core action from the life principle in the ventricles of the
brain. Lack of oxidation stagnates the life fluids because of insufficient radiation of the fiery
life energy mixed with air to fan it. Polarizing the brain faculties from the right to the left half
can be done for balancing or stimulating action. (Taught in class work).

Book 6, Chart 1 ~ Book 6, Chart 3

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 3 - Posterior Motor Currents Vital Energy. Second and Third
Lumbar Space Is the Body Weight Center. Seven Joint Contacts for Motor
Current Release. Also Contacts on Back of Hand and Top of Feet to Correspond
to the Spinal Motor Area.

Click thumbnail for original image. See Chart No. 59 - page 80 in "Wireless

Also Chart No. 5 - page 48 in "Polarity


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(B) Sacrum
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Supplemental Essays Firm pressure with motion or rhythmic

vibration is stimulating to tissues and
Contact Us produces better circulation and lymphatic
drainage. The airy mind principle is the
Acknowledgements voluntary impulse for motion and exertion.
It expresses itself through the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes parasympathetic nervous system as a
braking impulse to balance the mental
emotional exuberation.
DigitalDrStone! Vertebral soreness and tension are local
indicators of the nerve current interference
by lack of drainage of the fluids and waste
accumulation in the local tissue and organs
supplied by that nerve center. Tenderness
over the transverse process of any vertebrae
indicates sympathetic nerve response to local reaction of the tissues supplied by that center.
This needs a gentle touch to balance it with the sympathetic chain from the centers above and
below. Tension over the transverse process of any vertebrae needs a heavy pressure contact
and a balancing with motor centers as well as the parasympathetic centers in the perineum for
emotional and mind currents release.

Book 6, Chart 2 ~ Book 6, Chart 4

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 4 - Evolutionary Treatment Applied

It distributes the fiery energy of digestion, aids circulation and current flow.

A single contact on the sole of the foot can also be used with the umbilical contact

Click thumbnail for original image. The umbilicus is the potential life center from birth

Excellent therapy for heart, kidneys and digestive organs

The umbilical contact releases the fire of oxidation and circulation from the center to the
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(A) Directional energy flow contact points
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This is a very effective treatment for
Supplemental Essays sciatica. The relaxation in the groins
relieves the anterior muscle tenslon and
Contact Us paIn.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

Thumb is sunk well down without force into umbilicus and directional pressure given. Avoid
pressure on the abdominal aorta on left side of umbilicus.

(A) Umbilicus

Single contacts for each side

- knee and umbilicus or foot
and umbiucus. Use a firm
contact on knee or foot, with
or without motion.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012
Book 6, Chart 3 ~ Book 6, Chart 5

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 5 - Horizontal Diagnostic Areas

Left hand diagnostic areas of tenderness of motor and sympathetic circulatory energy flow.
Acute symptoms also include the nails, their color, curves, thickness, spots and ridges.

For anterior vertical diagnostic areas see Chart No. 4 - page 11. "Wireless Anatomy"
Click thumbnail for original image.
(A) Upper half of head

(B) Lower half of back of head


(C) Neck
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(E) Prostate or uterus
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(F) Perineum, rectum
Supplemental Essays
(G) Kidneys, duodenum
Contact Us
(H) Jejunum, ilium [ileum], colon
(I) Diaphragm, respiration, lungs,
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes heart

(J) Brachial plexus, currents to

Support heart, stomach
(K) Sacrum

(A) Forehead

(B) Face

(C) Throat

(D) Thyroid

(E) Chest

(F) Abdomen

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service (G) Umbilicus

Award" 2012
(H) Pelvis

(I) Uterus or prostate, pelvic trouble,

indicates Caeserian [Cesarean, Caesarian] or
birth difficulty for mothers.
Feet show chronic reflexes. Painful joints are important signs of energy blocks. Nail
conditions are as above. They show vital circulation deficiency and sympathetic energy

(A) Head

(B) Neck

(C) Shoulders

(D) Prostate, uterus

(E) Perineum, rectum

(F) Kidneys, duodenum

(G) Jejunum, ilium [ileum], colon

(H) Diaphragm, respiration, lungs, heart

(I) Brachial plexus, currents to heart and


Book 6, Chart 4 ~ Book 6, Chart 6

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 6 - Horizontal Diagnostic Areas

Right hand diagnostic regions of tenderness are acute symptoms of regional energy blocks.

These areas are the horizontal representation of the body as given in Chart No. 3 - page 37
"Polarity Therapy."
Click thumbnail for original image.
For the vertical presentation See Chart No. 4 - page 11 "Wireless Anatomy"

(A) Upper half of head


(B) Lower half of back of head

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(D) Shoulder girdle
Index of Transcribed Charts (E) Seventh cervical [C7]
Supplemental Essays
(F) Brachial plexus, impulse to liver
Contact Us and diaphragm

Acknowledgements (G) Diaphragm, lungs, respiration,

brachial plexus
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
(H) Kidneys, duodenum

Support (I) Jejunum, ilium [ileum], colon

(J) Prostate, uterus

(K) Perineum, rectum

(L) Sacrum

(A) Head

(B) Neck

(C) Shoulders

(D) Brachial plexus, impulses to liver and

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 (E) Diaphragm, lungs, respiration, brachial plexus

(F) Kidneys, duodenum

(G) Jejunum, ilium [ileum], colon

(H) Prostate, uterus

(I) Perineum, rectum

Tender foot areas are old symptoms of energy blocks. The space between the thumbs and first
fingers represents the neck and brachial plexus area in the hand. It is found on the big toe
joint, top and bottom. The thyroid area is on the bottom of the lower joint and the seventh
cervical [C7] circulatory reflex is on top.

Book 6, Chart 5 ~ Book 6, Chart 7

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 7 - Draining the Prostate

By a perineal lifting contact from the outside and also a contact on the heels. Pressure on the
inside of the heels clears the negative pole reflexes of the prostate or uterus. Lifting up the
prostate for draining takes a little more pressure than holding it for release of irritation or
swelling. The center area of the perineum from the symphysis pubis [pubic symphysis] to the
Click thumbnail for original image. rectum is the prostate area for lifting it up for drainage. Make a gentle lifting contact on the
tense muscle fascia lifting toward the head and hold it briefly. The heel pressure is on the area
on the inside of the heel which is the most tender. Hold firmly here. Treat gently according to
tolerance and response.

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The perineal contact is the best treatment for nervousness and hysteria where very gentle
contacts are given as in Charts 30 and 31 in "Wireless Anatomy." The elbow pressure on the
spine is for a combination treatment of the kidneys over the 11th and 12th dorsal [eleventh and
twelfth thoracic, T11, T12] in connection with the perineal contact for the prostatic condition.

Book 6, Chart 6 ~ Book 6, Chart 8

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Award" 2012

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Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 8 - Perineal and Spinal Pressure Therapy

Spinal therapy by pressure in the spinal groove anywhere along the spine on either side, is for
the relaxation of the erector spinea [extensor spinae, sacrospinalis] muscles and inhibition
over the transverse processes which produces a sympathetic reaction and relaxation. Together
with a perineal contact on the same side on the tense perineal muscles, gives marvelous results
Click thumbnail for original image. in lumbago cases, sciatica, liver, stomach and digestive troubles. The second [middle] finger
is used here for perineal contacts. The pressure is made with the elbow on heavy patients and
in severe tensions; otherwise with the thumb.
Treat one side at a time until it
relaxes. A few minutes on one side
Search Instructions
and then the other and repeat. The
Alphabetized Index perineum is the parasympathic
Advanced Search [parasympathetic] response area.
The ganglion of impar and the
Index of Transcribed Charts sympathetic fibres [fibers] on each
side of the coccyx are the contact
Supplemental Essays areas for the sympathetic release at
its negative pole. The positive pole
Contact Us is in the neck behind the angle of the
jaw and the styloid process of the
Acknowledgements temporal bone. Make a gentle
contact here also but of very short
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes duration as these are highly sensitive
Book 6, Chart 7 ~ Book 6, Chart 9

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Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 9 - Drainage of Upper Lymphatics

Sympathetic drainage of the axillary

region and neck stimulates pranic
energy flow also the cervical
ganglions and brachial plexus
Click thumbnail for original image. currents. It clears head congestion in
colds, etc. The doctor stands on one
side and grips the axillary muscles and
the neck muscles on one side with
gentle squeezing alternating rhythmic
movements. It gives a good response
Search Instructions over the upper left rib area of the 3d
Alphabetized Index [3rd, third], 4th [fourth] and 5th [fifth]
Advanced Search ribs where digestive and stomach
reflexes accumulate and are often
Index of Transcribed Charts mistaken for heart pains. On the right
side these areas give gall bladder and
Supplemental Essays liver reflexes and show chemical
disturbance and a lack of oxidation.
Contact Us These conditions are benefitted through the overall polarity circuits as well as the nerve center

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Book 6, Chart 8 ~ Book 6, Chart 10

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 10 - Man and His Finer Atomlike [Atom-like] Energy Potentials

Chakras are nuclei of vibrating spinning etheric energy substance of light and sound currents.

No. 1 the tisra till [tisra til] center or the Ajana [Ajna] chakra is the mysterious third eye. This
center is the meeting place of soul and mind energy in its descent into the body. It is the
Click thumbnail for original image. Gordian Knot of life where the conscious currents and the unconscious impulses meet. Here is
the Armageddon of the soul for control of the direction of energy upward as the path of virtue
and liberation or downward and outward for further involution into the snares of matter and
self satisfaction. It is the mind center of thought control. The sun and moon energy as positive
and negative cosmic breath energy crosses over in the center of each chakra as the
individualized life breath. As the sun and moon travel constantly so does the breath supply all
cells in its rhythmic flow. The central core energy moves by polarization from plus to minus.
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The surface circulation is through radiation like atomic heat waves. This exhausts itself unless
Alphabetized Index
it is sustained from the central core as the tree of life in each section or oval.
Advanced Search
No. 2 the Vishuddha [Vishuddhi] chakra or kanth mandel is in the throat (A). It is in the
Index of Transcribed Charts etheric plane as tattwa [tattva] energy. It is also the positive pole of the prana life current.
Psychologically it is the center of pride and vanity.
Supplemental Essays
No. 3 the Anahata or hridaya [hrit] mandal is the
Contact Us heart center (B). It is the air element of the chest
and lungs. It is also the vian current in the
circulation. The sense of touch and feeling have
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes their center here. The center of greed lies here like
the air enveloping all things.

Support No. 4 the Manipura or Nabhi center, the navel (C).

DigitalDrStone! Here is saman, the fire element which works the
digestive organs as heat under a pot. Red in color.
Anger has its seat here and flies freely.

No. 5 the Swadishtana [Swadhisthana], the indriya

linga [lingam] genital center (D). The water element
- white - also the sense of taste lies here as the
tattwa [tattva] element. The active pole is the
tongue as the positive center. Desire and lust has its
pole here.

No. 6 the Muladhara chakra or gudha mandal is the

rectal center (E). It is the earth element and the seat
of attachment. It is grayish red or yellow. The
tattwas [tattvas] are finer atomic type substances as
oval areas in the body, like plates in a battery with
electriclike [electric-like] prana currents flowing
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service through them.
Award" 2012

Letters [A-E] indicate tattwa [tattva] regions

Numbers are centers of concentrated etheric energy

like [energy-like] ganglions

(F) Central axis sound current

(G) Evolution, regeneration

(H) Involution, generation

(I) Upward and inward current flow

(J) Downward and outward

Illustration Keywords: A, B, C, D, E, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Book 6, Chart 9 ~ Book 6, Chart 11

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 11 - Man's Mental and Spiritual Energy Potentials

The brain with its faculties of intelligence and regions of spirituality were called Kether
[Keter], crown of creation by the Cabalists. In the brain are the prototype of patterns from the
spiritual regions reflected as mind patterns and blueprints in minature [miniature] to be
expressed in creation and life as living forms and qualities. The center and origin of all life
Click thumbnail for original image. and energy are the sound and light currents from higher spiritual regions which the central
axis of intelligence and life as the real essence in all living beings.

[No.] 0 the first center between the eyes is

Keyword called tisra till [tisra til], the Ajana [Ajna]
chakra or the third eye. It is the seat of the
Search Instructions soul when functioning as consciousness.
Alphabetized Index When the mind is stilled here, it is called
Advanced Search ruh or the sanctuary of rest by being still.
Here is the tabernacle of god in man as his
mountain of inspiration and revelation from
Index of Transcribed Charts
higher regions. All saints, saviors and
Supplemental Essays prophets have used this highway to the
spiritual regions. This is the sanctuary and
Contact Us magic mirror where higher creations can be
seen and traveled in on the sound current.
Acknowledgements This center was also mentioned in Arabian
Nights as the Aladdin's lamp found by great
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes effort and many trials.

No. 1 The Sahans dal Kanwall [Sahans dal

Support Kanwal] region or astral plane. From it flow
DigitalDrStone! a thousand energy currents which supply the cosmic functions as well as man.

No. 2 Tirkuti [Trikuti] region or mind energy planes cosmic and individual mind.

No. 3 Daswan Dwar Lok. The soulful region of bliss and intelligence.

No. 4 Banwar Gupha [Bhanwar Gupha] Lok. Whirling energy and swinging in blissful

No. 5 Sach Khand [Sac Khand] or Sat Lok. The eternal sphere, the life region of spiritual
essence and the home of the soul. All regions below are emanated from here. They are not
eternal. This is the home of the pure sound and light currents as Surat and Nirat. The region of

No. 6 Alakh Lok or unpercievable region.

No. 7 Agam Lok. The unknowable region.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 No. 8 Radha Swami Dham [Radhaswami Dham]. The eternal sun of life. Love, truth and all
knowledge. Gyan.

The faculties in the brain in these areas are: 1 Inspiration, 2 Aspiration, 3 Communion-
oneness, 4 Faith, 5 Love, 6 Hope, 7 Truth, 8 Gyan - All knowledge.

Illustration Keywords: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Book 6, Chart 10 ~ Book 6, Chart 12

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 12 - Etheric Atomic Lines of Force in Man

The atom in man and man in the cosmic type atom. The Adam Kadman [Adam Kadmon] of the
Cabbalists [Cabalists] also the sephirotic tree of life. It is similar to the Mercavah [Merkabah,
Merkava, Mercabah] or Chariot of Jehovah, which Ezekiel saw by the river Chebar and said it
was a wheel within a wheel of energy whirls.[1] The lord as spirit energy above and the four
Click thumbnail for original image. divisions of air - fire - water and earth substances typified as man - lion- eagle and bull and the
cherubim as cosmic energy.

Three types of etheric energy waves.


1 Vertical mind energy waves from the north

Search Instructions pole, the head, and south pole, the feet. Anterior
Alphabetized Index and posterior on the right and left side. Chart 1.
Advanced Search Also Charts 1 to 9 [Charts No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9] in Wireless Anatomy.
Index of Transcribed Charts
2 Vital neuter energy spirals anterior from the
Supplemental Essays umbilicus - posterior from the end of the spinal
cord at the l2th dorsal [twelfth thoracic, T12]
Contact Us interspace and at lumbar vertabrae [vertebrae].
See Charts No. 2 an [and] 3.
3 Horizontal sun and moon path energy from
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes east to west, front to back. Etheric and magnetic
atomic type energy spirals which tie into the
central core as the sustaining life breath. See
Support Chart 7 - Fig. 4 Wireless Anatomy.

An atom Dr. Babbitt's[2] atom

(A) Positive centrifugal


(B) Negative vortex

centripetal pole

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

From Babbitt's "Principles of Light and Color"

1 Ezekiel 1:15-18
2 Dr. Edwin D. Babbitt (1828-1905), an American physician who pioneered color therapy and
the medicinal use of colored light.
Book 6, Chart 11 ~ Book 6, Chart 13

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 13

Vital exercises with natural breath expression in the motion to integrate the life energy with
the action, so the inside and the outside muscles benefit in the effort. Five minutes of it will
convince anyone of its value. These charts on exercise are included in the "Evolutionary
Energy Series" of charts and are also a supplement to the little book, "Easy Stretching
Postures for Vitality and Beauty".
Click thumbnail for original image.

See last paragraph of Chart

15 for rotational directions.

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Contact Us Relax the shoulders and feel it between the blades as a movement. A fine exercise for the
muscles of the shoulders, the abdomen, the thighs and the back. Useful in digestive
Acknowledgements disturbance, constipation, kidney inactivity and general sluggishness. Breathe out completely
on going down - and breathe in on rising. It is helpful to the brachial plexus by releasing the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
shoulders and neck tension. Let the head relax naturally forward.[1]


The above exercise is as natural as natural as chopping wood and putting some effort at the
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service end of the stroke, which produces the natural sound of "Ha" at the end of the exhalation as
Award" 2012 well as the elimination of the carbon dioxide, thereby completing the chemical action of the
exercise - and all by natural means.[2]

Illustration Keywords: exhale, ha

Additional Keywords: up and down ha breath, woodchopper

1 See Health Building page 158.
2 See Health Building page 159.

Book 6, Chart 12 ~ Book 6, Chart 14

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 14 - Vital Exercises for Toning the Body.

Two powerful exercises with natural breath in the effort which engages the inner life energy
and most of the body muscles in one balanced expression of exhilaration of natural energy

Click thumbnail for original image.

Move from one side to the other alternately. Each

time, exhale all the breath completely, with a loud
Keyword "Ha" at the end of the movement, as the chest rests
on the thigh.
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Inhale naturally as you rise and change positions
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from left to right or right to left, as the case may be.
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This exercise gives meaning and depth expression to our finer energy fields in the body,
which need the exercise and resultant energizing of the otherwise stagnant currents even more
than the muscular structure. But that usually gets all the attention while these finer energy
fields are neglected.[1]

Illustration Keywords: ha

Additional Keywords: side to side ha breath

1 See Health Building page 160 and page 161.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012
Book 6, Chart 13 ~ Book 6, Chart 15

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 15 - Exercise for Polarizing the Energy Currents

The perfect neutral position of the body. The embryo in the mother's womb is the beginning of
the perfect posture, where all the energies can flow freely, to build a perfect body. (For further
explanation, see Chart No. 5 in "Energy", page 49; Chart No. 10 in "The Mysterious Sacrum",
page 42; and page No. 9 in "The New Energy Concept".

Click thumbnail for original image. To assist the body in repairs and building or rebuilding, some relationship to this primal
position is used in many exercises for the particular purpose of encouraging more energy
flow, especially when used together with the life breath.

This posture is wonderful for the relief of nervousness and excess gas.

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DigitalDrStone! In doing these exercises, choose a free space on a soft rug so that if you topple over in your
first attempts you will roll like a ball without hurting yourself.

This neutral position of the body is completed with the hands under the arches of the feet, so
the polarity currents can flow. The elbow joints are over the knees and the head is bent
forward in a relaxed position in order to stretch the muscles of the neck and back.

Then a rocking motion is used - forwards and backwards - while the hands are pulling on the
soles of the feet. Breathe out when the abdomen is squeezed by this motion, and breathe in
when it is thus released. Next, rock from side to side and continue the same natural way of
breathing as with the forward and backward motion. After that, rotate the body in a circular
motion - clockwise and counter-clockwise - in as wide a circle as possible. This strengthens
the pelvic muscles and is very helpful for lower back conditions. (For further explanation, see
the charts in "Easy Stretching Postures for Vitality and Beauty".)

Illustration Keywords: ha
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 Additional Keywords: arch pull ha breath

Book 6, Chart 14 ~ Book 6, Chart 16

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 16 - The Primal Energy Currents of Life as the Three Doshas of
Ayurved [Ayurveda]: 1. Warmth, Fire, Male, Positive; 2. Moisture, Water,
Female, Negative; 3. Oxygen, Air, Neuter [Neutral].

The embryonic pattern of life energy can be traced in the body by geometric lines of force
radiation like the atom, and by structural correspondence of proportions of superior, middle
Click thumbnail for original image. and inferior fields as well as polarity reaction in these fields. See Charts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 in
Wireless Anatomy.

Three currents - positive, negative and neuter [neutral] - called gunas or doshas in the
Keyword ayurvedic system, operate in the three dimensions of space and build all forms and bodies,
nature's way. This is the energy play in finer substance, like the atomic charge of positive and
Search Instructions negative around a neuter [neutral] center or nucleus.
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This is a new approach to the healing art, explaining the fields and the wireless energy which
built the body and sustains it. Specific functions and motions are evolved from this simple
beginning into a complex whole. In space it is superior, middle and inferior or height, breadth
Index of Transcribed Charts and thickness in which energy plays and brings forth forms.
Supplemental Essays Mind pattern energy and mind substance (or chit) built the three-fold nervous system thru
[through] the tri-guna polarity, to be actively reflected therein thru [through] stepped-down
Contact Us
energy waves along conductors for specific local function and action, like a telephone system.
Acknowledgements Body cells reproduce themselves by this bipolar energy activity.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Male and female everywhere are the active factors with a neuter [neutral] field for gestation.
Father, mother and child are the human family completed. In the Chinese system this was
illustrated as the yang - red, positive - and the yin - dark, negative - energy as its reflection
Support entwined in endless motion.
The prime energy can be traced in the body by its function and geometric lines of force, as
action and reaction to stimuli, different from nerve tracing and response. The design is the
wireless anatomy and the function is the polarity principle in action. Upon this basis finer
tracings of energy blocks can be achieved and proved in practice with better results than mere
mechanical or chemical therapies.

The yang and the yin as the microscopic eternal male and
female in endless embrace of motion and attraction.

See Chart No. 1 in Vitality Balance, as the eternal flame of

life, creating upward and downward motion and light in the
spheres above and below.

See Chart No. 11, page 18 in Wireless Anatomy as the two

triangles of energy in action in the human body, going
down and up, like a window shade in motion; also Chart
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service No. 14, page 21 of the same book, as energy weavings of
Award" 2012 fibers. See also Chart No. 7, page 54 in Polarity Therapy
for the path of the fiery principle in the body.

Illustration Keywords: red

Book 6, Chart 15 ~ Book 6, Chart 17

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 17 - The Three Nervous Systems and the Three Wireless Energies
Which Built Them and Sustains Them

The fire principle radiates like atomic warmth from the chakra at the umbilicus, in oval waves,
outward, and creates the vital aura of devotion shown in pictures of the saints. When stepped
down it works thru [through] the sympathetic nervous system as autonomic function, to
Click thumbnail for original image. sustain the body. See Chart 2 in this series.

The airy element is illustrated in Chart No. 12 of this series. It works thru [through] the
parasympathetic system, above and below, from the outside in and out. Air expands and locks
Keyword up function in tissues, causing spasm and pain anywhere. It acts as a brake to the motive
energy, like an air gap in conduction. Most pains are due to expansion and gas formation in
Search Instructions tissues before the actual gross accumulations occur. Great relief can be given by removing
Alphabetized Index
these energy blocks and closing the wireless gap by means of polarity application over the
polarity regions, above and below, as shown in Wireless Anatomy and in Polarity Therapy, as
Advanced Search
well as over the parasympathetic regions shown here, for specific response. This is a
simultaneous contact with one hand above and the other below. See Chart No. 4, page 11 in
Index of Transcribed Charts Wireless Anatomy. Stimulating the fire and water principles by polarity, in their local fields,
will move the airy blockage by flowing thru [through] it.
Supplemental Essays

Contact Us The water principle acts in the

cerebrospinal system and its fluid in
Acknowledgements the arachnoid space. Moving this is
better than vertebral adjustment for
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes pain and spasm. Nothing can be
forced when tension exists in the
tissues due to the air locked in the
Support cells. See Chart No. 1 in this series.
DigitalDrStone! This is the north and south pole
polarity in the body and its zones are
illustrated throughout the book,
"Wireless Anatomy".

A diagram of the autonomic nervous

system. The parasympathetic
division is shown on the left, the
sympathetic division on the right.
Roman numerals refer to cranial

Note: This diagram is reproduced

from Part 1, Lecture No. 1 of
"Chiropractic Neurology" by kind
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service permission of Otis J. Briggs, D.C.,
Award" 2012 Ph.C., Dean and Instructor at The
Indiana Chiropractic College,
Indianapolis, Indiana.

Illustration Keywords: cerebrum, midbrain, hindbrain, iris, lacrimal gland, salivary gland,
heart, lungs, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, adrenal, colon, urinary bladder, gonads and sex
accessories, ciliary g. [ciliary ganglion], sphenopalatine g. [sphenopalatine ganglion], otic g.
[otic ganglion], cervical g. [cervical ganglia], thoracic cord, lumbar cord, pelvic nerve, great
splanchnic [greater splanchnic], celiac g. [celiac ganglia, coeliac ganglia], small splanchnic,
superior mesenteric g. [superior mesenteric ganglion], inferior mesenteric g. [inferior
mesenteric ganglion], sacral cord, filum terminale, parasympathetic (cranio-sacral
[craniosacral]), sympathetic (thoraco-lumbar [thoracolumbar]), III [oculomotor nerve, CN
III], VII [facial nerve, CN VII], IX [glossopharyngeal nerve, CN IX], X [vagus nerve,
pneumogastric nerve, CN X], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T11, T12, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5,
S1, S2, S3, S4, S5

Book 6, Chart 16 ~ Book 6, Chart 18

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 18 - Vital Wireless Therapy Thru [Through] the Fiery Evolutionary
Energy in the Umbilical Chakra or Center.

The umbilicus is the center in the body thru [through] which the life energy can be influenced. It
is the link to the primal energy of the yang and the yin of embryonic life impulses which, in
their ceaseless churning, wove the pattern of the body into tissues.
Click thumbnail for original image.

Fig. 1

Keyword (A) Stomach reflex

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(A) Liver reflex
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The fiery sun energy radiates from the center of the umbilicus, outward, in its warmth of
circulation. In this middle region it is the fire of digestion, above it is the light in the eyes, and
below it is the power in the thighs. See Chart No. 7, page 54 in Polarity Therapy.

Treatment: (Bloodless surgery without breaking adhesions) Find the tension in the umbilical
ring and place a deep but gentle thumb contact in it. By directing it upward toward the eyes or
the thyroid, with a simultaneous lift under the clavicle with the other hand, the areas will
respond. Directing this thumb contact upward to the 3rd [third], 4th [fourth] and 5th [fifth] ribs
on the left together with corresponding polarity contact with the other hand over these ribs, will
release stomach spasms. Symptoms of angina pectoris are relieved by this same contact when
alternated with the arm contacts together with the directional umbilical contact. The umbilical
contact along with the polarity contact on the 3rd [third] and 4th [fourth] ribs on the right side
elicits gall bladder and liver response. Downward direction of the thumb in the umbilicus, with
specific abdominal polarity contacts with the other hand, will open the energy circuit to any of
the pelvic organs, including the prostate. Polarity contacts on the thigh elicit digestive, intestinal
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service and kidney response; also affect the circulation in the head. Useful in epilepsy, high blood
Award" 2012 pressure, etc., where the polarity circuits are blocked.

Book 6, Chart 17 ~ Book 6, Chart 19

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 19 - Figure 1 - Head and Feet Polarity Relationships

Figure 2 - Lumbo Sacral [Lumbosacral] Diagnosis and Treatment

The functions in the head and brain areas can be influenced

thru [through] the negative pole of the feet by stimulation or
heavy pressure on specific spots in the feet. The reason is that
Click thumbnail for original image. the feet are the end of the circuit or the negative pole of the
embryonic energy currents which built the body. The heels
correspond to the occiput - the inside to the center areas and the
outside to the sides of the occiput.
That soft portion of the arch, underneath, has its reflex not only
Search Instructions to the abdominal areas and organs but also to the brain areas
which govern them. This is the path of the primal energy pattern, from above downward.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search The toes have an influence on the frontal portion of the head and brain. Stubbing our toes has also
a mental implication. See Chart No. 6, page 43 in Vitality Balance.
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(A) 1st sacral [First sacral, S1] (B) Contact areas

Dots are sympathetic contact areas

Sore spots in the muscles over

the transverse processes are
sympathetic reflexes which can
be balanced by polarity
technique without adjustments

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service (A) Ganglion of impar

Award" 2012

The 5th lumbar [fifth lumbar, L5] position in relation to the

sacrum can be detected by sensitive fingers, bent to make an
even line, as illustrated by the hand in this chart. Compare the
5th lumbar [fifth lumbar, L5] spinous process position to the
1st sacral [first sacral, S1] spine. The patient lies on a roll or
cushion to bring this area upward for better observation and
touch. Next, note the tenderness on the spinous process on each
side. The sorest side is the one in distress. It is usually rotated
laterally, anterior and inferior on that side. Check the 5th
lumbar [fifth lumbar, L5] on each side.

Treatment: First release the parasympathetic spasm as shown in

Chart 20 as well as 18 of this series for sympathetic release.
Use a perineal contact on the densest spot in that area on that side. See Chart 8, page 81 in
"Energy" for the perineal area, also Chart 30, page 37 in "Wireless Anatomy" for details. Then
make gentle contacts, posteriorly, on the sympathetic areas shown here for relaxation around the
innominate [hip] rim. Also inhibit tension spots along the spine, over the transverse processes,
together with polarity contacts below. Then a correction can be made with only ounces of
pressure while the patient lies on the sore and inferior side. This is done with one finger on the
lateral spinous process and the thumb over the gluteal muscles. See Chart 34, page 41 in
"Wireless Anatomy"

Book 6, Chart 18 ~ Book 6, Chart 20

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 20 - Figure 1 - Sympathetic Polarity Contact Areas

Figure 2 - Parasympathetic Polarity Contact Areas

Fig. l: The dotted lines are sympathetic contact areas all along the muscles of the back. Superior,
middle and inferior locations make then a polarity field of action.
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(A) Tendon Achilles [Achilles tendon] (E) 5th lumbar [Fifth lumbar, L5]
(B) Heels (F) 2nd L. [Second lumbar, L2]
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
(C) Append [Appendix] reflex (G) Atlas
DigitalDrStone! (D) Sacrum (H) Occiput

The left side of Fig. 1 shows the polarity of the occiput as the superior positive pole, the sacrum as
the middle or neuter [neutral] pole and the heels as the negative inferior pole. In polarity therapy all
three are used on both sides, to balance the structure below with the impulse above.

Structure is from below upward. Impulse is from above downward.

On the right side we show the corresponding polarity of the atlas as the positive pole above, the 5th
L. [fifth lumbar, L5] as the neuter [neutral] pole in the middle, and the tendon of Achilles [Achilles
tendon] as the negative inferior reflex area pole. See Chart 2, page 15 in "Vitality Balance" for
cervical and lumbar relationship.

An excessive impulse from above produces a lesion below. And a subluxation below, due to trauma,
causes a lesion above in the cervicals. The soreness found by palpation is the guide to diagnosis.

Impulse from above supplies the structure. And structure imbalance from below perverts natural
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
impulse by blocking its flow.
Award" 2012
On the right of Fig. 1 we also show an appendix reflex area, near the knee, with a 2nd L. [second
lumbar, L2] lesion on the right transverse. This would show a sore 4th C. [fourth cervical, C4] on
the right, with a shoulder reflex. High on the arch of the foot we also have a reflex from the 2nd L.
[second lumbar, L2] See Chart 19, page 93 of "Vitality Balance". Always find your negative pole
resistance in the feet, which goes with every spinal lesion as a chronic reflex lock.
(A) Parasympathetic nerves (B) Perineal contacts

See Charts 30 and 31, pages 37-38 in "Wireless Anatomy"

Fig. 2 gives the parasympathetic areas below as the negative pole in the perineum, and the neuter
[neutral] in the sacrum, and over the shoulders as a contact near the pneumogastric nerve [vagus
nerve, CN X], the positive contact pole for release.

The top of the head reflects to the perineum. The lower occiput reflects to the sacral
parasympathetic nerves.

Illustration Keywords: S2, S3, S4

Book 6, Chart 19 ~ Book 6, Chart 21

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 21 - Brief Notes on Diagnostic Signs of the Tongue and Voice

The tongue is the digestive indicator. It is a miniature picture of the gastrointestinal tract. The
reflexes from the organs to the tongue are similar to their locations on each side of the spine. The
interpretive range is up to the diaphragm only as shown by its retracted, curved position. The tip
of the tongue represents the pelvis as an erotic reflex. A thin, central line or groove on the tongue
Click thumbnail for original image. represents the central nervous system. Deep lines indicate poor conditions. Transverse lines
across it show interference in energy flow. Acute conditions are indicated by light lines. Deep
cracks indicate chronic conditions as serious energy blocks.

Normal tongue Retracted tongue

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Four basic tastes. Each taste bud represents one of the four.
Taste Element
Sweet = Earth
Sour = Air
Salty = Water
Bitter = Fire

The front portion of the tongue reflects the small intestines like in typhoid, when the entire front
of the tongue is fiery red up to one-fourth of its length. The colon area is on the outer borders of
the tongue, on each side. Deep cracks are often found on the sides, which means a bad colon on
that side and local area.

Mucous [Mucus] on the tongue is a catarrhal symptom. When deep and furred, it is chronic.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service When it is light and can be brushed off while cleaning the teeth, it is acute but not serious. Giving
Award" 2012 rest to the digestive system and partaking of no mucous-producing food, like milk and starches, is
a great help.

The reflex to the diaphragm is at the top of the curve, with the stomach reflex on the left and the
liver on the right side. Pressure or stimuli on the posterior curve has a gagging effect, as reflexes
from the organs.

The back portion of the tongue gives reflexes to organs located posteriorly and lower in the
abdomen and into the pelvis. Pressure applied on the back of the tongue with a tongue depressor
relaxes tension in the lower bowels and in the pelvis. It stimulates natural elimination and has
been used for spastic colitis and menstrual cramps.
The voice is like a sounding board. The tone of voice reveals the inner energy that is active. Its
volume and intensity reflect the latent energy in the patient. Listen and learn is the key. The
particular cries of a baby are interpreted by every mother. Why not the sounds of adults by their
physicians? In illness a weak or hollow voice indicates a bad condition, while a firm or a mean
one indicates that the patient has latent strength.

Book 6, Chart 20 ~ Book 6, Chart 22

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 22 - Figure 1 - Sacral Correction by Leg Leverage Technique

Figure 2 - Thumb and Heel of Hand Contacts

With a good, soft bolster or wedge-shaped pillow under the patient to release the sacral lock
and lumbar tension, a sacral correction is possible by both methods - Fig. l & Fig. 2. Using the
Click thumbnail for original image. legs for leverage is of great help to relax them and the pelvic muscles. It is unique for good
results and saving the doctor's energy. Many combinations of contacts can be used with this
leverage from the sacrum to the occiput, for sympathetic and parasympathetic tension release
along both sides of the spine and over the sacrum.

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DigitalDrStone! The doctor stands at the side of the inferior sacral base and at the side of the curve in the
spine, grasps both legs together, with one hand on the outer leg, and swings them slowly
towards him. With the heel or the thumb of the other hand he supports the inferior sacrum in
an upward lift and toward the opposite side, while rocking the legs toward himself and toward
the patient's thigh. This is a powerful correction for the base and pelvic anteriority on the far
side. The heel of the other hand can move up on that side, over all the spinal muscles, while
the legs are used as a lever for release in a corrective direction.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012
In Fig. 2 the thumb or the heel contact of the hand is directed on the inferior sacral base, as a
lifting fulcrum.

Contacts on the muscles of the inferior ilium are also used in an upward direction for
sympathetic release over sore spots there. The other hand is simultaneously placed on the
occiput with the sacral contact as its opposite polarity pole. Occipital stimulation releases the
locked up energy impulses.

When the lower contact shifts to the lumbar region, then the cervicals are stimulated

These moves can be used on either side, with skill and a little pressure, for remarkable
corrections along the spine, from the base upward.

Book 6, Chart 21 ~ Book 6, Chart 23

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 23 - Figure 1 - Polarity Leverage for Specific Spinal Adjustments.

Figure 2 - Foot Technique for Sciatica, Colon and Hips

The neck contact requires the pressure of one finger specifically on one cervical lamina, to
release the impulse there by repeated stretching movements and rotations.
Click thumbnail for original image.
The neck is the positive pole to the negative
lumbar region. This polarity relationship is
illustrated in Vitality Balance page 15, Chart
2. Stimulation above and adjustments below
are carried on simultaneously. The direction
of the thumb fulcrum determines the
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specific adjustment to be made. See
Alphabetized Index "Countryside Technique" in Wireless
Advanced Search Anatomy, pages 54-59 [Charts 45, 46, 47,
48, 49, and 50]. This specific contact with
Index of Transcribed Charts leverage is the quickest correction for all
lumbar inferior and posterior subluxatlons;
Supplemental Essays also for lateral side slips. It is unique for
sciatica and leg conditions.
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Cervicals and lumbars are opposites on the
Acknowledgements double 'S' curve of the spine, and in direct
line of leverage by the spinal muscles and
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes gravity pull. By careful palpation on the
cervical laminae, the most tender area can be found on one side and traced to the
corresponding lumbar lesion, and corrected.
DigitalDrStone! Have the patient sit well back on a stool. Place your arm under the shoulder, on the side where
you found the sorest cervical, and swing the posterior side anteriorly. The arm should fit
snugly under the shoulder and the hand below the occiput, over the atlas, for a 5th L. [fifth
lumbar, L5] posterior; on the axis for a 4th [fourth, L4], etc.

If the sympathetic and parasympathetic have been released first, the adjustment will happen
naturally by correct position and the leverage used.

Fig. 2 - The foot is leveraged on the leg and

released repeatedly with one hand while the other
hand works out the energy blocks in the Achilles
tendon area, up to the middle of the calf of the leg.
The patient lies face-down for this correction.

The tendon Achilles [Achilles tendon] is the

negative pole to the 4th lumbar [fourth lumbar, L4]
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service and upward. The release of these energy blocks is
Award" 2012 essential in sciatica, to free the sciatic nerve

Book 6, Chart 22 ~ Book 6, Chart 24

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
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Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 24 - Food Classification According to Earth's Magnetic Strata


Only four elements are essential to all living things. Some need more of one than the other,
Search Instructions according to type and individual requirements. These elements are: food, moisture, warmth
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1. Food - Earth. Vegetable life needs good soil for food in order to grow luxuriously. Man and
animal life in their turn need this bounty of nature as food. Carnivorous animals and
Index of Transcribed Charts
scavengers get it second-hand. In short, the earth is nature's mother. The earth is a magnetic
Supplemental Essays sphere.

Contact Us Foods grown under the ground and nearest to the surface on the top of the ground have more
of earth's negative magnetic energy in them as well as more mineral contents in their natural
Acknowledgements form. They are heavier and more earthy in their constituents and in their magnetic electric
charges as an organism. All root vegetables, tubers and herb roots belong to this category and
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes include taro, beets, turnips, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic and edible herb roots. The latter
two have a spice-like quality which makes them more of a stimulant than a food, for they act
on the oxidizing end of the digestion.
DigitalDrStone! Tubers have a staying quality which satisfies hunger and are rich in minerals. Races that were
found to live on them principally as their staple food had a rugged constitution like the earth
and were naturally healthy. For example, the South Pacific Islanders who used the taro as their
staple food; the Pomeranians of Germany in the past, who lived mostly on skimmed sour milk
and plain, boiled potatoes with the skins on; also the Bulgarians who used yogurt and dark
sour rye bread as a staple diet kept in good health and lived long. Doctor Metchnikoff[1]
brought this to the attention of the world and credited their vigor and longevity to the
acidophilus bacilli. The Chinese used a lot of red beets and cabbage in their diet.

The earthy type of food is best suited for those with a rugged constitution, who perform hard
physical labor and who have limited means. The conclusion is that the earth element sustains
life in a simple way.

2. Moisture - Water. The next classification according to stratum is the food which is grown
above the ground and nearest to it. This type contains the water element in abundance and is
rich in filtered minerals. It consists of green vegetation and cucumbers, melons, squash,
pumpkins, etc. Acid foods are to be found on this level also in tomatoes, strawberries,
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
pineapple and rhubarb. They have their application as eliminators or purgatives. They are like
Award" 2012
a spice to salads, in combination with them.

When combining alkaline and acid juices, they should preferably be selected from the same
magnetic stratum for better digestion and oxidation.

Sea foods also come under the classification of the water element. The element of water in the
pumpkin seed acts on the water element in the kidneys.

This tracing back to nature and the past is according to the elements and the principle of
homeopathy - "like sustains like" - rather than laboratory chemistry. The earth and all its
vegetation needs moisture and its magnetic embrace of electronic current flow. Cells need
moisture and so do animals and human beings.

The watery type of food is best suited for persons of a highly emotional nature, for elimination
of the exhausted excessive emotional energy.

1 Dr. Ilya or Elie Metchnikoff (1845-1916), a Russian biologist, zoologist and protozoologist
who discovered the process of phagocytosis (cells engulfing and consuming other organisms)
and its role in the immune system. He also developed a theory that aging was caused by toxic
bacteria in the intestines - an idea that later led to the field of probiotics.

Book 6, Chart 23 ~ Book 6, Chart 25

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
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Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 25 - Food Classification According to Earth's Magnetic Strata


3. Warmth - Fire - Sun. The next stratum, a little higher above the ground, contains more of
Search Instructions the fiery electric charge in its makeup, especially the sesame seed and the sunflower seed.
Alphabetized Index This is a positive type of food. The papaya comes in on that classification as a powerful
Advanced Search eliminator because of this fiery element and less protein without the acidity. The grape and its
juice is a stimulant.
Index of Transcribed Charts
The grains and pulses or legumes are rich in protein and in starch. Included in this category
Supplemental Essays are corn, wheat, rice, peas, beans, lentils, garbanzos, etc. However, millet is one grain that is
rich in protein but low in starch. That is why it is recommended for diabetics.
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The fiery energy in these foods is essential to man for replacing the expended energy and
Acknowledgements warmth. The fiery type of food is best suited for the vital motive type of person with a great
mental and physical drive.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
4. Air - Oxygen. Fruits and nuts are in the highest stratum above the ground and contain more
of the airy element in their atomic construction. Air and oxygen are needed by all living
Support beings. Oxidation is the final state of the fiery process of digestion. We breathe in oxygen and
DigitalDrStone! exhale carbon dioxide. This in turn is used by plant life. Volcanic eruptions help vegetation by
supplying carbon dioxide to the atmosphere at intervals. Fruits are delicate, with more air
space between cells than the other types of food. Citrus fruits are made up of compartments,
perfectly insulated from the outside air.

Nuts are a delicate protein of a more airy nature than the grains and legumes. Because of the
airy element predominating in the fruits and nuts, that type of food is best suited for the highly
sensitive electric type of person, who needs much replacement of the pranic or airy element
expended by his highly nervous activity. The monkeys do this by instinct. Every variety of
animal has an electromagnetic charge of energy requirement according to the stratum in which
they live. The same is true of human beings. Even the squirrel that lives in trees, selects only
the perfect pine seeds or nuts; but man eats everything and then wonders why he is not well.

The electromagnetic charge in foods has not been thought of in our search for "Vita-amines"
[vitamins] or life sustainers. Future chemistry will follow the atomic procedure of measured
energy charges which make up the seeming solids.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Another source of prana or life element is found in seeds which contain the power of growth
Award" 2012 or latent energy expansion. When these are ground and put in distilled water over night, the
water will leach out much of this energy and become a sustaining and invigorating drink for
persons with impaired digestion or a nervous, rundown condition where solid foods and even
juices are not properly digested and oxidized. This method of extracting the essence can be
used for nuts, grains and fruits which are rich in minerals, like figs, raisins, etc., in cases
where the minerals and natural life element in them are needed but the solid food cannot be
digested. This drink is easily absorbed and is not so concentrated or as highly acid as juices
extracted direct from the fruit.

Straight carrot juice should be taken most sparingly because carotene has an affinity for the
liver and when taken as pure juice, the carotene piles up, causing symptoms of jaundice.

Each individual should select the foods that he can best digest and utilize. That is the most
important point in all diets and food selection.

Book 6, Chart 24 ~ EItGB, Chart 1

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Enquiry Into the Gross Body

Chart No. 1 - Polarity Therapy Principles of the 5 [Five] Elements of Matter

and Their Energy Flow and Blending as Functions in the Body

This gross body, I cannot be. Why? I am seeing it. It is an object for my sight. I am the seer. It is
Click thumbnail for original image. separate and I am separate.

The Five Great Elements


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This gross body is not mine. Why? It belongs to the five great elements. It is a product of the
Supplemental Essays pentamirus combination of the five elements. It cannot be mine. Why? Look. These represent
the five elements.
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Every element is divided into two halves. One half remains unchanged. The other half is further
Acknowledgements divided into four equal parts making each equal to 1/8 [one eighth] of the original. Thus each is
now found as five parts.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
Pentamirus Divisions

With the unchanged half of each element, 1/8 [one eighth] part of each of the other four
elements are combined, thus making a size as whole as the original element. But each now
contains all the elements but one only predominates. Thus in this pentamirus combination,
twenty-five factors are manifested. How?

Five Fold Combination

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

Thus in this five fold combination twenty-five factors are manifested. How?

The Products of the Five Fold Combination of Sky

Grief, desire, anger, (love or) attachment, fear.

Grief is the principal quality of space, a feeling of nothingness.
Desire is produced by the combination of wind with space.
Anger is produced by the combination of fire with space.
Attachment or love is produced by the combination of water
with space.
Fear is produced by the combination of earth with space
I am not these: grief, desire, anger, attachment or fear. I am
seeing them. I am the seer. They are not mine, they belong to the various elements noted as
above. I should not claim these as mine.

Illustration Keywords: space, air, fire, water, earth

Book 6, Chart 24 ~ EItGB, Chart 2

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Enquiry Into the Gross Body

Chart No. 2

The Products of the Five Fold Combination of

Click thumbnail for original image.
Speed, lengthening, shaking, moving, contracting.
Speed is the main quality of wind.
Lengthening is produced by the combination of
Keyword space with wind.
Shaking is produced by the combination of fire with
Search Instructions wind.
Alphabetized Index Movement is produced by the combination of water
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with wind.
Contraction is produced by the combination of earth with wind.
Speed, lengthening, shaking, moving, contracting, I am not. I am seeing these. I am the seer.
Index of Transcribed Charts They are objects for my observation. They are not mine. They belong to the elements noted
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Contact Us The Products of the Five Fold Combination of Fire

Acknowledgements Hunger, sleep, thirst, lustre [luster], laziness.

Hunger is the main quality of fire.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Sleep is produced by the combination of space with fire.
Thirst is produced by the combination of wind with fire.
Lustre [Luster] is produced by the combination of water
Support with fire.
DigitalDrStone! Laziness is produced by the combination of earth with fire.
Hunger, sleep, thirst, lustre [luster], and laziness, I am not.
These are objects and I am able see. They are not mine. They belong to the elements noted

The Products of the Five Fold Combination of Water

Saliva, sweat, urine, semen, blood.

Saliva is produced by the combination of space with water.
Sweat is produced by the combination of wind with water.
Urine is produced by the combination of fire with water.
Semen is the main quality of water.
Blood is produced by the combination of earth with water.
Saliva, sweat, urine, semen, and blood, I am not. These are
objects I am able to see. These do not belong to me. They
are products of the elements.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 The Products of the Five Fold Combination of Earth

Hair, skin, blood vessels, flesh and bones.

Hair is produced by the combination of space with earth.
Skin is produced by the combination of wind with earth.
Blood vessels are produced by the combination of fire with
Flesh is produced by the combination of water with earth.
Bones are the main products of earth.
Hair. skin, blood vessels, flesh, and bones, I am not. I am
able to see them. They are objects for my perception. They are not mine. They belong to the
five elements. They cannot be mine.
I am not these. They are not mine. I am the seer. Witness.

Illustration Keywords: space, air, fire, water, earth

EItGB, Chart 1

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health Building
Health Building

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The Conscious Art of Living Well
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Dr. Randolph Stone, D.O., D.C.
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Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health Building
Part II

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Easy Stretching Postures
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for Vitality and Beauty
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Contact Us Based on the natural position of the body during

the period of gestation for most favorable results in
maintaining and repairing the energy current flow -
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
the primal factor in health and beauty
DigitalDrStone! 97

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Award" 2012

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Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 1: The Caduceus
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art [See Book 1, Chart 1]

The wings of the Caduceus represent the two hemispheres of the brain. The
knob in the center is the pineal body. The upright staff is the path of the finer
energy which produced the center portion of the brain, noted by the rings and
the spinal cord below it. This is the Tree of Life of the ancients.
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The two serpents represent the Mind Principle in its dual aspect. The fiery
Alphabetized Index breath of the Sun is the positive pole as the vital energy on the right side of
Advanced Search the body. It was called 'Yang' by the Chinese, and 'Pingala' by the Hindus.
On the left side of the body flows the cooling energy of the Moon essence of
Index of Transcribed Charts Nature. This was called 'Yin' by the Chinese, and the 'Ida' [irda] current in
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These two currents cross over in each oval cavity of the body and change
Contact Us their polarity. Thus they flow in and out of each other constantly and produce
alternating currents in their action. Positive and negative is their nature -- the
Acknowledgements 'yea' and the 'nay'.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes The last open loop and that lower part of the staff is the Cauda Equina, the
'Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil'. It is situated at the end of the spinal
cord proper, below the second lumbar vertebra.
DigitalDrStone! The staff in the center portrays the hearth fire and the chimney, down which
'Santa Claus' descends and through which he returns to the Fountain of
Energy above, after having distributed or deposited the gifts from the Source.
Those who can understand this will realize that it is the secret of the stepped-
down Sound Current of Spiritual Energy also known as "THE WORD" from
higher regions, lost in matter and physical generation.

The serpent was chosen as the symbol of Mind Energy and Wisdom through
experience in the Center of Consciousness where the downward and upward
currents meet in the center between the eyes. This center is called 'Tisra Til'
in India. It is the point from which man can direct his energies upward for his
spiritual benefit, or downward for physical and material expenditure. It
illustrates the exchange of energy flow between man's brain center and the
Universal Energy; between man's mind and the Universal Mind and
emotional energy waves manifesting as sun spots, as storms and upheavals in
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 Mind Energy is described in Genesis as the ONE RIVER which splits into
four rivers. These are rivers of LIVING ENERGY CURRENTS which are
stepped down into four primary POLARIZED pattern substances of an
atomic fineness, which are the essentials of life to everything that breathes,
moves and lives on earth. Vegetation, insects, animals and human beings
need this substance and energy in order to survive and live. That is why man

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 2: Placing the Staff of Hermes in the Body
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art [See Book 1, Chart 2]

(Further illustrated in charts 1 to 12 in "THE WIRELESS ANATOMY OF

MAN") [Charts No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
The whole symbolism illustrates the simple fact that through the breath we
are linked to the Universe outside. The right nostril attracts a positive breath
Search Instructions
and connects it with the brain and the nervous system of man. It expresses
Alphabetized Index the 'yes' idea, and the driving force of the mind in the body. It combines the
Advanced Search fire of life and the air principle as its activator to mind function. The left
nostril attracts and links the airy breath into the negative mind function as the
Index of Transcribed Charts 'nay' pole of the mind and the resisting principle in it.

Supplemental Essays The central staff is the fiery essence of the mind energy itself, as a neuter
pole which breathes or operates as this dual expression of 'yes' and 'no' in the
Contact Us fields of opposites. It is the Kundalini force as a fine etheric energy in the
center of the pia mater in the spinal cord. This current descends to the
Acknowledgements sacrum, and goes to sleep there in the generative function. It is pictured as a
serpent coiled, which gives the driving force to man and to beast alike.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes (Illustrated in chart No. 11 in "THE WIRELESS ANATOMY OF MAN")
Below the second lumbar vertebra [L2], where the spinal cord ends, it
becomes the 'Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil'.
DigitalDrStone! The Cauda Equina is the continuation of the nerves out of the end of the
spinal cord. Here the tree of life, the central axis from the top of the head
downward, branches out into multiplicity and generation. Now the One Light
of Intelligence goes to sleep in matter and becomes a driving force of motion
for expression in generative activity. The self (ego) and force have the upper
hand in this field of action when not controlled by the guiding intelligence of
the Tree of Life above. This makes the Tree of Knowledge of Good (above)
and Evil (self, ego, etc. below). Truly, the serpent power of the mind has
descended the Tree of Life and entered into competitive creation and
generation in the field of matter.

This is the story in brief, told in the Bible, of the mind energy descending
into matter and how it operates the physical body by its dual currents which
are the four finer essences of Nature: the Yod-He (Father-Mother) Vau-He
(Son-Daughter) principles on earth. These are expressed as four polarized
rivers out of the One River of Mind Essence. The Fire, Air, Water and Earth
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service are its four fields of operation in the substance of the cosmos and in man. By
Award" 2012 it must man live, breathe, move and have his being on earth. Only Soul
Realization and God Realization can transcend this necessity in all creation.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 3: The Three Modes of Motion of Mind and Matter
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art [See Book 1, Chart 3]

In Chart No. 5 the child is doubled up in the womb and the lines of force
weave according to a definite pattern. The head is at the top of the circle
SEED, and works outward.
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index One more thing I would like to make clear about external influences,
Advanced Search Astrology and the Zodiac: All this relates to these same four elements and is
a part of us; therefore, also outside of us. BUT IT IS THIS PORTION
Index of Transcribed Charts WITHIN US THAT WE RULE, which is most important to each and
everyone of us.
Supplemental Essays
Every almanac gives a picture of man related to the Zodiac, the stars and the
Contact Us four seasons. Can we read and understand that lost art which pertains to our
being? It is very simple: Physical creation is made out of four elements;
Acknowledgements namely, Fire, Air, Water and Earth. Each element, like any stick, has two
ends and a middle; a neutral or central pole, a positive pole and a negative
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes pole, as illustrated in Chart No.3.

The secret to learn here is for man's consciousness to remain still in the
Support CENTER OF BEING, in its eternal Essence. Then things will right
DigitalDrStone! themselves. The Holy Bible states this in simple terms: "Be still, and know
that I am God:" (Psalm 46:10).

The whole body recuperates when life's Central Energy is permitted to flow
naturally, without interference by our own mind's desires, etc. Faith, based
upon this understanding, holds the mind in check and tunes it into the field of
Power and Reality. All things are possible to such a belief of REALITY
within us.

Paracelsus [1], the great alchemist, observed this also when he stated that man
is ill because he is never still. He said there was great healing in the quiet
depths of space, but man never tuned into it by being quiet himself!

1 Paracelsus, born Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von
Hohenheim (1493-1541), a German-Swiss doctor, alchemist, botanist,
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service astrologist and occultist.
Award" 2012 47

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
The Four Elements Make the Zodiac in the Body
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art [See Book 1, Chart 4 and Book 1, Chart 5]


The first principle is the Fire element, the area of the head, and corresponds
to Aries, the Ram's Horns or Energy, butting through.
Search Instructions The next pole of this principle falls on the upper part of the abdomen, and
Alphabetized Index represents the fire principle in the solar plexus and the splanchnic [intestinal]
Advanced Search plexus, using this in digestion and assimilation, and corresponds to Leo, the
Lion, the rebuilder of Energy and Strength.
Index of Transcribed Charts
The negative pole of the fire element falls on the thighs, represented by
Supplemental Essays Sagittarius, the Archer, that flies like an arrow. This propels the body in
motion and movement in space, and speed due to energy.
Contact Us
Therefore, this fire element is the first requirement. Nature starts its thread of
Acknowledgements weaving the body in the womb, along the notochord. This is the basis of the
Cerebrospinal Nervous System, and the pathway of Consciousness or Soul
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes power of Being, expressed through mind energy flow, sensation and
individual motion. The solar plexus has been called the second abdominal
brain by the noted Dr. Byron Robinson. It is the center of emotions and of
Support the Autonomic Nervous System.

The next triangle is the principle of Air, the respiratory and circulatory
system. Strange as it may seem, the head or neutral point of this triad is
opposite in the circle to that of the Fire triad. Its center is in Libra, the Great
Balancer, the Scales, given to the functions of the internal secretions of the
ductless glands, the suprarenals, and the external elimination of the kidneys.
It is a balance between the Air and the Water principles, and stimulates the
Fire principle in its action. The chest contains this dual function of
respiration and oxidation of the blood stream.

A line drawn upward in the circle, places the positive pole in the chest - the
astrological sign of Gemini - the Twins (the twin functions of the two arms).

A line drawn downward, places the negative pole at Aquarius, the Waterman,
symbolized by the ankles, in the lower triad of the body - as expression of
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service motion, through the air principle.
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 6: Anterior View of Gravity Lines and Contact Points to
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in Balance Impounded Stress and Strain on Muscles and Viscera
the Healing Art
[See Book 1, Chart 6]

(1) The brain and the nervous system are the conductors of the Mind
principle in action. Like the air, it is present everywhere, in every cell of the
body. It is an airy nothing which gives direction from within outward to lines
of force and action. By invisible wireless impulses, mind produces the
Search Instructions
primary cause of motion. By stepped down energy currents it flows through
Alphabetized Index the switchboard of the delicate brain mechanism, over the entire nervous
Advanced Search system, for selective and specific function.

Index of Transcribed Charts (2) The Fire Principle is present in the light of the eyes as its positive pole, to
give external direction for the internal impulses of cellular action through
Supplemental Essays muscular motion.

Contact Us (3) The neck represents the Etheric field, or plane of Akash [akasha,
aakaasha] in eastern terminology. It is a link between the mind and the body
Acknowledgements as a cross road of currents from above downward, and reflexes from below
upward. Its reflex action is clearly expressed by the term: "Sticking the neck
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes out."

(4) The chest cavity is the oval field or Tattwa [tattva] for the action of the
Support Neuter [neutral] pole of the Air principle as the respiratory system.
(5) The heart, as the center of circulation, is also an oval field in the chest.
The warmth of the fire of the sun as its motivating impulse, as in the blood
stream. The Neuter [neutral] pole of the airy essence is its oxidizing
principle, active in every cell of the healthy body.

(6) The abdominal cavity, below the diaphragm, represents the oval field of
the earth element or Tattwa [tattva]. The Fire principle flows through the
solar (sun) plexus and the abdominal nerve centers as the impulse for
Digestion, Assimilation and Elimination.

(7) The Pelvic cavity, bounded by the peritoneum superiorly and posteriorly
is the horizontal oval cavity of the Water element. Through it flows the
Energy Essence of the moon as the genitourinary [urogenital] system.

(8) The thighs and the buttock muscles are levers of motion for the body. The
negative pole of the Fire principle flows through them for action and for
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 8
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art [See Book 1, Chart 8]

A few lines have been added to this chart for clarification of Principles and
The dot on the coccyx is the approximate location of the ganglion of impar,
under this bone. It is shown externally in the chart as a GUIDE FOR
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search Line "A" is a dividing line of the muscular reflex area, above, posteriorly,
from the sensory area below and anterior on the perineal floor.
Index of Transcribed Charts
The fine lines are tissue fibers which extend from the sides to the center.
Supplemental Essays These are the areas of tender spots to look for in PERINEAL
Contact Us
The dotted lines represent the contact points to be made with the finger tip
Acknowledgements when giving PERINEAL TECHNIQUE[1].
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
In PERINEAL TECHNIQUE[1] all contacts are made on the soft tissue on
the perineal floor. The rim of the bones and ligaments are guides to direct the
Support contact finger and keep it on the perineum.
Profound reflexes can be elicited here by gentle contacts. Spastic knee
reflexes, or when the knees suddenly give way, have been found here as

Other mental and emotional symptoms often have their origin here and reflex
to the neck and the head. PATIENTS ARE ALWAYS GRATEFUL FOR
When the energy blocks are released, the currents can flow freely and
normally to promote and maintain good health.

Glandular stagnation blocks that are due to emotional upsets are often found
in this area.

Tonsils and the lymph glands in the throat also have their negative pole
blocks here, in the opposite end of the body, as well as around the ankles
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service through a kidney reflex.
Award" 2012
In mumps, the hip joints are equally as sore as the mandibular joints.
Releasing the lower sore spots around the hip joint, plus a PERINEAL
CONTACT, frees the upper pole on that particular side. Immediately, the
patient can swallow without pain.

"As above, so below" is a law in Nature because all things

1 See page 87; and Book 2, Charts 30 and 31.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Comments on Reprint of Chart No. 11 from Book II
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function This chart endeavored to illustrate in geometric outlines, some of the
psychophysiological principles which are also presented in chart No.4 of
book III.

An interior and posterior view of the human body is given in figures 1 and 2,
with the interlaced triangle of the "Seal of Solomon the King"[1] (the dweller
Search Instructions in the body) placed correctly in the house of God (the human body). The
temple built by King Solomon contained great mystery and symbolic
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search
Posteriorly, the base of the upper triangle cuts through the foramen magnum
Index of Transcribed Charts of the occipital bone, the ring of Solomon, where the automatic [autonomic]
or magic actions take place, which build and preserve the temple not built by
Supplemental Essays the hand of man.
Contact Us The apex of this triangle dips into the very center of the sacral fluid, at a
point midway between its articulating center on each side. The above and
Acknowledgements below unite in a synchronized triune action of this triangle. This is one of the
secrets of Solomon, the king who lives in this temple but has lost the key to
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes the secret.

Support The other triangle has its base in the pelvis, and its line crosses the exact
DigitalDrStone! center of the sacral articulations and touches the point of the upper triangle in
the middle of the cerebrospinal fluid in the center. This is the "living
geometry of life's vital force" as motor energy in the sacrum. It is symbolized
by a cobra, ready to strike, and is called the "Kundalini" in the Tantric
philosophy of India. (See figure 5 near the bottom of this chart.)

The apex of this triangle joins the center of the cord about in the floor of the
fourth ventricle, in the medulla oblongata, where the center of the automatic
[autonomic] life energy seems to operate. Again, this shows that our mere
structural relationship of bones and tissues and muscles is not the "secret of
the king" who is vitality and life itself in the body of clay. It definitely points
to a deeper relationship, latent in the structure of the sacrum, to that of the
automatic life center.

Figure 2 illustrates the same relationship in front of the body, by the proper
placing of Solomon's triangles. The base of the upper triangle cuts through
the seat of the center of consciousness, a point between the eyebrows. This is
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service the sensory center of mind function, as perception, through mind and light
Award" 2012 waves. This becomes the fire in the eyes, as the positive pole, and the heat
that digests food in the neuter [neutral] pole of the abdomen, and it becomes
the motion center of running, expressed in the thighs as the negative pole. It
is all linked together as "seeing, preserving, nourishing and motion", to
prevent the body from running into danger.

This apex goes to the very center of the pubic bone and becomes the
involuting vital perservative [preservative] and regenerative energy
consciousness which not only preserves and nourishes the body but is
instrumental in continuing the line of the specie.

The lower anterior triangle has its base at the apex center of the upper one
and dips lower in front in the pelvis to cross the pubic arch, below the great
trochanters of the femur. Its upper point is at the center of consciousness,
between the eyebrows, as mentioned before, where it crosses the base line of
the superior triangle and leaves a wedge-like space in the brain area, where
the goddess of WISDOM, also known as Pallas Athena, or Minerva resides
in the golden-locked head of Zeus or Jupiter.[2] This may be a myth but,
strange to say, all the spiritual faculties of man are exactly related to this
central upper area of the brain.

1 The six-pointed star, or Star of David.
2 According to Greek legend, Athena sprang fully grown from the brow of

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
A Perspective Viewpoint of the New Energy Concept of the Healing Art
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art The physical anatomy of man is the accepted foundation and starting point of
nearly all the healing arts today. Such a concept rests upon matter, the gross
product, rather than on the fine energy currents which wove the pattern of the
body and which continue to animate it throughout life. The general practice
today is grossly physical rather than atomic in its principle and application.
The idea of energy fields in action through physiological functions,
Search Instructions
according to the finer lines of force and mind energy patterns, is not yet
generally accepted. But we all know that there was a psychological,
Alphabetized Index
WIRELESS ENERGY prior to existence of the physiological and material
Advanced Search one, otherwise it could not function through it.

Index of Transcribed Charts This is precisely the way life starts in this world and it is so stated in the
Holy Scriptures. Out of the finer Essence of no thing, all was created. Every
Supplemental Essays seed is a unit of life in itself, locked up as a mental pattern in each seed
according to its kind. A chicken egg becomes a chick, a turtle egg hatches
Contact Us out as a turtle, etc. The actual life cycle of any living being starts out as a
psychological process of ENERGY LINES OF FORCE which are liberated
Acknowledgements as positive energy from the male seed and as negative energy from the
female seed. These are the vitelline substances or centers in the egg.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
In human life this cycle also starts at conception as a polarizing energy
Support principle by the union of the male and female prior to the birth of the child.
DigitalDrStone! Hence birth into this world is not the beginning of this unit of life called an
embryo in the mother's womb. But birth is the finished pattern of this unit,
when it is ushered into the world where it should act and express itself as an
intelligent being.

This life pattern began by the energy current flow in the male spermatozoon
and in the female ovum center of vitelline jelly substance, like a thread in a
shuttle which travels forward and backward to weave the most wonderful
fabric of life, called the human body! The pattern of the body was supplied
by the mental and vital energy of the parents, according to their kind and
stature. Of course, heritage goes back much farther than that, and much more
is involved, but this is the general rule.

However, the soul which inhabits this body is a unit of consciousness from
another sphere, of much finer Essences. If it were not so, it could not
maintain itself as a unit later, when fully matured. And children are different
from their parents and from each other, in every family, even though the
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service physical pattern may be the same. Each incarnating soul or entity brings with
Award" 2012 it a design of life, of its own, by which it differs from others.

The polar essence of the biological energy current upon


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Comments on Reprint of Chart No. 18 from Book II
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function After studying the circuits on each side of the body, it can be easily seen that
the electromagnetic circuits cause the primary action in muscle function and
tension in general. The side which labors the most is the short-leg side. That
reveals where the tension is located.
This chart illustrates how to measure the legs for diagnosis. It will make the
doctor's work easier and more thorough.
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index The sicker the patient is, the shorter will be one leg because the
Advanced Search electromagnetic balance is upset between the positive and the negative poles
of each half of the body.
Index of Transcribed Charts
Contact Us 27

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Mental and Emotional Therapy
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art and tense. A bony correction should never be forced. Merely telling the
patient to relax is useless. Tension usually goes much deeper than the
voluntary muscular control.


A - Have the patient lie on the left side on a soft table, with the head on a
Search Instructions
pillow, knees drawn up. The operator sits on a stool, facing the back of the
Alphabetized Index patient. Trace the path of vital forces in their bipolar action, from the neck to
Advanced Search the perineum, via the sympathetic nerves. Also check the motor reflexes
from the top of the spine to the bottom, in the lumbar region. Correlate them.
Index of Transcribed Charts Release them with deep perineal contacts and contacts in each area
Supplemental Essays
B - Check the neck for tenderness and spastic muscles. With the left hand
Contact Us contact the sorest spot, and either inhibit or stimulate, while holding a deep
perineal contact below until you find the exact spot here to relax the above
Acknowledgements tension.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes C - With the first or second finger of the right hand, find the most tender spot
in the perineum, on the same side of the neck lesion. Use a finger cot on the
finger of this hand or work through thin clothing such as a gown, underwear,
Support tissue or thin hand towel. Take care never to enter an orifice when giving this
DigitalDrStone! treatment because the nerve endings we are balancing now are on the
surface. The energy circuit with which we are concerned here is on its return
flow from the periphery to the centers within, as sensory currents. (See Chart
No. 2 in "POLARITY THERAPY" also Charts 30 & 31 in "WIRELESS

D - If the pulse is fast, then the upper cervical area (1st, 2nd and 3rd
vertebrae [C1, C2, C3] or any sore spot over the occipital space) is lightly
and slowly stimulated by a double contact, in a rotary movement. This
applies to the neck contact in general. Because this is the vagus area, you are
balancing the pulse with the two nervous systems. Most pulses are fast
because of habitual tension and over-strenuous, hurried living. In these cases,
the ropy neck muscles can be manipulated slowly while the perineal contact
is held with the other hand.

If the pulse is slow, inhibit the tender neck areas, and further check the
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service carotid pulse on each side for normalization each time after the two contacts
Award" 2012 are held, until the pulse is improved.

If the pulse is normal, the rule for general treatment applies:


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Mental and Emotional Therapy
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art 1. Check the body for the over-all picture of the distortion to gravity lines;
this may include all three nervous systems[1] in their abnormal functions.
And by re-checking, after using the Sympathetic and the Parasympathetic
Techniques, through PERINEAL and other POLARITY contacts, it will
Keyword show how much of this distortion was due to their effects on the skeletal
Search Instructions
Where should the treatment start? Top, middle or bottom? If we say at the
Alphabetized Index
top, let us find out why and let the same question apply to the other two
Advanced Search
regions. Normally, all nerve impulses must pass from the brain downward,
over the medulla and the spinal cord, the twelve cranial nerves, the
Index of Transcribed Charts sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems. A sympathetic chain is located
on each side of the spinal column. Usually a patient is more conscious of
Supplemental Essays tension in the neck than anywhere else. So, if we examine the neck first, we
find the greatest tension, tenderness and strain that the patient is aware of. In
Contact Us the neck we find the locked impulses of the spinal and cranial nerves, the
sympathetic and parasympathetic reflexes. They all seem to meet here and
become entangled. Outgoing impulses are backed up, and the incoming ones
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes cannot get through. WHEN THE PERINEUM IS RELAXED, THE NECK
of emotional tension hold them tight, and the Perineal Technique[2] releases
Support these energy blocks.
The neck is the most logical place to begin to trace and balance the causes of
the stasis in either one or all three nervous systems.[1] The ancient Norsemen
pictured the neck as the rainbow bridge in their mythology, whereby energy
fields (gods) reached the brain (Walhalla [Valhalla], the city of the gods
[Hall of the Slain]). The reason so many impulses are blocked and piled up
here is that the negative pole on the other end cannot receive them; its
polarity having been changed, by resistance, to a positive quality. The 'short-
circuits' must be dispersed. Then the normal rhythm must be re-established
and balanced with the top; the neck outlet with the pelvic outlet below, to
return the impulses and complete the circuit.

2. Correlate the function of the vital centers through the re-establishment of

POLARITY in the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous systems by
means of PERINEAL and POLARITY contacts and techniques.[2]
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service WITHIN TO THE WITHOUT.
Award" 2012
RULE: No relaxation of the voluntary nervous system and muscles can take
place as long as the involuntary ones are locked

1 The voluntary (or somatic), sympathetic (autonomic, involuntary, visceral,
or vegetative), and parasympathetic.
2 See page 87; and Book 2, Charts 30 and 31.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart 43
Book 2: The Wireless Anatomy of Man
& Its Function - A Course in [See Book 2, Chart 43]
Manipulative Therapy with Principles
& Illustrations These four drawings are from Dr. J. R. Buchanan's [1] PHYSIOLOGICAL
SARCOGNOMY, 1891, with a few additions, showing areas in the head and
brain which are positive control areas for body regions thru [through] brain
functions. As such, they have a reflex capacity of suffering thru [through] the
interference of the return currents from the lower poles.

These areas of influence were established by careful research, nerve tracing,

Search Instructions and reflex effects, also by electrical and other psychometric tests by the early
Alphabetized Index pioneers.
Advanced Search
When giving cranial treatments, or molding of the head and neck, etc., these
Index of Transcribed Charts are the real factors and currents involved by polarity, not the mere solid head
bones and the effort to position them. The effect is primarily in the energy
Supplemental Essays field thru [through] the induced currents in the meninges and their relaxation
and balance, rather than purely physical. The head areas given here definitely
Contact Us affect those regions below when stimulated. In this manner, all cranial and
facial bone molding can be done intelligently and effectively. The head and
Acknowledgements brain as the positive pole contain the pattern and energy supply for all parts
thru [through] the wireless currents and the nervous system.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
In general, the superior part of the brain corresponds to the upper portion of
the body; the basilar portion to the lower half. The lateral ventricles
Support correspond to the upper part of the waist; the base of the brain to the lower
DigitalDrStone! end of the trunk, the sacrum specifically.

Dense structures are moved by finer and more sensitive tissues of nerves and
endothelial membranes, like the coverings of the brain and spinal cord, the
meninges. These are the membranous representatives of the whirling currents
around the core and softer structures of the brain and spinal cord. As such,
they are central factors in health and disease.

Bones, connective tissues, and muscles were formed by the energy current
patterns for their protection and movement in space as a unit. As such, these
structures are a protection, or a grave for the finer impulses of the soul's
energies. Elasticity expresses co-operation to the currents. Stiffness and
rigidity show the lack of cellular vibratory response to the vital force.

The brain is the House of Representatives for every structure and function in
the body. It is the crown of creativeness from which all energy proceeds and
must return in order to register as consciousness and experience in life.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 *****
1 Dr. Joseph Rodes Buchanan (1814-1899), an American physician and
physiologist who is also credited with coining the term "psychometry" (soul

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart 44
Book 2: The Wireless Anatomy of Man
& Its Function - A Course in [See Book 2, Chart 44]
Manipulative Therapy with Principles
& Illustrations Four more illustrations from Dr. Buchanan's [1] PHYSIOLOGICAL
SARCOGNOMY, with a few additions:

The first head gives more regional locations plainly and should be joined
with the other four [i.e. the four heads on Chart 43]. The next three show
areas of the brain's sensory expression in fields on the head and face.
Search Instructions Head No. 4 gives the sense of vision in the anterior frontal part of the brain
Alphabetized Index in the intellectual sensory perception area, in spite of the fact that other
Advanced Search scientific findings had located the center of vision in the cuneus of the
occipital lobe supported by the gyrus angularis [angular gyrus] found by
Index of Transcribed Charts vivisection.

Supplemental Essays Sarcognomy based its view on the fact that all sensory organs receive their
energy support from the correlative occipital organs in the motor area.
Contact Us
General Outline of Correspondence and Locations
The surface of the brain corresponds to the surface of the body. In the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes superior central region are located soul function areas. In the middle and
lateral regions are the functions of the mind; and at the base of the brain are
located the natural functions of the physical body.
DigitalDrStone! Effects produced on the body are local and physiological, but become
psychic in proportion as the brain sympathizes with the spot. Effects
produced on the brain are mental and become physiological only as the
cerebral influence extends to the body.

In general, stronger influences are in the back of the brain and the gentler
towards the front. The back of the head, the extreme occipital portion, gives
power and ambitious impulses. The passions and appetites are below, the
nobler impulses above. Faculties and their organic representative areas in the
brain are higher as they are of a more kind, loving and spiritual nature; and
lower as they are more animal, selfish and violent.

Love and tenderness are a the summit; hate and cruelty at the base.

Anteriorly, above the diaphragm, we find the gentle and refining influences,
below the diaphragm, the sensual, sensitive and morbid influences.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service The fine sensitive impulses of the soul must also have a representative
Award" 2012 expression in and thru [through] this unit of the body; otherwise, there is
frustration of latent impulses which prevent other currents from their normal
course. The whole field of psychiatry is based on this proposition.

By tracing reflex effects of centers and influences, according to this system

of cause and effect thru [through] polarity action of energy, much can be
done. Energy blocks can be released instantly when found.

The skull cavity is a reverberating, accoustic [acoustic] chamber where

ultrasonic soul impacts find their expression thru [through] the brain and the
meninges, and reflect and impinge on every part of the body that must
express the impulse as action, or transform it back into a centripetal current
going back into the center as ideas or patterns of mind and consciousness.
The anterior part of the brain and the body is mostly a sensory field. The
posterior half is pre-eminently motor in its function. The superior portion of
the brain is the neuter [neutral] spiritual pole.

1 Dr. Joseph Rodes Buchanan (1814-1899), an American physician and
physiologist who is also credited with coining the term "psychometry" (soul

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 1
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 1]
In the writings of Aristotle and in the Hindu texts of the Charaka [Caraka]
and the Susruta [Sushruta], the heart was considered the central organ and
the seat of consciousness. This was based upon the fact that the heart center
with its twelve petals or branches of psychosomatic importance in connection
with the two sympathetic chains and their ganglions was found to be the
center of egoistic sentiments of affection and attachment, of fear, hate, doubt,
Search Instructions remorse, pride and conceit.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search But in the Tantric writings (as in Galen[1]) the seat of consciousness is placed
in the brain or rather in the cerebrospinal system. The soul which is the
Index of Transcribed Charts primal center of consciousness in the body, has its special seat above the
foramen of Monro [interventricular foramen] and the middle commissure
Supplemental Essays [interthalamic adhesion, massa intermedia, gray commissure], but traverses
the whole cerebrospinal axis - up and down - along the central canal of the
Contact Us spinal cord called the Shushumna [Sushumna].
Acknowledgements In this chart the Shushumna [Sushumna] is illustrated by the heavy line in the
very center of the upright spinal column and cord. It terminates as a
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes microfilm of potential energy in the seed power mechanism in man. All
living things which bear seed after their kind have this power of perpetuating
Support themselves. With few exceptions, vegetation usually bears its fruit and seed
DigitalDrStone! upward.

The central line in this chart brings out the thought of the emanation or
projection of energy from above downward and outward. Hence, we have the
old Hermetic axiom, "As above, so below. As within, so without."[2] In
modern language, the good author James Allen[3] said, "As a man thinketh so
is he." This, in brief, illustrates Nature's arrangement of the flow of finer
forces. The end of the involutionary cycle is wrapped up in the seed power as
"the foundation of the deep" from where it can start other cycles of

In this symbolism is wrapped up the mystery of how the one energy can
become many beings and lives. The one in the many and the many in the one
are wrapped up in the manifestation of the seed power as One in All -- the
secret of the heights in the depths of being, and the deep reflecting itself in
the heights.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service The deep calls unto the deep in this mysterious power of creativeness in all
Award" 2012 things. The descending energy is a vibratory Sound Current in its positive
primal action. The reflecting energy is a radiant Light Current in all things.
In this manner "The Light from above shineth into the darkness and the
darkness comprehendeth it not."[4]

The deepest psycho-physiology is explained in the Bible, but mankind has

not understood. Modern science finds its depth in the details of matter, like
the atom; only these end findings of matter are never assembled into a
complete whole again. Man's mind and thinking process is caught in the
circumference of the manifestation of endless varieties of particles. The
comprehension of a return current, back to its Source, is lacking.

Although man knows that the sensory currents all flow back to the center
from where the energy emanated, he does not follow that path in the over-all
picture of Life in the individual or in the cosmos. He is still caught in the
motor-current cycle of the centrifugal force. The grand middle path of the
neuter [neutral] energy core as a unifying principle and the way back home
to the Source, has eluded the mind of man. The Light shines but it is not
reflected upwards; only matter seems to have the light of interest and
attraction for man. The vibratory activity of the Song of Life is in the heart
and center of all things but it is not heard by mortal man. Even Job said,
"And the Pleiades sang together."[5] In the great and in the small, "Life is a
song". Man would be so

1 Aelius Galenus, Claudius Galenus or Galen of Pergamon (AD 129-180), a
Roman physician, surgeon and philosopher who greatly advanced the early
understandings of anatomy, physiology, neurology, pathology and
2 Described in The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus.
3 James Allen (1864-1912), a British philosophical author and pioneer of the
self-help movement. In 1903, he published his most popular book, As a Man
4 John 1:5
5 Job 38:7


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 2
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 2]
This chart is really an extension of chart No. 1 and of the ideas and principles
illustrated therein. The centrifugal and centripetal currents as opposites are
the central theme of balancing all equations and controversies in therapies.
By the skill of the hand and understanding, both can be used to good
Search Instructions Chart No. 2 gives a diagramatic [diagrammatic] picture of the life current
Alphabetized Index arising from the triune heart center, going up to the head - the directing
Advanced Search center or governor of action - and flowing down in an inward sweep of the
attraction toward the center from the outside. The generative system is the
Index of Transcribed Charts creative and procreative center of the microfilm of all energies of the body in
their finer pattern form or essence in the latent seed power.
Supplemental Essays
This brief outline gives the design the shape of the heart because it is the life
Contact Us circuit. It also represents the individual cell in general, as the smallest
particle of living tissue, acting as a life unit.
Of centers, three are given here as the most vital: The head, the heart and the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes generative system. These are often symbolized by the story of the three wise
men of old, looking for the King as the newborn life essence in the blood
stream.[1] After all, life is closer to us and more real than history; and life's
process is vital to us for our understanding and well-being.
To balance all opposites and controversies would be a great boon to
mankind. A deeper viewpoint through better understanding of life would lead
to a growth of intelligence and a larger vision. The polarity of forces in their
outward electric energy potential and in their inward magnetic potential of
attraction explain the diametric opposites of the principles and the practice of
Allopathic medicine and Homeopathic application of essences in their
minutest quantities of a drug or herb.

According to the Allopathic principle a quantity and force opposes and

neutralizes a similar quantity or force in volume. "Contraria contrariis
curantur." "Opposites are cured by opposites." While the Homeopathic
principle of "Similia similibus curantur" asserts that likes are cured by
similars. But here the essence or the center of the thing is stressed in its
inward, penetrating or centripetal current instead of volume or quantity. It is
more etheric in vibration and its penetrating magnetic effect through the
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service neuter [neutral] fields of the body. This therapeutic principle works on the
Award" 2012 inward arc of the currents, while Allopathy acts upon the outer current of the
centrifugal energy field. In the Ayurvedic medicine of India, metals had to be
burned or overcome in their gross nature by the juices of certain plants and
by fire before they could be employed as remedies which the body could
absorb.[2] Metals were not used in their crude form in Ayurvedic practice.
This carne about later, during the middle ages in Europe.

The blood is the conveyor for the life current. This finer essence is made up
of three primal principles of matter in its manifestation:

1 - The AIRY essence is the breath of life which flows in the conveyor of
oxygen in the air and in the blood stream. Nothing can live without air, but
the chemistry alone does not comprehend nor rule this essence which merely
flows in it and through it. This is the Mercurial (mind) Essence spoken of by
the alchemists like Paracelsus.[3] It is the neuter [neutral] pole of all living
beings and things, as the geometric lines of force of patterns and ideas. It
sustains all life by its universal current of the same essence. Man cannot give
it nor manufacture this essence.

1 Matthew 2:1-12
2 A process called rasa shastra. The use of heavy metals, such as lead,
mercury and arsenic, is highly controversial. Various studies done between
1990 and 2012 found toxic levels of these elements in a significant number
of marketed Ayurvedic medicines, and several cases of lead poisoning were
traced back to Ayurvedic products. Traditional practitioners blame these
events on failure to follow exact preparations for mass production.
3 Paracelsus, born Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von
Hohenheim (1493-1541), a German-Swiss doctor, alchemist, botanist,
astrologist and occultist.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 3
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 3]
Chart No. 3 shows a brief outline of the finer wireless energy whirls in the
human body, behind the nerve centers, and their action as conductors of
energy. Centers are indicated by circles. The head, the heart and the
generative system are the principal centers of life.

Below the center between the eyes, the energy fields are purely physical, for
Search Instructions physiological function. Diffused consciousness from the cerebrum resides in
Alphabetized Index each center and field. By this and their specific nerve connections with the
Advanced Search back portion of the brain, function is accomplished in each department.

Index of Transcribed Charts In the finer whirl of these centers, in addition to functioning as conveyors of
the nerve currents, lies the essence of the electro-magnetic [electromagnetic]
Supplemental Essays field, where specific vibratory wave lengths rule without conductors. This
finer phase of energy is very necessary to tune the sensitive energy fields of
Contact Us the body into Nature's reservoir for their maintenance. This principle is as
essential to action as the wireless broadcasting wave is to radio or television
Acknowledgements performance over the stepped-down condensers of radio or television boxes
which are symbols of the body.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
Man and his centers are expressed in motion and skill through the hands, the
feet and joints. Polarity reflex contacts can be made on this circuit to
Support influence the body centers, through the neuter [neutral] pole of the hands and
DigitalDrStone! through the negative poles of the toes and the soles of the feet. The current
flows naturally through the hands in the expression of skill and sensation of
touch, as the neuter [neutral] pole which expresses the mind and brain
energy. These currents all flow back to the center and can thus be used as
conveyors of impulses through manipulation and contacts in each field, to
affect the vital center involved and thereby balance its action. IT IS A

The feet and the toes are the extremities of the negative pole in the current
flow where most of the blocks are formed by precipitation. Releasing the
blocks usually present at the junction of the positive, outgoing motor and the
negative, inflowing sensory return currents is therefore a very important
factor in POLARITY THERAPY BALANCING of these two forces.
Precipitation occurs most often here because of the great distance from its
invigorating center.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Conscious control of these centers through the finer fields is possible by
Award" 2012
much and long practice, which has been demonstrated by the Hindu Yogis.
But this is not recommended as it is not really to the advantage of the souls in
this age nor is it advisable to take over the subconscious functions
consciously, in our busy everyday life.

ALL CENTERS BELOW THE EYES are for the physical well-being only
when properly used. THEY HAVE NO SPIRITUAL VALUE. By
developing them one may attain psychic power, but no soul lift to the higher
realms. It is therefore a waste of time to try to develop them or to make use
of them for any purpose other than normal physical health.

This deeper understanding of the wireless function behind the conducted

energy fields is very important in order to balance them when upsets or
obstructions are present, and thus gain release from interference of energy
flow. It is real physiological psychiatry to know the currents and step-down
mechanisms of the mind through brain function. The understanding of these
currents is the real basis for a deeper therapy than the merely physical or
chemical applications.

Life operates by finer forces primarily - like the atom - in man and in Nature.
We come

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 4
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 4]
In this chart areas of opposite polarity in the body are presented in circular
diagrams as a geometric relationship and balance of body parts in action and
reaction. It is another approach toward simplification for the purpose of
easily memorizing these relationships in the body.

CIRCLE No. 1 extends from the sides and the top of the head to the sides
Search Instructions and the bottom of the feet. These are geometric opposites, like the two ends
Alphabetized Index of a stick. As one end is moved, the other must go in the opposite direction in
Advanced Search proportion to the length of its leverage and movement of energy stress. Even
though there is no direct nerve connection nor is the rigidity present as in a
Index of Transcribed Charts stick, the geometric force moves just the same through wireless waves and
produces corresponding polarity reflexes. Many drawings illustrating this
Supplemental Essays principle may be found in book II. This is a lateral presentation of
corresponding opposite POLARITY fields. They are very useful as reflex
Contact Us applications in POLARITY THERAPY.

Acknowledgements CIRCLE No. 2 connects the mandibular joint in front of each ear with the hip
joint and the acetabulum as a reflex pole on each side. Test contact can prove
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes their relationship when either is painful or in trouble. THE TOP AREA IS
DigitalDrStone! CIRCLE No. 3 relates the side of the lower portion of the neck and part of
the brachial plexus to an area just above the hip joint, in the soft tissue, as a
reflex. Release of tension in the lower field will improve the upper condition.
These fields of two reflexes, above and below, give the physiological basis
for the restriction of respiration such as is encountered in all pelvic injuries
because of the lack of muscular support.

CIRCLE No. 4 gives the umbilicus and the knees as corresponding reflexes.
This is a new approach to the problem of correspondences in the body
through geometry. Tests will verify both contacts as effective in therapy. The
umbilicus is the physiological center of the body. The knees are the main
flexors of the body. The fires of life, digestion and motion are correlated in
the knees. It may again be pointed out that all contacts are bipolar in
POLARITY THERAPY, one hand being placed above and the other below,
on the opposite center. The energy can be directed either up or down or from
side to side, according to the placing of the hands. Currents flow from the
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service right, positive hand to the left or negative hand.
Award" 2012
THE STRAIGHT LINE on the left side of the body connects the jaw reflex
as the positive pole for stomach response to the neuter [neutral] pole.

In front of the ear, above the arrow point of circle No. 2 is located the faculty
of alimentiveness. A mild holding contact on it on the left side of the head
and one active lifting hold under the floating ribs below the stomach will
elicit powerful reflexes hitherto unsuspected. Some gaseous eructions
[belches] and stomach coughs have their origin here. On the right side, the
same area in front of the ear and above mandibular joint, has its polar reflex
to a center in the liver region which will respond when a contact is made
under it, beneath the floating ribs, with the other hand.

THE DOTTED LINES along the outside ot [of] the thighs, shown in the
upper portion of circle No. 5, are also potent polarity reflex areas for the
digestion. The fascia lata is concerned here. It becomes so rigid in
indigestion that it seems like a board on either leg where the energy block
exists. This area on the left leg is a stomach polarity reflex and the same area
on the right leg reflexes liver obstructions. The electromagnetic energy in
these fields is not powerful enough to

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 5
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 5]
CIRCLE No. 1 illustrates the relationship of the top of the head with the
bottom of the feet - from the center of the top of the head to the center of the
arches of the feet. Chilling this area of the feet usually results in severe head
cold symptoms, and in women patients this produces uterine congestion, the
uterus being the neuter [neutral] pole in the vertical lines of force with
polarity reflexes to the top of the head. There is also an indicated relation
Search Instructions between the back of the head and the heels.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search CIRCLE No. 2 relates the temporal bones to the innominate [hip] bones on
each side. Loss of balance through the action of the semicircular canals in the
Index of Transcribed Charts temporal bones might have its origin in the innominate [hip] and its articular
relationships of polarity energy circuits. This polarity reflex is present in
Supplemental Essays cases of ear trouble, whether it can be found or not. The very shape of the ear
shows POLARITY association with the similarly formed innominate [hip].
Contact Us The temporal bones are the ear bones. Motion, emotions and ear-wagging in
the animals have a definite relationship to each other.
CIRCLE No. 3 establishes a POLARITY relationship of positive and
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes negative poles between the foramen magnum articulation and the center of
the sacral articulation with the innominate [hip]. This is a very vital
correspondence and most useful in therapy. In another place in this book the
Support treatise on the Sacrum deals further with this POLARITY relevancy and its
DigitalDrStone! application.

CIRCLE No. 4 shows an unsuspected reflex between the kidneys and the
feet, on the sides below the ankles and on the bottoms. For home therapy, hot
applications and poultices to the bottom of the feet, in the respective area or
in general, will draw from the kidneys. This knowledge is most helpful to the
doctor in treating acute kidney conditions and even in coughs and lung
conditions. Grandma used to apply hot onion poultices to the feet and cure
whooping cough by mildly blistering the feet. This is POLARITY
application through the AIRY TRIAD OF THE KIDNEYS AND THE
LUNGS. Direct POLARITY application would give even quicker and better
results. POLARITY THERAPY should be repeated until all pain is gone out
of both areas, above and below, and the symptoms are cleared.

CIRCLE No. 5 indicates the line crossing the bracelets of the wrists, from a
posterior view, connecting the associated reflex area of the hip joint with the
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service ankle joints. The wrists, ovaries and testes also have a functional reflex in the
Award" 2012 bracelets of the wrists, anteriorly, just above the hands, where the line of
circle No. 5 crosses in the diagram. This is useful in diagnosis and estimation
of vital force as pelvic function in pregnant women, as previously
mentioned.[1] Curved in or broken lines indicate great difficulty in childbirth,
and a cesarean may be necessary. It is good to know and be prepared.

Capacity of any field or organ is expressed in lines of force in its

corresponding reflex centers, as their silent wave-length recording, like
handwriting on the tissue walls. Knowledge of this is a great aid to the
physician in rendering most effective service, and raises the public's
estimation of his knowledge and skill. This is priceless information,
especially in the field of obstetrics.

The dotted lines along the neck, the arms and the thighs depict the polarity
reflexes on the outside of the body, viewed from the back. They represent the
outer negative pole, associated with the inner side of the thighs and the
anterior portion of the neck, shown as dotted lines in chart No. 4. Both, the
inner thigh area and the outer tension blocks, must be released to balance the
current flow and eliminate the pain caused by this obstruction of the energy
which results in tension in the fields concerned.

1 Book 3, page 42.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 6
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 6]
Figure 1 portrays the five forms of matter, operating as five fields, building
the human body. The body cavities are the potential fields which contain the
vital organs of function.
Figure 2 depicts the application of principles illustrated in figure 1 by placing
them in the respective cavities of the body. Matter, in its finer essence of
Search Instructions etheric function, whirls in circuits by enclosing space for specific expression
Alphabetized Index of stepped-down energy from a high potential of mind energy, through
Advanced Search etheric, gaseous, liquid and solid forms of matter as polarized fields, and
functions as structural energy expressed through sensory and motor currents.
Index of Transcribed Charts The center of consciousness of all fields resides in the neuter [neutral] point
between the eyes. This explains the energy field idea, made up out of space
Supplemental Essays by the primary energy currents which encircle space and build in it, like a
bird makes a nest. Space existed before there were organized forms with
Contact Us fields, organs, nerves and functions.

Acknowledgements There is always an accumulation of energy at the centers, where the

POLARITY currents cross, as illustrated in figure 2 and in charts No. 1 and 2
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes in book II.

Each field will be recognized in its function, as it is given throughout the

Support book and well illustrated in charts No. 1, 2 and 3 in book II. Each field has a
DigitalDrStone! vibratory keynote of its own as well as specific POLARITY currents for
action. The physical aspect of the field is the negative phase. The positive,
wireless energy which flows over it is the positive pole in each field. That is
why two illustrations are given in this chart.

The cold earth must be activated by the fire of life and warmth in order to
function. In the same way, the driving vital force, active in the circulatory
system, is a fiery energy; while the fine mind energy essence floats in the
cerebrospinal nerve fluid as an airy nothingness which gives direction and
intelligent perception to the nerve cell actions as sensory and motor impulses.
This subtle, hidden energy in the nerve fluids was called the alchemical
function by the medieval doctors, such as Paracelsus.[1]

Ayurvedic medicine of India also associates the brain and nerve functions
with the airy element of the mind by looking at it from the one polarized
neuter [neutral] center within from which all external forms originate and
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service emanate. In the Ayurvedic system the circulation and the respiratory
Award" 2012 functions were classified under the fiery element because of the sustaining
warmth and the fiery energy and warmth in the blood stream. There is no
contradiction whatsoever; it is merely a matter of looking at it from the
center outward, or from the outside in.

To avoid confusion, I have taken the latter view in presenting the external
relationship of parts because it is much more in keeping with our western
viewpoint of anatomy and physiology, as follows:

1 - The superior (the brain, etc.) as the positive pole. The airy mind pattern

2 - The middle (the sustaining principle of life) as the neuter [neutral] pole.
The sensory energy of warmth and emotional feeling. (The heart center)

3 - The inferior, the negative pole, as the result or culmination of all the
currents' travel and the crystallization of the energy essences into physical
fluidic essence as seed power, seeds and fruits which express the sum total of
the original pattern in form. (The generative center.)

This is how Polarity starts as energy flow in the very pattern design in the
beginning of

1 Paracelsus, born Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von
Hohenheim (1493-1541), a German-Swiss doctor, alchemist, botanist,
astrologist and occultist.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 7
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 7]
The illustration given here is of the FIERY principle [Yang1] as it functions
in the human body.

The superior pole is manifested in the light of the eyes and descends over the
region of the heart and chest as respiration and the fiery warmth in the blood,
to supply every cell of the body. It crosses over in the abdomen in the region
Search Instructions
of the umbilicus, where it becomes the fire of digestion in the splanchnic
Alphabetized Index [intestinal] area and in the solar plexus. It centers especially in the duodenum
Advanced Search
as an emotional seat of the fire principle [Yang1]; also in the gall bladder and
duct as the organ of anger, jealousy, envy, hatred and bitterness. Its third
Index of Transcribed Charts function is action and motion which are expressed through the skill of the
hands in the neuter [neutral] pole and as running through the action of the
Supplemental Essays thighs. The thighs express this definitely in the motor field as the negative
pole. When a horse runs away, if his eyes are covered by the hands of the
Contact Us rider, he will stop at once. These psychological qualities were expressed as
planetary characteristics in alchemical writings because truth had to be
veiled. Planets also radiate energy waves as their keynote of action.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
In headaches, in hemicrania and when there is the pulling and straining
sensation in the eyes, even with glasses, as if they were being drawn out of
Support the head, it is the fiery circuit which is disturbed. The head symptoms are but
DigitalDrStone! reflexes from the neuter [neutral] pole of the gall bladder and the duodenum,
where the real trouble is located. Emotional stress is the hidden background
of these recurring symptoms. This is verified by gas pains, abdominal cramps
and indigestion symptoms. Belching is a sure sign of it, when enough action
is present to get this symptomatic relief by moving the accumulated gases.

In such cases everything goes to gas because there is not enough of the fiery
power present to carry on the complete process of digestion. Foods may even
remain in the stomach, undigested, for days. Even skillful and careful work
over the liver area, anteriorly and posteriorly, does not release the cause of it;
but it does help to being up the gases and relieve the head of gas pressure
through belching.

By experience and diligent research I have found that the liver and stomach
are not so much at fault here as it seems. They only lack motive power to do
their work because the emotions have diverted the energy. The real block is
in this fiery element which is stuck in the gall bladder and the duodenum,
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service into which the common bile duct empties. Abdominal work helps but does
Award" 2012 not get the quick nor lasting reaction as does the POLARITY REFLEX from
the negative pole. In this case it is the negative pole that is blocked, which
does not allow this current to return in its circuitous sweep from top to
bottom and back again. The exact spot is the first joint of the second toe, near
the big toe on each foot.

This reflex area is entirely new in its application as a specific for these
symptoms and for obtaining immediate relief. The POLARITY area is
different from the actual liver and digestive one, which is usually the second
finger and the third toe for the liver, stomach, colon and digestion in general.
Here, it is the fire element [Yang1], in its active natural response, located
nearer to the middle line of the body.

Each one of the four polarized elements has a positive pole, a neuter [neutral]
pole and a negative pole. Therefore, all action is triune. Whenever they
move, or wherever these fields are, they must be related to each other by

Chemistry also works through Polarity attraction and repulsion in each field
in the body, by

1 To alleviate confusion between the Three Principles (Fire, Water and Air)
and the Five Elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth), many Polarity
practitioners refer to Dr. Stone's "Fiery Principle" as "Yang," his "Watery
Principle" as "Yin," and his "Airy Principle as "Neutral" or "Tao." See The
Three Principles and Five Elements for more information.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 8
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 8]
This chart illustrates the application of the principles explained in chart No. 7
for specific gall bladder and duodenal polarity reflexes.

TREATMENT ["Path of Fire"]


Fig. 1: Have the patient lie on the back. The doctor stands at the foot end of
Search Instructions the table and firmly presses the first joints of the second toes of both feet,
Alphabetized Index grasping each between the thumb and first finger of each hand, holds them
Advanced Search firmly and pulls in order to release the joint. When the block is released by
this gentle but firm stretch, the joint clicks during the stretch. The one with
Index of Transcribed Charts the greatest trouble requires a longer time and sometimes several applications
before it will click. Normal joints click easily without pain. The first joints of
Supplemental Essays the second toes on both feet are very sore in gall bladder and duodenal
obstructions. There will be plenty of emoting and squirming on the patient's
Contact Us part, but if the doctor will presevere [persevere] for one minute at a time,
with one minute or so interval in between for rest and a healthy reaction, the
Acknowledgements corresponding organs will respond by gurgling once or more and the patient
will immediately begin to feel better. The pain at the point of contact will
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes also be less each time the contact is made, and by and by it will completely
disappear. This double contact has a polarizing effect by balancing the
currents of one side with the other, plus the top and bottom polarity reflex
Support responses.
The contact is first on the anterior and posterior surface of the second toe of
each foot, at the first joint, as previously mentioned and as shown in fig. 1.
Second, on each side of the same joints on both feet as shown in fig. 2. Hold
each contact for about one minute, relax and repeat until good relaxation and
response takes place. This should be repeated about three times during one
treatment. The lateral contact elicits a different polarity reflex than the
anterior-posterior one.

The contact on the first joint of the second toe of the right foot is for the gall
bladder, gall duct, and the portion of the duodenum where it empties, on the
right half of the body. The contact on the first joint of the second toe of the
left foot is for the duodenum, which is located in the left half of the body.
Sometimes one organ is in greater trouble than the other, hence the first joint
of the toe on that half of the body will be more sensitive and painful.

Fig. 3: Identically the same contacts will be made on the first joints of both
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
index fingers to polarize the neuter [neutral] reflexes of these areas in the
Award" 2012

Fig. 4: Shows the contact for polarization from the superior reflexes (the
right hand on top and side of the forehead) to the jaw, at a point of the gall
bladder polarity reflex on the right side, and on the left side for the duodenal
reflex. The operator stands on the left side of the patient and spreads out his
hand in a bipolar contact from one side of the head to the other. The left
thumb fits the jaw, and the fingers make a firm contact under it to support the
thumb pressure. Hold it for one minute. Then change the jaw contact to the
right side, hold firmly for one minute. The head contact remains steady and
unchanged during both of these jaw contacts. The currents will flow from the
head to the jaw because the right hand is on top, emphasizing the outflowing
currents to the organs and polarity reflexes.

Then the doctor stands on the right side of the patient and places his left hand
on the top of the forehead and his right hand on the jaw areas. The currents
will flow upward to the left hand and augment the sensory return circuits in
the patient's body.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 9
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 9]
Pains in the long bones ordinarily indicate anemia, exhaustion, lymphatic
stasis or lack of vitamin C, calcium, manganese or sodium; however, the
periodic recurring pains in the arms or legs, especially at night, are usually
due to neuralgia. The pains come and go. They usually come on after the
body has been exposed to the least chill or slightest draft. Even at night the
pains continue like in rheumatism.
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index A poor digestion is the background of these symptoms. In such cases gas is
Advanced Search present in the legs or arms, which allows but a moderate circulation. The
least amount of draft stagnates the gases and neuralgic type pains appear.
Index of Transcribed Charts
The old-time remedy for this was warmth by wearing woolens and red
Supplemental Essays flannels. Heat or warmth tends to alleviate the pain, and may be applied in
the nature of a heat lamp or electric pad, or hot vinegar and water
Contact Us compresses, etc. A counter-irritant like Capsicum, hot mustard or horseradish
plasters are old-fashioned remedies. They give relief but do not correct the
Acknowledgements cause. The function of the liver, gall bladder and digestion in general must be
improved in order to overcome this hypersensitiveness and recurring
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes tendency to congestion. This may easily be done by the application of
In the case of soreness in the shin bone, the doctor stands on the opposite
side of the leg he wants to treat so he can better contact the inside of the leg
with the grip of the thumb and fingers in a firm kneading twist of the hands
on the knee and thigh, in opposite directions.

FIGURE 1: The thumb and fingers of the doctor's left hand cover and firmly
hold the tendons and muscles of the inner side of the thigh with an outward
rotational move. The right hand makes firm gripping contacts anywhere
below the knee, with an inward twisting motion.

FIGURE 2: When treating the left leg, the doctor's left hand is gently placed
on the left side of the pubis in a lifting, vibrating, upward directional move.
The right hand grips and kneads the calf muscles in an outward twisting

FIGURE 3: While the thumb and fingers of the doctor's right hand grip the
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service thigh muscles firmly in an upward vibrational move with an outward twisting
Award" 2012 hold, the left hand lifts the abdominal tissue over the umbilicus in a gentle
grip and holds it for one minute.

These contacts are repeated until the release of obstructions is assured. When
treating the right leg, the doctor stands on the left side of the table. The
procedure is the same.

This and other Polarity Applications may be concluded by polarizing the

head of the patient from side to side and diagonally, from the anterior to the
posterior. For this the doctor stands at the head of the table, using one hand
on each side where soreness is found.

If the pain in the bones is too severe and has been present for a long time, it
may be necessary to apply leeches over the area and on the calves of the legs
to withdraw the stagnant blood which is loaded with gases and waste
products and thus enable fresh blood to circulate. For this application, see
chapter on "Leeches" in this book.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 10
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 10]
The principle used in the test board is as old as the pyramids. The board
shown in this chart is two feet long and one foot wide. In the center of the
board is a cross divider - one lengthwise and one crosswise - at perfect right
angles. A string, with a heavy plumb bob at the end of it, is suspended from
the ceiling and is positioned exactly where the point falls on the center line at
the end of the board. Then the string is fastened. The position of the board is
Search Instructions then marked on the floor with indellible [indelible] ink, so water won't affect
Alphabetized Index or remove the markings. In this way the board can be quickly replaced
Advanced Search exactly where the plumb bob indicated it to be correct, no matter how often
the board may be removed for cleaning purposes.
Index of Transcribed Charts
The little suction cups at the ends of the rods extending from the board, hold
Supplemental Essays that end on the floor. This board can be raised for cleaning or leaned against
the wall if space is needed.
Contact Us
The length of the board is for the purpose of a clear view of the line-up of the
Acknowledgements patient with the center line of partition, and to give room behind for the
string, so the patient does not touch it.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
The test board in the illustration has a little iron pipe over the right-angle
partitions to hold them firm. This is not necessary. A 1" x 2" [one inch by
Support two inch] wooden strip, securely fastened to the center of the board and one
DigitalDrStone! at right angles to it will do very well. A line drawn in the center of the long
strip would give the line-up for the string.

TO CHECK THE LINE-UP OF THE PATIENT[1]: The doctor sits on a

stool, facing the line which is suspended from the ceiling, and lines his sight
up with the center line always. The patient stands on the front half of the
board, as is clearly demonstrated in chart No. 11, with the back toward the
doctor, heels snug up to the back stop of the center divider on the board, and
the feet in a natural position, without any effort to place them or line them up
with the center of the board. The knees must be free. If they interfere, then
the feet should be separated but at an equal distance from the center on each
side of the divider, and the heels remaining snug against the back stop.

EXAMINATION: The pulse should be taken BEFORE placing the patient on

the board for checking the line-up. Each pulse beat relates to an energy field
in Nature. Much that has been overlooked by the western world for centuries,
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service can be discovered in this field alone. Details on the pulse are given in the
Award" 2012 explanation of Chart No. 2 in this book. Next, the blood pressure should be
taken to note the tension in the fluidic circulation. This reveals to the doctor
an important point on whether it is advantageous for the patient to take hot
baths for the relief of high blood pressure, or cold showers over the spine in
cases of low blood pressure.

The gravity principle of the earth is used in every construction job, even in
the laying of bricks and all the superstructure. A right angle is the shortest
line to the earth in its gravity pull. The plumb bob test string represents this
line. The patient is placed with the back toward this line for comparison and
check of the central axis of his own gravity to that of the earth. By doing this,
the comparison reveals the imbalance of the person's own gravity structure.
This imbalance limits his motion and function, even though he is not in
action or under the pull of gravity outside.

The person's own center of gravity in relation to his inner forces is far more
important than the center of gravity outside. Merely measuring man's
relationship to gravity is not sufficient.

1 A plumb bob or plumb line can also be used to observe a patient's posture
and postural holding patterns.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 12
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 12]
A graphic description is given here of the sphenoid bone as the positive pole
of the coccyx, the sphenoid being located superiorly and mostly anterior
while the coccyx is the inferior and posterior extremity of the spine. Opposite
polarity and corresponding relationships exist between them.

In physiology, the ganglion of impar is located anteriorly to the coccyx and

Search Instructions the superior pole is in the ganglion of Ribes' in the brain. Many surprising
Alphabetized Index beneficial polarity reflexes can be elicited here. The sensory, soft tissue
Advanced Search reflexes are used to good advantage in the Perineal Technique, especially in
emotional cases and in pain due to pregnancy, as is explained in detail in
Index of Transcribed Charts books I[1] and II[2].

Supplemental Essays Neck tension also has its polarity reflex in the soft tissue of the perineum, on
either side and below the coccyx, and can be released there. (For coccyx
Contact Us treatment, please refer to chart No. 19 in book II, also perineal treatment
charts No. 30 and 31 in book II.)
This polarity combination represents the densest force of vital concentration
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes in the negative pole below and the more rarified life energy of 'Prana' above,
in the neck and in the front of the skull, as the positive fields of sensation.
Support The anterior sphincter has its polarity reflex in the throat. The polarity reflex
DigitalDrStone! of dryness, cough and tickling in the throat, when not due to cold, is found in
the rectal sphincter. The tightness in the anterior portion of the sphincter
muscles is a negative factor of the irritation in the throat and has its positive
polarity reflex in the swallowing mechanism. The anterior portion of the
throat reflexes to the anterior portion of the sphincter ani, and the posterior
portion of the neck to the posterior portion of the sphincter ani. A band of
tight muscles under the jaw, as well as the watery eyes in such conditions,
are the associated positive polarity reflexes to the throat. The septum of the
nose and the nasopharynx have spots of irritation which need to be treated
and polarized for best results in such conditions.

The rectal sphincters and the gullet respond to each other as positive and
negative areas. The functions of deglutition [swallowing] and defecation are
oppoiste [opposite] factors as positive intake and negative expulsion. The
relationship is clear without further elucidation.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service TREATMENT: An external contact is made on the tight sphincter ani,
Award" 2012 anteriorly, first on one side and then on the other, and gently lifted superiorly
and posteriorly. The contact is held until relaxation begins. One minute is
sufficient for the contact. Then rest and repeat the same as in Perineal
Technique. It may be well to repeat that one does not enter the orifice in
giving this treatment, as the most sensitive fibers are external, in the skin.
Rectal dilation is sometimes indicated and when that is necessary, it should
be done with gloved and well-lubricated fingers, and not with harsh

For Polarity contact in giving the Perineal Treatment, also contact the tight
muscle under the jaw, superiorly, above the point of irritation, and hold it for
the same length of time with the other hand. (See detailed description of
Perineal Technique in book I[1] and chart No. 30 in book II for the release of
sensory blocks. For congestion and lumps on the side of the coccyx, see Fig.
3 of chart No. 19 in book II, which illustrates the contacts to be used in
Polarity Therapy.)
1 Book 1, Chart 8.
2 Book 2, Charts 30 and 31.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 13
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 13]
The central figure of this chart shows an over-all relation of the head to the
sacrum, as a clock, when compared to that shown in figure 4. The spinal cord
represents the pendulum stem, and the weight at the end symbolizes the
sacrum, and the coccyx as the tip of it.

All the vital impulses of motor energy which the soul or being brings with it
Search Instructions in its life embodiment on this earth, is lodged in the sacrum of that being.
Alphabetized Index The sacrum ticks these off as a vital measuring stick at the end of travel of
Advanced Search the cerebral impulses in the head, very much like the works in a clock. The
face shows the sensory impressions just as the hands do on the face of the
Index of Transcribed Charts clock. The motor impulses support all sensory impulses which reach it for
expression in action. These impulses become actual forces in the finer fields
Supplemental Essays of emotion and mind, in their upward and outward travel in expression. The
sacrum moves very little in its two articulations. A lateral tilt or a twist is the
Contact Us usual finding, as anterior and inferior on one side. But the swing of the forces
involved may exert an unusual pull on the sacrum and result in exaggerated
Acknowledgements symptoms entirely out of proportion with its physical position.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes The sockets of the two hip joints as shown in line "B" are definitely related to
the mandibular articulation of the temporal bone, even as the innominate
[hip] bone is the negative pole of the temporal bone, as shown in charts No. 4
Support and 5 in this book. That is why sensation of balance through the ears affects
DigitalDrStone! the gravity relationship of the body. It is through POLARITY action of
representative fields of positive poles above to negative fields below that
these results follow as sequences. It is simple in its structural relationship,
but it can hardly be traced by nerve connections, as we have been
accustomed. The study of the Wireless POLARITY fields opens up a new
vista for the doctor and the patient. The atom is not greater than man. It is but
the tiniest particle of the material body.[1]

Line "C" on the central figure of the chart correlates the foramen magnum
with the sacroiliac articulation, which governs the position of the head. The
position of the head indicates the position of the sacral base and its muscular
tension. The usual lesions are inferior or anterior which not only fail to
support the superior structure but draw it down through muscular attachment
and polarity as well as gravity pull.

The apex of the sacrum is shown by line "A". It is indicated by the shoulder
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service levels at the center. These lines of index reveal much of the structural
Award" 2012 imbalance and positioning. They are valuable aids in detecting sacral polarity
action in relation to its internal organs and to gravity outside. The mechanical
position only indicates the repelling or attracting forces which are in excess
on either side as well as anteriorly and posteriorly.

Vital structural and motor forces are locked up in the cerebrospinal fluid in
the sacrum, which makes it a key-positioning factor. It is the energy in the
fluid that does it, and not the bone.

Fig. 3 shows the mandibular joint in relation to line "B" on the central figure.
It also shows the temporal bone and its muscular outline as the positive pole
of the innominate [hip] bone. The occipital bone as the base of the skull is
also shown. It plays a vital role in this relationship through direct muscular
attachments to the sacral region below.

The parietal bones as the roof and sides of the skull, carry wireless polarity
impulses from each side of the body, and must not be overlooked in
correcting lateral polarity reflexes back to

1 The Standard Model of subatomic particles, including quarks and bosons,
was developed in the 1960's and 70's and continues to be studied and refined
to this day.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 14
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 14]
Figure 1 shows the corrective position and the treatment used in cases where
the patient, on the gravity line-up, showed folds and grooves on the left side
of the body under the shoulder blade, indicating a superior and posterior
sacral base on that side, and an anterior-inferior base on the right side. In
such cases, a right lateral curvature of the spine opposite the folds
compensates the doubling up of the tissues on the left side.
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index The operator's middle finger of the left hand contacts the sacral apex from a
Advanced Search posterior-inferior angle, then gently lifts and vibrates the base in a superior-
posterior direction. Light, rhythmic impulses are used. The right hand is on
Index of Transcribed Charts the innominate [hip], with a gentle hold, in an upward and toward-the-table
direction for the inferior sacral base on the right side. The wedge-shaped
Supplemental Essays cushion placed under the hips, as shown in the chart, favors this correction. A
similar pillow may be placed under the head to increase the corrective curve
Contact Us of the spine. The higher the curve is located on the spine, the bigger the head
cushion should be to assist correction. When the compensatory curve is in
Acknowledgements the lower region of the spine, the hip cushion should be placed below the hip
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
In cases where the opposite side is so affected, the patient lies on the right
side and the doctor treats accordingly for spinal curvature and sacral base
Support correction. Stubborn fourth and fifth lumbars [L4, L5] are usually due to
DigitalDrStone! sacral conditions.

This corrective position and treatment restores the patient's own center of
gravity as well as his relationship to the gravity of the earth. This can be
verified by checking the patient on the test board with the plumb line before
and after treatment.

Give this simple, gentle and rhythmic treatment for one minute, then rest one
minute and repeat four or five times. Then check again on the test board and
note the improvement.

A sacral adjustment may also be given in that position, with the finger
contact on the apex of the anterior base side, the thumb on the head of the
femur and the knee at right angles to the body, as shown in figure 3 of chart
No. 20 in this book.

Fig. 2 illustrates the contact above the pubis and about the center of Poupart's
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service [inguinal] ligament, with the thumb of the operator's right hand over the right
Award" 2012 sacral base for an anterior correction of it by the assistance of leverage with
the aid of the operator's left-hand contact above. The thumb is as close to
Poupart's [inguinal] ligament as possible to start with, until contact over the
sacrum is made. The treatment is given with the patient exhaling the breath
as you gently lift the head and the upper part of the body forward with the
other hand. Then relax and repeat about four or five times. Then check the
patient on the test board again and note how favorably this correction affects
the line-up in general and the sacrum specifically as well as the short leg.
This is a powerful move, effective in difficult and stubborn cases where
gentle rhythm impulses fail to make a correction which stays put. Chart No.
19 in book II is similar; however, in this book the objective of correction is
the anterior sacral base whereas in book II chart No. 19 shows the correction
of abdominal muscle pull.

This may be followed up with a general stretch by means of a gentle,

rhythmic pull on the head, which releases the compressed inter-vertebral
discs all along the spinal column. This move is shown in figure 3 of chart
No. 25 in this book and in figure 2 of chart No. 7 in book IV.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Comments on Reprint of Chart No. 14 from Book III
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function The finger contact is on the apex of the sacrum and is used in a gentle
directional vibration.

The hand on the hip gives an upward and toward-the-table rocking

directional movement to open the way for the sacral position.

The apex contact is held steady during this time.

Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index Rock, hold, rest; then repeat a few times.
Advanced Search
Then have the patient stand for line-up again and you will be amazed at the
Index of Transcribed Charts wonderful results, even in many unyielding cases previously treated by other
Supplemental Essays
Figure 2 in this chart shows an anterior sacral base correction.
Contact Us
The contact is made with the thumb, near the middle of Poupart's [inguinal]
Acknowledgements ligament and close to it until you feel the sacrum under it. Make a soft-
cushion contact of the thumb, like a rocker arm, and not stiff like a point. A
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes firm but gentle contact makes this a powerful correction for the more
stubborn anterior sacral base condition.

Support Have the patient inhale first, then slowly exhale as you lift the head, so the
DigitalDrStone! exhalation is complete by the time the head is raised as far as toleration will
permit. Start slowly, with short lifts, and increase the stretch as you repeat
the move three or four times. Another check-up against the plumbline
[plumb-line] will reveal the surprising amount of correction obtained by this

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 15
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 15]
Figure 1 shows a contact on the sacral apex with the middle finger of the
right hand, in an upward direction, for an inferiorly based sacrum with an
anterior base. The left middle finger is placed on the posterior-superior spine
of the ilium [PSIS], holding it in its place while the impulses from the right-
hand finger gently move the sacral apex superiorly and slightly posterior.
This gives the base a superior impulse, with an anterior release from the
Search Instructions innominate [hip], by co-ordinating the impulses. This is gentle preparatory
Alphabetized Index correction for bad cases of this trouble with much pain. Please see chart No.
Advanced Search 29 in book II for muscular Polarity reflex release.

Index of Transcribed Charts Figure 2 portrays the impulse and contact directed as a POLARITY
BALANCE with the foramen magnum and the atlas [C1], in that area. The
Supplemental Essays lower contact is the same as that shown in figure 1. The upper contact is held
still while the impulses are gently directed upward, toward the head by the
Contact Us lower contact. This is a relaxing and balancing treatment of superior and
inferior fields by POLARITY THERAPY.
Acknowledgements 77
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 16
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 16]
The contact shown in figure 1 is for polarizing the innominate [hip], the
temporal and occipital bones on the left side.

For giving this treatment the doctor stands at the head of the table, to the left
side of the patient. The left hand, with three curved fingers, makes a contact
directly behind the ear, on the temporal bone and occipital base. The thumb
Search Instructions and the little finger are free because they do not fit the precise contact here.
Alphabetized Index The right hand is laid on the left innominate [hip] bone and held steady. A
Advanced Search slight traction is used for the active contact between the two points and can
be held steadily for about one minute for relaxation, or vibrated for one
Index of Transcribed Charts minute if stimulation is desired.

Supplemental Essays This treatment is definitely indicated in all cases of ear trouble as well as hip
pain, distortions and posteriorities. It POLARIZES AND RELEASES both
Contact Us regions for further correction.

Acknowledgements The temporal bone is the positive pole of the innominate [hip] bone, as
illustrated in chart No. 13, figure 1, in this book; also in circle 2 of chart No.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes 5 in this book.

Figure 2: Manipulating the umbilicus against the tension field, and polarizing
Support the abdominal pole of the fiery power of digestion, with the supra-orbital
DigitalDrStone! [supraorbital] notch contact for eye strain and tension on either side; a very
effective treatment when the congestion or block is there.

A bipolar contact is also possible over the bridge of the nose, with slight
lateral and upward movement, together with the umbilical contact with the
other hand.

The eyes and the stomach are opposite poles. Proverbially, the eyes are
bigger than the stomach and its digestive capacity. Spots before the eyes are
also due to liver and gall bladder upsets, when the fire of digestion is
overloaded and blocks occur which act as flickers and shutters to the center
of vision, the positive pole of the Fire Principle [Yang1] in the body.
Digestion is its neuter [neutral] pole.

1 To alleviate confusion between the Three Principles (Fire, Water and Air)

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service and the Five Elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth), many Polarity
Award" 2012 practitioners refer to Dr. Stone's "Fiery Principle" as "Yang," his "Watery
Principle" as "Yin," and his "Airy Principle as "Neutral" or "Tao." See The
Three Principles and Five Elements for more information.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 17
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 17]
FIGURE 1: The specific polarity reflex for the neck is in the neuter [neutral]
pole of the hands, between the thumbs and the first fingers, in its horizontal
representation, as shown in chart No. 3 in this book. Find the sore spot in this
area on both hands and hold firmly with both hands for one minute, as a
bipolar contact.
Search Instructions Then, with one hand, hold the spot which is the sorest, corresponding to the
Alphabetized Index throat reflex on that side; and, with the other hand, contact the real, positive,
Advanced Search tender spot under the jaw, directly above the irritation. Hold both contacts
simultaneously for relaxation and polarization as shown in figure 3 for the
Index of Transcribed Charts jaw contact and figure 1 for the hand contact.

Supplemental Essays It is well to begin the polarization by holding both toes for one minute, to
balance the two sides of the body.
Contact Us
Upper dorsal [thoracic], motor reflexes should also be inhibited or adjusted.
The negative polarity reflexes may be found along the inside of the tendon of
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes the big toe and held firmly as shown in figure 2. But, if this is a digestive
major reflex, the negative point will be found in the middle toe and the
middle finger tip as a reflex to the upper pole, and the first joint of the second
Support finger as the neuter [neutral] pole polarity reflex. Treat the affected side by
DigitalDrStone! holding the toe joint with firm pressure with one hand and the other hand
over the stomach or liver area, or a jaw contact as shown in figure 3. The toe
and the jaw are opposite poles for the central balance, and may be held
simultaneously as shown in the combination of figures 2 and 3.

Throat reflexes which cause rhinitis and watery eyes can be successfully
treated in this way. This may also be a neuralgic symptom, but the
background is a digestive irritation of the mucous membranes. Highly spiced
or seasoned foods, or a sudden chill may bring on the symptoms. However,
merely stopping the irritation by not taking these foods will not clear the
UPSET ENERGY FIELDS of their dis-organized [disorganized] polarity in
the current flow and this results in recurring irritation.

This is the doctor's field as a balancer of the subtle energy currents. Polarity
energy discord is the background of the external physical symptoms. The
latter are but the effects of these hidden causes of electromagnetic imbalance
of active forces in that field.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012
Dr. Samuel Hahneman[1] based his entire Homeopathy on this finer
observation in his medical practice. Repeatedly, he mentioned the fact that
illness is really due to the action of the life spirit, and not to the physical
organs of the body.

The alchemists, like Paracelsus[2], had a similar viewpoint. Paracelsus also

hammered forcefully on the idea of the finer forces in Nature and in man. He
used similars in Nature which had this particular energy in them. This he
most likely brought with him from the Orient, where he wandered from the
year 1513 to 1521, for it is exactly as the Ayruvedic [Ayurvedic] Medicine of
India taught it. In Arabia, no doubt, he found the Thaumaturgic ideas which
used the similars in animals, like the vitamins and glandulars which are
extracted from them in present-day practice.[3] But Paracelsus emphasized
the ENERGY POTENTIAL more than the chemistry. Yet he gave a powerful
impulse to the study of chemistry in Europe in his time and thereafter. He
preferred a living chemistry of energies, called alchemy, to the mere material
one used now. The alchemist always deals with Life and its ENERGIES in
all his research, observation and practice.

1 Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German
physician and founder of homeopathic medicine.
2 Paracelsus, born Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von
Hohenheim (1493-1541), a German-Swiss doctor, alchemist, botanist,
astrologist and occultist.
3 An aspect of the practice of zootherapy. 21st century zootherapy focuses
more on animal-assisted therapy than medicinal extractions.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 18
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 18]
A double contact is used across the spine, held with a firm and steady
pressure, for relaxation of tension and to polarize one side of the body with
the other; either with the direction of the surface currents for a soothing
effect, as shown here, or in the opposite direction, against the flow of the
currents, for stimulating. The contact is held firm and steady until the tissues
under it relax. This can be done all the way up and down the spine, especially
Search Instructions on the high or posterior side of the body.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search As previously mentioned, in POLARITY ACTION, the right half of the body
is positive and the left half is negative.
Index of Transcribed Charts
In giving this treatment, the doctor stands on his toes in order to put the
Supplemental Essays whole body impact behind these vibrations, as shown in charts 23 and 24 of
book II. The elasticity of the movement, plus the volume of weight potential
Contact Us behind it, makes it a most effective impulse with great therapeutic benefit,
but gentle in application.
FIGURE 1 of this chart shows the doctor's left hand laid freely across the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes spine of the patient. The doctor stands on the left side of the patient, at right
angles to the patient for step No. 1.
Support FIGURE 2 shows how the right hand is loosely placed on top of the fingers
DigitalDrStone! of the left hand.

FIGURE 3 shows how the left-hand twist is made, with a firm contact with
both hands on the muscle tissue to place one side under tension in opposite
direction to the other. The heel of the left hand goes down on the left half of
the body while the fingers push the tissue upwards and at the same time are
re-inforced [reinforced] by the right hand. The doctor now faces the patients
head, holding the contact firmly in that upward direction, with or without
vibratory impulses, for balancing of currents.

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Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 19
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 19]
FIGURE 1 illustrates a soothing contact with the current flow on that side for
release of tension and pain in the legs. The left hand is over the innominate
[hip] and the pelvis, with the fingers on the pubic bone, on that side. The
operator stands on his toes and the impulses are very gentle and deep. See
chart No. 23, book II.
Search Instructions FIGURE 2 shows a similar contact on the left side, with the current flow of
Alphabetized Index the five sensory waves, for a soothing effect. The sensory currents flow
Advanced Search upward on the surface on the left side of the body (see charts 3, 6, 7, also
figure 4 of chart 8 in book II) and the contact is with the flow of these
Index of Transcribed Charts currents. Intestines and stomach areas are also benefited by this release,
especially if the fingers are spread under the ribs, below the stomach when
Supplemental Essays giving the treatment.
Contact Us


"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


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Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 20
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 20]
FIGURE 1: A heel rotation contact for a posterior innominate [hip]
correction, with the patient lying face-down on the table, and at the same
time contacting the head of the femur and the hip, as shown in figure 2, with
an outward rotational stretch on both contacts.

FIGURE 2: Emphasizes the thumb contact on the head of the femur for all
Search Instructions hip corrections, with the patient lying on the side. See chart No. 34 in book
Alphabetized Index II.
Advanced Search
FIGURE 3: This is a new corrective contact for an anterior and inferior
Index of Transcribed Charts sacral base on the side which is on the top as the patient lies on the table. The
tips of the middle fingers contact the apex of the sacrum on that side. The
Supplemental Essays thumb is on the posterior part of the head of the femur. The shaft of the
femur lines up with the two contacts. This is well illustrated in chart No. 34
Contact Us of book II. The leg is relaxed and placed a little above a right angle to the
body. The operator's left hand is on the shoulder, pushing it back until all the
Acknowledgements slack is taken out of the body between the two contacting hands. The
correction is a gentle push backwards on the shoulder contact, and a
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes synchronized, upward directional move applied on the two light contacts
with the right hand. No force is used. The correction is easily made when the
lines of direction and the flow of the energy currents are co-ordinated.
DigitalDrStone! FIGURES 4 AND 5: Show polarity reflex areas between the tendons of
hands and feet for treating the acute and chronic sore back by means of
POLARITY THERAPY. When relaxation has taken place through
polarization, then corrective adjustments are easily made, where they are

The top of the feet and the back of the hands are posterior motor polarity
reflexes. There is no sensory tissue here for the special sense of touch, and
there are no lines from which impressions could be made of the top of the
feet or the back of the hands in order to identify the individual. It is the soles
of the feet and the palms of the hands that are the front and sensory reflexes
of the body. Sole prints identify the individual as positively as the finger
prints and the palm impressions of the hand. See chart No. 2 in book II.


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
obtained from the organs represented in each Polarity reflex.
Award" 2012
The tips of the fingers and toes and the first joints are extremity polarity
reflexes which are most powerful because they are the meeting places of the
outgoing and return currents. There is a bending of the currents here, like a
loose end, where impressions can be easily made. If you don't believe it, just
let someone step on your toes literally and see what reaction it calls forth.
That is also why the finger tips are so highly sensitive.

There are horizontal polarity reflex values in the hands and in the feet, as
well as vertical ones as shown in chart No. 3 in this book and in chart No. 4
in book II. The contacts are made along side and between the tendons. Study
these and test them and you may be amazed what results POLARITY
THERAPY applied to feet will yield in chronic cases; even more so than the
fingers and hands which are the neuter [neutral] reflexes in all acute
conditions. Treat the sorest ones first.
The emoting done by the patient while you hold one of the polarity reflexes
is the 'karmic'

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Comments on Reprint of Chart No. 20 from Book III
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function This chart emphasizes the thumb contact on the head of the femur for all hip
and sacral correction, while the patient is lying on the side. It is extremely
valuable and quite different from other methods.

FIGURE 3 presents a lateral view of the correction of the right anterior sacral
base, with the thumb on the head of the femur.
Search Instructions
The contact is with the first two fingers on the apex of the sacrum, on the
Alphabetized Index same side.
Advanced Search
The leg is a little above right angles to the body, as shown in this illustration.
Index of Transcribed Charts
Force is not necessary nor should it be exerted, as this gives easily when the
Supplemental Essays condition is there and the position is right.

Contact Us FIGURES 4 and 5 present polarity reflex areas in the hands and feet, which
are sometimes very helpful in relaxing spastic muscles of the back before
Acknowledgements other corrections are made, and can also be used for polarization after other
corrections are made. This is a valuable treatment in painful lumbago cases
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes which are so plentiful everywhere these days.

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Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 21
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 21]
The patient sits on a chair or on the treatment table. The doctor stands or sits
behind the patient and places both hands directly above the innominate crest
[iliac crest], on the soft tissues of the sides of the body. The fingers dig in, in
front, over the groin, with a gentle lifting motion to stimulate the cecum
[caecum] and sigmoid area as shown in figure 1. The thumbs grip the lateral
muscles in the back to balance the hand. They also contact the transverse
Search Instructions process of the lumbar region, pushing forward in a gentle rocking motion as
Alphabetized Index shown in figure 2. The contact can be moved higher and lower, up and down
Advanced Search the spine, accompanied by a gentle, rhythmic rocking motion which helps to
expel the gas.
Index of Transcribed Charts
This may be continued as long as the gases in that area can be moved for
Supplemental Essays expulsion. Then change to another location for release. Gas accumulates in
pockets and must be located and released from each stagnant pool. It takes
Contact Us time and effort to gather and release these stray bubbles in tissues. But the
relief obtained by the patient is well worth the effort.
Acknowledgements 94
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


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Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 22
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 22]
FIGURE 1 demonstrates a double contact for gas pressure release under the
floating ribs and the diaphragm. The right band of the operator is placed on
the back of the patient, the thumb pressing between the fourth and fifth
dorsal [thoracic] vertebra [T4, T5] on the right side, steadily pressing
anteriorly, while the left hand supports the abdomen in a steady lift or
rhythmic movement upward. This has many other benefits, as mentioned in
Search Instructions connection with chart No. 3 in this book. A co-ordinated, rhythmic motion of
Alphabetized Index pressure and lift often releases the gases freely.
Advanced Search
This also bas a POLARIZING EFFECT from the back motor area to the
Index of Transcribed Charts front sensory area of the body, and opens the pylorus.

Supplemental Essays The contact and application can be used up and down the spine on the back,
as well as from the pubis upward over the entire abdomen, up to the ribs, in a
Contact Us lifting motion. It may be used on either side for gas release, depending on
where it is needed.
FIGURE 2 gives a posterior view of the contact marked "X" on either side of
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes the spine.

Pressure on the left side of the back in this area releases the tension in the
Support small intestines.
The straight horizontal arrow shows a combination hold of the anterior and
posterior contact employed simultaneously as one move, in a lifting, rocking
action for gas release.

In heavy patients the knee of the doctor should support the elbow of his band
on the back of the patient when the back is flexed for rocking or a lift

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 23
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 23]
This is an illustration of a double contact on both shoulders, with the
operator's fingers stimulating the area in front just above the collar bone, for
the pneumogastric [vagus nerve, CN X] and spinal accessory nerves [CN XI]
as well as other polarity reflexes from the abdomen, while the thumbs grip
the muscles of the shoulder for steadying the hands and completing the
polarity contact.
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index The process is one of holding firmly and gripping the area with also a slight
Advanced Search rocking motion. Repeat this several times, BUT HOLD STILL WHILE THE
Index of Transcribed Charts
The operator's knee acts as a fulcrum and support against which the back is
Supplemental Essays gently pulled. This knee support is moved up and down the spine, wherever
the best results are obtained by the response of gas pressure release. The
Contact Us upper contact remains the same for this particular movement.

Acknowledgements FIGURE 2 indicates a thumb contact along the spinal groove on either side,
with a gentle flexion of the head against the contact, for stimulation and gas
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes release, especially over the third, fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae [C3, C4,
C5] for brachial plexus and stomach release as well as the polarity action of
the two phrenic nerves on the diaphragm.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 24
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 24]
This illustrates a contact under either shoulder to relieve the respiratory
reflexes of the stagnant gases.

The other hand is placed in front and on top of the shoulder. It steadies the
movement while the fingers press on the top of the shoulder to elicit
additional polarity reflexes.
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index This contact is held and the shoulder is alternately raised and lowered until
Advanced Search the gases are released.

Contacts are made all around the shoulder blade. The higher the contact the
Index of Transcribed Charts
better, only it is more difficult to get under the blade higher up when there is
Supplemental Essays much congestion. It is then necessary to work at it gently until it is possible
to get the fingers under the shoulder blade.
Contact Us
The lifting is done by the operator's knee which supports the hand under the
Acknowledgements shoulder. The operator's toe is kept on the chair while the heel is raised,
which raises the leg. This makes the lifting easier for the doctor.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
Go from one side to the other and work where the greatest relief is obtained.
One or two minutes usually suffice for each area. It can be gone over again
Support and again, as often as necessary, after working on the other areas. Gases must
DigitalDrStone! be gathered and released from the local areas before they can be belched up
or expelled naturally. It takes much effort and patience on the doctor's part.
Gases are unreasonable and contrary like goats.

Most bad headaches, especially hemicrania, are usually due to gas pressing
in the head and on the skull, and may be relieved with these gas releasing

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Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 25
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 25]
FIGURE 1 illustrates the head treatment for polarity reflex release of gas
pressure in the head. The doctor stands behind the patient and gently places
his finger tips under the hair, directly on the scalp. A short, gentle motion is
used with light pressure on the scalp. The direction of the move is from one
hand to the other, and this is repeated all over the head. Concentrate most
efforts on the sore spots found here.
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index EYE TREATMENT: The center of sight and the motor area of the eye is in
Advanced Search the cuneus of the occipital lobe of the brain. Sore spots over the occiput,
about its middle region on each side, are polarity reflex areas for the eyes.
Index of Transcribed Charts Marvelous relief can be given to inflamed and watering eyes by this simple
therapy. Gas stagnation in this center may be a reflex from the duodenum
Supplemental Essays and the stomach through its mucous membranes. That is one reason why the
umbilicus is treated for eye trouble. It is a well-known proverb that "The
Contact Us eyes are bigger than the stomach." This refers to the craving for foods and
The treatment may also include draining the head, by tilting it back with one
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes hand on the forehead while the thumb and knuckle of the first finger of the
other contact the very sore spots on the middle and lower occipital regions.
Hold it a moment, release, then repeat several times. For illustrations of this
Support technique, see chart No. 49 in book II.
FIGURE 2 is a sketch of the soft palate, showing the index finger of the
operator hooked under it in a lifting motion to release stagnant gases and
polarity reflexes. The contact also raises the uvula, which is the positive pole
for stomach and rectal polarity reflexes! This is described in detail in the
chapter in this book entitled "GAS RELEASING TECHNIQUES
ACCORDING TO POLARITY THERAPY." Rectal dilation is often
indicated as a stimulant to activate the negative pole of elimination. As
previously mentioned, this should be done with gloved, well-lubricated
fingers and not with harsh dilators. Nature responds to intelligent
applications; not to force, which it resents and will react violently to it if
force is attempted.

FIGURE 3: When the gases have been released and the patient feels
comfortable, the general spinal stretch is indicated as the last procedure in
this series for stabilizing the relaxation of the entire body. For this particular
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service application the patient lies on the table, face up. It is similar to that shown in
Award" 2012 chart No. 42 of book II. In this case the contact with the thumbs is on the jaw
in order to release the corresponding polarity reflexes. The two middle
fingers reach around to the back of the occiput, and the patient's head is
slightly tilted forward so the chin is tilted downward. Then a gentle, rhythmic
pull and relaxation is repeated again and again, like a rocking motion, until
the patient is relaxed. The pull is just enough to move the body of the patient
slightly in a gentle stretch. There should be no jerking and no attempt is
made at making any adjustments at this time. Whatever adjustment is
indicated, takes place automatically while giving this gentle stretch, and that
is all that is needed here. IT IS WELL TO REMEMBER THIS POINT IN
removing energy blocks and pressures is a technique in itself. Structural
correction is a physiological procedure for future balance but not for acute
American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 1
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function FIGURE 1 represents a normal sacrum with a horizontal line across the
surface of its base. This is an inverted triangle and serves as the level weight
bearing line of the entire spinal column and its structure. The line is
important and has to do with tilts, laterality and inferiority of the base as a
whole or on one side.

FIGURE 2 shows the sacrum and spinal column intact, with a vertical line
Search Instructions
plus the horizontal one, which have become diagonal lines on the chart to
Alphabetized Index bring out the effect of a lateral tilt more clearly.
Advanced Search
FIGURE 3 is a drawing of the articulating surface of the sacrum with the
Index of Transcribed Charts innominate [hip] bone. The lines of stress are clearly given as a cross through
the center of this articulation. This line has to do with anteriority, posteriority
Supplemental Essays and twists of the sacrum between the innominates [hips].

Contact Us The sacrum is a key wedge between the two innominate [hip] bones, like the
keystone in an arch, between the two pillars on which this arch rests. It is the
Acknowledgements most vital structure in its position and effect in this part of the body.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes FIGURE 4 portrays the sacrum and the spine with two stress lines which
indicate its anterior or posterior position.
Support With this clear picture of the normal sacrum in mind and the simple lines of
DigitalDrStone! normal positioning, we can proceed to an over-all view of this norm in
relation to the whole human body. It is necessary for the trained eye of the
good doctor to see this relationship of the patient against some fixed
background by which he can detect abnormalities. Even in taking x-ray
pictures in the upright position, this precise arrangement, to the lines of
gravity, is very important.

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Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 2
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function Here a deeper relationship of parts is shown, like an ex-ray [x-ray] of lines of
force and stress in the body, which move in exact proportion and angle to
every exertion and motion of the body.

The superior acts on the inferior and the inferior supports and reacts on the
superior pole. Internal lines of force support structure in the atomic
relationship of matter, as energy lines of stress or strain. These are stepped
Search Instructions
down to physiological functions and requirements and become mechanical
Alphabetized Index factors in the law of motion and gravity.
Advanced Search
Every joint is an "X" or cross-over point of such energy, to make it a pliable,
Index of Transcribed Charts moving unit for the leverage of bones. The sinews and muscles act as cables
to operate this human machine. Expansion and contraction are the waves of
Supplemental Essays motion of this electromagnetic energy which flows over the muscles in every
Contact Us
Finer wireless currents are the essence of energy which built the wires and
Acknowledgements tubes for special conduction in fluids of stepped-down potentials for specific
purposes and local effect. The cerebrospinal fluid of the brain, in the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes meninges of the cord and in the center of the nerves is such a medium for
conduction of the AIRY PATTERN ENERGY OF THE MIND over this
intricate network. The brain is the switchboard where expansion in fibers
makes contact and contraction breaks it. This arrangement is called the
synapse in the brain and nerve tissue.

Mind itself is the energy which flows over this network to give intelligence
and sensitive touch to cells and the automatic centers of cellular structure to
carry on selective work of absorption, secretion and elimination. Polarity
principles are at work here as mind energy, in attraction and repulsion of
substances as patterns of like or unlike energy fields. Like the spinning
electrons are unstable in number, so the attraction in each center governs the
building blocks of the material which it uses.


directed and distributed in fields where operation was blocked by opposite
currents. The idea of a finer field of energy back of the grosser body and
parts, like the broadcasting waves in our radio box or television set, through
light and sound waves, is behind this POLARITY VIEWPOINT AND
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service THERAPY when understood.
Award" 2012
We take all this for granted when we push the buttons of our radio or
television set, where sound and light waves operate. Do these not also
function in man, or has he no speech nor sight to function with? Our minds
have been outward bound and conditioned by machines which we built and,
like Frankensteins in the fable, they control us now because we only believe
the machines. Any direct preception [perception] not demonstrable by
external measures and man-made machines is not scientifically acceptable
today. How the center and standard of man has shifted from his real center to
the circumference entirely, is the sixty-four dollar question.[1] And the return
series is even at a higher premium!

The depth of this perception of energy operating in man is one of the things
necessary in making a POLARITY THERAPY DIAGNOSIS of wireless
waves and lines of stress which operate the human body, of the being called
man, the soul who occupies the house consisting of the mortal body.
A real doctor must see deeper than mere solid matter which has no life nor
sensation if he

1 "Take It or Leave It" (1941-1948), a radio quiz show broadcast on CBS.
The first question was worth $1; but as the questions became harder, the
prize money doubled at each question up to the highest amount of $64. The
phrase "That's the $64 question" became a popular catchphrase for any
difficult question or problem.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 3
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The [See also Book II, Chart 13]
Key to Body Structure & Function
This chart includes two pictures of simple distortions resulting from sacral
base tilt on one side and the other.

Please note the spinal curvature on the side of the inferior base; also the
slanting or displaced apex line, which should fall in the center, between the
legs, when normal. See figure 3 in chart No. 1 in this book, as well as chart
Search Instructions
No. 11 of book II which is reprinted in this book, for observation of the
Alphabetized Index normal line; also see chart No. 2 in this book.
Advanced Search
A buckling of the tissue of the back, producing a crease, is usually found in
Index of Transcribed Charts the corpulent patient, on the high side of the sacral base.

Supplemental Essays Anterior rotation usually accompanies laterality. In most cases, the anterior
side of the body is also the anterior sacral base side.
Contact Us
In this chart the posterior side is marked with a plus sign and the anterior side
Acknowledgements with a minus sign.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes It is quite obvious that when one side is posterior on the shoulder, the other
must be anterior. But, strange to say, if you lay a yardstick across the back
diagonally, as shown in the plumbline [plumb-line] chart No. 11 of book III,
Support the opposite side of the posterior is also anterior over the hips, even in severe
DigitalDrStone! twists of the back.

Of course, any distortion or abnormality is possible, but those mentioned

here are common among the regular run of patients. By using the simple
methods presented here, it is easy to determine the anterior sacral base
position and the inferior one, and correction according to POLARITY
PRINCIPLES is simple, easy and effective.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 4
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function This chart illustrates a simple and easy method of correcting the lateral tilt of
the sacral base. The thumbs indicate the definite direction of vibratory
contacts. Other holds can be used as long as the direction is correct for
balance. A full-hand contact can also be used here, but is not included in the
chart as the contact would cover the sacrum and would not demonstrate the
direction of the impulse.
Search Instructions
The lateral sacrum and the posteriority are the main factors here for polarity
Alphabetized Index balance.
Advanced Search
The posteriority is marked by a plus sign everywhere in the drawings.
Index of Transcribed Charts
FIGURES 2 and 4 show an excellent heel contact which is a rotational
Supplemental Essays straightening stretch on the curved-in heel to straighten it, usually in an
outward direction on the posterior side of the body. Hold it under mild
Contact Us tension with one hand as shown here, and use the other hand on the posterior
part of the back to rock it superiorly and toward the floor as well as to
Acknowledgements complete the polarity contact. See charts No. 54 and 55 in the supplement to
book II.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
The hip is treated the same way while the heel is held as shown in figures 2
and 3 on this chart and in figures 1 and 2 of chart No. 20 in book III.
DigitalDrStone! Chart No. 14 of book III - figure 1, reprinted in this book - illustrates the
easiest and most effective way to correct the lateral sacral tilt. The patient on
the table in this case presented the sacral base tilt - inferior on the right side -
as shown in chart No.2, figure 2 in this book. The sacral tilt and the spinal
curves have been sketched in to make it easy to see what is needed to correct

Curved and distorted heels are usually very tender, which indicate polarity
reflex blocks in the current here and in the neuter [neutral] pole of the womb,
ovaries or bladder, and in the male it indicates prostatic [prostate] trouble.

So it is evident that functional polarity distortion was at work here to pull the
heel out of its natural structural alignment, as the primary factor of distortion.

The center of the heel represents the central pelvic organ in the male and in
the female. The organs of the pelvis have their polarity reflex laterally, on
each side of the ankle. See charts No. 17, 31 and 33 in book II.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 21

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 5
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function This chart is a composite of figures 2 and 4 from chart No. 8 of book II and
figures 2 and 4 from chart No. 17 of book III.

Figure 1 portrays the systemic direct energy currents which pass over the
body from the head to the feet and toes; also over the arms, hands and each
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index Figure 2 gives the over-all electromagnetic currents which carry their sensory
Advanced Search impulses to all fields over the body.

Index of Transcribed Charts After years of research, I found that the one point of respiratory polarity
reaction through the center core radiation was not only a quick method but
Supplemental Essays was also most effective. To know which circuit is involved is the real art.
Without this knowledge, it is guess work no matter what system is used.
Contact Us
The transverse arches of the feet are the negative poles for the shoulders and
Acknowledgements the respiratory center of the brachial plexus. The big toes are in its center line
over the body, as shown in charts No. 3, 5, 6 and 7 in book II.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
The large joint of the big toe is a negative representative of the 7th cervical
vertebra [C7], on each side. The respiration and circulation can be quickened
Support through this inferior pole by the application of a quick blow to the joint,
DigitalDrStone! administered with the softest cushion of the hand of the operator,
immediately below the thumb. It is really a mild shock treatment which
stimulates both the respiration and the circulation. It makes the leg long at
once. And, if applied to the short leg only, it will make it long and balance
the over-all electromagnetic circuit by this quick stimulation at the most
negative pole.

Figure 4 illustrates this move. The toe is held firmly and stretched. The tap is
quick and is applied a little below the center of the large joint, and there is a
gentle click when properly done. It is effective. But for arthritic joints and
chronic sore ones, this correction should not be attempted until the area has
been prepared by gentle but firm pressure and stretching of the big toe, as is
shown in figure 3 of this chart. It may be necessary to do this for several
visits before the toe - or the bunion if there is one - is ready for this release.

The anterior sacrum is also a factor in this physiological short leg, and must
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service be corrected when such a condition is present. The directions for this
Award" 2012 correction by means of Polarity Therapy are covered in the chapter on the
Sacrum. See Chart 20, Fig. 3 in Book III.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 6
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function This is a composite chart consisting of figures 1, 2 and 3 from chart No. 8 in
book III and and figures 4 and 5 from chart No. 20 in book III, the latter two
being listed on this chart as figures 3 and 5. The composite is reproduced as
chart No. 6 in this book for your convenience.
Since stagnation and coldness of the circulation start in the feet, the
application first deals with this general block. The feet constitute the negative
Search Instructions
pole, where the first and severest blocks occur. The hands are the neuter
Alphabetized Index [neutral] pole and they are affected next in line by the lack of circulation.
Advanced Search
There are the three toes of both feet and the three fingers of both hands, as
Index of Transcribed Charts well as the space between the thumbs and fingers and between the big toe
and second toe on each foot where pressure must be applied in a bipolar way,
Supplemental Essays to balance the inequality in each side of the body and repolarize it in addition
to removing the local blocks which obstruct the current flow.
Contact Us
The tips and first joints of the first three fingers are all heart polarity reflex
Acknowledgements points for contact in the application of POLARITY THERAPY.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes The space between the thumb and the first finger is of prime importance
because the first finger is the true polarity reflex finger to the heart. Squeeze
this area between your thumb and finger all along the thumb line. Take hold
Support of both hands simultaneously so they may also become polarized or
DigitalDrStone! equalized as you work with them. Then use your finger tips and work
between the tendons of the first and second fingers, the second and third
fingers, and the third and fourth fingers.

For doing this, grip each hand between your thumb and fingers (your thumbs
contacting the surface in the palms of the patient's hands, and your fingers on
the tops of the hands as shown in figure 5) and squeeze the sorest spots in
between the tendons in rhythmic motion. Go from one interspace to the next
on the hands.

Then do the same thing on the feet and the space between the tendons; and
press on the bottoms of the feet also to steady the contact and reinforce it, as
shown in figure 3 of this chart.

The back of the hands and the top of the feet have a polarity reflex to the
back of the body, over the shoulders, the area of the brachial plexus.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Breathing rules Life and the heart beats. Where there is no breath there is no
Award" 2012 life. The heart may stop, but the Life is in the breath and it can return and
start the heart again. This has happened many times. That is why there is a
mirror test for the detection of the faintest sign of breath, when there is no
evidence of life according to heart beat or pulse beat. Life is an inner,
unknown, finer function of the soul.

After manipulating the finger and toe interspaces, firmly pull and squeeze the
first joints of the index fingers for about one minute as shown in figure 4 of
this chart. Proceed with the second fingers and then the third fingers of both
hands in the same manner.

Then use the same polarity contact on the feet, as shown in figure 1 of this
chart, pulling and firmly squeezing the three toes next to the big toe on both
feet. Simultaneously work on both feet with both hands, but on one toe of
each foot at the same time, standing at the foot end of the bed or table for this
American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 7
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function This is another composite chart, reproduced here as chart No. 7 for your
convenience. Figure 1 is a reprint of chart No. 24 in book III. It is also
similar to that listed as "Countryside Technique" in chart No. 46 of book II,
and the same contact is illustrated as table or bedside technique in chart No.
36 of book II. Figure 2 on this chart is a reprint of figure 3 from chart No. 25
in book III.
Search Instructions
Get under the shoulder as high as you can, near the top of it, and lift and hold
Alphabetized Index on for one to three minutes on both sides, one shoulder at a time. This is the
Advanced Search most potent release of all for the brachial plexus and it does wonders. Repeat
several times, until the patient can breathe easily.
Index of Transcribed Charts
IN ALL SUCH EMERGENCIES, this is the first thing to do on the left
Supplemental Essays shoulder, then the right. Lift and hold!

Contact Us Do it frequently as the patient improves, and as a daily treatment.

Acknowledgements The patient and the doctor will be astonished what can be done in the hour of
need with this simple procedure, based upon the principles of Life and
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes energy currents which rule and govern the body of man.

PLEASE NOTE: In treating heart cases, the anterior dorsals [thoracics] must
Support be brought posteriorly. The sorest spinal process tip is the most anterior and
DigitalDrStone! it is essential that it is corrected. Direct adjustment to the anterior in the
upper half of the dorsal [thoracic] region should never be given in any heart

The lift shown under "Countryside Technique" in chart No. 46 of book II and
in this chart, is excellent for such conditions. Also show the patient how to
rest on the posterior dorsal [thoracic], on a solid support, and pull forward on
the head, advising the patient to do this at least once daily.

The exercises illustrated in the last chapter of this book are also highly
beneficial for heart, respiratory and digestive disturbances.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 8
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function The diaphragm is the central muscle of respiration and life's function in the
body. Normally, the heart beat and respiration are in direct ratio to each
other. In disease this is not so. The severity of the illness can almost be
measured by the disruption of this rhythmic relationship between the airy
current of respiration and the fiery energy of the heart beats.

It is not so much the extremes which are so dangerous as it is the patterns of

Search Instructions
incompatible relationships. Naturally it is advisable to bring both factors to
Alphabetized Index as nearly a normal rhythm as possible, by any form of therapy employed. In
Advanced Search Polarity Therapy the aim is to establish the normal energy current flow in the
body's wireless system through its fields of response at the neuter [neutral]
Index of Transcribed Charts pole, the negative pole and at the positive pole.

Supplemental Essays Energy waves on one side balance those on the other side of the body by
traveling in the opposite direction. See charts 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in book II. The
Contact Us two fishes in the sign of Pisces illustrate these hidden currents by swimming
in opposite directions. This psycho-physiological principle dates back to the
Acknowledgements creation of man.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Others have employed certain phases of these underlying principles, but no
one seems to have had the practical understanding of the whole picture; that
is, all the currents in each one of the fields, and applied this knowledge to the
healing art of the human body since the days when it was used by wise
physicians centuries ago. If only the good Doctor Fitzgerald[1] had known
this lost art of the ancients in its entirety and practical application, the world
would have benefited immensely by it.

The reason Polarity Therapy is so effective when once understood and

correctly applied, is because it deals with the wireless waves of the body,
which have their polarity reflexes to the five senses, the five fingers as touch
and skill, and the five toes as motion and action. Cause and effect can easily
be balanced when they are known and balanced in their fields.

The diaphragm and the heart are both muscular structures. The diaphragm is
the neuter [neutral] pole which controls both functions. Without the action of
the diaphragm, there is no oxygen and no breath; hence, without its action no
life is possible, not even one heart beat. So it is not really the physical heart
which controls this function, but it is the breath of life and respiration.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service In cases where the heart is in danger of stopping, or has stopped, it can be
Award" 2012 started again by establishing diaphragmatic function and breathing. For this
purpose there is no application as effective as direct rhythmic lifts under the
floating ribs, especially on the left side, where the fingers of both hands can
reach under the floating ribs, deeply, in a double grip and gentle lift, repeated
in rhythmic applications. This is a good emergency measure in any type of
therapy. Start the diaphragm to function! For motor release of this area see
chart No. 7 in this book.

Then by more gentle procedure of Polarity Therapy, the positive fields above
can be balanced with the neuter [neutral] centers of action in the chest. For
this purpose chart No. 8 presents ideal but simple polarity contacts and

FIGURE 2: The doctor stands at the patient's right side with his left hand
placed over the left shoulder of the patient. The hand fits exactly over the
shoulder by laying the thumb below the clavicle and the hollow of the hand
over the head of the humerus, pushing it posteriorly. The fingers grip the
trapezius muscle firmly in rhythmic action of alternate gripping and release.

1 William H. Fitzgerald (1872-1942), an American otolaryngologist who
founded the practice of Zone Therapy in the United States. Zone Therapy is a
precursor to modern Reflexology.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 9
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function FIGURE 1 shows a contact with the right thumb of the operator placed in an
upward direction, under the sternum, for polarity reflex to central organs.

The thumb of the left hand of the operator is steadied firmly over the
pituitary region of the forehead, and the fingers of the left hand mildy
[mildly] stimulate the center of cardiac stability shown in figure 3.
Search Instructions
This central positive pole has a polarity reflex to the negative pole of the
Alphabetized Index centrally located organs of the womb and the prostate gland.
Advanced Search
FIGURE 2 consists of the same sternal contact except that it is pointed
Index of Transcribed Charts slightly to the left and toward the firm contact on the jaw for relaxation of the
abdominal viscera.
Supplemental Essays
When the right jaw contact is indicated, then the thumb is placed under the
Contact Us sternum on the right side, pointing upward toward the jaw contact on that
These contacts have a very soothing effect and are specifics for the release of
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes heart and digestive blocks and for toning these areas.

FIGURES 3 and 4 are self-explanatory and have been reprinted here for your
Support convenience from chart No. 43 in book II.
Other faculties in the brain, which act as positive directive control poles of
energy distribution, may also be used in this manner of polarization. See
chart No. 44 in book II.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 10
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function It is not an easy matter to present an exercise for heart trouble because that is
the one time when nearly all physicians agree on complete rest and no
exercise of any kind. This is very wise procedure in all acute attacks and with
reference to the usual form of exercise. However, this does not take care of
the problem after the acute stage nor does it help the heart patient to bring
him back to as near a normal balance as Nature will permit.
Search Instructions
Inaction is no cure for heart trouble. Moderate action and the release of gases
Alphabetized Index as shown in charts No. 63 and 64 of the supplement to book II, as well as the
Advanced Search exercises given in my book entitled: "EASY STRETCHING POSTURES
FOR VITALITY AND BEAUTY"[1] have proven to be of great help to
Index of Transcribed Charts many patients.
Supplemental Essays The digestion is usually involved in heart trouble because the fiery energy
which is the warmth in the blood is also the heat which digests the food. It is
Contact Us an energy principle which is involved in the whole of matter and not merely
a constituent in the blood.
Gas pressure under the diaphragm is also an important factor. This may be
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes due to distention of the stomach filled with fermenting, undigested food; or it
may be due to diffused gasses from the colon. Directions for correcting both
Support of these factors are in this book and in book III under the heading of "Gas
DigitalDrStone! Releasing Techniques According to Polarity Principles". Acute indigestion
often resembles a heart attack in all its active symptoms.

The question naturally arises, how could any exercise benefit the heart and
what kind should this be to restore the heart to a more natural function? Since
strain and over-action are credited as causes of heart trouble, it seems strange
that there could be a logical approach to exercise as an answer to this ticklish
problem. Is it possible? The answer is "yes", and it has been proved in actual
practise [practice].

Chart No. 10 is presented in this book to illustrate the foundation of the

principle used here and as Nature's testimony to the process of building and
restoring life in the body. In nearly all illness, when this position is possible,
the sufferer assumes a posture - even while in bed - as nearly similar to the
one the fetus [foetus] has during the period of gestation, when the body is
being built. The vital currents evidently favor this posture because it is
assumed spontaneously - consciously and unconsiously [unconsciously] - by
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service patients in any violent pain in the anterior part of the body, especially in
Award" 2012 abdominal pain.

It seems quite evident that the position for building the form would be the
best suited for its repair. This was also the foundation of charts No. 63 and
64 in the supplement to book II and of the book, "EASY STRETCHING
POSTURES FOR VITALITY AND BEAUTY"[1]. Small children naturally
assume this posture while at play.

The legs of the fetus [foetus] are upward, with the toes near the forehead; and
the little arms are folded across the chest; thus polarizing one side with the
other and the head with the feet.[2] Polarity seems to work best in this
position because the poles are then in closer proximity to each other for
quick response. No action is necessary at this stage, but building is the major

It is in this posture that the four polarized elements of Nature have their turn
of rhythmic action and play, one after the other, in their triune function of
positive, neuter [neutral] and negative action. The four conditions of matter
itself are the actors who weave the body like threads of life

1 This book is included as the second half of Health Building - The
Conscious Art of Living Well.
2 This position is referred to as a "frank position" by obstetricians.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 11
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function The exercise shown here is based upon the principle of respiration. It
strengthens the abdominal muscles of breathing and frees the diaphragm.

By putting the legs close together and tensing them first, the muscles of the
legs, the abdomen and the deep muscles in it are made rigid for the lifting
motion. The psoas magnus [psoas major] and the iliacus are the two deep
muscles of major importance here. They rise on the anterior surface of the
Search Instructions
lumbar vertebrae and are inserted as one head into the lesser trochanter of the
Alphabetized Index femur. They are the main muscles involved in raising the legs.
Advanced Search
The crura of the diaphragm also have their insertion where these muscles rise
Index of Transcribed Charts in the lumbar region. So the exercise of these muscles also acts on the
diaphragm direct, via the crura, in a synchronized rhythmic action.
Supplemental Essays
The two hands support and push in under the sternum and the ribs to give
Contact Us additional release to muscular tension and stagnation there.

Acknowledgements This exercise also reduces the abdomen, relieves bloat, and improves the
digestion and elimination by toning all anterior muscles. When done
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes regularly, a few minutes every day is sufficient to notice all these benefits.

DigitalDrStone! 1 - Before raising the legs, be sure to straighten and tense them and place
them tightly together to raise them as one unit, in order to obtain the most
benefit from this exercise.

2 - Push firmly under the sternum to support, specially exercise and free
these muscles during both movements of raising and lowering. This assists in
freeing this region of congestion and gas pockets, strengthens the muscles
and relieves bloating.

3 - Start with three or four lifts of the legs to begin with. Then increase the
number as you grow stronger. Do this several times every day. The benefit is
visible and the toning is excellent.

4 - When the diaphragm is free, the heart is free to act without fear or

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service 1 Modern exercise coaches recommend keeping the small of the back flat on
Award" 2012
the floor during this exercise. Arching the lower back can strain the back

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 12
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function The polarity exercise is based upon the position of the fetus in the mother's
womb. The flexed legs have a polarity relationship to the neck. The neck sits
on top of the trunk while the thigh muscles support the bottom of the trunk.
When there is tension in one it is found in the other also as they are opposite
poles of action.

The inner thigh muscles polarize to the throat and neck muscles, including
Search Instructions
the sternocleidomastoid muscles which are usually spastic in torticollis.
Alphabetized Index When the thigh muscles near the trunk are held firmly and released by this
Advanced Search exercise, it will release the neck muscle spasms, even in torticollis. What a
boon this can be to singers with throat spasms.
Index of Transcribed Charts
The outside muscles of the thigh polarize to the back of the neck and sides.
Supplemental Essays
Contact Us
FIGURE 1 shows the beginning of this powerful exercise. With both hands
Acknowledgements grasp a handful of muscle tissue on the inner side of the thighs, near the
pelvis. Grip the tissue firmly and at the same time pull the legs up with the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes hands.

FIGURE 2: Then, continuing the hold with the hands, stretch the legs out and
Support let them down. This will raise the head and upper part of the body as you
DigitalDrStone! hold onto the thighs.

Then pull up the legs again and the body will go down. This is the seesaw
rock which stretches the muscles on the top of the shoulders, over the
brachial plexus, and releases the bottom tension by activating the polarity
contact. Have someone feel your shoulder muscles tense and relax as you do
this exercise and they will be amazed.

The exercise not only releases all the chest muscles involved in breathing and
in heart trouble, but also the trapezius muscles which are supplied by the
spinal accessory nerves [CN XI] which are the eleventh pair of cranial nerves
and the only ones which enervate a muscle. The psoas magnus [psoas major]
and the iliacus muscles are also exercised as mentioned in chart No. 10.

The real value of these two simple exercises can only be appreciated by those
who do them regularly, for a few minutes each day, and thus build
themselves up again after a heart attack, so they can return to work at their
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
profession or occupation. You can prove this to yourself by doing it. Seeing
Award" 2012
is believing. Faith coupled with effort always gets results.

The inner thigh muscles nearest to the pelvis are polarity opposites to the
neck and throat muscles nearest to the shoulders. As the contact hands move
lower on the thighs toward the knees, the polarity reflex is higher in the neck.
The area immediately under the knees will correspond to the universal joint
of the occiput and atlas articulation and the anterior muscles of this area. In
the same manner do the outer thigh muscles correspond to the back muscles
of the neck. The hands should also be placed on several areas between the
pelvis and the knees, as gripping contacts along the inside and the outside of
the thighs in doing these exercises. Wherever the greatest tension and
soreness is in the neck, the corresponding contact on the thighs will do the
most good.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
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Autonomic Nervous System Terminology - by John Chitty
Supplemental Essays and
Advancements in Study While Dr. Stone deserves great respect for his ahead-of-his-time1 identification of the
Autonomic Nervous System as a central factor in health conditions, his terminology is often
confusing for a modern reader. In his time, the terms "Vegetative" and "Sympathetic" were
used for "Autonomic." The reasoning behind these terms was that the primary categorizations
of the overall nervous system were between Voluntary and Involuntary action. The voluntary
nerve groups operated for conscious volitional movements, while the involuntary nerve
Search Instructions
groups operated for actions that have little or no voluntary control, such as essential visceral
functions. In an earlier era, the voluntary groups were considered "Antipathetic" in that a
Alphabetized Index
separate-from-body witness consciousness is the operator. The involuntary ("Autonomic")
Advanced Search groups were considered "Sympathetic" because there is no apparent separate control
consciousness, and "Vegetative" because they regulate more primitive functioning.
Index of Transcribed Charts
Within the involuntary category ("Sympathetic," "Vegetative," or "Autonomic" in Dr. Stone's
Supplemental Essays era), further subdivision is recognized in three further distinct branches (of which only two
were known to Dr. Stone - the third was identified anatomically and physiologically in 1995
Contact Us by Stephen Porges, PhD). These three branches are known in modern times as
"Parasympathetic," "Ortho-Sympathetic"2 (or just "Sympathetic," today's common term which
continues the confusion), and "Social." Porges has developed state-of-the-art understanding of
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes these three in their actions and interactions, far beyond what was commonly known in Dr.
Stone's time.

Stress Phylogenic
DigitalDrStone! Sub-category Main Action Anatomical components
response order
Parasympathetic Freeze Oldest Vagus Nerve, Sacral Plexus
Ortho- Fight or Sympathetic chain (thoraco-
Mobilization Newer
Sympathetic Flight lumbar)
Bonding, Group Cranial nerves V, VII, IX,
Social Newest
Communication behavior X, XI, Corticobulbar Tract

Within DigitalDrStone, the editors attempt to give [in brackets]3 unified updated language
interpreting what Dr. Stone meant when he used the various nervous system terms, based on
modern understanding. It should be recognized that there is openness, indeed eagerness, for
further scholarly debate about the correctness of these interpretations.

1 "...40 to 60 percent of all diseases have a psychosomatic origin..." Stone, Polarity Therapy,
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 Vol. I, Book 2 Chart 44
2 This antique European term, rarely used, is suggested by embryology expert Jaap van der
Wal, PhD, MD as a way to repair the multiple meaning terminology problem relating to the
term "Sympathetic."
3 and footnotes

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
The Three Principles and Five Elements - by John Chitty
Supplemental Essays and
Advancements in Study Dr. Stone's entire world-view is built on the concept of Three Principles and Five Elements.
The Three Principles concept refers to Yang-Yin-Neutral (or Tao), being the continuous
rhythmic circuit-flow of energy, from spirit to matter and back, that is the basis of all
phenomena in the ancient Himalayan wisdom traditions as well as in modern physics. The
Five Elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth) concept refers to the stages of materialization,
from subtle to dense and back, particularly in the context of the five chakras or energy
transformers along the spine.
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index For whatever reasons, Dr. Stone was not consistent in his usage of these terms. There are
Advanced Search places where this problem is very clear, and other places where there is some uncertainty.

Index of Transcribed Charts To avoid this confusion, Dr. Stone's "Fiery Principle" is more commonly referred to as
"Yang," his "Watery Principle" is referred to as "Yin," and his "Airy Principle" as "Neutral"
Supplemental Essays or "Tao."

Contact Us Within DigitalDrStone, the editors attempt to give [in brackets]1 unified updated language
interpreting what Dr. Stone meant when he used the terms "Principle" or "Element" based on
Acknowledgements modern understanding. It should be recognized that there is openness, indeed eagerness, for
further scholarly debate about the correctness of these interpretations.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
1and footnotes

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
The Psychosomatic Relationship of Man with the Universe (The
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in Microcosm and the Macrocosm)
the Healing Art
ORIGIN: Space is the great deep or void, the omnipresent '0' [zero] or "No-
thing" out of which all things are made. In order to create anything in this
immensity of "All-ness", an "Otherness" or limitation must be imposed, to
outline and circumscribe any creation; whether this be a universe, a sun, an
earth or a human being, or a cell or an atom.
Search Instructions
It is said that God geometrizes. This becomes full of meaning when we
Alphabetized Index realize the whirling forces of energy necessary to carve out a space or an
Advanced Search outline in this all-space, in order to establish units of form, units of
intelligence and mind. In other words, to differentiate the many from the
Index of Transcribed Charts ONE, and the unit in the Whole. So all our created objects are really whirls
in space, like bubbles in an ocean. Thus all life on this earth is related to the
Supplemental Essays WHOLE, the Macrocosm, the Akash [akasha, aakaasha] or Etheric Principle,
the same as the bubble, the ripple, the wave or the drop in the ocean.
Contact Us
The operating Energy Field has a definite pattern in a higher sphere of
Acknowledgements Energy called the Causal Plane, or the Pattern World, the Heavens, the Cause
and Origin of things. In Genesis, Moses on Mount Horeb was elevated in
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes consciousness that he might see some of these patterns whirling in the
Energy Fields of Causes in order that he be able to duplicate same in
Support miniature on this earth (the Tabernacle in the Wilderness[1]). Jehovah's
DigitalDrStone! admonition to Moses was that he should build this Tabernacle according to
the pattern shown him on the mount. The 'mount' represents the raised
consciousness in the higher sphere of Energy Fields of Causes.

The story of Creation in the Bible and in most Sacred Scriptures bears out
these facts. It is a Universal Concept of all ancient peoples, expressed in
symbolic language, and hidden throughout the ages from the eyes of the
unworthy. Truth is a two-edged sword. In quoting from the Wisdom of the
Ancients, their sacred lore, and from the Bible, it is my aim to interpret these
mystic writings, explain the MYSTERY OF MAN, identify the principles
and, if possible, make clear their meaning to at least some thinking minds.

Sound, as supersonic and ultrasonic energy, is the first principle in Nature.

"God spoke". Sound, not light, is the first principle of whirling, fiery action,
as wheels of energy in space, creating rivers of whirls, entities, bubbles and
individualizations from the All-ness or the One, in Its centrifugal, primal
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 These rivers of energy, as principles of existence, are spoken of in the Bible
as the four rivers of Life, flowing out of Paradise[2], out of a One River or
state of energy called "Akash" [akasha, aakaasha] or "Prana" by the Hindus,
or "ether" by our scientists. It is a superfine essence of life force, which splits
into four streams

1 Exodus 25-27
2 Genesis 2:10


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 6
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 6]
embryonic life. How can we neglect such an important factor which builds
the form around a central life axis to function in and through it as long as life
abides in that form.
Mind is the neuter [neutral] pole of all the five energies and fields in the
body. It is the fire of intellect called 'chit' in the Vedas, the light of
Search Instructions perception, recollection, plus reason or comparison, also the I-ness of ego,
Alphabetized Index which dominates all action as the executor of motor energy. Mind is the
Advanced Search agent of the soul as a mediator or neuter [neutral] field between soul and
matter. It is the switchboard of life's intelligence and action.
Index of Transcribed Charts
The first ring at the top of each figure illustrates the mind essence as the
Supplemental Essays subtle airy element and the active agent in the cerebrospinal nerve fluid, in its
high vibration as sensory, sound and light waves. This is a step-down current
Contact Us from that of mental perception. It is classed under the fire element here
because action and motor force are its outstanding physical characteristics.
All five circles or ovals have a triune function and the five energy currents of
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes matter weave through each in their rotation and flow of exchange of energy
through the whole being. Each oval or circle is like a universe with its
planets. Forces of similar quality flow in the constitution of man as vibratory
Support essences. Each circle, as pictured, has a keynote and a special sense which
DigitalDrStone! predominates and characterizes its function - five circles, five senses: (see
chart No. 2 in book II.)

1 - The most outstanding sense in the head is the sense of sight. It is a

sensory function with motor power of direction through the mind forces and
light waves.

2 - The sense of hearing also has its center in the head, the same as all the
five senses[1], but the motor expression of it lies in the throat, as the power of
speech. Real sound is the etheric principle which is a neuter [neutral] essence
and has its location in the throat region, as the link of the superior and
inferior regions in the body. That is why so many reflexes lodge in the neck
as a typical cross-road of currents.

3 - Sensation resides in the heart region of the chest, as feeling and the sense
of touch.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
4 - Smell has its sensory roots in the nose and it resides in the digestive
Award" 2012
region, in the fermentation of foods.

5 - Taste has its origin in the tongue and resides in the watery element, the
generative system.

1 - In the human brain is centered the entire universe in a microfilm pattern

arrangement. The great universal mind and the small individual mind have
much in common. All inspirations come from above. Mind is the primal
energy of patterns, ideas, designs and geometric relationships through the
corresponding lines of force, of form and of structures, with that of its own
keynote pattern. "God geometrizes."

This co-extension forms the first link as the essential POLARITY principle
in all things. The infinitely great and the infinitely small are polar opposites
in this wonderful creation of ours. If man could only realize the limitless
possibilities in this wonderful arrangement! Mind contains all external
creations. Man can tune in to the high or the low frequencies, as he directs
the lines of force of his mind into that of the Universal, through
concentration. As we call, so is the echo. The fruits of our own thoughts -
good and bad - come back to us like a boomerang,

1 Some might say that the sense of touch is centered in the fingers and hands.
However, there are highly sensitive tactile nerve endings in the lips and
tongue. This is why human babies and primates so often explore new objects
by putting them in their mouths.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 13
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function 1 - Mind energy is the first essence of matter, which travels in the media of
the cerebrospinal fluid in the entire nervous system. It is the pattern energy of
geometric proportions in the atomic fields of matter as the shape of things to
be. All energy must have a circumscribed field in which to act, as a pattern
design, a field of operation, like a nest for a bird. Without such a field of
limits, even the vast energies in space would lose themselves in exhaustion
Search Instructions
and to no purpose.
Alphabetized Index Hence all construction must start first with designs of blueprints and patterns
Advanced Search of things to be created, built or made. As the pattern is, so is the structure in
its relation and function to all parts as a unit. Geometry and geometric
Index of Transcribed Charts proportions are the first process of creation in the great and in the small.
"God geometrizes."
Supplemental Essays
The human skull has the outline and shape of an egg, a miniature planet-like
Contact Us shape. It is the individual microcosmos where the pattern of all things to be
in that body are cast or woven into the substance called the brain tissue,
Acknowledgements which is the positive pole of the being. All things are represented here as
patterns of mind energy and ideas, with a rhythmic wave length of their own.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes The whole body is but a duplication of these patterns in a more dense form
and a lower vibratory key of action. "As above (in the brain) so below" (in
Support the body).
This geometric pattern energy is extended throughout the body by the spinal
cord and the nervous system as the director of things to be. Diffused mind
energy rules every cell of the body or it could not have the intelligence to do
the selective and specific work of maintaining all the automatic actions for
the preservation of the body. The soul's intelligence and energy work through
the mind to build this body, as the house it wants to inhabit and maintain.

2 - The bloodstream has its essence in the fiery energy of the sun, which is
the warmth of the body and the warm feeling of human relationship. It is a
neuter [neutral] energy which governs the heart beat. In excitement and in
emotional stress, the heart loses all balance of rhythmic regularity. The
energy in the heart and that of the brain and the cerebrospinal fluid are then
out of tune. The brain pattern waves of respiration are too slow for the heart
rhythm in any emotional upset. THE CO-ORDINATION IMPULSES OF

The central core in the spinal cord is reflected locally in the tip of its negative
external central bone, the spinous process of the vertebrae. The quieting
reflex of a gentle application is transmitted to the core where the central
pattern energy is under tension and stress through the pressure of the fiery
energy in the emotions and in the blood in the heart region.

3 - The vital generative energy in the pelvis is the negative pole of the mind
pattern energy, as the foundation of the deep in the end of the descending
cycle. It becomes the seed power with its crystallized patterns in a liquid
essence form.

The watery vital energy writes its lines of geometric proportions in the neuter
[neutral] poles of the hands, as finger print patterns and lines which indicate
the paths of the heart and the head energies and the life or the generative
energy in man and in skin functions and the secretions as a whole. The feet
are its negative pole, with pattern designs of their own. The energy in the
cerebrospinal fluid in the sacrum is the positive motor pole and its balance is
most important. The anterior generative center is the sensory negative pole.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art also in head noises, where congestion is deep. Cold compresses and snow
compresses have the same idea as a background, only they were more gentle,
and slower in giving results. Friction with snow has saved many a frozen
limb or member of the body, by restoring the flow of Prana through the
Prana contained in the snow. RUNNING WATER CLEARS ITSELF
because the motion of the water in the air gathers Prana, especially when it
Search Instructions
tumbles over rocks or flows swiftly, as it has more contact with the air.
Alphabetized Index Snow, rain water and deep well water are carriers of Prana. That is why fresh
Advanced Search spring waters in certain localities have such healing effects. The chemicals
may be there, or may vary, but the real life-giving effect is in the Prana and
Index of Transcribed Charts not in the chemicals. At present we over-emphasize chemistry everywhere
except in the atomic bomb. Here lines of force come into play that far exceed
Supplemental Essays all our knowledge of chemical explosives. It is this shock that will lead us
Contact Us of force, acting in all things. These finer observations had escaped material
science, as we had nothing to hold them or with which to measure them.
Acknowledgements Much progress is being made on the destructive side of energies and forces.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes AND APPLICATIONS?

Support Ancient civilizations, prior to our recorded history, had their involutions
DigitalDrStone! from a great to a low point. And it is from this low point that we observe
evolution. "What comes down, must go up" and vice versa. It is Nature's play
of life forces - in waves - from time immemorial.

Life in ancient times was less strenuous; its tendency was toward
contemplation, especially the pastoral life. Many thoughtful persons became
aware of some of the energies within them and understood Nature's forces
better because of this awareness. Some archives of sacred history go into the
dim past; but all tell the same story of LIVING FORCES WITHIN MAN

PRANA IS RADIANT ENERGY. We may place the patient under an

oxygen tent and literally force more oxygen into the system. This has its
chemical effect, but we miss this mysterious Prana, this principle of radiant
life energy; otherwise life in the body would respond by leaps and bounds.
Similar observations have been made in shipping the life-giving, healing
waters from marvelous springs, even when carefully bottled. The chemicals
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service in the water remain unchanged, but this life-giving charge does not remain in
Award" 2012 the water.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Mental and Emotional Therapy
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art Many patients have very sensitive spots in the perineum, especially the
hypersensitive, sympathetic types. They twist and squirm, and want to get
away from the contact during the Perineal Treatment. I call that 'emoting'
some of the impounded, locked up emotions. This I encourage, to unload
energy fields as well as the chemical deposits in the tissues. The more they
fuss, the better the results in the release of tension and emotional blocks.
Search Instructions
Mind and emotions are fine physical substances and are just as real as gross
physical matter.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search
It is my opinion that when the function of the three nervous systems[1] is
balanced, the mental and emotional blocks have a chance to exhaust
Index of Transcribed Charts themselves in action. (Running water clears itself.) When the energy or
foundation is withdrawn from the pattern, it can be balanced. These patients
Supplemental Essays are helped by having something definite to do, like a strict diet, exercise, etc.
for then they are constructively active instead of dwelling in negative,
Contact Us destructive moods. A very beneficial exercise is to take the squatting posture
and rock gently, as shown in my little booklet, 'EASY STRETCHING
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
A good "Dutch Uncle"[3] talk, that points out the principle of Life and our
polarity to our Higher Source, which can again polarize the mind with the
Support Soul, and it, with its Sun of Inner Life-Giving Rays, is helpful to clear the
DigitalDrStone! mental blocks and some emotional fixations. This raises hope and faith. Then
the law of expectancy can do its good work.

No permanent good can be done by any therapy without polarization of

forces to their positive supply and source. "What benefitteth it a man if he
gain the whole world and loseth his own soul?"[4] Even planets that are not
in their orbits, around their source, can create only destruction to themselves
and to others. One example is a meteorite.

The Cerebrospinal System must be balanced with the vital actions before
relaxation can take place for any permanent skeletal correction. Even in
trauma, the vital functions must be correlated to the injured parts for repair
and useful function.

All energy proceeds from vital centers within. Our first thought must be to
balance these with the functioning voluntary and sensory activities in the
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service body. Pain is a sensory perception; it is a partial break in the circuit of the
Award" 2012 centripetal energy flow in any nervous system; while a complete break is a
sensory paralysis. A motor paralysis is a break in the centrifugal, outgoing
currents from the brain.

1 The voluntary (or somatic), sympathetic (autonomic, involuntary, visceral,
or vegetative), and parasympathetic.
2 See Book 2, Charts 63 and 64.
3 A person who gives frank, or even harsh, advice to educate plainly.
4 Matthew 16:26


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity - Reaction
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art Let us not forget Nature's process of Synthesis and Antithesis. A tree
synthesizes its energy into small seeds; then, in due time and by a reversal of
the same process, the seeds expand into trees.

Body polarity changes quickly back to normal when the cycle is restored.
Taking care of the most vital reflex area of the negative pole of the
Sympathetic Nervous System, immediately reacts on the positive pole. THE
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index CURRENT. But that all depends on the negative pole. Will it take it? Is it
Advanced Search operating and ready? This holds good in other facts and phases of life. Force
takes everything for granted. Space and Grace are Nature's Ace.
Index of Transcribed Charts
When we realize that the Soul energy flows as mind energy currents over the
Supplemental Essays cerebrum, cerebellum, etc., over the Parasympathetic and the spinal nerves
and, through the Rami Communicans [ramus communicans, rami
Contact Us communicantes], co-ordinates with the Sympathetic Nerve Plexuses, we find
that only when the Sympathetic System is operating properly, can this spinal
Acknowledgements current control and use the natural functions of the body.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes The nerve current rules in the domain of consciousness, mind, the senses and
sensations. Without the functioning of the mind as current, there can be no
Soul Force of entity operating in the body. Consciousness is the witness of
the 'dweller' in the body, as AWARENESS. It is this awareness and the
function of the senses that are displaced by anesthetics or the use of psychic
force, such as in Mesmerism and Hypnotism.


SYSTEM, as the circulation flows right on, supplying all the body needs,

The four elements and their functions, plus Prana, the Life energy in Nature,
are part of Nature's equipment, synthesized as form, in and through which
Consciousness works.

It is, therefore, very essential that the four elements are balanced in their
function, so the mind current can flow over them. In cases of insanity, we
find the elements in the body are unbalanced. There is room for much
thought and experience, to promote the working of the four elements
properly, to restore the flow of the mind current in the body.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 Vomiting, which releases the diaphragm and acts like a balancer and
activator of the two rivers of energy above and below it, is one of the oldest
and soundest forms of shock treatment

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity - Reaction
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art that has proved its effectiveness. But this should never be attempted without
first giving the patient plenty of warm liquid to drink. Quantities of warm
liquid, and pressure on the back of the tongue, induce a thorough and easy
flushing of the stomach. This helps to release the spasm of the diaphragm.
A rigid diaphragm is the first and most vital block in Nature's economy and
flow of the four elements and their natural, vital forces. Any treatment that
Search Instructions
releases the diaphragm is of the greatest value; however, the PERINEUM,
Alphabetized Index AS THE NEGATIVE POLE (of the diaphragm), is a lock that also needs to
Advanced Search be released AND POLARIZED at the same time. It is the opposite pole to
the brain, the pole of intelligence. It is the unintelligent, erratic, insane pole
Index of Transcribed Charts of the body. This calls for further thought for therapy on the PERINEUM and
its value as a balance treatment, to promote and preserve PROPER
Supplemental Essays POLARITY, and help to release the diaphragm. THIS SHOULD NOT BE
OVERLOOKED IN MENTAL CASES. Sitz baths that have proved of value
Contact Us in mental cases, worked because this principle of POLARITY was an aid to
the brain, by drawing off congestion, away from the brain center.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
Man's body has its magnetic or attracting field anteriorly, and its electric
propulsion posteriorly. All the organs of perception, sense attraction, interest,
including the sex organs, are situated in front. In back are the motor areas of
heavy muscles for pushing, propulsion, expulsion and repulsion. The heavy
gluteal muscles in horses act like pistons in pulling - a horse may fall on his
knees, but still pull.

The senses attract us to many things, and lead us into temptation and trouble.
A philosopher once said, "Get thee behind me, Satan - and push". There is
more truth than poetry here, for we are literally 'pushed' into things before we
realize it. Often do we exclaim, "How did I get into this situation?" The


When any one of the underlying natural energy currents becomes blocked by
waste energy accumulating insulation at the negative pole and depolarizing
the fields of attraction, then an interference results in any of the four
physiological systems; namely,
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service 70
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Soul Progress Through Understanding
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art Our mind conditions our experience. Each individual has his own mind
substance which he impresses with thought patterns, much the same as we
sow seeds in the earth. Thus each mind conditions itself and brings forth
according to the thought patterns planted in each one's mind substance. That
is why there is such a variety of levels of conditions and consciousness.

Confusion in the thinking field of individuals and races as a whole is the

Search Instructions
evolutionary process of experience in handling the powerful mind substance.
Alphabetized Index It is only a lack of control WITHIN OURSELVES that induces us to give
Advanced Search vent to anger and thoughts of revenge or fault-finding in others, usually for
our own mistakes. This we can realize only by the help of God through
Index of Transcribed Charts contact with a living Saint - directly or indirectly - and only when we see our
own mistakes can we mend our ways. Until then we constantly seek to justify
Supplemental Essays our own actions and blame others for our own mistakes; without realizing it,
of course.
Contact Us
Each person works out the patterns of mind impressions, the same as farmers
Acknowledgements reap the crops planted. The good seeds as well as the weeds from previous
planting or thinking condition the harvest as a gain or loss of experience
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes through work and effort in the soil of the mind. Unless we have learned to
control it by constant practise [practice] and vigilance - every minute of the
Support day and night - we are likely to be roused to anger when the mind is caught
DigitalDrStone! off-guard; for truly, the mind with which we function in this world is as
cunning as a serpent.

Who can judge and condemn others when the weeds of the past spring up as
tares among the wheat of earnest, hard effort in the present harvest? That is
why Jesus said:

"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall
be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest
not the beam in thine own eye?" (Mat. 7:1-3)

If we expect to be forgiven, we must also learn to forgive instead of

constantly trying to justify our own actions. Forgiveness rests on
understanding the larger view of Life - from the center outward - as our
Creator sees it. A great love forgives all; but the offender learns only when
he recognizes his mistake and asks for forgiveness. Until then he wanders
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service into one mistake after another and seeks to justify himself into and out of
Award" 2012 every

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Book 2: The Wireless Anatomy of Man
& Its Function - A Course in This work of fifty-two charts is a further elucidation and demonstration of
Manipulative Therapy with Principles the principles laid down in my previous book, THE NEW ENERGY
CONCEPT OF THE HEALING ART in 1948. The foundation is the pattern
& Illustrations form of the lines of force working like a shuttle weaving the embryonic
patterns of the human body in the mother's womb. (See chart, pages 30-31[1],
in my previous book.) Even in its finer aspect, wireless energy is as material
as the atom itself which has lines of force instead of wires. Life is
demonstrable, but it does not lend itself as easily to scientific conditioning
and experimenting as inorganic matter. Science has no measure for life.
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index The basis and principles of this work are as sound as matter itself because
Advanced Search they are the five phases of matter in manifestation everywhere. Solids,
liquids, gas, caloric energy and ether - they are the five stages matter
Index of Transcribed Charts assumes when it is broken up into finer particles, less dense and more
etherial. Inversely, it is matter crystallizing from a fine unseen stage into a
Supplemental Essays dense and formidable substance. It is matter nevertheless. These five modes
of matter were the basis of classifying matter by the ancient science of the
Contact Us Vedas. They called them elements of matter, or tattwas [tattvas] - earth,
water, air, fire and akash [akasha, aakaasha]. The constituent spinning
Acknowledgements particles of matter were also known to them, and they called them chakras, or
spinning wheels and centers. The energy which flowed thru them was the life
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes principle called Prana, or "Breath of Life." Upon this foundation was based
the Ayurvedic system of medicine, which is over 6,000 years old and the
Support mother of all other systems.
As science is demonstrating the lines of force in the atom, I am endeavoring
to demonstrate the same invisible lines of force in the human body, which are
its very constitution and its state of being known as health. Every cell must
have solids, liquids, air, and warmth in order to live, function, multiply and
grow. These four polarized rivers of energy must flow thru the entire
organism for the body to live, function and grow. Upon the flow of these
imperceptible wireless currents, depends the movement of the more dense
and solid particles of matter, such as nerve currents, the circulation of blood
and lymph, the flow of urine, and the intestinal peristalsis.

In the economy of the functions of the human body, there are also
unfavorable aspects or blocks of opposing energy currents and polarity, the
same as in the heavenly bodies outside. Function and harmony are balanced
normals. Inharmony and explosions and disaster are universal opposite forces
in a clash. The same thing happens by polarity currents in the human body,
like a "tempest in a teapot" when it boils. It is this microcosmic economy of
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service the energy and forces of the human body that this book is endeavoring to
Award" 2012 explain by charts and demonstration, how to effect a balance by removing
energy blocks in these four polarized currents or rivers of life and fields.

As physicians, we assume that the nerve currents and the circulation will
flow if there is no material interference. Can we compel it to flow or have we
given a thought to the lines of force behind this phenomena? Is not most of
our emphasis upon effects such as x-rays and gross material evidence of
disease, rather than its cause and the more subtle forces at work behind all
this appearance? Does the end justify the present means of therapy? Are we
going directly to causes or the long way around by treating the effects and
symptoms mostly? Is disease an entity or a disrupted polarity of finer forces
and their radiations? Are causes such immaterial subtle factors that they
cannot be found, traced or balanced? By no means. Only our entire approach
has been too densely material in nature. We thoroughly subscribe to the
advance of science and the lines of force in the atom bomb, but we forget the
same type of potent and polarized lines of force in the human body which are
equally explosive.

1 In The Complete Collected Works, Charts 4 and 5, pages 48-49 in Book 1.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Book 2: The Wireless Anatomy of Man
& Its Function - A Course in These charts and explanations are a sincere effort to point to a finer energy
Manipulative Therapy with Principles concept as the real cause of disease behind its grosser manifestation. With
the finer concept must go a constitution of the five-fold energy fields
& Illustrations heretofore overlooked. We even test steel for its molecular flaws of structure
and tensile strength. Why should we not give the same consideration to the
quality and tone of functioning tissue and the energy circuits behind it which
really condition it? Many puzzling facts will explain themselves when we
examine them in the light of the basic electro-magnetic [electromagnetic]
field which underlies the gross structure. Polarity relationships of triune
Search Instructions functions will also explain many factors which nerve tracing and the
Alphabetized Index circulation does not account for, - opposites, such as, head and feet, ankles
Advanced Search and kidney functions, knees and digestive reactions, etc., etc.

Index of Transcribed Charts There is nothing occult in the various densities of matter in any form. Why
has this field been overlooked in all our intense research in chemistry? Is it
Supplemental Essays possible that we have lost ourselves in external details and failed to link them
to a living center? Progress in constructive living application is slow; it is a
Contact Us laborious, endless task.

Acknowledgements If we say this foundation is old and antiquated like Ayurvedic Medicine, then
we must admit that the spirit and interest has been lost in an art which is
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes based upon the constitution of matter itself. Nothing has been added for
centuries, but all peoples have benefited by it. How can even a great art live
without inspiration and devotion to art itself? If no new light is shed on the
Support way by interest, inspiration and research, the light becomes dim and the way
DigitalDrStone! obscure. Even God can be forgotten in the pursuits of our own interests.

Since life is closely linked to the more subtle aspects of matter, why should
the denser and grosser phases receive all the emphasis, research, and awards.
Mind itself is but the finest matter and can only be understood in its total
function by tracing it from its source to its effect in its various stages of step-
down energy fields in the finer constitution of man. These subtle energy
fields are facts and are not nearly as elusive as chasing thoughts and ideas
around which might produce a mental-emotional block in the patient. This is
a short-cut to psychiatry with a pattern anatomy of sub-mental fields which
have great scientific possibilities.

The whole constitution of man must be taken into consideration, not merely
the treating of the body as a chemical or mechanical machine. Every reaction
to any application of therapy or drug must come from within the body, from
the soul entity, thru [through] its various step-down mechanisms, voluntary
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service or involuntary, conscious or unconscious. The body has no sensation itself,
Award" 2012 neither has the mind. Its real entity of all sensory reception and reaction is
the dweller in the central core of the body. Therefore, the most effective
therapy should reach that central core and make its centers (chakras) spin and
act to produce a most necessary harmony of currents and reactions. That type
of therapy which reaches the core of sensory and motor action and arouses a
radiant glow of reaction and a balancing and repolarizing of currents from
the center out and inward can be considered a real therapy of causes. These
charts and explanations are an earnest endeavor to present an overall view
and some applications of a lost art of the finer forces of man.

Leonardo da Vinci, in the 15th century, used the principle of the four
polarized elements of earth, air, fire and water for all his scientific
discoveries which anticipated most of our modern inventions. The soundness
of this foundation and its adaptability for its future discoveries implies an
open challenge to the science of our age.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative all problems. The mind immediately answers this for each individual by the
Therapy assertion, "That which I believe, is right". Mere assertion proves nothing.
The logical answer would be, "That which serves best, is best". And the law
of survival seems to substantiate this. Results speak for themselves. Theories
and assertions are of little use to a person in pain or physically incapacitated.
The Ayurvedic system of medicine which originated in India about six
thousand years ago was based on the understanding of the forces in Nature as
Search Instructions the storehouse of energy which pervades all created things and relates to
Alphabetized Index them in definite extensions of lines of force, the WHOLE to each unit. These
Advanced Search forces are also in miniature, in a polarized form, in man. Whenever that
polarity of exchange was broken by excess or over stimulation [over-
Index of Transcribed Charts stimulation, overstimulation] of one of the currents in the fields of energy,
the original Ayurvedic practice was to employ an opposite force as a remedy.
Supplemental Essays Weak fields were also built up by similar essences found in foods, herbs, etc.

Contact Us More science and logic was embodied in the theory and practice of the
Ayurvedic System of old than it is credited with today. Much of its real art is
Acknowledgements lost or overlooked in the present-day practice of this system. It was based on
a deeper understanding of life and its values embodied in all things in the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes universe. No superstition was involved in its simpler forms of effective
application of the principles of Polarity. When the art was lost and the
principles were neglected, then, like all things neglected, it lost its following
in a world of purely material scientific research.
There are many active principles of finer essences which are not to be found
in the gross field of chemistry. Homeopathy proves this point clearly by the
use of finer essences which cannot be traced by means of gross chemical
analysis. But these essences work on the inward cycle of currents, in the
centripetal force, where the quantity factor stops and the quality or essence
factor takes over and flows on inward, toward a neuter center where neither
the positive pole nor the negative one predominates but both are balanced in
a neuter [neutral] center of receptivity before being emanated again as
Polarity Currents for definite action.

In India a complete art of Homeopathy related to the Ayurvedic principles

has been built on the finer essence of matter and its triune action. And this is
effectively used in some parts of India today.

In the Drugless field of Manipulative Therapy, the fundamental principles

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service are also the energy fields and forces in POLARITY action and their balance.
Award" 2012 But to the best of my knowledge, no one beside myself has set forth these
ideas and a therapy based upon this foundation.

The mechanical basis of a nerve pressure producing a functional distortion

has served well in many schools of physiological therapy of adjustment and
manipulation. However, there are many factors which fall short of their goal
in theory and in actual practice.

A new viewpoint and emphasis are needed for greater effectiveness and
deeper synchronization of all of man's energy fields within himself and their
structural balance with the earth's gravity as well as the finer fields of energy
supply from Nature. In present-day research, only gravity and the chemical
and mechanical factors are investigated. The other, finer forces in Nature
have not been mentioned or considered in the same manner, even though
they are more important because they are the finer and more potent energy

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 1
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 1]
In my text books No. I and II, these principles are fully illustrated in hand
drawn charts. The principles are based upon an integrative system of
structural and functional relationship of currents. The instructions for
determining the direction of travel of these waves is also clearly
demonstrated in charts No's. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 of book II.
Search Instructions This symbolic key chart of Polarity Principles brings to our attention the
Alphabetized Index grand, over-all picture of the relationship of man to this universe, and a clear
Advanced Search structural relationship of parts to each other. It is all based on the laws of the
Trinity Principle in operation. Man's construction and function is similar to
Index of Transcribed Charts that of the atom and the universe. He is between these two poles. Man can
express the heights of the Infinitely Great and the depth of the infinitely
Supplemental Essays small atoms which are the constituents of his being.

Contact Us The soul is the essence of being and life in the body, and functions through
the brain and the center of the spinal cord, to the end of the coccyx, as dual
Acknowledgements neuter [neutral] energy. The arms and legs are levers of polarized expression
for skill and motion.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
The cerebrospinal fluid seems to act as a storage field and a conveyor for the
ultrasonic and the light energies. It bathes the spinal cord and is a reservoir
Support for these finer essences, conducted by this fluidic media through all the fine
DigitalDrStone! nerve fibers as the first airy mind and life principle in the human body.

Through this neuter [neutral] essence, mind functions in and through matter
as the light of intelligence. That is why it is the ruler of this fine energy in the
fields of function. Mind energy is a reality, as much as and even more potent
than atomic energy. A mental block is often a very serious matter. Who can
restore the mind function or balance?

The soul acts through mind substance, energizing the polarized fields of the
brain for specific function and motion. The sensory fields are in the front and
on the top portion of the brain. The motor fields are in the back and the
bottom portion of the brain. Waking consciousness resides in the anterior
part of the brain, at a point between the two eyes and immediately above the
bridge of the nose. In sleep, this essence descends to the lower centers. This
describes a living physiology of energy function.

In this chart the life principle of the soul is expressed by its two wings as
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service ultrasonic energy or positive action, and as radiant light waves or negative
Award" 2012 energy of perception and conception of ideas and impulses. This is the
principle of sight and memory as stored impressions, like a photographic
process. Physical functions are stepped-down currents from the primary
energy, through conveyors (such as nerves, arteries, veins and lymphatics)
for specific action.

Obstacles are God's design

To make a man with a spine.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
The Breath of Life and the Cycle of Nutrition
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative The kernel of the story is the fact concealed in the cryptic biblical quotations.
Therapy Oxidation as an external phenomenon is due to the movement of these subtle,
invisible energy currents in Nature and in man. Mother earth also has her
pains, such as volcanic eruptions, cyclones, etc. Then the velocity of her
pulse beat is out of all proportion and balance, locally or generally, like man
in illness.

The part of the quotation, "and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
Search Instructions
and man became a living soul"[1], is a much deeper mystery of the Sound
Alphabetized Index
Current Energy also called the "Holy Word of God" by which all things were
Advanced Search created. It is the ONE ENERGY of all life, which flows through the brain
and the nervous systems of man, and by which he becomes an individual
Index of Transcribed Charts living soul. It is the "Lost Chord" in Nature and in man's consciousness
which he must seek and find again to re-unite himself to his Source, from
Supplemental Essays which he has descended like "The Prodigal Son".[2]
Contact Us The central staff of the symbol of Hermes is the path of the "WORD" of
God's major travel in the body, like the trunk of the Tree of Life. It is the
energy by which and through which man attracts all that he needs from
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Nature, like a unit or vital nerve center in the Great Whole. But when man
has acquired the power to do so under proper guidance, then he also realizes
that it is best to work with Nature and to be in tune with Nature and with God
Support instead of giving in to his own desires to control anything besides himself.
DigitalDrStone! When we have controlled our own desires and weaknesses, then everything
else falls in line. THAT IS THE SECRET. That is why the truly humble are
really great.

In the body the vital air and the circulation entwine the central staff of the
Tree of Life (the brain and the spinal cord) like two serpents. They nourish
the tissues and thus support the function of the finer airy energy essence of
the nervous system and its currents by linking it to Nature outside, through
respiration. The energy essence which flows in the center and core of man's
being is God's breath of life - The Holy Spirit or Sound Current - which links
man to the higher regions and to GOD HIMSELF. That makes man a "living
soul". It is the 'ladder' referred to in Jacob's Vision at Bethel: "And he
dreamed; and behold, a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to
heaven: and, behold, the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And
behold, Jehovah stood above it, and said, I am Jehovah, the God of Abraham
thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I
give it, and to thy seed; and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to
Award" 2012 the south; and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be
blessed. And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee whithersoever thou
goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I
have done that which I have spoken to thee of." (Gen. 28:12-16) This
indicates clearly that the human being is a part of God and that he comes to
earth for experience only, but comes "again into this land" until his earthly
cycle is finished. God is always within each and every one of us. We may
forget Him but He never forgets us. When we turn to Him for guidance, then
we are automatically in tune with Nature.

1 Genesis 2:7
2 Luke 15:11-32

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
The Mysterious Sacrum
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function All research in the healing art is bent on finding the "open Sesame" which
will unlock the door to the mystery of life in the body of man. The health of
patients is the concern and the problem of doctors, no matter what type of
therapy they may employ.
"Specifics" is the cry of the day; do the one thing which does all. But Nature
does not respond that way. Life is a mystery. All motion is triune. Nothing in
Search Instructions
the manifested universe is an independent unit. The lesser depends on the
Alphabetized Index greater, and the superior rests on the inferior.
Advanced Search
Structure has a physical basis in gravity and mechanics, and a psychological
Index of Transcribed Charts one in the life which inhabits this form or body. The important question is
does the form rule the life or does the life rule the form? Where shall our
Supplemental Essays emphasis be in order to reach the one point where our effort is most
Contact Us
Is the superstructure more important than the foundation? Are we really
Acknowledgements trying to influence the Life Current, or the structural position of the key
vertebra, the atlas [C1]?
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
If it is the Life Currents which we are trying to influence, then the superior
pole is the most influential one. But, if it is structure, then the inferior pole or
Support the foundation will be more in line with the proposition and with the
DigitalDrStone! principle of gravity pull.

Life flows from above downward, and structure supports function from
below upward. Life is the first impulse. Reaction is the second wave, which
must return to make a circle or a circuit of energy flow as CAUSE AND
EFFECT, or positive and negative poles of the current.

Life must flow to express itself. Currents must conduct this energy from pole
to pole as in any electrical field. The structure is the field through which the
energy must flow and support the pattern and forms of energy fields of which
the body is composed.

In the study of the entire bony structure of the body, the sacrum is the most
vital and the most neglected bone. The spine has been given consideration by
many schools. Lately, even the bones of the skull have received a lot of
attention, because the polarity impulses of life through the bones, as
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service electromagnetic fields, have yielded results hitherto unsuspected.
Award" 2012
The cranial bones had been considered immovable because of the dovetailed
sutures, by even the most enthusiastic doctors who adjusted other bones
successfully. The fact that life breathes in the body, which in turn must
expand and contract in rhythmic response through every body cell, had been
totally overlooked.

The mechanics of the structure had completely overshadowed the life in it as

the main actor of all function. Life does not depend on mechanics, but it
activates the mechanical levers thus built for overcoming gravity. When the
leverage system becomes useless or inoperative through trauma, then life
stands still, lies dormant, or departs. The manifestation of life is only
conditioned by mechanics and leverages as well as by gravity. Life
overcomes gravity by leverage of bones and joints, through muscles and
tendons which it operates. Structural limitations and trauma are life's limits in
motion and function.

Electromagnetic currents are the circuits which act like wheels in the body's
finer functions,

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 10
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function according to a precise mental pattern in the positive sperm of the father, the
negative ovum of the mother, plus the neuter [neutral] pole of the pattern
energy which the incarnating soul brings with it as its own destiny, the fruit
of its own previous desires and actions.
It is this unknown quantity and quality which makes each child in the same
family different from the other. The trinity principle is again the active factor
Search Instructions
in determining the life span quality, and motion.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search The fetus [foetus] attracts what it needs from the mother's blood stream as its
universal supply. When it is ushered into the world of matter it becomes an
Index of Transcribed Charts infant when the cord is cut. Then its supply must come from the outside,
through its own process of breathing, digestion and warmth.
Supplemental Essays
The four polarized elements which were the electromagnetic energies latent
Contact Us in matter, as solids, liquids, gases and warmth, continue to build the body as
before; but the elements of Mother Earth must now supply the material out of
Acknowledgements her bosom and storehouse. Mother's milk, or a substitute liquid which
contains all these elements, may be the babe's proper nourishment for a while
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes until the child is able to obtain its nourishment direct from the supply of
Mother Nature.
Support The infant's energy fields are built according to his mental pattern field, in
DigitalDrStone! every one of the body's five major cavities. By the electromagnetic function
of these, the babe attracts unto itself what it needs and can digest in order to
grow. These currents continue to weave back and forth throughout life, to
keep the body in tune with Mother Nature, so it can live on earth.

If any one of these currents are depolarized in the individual and out of tune
with Mother Nature's supply, it spells disease, and suffering for that person.
Or if even one is broken, then the whole house (body) falls back into chaos
and the clay of the earth.

This vital fact of life has been forgotten by man because it serves so silently.

The infant has a complete zodiac in its own make-up, an exact duplicate of
the cosmos in which it lives, or it could not exist here on earth. This is woven
by the four pattern threads of "the Four Rivers of Life" stated in Genesis and
explained in my book, "The New Energy Concept of the Healing Art".
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
When the four modes of matter, as solids, liquids, gases and warmth, as
Award" 2012 electromagnetic energy, act in their triple function - in and through the body,
they build it in a process similar to four threads in three shuttles. Then twelve
stations or centers are formed which constitute the individual energy zodiac
of each person.

This, then, is the miniature zodiac or microcosm by which man's finer forces
are linked to the universe, and supply him with energy to attract the more
solid forms of substances needed for his body.

These facts form the real field of Psychosomatics, of which so little is known
in this day of positive force only. This principle in Nature and in man is the
basis of all action as the finer energy operating in man and by which he lives,
breathes and functions.

This real energy field in man is the basis and foundation of all my books and
courses. No external astrology or astronomy is used in any of my work. All
references to those forces pertain to similar operating functions in man. Even
as the tiny atom is a universe in itself, so is man.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 1: The Vital Creative Flame
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & improper propitiation and neglect, or has it left the house of flesh entirely?
Techniques Who knows the answer and who understands the ways of life? Are these in
the books of learning or bestowed as degrees in institutions of education?
Are Vitality and Life the main subjects taught there, or are they but guests or
strangers there also? Are its teachers inspired by its radiance and do they
impart it to the students, or is it all but an intellectual pursuit of the detail
functions of the body and its structures as we see them from the outside, by
the artificial light of our own mind's action, supplemented by electricity?
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index Where are the real devotees of the Sacred Flame of olden times? Has life
Advanced Search changed, or have we, in our search for it and in our purely material viewpoint
of it, failed to tune into its REAL WAVE LENGTH? Does our research by
Index of Transcribed Charts means of chemical tests prove Life, aid it, or merely condition its
manifestation in the body? Has Vitality a material origin, or is it something
Supplemental Essays beyond the reach of matter? All these questions have piled up since the
search for the 'Fountain of Youth' started, long before the recorded history of
Contact Us Spain.[1]
Acknowledgements The search goes on, but Life is silence itself. We are moved and know not
the Mover. We think and know not the Thinker, and hardly know our own
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes thoughts. All this is somewhat out of proportion to all our material progress
and the increased number of institutions of learning. It appears that all our
Support effort has been spent on research in matter, and none on Life itself.
We know more about the distant stars and constellations, and the atom, than
we do about Life and our relation to it. We look for it externally, in matter,
when it is the very heart and core of all living things. It is a unit which we
have missed in our search for detailed proof. We have wandered away from
the trunk of the tree and its main branches, and have lost ourselves among
the leaves on the Tree of Life. Or, it may be that Life has passed us by
because we have not tuned in on its wavelength of recording and broadcast
everywhere around us? If we treated any television or radio broadcast as we
treat Life, the reception to our tuning would give the same results.

Real knowledge or understanding is a two-edged sword, like Truth, which

requires much sacrifice of our precious time through attention and interest in
its wholehearted pursuit. Art is a jealous patron of its devotees, even as
deities were said to be. The Muses cut the thread when interest lags. The art
of Life passes the laggards by. Even a whole lifetime of living gives us no
acquaintance with Life itself. Many precious years of our
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 *****
1 The Fountain of Youth is a mythical spring that restores the youth of
anyone who bathes in it or drinks from it. Legends of such springs date back
as far as the 5th century BC.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Balancing Spinal Nerve Impulses
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & Parasympathetic impulses must flow into and work in conjunction with the
Techniques Sympathetic, in order to work at all; for it is the Parasympathetic system that
expresses balance and conscious mind impulses, and conveys them to the
Sympathetic system.

What are mental frustrations? Parasympathetic or cranial impulses that could

find no expression or response in the Sympathetic system and the organs it
controls. Emotional frustrations are sympathetic and heart center impulses
Search Instructions which are suppressed by the conscious mind impulses of the Parasympathetic
Alphabetized Index System.
Advanced Search
What is shock? A forceful shutting off of a current or impulse that flows in
Index of Transcribed Charts the body - or, a sudden impact of energy or matter, from the outside, upon
the body, which suddenly shuts off the flow of energy for an instant. This can
Supplemental Essays be physical or mental; for mind is energy, and the soul is the Source of that
energy. A mental shock is as real as a physical jolt - and more dangerous
Contact Us because it goes deeper. An injury to physical tissue repairs with time and
rest, while mental injuries require a new vision and viewpoint.
What is pain? It is also an inhibited impulse that cannot flow in its natural
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes path of lines of force. A physical break also illustrates this point. However,
there are mental, emotional and physical breaks, injuries and suppressions in
their substances or fields.
DigitalDrStone! A gentle pressure on the spinous process reveals the spinous tenderness or
tension. The tender tip of a spinous process indicates an aggravation in the
interspinal membranes. This is a positive hyperemic symptom of a vertebra
in distress through excessive movement. It is caused by a lack of function (an
energy block) of the vertebrae above and below it. These are fixed and
inactive in their normal range of motion, which throws all the load of action
on the one located in between the inactive vertebrae.

The correction lies in the simple procedure of local pressure on the fixed
vertebrae, against the greatest resistance to movement by that particular
vertebra. The stimulation to the vertebrae, one at a time; that is to the one
above and to the one below the over-active one, acts as a positive motion or
charge to balance the local negative polarity. It also acts as a physiological
stimulus which releases tension.*

* The entire spine can be balanced that way, in its local plus and minus areas
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service and functions. In this simple manner, the hypersensitive area of excess
Award" 2012 function can be balanced with the negative polarity action of the minus
function in the fixed vertebra above and the fixed vertebra below the over-
active one.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
A Vital Viewpoint on Structural Balance
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & Vitality is the buoyant inner Life which is the joy of living and creativeness
Techniques of the soul and of the mind in selflessness. Balance and proper use form the
objective of this gracious gift of God. This grace is given to the few who
search in humility and understanding of the Essence of Life, and who tune
into it by attention and whole-hearted interest.
When the interests of life are elsewhere, then Life passes us by, because it is
not the objective of its search or attention. Conscious growth only comes
Search Instructions through whole-hearted attention to an ideal or objective. Where the
Alphabetized Index consciousness dwells, there is the soul of attention. "Surat or Soul is
Advanced Search attention." So said the Great Saint, Swami Ji Maharaj.[1] Where the heartfelt
interest is centered, there dwells and is the Life of that Soul.
Index of Transcribed Charts
All this portrays the living viewpoint of energy as the basis of our problem of
Supplemental Essays Vitality Balance, rather than mere mechanical procedure or chemical
formulas and rules.
Contact Us
The true doctor should know Life, feel it and understand its pattern of flow,
Acknowledgements like a blueprint of Life, the same as he knows his anatomy, so he can
skillfully direct its wireless currents by removing the blocks and short
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes circuits in the various fields. A good electrician knows where to look for
short circuits in a house and what to do about them. So also should a good
Support physician know the WIRELESS ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY,
DigitalDrStone! which is none other than its energy circuit.

The energy flow is the primary factor here. By knowing the fields and the
travel of energy waves in their paths, this becomes a most intriguing
application of intelligent release of the accumulated energy from one pole, to
the opposite pole, by freeing its circuit where it is stuck and manifesting as
excess activity of swelling, redness and pain. This can be in any one of the
four polarized fields or in the neuter [neutral] etheric area of the center pole
or axis of the body. Please refer to Charts No. 4 and 5 in Book 1, also the
charts given in the beginning of Book 2. They are the fundamentals of the
wireless blueprints of the body currents and energy circuits.

It is all very simple, when once understood. We think nothing of studying

paths of energy circuits and wave travel in electronics or in earth currents, air
currents, etc., but when it comes to the human body, we limit all our search,
research and viewpoint to chemistry and mechanical procedures. Why should
there be this exception and limitation here? Is the human body less than an
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service atom, or worth less time and effort for search and research along this line? Or
Award" 2012 is it because we have utterly lost our way in

1 Soamiji Maharaj (1818-1878), born "Shiv Dayal Seth," poet and Satguru of
the Surat Shabd or Radhasoami yogic tradition.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
A Vital Viewpoint on Structural Balance
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & vertebra and give a gentle roll, as illustrated in Chart No. 34 in Book 2. The
Techniques same can be done with the patient sitting up, as shown in Chart No. 15 in this

Life is unique if we can but see the pattern energy as vital currents instead of
only the form as mere mechanical correction from a purely physical
Search Instructions Contact points for the center and the sides of the occiput and sacrum, also the
Alphabetized Index sphenoid and coccyx, are marked on Chart No. 18 in this book.
Advanced Search
The dotted lines on the sacrum and the 5th lumbar [L5], and over the glutei,
Index of Transcribed Charts shown in Chart No. 2 in this book, are contact points for the GANGLION OF
Supplemental Essays contact is from below, along the coccyx and under it. The other contact is on
the dotted lines, with the thumb of the other hand. It is described on page 83
Contact Us in Book 1 and is illustrated in Chart No. 19 in Book 2.


SYMPTOMS: In diagnosing from the neck, by touch, there is usually more
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes soreness on one side than on the other over the transverse process and in the
lamina between it and the spinous process. That means a tension or plus
impulse is active there on top because of an anteriority on the corresponding
Support vertebra below, due to local spastic contractions in its muscular attachment
DigitalDrStone! on the opposite side of it. The contact would therefore be an inhibition on the
cervical vertebra and a stimulation on the lumbar vertebra on the same side.
However, in practice, it is easier to inhibit the opposite transverse side to
release the spastic pull there. This balances the muscular tension and is equal
to the adjustment theory of diagnosis and correction.

Experience has proven that greater changes take place in the neck when the
muscular pull is balanced than when the bone is adjusted. This is based upon
the fact that all distortions are REALLY DUE TO MUSCULAR PULL
ACCOMODATION [accommodation] TO THEIR TENSIONS. Releasing
the PRIMARY FACTOR FIRST is the logical procedure in dealing with
energy currents - whether blocked or in excess - as the real causes of
subluxations. Energy is the mover. The bone is the object moved by
muscular action, through involuntary impulses which produce lesions.

The energy approach is far deeper and more effective than the mechanical
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
secondary principle of results. CAUSES ARE PRIMARY FACTORS TO
Award" 2012
CORRECT. Then, when the muscle pull is released by balancing the vital
impulses, the vertebrae literally fall into their natural position by the least
movement or correct positioning, AND STAY THERE.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 8
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & This chart sketches the process of placing the Idea and Ideal pattern of the
Techniques mind of man, created as an image, into actual lower vibratory spheres for
expression through five fields and five senses as actual awareness in matter,
a dense plane, through material consciousness and being, for the completion
of creation.
The One Idea and Consciousness is now scattered and separated into four
polarized currents of senses and fields, to act through them for the experience
Search Instructions of the soul and the mind as its agent, in contact with matter. The Mind Pole,
Alphabetized Index having completed its creation in the Ideal World, with all the designs of
Advanced Search blueprints made, lessens its octave of vibratory intensity through fulfillment
on one plane, and starts a new day of creation. This is in the next lower realm
Index of Transcribed Charts of expression of the Ideal Purpose and Vision in the Mount of Consciousness
Supplemental Essays
1. For this purpose, the head is placed into the neck area of the etheric plane
Contact Us of 'Akash' [akasha, aakaasha]. This is the plane of Sound, the WORD of
command of the Creator sounds forth into this realm of creativeness. All
Acknowledgements things take shape in the etheric world of sound substance, according to the
attraction and polarization of the Sound Vibration.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
God spoke into this realm on that day of Creation. That is where our Biblical
record begins to express God's WORD as the One Life and Light in Creation,
Support out of which all things were made. There was Light above, in the ideal head,
DigitalDrStone! as the Sacred Flame, but it was not yet projected into the field of Creation by
the Sound Current of Command from the Creator.

"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." (Gen. 1:3)

This is also given in Chapter One of this book under the title of 'The Vital
Flame of Creativeness'. All energies which descend into the body go through
this plane. So do all return currents from below, for recording in the
consciousness. Therefore, the neck is a cross road of the main vital currents,
downward and upward. That is why it holds all the impressions and records
of etheric happenings as well as pain symptoms in the body. It is the place
for real diagnosis of the energy current flow and obstructions.

For this purpose the elaborate description of Chart No. 2 is given for
diagnosis and Vital Balancing applications. It is a new field and most
valuable for any real research doctor to know what the One Vital Current is
doing in all four fields of polarized action, upon which all function depends.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
"As above, so below" is
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
The Plumb Line and What It Means
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & The plumb line shows distortions and muscle tensions that are unequal in the
Techniques skeletal framework. A patient can be badly distorted and yet not be very sick;
he may not even know it. Another patient may check good on the plumb line,
and can feel terribly bad.

The plumb line does not indicate vital function distortions, nor Sympathetic
or Parasympathetic nerve disturbances, nor acute inflammatory diseases,
except when skeletal muscles are involved. The plumb line is a good check
Search Instructions for structural distortions, but not for functional imbalance. There are many
Alphabetized Index lines of stress in the body energy fields that are not governed by mere
Advanced Search physical gravity. The four elements themselves are beyond the law of
gravity, as they are energy particles of the finest kind, a fourth grade of
Index of Transcribed Charts matter, like electrons.

Supplemental Essays In all our doings, understanding is of the greatest importance. And to blend
the energy fields of the body in their functions is the primary need. Many
Contact Us people go around humpbacked and all distorted, and live to a ripe old age. It
is not the structure that kills us, but the vital function's inability to act. True,
Acknowledgements every organ must have room in which to expand and contract; but correcting
a visible, external distortion does not necessarily correct a vital function.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
Keeping the four elements in mind in all of our manipulative work, will help
the patient much more than popping all the vertebrae. Balancing the energy
Support fields and factors by means of manipulation, will do wonders for the patient
DigitalDrStone! as well as for the reputation of the profession. IT IS NOT BY STRENGTH

Many times a patient may check good on the plumb line, but still complain
of low back pains. In men, this is usually due to prostatic gland trouble and
should be so treated. In women, this is usually a uterine reflex. Sensory
energy blocks are too fine to show on the gravity line. They have their field
in the inner sensory exchange centers, between the Sympathetic and the
Parasympathetic systems, as emotional tension. DEEP PERINEAL
PELVIS. To balance the below with the above, and the tension within with
the one without, is a good rule to follow for any tension release. The centers
attract, the surface resists and tightens up. Release both, the plus and the
minus poles.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 *****
1See Autonomic Nervous System Terminology for more information.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 11
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & This chart illustrates KIDNEY TECHNIQUES through contacts on various
Techniques poles of the body, from the bottom of the feet upward, on the same side of
the body. The soles of the feet were clearly illustrated for this work in Chart
No. 4 in this book. The main point here is the discovery that the foot must be
flexed under a little tension so the areas involved are brought out for all foot
therapy applications.

Flexing each toe brings out that area for a contact on the sole of the foot.
Search Instructions Merely working the feet or rolling the soles over a ball or a rolling pin does
Alphabetized Index not do it. That all helps in a measure, but is not a complete therapy. The foot
Advanced Search must be flexed and polarized locally with the cuboid bone contact and
pressure from the outside for best results. This is illustrated in figures 1 and 2
Index of Transcribed Charts of this chart. IT HOLDS GOOD IN ALL OTHER FOOT THERAPY,
whether it is for the liver, the colon, the stomach or any other polarity center
Supplemental Essays in the foot, where anterior and lateral contacts support the local area hold.

Contact Us Figure 3 depicts the other hand over the kidney area on the back of the body,
comprising the 11th and 12th dorsal [thoracic] vertebrae [T11, T12]. The
Acknowledgements foot contact which is used simultaneously, consists of firmly gripping the
back of the foot and applying the thumb to the kidney area on the foot.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
Figure 4 illustrates a contact on the representative kidney area in the airy
triad [Air Element triad - Gemini/shoulders, Libra/kidneys, Aquarius/ankles]
Support of the leg response, the Aquarius region shown in Chart No. 5, Book 2 [sic,
DigitalDrStone! Chart No. 5, Book 1]. The contact is worked with the thumb in the calf of the
leg. The contact with the other hand over the 11th and 12th dorsal [thoracic,
T11, T12] is held firmly on that side only, by the heel of the hand.

This chart gives the over-all procedure for therapy from the feet up to the
body, whether it be for colon, liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestines, etc.
Only the exact spots change a little and must be found for each pole in order
POLARIZED. This application for three to five minutes on each side,
accomplishes much. Change from one contact to another more frequently if
the areas are too tender. Each time you come back to them they will be

The response will be noted in the other pole at once, when correctly done.
The patient will know it also. Nothing succeeds like Truth and CORRECT
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service APPLICATION. It is a process of floating with the Universal Currents on the
Award" 2012 Waters of Life. Our little boat cannot help but float to the other shore if
TRUTH AND SERVICE are steering it to its goal.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
A Brief Outline of Vitality Balance
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & take place and the communication of the energies within the body spells
Techniques BALANCE AND WELL BEING to all cells and tissues involved.

In our world of radio, television, telephone and telegraph[1] we take this for
granted. But in our body's system of the circulation of ENERGIES which are
wireless, we doubt its efficacy because we believed that only chemistry or
mechanics could accomplish results. They all have their place and achieve a
measure of results, but POLARITY Therapy has and can help many who
Search Instructions
have failed to succeed in obtaining results by other methods.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search Proof does not explain the process to the confused mind, so it is passed by
because of popular, set belief. New things and ideas must make a place for
Index of Transcribed Charts themselves by new pattern grooves in the mind of the public. This is done by
advertising and popularizing a new idea or thing, and takes much effort, time
Supplemental Essays and money. That is why many good things do not reach the minds of the
people. It is a slow process.
Contact Us
POLARITY THERAPY is a comparatively new art which produces amazing
Acknowledgements results, especially in difficult cases, some of which had even baffled the
experts in every field of therapy. Yet it is so very simply [simple] when one
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes understands the circuits of the body the same as an electrician understands
the wiring in a house. A good physician knows instantly where the energy
Support circuits in the body are blocked or short-circuited. They can be effectively
DigitalDrStone! relieved by means of Polarity Therapy.

The first book along these lines was published by the author in 1948. It was
now improved and enlarged and is published under the title of THE VITAL
POLARITY IN THE HEALING ART. It is a companion of this book and
deals mainly with the foundation and principles; while this book goes more
into the details of the application of these principles.

May this work reach the seekers who are looking for a deeper perspective of
a common denominator in the healing art, to push it along in keeping with all
the atomic discoveries of today. The health and well-being of the people
should not be neglected. It should really be the first concern of the scientists,
doctors and educators. Without health and happiness, all our modern
conveniences are of little comfort to us.

1Not to mention computer networks, WiFi, and data streaming.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 77

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Tonsillitis, Sore Throat and Goiter
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & The area immediately above the ankle bone is the negative pole of the neck
Techniques line. The soft tissue, deep in the back of the leg, near the tibia and the fibula,
holds the throat reflexes. The hip joint is the neuter pole to the ankle and the
jaw articulation. Find that sore spot on the anterior side of the hip joint, in its
lower half circle of articulation, and polarize it with the deep ankle contact
by stimulating it. Then gently lift the clavicle and hold it while stimulating
the hip pole with the other hand.
Search Instructions Find the sore spot in the shoulder girdle pole of the feet and hands as shown
Alphabetized Index in Charts No. 4 and 5 in this book. Hold the hand sore spot with one hand
Advanced Search and stimulate the foot pole with the other to divert from the throat pole.

Index of Transcribed Charts In these conditions the polar areas will be similar to those found in mumps,
only a little lower in each place, the same as the tonsils are lower in relation
Supplemental Essays to the parotid glands.

Contact Us Locate the poles in each region and balance them by finding and holding or
inhibiting the sore spots there, while stimulating the opposite pole with the
Acknowledgements other hand. This treatment works wonders in acute conditions because then
the areas respond quickly through their own activation.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
Chronic diseases located in these areas can be traced in the same way, but the
reaction may not be there as sore spots, and may have to be activated first,
Support before the deep blocks will come to the surface. Then they can be released
DigitalDrStone! and balanced. All chronic conditions must become acute by increased energy
and circulation before restoration of normal tissue is possible.

Proportions of inharmony can be detected by soreness and lack of elasticity

or limitation of function as well as by the deformity and discoloration in the
feet, the toes and their nails.

The feet, as the negative pole, reveal chronic distortions and diseases which
may become active at any time.

The hands, as the neuter [neutral] pole to the body, figuratively placed over
the head in the same manner, will reveal the same design of relationship.
However, the hands reveal acute conditions in their markings of ridges,
splits, moons, etc. across the nails, and sore areas over the front and the back
of the hands. Whatever is indicated in the hands is acute and active now. This
condition must be understood and corrected now in order to resolve the
sedimentations and to balance the energy current flow from within, outward.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service It is the purpose of POLARITY THERAPY to diagnose and correct by
Award" 2012 means of ENERGY CURRENTS within the patient's own body and thus
restore the VITAL CIRCUIT.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Leg Conditions
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & Leg trouble can always be found in the perineum, and diagnosed and treated
Techniques from there. Whether it is a short leg or a pain in the leg, the POLARITY
reflex is in the perineum. Spastic and sore psoas muscles are relieved by
means of PERINEAL TECHNIQUE. A test, before and after the treatment,
will prove the point.
In pregnancy, PERINEAL TECHNIQUE[1] is invaluable in relieving pains
and tensions due to pressure in the pelvis. It gives almost miraculous relief in
Search Instructions
all leg symptoms and pains due to pregnancy and the nervous symptoms
Alphabetized Index
caused by the changes in the pelvis.
Advanced Search
The perineum is the lowest major point of gravity in the body, and it
Index of Transcribed Charts definitely affects parts below it and above it. The perineum is also the major
negative pole of the body and, as such, holds the key to all negative and
Supplemental Essays irrational impulses and perversions of the currents in the energy field. For
these reasons it is of vital importance in balancing and correcting ills of the
Contact Us body.
Acknowledgements Much can yet be discovered about this anti-pole of the brain. Skill in treating
plus understanding of the energy fields in the body, are the essential factors.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
What the doctor's mind cannot conceive,
That, he cannot relieve!
DigitalDrStone! It is the vital force in the bloodstream which warms and animates the body.
Life withdraws from the extremities first. Then they harden and become rigid
and cold. They are farthest removed from the center of life, and waste
products in the circulation gather at the lowest point of gravity, like
sediments in a barrel. To remove these sediments by means of the application
of leeches on the hardened areas is of great benefit.[2] Thus circulation is
brought again through these obstructions by means of new blood which
replaces the stagnant local waste in the area thus treated.

That the sludge in the blood prevents the normal flow of circulation in that
area is a well-known and recognized fact. By withdrawing the impure,
stagnant venous blood from the hard areas around an ulcer, the ulcer is
healed by means of the supply of fresh blood to that area. As the old is
withdrawn, the new blood can flow in and re-establish normal circulation.
Circulation of the blood is the animating factor to the extremities because of
the life force of 'Prana' in it.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 *****
1 See Book 1, page 87; and Book 2, Charts 30 and 31.
2 See "Leeches and Their Value in Polarity Therapy" in Book 3, page 103.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
The Mystery of Fever
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & by natural methods and not be permitted to burn the 'house' down. Very
Techniques satisfactory and sometimes miraculous results were obtained by me in the
many hundreds of acute and chronic cases which I have treated in this
manner - and some of them were very serious conditions with complications,
such as middle ear diseases, etc.
It matters not what the name of the disease may be, the fever is to be
controlled in the same NATURAL way, and then the controlled fever itself
Search Instructions will burn out the disease, usually leaving the body in better health than ever.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search Medical science has also observed the curative effect of fevers, and uses
diathermy and short wave therapy to create an artificial fever. Sometimes
Index of Transcribed Charts even malaria germs have been used to create an artificial fever for the cure of
some obscure disease. But a natural fever is not tolerated nor properly
Supplemental Essays controlled and utilized! MAN ENDURES - NATURE CURES.

Contact Us BOILS AND CARBUNCLES: Usually there is fever and pain with this
effort of Nature to eliminate some specific poison from the bloodstream.
Acknowledgements Nature's effort should be sustained by the wise physician who sees the long
range good and benefit for the patient in this elimination of impurities which
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes could not be accomplished otherwise. It should be encouraged by means of
hot flaxseed poultices applied over the acute areas, to draw all this poison
outward, to a head by dilation and surface expansion.
DigitalDrStone! A boil or carbuncle must ripen, like a fruit on the Tree of Life, be it good or
bad. Poultices of any kind, heat and patience are the main factors here. A
fruit diet assists elimination by not taxing the digestive system, as rich foods
do, which caused this condition in the first place.

Lancing a boil or carbuncle drives the poison and infectious enzymes back
into the bloodstream and that can cause heart trouble and other severe
symptoms due to the suppression of Nature's process. Where the vitality is
good, there will be more crops of boils or carbuncles after each lancing or
other means of suppression of Nature's process, until exhaustion produces
worse after effects.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Principles & Practice
Book 6: Body Balance Through
Evolutionary Energy Currents and 1. Energy is the real substance behind the appearance of matter and forms.
Supplementary Publications
2. Energy precipitates all forms according to a mental blueprint pattern set
forth by the Creator in His decree or Will.

3. Energy enlivens all forms and sustains them by linking them with all
Nature, as the unit of substance and matter.

Search Instructions 4. Energy in the sunlight can be broken up by the spectrum into colors which
Alphabetized Index are gases and determine the presence of metals in planets far away. The
Advanced Search secretion of chemistry in the body is a similar process. Carbons loaded with a
metal iron core will produce short ultra violet light waves. Here the
Index of Transcribed Charts chemistry from energy to liquids and solids has its beginning.

Supplemental Essays 5. Energy is a living breath of life, called "Prana", from a higher sphere of
the space world. The breath of life is also called "Qi" [chi] in Acupuncture.
Contact Us One of the concepts of Acupuncture is that of Polarity. Life exists as the
result of tension between two extremes - male and female - positive and
Acknowledgements negative - yang and yin - pingala and ida - right and left breath - qualitative
and quantitative.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
6. The nucleus or neutron energy is the central core energy as a neuter
[neutral] principle in Nature, called "Prana, Qi [chi], Od, Akash [akasha,
Support aakaasha]" or Ether. Its position in the body is the center core of fine energy
DigitalDrStone! substance from the top of the head to the end of the spine, like the staff of
Hermes, the Messenger of God's Energy, called the Caduceus, the Tree of
Life in the human form. From it radiates the energy which flows over the
three nervous systems as the airy neuter [neutral] principle, and flows in the
cerebrospinal fluid as its river and conductor of the Sea of Life Essence. This
is the green or neuter [neutral] spectrum band.

This neutron energy also flows over the circulation as the positive principle
of Fire and Warmth [Yang1], the river of the sustaining life substance. This is
the three-fold red spectrum in the light sphere.

This same energy also radiates and flows in the lymphatic system and all
secreting glands as the negative Water Principle [Yin1], which is cooling,
soothing and healing. This is the blue, indigo and violet in the spectrum

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service 7. Between the eyes lies the center of Consciousness, which connects the
Award" 2012 Soul as Awareness with the outside world, through the right and left breath
and the ten senses - the five sensory and five motor senses - through which

1To alleviate confusion between the Three Principles (Fire, Water and Air)
and the Five Elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth), many Polarity
practitioners refer to Dr. Stone's "Fiery Principle" as "Yang," his "Watery
Principle" as "Yin," and his "Airy Principle as "Neutral" or "Tao." See The
Three Principles and Five Elements for more information.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Polarity Therapy Principles & Practice
Book 6: Body Balance Through
Evolutionary Energy Currents and 14. Acupuncture balances the two currents in their function and polarity with
Supplementary Publications each other by means of needles, so they will flow in and out of the form
freely in normal action and expression, called Health or Well-being. When
there is no obstruction to the energy current flow, there is no pain or
stagnation in the circulation.
with a battery of consciousness behind them plus intelligence for direction of
Search Instructions currents. The right hand is the positive sun action, radiating, disbursing,
Alphabetized Index outgoing golden energy. The left hand is the negative cooling moon energy,
Advanced Search toning, soothing and inhibiting or concentrating the current for sedimentation
and use. The negative current is the mother principle of the nest builder in
Index of Transcribed Charts Nature, for perpetuation and repair.

Supplemental Essays 16. Isometric or Isometros (equality of measure, balance) is the trend of
action and exercise today. In the Hermetic art they did this by magnetic
Contact Us passes, and the laying on of hands on the positive and negative areas, instead
of using the gold and silver needles.
17. In the body, the pulse beat is the measure of life waves going out and
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes flowing in, carrying air and nourishment to all cells. Circulation follows the
energy current in its movement. When there is an energy block, the heart, as
a regulator, is helpless.
DigitalDrStone! 18. All tissues, even the brain and nerve tissues function in proportion to
their blood supply. Physically, it is most important then, that all therapy
should balance and improve the blood supply to the tissues.

19. Symptom relief and blood supply are positive checks and proof.

20. Even in the down-to-earth physical realm, we have the functioning of the
law of Polarity, of expansion and contraction, upon which all function and
motion depends.

21. The vasomotor dilators and constrictors are the real regulators of the
circulation. If the brain cells and the cord cells do not get their needed blood
supply, they can not function.

22. Hypertension, caused by arterial vaso-constriction [vasoconstriction] in

excess of the dilators, causes an excess flow of blood to the brain and the
spinal cord, producing a hyperemia there and an anemia on the outside
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service surface of the spinal muscles.
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Energy Tracing
Book 6: Body Balance Through
Evolutionary Energy Currents and relieve the deep internal expansion pressure on the nerve itself. I had several
Supplementary Publications such severe chronic sciatica cases in my clinic in India as well as in the U. S.
A. Some had expert medical diagnosis and attention at home and in hospitals,
and after a year or more of it were advised to have surgery. That is when they
came to me and I could prove my POLARITY PRINCIPLE of ENERGY.
They were relieved in one or two treatments. The recurring gas pressure was
eliminated by releasing the digestive energy blocks. (See chart No. 4 in the
set of 25 charts)
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index The above is mentioned to show the practical application of this new basic
Advanced Search approach to the over-all picture of therapy in treating bad chronic cases, even
after prolonged hospitalization and all modern therapy had failed. Experience
Index of Transcribed Charts is the best teacher, and the proof lies in accomplishment.

Supplemental Essays The shoulder level is the horizontal line of subtle stress and the base and
fulcrum for the airy and vital pranic energy circulation to the neck and head.
Contact Us This subtle energy is the active mover in the blood stream also, beyond the
physical gravity principle! It is the upper triangle of the Tree of Life of
Acknowledgements circulation, digestion, oxidation and carbon dioxide pressure release.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes But this takes far more than mere pressure on a spot, or a needle in the
blockade pressure point, as in Acupuncture. It is an art and a science, rather
than a mere process of movements applied by any other type of therapy or
Support chemistry. It deals with subtle ENERGY and not the gross forces that are
DigitalDrStone! obvious. Even a lifetime of research work and midnight oil can solve only a
measure of such problems of health and living. This has to be seen and
demonstrated personally, after which the books and charts really mean
something and can be used as reference books.

The soul, as the center of conscious being in the body, must be reached
through these life energies by mending the short circuits of mental and
emotional resistance through understanding the subtle life process in ourself
and in Nature, which are the tattwa [tattva] or elemental tension fields. This
law of Life and Motion operates in the cosmos and in man, and cannot be
ignored. Life itself is a paradox, which comforts while it mocks!

Opposite to the shoulder level is the hip level base, the water tattwa [tattva]
or element and the earth tattwa [tattva] support fulcrum of motion. These two
major levels must be coordinated in therapy as horizontal lines of forces in
action. It is like the Ark of Noah, floating on the psychic energy ocean of
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Life. (See chart No. 10 in Book II)
Award" 2012 19

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health Building
Health Consciousness: The Essential Unity of Body, Mind & Soul as the
Key to Well-Being

"The mind creates multiplicity everywhere to cover the simplicity in nature."

Health is not merely of the body. It is the natural expression of the body,
Search Instructions
mind and soul when they are in rhythm with the One Life. True health is the
Alphabetized Index
harmony of life within us, consisting of peace of mind, happiness and well-
Advanced Search being. It is not merely a question of physical fitness, but is rather a result of
the soul finding free expression through the mind and body of that
Index of Transcribed Charts individual. Such a person radiates peace and happiness, and everyone in his
presence automatically feels happy and contented.
Supplemental Essays
If we really want health, we must be willing to work for it, the same as we do
Contact Us for wealth, education or any other accomplishment in life. And those who
seek health, truth and love will find it, if they devote themselves to it with
Acknowledgements zest and a purpose that never waivers. We become that which we
contemplate. Negative thoughts and fears make grooves in the mind as
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes negative energy waves of despondency and hopelessness. We cannot think
negative thoughts and reap positive results, and therefore we must assert the
Support positive, and maintain a positive pattern of thinking and acting as our ideal.
At the very core of the search for true health lies the essential question of
what life is for. What is our personal goal, in terms of the use we make of
this body and mind - and what is the purpose of the divine gift of this human
life? Merely having no physical pain does not always mean a happy
condition of mind. We are entitled to more and have a greater purpose for
being in this world. Each one of us is seeking the inner happiness that comes
not from outward accomplishments,

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health-Building Ideas
Health Building
but hear it and see it in love and understanding of the Creator's Grace and

"Life is one." "The Lord our God is One."

He is the essence of all life and beauty everywhere. With this keynote of
Search Instructions
understanding, life flows like a river of natural expression and manifests as
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search
Positive Mind Patterns
Index of Transcribed Charts
To have health, we must have it in mind as an ideal pattern and an objective
Supplemental Essays to work for. We must layout our days' work and habits in line with that
blueprint of health and life - actively doing and being as we want to be. Then
Contact Us all will be a harmonious expression with a purpose in life, in love with the
Creator and His wonderful creation.
He is in all there is as the one Essence, the One Life, the One Love, and the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes One Understanding of Truth. This keynote must be established as the
positive mind pattern in the seeker of health, and by the positive attitude of
daily realization and becoming in thought, in deeds, in actions and in feeling
at one within oneself and with Nature outside.
Then these patterns will attract the positive particles of space energy and fill
the patterns of cells and tissue formation with life's ions as we live, breathe
and think in terms of love and life as our reality and heritage. We will
become that which we contemplate.

Negative thoughts and fears attract negative ions to build into our mind space
negative thought waves and negative energy waves, feelings of despondency
and hopelessness. All this occurs because we have discarded the positive
pattern of life as our ideal, our breath of life, and as our daily thinking on
every subject and topic. We cannot think negative thoughts and reap positive
results. We make the bed we lie on. We build the house we live in. If we
really want health, we must be willing to work for it, the same as for wealth,
education or other

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health Building
rather than sowing the seeds of future suffering through heedlessly abusing
life each day.

If we form the habit of daily eating and drinking only for health - physical,
mental and spiritual - we will find a growing sense of well-being,
Search Instructions
accompanied by the energy and happiness that come when one is no longer
bound by cravings and appetites. We should not merely live to eat, blindly
Alphabetized Index
obeying our sense of taste, regardless of the consequences to ourselves and
Advanced Search
others; but we must strive to eat to live, in order to find peace within
ourselves and be a source of love and happiness for all beings around us. We
Index of Transcribed Charts can rebuild and mold our body daily, psychologically and physically, while
we avoid enervation through mental or physical excesses of any kind.
Supplemental Essays
Each person should take enough time and interest to study his problem so
Contact Us that he or she can live intelligently and assist nature in tuning the body and
mind into its abounding rhythm and beauty. To understand life, we must be
Acknowledgements in tune with it.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Those who are destined to look for true health will find it.

Support When Life and Love become our interest sublime,

DigitalDrStone! We do not need a personal self to shine.

Life's own radiance exceeds all when we truly forget self and its limitations
and sufferings, by being lost in Love and Life as the only jewel of Reality
worth living for.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health Building
2 - Health-Building Ideas
This house of clay in which we stay
And where we play and also pray,
Keyword Is our temple and our fort, for life's sport,
Built from mind and feeling patterns long and short.
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index
We are what we eat and drink
What we feel and what we think.
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"Man does not live by bread alone."
Mind patterns rule our life.
Index of Transcribed Charts
Sound and Light Waves
Supplemental Essays
Life is the expression of love in sound waves and energy currents,
Contact Us throughout the creation and in man. Love is light, which crystalizes as beauty
in the spectrum, becomes color and gases as it is reduced in speed of
Acknowledgements vibration, and also forms the beautiful colors in the buds, the flowers, and the
fruits. It precipitates as the delicate pink color of the lacework of tissues in
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
the human form. Everywhere is the expression of love and beauty as art and
design patterns. Concentrated waves form electromagnetic fields, build the
Support cells and govern them by attraction and repulsion. The three gunas* are
DigitalDrStone! everywhere the attributes of matter and motion, as positive (+), negative (-),
and neuter [neutral] (0). Everywhere is life in motion and in sound effects,
such as speech, the songs of birds, and the lowing of beasts or their roar of
life's expression. There is music everywhere as plus and minus tones, without
and within, if we can

* Gunas[1]: The universal principles governing all motion. In his advanced

texts, Dr. Stone uses the gunas as a mode of categorizing various types of
therapeutic interventions.

1 In Sanskrit, "guna" means "string" or "thread". According to Hindu
philosophies, there are three gunas through which the nature of the universe
is expressed: sattva (creation), rajas (preservation), and tamas (destruction).
These principles correspond to the respective Taoist principles of Yang,
Neutral, and Yin. These far eastern terms have become the preferred terms
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service for many Polarity Therapy practitioners.
Award" 2012 15

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health-Building Ideas
Health Building
accomplishments in life. And those who seek health, truth or love shall find
it if they devote themselves to it with zest and a purpose that never wavers in
its course.
Life is a river; it is a road - a direction of energy waves and currents in our
Search Instructions
being that leads to more water of life, more space and tolerance and to higher
pinnacles of love and understanding, through pleasure and pain, through
Alphabetized Index
success and failure, through trials and overcoming all our negative factors of
Advanced Search
thinking, doing and feeling, into a harmony of love and its fullness of
expression through understanding and compassion.
Index of Transcribed Charts
Soulful Living
Supplemental Essays
Health is not merely of the body, it is one in all. It is the natural expression of
Contact Us the Soul, of love, of life in rhythm with the One Life, its Source and supply
house. Happiness is of the Soul, in love of oneness and unity, the reality of
Acknowledgements being. The body is an earthy Temple and has only the happiness in its fields
which the thinker or artist in the body builds into it, by thinking designs and
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
patterns of happiness and health. "As we think so we are."[1] All our efforts
must be toward health as a unit of accomplishment and life itself in daily
Support habits of eating and drinking for health only. We must not merely obey our
DigitalDrStone! sense of taste or cravings and habits of the past. Life must have a definite
purpose and meaning. It is a road that leads somewhere. Where is our
guiding Star, and our Goal? What is life for, if it is not an effort to higher
realization of consciousness or Soul growth and inner happiness? We can
become that which we wish to be if we work for it.

Objectives and Life's Jewel

Possessions, position and condition are but means to an end, not the end in
itself. We must use these wisely, or they will use us as slaves and servants to
their design and pattern of more and more greed and exhaustion through
frustration, enervation and bad health. If you wish to gain health and

1 James Allen (1864-1912), a British philosophical author and pioneer of the
self-help movement. In 1903, he published his most popular book, As a Man
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Thinketh.
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health-Building Ideas
Health Building
you must work for it and labor in its vineyard all hours, day and night, in
thoughts and in deeds and hold fast to the One Idea - the Jewel of Life within
you. Have you ever asked yourself, if I gain health, what will I do with it?
Keyword What for? Have I learned my lesson of inharmony and mistakes by suffering
and through illness? Be an artist and an architect of your own house, your
Search Instructions temple, your body and your mind. Build and struggle, and don't expect
Alphabetized Index
anybody else to do it for you, so you can let your mind wander loose without
direction or control. All life points to this one lesson - mind control through
Advanced Search
love and understanding. If this is not the objective in our life, why bother at
all to look for health? Health and happiness do not depend on the body, but
Index of Transcribed Charts on the energies that run it, flow through it and animate it.
Supplemental Essays If we want health we must learn to govern and direct those energies from the
center outward as normal expressions of life and motion, with a reverent
Contact Us attitude toward life's sacredness as the Creator's gift and we as its steward.
We are held responsible for it and experience it by action and reaction. Life
is but a kindergarten of experience. We learn by positive and negative
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes actions and reactions, as cause and effect, which are life's lights and

Support If you are interested in your health, start to think on causes and effects, and
DigitalDrStone! you won't need to look for an escape mechanism or wonder pill or
tranquilizers to do the work for you. We must learn to live life and feed the
body wholesome natural foods with all the life elements in it, in their finer
forms as enzymes, hormones, vitamins, and minerals, besides the bulk of
proteins, starches, sweets and fats to nourish the grosser parts and serve as
combustive material in the digestive process.


Getting well is a road of labor and of love; it is won through effort; then we
reach this ideal condition. If we set our hand

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health Building
3 - Principles & Application
"Creation has an outward purpose for the body and an inward purpose for
the soul. ... The creation which we see with our material eyes, and only part
Keyword of which we can comprehend, is but a very, very small part of the total
Creation ... it is but a speck of the Real Grand Total of the entire expanse of
Search Instructions finer and still finer Substance and Vastness beyond the comprehension of the
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search
Digestion is a process of combustion of solids or liquids to extract their heat
units as energy for motion and their chemistry for replacing worn-out
Index of Transcribed Charts particles in the body tissues. "Combustion is a rapid chemical union of light
and heat; its by-products are CO2 (carbon dioxide) and water (moisture)."
Supplemental Essays
Combustion in an engine and in our digestive system is similar - and very
Contact Us informative by comparison.

Acknowledgements The fuel for an engine must be suitable for that type of engine and
combustion chamber, whether it be a steam or gasoline engine. This is an
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes important point in building health and maintaining it. Even wealthy men, like
John D. Rockefeller who had a very poor digestive system all his life, by
very careful selection and light eating of simple foods lived to a ripe old age.
Support The Italian nobleman, Cornario, proved the same point. He lived to be 110
DigitalDrStone! years old because he lived a simple life after he was told by doctors that he
would die in his early youth because of his reckless habits.

A little thinking and attention applied to our own motor and its combustion
proportions and quality would save us much ill health and suffering. On the
process of digestion depends the maintenance of our body the same as the
performance of the motor. Only with this exception: The body

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Principles & Application
Health Building
Often acute high blood pressure symptoms are due to gas in the circulation
and are not serious at all, as it can be released quickly. Most headaches are
due to gas in the bloodstream. Oxydation [oxidation] is caused by the
Keyword moisture effect in the process of combustion. Good digestion produces good
oxydation [oxidation] and elimination. It is important to know how these
Search Instructions vital effects all hang together on the one process - digestion, which is the fire
Alphabetized Index
element in action in the body. From all this we can see the vital importance
of wise and careful eating for health to extend our span of life and health.
Advanced Search
Life is a gift from the Beloved Creator. Like wealth, we can waste it, spend it
fast, or use it wisely and conservatively and live longer. We can dig our
Index of Transcribed Charts grave prematurely by reckless habits of wasting the energies of life, and with
the fork and knife as bad eating habits.
Supplemental Essays
Our every action is our karma, which decides our life here. We are either a
Contact Us wise steward or an inefficient manager. How often do we not have proof of
this, when we see a handicapped person or a sickly one do better and live
longer than a robust healthy-looking one? To give just one example, Frank
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Gotch, the world's outstanding wrestler, died at the age of 42.[1] On the other
hand the great scientist Tyndal, who was so weak physically that he could
not even carry his big dictionary from one place to another in the room, lived
Support to a ripe old age.[2] And among handicapped persons, we need only mention
Helen Keller to prove what effort and will can accomplish.[3] With these
facts and proof, no one can glory in his ill health or in his appendix
operation. Clear thinkers try to find the causes, while the average look for
escapes from effects.

This puts the whole picture into a different light as to causes, which lie in
ourselves, rather than in some germ. Humanity must grow up sometime and
be responsible for its action in war or peace. Only when we understand
ourselves can we get along with ourselves and value this precious gift of life,
given for the sole purpose of freeing our Soul and consciousness from the
snares of the mind and senses, which are

1 Frank Alvin Gotch (1878-1917), an American professional wrestler. His
official cause of death is recorded as uremic poisoning, but rumors persisted
that he actually died from syphilis.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service 2 John Tyndall (1820-1893), an Irish physicist. He died from an accidental
Award" 2012 overdose of chloral hydrate taken to treat insomnia. While he did retire from
public life citing ill health at the age of 66, he had a very robust life before
then. From 1856-1868 he was an accomplished mountaineer and glaciologist.
He also went on many lecture tours throughout Europe and the United States.
3 Helen Keller (1880-1868), an American author, lecturer and activist. She
lost her sight and hearing at the age of 19 months, possibly due to scarlet
fever. She did not learn how to communicate with the outside world until she
was 7 years old with the help of her teacher, Anne Sullivan. As an adult, she
became a political activist and an advocate for those with disabilities.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health Building
6 - Diet & Health: A Daily Diet to Regain

"We know so much about disease, but nothing about health! Don't treat
disease; treat the individual. Find out where the energy is blocked!"
Search Instructions
The first thing in the morning, instead of bed tea, I recommend a "liver-
Alphabetized Index
flush" to bring it back to its normal function.
Advanced Search
1. Liver-flush: From one to three tablespoonfuls of pure, cold pressed almond
Index of Transcribed Charts or olive oil mixed with thrice the amount of fresh lime or lemon juice - stir
and drink it. Then take two cupfuls of hot water with the juice of one-half or
Supplemental Essays a whole lime or lemon to each cupful.

Contact Us Alternative: One glassful (8 ounces) fresh orange, grapefruit, pomegranate or

pineapple juice may be taken with the oil and followed by the two cupfuls of
Acknowledgements hot lemon water.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Constipation is also relieved by either of the above practices.

2. Breakfast: For a quick cleansing, diet should consist of only fresh fruits,
Support such as papaya with lemon on it, apples, pears, guavas, oranges,
DigitalDrStone! pomegranates, or melons, apricots,

* The dietary principles in this chapter may be applied generally for most
conditions. See Chapter 14 for a specific outline of a more rigorous
"Purifying Diet."

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Latent Energy Fields in the Body
Health Building
and health, yes; but not bulk in appearance. Dexterity of mind and thought go
much better with an elastic body than a rigid one. Nature proves that. And a
nimble wit rarely goes with a rigid type of body which has been subjected to
Keyword much strain.

Search Instructions
For the tense businessmen and women, posture stretches used during office
hours would pay well when the mind sags and gas problems bother and
Alphabetized Index
interfere with the mental work at hand. A walk would take more time and not
Advanced Search
accomplish this much current flow, providing the new blood supply to the
head and flush to the cheeks. And strange as it may seem, it is not done by
Index of Transcribed Charts standing on the head nor by aiding gravity nor by pushing the circulation
around by force. Neither is it done by forceful breath control. In this work no
Supplemental Essays breathing exercise is needed except as a stretch of muscles, by expanding the
chest cavity with a natural deep breath and exhaling with a grunt that vibrates
Contact Us the tissues.
Acknowledgements When the breath is used in a posture, it is for a general stretch of the tissues
from within, outward, in order to reverse the day-long routine of constant
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
impacts from without, pushing inward. No wonder we often feel like
violence when the outer impacts become too forceful and continuous. Try
Support this posture for a safety valve and benefit by the astonishing results.
Many mysteries are locked in the brain of man, the observer and thinker, the
positive pole of the body. How many such secrets of equal importance are
locked up in the pelvis, the negative pole? Have we ever asked ourselves this
question? In proportion to external scientific pursuits, how much attention
has been given to man himself? Experience teaches that man's growth and
real life is an individual problem. And it must be so in order to leave him a
free agent. Life is an expression of the soul of man from within, outward.
When he succeeds too well in the outer, he usually forgets the inner Source
of life altogether until illness or other misfortune strikes.

Is it not possible for man to keep well by doing a few simple things daily and
living less strenuously? The answer is

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Latent Energy Fields in the Body
Health Building
yes. In the pelvis, the negative pole of the body where all the driving force is
pent up like a coiled spring, a release needs to be found which equalizes this
tension without force or waste of vital energy. The downward eliminative
Keyword functions of Nature must be stimulated in order to give clearance for the
currents' return to the head, the positive pole.
Search Instructions
Vital force has its base in the sacrum, which is the motor force in the pelvis.
Alphabetized Index
The rest of the body can share this vitality only if its currents are flowing
Advanced Search
over the body in normal circuits of finer energy waves. If it is wasted or
blocked in its circulation, the body's entire vital economy suffers and ill
Index of Transcribed Charts health is the result! Vital force is the motor and elixir of life for which there
is no substitute anywhere. There are millions of seekers like Ponce de
Supplemental Essays
Leon,[1] but the answer remains hidden from external search alone.
Contact Us
A house rests on its foundation. So does the structure of life in both man and
Acknowledgements woman rest on the vital force located at the base of the body, the pelvis. Its
tissues are vital, and even the bony structure and articulations are
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes fundamentally important for all motion, action and well-being. Many ills and
pains which are the despair of physicians originate in the pelvis. Just mention
a sacroiliac lesion, a lower back pain or sciatica, and few insurance
Support companies will accept the risk or continue to provide health coverage.
Yet how much time or attention or effort of inquiry do we give this vital
subject of our life? How much time are we willing to give it now, regularly,
when we have found a way to gain daily benefits and improve our health?
Only a few minutes several times a day are needed, but regularly! It is not an
easy posture for Westerners to take, although it is in everyday use in the
Orient. And because it has been so thoroughly neglected, the need is even
greater and the results are truly astonishing. It is a challenge to our integrity
to keep well and to make a regular effort in assisting Nature to do so. If
external cleanliness is said to be next to Godliness, what could real internal

1Juan Ponce de Leon (1474-1521), a Spanish explorer and conquistador. He
was the first European to explore Florida while searching for the legendary
Fountain of Youth.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service 102
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Latent Energy Fields in the Body
Health Building
accomplish, plus the improved energy flow of the life forces which must
reach the brain for its vital function?

The negative pole does support the positive, even as woman sustains man in
his finer emotional life and creativeness. Without that there would be no
Search Instructions
creation or even mental brilliance or inspiration from life's Source within.
The latent energy fields in the body present a definite and new approach to
Alphabetized Index
the problem of the circulation of the energies in the body, conducted or
Advanced Search
wireless, which are essential to our well-being.

Index of Transcribed Charts The body as a whole consists of two opposite ends and a middle, which are
polarity fields with polarity functions, relationships and subdivisions. Zone
Supplemental Essays Therapy in its field of amazing reactions could never be explained otherwise
and make sense. If the good Doctor Fitzgerald[1] had known this scientific
Contact Us
fact behind the marvelous results he obtained, Zone Therapy would rank
Acknowledgements among the accepted discoveries in the healing arts of today. But for lack of a
true principle as a foundation, a fine art was lost to the majority of the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes profession, and its benefits were lost to the public. Opposite poles are fields
over which energy travels and functions. Electricity, chemistry and the
magnetic field prove it as a purely practical science now. But to extend that
Support idea to other living fields and functions has found little favor in the healing
DigitalDrStone! art for the benefit of man.

To link posture or exercise to the energy fields in the body and their
functional improvement is a new and startling idea within the Western
healing arts that I have presented in the book, The Wireless Anatomy of Man.
The foundation is laid, which may be accepted many years hence as a fact
and a part of the healing arts. However, those who are interested may prove it
to themselves NOW in this simple application of a posture-stretch which is
unique in its effect, and sound in the deeper principles of life and energy-
flow. There must be pioneers for every new idea, or our world would
stagnate and become utterly uninteresting.

1 William H. Fitzgerald (1872-1942), an American otolaryngologist who
founded the practice of Zone Therapy in the United States. Zone Therapy is a
precursor to modern Reflexology. It began as a way of using pressure to
control pain, but its application soon grew to treat causes and conditions of
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
ailments as well.
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
The Purpose of the Postures & Why They Work
Health Building
until this phase of planetary aspect changes. Then we can act and breathe

As long as an individual has not found his own center and Sun of Reality
within, around which his life revolves, he is necessarily dependent on these
Search Instructions
outer forces to move him along like a leaf blown in the wind. We live either
by an inner faith or are guided by outer circumstances. Which is our path and
Alphabetized Index
on what do we depend as our guiding star?
Advanced Search
The forces outside are as impartial as the wind which blows. They affect us
Index of Transcribed Charts by the same vibratory energy waves which are latent within us and to which
we respond. There are definite centers within us which correspond to certain
Supplemental Essays centers in the universe. Like the air we breathe, radionic action of finer
energies in the universe sustains our physical body. We have a definite
Contact Us relationship to these forces, but no control over them externally.
Acknowledgements The amount of air taken into our body is governed by the act of breathing
and the absorption of the oxygen and the energy in it. The finer energy
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes circuits are also governed by centers and fields in our body which can be
conditioned and positioned for energy flow from our centers within, when
Support the without is not favorable. Primitive man had to endure the hardships of
DigitalDrStone! Nature, such as cold, heat, etc., as he had no means of complete isolation
from without and very little means of duplicating these forces by reliable
heat, ventilation, etc. In this age, that problem has been solved, but the other
remains and leaves us as much a victim to outer forces in the finer energy
fields as the cave man was to Nature's forces outside.

Man is a unit with a central sun and energy fields within himself in exact
duplicate of the without, or he could not communicate and draw on the
universal supplies needed to sustain the life in this body. Food, clothing and
shelter are material things; but it is really the finer energies within these
material things which we need the most!

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health Building
17 - The House We Live In & Its Function
"If we could only stand aside and see this grand Cinema of life in its Reality,
we would become a most absorbed observer, in astonishment over the
Keyword wonders that have been created for our use. We would then become the
witness and the viewer instead of the idea that we are the doer. If we could
Search Instructions do this, our 'toil would cease, our yoke would be easy and our burden
Alphabetized Index light.'[1] Then faith and love would rule."
Advanced Search
The greatest mystery in the universe is man himself. Many forces and
energies are at work in the body. Both wireless and conducted circuits (via
Index of Transcribed Charts nerves and tubes) carryon the wonderful work of the Creator in the human
body. The human form is truly wonderfully made and maintained. The
Supplemental Essays
problem of how to keep it fit and useful for the longest period of service is an
Contact Us interesting one.

Acknowledgements Our body is like the house we live in; when the electric currents are on, then
light and heat are available. When the water pipes are in good shape and
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes water is pumped through them by pressure, then all the fluid requirements
are solved. When the gas is turned on, then cooking and gas heating are
possible. And when the drainage is not obstructed, then the sewers do not
Support back up and no regurgitation of drainage is pocketed in any part of the
DigitalDrStone! basement.

These are the functioning parts of our house, within its structure. A well built
and well kept house will stand much strain and wear from daily use as well
as from the elements. Such a house can be a very comfortable home for the
persons living in it if they run and maintain it wisely. If something

1 Matthew 11:30


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health Building
18 - The Airy Principle as a Triune Function in
the Body
"Never force anything, physically or mentally!"

Life begins with breath. With a cry the babe enters this world, and the aged
Search Instructions leave it with a sigh. The airy principle in Nature is the most important in
Alphabetized Index life's function. Not even one cell can live without air, much less function
Advanced Search without it.

Index of Transcribed Charts The air is a neuter [neutral] principle in Nature and links man's respiratory
life essence with its own by constant exchange of inhalations and exhalations
Supplemental Essays - centripetal and centrifugal action - a positive and a negative flow. And on
what does this exchange depend? On the positive factor of forceful
Contact Us breathing? Not nearly as much as we think! The elimination of the negative
factor of carbon dioxide in the blood and tissues, as well as other waste
Acknowledgements gases, is the final answer to this circuit of inhalation and expulsion of all
gases which clog and block the cells of the body. Oxygen cannot be taken up
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes by the blood in the presence of carbon dioxide or other waste gases in the
blood. The presence of one real gas bubble in the circulation can be serious;
and diffused gases will not permit oxidation in the tissues, except in the lungs
Support which have a special arrangement for the escape of carbon dioxide gases
DigitalDrStone! through the very thin membranes of the lung tissues.

Stagnant waste gases are often absorbed by the thin layers of the endoderm,
or lining in the bowels, especially in the colon, because in the arrangement of
fields in the body, the colon is the neuter [neutral] pole for the airy principle,
where the gases

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
The Airy Principle as a Triune Function in the Body
Health Building
relaxation and well-being. It gives the most results for the thing which nearly
everybody needs - freeing of gases and supplying more air and oxidation for
the body. For the minimum of time and effort spent for health, none can
Keyword equal it in results. It has even deeper values for higher benefits not touched
upon here. A few minutes spent each day for relief of gases and improved
Search Instructions elasticity of muscles will be rewarded by better energy flow.
Alphabetized Index
With the downward current active as the most negative function, namely
Advanced Search
elimination, all other functions are free to act without that drag of all the
waste products of solids, liquids and gases in the tissues of the body. When
Index of Transcribed Charts even one bubble of air in a hot water or steam pipe can cause the whole
system to pound like hammers and stop all circulation in an inanimate object,
Supplemental Essays what must it be in a living organism! When the principle involved is once
understood, the Easy Stretching Postures will come naturally as they are
Contact Us tried. Anyone may be convinced by the benefits derived from the exercises.
But, in the beginning, it should be practiced for only two or three minutes at
a time, without forcing anything.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
Some may think that merely squatting when defecating is sufficient. But that
is not enough. I have tried this posture for years in that manner without much
Support gain or awakening of its importance as the quickest road to health and
DigitalDrStone! elasticity of muscles and balance of motion, until the posture was taken as an
exercise and combined with the stretches illustrated in this book.[1]

This springy step is possible by gentle perseverance only. Do not force!

Nature's way is gentle growth. Gradual change marks her path everywhere.
When Nature moves suddenly, it is for destruction. No wonder the ancients
likened Nature's forces to angry gods who strike swiftly and powerfully!

1 The benefits of squatting during defecation are only now being explored by
the scientific community. Cultures that squat have almost nonexistent cases
of intestinal disorders including hemorrhoids, diverticular disease, irritable
bowl syndrome, and colon cancer. For decades, this was thought to be due to
a high-fiber diet. However many recent studies, including a large-scale study
published in 1999, show little to no correlation between a high-fiber diet and
decreased colon cancer risks. It is coming to be believed that squatting may
be the real cause of increased colon health in these populations.
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 123

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Youth Posture for Balance & Elasticity
Health Building
and tension. And again it is said, "A little child shall lead them."[1] This can
be literally applied. We all seek the freedom of the felicity of childhood and
the naturalness of that way of Life. But we fail to adopt even one of the
Keyword measures of exercise taken by the children of Life, whom we envy in their
natural glee and radiance of Life's Energy Currents.
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index Happiness comes from within outward and rests in the love and security of
Advanced Search
the child in its dependence on its parents. As children of God, could not
grown-ups have the same faith and love toward their Creator? The simplicity
of Life as seen in children eliminates mental conditioning. Life has its own
Index of Transcribed Charts path and it is not that of the mind and its calculations. Faith, hope, love and
humility are spiritual qualities and are not products of our mind but rather are
Supplemental Essays
a heritage of the soul, the great gifts of eternal verity from the all-beneficent
Contact Us Creator.

Acknowledgements Possessions and toys are but occupations for the mind and its exercise, which
do not add one iota to the lasting happiness of children or grown-ups. When
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes a child is hungry or wants love, help or attention, it leaves all its toys and
runs to mother or father. Could not all the grown-ups in this "Kindergarten of
Life" adopt the same procedure of natural, soulful living, regardless of
Support creeds? Is there any religion which does not advocate the practice of simple
DigitalDrStone! spiritual principles in daily life? Since health is a natural sequence of a
balanced life, it cannot be neglected if we wish to be free and enjoy life to
the fullest as real children of God.

There are a few things which we ourselves must do daily to keep in tune with
Life and its waves of radiance, broadcasting from centers within our being
and from the cosmos outside. If our mind energy and attention are too much
occupied with toys and outer things which change daily, then we lose that
fine touch with our inner Life and its loving care and radiance gained by
"dwelling under the wings of the Almighty."[2] Therefore, all grown-ups
should consciously walk with God every hour and with every breath, and all
will be given unto them. The mind becomes harsh and dominant when we

1 Isaiah 11:6
2 Psalm 91:1
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 142

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health Building
22 - A Self-Help Series of Postures for Special
"Ninety per cent of pain is emotional. Imagination is our worst enemy. There
is a spasm in the emotional field before the spasm in the spine and the body."
Search Instructions The normalizing posture illustrated in figure 5 can be used as a correction for
Alphabetized Index flat dorsal [thoracic] spines. It is the same as the posture shown in figure 4
Advanced Search with the exception that the hands are placed on the back of the head for a
mild stretch of the entire spine, from top to bottom. A gentle forward-and-
Index of Transcribed Charts backward rocking motion is indicated by the arrows. A deep breath is taken
and used as a stretch from within, directed to anyone portion of the spine at
Supplemental Essays one time, then released with a healthy grunt.

Contact Us The hands may be placed on any area from the neck to the top of the head, to
bring out a greater curve and stretch on the spine wherever it is needed. The
Acknowledgements pull must be very gentle, as we are working with great leverage here. A
gentle physical stretch, a stretch from within by the use of the breath, and a
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes rocking motion are the main factors in this posture.

This posture stretch, for example, frees muscle tension and energy blocks
Support from the heart area, where anterior vertebral positions of the spine often
DigitalDrStone! interfere with its function. Spinal checks have proved this to be the case in
many instances. A protruding chest often indicates an anterior curve

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 13
Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The
Key to Body Structure & Function FIGURE 2 represents a muscle release of the positive and negative poles of
the breathing mechanism. The shoulder muscles and the brachial plexus form
the positive pole and the hip muscles constitute the negative pole of this
function. The muscles around the great trochanter [greater trochanter] are
related to the muscles of the shoulder joint and to the back of the neck. Pelvic
muscles support the respiratory action. The crura of the diaphragm and their
Search Instructions
lumbar relation to the psoas and iliacus muscles are another connection here
by their insertion into the lesser trochanter of the femur.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search Ropy muscles around the hip joint and around the shoulder joint are factors
in inhibited respiration. The fascia lata on the outside of the thighs are
Index of Transcribed Charts digestive reflex areas and have their upper pole in the posterior and lateral
neck muscles.
Supplemental Essays
These two simple contacts can balance both polarity fields and release
Contact Us structural inhibition to the respiratory mechanism. Excellent results are also
obtained by the cross-over polarity currents. The left hand contacts the
Acknowledgements opposite shoulder and holds firmly, or gently manipulates the trapezius and
other shoulder muscles and contractions. The hip contact remains the same.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes If the glutei muscles are too hard and ropy in corpulent patients, the elbow
contact can be used over the tensest fibers, in connection with either shoulder
Support contact.
These polarity releases constitute valuable therapy in respiratory and
digestive conditions.

FIGURE 1 shows a bilateral contact of the left hand over the lower portion of
the neck, with a rhythmically timed hand motion up and down, and a squeeze
of the fingers and thumb, synchronized with the patient's inhalations and

This stimulates the diaphragm because the contacts are over the brachial
plexus and the phrenic nerves. The object of the rhythmic motion is to tone
the impulses of respiration with this center and the heart action. The contacts
are gentle and light.

The right hand is placed lightly over the mid dorsal [thoracic] region - with
the thumb and its cushion resting on the spinous process of the fourth, fifth,
sixth and seventh dorsal [thoracic] vertebrae [T4, T5, T6, T7], which are
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service usually tender in acute conditions. This is a polarity contact and it is held
Award" 2012 steady, as the mere weight of the hand, by taking the slack out of the skin in
a headward direction as the contact is taken, simply rests there in that
position. Being a positive contact, it polarizes with the negative active one

In this manner a balance is established between the respiratory rhythm and

hypersensitive cerebrospinal fluid action of the pattern energy of the mind
which operates here and sends directive impulses all over the body.

Respiration cycles and the cerebrospinal fluid have a peculiar hidden

sequence, which had not yet been brought to light and reason in therapeutic
applications. In illness, the heart beat may be out of all proportion to the
respiration, and out of balance as tone in the blood vessels, revealed by the
blood pressure.

The mystery of this triune relationship in health and disease is a great

physiological problem. In order to understand the sequences of relationships
involved here, a psycho-physiological viewpoint and explanation are
necessary, reiterated and summarized as follows:

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 1: The Vital Creative Flame
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & Vita-life is symbolized as a radiant flame of energy which is the heart and
Techniques core of every living thing. Its Source is in higher regions of energy, as its
vibratory intensity indicates. It is the warmth of life in the blood of all
animated existence. Even in vegetation, it is the sap of life which ascends
from the roots of the tree upward to the branches and the leaves.
The vital flame is the expression of life in all forms of creation as animated
function and motion. Without this mysterious flame there would be no living
Search Instructions things on earth. It is also called the Sacred Flame because all life is a gift
Alphabetized Index from God. It is beyond the ken of the mortal mind. It is the Master Builder of
Advanced Search forms as temples for souls incarnating in this world. It sustains us and by it
we live and move and have our being; but we know it not. Neither do we
Index of Transcribed Charts understand it nor its mode of motion in our body and in our being. It is so
close to us that we have no real perspective of it. We all seek more of
Supplemental Essays Vitality and a longer life, but this sacred gift remains a mystery just the same.

Contact Us In health we nurse it and cherish it. In illness we seek outside remedies to
balance it and to sustain its function. However we look at the problem, it is
Acknowledgements the very same life expressed in herbs or vegetation, in a special chemical
quality by which we seek to aid the vital energy in our body to establish or
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes re-establish its equilibrium and normal function. Vital balance is the secret of
life and health. It is the 'Eldorado'[1] which we seek when we are ill.
DigitalDrStone! The functions of our body are many, but Vitality is one as the prime mover
of them all. We seek to aid these functions by means of chemistry, vitamins,
enzymes, harmones [hormones], endocrines, etc. All means are geared to one
idea; namely, to aid this vital energy and bring offerings to its altar of life so
that it may accept them and carry on the lagging function in our body.

What will a man give for his life? The real question involved in illness is
what can man give to life? Will life accept anything? Will it act upon it? Will
it use it? Can it benefit by it? Has the house of life become a beggar all at
once, and the Giver of all an empty shrine of the Sacred Flame? What can be
done? is the cry in every illness, in mental and emotional distress and
imbalance. We have tried this and that, and the results are sad.

Really, what has gone wrong with this lusty life in our body, the springy
step, the light in the eyes and the song in our hearts? Has the flame of life
receded so far because of

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service *****

1 Eldorado, or El Dorado, is a legendary city of gold thought to be
Award" 2012
somewhere in the Amazon Basin in South America.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 8
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art [See Book 1, Chart 8]

proceed from a higher vibratory cause or center to the circumference, or

lower center. They descend and become evident because that is the path of
the energy current flow which built the body and which sustains it and heals
Search Instructions
Should we not follow the paths which Nature has built in the body (like our
Alphabetized Index highways in the world) for its own ENERGY CIRCUIT TRAVEL? Doesn't
Advanced Search Nature or Life operate by other paths than chemistry and mechanics? Are
these the side roads or are they the HIGHWAY OF LIFE?
Index of Transcribed Charts
GANGLION OF IMPAR RELEASE: With the patient lying face downward,
Supplemental Essays contacts - deep on each side of the coccyx above line A - are mostly for the
purpose of releasing muscle stagnation or lumps in the glutei. The purpose of
Contact Us this treatment is for the release of the ganglion of impar impulses to the
pelvic region. The blocks of muscular density and the lumps indicate
Acknowledgements stagnation in that area and prevent this current flow. This obstruction
interferes with the balance of energy of the sympathetic currents, through the
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes ganglion of impar, with the cerebrospinal currents to the pelvis and muscle
Support TREATMENT: The contact can be made on the outside, deep, along side of
DigitalDrStone! the coccyx, with one finger. The thumb of the other hand, usually the left,
opposes the lift through the muscles on the back, near the coccyx and the
sacral apex.

Many times lumps will be found in this muscular tissue, between the two
contacts illustrated above line A in Chart No.8. Releasing the lumps and
tension with moderate pressure between the contacts or with gentle, slow
motion, relieves many pelvic stagnations and pains. This treatment is very
effective in relieving MENSTRUAL CRAMPS, LUMBAGO, LEG PAINS,

In LUMBAGO pains, treatment through the rectum also helps to release

deeper, inner pelvic muscle spasms, when correctly contacted and held for

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service The profound reflexes which can be elicited here by means of deep contacts
Award" 2012 with corresponding holds at the positive pole above, or at the negative poles
below, are amazing.

By lifting the leg and stretching the anterior ligaments and muscles under
slight tension - the patient lying face downward - sacral reflexes are

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 8
Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in
the Healing Art [See Book 1, Chart 8]

INNOMINATE [hip] ROTATIONS can also be corrected and their tension

released by holding the ankle contacts and rotating the foot in or out
(whichever is indicated), with legs flexed. This move is illustrated in Charts
19 and 21 in "WIRELESS ANATOMY".
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index SACRAL BASE, pillows or a bolster should be placed under the patient's
Advanced Search abdomen while patient is lying face-down. In this way the anterior sacral
base and the fifth lumbar [L5] are supported for correction by leverage on the
Index of Transcribed Charts apex and by means of leg flexion.
Supplemental Essays

Contact Us


"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 2: Structural Balance
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & This chart portrays the geometric relationship of the entire spinal column, as
Techniques well as the two head bones, with the coccyx and the sacrum. The correlation
of the upper five cervical vertebrae [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5] with the five
lumbar vertebrae [L1, L2, L3, L4, L5] for the purpose of adjustment is not
new. Also the occiput and the sacral association was well figured out and
tested by Dr. Major DeJarnette[1] many years ago. But the relationship of the
Search Instructions
group, as well as that of the 6th and 7th cervicals [C6, C7] with the 12th and
11th dorsal [thoracic] vertebrae [T12, T11]. The correlation of the 1st [T1]
Alphabetized Index
and the 10th [T10] dorsal [thoracic] is also an additional new viewpoint for
Advanced Search
consideration and proof by tests.

Index of Transcribed Charts Geometric proportion and relationship is the basis for every one of the
correspondences given here, FOR STRUCTURAL CORRECTION by means
Supplemental Essays of POLARITY application, without adjusting.
Contact Us A firm contact is made on the sorest area of the vertebra above, on one side
or on both sides, with a double contact and held with the same contact below
Acknowledgements with the other hand, on the exact corresponding vertebra shown in this chart.
In case of lack of tone a stimulating [rajas, moving, rocking] contact is used.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes (See Chart No. 15)


DigitalDrStone! STRUCTURAL RESPONSE! It is amazing what can be done with it even
while sitting on an ordinary kitchen chair when making the contacts. The
neck relaxes and the digestion responds at once by eructations [belches] and
by relief of soreness and tension in digestive conditions.

Forty five years ago we were taught to twist the body and adjust the
vertebrae by force, while sitting up in this position. That theory was based
upon bony position and nerve pressure rather than VITAL ENERGY
RESPONSE through the subtle connection of wireless waves which built the
five senses and the five fields in the body.

These vital relationships of POLARITY ENERGY fields and end polarity

correlation through the geometric poles of current end areas as Superior,
Middle and Inferior, were not even suspected. Nor were the five fields and
functions distinguished or classified thus, through a vital process of
relationship of waves from the center to the circumference WHERE THE
Award" 2012
In nerve tracing or as nerve currents, yes, that has been well covered. BUT
through solids, liquids, gases and heat, as a kind of wave length without
wires, that still seems difficult for most people

1 Major B. DeJarnette (1899-19920), an American chiropractic doctor who
developed the Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) for chiropractors. "Major" is
his given name, not a military title of rank.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Charts No. 3, 4 and 5
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & Charts No. 3, 4 and 5 in this book depict illustrations of additional details for
Techniques better understanding of Charts No. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 shown in Book 2, "THE

Here Chart No. 3 illustrates Energy Circuits for vital balance in bodily
functions. The two circuits over the anterior and posterior parts of the body
flow in opposite directions which actually make a gyroscopic balance of the
two halves of the body. The currents are of an electromagnetic nature, like
Search Instructions the surface tension field in the atom, plus a very high degree of sensory
Alphabetized Index capacity. The arrows indicate the direction of the current flow on each side of
Advanced Search the body - anterior and posterior.

Index of Transcribed Charts The soles of the feet and the palms of the hands are anterior surface, sensory
fields, as the softness of the tissues indicates, by its sensitive pads.
Supplemental Essays Fingerprints and footprints show a definite line of patterns which are unique
as sensory identification of that particular individual, whether young or old.
Contact Us Even babies have their identifying lines at birth, proving the existence of a
pattern field and previous conditioning.
These living current areas divide the body into five zones or fields of
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes receptivity, like the use of the five senses over the five fingers and toes on
each side of the body, over which they actually flow. This is a vertical
classification of areas of response of the five energy currents operating in the

That is why the application of therapy according to the principle of

POLARITY is so astonishingly effective. "As above, so below" is one way
of vitality expression. "As within, so without" is another interpretation of
energy circuits for the experience of life through sensation and action.

The central core and each oval region constantly radiate waves to the surface,
and these flow inward, to the center, on a return circuit through the fields of
the five senses, plus the surface area. These are unique in their representation
of areas and energy response.

The deep structures and the central core have fields of their own which are
illustrated in Charts No. 1, 2 and 3 in Book 2. Chart No. 3 combines the deep
currents with a complete surface illustration. It is impossible to sketch the
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
path of sensitive vital currents of mind and emotions. They are wireless and
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 4
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & Chart No. 4 is the reproduction of an anatomy chart of the right foot, to
Techniques which identification marks and names have been added to link the VITAL

Figure 1 shows the ligaments and their fascia on the bottom of the right foot.
If we can see the sweep of energy over this tissue, and its power of balance
and control from the bottom up, we HAVE THE KEY TO STRUCTURE
Advanced Search
No wonder man is constantly trying to balance himself by the springiness
Index of Transcribed Charts and elasticity in his feet! When this quality leaves and the feet become rigid,
man is beginning to die slowly. Sore feet indicate chronic conditions in the
Supplemental Essays body which are painful but not in a state of resolution until they reach the
neuter [neutral] pole of the hands. Then the condition is acute. Stiff fingers
Contact Us and hands also indicate less energy flow through them, with loss of dexterity
and skill, which makes them akward [awkward] in action.
Stiff arches and feet denote a recession of the life energy from that pole.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Thick, chalky nails also indicate the same and are not a good sign.
TOO GREAT TO PENETRATE THROUGH IT. It is like the insulation to
Support an electric current. Representative areas of the feet are also given in Chart
DigitalDrStone! No.4 of Book 2.

Figure 2 shows the muscular tissue of the anatomy of the right foot, by which
the foot exerts such powerful leverage and spring to lift the whole body.
BENEFITED THROUGH THE FEET! They are the negative, water pole
[Yin1], opposite to the fiery, head pole [Yang1]. They are also the vital
negative pole of the neuter [neutral] pelvic, generative pole. That is why it is
so important to keep the feet alive, young and active, with a grip on the
ground. The whole body is represented in the feet, the water energy [Yin1],
which goes deep and seeks out the foundations of things.

Vitality is expressed in limber feet and hands. Stiffness is tension and shows
a decline of the vital current flow in both. Working on the foot alone does not
give the best results in Vitality Balancing or in Polarity Therapy applications.
Three poles MUST BE BALANCED WITH EACH OTHER in order to
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service establish or re-establish the circuit of energy. Mere manipulation of sore
Award" 2012 areas and tender spots is not enough.

For years doctors of various schools have treated and adjusted the feet with a
measure of results. BUT THE POLARITY PRINCIPLE

1 To alleviate confusion between the Three Principles (Fire, Water and Air)
and the Five Elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth), many Polarity
practitioners refer to Dr. Stone's "Fiery Principle" as "Yang," his "Watery
Principle" as "Yin," and his "Airy Principle as "Neutral" or "Tao." See The
Three Principles and Five Elements for more information.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 5
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & Chart No. 5 shows the left hand with its ligaments and muscles - front and
Techniques back - for energy response throughout the body. The hands are neuter
[neutral] pole areas and are of great value in all acute conditions which are
active then.

The hands are also the body's indicator and prognosticator. Color, thickness,
ridges, splitting nails, peeling nails, etc. all have their meaning and indication
in illness. A little careful observation will reveal much. A split nail or a
Search Instructions heavy ridge which splits at the end, indicates an acute condition working out.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search It is of great help to the doctor and to the patient when this can be pointed out
as an energy imbalance in the system which must go through repairs. The
Index of Transcribed Charts nail will tell the story of progress. This often 'saves face' and hope, and
makes it easier to carry on through difficulties which would otherwise prove
Supplemental Essays too long drawn-out and disheartening at times.

Contact Us The toe nails also reveal the prognosis of the vital reserve and the circulation
to the extremity, even as large ear lobes indicate a good vital energy reserve
Acknowledgements which will pull a patient through, where others with less or no vital energy
reserve might succumb.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
Firm thighs and buttocks are the vital indicators in the water energy [Yin1]
field of generative vital reserve energy. The Mound of Venus, at the base of
the thumb, tells the same story in the neuter [neutral] pole area of the hand.
So also the firmness and fleshiness of the hollow of the hand gives assurance
of fair heart action through vital support from within. Truly, the human body
is wonderfully made!

Some unusual response areas are listed in Figure 2 on Chart No. 5; for
instance, the root of the nails for Neuralgia, according to the location of the
teeth involved. In acute conditions it works like a charm when the exact spot
is found and pressed with the finger nail of the other hand, using either the
thumb or the second finger. One may also use a gold ring for this purpose by
pressing the edge of it against the root of the nail.

Neuralgia is the cry of a nerve for food. This condition needs heat and
dilation of the positive pole of the sun [Yang1], or the application of the edge
and pressure of a gold comb, ring or any gold object with a fine contact edge.

When I was in India I had severe facial neuralgia involving the incisors on
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service the left side. I found the most tender spot
Award" 2012
1To alleviate confusion between the Three Principles (Fire, Water and Air)
and the Five Elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth), many Polarity
practitioners refer to Dr. Stone's "Fiery Principle" as "Yang," his "Watery
Principle" as "Yin," and his "Airy Principle as "Neutral" or "Tao." See The
Three Principles and Five Elements for more information.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 6
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & The 'Evolution Position of the Energy Fields of the Body' depicts the
Techniques reversed current flow of energy in the spiritually evolving individual. It is not
given here as mere speculative theory nor as a physical demonstration of
practice. The purpose is simply to SHOW THE CHANGE OF THE
personal centers of self-protected limitations acquired in the process of
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index This is an actual illustration of 'rebirth' in the field of ENERGY ESSENCE.
Advanced Search
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of
Index of Transcribed Charts water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which
is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Supplemental Essays Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." (St. John 3:5,6,7.)
(Also see St. John 1:1-13; I John 4:7; 5:1, 4, 18; St. John 3:3; I Peter 1:23.[1])
Contact Us
The marvels of the vital processes of Energy Currents become revealed and
Acknowledgements verified by Biblical texts, as an inner Reality rather than mere theory or
belief. Saints, Saviors, Prophets and Seers all dealt with Life and its Energy
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Fields of Causes as Inner Realities. We assumed them to be material and
perceptible through the five senses, or demonstrable in the laboratories of
Support matter and as mere historic facts. Verse 13 of St. John 3[2] indicates the same
DigitalDrStone! popular material attitude at that time. So it is not a new thing at all. And it is
because of this attitude of mind which demands material proof that spiritual
facts remain obscure, and sacred texts are sealed mysteries. The same was
true in the time of Jesus when Nicodemus visited Him at night and
questioned Him concerning the mystery of spiritual REBIRTH.[3]

Allow me to suggest that in the two charts of Energy fields in the process of
Involution (Chart No. 5, Book 1) and Evolution (Chart No. 6 in this book) of
the soul's travel, a little of this hidden process of the Soul and its rebirth
(described in the third Chapter of St. John as a Vital Reality), is revealed by
MYSTIC BIBLE"[4] was written for the same purpose; namely, to encourage
further search by those sufficiently interested in TRUTH and GOD-
REALIZATION, for which purpose the human body was originally given to
us. It was through the human body that we involuted and it is through the
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service human body that we obtain the key to evolution (LIBERATION AND GOD-
Award" 2012 REALIZATION).

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by
him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was
life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and
the darkness comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose
name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light,
that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent
to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every
man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was
made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his
own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power
to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which
were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man,
but of God. (John 1:1-13)
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that
loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. (I John 4:7)
Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one
that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. (I John 5:1)
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory
that overcometh the world, even our faith. (I John 5:4)
We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten
of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not. (I John 5:18)
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a
man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. (John 3:3)
Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of
God, which liveth and abideth for ever. (I Peter 1:23)
2 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from
heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. (John 3:13)
3 John 3:1-21
4 The Mystic Bible by Randolph Stone, published in 1956 by Radha Soami
Satsang Beas, Punjab, India. Now out of print, this rare book is an
explanation of the esoteric and symbolic meaning of many Bible stories.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 9
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & The reason for giving these three positions is for a better understanding of
Techniques the VITAL CURRENT, expressed through form and position. EACH
EFFECT. This is generally overlooked.

When we lie under a green tree and look up through its shadowy leaves, at
the sky above, the motor relaxing posture ensues instinctively and
automatically. We clasp our hands behind the head and cross the knees
Search Instructions loosely. "That is the life of relaxation." But why it is so, nobody has
Alphabetized Index apparently analyzed or stated it exactly.
Advanced Search
Here the reason is given as a natural, VITAL ENERGY POLARITY
Index of Transcribed Charts APPLICATION. When our own instincts prompt us to do these things, and
we are pleased with them, would not further knowledge along that line be
Supplemental Essays useful and interesting?

Contact Us Figure 2 depicts a good posture for relaxing anxiety and emotional tension. It
was used long before the advent of chairs and is still used a great deal in the
Acknowledgements east. In fact, stastics [statistics] show that the majority of the world's
population still uses this posture in the absence of chairs. It is also (and
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes perhaps was originally designed for that purpose) a philosophic posture for
bearing the ills of the day with a confident faith in God's Providence.
Support Figure 3 shows a neuter [neutral] posture, used by sages and wise men for
DigitalDrStone! their deeper penetration into the Inner Mysteries of life. Here we merely
point out the VITAL POLARITY of the posture, why it is so that this
position helps the VITAL PATTERN OF THE MIND as a balancing effect.
The same historical facts apply to both postures - figures 2 and 3 - so what
was said about it under figure 2 is not repeated here.

The idea presented here is that the body can be put in a neuter [neutral]
position of rest, the same as any machine. The act of standing still is anything
but rest for the body. The same can be said about sitting on a chair. Even
lying down has its phase of better positioning for complete motor relaxation
and repair of tissues. These ideas are more or less startling until they are put
to use, when we feel the difference and no further explanations are necessary.
The ideal posture shown here, is one where the mind transcends the body in
deep activity of concentration and inner absorption.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 10
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 10]
The line-up has been used in this manner for a long time and it has been
found wanting because the relationship of a living being is quite different
than an inert mass. The purely mechanical principles do not suffice here.
After many years of checking and using this simple device, I stumbled onto
the idea how this could be used in measuring the POLARITY FIELDS OF
Search Instructions OTHER against the background of the earth's gravity.
Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search The earth's gravity force does not rule man. It only conditions him when his
own gravity fields are out of balance. Man is an integral unit, having a
Index of Transcribed Charts central gravity line of force of his own by which he acts and around which
his forces spin as the central orbit of his being. Man overcomes gravity
Supplemental Essays through leverage of bones as extension levers with joints, and muscles and
tendons as cables which operate them.
Contact Us
True, man is dependent on Nature for everything for his survival and
Acknowledgements existence on this earth. The air he breathes, the warmth of the sun or its
crystallized deposits as oil, coal, wood, etc., the water he drinks and the food
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes he eats. All this relationship is also a gravity principle which links man to
Nature, even more closely than the earth's gravity. But much of this has been
ignored in therapy. If the good doctors would take these more important
Support factors as seriously as the gravity of the earth, they would find some
DigitalDrStone! astonishing forces at work in man and in Nature by which he is really bound
and conditioned. And these are the points I have endeavored to bring to the
attention of the healing art.

Even the atomic energy field extends man's researches only to the
POLARITY FORCES latent in matter without conductors. To apply the
same research and importance to man as a human being is even more
essential because it deals with life itself and its polarity action. The finer
energies in Nature are wireless and less conditioned than the specific,
stepped-down forces.

Mechanical principles depend on gravity. Chemistry depends on the polarity

principles of attraction and repulsion in the field of matter. My earnest
endeavor has been to extend this field of POLARITY influence to the
manipulative art, where it could equally cope with the wonders of the
influences of chemistry for the benefit of the body, but without the risks that
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service are often involved in the use of chemistry.
Award" 2012
Real knowledge can be tested and proved in practice, whether it be in a trade,
a profession, in mechanics or even the endless field of therapeutics. A larger
vision expands the mind and the emotions so they can come to maturity with
the growth of the physical body. The dweller in the house of the body is the
real being and more important than the house. His relationship to the body is
most vital for expression and function in this world of experience, sensation
and action. For best results there must be a balanced relationship of the fields
of action, thought, emotions and gravity, which can be easily done by the
proper application of POLARITY THERAPY.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 11
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 11]
Chart No. 11 depicts the relationship of the central axis of the spine, the
bead, the shoulders, the sacrum and the legs and feet as a picture of a normal
posture. Here is a body balanced in its own polarity field and muscular pull
with that of the earth. Freedom of action is possible through perfect leverage.

Please note that the line of the center of the sacral articulation to the middle
Search Instructions of the shoulders crosses exactly where the umbilicus would be, if this check-
Alphabetized Index up were taken anteriorly, over the sensory fields of relationship. On the back,
Advanced Search it is between the second and third lumbar vertebrae, which represents a
straight line through, from the umbilicus. Any deviations from these lines of
Index of Transcribed Charts balance, show the unpolarized fields under stress and pull.

Supplemental Essays The findings and varieties are many and too involved to picture all of them.
The factors behind all this are not only the muscles under tension, but the
Contact Us impulses to these muscles from fields of sensory abdominal reflexes and
emotional stress. Bony adjustment and muscular stretch are structural
Acknowledgements corrections and do not always balance the energy in the POLARITY
FIELDS. Cerebrospinal fluid impulses or index pressure are not dependent
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes upon structure normally. Visceral reflexes and emotional impulses are also
independent actions in natural life.
Support Folds and grooves over the liver area or the stomach area on the back are
DigitalDrStone! important factors. The lateral spinal curve which compensates these saggings
is due to the sacral position and over-all internal stress caused by disturbed
vital polarity function in the cerebrospinal fluid of the sacrum. Much can be
done here by the use of POLARITY THERAPY, which results in more
stable sacral correction. Vital and unconscious impulses which are the
driving energies throughout life, lie dormant in the sacrum. The sacrum is the
negative pole to the brain. It expresses the motor action of brain impulses.
There is an important relationship between the three geometric horizontal
lines and the three vertical ones, shown on this chart.

The structural energy control is also in the pelvis, as the pattern of the seed
power in its negative polarity action of electronic spinning vortices as
Nature's design in all living beings. In the brain it is represented as the
pituitary gland, located posteriorly between the eyes, as the positive pole and
center for governing the growth of the body. Science has made this discovery
in recent years, but not the POLARITY ENERGY FIELDS which
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service synchronize with this function.
Award" 2012
The lines on this figure reveal at once the relationship of the above to the
below, and the inferior to the superior and the diagonal balancing energy

The horizontal shoulder line and the horizontal line through the center of the
sacro-iliac [sacroiliac] articulation disclose much. This is further illustrated
and described in Chart No. 13 in this book.

The third horizontal line, under the buttocks, has a real significance of sacral
tilt and lack of internal muscle tone on that entire side of the body. When
good muscle tone is present and one buttock is lower than the other, it is
usually a sacral tilt. The low buttock is the low sacral base side. Test it and
prove it. Correction is not too difficult where there is not too much of a
chronic condition in all these tissues.
American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart 13
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & The colon belongs in the earthy. triangle, as shown on Chart No. 4 in Book 1,
Techniques at the point marked 'Bowels'. By tracing the triangle we find the knees and
the neck as the two poles. The knee pole is found as an illustration in Chart
No. 60, in the Supplement to Book 2.

Also go a little higher, above the knee, than is marked here. Balance the sore
spots here with the tender colon area, high or low. The knee is the umbilical
area of the colon. The transverse colon area would be found below the knee,
Search Instructions between the fibula and the tibia. The 'up' is a downward reflex on the leg, as
Alphabetized Index if it were raised to the head. So the higher up in the colon, the lower down is
Advanced Search the reflex below the knee. (For back, see Chart 2)

Index of Transcribed Charts The middle of the calves of the legs have their polarity reflex to about the
10th dorsal [thoracic] vertebra [T10]. The 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae [C3,
Supplemental Essays C4] correspond to the 3rd and 2nd lumbars [L3, L2] respectively, per Chart
No. 2 in this book. That gives you the neck region for balancing soreness.
Contact Us Balance these with the leg area on the knee and a little above it.

Acknowledgements This is the method for tracing fields according to Chart No. 4 in Book 2, and
Charts No. 4 and No. 5 in Book 1, so they are not illustrated here.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes
Figure 1 depicts the balancing of the hepatic flexure of the colon with the
sides of the right arm, by means of a firm contact. The colon often gurgles in
Support response.
Figure 2 demonstrates balancing the cecum with a firm contact just above the
knee, where it is sore on both sides.

Figure 3 shows a very important colon area on the foot. This is usually very
sore, especially on the top. Firm pressure is required with the top and bottom
contacts, along with flexion, in order to release this condition. The ascending
colon on the region of the side of the leg, between the tibia and the fibula, is
being balanced here.

Figure 4 illustrates a contact on the hepatic flexure, under the liver, and a
balancing, 5th cervical [C5] neck contact.

All of these contacts work very well for better colon function.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.

Explanation of Chart No. 15

Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & Vital spinal balancing, while the patient is in a sitting position, is a most
Techniques helpful way to do good work to relieve some one, where there are no
conveniences. It is a 'Countryside Technique' which can be done while the
patient is sitting on any ordinary chair or stool.

This therapy is very applicable for relief of indigestion and many acute
conditions. Vital balancing of energy currents is all that is intended here, and
it works much easier than our previous 'Countryside Technique', illustrated in
Search Instructions Charts 45-50 in Book 2. Gases will be released, and the belching relieves the
Alphabetized Index indigestion at once.
Advanced Search
Double contacts are used here for convenience. The top is balanced with the
Index of Transcribed Charts middle pole, or with the bottom, its negative pole.

Supplemental Essays Then a double thumb contact goes along each side of the spine, on sore areas,
for lateral balance. This also helps to move the gases that are stagnant and
Contact Us lodged in the stomach, in the bowels and in the tissues.

Acknowledgements For the lower contact the elbow is supported by the knee, to make the gentle
lifting motion easier.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes 89


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Explanation of Chart No. 19
Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further
Explorations of Polarity Principles & The posterior and bony structure of each foot is compared as closely as
Techniques possible in its polarity response areas to the head, the neck and the back. The
total vertical relationship of the feet to each side of the body is given here.

In Chart No. 8 we place the head into the four oval spaces of the body, for
relationships and corresponding poles of expressions. Here we place the feet
on the back for the same reason of sum total polarity reactions from below,
upwards, and from above, downwards, as motor impulse relationships.
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index For the Anterior relationships, see Chart No. 4 in Book 2, "The Wireless
Advanced Search Anatomy of Man".

Index of Transcribed Charts This chart expresses both, motor and sensory impulse relationships, from top
to bottom and from the bottom of the feet to the front of the body, as sensory
Supplemental Essays areas of location as well as posterior identification of motor currents. For
functional impulses and relationships, see Chart No. 13 in Book 3, "Polarity
Contact Us Therapy".

Acknowledgements It is literally true, and demonstrated here, that what we do not have in our
head we must have in our feet. Also that the buttocks are the seat of sensory
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes learning impulses. When visiting the famous Eaton College [Eton College] in
London, I was amazed to discover that the old 'hickory stick' is still a
fundamental factor in that great institution, to properly impress the 'seat of
learning' on their students.[1]
The foot is the finality of ENERGY FLOW EXPRESSION of each half of
the brain's hemisphere. It is the end of the circuit of Vitality and of the
Circulation. Motion and the spring of life are expressed here, even as the
glutei express the muscle sense of balance for driving and sense proportion,
through the impulses received from the object they sit on.

A good aviator or bus or truck or auto driver 'feels' his vehicle through this
contact, by its slightest impulses and response to power and motion. That
also is the reason for having a swivel chair or a movable seat to sit on at the
desk. It accomodates [accommodates] brain impulses as a muscle sense
expression, and saves much fidgeting and restlessness. That is also the reason
why adjustable automobile seats are more restful than stationary seats.[2]

Thinking is motion of mind substance which must be accomodated

[accommodated] as expression of some type in body motion, to balance the
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service
Award" 2012 *****
1 Corporal punishment was discontinued at Eton College in the 1980s.
Tamasic stimulation of the negative pole, such as spanking, may have
theoretical value from an energy perspective as a way to unlock mental
fixation. However the high likelihood of creating psycho-emotional trauma
more than negates the potential benefit, so this old-fashioned method of
correction is not recommended.
2 The modern approach to ergonomics and ergodynamics also recommends
adjustable seats to maximize the comfort and safety of drivers.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
A Self-Help Series of Postures for Special Conditions
Health Building
Vital Exercises with Natural Breath Expression

The following exercises* (figures 15 through 23) use motion to integrate the
Keyword Life Energy with the action, so the inside and the outside muscles both
benefit in the effort. Five minutes of practice will convince anyone of their
Search Instructions value.
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Index of Transcribed Charts

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes



A MOVEMENT. A fine exercise for the muscles of the shoulders, the
abdomen, the thighs and the back. Useful in digestive disturbance,
constipation, kidney inactivity and general sluggishness. Breathe out
completely on going down (fig. 16) and breathe in on the rising (fig. 15). It is
helpful to the brachial plexus by releasing the shoulders and neck tension. Let
the head relax naturally forward.

* The rest of the exercises in this chapter were published in Dr. Stone's
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Evolutionary Energy Charts in 1960 and were specifically designated by Dr.
Award" 2012 Stone as a supplement to those published in his pamphlet Easy Stretching
Postures. These exercises and those shown in Chapter 23 are an example of
how he unceasingly continued to refine and develop his exercise practices for

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
A Self-Help Series of Postures for Special Conditions
Health Building


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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012 The above two-stage exercise is as natural as chopping wood* and so putting
some real effort at the end of the stroke, which produces the natural sound of
"Ha" at the end of the exhalation, as well as the elimination of the carbon
dioxide, thereby completing the chemical action of the exercise - and all by
natural means.

* This exercise is in fact referred to by many of Dr. Stone's students as the


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
A Self-Help Series of Postures for Special Conditions
Health Building
Vital Exercises for Toning the Body

The remaining exercises in this chapter are two powerful exercises using
natural breath in the effort, which engages the inner Life Energy and most of
the body muscles in one balanced expression of exhilaration of natural energy
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flow. The first exercise is illustrated on this page and the following page.
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American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
A Self-Help Series of Postures for Special Conditions
Health Building


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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

DigitalDrStone! Move from one side to the other alternately. Each time, exhale all the breath
completely, with a loud "Ha" at the end of the movement, as the chest rests
on the thigh.

Inhale naturally as you rise and change positions from left to right or right to

This exercise gives meaning and depth expression to our finer Energy Fields
in the body, which need the exercise and resultant energizing of the otherwise
stagnant currents even more than the muscular structure. But the muscles
usually get all the attention, while the finer Energy Fields are neglected.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
A Self-Help Series of Postures for Special Conditions
Health Building
Exercise for Polarizing the Energy Currents

The second exercise using the natural power of breath is the following -
based on the perfect neutral position of the body. The embryo in the mother's
womb is the beginning of the perfect posture, where all the energies can flow
Search Instructions freely to build a perfect body.* To assist the body in repairs and building or
Alphabetized Index rebuilding, some relationship to this primal position is used in many
Advanced Search
exercises for the particular purpose of encouraging more Energy Flow,
especially when used together with the emphasis on the Life Breath.
Index of Transcribed Charts This posture is wonderful for the relief of nervousness and excess gas.
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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service * Dr. Stone's books Energy (in Volume I of the Collected Works) and The
Award" 2012 Mysterious Sacrum (in Volume II of the Collected Works) provide further
explanation of this concept of the perfect posture for energy flow and human
regeneration deriving from the embryo's position in the womb.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Chart No. 3
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative [See Book 3, Chart 3]
interesting and helpful by close observation of Nature and its function in man
in health and in dis-ease [disease].

The third or ring finger reveals the Sun energy influence on the individual
vital force, in the generative organs. The ring is the symbol of marriage and
union of this force in the male and female aspect, as positive and negative
Search Instructions polarity joined into one, necessary for reproduction of offspring. The
Alphabetized Index condition of this nail and finger can reveal much of the state of health of the
Advanced Search pelvic organs. Also, the lines of the bracelets immediately below the hand
indicate pelvic reflexes, whether strong, weak or broken. This is a valuable
Index of Transcribed Charts indicator in women patients as it reveals whether or not there is capacity to
bear children without difficulty. Weak and broken lines in the bracelets
Supplemental Essays indicate obstacles and difficulty in this respect. Ridges or split nails on the
ring finger indicate bladder or uterine trouble in the female, also prostate
Contact Us trouble in the male.

Acknowledgements The little finger is the Mercury finger and is the messenger of the forces from
above. It represents the rectal center and tells its story of energy flow through
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes proper elimination, condition and function.

POLARITY CONTACTS on any finger or toe, and over the local area it
Support represents, will elicit definite response by improved function through
DigitalDrStone! polarizing the circuit of energy flow.

HORIZONTAL LINES OF POLARITY flow from east to west and return

from west to east again; from the front of the body to the back - as sensory
impulses - and from the back of the body to the front - as motor impulses.
The function of these currents is mostly automatic or unconscious and is for
body maintenance.

VERTICAL LINES OF POLARITY flow from the north pole of the head to
the south pole of the feet and return to the head again. Please refer to charts
No. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 of book II. These are mostly special sense functions for daily

When exhaustion takes place through too much strain or outside tension, then
the intersecting lines block each other and the energy fields and currents are
in trouble. FOR GOOD RESULTS, these fields must be relieved of the
obstructions and correlated through POLARITY PRINCIPLES which may
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service be applied in any or all types of therapy. This, in brief, is the story the hands

The blood contains three active vital currents which animate it and produce
the circulation which makes it the life-giving fluid to every cell in the body.
These three fluidic currents of energy respond to and are the messengers of
the three vital centers in the body. The head, with the brain and nervous
system, gives the AIRY energy its basic field of operation. It is the airy mind
principle and intelligence of the soul which circulates in the blood stream as
a pattern energy, like the sensory pattern in the finger tips. It is the 'Word' of
life as the ultrasonic sound principle, breathed into man at the time of
Creation. This makes him a living human being, the mortal house of a soul.

This energy current is also charted in the palm of the hand of man[1] as the
head line, a further pattern indicator of the mind energies in addition to the
finger print patterns, and they are different in every person. The head line is
the second line in the palms of the hands. The clearness, the depth of this
line, its course and the length of it give a fair indication and microfilm

1 The practice of palmistry.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Leeches and Their Value in Polarity Therapy[1]
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative Atomic research has clearly demonstrated the energy principle as the
Therapy foundation of all matter. Obstructed energy fields are forces in turmoil and
ready to erupt any time, wherever they are. All contending forces leave a
residue of refuse and destruction on the battlefield. Even so, do the
unpolarized contending forces in the blood stream leave a host of dead red
and white cells, loaded with impurity, in any area where the residue may be
accumulated after many battles, when the natural forces are not able to cope
Search Instructions
with them through the usual channels of elimination. The residue is then
pushed to an external location, if possible, where there is less danger to the
Alphabetized Index
vital force by this blockade. If this is not possible, then there is great danger
Advanced Search
of serious damage to central organs and to life, as in apoplexy, cerebral
hemorrhage and the like.
Index of Transcribed Charts
The application of leeches is an old therapy but no such reason for their use
Supplemental Essays has ever been offered. In fact, blood-letting [bloodletting] and leeching was
overdone in the middle ages in Europe. The simple theory behind it all was
Contact Us that in the blood was the impurity which endangered life; so they let some
out for every occasion, with the idea of purifying and thinning out the rest.
Acknowledgements The three disease-producing factors were said to be in the blood, and so they
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes were letting it out.[2] The practice was abused because it was not understood.
However, when the blood becomes too impure to act as a conveyor of the life
forces because of heavy diet and lack of elimination, something should
Support naturally be done about it. Un-oxidized tissue dies of asphyxiation much the
DigitalDrStone! same as the sum total of cells - the individual.

Proper diet may prevent further filling up of the blood stream with wastes,
but it seldom takes care of the blood sludge which has accumulated. Merely
letting out some venous blood from the circulation through venesection is not
clearing the deposited accumulation which has been scattered through
muscle tissue, like in lumbago and other acute cramps of muscles. These
blood particles may even become crystals, so sharp that they cut the tissue
cells in which the waste deposits lodge, when the muscle attempts to
contract. Be that as it may, the absence of oxygen and the life energy is quite
sufficient to cause paroxysm in the affected area, through the asphyxiation of
tissue cells. Also, the energy currents blocked there, accumulate sufficient
back-pressure for constriction or swelling, through excess of material in the
blood which is caught in the tissue cells and cannot escape because the
proper solvent is not present to release the chemical block from this
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service The factors are first vital, then chemical through oxygen starvation and
Award" 2012 wastes; also mechanical in quantity pressure and the sharpness of the acid
particles in the tissues. The situation is like a morass locally, or quicksand in
a roadbed. The impurity may be so great that this blood could not be allowed
in the general circulation without producing a fatal reaction when it strikes a
vital center like the floor of the fourth ventricle of the medulla oblongata, or
the bundle of His[3] in the heart, etc.

In secondary local conditions of severity and chronic accumulation, the

gentle withdrawal of the blood sludge - by the application of leeches - would
be a help to the system and a relief to the patient. FRESH BLOOD HEALS
CONTENTS OF THE BLOOD. As the blood sludge is slowly removed by
the application of leeches, the body manufactures pure, fresh blood to take its
place in the circulation; whereas the sludge was stagnating in the local area
and obstructing perfect circulation.
Even after the acute stages of cerebral hemorrhage have passed, the local
application of leeches relieves the brain tissue of the blood sludge which
otherwise obstructs vital brain areas

1 NOTE: Medicinal usage of leeches is still widely practiced today.
However, the receipt and use of medicinal leeches is a regulated practice.
Legally, leeches cannot be used without an appropriate professional status.
Dr. Stone's books were intended for primary care medical professionals who
had such status. If you plan on incorporating leech therapy, be sure to learn
the regulations and laws regarding its practice for your country and area.
2 Bloodletting was an aspect of an ancient medical system founded on the
idea that health was based on maintaining a balance of the four humors:
blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. Even after the humoral system
was abandoned in favor of Enlightened medicine, the practice continued well
into the 19th century.
3 The bundle of cardiac muscle fibers that conducts the electrical impulses
that regulate the heartbeat; also called the atrioventricular bundle. It is named
for Dr. Wilhelm His, Jr. (1863-1934), a Swiss cardiologist and anatomist.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Gas Releasing Techniques According to Polarity Principles
Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune
Function - A New Manipulative As the airy principle [Neutral principle1] is the first essential essence in the
Therapy life currents in the body, it is also the one most frequently involved in pains
as a negative effect. Gas pressure may diffuse and manifest as painful
symptoms in muscle tissues, the bowels, or even in the head, very much like
a gas bubble in a hot water pipe.
The colon is the largest reservoir of the gases in the body and it represents
Search Instructions the neuter [neutral] pole of the airy principle [Neutral principle1], and may
Alphabetized Index
reflect anywhere in the body as steady gas pressure until released. This may
manifest as pains shooting and darting from place to place. Cramps in the
Advanced Search
calves of the legs are one of the symptoms due to gas in the muscles because
of excess gas pressure in the colon.
Index of Transcribed Charts
The colon as a whole, the cecum [caecum] and the sigmoid are often
Supplemental Essays distended and displaced by excess gas pressure which usually results in head
symptoms. All gaseous type patients, with every kind of head symptom, even
Contact Us epilepsy, do well by using quantities of warm water in the rectum - taken
directly from the tap, letting it run in and expelling it quickly - as a home
therapy, to draw the gases and blocked energies downward. In these
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes conditions the energy seems to rush toward the bead, producing such violent
symptoms as are found in epilepsy, etc. Therefore, the downward drainage
and expelling impulse should be encouraged to counteract the excess upward
Support rush of the downward-flowing energies and gases. These cases are typical
DigitalDrStone! colonic type patients because the colon is the gas reservoir for the entire

For home treatment, the patient will get best results by taking the warm
water, properly tempered, directly from the faucet, through a soft rubber
hose, without the use of a nozzle or any type of rectal applicator at the tip
which is inserted in the rectum. A mild lubricant or soap may be used on that
end of the hose for easy and painless insertion. The water should be running
and properly tempered before the hose is inserted. One inch or so is sufficient
for the hose to go into the inner sphyncter [sphincter] muscles. This avoids
doubling up of the tube or contact against the feces and is easier for the rectal

The warm water is repeatedly run into the rectum under pressure and is
immediately expelled on every defecating impulse. This has a tendency to
draw the gases downward by the expelling force and a reacting suction
movement which results in stimulating the rectal function. This type of
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service colonic [enema] is best taken in a squatting position as shown in charts No.
Award" 2012 63 and 64 of the supplement to book II, over the oriental type of toilet. When
such is not available, the next best thing is to take the position in the bath tub,
taking the water in and quickly stepping to the toilet for expelling. If the
defecating impulse is sudden, there may not be sufficient time to step to the
toilet, in which case the tub may be thoroughly scrubbed and cleansed after
having been used for this purpose.

After taking the warm water into the colon and expelling it, repeat this
process until the colon is thoroughly cleaned out. Sometimes the feces that
have been lying in the upper part of the of the colon are brought down and
expelled together with the excess gas, during this process. Sometimes the
water comes out clear for a while before small or large round lumps are
washed out, which had lodged in the pockets of the colon. These lumps may
be present even in cases where patients have apparently normal bowel
movements, which go through and are not obstructed by the lumps lodged in
the pockets of the colon. Quantities of water and the patient's own
1 To alleviate confusion between the Three Principles (Fire, Water and Air)
and the Five Elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth), many Polarity
practitioners refer to Dr. Stone's "Fiery Principle" as "Yang," his "Watery
Principle" as "Yin," and his "Airy Principle as "Neutral" or "Tao." See The
Three Principles and Five Elements for more information.

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Book 2: The Wireless Anatomy of Man
& Its Function - A Course in Dedication - Introduction - Summary of Principles - Lists of Charts -
Manipulative Therapy with Principles Charts 1 to 52 - Explanations of Charts 43 and 44 -
Lest We Forget - Wireless Anatomy Commentary
& Illustrations
List of Charts

Subject No. Page


Current Connection of Centers - Continuous Energy Flow thru

1 8
Search Instructions [through] Centers
Alphabetized Index Chart of the Subtle Prana Currents in the Human Body and Their
2 9
Advanced Search Chakras as Whirling Primary Functional Centers of Energy
Composite Picture of the Pattern Forces of the Body and Their
Index of Transcribed Charts 3 10
Wireless Circuits
Supplemental Essays Diagnostic and Therapeutic Chart of Body Areas Based on the
4 11
Regional Relation of Wireless Currents of Energy Flow
Contact Us Electro-magnetic [Electromagnetic] Waves of the Body and
5 12
Their Polarity
Electro-magnetic [Electromagnetic] Currents and Their Proper
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Anatomical Relations - Anterior and Posterior View of Overall 6 13
Sweep Plus Polarity Centers
Support Electro-magnetic [Electromagnetic] Waves of the Body and
DigitalDrStone! Their Polarity - Currents from Each Lobe of the Brain -
7 14
Horizontal Waves of Electro-magnetic [Electromagnetic]
Energy Flow
Electro-magnetic [Electromagnetic] Waves over the Head Areas
8 15
and Their Polarity
Wireless Energy Therapy Chart of the Five Pointed Star 9 16
The Five Pointed Star in the Human Body as Nature's Geometric
10 17
Keyboard of Lines of Force and Their Reflexes
Energy Therapy Chart of the Lines of Force of the Interlaced
11 18
Trees of Life in Man - Divine and Physical - Emphasis of Past
12 19
and Present Viewpoints
A Geometric Relationship of Lines of Force of Energy Currents,
13 20
Gravity and Weight Bearing Surfaces of the Body
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Normal Muscular Fibres [Fibers] 14 21
Award" 2012
Comparative Charts of Anatomy 15 22
Comparative Charts of Anatomy 16 23
Thumbs as Neuter [Neutral] Reflexes Embracing the Entire
Areas below the Diaphragm on Each Side of the Body
17 24
Compared to Reflexes around the Outside of the Ankles as the
Negative Pole
Measuring the Legs for Comparative Length to Determine the
Side of the Most Contracted Electro-Magnetic [Electromagnetic]
18 25
Circuit which Is One Definite Measure of Imbalance, Distinct
from Gravity
American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health Building
14 - A Purifying Diet
An Effective Purifying and Reducing Diet, Especially for the
Chronically Ill, Based Upon Over 60 Years of Practice &
Keyword Research

Search Instructions "Man is ill because he is never still."

Alphabetized Index - Paracelsus[1] (Often quoted by Dr. Stone)
Advanced Search
The following Purifying Diet should be taken as long as there is constipation,
high blood pressure, arthritis, rheumatism, pain, swelling, congestion,
Index of Transcribed Charts toxicity, and overweight.
Supplemental Essays MORNING TIME is used for flushing the system and cleansing it. No
solids are taken - only liquids, including plenty of fresh grapefruit, oranges
Contact Us
and lemon juice; or fresh grape juice in season; but no milk, regular tea or
Acknowledgements coffee. It is most important to flush out the liver, the kidneys and the
intestinal tract in this way, to restore their correct chemical function. The
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes entire well-being of the body depends on this.

Instead of bed tea in the morning, take two or more cupfuls of hot herb tea
Support made of Licorice Root, Himalayan Mountain Violet, Anise or Fennel,
DigitalDrStone! Peppermint, and Foenugreek [fenugreek], to which should be added at the
time of serving: fresh lemon juice, fresh ginger juice to suit the taste, and
honey if desired; but sugar should never be used. Several glassfuls of this
may be taken at a time during the morning between meals, or any other time
- day or night, as desired. If constipated, use more licorice root and fresh
garlic. In diarrhoea [diarrhea], use no licorice, ginger or liver-flush, but
substitute cinnamon bark in the tea

1 Paracelsus, born Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von
Hohenheim (1493-1541), a German-Swiss doctor, alchemist, botanist,
astrologist and occultist.

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
A Self-Help Series of Postures for Special Conditions
Health Building


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Index of Transcribed Charts

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Youth posture with a spinal stretch.
Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
The Health Postures & Their Stages of Accomplishment
Health Building


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Index of Transcribed Charts

Supplemental Essays

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"Bumper Sticker" Quotes


Youth posture with feet farther apart for greater stretch on opposite groups of
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service muscles and the hip joints.
Award" 2012 138

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Health Building
23 - Polarity Yoga for Health - Simple Stretches
for All Ages
"The Infinite within is ever becoming."

The principle of Yoga is to join and balance the tattwas [tattvas], or

Search Instructions elemental functions of the five elements, with the prana energy, the breath of
Alphabetized Index life, which animates them. The "Ha" of the sun's vital radiation principle and
Advanced Search the "Tha" of the moon substance are blended in the body functions for health
of the body as is the case in all of Nature. (The Ha and Tha combine to form
Index of Transcribed Charts the word Hatha, so familiar to Westerners from Hatha Yoga postures.)

Supplemental Essays Any posture or stretch in a Yoga designed for health must meet the
requirements of the constitution of man by balancing "the above" (the subtle
Contact Us causal patterns of mind and sound current energy) with "the below" (the
gross elements of solids and liquids in the structural frame). "As above, so
Acknowledgements below" is also mentioned in the ancient Tablet of Hermes.[1] Tension fields
in the five subtle elements of the body must be balanced in action and
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes function, and united to the inner conscious center of "being". This is the
object of Polarity Yoga for Health postures and practice.*
DigitalDrStone! * The term "Polarity Yoga" and its principles and practices were published
by Dr. Stone in 1970 in a small pamphlet titled Energy Tracing Notes, from
which much of this chapter is excerpted. However, these ideas and the
postures and exercises derived from these principles were simply a natural
addition to and further development of Dr. Stone's Easy Stretching Postures.
Dr. Stone personally explained and demonstrated Polarity Yoga with great
enthusiasm in workshops in the early 1970s. And, although photos of Dr.
Stone himself doing the exercises are available only for a few of the many
variations he demonstrated in person, all of the exercises illustrated in this
chapter are part of Polarity Yoga and/or the Easy Stretching Postures.

1 The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Book 2: The Wireless Anatomy of Man
& Its Function - A Course in
Manipulative Therapy with Principles
& Illustrations
This work is
dedicated to the
Great Master
Search Instructions
Alphabetized Index
whose grace and
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inspiration made
Index of Transcribed Charts this book possible.
Supplemental Essays
May it serve well by
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his bounty and
holy will.
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes

Support ii

Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Summary of Principles
Book 2: The Wireless Anatomy of Man
& Its Function - A Course in 1. The soul is a unit drop of the ocean of the Eternal Spirit which is the
Manipulative Therapy with Principles dweller in the body as the knower, seer, and doer; it experiences all sensation
and action. It alone is the power in the body which reacts to any mode of
& Illustrations application of therapy or action. Consciousness and intelligence reside within
the soul. Physical consciousness is a blending of the soul powers with the
mind. It rules in the superior regions of the brain. Mind is a step-down of
soul forces to act as an intermediary link between spirit and matter. Prana is a
further step-down of mind energy.
Search Instructions 2. Mind is the finest substance of matter operating in three bodies as three
Alphabetized Index fields of consciousness:
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The causal body is the pattern field of the mind; here it is the ideal or
superconscious mind;
Index of Transcribed Charts
In the etheric and emotional field, mind operates thru [through] the senses. It
Supplemental Essays
is the normal conscious mind;
Contact Us
In the gross physical body, mind governs all involuntary functions and
Acknowledgements repairs. It operates as the subconscious mind.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes 3. Emotion is a blend of the mind and senses as a step-down current of mind
energy. It is in the etheric realm of airy nothingness which rules the world
and the individual desires seeking their fulfillment. These may be greater
Support than the individual's capital of energy and capacity. This is an air-borne
DigitalDrStone! dilemma of pain, effort, sorrow and frustration.

4. Prana, "The Life Breath" is a neuter [neutral] current which knows itself
not. It occupies the upper region of the body. As energy, it has an ebb and
flow like the tides in nature. The centrifugal force of Manvantara
[Manuvantara] (manifesting period) in the universe is the outgoing breath
and the motor current in the individual life. It is an outer awareness equal to
the daytime consciousness of action.

5. The centripetal force as the Pralaya period of the universe becomes the
ingoing breath and the sensory consciousness, equivalent to nighttime and

6. The individual vital force is the negative pole or repository of both

energies in the lower region of the body, the sacrum posteriorly as motor
currents and the generative organs anteriorly as sensory currents. It is a
crystallization of the pattern of consciousness and "The Eternal Principle of
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Life in the Seed," perpetuating itself in a microfilm style. It is the residual
Award" 2012 force which is the drive and stamina as the root of life. Everything external
revolves around it. Perpetuation is the purpose and keynote of manifestation.

7. There are five finer etheric stages of vibrating qualitative matter known as
tattwas [tattvas]; their extended lines of force manifest in curvilinear patterns
of ovals (planets, eliptoids [ellipsoids], etc.). As the cell and the egg, they are
the individual manifestation of life as the feminine principle in nature. Five
oval cavities in the body are the basic fields for qualitative expression in
organism thru [through] sensation and action. Sensory nerve fibres [fibers]
act as antennas of the soul for concrete sensory perception and experience.
There must also be a constant exchange and blending of the individual
tattwas [tattvas] with the universal supply of solids, liquids, air, warmth, and
American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Lest We Forget - Wireless Anatomy Commentary
Book 2: The Wireless Anatomy of Man
& Its Function - A Course in Definitions
Manipulative Therapy with Principles
Physiology is the science of the activity of living things; anatomy, the
& Illustrations structure. An organism is anything that carries out the functions of life. An
organ may be defined as a part of the body that has one special kind of work
to do. A tissue is a single kind of living material with the power of doing a
single kind of work. Connective tissue occurs throughout the whole body,
binding together the different parts.

Search Instructions Commentary from a Wireless Energy Viewpoint

Alphabetized Index
Advanced Search
The life energy - Prana - is a step-down current from the Eternal Sound
Current which supports all living things. The origin of life is in the pattern-
field of the mental plane where it splits into potential sensory and motor
Index of Transcribed Charts currents. Its action is in the etheric field (akash [akasha, aakaasha]), and its
center is in that thousand-rayed whirling disk of energy which supports all
Supplemental Essays
visible creation. In the body, the heart chakra is the microcosmic life center
Contact Us which draws energy from within its center as the individualized life Prana.
Externally, the sun is the source of Prana and life. In combustible matter, it is
Acknowledgements stored as heat units.

"Bumper Sticker" Quotes The structure of the anatomy is the field of crystallized energy waves of
circles and curved lines of beauty and strength in living forms. The tattwas
[tattvas] are the fields of sensory currents and the operation of the five senses.
Support The five motor senses belong to the five Prana currents and the positive pole
DigitalDrStone! of action. Organism, organs, and tissues express the field of action of the five
states of matter in conjunction with the mind action as the neuter [neutral]
pole, and Prana, the positive motor function, supporting all action.

(A) Nucleus.
(B) Protoplasm.

Smooth muscle cells from the intestine of a cat:

In 1 isolated; in 2 and 3, in cross-section; X 300.
Technic No. 172. At a the cell is cut in the plane
of the nucleus; at c, in the neighborhood of the
Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service pointed end. In 3 (from Barfurth[1]) is seen the
Award" 2012 manner in which neighboring cells are joined to
each other by intercellular bridges.

(A) Sarcolemma

Striated muscle-fiber of frog,

showing sarcolemma.
Diagram of the structure of the
fibrils of a striated muscle-fiber.
The light spaces between the
fibrils may represent the

(A) Nucleus.
(B) Contractile substance.

Longitudinal and cross-section of muscle-fibers

from the human myocardium, hardened in
alcohol; X 640. The muscle cells in the
longitudinal section are not sharply defined
from each other, and appear as polynuclear
fibers blending with each other. Between them
lie, here and there, connective-tissue nuclei.


Protoplasm seems to be the first mold or pattern of organic matter. A

peculiarity of muscle substance is that it contracts in only one direction, while
DIRECTIONS. Protoplasm is that part of the cell which is really alive;

1 Dr. Dietrich Barfurth (1849-1927), a German anatomist.
2 Or the sarcoplasmic reticulum.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation

Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.
Energy Tracing
Book 6: Body Balance Through
Evolutionary Energy Currents and (Original charts reproduced here in miniature)
Supplementary Publications


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Chart #1, Book III Diagnostic & Polarity Relationship
"Bumper Sticker" Quotes Chart #4, Book II


Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service

Award" 2012

The Atom
Chart #12 in the set of 25 charts

Tracing energy in POLARITY research goes deep into the Sound Current
Energy in the causal field, the blueprint stage of mind pattern energy and the
subtle formative stage of the five elements in the creative process. The five
elements are akash [akasha, aakaasha] or ether, air or gases, heat as fire,
water as liquids and earth as solids. These stages of formation have energy
lines of stress which produce electromagnetic tension fields in the body as
lines of stress. (See Charts 5, 6 & 7 in Book I)

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.

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