Method Statement Method Statement For Ap

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N°: 13

Author: Technical Department

Date: 03.08.2004

Method Statement for Application

Method Statement

Application of polymer modified bitumen liquid membrane
with cement screed for non-insulated roof slab.

The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application and end-use of Sika products,
are given in good faith based on Sika's current knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored,
handled and applied under normal conditions. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site
conditions are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any
liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any
written recommendations, or from any other advice offered. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed.
All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users should always refer to the most
recent issue of the Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request

N°: 13
Author: Technical Department
Date: 03.08.2004


A. Equipment
■ mixer for cement-sand mortar
■ other tools or equipment for waterproofing work where necessary
B. Material
Method Statement

■ Cement: PC or PCB 40
■ Sand: sieved to remove all particles > 5 mm and impurities.
Sika products
■ Igolflex-R : highly elastic bituminous waterproofing liquid membrane
■ SikaLatex : is a modified Stryrene Batdiene emulsion to be mixed with
cement (neat) or cement/ sand mortar for improved adhesion and
water resistant properties.
■ Sikalite : waterproofing admixture for mortar with extended
■ Antisol E or Antisol S : curing compound applied to the Sikalite
■ Sikaflex Construction (J) : 1-component polyurethane based elastic
sealant used to seal expansion joints when the roof slab dimension
exceeds 3.0 m.
■ Sika Primer 3 : used as a bonding bridge between the concrete
substrate and the polyurethane joint sealant.

C. Surface Preparation
■ All weak and unsound concrete must be removed by mechanical
means and repaired to give an even surface.
■ The concrete must be clean and free from dust, oil, or any laitance or
loose materials and must be dry prior to the application of the Igolflex-
■ The existing concrete roof slab to which the waterproofing layer is to
be applied should have strength of not less than 25 MPa.

N°: 13
Author: Technical Department
Date: 03.08.2004

■ Falls of roof and drainage : Falls of roof and drainage shall be even
and with minimum slope of 1 : 100. If the slope will be constructed
after finishing concrete work then this must be done using cement
mortar comprising of 1 part of cement and 3 part of clean coarse sand
(by weight) and Sikalite 1% to 2% of weight cement to provide a even
surface with minimum thickness of 15 mm and maximum thickness per
layer of application 40 mm; other wise do it layer by layer.
■ Angle fillets/chamfer : Angle fillets shall be provided to all internal
Method Statement

angles and these should be constructed using Sikalatex mortar as

used in slope construction.
■ Cracks : Non-moveable /dead cracks with width of crack larger than
1.0 mm must be repaired using following method. Hack a "V" shape
with width approx. 25 mm and depth at least 12 mm - Mix 1 part of
Sika Latex, 1 part of water and 3 part of cement. Brush evenly this
bonding agent onto concrete substrate. Whilst its still tacky apply Sika
Latex mortar thoroughly to provide smooth finished surface.


1- Apply the primer coat of Igolflex-R (diluted with 20-50% water) on to
the dry, clean concrete substrate with brush or spray. The rate of
application should be 0.2 - 0.3 kg/m2 for the primer coat. In case of
absorbent substrates prewet the surface with clean water.
2- Allow the primer coat to completely dry (approx. 2 hours, 30 °C) then
apply a heavy brush the 1st coat of undiluted Igolflex-R with
consumption of approx. 0.6 kg/m2
Note: At angles, corners and when the concrete substrate was presenting
dead cracks, it is recommended to install an open woven bitumen bonded
glass fabric with overlapping edges at least 50mm. the fabric shall be
installed onto the dry but still tacky 1st coat of undiluted Igolflex-R.
3- Apply the 2nd and 3rd coat of Igolflex-R (undiluted) with the
consumption of approx. 0.6 kg/m2. Wait approximately 2 hours
between coats.
4- The Sikalite mortar should be applied to the top of Igolflex-R after
minimum waiting time of 2 hours or until Igolflex-R completely dries.
But before apply Sikalite mortar should be applied Sikalatex Boding
agent (1part of Sikalatex , 1part of water and 4 part of cement).
Sikalite mortar have to apply immediately on Sikalatex bonding agent
or when it still wet.

N°: 13
Author: Technical Department
Date: 03.08.2004

5- The preferred finish to the Sikalite waterproofing mortar is by power

float. If power floating of the surface is not possible the surface should
be thoroughly worked with steel trowels.
6- On completion of the finishing of the Sikalite mortar, the surface
should immediately be sprayed with either Antisol S or Antisol E
(where subsequent surface treatments will not be required).
Method Statement


1- Expansion Joint Configuration (Detail B)

■ In order to allow for thermal expansion and contraction, 10mm wide

expansion joints are required every 3.0m i.e. the maximum size of the
Sikalite mortar “bay” is 3.0m x 3.0m with thickness approx. 30 mm.

■ Insert backer rod or foam rubber material into the joint such that the
remaining recess to be filled with Sikaflex Construction (J) is approx.
10mm x 10mm (refer Detail A). Sika Primer 3 is then applied to both
vertical edges. After 1-2 hours the Sikaflex Construction (J) is
applied as per the instructions given in the technical data sheet.

Note: it is recommended to apply the sealant when the ambient

temperature is falling

2- Pipe Penetrations ( Detail A)

■ If the PVC pipe has previously been installed, chip a recess (approx.
10x10mm) in the concrete around the pipe.

■ Apply Sika Primer 3 to both the cleaned concrete surface and the
cleaned surface of the pipe. After 1-2 hours the Sikaflex
Construction (J) is applied as per the instructions given in the
technical data sheet.

N°: 13
Author: Technical Department
Date: 03.08.2004

Summary of Sika Products Consumption

Item Description Consumption

1) Igolflex-R approx. 2.00 kg/m2
Highly elastic
waterproofing membrane (for primer + three

2) Sika Latex Bonding bridge and 0.25 litres per 1 m2

Method Statement

waterproofing agent for

3) Sikalite Waterproofing Admixture approx. 20.34 litres
for mortar with extended per 1 m for 30 mm
workability thick mortar layer
4) Sikaflex Sealant Approx. 100 cc per
Construction (J) linear meter (joint
of 10 x 10mm)

Sikalatex Bonding Agent and Sikalite waterproofing mortar

finish with power trowel machine, thickness of 30 mm

Igolflex-R waterproofing system Detail B

Concrete slab

2000 – 3000mm

N°: 13
Author: Technical Department
Date: 03.08.2004

Sikalatex Bonding Agent and Sikalite

waterproofing mortar finish with power
trowel machine, thickness of 30 mm
Sikaflex Construction(J)
Igolflex-R waterproofing with Ska Primer 3
Detail A Concrete slab
Method Statement


Chamfer with SkaLatex

Sikalatex Bonding Agent and Sikalite waterproofing mortar

Detail B finish with power trowel machine, thickness of 30 mm
Igolflex-R waterproofing system

Concrete slab Sikaflex Construction(J) width of

10mm 10 mm , depth of 10 mm

Sika (Cambodia) Ltd.

Nº 62-B, Street 432, Toul Tompoung II, Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh Cambodia
Tel: +855 23 215198 / +855 23 993385 Fax: +855 23 22236 E-mail:[email protected]

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