Dividing Decimals
Dividing Decimals
Dividing Decimals
word problems
Each customer service representative is paid $12.15 per hour.
How much is each representative paid for each 6-hour shift?
1 3
12 .15
X 6
72 .9 0
Thus, Each customer service is paid $72.90
Reyan drives a car at the rate of 15.25 miles per hours . how many hours will take to cover a
Put the signs: >, < or = to make the following statements true. a)
Fill in the blank with a correct decimal number. 28.396 ÷ 6.2 = ____
Find the breadth of a rectangle whose area and length are 31.05 square units and 6.9
units respectively.
Choose any two numbers from the list shown below such that to fill the division
equation _11.34___ ÷ _0.5___ = 11.34 , 2.4, 2.1, 6.8, 5.4, 0.5 ANS: Q= 2.26 R= 04
A tutor wants to buy desks for his students. If he wants to buy 45 desks and each desk
costs $124.7, how much he needs to spend in buying new desks?