Assignment Report Evaluation Rubric

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Assignment Report Evaluation Rubric

Criteria Excellent Good (4) Satisfactor Needs Poor (1) Marks

(5) y (3) Improvem Awarded
ent (2) (Out of 5)
Executive Provides a Provides a Provides a Summary No
Summary clear, clear basic is vague summary
concise, summary summary and lacks provided
and with with some clarity. or it fails
comprehe minor omissions to outline
nsive omissions. or unclear main
summary points. points.
of the
Introducti Provides Provides a Provides a Introducti No
on an good basic on lacks introducti
engaging introducti introducti engageme on
introducti on with on with nt and provided
on, setting clear some clear or fails to
a clear context. context. context. set any
context context.
for the
Process Thorough Good Adequate Poor No
and Work and descriptio descriptio descriptio descriptio
Unit detailed n with n but lacks n with n or
Descriptio descriptio some detail. little irrelevant
n n of the detail of detail. informatio
process the n
and work process provided.
unit. and work
Assessme Methodolo Methodolo Methodolo Methodolo No
nt gy is gy is well- gy is gy is methodol
Methodolo comprehe explained explained poorly ogy
gy nsive, and but lacks explained provided
well- mostly some and not or is
explained, appropriat appropriat clearly completel
and e. eness or appropriat y
appropriat clarity. e. inappropr
e for the iate.
Assessme Findings Findings Findings Findings No
nt are are clear are are vague findings
Findings detailed, and present or poorly presented
insightful, support but lack detailed. or they
and the some are
effectively objectives clarity or irrelevant
support of the detail. to the
the assessmen assessmen
objectives t. t.
of the
Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion No
is integrates makes is discussion
insightful, findings some superficial or fails to
integrates with attempt to and lacks relate to
findings literature integrate integratio the
with and findings n of findings.
literature, demonstr but lacks findings.
and ates depth.
demonstr understan
ates deep ding.
Recomme Recomme Recomme Recomme Recomme No
ndations ndations ndations ndations ndations recommen
on Action are clear, are are are vague dations
to Be directly sensible provided or not provided
Taken derived and but not actionable or they
from derived fully . are
findings, from practical irrelevant.
and findings. or derived
thoroughl from
y findings.
Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference No
s s are s are s are s are references
comprehe mostly present limited, provided
nsive, comprehe but may poorly or they
correctly nsive and have formatted, are
formatted, correctly formatting or largely completel
and formatted. errors or irrelevant. y
relevant. some irrelevant.
Appendice Appendice Appendice Appendice Appendice No
s s are well- s are s are s are appendice
organized, organized somewhat disorganiz s provided
relevant, and organized ed or or they
and relevant. but may somewhat are
enhance lack full irrelevant. completel
the relevance. y
content of irrelevant.
the report.
Total Marks: 25% of the total assessment (100%)

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