Prahaar 3.0 Science Summary

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1. SPACE TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
2. BIOTECHNOLOGY .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................. 14
4. NON CONVENTION SOURCES OF ENERGY............................................................................................................................ 23
5. HEALTH ............................................................................................................................................................................... 27
6. MISCELLANEOUS ................................................................................................................................................................. 28


o Orbital flights and Lunar flights.

1. SPACE TECHNOLOGY • Significance: Can revolutionise space travel;
Improve accessibility; improve international
cooperation; increase competition; and increase
THE INDIAN SPACE POLICY 2023 private player involvement.
• Aim: To expand the Indian space industry and make • Challenges: High Cost; Safety; Legal and Regulatory
India a global leader. Environment; Health Effects; Public Perception and
• Vision: Empower and support the private sector to Acceptance; Training and Preparation; Space Traffic
grow space commerce. This acknowledges that Management; Insurance and Liability.
private companies are essential to the space • Future of Space Tourism
economy. o With low cost it will become more accessible
• Objectives of the Policy: To augment India's space and affordable and there will be a legal and
capabilities; Promote India's commercial space regulatory environment for space tourism.
sector; To develop technologies using space and • Private Sector in the Space Programme in India
benefit from them; To pursue international relations o Skyroot Aerospace is developing a small
in the space sector. satellite launch vehicle called the Vikram-S.
o Dhruva Space is developing a range of
Key highlights of the Indian Space Policy 2023 nanosatellites and microsatellites.
• The policy allows non-government entities (NGEs) o OneWeb is a global satellite broadband
to participate in end-to-end space activities. company that is building a constellation of 648
• establishment of a regulatory body, IN-SPACe, to satellites.
oversee the commercial space sector in India. • Benefits of Space Tourism: Exploration and
• The policy also creates four new entities that will Adventure; Revenue generated from space tourism
oversee the implementation of the policy: can fund scientific research; stimulate economic
o The Indian National Space Promotion and growth by creating jobs, encourage educational
Authorization Centre (IN-SPACe). initiatives and motivates the next generation;
o The Indian Space Research Organisation promoting a greater sense of responsibility towards
(ISRO). our planet and facilitate international collaboration
o The Indian Space Applications Centre (ISAC). • Way Forward: The government can provide
o The Indian Space Education and Research support to the private sector; Partnership with ISRO;
Centre (ISERC). and international collaboration.

Potential benefits of the Indian Space Policy 2023 ISRO’S NEW NAVIC SATELLITE LAUNCH
• Increased economic growth; Improved national • ISRO successfully launched the first of its second-
security; Enhanced international cooperation; generation navigation satellites. India's domestic
Increased access to space-based services. satellite navigation system will improve with this
• India will benefit from the 2023 Space Policy. The satellite.
policy should help the Indian economy, national • Second-generation Satellites:
security, international cooperation, and space-based o Satellite Name: NVS-01, the first of ISRO’s NVS
services. series of payloads.
o Weight: 2,232 kg
SPACE TOURISM o Launch Vehicle: Geosynchronous Satellite
• Space tourism allows recreational space travel. Launch Vehicle (GSLV) rocket
Citizen space exploration, personal spaceflight, and o Onboard Technology: Rubidium atomic clock,
commercial human spaceflight are other names. developed by Space Application Centre-
Space tourism includes sub-orbital, orbital, and Ahmedabad.
beyond-Earth flights. o Frequency Signals: It will send signals in a
• History third frequency, L1, besides the L5 and S
o Dennis Tito was the first space tourist, paying frequency signals that the existing satellites
$20 million to fly to the ISS in 2001. Space provide.
Adventures launched $100,000 suborbital space o Mission Life: More than 12 years for second-
rides in 2004. generation satellites, the existing satellites have
o SpaceX announced ambitions to launch a a mission life of 10 years.
tourist-carrying lunar lander, and Virgin • About NavIC
Galactic announced $250,000 suborbital space o NavIC has seven satellites and 24x7 ground
rides in 2019. stations. The constellation has three
• Scope geostationary and four inclined
o Suborbital flights: reach altitudes of up to 100 geosynchronous satellites.
kilometres (62 miles), but do not enter orbit.


o NavIC has gained recognition and approval • NASA launched the Perseverance Rover on July 30,
from the International Maritime Organisation 2020. Mars landed on February 18, 2021. NASA's
(IMO). Mars 2020 rover is searching for ancient microbial
• Services Offered by NavIC: Standard Position life. It successfully landed on Mars on February 18,
Service (SPS) for civilian users and Restricted 2021.
Service (RS) for strategic users; coverage area • About the Mission
includes India and a region up to 1500 km beyond o The 2,268-pound Perseverance Rover is car-
the Indian boundary; designed to provide user sized. It has drills, cameras, and spectrometers.
position accuracy better than 20m; NavIC SPS The rover has an Ingenuity helicopter.
signals are interoperable; Unlike GPS, NavIC uses Perseverance is exploring Jezero Crater on
satellites in high geo-stationary orbit. Mars.
o The rover analyses rocks and dirt for ancient
Keywords: life. It is also gathering rocks and soil samples
Second-generation Satellites, Indigenous, Indian for Earth study.
Regional Navigation Satellite System, Polar Satellite o The Perseverance rover should last at least one
Launch Vehicle, International Maritime Organization. Mars year, or 687 Earth days.
• Achievements of the Perseverance Mission
MARS ORBITER MISSION o Perseverance seeks ancient microbial life and
rock samples for Earth.
• Mangalyaan, the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), has
o The rover has taken magnificent photos of Mars
orbited Mars since September 24, 2014.
and collected crucial geological and
• ISRO launched it on November 5, 2013, with a total
atmospheric data.
budget of only $73 million.
o Perseverance is searching for extra-terrestrial
• ISRO became the fourth space agency to orbit
Mars after Roscosmos, NASA, and the ESA with
India's first interplanetary mission.
• India became the first Asian and world nation to
enter the Martian orbit on its first attempt. • ISRO's Gaganyaan human spaceflight mission. Three
• Conclusion: The Mars Orbiter Mission has Indian astronauts will orbit Earth for up to seven
established India as a worldwide space power. The days. Mission 2023.
mission inspired a new generation of Indian • About the Mission
scientists and engineers. o LVM-3 will launch Gaganyaan. It is three-
module spacecraft: Crew module; Service
Keywords module; Orbital module.
Mangalyaan, Interplanetary Mission, Spacecraft Systems o Three astronauts live in the crew module.
and Technology Centre, Martian Orbit. Life support systems, a toilet, and a sleeping
room will be in the pressurised 6 cubic metres.
SPACE SUSTAINABILITY o The service module powers, propels, and
sustains the spacecraft.
• Sustainable space use protects the environment and o Spacecraft will live and work in the orbital
future generations. As space technologies become module. It will contain a kitchen, bathroom,
more significant, this is a new notion. workspace, and a pressurised volume of 12
• Challenges to Space Sustainability: Space Debris; cubic metres.
Negative impact on the environment; Limited Space • Benefits: India's Gaganyaan endeavour is
Resources; Lacking effective space traffic impressive. India will join the US, Russia, and China
management; Space weather, such as solar flares in sending humans into space.
and geomagnetic storms, can disrupt satellites. o It will also inspire India's future scientists and
• Promotion of Space Sustainability: Developing engineers. ISRO's Gaganyaan mission shows
new technologies; Creating international their dedication.
agreements; Educating the public; Space Debris o It gives a boost to space exploration.
Mitigation; Space Traffic Management; International • Challenges For Gaganyaan Mission
Cooperation; Satellite End-of-Life Disposal and o Creating a Reliable and Safe Spacecraft: ISRO
Promote the development and use of sustainable has never produced a human-carrying
satellite technologies, including efficient power spacecraft, so this is difficult.
systems. o Training the Astronauts: They must learn
• We must address space sustainability to ensure how to live and operate in space and prepare
equitable advantages for everybody. Together, we for space travel. ISRO and the IAF train
can use space to benefit everyone. astronauts.
o Obtaining Mission funding ISRO is seeking
PERSEVERANCE MISSION government support for the expensive
Gaganyaan mission.

o Space radiation issues. Astronauts face cell • The DST, under the Ministry of Science and
damage and cancer from space radiation. I Technology, will oversee the Quantum Technology
• ISRO believes it can finish the Gaganyaan mission, a (QT) mission.
major achievement for India, despite these hurdles. • The 2023-2031 mission aims to start, support, and
This project could inspire a new generation of expand quantum technology research and
scientists and engineers, giving space exploration development.
Keywords • The objective is to create a dynamic and innovative
Crew Module, Service Module, Pressurized Volume, quantum technology ecosystem in India.
Orbital Module. • India will join the US, Austria, Finland, France,
Canada, and China in having dedicated missions to
CHANDRAYAAN 3 advance quantum technology with this mission.
• ISRO's third moon mission is Chandrayaan 3.
National Quantum Mission (NQM)
Chandrayaan-3 components • The 2023 Union Budget allocated 8,000 crore for the
• Like Chandrayaan-2, it will have a lander and NQM.
rover but no orbiter. Chandrayaan 3's propulsion • The objective is to build intermediate-scale quantum
module will relay communications. computers with 20-50 physical "qubits" in three
• Chandrayaan-3's lander will feature four throttle- years, 50-100 in five years, and 50-1,000 in eight.
able engines, unlike Vikram's five 800 Newton • The mission will help develop magnetometers with
engines with a fifth centrally positioned with a set high sensitivity in atomic systems.
• Chandrayaan-3 will have a Laser Doppler Deliverables:
Velocimeter (LDV) and stronger impact legs than • Satellite-based secure quantum communications
Chandrayaan-2. between ground stations in India over 2,000 km;
Secure international quantum communications;
Mission Schedule Quantum-memory multi-node network.
• The Pragyan rover from Chandrayaan-2 will be used
in Chandrayaan-3, which launches in July 2023. T Hubs
• The rover will explore the lunar surface for 14 days • Top academic and national R&D institutes would
after the lander lands near the south pole. establish four Thematic Hubs (T-Hubs) in the
• India became the only nation to land a lander and domains: Quantum computing; Quantum
rover on the moon twice with the Chandrayaan-3 communication; Quantum sensing, meteorology, and
mission. quantum systems.

Challenges For Chandrayaan-3 Mission Benefits of the Mission

• Creating a Reliable and Safe Rover for Chandrayaan- • Seeding, nurturing, and scaling-up scientific and
3; Securing the necessary funding for the mission; industrial R&D; promoting Innovation and Economic
Chandrayaan-3 must design and apply advanced growth
technologies to land and operate on the moon; Poor
international collaboration. Government Initiatives
• Quantum-Enabled Science and Technology (QuEST);
Conclusion Quantum Computer Simulator (QSim) Toolkit;
• ISRO is optimistic as it will finish Chandrayaan-3, a National Mission on Quantum Technology and
major achievement for India, despite these hurdles. Applications.
This project will excite new scientists and engineers
and give space exploration hope. Conclusion
• The National Quantum Mission is a forward-looking
initiative aimed at driving quantum research,
Keywords: development, and innovation within a country.
Communications relay Satellite, Laser Doppler
• NASA's Orion Space Capsule can transport
astronauts to the Moon, Mars, and maybe other
• A nation's National Quantum Mission promotes planets.
quantum technology research, development, and
use. Orion Space Capsule Features:


• Propulsion: Solid rocket boosters, in-space comprises 27% of the cosmos, although it is hard to
propulsion systems, and a service module power, detect.
propel, and sustain the Orion Space Capsule. • Background:
• Heat shield: The Orion Space Capsule's heat shield o Dark matter was first hypothesised in the
protects the crew from Earth's harsh temperatures 1930s to explain why galaxies rotated faster
upon re-entry. than expected if they were made of solely
• Abort system: The Orion Space Capsule contains an visible matter.
emergency abort mechanism to protect the crew. o Dark matter may form galaxies and galaxy
Artemis I o Scientists are studying dark matter's properties
• It will be the first of several complicated missions to and function in the evolution of the universe.
establish a long-term human presence on the Moon.
• Before Artemis II's first crewed flight, Artemis I will About Black Hole
test Orion's systems in orbit and assure a safe re- • Nothing, not even light, can escape a black hole's
entry, descent, splashdown, and recovery. gravity.
• Massive stars that collapse gravitationally generate
LIGO–INDIA black holes, which are dense and compact.
• The event horizon, or no-return zone, of a black hole.
• LIGO–India would be located in the Hingoli district
A black hole traps an object that passes the event
of Maharashtra, India, due to its low seismic activity
and proximity to the Inter-University Centre for
Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), a significant • Accretion discs release X-rays from their influence
research centre. on adjacent matter, but they don't emit visible light.
• Astrophysics relies on black holes, which have been
Project Goals extensively studied to better comprehend the
• The observatory will help us understand the universe.
universe and inspire young scientists.
• LIGO–India will detect gravitational waves from LUX–ZEPLIN EXPERIMENT
black holes and merging neutron stars. The cutting-edge LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Experiment seeks
• They release massive gravitational waves. LIGO– dark matter. Scientists and engineers from numerous
India will detect and study gravitational waves. institutions use advanced technologies to investigate the
• The observatory will research gravity and universe.
cosmic evolution.
• They can examine the Milky Way galaxy, dark matter About Experiment
dispersion, and the evolution of the universe. • The LUX–Zeplin experiment is a dark matter
detector located at the Sanford Underground
Potential Benefits of LIGO–India Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota.
• Improved understanding of the universe; • It is the largest and most sensitive dark matter
Development of new technologies; Inspiration of a detector ever built.
new generation of scientists and engineers; Global • It has been operating since 2013 and has not yet
Collaboration. detected any dark matter particles.
• LIGO-India has great potential for gravitational wave
research and cosmic knowledge. Joining the Benefits of the LUX-Zeplin Experiment
worldwide gravitational wave detector network • Provide scientists with new insights into the nature
opens new doors for collaboration, discovery, and of dark matter and its role in the universe.
cosmic discovery.
DARK ENERGY AND DARK MATTER • This ambitious project could change our
understanding of dark matter, fundamental physics,
• Dark Energy: Dark energy, which accelerates the
and the cosmos.
universe, is mysterious. The universe is 68% dark
• Background: Dark energy was first hypothesised in BOSE–EINSTEIN CONDENSATE
the late 1990s, and two teams of astronomers—led • At extremely low temperatures, several bosons
by Saul Perlmutter and Brian Schmidt—made these occupy the same quantum state in Bose-Einstein
observations. condensate (BEC).
• Dark energy has no observable interaction with • Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein
light or matter. predicted this occurrence, which has expanded
• Dark Matter: Dark matter does not interact with fundamental physics and quantum phenomena
light or electromagnetic radiation. Dark matter research.


Features • Prospects for Satellite-Based Internet in India: A

• BEC is a state of matter that is made up of atoms that larger population in India will have the opportunity
have been cooled to very low temperatures. to access the Internet and reap the benefits it offers.
• At these temperatures, atoms become one. • Benefits of satellite-based internet in India:
• Quantum mechanics and quantum computers Increased connectivity; Economic development;
require BECs. Satellite-based internet can improve education and
healthcare; Government services. Satellite-based
Benefits of BECs Internet could improve India's economy and bridge
• BECs allow scientists to study the behaviour of the digital divide. It improves education, healthcare,
atoms at the quantum level; can be used to develop and government services.
new technologies, such as quantum computers; they
provide insights into fundamental quantum NATIONAL GEOSPATIAL POLICY (2022)
behaviour; BEC serves as a precise tool for • Satellite Internet could reduce India's digital gap and
measuring physical quantities like time, enhance economic growth. Education, healthcare,
acceleration, and magnetic fields. and government services can also benefit.
• Bose-Einstein condensate is a quantum physics • Citizen-Centric Policy: The National Geospatial
marvel. Its study has advanced quantum physics and Policy 2022 uses geospatial technology to enhance
revealed fundamental physical phenomena. national development, the economy, and an
information-rich society.
DARK SKY RESERVE • Vision: High-Resolution Mapping; Vision of Global
• In 2022, India's first black sky reserve was Leadership; Digital Economy and Improved Services;
established in Ladakh's Hanle. The 1,073-square- Strengthening Geospatial Infrastructure.
kilometer reserve houses the Indian Astronomical • Institutional Framework
Observatory. o India's national geospatial sector promotion and
• Benefits of Dark Sky Reserves: Preserving Natural development framework includes the GDPDC. It
Darkness; Astronomy and Research; Ecological oversees geospatial support strategies.
Balance; Sustainable Tourism; Cultural and o The GDPDC takes over the duties of the 2006
Educational value. National Spatial Data Committee (NSDC) and the
• Threats to dark sky reserves: threat to dark sky 2021 GDPDC.
reserves is light pollution. o The government's geospatial hub is the DST. The
• Protecting dark sky reserves: minimising light GDPDC advises the DST on geospatial regime
pollution; Protecting the natural environment; matters.
Educating the public; Astronomical Tourism; • Significance
Collaboration with Communities. o Leveraging geospatial technology and data can
• Dark sky reserves are part of our natural heritage play a transformative role in accomplishing the
because they allow us to see the night sky and learn Sustainable Development Goals.
about its importance. o Promotes the growth of start-ups and reduces
reliance on foreign resources.
Keywords o It is crucial for managing critical information
Light Pollution, Astronomical Tourism, and ecological across a diverse range of domains.
balance o It can make informed decisions, enhance
o Involved in a disaster preparation scenario,
• Satellite-based internet uses Earth-orbiting satellites security measures.
for connectivity. These satellites send data to and o A clear roadmap should be drawn, and SOPs
from ground stations, which send it to the internet should be developed in the National Geospatial
so users may surf websites, stream videos, and do Policy 2022.
other internet-dependent activities.
• Service Providers: Starlink; OneWeb; Viasat; Keywords
HughesNet Geospatial, High Resolution, Critical Infrastructure, Blue
• Advantages of Satellite-Based Internet: Global Economy.
Coverage; Rapid Deployment; Wide Bandwidth;
Scalability; and Mobility.
• Disadvantages of satellite-based internet:
Satellite-based internet connections typically have
higher latency; Satellite internet services can be
expensive; due to limited bandwidth, weather
dependence; and Signal Interference.


• National Biotechnology Policy, 2008: India's

2. BIOTECHNOLOGY biotechnology policy promotes development and use
of biotechnology for the benefit of Indian society;
GENETIC ENGINEERING • National Biosafety Framework, 2009: The
Genetic engineering is a breakthrough field that alters or framework regulates GMO use in India.
creates new traits in
organisms. Genetic engineering can enable tremendous advances in
a world of scientific innovation and responsible
Scope: stewardship with appropriate regulation and ethical
• In Agriculture: Crops resistant to herbicides, pests, concerns.
diseases & increase crop yields, reduce the use of
pesticides; GENOME EDITING
• In Medicine- Genetic engineering for production of Genome editing can improve agriculture, medicine, and
vaccines, hormones, and blood clotting factors, science by precisely altering an organism's DNA. Genome
including insulin; editing uses nucleases to precisely cut an organism's
• In Environmental remediation- GMOs used to DNA.
clean up polluted sites (oil spills);
• In Industrial Applications- proteins, enzymes, and Using a Variety of Techniques
biofuel production; • Certain DNA sequences are bound by zinc finger
• In Research and Development- studying gene nucleases (ZFNs). ZFNs containing DNA-cutting
function, developing new therapeutic strategies. enzymes can cleave DNA at a specific location.
• Transcription activator-like effector nucleases
Challenges: (TALENs) are proteins that bind to specific DNA
• Ethical Concerns- Manipulation of living organisms sequences. TALENs that contain DNA-cutting
and its Consequences enzymes can cut DNA at a specific location.
• As Safety Risks- GMOs may have unpredictable • CRISPR-Cas9: This genome editing technology is
traits/harm ecosystems; novel and effective. CRISPR-Cas9 guides RNAs to
• As Regulation and Oversight- to prevent misuse or target DNA sequences. CRISPR-Cas9 cuts the target
unintended consequences; sequence of DNA. This allows scientists to insert,
• As Public Perception- public concerns about delete, or rearrange genes in DNA.
human health and environment; and
• As Intellectual Property- The patenting process is Scope
a complex legal and economic issue faced by • Agriculture: Genome editing can develop pest-
researchers. resistant, herbicide-resistant crops.
• Genome editing can help treat cancer, HIV/AIDS,
Opportunities and malaria.
• Disease Prevention and Treatment- develop • Genome editing can develop pollutant-degrading
therapies for genetic disorders, cancers, and organisms. This cleans polluted sites.
infectious diseases;
• Improved Agricultural Production- disease Challenges
resistance, drought tolerance, and sustainability; • Ethical Issues- The ability to edit the human
• Environmental Conservation- develop GMOs to genome raises ethical concerns about generating
mitigate pollution, protect endangered species; "designer babies" or heritable changes with
• Industrial Applications- bio-based manufacturing; unexpected consequences;
as Bioremediation- break down pollutants and • Long-term Safety- Genome editing's long-term
toxins; as impacts on species and ecosystems are unknown,
• Personalized Medicine- personalised drug requiring thorough risk assessment;
therapies increasing treatment efficacy and • Regulatory Frameworks; Accessibility and
precision; Equity; Societal Acceptance.
• Scientific Research- study of gene functions,
cellular processes, and disease mechanisms. Opportunities
• Disease Treatment: CRISPR-Cas9 can modify genes
Indian Initiatives: precisely to treat genetic disorders and diseases;
• Indian genetic engineering research is longstanding. Genome editing improves crop attributes,
Indian genetic engineering research began in 1982. including disease resistance and nutritional content;
Since then, Indian scientists have pioneered genetic Genome editing can save endangered species
engineering tools like CRISPR-Cas9. and restore ecosystems; Genome editing helps
researchers examine gene functions, disease
processes, and medication development..


• Personalised medicine; Agriculture- Genome

India has a long history of genetic engineering research sequencing can uncover genes for agricultural yield,
and is committed to genome editing development and disease resistance, and drought tolerance, which can
use. India might lead genome editing with further R&D create more adaptable crop varieties;
spending. Environmental science; Basic research- Genome
sequencing can explore gene function and organism
CRISPR-CAS9 development.
CRISPR-Cas9 is a gene-editing tool that has
revolutionised the way scientists can make precise Initiatives for Genome Editing:
changes to DNA. • National Biotechnology Policy, 2008, promotes
biotechnology development and usage in India for
Uses of CRISPR social good.
• Produce pest-resistant, herbicide-resistant crops. • The 2010 National Genome Sequencing
Crop yields could increase and food prices could Programme aims to sequence genomes of 100,000
drop; Develop cancer, HIV/AIDS, and malaria Indians.
medicines; Create pollutant-degrading organisms to • The government-funded National Centre for
clean polluted sites; Study gene function and Biological Sciences studies genome sequencing.
organism development.

Challenges Genome sequencing will promote personalised medicine,

• Off-Target Effects- CRISPR-Cas9 can edit undesired agriculture, environmental science, and basic research.
genome regions, causing unknown genetic changes; India's dedication to genome sequencing can makes it a
global frontrunner.
• Delivery- Delivering CRISPR-Cas9 components to
specific cells or tissues is difficult;
• Ethical Issues: Modifying human embryos could GENETIC SURVEILLANCE
lead to designer babies or unexpected social effects; Genome surveillance uses genetic data from a population
• Regulatory Frameworks- Regulating CRISPR-Cas9 to track disease spread, identify new pathogens, and
technology is a complex task. evaluate immunisation programmes. Genome
surveillance involves monitoring population genomes.
Opportunities This can track disease outbreaks, detect new pathogens,
• Refining Efficiency- Minimise off-target effects and and evaluate immunisation programmes.
increase gene editing success.
• Therapeutic Applications- Using targeted Scope
therapies for genetic disorders, cancers, and
• Sequencing the Genomes of Infected Individuals;
infectious diseases. Comparing the genomes to identify new strains of
• Agriculture and Food Security- Using CRISPR-Cas9 the pathogen that have emerged; Tracking the
to develop GMCs with improved traits, disease changes in the genomes of pathogens over time;
resistance, and yields. Genome surveillance to identify new strains of
pathogens that have not yet caused any infections.
Way Forward
• Establishing comprehensive ethical and regulatory
frameworks to address concerns about CRISPR-Cas9 Challenges
abuse or unwelcome consequences. • Cost- relatively expensive process; Technology-
• Tech progress- Innovation to improve CRISPR-Cas9 This technology is constantly evolving; Data
and create new gene-editing tools for precision and Analysis- very large and complex data, requires
versatility. more capacity to analyse the data effectively;
Privacy Concerns; Ethical Considerations and
GENOME SEQUENCING stigmatisation based on genetic traits or
predispositions; Accuracy and Interpretation- of
• Genome sequencing determines an organism's DNA genetic data are important, as
sequence. Scientists can examine genetic variations, errors/misinterpretations can have significant
diseases, and an organism's genetic makeup by consequences; Data Management and Storage.
analysing and decoding DNA nucleotide bases.
• Genome: DNA is made up of four different bases:
Indian initiatives (government-funded research
Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), and
Thymine (T). institutes/organizations):
• The National Centre for Disease Informatics and
Research; The National Institute of
Communicable Diseases; The Indian Council of


Medical Research (ICMR)- medical research in • Its genetic manipulation has enabled medical
India. improvements, increased agricultural yield, and the
development of new industrial commodities.
Way forward: • The impact of recombinant DNA technology on
society will rise, bringing both opportunity and
• Genomic monitoring is developing, and India has
ethical concerns.
many new uses for it. Several government
programmes promote genomic monitoring in India.
If it invests in R&D, India might dominate genetic CLONING
surveillance globally. Cloning creates genetically identical duplicates of living
creatures or cells. This ground breaking technology
RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY could improve medicine and save endangered species.
Recombinant DNA technology, commonly known as Type of Cloning:
genetic engineering, manipulates DNA molecules to • Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT): In SCNT, the
create new genetic material. This potent technology has nucleus of a somatic cell is transferred into an egg
revolutionised agriculture, medicine, and biotechnology cell that has had its nucleus removed. The egg cell
by enabling the manufacture of genetically modified divides into embryo, which is implanted into a
organisms and new cures. surrogate mother;
• Embryonic stem cell cloning: Creation of embryos
About: from stem cells. The embryos are then divided into
• The recombinant DNA technique combines DNA smaller groups of cells, and each group is implanted
from different creatures. Restriction enzymes cut into a surrogate mother.
and ligate DNA from two sources. Recombinant DNA • Gene cloning: can be used to create new proteins or
technology produces vaccinations, hormones, and modify existing proteins.
other biological products.
Cloning has a variety of potential applications,
Benefits or Applications including:
• Medicine: production of therapeutic proteins, such • Agriculture; Medicine: to create organs and tissues
as insulin, growth hormones; Agriculture: GM Crops for transplantation; Reproductive Cloning:
having pest resistance, improved yield, and preserving endangered species; Biomedical
nutritional content; Bioremediation; Forensics: Research: develop new treatments; Organ
DNA profiling to analyze and compare genetic Transplantation: Creating organs and tissues for
information. Transplantation Livestock Improvement: for
disease resistance, and improved food production;
Species Revival: Reviving extinct species by cloning
Challenges: preserved DNA.
• Safety: can create changes to DNA that could have
unintended consequences; Regulation; Intellectual Ethical Concerns with Cloning:
property; Public perception; Environmental • The potential for abuse: cloning without consent,
impact: GMOs can have unknown ecological
unethical purposes, creating clones for military; The
consequences and unintended effects on
potential for harm to clones: any genetic defects in
biodiversity. the original organism could be passed on to the
clones; The potential for devaluing human life;
Indian Initiatives:
Loss of Individuality; Health Risks: clones may
• Genetic Engineering Approval Committee: It have compromised immune systems; Emotional
regulates the R&D and commercial release of GMOs and Psychological Impact; Exploitation and
in India; BT Cotton: a GMC resistant to cotton pests; Commercialization.
Golden Rice: enriched with vitamin A to address
micronutrient deficiencies; Crop Improvement: In China (Arctic Wolf):
drought tolerance, disease resistance, and increased • Chinese scientists cloned an Arctic wolf despite its
yield to enhance agricultural productivity; isolation. The technique is lauded for saving rare
Pharmaceutical Industry: production of and endangered animals.
recombinant proteins, insulin, growth hormones,
and vaccines. Cloning could improve the lives of people with diseases
or disabilities and create new goods, despite ethical
Way Forward:
difficulties. Cloning is a complex decision. It requires
• With additional research and development, India considering pros, cons, and ethical aspects.
might take the lead in recombinant DNA technology.


Blood-forming stem cells, which can become any cell in Nanotechnology, or nanotech, manipulates matter at the
the body, are replaced in a stem cell transplant. Bone atomic, molecular, and supramolecular levels. It involves
marrow and blood include these adaptable cells. working with 1–100-nanometer particles.

Types of Stem Cell Transplants Advantages of Nanotechnology

• Autologous stem cell transplant: Patient's own • Nanotechnology allows for the creation of materials
stem cells. Before blood-forming cells are destroyed, with improved strength, flexibility, and conductivity;
the patient's bone marrow or blood stem cells are Improved energy efficiency; Targeted drug
extracted. The patient receives vein-returned stem delivery; Water and air purification; and
cells after treatment.
• Allogeneic stem cell transplant: Matching donors Disadvantages of Nanotechnology
contribute stem cells. Sibling, parent, or unrelated • Health concerns; Environmental impact; Ethical
donor. The donor's bone marrow or blood stem cells considerations; production of nanomaterials may
are supplied to the patient via vein. involve the use of toxic substances, posing risks to
workers and the environment; and social impact.
Uses and Side Effects:
• Stem Cell Transplants are Used to Treat a Variety Highlighting the development of nanotechnology in
of Diseases like leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, India
Aplastic anemia; and Sickle cell disease. • Government Initiatives: India has aggressively
• Side Effects of Stem Cell Transplants: It may lead pushed nanotechnology development. The DST's
to infection; graft versus host reactions, organ Nano Science and Technology Initiative (NSTI)
damage; and other diseases. promoted nanotechnology research in 2001.
• The National Centre for Nanoscience and
GENE MODULATION Nanotechnology (NCNN), the National Physical
Gene modulation alters gene expression. Changing the Laboratory (NPL), and the Centre for Nano and Soft
gene's protein production can do this. It can treat cancer, Matter Sciences (CeNS) are among these.
heart disease, and HIV/AIDS. • Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery Systems:
Nanoparticles, nanocarriers, and nanosensors are
Working of Gene Modulation improving medical treatments and diagnostics.
• Gene silencing prevents gene expression. ASOs • Collaborations and International Partnerships:
and siRNAs can silence genes. Short RNAs called Indian institutions work with international
siRNAs and ASOs attach to the target gene and stop organisations and research institutions to share
transcription. nanotechnology expertise and resources.
• Gene overexpression: Increasing gene expression. • Entrepreneurship and Startups: These startups
Plasmids or viruses can overexpress genes. DNA specialise in nanosensors, nanocoatings,
plasmids can be put into cells. Gene-carrying viruses nanomaterials, and water purification.
are viral vectors. Plasmids and viral vectors express • Skill Development and Education: For talent
their genes when put into cells. development and research, the government has
• Gene editing alters a gene's DNA. CRISPR-Cas9 is financed Centres of Excellence and Nanotechnology
one gene editing method. CRISPR-Cas9 targets DNA Education and Research Centres.
sequences with a guide RNA. Cas9 chops DNA at the • India is developing a nanotechnology regulatory
target sequence. Scientists can insert or remove DNA framework to address environmental, health, and
sequences. safety concerns. Responsible nanotechnology
• Benefits of gene modulation: Disease Treatment; development and use are being regulated.
Precision Medicine Development; Drug Discovery;
Agricultural Improvement; and Therapeutic Conclusion
Innovation. • Nanotechnology in India is promising. Research,
• Risk of Gene modulation development, and applications could revolutionise
o Off - Target Effects: Gene modulation healthcare, electronics, energy, and materials.
techniques can sometimes target genes that are India's devotion to this subject fosters innovation,
not the intended target. economic progress, and social benefits.
o Gene escape: Modified genes could escape from
the laboratory and into the environment. RICE FORTIFICATION
o Other issues involve: Ethical considerations; • Fortifying rice is a supplementary way to improve
Unintended consequences, and negative diets, according to the Food Ministry. Fortified rice
ecological impacts. meets FSSAI requirements for key elements per
NANO-TECHNOLOGY • Significance of Rice Fortification:


o Billions of people worldwide rely on rice. These Risks of GM Crops

include iron (28–42.5 milligrams), folic acid • Allergic Reactions; There is a risk that genes from
(75–125 micrograms), and vitamin B-12 (0.75– GM crops could transfer to other organisms; and
1.25 micrograms). Ethical concerns
o Zinc, Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, and B6 can be added • GM crops may assist agriculture. They boost crop
to rice. Fortification addresses nutritional productivity, disease resistance, and nutrition.
deficits and improves health.
• Types of Rice Fortification: Dry Milling, Wet GM MUSTARD
Milling, and In-Line Fortification.
• Genetically modified mustard has desired features.
• Benefits of rice fortification: Improved Nutritional These features may include tolerance to herbicides,
Value of Rice; Reduced Risk of Micronutrient pests, diseases, or increased nutrition.
Deficiencies; improved public health; Cost-Effective
• The barnase-barstar technique permits hybrids to
Solution; Sustainable intervention.
be created from a larger range of mustard species,
• Challenges of Rice Fortification: Consumers may including East European varieties like 'Heera' and
not be willing to accept fortified rice; Technical 'Donskaja.'
Feasibility; Fortification adds additional expenses to
• Benefits: Increased Yield; Pest Resistance;
rice production; Infrastructure and Supply Chain
Improved Nutritional Profile; Weed Management,
and Agricultural Efficiency.
• The future of rice fortification: Improved
• Challenges: Delayed Regulatory Approval; potential
Nutritional Value; Addressing Micronutrient
for gene flow from GM mustard to related wild or
Deficiencies; Increased Accessibility; Technological
weedy species, which may harm biodiversity;
Advances; Policy and Regulatory Support; and
increased dependence on seed companies; and long-
Consumer Acceptance.
term ecological and health effects.
• Conclusion: Rice fortification is a cost-effective and
• Conclusion: GM mustard could boost crop yields
complementary Food Ministry technique to improve
and reduce imports. Due to environmental and
diets. Iron, folic acid, Vitamin B-12, and other
farmer concerns, its approval and adoption in India
micronutrients are added to prevent deficiencies
are controversial.
and improve health.
Additional Information
Gene Flow, Barnase-Barstar, Herbicide Resistant,
• All nations should fortify rice, according to the WHO.
• UNICEF's "Fortify Rice" programme fortifies rice in
underdeveloped nations.
• The Prime Minister fortified rice during his
Independence Day speech. Food irradiation is a process that uses ionising radiation
• Rice fortification will cost the Indian government Rs. to kill microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and
2,700 crore every year. parasites. Ionising radiation is a type of energy that can
damage the DNA of microorganisms, making them
Keywords unable to reproduce.
Fortification, sustainable intervention, dry and wet
milling, Working of Food Irradiation
• Gamma, X-ray, or electron beams irradiate food.
Irradiators create these sources.
• The radiation source passes through the food in a
GM crops are genetically modified crops. This can boost chamber.
crop output, nutrition, and pest and disease resistance. • The food's radiation exposure depends on the type,
level of safety, and radiation source.
Use of Variety Techniques for GM Crops
• Recombinant DNA Technology; Gene Gun, and Benefits of Food Irradiation
Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation. • Ensure Food Safety and increase shelf life of
• The first GM crop was commercialised in 1996. perishables; effectively control insects, pests, and
• There are now over 200 GM crops grown in more their eggs; Preservation of Nutritional Quality;
than 25 countries. Irradiation meets quarantine requirements and
• The most common GM crops are soybeans, corn, and reduces the risk of pests or diseases in
cotton. imported/exported food goods, enabling
international trade.
Benefits of GM Crops
• Increased Crop Yields; Reduced Pesticide Use; Risks of Food Irradiation
Enhanced Nutritional Value; and Improved Crop

• Potential Nutrient Loss; Formation of Harmful By- agreements; and it publishes data in a variety of
products; Allergen Stability; Negative perception of journals and databases.
consumers; and Regulatory compliance • Benefits of IBDC: Access to Data; Data Sharing; and
Data quality.
Food irradiation holds promise for food safety and • Challenges of IBDC: Difficulty in Data Collection;
preservation. It reduces infections, prolongs shelf life, Improper data curation; and limited data access.
and prevents spoiling.
The Indian Biological Data Bank could boost scientific
BIO-DECOMPOSERS research and healthcare in India. Compiling and
• Bio decomposers breakdown organic materials. analysing biological data can improve understanding,
They're detritivores or decomposers. Bio enable personalised therapy, and progress illness
decomposers recycle nutrients and reduce trash. diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
• Bio decomposer types: Bacteria based and Fungi
based. Keywords
• Working of Bio decomposers Regional Centre for Biotechnology, National Network of
o Biodecomposers break down dead plants and Biological Data Centres, Metagenomic Data, Metabolomic
animals into simpler chemicals. Data, Data Collection, Data Access, Data Accessibility.
o They include bacteria, fungus, and other
organic-feeding microbes. CAR–T CELL THERAPY
o Enzymes from biodecomposers break down • CAR-T cell therapy uses genetically engineered T
complicated compounds. cells to fight cancer.
o Decomposers consume these smaller units for • Working of CAR – T Cell Therapy: The patient's
development and metabolism. blood T cells are extracted and modified with a CAR.
o Biodecomposers recycle nutrients back into the This designed CAR protein binds to a specific protein
environment and preserve soil fertility through on cancer cells, signalling the T cell to kill them.
decomposition. • Process of CAR – T Cell Therapy
• Benefits of Biodecomposers: Recycle nutrients, o T Cell Collection: Apheresis removes T cells
Prevent pollution, and Improve soil Health. from the patient's blood. Blood cells and plasma
• Challenges: Lack of awareness and acceptance; a are separated during apheresis.
difficult regulatory framework; questions on o Engineering T Cells: T cells are genetically
efficiency and effectiveness; scalability; and modified with CARs. Cancer cells have a protein
economic viability are questionable that binds to the CAR.
• Conclusion: Bio-decomposers could improve trash o CAR binding to the cancer cell signals the T
management and sustainability. These natural cell to kill it.
chemicals promote organic material degradation. • Benefits of CAR – T Cell Therapy: shown to be
Bio-decomposers can help create a cleaner future by effective in treating a variety of cancers, including
reducing landfill trash and hazardous emissions. leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma.
• Risks of CAR – T cell therapy
Keywords o Cytokine release syndrome: can cause fever,
Bio Decomposer, Bacteria, Fungi, Scalability, Economic chills, headache, muscle pain, and shortness of
Viability. breath.
o Neurotoxicity: can affect the brain and nervous
• India's IBDC stores life science data. The DBT o Graft-versus-host Disease: a side effect that
founded it in 2016 at the Regional Centre for can occur when CAR – T cells attack healthy cells
Biotechnology (RCB) in Faridabad, Haryana. in the body.
• The DBT-developed National Network of Biological • Future of CAR – T Cell Therapy: Cancer
Data Centres (NNBDC) includes IBDC. Treatment; Clinical Research; advancements in
manufacturing techniques and can form
• Purpose of IBDC: IBDC collects, stores, and
combination drugs.
distributes Indian publicly sponsored life science
data; To support life sciences research and
innovation, IBDC will share this data with Indian and BIO-COMPUTER
international researchers. Biocomputers use DNA, proteins, or cells to compute.
• IBDC Collects a Variety of Life Science Data: Like Biocomputers could revolutionise computing, even
Genomic data; Proteomic data; Metagenomic data; though they are still in development.
Metabolic data; environmental data.
• IBDC Data Available: The IBDC web portal provides Benefits of Biocomputers
access to a variety of data; IBDC has data sharing • Biocomputers can perform computations much
faster than traditional computers.

• Biocomputers are more energy efficient than • Conclusion: Viral integration involves inserting
traditional computers; can be scaled up to much viral genetic material into the host's DNA. Future
larger sizes; and are much more secure than research on viral infections, genetic engineering, and
traditional computers. therapeutic interventions must understand viral
integration mechanisms and their effects.
Challenges of Biocomputers
• Biocomputers are much more complex; less reliable Keywords
than traditional computers; difficult to develop and Genetic material, Human immunodeficiency virus,
market, and can be used to diagnose diseases, design Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis C virus, Human
new drugs, monitor environmental conditions; and papillomavirus, Epstein-Barr virus.
develop new defence systems.
Student’s Note:
Using biological components for computation, bio-
computers are promising. Bio-computers could
revolutionise medicine, environmental monitoring, and
data analysis with their high-speed, low-energy
processing and unique capacities.


• Pharmaceutical and medical applications use
lengthy, chain-like polyethylene glycol (PEG). PEG-
10 is PEG. PEG-10 is a 10-monomer PEG.
• PEG-10 in Genetic Delivery Systems: It is a type of
gene therapy vector. Gene therapy vectors are used
to deliver genes to cells.
• Benefits of PEG-10 genetic delivery systems
o PEG-10 does not cause an immune response
since it is non-immunogenic. The body is less
prone to reject them.
o Animal studies demonstrate its gene delivery
• Challenges of PEG-10 Genetic Delivery Systems:
o is expensive and not yet approved for human
o PEG is used in medications, cosmetics, and
industrial operations. Its solubilizer, lubricant,
and stabiliser qualities make it a desirable
element, and its future potential resides in
developments across various sectors.

• A virus integrates into a host cell's DNA. The virus
replicates and spreads.
• Working of Viral Integration
o The virus adheres to the host cell. After
attaching, it injects genetic material into the
o The host cell's DNA incorporates viral DNA.
• Consequences of viral integration: It can vary
depending on the virus and the host cell; can lead to
the death of the host cell, and in other cases, viral
integration can lead to the development of cancer.
• We can prevent Viral Integration through
Vaccination, antibody therapy; protease inhibitors,
and use of integrase inhibitors.
• Future potential of Viral Integration: it can be
used for the development of new drugs and better
understanding of host pathogen relation.


• Various components under it: Neural Networks;

3. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Shallow Neural Networks; Deep Neural Networks;
Convolutional Neural Networks; and Recurrent
• 5G, the latest cellular technology, promises faster • Challenges of Deep Learning: Data Requirements;
speeds, lower latency, and higher capacity. It will Computational Requirements; and Overfitting.
revolutionise communication, connection, and new • Future of Deep Learning: Continued
applications across sectors. Advancements; Enhanced Performance;
• Improvement in 5G: Faster speeds, lower latency; Interdisciplinary Applications; Explainable AI and
Enhanced connectivity, innovation, economic Integration with Other Technologies.
growth, and more capacity.
• Working of 5G Deep learning can transform several sectors. In the
o 5G and 4G LTE use separate frequencies. 5G future, deep learning technology will be used in more
employs higher-frequency millimetre waves astonishing ways.
than 4G LTE.
o Millimetre waves are shorter but quicker and Keywords
have lower latency. Image recognition, Natural language processing, Speech
• Challenges of 5G: Infrastructure requirements; recognition, Machine translation, medical diagnosis,
Spectrum availability; Security concerns; financial trading, Self-driving cars.
Interoperability; Regulatory and policy
considerations. BHARAT 6G MISSION
• Future of 5G: Enhanced Connectivity; Internet of The "Bharat 6G Mission" aims to upgrade India's
Things (IoT) Expansion; Edge Computing; Industry telecommunications technology. To satisfy future
Transformation and Innovation; and Economic communication needs and boost India's digital
Growth. capabilities, it develops 6G network infrastructure,
• Application of 5G: High-speed mobile broadband; research, and innovation.
Real-time gaming and virtual reality; Smart cities;
and the Internet of Things. About Mission
• It will develop and deploy 6G mobile
Additional Information telecommunications technologies.
• 5G uses MIMO (Multiple-input, Multiple-Output) • The purpose is to make India a 6G technology leader
technology to transmit and receive data and provide access to the newest mobile
concurrently, increasing network capacity and telecommunications technology.
spectral efficiency.
• Small cells boost coverage and capacity in dense Objectives of Bharat 6G Mission
regions, improving data transfer rates and latency. • To make India a global leader in 6G technology; To
• 5G uses millimetre wave (mmWave) frequencies provide India with cutting-edge mobile telecoms
for higher bandwidth and data rates but shorter technologies; To promote economic growth and
range, requiring more tiny cells for coverage. development; and to create jobs and opportunities
• Network slicing divides a physical 5G network in the 6G ecosystem.
into numerous virtual networks to meet various
service requirements for performance, security, and Key Features of Bharat 6G
capacity. • Ultra-high Speeds; Ultra-low latency; Massive
• 5G's ultra-low latency makes autonomous connectivity; and Enhanced security
vehicles, remote surgery, and immersive
augmented reality possible. Challenges of Bharat 6G
• Technology challenges; Economic challenges;
Keywords Regulatory challenges.
Frequency, Enhanced Connectivity, Economic Growth,
Security concerns, Spectrum availability, High-speed Conclusion
mobile broadband, Ultra-low latency. • India could lead 6G technology through the Bharat
6G Mission. The mission is difficult, but the Indian
DEEP LEARNING government is determined to succeed.
• Deep learning uses neural networks to learn from
data. These neural networks, inspired by the human Keywords
brain, can identify complex data patterns that typical Mobile Telecommunications Technology, Real-Time
machine learning algorithms may struggle to Applications.


VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK (VPN) minimising its threats, criminal activity and online safety
must be addressed.
VPN technology allows safe, private internet
communication. It secures data between the user's
device and the VPN server by encrypting it.
Dark Web, illicit activities, Anonymity, Privacy
Protection, Lack of Trust.
Types of VPN
• Remote Access VPN; Site-to-Site VPN; SSL/TLS VPN;
and Mobile VPN. 4D PRINTING
4D printing creates items that change shape in response
Various Applications of VPNs to heat, light, or moisture. It adds time to 3D printing,
• Enhanced Security; Remote Work; VPNs can allowing objects to change after printing.
bypass geographical restrictions and censorship
by masking the user's IP address; hide the user's IP Principles for 4D Printing:
address and encrypt internet traffic; VPNs are • 4D printing relies on clever, shape-memory
commonly used for secure and anonymous materials.
torrenting and file sharing; and can reduce latency • These materials can remember and change shape
and improve gaming performance by connecting to when triggered.
gaming servers in different regions. • These materials allow controlled shape changes in
3D printed things.
• VPNs provide secure and private communication Potential applications of 4D printing:
over public networks. With different types catering
to various needs, VPNs find applications in remote Biomedical It can create adaptive medical devices
work, content access, anonymity, security, and Field like implants and prosthetics that
more. grow with the body, revolutionising
DARKNET Architecture Create dynamic buildings, adaptive
The Darknet, often known as the Dark Web, is and facades, or infrastructure.
purposefully concealed from search engines. It uses Construction
overlay networks and requires specific software, setups, Aerospace Manufacturing of lightweight and
or authorization. The Darknet has benefits and and Defence shape-changing components for
drawbacks, despite its reputation for illegal activity. aircraft or spacecraft.
Fashion and Creation of customizable and shape-
Benefits of the Darknet Textiles shifting garments, shoes, or
• It allows users to maintain a high level of anonymity accessories.
and privacy; Free Expression and Whistleblowing; It Consumer It can be used to develop self-
can be utilized to safeguard personal information Goods assembling furniture, toys, or home
from potential data breaches. appliances that adapt to user
Challenges of the Darknet Robotics and 4D printing can enhance the
• The Darknet has become notorious for facilitating Automation capabilities of robots by enabling them
illegal activities; Due to the anonymity of the to change their shape or perform
Darknet, users often face difficulties in determining complex tasks.
authenticity and reliability; Child Exploitation and
Pornography; Malware and Cyber Threats; Stigma 4D printing's flexible and dynamic characteristics can
and Public Perception. alter several industries, even though it's still in
Way Forward
• Strengthen Law Enforcement; Improve Technology FACIAL RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY (FRT)
and Tools; Develop robust algorithms for data Facial Recognition Technology is a biometric
analysis and pattern recognition; raise public technology that uses algorithms to identify and
awareness and Education; collaborate with authenticate individuals based on their unique facial
Technology Companies; International Cooperation features.
and Regulation.
Applications of Facial Recognition Technology (FRT)
While the Darknet offers anonymity and privacy, its • Security and Surveillance; can contribute to the
challenges and link with unlawful activity cannot be development of smart cities by enabling traffic
disregarded. To maximise the Darknet's benefits while monitoring, crowd management, and public safety
initiatives; can assist in patient identification,

ensuring accurate medical record matching; blocks of transactions in PoS. Block validators receive
personalised advertisements, tailored bitcoin.
recommendations, or customised services;
• Facial recognition technology can expedite the Features of PoS
processing of travellers at airports and border • more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly
checkpoints. alternative to Proof of Work (PoW).
• Retailers can utilize facial recognition to analyse • PoS outstrips PoW. PoS can process more
customer demographics, behavior, and emotions in transactions per second without miners solving
real-time. complicated mathematical issues.
• Facial recognition technologies will improve • PoS is ideal for high-transaction blockchain
Augmented Reality (AR), healthcare diagnostics, networks like DeFi and NFTs.
mental health emotion identification, and
personalised education may use the technology as it Working of Proof of Stake
Validate Blocks Validators must stake
Keywords cryptocurrency.
Biometric Technology, Smart Cities, Identity Verification. A random number generator chooses
Validator a staker validator for each new block.
RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION The specified validator validates and
• RFID passively tracks and matches things and adds the block to the blockchain.
people. The validator receives
• Tags and Readers comprise the system. Readers Reward cryptocurrency for validating the
send and receive RFID signals. block.
• RFID tags communicate through radio waves. This method encourages honest
Incentives block validation.
• Tags can be read several feet away without line-of-
Validators lose their stake if they
cheat or assault the network.
Ammunition Stock
• The Indian Army Ordnance Services Directorate and • Advantages of Proof of Stake: Energy Efficiency,
Munitions India Limited (MIL), Pune, implemented Scalability; and Security.
RFID asset tracking. • Disadvantages of Proof of Stake: PoS can lead to
• After OFB corporatization, MIL was created. GS-1 centralization of the network; PoS is not as secure as
PoW against 51% attacks.
India helped create the RFID tagging method to
worldwide standards.
• GS-1 India is a Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Global Standards organisation. RFID tags will track • PoS could replace PoW. PoS is more energy-efficient,
Indian Army assets. scalable, and secure than PoW. PoS has drawbacks
like centralization and security issues.
• Revolutionise the management of ammunition; GENERATIVE AI
storage and utilisation of ammunition by soldiers Generative AI creates visuals, text, and music. Generative
will become safer; leading to increased efficiency in AI, a new field, could transform several sectors.
all technical activities and help minimize inventory
carrying costs. Generative AI is already being used in a variety of
RFID has great future potential. Supply chain • Generative AI can be used to create realistic images
management, logistics, and inventory tracking gain from of people, places, and things. This technology is
its use. RFID technology may provide real-time data, being used to create new forms of art,
improve operational efficiency, and increase security, • Can be used to create realistic text, Like News
revolutionising asset management. articles, Blog posts, and even poems.
• Can be used to create new music, such as songs,
Keywords melodies, and even entire albums.
Line-of-sight, Munitions India Limited, and Ordnance • Used to create new forms of medical treatments,
Factories Board. such as drugs, treatments, and even entire medical
PROOF OF STAKE (POS) • Used to create new forms of marketing materials,
Proof of Stake (PoS) validates transactions and secures such as ads, brochures, and even entire campaigns.
blockchain networks. Staking cryptocurrency validates


Challenges of Generative AI About Chatbots

• Bias: Generative AI models can generate biased • Chatbots can tell stories and play games.
content. Generative AI models are trained using • Chatbots use NLP to interpret human language.
human-created data, which can be biased. • NLP studies computer-human language interaction.
• Generative AI models can create copyrighted or NLP helps chatbots understand human language and
trademarked content. provide suitable responses.
• Security: Generative AI can develop deceptive • Chatbots have many advantages over traditional
content. This bogus content could propagate customer support channels, making them popular.
misinformation, perpetrate fraud, or damage • Chatbots can handle several chats 24/7. Businesses
reputations. and organisations can also customize chatbots.

Conclusion Chat-GPT and Google Bard

• Generative AI can transform several sectors. • Chat-GPT, trained on a vast dataset of text and
Generative AI also faces some issues. As generative code, can generate text, translate languages, write
AI technology advances, we may expect more innovative content, and answer your queries.
amazing uses. • Google Bard, trained on a vast dataset of text and
code, can generate text, translate languages, write
Keywords creative material, and answer queries.
Image generation, Music generation, Education, and • Chat-GPT and Google Bard are versatile chatbots.
healthcare Both chatbots have some important differences.
Google Bard answers queries, while Chat-GPT
On February 15-16, 2023, The Hague hosted the Applications of Chat Bots
Responsible AI in the Military Domain (REAIM) summit. • Customer service; Sales; Marketing; provide
South Korea co-hosted the summit with the Dutch tutoring, answer questions, and deliver lectures;
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defence. used to play games, tell stories, and provide
• The REAIM summit raised awareness of military AI Challenges of Chat Bots
opportunities and difficulties. • They struggle to maintain context and coherence in
• To develop military AI technologies responsibly, the conversations; Chatbots have knowledge limitations;
summit encouraged stakeholder cooperation. lacking Emotional Intelligence and Chatbots can
struggle in gracefully handling errors or
Challenges misunderstandings.
• Issues of Ethical Decision-Making; Difficulties in
Human-Machine Interaction; Bias and Conclusion
Discrimination; Security and Robustness; Strategic • Chatbots are versatile tools. Chatbots confront
Implications; It is difficult to ensure Transparency accuracy, consistency, and security issues. As
and Explainability from an AI system. chatbot technology develops, these concerns must
be addressed to ensure safe and successful use.
Recommendations of REAIM
• Create international military AI standards; Develop QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY
and use AI systems transparently; Avoid prejudice in Quantum mechanics describes atomic and subatomic
AI; Guard AI data; Responsiblely build military AI. matter and energy. Quantum mechanics underpins the
fast-growing field of quantum technology.
• The REAIM summit discussed military AI prospects Uses of Quantum technology
and problems. The meeting also demonstrated a
growing international consensus on military AI Cryptography Could be used to develop new
responsibility. encryption methods
Computing Quantum computers could be used to
Keywords solve problems that are impossible
Ethical Decision-Making, Human-Machine Interaction, for conventional computers
Security and Robustness Communication Quantum communication could be
used to develop new communication
CHATBOTS networks
Chatbots mimic human speech. Customer service Metrology Used to develop new sensors that are
chatbots answer queries and provide support. more accurate and sensitive


Healthcare Used to develop new medical National The public-private NQI will
treatments Quantum support responsible
Initiative quantum technology
Quantum Computing development and
• Quantum computations employ quantum mechanics. application.
Quantum computers are powerful and can tackle
issues that regular computers cannot. Progress of National Quantum Mission
• Since 2022, the NQM has advanced. Quantum
Potential of Quantum Computers technology development and adoption are
• In the fields of cryptography, Drug discovery; addressed by several NQCO working groups.
Materials science; and Finance. • The NQI grants research centres and facilities, and
the NQE programme trains quantum scientists and
Quantum Communication engineers.
• Quantum communication transmits information
using quantum physics. Challenges of National Quantum Mission
• Quantum communication is faster and safer. • Quantum technology is very complex; very
expensive; difficult to scale up; High Hardware
Quantum Metrology Requirements; Limited Availability of Quantum
• Quantum metrology measures physical quantities Resources.
using quantum mechanics.
• Quantum metrology can measure quantities that Conclusion
regular metrology cannot, and it is more accurate • The NQM is a huge project with many obstacles.
and sensitive. NQM could transform several sectors. The NQM is
crucial to the US's future, hence it must succeed.
Quantum healthcare
• Quantum healthcare employs quantum mechanics to VIRTUAL REALITY (VR)
produce new healthcare technology. • VR is a user-interactive computer simulation of a
• Quantum medicine could change disease diagnosis three-dimensional environment. VR headsets can be
and treatment. used for gaming, education, and training.
• Application of Virtual Reality: Provide immersive
Challenges of Quantum Technology experiences; Improve education and VR could be
• Quantum technology is very complex; very used to train employees by providing them with
expensive; difficult to scale up; High Hardware realistic and safe training environments.
Requirements; Limited Availability of Quantum
Conclusion • Augmented reality (AR) overlays a computer-
• Quantum technology is quickly evolving and might generated image on a user's real-world view. AR
transform several sectors. Quantum technology may headsets simulate digital features placed in reality.
revolutionise the planet despite its challenges.
Application of Augmented Reality
• AR could be used to provide users with information
about their surroundings, improve productivity; and
• The Ministry of Science & Technology has given the provide entertainment by creating interactive
DST a pioneering mission from 2023 to 2031. experiences.

Components of National Quantum Mission Comparison between Virtual Reality and Augmented
The National Responsible for coordinating • VR and AR offer the sensation of being somewhere
Quantum the NQM and ensuring that it else, but in different ways. AR headsets let users see
Coordination is aligned with the national the actual world, while VR headsets filter it out.
Office interest. • VR works best for immersive applications. VR is
The National The NQI is a network of great for gaming and training.
Quantum quantum research centres • AR is superior for applications that require users to
Infrastructure and facilities. see the real world while engaging with digital
National The NQE programme is a elements. AR is great for information and
Quantum training programme that productivity.
Education will prepare the next
Programme generation of quantum Challenges of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

• VR and AR headsets are still relatively expensive; Applications of Digital Twin

they require powerful hardware to run the software,
and Some people experience motion sickness when Manufacturing Used to monitor and optimise the
using VR and AR headsets. performance of manufacturing
Conclusion Transportation Used to predict traffic congestion and
• VR and AR could transform many sectors. VR and AR simulate different transportation
are developing quickly. VR and AR may become scenarios.
more affordable, accessible, and popular as Energy Used to predict power outages and
technology improves. simulate different energy scenarios.
Healthcare Used to predict patient outcomes and
METAVERSE simulate different healthcare
VR and AR enable the metaverse, a hypothetical internet scenarios.
that is a single, immersive virtual universe. In the
metaverse, users can engage with each other and digital Challenges of Digital Twin
content is more immersively than online. • The accuracy of the data used to create the digital
twin is critical; accuracy of the algorithms;
Application of Metaverse: In Gaming, Education, and scalability, cybersecurity threats; Interoperability.
Components of Metaverse • Digital twins could transform many sectors. Before
• Hardware: VR headsets and AR glasses are needed becoming a reality, digital twins must overcome
to realise the metaverse. several obstacles.
• Virtual worlds and apps: The metaverse will
demand new software. Keywords
• Infrastructure: The metaverse's massive data Digital twin, revolutionise, interoperability, interface,
generation will require new infrastructure, like high- algorithm, scalability.
speed internet.
• Standards: The metaverse will require new WEB 1.0 VS WEB 2.0 VS WEB 3.0 VS WEB 4.0 VS
standards to assure device and application WEB 5.0
WEB 1.0 WEB 2.0 WEB 3.0
Challenges of Metaverse Static websites Web 2.0 AI and
• High cost; cutting edge technology is needed; a provide websites let decentralised
proper regulation regime is required; and a lack of information users produce technologies have
wide acceptance. without user and share made the web
participation. content, more intelligent
Conclusion Early Wikipedia boosting user and personalised.
• The metaverse has the potential to change how we was an expert- interactivity. Community-
use the internet, but it must first overcome certain created website. Facebook, created websites
obstacles. Twitter, and provide users
YouTube are more data
DIGITAL TWIN examples. control.
A digital twin is a virtual copy of something physical. It is
a real-time data model of the actual object or system. Development of Web 3.0
Digital twins can track, analyse, and improve physical • Blockchain: Blockchain offers safe, transparent, and
systems. They forecast faults and simulate scenarios. tamper-proof transactions. Decentralised
applications (dApps) are created using blockchain.
Components of Digital Twin • AI: AI enhances web experiences. AI may
• Data: It uses real-time data from the physical object recommend information, personalise search results,
or system. and translate languages.
• Data analysis and insights: Algorithms can • Decentralised storage: A network of uncontrolled
monitor physical object or system performance, computers stores data. Decentralised storage
forecast faults, and simulate different scenarios. helps prevent data filtering and hacking.
• Interface: The interface can be used to monitor the
physical object or system, troubleshoot, and alter Development of Web 4.0
the model. • Through Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR).
• Semantic Web: Web 4.0 emphasises a semantic web
that can read and interpret data, improving search

results, information retrieval, and knowledge Challenges

discovery. • The gaming industry is not yet fully regulated in
• Web 4.0 predicts faster and more dependable India; target for fraud and scams; can be addictive;
internet access, enabling seamless device vulnerable to hacking, identity theft; and spending
communication and data transfer. excessive time gaming online can lead to social
• Personalization and Contextualization: It uses isolation.
user preferences, location data, and other contextual
information to adapt content and services. Steps Taken by Government Online Gaming
• The Ministry of Electronics and Information
Development of Web 5.0 Technology (MeitY) formed an inter-ministerial task
• Web 5.0 proponents and sovereign governments force.
may clash if a decentralised platform is introduced. • MeitY has been designated as the nodal ministry
• Giving a digital platform such autonomy is unclear responsible for regulating online gaming.
and may require serious analysis and negotiation • The task force proposed the establishment of a
between the stakeholders. central regulatory body.
• Defining Games of Skill and chance.
Its operational methods, control, and governance are • The Union Ministry of Finance announced a 28%
unknown. Who will run the platform and how will it GST on internet gaming in December 2022.
protect women and children? These uncertainties
emphasise the necessity for thorough planning and user Way forward
safety. • Prioritise the well-being of players; Enforce age
restrictions; Inclusive and Diverse Gaming; strict
EDGE COMPUTING AND INTERNET OF THINGS measures to combat harassment, toxic behaviour;
(IOT) Provide effective parental control; Foster the growth
• Edge computing moves computation and data of esports by organizing professional leagues;
storage closer to the data source at the network's Embrace emerging technologies.
edge. This boosts performance, latency, and security.
• IoT is the network of physical items with sensors, Conclusion
software, and network connectivity that collect and • The government's proactive regulation of online
share data. IoT devices can collect environmental gaming shows its dedication to player and industry
data, regulate physical processes, and communicate security and transparency. Online gaming may
with humans. thrive legally and ethically with a central regulatory
agency, clear definitions, and necessary legislation.
Benefits of Using Edge Computing and IoT
• Improved performance; Reduced latency; Increased Keywords
security. Virtual reality, augmented reality, online games, and e-
Examples of the Use of Edge computing and IoT
• Self-driving Cars; Industrial Automation; Edge The Fourth Industrial Revolution is rapidly changing our
computing is used to collect data from sensors in lives, work, and communication. AI, robotics, IoT, and big
smart cities. This data is used to monitor traffic, data are driving the change.
manage energy usage, and provide other services.
Features of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Conclusion • Convergence of Technologies; Digitization of the
• Edge computing and the IoT will enable real-time Economy; Automation of Tasks; Rise of New
data processing, efficiency, and a new generation of Business Models.
smart gadgets.
Benefits of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
ONLINE GAMING • Increased Productivity; Improved Decision-Making;
Online gaming is predicted to reach $180.3 billion by New Products and Services; Improved Healthcare,
2023. Indian online gambling is predicted to reach $11.8 and Sustainable Development.
billion by 2023.
Challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Factors for Growth in Online Gaming • Job displacement can exacerbate the digital divide;
• The availability of high-speed internet is increasing, and security risks.
along with the growing popularity of smartphones
and tablets. Complex and fast-changing, the Fourth Industrial
Revolution. Revolutionary effects are still unknown. The


revolution is clearly affecting corporations, • The Information Technology Act, 2000 addresses
governments, and societies. some cybercrimes.
• This law and the Information Technology
Keywords Intermediary Guidelines (Amendment) Rules, 2018
Digitalization, digital divide, automation, convergence, are insufficient to address content manipulation on
and digital infrastructure digital platforms.
• The requirements require intermediate companies
NATIONAL INTERNET EXCHANGE OF INDIA to remove illicit content responsibly.
The National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) is a non- • Social media businesses pledged to prevent election
profit company founded under Section 25 of the breaches.
Companies Act, 1956 (currently section 8 under • The Election Commission established social media
Companies Act 2013) to develop internet services in campaign guidelines.
The University of Washington-Microsoft workshop
About on deep fakes highlighted six themes:
• NIXI, registered on June 19, 2003, helps peer ISPs, 1. Deepfakes must be contextualised inside
content players, and other organisations with AS malevolent manipulated media, computational
numbers exchange domestic internet traffic. propaganda, and misinformation efforts.
• Using Indian servers minimises the likelihood of 2. Deepfakes create multifaceted problems that
NSA and GCHQ intercepting Indian data. require a collaborative, multi-stakeholder response
• Since 2005, NIXI has developed INRegistry (.IN) from specialists in all fields.
and managed the country's National Internet 3. Journalists require training and resources to
Register, allocating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and analyse photos, video, and audio.
autonomous system numbers to its affiliates. 4. Detecting deep fakes is hard.
5. Deepfakes endanger society, the economy,
Activities of NIXI culture, individuals, and communities.
• Facilitating Exchange of Domestic Internet Traffic; 6. Any real proof that can be disproven is a huge issue.
Managing the .IN domain; Managing the National
Internet Registry. Deep Fakes can propagate misinformation and
modify digital content, making them a major issue today.
Benefits AI-backed tools and detection approaches must evolve
• Reduced Latency; Improved Quality of Service; alongside deep fakes as technology improves.
Increased Reliability; Cost savings.
Challenges Worldcoin users are verified via iris scans. Worldcoin,
• Ensuring robust and reliable connectivity among founded by former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, aspires to
ISPs; robust infrastructure; Security issues; Policy develop an accessible worldwide financial network.
and Regulation; Stakeholder Collaboration;
Scalability and International Connectivity. Features of Worldcoin
• Worldcoin uses iris scans to verify the identity of its
Despite these problems, NIXI has grown and helped the users. It aims to make its cryptocurrency accessible
Indian internet flourish. As India's internet demand to everyone and is Privacy-focused.
grows, NIXI is well-positioned to grow.
Working of Worldcoin
DEEP FAKES • Worldcoin works by scanning users' irises with a
Deep Fakes are AI-manipulated films or visuals. handheld gadget called a Worldcoin Orb, which
Synthesised media can convincingly portray people employs infrared light to take a high-resolution
saying or doing things they never did. image.
• The scan becomes a Worldcoin blockchain identifier.
About • Worldcoin tokens can be spent on goods and
• Deepfakes are realistic artificial media including services or invested in the project.
photos, audio, and video that manipulate or • Users will receive 10 billion tokens, with 80% going
manufacture information showing people saying and to underdeveloped nations.
doing things they never did.
• Deep Fakes concern misinformation, privacy Challenges
infringement, and malevolent use in politics and • Worldcoin uses iris scans, which privacy advocates
entertainment. warn might be used to track or identify users
without their agreement.
Legal provision in India

• Investing in Worldcoin is risky because the idea is • Many digital wallets support NFTs. MetaMask, Trust,
very young. and Coinbase wallets are popular.
• Some of the most popular platforms include
VIRTUAL DIGITAL ASSETS (VDAS) OpenSea, Rarible, and Foundation.
Virtual digital assets (VDAs) are non-government-issued
digital or electronic representations of value. VDAs can Benefits of investing in NFTs
be used to pay, buy, or invest. • Ownership and Authenticity; Creative Monetization;
Fractional Ownership; Smart Contracts and
India's Approach: In 2022, the Indian government Royalties; Interoperability and Cross-platform
taxed VDA income at 30% and suggested a VDA trading Integration; Enhanced Collectability and scarcity.
and issuance law.
Risks of investing in NFTs
Advantages • NFTs can lose value quickly.
• First, it will integrate VDAs into the banking system. • NFTs are unregulated and new. Fraud and scams are
• Second, it will safeguard investors from scams. possible.
• Third, it will prohibit money laundering and
terrorist financing using VDAs. Conclusion
• NFTs will revolutionise ownership and value
Challenges facing India representation, enabling digital asset ownership,
• India's regulatory framework for virtual digital authenticity verification, and new prospects in art,
assets (VDAs) is a major issue. VDA legal status and gaming, and collectibles.
taxation are unclear without thorough guidelines.
• VDAs are prone to cyberattacks, fraud, and DRAFT NATIONAL DATA GOVERNANCE
hacking. India must create strong VDA security to FRAMEWORK POLICY
protect individuals and organisations. Indian government institutions collect non-personal and
• VDA volatility can threaten financial stability. anonymised data for the Indian Datasets programme.
• Price volatility and speculative trading can disrupt Startups and Indian researchers would be encouraged to
India's financial markets and cause economic use private company data.
• VDA investor protection is essential. Application
• Technological Infrastructure: VDAs require strong • Once authorised, the regulation will include all
internet connectivity and safe digital platforms. Central government departments, non-personal
India requires better infrastructure to meet VDA datasets, and start-up and researcher access
demand. standards.
• AML/KYC Compliance: The VDA ecosystem has • State governments are encouraged to follow the
AML and KYC compliance issues. Tracking and policy, but they are not required to.
verifying transactions and identities reduces
money laundering and other threats. Provisions
• Consumer Awareness: VDA education is essential. • The report proposes the India Data Management
Due of ignorance, many fall for scams. Office (IDMO) to create and operate the India
Datasets platform.
Conclusion • Any entity sharing non-personal data must use
• India's growing regulation of virtual asset service IDMO-authorized platforms for safety and trust.
providers (VDAs) is a good start, but it still faces • The revised draught removes the problematic
several problems. India can create a regulatory element that permitted Central level data to be sold
framework to foster the VDA business while on the open market.
safeguarding investors and deterring illegal usage of • This omission emphasises data privacy by
VDAs with time and effort. prohibiting government data commercialization.


A blockchain-stored NFT is unique. NFTs represent art, • The New National Data Governance Framework
collectibles, and in-game goods. They're traded with Policy can become a complete and effective
cryptocurrencies and have volatile values. framework that protects data, privacy, and
responsible data use while promoting innovation
Value of NFTs and economic prosperity.
• Unique and uncopyable NFTs are precious.
Collectors value them as digital asset ownership
tokens. NFTs can represent property ownership.


nuclei to start nuclear fusion. The nuclei merge to

4. NON CONVENTION SOURCES OF generate a new one.
ENERGY • The new nucleus is lighter than the old nuclei. E =
mc^2 turns this mass difference into energy.
Benefits of fusion energy
• The AERB established India's nuclear energy • Abundant Energy; Environmental Friendliness;
initiative in the 1950s. The AERB oversees peaceful Safety; Resource Availability.
nuclear energy use in India.
• Objective: To meet India's expanding energy needs, Challenges of Fusion energy
reduce its oil dependence, boost economic growth, • Temperature and Containment; Plasma Stability;
and improve Indians' quality of life. Energy Balance; Materials and Component Lifespan;
• Current India Status: 22 nuclear reactors in India Cost and Scalability; Waste Management.
generate 6,780 MW. By 2032, the country wants to
develop 50 nuclear power reactors, increasing Conclusion
capacity to 63,000 MW. • Fusion energy could offer the world clean, safe, and
• Challenges: Limited Uranium Resources; Public abundant energy. Before fusion reactors can be
Opposition; High Capital Costs; Disposal of Nuclear commercialised, several obstacles must be
Waste; Nuclear Proliferation Concerns. overcome. Fusion energy may soon be possible with
further study and development.
• Energy Security; Low Carbon Footprint; Technology India and ITER:
Development; Job Creation; International • India wanted to join ITER as an equal partner
Cooperation. because of its importance to fusion energy
Conclusion: • India joined ITER after talks.
• Indian nuclear energy is complicated. The plan could • India will donate $500 million in equipment for the
boost India's energy security and economy. The project.
program's success depends on the Indian • India will participate in ITER operations and
government's and industry's capacity to overcome experiments in addition to providing equipment.
obstacles and seize opportunities.
Stage of Nuclear Program In India
• Stage 1 - Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors Batteries store chemical energy. It stores and releases
(PHWRs). renewable energy from solar and wind power. This
• Stage 2 - Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs). balances the system and ensures consumers have steady
• Stage 3 - Thorium-based Advanced Heavy Water power.
Reactors (AHWRs).
Benefits of Battery Energy Storage
Additional Information • Battery energy storage helps stabilise the electricity
• India imports uranium. The country's uranium grid; and facilitates the efficient integration of
mines don't produce enough. India is negotiating renewable energy sources by storing excess power
long-term uranium supplies with other countries. generated; Peak Demand Management; Ancillary
• India's nuclear power safety is a problem. Several Services; Energy Cost Management; Energy Access;
events, particularly the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Backup Power.
nuclear tragedy in Japan, raise this fear.
Challenges of Battery Energy Storage
• India develops its own nuclear technology. BARC
is one of several nuclear research centres in India. • High cost; Limited lifespan; Safety concerns.
BARC develops nuclear reactors, fuel, and
technologies. Conclusion
• Battery energy storage might improve
dependability, emissions, and efficiency. However,
battery costs and lifespans need attention. Thanks to
• Fusion energy might offer the world with clean, safe, technology, batteries should get cheaper and last
and abundant energy. Before fusion reactors may be longer.
commercialised, several obstacles must be
overcome. Fusion might happen with more SMALL MODULAR REACTORS (SMRS)
SMRs are smaller and simpler nuclear reactors. SMRs are
• Nuclear Fusion: The strong nuclear force
factory-built and transported for installation. Global
overcomes the repulsive force of protons in two


firms are developing SMRs. SMRs will debut in the early • India's lithium find might change its energy
2020s. landscape. India can dominate the global lithium
industry and profit economically with proper
Definition and Characteristics of SMRs planning and implementation.
• SMRs have 300-MW electrical outputs.
• Factory-built and installed on-site, they simplify SODIUM-ION BATTERIES
deployment and scaling. Sodium-ion batteries employ sodium ions as charge
• SMRs reduce accidents using passive safety features carriers. Lithium, the main ingredient in lithium-ion
and modern technologies. batteries, is rarer than sodium. Sodium-ion batteries
• These reactors work longer without refuelling and may be cheaper and greener than lithium-ion batteries.
cost less to operate and maintain.
Advantages of Sodium-ion Batteries
Advantages of SMRs • Sodium is more abundant than lithium, which makes
• Flexibility and Scalability; Enhanced Safety; sodium-ion batteries a potential alternative to
Affordability; Grid Resilience. lithium-ion batteries.
• Sodium is a less toxic element than lithium, making
Implications and Challenges it environmentally friendly.
• Regulatory Framework; Public perception of nuclear • Higher Energy Density; High Scalability; Potential
energy, safety concerns, and waste management for Grid-Level Storage.
issues may affect the acceptance and Technology
Development Disadvantages of Sodium-ion Batteries
• Lower Energy Density; Limited life cycle; Limited
Conclusion Availability; Slower Charging Rates; Compatibility
• SMRs can minimise cost, construction time, Issues
flexibility, safety, and sustainability. SMRs face
regulatory, public, and development risks. SMRs Applications
might transform nuclear electricity, but it's too early • Can be used in Electric vehicles; for stationary
to tell. storage applications and for consumer electronics.


Lithium ions migrate from the negative electrode to the • Sodium-ion batteries might replace lithium-ion in
positive electrode during discharge and charge in several applications. Several firms are developing
lithium-ion batteries. Laptops, phones, and EVs use commercial sodium-ion batteries. These businesses
lithium-ion batteries. might revolutionise the battery market using
sodium-ion batteries.
Features/Benefits of Lithium-ion batteries
• High Energy Density; Longer life span; Fast Lithium Vs. Sodium battery
Charging; Lightweight; Low Self-Discharge; Wide • Electrochemical Reactions: Lithium batteries
Range of applications employ lithium ions, while sodium batteries use
Disadvantages of Lithium-ion Batteries • Energy Density: Compared to sodium batteries,
• Lithium-ion batteries have a finite energy density; lithium batteries offer higher energy density.
The manufacturing process and materials required • Cost: Because lithium is scarce, lithium batteries are
for lithium-ion batteries can make them expensive; more expensive than sodium batteries, which are
ageing and Degradation; Environmental Concerns abundant.
and Safety Risks. • Safety: Sodium batteries can cause thermal runaway
and are less stable than lithium batteries.
Application of Lithium-ion Batteries
• Lithium-ion batteries power laptops, cell phones, FLEX FUEL VEHICLES
and electric cars. As more people transition to Flex Fuel Vehicles (FFVs) may operate on gasoline,
electric cars, lithium demand is projected to rise ethanol, or methanol. Flex-fuel cars may use any
dramatically. gasoline-ethanol combination up to 85% ethanol (E85).
Lithium deposits in India Advantages of Flex-Fuel Vehicles
• India found huge lithium resources in Jammu & • Reduced emissions; economics, Domestic
Kashmir and Rajasthan. These finds could make Production; Market Demand and Flexibility
India a lithium market leader.
Disadvantages of Flex-Fuel Vehicles


• Limited Fuel Efficiency; Reduced Performance; Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Higher Fuel Costs; Infrastructure limitations; and • Hydrogen fuel cells produce clean, quiet, reliable,
Environmental Impact and high-quality electricity.
• Hydrogen fuels an electrochemical process that
Conclusion generates energy and only water and heat.
• Flex vehicles can help the transportation sector Hydrogen, one of Earth's most abundant elements,
switch to greener energy. FFVs can cut carbon makes a cleaner fuel.
emissions and improve energy security by allowing • Benefits: Efficiency; Versatility; Renewable
users to utilise alternative fuels. Potential; Quiet Operation and Zero Greenhouse Gas
Additional Information: • Challenges: Infrastructure; cost of hydrogen fuel
• E85 is not available globally. Check E85 cells and related components is currently high;
availability before buying a flex-fuel vehicle. Hydrogen Production using sustainable methods is a
• Gasoline-powered flex-fuel vehicles: Flex-fuel challenge; Storage and Distribution issues and
vehicles may use any gasoline-ethanol blend up to durability.
85%. If E85 is unavailable, use petrol.
• Flex-fuel pumps are needed: Flex-fuel vehicles ETHANOL BLENDING PROGRAMME
need E85-compatible gasoline pumps. India's government-led Ethanol Blending Programme
• Flex-fuel cars have longer warranties: Flex-fuel promotes ethanol consumption. The 2003 programme
vehicles usually have a longer warranty. Engines and aimed to combine 5% ethanol with gasoline. India will
fuel systems are more complicated. blend 20% ethanol with petrol by 2025 due to the
program's success.
• The government-led National Green Hydrogen Benefits of Ethanol Blending
Mission (NGHM) promotes green hydrogen • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions; Increased
generation and consumption in India. energy security; Increased income for farmers;
• Solar and wind energy divide water into hydrogen improved air quality.
and oxygen to make green hydrogen. Its pure,
emissions-free fuel may decarbonize transportation, Challenges of Ethanol Blending
industrial, and power generation. • High Cost of Production; Lack of Infrastructure; Lack
of Demand; Compatibility; Supply and Distribution.
• Promote the production of green hydrogen in India; Steps to overcome these challenges
Reduce the cost of green hydrogen production; • Ethanol Blending Programme; Food Grain for
Develop a domestic market for green hydrogen; Ethanol Production; Simplification of GST;
Promote the export of green hydrogen. Incentives for Ethanol Production.

Benefits of NGHM Conclusion

• Decarbonization of the Economy; Economic Growth; • The Ethanol Blending Program's goal to minimise
Energy Security; Foreign Investment fossil fuel use, alleviate environmental effects, and
promote renewable energy appears promising.
Challenges of NGHM
• High cost of production; Lack of infrastructure; Lack MISSION INNOVATION (MI)
of demand; Renewable Energy Integration; Lacking Mission Innovation addresses the pressing need for
Policy and Regulations. clean energy innovation to prevent climate change and
promote sustainable development worldwide. At COP21
Ways to overcome the challenges in 2015, 24 nations and the European Commission
• Technology Development; Policy Support; pledged to quadruple their renewable energy research
International Collaboration; Skill Development; and development.
Financial Support.
Components of MI
Conclusion • Promote R&D and Demonstration of clean energy
• The NGHM advances India's decarbonization efforts. technology; supports the development of policies
The mission might help India meet its climate that accelerate the deployment of clean energy
targets by creating a new renewable energy technologies.
economy. However, investing in research and
development, infrastructure, and green hydrogen Indian Initiatives Aligned with the Mission
utilisation in many applications can overcome the • Clean Energy International Incubation Center;
mission's hurdles. Increased Solar Capacity; Biofuels; Ujjwala Yojana.

Mission Innovation promises global clean energy Conclusion:

innovation. The programme will expedite clean energy • Biofuels support India's sustainable development
technology research and deployment for a sustainable and environmental goals. India seeks energy
future through collaboration and greater funding. security, greenhouse gas reduction, and rural
economic growth through biofuels.
Clean Tech Exchange (IC4) connects clean technology Keyword
innovation centres worldwide. The US Department of Bioethanol, Biodiesel, Biogas, Biobutanol, Biohydrogen.
Energy and the UK Department for Business, Energy, and
Industrial Strategy inaugurated the network in 2016. SCIENTIFIC SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (SSR)
Scientists have an ethical duty to apply their knowledge
Goal and talents to serve society. SSR holds that scientists
• Accelerate clean technology development and should use their expertise to tackle social issues.
commercialization; aim to create a global clean
technology pioneer community; promote SSR Obligations
international clean technology partnerships; and • Conducting research; Communicating scientific
promote clean technology's benefits. findings to the public; Working with policymakers to
develop evidence-based solutions to social
The network provides a variety of services to its problems; and supporting scientific research and
members education.
• Access to funding; Access to expertise; Access to
markets; Access to policy support. Importance of SSR
• IC4 has advanced clean technology development and • Ethical Conduct; Public Engagement; Addressing
commercialization. Over 100 clean technologies Societal Challenges; Collaboration and Knowledge
were commercialised by IC4 members in the first Sharing; Policy Influence; Responsible Innovation
five years. and Long-Term Impact.


Sustainable biofuels are biomass-based. Biofuels can • We can solve societal problems, provide fair access
replace fossil fuels in transportation, electricity, and to scientific advances, and benefit society by
heating. incorporating ethical and socially responsible
practices into scientific research and innovation.
Major Types of Biofuels
The Indian government has undertaken several
Bioethanol Derived from crops like corn and initiatives to promote SSR
sugarcane through fermentation. Atal Innovation Mission; Science and Technology for
Derived from vegetable oils, waste oils, Harnessing Innovations; Science and Technology for
Biodiesel and animal fats through Women; Start-up India; Rural Technology Action Group.
Biogas Produced by the anaerobic NATIONAL DATA GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK
decomposition of organic matter. POLICY
Biobutanol Produced through the fermentation of In January 2023, MeitY issued the National Data
starch, similar to bioethanol. Governance Framework Policy (NDGFP). It outlines
Produced through processes like India's data governance standards.
Biohydrogen pyrolysis, gasification, or biological
fermentation. Aims
• Protecting privacy, securing data, and enabling data
Advantages of Biofuels exchange for society are essential to promoting
• Reduce dependence on finite fossil fuel resources; responsible and ethical data use.
Lower carbon emissions; maximise the potential for
managing municipal solid waste; Enhance energy Principles of NDGFP
security; and stimulate rural economies. • The NDGFP governs data in India. The NDGFP
advances India's data ethics efforts.
Disadvantages of Biofuels • The NDGFP governs data collection, storage,
• Lower energy efficiency; Potential impact on food processing, and use in India.
crops and biodiversity; Concerns about food • The NDGFP provides structures and methods to
shortages and increased prices; Cost implications control data in India.
due to land requirements


Data Protection Responsible for enforcing the
National Data Policy document that sets out the BILL, 2022
Sharing and principles and guidelines for the Dr. Harsh Vardhan introduced the Drugs, Medical
Governance Policy sharing of data in India. Devices, and Cosmetics Bill, 2022, in the Lok Sabha on
National Data A platform that facilitates the August 23, 2022. This bill amends and consolidates
Exchange sharing of data between India's medicine, medical device, and cosmetics import,
government agencies, businesses, manufacture, distribution, and sale laws.
and research institutions.
The NDGFP advances India's data ethics efforts. The • The Indian regulatory system aims to improve
NDGFP will defend data privacy, security, and sharing for medicine, medical devices, and cosmetic quality,
society. safety, and efficacy and make them accessible to all.

The Bill Includes a Number of New Provisions

Student’s Note: • Regulatory body: All pharmaceuticals, medical
equipment, and cosmetics must be CDSCO-
• Promote good clinical practises; all medical devices
to be labelled in Hindi and English; ban on the sale of
cosmetics that contain harmful ingredients.

Other provisions
• Creates a central licensing authority; National
Pharmacovigilance Program; Medical Devices
Advisory Council.

• The Drugs, Medical Devices, and Cosmetics Bill,
2022, intends to improve drug quality, safety, and
efficacy in India. The bill will affect the Indian
healthcare business and safeguard customers from
harmful and ineffective products.

The Pandemic Treaty would improve pandemic
prevention, preparedness, and response globally. The
194 WHO member states are negotiating the treaty.

Provisions of Pandemic Treaty

• The treaty would require countries to strengthen
their early warning and detection systems for
pandemic threats.
• Risk Assessment and Management; treaty would
require countries to cooperate with each other to
prevent, prepare for, and respond to pandemics.

Benefits of the Pandemic Treaty

• Increased coordination; Improved early warning;
and Increased access to vaccines and treatments.

Challenges Faced by Pandemic Treaty

• Lack of Political Will; Difficult negotiations; and
Implementation challenges.


Despite difficulties, the Pandemic Treaty is worthwhile. • The FSSAI has issued directives to reduce the trans-
The deal could save lives and livelihoods. Maintaining fat content in food products.
treaty negotiations and execution is crucial. o Industrially manufactured trans-fat cannot
exceed 2% of food fat by mass.
MUSCAT MANIFESTO o A food product with 100 grams of fat can have
Countries and organisations signed the Muscat no more than 2 grams of industrially
Manifesto to expedite AMR action. In November 2022, manufactured trans-fat.
the Third Global Ministerial Conference on AMR in o Foods with more than 0.5 grammes of
Muscat, Oman, adopted it. industrially produced trans-fat per 100
grammes of fat must be labelled "Contains
Goals industrially produced trans-fat."
• Reducing the total amount of antimicrobials;
Preserving critically important antimicrobials for India's public health benefits from the FSSAI's trans-fat
human medicine; Strengthening surveillance and recommendations. These guidelines will prevent heart
monitoring systems for AMR; Investing in research disease and other health issues among Indian
and development; Promoting One Health consumers.
approaches to AMR.
Additional Information
Importance of the Muscat Manifesto • "WHO calls on governments to use the REPLACE
• AMR is a global health emergency; We need to act action package to eliminate industrially-produced
now to address AMR; Work together; Invest in trans-fatty acids from the food supply.
research and development, and promote one health • REPLACE strategy by WHO proposes six key
approach. strategies to eliminate industrially-produced trans
• The Muscat Manifesto urges nations and fats from the food supply quickly, completely, and
organisations to collaborate on AMR. It pledges to sustainably.
expedite AMR action and ensure everyone has
access to safe and effective antimicrobials.
Student’s Note:
Additional Information
• The Global Action Plan on AMR and the Global
Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System are
two WHO programmes addressing AMR globally.
• The National Action Plan on AMR in India
emphasises surveillance, infection prevention, and
judicious antibiotic usage in human and animal
• The Indian Council of Medical Research
Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network
tracks antibiotic resistance and informs policy.

Trans fats are solid unsaturated fats. Hydrogenating
liquid vegetable oils creates them. Trans fats improve
texture, shelf life, and flavour in processed goods.

About Trans Fats

• Trans fats, which are solid at room temperature, are
harmful and are utilised in processed foods to
improve texture and shelf life.
• They diminish HDL and boost LDL. Heart disease,
stroke, and type 2 diabetes may increase.
• The WHO recommends 2 grams of trans fat per day.

Types of trans fats

• Naturally occurring : Found in small amounts in
some animal products.
• Industrially produced : Most harmful to health

Government Initiatives

• Holistic approaches that acknowledge health's

6. MISCELLANEOUS interconnection aim to improve, protect, and defend
all species' well-being.
A pod travels through a low-pressure tube in a Importance of One Health
hyperloop. The linear motor-powered pod can reach 760 • Due to population growth and exploration,
mph (1,223 km/h). humans and animals are more likely to come into
touch, increasing disease transmission.
Working of Hyperloop • Zoonotic diseases are important since over 65%
• A linear motor, pod, and low-pressure tube make up of human infectious diseases are animal-borne.
a Hyperloop. The pod may travel fast because the • Environmental and habitat disruptions allow
tube is evacuated to a near-vacuum. illnesses to spread from animals to humans,
• A linear motor moves the pod along the tube using threatening public health. Over 1.7 million viruses
electromagnetic fields. circulate in wildlife, many of which can infect
Benefits of Hyperloop • India could see more pandemics in the future if
• High speed; more efficiency; Sustainability; and zoonotic illnesses are not monitored and prevented.
greater safety.
Way Forward
Challenges of Hyperloop • India should use "One Health" for infectious disease
• High cost; no concrete regulation; hindrance to management nationwide.
public acceptance; technological feasibility; and • To combat zoonotic illnesses, international research
lacking infrastructure. partnerships should be formed.
• Informal markets and slaughterhouses should follow
Future of Hyperloop best practices for inspections and disease
• High-Speed Transportation; Sustainable prevalence.
Infrastructure; Increased Efficiency; Regional
Connectivity; Economic Opportunities; Traditional Medicine
Technological Advancements; and Regulatory and • Traditional medicine refers to healing practises,
Safety Considerations. knowledge, and approaches that have been passed
down through generations within various cultures.
Hyperloop's future is bright. Its high-speed, low-friction • It encompasses a broad range of therapies, including
travel could revolutionise transport systems and herbal medicine, acupuncture, Ayurveda, and
commuter habits, providing efficient and ecological indigenous healing practises.
mobility. • Traditional medicine often incorporates natural
remedies derived from plants, animals, and
ONE HEALTH minerals, as well as techniques that focus on holistic
The Action plan's participatory development produced a health and balance.
comprehensive set of activities to improve collaboration, • Traditional medicine is increasingly gaining
communication, capacity building, and coordination recognition and respect globally, despite efforts to
across all sectors addressing health issues affecting integrate it into mainstream healthcare systems.
humans, animals, plants, and the environment. The • Challenges associated with Traditional
2022–2026 strategy addresses global, regional, and Medicines: Lack of scientific validation and
national health issues. standardisation; Limited regulation and quality
control; Potential risks and side effects; Limited
Focus Areas of the Action Plan integration with modern healthcare systems;
• One Health capacity for health systems; Emerging Cultural and geographical barriers to access and
and re-emerging zoonotic epidemics; Endemic dissemination.
zoonotic diseases; Neglected tropical and vector-
borne diseases Antimicrobial resistance and the BRAHMOS
environment; Food safety risks. The IAF's SU-30MKI fighter jet fired BrahMos ER. These
dual-role missiles will boost the Indian Navy fleet's
One Health Concept operating capability.
• Human, animal, and environmental health are
interconnected under One Health. BrahMos Missile
• The tripartite-plus alliance—FAO, OIE, and others— • India-Russia's BrahMos missile has a range of 290
agreed on One Health. km and is the world's fastest cruise missile at Mach


• The Brahmaputra and Moskva rivers symbolise the • Increased Underwater Endurance; Non-Reliance on
two nations' cooperation. Atmospheric Oxygen; Improved Stealth; Various AIP
• The missile's two-stage propulsion system uses solid Technologies; Reduced Thermal and Acoustic
propellant and liquid ramjet engines. Signatures; Enhanced Operational flexibility; and
• BrahMos can be launched from land, air, and marine easy deployment and advancement.
Recent Developments The Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan and Drone Rules 2021
support India becoming a drone hub. Drones can
Recent Anti- In April 2022, the Indian Navy and transform national defence, agriculture, law
Ship Test Andaman and Nicobar Command enforcement, and mapping.
successfully tested an anti-ship
BrahMos supersonic cruise missile. About Drones
Extended The stealth guided missile destroyer • Unmanned aircraft (UA) are drones. Drones are now
Range Sea-to- INS Visakhapatnam tested an used in civilian applications. Drones are safer and
Sea Test extended-range BrahMos missile. more efficient than planes.
Self-Guided The BrahMos missile can be fired and • Drone autonomy ranges from remote piloting to
Capability forgotten. advanced autonomy using sensors and LIDAR
Autonomous After launch, the missile uses advanced detectors for movement computations.
Navigation autonomous navigation technologies to
hit its target without any guidance. Applications
Target The missile's sensors and systems • Surveying and Mapping; Agriculture and Crop
Acquisition enable autonomous target acquisition, Monitoring; Search and Rescue Operations;
improving operating efficiency. Infrastructure Inspection; Environmental
Monitoring; Delivery and Logistics; Disaster
Solid Fuel Ducted Ramjet (SFDM) Response; Security and Surveillance.
• Missiles and hypersonic vehicles use SFDR
propulsion. Way Forward
• Its solid rocket motor and ramjet engine give it • Training programmes; Balancing Security and
speed and maneuverability. Benefits; Developing an anti-Drone System;
• Solid fuel grains replace liquid fuel storage and Increasing investments
sophisticated fuel injection systems in SFDR.
• SFDR's ramjet mode uses air to compress and Indian Drone Policy
combust solid fuel for high-speed propulsion. • Categorization: Nano, Micro, Small, Medium, and
• SFDR is simpler and more flexible than liquid-fueled Large drones are categorised by weight and
ramjets. capability.
• Registration: The Digital Sky gateway must register
PROJECT 75- INS VAGIR all drones except Nanos.
Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd. in Mumbai gave the • Operator Permit: Micro, Small, Medium, and Large
Indian Navy Vagir, the sixth Scorpène-class conventional drone operators need DGCA operator permits.
submarine. Indian Navy Project-75 created it. • No-Fly Zones: Airports, international boundaries,
strategic places, and others are no-fly zones for
Vagir drones.
• Vagir is Project-75's fifth Scorpène-class • Remote Pilot Licence: The DGCA requires RPLs for
conventional submarine. Small, Medium, and Large drone pilots.
• A Kalvari-class diesel-electric attack submarine. • Flight Guidelines: Safe drone operations include
• Vagir began sea trials on February 1, 2022, after maximum height, distance from people and
being launched on November 12, 2020. structures, and daylight-only activities.
• Vagir completed all key trials, including weapon and
sensor trials, faster than previous submarines. NATIONAL ANTI-DOPING ACT, 2022 (NADA)
On March 23, 2022, the Indian Parliament passed the
Air-independent propulsion (AIP) National Anti-Doping Act (NADA). The Act prohibits
• AIP lets non-nuclear submarines function without sports performance-enhancing drugs to ensure fair play
surfacing or snorkelling for air oxygen. It and athlete health.
supplements diesel-electric propulsion to increase
submarine endurance and reduce air dependence. Objective
• To create a sports anti-doping agency (NADA); to
Benefits and Advancements of AIP in Submarine implement the UNESCO International Convention


against sports doping and to prevent sports drug click chemistry employs smaller molecules with
usage promotes fair play and athlete wellness. entire carbon frameworks.
• Medicinal chemistry uses the copper-catalyzed
Powers of NADA azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) click reaction.
• Conduct Tests; impose sanctions on athletes who are Carolyn Bertozzi pioneered bioorthogonal processes
found to be guilty; educate athletes and to map glycans, mysterious biomolecules in living
sportspersons and work with other organizations to organisms.
promote fair play. • These reactions are non-disruptive.
• Click chemistry has produced enzyme inhibitors,
Structure of NADA receptor ligands, medicines (including anticancer
• Headed by a Director General and will have a Board and antimicrobials), herbicides, and
of Directors which will be responsible for the overall photostabilizers.
Nobel Prize in Physics 2022
The ground-breaking NADA will protect Indian athletes' • Alain Aspect (France), John F. Clauser (USA), and
health and equalise the playing field. The Act advances Anton Zeilinger (Austria) received the prize for their
India's doping fight. pioneering studies with entangled photons and
quantum information science, particularly in
JAGADISH CHANDRA BOSE proving Bell inequalities violated.
Jagadish Chandra Bose, an Indian polymath born in • Entangled particles, such as electrons or photons,
Kolkata on November 30, 1858, contributed to physics, can be studied and controlled. Without
botany, and radio science. He is known as the "father of communicating, they might quickly determine the
radio science" in India. outcome of an equivalent measurement on the other
particle by measuring one particle.
Career and achievements J C Bose
• After Presidency College in Kolkata, Bose attended INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (IPR)
Cambridge University in England. He taught in • Intellectual property rights (IPR) safeguard
Presidency College in India after graduating from inventions, artwork, and business symbols.
Cambridge. • IPR comes from Article 27 of the Universal
• Bose initially studied plant physics. He invented Declaration of Human Rights, which protects
several plant growth and movement tools. He moral and material interests from scientific, literary,
demonstrated that plants respond to electrical and and creative creation.
magnetic forces. • The Paris Convention for the Protection of
• Bose devised the crescograph in 1894 to measure Industrial Property (1883) and the Berne
plant development. The crescograph revolutionised Convention for the Protection of Literary and
plant physiology. Artistic Works (1886) recognised the importance of
• Radio science benefited from Bose. He created a intellectual property.
lightning-detection radio receiver in 1895. He also • WIPO, a global organisation that protects and
demonstrated long-distance radio signal enforces intellectual property rights, oversees both
transmission. accords.

Radio science pioneer Bose was bright. He is regarded as Intellectual property rights encompass two primary
one of India's most influential scientists. domains
• Copyright and Related Rights, like rights of
NOBEL PRIZES 2022 authors, creators, and artists in their literary and
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2022 artistic works, and Industrial Property Rights like
• Swedish geneticist Svante Paabo was honoured for Trademarks; Geographical Indications, Industrial
his groundbreaking research on extinct hominin Designs, and Trade Secrets.
genomes and human evolution.
• He sequenced the Neanderthal genome, a human Importance of Intellectual Property Rights
ancestor. • Encourages innovation, promotes Economic growth,
• He also found that gene transfer happened between Safeguards the Rights of creators, Promotes
these extinct hominids and Homo sapiens after the Innovation and creativity, Ensures Ease of Doing
migration out of Africa 70,000 years ago. business, and Facilitates Technology Transfer.

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2022 National IPR Policy 2016

• Click Chemistry was founded by K. Barry Sharpless • The National Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
and Morten Meldal. To avoid carbon atom reactions, Policy 2016, adopted in May 2016, aims to guide the


development of IPRs in India. Its clarion call is • Seamless Communication between Chains;
"Creative India; Innovative India." Encouraging Interoperability; Establishing
• CIPAM, operating under the auspices of DIPP, serves Regulation; Building a National Blockchain
as the central point of reference for implementing Ecosystem; and Leveraging Layer-2 Solutions.
the objectives of the National IPR Policy.
Key Objectives of the National IPR Policy 2016 • Blockchain technology could transform several
• IPR Awareness; Legal and Legislative businesses. Interoperability, scalability, consensus
Framework; Administration and Management; methods, and vulnerability detection research can
Commercialization of IPRs; Enforcement and help blockchain technology overcome its
Adjudication; Generation of IPRs; and Human constraints.
Capital Development.

Accomplishments under the National IPR Policy Student’s Note:

• Enhanced Global Innovation Index Ranking;
Strengthened Institutional Mechanism; Reduction in
IP Application Backlog; built Technology and
Innovation Support Centres; Streamlined Processes
and Promoting IPR Awareness.

• India has improved its IPR policy, lowering patent
issuing time and encouraging innovation. R&D and
TRIPS have enhanced the country's Global
Innovation Index rating.

• Blockchains are computer networked, decentralised
databases. It stores electronic data.
• Blockchains are most often used in cryptocurrency
systems like Bitcoin to protect and transparently
record transactions.
• Blockchain technology establishes trust among
participants by ensuring data integrity and security
without a central authority or middleman.
• Blockchains enable decentralised and trustworthy
information recording and verification.

Global Adoption
Estonia uses blockchain to validate and process e-
governance services.
China developed the BSN to efficiently deploy
blockchain apps on the cloud.
Britain The National Digital Twin program promotes
collaboration between built environment
digital twin owners and developers, improving
efficiency and creativity.
Brazil Brazilian Blockchain Network promotes public
good blockchain adoption.

• Decentralised Finance; use in IoT; preventing money
laundering by providing a permanent trail of
unalterable records; Advertising on the Blockchain;
can be used to create secure and transparent voting
systems; and Identity management

India and Blockchain Technology



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