Fee and Charges
Fee and Charges
Fee and Charges
According to Section 344 of AP Municipal Act, it states that Every license and
building permission granted under this Act or any rule or bye-law made under
this Act shall specify the period of any for which, and the restrictions, limitations
and condition subject to which, the same is granted, and shall be signed by the
commissioner. Save as otherwise expressly provided in or prescribed under this
Act, for every such license or permission, fees are charged on such units and at
such rates as may be fixed by the council.
Act Existing Provision
AP MC Act, Section 622(2) mentions Fees to be Chargeable - For every such license
1955 or written permission a fee may be charged at such rate as shall from
time to time be fixed by the Commissioner, with the sanction of the
APCRDA Chapter XII – 123 (1) The Authority may levy a betterment charge or
Act 2014, impact fee or Urban Infrastructure Fee as prescribed to capture some
share of the increase in valuation that is likely to accrue to land owners
due to a new development proposed or implemented by the Authority or
Government or a third party.
Chapter III -18 (2) (h) the procedure for assessment, levy and collection
of impact fee, cess, development charges, urban infrastructure fee and
calculation and assessment for the land and buildings;
Chapter XI – 108 (1) (b) payment of the development charges and other
fees and charges to the Authority to be levied under the Act.
Act Existing Provision
APMR&UD Chapter-II 6(2)(b) mentions to prepare the schedule of various categories
A Act, 2016
of fees and development charges and submit them to the Authority for
Chapter VIII - 100 (1) Subject to the provisions of the Act and rules made
there under, the Authority shall levy a charge, hereinafter called
development charge on:-
Chapter V – 21 (5) the cost of publication charges in the newspapers
pertaining to the scheme;
Fee & Charges Existing Provision mentioned in the relevant Act
Building Under Provisions of Rule 3(17) of AP Building Rules 2017, “No Building
Permit Fee application shall be deemed valid unless and until the owner submitting the
and Other application has paid the Building Permit Fee and other charges as notified by
Charges the concerned Authority from time to time as per the procedure prescribed”.
• The balance Building Permit/License Fees together with other fees and
Charges shall be paid before the issue of permission / sanction on
intimation. In case of rejection of building application, the above initial fees
paid would be forfeited.
• No fees and charges would be levied for parking spaces provided in any
Main Fee Components which have to be
paid at the time of building approval
• Building Permit Fee/Building License Fee
• Betterment Charges
• 14% Open Space Charges
• 1% Labour Cess
• Development Charges
• Green Fee
• Shelter Fee
• City Level Infrastructure impact fee
Building permit/Building License Fee
Rate in Rupees for different site areas
S.No Type of ULB Type of Building High rise
upto 200 200 to 500 above 500 Building
Municipal Corporation Residential Building 15 to 30 30 to 60 70 to 80 70 to 100
(3) Non Residential Building 35 to 70 60 to 100 120 to 150 150
(other than Special and Residential Building 10 to 50 15 to 50 30 to 50 32 to 100
Selection Grade
Municipalities including
Nagar Panchayats) Non Residential Building 20 to 50 25 to 60 50 to 100 50 to 100
Betterment Charges
14% Open Space Charges
This fee is collected in the following situations:
When the site falls in Unauthorised layout and
Newly developed area
1% Labour cess
• The shelter fee shall be collected for 20% of total site area of the
• The shelter fee collected shall be utilized for development of
EWS/LIG housing under any other Urban Housing Scheme meant
for EWS categories or for undertaking civic amenities in slums and
weaker section colonies only, for which a separate account shall be
maintained by the local body/Development Authority. The shelter
fee can also be utilized for redevelopment/improvement/
rehabilitation of slums under Slum Development programme as
local body share.
• In the sites above 5 acres it is optional to the developers to pay
shelter fee as above in lieu of providing EWS and LIG houses.
• The projects below 4000Sq.m are exempted from reservation of
built up area/number of
• units for Economically Weaker Section/Low Income Group as well
as payment of shelter fee.
City Level Infrastructure impact fee
• With a view to ensure development of city level
infrastructure facilities, the City Level Infrastructure Impact
Fees shall be levied in case of large projects/buildings as
given in the table No.4 A.P Building rules
• For the first five floors of the building (excluding stilt floor)
there will be no levy of City Level Infrastructure Impact Fee.
• In case of Multiplex Complex, the rates given in the
Multiplex Complex Rules shall be applicable.
• The Government may revise the above rates from time to
• The above rates shall not be applicable for Government
Departments and Public Agencies like Development
Authority, Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure
Corporation (APIIC) and Local bodies. This exemption shall
not be applicable for commercial projects taken up by such
• The amount levied and collected under the above Rule shall
be credited and maintained in a separate escrow account
by the concerned sanctioning authority and 50% of it shall
be utilised for development of infrastructure in the same
area and balance amount is to be utilised towards
improvement of city level capital infrastructure in the area.
An Infrastructure Plan and Action Plan for implementation
is required to be undertaken by the Competent Authority
and the said Fund is utilised accordingly.
The various Fee heads collected for Building Permission at present.
As on date, 60 fees are collected from 110 urban local bodies.
S.No Budget Head S.No. Budget Head
1 Application Fee 31 Paper Notification / Publication Charges
2 Application fee(Penalty) 32 Penal amount
3 Additional Building 33 Postal Charges
license fee
4 Building Application Fee 34 Postage (Advt Charges)
5 Building permit fee-UDA 35 Penalization charges
6 Building License Fee-ULBs 36 Previous Application pending amount
7 Building material charges 37 Paper Publication Charges
8 BT Road charges 38 Processing fee
9 Bathroom Charges 39 Rain water harvesting charges
10 Betterment charges 40 Rolling shutter
11 Citizen Charter Charges 41 Scrutiny Fee
12 Compound Wall Charges 42 Scrutiny Deposit
13 Compounding Fee 43 Special Development Charges(IRR)
14 Conversion Fees 44 Shelter fee
15 Corpus Fund 45 Stair Case Charges
16 City level infrastructure fee 46 Site approval fee
17 Doors Windows and 47 Septic Tank Charges
Ventilators charges (DWV)
18 Debris Charges 48 Sub division charges
19 Drainage charges 49 Technical Scrutiny Fee
20 Development charges (Built 50 Technical Scrutiny Fee (DTCP)
up area)
21 Development charges 51 Toilet Charges
(Vacant land)
22 Development charges (IRR) 52 Tree Guard Charges
23 External Betterment 53 ULB Development Charges
24 Gate Charges 54 Water Closet
25 Green fee charges 55 Water Resource Charges(Rain Water
Harvesting Structures
26 Impact fee 56 Water Tank charges
27 Material encroachment fee 57 1% Labor cess
28 Material storage charges 58 14% open space charges
29 Open space charges 59 33% Penalization charges
30 Open space contribution 60 33% of compounding fee on penal
charges amount
Fee/Charges for Layout approval
Dept Description Type Calculation Gram Nagar Grade 1 Spl Other GVMC
logic Panchayat, Panchayat and and Corpor /
Rate & Grade3 Grade 2 Selecti ations VMC/
Municipali Munici on GMC
ties palities grade Rate
1.a UDA Layout Permit fee Any Upto 2 5000 5000 5000 7500 7500 10000
/ULB (initial fee) Initial Fee hectares
(table 1 of g.o# 275) >2 and <=10 10000 10000 10000 12500 12500 15000
For GPs– deposited hectares
in UDA account
>10 hectares 15000 15000 15000 17500 17500 20000
1.b UDA/ULB Balance fee Per hectare or 10000 10000 15000 20000 25000 25000
For ULBs (UDA and
(after deducting part there of
Non UDA areas) –
Initial fee)
Deposited in Single
pool Account Commercial All rates per 15 25 25 25 25 50
(In Case of sqm
Mixed Res Comm
commercial rate
is applied on