Abnormal Psychology Q&A Topic 6 F

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Board Exam Practice Questions

AMRM 5.7 Version

Advance Modular Reading Materials

(Base on the Latest Table of Specification

Released by PRC 2023-2024)

Abnormal Psychology
Practice Questions

F. Global Health Crisis and Mental health

Law: 51 Items Practice Questions

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Abnormal Psychology: F. Global Health Crisis and Mental health Law: 51
Items Practice Questions

1. Recognize the different issues and concerns in various settings (educational, occupational,
community) on the impact of (COVID-19) on the mental health condition of people and the
challenges of the implementation of RA11036.
2. Evaluate the impact of global health crisis (COVID-19) and other mental health conditions
on the implementation of RA11036.

F. Global health crisis and mental health law

Practice Questions

Recognize the different 1 What is a primary concern regarding the impact of COVID-19 on
issues and concerns in mental health in educational settings?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) Increased access to mental health resources

b.) Decreased social isolation among students

c.) Limited access to traditional support systems

d.) Enhanced resilience among the student population

Recognize the different 2 Which aspect of mental health is likely to be most affected in
issues and concerns in occupational settings during the COVID-19 pandemic?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) Job satisfaction

b.) Work-life balance

c.) Employee productivity

d.) Occupational health and safety

Recognize the different 3 What is a key challenge in implementing the National Mental
issues and concerns in Health Policy in community settings?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) Adequate funding and resources

b.) Strong community support

c.) Limited mental health awareness

d.) Efficient policy communication

Recognize the different 4 How does the COVID-19 pandemic contribute to an increased
issues and concerns in demand for mental health services in various settings?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) By reducing stressors and anxieties

b.) Through enhanced community resilience

c.) Due to the economic impact and social isolation

d.) Owing to improved public health measures

Recognize the different 5 Why is the protection of rights emphasized in the National Mental
issues and concerns in Health Policy?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) To limit access to mental health services

b.) To ensure dignity and respect for individuals seeking mental

health services

c.) To discourage people from seeking psychiatric help

d.) To prioritize the interests of mental health professionals

Recognize the different 6 What is a potential consequence of prolonged social isolation

issues and concerns in during the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in the
various settings community?
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) Improved community bonding

b.) Decreased loneliness and depression

c.) Increased risk of anxiety and depressive disorders

d.) Enhanced emotional well-being

Recognize the different 7 How does the National Mental Health Policy aim to address the
issues and concerns in stigma associated with mental health conditions?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) By isolating individuals with mental health conditions

b.) Through public awareness campaigns and education

c.) Ignoring the issue to avoid controversy

d.) Excluding mental health conditions from policy

Recognize the different 8 In the context of occupational settings, why is mental health
issues and concerns in promotion important during the COVID-19 pandemic?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) To increase workload and productivity

b.) To minimize the need for employee feedback

c.) To enhance employee well-being and resilience

d.) To encourage a competitive work environment

Recognize the different 9 What role does the community play in supporting the
issues and concerns in implementation of the National Mental Health Policy?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) Creating barriers to mental health services

b.) Providing a strong support system

c.) Ignoring mental health concerns

d.) Promoting discrimination against mental health conditions

Recognize the different 10 How can technology be leveraged to overcome challenges in the
issues and concerns in delivery of integrated mental health services during a public
various settings health crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic?
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) By limiting access to telehealth services

b.) Through the use of virtual platforms for counseling and

c.) Ignoring technological advancements in mental health care

d.) By relying solely on traditional in-person services

Recognize the different 11 What is a potential consequence of disruptions in educational

issues and concerns in settings during the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of
various settings students?
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) Improved academic performance

b.) Decreased stress and anxiety

c.) Increased risk of mental health issues and learning


d.) Enhanced social interactions

Recognize the different 12 Why is it important for the National Mental Health Policy to
issues and concerns in address the specific mental health needs of vulnerable
various settings populations during the pandemic?
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) To exclude vulnerable populations from mental health

b.) To ensure equal access and prevent disparities in mental

health care

c.) To prioritize only the mental health needs of the general


d.) To discourage mental health services for vulnerable


Recognize the different 13 How can community engagement contribute to the successful
issues and concerns in implementation of the National Mental Health Policy?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) By isolating community members from mental health

b.) Through active involvement in policy development and

awareness campaigns

c.) By disregarding community perspectives and concerns

d.) Ignoring the role of community support in mental health


Recognize the different 14 What is a potential challenge in providing telehealth services for
issues and concerns in mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) Increased accessibility for remote areas

b.) Limited privacy and confidentiality concerns

c.) Technological barriers and limited internet access

d.) Enhanced communication with mental health professionals

Recognize the different 15 How does the National Mental Health Policy contribute to the
issues and concerns in integration of mental health services into the broader healthcare
various settings system?
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) By promoting a siloed approach to mental health care

b.) Through the allocation of fewer resources to mental health


c.) By emphasizing the importance of a holistic and integrated

healthcare approach

d.) By excluding mental health from the broader healthcare

Recognize the different 16 What is a potential psychological impact of prolonged uncertainty
issues and concerns in during the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals in the community?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) Increased sense of security

b.) Decreased stress and anxiety

c.) Heightened feelings of fear and anxiety

d.) Improved mental resilience

Recognize the different 17 How does the National Mental Health Policy address the need for
issues and concerns in early intervention in mental health issues?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) By discouraging early identification of mental health

b.) Through the promotion of delayed intervention strategies

c.) By emphasizing the importance of early detection and


d.) Ignoring the significance of timely mental health support

Recognize the different 18 Why is early intervention crucial in addressing mental health
issues and concerns in issues during and after the COVID-19 pandemic?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) To delay treatment and observe the natural course of mental
health conditions

b.) To prevent individuals from seeking mental health support

c.) To identify and address mental health concerns before they

d.) To discourage the use of mental health services altogether

Recognize the different 19 How can the National Mental Health Policy contribute to
issues and concerns in reducing the stigma associated with seeking mental health
various settings services?
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) By reinforcing negative stereotypes about mental health

b.) Through public education campaigns and destigmatization


c.) By limiting access to mental health information

d.) By excluding mental health awareness programs

Recognize the different 20 What is a potential psychological impact of uncertainty and

issues and concerns in unpredictability during the COVID-19 pandemic?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) Increased feelings of control

b.) Reduced anxiety and stress levels

c.) Greater emotional stability

d.) Heightened levels of anxiety and distress

Recognize the different 21 Why is early intervention crucial in addressing mental health
issues and concerns in issues during the COVID-19 pandemic?
various settings
(educational, occupational,
community) on the impact
of (COVID-19) on the
mental health condition of
people and the challenges
of the implementation of
a.) To exacerbate mental health conditions

b.) To prevent the need for mental health services

c.) To promote timely support and prevent worsening of


d.) To discourage individuals from seeking help

Evaluate the impact of 22 What impact has the global health crisis (COVID-19) had on the
global health crisis implementation of the National Mental Health Policy?
(COVID-19) and other
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Minimal impact

b.) Significant positive impact

c.) Significant negative impact

d.) No impact

Evaluate the impact of 23 How can the National Mental Health Policy address the surge in
global health crisis demand for mental health services during a global health crisis?
(COVID-19) and other
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) By reducing mental health funding

b.) By prioritizing physical health services

c.) By promoting telehealth and digital mental health services

d.) By excluding certain population groups from mental health


Evaluate the impact of 24 What role does the National Mental Health Policy play in
global health crisis protecting the rights of individuals facing psychiatric, neurologic,
(COVID-19) and other and psychosocial health challenges during a global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) It has no role in protecting rights
b.) It ensures equal access to mental health services

c.) It may restrict access to mental health services

d.) It only protects the rights of certain populations

Evaluate the impact of 25 How can funds be appropriated to support the implementation of
global health crisis the National Mental Health Policy during times of economic
(COVID-19) and other uncertainty, such as a global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Cut funding for mental health programs

b.) Allocate funds from other health sectors

c.) Increase taxes on mental health services

d.) Seek external funding and partnerships

Evaluate the impact of 26 Why is the integration of mental health services important in the
global health crisis context of a global health crisis?
(COVID-19) and other
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) It is not important during a crisis

b.) It ensures holistic healthcare

c.) It leads to overmedicalization

d.) It only benefits a specific demographic

Evaluate the impact of 27 How can the National Mental Health Policy address stigma and
global health crisis discrimination associated with mental health conditions during a
(COVID-19) and other global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore stigma and discrimination issues

b.) Raise awareness through public campaigns

c.) Discriminate against individuals with mental health

d.) Exclude mental health education from the policy

Evaluate the impact of 28 In what ways can the National Mental Health Policy promote
global health crisis resilience and coping strategies among the population during a
(COVID-19) and other global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Discourage the expression of emotions

b.) Provide education on coping mechanisms

c.) Focus only on medical interventions

d.) Exclude crisis response plans

Evaluate the impact of 29 How does the National Mental Health Policy address the mental
global health crisis health needs of vulnerable populations, such as refugees or those
(COVID-19) and other in low-income communities, during a global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) It ignores the needs of vulnerable populations

b.) It prioritizes only high-income communities

c.) It includes targeted initiatives for vulnerable populations

d.) It restricts access to mental health services for vulnerable


Evaluate the impact of 30 How can the National Mental Health Policy support healthcare
global health crisis workers who are experiencing mental health challenges during a
(COVID-19) and other global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore the mental health of healthcare workers

b.) Provide training on stress management and mental health

c.) Exclude healthcare workers from mental health services

d.) Limit access to mental health resources for healthcare

Evaluate the impact of 31 How can the National Mental Health Policy collaborate with
global health crisis educational institutions to address the mental health needs of
(COVID-19) and other students during a global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Exclude students from mental health services

b.) Provide mental health education programs in schools

c.) Ignore the mental health of students

d.) Limit access to mental health services for students

Evaluate the impact of 32 How does the National Mental Health Policy address the
global health crisis potential increase in substance abuse and addiction during a
(COVID-19) and other global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore substance abuse issues

b.) Increase availability of addictive substances

c.) Include interventions and support for substance abuse

d.) Exclude substance abuse treatment from the policy

Evaluate the impact of 33 How can the National Mental Health Policy ensure continuity of
global health crisis mental health services for individuals who are unable to access
(COVID-19) and other in-person care during a global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Discontinue mental health services

b.) Promote telehealth and online mental health services

c.) Restrict access to mental health services

d.) Only focus on in-person care

Evaluate the impact of 34 How can the National Mental Health Policy address the long-
global health crisis term psychological effects of a global health crisis on the general
(COVID-19) and other population?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore long-term psychological effects

b.) Provide short-term solutions only

c.) Include measures for long-term mental health support

d.) Exclude the general population from mental health services

Evaluate the impact of 35 What steps can the National Mental Health Policy take to reduce
global health crisis the incidence of mental health emergencies during a global health
(COVID-19) and other crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore mental health emergencies

b.) Promote early intervention and crisis prevention programs

c.) Exclude crisis response plans

d.) Limit access to emergency mental health services

Evaluate the impact of 36 How can the National Mental Health Policy address the mental
global health crisis health needs of individuals who have lost loved ones due to a
(COVID-19) and other global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore the mental health needs of grieving individuals

b.) Provide grief counseling and support services

c.) Exclude grief-related mental health services from the policy

d.) Only focus on the mental health of surviving individuals

Evaluate the impact of 37 How can the National Mental Health Policy collaborate with
global health crisis employers to support the mental health of workers during a global
(COVID-19) and other health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore the mental health of workers

b.) Promote workplace stress

c.) Include mental health programs in workplace policies

d.) Limit access to mental health services for workers

Evaluate the impact of 38 What measures can the National Mental Health Policy implement
global health crisis to address the mental health impact on children and adolescents
(COVID-19) and other during a global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Exclude children and adolescents from mental health

b.) Provide specialized mental health programs for this


c.) Ignore the mental health needs of young people

d.) Only focus on adult mental health services

Evaluate the impact of 39 How can the National Mental Health Policy ensure the protection
global health crisis of the rights of individuals in psychiatric institutions during a
(COVID-19) and other global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore the rights of individuals in psychiatric institutions

b.) Increase restrictions on rights during crises

c.) Strengthen protections and advocate for individual rights

d.) Exclude psychiatric institutions from the policy

Evaluate the impact of 40 In what ways can the National Mental Health Policy address the
global health crisis mental health needs of individuals in quarantine or isolation
(COVID-19) and other during a global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore the mental health needs of isolated individuals

b.) Provide mental health resources and support for those in


c.) Exclude isolated individuals from mental health services

d.) Only focus on community mental health services

Evaluate the impact of 41 How can the National Mental Health Policy address the potential
global health crisis increase in mental health disparities among different
(COVID-19) and other demographic groups during a global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore mental health disparities

b.) Introduce policies that exacerbate disparities

c.) Implement targeted interventions to reduce disparities

d.) Exclude certain demographic groups from mental health


Evaluate the impact of 42 How can the National Mental Health Policy collaborate with
global health crisis community-based organizations to enhance mental health support
(COVID-19) and other during a global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore community-based organizations

b.) Restrict collaboration with community groups

c.) Facilitate partnerships with community-based organizations

d.) Only focus on government-led initiatives

Evaluate the impact of 43 What role can technology play in supporting the objectives of the
global health crisis National Mental Health Policy during a global health crisis?
(COVID-19) and other
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Exclude technology from mental health services

b.) Leverage technology for telehealth and digital mental health


c.) Ignore the potential of technology in mental health

d.) Limit access to mental health services through technology

Evaluate the impact of 44 How can the National Mental Health Policy address the mental
global health crisis health impact on frontline workers, such as healthcare
(COVID-19) and other professionals and emergency responders, during a global health
mental health conditions crisis?
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore the mental health of frontline workers

b.) Provide mental health resources and support for frontline


c.) Exclude frontline workers from mental health services

d.) Only focus on mental health services for the general


Evaluate the impact of 45 How can the National Mental Health Policy address the potential
global health crisis increase in domestic violence and abuse during a global health
(COVID-19) and other crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore the impact of global health crises on domestic

b.) Increase restrictions on support for domestic violence


c.) Strengthen support services and interventions for domestic


d.) Only focus on criminalizing domestic violence

Evaluate the impact of 46 How can the National Mental Health Policy address the mental
global health crisis health needs of individuals who have recovered from a severe
(COVID-19) and other illness, such as COVID-19?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore the mental health needs of recovered individuals

b.) Include mental health follow-up and support for recovery

c.) Exclude recovered individuals from mental health services

d.) Only focus on mental health services for currently ill


Evaluate the impact of 47 How can the National Mental Health Policy address the mental
global health crisis health impact on individuals who have lost their jobs or
(COVID-19) and other experienced economic hardship during a global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore the mental health needs of those facing economic

b.) Provide mental health resources and support for job loss
and economic hardship

c.) Exclude unemployed individuals from mental health services

d.) Only focus on mental health services for employed


Evaluate the impact of 48 How can the National Mental Health Policy contribute to
global health crisis reducing the stigma associated with seeking mental health
(COVID-19) and other support during a global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Reinforce the stigma around mental health services

b.) Provide incentives for avoiding mental health services

c.) Implement anti-stigma campaigns and education programs

d.) Only focus on services for those not concerned about stigma
Evaluate the impact of 49 What steps can the National Mental Health Policy take to ensure
global health crisis cultural competence and inclusivity in mental health services
(COVID-19) and other during a global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore cultural competence in mental health services

b.) Prioritize only one cultural group

c.) Include cultural competence training and promote inclusivity

d.) Only focus on mental health services for specific cultural


Evaluate the impact of 50 How can the National Mental Health Policy address the mental
global health crisis health needs of individuals living in remote or underserved areas
(COVID-19) and other during a global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore the mental health needs of remote or underserved

b.) Provide targeted mental health programs for these areas

c.) Exclude remote areas from mental health services

d.) Only focus on urban mental health services

Evaluate the impact of 51 What measures can the National Mental Health Policy implement
global health crisis to address the mental health needs of individuals with pre-existing
(COVID-19) and other mental health conditions during a global health crisis?
mental health conditions
on the implementation of
a.) Ignore the mental health needs of those with pre-existing

b.) Prioritize only those without pre-existing conditions

c.) Include targeted interventions and support for individuals

with pre-existing conditions

d.) Only focus on newly emerging mental health conditions

F. Global health crisis and mental health law
Correct Answers
1 c.) Limited access to traditional support systems

The restrictions and lockdown measures during the COVID-19 pandemic have limited
access to traditional support systems, such as in-person counseling and social
interactions, leading to increased mental health challenges.

2 b.) Work-life balance

The pandemic has disrupted traditional work routines, leading to challenges in

maintaining a healthy work-life balance and impacting mental health.

3 a.) Adequate funding and resources

Adequate funding and resources are crucial for the successful implementation of the
National Mental Health Policy to ensure the delivery of integrated mental health services.

4 c.) Due to the economic impact and social isolation

The economic impact and social isolation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic have led
to increased mental health challenges, thereby raising the demand for mental health

5 b.) To ensure dignity and respect for individuals seeking mental health services

Protecting the rights of individuals utilizing psychiatric services is crucial for promoting
dignity and respect, fostering a supportive environment for mental health treatment.

6 c.) Increased risk of anxiety and depressive disorders

Prolonged social isolation can contribute to an increased risk of anxiety and depressive
disorders among individuals in the community.

7 b.) Through public awareness campaigns and education

The National Mental Health Policy aims to address stigma through public awareness
campaigns and educational initiatives to promote understanding and acceptance.

8 c.) To enhance employee well-being and resilience

Mental health promotion in occupational settings is essential to enhance employee well-

being and resilience, especially during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic.

9 b.) Providing a strong support system

The community plays a crucial role in supporting the implementation of the National
Mental Health Policy by providing a strong support system and fostering understanding.

10 b.) Through the use of virtual platforms for counseling and support

Technology, particularly virtual platforms, can help overcome challenges by providing

remote access to counseling and support services during public health crises.

11 c.) Increased risk of mental health issues and learning disparities

Disruptions in educational settings can contribute to an increased risk of mental health

issues and learning disparities among students.

12 b.) To ensure equal access and prevent disparities in mental health care

The National Mental Health Policy should address the specific needs of vulnerable
populations to ensure equal access and prevent disparities in mental health care.

13 b.) Through active involvement in policy development and awareness campaigns

Community engagement involves active involvement in policy development, awareness

campaigns, and addressing community perspectives to enhance the success of mental
health initiatives.

14 c.) Technological barriers and limited internet access

Technological barriers and limited internet access can pose challenges in providing
effective telehealth services for mental health during the pandemic.

15 c.) By emphasizing the importance of a holistic and integrated healthcare approach

The National Mental Health Policy contributes to the integration of mental health services
by emphasizing the importance of a holistic and integrated healthcare approach.

16 c.) Heightened feelings of fear and anxiety

Prolonged uncertainty during the pandemic can lead to heightened feelings of fear and
anxiety among individuals in the community.

17 c.) By emphasizing the importance of early detection and intervention

The National Mental Health Policy emphasizes the importance of early detection and
intervention to address mental health concerns promptly.

18 c.) To identify and address mental health concerns before they escalate

Early intervention is crucial to identify and address mental health concerns before they
escalate, promoting better outcomes for individuals.

19 b.) Through public education campaigns and destigmatization efforts

The National Mental Health Policy can contribute to reducing stigma through public
education campaigns and destigmatization efforts, fostering a more supportive

20 d.) Heightened levels of anxiety and distress

Uncertainty and unpredictability during the pandemic can contribute to heightened levels
of anxiety and distress.

21 c.) To promote timely support and prevent worsening of symptoms

Early intervention is crucial to provide timely support and prevent the worsening of mental
health symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic.

22 c.) Significant negative impact

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed immense strain on healthcare systems globally,
diverting resources and attention away from mental health services. Lockdowns, social
isolation, and economic uncertainties have contributed to an increased demand for mental
health support, exacerbating the challenges faced in implementing the National Mental
Health Policy.

23 c.) By promoting telehealth and digital mental health services

Telehealth and digital mental health services can help bridge the gap in access to mental
health support during a crisis, ensuring continuity of care while adhering to social
distancing measures.

24 b.) It ensures equal access to mental health services

The National Mental Health Policy aims to protect the rights of all individuals, including
those facing psychiatric, neurologic, and psychosocial health challenges. During a crisis,
it becomes crucial to uphold these rights and ensure equal access to mental health services
for everyone.

25 d.) Seek external funding and partnerships

During economic uncertainties, seeking external funding and forming partnerships with
non-governmental organizations, international bodies, and private sectors can help ensure
sustained financial support for mental health programs without compromising the quality
of services.

26 b.) It ensures holistic healthcare

Integrating mental health services with other healthcare initiatives ensures a

comprehensive and holistic approach to health, addressing both physical and mental well-
being. This is particularly crucial during a global health crisis when individuals may
experience mental health challenges alongside physical health concerns.

27 b.) Raise awareness through public campaigns

Public awareness campaigns can help combat stigma and discrimination, fostering a more
supportive environment for individuals with mental health conditions, especially during
times of crisis.

28 b.) Provide education on coping mechanisms

Educating the population on effective coping mechanisms and resilience-building
strategies can empower individuals to navigate the challenges of a global health crisis,
promoting mental well-being.

29 c.) It includes targeted initiatives for vulnerable populations

The National Mental Health Policy should include specific measures to address the unique
mental health needs of vulnerable populations, ensuring inclusivity and equity during
times of crisis.

30 b.) Provide training on stress management and mental health

Supporting the mental health of healthcare workers is crucial. Providing training on stress
management and mental health can enhance their resilience and ability to cope with the
demands of their profession during a crisis.

31 b.) Provide mental health education programs in schools

Collaborating with educational institutions to implement mental health education

programs can contribute to the overall well-being of students and address mental health
challenges early on, especially during challenging times like a global health crisis.

32 c.) Include interventions and support for substance abuse

The National Mental Health Policy should recognize and address the potential rise in
substance abuse during crises, incorporating interventions and support systems to mitigate
the impact on mental health.

33 b.) Promote telehealth and online mental health services

Promoting telehealth and online mental health services ensures that individuals can access
mental health support even when in-person care is challenging, as seen in global health

34 c.) Include measures for long-term mental health support

Acknowledging and including measures for long-term mental health support in the policy
is essential to address the sustained impact of a global health crisis on the psychological
well-being of the general population.

35 b.) Promote early intervention and crisis prevention programs

Early intervention and crisis prevention programs are vital components of the National
Mental Health Policy to reduce the incidence of mental health emergencies during a
global health crisis.

36 b.) Provide grief counseling and support services

Providing grief counseling and support services is crucial to address the specific mental
health needs of individuals who have experienced loss during a global health crisis.

37 c.) Include mental health programs in workplace policies

Collaborating with employers to include mental health programs in workplace policies

can contribute to creating a supportive work environment and addressing the mental
health needs of workers during a global health crisis.

38 b.) Provide specialized mental health programs for this population

Recognizing and implementing specialized mental health programs for children and
adolescents is essential to address their unique needs during a global health crisis.

39 c.) Strengthen protections and advocate for individual rights

The National Mental Health Policy should reinforce protections and advocate for the
rights of individuals in psychiatric institutions, especially during times of crisis, to prevent
any potential violations.

40 b.) Provide mental health resources and support for those in quarantine

Providing mental health resources and support for individuals in quarantine or isolation is
crucial to address the unique challenges they may face during a global health crisis.

41 c.) Implement targeted interventions to reduce disparities

The National Mental Health Policy should actively implement targeted interventions to
reduce mental health disparities among different demographic groups during a global
health crisis, promoting equity and inclusivity.

42 c.) Facilitate partnerships with community-based organizations

Collaborating with community-based organizations can enhance the reach and
effectiveness of mental health support, especially during a global health crisis when
community resources are crucial.

43 b.) Leverage technology for telehealth and digital mental health services

Leveraging technology for telehealth and digital mental health services is essential for
extending the reach of mental health support, especially during times when in-person
interactions may be limited.

44 b.) Provide mental health resources and support for frontline workers

Addressing the mental health needs of frontline workers is crucial, and the National
Mental Health Policy should include specific measures to provide resources and support
for this vulnerable population.

45 c.) Strengthen support services and interventions for domestic violence

Strengthening support services and interventions for domestic violence is essential in the
context of a global health crisis, recognizing the potential increase in such incidents
during stressful times.

46 b.) Include mental health follow-up and support for recovery

Including mental health follow-up and support for individuals who have recovered from
severe illnesses ensures a comprehensive approach to their overall well-being during and
after a global health crisis.

47 b.) Provide mental health resources and support for job loss and economic hardship

Recognizing and addressing the mental health impact of job loss and economic hardship is
crucial, and the National Mental Health Policy should include specific measures to
provide support for individuals facing these challenges.

48 c.) Implement anti-stigma campaigns and education programs

Implementing anti-stigma campaigns and education programs can contribute to reducing

the stigma associated with seeking mental health support, promoting a more open and
supportive environment.

49 c.) Include cultural competence training and promote inclusivity

Including cultural competence training and promoting inclusivity ensures that mental
health services are accessible and sensitive to the diverse needs of various cultural groups
during a global health crisis.

50 b.) Provide targeted mental health programs for these areas

Providing targeted mental health programs for individuals in remote or underserved areas
ensures equitable access to mental health services, even during a global health crisis.

51 c.) Include targeted interventions and support for individuals with pre-existing conditions

Including targeted interventions and support for individuals with pre-existing mental
health conditions is essential to address the unique challenges they may face during a
global health crisis.

Reference Books:

"Abnormal Psychology" by Ronald J. Comer This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of

abnormal psychology and is widely used in college courses. It covers various disorders and their
treatments, incorporating the latest research.

"Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach" by David H. Barlow and V. Mark Durand

Barlow and Durand's book adopts an integrative approach to abnormal psychology, combining
biological, psychological, and social perspectives. It is known for its accessibility and up-to-date

"The Abnormal Psychology Casebook: A New Perspective" by Andrew R. Getzfeld This book
focuses on case studies, allowing readers to apply theoretical concepts to real-world situations.
It's a valuable resource for understanding the complexities of abnormal behavior.

"DSM-5" (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition) While not a
traditional textbook, the DSM-5 is an essential reference for understanding and diagnosing
mental disorders. It provides standardized criteria used by clinicians and researchers.

"Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders" by Richard P. Halgin

and Susan Krauss Whitbourne Halgin and Whitbourne offer a clinical perspective on abnormal
psychology, discussing various disorders in detail and providing insights into treatment

"Abnormal Psychology and Life: A Dimensional Approach" by Chris Kearney and Timothy J.
Trull This book takes a dimensional approach to abnormal psychology, emphasizing the
continuum of normal and abnormal behavior. It also integrates research findings and practical
"Essentials of Abnormal Psychology" by V. Mark Durand and David H. Barlow This book is a
condensed version of Barlow and Durand's comprehensive text, making it a suitable choice for
those who want a more concise overview of abnormal psychology.

"Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology" by Thomas F. Oltmanns, Michele T. Martin, and John
M. Neale This book presents a collection of case studies that illustrate various psychological
disorders. It is valuable for applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

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