Final PP
Final PP
Final PP
We dedicate this report to our loving and caring parents Mr. Korobe John Bosco and Mrs.
Christine Aryemo Korobe and Mr. Apio Mary Felister. Who have continually supported us
financially, morally and have ensured our sustained stay at school. May the Almighty Lord
bestow his blessings upon them and always bless the works of their hands.
Amidst all challenges, we remain so grateful to the Almighty Lord for this life, health, grace and
provisions that brought us this far in our academics. All praise and honor unto Him alone for
ever and ever.
We are very grateful to our Supervisor Mr. Roice Bwambale for fixing time to supervise the
entire project activities. His editorial and professional guidance, support and mentoring enabled
us accomplish this project research successfully.
We wish to extend my sincere gratitude to all my dear lecturers and fellow students for the
necessary assistances during my consultations I also extend my special gratitude to my family
and friends for the continued love, financial and moral support throughout my education. Your
encouragement gave me hope to keep pushing. Thank you very much
I ALEPER ANNET ADOOBI and ODIIT STEPHEN hereby declare that this project research proposal
is our original work and has not been submitted to any academic institution for the award of an
academic qualification. We are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented
herein and in areas where consultations were done to previous research and articles, credit has
been given to the authors.
……………………………….. ……………………………………….
……………………………….. ……………………………………….
This project research report has been prepared under my guidance and is now submitted for
examination with my approval as the university supervisor.
University lecturer
……………………………….. …………………………………………….
This certifies that this Project research proposal report on the upgrading of Ndejje-Bombo regarding an
improved geometric design with an integrated detailed hydrological design as a partial fulfillment of the
requirements of the Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering to the Civil Engineering Department Ndejje
LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS....................................................................................................
LITERATUTRE REVIEW..............................................................................................................................14
Problem statement..............................................................................................................................15
Objective of the Project Research Proposal............................................................................................15
To optimize Drainage Layout by developing a geometric design that maximizes the efficiency of both
piped and un-piped drainage components, strategically placing them to mitigate water accumulation
and reduce flooding risks in the upgraded Bombo-Ndejje road.................................................................15
Scope of Works....................................................................................................................................16
Chapter 2.....................................................................................................................................................
DESIGN PHASE.........................................................................................................................................
Geometric Design................................................................................................................................
Table 2-1: Design Vehicle Dimensions................................................................................................... 17
Road Geometric Classification and Typical Cross-sections................................................................18
Table 2-2: Geometric Design Criteria for Class III Paved Roads..........................................................18
Super elevation....................................................................................................................................
Traffic Signs........................................................................................................................................
Table 2-3: Traffic Sign Sizes and Visible Distances................................................................................20
Road Safety Design Considerations....................................................................................................
Design Standards.........................................................................................................................................
Sight Distances............................................................................................................................................
Road Alignments.........................................................................................................................................
Pedestrian and Cycle
Safety Barriers.............................................................................................................................................
Road signs, and
Street Lighting.............................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................24
Proposed Hydrological Design And Analytical Methods.........................................................................24
Drainage Design Guidelines and Considerations....................................................................................24
DATA COLLECTION...............................................................................................................................25
CATCHMENT AREA DELINEATION........................................................................................................26
A pour point located at the point of study will then be selected along the stream network on the DEM
and the catchment that contributes to flow at this point will be delineated.............................................26
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
AIC Aids Information Centre
CAD Computer Aided Design
CICO Chongqing International Construction Corporation
COVID-19 Corona Virus
CRR Crushed Runner Rock
ESAs Equivalent Standard Axles
ESMP Environment and Social Management Plan
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
IPC Interim Payment Certificate
LHS Left Hand Side
MoWHC Ministry of Works, Housing and Communications
MoWT Ministry of Works and Transport
NSP Nominated Service Provider
NWSC National Water and Sewerage Corporation
PAPs Project Affected Persons
RHS Right Hand Side
RDM Road Design Manual
SCS Soil Conservation Service
SN Structural Number
SOPs Standard Operating Procedures
Bombo-Ndejje road is an 8km road from Bombo off Kampala-Gulu highway and its located in
the Buganda region of Uganda in Luwero district.
The Government of Uganda (GoU) through the National Road Development and Maintenance
Program (NRDMP) is implementing a policy to have the roads within rural areas traversed by
the national roads upgraded to paved bituminous standard. In compliance with the policy, we
propose the geometric and drainage design for upgrading of the Bombo-Ndejje
The inadequate drainage system on the selected roads necessitated a detailed hydrological and
hydraulic analysis to be undertaken to safely convey stormwater through and across the road
structure to the natural stream flow to prevent damages brought about by the presence of water
on materials with which the pavement is constructed.
Since the roads are rural and less trafficked roads, we proposed a desirable design speed of
50km/hr. and classified as Class III paved according to Table 4-2(a) of the MoWT’s (2010)
RDM Vol.1. The hydrological and hydraulic design will be done in accordance with the Ministry
of Works and
Transport Road Design Manual, Vol 2. “Drainage Design” (MoWT RDM, Vol.2); (Uganda Road
Drainage Design Manual (URDDM)). This selected road has a swamp and traverses minor
stream with the rest of the roads running along a drainage divide, therefore, being drained by
majorly side drains and relief culverts.
We proposed to design a box culvert and also pipe culverts along this selected road. Given that
most of the contributing catchment areas are smaller than 0.8 km 2, the rational method was
selected as the most appropriate peak flow estimation method for the cross culverts. The design
flows were checked against values obtained from TRRL East African Model and since the
catchment area along the Ndejje-Bombo road is more than 0.8 km 2, TRRL East African Model
was selected as the most appropriate peak flow estimation method and the design flows were
checked against the value obtained from SCS method and the maximum flow was adapted
The rational method was used to compute the roadside drain design flow since all computed side
drain catchments were not more than 0.8km2, a range within which this method is recommended.
This document is a detailed proposed research report on the Geometric Design, and drainage
design. The project involves upgrading geometric designof Selected Bomb-Ndejje road to
recommended Standard. It is presented for the sole purpose of demonstrating competence in
Road Design.
This report is structured in line with the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of a degree of bachelor in civil engineering and has been prepared in accordance
with the guidance of our University Supervisor’
Bombo-Ndejje Road, a critical transportation link connecting Bombo to Ndejje (8km), has been
plagued by recurring drainage issues for many years. The current drainage infrastructure is
inadequate and ill-equipped to handle the seasonal and heavy rainfall that occurs in the region.
Consequently, the road frequently experiences flooding, erosion, and waterlogging, creating
hazards for commuters and causing damage to property and the environment. Ministry Of Works
And Transport Road Design Drainage Manual 1,2,3 2010, Volume 1. The existing drainage
system's inefficiencies have had a significant impact on road safety, accessibility, and the overall
quality of the road corridor. Therefore, this project focuses on the assessment and improvement of
the drainage design(drainage design volume 1) to address these pressing challenges and enhance
the road's functionality. Research article
First published online January 1, 2012,
Richard J. Porter , Eric T. Donnell, and John M. MasonView all authors and affiliations
[email protected]
Problem statement
An inadequate drainage system leads to the presence of excess water or moisture within
the roadway which will adversely affect the Engineering properties of the materials
with which the pavement is constructed.
To carry out the geometric design, drainage design for the upgrading of selected
Bombo-Ndejje road (8km) in line with the NRDMP program of developing service
roads to enhance safety and efficiency while focusing on mitigation of floods and
minimizing the impact on the environment and cost.
Specific Objective
To optimize Drainage Layout by developing a geometric design that maximizes the
efficiency of both piped and un-piped drainage components, strategically placing them to
mitigate water accumulation and reduce flooding risks in the upgraded Bombo-Ndejje
To enhance Hydrological Resilience through implementing advanced hydrological design
principles to account for varying water volumes, ensuring the drainage system can
effectively manage heavy rainfall and prevent flooding, especially in flood-prone
To integrate Sustainable Technologies by incorporating modern technologies and
sustainable solutions in the design, such as permeable surfaces, green infrastructure,
and smart drainage systems, to enhance water absorption and reduce runoff
Research questions
1. How can the integration of geometric design and hydrological design enhance
the overall efficiency and sustainability of transportation infrastructure? b. What
are the key considerations for incorporating hydrological features seamlessly
into geometric road designs to mitigate the impact of stormwater runoff?
6. How can community preferences and needs be effectively incorporated into the
integrated geometric and hydrological design process?
Scope of Works
The scope of the project involved the following; Topographical surveys, Traffic studies,
Pavement design Geometric design, hydrology, and hydraulic design of the
BomboNdejje Road.
Chapter 2
Geometric Design
The objective of the design is to provide engineered roads, which are safe, cost-effective, in
balance with the Physical and Social Environment, meet future traffic requirements, and
encourages consistency and uniformity of operation.
Minimum horizontal and vertical curvatures are governed by maximum acceptable levels of
lateral and vertical acceleration and minimum sight distances required for safe stopping and
passing maneuvers. These design parameters are either explicitly or implicitly dependent on an
assumed design speed. Since the road is rural and peri urban roads, a desirable design speed of
50km/hr. was adopted and used for design in line with the Design Manual requirements for
Urban Road Conditions.
The terrain of the project area was categorized as rolling. The terrain’s flat, rolling, or
mountainous definitions are overridden by this urban environment definition.
The selected design vehicle was DV4. This directly influences lane width, vertical clearance,
minimum radius, and turning paths at curves and intersections. Its physical characteristics are
shown in the table below.
Semitrailer DV-4
As specified in the MoWT's (2010) RDM Vol.1, the roads in Uganda are classified based on
functional and geometric classifications. In relation to functional classification, these roads are
classified as Primary Roads of Class C as they connect to each other and to a higher-class road.
Therefore, the major function of the selected roads is to provide both access and mobility.
Table 2-2: Geometric Design Criteria for Class III Paved Roads
Design Element Unit Urban/ Peri-Urban
For a design Class III Paved, the Road Design Manual proposes a cross-section comprising: a
2lane carriageway each with 2.8m lanes and 1.5m shoulders totaling 8.6m. However, for both
space limitations and safety considerations, I considered a cross-section comprising 3.0m lanes
and 0-2m shoulders for the different roads.
The provision of road kerbs and walkways was done as guided by MoWT RDM 2010, Volume 1:
Section 7. We prioritized the Coordination of vertical and horizontal curves for purposes of
safety and aesthetics. The design aimed at avoiding incidences of surprise elements for the
drivers (e.g., abrupt changes in grade, insufficient visibility, and poor phasing of horizontal and
vertical alignment) as key in accident prevention.
Super elevation
Although the effect of the radial force along a circular curve is reduced by introducing transition
curves, the effect can further be reduced or even eliminated by raising one side of the road
relative to the other. This was used as a safety measure. This was done while looking into the
design speed, comfort, cornering stability, drainage, and the terrain. The super elevation applied
on the horizontal curves is based on the super elevation 6-4, table given in the MoWT’s (2010)
RDM Vol.1. Being a service Road, a maximum super-elevation of 4% with a side friction factor
of will be adopted in the design.
Traffic Signs
Traffic signs and road markings will be used to regulate, warn, inform, or guide road users. They
are essential for the safe, smooth movement of road traffic. It is important to have a standard set
of signs and to use them in a consistent manner, so that road users can become familiar with them
and therefore these signs conform to the Ministry of Works, Housing and Communications
(MoWHC) Traffic Signs Manual, Volumes 1 and 2, 2004.
The size and siting of traffic warning signs is a function of design speed as presented in
Table 2-3.
Table 2-3: Traffic Sign Sizes and Visible Distances
Section Design Speed Triangular Sign Circular Sign Visible Distance
(Side Length) (Diameter) to the Sign
Town Section 50Km/h 750mm 600mm 50m
1 Safety for all road users. • Speed calming measures like rumble
• Concrete covered drains
• Barrier road kerbs and walkways
• Design speed limit 50Km/hr.
2 Guiding information and warning drivers Road signs and markings that are retroreflective
3 Controlling driver’s passage through conflict points and No overtaking was allowed due to limited
other difficult sections visibility and many accesses along the roads.
4 Junctions Profiles were designed to tie in well and levels
Design Standards
A design speed limit of 50 km/h was adapted given that the roads are all within the heart of
Hoima City where the Uganda Design Manual classifies it as an Urban section whose speed limit
should be 50 km/h.
Sight Distances
The controlling design parameter for vertical alignment is the K value required for the design
speed where “K” value is the length of the curve required for unit grade change (K = L/G). The
design controls for vertical curves recommended under MoWT‟s (2010) RDM Vol.1 and
standards for a design speed of 50km/h is a stopping sight distance of 57.5-62.8(m) and the K
value for the Crest of 9 and 11 for the sag.
I didn’t provide for overtaking on all the roads due to the limited visibility and given that this
road is has got short stretches ranging from 230m to 1500m for a design speed of 50 km/h.
Road Alignments
The design road alignments will be constrained by the existing built-up environment and the need
to maintain the accesses to the community in these areas. I, therefore, kept a minimum curve
radius of 100m based on a speed limit of 50 Km/hr. in the designs.
The need for careful design of junctions to limit inherent hazards and maintain acceptable traffic
capacity is of great importance. To accomplish this, the layout and operation of the junction
should be obvious to the driver with good visibility between conflicting movements. Junction
types are selected based on the suitable geometric configuration and traffic movement at the
respective location in accordance with Section 8.6 of MoWT‟s (2010) RDM Vol.1.
The entry/exit radius depends on the configuration of the junction and requirements for
compound curves.
iv. Children crossing signposts have been considered at sections along the roads where there
are schools where the children are at risk of crossing the road without being guided and
motorists being warned as they advance to these sections.
Safety Barriers
i. Guardrails have been used on Bombo-Ndejje Road around Km 5+50 since there is a
water crossing point and the designed road has a height difference greater than 3m. ii. Barrier
road kerbs were designed along walkways to separate vehicular traffic and pedestrians
walking along the designed roads so that they are protected from vehicles and boda-boda
Road signs, and Markings
i. We proposed Guidance signs and the applicable regulatory and warning signs for each
intersection provided.
ii. Warning signs for all horizontal curves on the roads were adopted as well as all the
intersections. Regulatory and warning signs with a high reflectivity background to
provide better nighttime visibility and longer life span.
The road sign heights not less than 1.8m from the finished road surface were adopted to avoid
Street Lighting
We proposed Street lights to be installed to promote security in urban areas and to increase the
quality of life by artificially extending the hours in which it is light so that activity can take place.
Street lighting also improves safety for drivers, riders, and pedestrians.
Proposed Hydrological Design And Analytical Methods.
This chapter constitutes a proposed drainage design (Cross Drainage Structures/Culverts and
Side Drains) that will be carried out on the Bombo-Ndejje Road.
The safety of roadways and their surroundings are intimately related to surface and subsurface
drainage. Rapid collection of storm water from the road minimizes the conditions that can result
in the hazardous phenomenon of hydroplaning. The strength of substructures and hence the
service period of roads is highly influenced by the intrusion of water.
Being a major accessibility road, the design of Bombo-Ndejje road was tailored to best suit and
maintain the functionality of the road links and ensure that the road surface is free of runoff.
Therefore, the provision of well-planned and designed stormwater drainage facilities was a basic
requirement in almost all road links.
It will also required that the type of end structures be selected based on hydraulic performance,
cost, and availability of suitable materials.
The information containing all necessary data about the rainfall of the area will be obtained
from a recognized established institution(Kawanda Agricultural Meteorological Research
Centre) so as to have more reliable data. It included the monthly and annual rainfall data of
the area over a given period of time. This data was used to estimate the potential storm
water and hence design a suitable drainage system for road. Rainfall data of the area.
This data will be required to estimate the re-occurrence of peak floods in a given
duration. It shall contain the monthly and annual rainfall data of the area over given
period of time. A minimum of 10 years of historic data are necessary to make accurate
estimation based on statistical methods. The proposed recommended time period will
vary between a 10years design flood to 25 years. For our project, we obtained rainfall
data for 10years (2009 to 2019) ‘
Generation of the intensity duration frequency curve using Watkins and fiddles method.
Analysis of daily rainfall data will be done and the maximum rainfall depth in every month
obtained from which the maximum for every year will be selected.
DEM file:
The DEM will be imported into ARCGIS and processed to delineate the stream network.
In order to locate the area on the DEM, a georeferenced satellite image will be imported into
A pour point located at the point of study will then be selected along the stream network
on the DEM and the catchment that contributes to flow at this point will be delineated.
Extent of the catchment area.
The area of the DEM covered by the catchment will be clipped.
To process the basin characteristics of the catchment, the clipped DEM will then be imported
into HEC-HMS, which is a hydrologic Management System.
Using the GIS tool in HEC-HMS, the streams within the catchments will be delineated and the
basin created.
From HEC-HMS, the catchment characteristics will be calculated from the DEM file.
The weighted runoff coefficient of the catchment will be calculated. The value of C
will depend on the impermeability, slope and retention characteristics of the ground
surface. It will also depends on the characteristics and conditions of the soil,
vegetation cover, the duration and intensity of rainfall, and the antecedent moisture
conditions, etc.
A land use map will be made in AutoCAD using a satellite image of the catchment.
Using a satellite image of the catchment, the percentage area occupied by different land use
and land covers will be mapped out by drawing polygons around it and calculated.
Q = 0.28CIA m3/s
Depth of flow
A depth of flow of 1m was chosen.
Side Slope
A side slope(S) of 1:1 will be chosen, as recommended by V.T Chow (1959) for earth with
concrete lining was adopted. Recommended side slopes are shown in table below
VTchow (1959)
A = (b + xy) y
= (b + 1(1)) 1
= (b + 1)
Wetted perimeter,
= b + 2y√1 + x 2
= b + 2(1) √ (1 + (1) 2)
= b + 2√2
Top width,
A = b + 2xy
= b + 2(1) (1)
Also, to be found are:
Velocity offlow,
Froude number, = where Dm =
31 m3/s =
From calculation, bottom width b =
Bottom width (b) b
= 1.52m
Top width (B)
Area (A)
A = (b + 1)
A= (1.52+1)
A= 2.52m2
P = b + 2√2
P= 1.52+2√2
P = 4.35m
• Velocity of flow(V)
Using n=0.015
V= (1/n) R2 S1
/3 /2
Q = VA
Comparison between total channel discharge and peak storm runoff rate.
The total discharge of the channel and the peak storm runoff rate will
be compared. Therefore, the channel design will convey water
satisfactorily during peak storm runoff rates since the total discharge
for the channel is bigger than the peak storm runoff rate.
Using hydraulic toolbox, culvert diameters of various diameters of 300mm, 450mm,
600mm, 750mm, 900mm, and 1200mm will be tested for their ability to convey the
The hydrological and hydraulic design of the cross-drainage structures was carried out in
accordance with the provisions of the Uganda Road Drainage Design Manual (URDDM). I
applied the design procedure stipulated in URDDM section 2.1.2 page 4 as summarized below:
i. Hydrological field data collection ii. Determination of catchment characteristics (e.g., size,
the length/slope of the main stream or channel) from Digital maps, using ArcGIS analysis.
iii. Determination of the peak floods for different return periods depending on the structure
iv. Determination of the appropriate road drainage structures or systems to safely convey the
peak flood volumes through or away from the road structure without causing any
structural or flood damage.
The selection of design average recurrence interval values must be made by the designer in
relation to the cost of a facility, amount of traffic and expected level of service; potential flood
hazard to property; the magnitude and risk associated with damages from larger flood events; and
conditions for practical detour during probable failure. In selecting a design frequency, all
potential upstream land use for the anticipated life of the drainage facility must be considered.
The higher the design return period, the larger are the design capacities of the storm drainage
facilities which lead to larger costs.
The URDDM provides a guideline for selection of the design return period, which is dependent
on the road class and span of the cross-drainage structure. A summary of the return period for
different structures for design of this road project (class III paved) is presented in Table 2-19
Table 2-6: Return Period for Drainage Structures for Class III Paved Roads
Structure Type
Geometric Design Standard
Gravel C
Paved Ia, Paved III Paved III
Paved Ib Gravel A Gravel B
Side Ditches 10 10 5 5
Ford/Low-Water Bridge - - 5
Long Span Bridges spans > 50m 100 100 100 100
Check/Review Flood 200 200 100 100
years and checked for adequacy against a flood of 50 years. This culvert drains the minor streams
and flooded swamps along the selected road during rainy seasons. The rest of the relief culverts
and side drains, we took into consideration a return period of 10 years checked against a 25-year
Freeboard Requirements
Drainage structures were sized such that the headwater elevation resulting from the design
discharge was somewhat lower than the road shoulder break point at the low point in the road.
This difference in level is referred to as the freeboard. The freeboard usually varies according to
the importance of the roads, usually being set at 250 mm and 100 mm for major and minor roads
I considered a Freeboard of 100mm in the design of all culverts basing on the class and service
level of the roads to be constructed.
However, the manual also highlights the limitations of these methods as guided by the size of
catchment areas:
i. Rational Method applied when Catchment Area < 0.8 km2 ii. TRRL East African
Model applied when Catchment Area > 0.8 km2 and Catchment Area
< 200 km2 iii. SCS Method – limits not defined but preferable for Catchment Area
The rainfall input for the selected rainfall-runoff model was generated from the regional rainfall
data/maps detailed in TRRL’s Lab Report 623 (Fiddes et al 1974). Fiddes et al 1974 provided a
map from which the 2-year 24-hour point rainfall for a given area can be estimated. Using flood
factors, the 2-year 24-hour rainfall is extrapolated to estimate the design storms of longer return
periods i.e., the 10-year, 25-year and 50-year design storms.
Given that most of the contributing catchment areas are smaller than 0.8 km2, we proposed to use
the rational method was selected as the most appropriate peak flow estimation method for the
cross culverts. The design flows were checked against values obtained from TRRL East African
Model and since the catchment area along Bombo-Ndejje stream was more than 0.8 km2, TRRL
East African Model was selected as the most appropriate peak flow estimation method and the
design flows was checked against the value obtained from SCS method and the maximum flow
was adopted accordingly.
I. Rational Method.
The rational method is one of the most commonly used procedures for calculating peak discharge
flows from small catchments that are less than 80 hectares. It is an empirical formula, which
represents the relation between rainfall and peak discharge by
Where Q is the peak discharge [m3/s], C is the runoff coefficient which depends on the
characteristics of the drainage basin, I is the rainfall intensity [mm/hr.] for a duration equal to the
time of concentration tc and A is the drainage area [hectares].
The catchment areas of the river systems at the discharge points of interest are greater than
80hectares and consequently, the rational method has only been adopted for hydrologic analysis
of minor drainage systems (such as road side drains).
The key parameters required in the TRRL East African Model are described in the subsequent
section herein with sample computation for proposed box culvert in swampy flooded areas.
This section presents a wrap up of the challenges we encountered and the adopted solutions, key
lessons learnt, recommendations as I was executing my role as Engineer Construction on this project
and conclusions made from the project. Major Challenges and adopted solutions These
i. Being a built up are, there was a lot of settlement of people downstream of the catchment areas
which could not allow the distribution of proposed culverts as per the drainage design. This
therefore necessitated inspection of all the proposed culvert locations and where their outflow
channels terminate to avoid complaints after installation and people downstream being affected.
This led to longer days needed to install a cross culvert as compared to the usual process if it
were on Highways where settlement is less.
Improvement of the capacities of existing culverts was done since there were already outflow
channels to avoid complaints from the residents downstream of the catchments. Along the
project roads, there were 450mm diameter existing reinforced concrete cross culverts whose
locations were maintained and a 900mm diameter cross culverts were adopted to convey the
flow from the catchment area after delineation.
ii. Accesses to Residences of Communities were affected during earthwork excavations.
Temporary accesses were provided using gravel at the end of each working day to minimize
inconveniences to the Project Affected Persons.
iii. COVID-19 Pandemic which necessitated reduction of the work force thus reducing progress of
Adherence to the set SOPs to avoid having any cases which would cause closure of site.
i. The need to carry out investigations at the design stage to identify and locate the existing
underground utilities, plan for their relocation and cite suitable service duct locations. ii. I learnt the
relevance of collecting adequate data (i.e., inventories of existing drainage facilities, a master plan of
the area where the drainage is to be done, any historical data from the locals, and the direction of flow
of storm water at each cross-culvert location) required to enable an engineer make all the necessary
decisions regarding the design of drainage facilities in an area.
iii. Design changes/ disparities can be met during construction regardless of the level of detail
exercised at the design phase and these must be considered so as to suit the encountered site
iv. It is important to scope all the existing accesses in the project area so that prior planning and
consideration is undertaken to ensure that the communities are not affected during the
execution of the works.
v. I learnt the relevance of developing a risk mitigation matrix for any unexpected events during
project implementation so as to adopt appropriate measures.
vi. Quality control is a key aspect in ensuring that the designed parameters are attained especially
the different concrete classes specified for use in construction. Approved comprehensive Quality
Control and Assurance plans were used during execution of the different day to day activities of
the Laboratory personnel on site.
vii. Environment, Safety, and Social Safeguards compliance is an important aspect during the project
execution, to prevent adverse effects to the Environment and Communities.
i. Engagements with utilities’ owners ought to be carried out in the initial stages of the project so as
to enable identification of existing utility lines and their sizes. This is to enable timely citing of the
service duct locations and the corresponding duct sizes that will enable timely relocation. ii. Before
undertaking any drainage designs in an urban area, prior engagements and consultation with the local
authorities and local residents ought to be done so that any proposed drainage interventions are
consonant with the already developed drainage masterplans of the area. This averts the dangers of
designing culverts whose flow directions especially in areas that have relatively flat terrain are in
iii. Project planning, design and implementation requires coordinated project teamwork.
Involvement of all the relevant professionals and key stakeholders from the start is of paramount
importance in producing optimal designs and implementing sustainable projects. iv. In recent times
of Covid - 19 Pandemic, we have been forced to recognize the possibility of unknown unknowns and
utter surprises in the engineering profession. Since we cannot foresee them, they are usually not
included in risk assessments and how to be mitigated. This therefore requires proper planning and
There will be a boost in the economic growth of the areas as new developments. New buildings are
coming up and more businesses.
It is important to conduct a drainage design to construct appropriate drainage structure to convey storm
water across pavement structures to prevent damages of the pavement.
It can be concluded that, this project will be enriching towards our capacity building and feel we are
ready to become part of the engineering community of Uganda.
AASHTO Drainage Manual 2014,
Ministry of Works and Transport Road Design Manual Volume 2: Drainage Design (2010). Ministry of
Works and Transport, Road Design Manual Volume 3: Pavement Design Part III Gravel Roads, 2010.
Ministry of Works and Transport, General Specifications for Road and Bridge Works, January, 2005.
Transport Research Laboratory, UK (1994) PIARC Road Maintenance Handbook, Volume I of IV, Road Side
Areas and Drainage,
TRRL Laboratory Report 623, “Prediction of Storm Rainfall in East Africa” by Fiddes et al (1974). Uganda
Institution of Professional Engineers: Guidelines to Applicants and Application Form for Membership or
Transfer to Class of Member
Proposed side drain covered by vege