2023 Redfin Investor Deck
2023 Redfin Investor Deck
2023 Redfin Investor Deck
Our Mission: Redefine Real Estate in the Consumer’s Favor
Redfin at a glance
Invented map-based Unique employee Most-visited brokerage website
real estate search agent model 1 Nearly 5x more traffic than the
second-largest brokerage website
$1.5 billion
End to end Remove friction with Customer savings
product offerings technology at every step Cumulative customer savings since our
launch in 2006 on 497,000 transactions
worth more than $249 billion 3
1. Redfin lead agents are paid a salary, can earn bonuses, and are entitled to healthcare and other benefits.
2. Source: comScore, Advanced Media Overview report for web and mobile applications covering the twelve months ended December 31, 2022.
3. Savings based on Redfin customer savings compared to a typical 2.5% commission rate. Savings based exclusively on sell-side transactions beginning in Q4 2022.
Investment Highlights
Complete customer solution – including Full service, low seller fees, high
3 brokerage, rentals, mortgage & title 6 customer satisfaction
$886 0.51%
$241 0.42%
$370 $45 $903
$432 $524 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 $393,000 $398,000 $392,000 $410,000 $455,000 $460,000
home price
1. In November 2022 we announced our decision to wind-down RedfinNow, which comprises the bulk of our properties segment revenue; revenue for this segment will be de minimis once the wind-down is complete.
2. Source: NAR Existing Home Sales and Redfin data.
End-to-End Product Offering
Real Estate Services Rentals Mortgage Title & Escrow
2022 Transactions
Attach rate 17% 17% Attach rate
44% sell-side 44%
56% buy-side
Benefits of a rentals offering 7.9%
include traffic synergies 12%
(leverage visitors to Redfin.com), Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q4 Q4
customer synergies (increase 20221 2022 2022 2022 2021 2022
Average transactions
per agent 2.4x Median
agent pay 2.0x
Per agent2 Agent pay2
1. Source: NAR Existing Home Sales, NAR Membership, Redfin data, deals completed in 2022.
2. Source: Industry agent pay from NAR 2022 Member Profile report. Redfin agent pay from internal payroll system.
A Better Deal for Buyers
Redfin $13M
Work with a top agent
Redfin agents are the most productive
of any top-20 brokerage.1
Compass $11M
Sotheby’s $9M
Windermere $7M
Get into homes fast
With on-demand tours, buyers can set
up a tour in just a few clicks.
1. Annual sales volume per agent based Redfin analysis of MLS data for the 12-month period ended September 30, 2022. Excludes ibuying transactions.
A Better Deal for Sellers
1. Source: Precision Consulting study commissioned by Redfin and dated November 2022. Compared to competing brokerages’ similar listings, Redfin listings had a $0.92 higher price per square foot ($312.97 vs. $31.06), sold 3 days faster,
had a 2.78 percentage point advantage in likelihood to sell within 60 days and had a 1.52 percentage point advantage in likelihood to sell within 90 days.
2. Redfin charges 1% for customers who buy and sell within a 12 month period. Otherwise, the listing fee is 1.5%. Subject to minimums.
Seller Solutions
1. Customers receive an itemized statement of work, which includes a project management fee. Costs deducted from home sale proceeds at escrow.
Loyalty as an Engine for Growth
1. Source: Multiple Listing Services, homes sold in 2022. Buyers using the same brokerage to sell the home they bought.
2. Source: Multiple Listing Services, agents completing deals with the same brokerage in Q3 2020 and Q3 2021. Showing 2021 data since 2022 was impacted by layoffs. For 2022, Redfin's retention rate was 66% v. 61% for the industry.
Key milestones
Added rentals in April 2021 with the acquisition of Rent.
(formerly RentPath); purchased out of bankruptcy
New leadership, Jon Ziglar, joined as CEO
in August 2021
Traffic synergies
Leverage Redfin’s 50M monthly visitors; in Q4 2022, Added rentals listings to Redfin.com
Redfin.com contributed 18% of rentals site visits in March 2022
Search optimization
Posted year-over-year revenue growth in Q4 2022,
Comprehensive sites show up higher in 6
the businesses’ first quarterly-year-over year
search engine results
revenue growth in years
Path to Profitability
1 2 3 4 5
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