Boston Studies in The Philosophy of Science
Boston Studies in The Philosophy of Science
Boston Studies in The Philosophy of Science
Tscha Hung with C. G. Hempel. Vienna 1982.
Beijing International Conference, 1992
Edited by
Boston University
University of Turku and University of Miami
Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Springer-Science+Business Media, B.Y.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
1. Realism--Congresses. 2 . Seienee--Philosophy--Congresses.
1. Cuhan , R. S. (Robar t Sonne) I!. H t lp men , Risto . II1. Ch' tu ,
Jen-tsung. IV. Beijing International Conferenee on Philosophy of
Seienee (1992) V. Series.
0175. 32. R42R43 1995
501 - -de20 94-39752
This book contains the main papers from the first Beijing International
Conference on Philosophy of Science, held in 1992 and dedicated to
issues of 'Realism and Anti-Realism in Science' . The Conference was
organized by the Chinese Society for Dialectics of Nature (Philosophy
of Nature, Science and Technology), and sponsored by the China
Association for Science and Technology (CAST), the China International
Conference Center for Science and Technology (ICCST), the Boston
University Center for Philosophy and History of Science, the International
Union of History and Philosophy of Science through its Divi sion of
Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (IUHPSIDLMPS), and
by Mr. Joseph C. T. Lee of Hong Kong. The Organizing Committee
was chaired by Qiu Liang-hui, the Programme Committee by Robert
S. Cohen, but we are especially mindful of the responsible role of our
real 'Secretary-General' Qiu Renzong and his endlessly helpful colleague
Ju Zhang .
The Conference was blessed by the late Professor Tscha Hung who
had hoped to join with us, with Chinese and non-Ch inese alike. He had
for many years been Director of the Institute for Foreign Philosophy at
Beijing University, and indeed for decades of thinking and teaching Tscha
Hung was a link between the ' scientific philosophy' of his logical empiri-
cist Vienna and the new time of China after the Second World War.
Both the teacher and also the critic of his own mentors and colleagues,
he was a scholar who quietly carried the roles of being the Ayer and
Hempel of China.
Where might philosophy of science within China be located today?
As in the West, modern Chinese philosophers deal with issues in addition
to those of science, technology, medicine and the natural world , and
they do so within various frameworks, some from traditional Chinese
civilization, some from the currents of classical, modern and post-modern
Western sources, others within a Chinese Marxist outlook. Philosophy
of science however is especially needful of, and open to, international
collaboration and mutual learning . Like the sciences, like mathematics,
physics, biology, chemistry, computer science, modern logic, nuclear
R. S. Cohen . R. Hilpin en and Qiu Renzon g (eds.) , Reali sm and Anti-Reali sm in the
Philosophy of Science, xi-xii.
Robert S. Cohen
(for the editors)
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds .), Realism and Anti -Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, xiii-xv .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
point , which was to offer clarity about science, and about what is not
scientific, and to investigate central concepts of the sciences. For himself
this task took two forms: his research, as in his dissertation on the concept
of cause in contemporary physics, and in his careful attention to prob-
ability; and his teaching, together with his writing of textbooks and
editing of translations from Western philosophers. He seemed pleased
to be compared in his Chinese university environment with AJ. Ayer
in Ayer 's own 'Return from Vienna' to write Language, Truth and
Certainly his situation had been difficult, and his Stoic equanimity
striking when I saw him. We talked sometimes about Needham's
researches in the history of the sciences in ancient and classical China,
for which Tscha Hung had great respect, and this led to his questions
about Vienna Circle investigations of the social conditions of knowl-
edge in general, and natural sciences and mathematics in particular.
He had known Edgar Zilsel in Vienna days, and he was much intrigued
by my attempt to sketch Zilsel's works of the 1940s on the historical
sociology of science in the period of the scientific revolution and its
precursors. All the more, he was eager to read Needham 's use of Zilsel 's
historical theories for the Chinese cases.
Tscha Hung was much taken with all the work on external condi-
tions of science, on what Carnap had called the pragmatics, on the several
accounts of the 'historical tum' by Kuhn and others, by the analytic/syn-
thetic debate around Quine, and by both the older and newer apparent
relativisms typified by the image of 'Neurath's boat'. After his own
adherence to Schlick's teaching in early studies, Hung continued to worry
over the coherence/correspondence/formal conceptions of truth, and of
knowledge generally. The issue of realism vs. anti-realism, in our inter-
national conference, was I suppose the vital issue for him. To his pleasure,
this continued to be vital for others as well. With this went his happy
recognition that a new generation of philosophers of science were inves-
tigating and interpreting the history of the Vienna Circle. He was pleased
to accept membership on the Editorial Committee of the Vienna Circle
What then, I asked, was his own relation to Chinese thought, and to
Chinese colleagues, whether scientists or philosophers? He had been a
young student of Liang Qi-chao but left China at age 18 for university
studies in Germany. His own philosophical formation was deeply within
the anti-metaphysical logical empiricism. So, in China, he would be
R. S. Cohen . R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, xvii-xxii.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
again and again, and translated into many different languages (including
Chinese in 1980) and thereby became a very popular, basic philosoph-
ical reading in the world. Hong's book, after the 1st edition of 1945,
owing to political and ideological reasons, could not be republished in
mainland China until 1989, and then it was again welcomed as a valuable
academic treatise. Due to the differences of cultural traditions and
political circumstances, how different was what happened to these two
books .
Hong went to Oxford in 1945 where he was elected a research fellow
at New College. But events in China impelled him to return home in
1947, and while he was Professor and Director at the Department of
Philosophy, Wuhan University, he published 'Moritz Schlick and Modern
Empiricism ' in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 9,
no. 4 (1949). In this paper, Hong introduced the debate between Schlick
on one side and Neurath with Carnap on the other side on the problem
of the foundation of knowledge, and criticized Carnap's viewpoint of
reductionism and protocol sentences. It was two years before the pub-
lication of Quine 's paper 'The Two Dogmas of Empiricism' .
After the People 's Republic of China came into existence, Hong
Qian moved to Beijing in 1950 and became the Professor and Head
of the Philosophy Department, Yenching University in 1951 [Beijing
University]. From 1952 to 1965, he was the Professor and head of the
Seminar for History of Foreign Philosophy of the Philosophy Department,
Beijing University and then was the director of the Institute of Foreign
Philosophy of Beijing University until his retirement in 1987.
Since logical empiricism was condemned as a reactionary idealist
philosophy serving imperialism, Hong could not continue his teaching
and writing on logical empiricism. In the first half of 1957, encouraged
by the Double Hundred Policy, Hong wrote two papers to introduce
Mach 's philosophical thought and Kant's Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und
Theorie des Himmels. He suggested to leaders of the Chinese Communist
Party to implement the Double Hundred Policy fully, "needn't overem-
phasize the leadership of Marxism, needn 't be afraid of ideali sm", "pay
more attention to the study of Western philosophy". In the summer of
1957, the Anti-Rightist Struggle broke out, Hong was criticized together
with other famous philosophers such as Jin Yuelin, Feng Youlan and
He Lin. The atmosphere of free contending soon completely vanished.
The only thing Hong Qian could do was to keep his silence and do
some translation and editing work.
No need for reticence, since the beginning of the Vienna Circle, most schools of con-
temporary analytical philosophy have not paid sufficient attention to ethics, have not placed
ethics in the proper position in philosophy. Just as someone pointed out: a complete
philosophical system, needs not only an integral part of theoretical philosophy, but also
an integral part of practical philosophy. For instance, in Kant's philosophy, there are
three great treatises of Critique; in Marxist philosophy, there are dialectical materialism
and historical materialism. In view of this, it is no wonder that Russell said emotion-
ally: Strictly speaking , in this kind of philosophy like logical positivism, actually there
is no philosophy, but only methodology.'
Beijing 100080,
I Hong Qian (1989). The Philo sophy of Vienna Circle, Commercial Press , Beijing,
2 Moritz Schlick (1979) . Philosophical Papers, vol. 2, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, p. II I.
3 Hong Qian (1990). Collected Papers on Logical Empiricism, Shanlian Shudian, Hong
Kong, pp. 247-248.
This paper has a very modest objective. The recent discussion of realism
contains expressions and metaphors which I find difficult to understand,
and I shall try to translate some of these expressions into a more com-
prehensible idiom. The arguments about realism - or about different
'realisms" - often involve claims about the dependence (or indepen-
dence) of the world on our theories and concepts. What is the nature
of this dependence or independence? Some philosophers make a dis-
tinction between our conceptualizations of the world and "the way of
the world really is" (italics mine), or at least attribute such a distinc-
tion to other philosophers.' I assume that this distinction is not meant
to be the same as the familiar distinction between a representation and
its object.' Do scientists not try to represent the world the way it really
is? (The representation of the world as something other than what it really
is would seem to be misrepresentation.) The metaphors of 'carving '
and 'cutting ' are common in this context: Hartry Field speaks about
the "carving up of the noumenal dough" by means of various "cookie
cutters"," whereas Hilary Putnam has argued that this metaphor is a
misleading characterization of scientific representation, that is, a mis-
leading summary of what he regards as the correct account, his "internal"
or "pragmatic" realism.' The target of Putnam's criticism, "external"
or "metaphysical" realism, includes, according to him, the thesis that "the
world consists of some fixed totality of mind-independent objects"." In
this paper I am mainly interested in this thesis and its negation. I shall
not discuss other aspects of what Putnam calls "external realism", viz.,
the assumptions of correspondence (i.e., the correspondence theory of
truth) and uniqueness (the uniqueness of a complete and correct descrip-
tion of the world) ."
R. S. Cohen. R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 1-10.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
How can one propound this sort of relativistic doctrine and still claim to believe that
there is anything to the idea of ' externality', anything to the idea that there is some -
thing ' out there' independent of language and mind?
confused this sense of ' mind' with its other meanings; for example, in
his discussion of realism Robert Nola characterizes after-images as mind-
dependent entities.'? After-images may be called 'psychological' objects,
but this does not make them necessarily "mind-dependent" in the present
sense of the word.
(P3) and (M I) appear to be propositions about a number, viz ., the
number of objects in the world: (P3) seems to entail, e.g., the following:
(P4) There is a number n such that n = the number of objects in
the world, but the number of objects in the world would not
have been n if our choice of a conceptual scheme had been
different from what it actually was.
Here 'n' is assumed to be a rigid number designator; (P4) says that the
expression 'the number of objects in the world' refers to different
numbers in different possible worlds, and this variation depends on
variation in our conceptual schemes.
If (P4) were a well-defined proposition, it would express a truly
relativistic doctrine. For example, the much discussed doctrine of
linguistic relativity can be expressed in a form analogous to (P4):
If a given speaker's language were (significantly) different
from what it actually is, his "picture of the world" (world
view) would differ from his actual view."
But (P4) is of course not what Putnam means by 'internal' or ' pragmatic'
realism. In Representation and Reality Putnam asks us to consider an
example in which a person is taken to a room and asked, "How many
objects are there in this room?"." He argues that the question has no clear
and unambiguous answer: there is no such thing as the number of objects
in a given room. This can be expressed by saying that the expression
'object' is not an individuating expression or a sortal expression." To
use Frege's words, the concept of an object "does not isolate in a definite
manner what falls under it".14 Putnam expresses this indirectly by saying
that the answer to the question about the number of objects in the room
"depends on what one means by 'object' ", and that "there are many ways
of using the notion of an object"." These characterizations are mis-
leading, because they suggest that the expression ' object' is somehow
ambiguous." To say that there are different "ways of using the notion
of an object" means in this context only that the expression 'object'
can be joined together with different individuating descriptions.
For example, for alligators we obtain the follow ing thesis of "internal
(P8) The number of alligators in the world depends on the choice
of a conceptual scheme .
This claim seems false. It makes good sense to speak about the number
of alligators in the world, and for alligators the relativized thesis (M I),
the thesis of relativized metaphysical realism, seems to hold true. IS The
falsity of (P8) can be seen more clearly if it is rewritten as follows:
(P9) is clearly false . (P8) may be regarded as true only if it is not under-
stood as a statement about the number of allig ators, but rather as a
statement about (the extension of) the word (or concept) ' alligator ' .
Let Ext(G) be the extension of an expression (or concept) G, let
Extaclual(G) be the actual extension of G (the extension of G in the actual
world) , and let n(A) be the cardinality of a set A. Thesis (P9) must be
distinguished from the following proposition:
(PIO) If our conceptual scheme were different from what it
actually is, n(Ext(, Alligator')) would be different from
n(Extaclual' Alligator'j)."
(P I0) is not equivalent to (P9): (P I0) may be true, even though (P9) is
false. If " internal realism" involves the acceptance of (P9) (and not
merely that of (PIO)) , it amounts to the view that if a dog 's tail were
called a leg, dogs would have five legs."
According to the argument given above , theses (P3) and (M I) are
meaningful only when relativized to objects "under" some individu-
ating description, as shown in (P7). If the doctrine of realism depends
on the truth of such theses, it is necessarily realism with respect to F-
objects, where F is some individuating description. Thus the following
to be a realist about a some particular thing or kind of thing is to believe that thing or
kind exists (or that kind has members).
Heller calls this form of realism "existential realism". This is not an inter-
esting sense of 'realism': according to Heller's definition, a person who
believes that there are swans and that all swans are white, is a realist
about swans, but anti-realist (or non-realist) about black swans. Moreover,
existential realism in Heller's sense is compatible with mind-dependence
in the sense suggested in the previous section: There are (i.e., there exist)
traffic signs and chess pieces, but they are not mind-independent; they
are constituted by people 's beliefs." If the requirement of "mind-inde-
pendence" is added to Heller's definition, we get the following thesis
of (existential) realism with respect to F-objects:
(RI) F-objects exist in the world in a mind-independent manner.
Michael Devitt has formulated an "absolutized" version of (R I) as
follows ;"
(R2) Tokens of most current common-sense , and scientific, physical
types objectively exist independently of the mental.
To make thesis (R 1) immune to the objection against Heller's defini-
tion of existential realism mentioned above , it should be reformulated
(R3) The existence of F-objects in the world does not depend on
the mental (or on the choice of a conceptual scheme).
In the same way, Devitt 's "absolutized" version of (Rl ) should be under -
stood as follows :
(R4) For most individuating concepts F, the existence of F-objects
does not depend on the mental (or on the choice of a con-
ceptual scheme).
Devitt 's version of realism (reformulated as (R4» is more cautious
than (M4), and therefore more likely to be true, since it allows the pos-
sibility that some objects exist in a mind-dependent way, or, to use the
terminology of conceptual schemes , it allows the possibility that there
are objects whose existence "depends on our conceptual scheme" . Such
objects (for example, chess pieces) satisfy the following modified form
of (P7):
Departments of Philosophy,
University of Turku, Finland;
University of Miami, USA.
I Cf. Susan Haack (1987). " 'Realisms'''. Synthese 73, pp. 275-299.
2 Mark Heller (1988). 'Putnam, Reference. and Realism ', in Midwest Studies in
Philosophy XII: Realism and Antirealism, ed . by A. P. French et al., University of
Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, pp. 113-127; see p. 115.
3 The distinction between the world as it really is and as it is represented by our theories
resembles Charles Peirce's distinction between the immediate and the dynamical object
of a sign : The immediate object of a sign is the object " as the sign itself represents it",
whereas the dynamical object is the " reality which by some means contrives to deter-
mine the sign to its representation"; see Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce,
vol. 4, ed. by C. Hartshorne and P. Weiss (1933). Harvard University Press, Cambridge,
Mass., paragraph 4.436 . According to Peirce, the immediate object of a sign is a repre-
sentation rather than the reality represented by a sign .
4 Hartry Field (1982). 'Realism and Relativism', The Journal of Philosophy 79, pp.
553-567; see p. 561.
5 Hilary Putnam (1987). The Many Faces of Realism, Open Court, La Salle , III. p. 19,
and Representation and Reality (1988). MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass . pp. 113-114.
According to Putnam , the cookie-cutter metaphor founders on the question, "What are
the parts of the dough?" I don 't think this is a convincing objection.
6 Hilary Putnam (\ 981). Reason, Truth and History, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, p. 49.
7 Ibid., p. 49.
8 Hilary Putnam, The Many Faces of Realism, p. 32.
9 lbid., p. 32.
(() See Robert Nola, ' Introduction: Some Issues Concerning Relativism and Realism in
Science', in Relativism and Realism in Science, ed. by R. Nola (1988). Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 1-35; see p. 5.
11 See John Carroll (ed .) (1956). Language , Thought, and Reality : Selected Writings
of Benjamin Lee Whorf, The MIT Press , Cambridge, Mass., p. 221.
12 Hilary Putnam . Representation and Reality, pp. 110--112.
13 See E. J. Lowe (1989) . Kinds of Being, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, pp, 9-10.
14 Gottlob Frege (1950) . The Foundations of Arithmetic, transI. by J.L. Austin, Basil
Blackwell, Oxford, p. 66. See also Nicholas Griffin (1977) . Relative Identity, Clarendon
Press, Oxford, p. 40, and Peter Geach (1968) . Reference and Generality, Emended Edition,
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, pp. 38-39.
15 Representation and Reality, pp. 113-114.
16 In his discussion of sortal predicates Geach discusses the problem of counting the
red things in a room , but he does not conclude from the impossibility of this task that
the expression ' red thing' is ambiguous or can be used in different ways; according to
Geach, the example shows only that 'red thing' is not what he calls a "substantival"
(that is, a sortal) expression. See Reference and Generality , p. 39.
17 Reason, Truth and History, p. 49.
18 This is even more obvious in the case of dinosaurs and (say) galaxies, since in such
cases we need not worry about the causal and indirect effects of our conceptual activi-
ties. (In this context "the F-objects in the world" should be taken to include all F-objects
which have existed or will exist in the world .)
19 According to the possible worlds semantics of conditionals, (P9) and (PIO) can be
formulated as follows :
(P9 *) In the nearby alternative worlds where our conceptual scheme differs from
that adopted in the actual world , the number of alligators differs from the
actual number of alligators.
(PlO*) In the nearby alternative worlds where our conceptual scheme differs from
that adopted in the actual world, n(Ext(' Alligator'» differs from
n(Ext aclual('Alligator'».
that is real which has such and such characters, whether anybody thinks it to have those
characters or not.
(Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce (1934) . vol. 5, ed. by C. Hartshorne and
P. Weiss, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., paragraph 5.430.)
22 Mark Heller , 'Putnam, Reference, and Realism', pp. 113-114.
23 See also Robert Nola, op. cit., pp. 1-35; see pp. 4-5; the definitions given by Nola
also entail that one can be a realist about swans but an anti-realist about black swans .
24 See Michael Devitt (1984). Realism and Truth, Princeton University Press, Princeton,
p. 22. Devitt's reference to phy sical (as opposed to, for example, psychological)
types here may be based on the confusion between the two senses of ' mind' and
' mental' mentioned in section II, viz., mind as a system of concepts and mind as the
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti -Reali sm in the
Philosophy of Science, 11-18.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
It was a universal belief of the scientists of the 19th Century that the
20th Century would bring the completion of the Newtonian world-view
by providing all the missing details. Materialism became not only the
integral part of scientific method but the very condition under which
science could be conducted. There were only rare exceptions among
scientists and mathematicians who did not subscribe to this dogma
The predictive power of the mechanistic science celebrated successes
which silenced even the most vocal critics. Immanuel Kant himself
declared the findings in mathematics, logic, and physics, as completed
in principle, to which nothing substantial could be added. This very
The above quotation is from Professor Wheeler 's 'working paper' series
of three lectures delivered by the author in Beijing, Hefei, and Shanghai
in October 1981. It was almost 50 years ago, when in 1932 Niels Bohr,
Professor Wheeler 's great teacher and mentor, returned from his visit
to China, inspired by the great cultural tradition of its past. The prin-
ciple of complementarity formulated by Bohr five years before his
pilgrimage to China acquired thus a new symbol represented by the
Chinese YIN-YANG accompanied by the Latin motto non contraria
sed complementa, and the hope that one day this very principle would
become the central core of our entire educational system in the West.
Professor Wheeler, one of the last surviving giants of Bohr's school could
not help but come and report to you the accomplishments which followed
Bohr's legacy during the remainder of the 20th Century . In light of this
new tradition we can observe a slow process of introducing comple-
mentarity as a way of thinking into all other aspects of our contemporary
modes of thought. Similarly, we see the implications of Heisenberg's prin-
ciple of uncertainty for the historical striving of mankind to escape
from itselt into some postulated certainty out there, and with it the
nonetheless stupendous implications of Godel's incompleteness theorem
which proved the openendedness of human thought as against the
axiomatic closed mind. In light of these innovative ways of thinking I
dare to argue for the dissolution of the realism-antirealism problem as
one of the important metaphysical underpinnings of the historical and
(p V g) == -(p /\ g)
is rather
p V q == P /\ q /\ r /\ s /\ 00
Department of Philosophy,
University of Alaska,
I . Abbe of Galiana (1728-1787) quoted by John Wheeler, in his address at the ceremony
conferring the Atoms for Peace Award on Niels Bohr, 1957.
2. Wigner, Eugene (1967) . Symmetries and Refle ction s. Indiana University Press,
Bloomington, p. 189.
3. Isaac Newton himself hoped to explain with his mechani stic laws only "all corpo-
real things ", still maintaining an existence of non-corporeal ones. Mathematicians
and logicians due to their a prioristic approaches were outside of the realist-materi-
alistic orbits .
R. S. Cohen . R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 19-44.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
theory will do more than get the existence of electrons right, will do more
than succeed in referring to electrons. For as Larry Laudan has cor-
rectly urged (1981, p. 25) , a theory may be referential yet false, and
because of that thoroughly unsuccessful. Reference is important for
realists because they think it is a necessary condition for success. But
it cannot be a sufficient condition - realists need truth as well .
It may be objected here that one can believe in X's and believe all
sorts of things about X's, without having a ' fully-fledged ' or 'global'
X-theory - and that it is only 'fully-fledged' or 'global ' X-theories that
we have no business believing. To which I reply that for me any col-
lection of beliefs about X's counts as an X-theory - though perhaps
not as a ' fully-fledged ' or ' global' X-theory, whatever that might be.
So you cannot soften mad-dog realism by harping on reference and
giving up on truth . What of mad-dog realism itself? What of the idea that
to be a scientific realist one must think current science true and current
theoretical entities real? (I omit the hedgings for simplicity.) This is
the latest manifestation of an old error: it erects current science into a
metaphysic and ties scientific realism too closely to that met aphysic.
Cartesians did it in the 17th century, Newtonians in the 18th century,
determinists in the 19th century. Theories which did not square with
the Cartesian, Newtonian, or deterministic metaphysic were deemed false ,
incomplete, or mere 'convenient fictions' . (Duhem rightly objected to the
practice, but wrongly thought that the only way to save science from
metaphysical interference was to adopt the view that convenient fictions
are all that science seeks.) And now our own mad-dog reali sts tell us that
you cannot be a realist unless you adopt the metaphysic of curved space-
time and quarks and gluons (or whatever). Realism thus defined might
be empirically refuted, as antirealists like Laudan are quick to see.
But scientific realism has survived the demise of Cartesian, Newtonian,
perhaps even deterministic metaphysics. And it could survive the demise
of some , most , even all, of current science. Realism would not be refuted
if curved space-time or quarks or gluons went the way of phlogiston
or the heavenly spheres. Or perhaps we should put it thus: epistemic
realism would survive, while substantive realism anno 1990 would not.
Do not misunderstand me. Realists think that science should inform
our metaphysical picture of the world, and I am no exception. Sensible
realists are so informed, and suppose that some scientific entities really
do exist and that some of what science tells us about them is true .
Again, I am no exception. You would have to be a pretty pessimistic
realist to think that science has discovered no entities whatever and come
up with no truths whatever about them . Such pessimists may exist.
Popperians, gripped of all things by the pessimistic induction, sometimes
tell us that all scientific theories are false. This is a ludicrous proposi -
tion and it is backed by an argument which is as bad as an argument
can be: its premise ("All past theories are false ") is preposterous and
its conclusion ("All theories are false") does not follow.
Mad dog realists go to the other extreme: they are besotted with current
science and think that it has at last got to the bottom of things. But current
science includes the current frontiers of science, the places where the
current scientific action is, the places where scientists do not know and
are trying to find out. Scientists tend to be pretty cagey about entities and
theories at the frontier - realist philosophers of science would do well
to follow them in this. It is well-entrenched and well-tested past science
that should inform our metaphysic. We should be more confident about
atoms and molecules than we are about electrons, and more confident
about electrons than we are about quarks and gluons. Realism about
the entities and theories of current science should be rather guarded. And
whether guarded or not, it should not be seen as definitional of scien -
tific realism .
The maddest of the mad-dog realists go even further. They say that
only the entities of current science exist , or 'really exist' . When science
found out that tables and chairs were composed of atoms and mole-
cules, it found out that tables and chairs are unreal or do not really
exist. Remember Eddington's tale (1982, pp. xi-xiv) of the ' two tables',
the 'table of common sense ' and the 'table of physics', and his question
"Which table is the real table?" . Remember Wilfrid Sellars ' tale (1963,
p. 126) of the 'manifest' and the 'scientific ' images of the world and
his insistence that if the latter is true the objects of the former "do not
really exist - there are no such things". Eddington's mistake might be
called the 'explaining-is-explaining-away fallacy' . If science finds out
that atoms are composed of quarks and gluons, it will not have found
out that atoms do not really exist. If social science finds out that social
wholes can be explained individualistically, it will not have found out
that they do not exist.
Eddington's mistake is, curiously, the mirror-im age of the positivist
mistake. Positivists argued that since tables and chairs are real, atoms
and molecules (not to mention quarks and gluons) cannot be. Sensible
realists (lap-dog realists?) resist both mistakes. Tables and chairs are real,
and so (it is reasonable to suppose) are the atoms and molecules of which
they are made. Atoms and molecules are real, and so (it might be rea-
sonable to suppose) are the quarks and gluons of which they might be
made. Commonsense realism about tables and chairs neither precludes
(pace positivists) nor is precluded by (pace Eddington) scientific realism
about atoms and molecules.
This is not, of course , to say that science never conflicts with common
sense nor later science with earlier science. We think of a table as a
solid object. Perhaps (though I doubt it) this is to think that the space
occupied by a table is continuously filled with matter. If so, then the
atomic theory of matter conflicts with this commonsense belief, and if
we accept the former we must reject the latter. But this is to change a
belief about tables, not to start thinking that the 'table of common sense '
does not exist. (The 'table-of-common-sense' and the ' table-of-physics'
are ersatz entities dreamt-up by philosophers. Once you start taking them
seriously, nothing can stop you from sliding into conceptual idealism.
But I anticipate.)
Lap-dog realism differs from mad-dog realism in another respect that
I digress briefly to mention. Some lap-dog realists are suspicious of
platonic realism, realism about abstract entities. They would like to
find a way to drive a wedge between realism about some of the entities
posited by science and realism about the abstract entities posited by
mathematics and other disciplines. Again, some lap-dog realists have
sympathy with nonrealist accounts of morals. Can lap-dog realists be
discriminating in this way? In particular, does not a realist theory of truth
commit one willy-nilly to all kinds of realisms, some of them suspect
in the extreme? Which brings me to my next section .
science aims for truth is to advocate, not realism, but Bas van Fraassen's
constructive empiricism. Or suppose you go in for some sort of prag-
matist or instrumentalist theory of truth (whatever that is). Then to say
that science aims for truth is to advocate, not realism, but some sort of
pragmatism or instrumentalism.
Arthur Fine sees the realism-antirealism dispute in a perverse way.
Both realists and antirealists think that truth is the aim. They disagree
only about the meaning to be attached to the term 'true': realists go
in for a realist conception of truth, antirealists for some antirealist
conception of truth . One can see the dispute this way - but it is not
the clearest way to see it. Nor do antirealists see themselves as giving
esoteric antirealist readings to the term 'true'. Van Fraassen would
not bar an 'empirical adequacy theory of truth ' . He is quite clear about
the difference between truth and empirical adequacy and his best anti-
realist arguments rely upon it. So let us set aside Fine's perversity and
say that realists assert and antirealists deny that truth is the aim.
The most fundamental objection to scientific reali sm concerns the
realist conception of truth. What is this conception and what are the
problems, or alleged problems, which beset it?
It is well to begin with Tarski, who thought that his semantic con-
ception of truth was a version of the classical correspondence theory.
Most philosophers think otherwise, as we will see. It is well to begin ,
in particular, with Tarski's famous requ irement that a materially adequate
definition of truth for a language L must entail, for each statement S
of L, a statement of the form
relates to another bit of language, not how language relates to the world.
And he suggested that some notion of truth-as-correspondence must be
added to Tarski's theory to fill the gap. (Chalmers, 1976, p. 121. In the
second edition of his book Chalmers corrected this mistake.)
This is a queer worry. Instan ces of the T-scheme do relate language
to the world. True , if one is to speak about the way language relates to
the world, one must use language. But this is no deep truth - rather, it
is a pallid truism . Sweeney had it right:
The fact that "I gotta use words when I talk to you" does not mean
that I am trapped inside language and can only ever talk about words .
To think otherwise is to ignore the hard-won philosophical distinction
between using a word and mentioning it. (Wittgenstein ignored this dis-
tinction in his Tractatus and concluded that the way language relates
to the world cannot be 'said' but can only be ' shown '. Wittgenstein's
' Iogocentric predicament' is actually old psychologistic wine poured into
new linguistic bottles. The British empiricists thought that thinking
consists in having a stream of 'ideas', and concluded that all we ever
think about are our own ideas.)
What of Chalmer's idea that ' truth as correspondence' is needed to fill
some gap which Tarski leaves unfilled? Arthur Fine has a similar idea.
Tarski's semantic theory of truth is one thing and the correspondence
theory another. The correspondence theorist provides (or seeks to provide)
something which Tarski does not, a general account of the 'correspon-
dence relation ' between language and reality, a theory of the way the two
can 'match up ' so that truth results. Fine says that such a theory "would
explain what makes the truth true" (Fine 1984a, p. 97). Armed with an
account of the relation which all truths bear to reality, the correspondence
theorist will know what all truths have in common, their essence, what
makes them a natural kind. And here Fine gets sceptical: he doubts that
truths form a natural kind (Fine, 1984b, p. 56).
I share the scepticism. So, I believe, would Tarski. For Tarski it is
meaningful linguistic items that are true or false. Languages are con-
On this view, one thing Tarski taught us is that the essence of truth is
a chimera, that an essentialist correspondence theory is out. Or if we must
talk of essences, we might talk thus: Tarski gives us the essence of the
correspondence theory without giving truth an essence.
But it does not matter if we talk otherwise. Suppose that a corre-
spondence theory worth its salt must give truth an essence, must provide
an account of the correspondence relation which all truths bear to reality.
Then Tarski's theory of truth is not a correspondence theory. Indeed, in
view of all the dust philosophers have raised down the ages with the word
'correspondence ', only to complain afterwards that they cannot see,
perhaps we had better drop that word altogether in this context.
Tarski's theory of truth, or rather Tarski 's T-scheme, has been accused
of being trivial in yet another sense. It does not tell us which state-
ments are true and which are false, nor does it say anything about how
we might determine this. It is a non-epistemic conception of truth. So
it is, and so it should be. The questions "What is truth?" and "What is
true?" are not the same question at all. The trouble is, many suppose, that
a non-epistemic conception of truth lets in the sceptic. Work out your
epistemology, your way of sorting the true from the false . If truth is
non-epistemic, the sceptic can still ask whether what your epistemology
throws up is guaranteed to be true . To beat the sceptic we need an
epistemic concept of truth, we need to define truth as whatever our
epistemology throws up. And so we have a rash of epistemic truth-
My stalking-horse will be the 'ideal limit theory of truth' recently
or unintelligible about the idea that our best methods might lead us to
think that electrons exist when they do not. At least, this is so unless
we suppose that a statement's satisfying condition E (which specifies
those methods) somehow brings it about that electrons exist. This
' internal realism' is, of course, a form of idealism . It conflicts with
what science teaches about electrons, for example, that they existed
before any sentient creatures able to theorise about them had evolved.
You cannot combine an epistemic truth-theory with the T-scheme and
retain realism about the world and its contents being (largely) indepen-
dent of our epistemic activities.
Michael Devitt, following Stephen Leeds , thinks the T-scheme trivial
in that T-schemes for a language are two-a-penny. Given a bunch of words
and a bunch of things, we can set up a great many ' reference-schemes'
between the words and the things. One reference-scheme says "The
English word 'snow' refers to snow ", another says "The English word
' snow' refers to grass ", and so forth . Each of these reference-schemes
yields a Tarskian T-scheme for the language in question. And each T-
scheme sati sfies the equivalence thesi s (Devitt, 1984 , pp . 30-31). But
a T-scheme which assigned grass is green to the English statement "Snow
is white" (the example is Devitt's) would not satisfy the equivalence
thesis (and would not, by the way, be 'disquotational' either). "Grass
is green ' does not translate "Snow is white", because the English word
'snow' does not refer to grass. It might have so referred, of course, in
which case the Engli sh language would have been different, the refer-
ence-scheme for English would have been different and the resulting
T-scheme for English would have been different too . But as things are
with the English language, ' snow' refers to snow, not to gras s.
Is this naive? Can we say confidently that 'snow ' refers to snow and
not to grass? Can we speak confidently (as I just did) of the reference-
scheme for English or any other language? Hilary Putnam thinks not.
He has a 'model-theoretic argument against realism ' (Putnam, 1978,
1980). It is this argument which probably lies behind the Leeds-Devitt
point of view just considered. Let us consider the argument.
The confident assumptions just questioned make the realist theory
of reference and truth radically non-episternic. Those assumptions make
room for the follow ing possibility: there might be a theory that is empir-
ically adequate, that satisfies any other epistemic desiderata we care to
impose (is consistent, simple, elegant, or whatever), and yet is false . Such
an ' ideal theory ' might be false either because its theoretical terms fail
false of W*, since w* contains a non-white raven i2• Enter Putnam. Being
consistent, T has a model in the natural numbers - actually, it has a model
in the first five natural numbers. Let interpretation I assign prime numbers
greater than two to the term ' raven' and odd numbers to the term 'white'.
Clearly, "Ravens are white " is true in this interpretation. Now define a
mapping between the first five natural numbers and the objects in W*,
which takes n to in' and through this mapping an interpretation 1* of T
in W*. Clearly , T is true of w* under interpretation 1* .
We protest that 1* is not the intended interpretation of T. We protest,
in particular, that the term 'raven' refers to i2• Putnam replies that this
constraint C is just more theory and invites us to add it to T, yielding
"Ravens are white and the term 'raven' refers to i,". This augmented
theory is consistent, so there is an interpretation in the natural numbers
(actually in the first five of them) in which it is true. Let this interpre-
tation be as before for the terms 'raven' and 'white' ; let it assign 1 to
the term "the term 'raven' ", 5 to the term 'i 2 ' , and let the pairs of numbers
1 and 3 and I and 5 stand in the relation 'refers to'. As before, use the
mapping between the first five numbers and the objects in w* to define
an interpretation in w * in which the augmented theory T&C is true.
Now the crucial point is that this interpretation does not conform to
constraint C. Constraint C requires that the term 'raven' refer to i2• In
the interpretation Putnam defines, the term 'raven' does not refer to i 2•
The constraint is true in that interpretation, but the interpretation does
not conform to the constraint.
So far we have had Putnam allowing us to formulate constraints on
the interpretation of theories and arguing (invalidly) that they do not help
the 'metaphysical realist'. But the position to which Putnam is led by this
argument does not allow us such constraints in the first place. He says
that statements like "The term t refers to the object 0" presuppose a
'magical ' theory of reference which sticks words onto things with some
sort of 'cosmic glue'. He says that we cannot 'single out ' any sort of cor-
respondence between words and things: to do so we would need
independent access to the things, which we do not have. For ''''objects
do not exist independently of our conceptual schemes. We cut the world
up into objects when we introduce one or another possible scheme of
description" (Putnam, 1981, p. 51). Putnam calls this 'internal realism'.
It is an odd doctrine. Consider the Putnamesque possibility of two
'ideal theories ' which give utterly different and mutually incompatible
accounts of the way the world is. (One might be a particle theory, the
phers. Putnam's 'internal realism ' is a species of it. And there are many
other species of it. Remember all that guff about 'the social con-
struction of reality' . Recall Kuhn 's suggestion that scientists imbued
with different paradigms 'inhabit different worlds' . Think on Nelson
Goodman 's ' ways of world-making' and his extraordinary contention that
"We can have words without a world, but no world without words or
other symbols" . Think too on Richard Rorty's 'the world well lost' .
Consider Simon Blackburn's view that we can ' project' , "speak and think
as though there were a property of things" when there is no such property,
and yet make no mistake (Blackburn, 1984, p. 171). An extraordinary
state of affairs!
Conceptual idealism was ushered into the world by Kant , who dis-
tinguished between the phenomenal and noumenal 'worlds' , between
things-in-themselves and things-as-experienced-by-us. There is the Moon-
in-itself (call it Moon .), about which we know nothing, and there is the
Moon-as-experienced-by-us (call it Moone)' Moon; is not the same object
as Moone - if it were the distinction would have no point and we could
rest content just with the Moon , without subscript, unhyphenated. For
example, Moon; is not located in space and time, these being ' forms of
sensibility' in which only Moone is located. Nor does Moon ; cause or
help cause moon-experiences in humans down on earth, causality being
a ' category of the understanding' which applies only in the phenom-
enal world. Some of Kant's immediate followers realised that Moon; is
nowhere, at no time, and does nothing, concluded that it was an idle meta-
physical posit , and did away with it altogether to become fully-fledged
idealists. I do not blame them. My Kantian friends tell me that I mis-
understand, that Kant was an ' empirical realist', and not an idealist at
all but only a 'transcendental idealist' . And I am reminded of how fond
Bishop Berkeley was of presenting himself as a defender of common-
sense realism.
Kant, like Berkeley before him, thought that there was only one 'phe-
nomenal world' : he assumed that humans all have the same immutable
set of basic concepts with which they structure incoming stimuli.
Contemporary philosophical wisdom has outgrown that assumption.
Modern conceptual idealism is Kantian idealism relativised to concep-
tual or linguistic scheme . Concepts and languages vary and change. There
is not a unique 'phenomenal world ' or world-as-conceived-by-humans at
all. The world-as-conceived-by-the Aristotelian differs radically from the
world-as-conceived-by-the-Newtonian. The world -of-the-Eskimo is not
The problem is one of access . The correspondence relation would map true statements
(let us say) to states of affairs (let us say). But if we want to compare a statement with
its corresponding state of affairs, how do we proceed? How do we get at a state of
affairs when that is to be understood, realist-style, as a feature of the World ? . . . A
similar question comes up if we move to reference .. . , for there again what the realist
needs by way of the referent for a term is some entity in the World The difficulty is
that whatever we observe, or, more generously, whatever we causally interact with, is
certa inly not independent of us. This is the problem of reciprocity. Moreover, whatever
information we retrieve from such interaction is . .. information about interacted-with
things. This is the problem of contamination How then, faced with reciproc ity and con-
tamination, can one get entities both independence and objective? Clearly, the realist
has no direct access to his World . . . (Fine , 1986, p. 151).
What exactly is the problem here? Suppose somebody says "The Moon
is full tonight" and I look up into the night-sky and ascertain that the
statement is true . (I use a humdrum commensical example rather than
an esoteric scientific one because if there is a problem here it is a quite
general one which will afflict the commonsense realist metaphysic just
as much as the scientific realist metaphysic.) I have access to both terms
of the so-called 'correspondence relation' : my linguistic competence
gives me access to what was said, my eyes give me access to the Moon
out there in the world . Fine does not think that we lack either linguistic
competence or sensory awareness. Nor is his worry the traditional scep-
tical one - that my perceptual belief that the Moon is full is fallible,
because I might have been the victim of some illusion or hallucination.
No, Fine's worry is that reciprocity and contamination mean that I have
no access to the Moon at all.
Reciprocity was supposed to show that the Moon is not independent
of us because we can see it or otherwise causally interact with it. But
implicit in this is a silly account of independence: an object will be
independent of us only if we cannot see it or otherwise causally interact
with it. The only independent entities in this sense will be platonic
entities, which do not exist in space and time and which have no rela-
tions causal or otherwise with beings like us which do exist in space
and time . No realist, commonsense or scientific, thinks that the only inde-
pendent entities are platonic entities and the only independent reality
the platonic realm. When a commonsense or scientific realist says that
the Moon is (largely) independent of us, she means that it is non -mental,
continues to exist when we are not looking at it, existed long before
we did, and so forth.
What of Fine's 'problem of contamination'? That was supposed
to show that when we see that the Moon is full, we gain information
about an interacted-with-Moon, not about an objective Moon out there
in the World. Is this interacted-with-Moon then subjective and inside
our heads, like the ' Moonish-sense-datum' that was once thought to be
the immediate object of perception? Realists are perceptual realists and
have rightly discarded that view: perceiving external objects may involve
us in having perceptual experiences, but it is the external objects that
we perceive nonetheless. (Hallucinators, who are commonly said to be
'seeing things ', do not see things at all, they just may mistakenly think
that they do!)
Fine may not be seeking to revive the theory of sense-data - but he
arrives at something pretty close to it. His interacted-with-moon, his
Moon-as-observed-by-humans, is not 'objective' in the sense that it is
somehow partly constituted by the Moon-concept which is our invention.
(The Moon-in-itself is, of course, no better off in this regard!) Like
Putnam, Fine thinks that objects do not exist independently of concep-
tual schemes, that we carve up the world into objects when we introduce
a conceptual scheme, and that having carved-up the world we cannot
partake of it. (Evidently, the world is not like the Sunday joint!) The
Moon which we observe, talk about, theorise about, is an object that
we create by observing or talking or theorising. And this is said, believe
it or not, to be part and parcel of a ' natural ontological attitude', which
accepts the results of science as true on a par with 'homely' common-
sense truths. Well, some pretty mundane and well-entrenched bits of
science tell us that the Moon (not some hyphenated Moon, not even
the Kantian Moon-in-itself, just the Moon) is objective and indepen-
dent of us: it existed long before we did, was not created by us , and
so forth . Someone with a natural ontological attitude, someone who
accepts these bits of science as true, will have precisely the realist 'meta-
physical picture ' which Fine rejects.
Although he does not know it, Fine is heir to a long and distin-
guished philosophical - that is, idealist - tradition. The giveaway is
the hyphenated entity, the ' interacted-with-thing'. Fine implicitly argues
as follows: "We cannot find out about things without interacting with
them. Therefore, we cannot find out about things-as-they-are-in-them-
selves". What can we find out about, then? Why, interacted-with-things,
linguistic entities, because mere thought or talk can produce them. Quasi-
realism is just conceptual idealism, and conceptual idealism is just Bishop
Berkeley 's metaphysic dressed-up. We should be grateful to Jennings
for making this abundantly clear.
The ideal limit theory of truth, discussed in my previous section as
an exemplar of epistemic truth-theories, also has relativistic and ideal-
istic implications. Why suppose that ideal scientific practice will converge
upon a single limit? Might it not converge upon two different and
seemingly incompatible limits, sayan ideal particle theory and an ideal
field theory? Might not Martian science pursued to its ideal limit be
very different from our science pursued to its ideal limit? Matheson
canvasses both possibilities and embraces them: "Thus the ideal limit
theory might better be called the ideal limits theory. According to it, your
community's limit might not be my community 's limit; what is true for
you might not be true for me. In allowing for the possibility of relativism,
the ideal limit theory contradicts global realism" (1989, pp. 253-4).
Relativism and idealism go hand-in-hand. Seemingly incompatible ideal
limit theories are, according to the ideal limit theory of truth , both true.
Incompatible theories cannot both be true of the world. So each must
be true of its own world, each must be true of an ersatz world-as-it-is-
according-to-my-community's-ideal-theory. Matheson sees and embrace s
the relativistic consequence of his theory of truth - he does not see the
idealist consequence.
Brian Ellis sees neither consequence very clearly. He calls himself
in 'internal realist' and embraces something like the ideal limit theory
of truth - "truth is a kind of limit notion of reasonable belief" (1985:
p. 68). He keeps saying that an internal realist can believe that reality
is independent of what we think or say. But in the end the pressure
tells and we have ersatz or hyphenated entities again: "The way the world
is relative to the sorts of beings we are. That is one of the consequences
of internal realism . . . according to the internal realist, there is no way
that the world is absolutely, only ways in which it is relative to various
kinds of beings" (1985, p. 71). Here the hyphenated entities are the-
way-the-world-is (noumenal) and the-way-the-world-is-relative-to-us-
humans (phenomenal). Ellis finally gives up the realist ghost: "There
is not and cannot be any absolute truth, and therefore there cannot be any
way that the world is independently of how we, or some other kind
of creature, would evaluate its beliefs about it" (1985, p. 72). Goodness
me, science teaches (speculation about God and aliens aside) that the
world existed long before sentient creatures did . Is there no way that a
world without sentient creatures is? Did the world have to wait for
sentient creatures to evolve before it had any objects in it or any struc-
ture ? How, in an objectless and structureless world , did sentient creatures
Department of Philosophy,
University of Otago ,
New Zealand.
Matheson, K. (1989). ' Is the Naturalist Really Naturally a Realist?', Mind 98 , pp. 247-
Putnam, H. (1978). Meaning and the Moral Sciences, Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Putnam, H. (1980) . ' Models and Reality', Journal of Symbolic Logic 45, pp. 464-482.
Putnam, H. (1981). Reason, Truth and History, Cambridge University Press.
Sellars, W. (1986). Science, Perception and Reality, Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Stove, D. C. (1991). The Plato Cult and Other Philosophical Follies, Basil Blackwell,
R. S. Cohen , R. Hilpinen and Qiu Ren zong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 45-54.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
which denies that the world has any built-in structure. In other words,
the world is carved or sliced into pieces (objects, essential properties,
facts, causal relations, etc.) only relative to descriptions, theories , or con-
ceptual schemes. In Raimo Tuomela's (1985) terms, IR I' denies the
ontological Myth of the Given.
While MR2 assumes that the whole truth about everything is uniquely
determined, IR2 asserts the plurality of truths.
Field (1982) has argued that MR1 does not imply MR2 which "should
not be taken as a component of any sane version of realism". Putnam's
implies that the left side is false at those moments of time t, when a
concept or a sentence referring to x does not yet exist. But the correct
form of (1) is
Department of Philosophy,
University of Helsinki,
1 See Kuhn (1991). p. 4. For my evaluation of the strong program, see Niiniluoto
2 Ibid., p. 9.
J Ibid., p. 10.
4 Ibid., p. 6.
5 See Hacking (1983), p. 109. According to metaphysical nominalism the world consists
of a fixed class of individuals. while " transcendental nominalism" claims that ind ivid-
uals (and their classes) are "constituted" by human minds or languages.
6 My first statement to this effect was given in Niiniluoto (1980). See also Niiniluoto
(1984), pp. 177-178; (l987a), pp. 141-143.
7 See Putnam (1981), p. 49. In Putnam (1978), p. 123 internal realism was defined as
an empirical theory which explains the convergence and success of science.
S Cf. Putnam (1978) , p. 125; (1983) p.xvi i. To say that truth is non-epistemicdoes not
imply that truth is entirely inaccessible to us (cf. Niiniluoto, 1984, p. 178). Rather it means
that the concept of truth cannot be defined, or co-extensively characterized, by epis-
temic concepts . Tuomela's (1990) internal realism claims truth to be epistemic in a much
weaker sense: talk of truth presupposes knowledge about meanings . But Tuomela (1985)
has also argued that , by the scientia mensura principle, truth can be characterized in
terms of best explanatory theories.
9 See Horwich (1990) . Cf. Putnam (1983). p. xiv ; (1990), p. 31.
10 See Putnam (1990) , p. 31.
II See Walker (1989).
12 See Putnam (1990), pp. vii-ix. This shows that Hacking 's (1983) equation between
Peirce and Putnam is problematic.
13 In this paper, I am primarily interested in the Popperian World I (nature) rather
than World 2 and 3 (cf. Niiniluoto, 1984, Ch. 9). To deny the independent existence of
World I leads to ontological idealism .
14 See Rescher (1982). Rescher 's conceptual idealism argues that " nature for us" or
"reality-as-we-picture-it" is "mind-invoking" in a conceptual - rather than ontological
or historical - sense. But he also makes the more radical conclusion that an altogether
mind-independent reality is "an essentially empty idealization" (p. 154), and that " reality-
as-we-think-of-it (= our reality) is the only reality we can deal with" (p. 169).
15 Putnam (1983), p. 211, argues that the concept of total cause involves the non-physical
concept of explanation. This does not prove that causal processes are mind -involving.
16 According to nominalism, an object is green because we apply the predicate ' green'
to it. It is more plausible to accept the converse thesis : we can correctly apply the
predicate 'green' to objects that have the common quality of greenness (cf. Armstrong,
17 See Putnam (1981) , p. 53.
18 For a theory of individuation and identification of physical objects, see Hintikka
and Hintikka (1989) . In spite of his "semantical Kantianism", Hintikka emphasizes that
"constitution" or individuation does not "create" inhabitants of any possible world "
(Hintikka , 1975, p. 216).
19 See Niiniluoto (I 987a, b).
20 If the language L is not semantically determinate, i.e., some of the terms of L are
vague and do not have unique extensions, language L determines a class of structures -
instead of the unique W L ' See Niiniluoto (1987), p. 146.
21 Cf. Niiniluoto (1991) .
22 In particular, I don't need the assumption that " there is such a thing as the corre-
spondence (the One , metaphysically singled out correspondence) between words and
things" (Putnam, 1983, p. xi).
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 55-73 .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
or use terms such as ' real' , ' reality' and 'realism' in a non-rigorous sense.
For instance, 'empirical realism' (I. Kant) or 'phenomenal realism' (N.
Bohr). It led to conceptual confusion.
What is meant by 'real' or 'reality' depends on the context of dis-
course or the context in which the question "Is it real?" is raised. One
meaning of real or reality is simply ' existing' or 'existence'. The question
is like "Does it exist?" To this kind of question we can give a positive
answer saying all exist even which are dependent upon our mind. For
instance, we always say something exists in our mind. All sensations,
perceptions, desires, beliefs, loves and hatreds etc . do exist, but exist
in our mind. It is this ' existence ' sense when people say 'empirical
realism' or 'phenomenal realism', that refers to the theory which claims
that the empirical experience or the empirical world, or the phenomena
or phenomenal world does exist , they are not merely illusion. However,
when philosophers and scientists argue on "Is the external world real?"
in the context of the realism vs. antirealism debate , the term 'real' or
'reality' is used in a sense more than in the sense of 'existence' . Precisely,
there is a sense of ' independent of human mind' apart from the sense
of 'existence' . 1
PI : "Does A exist?"
P2: "Is A real?"
These are two different problems. We can say that something exists but
is not real. PI only concerns its existence or non-existence, the questioner
does not necessarily want to know its relationship with human mind:
dependent upon the human mind or not. The asking of P2 started with
the time when one discovered the distinction between appearance and
reality. The appearance of a thing actually depends upon the human mind,
but its reality does not. When one saw the moon in the sky, the moon
in water, the moon in a mirror, the moon in a dream . . . then he/she
asked: "Is the moon real?" It means to ask whether the moon exists
only in the human mind or not. The answer given by Plato was: What
is real is not the moon we see but the idea of the moon: the ideas exist
independently of the human mind. When Berkeley put forward his famous
thesis, that is "Being is what is perceived", actually he was talking about,
or his thesis implies, the question "What is real?" but not the question
"What exists?" , or "Does the being depend upon human perception or
not?" In modern science the question was usually put in the form: "Is
a theoretical entity only the creation of our mind , or has it its own
existence independent of the human mind?"
I just said that even some great philosophers did not use the terms
'real' or ' reality' in a strict sense , and those philosophers include Karl
Popper [21]. His 'pluralistic realism' includes the 'World 2', that is the
mental or conscious states and events. In arguing for the 'reality' of
his 'World 2' he defines ' reality' as such a property that anything can
interact causally with ' World I'. So far as the mental or conscious
state and events interact causally with 'World 3' , 'World 2' which is
composed of these states and events is ' real'. However, his so-called
' World 2' cannot exist independently of the human mind. So strictly
speaking, his ' Three Worlds' theory is a doctrine about 'existence' , but
not about 'reality' . Similarly in discourses of ' empirical realism' or
'phenomenal realism' the terms 'real' or 'reality' are used in the sense
of 'existence' .
In his interesting article 'Five Moons Rise up' Zhang Huaxia [27] also
did not notice the difference between the concept of existence and the
concept of reality when he argued for his scientific realism in which phe-
nomenal world, classic world , quantum world, empirical world and
theoretical world exist. He said in one place of his article:
Clas sic reality is only one kind of obje ctive reality, and objective realit y is no more
than the existence independent of human consciousness (p. 45).
Here he pointed out that the concept of 'reality' contains two senses of
'existence ' and ' independence of human mind' . But he said in another
Therefore, the secondary quality of a material object is also one kind of the propertie s
of mater ial world . Recognizing it, recognizing the phenomenal reality, is no more than
recognizing some objective reality of the world. It is absolute ly not ' a compromise with
idealism' . On the contrary, denying it amounts to denying the world which is full of sound
and colour , and can be seen and touched , the world is thus described as a dismal picture
in which only a swarm of atoms dance in the air (p. 44).
part of the dream. And who knows whether it is I who see the 'Chang
E,4 or it is 'Chang E' who see me." This is Zhuangzhouist explanation.
E5. "We cannot go beyond our own experience. That I see that the
moon rises up is my own visual experience. It is impossible to provide
any explanation for the experience beyond it." This is a Humean expla-
nation, or radically empiricist explanation. Actually it declines to provide
any explanation.
E4 and E5 are the simplest explanation in ontology and structure,
but they explain nothing , they have no explanatory and predictive power
at all. Neither of them is a causal explanation. They do not explain why
we have this visual experience ('see that the moon rises up'). And they
do not predict anything either: We do not know what we would dream
or what we would see at the next moment. The only thing we can do
is to record this or that experience and observe the order with which
they emerge in my mind.
They are confronted with other troubles. If we explain 'I see that
the moon rises up' by the dream , then I ask whether the moon is my
dream is the same as the moon in others ' dreams or not? If they are
the same, how to explain it? If not, there are numerous moons in dream,
and this runs counter to people's intuition. And nothing explains why I
and other people dream. The radically empiricist explanation is faced
with the same troubles.
E2 and E3 are similar. Their difference lies in that: E3 ascribes the
cause of our experience to some external supernatural being, whereas
E2 ascribes it to some mystical internal natural factor. However, nobody
on earth understands the regularity of this supernatural being or natural
factor: Why it causes this kind of experience, and not another kind? What
will it cause at the next moment ? etc., and these remain to be explained.
So their explanatory power is very limited , and their predictive power
is near to zero.
EI can explain why what I see is the moon but nothing else . Because
the image emerged on my retina was caused by the light from the sun,
reflected by the surface of the entity called the moon. The astronom-
ical knowledge can be incorporated into El , and help it to form
counterfactual conditionals such as: "If we had met last time in the middle
of months of the lunar calender, and there had been no clouds in the
sky, we would have seen the full moon as we see it tonight." And we
can predict that we will see the full moon in the middle of months of
the lunar calender, see nothing at the beginning or end of months, and
As pointed out by C. Brown [I], both Kant and Putnam hold that the
world we know and talk about is empirically real, but hold also that it
is mind-dependent.
It might be argued that the argument developed in the second section only
holds in the case of macro-objects, not in the case of micro-objects,
because the latter can not be perceived directly by our senses and our
mind, and some of them were discovered after scientists had predicted
them before. However, it will not spoil the argument in our second
section: We can transform the question "What is the better or best expla -
nation of 'I see that the moon rises up' " into the question "What is the
better or best explanation of all empirical data about electrons avail -
able to scientists?"
On the basis of the argument discussed above, the better or best expla-
nation of "I see that the moon rises up" is that there is an entity which
exists independently of me called the moon which caused the emer-
gence of my visual experience .' Analogically, there are other various
entities that exist independently of me which caused and will cause the
emergence of my other various experiences. The external world is
composed by these independently existing entities. These entities can
be grouped into different classes according to the similarity of their prop-
erties, but each element in the class is a single particular individual, from
elementary particle to galaxy, but the most delicate individual is the
Each individual has its own self-identity which make s it discernible
by other individuals and enables us to identify it as distinguished from
other individuals. Self-identity means that an object is the same iden-
tical with itself (Hume) , or means that things are what they are (Russell).
Each object has its own ' life' or 'lifetime'. Throughout its lifetime an
individual object remains the same and maintains itself through the
passage of various outside influences. It is the self-identity that makes
it into an individual. The concept of 'self-identity' is closely related
with the concepts of ' existence' and ' reality' . A thing is said to exist,
that is to say it has self-identity. So it might be said that the existence
of a thing presupposes its self-identity. If a thing has no self-identity,
how we say it exists? There are two alternatives for a thing without
self-identity: It does not exist or it is another thing . If we say a thing
without self-identity exists , we cannot distinguish it from other things
or we identity it with another thing. A thing without self-identity cannot
be said to exist, and thereby cannot be said to be real.
It might be objected that the concept of self-identity does not hold
in the case of micro-particles, because they are indiscernible: All parti-
cles of the same class have the same physical properties. However,
self-identity cannot be reduced to physical properties. The physical prop-
erties of two electrons are the same, but their own histories (though
very short), and the context in which they exist during their lifetime,
are not the same. Just like two homozygote twins, whose genes are
identical, but the environment of their development and growth and
their personal history cannot be identical. They still have their own
On the basis of the concept of individuals having self-identity, philoso-
phers should not, like some physicists, reduce all things in the universe
to the sum of some 'elementary' particles. A table has its own self-
identity, this self-identity is irreducible. This is the reason why I said that
Zhang [27] is right when he criticized Eddington's attempt to reduce a
table to the sum of atoms . Objects at different levels [of reality] have
their own irreducible self-identities, and the external world is composed
of multi-levelled individuals.
The Honourary President of the Sino-British Summer School of
Philosophy, Peter Strawson 's thesis on objective individualistic ontology
[23] may be helpful to our discussion:
We think of the world as containing particular thing s some of which are independent of
ourselves; we think of the world 's history as made up of part icular episodes in which
we mayor may not have a part ; and we think of these particular things and events as
included in the topic s of our common discourse, as things about which we can talk to
each other. These are remarks about the way we think of the world , about our concep-
tual scheme. A more recognizably philosophical, though not clearer, way of expre ssing
them would be to say that our ontology comprises objective particulars (Ibid. p. 15).
I. Indetermina cy
2. EPR Correlation
EPR correlation may be the most bizarre phenomenon . There are optional
explanations to this bizarre phenomenon including :
(1) There is a distant action between particle A and particle B.
(2) There is an interference by an observer when measuring any of
these two particles.
which is not infallible. So the theory of the moon , or its model, formed
in a certain historical period is always incomplete. Scientists and philoso-
phers once were over-optimistic, when they believed that if a theory
has been confirmed over a long period of time, it can be confirmed as
true. In view of the fact that Newtonian theory, which had been well-
confirmed for two hundred years, was refuted at last, and hypotheses
and theories in modern science were put forward and then refuted
successively with a dizzy speed, many are now inclined to over-
pessimism and scepticism: to obtain true knowledge is impossible,
or as rival theories can be confirmed by the same experimental data,
rational choice between two competing and incompatible theories is
(p. 73) So they both merit acceptance. The choice made between them
seems to be arbitrary. But even in the case of Newtonian physics cited
by him, the theory of action at a distance between particles and the theory
of action through fields are not equivalent. They cannot have same
value with the epistemic values listed above. Let it be that they are equiv-
alent with VI, but the former may have a higher value with V2,3,4.
whereas the latter may have higher value with V5. Perhaps, the choice
between these two theories depends upon the relative importance
scientists put upon the different epistemic values. Scientists may ratio-
nally have different opinion s on how much weight should be given to
these epistemic values, and make different choices that can be equally
justified. Be that as it may, we have no reason to say that any of them
have same epistemic values, or they are equally good, or they have
equal claims to truth [20].
That a scientific theory is given higher marks for these epistemic
values does not entail it must be true. Just as a Chinese proverb says:
"We cannot judge if a man is a hero or not according to his success or
failure" . The success of a scientific theory is not a sufficient condition
for its being true. However, the success of a theory does give scientists
reason to (sometimes involuntarily) believe or (voluntarily) accept what
the theory describes, and represents what is going on in the real world,
or what the theoretical entity refers to is the real thing in the external
world. Using the metaphor of the moon, we have reason to believe or
accept that the moon the theory describes represents the real moon in
the sky. Here I say : "give scientists reason to believe or accept" that
the theory is not only better than others, but also is true. Because after
all there is a logical gap between success and truth (or hero) which seems
still to be unbridgable in the near future . Highly probably, a very suc-
cessful theory turns out to be false . However, that scientists then believed
or accepted it as true was not irrational. Even if a theory is successful
and gets high marks on epistemic values, it cannot be perfect. Somebody
is very sensitive to its shortcomings, and gives it low marks . He must
have reason to do so, e.g. he may give different weight to epistemic values
than others . If a person gave a theory low marks with no reason, even
if the theory turned out to be false eventually, his judgement may not
be said to be rational.
On the other hand, the failure of a person cannot entail that he is
not a hero. I do not want to repeat many examples in the history of
Institute of Philosophy,
Chinese Academy of Social Science,
Beijing, China.
I When I prepared the first draft of this paper for the National Symposium on Realism
vs. Anti-Realism in Science [26] in December 1991 I had not read the article written by
M. Denitt [3]. During my visit to the United States in July 1992, I had chance to read it
and found his view is similar with mine.
2 In August 1992 while I was chairing the Third Session of the Sino-British School of
Philosophy, Peter Carruthers presented me a copy of his new book where he developed
an argument similar to mine but more elaborated .
3 Chinese Taoists and Confuc ianists in ancient and medieval times held that the 'Tao'
or 'Qi ' are the first principle of all things in the universe .
4 In Chinese legend there is a beauty name 'Chang E' who lives in the moon. Sometimes
the moon is called ' Chang E'. The great ancient Chinese philosopher Zhuang Zhou once
argued that it is impossible to distingu ish real life from the dream, and he said when I
dream a butterfly it is impossible to know whether it I dream it or it dreams me.
S Of course, this is a simplified formulation. Actually the emergence of visual experi -
ence is a complex process which involves the integration of the neural system, especially
the brain 's , and interference by past experience or background knowledge . However, all
these actions cannot provide a reason to reject the cause independent of mind.
6 J. Cohen presented his definition of ' relevance' at a symposium of the Third Session
of Sino-British Summer School of Philosophy held in Tianjin, China.
I. Brown, C. (1988) . 'Internal Realism? Transcendental Idealism?' in P. French et al.
(eds.), Realism and Antirealism , University of Minnesota Press, pp. 145-155.
2. Carruthers, P. (1992). Human Knowledge and Human Nature, Oxford University
3. Denitt, M. (1988). ' Rorty ' s Mirrorless World', in P. French et al . (eds.), op cit.,
pp. 157-177.
4. Dong, G-B. (1988) . The Puzzle of EPR Correlation , Shaanxi Science & Technology
Press, Xian.
5. Dong, G-B. (1989). 'Experiments of EPR and the Debate between Realism and
Positivism' , Studies in Dialectics of Nature, no. 4, pp. 31-37.
6. Engels, F. (1988). Ludwig Feuerback and the Outcome of Classical German
Philosophy, English translati on, 1947, Lawrence & Wishart, London, pp. 24-
7. Fales, E. (1988) . 'How to Be a Metaphysical Realist' , in P. French et al. (eds.), op
cit., pp. 253-274.
8. Gu, S. (1990). ' Remarks on the View of Truth in Scientific Realism' , Journal of
Dialectics of Natur e, no. 3, pp. 9-16.
9. Gu, Z-X. (1990). 'On the Three Levels of Epistemic Subjectivity', Chinese Social
Sciences, no. 6, pp. 85-96.
10. Guan, H. (1991) . ' On the Problem of "Does the Moon Exists When It Is Not Seen?" '
Studies in Diale ctics of Nature , no. 3, pp. 39-45.
II . He, Z-X. (1990). ' Comments on "The Theory of Property and the Theory of Reality
in Quantum Mechanics"', Philosophical Research, no. 2, pp. 69-83.
12. He, Z-X. (1990) . 'Can Modern Physics Provide Scientific Foundation for the Theory
of Epistemic Subjectivity?', Chinese Social Sciences, no. 2.
13. He, Z-X. (1991) . ' EPR Paradox and Its Philosophical Problems' , Studies in Dialectics
of Nature' , no. 3, pp. 28-38.
14. Hu, X-H. (1991) . ' Comments on the Discussion of Modern Physics and Epistemic
Subjectivity', Trends in Philosophy , no. 6, pp. 8-11.
15. Hu, X-H. (1992). ' The Quantum Theor y and Realism ', Philo sophical Res ear ch,
no. 10, pp. 52-53.
16. Laudan, L. (1977). Progress and Its Problems - Towards a Theory of Scientific
Growth, University of California Press.
17. Liu, S-Z. (1991). ' Modern Physics and Epistemic Subjectivity ' , Chines e Social
Science s, no. 2.
18. Luo, J-c. (1987). 'Objective Realism', Chin ese Social Sciences, no. 2, pp. 21-
19. Mao, Z-D. (1937) . 'On Contradiction', Selected Works ofMao Zedong, 1967, Peoples
Press, Beijing, pp. 274-312.
20. McMichael, A. (1988). ' Creative Ontology and Absolute Truth ' , in P. French et
al. (eds.), op cit., pp. 51-74.
21. Popper, K. (1985) . Popper Selections, ed. by D. Miller, Princeton University Press,
Princeton NC, pp. 58-77.
22. Putnam , H. (1981). Realism, Truth and History, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, MASS.
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 75-95 .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Keeping in mind the above remarks, we are now ready for a careful
reading of several important aspects of the principle of instantiation.
Its claim is that "for each property, P, there exists (not necessarily now)
a particular, x, such that Px" (1978b, p. 76) ,34 so that "particularity and
universality are both involved in all existence" tibid.; p. 1).35 We must
though notice that a mere assumption of this principle is not sufficient
for the establishment of moderate realism, for the following questions
are immediately raised: (1) what is the relation between essence (uni-
versality) and thisness (haecceitas or particularity)? (2) how does the
essence or common nature become "contracted", or how does it appear
as particular in the thing? (3) can common nature of itself be a this (de
se haec), or, if not, what kind of unity can it have?
b. Particularization of "Nature"
But this is not the only difficulty that Armstrong is faced with; he must
also provide an answer to the question, how the common nature (F-ness) ,
which is not a de se haec (singular) becomes, in a sense, a part of the
individual (Fa); and consequently, how are laws of nature instantiated?
This is a crucial problem and calls for our special attention. At this
point Armstrong's answer is very close to that of Scotus . As the subtle
Doctor claims, common nature is "contracted" in the individual, by
haecceitas, so that it becomes, in some respect, identical with it." This
is one of the main reasons that Scotus has been accused by C. S. Peirce
for his nominalistic attitude: "Even Duns Scotus", claims Peirce, "is
too nominalistic, when he says that universals are contracted to the mode
of individuality in singulars, meaning, as he does, by singulars ordinary
existing things" (8.208).41
Indeed, in Scotus's idea of contraction there is an emphasis on the
tion from all its properties". Furthermore, Armstrong makes clear that
in his notion of a "state of affairs" he is using the conception of a
particular in the latter sense. But remember, a "state of affairs " is defined
as "a particular's posse ssing a certain property, or two or more particu-
lars standing in a certain relation" (1978a, p. 80). If in this definition
we substitute the definition of the "thin" particular for the simple term
"particular" the result will be the following: A state of affairs is "a
particular in abstraction from all its properties, possessing a property,
or two or more particulars in abstraction from all their properties standing
in a certain relation". What becomes obvious here is the fact that the
relation expressed by "states of affairs" is still a relation between par-
ticularity and universality. This unavoidably leads to the conclusion
that in Armstrong there is no clear difference between what is taken to
be a relation between particularity and universality and what is taken
to be a relation between a universality and universality.
My claim is therefore that Armstrong's deep concern not to lose
sight of the fact that universals exist only in their instantiations blocks
his ability to see that part of the reality of universals, which is also
objective but not limited to the mode of actual existence in the spatio-
temporal world. This goes hand in hand with his exclusion of potentiality,
which, as I hope will be shown, is an inseparable element of univer-
sality per se.
manifested per se, in the case of dispositions. This view has many
affinities to the theory of "causal powers" propounded by R. Harre and
E. H. Madden'? in those respects that the latter establishes a connec-
tion with some Aristotelean and scholastic concepts, such as the reality
of natural kinds and the role that the nature of things plays in natural
necessity. Finally, a commonly posed idea is the explanation of causality
through powerful particulars which leads to a model shifting away from
the Humean billiard ball paradigm.
I must say, though, that the very idea of "causal power", as some-
thing that can be experienced, is not what I am interested in, my concern
being with the categorically unobservable which can offer the right place
for the introduction of the idea of potentiality." That is why what is
extremely welcome from the theory of "causal powers" is the view that
the "concept of power catches what might be called the strong sense
of potentiality or potency", namely, "what would happen as a matter of
course, if interfering conditions were absent or taken away" (p. 12).
In this respect, the analysis of qualities, dispositions, tendencies can
be given in the form of subjunctive conditionals, or in Peircean terms
of ' would-be's?" of possible behaviour. For what a subjunctive condi-
tional is about is a possibility or potentiality grounded in the nature
of things and referring not to what is contrary to fact , as is the case
with Armstrong 's counterfactuals,"? but to the as yet unactualized.
In this respect, potentiality is to be understood as that state of capa-
bility, disposition, or liability to suffer or produce change in virtue of a
thing's nature. To say for instance that the diamond is hard is to assert
that it would resist pressure when scratched (8.208). For "hardness",
as Peirce claims, "is not invented by men , as the word is, but is really
and truly in the hard things and is one in them all, as a de scription
of habit, disposition, behaviour" (1.27 n. 1). This is exactly the crucial
point, I believe, that offers the real ground for a passage from a realism
about properties to a realism about laws of nature. " Seen from this
point laws can be said to embody in a stronger sense the charac-
teristics of indeterminacy and potentiality, which have already been
seen in relation to properties. A further analysis of these features will
serve in my relating them to laws of nature and also in draw ing my
concluding remarks.
Let me start with indeterminateness.F' As already indicated, nature
or essence is indeterminate with respect to particularity. Although it is
true that "there is no man unless there is some particular man", nonethe-
less "There is a real difference between man irrespective of what the other
determinations may be, and man with this or that particular series of
determinations"." The same can be said of laws of nature. The statement,
all swans are white , does not point to any particular swan . This is exactly
why, not withstanding the fact that there is no Fa unless there is F-
ness, law can be real without being determined to be instantiated in
any particular case .
Hence, law can be characterized as a "potential aggregate'?' which
is irreducible to any collection of actualities; it only "contains general
conditions which permit the determinations of individuals" (6.185) . Thus,
the content of the statement, "all men are mortal", cannot be exhausted
by any multitude of existent things (see, 5.103) , either in the past and
present or in the future , because it applies to an infinity of future men ,
including not only concrete but possible men, as well. In other words ,
"it involves the idea of every possible something"," or, as Aristotle would
put it, "the idea of that of which there is always something beyond"."
The proper way, therefore, to describe law is to assert that it has that
mode of being which is "in potency of determination", "in equal distance
from the physicist who considers it in its concrete determinations and
from the logician who considers it as determined to universality"."
Department of Philosophy,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki ,
* In preparing the final version of this essay , commentaries were taken into account.
My thanks are due to the participants of the Beijing Philosophy of Science Conference
for their helpful comments and suggestions. I am especially grateful to James R. Brown
for valuable conversations on the issue and for critical comments on two earlier drafts .
I am also indebted to Susan Haack and Andrew D. Irvine for their incisive commentary
and useful suggestions on an earl ier draft , read at the Dubrovnik Philosophy of Science
Conference in April, 1992.
I D. H. Armstrong (1983).
2 The question concerning laws of nature is quite recent. Plato was concerned with
forms (!OEaL), Aristotle with essence or nature (EU>O~, ocotc, q),\XJl~) the scholastics
with universalia, in the sense of quidditas or natura. One might say that discussion on
laws of nature started with Hume. However, the first serious attempt at a realist account
of laws of nature, grounded in Aristotelean-scholastic realism, was made by C. S. Peirce .
See for example his, "What is a Law of Nature" in his article under the general title, "Hume
on Miracles and Laws of Nature" (see, 1958, pp. 289-321).
3 In her instruct ive paper (1992) on the relevance of C. S. Peirce ' s scholastic-realism
to contemporary discussions in Philosophy of Science, S. Haack suggests that Armstrong 's
theory of laws of nature be characterized as "nominalistic aristotelianism" (p. 36) . I
must say that, although I share the view that each of these characteristics considered
separately is true of Armstrong , I would not be happy to use them in conjunction, because
they are mutually exclusive.
4 I have elsewhere elaborated the close linkage of Peirce's thought to Aristotelean phi-
losophy . See my (1980) and (1991) .
5 In what follows I will be particularly concerned with Armstrong 's (1983) . However.
when necessary I shall also refer to his (1978a) and (1978b), in so far as his theory of
laws is grounded in his realism about universals.
6 The source of inspiration, as Armstrong reports, for the first formulation of this theory,
was Plato (Phaedo 102-170). However, Armstrong's view is essentially anti-Platonic,
as he himself explicitly claims in several places (see, e.g., 1983, pp. 86, 90) and as will
also emerge from our analysis .
1 See, e.g., (l978a) p. 85, (1978b) pp. 5, 157, (1983) pp. 120-121, 135-136, 168.
Acceptance of "unrealized possibilities", such as a solid lump of gold with a volume greater
than a cubic mile, or a race of white feathered ravens (see, 1983, pp. 17ff.) cannot be
equated with acceptance of potentiality, in its classical sense , as will be shown in what
follows .
x Cf., "The power is constituted the power it is by the sort of actualizations it gives
rise to in suitable sorts of circumstances" (1983, p. 123). As is obvious here , the idea
of power is connected with the immediate experienced results .
9 Armstrong's "a posteriori realism", is the view that "just what universals there are
in the world, is to be decided a posteriori on the basis of total science" (1983, p. 83;
cf. 1978a, p. xiii).
10 As Tooley (1977) has made a substantial and fruitful effort to show . However, an
analogous answer as to the potential character of laws will eventually be provided -
although through a very different path.
11 An incisive criticism of the inconsistencies involved in Armstrong's attempted
marriage of universals with naturalism, as it appears in his principle of instantiation, is
made by A. Irvine in his, " Universals in rebus or in contradictione'l" (unpublished paper,
sent to me by the author recently) . Irvine's claim is that Armstrong's view seems to fall
victim to a traditional difficulty of the "one over many" : How can the universal be both
completely and not completely present within a certain region of space-time? or how
can it have multiple location at all? Irvine, who seems to share with Armstrong the view
that universals are indeed located in space-time can see no solution to the problem of
instantiation. By contrast, it is my contention that a promising way to get out of the dif -
ficulty, while remaining faithful to the basic assumption of the universals in rebus, can
be found by an appeal to the Aristotelean-scholastic treatment of the universal per se.
12 See, e.g., Arist. Met. 1029a 27-28; Categ. 2a II.
IJ See, e.g., Arist. Met. 1086b 2ff.
14 See, e.g., ibid ., 1020a 33, 35b 2, b6, 1045a 23-35 .
15 Avicena, Logica, fol. 2v. b (ed. Venice, 1508): "Essentiae vero rerum aut sunt in
ipsis rebus, out sunt in intel/ectu, unde habent tres respectus".
16 The contribution of Harris (1959a, 1959b), Boler (1963), Copleston (1953) and Moore
(1950) to my understanding of some fundamental scholastic subtleties crucial to the
purposes of this paper has been invaluable. More specifically my debt to E. Moore
(1950, 1952, 1968) for his pioneering emphasis on the idea of potentiality in C. S. Peirce 's
scholastic-realism has been acknowledged earlier in my work.
11 Actually, there is a three-fold distinction of the universal in scholastic philosophy.
See, e.g., St. Thomas, Comm. in Sentt., Lib. II, dist. iii, q. 2, art. 2: "Est triplex univer-
sale: quoddam quod est in re, seu natura ipsa, quae est in particularibus .. . est etiam
quoddam universale quod est a re acceptum per abstractionem . . . Est etiam quoddam
universale ante rem, quod est prius re ipsa".
18 See, e.g., Scotus: Rep. Par. II. dist. ii, q. 5, n. 12: "Dico quod universale in actu
non est nisi in intellectu, quia non est actu universale, nisi sit unum in multis et de multis".
19 See, e.g., Arist. Met. 1029b 14-17 . It is important however to be indicated that in
Aristotle there is no specific word corresponding to the scholastic term 'e ssentia' , The
meaning of the word 'essence ' can be applied to a large number of Aristotelean terms,
one of which is ooot«.
20 Scotus, Quaest. de Anima, q. Ixvi: "sed ens, quod est universalissimum , intrat defi-
nitionem omnium . . . ."
21 Scotus, De Rerum Principio , q. xvi, n. II: " Et isto mode ens communissime sumptum
est genus metaphysi cum ad Creatorem et creaturam".
22 Scotus, Quaest. super Elench ., q. i: "Ens est duplex, scilicet. naturae et rationis ".
23 Ibid.: " Logica est de ente communi , sive considerat ens in communi . . . Logica est
de hujusmodi intentionibus, quae sunt applicabiles omnibus rebus" .
24 See Harris (I 959b), p. 32.
25 The above analysis of being is definitely Aristotelean. See, e.g., Met lOO3a 21-32.
26 Cf., 1978a, pp. xiii, 10; 1983, pp. 40, 53, 55, 59, 98,104,105,112,117,120,121,
126, 129, 167.
27 See, St. Thomas, Summa Theol . Ia pars. q. 39 art. 2.
2R "SO esse denotes simply the act of being, existence being denoted by ipsum esse" :
E. Gilson (1957), p. 38.
29 See, S. Thomas, Summa Theol . Ia pars, q. 39, art. 2. In this respect, Scotus shares
with St. Thomas the view that matter stands to form as potency to act. He also defines
form in Aristotele an fashion as the actuality of matter. However, matter for Scotus is
not only potentiality; it also has an actuality of its own apart from its mere potential
existence: "Forma communicat materiae suam actualitatem et suam actum essendi et suam
operationem" (Scotus, De Rerum Principio , q. ix, n. 53). See Harris (I 959b), pp. 3, 4,
91; Copleston (1953), pp. 31, 51-52.
30 See, for example, Arist. Met. 1030b 12ff.
31 See, ibid., 1028a 13ff.
32 See, Arist. Met. 1088a 22.
33 More of this below.
34 Cf., 1978b, p. 156; 1983, pp. 82, 91, 97, 165.
35 Cf., "particularity and universality combined in states of affairs" (1983, p. 122).
36 Scotus, Metaph ., vii, q. 13, n. 21: " humanitas, quae est in Socrate, non est human -
itas, quae est in Platone . . . ."
37 Scotus, Rep . Par. II, dist. ii , q. 5, n. II : "Dico ad quaestionem concedendo .. .
quod est unitas extra animam minor quam numeralis, ut specijica . . . ."
3R Cf., 1978a, pp. 75, 77, 108, 115; 1978b, pp. 66, 95, 112; 1983, p. 83.
39 See, Boler (1963), p. 49.
40 Scotus, Op. Ox. II , dist. xlii, q. 4, n. 7: " universale in sinqulari non est aliud quam
singulare". See, Boler, p. 63.
41 References to this form are to the C. S. Peirce (1939-58). 8.208, for instance, refers
to volume 8, paragraph 208. See also, Scotu s "inclined toward nominalism " (1.560);
defended a "halting realism" (6.175); was separated from nominalism "by a hair" (8.11).
42 Scotus, Op. Ox. II , dist, iii, q. 2, n. 15: " ergo ista entitas non est mater ia vel forma
nee compositum, inquantum quodlibet istorum est natura , sed est ultima realitas entis,
quod est materia et quod est forma vel quod est compositum",
43 Scotus, Op. Ox. II, dist. iii, q. 6, n. 15: " Sed haec est formaliter entitas singularis,
et illa est entitas natura e formaliter".
ments of uninstantiated law, which "a ssert only that if, contrary to fact certain sorts of
things existed, then these things would obey a certain law" (1983, p. 126; cf., p. 137).
"The statement that, it is a law that Fs are Gs supports the counterfactual that if a, which
is not in fact an F, were to be an F, then it would also be a G" (1983 , p. 46).
68 For a fuller discussion of this connection see my (1992) .
69 The three-fold relation of indeterminacy-potentiality-probability, and its plac e in
C. S. Peirce 's categories of Firstness and Th irdness has been elaborated in my 1980 and
70 C. S. Peirce (5.312); cf ., Arist. De Caelo 278 a 7-12: " if we supposed that
there were but one circle , none the less to be a circle and to be this circle would be dif-
ferent ; the one would be the form the other would be form in matter and would be a
particu lar".
71 See, C. S. Peirce (6.185-188).
72 For an illuminating discussion of the issue, see F. Michael (1988) , pp. 344-345, and
C. Engel-T iercelin (1992) .
13 Arist. Physics 207a 1-2: "ot ad n 'ESW \!on". This is how Aristotle characterizes
the idea of infinity (ll1t£lpOV), which is treated by him as a potential reality : "OtlVd /lEl
ElvUl to ll1t£lpOV" (Physics 206a 19). The same is true of the Aristotelean infinite time,
which is real by continuously coming into being. Therefore, time, as a whole, can never
be actually, but only potentially real (see, ibid., 206a 8ff.). This is an extremely enlight-
ening idea that could shed light on the issue of laws of nature and in particu lar of
" instantiatable" laws. However this is a topic that deserves special treatment.
74 This is how E. Gilson (1952 , p. 113), describes the metaphysical mode of universality.
75 See, C. S. Peirce (4.172): ..It is only actuality, the force of existence, which bursts
the fluidity of the general and produces a discrete unit . . . the possible is general,
and continuity and generality are two names for the same absen ce of d istinction of
76 Aristotle , Physics 207a 21-3: "to OtlVd/lEl l:lAOV, evt€A€X€~ o'ou".
Engel-Tiercelin Claudin (1992) . ' Vagueness and the Unity of C. S. Peirce 's Realism',
Transactions of the e. S. Peirce Society 28, pp. 51-82.
Gilson, Etienne (1952). Jean Duns Scot. Vrin.
Gilson, Etienne (1957). The Christian Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas . Translated by
L. K. Shook. Victor Gollancz.
Haack, Susan (1992). ' '' Extreme Scholastic Realism": Its Relevance to Philosophy of
Science Today' , Transactions 28, pp. 19-50.
Harre, R. and Madden, E. (1975). Causal Powers. Blackwell.
Harris, C. R. S. (1927a). Duns Scotus (The Place of Duns Scotus in Medieval Thought,
vol. 1). The Humanities Press (2nd ed. 1959).
Harris, C. R. S. (1927b) . Duns Scotus (The Philosoph ical Doctr ines of Duns Scotus,
vol. 2). The Humanities Press (2nd ed. 1959).
Irvine, A. D. (1992). ' Universals in Rebus or in Contradictione?'. Unpublished.
Michael, Fred (1988) . ' Two Forms of Scholastic Realism in Peirce's Philosophy',
Transactions 24, pp. 317-348.
Moore, E. C. (1950). Metaphysics and Pragmatism in the Philosophy of C. S. Peirce (Doct.
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Moore, E. C. (1952). ' The Scholastic Reali sm of C. S. Peirce' , Philosophy and
Phenomenological Research 12, pp. 406--417.
Moore, E. C. (1964) . ' The Influence of Duns Scotus on Peirce ', in E. Moore and R.
Robin (eds.), Studies in the Philosophy of C. S. Peirce. The University of Massachusetts
Moore, E. C. (1968). ' On the World as General' , Transactions 4, pp. 90--99.
Peirce, Charles S. (1931-58). Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce (vols. 1-8) .
C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss and A. Burks (eds.). Belknapp Press of the Harvard University
Peirce, Charles S. (1958). Selected Writings (Values in a Universe of Chance). Philip P.
Wiener (ed.), Dover 1966.
Sfendoni-Mentzou, Demetra (1980). Probability and Chance in e. S. Peirce's Philosophy
(Doct, Thes. in Greek). University of Thessaloniki.
Sfendoni-Mentzou , Demetra (1985-88). ' A Realist Explanation of Causality Through
"Causal Powers" " Scien. Ann. School of Phil. of Thess., pp. 245-255 .
Sfendoni-Mentzou, Demetra (1991). ' Towards a Potential-Pragmatic Account of C. S.
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R. S. Cohen . R. Hilpinen and Qiu Ren zong (eds.), Realism and Anti -Reali sm in the
Philosophy of Science, 97-101.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publisher s.
pendently of minds? Many scientists claim that "if it can 't be measured,
it doesn't exist". Such scientists seem to assert that numbers required
for measurement of supposedly real things are also real, and some, at
least, that they are more real than the things numbered. Logical and
mathematical realisms have their origins in Platonism. The forms of
things, and numbers that measure such forms, are eternal in nature, and
thus their use implies, and assures us, that, except for any incapacities
of minds for knowing them, our knowledge of real things can be certain.
Tentative realism regards numbers as apparent objects existing only in
minds, and that any inference regarding their existence as real is mistaken.
The fact that apparently real things are enumerable does not imply that
numbers are somehow embodied in them. Whether and to what extent
minds are alike regarding abilities to understand mathematics is itself
something that can be tested experimentally, as is often done by teachers
of mathematics. But the capacity for observing that two apparently real
fingers and two more apparently real fingers always appear as four
apparently real fingers seems to be normally common. And generaliza-
tions and abstractions, all occurring in minds, normally generate the same
inferences regarding numbers. Any logical realist must also assume that
minds are alike in capacity to apprehend numbers as apparently real
and to generate the same inferences regarding numbers. That numbers
are apparent objects is intuited as self-evident. That numbers are appar-
ently real objects involves inference . When, and to the extent that
inferences that numbers are actually real ' work' , and serve other sub-
jective purposes, must be granted by Tentative Realists. But again, all
such 'working' is regarded as tentative.
Is a scientific hypothesis verified by remembered data or by future
data or by both? Empiricist theory claims that the truth of an idea is
appropriately verified by tracing its origins in previous sensations. But
pragmatists claim that such previous sensations no longer exist and so
cannot serve to verify, and that verification of an hypothesis can occur
only by testing it in future experiences in which the data can be intuited
(i.e ., as apparently real corroboration). Since some past experiences of
apparently real objects can be remembered (and the reliabil ity of memory
habits can also be tested pragmatically), and used for purposes of cor-
roboration , Tentative Realism advocates use of both past and future
(and present, for any actual assent to verification occurs in some present)
apparently real data available for verification. When scientists have
agreed upon some universal principles as reliable, then they too may
be employed in inferential verifications.
Does science exist only as concern about true theories or also in the
results of applying theories in practice? Some philosophies of science
claim that science is concern for understanding. Any applications and
their consequences are beyond science. Other philosophies of science
claim that the purpose of science is to solve practical problems and to
improve human welfare and that thus scientific theories are not fully
verified until human benefits become obvious. Tentative Realism
observes that some scientific efforts are primarily theoretical and that
some are primarily practical in intent. Practice , as observing apparently
real uniformities, often is a source of hypotheses and their verification.
But also, when conclusions become regarded as reliable, they tend to
generate applications in practice. Both seem normal and necessary to
an adequate theory of science.
If we review the history of science, we can observe that very many
of the hypotheses agreed upon as verified by the scientists of earlier
periods in history later have been proved false . Such review provides
evidence that an attitude of tentativity is needed and that the Tentative
Realistic claim that such an attitude is essential to the nature of science
adequately conceived is verified. [If we include the whole history of
science in our conception of the nature of science, we are reminded
that it consists of more false than true hypotheses.]
Department of Philosophy,
University of New Mexico,
There are various origins for the development of the ideas of Constructive
Realism - they are coming from philosophical as well as (natural) sci-
entific disciplines. CR , thus, does not stand in a certain philosophical
tradition. Its uniqueness and strength are founded in the fact that its
theses are the result of a process of establishing relations between very
different sources and information. Of course there a multitude of points
of reference can be found; they acted , however, rather as a stimulating
instance for the development of Constrictive Realism. The view of CR
is influenced by:
(a) the ideas of Ludwig Wittgenstein which played an important role
in the development of the function of Constructive Realism in respect
to the sciences;
(b) the second point was the experience with interdisciplinary cooper-
ation and research in the (natural) sciences - by discussing and
investigating the process of science we learned about the implicit and
in most cases unspoken needs of the scientists and sciences of our
Another experience, which was very important for the development
of Constructive Realism, was the debacle of philosophy of science in
respect to its normative claims. On the one hand it seems to be clear
that the reflections being made in philosophy of science are deficient,
if they are only describing the processes of science; on the other hand
the last decades of discussion in philosophy of science have shown
that it is getting more and more unclear, how normative claims can be
legitimized in the context of the sciences. This uncertainty of philos-
ophy of science led to the following development: scientists not only
felt themselves not understood and not in charge of the philosophy of
science, but also they turned to metaphysical philosophy or irrational
R. S. Cohen , R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti -Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 103-116.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
On the one hand we have to see this in the context of the develop-
ment of natural sciences in recent decade s, and on the other hand modern
epistemology did not react in an adequate manner to this development.
Modern technologies, especially the use of modern computer technology
in the process of research, accelerated the trend to instrumentalism (which
already can be found in the basic structure of (natural) sciences); i.e. ,
without having given up the claim of (definite and objective) knowl-
edge this claim has been increasingly circumvented and has been replaced
by contexts of functioning relations. This implies a lot of needs for expla-
nations which remain, however, in most cases unspoken, because they
do not have a direct influence on the development of research. Because
the natural sciences minimize the claim of recognizing the world , the area
of irrational explorations is continuously increasing.
In many cases this has the consequence that irrational strategies of
explanations (i.e., strategic methods are not rationally legitimized) make
use of results or elements of natural sciences . This is completely harmless
if these explanations are only for entertainment. It can have unpleasant
or even dangerous consequences if such explanations are used as nor-
mative claims. In the view of such a dichotomy - between contexts which
can be dominated and irrational explanations - the claims of occidental
science to lead to scientific knowledge are given up . It could be , of
course , that this already has been in the structure of science for a long
time - Heidegger pointed out that occidental science would be in prin-
ciple wrong . In contrast to that the Constructive Realism tries to save this
kind of knowledge by a new interpretation of its procedure, i.e., scien-
tific knowledge is understood as a specific form of results of actions.
At first we want to discuss alternative approaches in modern episte-
mology. An increasing alienation can be found between epistemology
and philosophy of science on the one hand and natural sciences on the
other hand . Naturalistic epistemology took into account this process;
the most famous and most successful is represented by the evolutionary
epistemology. Naturalistic epistemologies take into consideration the
knowledge of modern natural sciences. Hence, they are explicitly doing
something which already can be implicitly found in Kant's philosophy.
In most cases, however, it remains unclear in modern naturalistic epis-
temologies which argumentative role disciplinary results are playing in
their epistemological concepts.
We are assuming cognitive science to be a continuation of natural-
istic epistemologies. Compared to naturalistic epistemologies cogn itive
In German there exist two words for 'reality' : we will refer to Realitiit
with 'reality' and to Wirklichkeit with environment(w). Stimulated by
reality; we are testing to what extent reality endures beyond the corre-
lations of our constructions. Stated another way we could formulate the
following: By making use of empirical control we are applying a strangi-
fication "transforming reality to environment(w)". Having in mind this
context of indirect control, empirical testing seems to be very useful.
This differentiation into two domains of reality has very interesting and
important implications for a central problem in Constructive Realism
as well as in cognitive science: the problem of knowledge representation.
We are understanding knowledge as the result of cognitive processes
in natural (or artificial) cognitive systems - hence, knowledge can also
be seen as the result of complex information processing. As we will
see in the course of this section, we have to use this metaphor of cog -
nition being information processing in a rather careful manner for the
following reasons.
I Polanyi , M. (1966) . The Tacit Dimension, Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City,
New York.
2 Anderson, J. R. (1985) . Cognitive Psychology and its Implications, New York.
3 E.g., Wallner, F., Thesen zu Maturana. Eine Aufforderung zum Widerspruch , Research
Report , Dept. of Epistemology & Cognit ive Science , Univ. of Vienna, IWTF-ECS-89-2.
4 Carnap, R. (1936) . Logische Syntax der Sprache, Wien .
S Peschl, M. F. (1989). 'An Alternative Approach to Modelling Cognition' , in Proceedings
of Man & Machine Conference published by John von Neumann Society for Computing
Science s, Hungary , pp. 46-56 and also ibid. (1990) . ' Cognition and Neural Computing
- an Interdisciplinary Appro ach ', in Proceedings of Intern ational Joint Conference on
Neuronal Network s, Washington (IJCNN '90), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers,
6 Rumelhart, D. E. and McClelland, J. R. (1986). Parallel Distributed Processing ,
Explo rations in the Microstructure of Cognit ion, Volume I: Foundations, MIT Press,
Cambridge Massachusetts. Ibid . (1989). ' The Architecture of Mind : A Connectionist
Approach ' , in Posner M. I. (ed .), The Foundation s of Cognitive Science, MIT Pres s,
Cambridge, Massachusetts , pp. 133-159. McClelland, J. L. and Rumelhart, D. E. (1988) .
Parallel Distributed Processing, Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition, Volume
II: Psychological and Biological Models, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachu setts.
7 Sejnowski, R. J. (1981) . ' Skeleton Filters in The Brian ', in Hinton and Anderson (eds.),
Parallel Models of Associative Memory, pp. 189-212.
K Peschl, M. C. (1990). ' Cognition and Neural Computing - an Interdisciplinary
Approach ', in Proceedings of Intern ational Joint Conference on Neural Networks,
Washington (IJCNN '90), Lawrence Erlbaum Associate s, Publishers, pp. 11G-113. Ibid.
(1990). ' A Cognitive Model Coming up to Epistemological Claims - Constructivist Aspects
to Model ing Cognition' , in Proceedings of International Jo int Conference on Neural
Networks 1990 (IJCNN '90) , San Diego, CA, IEEE, Vol. III, pp. III-657-662.
9 Wallner, F. (1990). 8 Vorle sungen zum Konstruktiven Realismus, Wiener Univer-
10 Wallner, F. (1989). Maturanas moglicher Beitrag zur Epistemologie, Wissenschaftliche
Nachrichten, Janner .
II Stillings, N. A., Feinstein , M. H. and Garfield , J. L. et al. (1987) . Cognitive Science,
An Introduction , A Bradford Book, the MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Adams,
R. G. (1985). ' Cognitive Science: A Tripartite Approach ' , in: Cognit ive Systems 1-1,
pp. 17-29. Posner, M. J. (ed.) (1989). Foundations of Cognitive Science, MIT Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts . Oshersons, Daniel N. (ed.) (1990). An Invitation to Cognitive
Science, MIT Press, Cambridge , Massachusetts.
12 McClelland, J. L., Rumelhart, D. E and Hinton , G. E. (1986). ' The Appeal of Parallel
Distributed Processing', in: Rumelh art, D. E., Parallel Distributing, Vol. I, MIT Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
13 The reduction to these three disciplines has been suggested by M. F. Pesch I (1990) .
Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen Verstandnis der Cognitive Science , Informatik Forum, Juni.
R. S. Cohen. R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 117-129 .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers .
For examples such as this one, the standard account seems right. But
there are a few rare and remarkable examples where something quite dif-
ferent is going on. The following theorem is from number theory ; and
it has a standard proof (by mathematical induction) which uses no
diagrams at all. But it can actually be proven with a diagram . (Take a
moment to study the proof, to see how it works.)
Theorem: 1 + 2 + 3 + . .. + n = n 2/2 + nJ2
Data, which play the role of evidence for the existence of phenomena, for the most part
can be straightforwardly observed. However, data typically cannot be predicted or
systematically explained by theory. By contrast, well -developed scientific theories do
predict and explain facts about phenomena. Phenomena are detected through the use of
data, but in most cases are not observable in any interesting sense of that term (1988,
p. 305) .
Data are .. . idiosyncratic to particular experimental contexts, and typically cannot
occur outside of those contexts . . . Phenomena, by contrast, are not idiosyncratic to specific
experimental contexts. We expect phenomena to have stable, repeatable characteristics
which will be detectable by means of a variety of different procedures, which may yield
quite different kinds of data (1988 , p. 317).
High energy physics abounds with examples. We are all quite used to
having information from this field presented to us twice over, first as data
in the form of a photograph, then as phenomena in the form of an
artist's drawing. Here is a typical example (Figure 3).
What high energy physics does is explain and predict the drawing
on the right; not the photo on the left. The chicken scratches on the
left are far too variable, idiosyncratic, and downright messy for any theory
to deal with. Theories in high energy physics only try to cope with the
phenomena as represented in the artist's drawing.
The so-called mechanical equivalent of heat was established by James
Joule in the middle of the 19th Century. That is, "That the quantity of
heat produced by friction of bodies, whether solid or liquid, is always
II ;".,.- - - - - - - --
, '"
I '" ....
Fig. 3. The reaction K'+p-7A+1t°. The photo is a datum ; the drawing is a phenomenon.
This was not the result of any simple observation, but the culmination
and processing of an enormous amount of data .
The method of experimenting was simply as follows : The temperature of the frictional
apparatu s having been ascertained and the weight s wound up . . . the roller was refixed
to the axis. The precise height of the weights above the ground having then been deter-
mined by means of the graduated slips of wood . . . the roller was set at liberty and allowed
to revolve until the weights reached the flagged floor of the laboratory, after accomplishing
a fall of about 63 inches. The roller was then removed to the stand, the weights wound
up again , and the friction renewed . After this had been repeated twenty times, the experi-
ment was concluded with another observation of the temperature of the apparatus. The
mean temperature of the laboratory was determined by observations made at the com-
mencement, middle and termination of each experiment (Joule, 1850, p. 66) .
It was out of the enormous amount of data that he had that the phenomena
of the mechanical equivalent of heat was brilliantly and painstakingly
constructed by Joule .
The Periodic Table of the chemical elements provides another illus-
tration. The Periodic Table is a classification scheme of the elements
in accordance with these properties. It is a paradigm of the construc-
tion of phenomena out of data. The phenomena are the entries in the table
- the chemical elements and their properties: atomic weights, atomic
numbers, chemical similarities, etc.
There is no algorithm for making phenomena out of data - it is a
fallible process. Dimitri Mendeleev ordered the elements according to
their increasing atomic weights. But he noticed that atoms with similar
chemical properties recurred periodically at fairly regular intervals. By
lumping together those which are chemically similar he created a clas -
sification of the elements known as the Periodic Table.
Though brilliantly conceived, Mendeleev 's taxonomy was somewhat
problematic. In the case of a few elements, ordering them by increasing
weight was at odds with ordering them in accord with their chemical
properties. And the discovery of isotopes (which have different weights
but are chemically identical) made matters even worse . This was the
background for Henry Mosely 's work, begun in 1913.
The characteristic frequencies associated with each of the elements
is due, according to Bohr's theory of the atom, to electrons in orbit around
the nucleus falling to lower orbits. When they fall from one energy
level, or shell, to a lower one they emit a photon of the appropriate
energy, or frequency.
Mosely fired cathode rays at several of the heavier elements and
recorded the x-ray frequencies produced. He focused on a particular
series known as the Ka-lines in a large number of elements. What he
discovered is that as the atomic number increases by I (i.e., as Z ~
Z + 1), the quantity (4/3 x v(Z) x R)' 12 also increase s by I. This led to
the following formula for the frequencies of Ka-series for the element
with atomic number Z: v(Z) = (Z - 1)2 X (1/1 2 - 1/22) X R. (Where R
is the Rydberg constant, known independently, and 1/1 2 - 1/22 is asso-
ciated with the first and second energy levels .)
Mosely's classification and Mendeleev 's coincide except in a few
cases. For example, potassium preceded argon in Mendeleev's table,
but Mosely reversed them. This resulted in Mosely 's Periodic Table being
in full agreement with both the recurring regularities of the chemical
The world is full of data, but there are relatively few phenomena.
My suggestion is rather simple: phenomena are abstract entities which
correspond to visualizable natural kinds. When scientists construct the
phenomena out of a great mass of data what they are doing is singling
out what they take to be genuine natural kinds. In Plato's gruesome
metaphor, they are trying to cut nature at its joints. To this I would
only add: at nature's visualizable joints.
The shift in the ordering structure of the Periodic Table, from atomic
weights to atomic numbers, shows the complexity and ingenuity that is
sometimes involved in constructing phenomena out of data. But it also
shows the importance of natural kinds and their essential properties in
scientific thinking. Mosely expressed it well when he summed up his
experimental work :
We have here a proof that there is in the atom a fundamental quantity, which increases
by regular steps as we pass from one element to the next. This quantity can only be the
charge on the central nucleus , of the existence of which we already have definite proof
(Quoted in Trigg 1975, p. 32£).
Notice that Mosely is not claiming to have discovered that the nucleus
has an electronic charge, any more than he is denying that the elements
have an atomic weight. His claim is about which of these existing prop-
erties is 'fundamental', or essential (chemically), and which is not.
Fig. 5. Three stages in Newton 's bucket thought experiment.
Did they deny that absolute space was the best explanation for the
observed difference? Not really; instead, they denied the observed dif-
ference itself. They denied that in a universe without distant masses
(the fixed stars) the water would climb the walls of the bucket. Clearly,
Berkeley's and Mach's fight with Newton is not a dispute over empir-
ical data; it's not even a fight over rival explanations of what is given
in the thought experiment - it is a fight over the phenomena.
What we can see from these two thought experiments is that phe-
nomena must be play ing a role in scientific inference, a role which is
distinct from data. Though phenomena are picturable, they exist at a high
level of abstraction.
In passing, a word about the theory-ladenness of observation. No
one nowadays believes in raw data; observations are always conceptu-
alized. (This is undoubtedly one of the great results of modem philosophy
of science, due to Hanson , Kuhn, Feyerabend, Sellars, and many others .)
Isn't 'phenomena' just another name for this, that is, for theory-laden
data?" In many cases the distinction between phenomena and concep-
tualized or theory-laden data will seem artificial. (High energy physicists
like to say that they can just see the subnuclear process right in the bubble
chamber photo.) But there are clear cases which cannot be treated as
theory-l aden observ ations . The elements of the Periodic Table are phe-
nomena, and no doubt some of them, e.g., Fe (iron), might successfully
be treated as observable in some theory -laden way. But there are others,
e.g., Ge (germanium), which (at the time of Mendeleev) were simply
not seen at all. Similarly, the phenomena of a thought-experiment, e.g.,
the light bending in Einstein's elevator are not actually seen at all either.
So these examples of phenomena cannot be reduced to actual observ-
able data, theory-laden or not.
How is it possible that a great and grand theory can seem to be justi -
fied by only a tiny bit of sketchy visualized information? Recall the
mathematical example from the very beginning of this paper. A lesson
about inference can be learned from that rare form of mathematical proof.
The claim made there was that the diagram is a perfectly good proof.
One can see complete generality in the picture, even though it only
illustrates the theorem for n = 5. The diagram does not implicitly
'suggest' a 'rigorous ' verbal or symbolic proof. The regular proof of
this theorem is by mathematical induction, but the diagram does not
examples given above. For now, at any rate , I prefer to remain agnostic
and leave this an open question, and for the sake of consistency I'll
stick with talk of natural kinds .
Of course , the question arises whether we really have a natural kind
(or an essential property of a natural kind) on our hands or not. Is mass
really an essential property, and colour not ? It seems like an a priori
assumption, and to some extent I dare say that it is. But the view that
the colour of ravens is not an essential property while the micro-struc-
ture of water is, is at least in part based on very broad experience and
the past success of various classes of theories that we hold. Theories
based on micro-structure have been enormously successful while those
based on colours have not. So the construction of phenomena out of
data is based on more than the data itself. It is theory-laden, but it needn 't
be laden with the theory that it will subsequently be used to test.
This raises an interesting an important point that I can only mention
here: the construction of pseudo-phenomena. Many scientific works are
replete with drawings. E. O. Wilson's Sociobiology, for example, has
almost no photographs, but has several beautiful drawings of animals
in various activitie s. One of these shows two dinosaurs fighting. Needless
to say, this was seen by no paleontologist. It is not a datum, but a phe-
nomenon. But is it a real phenomenon? I will leave to others the
assessment of sociobiology. But I will point out that the theory - like any
other - is in the business of explaining phenomena, not data. Perhaps
it even does this brilliantly, which is why many find it persuasive. But
there is a lot of room to ask pointed questions about the construction
of such phenomena (are they pseudo-phenomena?) and the role that
values may have played .
Let me now, by way of conclusion, summarize the main points.
Phenomena are to be distinguished from data, the stuff of observation
and experience. They are relatively abstract, but have a strongly visual
character. They are constructed out of data, but not just any construc-
tion will do. Phenomena are natural kinds that we can picture. They
show up in thought experiments and they play an indispensable role in
scientific inference mediating between data and theory. So let 's attend
to them.'
Department of Philosophy,
University of Toronto,
Bogen, J. and Woodward J. (1988) . 'To Save the Phenomena', Philosophical Review .
Brown, J. R. (1989) . The Rational and the Social, Routledge, London and New York.
Brown, J. R. (1991) . The Laboratory of the Mind: Thought Experiments in the Natural
Sciences, Routledge, London and New York .
Harper, W. (1989). ' Consilience and Natural Kind Reasoning ', in J. Brown and J.
Mittelstras (eds.), An Intimate Relation: Studies in the History and Philosophy of
Science [Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, v. 116), Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Joule, J. (1850) . 'On the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat ', Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society.
Kaiser, M. (1991). 'From Rocks to Graphs - The Shaping of Phenomena ', Synthese,
Kaiser, M. (this volume) . ' Empirical versus Theoretical Progress in Science'.
Trig , G. (1975) . Landmark Experiments in 20th Century Physics, Crane , Russell & Co.,
New York.
Wilson, E. O. (1975). Sociobiology: The New Synthesis.
Woodward, J. (1989). 'Data and Phenomena', Synthese, 393-472 .
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpin en and Qiu Renzong (eds.) , Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science. 131-148.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
k r .
Fig . 1. Plan view of the experimental apparatus used to measure the K: 2 branching
ratio. From Bowen et al. (1976) .
4 r,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
Fig . 2. The decay time spectrum obtained by Bowen et al. (1967). The K+ lifetime
is shown.
the entity we are observing is one and the same person . Yes, the skep-
tical reader, or an antirealist, might reply, but we can observe the entity
directly. Suppose, however, that we had determined all of these quanti-
ties without such direct viewing, as well we might have." Would we
not still be justified in believing in the real existence of the philoso-
pher? This seems to me to be by far the best explanation of the
observations. If there is no Bas van Fraassen then we are faced with a
remarkable and bizarre set of coincidences - similarly for K mesons."
It might be argued that there is a difference between the arguments for
the existence of K mesons and the existence of Bas van Fraassen. Van
Fraassen is an individual, whereas K mesons are a type. 15 I do not believe
that this is a valid objection. I could, for example, name my K mesons.
Lest this be regarded as totally facetious, let me point out that scien-
tists are, in fact, already referring to individual elementary particles by
name .
' Here .. . in the center of our Penning trap resides positron (or anti-electron) Priscilla,
who has been giving spontaneous and command performances of her quantum jump ballets
for the last 3 months'. There can be little double about the identity of Priscilla dur ing
this per iod, since in ultrahigh vacuum she never had the chance to trade places with a
passing antimatter twin . The well-defined identity of this elementary particle is some-
thing fundamentally new, and deserves to be recognized by being given a name, just as
pets are given names of persons (Dehmelt, 1990, p. 539).
a. Is It Empirical ?
How might van Fraassen react to the argument given above for the
existence of K mesons? " His discussion in The Scientific Image (1980,
pp. 75-77) states that measurement of a particle 's properties, such as
the charge on the electron, does not imply that the particle exists. In
his view a theory leaves blanks for experiment to fill in and claims that
this type of experiment, "shows how that blank is to be filled in if the
theory is to be empirically adequate (emphasis in original)" (1980,
p. 75). I shall discuss in detail later why I believe that this analy sis, based
on Millikan's experiments, is historically inadequate. I also do not believe
that this is a sufficient answer to the argument in favor of the existence
of kaons . First, there is no theory of kaons for which the blanks have
to be filled in, unless it is the statement that every particle has a mass,
a charge, and a lifetime ." Second, the experimenters measured three
properties of the particle simultaneously, rather than just one , providing
more evidence for its existence. It is hard to imagine filling in three
blanks simultaneously without believing that there is actually some-
thing that has the properties.
Van Fraassen would also regard the K meson or its properties as unob-
servable because the story I have recounted involves instrumental
detection and not unaided human perception. "A calculation of the mass
of a particle from the deflection of its trajectory in a known force field
is not an observation of that mass" (1980, p. 15). There is a real question
as to why van Fraassen privileges unaided sense perception in arguing
for the existence of entities and for the validity of measurements.i"
Human perception is notoriously unreliable. It can be influenced by
weather conditions (mirages), the state of the body (alcohol, drugs,
etc.), stress, and so on. Eyewitness identification in trials has been shown
to be far from infallible, and optical illusions do occur. It seems to me
that the arguments one gives for the validity of human observations
are, in fact, the same arguments one gives for the validity of instrumental
observations and measurements and that neither is privileged over the
other. (For details of the strategies used to establish the validity of exper-
imental results see Franklin (1986, Chapter 6) and Franklin and Howson
(1988). A similar point on instrumental detection has been made by
Bogen and Woodward (1988) .)
Despite this argument, van Fraassen might very well still deny the
existence of the kaon on the grounds that we have only measured or
calculated its properties and not observed it directly. It is not clear to
me, however, how he would explain the measurements if not by the
existence of a particle. As Cartwright might say, "If there are no kaons
then we have no explanation of our measurements"."
Van Fraassen might respond that, although there are indeed K mesons,
constructive empiricism deals only with the attitude one should take
toward theories that involve kaons. He might further state that the
evidence in support of such theories only gives us reason to believe
the theory is empirically adequate and does not give us reason to believe
in the existence of kaons, whereas the measurements I have cited do
support such existence. I don 't believe that such an evidential distinc-
tion can be maintained, that between evidence in support of the existence
of a particle such as the kaon and evidence that supports a theory of
kaons, and therefore their existence.
Consider the eightfold way mentioned above. One found evidence
in favor of the existence of the n- particles, i.e., its mass and charge. The
existence of such a particle was predicted by the eightfold way and there-
fore its observation supports, at the very least, the empirical adequacy
of the theory. But, the content of the theory is precisely the existence
beyond the unaided senses" but will also, no doubt, involve a theory
of the apparatus." I don't see how a constructive empiricist can avoid
allowing quantities like pressure and volume to be observables. Otherwise
theories will have virtually no empirical content. Once, however, it is
granted that pre ssure is an observable then other quantities detected
only with instruments also become observable, such as the mass, lifetime,
and charge, etc., of particles. That being granted, we can then say that
we have good reasons, based on observation, for the existence of
b. Is It Adequate?
that all electrical charges, howe ver produced , are exact multiples of one definite
elementary, electrical charge , or in other words , that an electrical charge instead of being
spread uniformly over the charged surface has a definite granular structure, consisting,
in fact, of an exact number of specks , or atoms of electricity, all precisely alike , peppered
over the surface of the charged body .
To make an exact determination of the value of the elementary electrical charge
which is free from all que stionable theoretical assumptions and is limited in accuracy
only by that attainable in the measurement of the coefficient of viscosity of air (Millikan,
1911, p. 350).
Mill ikan 's aim was to prove that electricity really has the atomic structure, which, on
the basis of theoretical evidence, it was supposed to have . . . By a brilliant method of
investigation and by extraordinarily exact experimental technique Millikan reached his
goal . . . Even leaving out of con sideration the fact that Millikan has proved by these
researches that e lectricity consists of equal units, his exact evaluation of the unit has
done physic s an inestimable service, as it enables us to calculate with a higher degree
of exactitude a large number of the most important physical constants (Gullstrand, 1965).
The filling in of the blank of the value of e, as van Fraassen has it,
while of great importance, is secondary to the issue of charge quanti-
zation. Even three years after Millikan had received the Nobel Prize,
O. D. Chwolson, a respected physicist, wrote
It (the Millikan -Ehrenhaft dispute) has already lasted 17 years and up to now it cannot
be claimed that it has finally been decided in favor of one side or the other, i.e., that all
researchers have adopted one or the other of the two possible solutions of this problem .
The state of affairs is rather strange (Chwolson, 1927).
Although by that time most physicists would have disagreed with this
assessment, it indicates that the issue had not been closed by 1911 as
van Fraassen states.
I believe that the realist account that Millikan 'discovered' or gave
strong evidence for the existence of a fundamental unit of electricity, and
then made a precise measurement of that unit, is a far better descrip-
tion of this episode than van Fraassen's view that Millikan was merely
filling in a blank left by theory .
I believe that the discussion of kaons has shown that we can have good
reasons to believe in both the existence of entities and in laws , and that
our belief in the laws is a belief that it is true. If my arguments are correct
then constructive empiricism is not philosophically justified. I also
believe that I have cast doubt on the empirical adequacy of construc-
tive empiricism. It has a vague notion of 'observable', which I believe
is far too strict to apply to the practice of science. If one extends the
notion as I have suggested then it supports a realist position. Constructive
empiricism is, at best, no better than the realist account in discussing
the elimination of contradictions between theories or the unification of
theories. It also fails to give an adequate account of Millikan's experi -
ment, which is better explained by a realist position.
Nevertheless, showing that constructive empiricism is not satisfac-
tory provides only a small amount of support for the realist view. The
elimination of one of many alternative explanations and there are many
of them) only slightly strengthens our belief in the remaining alterna-
rives." I have, however, also given positive arguments for the particular
version of realism that I support. This includes the discussion of the exis-
tence of kaons, the elimination of contradictions, and the historical
account of Millikan's experiments.
Supporting a realist position does not, however, mean that I believe
in either the absolute truth of the laws or in the 'real' existence of the
entities. It means only that I think we have good reasons for believing
in the truth of the laws and in the existence of the entities.
Department of Physics,
University of Colorado,
I See, for example , the recent book on realism edited by Leplin (1984) and the volume
devoted to discussion and criticism of van Fraassen 's view edited by Churchland and
Hooker (1985) .
2 Van Fraassen admits that 'observable' is a vague predicate but argues that one can
still make use of it. I believe , as will be discussed later, that his characterization of observ-
able is, in fact, too strict.
3 John Stachel has raised the interesting question as to whether or not my view commits
me to arguing that 'virtual' particles such as those referred to in the empirically very
successful quantum electrodynamics actually exist or whether I regard them as useful visu-
alizations or interpretations of the mathematical formalism . I tend to lean toward the
latter view, but I must admit I have not thought about the issue sufficiently. Although I
do regard Feynman diagrams, which include virtual particles, as very useful pictures,
each line or vertex in such diagrams can be replaced by a mathematical expression, but
how one should regard such lines is not clear to me.
4 Morrison (1990) has argued that manipulability is not sufficient to establish belief in
an entity. She discusses particle physics experiments in which particle beams were viewed
not only as particles, but also as beams of quarks, the particle constituents, even though
the physicists involved had no belief in the existence of quarks . Although I believe that
Morrison's argument is correct in this particular case, I do think that manipulability can,
and often does, give us good reason to believe in an entity. See, for example, the dis-
cussion of the microscope in Hacking (1983). More recently scientists have used the
scanning tunneling microscope to spell out IBM with xenon atoms . This seems to me to
be very good evidence for such atoms .
5 In Cartwright's discussion of the electron track in the cloud chamber, for example,
she can identify the track as an electron track rather than as a proton track only because
she has made an implicit commitment to the law of ionization for charged particles, and
its dependence on the mass and momentum of the particles. The momentum is measured
by curvature in a known magnetic field in a way similar to that discussed below for K
mesons. A similar point has been made by Morrison (1989). See also my review of
Cartweight in Foundations of Physics (1984).
6 I am grateful to Bob Ackermann for raising this point .
7 I note that it is the argument that is constructed, not the weak neutral currents, as
some have stated (see Pickering, 1984).
K Although modem theory does predict proton decay into a positron, both the measured
proton lifetime and the predicted rate give a decay rate that is too small to be of any
significance in this experiment.
9 The reader may note that the pion also decays into an electron and a neutrino, with a
branching ratio approximately seven times that of the kaon. These pion decays could easily
be separated from kaon decays by their momentum. The momentum of an electron from
pion decay is 69.8 MeV/c, while that for an electron from kaon decay is 246 MeV/c.
The experimental apparatus had a momentum resolution of 1.9%, which could easily
distinguish between the two decays.
10 In fact, the experimenters had assumed that the charge on the particle was e. They did,
however, measure the range, the radius of curvature in a known magnetic field, and the
time of flight of the particles. From these three measurements, the three unknown quan-
tities, the charge, mass, and velocity of the beam particles could have been calculated.
II The reader may object that using agreement with known properties of the kaon already
assumes that the kaon exists . I believe, however, that establishing that a particle has a
definite mass, charge, and lifetime is sufficient to establish its existence. Recall J. J.
Thomson's 'discovery' of the electron by showing that cathode rays had a definite charge
to mass ratio.
12 There are of the order of 100 elementary particles, each with different properties (in
particular each particle has a unique mass) so that specifying three properties serves to
identify the particle .
13 One could , for example, measure the weight of the entity by using a scale which
was located behind an opaque screen, but which had a remote readout visible to the
observer, and so on.
14 I note that this story agrees with Cartweight's causal view, but differs slightly from
Hacking 's because it is the K mesons themselves that are under investigation.
IS I am grateful to Zeno Switinjk for pointing this out and also for providing the
quotation from Dehmelt, which argues against his own point.
16 I have used the term 'valid' to describe the laws. I don't think the laws have to be
true in order to have a successful measurement, and I don't know how to make sense
of the term "approximately true". What I mean by valid is that to within the required
experimental accuracy the laws give correct results . This does not mean that I do not
feel that we are justified in our belief that the laws are true . Observation of evidence
entailed by a theory should, and indeed does, strengthen our belief that the theory is
true. It also strengthens our belief that the theory is empirically adequate, but that is beside
the point.
17 For a discussion of this historical episode and a discussion of the evidential value
of prediction and accommodation see Howson and Franklin (1991) .
IK For the sake of economy I am attributing the arguments that might hypothetically
be offered by a defender of constructive empiricism to its foremost proponent, Bas van
Fraassen. He might not, of course, agree that he would offer any of these arguments.
19 This is not strictly true. The current theory of strongly interacting particles, quantum
chromodynamics (QCD), does, in principle, predict the mass of the kaon and other
elementary particles, given the masses of the up, down, and strange quarks. Because
there are more particles than quarks, one can use the observed masses of some of the
particles to calculate the quark masses, and then proceed to calculate the masses of
the other particles. These are very difficult and complex calculations and, at present,
are accurate to approximately 20%. This theory was not available in 1967, when the
experiment was performed.
20 Van Fraassen actually privileges vision over the other senses . No one would regard
hearing something as evidence for the existence of an entity. Recall the old television
commercial "Is it live or is it Mernorex?" in which a listener cannot distinguish between
a recording and a live person. The sense of touch also does not provide reliable evidence
for the existence of an entity. Remember the story of the five wise men each touching a
different part of an elephant and reaching different conclusions as to its nature .
21 Cartwright (1983), pp. 87-99, argues that when we have a causal explanation of a
measurement or an observation then we are justified in making an inference to the most
probable cause, i.e., an entity . I agree . Van Fraassen might ask why we need an expla-
nation at all.
22 I note that more direct evidence for the existence of these particles was found
23 It may very well be true that any detection device, such as a mercury barometer,
will have an output detectable by unaided human senses, but that is not the point here .
24 For a discussion of how one comes to believe in an experimental result see Franklin
(1986), Chapter 6, and Franklin and Howson (1988). For further discussion of the theory-
ladenness of measurement see Franklin (1989).
25 The search for unification also applies to noncontradictory theories . Take, for example,
the V-A theory of weak interactions and quantum electrodynamics. These were not con -
tradictory. Each was empirically adequate for its own range of phenomena. The search
for unification was successful, leading to the Weinberg-Salam unified theory of elec-
troweak interactions. This unified theory was widely hailed as a major achievement and
led to the prediction and observation of new phenomena, weak neutral currents, atomic
parity violation, and the observation of intermediate vector bosons, the Wand ZO parti-
cles . Similarly, Maxwell 's theory unified the separate theories of electricity and magnetism
and led to the observation of electromagnetic radiation .
26 For a discussion of this see Franklin and Howson (1988) .
Bogen, J. and Woodward, J. (1988). ' Saving the Phenomena' , The Philosophical Review
47, pp. 303-352.
Bowen, D. R. et 01. (1967). ' Measurement of the K: 2 Branching Ratio ', Physical Review
154, pp. 1314-1322.
Cartwright, N. (1983) . How the Laws of Physics Lie, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Churchland, P. and Hooker, C. (eds.) (1985). Images of Sciences, University of Chicago
Press, Chicago .
Chwolson, O. D. (1927) . Die Physik, 1914-1926, G. Kluge (trans.), F. Viewig and Sohn,
Dehmelt, H. (1990) . 'Experiments on the Structure of an Individual Elementary Particle',
Science 247, pp. 539-545.
Ehrenhaft, F. (1914). 'Die Quanten der Elektrizitat', Annalen der Physik 44, pp. 657-700.
Fraassen van, B. (1980) . The Scientific Image, Clarendon Press, Oxford .
Franklin, A. (1986). The Neglect ofExperiment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Franklin, A. and Howson, C. (1988). 'It Probably is a Valid Experimental Result: A
Bayesian Approach to the Epistemology of Experiment', Studies in History and
Philosophy of Science 19, pp. 419-427.
Franklin, A. et al. (1989). ' Can a Theory -Laden Observation Test the Theory?' British
Journal for the Philosophy of Science 40, pp. 229-231.
Galison, P. (1987) . How Experiments End, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Gullstrand, A. (1965) . Nobel Lectures in Physics, 1922-41, Amsterdam, pp. 51-53.
Hacking, I. (1983) . Representing and Intervening, Cambridge University Press.
Holton, G. (1978). 'Subelectrons, Presuppositions, and the Millikan -Ehrenhaft Dispute',
Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 9, pp. 161-224.
Howson, C. and Franklin, A. (1991) . 'Maher, Mendeleev , and Bayesianism', Philosophy
of Science 58, 574-585.
Konstantinowsky, D. (1915). 'Elektrische Ladungen und Brownsche Bewegung sehr
kleiner Metallteilchen im Gase ', Annalen der Physik 46, pp. 261-297.
Leplin , J. (ed.) (1984) . Scientific Realism, University of California Press , Berkeley .
Millikan, R. A. (1911). 'The Isolation of an Ion, A Precision Measurement of Its Charge,
and the Correction of Stoke's Law', Physical Review 32, pp. 349-397.
Millikan, R. A. (1913). 'On the Elementary Electrical Charge and the Avogadro Constant',
Physical Review 2, pp, 109-143.
Millikan, R. A. (1916). 'The Existence of a Subelectron?' Physical Review 8, pp. 595-625.
Morrison, M. (1990) . 'Theory, Intervention, and Realism', Synthese 82, pp. 1-22.
Sellars, w. (1962). Science , Perception, and Reality, Humanities Press, New York,
Zerner, F. (1915). 'Zur Kritik des Elementarquantums for Elektrizitat', Physikallische
Zeitschrift 16, pp. 10-13.
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 149-170.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Valence Theory is about bonds: what they are and how many there are from each atom
. .. So fifty years of valence theory really means fifty years of changing ideas about a
chemical bond. The first third of the period . . . was necessarily concerned with identi-
fying the electronic nature of the bond, and in escaping from the thought forms of the
physicist . . . Has the chemical bond now done its job ? Have we grown to that degree
of knowledge and that power of calculation that we do not need it? . .. This is a tanta-
lizing question. Chemi stry is concerned to explain, to give us insight and a sense of
understanding. Its concepts operate at an appropriate depth and are designed for the
kind of explanation required and given. If the level of enquiry deepens, as a result of
our better understanding, then some of our older concepts no longer keep their rele-
vance .. . Whether "something bigger" that should replace the chemical bond, will come
to us or not is a subject for a Symposium bearing for its title: the changing role of chemical
Coulson could not have expressed any better the often misunder-
stood relationsip between chemistry and physics. Borrowing and using
concepts first proposed by physicists, and, subsequently, "escaping from
the thought forms of the physicists" had really been the dominant trend,
not only in the first years of quantum chemistry, but also in much of
the history of physical and structural chemistry in the latter part of the
19th century as well.
And though chemistry was striving to free itself from the "thought
forms of the physicist", the theoretical issues raised by this escape have
been, on the whole, ignored by philosophers of science. I am not, of
course, saying that there have been no philosophical discussions of the
problems of chemistry, since questions about the phlogiston and the
Daltonian atoms have been very systematically discussed. But the neglect
of the philosophical problems arising out of the particularities of chem-
istry after the development of microphysics since the middle of the 19th
century is also a fact.
In all the discussions about scientific realism, there is at least one
undeclared assumption. If pressed, the various arguments, claims and
conclusions can be illustrated by examples in physics . And though it is
acknowledged that biology and the social sciences pose problems of their
own, there is a rather peculiar silence about chemistry. Nothing is said
about chemistry because there is the implicit assumption that chemistry
is reducible to physics and, hence, physics is the paradigmatic science,
the science that really tells us about Nature. It is claimed, not unjusti-
fiably, that the specific role of mathematics in physics renders the
problems of scientific realism to be clearly delineated. Furthermore, it
is said that physics deals with the fundamental entities of the world
There was, thus, no more fun in chemistry, its laws had been deciphered
and what was left was a matter of devising shrewd methods for carrying
out the calculations.
The point I want to argue is that the beginnings and the establish-
ment of quantum chemistry involved a series of issues which transcend
the question of the application of quantum mechanics to chemical
problems. Quantum chemistry developed an autonomous language with
respect to physics and what appeared to be disputes over methods were,
in fact, discussions concerning the collective decision of the chemical
community about methodological priorities and ontological commitments.
The outstanding issue to be settled in the community turned out to be
the character of theory for chemistry and, therefore, a reappraisal of
the praxis of the chemists. Is it the case that , especially after the advent
of quantum mechanics, all the different theoretical and cultural factors
precipitated in such a way as to determine and impose a common way
of doing chemistry? I am inclined to think that, as a rule, disputes and
dis agreements were as much about getting the correct solution to a
problem as they were part of a rhetoric about how to go about solving
similar kinds of problems. In many instances the scientific papers had
a strong rhetoric 'propagandizing' various changes in the chemists'
culture. In other words . during the 1930s the discussions and disputes
among chemists were to a large extent about the new legitimizing pro-
cedures and consensual activities to be incorporated within the chemists'
Drawing up a program to examine the nature of the chemical bond
presupposed a particular attitude on how to construct a theory in
chemistry, on how much one 'borrows' from physics and what the
methodological status of empirical observations for theory building is.
There were basically two different research traditions. Heitler and London
insisted on an approach which, while not as reductionist as Dirac's pro-
During their short stay in Zurich, Fritz London together with Walter
Heitler managed to solve one of the outstanding problems of chemistry
by using the wave mechanical methods of Schrodinger. They showed that
the mysterious chemical binding of two neutral hydrogen atoms to form
a hydrogen molecule could only be undertood in terms of the princi-
ples of the new quantum mechanic s.
Undoubtedly the simultaneous presence of both Heitler and London
in Zurich was one of those unplanned happy coincidences. Walter Heitler
was born in Karlsruhe in 1904. His father was a profe ssor of engineering.
His interest in physical chemistry grew while he attended lectures on
the subject at the Technische Hochschule and through these lectures in
physic al chemistry he came into contact with quantum theory. Wishing
to work in theoretical physics, he first went to Berlin, but found the
atmosphere not too hospitable especially since a student was left to
himself to choose a problem and write a thesis. Only after its comple-
tion would the ' great men' examine it. After a year in Berlin he went
to Munich and completed his doctoral thesis with Karl Herzberg on
concentrated solutions. After completing his thesis, Sommerfeld helped
him to secure funding from the International Education Board, and he
went to Copenhagen to work with J. Bjerrum on a problem about ions
in solutions. He was not particularly happy in Copenhagen. Determined
to work in quantum mechanics, he convinced Bjerrum, the Education
Board and Schrodinger to spend the second half of the period for which
he received funding in Zurich.
Fritz London was born in 1900 and his father was a Professor of
Mathematics at the University of Bonn . To graduate from the University
HeitIer and London's initial aim was to calculate the interaction of the
charges of two atoms . They were not particularly encouraged by their
first results, since the attraction due to the 'Coulomb integral' was too
small to account for the homopolar bond between two hydrogen atoms.
But they were puzzled by the presence of the 'exchange integral' whose
physical significance was not evident at all. Heisenberg's work on the
quantum mechanical resonance phenomenon which had already been pub-
lished was not of particular help to Heitler and London, since the
exchange was part of the resonance of two electrons one of which was
in the ground state while the other was excited and both were in the same
atom. Heitler remembered that they were stuck and "we did not know
what it meant and did not know what to do with it".
Then one day was a very disagreeable day in Zurich; [there was the] Fohn . It's a very
hot south wind, and it takes people different ways. Some are very cross . .. and some
people just fall asleep .. . . I had slept till very late in the morning, found I couldn 't do
any work at all ... went to sleep again in the afternoon. When I woke up at five o'clock
I had clearly - I still remember it as if it were yesterday - the picture before me of the
two wave functions of two hydrogen molecules joined together with a plus and minus
and with the exchange in it. So I was very excited, and I got up and thought it out. As
soon as I was clear that the exchange did playa role, I called London up; and he came
as quickly as possible . Meanwhile I had already started developing a sort of perturba-
tion theory. We worked together until rather late at night, and then by that time most of
the paper was clear. . .. Well, I am not quite sure if we knew it in the same evening,
but at least it was not later than the following day that we knew we had the formation
of the hydrogen molecule in our hands . And we also knew that there was a second mode
of interaction which meant repul sion between two hydrogen atoms - also new at the
time - new to the chemists too . Well the rest was then rather quick work and very
easy , except, of course , that we had to struggle with the proper formulation of the Pauli
principle, which was not at that time available, and also the connection with spin . . .
There was a great deal of discussion about the Pauli principle and how it could be
The paper was sent for publication on June 30, 1927. In the manu-
script, the introduction and the discussion of the results are in London's
handwriting. The calculations are in Heitler's handwriting. Heitler wrote
the part on the Pauli principle and molecular forces as well and London
the conclusion. Heitler and London started their calculations by con-
sidering the two hydrogen atoms coming slowly close to each other.
Electron 1 belonged to atom a and electron 2 to atom b or electron 2
belonged to atom a and 1 to b. Because the electrons were identical,
the total wave function of the system was the linear combination of the
wave functions of the two cases.
The problem now was to calculate the coefficients c I and c 2• This they
did by minimizing the energy
f 'I'*H'I' d.
= ---:---
f '1'2 d.
They found two values for the energy
E I = 2E o + S; E 2 = 2E o + S
I + 12 I - 12
The integrals C (Coulomb integral) and A (exchange integral) had
negative values, but A was larger than C. E I implied c lfc 2 = 1 and E 2
implied c/c 2 = -I. Hence the wave function of the system could now
be written as
'1', = 'l'a(1)'I'b(2) + 'l'a(2)'I'b(1)
'I'll = 'l'a(l )'I'b(2) - 'l'a(2)'I'b(l)
Up to this point, the spin of the electrons was not taken into consider-
ation . The symmetry properties required by the Pauli exclusion principle,
were satisfied only by '1'1. It was the case when the electrons had
anti-parallel spins. But '1', corresponded to E I. E I was less than 2E o,
the sum of the energies of the two separate hydrogen atoms, and ,
hence, it signified attraction. 'I'll' which, when spin was taken into con-
sideration was a symmetric combination, corresponded to E 2 • But E 2
was greater than 2E o, and it implied repulsion. The "mechanism" respon-
sible for the bonding between the two neutral hydrogen atoms was the
pairing of the electrons which became possible only when the relative
orientations of the spins of the electrons were antiparalleJ. To form an
electron pair it did not suffice to have only energetically available elec-
trons, but the electrons had to have the right spin orientations. The
homopolar bonding turned out to be a pure quantum effect, since its
explanation depended wholly on the electron spin which had no
classical analogue. As Heitler and London noted in their paper, such a
result could only be described very artificially in classical terms." They
found the bond energy to be 72.3 kcals and the internuclear distance 0.86
Angstroms to be compared with the experimental values of 109.4 and
0.74 respectively.
They soon realised that the proposed exchange mechanism obliged
them to be confronted with a fundamentally new phenomenon. They
Both London and Heitler in all their early writings repeatedly stressed
this 'non-visualizability' of the exchange mechanism. It is one aspect
of their work which in the name of didactic expediency has been con-
sistently misrepresented.
Though it appeared that the treatment of the homopolar bond of the
hydrogen molecule was an 'extension' of the methods successfully used
for the hydrogen molecular ion, there was a difference between the two
cases that led to quite radical implications. It was the role of the elusive
Pauli principle. In the case of the hydrogen molecule ion, its solution was
a successful application of the Schrodinger equation where the only forces
determining the potential are electromagnetic. A similar approach to
the problem of the hydrogen molecule leads to a mathematically well
defined, but physically meaningless solution where the attractive forces
could not be accounted for. There was a need for an additional constraint,
so that the solution would become physically meaningful. At least part
of the theoretical significance of the original work of Heitler and London
was that this additional constraint was not in the form of any further
assumptions about the forces involved . Invoking the Pauli exclusion prin-
ciple as a further constraint led to a quite amazing metamorphosis of
the physical content of the mathematical solutions. These solutions
became physically meaningful and their interpretation in terms of the
Pauli principle brought about the new possibilities provided by the elec-
tromagnetic interaction.
London, in his subsequent publications, proceeded to a formulation
of the Pauli principle for cases with more than two electrons and which
was to become more convenient for his later work in group theory: the
wave function can at most contain arguments symmetric in pairs; those
electron pairs on which the wave function depends symmetrically have
antiparallel spin. He considered spin to be the constitutive character-
istic of quantum chemistry. And since two electrons with antiparallel spin
are not identical, the Pauli principle did not apply to them and one
could , thus, legitimately choose the symmetric solution, With the Pauli
principle it became possible to comprehend 'valence' saturation , and
as it will be argued in the future work of both Heitler and London, spin
would become one of the most significant indicators of valence behav-
iour and, in the words of Van Vleck, would forever be "at the heart of
Texts of this sort are , in a way, pace setting texts; they are rhetor-
ical texts contributing to the formation of the chemists' culture, to the
way chemists view others and themselves. It was the theoretical physi-
cists who applied quantum mechanics to a chemical problem, but at the
same time Pauling considered his own work as an extension of their
program. He declared his applications will provide "many more" results
which can be obtained in the form of rules supplementing other rules -
of Lewis , in fact, who had formulated them much earlier than the advent
of wave mechanics! But since Lewis' cardinal rule - that of electron
pairing - had been given formal justification, one can formulate new rules
supplementing Lewis's rules! Interestingly, concerning the question of
the relationship of the various alternatives to the Lewis schema, Heitler
and London thought that their work replaced that of Lewis, whereas
Pauling and Mulliken considered theirs as supplementing it.
The rules which are formulated later in the paper were provided with
a kind of quantum mechanical justification and they were by no means
rules derived from first principles. Pauling's papers were mathemati-
cally sophisticated and from the calculations he had published it was
evident that he was at home with the details of quantum theory. And,
furthermore, to be able to present, in his book, such a coherent and
convincing argumentation about the nature of the chemical bond with
little mathematics is not a tribute to Pauling's ability to polarize his work,
but is indicative of his method. In this manner Pauling was able to inau-
gurate the language of quantum chemistry which could be used by
chemists in a practical manner.
To account for chemical bonding, Pauling's schema made use of the
attraction expressed in the quantum mechanical resonance between two
'more basic' structures. But the ontological status of these 'more basic'
structures was rather problematic. In 1944 George Willard Wheland, who
was a student of Pauling's and one of the strongest propagandists
of the theory of resonance , published his The Theory of Resonance
and its Application to Organic Chemistry. Appropriately, the book was
dedicated to Pauling. Wheland's view was that
resonance is a man-made concept in a more fundamental sense than most other physical
theories. It does not correspond to any intrinsic property if the molecule itself, but instead
it is only a mathematical device, deliberately invented by the physicist or chemist for
his own convenience."
At the time, Pauling did not seem to disagree with such an assessment.
But when a later edition of Wheland 's book appeared in 1955, a lively
correspondence ensued between the two about the actual character of
Pauling disagreed. "I feel that in your book you have done an injustice
to resonance theory by overemphasizing its man-made character.?" Their
correspondence continued and neither appeared to be convinced by the
other. What Pauling greatly emphasized was not the 'arbitrariness of the
concept of resonance, but its immense usefulness and convenience which
"make the disadvantage of the element of arbitrariness of little signifi-
cance"." This according to Pauling became the constitutive criterion
for theory building in chemistry. It was the way, as he had noted, to
particularize Bridgman's operationalism in chemistry . In fact, Pauling felt
more at ease with the Schrodinger approach than with matrix mechanics
and did not worry about questions of interpretation of quantum
mechanics. "I tend not to be interested in the more abstruse aspects of
quantum mechanics. I take a sort of Bridgmanian attitude toward them"."
In his analysis of resonance, Pauling expressed in the most explicit
manner his views about theory building in chemistry. He asserted that
the theory of resonance was a chemical theory, and, in this respect, it had
very little in common with the valence-bond method of making approx-
imate quantum mechanical calculations of molecular wave functions
and properties. Such a theory was "obtained largely by induction from
the results of chemical experiments"." The development of the theory
of molecular structure and the nature of the chemical bond, Pauling
asserted in his Nobel speech in 1954, "is in considerable part empirical
- based upon the facts of chemistry - but with the interpretation of
these facts greatly influenced by quantum mechanical principles and
Both the discussions with Wheland and a vicious attack against his
theory by chemists in the Soviet Union" prompted Pauling to include
a discussion of the character of theory in chemistry in the third edition
of his book in 1960. The theory of resonance was not simply a theory
embodying exact quantum mechanical calculations. Its great extension
has been "almost entirely empirical, with only the valuable and effec-
tive guidance of fundamental quantum mechanical principles". Pauling
Mulliken had realized that one of the reasons for the poor quantita-
tive agreement using the molecular orbital approach was because of the
inability of this theory to include the details of the interactions between
the electrons. But even though their quantitative inclusion would make
a theoretical calculation from first principles an impossible job, "their
qualitative inclusion has always formed a vital part of the method of
molecular orbitals used as a conceptual scheme for the interpretation
of empirical data on electronic states of molecules"." Such considera-
tions, in fact, led to the qualitative explanation of the paramagnetism
of oxygen - one of the main weaknesses of the valence bond approach.
The approach where theoretical developments had their foundations
in the experimental results and where they were more or less general-
izations of these results, was the standpoint from which Mulliken built
up his own approach to the question of chemical bonding. For him
"quantum mechanics, following experiment, demands the existence of
stationary states of energy, for molecules as well as for atoms" (my
emphasis)." Coming to his critique of Heitler and London he remarked
that their "very valuable method .. . should be carefully distinguished
from [their] valence theory" (emphasis in the original)." The complicated
calculations were indeed a reason for not preferring the Heitler-London
method, but more important is the fact that this methods failed to provide
a detailed insight into the nature of the changes which took place in
the electron orbits when atoms came together. It was quite surprising that
a large part of the Mulliken's critique was based on a wrong interpre-
tation of the "exchange energy " which he thought was "connected with
the exchange or jumping back and forth of the electron between the
two nuclei "." Both Heitler and London in their subsequent papers
strongly emphasized the impossibility to give a visualizable interpreta-
tion of the exchange energy.
London and Heitler's theory is enticingly simple but, in opinion of the author, really
does not hit the nail on the head ... The presence of unpaired electrons and their spins,
and their pairing in molecules, undoubtedly act usually as convenient indicators of valence
and of the formation of valence bonds respectively, but even then in the author's opinion,
they conceal something which is more fundamental . . . what is fundamental is that we
have in the Is orbit in hydrogen an orbit whose character permits it to become consid-
erably more firmly bound when the hydrogen atom unites with another hydrogen atom."
I wish to thank Bob Cohen, Theodor Benfey and Ana Simoes for
their valuable comments. Part of this work has been done during my
stay as the Edelstein International Fellow for 1992-1993 at the Beckman
Center for the History of Chemistry. I wish to thank Arnold Thackray for
his hospitality and for the many enlightening conversations.
Department of Physics ,
National Technical University,
Athens Greece.
Mulliken, R. S. (1929). ' The Assignment of Quantum Numbers for Electron s in Mole-
cules. III', Physical Review 33, pp. 731-747.
Mulliken, R. S. (1931). 'Bonding Power of Electrons and Theory of Valence' , Chemical
Reviews 9, pp. 347-388.
Mulliken, R. S. (1932). 'The Interpretation of Band Spectra ' , Reviews of Modern Physics
4, pp. 1-86 .
Mulliken, R. S. (1932). 'E lectronic Structures of Polyatomic Molecules and Valence . II.
General Considerations', Physical Review 41. pp. 49-71.
Mulliken , R. S. (1933) . ' Electronic Structures of Polyatomic Molecules and Valence .
V' , Journal of Chemical Physics 1, pp. 492-503.
Mulliken , R. S. (1935) . ' Electronic Structures of Polyatomic Molecul es and Valence.
VI. On the Method of Molecular Orbitals', Journal of Chemical Physics 3. pp. 375-
Mulliken , R. S. (1965) . 'Molecular Scientists and Molecular Science: Some Remini s-
cences' , Journal of Chemical Physics 43, S7.
Mulliken, R. S. (1967). ' Spectroscopy Molecular Orbitals and Chemical Bonding', Science
157,7 July, 17.
Mulliken, R. S. (1989). Life ofa Scientist, edited by B. J. Ransil, Springer-Verlag.
Pauling, L. (1928) . ' The Application of the Quantum Mechanics to the Structure of the
Hydrogen Molecule' , Chemical Reviews 5, pp. 173-213 .
Pauling, L. (1928). 'The Shared-electron Chemical Bond' , Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences 14, p. 359.
Pauling, L. (1931 a). 'The Application of the Theory of Homopolar Valency to Poly-
atomic Molecules ', B.A.A.S. meeting of 1931, pp. 249-254.
Pauling, L. (1931 b). ' The Nature of the Chemical Bond I' , Journal of the American
Chem ical Society 53 , p. 1367; ' . .. II ', Ibid., pp. 3225-3237; ' ... III ', Ibid . 54
(1932), pp. 988-1003.
Pauling, L. (l93Ic). 'The Nature of the Chemical Bond. Application Obtained from the
Quantum Mechanics and from a Theory of Paramagnetic Suceptibility to the Struc-
ture of Molecules ', Journal of the American Chemical Society 53, pp. 1367-1400.
Pauling, L. (1939). The Nature of the Chemical Bond, Cornell University Press.
Pauling, L. (1940). ' A Theory of the Structure and Process of Formation of Antibod ies',
Science 62, pp. 2643-2660.
Pauling, L. (1955). ' Modem Structural Chemistry' in Les Prix Nobel, Stockholm .
Pauling, L. (1960). The Nature of the Chemical Bond, Third Edition, Cornell University
Rodebush, W. H. (1928). 'The Electron Theory of Valence ' , Chemical Review s 5, pp.
509-531 .
Schweber, S. S. (1990) . ' The Young John Slater and the Development of Quantum
Chemistry', Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 20, pp. 339-
Sidgwick, N. V. (1927). The Electronic Theory of Valency, Clarendon Press.
Simoes, A. (1993). ' Converging Trajectories Diverging Traditions: The Chemical Bond
Valence Quantum Mechanics and Chemistry 1927-1937', Doctoral Thesis University
of Maryland.
Sopka , K. (1988). Quantum Physics in America , American Institute of Physics.
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 171-193.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
view seems also to go well with the views of Nancy Cartwright and
several other philosophers.
The evidence for the thesis to be defended here is basically a case
study from earth science. Parts of this study have been described else -
where, and shall not be repeated in detail. A brief sketch of the relevant
features of this case study shall however follow. The full characteris-
tics are developed in a book which appeared in German under the title
Aspekte des wissenschaftlichen Fortschritts (Kaiser, 1993b).
Fig. I. Astatic magnetometer, showing Helmholtz coils, for removing the hor izontal
and vertical components of the geomagnetic field, the magnetometer, and specimen holder
(reproduced from : S. K. Runcorn , 'The permanent magnetization of rocks' Endeavour
J4 (1955), 152-159).
new data was produced that to start with had no obvious link to theo-
retical disputes in earth-science.
One last development deserves mention in this context. Data from
the earth's past would not be very helpful if we could not associate the
appropriate time period with them . This has always been a problem in
earth science . For a long time one was aware of several methods to deter-
mine the relative age of strata, or other qualitative determinations. But
in the late 1950's a new method emerged that allowed relatively precise
quantitative measurement of geological age: the so-called 'radioactive
clocks' . The key principle of this method is the longevity of some radioac-
tive substances. Slight traces of such substances are contained in all rocks.
Given that we know the rate of decay of these substances, we can deter-
mine the ratio between parent element and daughter elements, and thus
calculate backwards to the beginning of the decay which coincides with
the time of the forming of the rock. The potassium 40 - argon 40 method
(as well as several similar methods) proved to be highly important for
the understanding of the geological history of our planet.
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
CX) •••
...( ...
• • •
(i) drift: the relative position of large land masses on the earth's crust
has changed during geological history ;
(ii) magnetic reversals: the magnetic field of the earth has changed
its polarity from north to south and back several times over the
geological past;
(iii) pole-wandering: the location of the magnetic (north) pole had
moved along a certain path during geological history;
(iv) transform-faults: in addition to the known 'ridges'and 'trenches'
(subduction zones) of the sea floor there exists a third class of
faults in which the displacement suddenly stops or changes form and
direction, Several types of transform-faults could be shown to exist
(cf. figure 3);
(v) succession and duration of magnetic reversals: one could estab-
lish a timetable where 'events'of magnetic reversals were placed
in larger periods (epochs) of geological history.
This is the list of empirical phenomena that together provided the basis
for the acceptance of continental drift theory. It should , however, be men-
tioned that the theory which was supported by these phenomena also
changed considerably in relation to the very first versions of it. The
new theory of plate-tectonics had little in common with Alfred Wegener 's
.-- --+
.. • -
.-- ---.
W 1I(f t
,~ ! S- 1.0'
W a"
Fig. 4. Stereographic projection of the northern hemisphere from the N Pole to Latitude
16°, showing palaeo-magnetic polar-wandering curves for Europe (solid black circles) with
an offshoot for Siberia (open circles with a central dot); North America (open squares);
Africa (crosses); India (open triangles); and Australia (open circles). Geological ages of
samples from which the data were obtained are indicated by letters: E, Eocene K,
Cretaceous; J, Jurassic; Tr, Triassic; P, Permian; and C, Carboniferous . It should be noticed
that to avoid congestion these curves are drawn through the mean positions of clusters
covering considerable areas . To represent the data more accurately the curves should be
broad bands instead of lines (reproduced from: A. Holmes, Principles ofPhysical Geology,
3rd edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold (UK) Co. Ltd., Workingham, 1978).
in this context does not denote some (causal) theory, like Wegener's
or Holmes's theoretical outline of continental drift. It only refers to
a supposed fact of nature, the relative displacement of large land
masses .
If such a phenomenon is to be credible, it is reasonable to expect
that data from other sub-disciplines from earth science will point in the
same direction. E. Irving was the first to suggest that the paleomag-
netic data should be linked to paleoclimatic data. If the continents
occupied widely different positions on the earth 's surface, then the dis-
tribution of climatic zone s should also be expected to have changed
considerably. This suggestion implied an important methodological
point. Whereas on the one hand the data from paleomagnetism were
comparatively uncertain due to the complexities of measurement and
interpretation, data from paleoclimatology were relatively straight-
forward. And whereas , on the other hand, the data from paleoclimatology
were relatively imprecise and rough, the data from paleomagnetism
were relatively precise and quantitatively accessible. Field data from
paleoclimatology did indeed indicate that drift could be a sensible hypoth-
esis (e.g., Permo-Carboniferous glaciations, the distribution of salt
deposits, etc.). This was in part true already at the times of Wegener,
but in the 1950 's it was even more pressing, particularly for young
researchers who tried to be open-minded about the interpretations of their
findings .
But not only paleoclimatology contributed to the phenomenon of
drift. Studies of the sea floor had an even more important impact. The
magnetic charts of the sea floor showed an impressive pattern of varying
magnetization (cf. figure 5). It showed stripes of magnetization that
seemed to follow along certain regular lines, until they suddenly were
disrupted by fracture lines. These fractures could displace the pattern
by regular several hundred miles. In 1963, in relation to the Carlsberg
Ridge, F. J. Vine and D. H. Matthews suggested interpreting these
stripes as result of magnetic reversals, in combination with sea floor
The phenomenon of magnetic reversals was also first shown in pale-
omagnetism. Vine and Matthews's paper permitted the use of the sea floor
as a relatively continuous magnetic tape on which these reversals were
recorded. The basic feature of it is that stripes of identical magnetiza-
tion could be found along both sides of oceanic ridges in a strictly
symmetrical manner. One could study the (magnetic) history of the earth,
' 0' >0"
x~ , .
-:......"."...:..- ,
" "
1000. C".-_
''' --~ ('"~
, '
< ;~
( '"
.... - ', '. oz·
:: :: :
II I.. , II' II I
: ~: :: : ;
~> ::»' » ..... JiiiiiI
Fig . 6. Block diagram illustrating how ' magnetic stripes ' on the ocean floors can be
explained by spreading of the oceanic lithosphere away from oceanic ridges on either
side, according to the Vine -Matthews hypothesis (Adapted from A. Cox et a\., 1967)
(reproduced from: A. Holmes, Principles of Physical Geology, 3rd edition, Van Nostrand
Reinhold (UK) Co. Ltd ., Workingham, 1978).
netization pattern could be employed here (cf. figure 7). Later Sykes pub-
lished her seismological studies which also supported the uniform pattern
of dyn amic change of the earth ' s crust that emerged from these other
lines of research.
The phenomena mentioned were thus firmly established in earth
science by the end of the 1960's. Together they formed the empirical
basis for plate-tectonics. Many of them could be derived not only from
very different sets of data, but also from very different lines of research .
All of these phenomena constitute a complex intellectual achievement,
and they are very much the result of advanced instruments and complex
theory . Yet each of these phenomena enjoyed a relative independence
with regard to the theory of plate-tecton ics itself. Even if we were to
revise our conception of how the continents are moved , their relative dis-
!:! '"
Z o
:l 0 100
. ~~...
;2 .::;
~ 10. -1300
O I(l U \lal ~~
10. oj, 16. -1:00
16. ; 500
' ~, X
w III X -,
j l
.. 3 :l
Mam mo~h .
\ 100)
!I 11
'-........ <,
: -{ooo
Clay 101 1 '~ 900
S lltv clay
~ ~ I -{HlOO
. ... 1200
CdlCareOu$ ooze
Fig. 7. ' Magnetic stratigraphy ' es tablished within deep- sea cores from the Antarctic ,
and correlated with radiolarian faunal zones (greek letters) (After N. D. Opdyke, B. Class,
J. D. Hayes and J. Foster, 1966. Copyright the Americal Association f or the Advancement
of Science) (reprodu ced from: A. Holmes, Principles of Physical Geology, 3rd edition,
Van Nostrand Reinhold (UK) Co. Ltd., Workingham, 1978).
for the realist attitude to distinguish these two versions. This idea we find
already employed in Popper's work. Truth is one thing, indications of
truth are quite another. Similarly, true progress is one thing, our esti-
mations of progress another.
For the historian of science, and indeed for scientists, the epistemo-
logical version of progress is of utmost importance. In it we try to capture
those arguments that may be regarded sufficient for matters of dispute
over theory preference. In philosophy of science I regard it as still an
unsolved problem what kind of evidence one should expect for an
adequate notion of epistemological progress in science. I shall not enter
this discussion here, since it is not the main objective of this paper.
The lesson to be learned from the case study mentioned earlier is, I
claim, that we should widen the scope of the above explications of
progress. I think there is sufficient historical evidence from science to
claim that we should integrate the following notion of progress into
our picture:
(iii) empirical progress =: {(P', P", E), ...}
Here I replaced the basic entities that are to be compared in term s of
improvement. Instead of dealing with theories, we now deal with two
(sets of) phenomena. The rationale for this move lies in the fact that
the conditions under which we would like to replace one set of phe-
nomena with another are quite different from those that apply in the
case of high-level theories. Basically, phenomena are judged on the basis
of data and the inference tickets used in their reformulation. Theories,
however, are judged on the basis of phenomena. Fundamental to this way
of viewing the matter is the conviction that there is no deductive rela-
tionship between high-level theories and low -level data. Our general
theories simply never reach the level of things in our world or their imme-
diate description. Since I have argued that phenomena constitute an
impressive intellectual achievement of science, it is natural to conclude
that progress in phenomenal change should complete our conception of
scientific progress.
The task then remains to explicate under what conditions such empir-
ical progress obtains. I have done this in some detail in the work
mentioned, and I shall now present the basic tenets of my view.
It seems to me that empirical progress occurs in at least two, possibly
in three ways. First there are those cases where we somehow manage
to establish new phenomena, i.e., phenomena which did not earlier figure
within the empirical basis of our theories. The discovery of new types
of galaxies or stars may serve as an intuitive example from astronomy.
Secondly, there are those cases where we manage to ' fine-tune ' some
known phenomena, i.e., specify them in new and better ways. This
includes cases of merging or dividing known phenomena . Thirdly, there
are cases where new methods or instruments provide us with access to
hitherto inaccessible areas of reality. The introduction of radio telescopes
or electron-microscopes may serve as prominent examples here. I am a
little uncertain about this third area of empirical progress, since it seems
hard to specify in more precise terms. From an intuitive point of view,
however, several aspects indicate that it is reasonable to include this as
empirical progress , if for no other reason than that many scientists them-
selves commonly regard such developments as progressive breakthroughs
in their discipline .
In sum, I want to suggest the following general definition of empir -
ical progress:
In a given discipline a set of phenomena P' is to be judged
as empirical progress of the general form {(PI, P", E),
...} in light of the available evidential situation E if:
(i) P' contains the discovery of new phenomena in
relation to P", or
(ii) P' corrects known phenomena in relation to P", or
(iii) P' represents new methods or instruments in relation
to P " by means of which new types of phenomena
become empirically detectable which hitherto were
beyond the reach of scientific investigation.
It will perhaps be noted that I relativize empirical progress to disciplines.
This has to do with my general view of epistemological progress in
science. I have argued elsewhere (cf. Kaiser, 1991 b) that at least some
methodological standards of theory acceptance that we find in scien -
tific practice are designed for the particular purposes of a given discipline,
and may be at variance with standards from other disciplines . The degree
to which they are in conformity with those very general standards that
the methodologist is normally interested in, is a matter of empirical inves-
tigation . In methodology I consider these disciplinary methodological
standards as epistemologically prior. In any case, taking a close look at
the accepted standards of disciplines allows us to take seriously the
justifications that the scientists themselves inside a discipline provide for
a given scientific change. We need not artificially look for reasons that
may not be there, or may not have played a role at all. Thus, judge-
ments of progress do not result in a proof or disproof of scientific
rationality. Instead we start with an initial assumption of scientific ratio-
nality . I see scientific rationality and scientific progress as intertwined,
as two sides of the same coin, if you wish. One should note, however,
that this view gives one room to deviate from an insider judgement.
We may still disagree with the scientist with regard to a particular
scientific change. For instance, we may find that the methodological
standards accepted in the discipline do not validate the change. Or we
may find that the standards do indeed validate this particular change,
but the scientists were unaware of it, and accepted the change for
irrelevant reasons. Of course, one may also have reason to criticize the
accepted standards of a discipline, but this is a different matter that I
shall leave aside here (but again cf. Kaiser, 1991b). It is my claim then
that in judging cases of alleged empirical progress in science (as well
as indeed cases of theoretical progress), we have to utilize those method-
ological standards that characterize a discipline at a given time.
All three cases mentioned in the above definition should be clarified
further. To some degree this can be done by utilizing the model of the
relationship between data and phenomena that I briefly described above.
I shall try to elucidate some of the main characteristics of it.
What precisely could it mean to say that we have discovered a new
phenomenon? In terms of my model , I think it can mean one of three
things. First, the new phenomenon P may emerge as the abstraction
of a new set of data , utilizing legitimate inference tickets. This is, for
instance, the case with the magnetic reversals of the earth's magnetic
field . Reversals were shown to have occurred by having available data
(and methods) of a totally new kind, i.e., data of remanent magnetiza-
tions. Secondly, a new phenomenon may be established by higher
abstraction from given phenomena when new inference tickets back up
such a move. In our example, the emergence of a precise timetable of
reversals was a development that could be utilized as inference ticket
to infer a uniform spreading of the sea floor. Thirdly, a new phenomenon,
P, may be the result of merging several lines of abstractions from data
to phenomenon , where each individual line employs some inference
tickets that yield uncertainty with regard to P. Yet when 'merged' , these
different lines of inference may compensate for these uncertainties. To
some degree this was already the case by relating the paleomagnetist's
inside the speciality even before they actually produced data that revo -
lutionized the discipline.
I believe that there are many good reasons to differentiate between empir-
ical and theoretical progress in science. The reasons are both of an
empirical and a philosophical kind. As to the first, it seems to me that
the case of the recent revolution in earth science, indicates that such a
differentiation is in line with many important intuitions of scientists. It
also structures the whole history of this revolution in a manner which
makes it more easily amenable to philosophical descriptions. The theo -
retical change that occured after 1967 is incomprehensible if we ask what
particular set of data brought about this sudden conversion. There was,
for example, nothing in the Eltanin 19 profile that would warrant such
a dramatic conversion, if the profile is not seen in relation to the number
of new phenomena that already were established or largely supported (cf.
also Kaiser, 1993a). It would be wrongheaded to assume that, e.g ., the
phenomena of magnetic reversals, transform faults, and drift were
accepted then because of the acceptance of the theory of plate-tectonics.
The theory was accepted because of these phenomena. Phenomena enjoy
a considerable independence with regard to the theory they support. Still,
the theory itself was more than just the sum of these phenomena. The
theory consists fundamentally in the provision of a causal mechanism,
the sea floor as conveyor belt of the moving continents, and physical
models of how plates collide. If one agrees with my idea that theoret-
ical progress in science (in its epistemological version) consists basically
in the provi sion of causal mechanisms (processes) with explanatory
relevance, then this change of theory constitutes a good example of
theoretical progress. It was made possible by the previous empirical
progress that consisted in the discovery of important new phenomena.
As to the philosophical reasons for differentiating between empir-
ical and theoretical progress in science, it seems to me that the most
important reason has to do with the recognition of the essential distinc-
tion between data and theory. We have to appreciate how phenomena
are made out of data, and how theories connect not to data but to phe-
nomena. In terms of epistemology, the ' upward ' movement from data
to phenomena is met with the ' downward' movement from theory to phe-
nomena. Furthermore, realizing the important intellectual achievement
1 The money came from the US Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the National
Science Foundation (NSF) , and must be seen in connection with the military 's recogni-
tion of the importance of submarine activity for future warfare between the super-powers.
2 The same distinction between true and estimated progress is utilized in the work of
Ilkka Niiniluoto. lowe the terminology to him. Cf. Niiniluoto, 1984, 1991.
3 This is not really an example of empirical progress since few if any practioners of
the field lend any credibility to the phenomenon in question to begin with.
4 Among other things this seems to deviate from the intuitions that guide the Nobel prize
5 I gratefully acknowledge helpful criticisms and comments by Craig Dilworth and
David Olridge.
Bogen, J. and Woodward, J. (1988). 'Saving the Phenomena', The Philosophical Review
97, pp. 303-352.
Giere.R. (1988). Explaining Science - A Cognitive Approach, Chicago/London .
Hallam, A. (1973). A Revolution in the Earth Sciences, Oxford .
Kaiser, M. (\ 991a). 'From Rocks to Graph s - The Shaping of Phenomena ' , Synthese
89, pp. 111-133.
Kaiser , M. (1991 b). 'Progress and Rationality: Laudan 's Attempt to Divorce a Happy
Couple', Inquiry 34, pp. 433-455.
Kaiser, M. (1993a). 'Philosophers Adrift ? - Comments on the Alleged Disunity of
Method', Philosophy of Science 60, pp. 500--512.
Kaiser , M. (1993b) . Aspekte des wissenschaftlichen Fortschritts, European University
Studies XX/398, Frankfurt a. M.lBeriin/Bem/New York/Paris/Wien .
LeGrand , H. E. (1988). Drifting Continents and Shifting Theories , Cambridge .
Niiniluoto, I. (1984). Is Science Progressive ", Dordrecht.
Niiniluoto, I. (\ 987) . ' How to Define Verisimilitude', in T. A. F. Kuipers (ed.), What is
Closer-to-the- Truth'l, Amsterdam .
Niiniluoto, I. (1991). ' Realism, Relativism, and Constructivism', Synthese 89, pp. 135-162.
Oreskes, N. (\ 988). 'The Rejection of Continental Drift' , Historical Studies in the Physical
and Biological Sciences 18, pp. 311-348.
Ruse, M. (\981). ' What Kind of Revolution Occurred in Geology ?', in P. D. Asquith
and I. Hacking (eds.), PSA 1978. Proceedings of the 1978 Biennial Meeting of the
Philospohy of Science Association, Volume Two , East Lansing, Michigan.
Woodward, J. (1989). 'Dat a and Phenomena' , Synthese 79, pp. 393-472.
The idea of science as theoria has since Aristotle dominated the philo-
sophical consciousness of the West. Theoretical science, according to
Aristotle, is the pursuit of knowledge of universal and necessary truths
about the world for its own sake; if there is any interest that should
motivate theoretical inquiry, it is the interest in knowing, nothing else.
Aristotelian defenders of science will therefore eschew and debunk as
ideology I any cognitive enterprise that either has an explicit non-theo-
retical end or evinces an implicit non-theoretical interest. We should
ask the following question to assess the idea of science as theoria: Can
theoretical interest be as sharply distinguished from the non-theoretical
as Aristotle thought? And, given a distinction, can such interest alone
adequately justify theoretical inquiry? The answer to each question should
be negative.
The Aristotelian thesis that knowledge of universal and necessary
truths about the would should be sought for its own sake implies that
such knowledge is intrinsically valuable or worth seeking for its own
sake .' The thesis cannot mean that theoretical knowledge is inapplic-
able, hence cannot be sought for anything else. Such knowledge, by
Aristotle 's own admission, has wide relevance and applicability. If
the thesis, on the other hand, implies that such knowledge is actually
sought by all humans for its own sake and for the sake of nothing else ,
it is likely to be false. We shall not here address the question as to
how being worth seeking is to be differentiated from being actually
sought by all humans. We only note that, whatever the proper analysis
of being worth seeking for own sake may be, such knowledge must
be thought worth seeking for its own sake by defenders of science as
Is knowledge of universal truths about the world the only thing that
is intrinsically valuable? The affirmative answer to this question is dif-
ficult to defend. Are life, beauty and happiness, for instance, not also
things that are intrinsically valuable? In point of fact Aristotle himself
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti -Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 195-205.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The conclusion of the foregoing discussion still leaves intact the idea
of theoria as a privileged sort of human endeavor and achievement -
search for and discovery of truths. Apart from the question of whether
theoria is free of values other than its intrinsic value, there is the impor-
tant question as to what it is and how it is possible.
There is an interpretation of theoria according to which it is a mental
representation of things independent of human consciousness in existence
and characteristics, and the cognitive apparatus of humans has a natural
affinity with potential objects of knowledge so that the apparatus can
be made to serve the end of representing things faithfully if only due
methodological care is taken.
Much of the history of Western epistemology has been a battle against
these assumptions. The critique of such realism typically took the form
of denying its metaphysical thesis by denying its epistemological thesis:
no knowledge of objects is possible if they are metaphysically external;
but there is possible knowledge of physical objects; therefore, physical
objects are not metaphysically external. The core of the reasons
supporting the first premise is that there is no cognitive access to
metaphysically external reality except through subjective vehicles of
representation, ideas or concepts, so that there is no possible knowl-
edge of the agreement of subjective representations with external reality.
The denial of the metaphysical externality of the physical opened up a
range of possible views, e.g ., forms of idealism and phenomenalism.
What is common to the older forms of anti-realism is the thesis that
the physical world at least in part is a human construction though they
differ on the precise nature of the elements of the construction and the
principles by which they are organized.
Kant's transcendental idealism deserves special consideration because
it was the most thorough response to the problem of representation raised
by metaphysical realism, of which Cartesian dualism gave a clear
symptom, and because a perception of its difficulties gave rise to trends
of thinking some of which are alive today. While denying the human
possibility of representing a world of things -in-themselves, thus siding
with the subjective idealists and the phenomenalists, Kant held that
A revised Kantian view that the knowable nature of the world must
depend on a variable theory constructed by humans existing in nature
and history underlies modern -day anti-realism. The current realism/anti-
realism controversy differs from the older, metaphysical controversy.
Today's realists and anti-realists accept a broadly naturalistic metaphysics
that places humans within physical nature, so that the old question as
to whether the physical is metaphysically external and, if so, how human
consciousness can ever have cognitive access to it is no longer their issue.
Also the realists and anti-realists alike consider the history of scientific
inquiry relevant to an epistemological critique of science. Scientific
theories are recognized by both part ies, willingly or reluctantly, to be
cultural artifacts of historical beings - beings subject to limitations of the
human mind and the senses and influences of language, tradition, inter-
ests, values , prejudices and societal forces.
Despite such agreements, the realists and the anti-realists still differ
in the theory of science. Today's realism, although it has shorn the
physical of its metaphysical chorismos from human consciousness,
adheres to the idea of truth as correspondence and knowledge as repre-
sentation: a physical theory is true if and only it represents the physical
world. If we consider the fact that the metaphysical externality of the
phy sical world was rejected primarily to ensure the possibility of its
representational knowledge, we can understand the continuing attach-
ment to the idea of knowledge as representation that seemed to have been
The realists, however, recognize that the representational adequacy
of theory can only be conceived as an ideal and that still developing
theories can only be conceived as approximations to true representa-
tion. In order to prevent this ideal from becoming empty, realists have
to devise an epistemology and a methodology of science that promise
to ensure a continuous progress of science to ever closer approxima-
tions to adequacy. But a gap will always remain between a semantic ideal
of true representation on the one hand and an epistemological and
methodological account of its possible achievement on the other. And the
question arises as to how the epistemology and methodology them-
selves are to be grounded. It will be a reversion to transcendentalism
to try to construct them a priori from an a-historical idea of scientific
knowledge. It will be only half-heatedly historical to try to construct them
on the basis of an analytical and critical reflection upon the current
state of science with an uncritical assumption that current science is a
is not one world with many representations or 'versions' but there are
many world-representations or word-versions; the world can be no more
than a world-representation that will ideally be accepted by a global
scientific community at the limit of possible inquiry. But that world is
something that cannot now be predicted. It is arguable that a convergence
of human morals also is a desideratum and that such a convergence
will be a function of a convergence of the human sciences. The diver-
gence of human morals in significant part is due to the conflicts among
the theories of human nature and human society. The point is that science
and morals do not radically differ.
It was argued, in Section I, that even science conceived as theoria
is value-oriented. Two points were made: first, science as theoria is
conceived by its advocates to have intrinsic value, so that its pursuit
expresses a commitment to a value - the epistemic value if you will ;
second , the pursuit of science must be ultimately justified by the instru -
mental connection that the product of theoretical activity has some good
that transcends its epistemic value . If value-neutrality is to be understood
as the total absence of commitment to a value, even science as theoria
is not value-neutral. And if value-neutrality is to be understood as the
justifiability of the given practice apart form a consideration of its instru-
mental connection to a value that transcends whatever intrinsic value
the practice may have, even science as theoria cannot be considered
With the discarding of the idea of science as representation of a
metaphysically independent world by a subject wearing a protective tran-
scendental shield , the issue of the value-neutrality or otherwise of science
becomes more complex. The human subject can no longer be viewed
as a pure knower, with no interest but the theoretical; it must be viewed
as a being subject to forces and influences of nature and history that it
tries to understand and cope with. The question no longer is "Is science
value-oriented or value-neutral?" but "What value commitments explain
or justify scientific practice ?" The avowal, even an honest one, by the
practioners of science, that they have nothing but a general commit-
ment to the epistemic value and a specific commitment to the regulative
norms of their practice , should not be taken as sufficient evidence that
their practice is neutral as to all other values. There are reasons for
caution other than a psychological one.
A practice is not a totally isolable segment of a web of practices.
The total web of practices within a culture is permeated with value-
claim is their science, a practice that has been shaped in Western culture
and civilization. All of the problems and disputes about Western science
are fully significant only in the conceptual space of that culture and
that civilization. Anti-realism seems to offer an antidote to cultural
chauvinism and ethnocentricism. If even within the same Western civi-
lization the idea of science is, and has been, an issue, then the alleged
universal validity of that idea across civilizations should all the more
be an issue .
Upon admission of the historical and cultural identity and bound-
aries of Western science, two extreme attitudes should be avoided. One
is that of assuming the total impermeability of non-Western civiliza-
tions to Western science and resolving to do Western science in an
isolationist way; the other is assuming the superiority of Western science,
indeed of Western civilization, and trying to convert the non-West to
Western ways of thinking with missionary zeal. Neither attitude seems
justifiable. A third option, though apparently constructive, is equally
untenable, namely assuming the rationality of all civilizations and the
possibility of a universal meta-di scour se in which Western science and
non-Western analogues can be comparatively interpreted and assessed.
There is no such meta-discourse even within a civilization. What is taken
to be such a discourse may only be a rhetorical modification of a favored
object discourse devised for its justification.
The correct attitude, I propose, is that of promoting studies of civi-
lizations by one another and assimilation of the foreign by each, and
hoping for expansions of inter-civil izational spaces for conversation. Such
promotion requires as much mutual openness as self-reflection, as much
pride in one's own tradition as respect for another, as much valuation
of unity as recognition of the historical facticity of diversity, and as much
appreciation of agreements after conversation as tolerance of differ-
ences that persist.
I The label 'pseudo-science' tends to be applied to cognitive practices that in the judgment
of the critics who use the label employ a wrong method or have false substantive assump-
tions or presuppositions. The pejorative label, however, has no specific implication that
R. S. Cohen . R. Hilpinen and Qiu Ren zong (eds.) , Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 207-21 8.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
the other hand, the two systems are locally non -separable, any mea-
surement on one will affect a measurement on the other, so that the
two subsystems are then not independent of one another. Metaphorically,
we may say that one subsystem 'knows' instantaneously what is
happening to the other (what Einstein dismissed as " telepathy"); or
alternatively, what would require action at a distance, in contravention
of the constraints of special relativity, where signal velocity cannot exceed
the velocity of light. This quantum-correlation of the measurements taken
upon two such subsystems at a relatively large distance from one another
violates the notion of locality, which Einstein held to be crucial to a
complete physical description.
Bohr 's response to the charge of incompleteness was to take
Einstein to task for what he called "the essential ambiguity involved
in reference to physical attributes of objects when dealing with phe -
nomena where no sharp distinction can be made between the behavior
of the objects themselves and their interaction with the measuring
From this and from the way in which the discussion of the so-called
'Copenhagen Interpretation' of Bohr and Rosenfeld progressed, in later
years, it would seem that there are ambiguities about 'physical reality'
on both sides , however. Bohr, and especially Rosenfeld, eschewed the
charge of ' positivism' and of Berkeleyan phenomenalism that Einstein
leveled at what he called the 'orthodox' interpretation of Quantum-
mechanics - namely, that it reduced reference to nothing but the
phenomena of measurement, ' observables' , and thus denigrated any talk
of ' physical reality ' beyond such observables, as empty or unwarranted
metaphysics. But, Bohr objected, what we cast in doubt is not our
access to 'physical reality' but rather a certain characterization of that
reality, or of our relation to it in a given mode of scientific practice. In
effect, Bohr rejected the accusation that he was not a realist in physical
In short, we may speak here of two alternative proposals for consti-
tuting this 'physical reality' as an object for science; and we will also
have to speak of an ambiguity, in the distinction between the reference
of the term 'scientific object' and the term ' physical reality' or 'physical
object' as it is used by Einstein and by Bohr. It is true that Bohr some-
The thesis I propose and examine in this paper is that the ontological
status of the scientific object changes historically, in the sense that it is
constituted differently by changing modes of scientific praxis; and further,
that we may mark, in a general way, three distinctive stages of scien-
tific praxis, the first of which I will characterize as an anthropic or
projective mode, the second, as a deanthropic or objective mode, and
the third as an interactive or constructive mode, I argue that in each of
these stages, there are both practical and theoretical changes in the
relation between scientific inquiry and its object.
Let me offer a rough sketch of the three stages, and a quick charac-
terization of the modes of scientific praxis that are associated with them .
The first stage, I called anthropic or projective. I take this to be the
'classical' stage of Greek science, in which the earlier modes of the
mythopoetic understanding and explanation of nature are replaced by
explanation in terms of ostensibly 'natural' categories, i.e., in terms of
physical elements, and depersonified natural processes. This mode of
scientific praxis I will characterize as a speculative construction, in which
modes of technological and social action are depersonified, negated,
abstracted, mediated - aufgehoben is the word - and reconstrued as
accounts of physical process. In this context, I will distinguish the anthro-
pomorphic from the anthropic, and suggest that this anthropic mode is
also mediated by an objectivist mode of explanation, which already
prepares the ground for the second stage. The second stage is the stage
of the classical realism of the scientific revolution - the objective mode
in which the physical world , as the object of knowledge, is construed
as an independent reality which can be known by passive contempla-
tion or observation, and in which the knower stands to the known as a
spectator. There is no interaction with the object, except as it stands in
causal relation to the knower, in perception, and as it has a rational or
mathematical structure which is correlative with human reason. Here, the
development of experimental science, as it involves the manipulation
or transformation of nature in the practice of empirical tests, creates a
mode of interaction, which poses difficulties for such a contemplative
realism, and points to the third stage. The third stage, which I have
characterized as interactive or constructive introduces the notion of the
scientific object as an artifact, produced by or transformed by the mode
of inquiry and hence, not only theory-dependent, but praxis-dependent,
in the preparation of the contexts of measurement. The conceptual
alternatives of realism and constructivism are seen here as results of
different modes of scientific practice, in the second and third stages,
Pre-scientific mythopoetic understanding of nature is distinctively
anthropomorphic, in the explicit sense that natural forces, events,
processes are taken to be the activities of persons, or person-like entities
- gods, or spirits, or even, more abstractly, principles; and the actions
Department of Philosoph y,
Baruch College & the Graduate Center,
The City University of New York,
New York, U.S.A.
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.) , Realism and Anti -Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 219-226 .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Carnap disagreed ; although he had not pressed the point against Einstein
at the time, he now commented: "Since science in principle can say all
that can be said, there is no unanswerable question left." But that is
merely to summon up the Omnicompetence doctrine to sweep away
this counter-example to it. I think that Einstein was right. For each of
us, at any moment in our waking lives, nothing could be more real than
the now, or specious present. But how could science ever capture this
elusive and shifting datum? Science can locate events, to employ
McTaggart 's distinction, only on the B-series, with its earlier-later
relation . If it ties to to a momentary present, to is then fixed, and a moment
later has ceased to be now.
Question 2: How did consciousness arise? On this issue I like the
following exchange between two distinguished evolutionists. Sewall
Wright: "Emergence of mind from no mind at all is sheer magic" (1964,
p. 278); Dobzhansky: "If this is 'sheer magic', it is a kind of magic
the world is full of" (1967, p. 31). I think that both men were right, if
by 'magic ' is meant 'unexplainable in principle by physics '; there is
something magical about the trick so effortlessly performed each time
a newborn infant grows into a normal child with a mind of its own;
we certainly seem to have emergence of mind from no mind here . The
conviction that that is impossible has driven some tough-minded thinkers
to very strange conclusions. Ernst Haeckel, the nineteenth century evo-
lutionist who did for Darwin in Germany very much what T. H. Huxley
did for him in England, had a mind that was usually as tough as old boots ;
but it turned pretty soft in a chapter in his 1899 on the 'embryology of
the soul'; he there announced that when a sperm and an ovum come
together at conception, they each bring with them their own "cell-soul";
these two mini-souls then coalesce into one. I regard this as doubly
absurd, first because gametes surely have no mentality, and second
because I hold it to be a fundamental feature of the mental that separate
centres of mentality cannot coalesce. But Haeckel had not yet gone far
enough: these gametes would have needed to derive their soulfulness
from an earlier source if soulfulness was not to have emerged ex nihilo
with them . So Haeckel added that unicellular protozoa, the earliest and
most rudimentary form of life, have a simple cell-soul (p. 53). But these
protozoa would in their turn have needed to have acquired their soul-
fulness from a still earlier source if soulfulness was not to have emerged
ex nihilo with them. Once again Haeckel obliged: 'even the atom is
not without a rudimentary form of sensation and will' (p. 80) . William
James had gone straight to the conclusion to which one is driven if
one admits consciousness and denies emergence: "If evolution is to
work smoothly, con sciou sness in some shape must have been present
at the very origin of things" (1890, p. 152, italicized in the original).
I am glad to say that James repudiated this panpsychist conclusion
(p. 164).
Question 3: How did humour arise? So far as I know, only human
beings (and by no means all of them) possess humour. Some animals
possess rough equivalents of those of our smiles and laughter that go with
high spirits and playfulness (see Darwin, 1872, pp. 196f); but it seems
that they all lack even a rudimentary or incipient form of anything like
our chuckling over something funny . Will physics ever explain why there
are jokes in our lives but not in theirs? It occurred to me that when
Darwin was writing The Descent ofMan he would have been glad to find
evidence of humour in other animals, since it was a main thesis of that
work that 'the various emotions and faculties, such as love, memory,
attention, curiosity, imitation, reason, & c., of which man boasts, may
be found in an incipient, or even sometimes in a well-developed con-
dition, in the lower animals' (p. 193), and he would surely have liked
to add humour to the list. The second (1874) edition has a very thorough
index, running to 77 pages, and I have combed it carefully, There are
no entries for ' jokes' , 'laughter' , or 'wit'; the only entry I could find
that seemed relevant is the following: 'Humour, sense of, in dogs, 743' .
I turned eagerly to page 743, but Darwin is there dealing with the bril-
liant plumage of certain male birds, and there is nothing about either dogs
or humour. So I turned to the long entry under 'Dogs' . Among its many
sub-entries are ones on dog's reasoning faculties, moral qualities, and
possession of conscience, but none on their sense of humour. I began
to wonder whether he had inserted that page 743 entry as a joke.
Question 4: How did physics arise? I will here take it for granted
that its growth has involved intellectual creativity and was not just an
inductive accumulation; so we could frame question 4 more generally:
will science ever explain how some particular product of human cre-
ativity, whether in science or art, came to exist? Kant had a view about
creativity which seems right and which implies that science cannot
explain such comings-to-be. Let x be the occurrence of some unprece-
dented event. Thus x could be Michelangelo painting the creation of
Adam; or it could be the first explosion of an atom bomb. A scientific
explanation of x, if there is one, consists of laws of nature in conjunc-
tion with a set (perhaps a very large set) of initial conditions. If true, such
an explanation shows both how x was in fact produced and, at least in
principle, how it could have been produced at an earlier (or later) time;
for it implies that x occurs whenever such a set of initial conditions is
assembled. In short, a scientific explanation of x would provide a recipe
for the production of x.2 It might have been impractic able to assemble
such a set of initial conditions at any earlier time; but a recipe for a
cake doesn't stop being a recipe just because some of the ingredients it
calls for are presently unobtainable.
So a scientific explanation of how Michelangelo's picture of the
creation of Adam came into existence would be a recipe (perhaps a
very cumbersome one), not for duplicating the picture subsequently which
would be philosophically uninteresting, but for its first creation. Now
Kant insisted that there can be no such recipe for a product of genius;
that is something 'for which no definite rule can be given' (1790, §46).
I think he was right.
We cannot refute the Omnicompetence of Physics doctrine, but we can
and should put a large question-mark over it. But that still leaves open
the question of the reconcilability of science and common sense.
Let us hark back for a moment to the seventeenth century, when a
serious split developed in the realist camp. It seemed to many leading
thinkers on both sides of the divide that there is an irreconcilable conflict
between science and common sense: adopting the new science meant
repudiating one's common-sense convictions even where these are not
under specific challenge from science (in the way in which, for instance,
the geocentric hypothesis was). Nearly all those in the vanguard of the
scientific revolution, such as Galileo and Boyle, together with their philo-
sophical allies, such as Descartes and Locke, believed that the new
science had overthrown the common-sense world-view: must not the
world be essentially different from what it appears to be if it consists,
in reality, of hard, massy, odourless, and colourless corpuscles, obeying
only the laws of mechanics? Its apparent colours, sounds and smells must
be subjective qualities projected by us onto external objects. These men,
Berkeley declared, "lead us to think all the visible beauty of the creation
a false imaginary glare" (1713, p. 211). He sought to turn the tables by
arguing that it is not the world but science that is not what it appears
to be; it appears to give us information about realities behind the phe-
nomena; but since there is nothing behind the phenomena for it to get
hold of, the most science can do is to give us rules for correlating and
predicting phenomena.'
I say that what generated this conflict was a wrongful assumption
shared by both sides, namely that what is real is all at one level; at the
bottommost level, according to the scientific realists, and at the surface,
according to Berkeley (for whom the only other realities were souls
and God, which are not science's business). Remove this assumption,
allow that reality is multi-leveled, and the conflict dissolves: quarks,
atoms and oranges may coexist.
The thesis that only entities at the bottommost level are real had a
certain plausibility so long as classical atomism survived intact; it
declared any complex thing to be, at bottom, just a swarm of particles.
But classical atomism has of course been swept aside by modern physics;
as Patrick Suppes put it, "it is not swarms of particles that things are
made of, but particles that are made of swarms" (1984, p. 122). Popper
had previously made a similar point with clouds and clocks (1972, chap.
6): in the heyday of classical mechanics, with its atomism and deter-
minism, seemingly "cloudy" things could be assumed to be made up
of bits that behave like clockwork; but now, in the aftermath of quantum
theory, it seems to be the other way round, with seemingly clocklike
things really being statistical aggregates of "cloudy" bits. Suppes con-
tinued: 'we cannot have a reduction of subject matter to the ultimate
physical entities because we do not know what those entities are' (p. 123).
It is not just that we do not at the present time know what they are;
the assumption that science will ever reach a bottommost level, or even
that there is such a level for it to fail to reach, is in doubt. As John A.
Wheeler put it: "One therefore suspects that it is wrong to think that as
one penetrates deeper and deeper into the structure of physics he will
find it terminating at some nth level" (1977, pp. 4-5).
So a scientific realist who restricts the title 'real' to the ultimate
components of matter would have to admit that nothing so far postu-
lated by science is real. If we shy away from that, and allow that atoms
are real despite having graduated to a non-ultimate level, then we must
surely allow that molecules are real; and so we can go on working up
towards the macro-level. And why should we not eventually allow that
diamonds are real? They are, after all, a lot more stable than, say, radon
atoms. I say that just as common-sense realism is under no internal
compulsion to deny that things have an invisible infrastructure, so sci-
entific realism is under no internal compulsion to deny the reality of
It is a mistake to suppose that a scient ific explanation of properties
of things at one level , in terms of the properties and relations of things
at a deeper level, explains away the former properties, or reduces them
to the deeper ones . Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom, with its electron
circling a positively charged nucleus, explained something not explained
by Rutherford's model , namely the stability of the atom. There was not
the slightest tendency for its stability to be thereby explained away
(though a deep explanation may have revisionary implications for its
explanandum; thus Bohr's model did suggest that an atom is not, after
all, absolutely stable , but might conceivably be split). The account that
nuclear physics gives about what happens at the micro-level when an
"atom bomb" explodes has no tendency at all to deprive the macro-
event of its reality. Likewise, a social science explanation of a social
phenomenon, such as inflation, as the unintended outcome of the deci-
sions and activities of individual people has no tendency at all to deprive
the social phenomenon of its reality. Reality is multi-leveled.
A plausible but invalid argument from scientific realism to the
unreality of macro-objects was put forward by the late Grover Maxwell,
in his 1968: - You are looking at an orange, say; then please make an
inventory, in the light of the best available scientific knowledge, of the
kinds of entity involved in the causal processes that issue in your orange-
like perceptions. Such an inventory will include all sorts of things like
I Thus Otto Neurath included physicalism and unified science in the so-called 'scien-
tific conception of the world ' (1973, p. 417).
2 See Briskman 1980.
3 See Popper, 1963, chaps . 3 and 6.
In this paper it will be assumed that in order to explain the strong pre-
dictive success of a theory, we need to say that at least a part of a
theory is true, or close to the truth in some sense of truth.' However, three
qualifications to this claim need to be strongly emphasised.
(a) It is not claimed, and neither is it for the argument presented here
necessary to assume, that if a theory is strongly predictively suc-
cessful then all parts of it are true . It only needs to be assumed
that certain parts, very directly involved in the derivation of the
prediction, are true. 4
(b) Strictly speaking, it is not even necessary to assume that the parts
of a theory directly involved in the derivation of the prediction are
R. S. Cohen . R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds .), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science. 227-243.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
true tout court. It can be sufficient to say that they are, in some sense,
'close to the truth'."
(c) Even the claim that some part of a strongly successful theory is close
to the truth is not claimed to be certain. It is merely claimed it can
be something that is reasonable to believe, but which may be refuted
by future experimental results.
Although I will not argue for the claim that some notion of truth is
needed to explain the success of science, one possible objection to this
claim will be considered. This is what may be termed ' the redundancy
objection' . It is that in order to explain the success of a theory it is not
necessary to state that the theory is true, it is enough merely to state
the theory. For example, in order to explain the success of the theory
that electrons have negative charge it is not necessary to state that the
theory is true; it is sufficient to simply say: ' Electrons have negative
charge'. Call this the redundancy explanation of the theory's success.
Even if it is granted that some examples of success can be given a
redundancy explanation it does not follow that this type of explanation
is adequate for all phenomena connected with the success of science.
Some phenomena cannot , it will be argued, be given a redundancy expla-
nation. Suppose, for example, that scientists are observed to manipulate
some ink marks on paper in a particular way, and at the end of this
process they produce the observational prediction, 'There will be a yellow
spark in region R'. Let us assume that this is a 'novel' observational
prediction. Subsequently, the scientists do indeed observe a yellow spark
in region R. We will call this phenomenon - that is, the phenomenon
of the manipulation of ink-marks yielding a novel prediction that is
subsequently verified - phenomenon S. If the novel observational pre-
diction is a surprising one , then phenomenon S will surely require
explanation. But it needs to be emphasised that to say that phenom-
enon S requires explanation is not to say that it is tokens of sentences
that are the primary bearers of truth. To admit that a link between the
manipulation of tokens and success needs explanation is compatible
with saying that the bearers of truth are, for example , propositions. One
possible explanation of phenomenon S is that the ink symbols manipu-
lated by the scientists expressed true propositions. (Perhaps some of them
expressed the true proposition that electrons have negative charge .) This
enabled the scientists to derive the true observational prediction that there
will be a yellow spark in region R. Here I will not be concerned to
argue either that this is the only, or even the best, explanation of the
Note that a Strict Verificationist need not say that if we acquire new
techniques of verification then some propositions may change their truth-
value . He/she can say that, with the acquis ition of such new techniques,
a previously unverifiable sentence may come to express a new propo-
sition . So, although the sentence 'Diamonds and coal are made of the
same substance ' was, perhaps, once unverifiable, the Strict Verificationist
can say that with new techniques of verification that sentence came to
express a different proposition that was both verifiable and true . No
propos ition changed its truth-value .
There are at least some instances of the strong predictive success of
science that cannot be explained by Strict Verificationism. Let us say that
M is a theoretical property. At some time , say 1950, M was only
detectable by a particular range of tests t l . . . ~. Now, suppose T is a
theory of the nature of M that makes the novel prediction that M is
reliably indicated by phenomenon en' Subsequently, in 1951 (say), this
novel prediction is verified.
In order for the argument against Strict Verificationism to go through
we only need to say that the part of T which asserted
Note that (1) does not refer to unobservables, or to anything else not
very directly involved in producing T's success .
Now, let us consider what an explanation of T's strong predictive
success would look like. We are assuming that strong predictive success
is to be explained by saying that some part of the successful theory T
is true. Let us refer to this part of T as T D. Then the explanation of T 's
success will consist in the derivation of (1) from T D.
Now, if we are to explain the strong predictive success of T by saying
that the special part T D is true, then it must be asserted that T D was already
expressing a true proposition prior to the verification of (1) in 1951. If
T D only came to express a true proposition as a result of the observa-
tions confirming (1), then its truth could not be used to explain those
observations. But if T D was expressing a true proposition prior to 1951,
then so must (1) have been expressing a true proposition, since it is
entailed by T D. As can be seen, these considerations do not require us
to make any specific assumptions about what part of T is true; they do
not require us to say anything about T D. The only specific sentence that
needs to be assumed to be true is (1) .
Now, suppose that an object X was found in 1950 which was known
to cause en, but which could not be verified by any means available in
1950 to have M. From 'X has en' and the claim that (1) expressed a
true proposition in 1950 it logically follows that
(2) X has M
expressed a true proposition in 1950. But (2) was not verifiable at that
time. So, the Strict Verificationist cannot say it expressed a true propo-
sition at that time.
The two claims required to derive the claim that (2) expressed a true
proposition in 1950 are that (1) expressed a true proposition in 1950
and that 'X has en' expressed a true proposition in 1950. Since the
advocate of Strict Verificationism is unable to say (2) expressed a true
proposition, he must reject one of the two statements that together imply
it. But, we are assuming, 'X has en' was known by observation to be true.
Therefore, what the advocate of Strict Verificationism must deny is that
in 1950 (1) expressed a true proposition. But this claim must be asserted
if the strong predictive success of T is to be explained. So, there are at
least some cases of strong predictive success that cannot he explained
by the Strict Verificationist.
Since the above argument against Strict Verificationism is rather
can infer from the fact that S holds true in actual situations that it would
continue to hold true in (at least some) non-actual situations. If this
test is applied to (i), and truth is interpreted Realistically, then (i) is
lawlike and intuitively seems to be explanatory. To say that a theory is
true in the Realist sense is at least to say that it is true independently
of our forms of perception or of our means of testing theories. A theory
that is true in the Realist sense would remain true even if we had dif-
ferent sensory organs, or developed ways of testing theories very different
from those we currently possess or will develop in the future. So, such
a theory would still be empirically adequate even if we developed sensory
organs, or modes of testing, different from those we have or will have.
That is, if a theory is true in the realist sense, not only will it actually
be empirically adequate, but we may assert that it would still be empir-
ically adequate in possible counterfactual situations, such as those in
which we developed modes of testing very different from those we
actually will develop. Consequently, we may assert that if a theory is true
in the Realist sense it has a lawlike tendency to be empirically adequate,
and hence that if ' true' is interpreted realistically, (i) will be lawlike.
Therefore saying that a theory is true in the Realist sense provides us
with an explanation of its empirical success. On this view, it is the
realist idea of truth being independent of our modes of perception or
testing that confers upon the Realist notion of truth its explanatory power.
To say that the truth of a theory is independent of all types of test
not only provides an explanation of individual events of a theory passing
tests, it also provides an explanation of why a theory regularly passes
types of tests, since if a theory is true in the Realist sense it would
continue to be empirically adequate even if we subjected it to types of
test very different from those we will ever develop.
Let us now consider the question of whether the notion of epistemic
ideality provides us with an explanation of strong predictive success. First
we should note that, quite plausibly, some counterfactual statements are
supported by the claim that T is epistemically ideal. Putnam says that
a theory is ' epistemically ideal' only if it 'correctly predicts all obser-
vation sentences (as far as we can tell)' . Now, the observations predicted
by a theory will depend, at least in part, on what means of testing the
theory there are . The development of new apparatus and experimental
techniques can lead to new means of testing a theory and to new obser-
vational predictions made by a theory. Similarly, if we had sensory organs
different from those we actually possess, then what would count as an
explain strong predictive success, but merely re-states the very thing
that requires explanation.
To say that a theory is true in the realist sense, that is, true indepen-
dently of all perception or means of verification, supports the claim
that it would have a lawlike tendency to pass whatever tests to which
it was subjected. In particular, it supports the claim that it would have
a lawlike tendency to pass whatever new type of test to which it was sub-
jected. So, saying that a theory is true in the realist sense does provide
an explanation of strong predictive success.
Earlier on we tentatively defined an epistemically ideal theory as
one that passes all tests to which it is actually subjected. We also noted
that if a theory passed those tests then it would be reasonable to assert
that it would also pass tests of the same type performed at different
locations of space and time . But it may be objected that this concep-
tion of an epistemically ideal theory is unnecessarily restrictive. In the
remainder of this section it will be considered whether a less restric-
tive definition of 'episternically ideal' might enable us to explain strong
predictive success.
Might an epistemically ideal theory be defined as one that would
pass all possible types of test? There are, I think, at least three things
wrong with this suggestion.
(1) The notion of all possible types of test is extremely unclear. In the
previous section we noted that the observational predictions made by
a theory depend at least upon experimental apparatus and the sensory
organs of users of the theory . But what would count as a possible
type of experimental apparatus, or a possible type of sensory organ?
It is doubtful that these ideas are clear enough to aid our under-
standing of the concept of truth.
(2) On this suggestion a theory would be epistemically ideal iff it would
pass all possible tests . But there almost certainly are tests which,
although possible, could never be performed by us. So defining epis-
temic ideality in this way has the effect of making truth inaccessible
to us. And one of the motivations for adopting an epistemic con-
ception of truth is that it ensures that truth is accessible to us. So
the proposed definition of epistemic ideality deprives the epistemic
conception of truth of one of the features which has been thought
to make it attractive.
(3) It is not clear that, as defined, the epistemic definition of truth would
be any different from the Realist conception. It was noted in (2)
above that if truth was defined in this way it may transcend verifi-
cation by us." On this suggestion, a theory is true iff it would pass
all possible tests . But might not tests capable of identifying the
(Realistically interpreted) truth-value of a theory be possible? If such
tests are possible this version of the epistemic conception of truth
is no different from the realist conception.
Other ways of defining the notion of 'episternically ideal' might be
suggested, For example, it might be suggested that a theory is epistem-
ically ideal if it would pass all physically possible tests, or all practically
possible tests. But such definitions have difficulties that are familiar. The
notion of a ' physically possible' test, and especially the notion of a prac-
tically possible ' tests, are not clear. The notion of a practically possible
test is defined with reference, not only to the laws of physics, but also
with reference to facts about human physiology and the availability of
resources. But it is not very plausible that our concept of truth should
be defined with reference to facts about the availability of resources or
the laws of physics.
In any case, there is a more fundamental difficulty with the proposal
to define a theory as epistemically ideal iff it would pass all possible
types of test - whether those tests are construed as logically, physically
or practically possible . Perhap s saying that a theory is true in one of these
senses would explain the strong predictive success of the theory, but a
new problem would arise : why would the theory pass all possible types
of test? That this is something that would very much require explana-
tion can be brought out by considering a simple example. Suppose T
predicts that the value of a particular physical constant k is 1.06758.
Suppose it is also claimed that T is epistemically ideal in the sense of
passing all possible types of test. This means that all possible types of
test would give the value of k as 1.06758. This remarkable agreement
across types of test would surely require an explanation. As far as I
am aware, no advocate of an epistemic conception of truth has even
attempted to provide an explanation of why a theory should pass all types
of test.
So, the advocate of an epistemic conception of truth would only
acquire the ability to explain the strong predictive success of science
by embracing a claim which is at least as much in need of explanation
as the phenomena it explains. The Realist , of course , has a simple and
natural explanation of the agreement between all possible tests : k has
its value independently of human perception or techniques of verifica-
tion and this is why all the techniques of verification are led to assign
the same value. Of course, one very important problem remains for the
Realist: given the underdetermination of theory by actually obtained data ,
how have we managed to find theories that are true in the Realist sense?
However, that is an epistemological problem ." It is very different from
the ontological or semantic problem : How is the claim that our theories
are true to be interpreted if it is to enable us to explain their strong
predictive success?
In this paper it has been argued that neither Strict Verificationism nor
Liberal Verificationism nor the 'Episternic Ideality ' conception of truth
can explain the strong predictive success of science. It has also been
argued that a Realist conception of truth, according to which truth is inde-
pendent of our perception, modes of testing or techniques of verification,
is able to explain strong succe ss. Whether this will be regarded as a good
argument for a Realist conception of truth may depend on the attitude
adopted to abduction as a form of inference. It is beyond the scope of
this paper to assess the strength of abductive arguments. However it is
possible to construe the argument for Realism from the success of science,
not as abductive, but as an instance of modus tollens in which the con-
sequent is probabilistically falsified . It should also be noted that a recent
study has defended the legitimacy of inference to the best explanation. 13
Department of Philosophy,
The University of Newcastle,
1 Putnam ' s notion of Metaphysical Realism is developed in much of his writing since
1976. See espe ciall y his Reason . Truth and History and The Many Faces of Realism.
2 I will not attempt to clarify the notion of strong predictive success, or of a theory making
novel predictions, in this paper . But a good discussion of the notion , and a defence of
its viability, can be found in J. Worrall 'Scientific Discovery and Theory-Confirmation '
in J. C. Pitt (ed.) Change and Progress in Modern Science , especially pp. 301-331. One
author who has emphasised the importance of novel predictions in lending credibility to
a theory is Alan Musgrave in his ' The Ultimate Argument for Scientific Realism ' in
Nola (ed.) Relativism and Realism in Science, esp. pp. 229-252.
J This claim is argued for in my Science and the Theory of Rationality (Aldershot,
Avebury, 1991), especially pp. 10-25.
4 A way of singling out the parts of a theory directly involved in the derivation of a
prediction is given in my Science and the Theory of Rationality (loc. cit.).
5 I recognise, of course, that the notion of 'closeness to the truth' is an unclear one .
But (a) it is not necessary, for the argument presented here, to say that theories are close
to the truth . Rather, it is claimed that even if it is said that theories are in some sense
merely ' close to the truth ', still some form of the argument presented here would remain
sound . (b) The notion of closeness to the truth is one used by many authors including
K. Popper, W. H. Newton-Smith and R. Boyd, and may be necessary to give an adequate
account of scientific progress . (c) Recent work on the notion of closeness to the truth gives
cause for optimism regarding our ability to understand this notion (See G. Oddie, Likeness
to Truth (Dordrecht : Reidel, 1986) and I1kka Niiniluoto, Truthlikeness (Dordrecht: Reidel ,
1987). See also Theo A. F. Kuipers (ed.) What is Closer-to-the-Truth ? (Amsterdam :
Rodopi, 1987) in which a number of approaches to the concept of truthlikeness are
discussed .)
6 See B. S. van Fraassen The Scientific Image especially pp. 39-40.
7 There is reason to suppose that, at least at one stage, Dummett saw anti-Realism as
involving Strict Verificationism. For example, in his 'The Social Character of Meaning '
he says that the adoption of a technical means of identifying gold would change the
sense of 'gold' and it is clear from the context that this might also involve changing its
reference. But this means that some sentences of the form 'This is gold ' would change
their sense, and maybe even their truth value , with the acquisition of a new technique.
See Dumrnett 's Truth and Other Enigmas, p. 429 . Also, Dumrnett's suggestion that
according to anti-Realism , a statement has a truth-value only if we possess an effective
method for deciding it, suggests Strict Verificationism . However, Dummett also some-
times says that we can display knowledge of what it is for a sentence to be true if we
can 'recognise it wherever it obtains, or [get] ourselves in a position to do so' (my
italics). (See, for example , Truth and Other Enigmas, p. 225.) The italicised phrase suggests
Dummett would allow that we could know what it is for a statement to be true if we
could acquire a technique for verifying it. This would make Dummett what 1 have called
a 'Liberal Verificationist' (see below) . Dummett's frequent use of the word 'capacity ',
in his claim that, according to anti-Realism, a statement is true or false if we have a
capacity to determine whether it is true or false, can perhaps be interpreted as supporting
either Strict or Liberal Verificationism.
8 This is obviously so if closeness to the truth is identified with Popper's verisimili-
tude. Popper's definition of verisimilitude explicitly uses the concept of truth . (See
Popper's Conjectures and Refutations, p. 392) According to the 'similarity' approach to
truthlikeness advocated by Niiniluoto, a claim S is 'truthlike' iff the state of affairs allowed
by S is similar to that allowed by a true sentence. Similarly, Oddie says that a claim is
like the truth if the state of affairs it allows is close to that allowed by a true sentence.
So, if true were to be defined in epistemic terms , so would closeness to the truth.
9 See Putnam's Meaning and the Moral Sciences, p. 125.
10 lowe this observation to Professor Gregory Currie. But we should also note that while
the claim that epistemically ideal theories are projectible in this way seems very plau-
sible for theories of physics, it is not so plausible for theories of biology . For example,
that all organisms of a particular type that we have so far observed have immunity to
bacterium Y doe s not lend great support to ' Organisms of that type in some unob served
location also have immunity to bacterium Y' .
11 In at least some of his writ ings, Dummett has seen the possibility of verificat ion-
transcendent truth as one of the hallmarks of Realism. See, for example , his paper 'Realism'
in Truth and Other Enigmas. Crispin Wright , in his discussion of Dumrnett 's work, has
even seen the possibility of verification-tran scendent truth, rather than bivalence, as con-
stituti ng the core of Dummetr's conception of Realism. (See Cri sp in Wright' s paper
' Dummett and Revisionism ' in Barry Ta ylor (ed.) Michael Dummett: Contributions to
Philosophy, pp. 1-31, especially p. 4.)
12 I have attempted to give one possible answer to this problem in Science and the Theory
of Rationality .
IJ For a defence of abductive inference, see P. Lipton Inference to the Best Explanation.
For the possibility of construing the argument for Realism from the strong predictiv e
succe ss of science as an instance of modu s tollens, see my Science and the Theory of
Rationality, pp. 14-15 .
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.) , Realism and Anti -Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 245-264.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
molding all of our areas of thought will remain invariant. Natural science
and human or social science, as parts of human culture, are unavoid-
ably inseparable and interdependent, they permeate each other. Some
people propose that scientific activity is a kind of human activities, and
since human activities are purposeful and goal-oriented, scientific activity
inevitably becomes morally and ethically coloured. No matter how the
purpose is understood, whether by appealing to the logic of scientific
development, or to the needs of society, or to the desires of the employer,
the act of cognition is immersed in a value -rich rather than value-neutral
atmosphere. Some people sustain the great role of values within science
by indicating the intellectual values, such as simplicity, regularity, uni-
formity, comprehensiveness, systematicity, etc. , in scientific knowledge,
or by examining the ethical values, such as independence, originality,
dissent, tolerance, in scientific activities. Some analysts, on the other
hand, try to bridge between "is" sentences and "ought" sentences by
language analyses. In our country, many authors criticize the view of
value-neutrality of science on the basis of Marxist philosophy, by ana-
lyzing the course of the historical development of science, by showing
the interaction between science and other dimensions of society, that
is, the great role science plays in society and the effects of society
imposed on science, etc .
There is something reasonable in all these ideas. However, it is regret-
table to see that the view of value-neutrality of science still remains in
fashion despite so many diverse criticisms. Why?
What is science? The English word 'science' is derived from the Latin
world 'scientia', which simply means knowledge or intellect. The German
word ' Wissenschaf t' means systematic, organized knowledge. Thus,
science is generally considered to be theoretical knowledge concerning
the natural world both in living and non-living forms. The course of
the historical development of science and the new characteristics
emerging in modern science have proved that this kind of understanding
of science is far from enough to embrace the contents of science.
According to the Modern Science Dictionary (Franklin Publishing
Company, Palisade , New Jersey 1975), science is "A systematic arrange-
ment of scientific data, secured by controlled observation, experience,
or experiment, including the method of obtaining and testing these data".
So science is not only a kind of orderly knowledge but also a kind of
cognitive activities to achieve this product of cognition. In fact, modern
science is notably different from that before the early period of the 20th
century. Science has been speedily regularized, industrialized and per-
formed on a large scale . Now our cognition in science is still changing,
for science has played such a great role in society that many disciplines
of metasciences, whose research objects are science itself, emerge: history
of science, philosophy of science, sociology of science, psychology of
science , etc. These disciplines give science different definitions respec-
tively in terms of their own interests in science - This is determined
by the multisidedness of science itself - such as 'an instrument to resolve
problems' which focuses on its instrumental property, or ' organized
knowledge' in its archival dimension, or 'a series of procedures for
obtaining objective knowledge concerning the natural world', in its
methodological character, or 'discoveries made by those who own
special research abilities ', in its professionalism, etc. These definitions
only describe some particular characteristics of science from different
In respect to the general definition of science, this is just as J. D.
Bernal said, that such important changes in science have taken place in
the whole of human history that it is very difficult to give it a suitable
definition. The nature of science cannot be fixed by definition forever
through our historical research into science. Indeed, while we cannot give
science an absolute and perfect definition for science itself is always
changing , but this does not mean that we cannot give it a relative one.
Because our understanding of science in any time must have some marks
of the developmental characteristics of science in that era, then our
science concept should be based not only on the historic analyses of
the development of science but also, and it is more important, on the
features of our modern science. Unprecedented features have taken
place in the development of modern science: 'small science ' turns into
' big science ', science becomes a profession, scientists are engaged in
organized scientific activities and receive remuneration, etc . Bernal
pointed out in his work Science in History (C. A. Watts, London 1954,
Scienc e may be taken, (I, I) as an institution; (I , 2) as a method; (I, 3) as a cumulative
tradition of knowledge ; (I, 4) as a major factor in the maintenance and development of
production; and (I, 5) as one of the most powerful influence s moulding beliefs and atti-
tudes to the universe and man.
tific research and whether there exist value judgements in the knowl-
edge of science.
It is well known that science as a whole is closely related to human
morality, in its interaction with society. The starkest forms appear in
the moral dilemmas in nuclear physics, in issues of science and the global
problems of human genetics, in freedom of research and the scientist's
socio-ethical responsibility, etc . These problems are still under debate.
Some authors criticize the neutral view by indicating these widely known
facts, but I think that this kind of criticism does little to help under-
mine the neutral view since the neutral view also acknowledges that
science may interact with society : the uses of science may be good or
evil , science may be consistent with or conflict with our moral beliefs
and principles. The question is: does it insist that scientists carry no
special responsibility for the application of science ?
That scientists have to be responsible for their research findings or
not , in my opinion, relies to a large degree on how to interpret the
ethical values. If we understand values in terms of a subjective inter-
pretation (from which the neutral view derives), that values originate from
the interests and desire s of the subject (human beings) , then the scien-
tists have nothing to do with the uses or abuses of their research findings.
If, in terms of an objective interpretation that values are the properties
of the object, then 'counterculture' seems to gain its rational base, scien-
tists should be responsible for the opening of 'Pandora's box ', Einstein
should be responsible for the nuclear disasters in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
in August 1945. Here I prefer the Marxist definition of value: value is
a specific form or manifestation of the relation between subject and object
in which the properties of the object are appraised in terms of their ability
to satisfy the needs of the subject. The interaction of object and subject
is the decisive element in the determination of value, and values are
likewise indices of subject-object interactive states. Then the scientists
have to undertake, together with society, the socio-ethical responsibility
for the uses of science; here the social responsibility of scientists is in
itself a condition which, though indispensable, is unable to exclude the
possibility of the misuses of scientific findings. The problem can only
be resolved by the entire course of progressive social development.
All of the various moral problems of what is done with scientific
discoveries are not problems that arise within science, and are not ethical
choices confronting the scientist himself. I will not be concerned with
tried to form for itself a simple and synoptic image of the surrounding world . In doing
this it tries to construct a picture which will give some sort of tangible expression to
what the human mind sees in nature . That is what the poet doe s, and the painter, and
the speculative philosopher and the natural philosopher, each in his own way. ...
The problems are closely bound up with the boundary line between proper
science and pseudo-science. There is no doubt that the scientist has a
duty to protect both his own colleagues in other specialties and the lay
public against erroneous research findings, and has an obligation to
maintain the professional literature of his field at a high level of content
and quality. Can the scientist evaluate research findings in a purely objec-
tive, wholly rational and entirely open-minded way? This is quite
questionable. It is an important phenomenon in the historical develop-
ment of science: a scientist or the scientific community itself has often
opposed genuine scientific findings as being pseudo-scientific on the one
mental rules; the course, we may say, is value free . In the case when
the experimental object is related to animals (including human) or the
experiment itself is directly bound up with the health and welfare of
human beings, its moral colour is striking.
Here I have just listed some main ethical problems scientists have
to face in their actual scientific activities, I have not given some general
or universal ethical rules for scientists to abide by, that is, offered answers
to these problem, for my article aims to prove that science is morality-
laden but not to propose a absolute ethical rule for science. I sincerely
agree with the view that the scientist should go about his work in an
objective and rational way, but ' what should be ' is one thing, and ' what
really is' is another one.
the natural world. However, the defect of the neutral view is, in my
opinion , that it fails to recognize the new development of modem science.
The distinguished feature of modem scientific research is its collec-
tivization and collaboration, and correspondingly, with the wide and deep
advancement of modem science, a notable feature of scientific knowl-
edge is the emergence of new disciplines, i.e., interdisciplines and
borderline disciplines, some of which bridge the natural sciences and
social sciences. Scientific research objects are not confined to the physical
world; science is increasingly turns man into a object of research. The
word 'science' now does not merely refer to the traditional physics, chem-
istry, astronomy and biology. I think that there are three kinds of research
objects of science : (1) the physical world (excluding human being); (2)
man as physiological body; (3) the relationship of the physical world
to man. I adopt the letters K" K2, K) that respectively stand for knowl-
edge about these three objects. There are two levels in scientific
knowledge , one which has been historically and fully confirmed by exper-
iments and universally accepted to be the 'correct' descriptions of nature .
I represent it as A; and there is one which is still in issue, represented
as B. My idea can be illustrated by the following figure:
Fig. I.
Fig. 2.
Department of Philosophy,
Zhongshan University,
Guangzhou, China.
The deb ate bet ween scientific reali sm and anti-rea lis m deals mainly
with the problem whether the term s in scientific theory genuinely refer
or not, that is, wheth er the obje cts referred to by those terms genuinely
exis t in the objective world. In a se nse, this problem may be und er -
stood as " Are those objects real entities or fictions?"
Some scientific realists insist that the referent s of the term s such as
"e lectro n", "gene" are not artifici al fic tion s but real exis tence . They
regard the idea as a basic point of view of their truth theory. As L. Laudan
has pointed out,
a real ist would ne ver want to say that a the or y was approxima te ly true if its ce ntra l
theoretical terms fai led to refer. If there were no en tities similar to atoms, no atomic theo ry
co uld be approxi ma tely true; if there were no suba tomic part icles. no qua ntum theor y
of chemi stry cou ld be appro ximate ly true. In short, a necessary co nd ition - espe cia lly
for a scientific realist - for a theory being close to the truth is tha t its ce ntral exp lana-
tory term s genuine ly refe r. I
On the contra ry, anti-realists generally doubt the exis tence of the
referents of those term s. From the logi cal empiricism to the recent con-
structive empiricism of van Fraassen, all of them regard the observability
as the reaso n for the theoretical entity is existence , and the unobserv -
able objec ts referred to by the scientific theoret ical term s as "useful
fictions" or "convenient theoretical symb ols" which the cognitive subjec t
has to introdu ce to explain the empirica l phenomen on . As an empir i-
cis t, Qu ine regard s " the conceptua l sche me of sc ience as a tool ,
ult imately, for predict ing future experience in the light of past experi -
ence." He maintains that
Ph ysical objec ts are co nce ptually impor ted into the si tuat ion as convenie nt inter -
med iar ies - not by defi ni tion in term of e xpe rience, but simply as irreducible posit s
comparable. epistemo log ically, to the god s of Homer . . . the physical objec ts and the gods
differ on ly in degree and not in kind. Both sor ts of entities enter our conception only as
cultura l posits. Th e myth of phy sical objects is epis temolog ica lly superior to most in
that it has proved more efficacio us than other myths as a device for working a manage-
able structure into the flux of experience. '
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.) , Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 265-277.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
He calls the former 'reference' and the latter 'talking about ' . He says
that we cannot 'refer to' Sherlock Holmes but we can 'talk about' him,
and similarly for phlogiston. 'Talking about' is a notion of common sense,
the new theory. That may strengthen our faith in the existence of these
According to the above, whether a theoretical term refer or not is deter-
mine to a great degree not only in virtue of the empirical test but also
the evaluation of the theory system (or the conceptual scheme), even
in virtue of its whole background knowledge, What is fictitious in science
is not something given once and for all, but evolves along with scien-
tific knowledge. It is possible that a theoretical entity which had been
generally regarded as having actual existence for a long time would be
fictitious . For example, in the l780s, when J. Priestley said 'dephlogis-
ticated air ' and Lavoiser said ' oxygen', both of them almost depended
on the same experiment. 'Dephlogisticated air ' did ' refer ' in the light
of the phlogiston theory in fashion at that time, and was entirely observ-
able. But according to the oxygen theory , oxygen refer s and phlogiston
is fictitious. Although 'dephlogisticated air ' and oxygen in fact talk about
the same thing, we cannot think 'dephlogisticated air' has reference
because that means phlogiston also exists, which is contrary to the oxygen
theory accepted by us. Phlogiston theory was given up not only due to
the discovery of oxygen , but also, probably the main reason, due to the
consequence of phlogiston having negative weight , which contradicts the
mechanistic background knowledge.
Let 's see another example; in the 19th c. no one doubted the exist-
ence of aether as the aether theory was a commonly accepted background
knowledge in science. People thought that a lot of observable effects were
caused by aether. Maxwell hypothesized his electromagnetic wave in
aether. He regarded the wave as the transmission of aethereal vibra-
tion . H. Hertz confirmed the aether by demonstrating the existence of
radio waves. A. A. Michelson figured out a way to interact with aether.
He thought his experiment confirmed G. G. Stoke's aether drag theory,
which was not to deny the existence of aether at that time," and so on.
In fact, scientists regarded aether as fictitious only after they had accepted
Einstein's theory of relativity as the background knowledge, and all of
the above effects had the new explanation.
who believed that matter can be divided infinitely. Who can assure us
none of them is a fiction?
Moreover, some theoretical entities whose existence had been gen-
erally accepted in a rather successful theory might ultimately be proved
to be fictions by new theory. Scientists predicted a new planet between
the sun and Mercury to explain the precession of Mercury's orbit
according to Newton's gravitation theory. Owing to the great success
of Newton 's theory in predicting new planets, such as Nepture (and
then they in fact discovered Pluto in 1930 in this manner), they had no
doubt of its existence though they had not found it for 85 years. They
did not know it is an unnecessary fiction until Einstein proposed his
general relativity. Another example is the magnetic monopole. There is
up to now no known reliable direct experimental evident for its existence.
Is it possibly a fiction? We need more and new experiments, perhaps a
new theory, to answer the question.
It is a misunderstanding to think that scientists make fictions as
the result of their boundless thinking, straying far from the reality as
scientific fancy novelists. But in fact most of known fictions in scien-
tific theories are proposed not due to their brave fancy but to, at least
it seems to me, scientists' rather conservative outlook. In 1917, De
Sitter proposed a simple cosmological model of an expanding universe,
but it was not accepted because it lacked sufficient evidence. Einstein,
almo st simultaneously, added a special cosmic term to his field equations
of general relativity, so as to maintain a picture of a static universe. Later
a few scientists discovered the cosmic term was an ent irely surplus
fiction. It seems that any scientific theory must be established on certain
background knowledge including background theory and known empir-
ical data. Scientists, even such great scientists as Newton and Einstein
with super-imaginative minds, are still often handicapped by people's
cognitive and practical levels at their times. During the 1920s, A.
Friedmann and G. Lemaitre discovered expanding universe models based
on the field equations of general relativity, but they attracted little atten-
tion until E. Hubble's observational evidence was generally accepted
in 1929.
There are many similar instances in the history of science. Although
chemical revolutionist Lavoisier overturned the phlogiston theory, he
could not entirely get rid of the restrictions of the old tradition. There
were still fictions in his oxygen theory. He not only retained some
alchemical symbols, but also put oxygen in the place of principle, as
Therefore, a term such as 'mass point' does not refer to any entity
which actually exists in nature . And it even contradicts the other prin-
ciples of Newton's mechanics, because Newton explicitly claimed, "We
conclude the least particles of all bodies to be also all extended, and
hard and impenetrable, and endowed with their proper inertia,"!' but
not the geometrical point. In classical mechanics, an infinite gravitational
with the concept as its core, that it's fictional nature was gradually
revealed. People can treat it as a completely unnecessary fiction in a
new theory (such as relativity), and equate it to falsity . As a result neither
can we neglect its value during its long existence in history, nor can
we give up research concerning what it talks about in a new light even
while aether has lost its meaning in the new theory .
According to the structure of scientific theory, the more mature a
theory is, the closer to an axiomatized deductive system it will be. The
axiom, the central part of a theory, always consists of some concepts
and statements which are self-evident or cannot be directly tested, and
it must include some indirectly observable theoretical entities in a non-
phenomenalistic theory . We can indirectly test them only by means of
the observable effects which we assume to be produced by them. In other
words, as long as we discover some laws expressed with mathematical
relations between physical concepts and use them to correctly describe,
explain and predict some observable phenomena, we can consider this
is the result of the interaction between these entities assumed by us.
But we assume and name them in virtue of the experience within the
limits of the times. In the limits (including the background knowledge
and experimental technique), as long as the theory constructed by us is
logically self-consistent and not obviously contrary to the background
knowledge and, can offer, which is more important, satisfying explana-
tions and successful predictions of empirical phenomena, and even can
be used in practical production, we can not find out whether these entities
assumed in the theory are fictitious or not. For example, people could
use caloric theory in explaining the heat transfer phenomena very well.
If they were limited to the realm of heat transfer phenomena, people could
hardly find caloric to be fictitious with their background knowledge
between the 18th century and the early part of the 19th century. But
once knowledge breaks through, they can find out that the natures of
the entities assumed by us, and the names, are errors. And they can use
other entities which obtain their natures and names in new theories to
explain the above mentioned phenomena. At this time the entities past
named by us show their fictitious natures. But this does not mean that
we have no reason to insist on ontological realism, namely, insist that
aforementioned phenomena must be the result of the interaction between
certain unobservable entities. Nevertheless, although some 'entities' such
as phlogiston, caloric, have exposed their fictitious natures, this is a
change of our ideas, a new idea instead of the old one .
Any truth is not abstract, ultimate absolute truth , but a concrete truth .
Truth is not the theory which covers and contains everything, but the
correct theory which is defined and used in a certain limited realm and
under some concrete conditions. No matter what is used, the tested criteria
of truth theory are the correspondence theory, the coherence theory, the
pragmatic theory or the Marxist practice theory based on the corre-
spondence theory, etc . It can only test or define the concrete truth, or
relative truth or approximate truth. We have no way to rid the concrete
truth of what the later generations of scientists may regard as fictions.
Moreover, I claim that scientific truth should contain not only knowledge
of the material structure of entities, but also, more importantly, that of
the regularity of the interactions between entities which we may not know
yet. Even if someone discovers fiction in a theory so as to claim it erro-
neou s, he can still retain some theorem or laws of the repudiated theory
in the form of mathematical functional relations in the new one. In this
sense, we can say that the truth content passed on and on to a certain
Moreover, another kind of fiction such as 'mass point', 'rigid body'
obviously not only helps us to seek truth, but also is a component of truth
with profound epistemological significance.
Therefore if we had the idea that only scientific theory free from
fictions is truth, then neither could we have truth in the history of science,
nor could we affirm that the present theory is true . This plausible view
for maintaining the purity of truth is, indeed, the view of an extreme
relativism of denying truth. On the other hand, if one asserts that our
present theory has no fiction, he expresses a God 's Eye point of view,
with dogmatism.
Provided that science is a creative enterprise searching for the
unknown, it permits man's making fictions in it; As long as truth must
be realized by means of the form of scientific theory , truth and fiction
may coexist. But it is because scientific theory involves fictions that
it is falsifiable. No scientific theory can be the eternal, ultimate truth.
Department of Philosophy,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan, China.
Niels Bohr (1885-1962) was one of the greatest physicists of the 20th
century and a rival of Albert Einstein. As an atomic physicist, Niels Bohr
was concerned about the function of language as an unambiguous means
of communicating experience related to the atomic world , and about
the epistemological lessons arising from atomic physics. His main points
of view are as follows :
There is "a fundamental limitation in the classical physical ideas when
applied to atomic phenomena" (Bohr, 1934, p. 53).
The quantum postulate attributes to any atomic proce ss an essential discontinuity or
rather individuality, completely foreign to the classical theories and symbolized by Planck ' s
quantum of action (Bohr , 1934, p. 53)
From the very nature of the matter, we can only employ probability considerations
to predict the occurrence of the individual processes (Bohr, 1934, p. 109).
But Einstein disliked it and said: "I, at any rate, am convinced that
He is not playing at dice" (Einstein, 1926).
So, Bohr developed the notion of "complementarity" and wrote:
The very nature of the quantum theory thus forces us to regard the space-time coordin ation
and the cla im of cau sality, the union of which characterizes the classical theories as
complementary but exclu sive features of the description, symbolizing the idealization of
observat ion and definition respectively (Bohr , 1934, pp. 54-55).
But, in 1958, he revised his idea and said: "The very fact quantum
regularities exclude analysis on classical lines necessitate . .. in the
account of experience a logical distinction between measuring instru-
ments and atomic objects, which in principle prevents comprehensive
deterministic description." He stressed, in the wider frame of comple -
mentarity, he did not claim "any arbitrary renunciation of the ideal of
causality" (Bohr, 1963, p. 6).
He also expressed his notion of complementarity as follows :
We are apparently forced to choose between two mutually contradictory conception of
the propagation of light: one, the idea of light waves, the other, the corpuscular view of
the theory of light quanta, each conception expressing fundamental aspects of our expe-
rience (Bohr, 1934, p. 107).
R. S. Cohen , R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds .), Realism and Anti -Reali sm in the
Philosophy of Science, 279-287 .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The problem of the nature of the const ituents of matter presents us with an analo-
gous situation. The individuality of the elementary electrical corpuscl es is forced upon
us by general evidence . Nevertheles s, recent experience, above all the discovery of the
selective reflection of electron from metal crystal s, requires the use of the wave theory
superposition principle . .. Just as in the case of light, we have consequently in the question
of the nature of matter , so far as we adhere to classical concepts, to face an inevitable
dilemma which has to be regarded as the very expression of experimental evidence. In
fact, here again we are not dealing with contradictory but with complementary pictures
of phenomena, which only together offer a natural generalization of the classical mode
of description (Bohr, 1934, p. 56).
a detailed knowledge even of the inner structure of atoms, we have been reminded in
an instructive manner of the natural limitation of our forms of perception (Bohr, 1934,
p. 103).
He also wrote:
In view of the influence of the mechanical conception of nature on philosophical thinking ,
it is understandable that one has sometimes seen in the notion of complementarity a
reference to the subjective observer, incompatible with the objectivity of scientific descrip-
tion . Of course, in every field of experience we must retain a sharp distinction between
the observer and the content of observations, . . . In quantum physics, as we have seen,
an account of the functioning of the measuring instruments is indispensable to the defi-
nition of phenomena and we must, so-to-speak, distinguish between subject and object
in such a way that each single case secures the unambiguous application of the elemen-
tary physical concepts used in the description. Far from containing any mysticism foreign
to the spirit of science, the notion of complementarity points to the logical conditions
for description and comprehension of experience in atomic physics (Bohr, 1958, pp .
Therefore, Bohr used the phrase 'detached observer' and clearly dis-
tinguished the object and subject, meanwhile, noticing the dependence
of atomic phenomena upon the measuring instruments, or the condition
of observation. There is no trend of idealism or positivism. What Bohr
had done was to opposed the mechanical conception of nature which
improperly extended the subject-object separation in classical physics
into atomic physics.
Indeed, according to Bohr's viewpoint, in the account of conscious
life, psychical experiences, mental activities, the subject-object separa-
tion, is more flexible and the sharp distinction between subject and object
is impossible. As Bohr wrote:
For describing our mental activity, we require , on one hand, an objectively given
content to be placed to a perceiving subject, while, on the other hand, . . . no sharp
separation between object and subject can be maintained, since the perceiving subject
also belongs to our mental content. . . . Indeed, strictly speaking, the conscious analysis
of any concept stands in a relation of exclusion to its immediate application. The neces -
sity of taking recourse to a complementary . .. mode of description is perhaps most familiar
to us from psychological problems (Bohr, 1934, p. 96).
In introspection it is clearly impossible to distinguish sharply between the phenomena
themselves and their conscious perception (Bohr, 1958, p. 27) .
It must be emphasized that the distinction between subject and object, necessary for
unambiguous description, is retained in the way that in every communication containing
a reference to ourselves we, so to speak, introduce a new subject which does not appear
as part of the content of the communication. It need hardly be stressed that it is just
this freedom of choosing the subject-object distinction which provides room for the
multifariousness of conscious phenomena and the richness of human life (Bohr, 1958,
p. 101).
It is evident, however, that all search for an ultimate subject is at variance with the
aim of objective description, which demands the contraposition of subject and object (Bohr,
1963, p. 14).
Bohr really claimed that only these atomic phenomena (i.e ., the phe-
nomena produced by the interaction between atomic objects and
measuring instruments) can be visualized, can be accounted by the clas-
sical terms . But he also claimed, the atomic object can be described by
the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics (Psi-function). This
is a kind of theoretical abstraction. He also insisted we use the concepts
of radiation in free space and free material particles having no interac-
tion with any apparatus.
And, Bohr wrote:
On the whole, it would scarcely seem justifiable , in the case of the interaction problem,
to demand a visualization by mean s of an ordinary space-time picture. In fact, all our
knowledge concerning the internal properties of atoms is derived from experiments on
their reactions or collision reactions, such that the interpretation of exper imental facts ulti-
mately depend s on the abstraction s of radiation in free space, and free material particles.
Hence, our whole space-time view of physical phenomen a, as well as the definit ion of
energy and momentum, depend s ultimately upon these abstractions (Bohr, 1934, p. 77).
Beijing, 100080,
Bohr , Niel s (1934, 1987). Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature, Ox Bow Press,
Woodbridge, Conn.
Bohr, Niels (1935). ' Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be
Considered Complete?' , Physical Review 48, pp. 696-702.
Bohr , Niels (1955). Letter from Niels Bohr to Wolfgang Pauli , 2 March, 1955, BSC, NBA.
Bohr, Niels (1958). Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge, John Wiley, N.Y .
Bohr, Niels (1963). Essay s (1958-1962) on Atom ic Physics and Human Knowledge,
Richard Clam, Bungay, Suffolk.
E instein, Albert (1926). Letter to Max Born, 4 December, 1926, The Born-Einstein Letters,
Walker, N.Y ., p. 91.
Einstein, Albert (1928). Einstein to Schroedinger, 31 Mai, 1928, Schroedinger. Planck.
Einstein. Lorentz. Briefe zur Wellenmechanik, Springer, W ien, 1963, p. 29.
Einstein, Albert (1935). 'Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be
Considered Complete?', Physical Review 47, pp. 777-780.
Einstein, Albert (1949). ' Remarks to the Essays Appearing in this Cooperative Volume ',
Albert Einstein, Philosopher-Scientist , Harper & Brothers, N.Y ., p. 669.
Folse, Henry J. (1985). The Philosoph y of Niels Bohr - The Framework of Com-
plementar ity, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Graham, Loren R. (1987). Science. Philosophy and Human Behavior in the Soviet Union,
Columbia University Press , N.Y.
He, Zuoxiu (1990). Zhongguo Shehui Kexue 2, pp. 69-83.
He, Zuoxiu (1991). Studies in Dialectic of Nature 7, 3, pp. 28-38.
Jammer, Max (1974). The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics, Wiley , N.Y.
Jin , Guantao (1988). My Philosophical Exploration, People's Press, Shanghai.
Markov, M. A. (1990). 'G lazami Ochevidcha, Priroda 5, p. 100.
Rosenfeld, Leon (1979) . Selected Papers ofLeon Rosenfeld (Ed. R. S. Cohen and J. Stachel
(Boston Studies Phil. Sci. vol. 21), Reidel, Dordrecht.
Wang , Gan-chang (1985). .A Profound Friendship and an Unforgettable Meeting' , Impact
of Science on Society 35, I, pp. 55-61.
The que stion of realism was present at the birth of modern science in
the Copernican revolution. In his famous anonymous "Introduction to
de Revolutionibus" Andreas Osiander strikes three distinguishable chords
in favor of his anti-realist reading of the "hypotheses" of Copernicus's
work. First is the familiar " epistemological" theme which disengages
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpin en and Qiu Ren zong (eds.), Reali sm and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 289-298 .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers .
The Bohr Einstein debate may be seen as concerned with the axiology
of atomic physics. II Though their discussion prima facie concerned the
proper description of the familiar gedankenexperiments, their different
views reflected a deep division over whether or not the aim of atomic
physics had been achieved, expressed in terms of the question "Can
Quantum Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered
Complete?" Their opposing answers were based on a disagreement over
the necessary conditions for predicating properties to the systems
described by atomic physics. We can understand why this disagreement
arose by considering how the physicist's philosophy of nature, i.e.,
one's view of the relationship between ontology and empirical science,
affects the choice of goals and values. Though they finally agreed that
the theory was 'successful' in attaining the goal of empirical adequacy,
their different views in the philosophy of nature led them to disagree over
its final acceptability.
Here I want to alter our perception of the debate by stressing that
they held in common the typically realist goal of securing 'harmony',
'unity' , and 'consistency' in the conceptual framework physicists employ
for describing phenomena. An anti-realist needs pursue no goal other
than empirical adequacy. Both of our disputants of course valued pre-
dictive success, but for neither was this value paramount. Einstein's
confidence in general relativity apart from its successful predictions is
well known, and Bohr's opposition to Heisenberg reveals he accorded
much higher value to understanding the phenomena than merely getting
the numbers right. Bohr and Einstein were both involved in the philos-
ophy of nature, and accepted the typically realist goals of understanding,
as opposed to merely predicting, phenomena. In order to secure the
Department of Philosophy,
Loyola University ,
New Orleans ,
U.S.A .
I Osiander warns the reader that ".. . it is not necessary that his [Copernicus's] hypotheses
be true , nor even probable. This alone suffices that they provide a computation that
tallies with the observations" (Gingerich (1975), p. 30 I).
2 Osiander addresses specifically those " ignorant of geometry and optics" who might
"perchance" think the "epicycle of Venus as likely" . He also actually argues that other
observations than those the epicycle is conjectured to predict rule out the reality of any
such motion. Ibid., pp. 301-304.
J Osiander makes it clear that anyone who mistakenly "takes models - with their own
purpose - to stand for reality . . . leaves the discipline more ignorant than before he entered
it". Ibid., p. 304.
4 When reading Bohr 's account of these discussions, one cannot help feeling that this
bears little or no resemblance to the philosopher's debate over realism; cf. Bohr (1949) .
5 No one doubts Einstein 's realism, but many seem to forget that Bohr clearly proclaimed
that "every doubt regarding the reality of atoms has been removed", and that "we have
gained a detailed knowledge of the inner structure of atoms", includ ing not only the
behavior of aggregates of atoms, but also of single atoms (Bohr (1958) , p. 103). For further
analysis of this theme see Folse (1985), pp. 224-227; and (1987), pp. 161-167.
6 See Folse (1985), (l986a), (I 986b), (1987), and (I 989b).
7 Heisenberg (1949) , pp. 103-107; and (1963), pp. 13-17 .
s As he does , for example, at Bohr (1958), p. 26.
9 Howard (1985), and Fine (1986), pp. 26-39. I have discussed the connection between
separability and Bohr 's response to EPR in Folse (1988) and (1989a) .
10 This theme appears in the papers of Howard , Wessels, Shimony , and Teller in Cushing
and McMullin (eds.) (1989) .
II I have analyzed the debate from this point of view in Folse (1990) , for which I am
much indebted to work in the NEH Summer Seminar conducted by Larry Laudan in
1989; see Laudan (1984) for his views on the axiology of inquiry.
12 One might object that this is only a strategic move Bohr makes ad hominem for the
sake of convincing Einstein; however, Bohr strikes this theme from the beginning of
his arguments for complementarity, well before Einstein's opposition could have been con-
sidered ' entrenched'. The fact that Bohr clearly believed that his reasoning in many
ways paralleled Einstein 's made his failure to convert Einstein all the more frustrating,
and this was felt as especially frustrating just because they held many goals in common .
IJ Bohr makes his values obvious when, commenting on their disagreement, he notes
that " In my opinion, there could be no other way to deem a logically cons istent for-
mal ism as inadequate than by demonstrating the departure of its consequences from
experience or by proving that its predictions did not exhaust the possibilities of obser-
vation , and Einstein 's argumentation could be directed to neither of these ends ". Bohr
(1949) , p. 229.
Bohr, Niels (1935) . ' Can Quantum Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be
Considered Complete ? ', Physical Review 38, pp. 696-702.
Bohr, Niels (1949) . ' Discussion with Einstein on Epistemological Problems in Atomic
Physics ' , in P. A. Schilpp (ed.), Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, Open Court,
LaSalle, Illinois , pp. 199-241.
Bohr, Niels (1958). Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge, J. Wiley , New York.
Cushing , James T. and McMullin, Eman (eds.) (1989). Philosophi cal Consequences of
Quantum Theory, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame.
Fine, Arthur (1986). The Shaky Game: Einstein, Realism and the Quantum Theory, The
University of Chicago Press , Chicago.
Folse , Henry (1985). The Philosophy ofNiels Bohr: The Framework of Complementarity,
North Holland Physics Publishing, Amsterdam.
Folse, Henry (1986a). 'Niels Bohr , Complementarity , and Realism', in A. Fine and P.
Machamer (eds.), PSA 1986: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy
of Science Association, Vol. I, Philosophy of Science Association, East Lansing,
Michigan, pp. 96-104.
Folse, Henry (1986b) . ' Complementarity and Scientific Realism' , in P. Weingartner and
G. Dom (eds.), Foundations ofPhysics, Holder-Pichler-Tempsky, Vienna, pp. 93-10 I.
Folse, Henry (1987). 'Realism and the Quantum Revolution' , in Abstracts of the 8th
International Congress ofLogic, Methodology, and Philosophy ofScience, Vol. 4, Part
I, Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR , Moscow, pp.
Folse , Henry (1988) . 'Niels Bohr's Concept of Reality ', in P. J. Lahti and P. Mittelstaedt
(eds.), Proceedings of the Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics: The
Copenhagen Interpretation 60 Years After the Como Lectu re - Joensuu, Finland,
August 6-8, 1987, World Scientific Publishing , Singapore, pp. 161-179.
Folse, Henry (I 989a). 'Bohr on Bell' , in Cushing and McMullin (eds.) (1989), pp. 254-271.
Folse , Henry (I 989b) . ' Complementarity and Space-Time Descr iption', in Menas Kafatos
(ed .), Bell' s Theorem, Quantum Theory and Conceptions of the Universe, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht , pp. 251-259.
Folse , Henry (1990). 'Laudan 's Model of Axiological Change and the Bohr-Einstein
Debate ', in Fine, A. et al. (eds .), PSA 90, Vol. I , The Philosophy of Science
Association, East Lansing , pp. 77-88.
Folse , Henry (1992). ' Complementarity and our Knowledge of Nature ', in M. Carvallo
(ed.), Nature, Cognition, and System, Vol. 2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
Gingerich, Owen (ed.) (1975). The Nature ofScientific Discovery, Smithsonian Institution
Press, Washington, D.C.
Heisenberg, Werner (1949). ' Quantum Theory and Its Interpretation' , in S. Rozental
(ed .), Niels Bohr: His Life and Work as Seen by his Friends and Colleagues, North-
Holland , Amsterdam , pp. 94-108.
Heisenberg, Werner (1963). Interview with Thomas Kuhn, Munich, 25 February , 1963,
in Archive for the History of Quantum Physics, Tape 52a.
Howard, Don (1985). ' Einstein on Locality and Separability', Studies in History and
Philosophy of Science 16, 171-201 .
Laudan, Larry (1984) . Science and Values, University of California Press, Berkeley .
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 299-305 .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
300 H E Z U O X IU
w ,
I i
!!! I
! J
Cl. I I
t ~
Fig. 1.
that no influence of any kind can propagate faster than the speed of
light" [5].
In short, these premises can be identified as: (1) realism, (2) the free
use of induction and (3) separability.
Since the logical consequence of the local realistic theory is the Bell
inequality, and there is strong experimental evidence that the inequality
is violated, thus , at least one of the three premises of local realistic
theories must be false.
d' Espagnat argued, that (l) "in a physics experiment, the separa-
bility assumption expressed the intuitively reasonable idea that the spin
components of one proton have no influence over these of the other
proton, provided the two particles are far apart , . . . this assumption
must now be regarded as highly questionable". (2) If an unbiased and
large amount of samples were tested, "the confidence of these asser-
tions approaches certainty as the size of the sample increases". Hence,
he leads to the conclusion: the "quantum mechanics curiously disagrees
with the doctrine that the world is independent of mind".
in which 0A and 8 ' are the Pauli spin operators of the particules A
and B respectively, and the wave function 10+) is
(3) 10+) = .""2 ('V+l(A)'IU(B) - 'V_l(A)'V+l(B»
v~ 2 2 2 2
I +-I
~ I - -I ::::) I
~ -I !?
Now we trace back to the procedure of the derivation of the spin
correlation. One can find that the spin correlation E(a, b) = -a· b is essen-
tially originated from the special form of spin wave function
(8) 10+) = '2 ('V+l(A)'V_l(B) - 'V_l(A)'V+l(B»
v~ 2 2 2 2
(9) L = I 1e;l2 t;
will collapse to
2 2 (Ar=~
with the transition
(13) =>
{ probability as
'l'_!(A)'l'+!(B) ...L)2 = 12
2 2
Fig. 2.
Zhongguancun, lluangzhuang,
Beijing, China.
I. Einstein , A., Podolsky, B. and Rosen, N. (1935). Phys. Rev. 47, p. 777.
2. Bohr, N. (1935) . Phys. Rev. 48, p. 696.
3. Bell, J. (1964). Physics 1, p. 195; (1966) . Rev. Mod. Phys. 28, p. 447.
4. For example, Kasday, L., Ulman, J. and Wu, C. S. (1975) . Nuovo Cimento Lett. 825,
5. d'Espagnat, B. (1979). Scientific American 241(5), p. 128.
6. Mermin, N. D. (1981). J. Phi/os. 7, p. 397.
7. Daneri, A., Loinger, A. and Prosperi, G. M. (1962) . Nucl. Phys. 23, p. 297.
There is a widely spread impression that reali sm has been swept away
from the reign of physical science once and for all since quantum
mechanics came into being. This implies that QM provides a decisive
support to anti-realism and is not compatible with any reali sm, whichever
form it takes. However, such an op inion is unable to hold its position.
In fact, QM is neither a menace to realism (or anti-realism) nor a decisive
support to anti-realism (or realism). That is to say: the status of QM in
the dispute of realism vs. anti-realism is neutral.
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.) , Realism and Anti-Reali sm in the
Philosophy of'Sc ience, 307-316.
© 1996 K/uwer Academic Publishers.
the ontic reality is in the nature of mind. Since the ontic reality transcends
the sum of all experience and knowledge of mankind at any time, such
a process will never end .
The empirical reality is the reality which depends on subjects and
cannot be separated from experience so as to have the weak objectivity
characterized by intersubjectivity. Emp iricism (i.e. empirical realism)
insists that science (and ordinary knowledge as well) is indissolubly
linked with human experience, so that the task of science is but to
describe the phenomena constructed by the collective experience of
human beings .
Obviously, empirical realism contains a thick atmosphere of instru-
mentalism (or operationalism). However, d'Espagnat correctly points out
that there is a difference between empiricism and strict instrumentalism.
To offer an image, empiricism is a boat that is sailing between ontic
realism and pure instrumentalism, and completes the instrumentalism
with ideas about empirical reality as natural as possible.
We suggest an open-minded philosophy under which the ontic reality
and empirical reality are two complementary notions existing side by side
with their own implications and functions respectively. On the one hand ,
we confess that intersubjectivity is the foundation of all empirical
sciences, and the notion of empirical reality is of paramount impor-
tance to practical sciences. On the other hand, we believe that the ontic
reality potentially dominates the activities of mankind and the progress
of sciences. Although the ontic reality is always hidden, its various
surface structures can be perceived by human beings in the form of empir-
ical reality. And its strong temptation for human beings is the eternal
motivation of the development of sciences.
the system. That is to say: the truth of such propositions must be judged
by means outside the formal system. No doubt, Godel's theorem can
be applied to formalized physical theories . In other words, such a for-
malized physical theory contains some true propositions which cannot be
proved or negated, and the truth of such propositions should be judged
by means and notions outside the formalized physical theory. Therefore,
to complete the meaning of a formalized physical theory, it is neces-
sary to make some philosophical extension of it. For creative theoretical
work, such a philosophical extension is indispensible. The only point
is to make such an extens ion reasonable and consistent.
Moreover, any formalized physical theory results from the creation
and evolution of some physical insight, while the creation of any new
physical insight and the format ion of any new physical notions is not
logical and algorithmic but meta-physical and non-algorithmic. In this
sense, the minimal structure of QM can be thought of as the result of
sublimation and crystallization of the metaphysical ideas which have
nourished the growth of QM.
The above analysis indicates that the birth of QM is by no means to
deny meta-physics but put more severe requirements to the possible forms
of the concrete notions of metaphysics.
reasonable criticisms, his theory stands and thus not only makes de
Broglie return to his original position but also attracts J. S. Bell to join
their efforts; and Bell later proposed his famous and elegant 'Beables
for quantum field theory ' [12]. Although there are many differences
between the individuals, we call their common thought BBB theory in
In BBB theory, 'observer ' is no longer at a fundamental level.
Observables are replaced by beables. The so-called beables are referred
to those quantities corresponding to realistic elements (i.e. existed
beings). Their existence is not dependent on 'observation' . On the
contrary, observing instrument, observation behaviour, and even observers
all come from beables. Naturally, the crossed influence between the
state of global beables and the behaviours of local beables are determined
by the equations of QM . The totally new ontic relationship between
the whole and parts appears running through all quantum mechanical
problems (both the measurement problems and non-measurement ones).
This is a fundamental characteristic which distinguishes the quantum
ontology from the classical one. It is simply called the wholeness of
quantum reality, or the unseparability of the quantum system, or the
EPR non-local correlation of quantum system. However, as long as
the influence of global beables of QM to local beables is far less than
the effects of classical interactions, a quantum mechanical system
is dissolved, and quantum reality is thus retrograded to a classical one
which can be described by classical physics. So, in this type of exten-
sion model of QM, a smooth transference between the quantum reality
and the classical reality can be realized, without a non-transcendent gap
between them.
People may be anxious that the causality paradox may be brought
by the confrontation between the non-local correlation of quantum
mechanical ontology and the principle of special relativity. You should
not worry about that for two reasons. First, the non-local correlations
of QM are very fragile. Once one tries to draw information from some
location of a quantum system, the correlation is dissolved immediately.
So, one can never utilize it to transfer a distant signal simultaneously.
Second, the quantum measurements carried out so far are only of statis-
tical significance. The principle of special relativity thus possesses only
stati stical significance. That is to say: the non-locality refused by experi-
ments is the one contradicted by the principle of special relativity in
the statistical sense but not one in a presumably basic ontic process.
cists with philosophical quality will take care of, and be engaged in, such
a fundamental project concerning the future of physical science and
that of modem philosophy as well.
Department of Physics,
Hunan Nonmal University,
Changsha, China.
1. Einstein. A. (1937). Mein Weltbild. English version by C. Seelig. Ideas and Opinions.
Dell Publishing Co.• New York. p. 292.
2. Hong Dingguo (1988). The Structures of Physical Theories and Their Unfolding •
Science Press. Beijin.
3. Bohr. N. (1949). Dialectica 2. pp. 321-329.
4. Bohm, D. (1985). 'A Talk on the Value of Metaphysical Discussion', in D. Facctor
(ed.), Unfolding Meaning - A Weekend of Dialogue with David Bohm ,Foundation
House Publication.
5. D'Espagnat , B. (1989). Reality and the Physicist. Cambridge Uni, Press. pp. 232-253 .
6. Machida, S. and Namiki. M. (1980). Prog. Theor. Phys. 63. pp. 1457. 1833.
7. Araki. H. (1980). Prog. Theor. Phys. 64. p. 719.
8. Hepp, K. (1970). Helv. Physica Acta 45. p. 237.
9. Lockhart, C. M. and Misra. B. (1987). Physica A 136A. p. 47.
to. Broglie, L. de (1927). Journal de Physique 5. p. 225.
11. Bohm, D. (1952). Phys. Rev. 85. pp. 166. 180.
12. Bell, J. S. (1987). ' Beables in Quantum Field Theory'. in B. J. Hiley and F. D.
Peats (eds.), Quantum Implicat ions . Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
13. Bohm, D. and Hiley, B. J. (1989). Phys. Rep. 173(3). pp. 93-122 .
14. Primas, H. (1991). 'Realism and Quantum Mechanics', preprint.
Tao is the ontology of the universe and also the laws of the universe.
As an ontology, just as Professor Jin Yue-lin says: "Tao, as the most lofty
concept, as the most fundamentally primal power, is not absolutely empty.
Tao must be real .. . , Tao can be spoken both integrally and separately.'?
First, Tao is real, so we can call it 'Tao-reality', and therefore we
can call the theory about it the 'theory of Tao-reality' .
Second, integrally speaking, it can be called Tao. Tao is "the begin-
ning of heaven and earth", "the mother os Wanwu (ten thousand things)".
R. S. Cohen. R. Hi/pinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 317-328 .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers .
It is the unity of having (1f) and no having (JG), [being and non-
being, nothing] these two spring from the same source but differ in name.
Separately speaking, it can be divided into "the eternal Tao" and "not
the eternal Tao", that is "having and no having".
Third, the unity formed by having and no having is nonobservable.
It "differs from the observable concrete things": "look, it cannot be
seen - it is beyond form. Listen, it cannot be heard - it is beyond sound.
Grasp, it cannot be held - it is intangible. These three are indefinable;
Therefore, they are joined in One." (Tao Te Ching, p. 14). However, it
is not absolutely empty. On the contrary, "Tao is elusive and intangible.
Oh, it is intangible and elusive, and yet within is image, Oh, it is elusive
and intangible, and yet within is form ." (Tao Te Ching,p. 21) It is
"standing alone and unchanging, even present and in motion." (Tao Te
Ching, p. 25)
Tao-reality has having and no having as two components, therefore
we can say it has a double structure. Having and no having are two
existential states of Tao in the cyclic movement. No having is the
start-point and the end-point, whereas having is the middle-point or
extreme-point in this cyclic movement. Therefore, although no having
and having are different, they are to be used to refer to Tao. They are
two indispensable aspects. Tao on the one side and having and no having
on the other side have relations as follow.'
no having
Here Tao is the ultimate reality. It is the united body of having and
no having. It is the primal source of WanWu. Everything emerges from
it, and returns to it, but Tao itself is eternal existence. WanWu have the
variant principles, but Tao comprises the principle of WanWu. The unity
and mutual interrelation of all things and events, the experiences of all
phenomena in the world are manifestations of this basic oneness. All
things are seen as interdependent and inseparable parts of this cosmic
whole; and as different manifestations of the same ultimate reality.
From this , we can know that Tao-reality has many more implica-
tions than Heisenberg's potentia. Heisenberg 's potentia is simply
tendencies or possibilities of Being. It has no internal structure, and it
only expresses a process from potentia to actualization by measure-
ment. Tao-reality has a double structure. It is an unity of having and
no having, but potentia is only equivalent to ' having' in the Tao-reality;
however 'having' cannot exist without 'no having'. More importantly,
Tao-reality cannot be directly measured, only WanWu generated from
Tao-reality can be measured. That is to say, only the observable things
generated from Tao-reality can interact with a measurement. Tao-reality
and its emergence are all outside our consciousness; to use d'Espagnat's
words, Tao-reality is a far reality," far realism is the theory about it.
anyone of them under measurement will influence the other though there
is not any physical interaction between them. The measured object, say
A, will soon be transformed into a Yin force , while the measuring device
appears as the Yang force as we said above; when A is transformed
into Yin, then B is transformed into Yang. That is to say, if we measure
A, then A appears as Yin and B as Yang; and vice versa (see figure 2).
When observation or measurement begins, the measured object becomes
a mediator linking reality with the measuring device . Since Yin-Yang
is always co-ex istent, it integrates reality, observable objects and the
device into an undivided whole. Thus, A and B are a whole connected
by Yin-Yang, even if they are separated from each other and have no
physical interactions. We can say that Yin-Yang's becoming is exactly
the very essence of the EPR correlation mystery; that is the essence of
the microparticle's entanglement.
8 Yang
measunng device
~easured object
( J Yin.Yang
Nothing can exist unless neither Yin nor Yang is absent. But two
force, Yang and Yang or Yin and Yin, are in conflict, and they cannot
co-exist within a single thing. This feature of Yin and Yang leads to
showing the special pictures on the screen of the single-slit and double-
slit experiments.
When combining Yin and Yang into one, particles are produced, so
a peak appear on the screen. However, Yang and Yang would repel one
another, and Yin and Yin would repel one another too, just as two like
electric charges repel one another. Therefore, the wave valleys appear
on the screen when Yang and Yang or Yin and Yin repel one another. See
figure 3.
~I wavepeak
~I dOObt
slit ~y;"-y,".
B . wave valley
Fig. 3. Interpretation of Double-slit experiment with the Doctrine of Yin and Yang.
@ I things by observation
:ii I
having ~I generated ~
Institute of Philosophy,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,
Beijing, China.
R. S. Cohen , R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti -Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 329-338 .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
the rest being lost outside experimental control. All these objects will
sooner and later hit some macroscopic object, for example some irrele-
vant part of the experimental equipment. These collisions are not
measurements but nevertheless irreversible interactions. There is reason
to believe that even those interactions can be irreversible because the
hit part of laboratory can undergo an irreversible state change .
(The term ' measurement' here refers only to those measurements
where the wave function collapses, but those cases are the problematic
ones for the realist.)
Thi s analysis describes the wave-particle duality as a mind-indepen-
dent property of quantum objects, and so far the analysis does not conflict
with any empirical evidence.
How then can this criterion be used as an explanation of the two-
slit experiment? The answer is: every object is a wave from the emission
from its source to its collision with some big object. When passing the
screen the object passes both slits and does not interact irreversibly
with the screen: the object neither exchanges energy nor momentum with
the double -slit screen . Behind the screen the wave is separated into two
parts whose total momentum is the same as it was before the screen.
These two parts interfere with each other and the intensity distribution
of the total wave shows an interference pattern. When hitting the pho-
tographic screen the wave collapses and gives away its kinetic energy
to one of the grains. This collap se is a sudden disappearance of the wave;
it ' condenses' into one small region. Which one? That is impossible to
predict, the place of the collapse being an truly indeterministic event.
If we simply assume that the probability for collapse at a certain point
equals the intensity (the squared amplitude) of the wave, the interpre-
tation fits observed data .
I think this interpretation resolves the conflict between realism and
wave-particle duality, but it could be argued that that is not enough:
the sudden collapse of the wave when hitting a macroscopic object is still
a complete mystery. A philosopher could reply that the explanation of
the wave collapse is now a task for the physicist, not the philosopher. I
think this is a proper defence, because the collapse of the wave is a
completely physical process without relevance for the realism debate.
However, the wave collapse can in fact be given some sort of explana-
tion without making any assumptions which are not already implicit in
quantum mechanics.
When assuming that real objects are wave-like objects except in irre-
• i i i i i i i '0
~! ·n
...... \ I / ,/ ~ .f'~ -
wave detector
fronts row
Fig. I.
hit by the wave, this will not occur, because that would contradict quan-
tization of action. Let us assume that the only observable results of this
experiment are the records of the sensors. This record has the property
that it never occurs that two sensors simultaneously are triggered. After
a sufficiently large number of registrations the distribution of these
registrations among the sensors maps the intensity distribution of the
waves approaching the sensor row. But it seems as if the sensor row
has been hit by a number of particles. There is nothing in the records
telling us that waves were propagated on the water surface.
One could complain that this explanation does not show how the
collapse of the wave happens: we have not been given any new insight
into the details of the process. My answer to this argument is that this
complaint confuses philosophical and physical explanation; asking for
a detailed account of the collapse of the wave during interaction with
certain other objects is to ask for more physics, it is not the philosopher 's
task. Moreover, the indivisibility of the energy exchange implies that it
is impossible to describe further details. Hence it seems that a deeper
Department of Philosophy,
Stockholm University,
I The ideas presented in this paper are part of my doctoral thesis Understanding Quantum
Mechanics ; a Realist Interpretation without Hidden Variables, Almquvist & Wiksell
International, Stockholm, 1992.
2 Op. cit.
3 The ~oncept of action was introduced by d' Alembert. It denotes the time integral of
energy [Edt.
4 Cf . Bohr, N. (1934). Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature , Cambridge
University Pres s, Cambridge, p. 53.
5 Cf. Cohen , L. (1973) . 'Joint Prob ability Distributions in Quantum Theory ' , in C. A.
Hooker (ed .), Contemporary Research in the Foundations and Philosophy of Quantum
Theory, Re idel, Dordrecht.
6 Friedman, M. (1974) . 'Explanation and Scientific Under standing ' , J. Phil. 71, no. I,
January 17.
7 Kitcher, Philip (1981) . ' Explanatory Unifi cat ion ', Phil. Sci. 48 , pp. 507-531.
K For an overview of this discussion see Jammer, M. (1974) . The Philosophy of Quantum
R. S. Cohen , R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 339-342.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
him has focused on this issue. He has not been able to tell us exactly
where to draw the distinction between theoretical and observational state-
ments, i.e., the crit ics have argued he has exactly the same problem as
the old pos itivists. His answer to this criticism could be summarized as
1. Constructive empiricism does not face the same problem as logical
empiricism because there is no semantic difference between theoretical
and observational statements according to constructive empiricism. Both
observational and theoretical statements are meaningful and have
truth-values, whereas in logical empiricism theoretical statements lack
truth-value. This implies that for the constructive empiricist it is accept-
able to have a somewhat vague distinction observationalltheoretical. It
suffices if there are some clear cases on both sides.'
2. It is not the philosopher's task to draw a general distinction between
observational and theoretical statements. Such a distinction is the business
for scientists, because it is an empirical question, a question about us qua
organisms in the world.'
3. The alternative of not using the distinction observational/theoret-
ical is either to believe every accepted theory to be completely true, or
to be a sceptic. Rejecting both these extreme positions, something in
between must be found and if we want to say more about a scientific
theory than it fits the facts so far, it is reasonable to say that it will
continue to do so, i.e., that it is empirically adequate."
It seems to me that these remarks make up a rather good defense of
using a somewhat vague distinction observational/theoretical.
However, I believe that there are other grounds for disbelieving van
Fraassen's distinction. I want to recall Goodman's discussion about induc-
tion in which he introduced the famous example of the predicate grue,
which "applies to all things examined before t just in case they are
green but to other things just in case they are blue".' It is clear that
Goodman means that the time t lies in the future, hence it is plain that
all hitherto available evidence is equally good evidence for emeralds
being green as well as being grue. So simple induction cannot distinguish
between projectible and non-projectible predicates and we can not
distinguish between law-like and accidental generalisations."
Goodman's conclusion was that the induction problem cannot be
solved using any merely syntactical criterion. In other words, we cannot
solve the induction problem by only considering the formal relations
between the proposed general hypothesis and its evidence, i.e ., its
Department of Philosophy,
Stockholm University,
I Cf. Fraassen , Bas van (1980). The Scientific Image, Clarendon Press, Oxford, p. 12.
2 Ibid., p. 16.
3 Ibid., pp. 57-58.
4 Cf. Fraassen, B. van (1985) . 'Empiricism in the Philosophy of Science ', p. 254, in
Churchland and Hooker (eds.), Images of Science , The University of Chicago Press,
5 Cf. Goodman, N. (1972). 'The New Riddle of Induction ', p. 318 in his Problems and
Projects, Bobbs-Merrill Inc., Indianapolis & New York.
6 Ibid., p. 388.
Even though Bohr still uses the term 'atomic object', emphasizes the
objectivity of the description of atomic phenomena, and tries to exclude
R. S. Cohen , R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds .), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 343-357 .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
344 LILI
the subject from the phenomena,' in fact, he does not consistently keep
the reality of the atomic system in the complementarity interpretation.
In fact, conversely, when he explains atomic phenomena by his com-
plementaryprinciple, he denies the independent reality of the atomic
system. In his Como Lecture, he writes:
now the quantum postulate implies that any observation of the atomic phenomena will
involve an interaction with the agency of observation not to be neglected. Accordingly,
an independent reality in the ordinary physical sense can neither be ascribed to the
phenomena nor to the agencies of observation."
These quotations show that Bohr denies that quantum theory describes
the independent reality of the object and asserts that the properties of
the atomic object can exist and be described and observed only under
and it seems that it can be seen as representing the reality of the objects.
But in fact he does not admit the reality of complementarity. He points
out that the concept of complementarity represents ".. . the objective
existence of phenomena and is related to the method of observing
them."!' That means that complementarity does not represent an objec-
tive attribute of the phenomena. It represents the dependence of
phenomena on observation of them. It does not derive from the mutually
exclusive properties of the reality of the objects. It derives from the
different observations which create mutually exclusive phenomena of the
objects. This meaning is also shown in these words of Bohr: "... the
study of the complementary phenomena demands mutually exclusive
experimental arrangements."!" This says that the complementary phe-
nomena result from the mutually exclusive experimental arrangements,
not from the reality of the objects. But how do the instruments create
mutually exclusive phenomena? He explains:
According to the quantum theory, just the impossibility of neglecting the interaction
with the agency of measurement means that every observation introduces a new uncon-
trollable element . . . the measurement of the positional co-ordinates of a particle is
accompanied not only by a finite change in the dynamical variables, but also the fixation
of its position means that a complete rupture in the causal description of its .. . momentum
always implies a gap in the knowledge of its spatial propagation."
That is to say, the interaction with the instruments destroys the foun-
dation of a consistent description of the object and causes a gap in our
knowledge of the object, which results in the complementarity of our
knowledge about the objects. This idea is expressed in another style in
the following words of Bohr:
the occurrence of individual effects [permits] neither a choice of ' nature ' nor a choice
of ' observer', that only can be accounted as we are dealing with individual phenomena
and that our possibilities of handling the measuring instruments allow us only to make
a choice between the different complementary types of phenomena we want to study . 16
But he contends that only the classical concepts can be used to defi-
nitely explain the result of the experiment. He asserts:
however far the phenomena transcend the scope of classical physical explanation, the
account of all evidence must be expressed in classical terms."
both excludes and infers the definite definit ion of it. The relations among
the observations and definitions of the energy, the momentum, the space
and the time of the object are ambiguous and entangled. How these
concepts can properly be used in quantum mechanics to become the
' observables' is unclear.
Bohr declares:
an adequate tool for a complementary way of description is offered precisely by the
quantum -mechanical formalism which represents a purely symbolic scheme permitting
only predictions. on lines of the correspondence principle . as to result s obtainable under
conditions specified by means of classical concepts."
This means that the proper use of classically defined parameters is con-
ditioned by the proper constructing and handling of the experimental
arrangement. But how can the proper experimental arrangement make
the limited classical parameters suitable to the atomic phenomena if
the observation in atomic phenomena is essentially different from clas-
sical observation? Bohr does not give a clear explanation. He just declares
the very nature of the quantum theory thus forces us to regard the space-time co-ordination
and the claim of causality. the union of which characterizes the classical theories. as
complementary but exclusive features of the description. symbolizing the idealisation of
observation and definition respectively . . . In the description of atom phenomena. the
quantum postulate present us with the task of developing a complementarity theory the
consistency of which can be judged only by weighing the possibilities of definition and
That is to say, the space-time co-ordination and the claim of causality are
exclusive. We get definite space-time co-ordination only under the con-
dition of the impossibility of the claim of causality. The limitation of
classical concepts is overcome by using the two exclusive descriptions
without combining them in one picture. The complementary descrip-
tions can describe the atomic phenomena but the complementarity
does not come from the reality of the objects, it comes from the limi-
the processes of the atomic objects (without observers) obey the quantum
theory which shows the independent reality of the objects and the objec-
tivity of the quantum theory. In fact, in our ordinary common sense field ,
there are also some remarkable phenomena which show the comple-
mentarity reality. For example, the metaphor that Bohr always quotes,
that we are both actor and audience in the stage of life, describes our
complementary properties. When we are on the stage, relating to the
audience, we are actors, but we also can suddenly become the audience
when watch the actors on the stage. When there is no stage, or all
people are on the stage, our properties are uncertain. We have the
mutually exclusive properties of actor and audience, our property is
certain when we have a certain relationship with our circumstance. We
change from uncertain property to a certain property, or from one certain
property to another one, when our relationship with our circumstances
changes. But the ordinary object always show a certain property and it
is difficulty to observe its complementary properties, because an ordinary
object always exists in a certain relationship with its circumstances, which
are the ordinary world in which we live. Therefore the complemen-
tarity reality is general, not suitable only to the microfield. The
complementarity does not derive from our limitated ability to observe
and recognize the atomic objects.
(C) The view of complementarity reality can keep the consistence
between ontology and epistemology. It assumes that what we describe
and observe are what exist.
(D) The view of complementarity reality is consistent with the
scientific belief which is the foundation of all scientific researches. The
scientific belief is definitely described by Einstein as "the belief in an
external world independent of the perceiving subject is the basis of all
natural science.?" It is also expressed by Bohr, when he notes that the
description of atomic phenomena is absolutely objective - it does not
involve any observer.3D The scientific belief that there must be reality
outside of us and independent of our observation, and that our theories
objectively describe it, is retained in quantum mechanics by the view
of complementarity reality.
should be replaced by
This relationship determines that both of them show the same property
of their complementarity reality. When object A is measured and changes
to show its certain momentum. P A (or position qA)' the object B also
changes to show its certain momentum P B (or position qB) because the
object A and the instrument acting on object A, which are the circum-
stance of object B, determine the certain appearances of the properties
of object B. Therefore, the E-P-R paradox does not mean we get the com-
plementary descriptions of object B simultaneously without disturbing it.
It just shows the radical relativity of the appearances of the properties
of the complementarity reality of the object to its circumstance.
Institute of Philosophy,
Hebei Academy of Social Sciences,
Shijiazhuang, China.
1 Jammer, M. (1974) . The Philosophy of Quantum Mechan ics , John Wile y & sons , pp.
2 Bell, J. S. (1987). Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics , Camb. Univ .
Pre ss, p. 190.
3 Bohr, N. (1958) . Quantum Physics and Philosoph y - Causality and Complementarity.
4 Bohr, N. (1934). Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature , Camb. Univ . Press,
5 Schilpp, P. A. (ed .) (1949) . Albert Einstein: Philosophyer-Scientist, Tudar Pub . Co.,
6 Ibid., p. 234.
7 Jammer, M . The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics, p. 204.
s Schilpp, P. A. (ed .), ibid., p. 210.
9 Bohr, N., ibid., p. 48.
10 Bohr, N., ibid., p. 95.
11 Bohr, N., ibid., pp. 56-57.
12 Schilpp , P. A. (ed.), ibid., pp. 209-210.
13 Bohr, N. (1958) . Quantum Physics and Philsophy - Causality and Complementarity.
14 Schilpp, P. A. (ed .), ibid., p. 21 I.
15 Bohr, N., Atomic Theory and the Description of Natur e, p. 68.
16 Schilpp, P. A. (ed .), ibid., p. 223.
17 Bohr, N., ibid., p. 96.
IS Bohr, N., ibid., p. 54.
19 Bohr, N. (1958) . Quantum physics and philosophy - Causality and Complementarity .
20 Bohr, N., Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature, p. 53.
21 Bohr, N., ibid., p. 53.
22 Bohr , N., ibid., p. 57.
The classical view of reality could be called " the view of substance
(orientities)", or "the view of the primary quality". The main ideas are:
The objects of our recognition, especi ally in scientific research, are the
entities in the world. These entities and their attributes are realistic and
objective and by these terms the classical view stresses their indepen-
dence and invariance. An entity is both qualitatively and quantitatively
definite, independent of human observation, existent in itself, as well
as independent of other entities or environment, existent separably or
But as a fact even found in ancient times, we know that some physical
phenomena, like the colour of light, sound, smell and contact feelings,
etc., are related to human senses as well as entities themselves. To explain
these phenomena, a strategy had been developed in traditionally phi-
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.) , Realism and Anti -Reali sm in the
Philosophy of Science, 359-379 .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
losophy, from the atomist and sceptical school of the ancient world
via the Middle Ages to Kepler, GaIiIeo and to its climax with Locke.
The strategy was to make a clear distinction between that in the world
which is absolute, objective, immutable, mathematical, and that which
is relative, subjective, fluctuating and sensed. The former used to be
called primary qualities which could be attributed to substance as its
intrinsic, essential attributes, while the latter were called secondary
qualities, declared to be effects of the action of primary qualities on
human sense organs . So, the secondary qualities are binary (or plural)
functions, neither reducible to the substantial entities, i.e., the primary
qualities completely, nor ascribable to the state of human senses in and
of themselves, namely
(I) y = f(x, x2 ' •• •)
where yare the secondary qualities, x, are entities and their essential
attributes, X2 are the states of human senses. Then, the y's are relative
manifestations, or projections of XI or X2' or relations between XI and
x2• But when the y's are the primary qualities.
(2) y = g(x,)
they have nothing to do, in their exi stence , with surrounding variables.
That is the very ideal of the view of an [objective] entity . Therefore it
was based on the objectivity and invariance of the primary quality, called
also "the view of primary qualities".
The classical view of reality is cons istent with concepts and experi-
ments of CP as well as our daily experiences. In fact, some basic
constants, like mass , extension, time interval and some basic character-
istics of matter, like particle and wave , in CP were often used as examples
of primary qualities, while the view of entity [or substantial thing] con-
stituted a part of the conceptual structure of CPo In Lakatos's terms, we
can analyse the ' hard core' of a physical research program into com-
ponents: a theoretical one and a metaphysical one. Referring to the
former, we mean those basic postulates and laws of a theory which
constitute the physical foundation of a research program. In CP, for
example, Newton 's three laws of motion and the law of universal
gravitation are such components which are applicable to all the mechan-
ical phenomena of objects. The latter refers to the basic conceptual
framework of the world-picture of phys icists, consisting of sediments
accumulated by physical and philosophical thinking from time to time ,
the indivisibility of both the quantum of action and the quantum process.
From the former, we cannot draw a clear line of demarcation between
quantum object and measuring instrument; in principle, we cannot recog-
nize the state of an object as thing in itself, but rather the integral
phenomena as the results of interaction. From the latter, we can find a
way to a probabilistic feature, i.e., deterministic laws in CP which were
based on the principle of continuity are invalid in QM, and we can only
give probabilistic predictions concerning changes of state.
So, causality becomes statistical trend, physical properties become the
probabilistic spectra of eigen-values, and even the quantum objects,
described completely by wave functions, become probabilistic. Just as
was revealed in the wave-particle duality, quantum objects are unique
in the sense that they are essentially different from those in CPo It is
not completely identical with either a particle or a wave, nor both a
particle and a wave, but instead it is something potentially capable of
developing either one of these aspects of its behavior at the expense of
the other. Which of these opposing potentialities will actually be realized
in a given case depends as much on the nature of the system with which
the quantum object interacts as on the object itself. Then, wave property
and particle property, which were thought to be utterly different and
absolutely opposite forms of matter in the classical framework, become
relative manifestations of the same system under different experimental
conditions in the quantum formalism.
Obviously, the above features of QM clash not only with the basic
principles and world picture of CP, but also with the classical view of
reality, because they reveal the quantum integrality, the probability and
potential possib ility of quantum objects, while denying the separability,
locality, and definite, invariant properties, both qualitative and quanti-
tative, of quantum objects. The alternative ways are: holding on to the
view of entities, you must at least deny some of above features, as
Einstein did, or give them compatible interpretation, such as local hidden
variable theory; admitting and insisting on these features, it is neces-
sary to develop a view of quantum reality which is consistent with
Due to the aim of this paper, we will discuss only three views of reality
in QM whose common features may be found after our sketch of them.
Language - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - reality
mathematical - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - reality
1 qua~-i---actual
ordin~- - - - - - - ~ fact
In CP, each language is applicable to both level of reality, but in QM,
"we cannot speak about the atom in ordinary language. The analysis
can now be carried further in two entirely different ways. We can either
ask which language concerning the atoms has actually developed among
the physicists in the thirty years that have elapsed since the formula-
of reality, but no matter whether those relations are between moving body
and reference system in the theory of relativity, or those between micro-
object and measuring instrument in QM, they are all realistic relations
between material systems. Although reference systems and measuring
instruments are chosen, even made by human beings, as soon as they
are chosen, or made-up, the results of experiment are definite or prob-
abilistically predictable. Similarly, the relativity we have emphasized
is the relativity of object to different material systems like frames of
reference, measuring instruments, etc . But in each special case, namely
each special material relation, the information provided to all scientists
is equivalent, objective; there is nothing related to their individual sub-
jective characteristics such as personality, will etc.
(3) Relation is prior to relata in many cases . "One can give a strong
sense to the idea that a relation does not 'reduce' to non-relational prop-
erties by saying that a relation does not supervene upon the non-relational
properties of its relata" (P. Teller, p. 71). Systematic properties of sub-
systems in system theory, quantum properties in QM, and some
high-energy particles produced by cyclotrons, are all examples of such
relata. So contrary to the trend of going deeper and deeper to find the
most 'elementary' particles and their intrinsic fundamental properties, we
find at least some such properties, and even particles, are related or come
from their relations with other material systems. A famous sutra of
Chinese Buddhism says: Things have no inherent attributes, which
emerge from their relations. We think at least we can say some of them
emerge from their relations with others.
(4) Relations and attributes are mutually transformable in different
perspectives. In the general pattern of existence, when we define the
different sorts of relational parameters x2, we face different phenom-
enal worlds, and for each sort of x2, when we give it different values,
we get different phenomena. Then we find not only that attributes become
relations, but also relations become attributes when X2 is defined. So,
when x 2 is a measuring setup in QM, we face the objective world of
quantum properties which may be called the zero-th qualities. When X2
is the frame of reference, we face the physical world of the primary qual-
ities . In this way, we can also confine x2 to the state of human senses
(in the sense of normal people), and then face the common-sense world
of the secondary qualities, even confine X2 to the common aesthetic (or
ethical) experience and then face the aesthetic (or ethical) world of the
third qualities, although for the latter we see the narrower and the weaker
Relational realism came from the reform of the view of physical reality .
In order to give it a much rigorous and general expression, we must enter
into the logico-linguistic field in order to develop the relational logic
which is suitable to relational realism .
Different from the subject-predicate (s-p) logic which was set up by
Aristotle on the base of substance-attribute realism, relational logic
stresses the feature of centering its attention on the relations between
objects. It restricts or replaces the classical judgement formula's is p'
by a formula 'aRb ', adds a relational operator in the standard system
of propositions to serve as a necessary condition for getting the truth
value of a proposition. So corresponding to the existence pattern of
relational realism, a sentence is meaningful in the syntax structure of rela-
tional logic only in form of
y = f(x, r) or Pr(p)
where r is relational operator. That will lead to a series of important
Obviously, s-p logic is suitable to substantial realism which was
centered upon entities, but in such a logical frame of monadic predi-
cates combined by the principle of bivalence, substantial realism
will go to its opposite - antirealism in many cases. When some p
(red) couldn 't be attributed to s (the flower) itself (attributes couldn't
be attributed), or some contradictions arise like s is both p and not p
(the flower is one-meter high and not one-meter high), we have to deprive
s of these p, reduce them to human subjective perceptions and go
to the anti-realistic conclusions of p. In this way, we had deprived
the physical realities of the secondary qualities, we should also deprive
them of the primary qualities, and quantum properties because most of
them are also relational and could not be attributed to realities them-
selves; they are also secondary qualities as many philosophers have
indicated. In the end , we would be metaphysical realists with a bare,
R. S. Cohen , R. Hilpin en and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 381-393.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
(2) I Cnl'Vn) lAo) ---7 I Cnl'Vn) IAn)'
nomenon as the famous ' projection postulate' [6], which supposes that
during the measurement the initial statevector is 'projected' onto one
eigenvector of the Hilbert space. It becomes one of the basic postulates
of the conventional quantum theory. However, it is after all an addi-
tional postulate coming from outside the quantum theory, and is unable
to give the measurement a genuine realistic interpretation in terms of
the intervally valid quantum theory itself. As is well-known, the postu-
late results in the violation of the causal cont inuous evolution of
the statevector governed by a Schrodinger equation, breaks down the
symmetry of time evolution, makes the theoretical description fail to
be in a one-to-one correspondence with the empirical fact rationally,
and leaves a back door for the subjective interpretations of E. Wigner
et al.
According to scientific realism , the quantum theory should be able
to really reflect such a physical process as the measurement. Only a
theory can determine what we are able to observe. Because the theoretical
description does not show that the statevector reduction will occur, if
we still hold that the quantum theory is correct, then we should not
hold that the statevector really ' reduces' . Moreover, there is no time scale
for automatic reduct ion of the state vector, which is compatible with all
observations [7]. Besides, the "statevector reduction" is said to be relative
to the apparatus. Since the device and the object already constitute an
inseparable composite system, we should analyze from the perspective
of the framework of the composite system . In this way, the eigenstates
"disappeared in measurement" cannot be logically considered to have
disappeared. They should unchangedly exist beyond the macrointerval of
the device and inside the composite system. The so-called statevector
reduction, I think, actually shows that there is the mechanism of macro-
intervalized action made by the measuring device. This is to say,
the measuring device constitutes the macrointervalized action to the
statevector of the microsystem, which makes a certain eigenstate manifest
as an actual macrostate, i.e., leaves a permanent macroscopic localized
record in a measurement instrument that can be confirmed by all
observers. Meanwhile, it destroys the coherence of physical states, and
makes the other eigenstates be potentialized beyond the macro interval.
For instance, in the Stern-Gerlach experiment about a spin I12 atom,
the total spin about the z-axis has ±I12 two values corresponding respec-
tively to two opposite oriented statevectors. A mark emerging in the upper
or lower side of the detecting screen along the z-axis, reflects a mani-
festing act of the device to some eigenstate of spin of the atom, mean-
while another eigenstate of the spin is potentialized beyond the
macroscopic screen. Suppose the macrointervalized action is represented
by the operator I, which is equivalent to the projection operator in the
mathematical status .
Therefore, the measurement process can be represented as follows:
(5) Ic mf = 1('I'mAmllIJ)12/1('PllIJ)12.
I. Bohr, N. (1948). ' On the Notion of Causality and Complementarity', Dialectics 2,
2. Fraassen , B. C. van (1980). The Scientifi c Image, Oxford University Press, Oxford,
3. Bohr, N. (1935). Phys. Rev. 48, pp. 695-702.
4. Dieks, D. (1989). ' Quantum Mechanics Without the Projection Postulate and Its Realistic
Interpretation', Found. Phys. 19, p. 1402, p. 1416.
5. Einstein, A., Podolsky, B. and Rosen, N. (1935). Phys. Rev. 47, pp. 777-780.
6. Jammer, Max (1986). The Conceptual Development of Quantum Mechanics , McGraw-
Hill Book Company, p. 351, p. 371.
7. Squires, Euan (1986). The Mystery of the Quantum World, Adam Hilger Ltd, Bristol
and Boston, p. 53.
8. DeWitt and Graham (1973). The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics,
Princeton University Press, Princeton.
9. Bohm, D. (1952) . ' A Suggested Interpretation of the Quantum Theory in Terms of
'Hidden' Variables' , Phys. Rev. 85, pp. 166-179, 180-193 .
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 395-403.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- -- - - - - - - ------~ c - --
Rumford's photometer
Fig. I.
feet and the other was twenty feet long. The procedure employed a
standard source for comparison, say a candle, placed on one arm at,
say, 10°. Another source was then moved up and down the second arm
until the shadows were equally dense. For instance, if the second source
were to cast an equally dense shadow at the position marked 400°, then
the test light would be forty times as intense as the standard candle.
The experiment proceeded by using a standard wax candle at 100°
on one arm of the photometer. Next an Argand lamp, cleaned and
trimmed, was placed successively at 100° intervals on the other arm. The
wick was adjusted so that the shadows were equally deep. Thus the
lamp shone with intensities of 100° to 900° in 100° steps. The amount
of oil consumed in thirty minutes at each station was carefully measured.
(The lamp was weighed before and after the thirty minute period, with
the difference in weights recorded.) After some arcane juggling of figures
in order to get a basis for comparison, Rumford arrived at the following
table, showing how much intensity of light can be attributed to the con-
sumption of 100 "units" of oil per hour at the different intensities of
Intensity of the lamp Light furnished per hour per
100 parts of oi I
1000 48 0
200 74
300 98
400 112
500 121
600 138
600 149
800 155
900 160
The first row tells us that if the Argand lamp were to burn for one
hour at 100° of brilliance, then 100 "units" of oil would furnish 48° of
the brilliance of the light. And in the last row, if the lamp were to bum
for one hour at a brilliance of 900°, then 100 units of oil would contribute
160° of the brilliance.
Rumford remarks:
On comparing the results of these nine experiments, it appears that the quantities of
light furnished were very far from being in a constant ratio to the quantities of oil
consumed, as they would doubtless have been, were light one of the chemical products
of combustion,
~~ ~I
/ [=:1
: 6
§ gO
70 "
<, ,I
~ j E/
~I sn ~ ,.:
~~ ] :,.:/
o ¥-~---,-- "-~-_y_-_r-_r- , I I I ,
o 1. ~ B 10
y M(l- e )
y 170 (1- e )
Fig. 2.
Regardless of the reasons for its neglect, the fact remains that the
paper was neglected, and so remains in the archives of scientific litera-
ture . But Rumford's experimental results never became a part of the
corpus of science (scientific knowledge, scientific truths). The contrast
with the cannon-boring paper is striking. There Rumford subscribed
to a(n untenable) vibratory theory of heat (not random motion of
Rejecting the design argument for the existence of God does not make
one an atheist. Likewi se, rejecting the inference from the fact that science
Department of Philosophy,
SUNY at Fredonia, NY,
I An earlier, and more complete, version of this paper will appear in Synthese
99(1) (1994) 111-121 .
2 Phil. Trans. 140 (1850) . Joule mentions Rumford in his earlie r papers, but this is the
first time he uses Rumford 's reported observations.
) 'On the Light Manifested in Combustion ' , Phil. Trans. (1812)
4 A brief descript ion of these photometers can be found in A. Wolf, A History of Science.
Technology . & Philosophy in the 18th Century, Vol. I (Harper Torchbook, 1961, New
York) pp. 167-170. According to W. J. Sparrow, Count Rumford of Woburn . Mass.
(Thomas Y. Crowell , 1964, New York), Rumford deve loped his instrument in ignorance
of the earlier work. Since the principles upon which all of them were constructed are so
simple , Rumford may have learned about the earlier models through conversations. The
point is not important here and will not be pursued.
5 Rumford actually had two opaque objects so that the shadows from the two sources
would be next to each other on the screen . This variation increased the sensitiv ity of
the judgment of equal darkness, but did not affect the point of the photometer.
6 James Bogen and James Woodward , ' Saving the Phenomena ' , The Philosophical Review
XCVII 3 (July 1988) 303-352. Jim Woodward , ' Data and Phenomena ' , Synthe se 79 (1989)
7 It is not possible to estimate the error s of measurement in these experiments, since
Rumford did not mention the weights of the Argand lamps nor how much oil was used .
Because he determined the oil consumed by subtracting the weight of the lamp after
burning for a half hour from the weight of the full lamp at the beginning , it is clear that
the error in the difference of two large numbers can be quite substantial.
S My thanks to S. Brown , J. McKenna, and D. Jelski, colleagues at SUNY at Fredonia,
for helping me with a little curve fitting experiment.
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 405-417 .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers .
theory that would serve just as well, why should we believe that any
one theory is true? This is a variation of the argument Pope Urban VIII
stated to Galileo which he repeated in The Two Chief World Systems ;13
namely, that however persuasive the empirical evidence might be it
should be remembered that God in his omniscience and omnipotence
could have caused things to occur by many means inconceivable to
man beyond those they appear to have . The argument has a certain
heuristic value (as in Galileo's case where he was mistaken about the
cause of the tides), in that it acknowledges the fallibility of scientific
inquiry and cautions against premature acceptance of a theory, but
does it warrant the conclusion that we never are justified in believing
that any theory is true (within certain domains and relative to certain
approximations)? - for example, the kinetic-molecular interpretation of
gases, electrical conduction, the explanation of chemical reactions in
terms of molecular structures and bonds, the chemical-electrical inter-
pretation of synaptic discharges and neurotransmitters, etc.
What weight should be given to an argument based on a theoretical
possibility as compared to actual historical precedents ? For if we consider
modern scientific controversies, invariably there were two or three com-
peting theories, not an indefinite number of possible contenders. While
during the proto stage of scientific development (as in Presocratic phi-
losophy) a wide diversity of explanations was possible, as scientific
inquiry advanced with its methodology becoming more selective and
its theories more refined, the possible interpretations became more
restricted. Consider the classic example of the Copernican revolution
where there were just three competing theories, the Aristotelian-
Ptolemaic-geocentric view, the Copernican-Keplerian-heliocentric sys-
tem, and the Tychonic compromise. Would anyone claim that the sub-
sequent evidence provided by Gal ileo's new telescopic observations
and Newton's universal law of gravitation (finally "resolving the problem
of the planets") did not justify astronomers in believing that the helio-
centric theory of the planetary system was true? Should Galileo, Kepler,
and Newton have remained skeptical as to the truth of heliocentrism
because another explanation theoretically was possible?
Or consider another classic example, the "hypotheses" offered to
explain light in terms of part icles or corpuscles and pulses or waves?
Based on the evidence of the sharp outline of shadows and the refrac-
tion of light in denser mediums (which he attributed to attraction of
the corpuscles), Newton concluded that the corpuscular hypothesis was
correct, even though he was aware that other phenomena such as color
films and diffraction seemed to support the pulsation or wave hypoth-
esis of Hooke and Huygens. Newton's prestige, along with the success
of atomism in chemical explanations, was such that the corpuscular
hypothesis prevailed until the early nineteenth century when experiments
by Young and Fresnel demonstrated that diffraction patterns supported
the wave theory of light, and Foucault proved that light is retarded in
denser mediums contrary to Newton's corpuscular prediction . As a result,
the wave theory was accepted until Einstein's explanation of the photo-
electric effect reintroduced the conception of discrete quanta of light
as photons, which was confirmed by the scattering experiments of Arthur
Compton. Now light is believed to have both particle and wave char-
acteristics, as detected under different experimental conditions.
While this brief history suggests that it would have been imprudent
earlier to have decided conclusively in terms of either particles or waves,
it also shows that the experimental evidence constrained the possibili-
ties of explanation. This was true of other controversies, such as the fluid
or particle interpretation of electrical conduction, the caloric versus the
kinetic theory of heat, Stahl's phlogiston versus Lavoisier's oxygen expla-
nation of combustion, Darwin's natural selection conception of evolution
versus Lamarck' s inherited characteristics, the Golgi reticulum versus the
Cajal neuronal theory, or Linus Pauling's protein versus Watson's and
Crick's nucleic acid interpretation of genes, etc. In each case the evidence,
along with the theoretical constraints based on accepted theories, decided
the issue, despite the possibility of other unknown explan ations!
At the frontiers of science (as today in quantum mechanics) there is
considerable uncertainty as to what is the correct interpretation, but this
was always true. When reading the works of Galileo and Newton 14 one
is struck by the fact that they were very doubtful as to whether suffi-
cient evidence ever would be forthcoming to decide whether the universe
was spherically finite or indefinitely extended (Galileo) or to explain
the nature of gravity and of attractive and repulsive forces (Newton).
While it is true that some of these problems are still with us, many others
have been settled. Thus the mere theoretical possibility of alternative
theories should not be an impediment to believing a theory once the
evidence is compelling, as it is in many instances. It surely is an unwar-
ranted inference from the fact that it is always possible that another theory
could be found to explain the same phenomena to the conclusion that
no scientific theory , regardless of the evidence, can be considered true.
If anyone offers conje ctures about the truth of things from the mere possibility of
hypotheses, I do not see how any thing certain can be determined in any science ; for it
is always possible to contrive hypotheses, one after another. . . . Wherefore I judged
that one should abstain from considering hypotheses as from a fallacious argument, and
that the force of their opposition must be removed, that one may arrive at a maturer
and more general explanation. IS
scientific concepts and laws that make possible scientific reasoning, infer-
ence, and prediction.
Intellectual development, whether personal or historical, consists of
a reorganization of the conceptual framework by revising the meaning
of older concepts and introducing new ones, which in turn modifies the
implicative or entailment connections composing the strands in the
network, and by adjustments in the weights given to the evidential
significance of the statements. This is why theory change, even if
revolutionary, is never wholesale. Some of the concepts and/or their
meanings are modified while new ones are added disrupting the implica-
tive relations. Whereas in the order framework the inferential links tended
to be consistent or coherent, modifications introduce incongruities and
anomalies that require reinterpretation of the meanings as well as the
rejection of older, and the creation of newer, concepts. But if all the
underlying concepts and their entailment relations were changed, the
system would be completely unintelligible. As Paul Thagard states: "Thus
even revolutionary conceptual change occurs against a background of
concepts that have relative stability". 18
This is why ordinary language plays such a central role in any dis-
course - it provides the broadest and most familiar background by means
of which new concepts can be explicated and defined. Bohr made the
same claim for classical physics, asserting that discourse in quantum
mechanics presupposes the description of laboratory equipment and
experimental phenomena in the language of Newtonian physics. There
must be some underlying conceptual-symbolic system that remains rela-
tively stable and intelligible if one is to talk sensibly of paradoxes and
anomal ies.
This can be illustrated best in terms of actual historical develop-
ments , such as the Copernican Revolution, the favorite example of Kuhn
and Feyerabend. Certainly there was considerable ambiguity, misun-
derstanding, and irrationality underlying the opposing arguments in the
early seventeenth century. But even granted this, the transformation of
the traditional geocentric universe into the heliocentric system was a
gradual process, as Kuhn himself argued in his earlier book." Copernicus
left the traditional universe essentially as it was, arguing that a simpler
more interconnected explanation of planetary motion could be obtained,
and artificial computing devices such as the equant eliminated, if one
described the orbital revolution of the planets with the sun rather
than the earth at the center - as Aristarchus had suggested nearly two
millennia earlier. This interchange of the sun and the earth had its jarring
conceptual implications affecting the meanings of ' terrestrial' and 'celes-
tial bodies ', since the stationary earth would revolve among the celestial
bodies and the rising and setting sun would be stationary and centrally
located in the terrestrial world . In addition, terrestrial objects would no
longer fall to the center of the universe but to the center of the earth.
The motion of the earth introduced further problems: if the earth had
an orbital revolution why was no stellar parallax observed and why are
not clouds and birds left behind as the earth revolves? If the earth
rotates on its axis diurnally causing the apparent rising and setting of
the sun , why are not objects thrown from the earth's surface, why do
objects propelled straight upward return to the same location, and why
do cannon balls fired in opposite directions with the same force land
an equal distance away (since the earth should have rotated further from
one and towards the other during their flights)? These objections are
indicative of disrupted semantic or entailment relations based on the
changed meaning of the concepts induced by the heliocentric conception,
yet the general framework of the older system remained intact: e.g .,
the assumption of a finite spherical universe with a center and periphery
bounded by the fixed stars, the inferior and superior planets revolving
around the center with a circular uniform motion, etc. Most of the dif-
ficult ies had to do with reconciling the earth to its new position as a
revolving, rotating planet.
It was Kepler who, in order to describe precisely the orbital revolu-
tion of the planets based on a sun-centered system and Tycho 's
astronomical observations of Mars, challenged the ancient simplifying
assumptions that the planets as celestial bodies must have perfect circular
and uniform motions. By discarding these assumptions he was able for
the first time in history to formulate precise laws depicting and predicting
planetary motions along with their relative orbital distances from the sun.
Then Galileo introduced new astronomical data derived from his tele-
scopic observations that undermined the ancient distinction between the
celestial and terrestrial worlds: the observation of mountains and craters
on the moon resembling those on the earth , spots revolving on the surface
of the sun suggesting clouds, satellites revolving around Jupiter resem-
bling the earth and its satellite the moon , and the evidence of the phases
of Venus supporting the predictions based on the heliocentric system
and refuting those derived from the geocentric view.
In addition, Galileo skilfully devised arguments rebutting the objec-
Department of Philosophy,
The George Washington University,
1 Fraassen, Bas van (1980). The Scientific Ima ge, Clarendon Press, Oxford , p. 81.
2 Ibid., p. 18.
3 Cf. Schlagel, Richard H. (1988). ' "Critical Study": "Experimental Real ism: A Critique
of Bas van Fraassen's " Constructive Empiricism?", in Review of Metaphysics 41, June
1988, pp. 789-814.
4 Fine, Arthur (1986). The Shaky Game: Einstein Realism and the Quantum Reality ,
The University of Chicago Pres s, Chicago, p. 120.
5 Ibid., p. 117.
6 Ibid., p. 130. Brackets added .
7 Cf. Schlagel, Richard H. (1991). '''Critical Notice ": " Fine ' s ' Shaky Game' (And Why
NOA is No Ark for Science)"', Philosophy of Science 58 , June 1991, pp. 307-323.
8 Cf. Cartwright, Nancy (1983). How the Laws of Physics Lie, Oxford University Press,
Oxford, p. 152.
9 Kepler, Johannes (1963). Astronomia Nova, Prefatory Malter . Quoted from Koestler,
Arthur, The Sleep Walkers, Universal Library, New York, p. 169.
10 Cf. Schlagel, Richard H. (1985). Contextual Realism : A Meta-physical Framework
14 This is based on my research for Volume II of From Myth to the Modern Mind ,
Copernicus through Quantum Mechanics .
15 Letter to Oldenburg, Secretary of the Royal Society, in reply to Pardies ' objections
to Newton' s theory of colors. Quoted from Sir Isaac Newton (1962). Principia, Vol. 2,
"The System of the World", Motte's trans., revised by Cajori, University of California
Press, Berkeley , p. 677.
16 Cf. Kuhn, Thoma s S. (1962). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions , University of
Chicago Press, Chicago.
17 Cf. Feyerabend, Paul (1978). Against Method, Verso, London, p. 23.
18 Thagard , Paul (1992). Conceptual Revolutions , Princeton University Press, Princeton,
19 Cf. Kuhn, Thomas S. (1957). The Copernican Revolution , Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, pp. 180-184. In my opinion his earlier analy sis is more correct than the
later one.
20 Quoted by Crease , Robert P. and Mann, Charles C. ' How the Universe Works' , The
Atlanti c Monthly , August 1984, p. 92.
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-R ealism in the
Philosophy of Science, 419-426.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
420 ZHOU 11 HONG
The Empiricist and Popperian views of science take scientific laws and
theories to be statements of the form; for all X, if all X has the property
F, then X has the property G. The first step is conceptually to delin-
eate a universe of X's having property F, and then it is to be empirically
determined whether such X's also have property G. A number of these
X's are thus to be observed and found either to have or not to have
this property.' But this kind of view, based on a Deductive-Model, was
rejected by later philosophers after the criticism of Kuhn and Feyerabend
who offer a Gestalt-Model as the substitute. From the point of view of
a psychologist and historian, Kuhn used the term ' incommensurable '
in order to express what is perhaps the same particular insights concerning
the nature of the relation between certain scientific theories.' So scien-
tific theories are not taken to be statements corresponding with a truth
value , but are instead likened to individual empirical concepts or pred -
icates which are intended to apply only to certain phenomena. Thus
theories are conceived of as being intended to apply to certain states
of affairs, and to be such that they may be judged to be more or less
successful in their application."
The progress of scientific philosophy of Post-Kuhnian and post-
Feyerabendian [analysis] shows that restricting attention to syntactical
at the expense of semantic problems is a lopsided view, which does not
conform to the history of science (particularly the history of physics).
Although Kuhn's explanation is on a correct path by which scientific
theory is regarded as a correlated and historical unit, it has so strong a
psychological tint that it is apt to introduce people to an indefinite and
imprecise state.
Considering that these views are not all satisfactory I put forward
an alternative view about scientific theory as the basic idea of MPA. In
only playa role of enlightenment. The really core part of a theory lies
in its operational framework which is determined by some basic elements
of the theory. For example, as to the mechanical law: F = m, 11vi11t. While
in appearance this law seems to explain the cause of an object's motion
and its regularity, the formula itself gives us nothing else than an instru-
ment by which we can measure interrelated parameters, examine relations
between objects or motions and predict the result of a given mechan-
ical process. Here all these terms (F, m, v, t) are operable in experiment
although they may be attached with unnecessary principles or metaphors.
In short, it is an operational framework within which people can exper-
iment and forecast to understand the relations between elements and
dispositions of an object.
In the case of classical physics, no postulate contains the term 'mea-
surement' and in whatever expressions the term may appear, it is always
eliminable in favor of other theoretical terms. Now in empirical science,
a theoretical statement must be confirmed either directly or ind irectly
by empirical evidence." According to MPA's opinion, a scientist always
brings experimental data into a correlative methematicized connection or
context, the cluster of laws, or a specific model, and harmonizes them .
The viability of theory depends rather on the fact that it indicates the
mathematicized angle of view, and the operational program of thus
observable phenomena can be treated by mathematical means and exper-
iments, more than that giving a kind of plausibly speculative hypothesis.
For scientists, theory is the means which they design to solve those
problems left unresolved. For instance, force to Newton was never
an obscure qualitative action, as the sympathies and antipathies of
Renaissance Naturalism had been. He set it in a precisely mechanical
context in which force was measured by the quantity of motion it could
generate.' Within the operational framework and mathematical system of
theory, the parameters, terms and theoretical entities would take a defined
denotation which is operational directly or indirectly in experiments.
When going into the operational framework and mathematical system,
the property and disposition of object can be described, tested and pre-
dicted during the mathematicized practice.
From the surface, we can only see that scientific theory seems consti-
tuted of principles, and explanatory model(s); we cannot see its core
content. It is obvious that scientific theory does not directly describe mea-
surement processes and operational structures, but the mathematical
system, dimension system and basic frame of reference which theory
contains will jointly indicate the operational framework. This in-formed
framework also exists in the explanational model, the inductive hypoth-
esis. Even if the theoretical parts, more precisely, the inferential and
explanatory parts are denied, the in-formed framework will remain and
still be the base of the development of theory, as it is stable in its
operational style and experimental data/phenomena. The operational
framework makes it possible for scientists to go further to construct
mathematical laws, universal principles, and to 'abduct' a working
hypothesis and a theoretical explanation.
However, MPA is different from instrumentalism, for it does not regard
scientific theory only as a useful means, but argues that theory can exhibit
a scientific picture of the world through its operational framework .
From scientific theory's axioms, deductive - hypothesis system, and other
theoretical components we can infer some universal conclusions. Based
on these conclusions people can explain and comprehend matter's struc-
ture and motion, phenomena's cause and result. In other words , people
can understand what the world is and why it so happens, relying on
abductive inference within the operational framework. In short, scientific
theory is a cognizing apparatus of mathematicized practice: it constructs
mathematical models and an operating program by which it would reflect
a picture about nature. So MPA not only treats scientific theory as a
kind of means which is a practical medium but also treats it as an
ideological mediation between subject and object.
From this opinion of MPA, I maintain that theory is the ' eye ' of human
cognition, that we can realize matters underlying the natural phenomena
only by this ' eye ' . This is by means of scientific theory and the human
eye in order to reflect the abstractly rational image and the perceptual
image which human being can 'see' in the world . The rational image
of the world goes far beyond the commonsense image , for it is a kind
of abstract structure which often renews and replaces, and it not only
comes from abductive inference and conjecture based on scientific laws
and theories but also comes from subjective impressions based on the
explanations of such theories.
Of course, this scientific image is not as stable as a sensory image
which depends on human sensory experience, while also not as trust-
worthy for it is the result of mental activity as to what originates from
view. Rather, MPA recognizes science at the point of practice and offers
a new idea about truth.
Inside scientific practice, that is, at the operating level, we cannot
regard scientific theory as a literally true story about the world and
should realize that it is just constructed by scientists, grounding it on
basic mathematicized elements which correspond with certain operations.
As a subjective structure, it has no necessary relation with the natural
world; realists cannot provide full reasons in favor of themselves, so anti-
realism is more applicable. On the other hand, outside scientific practice,
that is, at an external, onlooking level, scientific theory is the only way
with which we can aim to understand the natural world, and it can be
treated as 'acceptable truth' when its results are well-confirmed and its
mathematical model and operational framework are empirically adequate.
MPA does not oppose Tarski's definition of truth, but it believes that,
as an anthropocentric practice, science can acquire a kind of accept-
able truth. Based on this notion of truth, scientific theory can be true and,
then, realism's attitude is unavoidable.
So realism and antirealism are incommensurable and complemen-
tary at different levels in MPA. In fact, we can find that realism and
antirealism cannot always offer abundant reasons in defence of their
opinions, and their strong attitudes have obvious shortcomings which are
difficult to accept; in fact NOA had analysed them clearly. Here I suggest
MPA to go a step further. Certainly, MPA cannot completely solve the
divergences between realism and antirealism, but it helps to provide a
unified thought for us to clear up some confusion in the realist and
antirealist controversy.
I See Fine, Arthur (1984). 'The Natural Ontological Altitude ', in Jarrett Leplin (ed.),
Scientific Realism, University of California Press, California , pp. 97-101.
2 Dilworth , Craid (1986). Scientific Progress, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht,
p. 77.
3 Kuhn, T. S. (1962). The Structure ofScientific Revolutions . University of Chicago Press,
Chicago, p. 102.
4 Ibid., p. 147.
5 Fraassen, Bas van (1989). Laws and Symmetry, Oxford, Clarendon Press, p. 22.
6 Cf. Cohen, R. S. and Wartosky, M. W. (eds) (1984). 'Physical Sciences and History
of Physics', Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 82, p. 148.
7 Westfall, Richard S. The Construction ofModern Science. Cambridge University Press,
London, p. 143.
R. S. Cohen. R. Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in the
Philosophy of Science, 427-447 .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
one hand, this is a trivial point, but on the other, it is significant since
only by making it are we able to see the crucial issues clearly.
Economists talk about realism on a daily basis. They argue about
"the realism" of this or that theory or model or assumption, such as those
of profit maximization, stable preferences and technology, full infor-
mation on the part of agents, perfect competition, full employment
equilibrium, benevolent state. Some economists - such as Herbert Simon
- hold the view that the "realism" of such assumptions is a major issue
and that more "realism" is better than less. Some others - such as Milton
Friedman - think that the "realism" of assumptions does not matter a
bit if only they help construe theories or models that provide good pre-
dictions or possess other pragmatic virtues.
Philosophers have a long tradition of talking about realism. They
discuss the problem of the existence of universals, of natural necessity,
of the mental, of subatomic particles, of moral values . They also argue
about how language relate s to the world, of reference and truth. Those
who espouse realism may hold the view that either properties, moral
values, the theoretical entities of physics or all of them may really exist ;
and that language can be used to refer to such realities and to formu-
late true statements about them. The anti-realists reject such views.
Most of the time, these two discourses, by economists and by philoso-
phers, do not overlap. Indeed , when economists talk about the "realism"
of their theories and their constituents, they do not talk about realism
in the philosophers' sense at all. Using the term economists charac-
terize various properties of economic representations. But realism as a
philosophical doctrine is not a property of economic theories and their
constituent parts. Thus, using the term economists must mean some-
thing else . Perhaps due to the poverty of the Engl ish language, there
has not been available a separate expression for this something. My
suggestion is that when using the term 'realism ' economists are talking
about what may be called realisticness. Realisticness and unrealistic-
ness are properties attributable to economic representations. Given this
stipulation, ' realism' can be reserved for denoting a philosophical
doctrine or many such doctrines (Maki, 1989).1
The introduction of the distinction between realism and realisticness
has two significant consequences. First, it facilitates the recognition
that neither of these categories is unambiguous, that there are a number
of relevant kinds of both. Second, it helps us understand that within
economics there are widely discussed kinds of realisticness (and unre-
The ontological issue of existence is the place to begin when dealing with
the questions of realism. The most general definition of ontological
realism goes as follows:
Def 1. Ontological realism is the thesis that X exists or that Xs
This formulation permits a vast number of alternative specific versions
of ontological realism. Here X is a variable which has to be given
appropriate values. 'Exist' is also in need of specification. Its presumed
extension and intension can be specified separately. I will make a sug-
gestion to this effect in the next section.
The next natural step in our clarification of realism is to face
the semantic issue of truth and its prerequisites, reference and repre-
Def 2. Semantic realism is the thesis that (not any, but many) lin-
guistic expressions refer to entities that exist (referential
realism) and represent their features (representational realism)
and are either true or false about them partly by virtue of what
they are like , i.e., by virtue of the way the world is (veristic
The respective semantic forms of (un)realisticness are the ones that
are connected to semantic realism. They are referential, representa-
tional and veristic (un)realisticness, attributable to some linguistic
which hinges upon the concept of objective existence and the centrality
of mental entities in much if economics.
Def. 5. Objective existence. X exists objectively relative to a given
representation iff it exists unconstituted by that particular
representation. (Both material, social, and mental entities may
exist objectively.)
In accordance with this specification, something exists objectively only
relative to particular representations of that something. Objective exis-
tence relative to representation R is denied those entities whose existence
depends on R or is constituted by R. Along with material entities (such
as the molecular structure of gold) and social entities (e.g ., money, the
market mechanism), also mental entities (such as preferences, purposes,
and expectations) may exist objectively. This is because mental entities
represented from a third-person point of view are not constituted by
such representations even though they may be constituted by other (first-
person) representations. The preferences of a consumer are not brought
to existence by being represented by an economic theoretician.
It used to be a popular view in the nineteenth century, from Nassau
Senior and J. S. Mill onwards, to regard economic theory as based on
two kinds of premises, material and mental, such as the law of dimin-
ishing returns and the desire for wealth respectively. The objects of
material premises may exist independently, but the referents of the mental
premises may exist objectively at most.
This means that a realism about economics and a realism about physics
do not have a single shared concept of existence. A realism about
economics needs the notion of objective existence and finds that of mind-
independent existence too restrictive. A realism about physics is able
to combine the two .
is not a folk entity. Even in this case, however, the issue can be dealt
with as that of the truth of the metaphor.
For the most part, the issue is that of the truth (or otherwise benefi-
cence) of the many representations involved in scientific economics. The
modifications of the folk objects typically involve statements that
are obviously false (such as the assumptions of perfect information
or transitive preferences or zero tran saction costs). Their falsehood,
however, may at least sometimes serve the purpose of pursuing true
specifications of rearrangement [SE]. Since there are alternative sets of
modifications and rival specific rearrangements, the issue of true rep-
resentation plays a significant role, at least potentially (see Maki, 1994).
It does so on two fronts, as it were. The modification of individual folk
objects involves the issue of semantic commonsense realism, i.e., the
issue of whether the representations of the folk objects are usefully true
or false. The rearrangement of those objects in the form of entire theories
involves the issue of semantic scientific realism, Le., the issue of whether
this or that suggested rearrangement succeeds in truthfully representing
the detailed mechanism of social constitution.
Of course, [RSS] (R for ' realism' and S's for 'success' and 'science')
is not a complete argument. For instance, premises concerning the beliefs,
aims and behavior of scientists are missing. The important point is
being delivered though. Realism, in the form of the two premises, is
provided as an explanation of the technological success of science. In
accordance to the inference to the best explanation, we are invited to
conclude that realism about science is true. Since (3) is true, in all like-
lihood (l) and (2) are true as well.
Applied to the case of economics, we get the following enthymemic
argument [RSE] (E standing for ' economics' ):
[RSE] (l') Terms in economic theories are typically referentially
(2') The laws of an economic theory are typically approxi-
mately true (i.e., veristically realistic).
anything like the same kind and scale as physics (it is possible to take
this as one indication of the immaturity of economics). Among the ways
of grounding this belief are the following two. It may be maintained that,
as a historical fact, economics does not have a comparatively strong
predictive and technological record. In addition, or alternatively, it may
be argued that, due to the nature of its subject matter, economics is not
capable of attaining technological success which would even distantly
approximate that in physics. The tradition of Austrian economics and
a version of rational expectations macroeconomics exemplify this
argument. At the core of these versions of the argument are the ideas that
the subject matter of economics is peculiarly complex and that economics
is confronted with the problem of reflexivity."
The mere existence of such arguments indicates that the success of
economics is not an uncontroversial fact. The status of the explanandum
of [RSE] is suspect. Therefore, it is problematic to propose explaining
technological success by appealing to semantic realisticness.
Thirdly, the inference to the inverse direction is problematic, too. This
is because technological success does not seem to be needed to estab-
lish the semantic realisticness of economic theories (nor is technological
failure needed to infer to unrealisticness of theory). Regarding (I ') , econ-
omists are fairly convinced of the referential realisticness of their basic
terms and of the existence of their referents independently of whether the
theories containing them are technologically successful. This is because
those referents are folk objects, as argued above. Business firms and
households, their beliefs and aims, money, goods and their prices, etc .
are not theoretical entities in the same way as electrons and quarks are.
This also appears to support the old experiential tradition in econo-
mists' thinking about the character of their theories, going back to Nassau
Senior and J. S. Mill. In 1888, John Elliot Cairnes compared the situa-
tion in physics and economics in this way :
[Tlhe laws of gravitation and of motion [. . . ,1 the undulatory theory of light, the theory
of the molecular constitution of matter, the doctrine of vis inertia? - all alike elude direct
observation, and are only known to us through their physical effects. [. . .] The econo-
mis t starts with a knowledge of ult imate causes. He is already, at the outset of his
enterprise, in the position which the physicist only attains after ages of laborious research
(Cairnes, 1888 [1875]: pp. 84, 87).
are close to the truth. Robbins provides a radical version of this belief:
"We do not need controlled experiments to establish their validity; they
are so much the stuff of our everyday experience that they have only
to be stated to be recognised as obvious." (Robbins, 1935: p. 79). The
important thing is that none of these beliefs is usually based on con-
siderations of technological success .
To conclude, an admission to the technological success argument can
be made. I have suggested that assessments of the semantic realistic-
ness of a given economic theory T are not typically based on the
perceived technological success of T. However, this does not preclude
the possibility that it may be based on pretheoretical, that is, pre- T
success. In a sense, folk economics is based on the practical experi-
ence, the successes and failures, of economic agents in their everyday
business operations, whether as "housewives" or "businessmen". If it
is the case that T shares with folk econom ics most of its referents, then
whatever technological success folk economics may have, serves as a
practical foundation for the ontological commitments of T. In this way,
pretheoretical success might play the role of grounding existential belief
within scientific economics. Yet, it is not technological success in a more
demanding sense and it is not the success of an economic theory itself
that is being used as a criterion of existence.
Academy of Finland.
* Earlier versions have been presented at the Annual Conference of the History of
Economics Society, Fairfax, 30 May-2 June, 1992, and at the conference on Realism
and Anti-Realism in Science, Beijing, 15-17 June, 1992, and to audiences at the World
Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University and at
the Hong Kong Institute of Economic Science . Thanks to the four audiences for lively dis-
cussions. Special thanks for helpful comments go to Siddiq Osmani, Nancy Wulwick,
Victor Mok and, in particular, Alex Viskovatoff.
I The inaccurate usage of ' realism' (and even 'reality') is not restricted to the eco-
nomics profession. We can find a physicist talking about "the realism of physical theories"
(Franklin , 1984, p. 381) and " the reality of theories" (ibid., p. 389), and a philosopher
discussing the " reality of assumptions" in economics (Musgrave, 1981). Yet, the scale
of such a usage seems to be of a completely different order in the case of economics.
2 It turns out that economist Tony Lawson's suggestion for a definition of ' realism' is
not quite apt for economics: " there is a material and social world that exists indepen-
dently of any individual consciousness . .." (Lawson, 1989, p. 61).
J Alexander Rosenberg has emphatically made the point that economics and other social
sciences are heavily dependent on folk psychological notions (e.g., Rosenberg, 1981).
4 This perspective on the matter is not devoid of problems . One of them is the very notion
of folk economics. We do not have a very accurate idea of the contents of economic
folk views ; we are much more enlightened about the contents of folk psychology and
folk physics, for example . Some research has been done in the are of a so-called naive
economics, and it should be of some help here. Naive economics, however, is mostly
concerned with children 's views of econom ic mailers. The problem is that a great number
of grown-ups have some education in "scientific" economics and use it in their everyday
conceptualization of economic phenomena . Thus, the dividing line between scientific eco-
nomics and actually held economic folk views would not seem to be entirely sharp. Folk
economics has to be taken as a simplification itself. Note also that I am using 'scien-
tific economics ' as a descriptive, non-evaluative term.
5 This suggestion implies that those economists in the 1960's were wrong who sug-
gested that 'firm ' and other such basic terms be treated as ("partially interpreted")
theoretical terms akin to 'e lectron' (e.g., Ysander, 1961; Puu, 1967; Fabian, 1967).
6 The possible arguments are not exhausted by these. Yet another possibility is to argue
as Rosenberg does, namely that in the background of the predictive and technological
impotency of economics lies its dependence on folk psychological categorial frame -
work: the intentional vocabulary of folk psychology fails to carve the nature into the joints,
i.e., into natural kinds or causally homogenous classes . He suggests this as an explana -
tion for the predictive and technological failures of economics which he takes as an
uncontroversial fact (Rosenberg, 1981).
7 Note that if Hacking is right with his argument from the manipulability of electrons,
then Robbins's statement would have to be qualified .
Cairnes, John Eliot (1888 [1975]). The Chara cter and Logical Method of Polit ical
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Hacking, Ian (1983). Representing and Intervening , Cambridge University Press ,
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Hausman , Daniel (1992). The Inexact and Separate Science of Economics, Cambridge
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Lawson, Tony (1989). ' Abstraction, Tendencies and Stylized Facts: A Realist Approach
to Economic Analysis', Cambridge Journal of Economics 13, pp. 59-78.
Maki, Uskali (1989). ' On the Problem of Realism in Economics ' , Ricerche Economiche
43 , pp. 176-198. [Repr inted in The Philosophy and Methodology of Economic s,
edited by Bruce Caldwell. Edward Elgar 1992.)
Maki, Uskali (I 990a). 'Sc ientific Realism and Austrian Explanation ', Review of Political
Economy 2, pp. 310-344.
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Economy, Annual Supplement to Vol 22, pp. 289-310.
Maki, Uskali (l992a). 'On the Method of Isolation in Economics ', Poznan Studies in
the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 25, pp. 319-354.
Maki, Uskali (l992b). 'The Market as an Isolated Causal Process: A Metaphysical Ground
for Realism ', in Bruce Caldwell and Stephan Boehm (eds .), Austrian Economics :
Tensions and New Developments , Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Maki, Uskali (1994). 'Isolation, Idealization and Truth in Economics', Poznan Studies
in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 38, pp. 147-168.
Musgrave, Alan (1981) . '''Unreal Assumption" in Economic Theory : The F-twist
Untwisted', Kyklos 34, pp. 377-387.
Putnam, Hilary (1975-76). ' What is "Realism"?' Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,
Puu, Tonu (1967). ' Some Reflections on the Relation between Economic Theory and
Empirical Reality', Swedish Journal of Economics, pp. 85-114.
Rescher, Nicholas (1987). Scientific Realism, Reidel, Dordrecht.
Robbins , Lionel (1935). An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economics,
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Rosenberg, Alexander (1981). Sociobiology and the Preemption of Social Science,
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Ysander, Bengt-Christer (1961). ' Truth and Meaning of Economic Postulates' , in Hugo
Hegeland (ed.), Money, Growth and Methodology and Other Essays in Economics,
R. S. Cohen, R. Hilp inen and Qiu Renzong (eds.), Realism and Anti -Reali sm in the
Philosophy of Science, 449-466.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Hierarchical monism differs from [pluralism] in an interesting way: whereas the plu-
ralist insists that, for any process, there are many adequate representations ... the
hierarchical monist maintains that for each process there is just one kind of adequate
representation, but that processes are diverse in the kinds of representations they demand
(Sterelny and Kitcher, 1988, p. 359).
Pluralism of the kind we espouse has affinities with some traditional views in the phi-
losophy of science . Specifically, our approach is instrumentalist, not of course in denying
the existence of entities like genes. but in opposing the idea that natural selection is a force
that acts on some determinate target, such as the genotype or the phenotype. Monists
err , we believe, in claiming that select ion processes must be described in a particular
way, and their error involves them in positing entities, "targets of selection", that do
not exist (Sterelny and Kitcher, 1988, p. 359).
Immediately following this passage, Sterelny and Kitcher align their view
with conventionalism:
Another way to understand our pluralism is to connect it with conventionalist approaches
to space-time theories. Just as conventionalists have insisted that there are alternative
accounts of the phenomena which meet all our methodological desiderata, so too we
maintain that select ion processes can usually be treated, equally adequately, from more
than one point of view (Sterelny and Kitcher , 1988, p. 359).
(b) On Pluralism
(c) On Antirealism
necessary) for structuring empirical data into coherent patterns and/or for
making predictions, we are not on this basis required to believe that
such terms refer to anything real. Indispensability does not entail exis -
tence. Claims about unobservable theoretical entities are merely rules for
making predictions about observable states of affairs. They are to be
judged on their adequacy or inadequacy for this purpose; hence such
claims are not literally true or false. According to this view, scientific
theories are to be judged for their adequacy in organizing empirical obser-
vational data, not for their ability to reveal the unobservable constituents
and structures of the world.
As noted above, Sterelny and Kitcher connect their pluralism with
an instrumentalist philosophy of science "in opposing the idea that natural
selection is a force that acts on some determinate target, such as the
genotype or the phenotype." They add that, "Monists err . . . in claiming
that selection processes must be described in a particular way, and their
error involves them in positing entities, ' targets of selection', that do
not exist" (Sterelny and Kitcher, 1988, p. 359). The inference here
seems to be this: Monists claim that there is an exclusively correct way
to describe any selection process. An exclusively correct description of
any selection process will involve positing "targets of selection". But
it is false that there is an exclusively correct way to descr ibe any selec -
tion process. Therefore "targets of selection" do not exist.
Put this way, the fallacy becomes obvious. Consider an analogy.
"Baseball monists" claim that there is an exclusively correct way to
describe any baseball game . An exclusively correct description of any
baseball game will involve positing entities such as bats, gloves , base-
balls, outfielders, umpires, etc. But it is false that there is an exclusively
correct way to describe any baseball game . Therefore entities such as
bats, gloves, baseballs, outfielders, umpires, etc., do not exist.
Clearly, from the claim that there is no exclusively correct way to
describe a baseball game, it does not follow that bats and so on do not
exist, or that claims about such things are neither true nor false. Such
things may not exist , of course , but their non-existence does not follow
from the claim in question . Likewise , from the premise that there is no
exclusively correct description of any selection process it does not follow
that "targets of selection" do not exist, because the existence of targets
of selection does not depend in any obvious way on the truth of monism .
One could be a monist and deny the existence of "targets of selection".
Likewise, one could be a pluralist and affirm their existence. Despite their
intriguing claim, therefore, Sterelny and Kitcher have not shown that
pluralism (of the sort they espouse) and instrumentalism are connected
in some interesting way.
It seems clear that pluralism does not entail instrumentalism. It perhaps
goes without saying that instrumentalism does not entail pluralism either.
An instrumentalist might hold that there is only one maximally adequate
representation for a given process, and simply maintain that this repre-
sentation organizes the empirical data without revealing anything about
the unobservable structure of this process. "Monistic instrumentalism"
is not self-contradictory.
Sterelny and Kitcher link their pluralism with antirealism in the
philosophy of science . I would suggest, however, that their view actually
presupposes a form of realism. Recall that their pluralism is the view that
there are many maximally adequate representations of any selection
process . That is, there are "a plurality of models of the same process"
(Sterelny and Kitcher, 1988, p. 359). But talking of a plurality of models
of a single causal proce ss, as Sterelny and Kitcher do , implies that
there is a unitary physical phenomenon serving as the benchmark for
scientific representations. If, as argued earlier, the process of natural
selection is, strictly speaking , unobservable, then Sterelny and Kitcher
are committed to holding that we can have genuine insights into the
reality of this process, despite its unobservability. This is, of course, a
central tenet of scientific realism. At the very least, talk of a "maxi-
mally adequate representation of the causal structure of a process" departs
significantly from the spirit of antirealism, because having such a
representation suggests that one does have access to the unobservable
entities and processes responsible for observable phenomena - otherwise
why have confidence that there is just one process being represented
in diverse ways?
Ironically , then, Kitcher and Sterelny 's Pluralistic Antirealism seems,
upon closer inspection, to be based on an underlying assumption of
realism about the process of natural selection. If their pluralism concerned
only the equivalences of different models of natural selection to organize
empirical data and to facilitate predictions, with no attempt to say
anything about the causal structure of selection processes, then their view
would be unexceptional. If one only restricts one's demands on what a
model should do, then it will always be possible to find a plurality of
"maximally adequate" models of any phenomenon. But establishing the
claim that there are a plurality of maximally adequate representations
Hierarchical Monism of the sort that Sterelny and Kitcher criticize might
better be called Exclusive Hierarchical Monism. Thi s view claims that
the causal structure of a given selection process can be captured by
focusing on just one level of the biological hierarchy. The view I wish
to propose might be called Inclusive Hierarchical Monism. This view
claims that a maximally adequate representation of the causal structure
of a selection process will have to take into account a number of levels
of the biological hierarchy. Whereas the former view excludes all but one
level, the latter view includes many levels in one analysis.
To repe at this important distinction: According to Exclusive Hier-
archical Monism, for any selection process there is at most one analysis
that correctly captures the causal structure of that process, and this
analysis depicts selection as operating on one and only one level of
the biological hierarchy. According to Inclusive Hierarchical Monism,
for any selection process there is at most one analysis that correctly
captures the causal structure of that process, and this analysis depicts
selection as operating on a plurality of different levels of the bio-
logical hierarchy.
To illustrate Inclusive Hierarchical Monism , consider the spider-web
example again. Spider genes are causally connected with spiders and web-
building behavior, and thus indirectly to webs and to the capture of
prey, resulting in the differential propagation of both the genes and the
spiders. Selection in this case is operating on both the genes and the
spiders, and on the entire gene-spider-web causal process. It is the entire
process linking genes and spiders and webs that results in the differen-
tial biological success of genes, spiders, and even web-phenotypes.
Selection may be best thought of as operating on the entire causal
chain. A maximally adequate representation of the causal structure of
this selection process will include not only a description of how each
of the entities involved in the process fares relative to other entities of
the same kind (i.e., at the same level) , but also how the entire causal
chain contributes to the differential representation of genes, spiders,
and webs in successive generations. Inclusive Hierarchical Monism
includes the various multi-leveled entities constituting a selection process
in a single representation of the causal structure of that process .
Perhaps an analogy will make this view clearer. Consider the auto
industry. The Ford Motor Company builds and sells vehicles such as
the Escort, Taurus, and Probe. The sale of these vehicles is the end
product of a long causal process, involving engineers who design these
vehicles, auto workers who use design instructions to construct these
vehicles, and auto salesmen who display these vehicles in the hope of
persuading consumers to purchase them. Information about customers's
buying habits is then used to improve (or at least change) the design
of future models. Through this process the design features (e.g., anti-lock
brakes) of very successful models are more likely to show up in future
models than are the design features of less successful models.
Within the Ford Motor Company, therefore, there is a kind of selec-
tion operating among the vehicles that they build, resulting in more
Ford vehicles with features attractive within the current consumer envi-
ronment. Designers are competing with one another to come up with more
attractive features, workers are competing with one another to produc e
high-quality vehicles, and salesmen are competing with one another to
outsell one another. There is selection going on at all levels of the
causal process, "driving" it forward.
If we step back and consider the entire auto industry, however, we
realize that the Ford Motor Company is just one part of a much larger
competitive arena . The Toyota Motor Company produces vehicles such
as the Corolla, Camry, and Cressida - models that consumers may choose
to purchase rather than the Ford models mentioned above. Toyota, too,
has its team of engineers, workers, and salesmen. Within the global
auto industry, there is a competition between Ford and Toyota, as well
as a competition between other U.S. and Japanese auto makers . Because
the final product of each manufacturer is the end result of a long causal
chain involving design, production, and marketing, the relative success
of rival auto companies can be seen as dependent on the entire causal
chain resulting in their products. That is, the entire Ford causal chain
is in competition with the entire Toyota causal chain. It is Taurus vs.
Cressida and Ford vs. Toyota.
Since American and Japanese auto makers use somewhat different
genuine insights into the causal structure of the world or, at least, that
there is such a causal structure that we can continue to gain informa-
tion about. Hence one can be a pluralist with regard to the currently
available representations of natural selection, but a realist with regard
to the causal process itself. That is, one could be a methodological
pluralist but a metaphysical monist. It is not that there is no causal
structure to be discovered, or that claims about the causal structure of
a process are neither true nor false (as an instrumentalist would hold),
but rather that we often cannot be sure just what the correct causal
structure is. This is not a rejection of realism, but rather just an honest
assessment of our (current) epistemic limitations. (For a view not unlike
the one expressed here, see Cartwright, 1981.)
Note that Sterelny and Kitcher's argument against (Exclusive)
Hierarchical Monism does not affect Inclusive Hierarchical Monism.
It might be (and indeed is) false that there can be a uniquely correct
representation of the causal structure of a selection process that focuses
on just one level of the biological hierarchy, but true that there can be
a uniquely correct representation of the causal structure of a selection
process that includes a number of levels of the biological hierarchy.
Sterelny and Kitcher have not shown that Hierarchical Monism is false,
but only that one, rather implausible version of it, is mistaken. When
Hierarchical Monism is reformulated along the lines suggested above ,
it not only escapes their criticism but also provides a plausible philo-
sophical analysis of the proces s of evolution by natural selection.
Scientists have never thought themselves disqualified from pursuing one of a number of
physical models that, for the moment, appear empirically equivalent. As met aphors ,
these models may give rise to quite different lines of inquiry, leading eventually to their
empirical separation. Or it may be that one of the alternative models appears undesir-
able on other grounds than immediate empirical adequacy. If prolonged efforts to separate
the models empirically are unsuccessful, or if it comes to be shown that the models are
in principle empirically equivalent, scienti sts will , of course, turn to other matters. But
this is not a rejection of reali sm. It is, rather , an admission that no decision can be made
in this case as to what the theo ry, on a realist reading, commits us to (McMullin, 1984,
p. II).
Department of Philosophy,
Loyola Marymount University,
Los Angeles, U.S.A.
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Philosophy of Science, 467-479 .
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
of discourse about mental states such as how the mind can understand
such relationships as, e.g., "John loves Mary" and "Mary loves John".
The ease by which human beings can make these systematic transfor-
mations is exactly representable in symbolic terms.
Advocates of connectionism (sometimes referred to as PDP or neural
net theories) claim that cognitive phenomena are not computational in
the manner of a von Neumann computer. Connectionists, such as the
Churchlands, advocate exploring systems known as neural nets . Such
systems consist of nodes, each of which possesses a determinate degree
of activation at any time, and is connected to many other nodes to which
it sends excitatory or inhibitory stimuli. Given an initial pattern of acti-
vation, the excitations and inhibitions passing through the system will
alter the activation states of the nodes until a stable pattern is reached .
Moreover, the strengths of excitatory and inhibitory connections can
be altered as a result of local activity within the system. Such systems
can learn to respond in new ways and settle into different states at later
times . In Matter and Consciousness, Paul Churchland provides a simple
example of a submarine's neural net computer system training up to learn
to recognize the difference between a rock and a mine using sonic
echos, hidden units, automated learning by the back propagation of
error and the generalized delta rule. I Neural nets have been used to model
certain cognitive functions; in certain tasks, such as pattern recogni-
tion , these systems appear to be much more human-like than those of
rule-processing machines . A recent success , NETalk, by Terry Sejnowski,
is a project to get a neural net based machine to learn to speak simple ,
grammatically correct sentences after the researcher has inputted a 1,000-
word transcription of an average child 's conversation. However,
systematic transformations of relationships, guaranteed by classical archi-
tecture , are not a natural property of neural nets.
The debate between Fodor and the Churchlands has been vigorous
indeed. But the underlying problem, we suggest, is not one of which
model - computationist versus neural net - captures the process of cog-
nition in a realist sense, i.e., in a sense in which a scientific theory or
model provides a literally true (or approximately true) account of the
structure of the universe, or of nature, or, as in our present case, of human
cognition. Indeed, the problem is not just that of realism versus anti-
realism, but one that concerns even more deeply the way in which these
two notions of realism and anti-realism pertain to an ontological question,
viz., the classical problem of mind/body dualism, so acutely posed by
On a realist basis, the problem of whether there exists a mind over and
above the brain, or whether there exists only a brain, has given rise
to a great variety of duali st and monist positions, such as substance
dualism, emergentism, epiphenominalism, elemental dualism, interac-
tionist property dualism, popular dualism, functionalism , reductive
materialism, eliminative materialism, and so on . These "isms" repre-
sent broad classes of philosophical theories, and they indicate the
exceedingly complex and subtle nature of the ontological problem. The
arguments for these various positions are well known and we shall not
rehearse them here.
Nevertheless, which general philosophical position is the correct one?
Dualism or monism? This question is important because the former philo-
sophical theory (dualism) grounds - at least from the point of view of
language - the Fodorian position and the latter philosophical theory
(materialism) grounds the Churchlandian position. Granted, Fodor 's
position is somewhat complex, for if he is a functionalist, then he is a
functionalist with very strong Carte sian overtones. This latter charac-
terization stems from his bold talk of the innate language of thought
and in his holding that mental states really exist, that they can interact
with one another, that it is possible to study them, and that they are
At this point, going beyond just the debate between Fodor and the
Churchlands, and in anticipation of the general, alternative comple-
mentarity model to be advanced later, we can identify unequivocally
contemporary dualists in the persons of Karl Popper and the neuro-
physiologist, John Eccles , although they would prefer to call their position
"interactionism". Popper focuses on aspects of mental activity that
could not easily claim to be accomplished solely by physical bodies, e.g.,
mathematics; in this respect he echoes the philosophy of Descartes. For
Popper, abstract objects, such as mathematical objects, scientific theories
and works of literature assume a type of autonomy, a "life of their
own", and also constitute a distinct realm, which he calls "World 3". This
World is to be distinguished from World I, the realm of physical objects
and also from World 2, the world of mental activity, by the fact that World
We now return to the problem of mind/brain. Given the argument for
the underdetermination and incommensurability of dualism and materi-
alism as philosophical theories, and the empirical support provided by
the psychotherapy and drug therapy models that are used to treat mental
illness (e.g., depression), we suggest that the most fruitful approach to
the ontological problem in the context of modern psychology and cog-
nitive science is to follow the lead of the Copenhagen quantum physicists
and adopt an anti-realistic, instrumentalist stance towards the mind/body
problem . When psychotherapy is used, the psychologist is acting as if
there exists a mind over and above the brain, and that this entity, imma-
terial thought it may be, has so-called states, such as belief, that are
causally efficacious in effecting a successful outcome, viz., the absence
of depression. From the point of view of our anti-realistic Complemen-
tarity Model of Mind-Brain that underlies this model of therapy and of
psychological explanation, the therapist is acting as if the theory or
position of dualism is true. However, if psychotherapy is unsuccessful,
the psychologist may prescribe drugs, with or without additional psy-
chotherapy. In extreme cases, the psychologist and physician might
prescribe electroshock therapy . In these cases, from the point of view
of the Complementarity Model of Mind-Brain, the therapist is acting
as if the theory or position of materialism is true. What is important to
each are the pragmatic results, which can also later be discussed in
terms of explanation and prediction.
And now we return to the two competing classes of models of cog-
nition . The Fodorian model accounts well for certain important aspects
of cognition, such as systematicity, while the neural net model accounts
well for perceptual knowledge. But a realist position gives rise to the
dispute as to what 'really' is there, overlooking the important point that
Nancy Cartwright makes, viz ., that all theories abstract from reality
and hence are false. This leads us into our anti-realist, pragmatic, instru-
mentalist Complementarity Model of Mind-Brain. On a realist basis,
Fodor and the Churchlands are basically making assumptions, perhaps
even value judgments, about which ontological position to take, and
These passages are very revealing, for they show that, at his most philo-
sophical moments, Bohr believed that complementarity or reciprocity
is to be found in psychology and elsewhere."
We began this paper by reviewing the debate between Fodor and the
Churchlands on the correct model of cognition. This review led us to a
more general position, that of the need to examine more closely the onto-
logical foundations of each position - eliminative materialism, in the case
of the Church lands, and functionalism, with strong Cartesian overtones,
in the case of Fodor. We then extended this talk of ontology to include
an exposition of Popper 's position, viz. , a dualist, interactionist view
of mind-brain.
Using these three views as representative of the two general posi -
tions of dualism and monism, we then argued for the underdetermination
and incommensurability of all theories of mind-brain. Our arguments
relied on empirical, clinical support as well as conceptual arguments.
As a way out of the underdetermination impasse, we investigated com -
plementarity in physics and used this principle as a springboard (not as
a strict analogy) to develop our Complementarity Model of mind-brain,
which is instrumentalist and anti-realist. We also cited some passages
from Bohr, one of the founders of quantum theory, to the effect that he
expected to see complementarity in other explanations of the world,
including psychology.
We close by indicating the virtues of our model. The Complementarity
Model of mind-brain may be able to effect a reconciliation between the
Fodorian and the Churchlandian positions. There is no need to make
any claim as to what is ' really there' , but only to develop models that
succeed, on the one hand , in predicting and explaining perceptual knowl-
edge (the Churchlands) or predicting and explaining higher cognition
on the other hand (Fodor). On the Complementarity Model, scientists can
act as if there is a mind, that there is causal interaction between mind
and brain, that mind is irreducible to brain, and so on, for the sake of
explanation and prediction. Also under our model, scientists can act as
if there is only brain, which can function in the manner of neural nets
(the churchlands). In a strategy somewhat reminiscent of Kant, the Com-
plementarity Model may allow for a synthesis of what appears to be
two opposing, irreconcilable points of view.
Department of Philosophy,
California State University, Long Beach ,
Long Beach , U.S.A.
errors produced with each iteration. The mo st commonly used function for the error is:
E = 1/2 :I:(Yi - d;)2, where d, is the desired output of unit i, and Yi is its actual output,
where Yi is the sigmoid funct ion 1/(1 + e'). To minimize the error we take the deriva-
tive of the error with respect to w ij, which is the weight between the units i and j. Thus
we obtain
where ~j = (Yj - d} for output units and ~j = ~wjkYk(1 - Yk)~k for hidden units, where k
represents the number of units in the next layer that unit j is connected to.
The error can be calculated for the link s going into the output units . For h idden units,
however, the derivative depends on the values calculated at all levels that come after it;
thus ~ must be back-propagated through the network to calculate the derivatives. Based
on these equ ations, the algorithm is (\) choose a step-size I) (used to update the weights;
(2) train the network such that for each sample pattern (a) do a forward pass through
the net, producing an output pattern; (b) for all forward outputs, calculate ~j = (Yj - d.);
(c) for all other units , from last layer to first, calculate ~ using the calculation from the
layer after it: ~j - ~ WjkYk(\ - Yk)~k ; (d) and for all weights in the network , change the
weight by f,w ij = -I)YiY/I - Yj)~j'
2 See, for example , some of Swinburne 's books: The Coherence of Theism (\ 977 ; The
Exi stence of God (\ 979); Personal Identity (with Sidney Shoemaker, 1984); and The
Evolution of the Soul (1986). All these books are publi shed by Oxford University Press,
except Personal Identity, which is published by Blackwell ' s. For another, modern defense
of dualism, see J. B. Pratt, Matter and Spirit (New York : Macmillan, 1922/1957).
3 The underdetermination thesis can be proved simply as follows: If Theory T implies
a set of evidential statements E, then T in conjunction with any sentence not included
in T also implies E; but then, since (T & S) -7 E, and, since T & S -7 T, then (T & S)
-7 E. Now replace S with S' and iterate the argument; then replace S' with S" and iterate
again, and so on to infinity. We conclude that an infinite number of different theories
can imply E.
4 The authors are grateful to Professor Henry Fol se for informing us - in a brief dis-
cussion after the earlier version of thi s paper wa s read at the Beijing International
Conference for Philosophy of Science 1992 - of this article by Bohr.
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Lockhart , C.M. 312 Neurath, Otto xiii, xiv, xv, xvii, xix, xxi,
Loinger, A. 305 216,226
London, Fritz 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, Newton, Isaac, 17, 125, 126, 140, 225,
158,159, 160, 161, 164, 165, 166 245, 255, 270, 271, 272, 274, 330,
Lopatin 14 360, 406, 408, 409, 410, 411, 414,
Lorentz, H.A. 274, 362 415
Lucretius 415 Newton-Smith , W.H. 242
Lycan, Bill 19 Niiniluoto, Hkka 52, 53, 186, 192,242
Nola, Robert 3, 9
Mach, E. xix, xviii, xx, 14, 125, 126,405
Machida, S. 311 Oddie, G. 242
Mackie, John 25, 40 Oersted, H.C. 274
Madden, E.H. 88, 93 Opdyke, N.D. 182
Mao Zedong 64, 270 Oreskes, N. 172
Margenau, H. 366, 367 Osherson, D.N. 113
Markov, M.A. 282 Osiander, Andreas 289,296,297,405
Marx, Karl 14, 438
Matheson, Car129, 42 Parmenides 378
Matthews, D.H. 178, 180 Pauli, W. 283
Maturana, H. 108 Pauling, Linus 153, 155. 161, 162, 163,
Maxwell, Grover 224 164,410
Maxwell , J.C. 141, 147,269,274,361 Pearson , K. 14
Mayo, Deborah 19 Perrce,C.S.8,9,53,82, 87, 88,90,91,
McClelland, J.R. 111 92,93,94
McMullin, Eman 464 Pesch!, M. 112, 116
McTaggart 220 Pfander, Alexander 155
Mendeleev, Dimitri 122, 123, 138,407 Pickering 129
Merrnin, N.D. 299 Pigden, Charles 25
Merton,R.K.252,400 Pitt, J.C. 241
Michael, Fred 93, 94 Planck, Max 254, 333, 388, 407, 415
Michelson, A.A. 269,414 Plato 12,56, 64, 68, 75, 78, 81, 83,90,
Mill, J.S. 433, 442 91,123,368
Millikan, Robert A. 138, 142, 143, 144, Podolsky, B. 280, 299
145,260 Poincare, J.H. 14
Misra, B. 312 Pons, B. Stanley 257
Moore, E. 29, 91, 93 Popper, Karl xxi, 57, 64, 187,207,223,
Morley 414 226,242,467,469,470,475
Morrison, M. 145,146 Posner, MJ. 113
Mosely, Henry 122, 123, 124 Priestley, J. 269
MUller, Johannes 16, 18 Prigogine, 1. 326
Mulliken, R.S. 153, 155, 162, 164, 165, Primas, H. 314
166 Prosperi, G.M. 305
Musgrave, Alan 241 Putnam, Hilary 1,2,3,4,8, 19,30,31,
Namiki, M. 311 52, 53, 62, 69, 227, 236, 237, 241,
Needham xiv 242,270,440
Neurath, Marie xiii
Qiu Renzong xi
Quine,W.V. xiv, xix, xxi, 265, 267, 408, Stapp 317
411 Sterelny, Kim 452, 453, 454, 455, 456,
457,458,459,460,461 ,464
Rabi,1. 408 Stem 390
Radakovic, Theodor xvii Stillings, N.A. 113
Rayleigh,J.W.S. 259 Stoke, G.G. 269
Reichenbach, Hans xv, xvii Stove, David 40
Rescher, N. 47, 50, 53, 432 Strawson, Peter xxi, 64
Richter,Burton 406 Sun Yat-sen xiii
Rickert xviii Suppes, Patrick 223
Robbins, L. 442, 444, 446 Swinburne, Richard 470
Rodebush, Worth 159 Switinjk, Zeno 146
Rorty, Richard 35, 266, 267 Sykes 183
Rosen, N. 280, 299
Rosenberg, A. 445 Tarski, Alfred xvii, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30,
Rosenfeld, Leon 209, 286 425
Rumelhart, D.E. III Taylor, Barry 243
Rumford, B. 395, 397, 398, 399, 400, Teller, Paul 326, 369
402 Thagard,Paul 412
Runcom, S.K. 175, 179 Thales 59
Russell, B. xv, 63 Thomson, U. 153
Rutherford, E. 224, 415 Ting 406
Tooley, M. 91
Salam 119, 140, 147 Tscha Hung xi. xii, xiii, xiv, xv, xvii
Scheler xviii Tuomela, Raimo 46, 47, 53
Schlick, Moritz xiii, xiv, xv, xvii, xviii Tycho, Brahe 413
xix, xx, xxi
Schopenhauer, A. 51 Ullman-Margalit 437
Schrodinger, E. 149, 154, 155, 158. 159, Unger, Peter 49
Sejnowski, Terry 468 Van der Waals, J. 155
Sellars, Wilfrid 22, 48, 126, 131, 132, Van Fraassen,Bas 24,34,131,132,134,
138, 140 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 144,
Senior, Nassau 433, 442 145, 147, 230, 242, 265, 267, 268,
Shapere, Dudley 268, 272 339,341,381 ,405
Shimony 317, 322 Van Vleck, 1. 159
Shu Xingbei 286 Vine, FJ . 178, 180
Sidgwick,Neville 149 von Weizsacker 343
Simon, Herbert 429,430 Von Neumann 389
Sklar, Lawrence 337, 338
Slater 164 Waismann, Friedrich xvii
Sliv 282 Walker, R.C.S. 53
Smith, Adam 437, 438 Wallner, F. 113
Socrates 81, 83 Waterson, U . 259
Sommerfeld, A. 154, 155, 161 Watson, 410
Spencer, H. 97 Wegener, Alfred 172, 177, 180, 190
Stachel, John 145 Weinberg 119, 140, 147
StaW 410 Weiss, P. 8