English Curriculum Guide
English Curriculum Guide
English Curriculum Guide
Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City
K to 12 Curriculum Guide
(Grades 1 to 10)
January 2013
Language is the basis of all communication and the primary instrument of thought. Thinking, learning, and language
are interrelated. Language is governed by rules and systems (language conventions) which are used to explore and
communicate meaning. It defines culture which is essential in understanding oneself (personal identity), forming
interpersonal relationships (socialization), extending experiences, reflecting on thought and action, and contributing to a
better society. Language, therefore, is central to the peoples‟ intellectual, social and emotional development and has an
essential role in all key learning areas1.
Language is the foundation of all human relationships. All human relationships are established on the ability of
people to communicate effectively with each other. Our thoughts, values and understandings are developed and
expressed through language. This process allows students to understand better the world in which they live and
contributes to the development of their personal perspectives of the global community. People use language to make
sense of and bring order to their world. Therefore, proficiency in the language enables people to access, process and
keep abreast of information, to engage with the wider and more diverse communities, and to learn about the role of
language in their own lives, and in their own and other cultures.
The K-12 Language Arts and Multiliteracies Curriculum is anchored on the following language acquisition, learning,
teaching and assessing principles.
All languages are interrelated and interdependent. Facility in the first language (L1) strengthens and supports the
learning of other languages (L2). Acquisition of sets of skills and implicit metalinguistic knowledge in one language
(common underlying proficiency or CUP) provides the base for the development of both the first language (L1) and the
second language (L2)2. It follows that any expansion of CUP that takes place in one language will have a beneficial effect
on the other language(s). This principle serves to explain why it becomes easier and easier to learn additional
1998. English Curriculum Framework. Australia
Cummins, J. 1991. The Acquisition of English as a Second Language in Spangenberg-Urbschat. K and Pritchard, R. (eds.) Reading Instruction for ESL
Students Delaware: International Reading Association
Learning requires meaning3. We learn when we use what we know to understand what is new. Start with what the
students know; use that to introduce new concepts. They use language to examine new experiences and knowledge in
relation to their prior knowledge, experiences, and beliefs. They make connections, anticipate possibilities, reflect upon
ideas, and determine courses of action.
Learners learn about language and how to use it effectively through their engagement with and study of texts .
The term „text‟ refers to any form of written (reading and writing), oral (listening and speaking) and visual
communication involving language4. The texts through which students learn about language are wide-ranging and
varied, from brief conversations to lengthy and complex forms of writing. The study of specific texts is the means by
which learners achieve the desired outcomes of language, rather than an end in itself. Learners learn to create texts of
their own and to engage with texts produced by other people.
Successful language learning involves viewing, listening, speaking, reading and writing activities and accuracy5.
Language learning should include a plethora of strategies and activities that helps students focus on both MEANING and
Language learning involves recognizing, accepting, valuing and building on students’ existing language
competence, including the use of non-standard forms of the language, and extending the range of language
available to students. Through language learning, learners develop functional and critical literacy skills. They learn to
control and understand the conventions of the target language that are valued and rewarded by society and to reflect on
and critically analyze their own use of language and the language of others.
An effective language arts and multiliteracies curriculum satisfies the following principles6.
Malone, Susan. 2006. Manual on MTB-MLE (Community-Based Program). UNESCO
Anderson and Anderson. 2003. Text Types in English 1. Malaysia: MacMillan
Malone, Susan. 2006. Manual on MTB-MLE (Community-Based Program). UNESCO
The generation born after the year 1994 until 2004 is referred to as Generation Z. This is the first generation to be born
with complete technology. They were born with PCs, mobile phones, gaming devices, MP3 players and the ubiquitous
Internet. They do not know life without technology. Hence, they are often termed as digital natives and are extremely
comfortable with technology. They can email, text and use computers without any problems. In addition, members of
Generation Z can understand and master advancement in technology. Unfortunately, this reliance on technology and
gadgets has had a negative effect on the members. They rather stay indoors and use their electronics than play outdoors
and be active. They are leading a sedentary life that can result in health problems later on.
For them, social media platforms are a way to communicate with the outside world. They are not bothered about privacy
and are willing to share intimate details about themselves with complete strangers. They have virtual friends and for them
hanging out with friends means talking to them over the cell phones, emails and text messages. However, at the same
time, this generation is considered to highly creative and collaborative and will have a significant impact on the way
companies work when they join the workforce.
2011.Guiding Principles for English Language Arts and Literacy Programs in Massachusetts
2004. Second Language Studies. Standard Course of Study and Grade Level Competencies. Public Schools of Carolina. State Board of Education.
Department of Instruction.
While we don‟t know much about Gen Z yet...we know a lot about the environment they are growing up in. This highly
diverse environment will make the grade schools of the next generation the most diverse ever. Higher levels of
technology will make significant inroads in academics allowing for customized instruction, data mining of student histories
to enable pinpoint diagnostics and remediation or accelerated achievement opportunities.
Gen Z kids will grow up with a highly sophisticated media and computer environment and will be more Internet savvy and
expert than their Gen Y forerunners.
The ultimate goal of the Language Arts and Multiliteracies Curriculum is to produce graduates who apply the language
conventions, principles, strategies and skills in (1) interacting with others, (2) understanding and learning other content
areas, and (3) fending for themselves in whatever field of endeavour they may trudge.
1. Communicative Competence
Communicative Competence is a synthesis of knowledge of basic grammatical principles, knowledge of how language is
used in social settings to perform communicative functions, and knowledge of utterances and communicative functions
can be combined according to the principles of discourse.8
1. Grammatical/Linguistic Competence means the acquisition of phonological rules, morphological words, syntactic
rules, semantic rules and lexical items.
2. Sociolinguistic Competence refers to the learning pragmatic aspect of various speech acts, namely, the cultural
values, norms, and other socio-cultural conventions in social contexts. They are the context and topic of discourse, the
Canale, M. and M. Swain. 1980. Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing. Applied Linguistics
3. Discourse Competence is the knowledge of rules regarding the cohesion (grammatical links) and coherence
(appropriate combination of communicative actions) of various types of discourse (oral and written). Sociolinguistic
rules of use and rules of discourse are crucial in interpreting utterances for social meaning, particularly when the
literal meaning of an utterance does not lead to the speaker‟s intention easily.
4. Strategic Competence is to DO with the knowledge of verbal and non-verbal strategies to compensate for
breakdown such as self-correction and at the same time to enhance the effectiveness of communication such as
recognizing discourse structure, activating background knowledge, contextual guessing, and tolerating ambiguity.
2. Multiliteracies
Multiliteracies (multi literacy practices) recognize that there are many kinds of literacy at work within our society. These
include traditional literacy practices using texts as well as new literacy practices using texts of popular culture such as
films. Social literacy encompasses how we communicate and exchange meaning in our society while professional
literacy links with the notion of literacy for school of the workplace.
The curriculum aims to help learners acquire highly-developed literacy skills that enable them to understand that
English language is the most widely used medium of communication in Trade and the Arts, Sciences, Mathematics, and
in world economy. Furthermore, the curriculum aims to help learners understand that English language is a dynamic
social process which responds to and reflects changing social conditions, and that English is inextricably involved with
values, beliefs and ways of thinking about ourselves and the world we dwell. Through multi-literacy skills, learners will be
able to appreciate and be sensitive to sociocultural diversity and understand that the meaning of any form of
communication depends on context, purpose and audience.
The world is now in the “Knowledge age” where the challenge of education is to prepare learners in the information drift and rapidly
changing world. Students in this age must be prepared to compete in a global economy, understand and operate complex
communication and information systems, and apply higher level thinking skills to make decisions and solve problems.
The Language Arts and Multiliteracies Curriculum (LAMC) addresses these needs. This is the rationale why Mother Tongue,
Filipino and English follow a unified framework which allows easy transition from acquiring and learning one language to another.
The curriculum has five (5) components. Each component is essential to the learners‟ ability to communicate effectively in a
language leading them to achieve communicative competence and multiliteracies in the Mother Tongue, Filipino and English. The
diagram in the previous page shows that the heart and core of LAMC is making meaning through language and aims to develop
graduates who are communicatively competent and multiliterates.
Component 1 illustrates learning processes that will effect acquisition and learning of the language. It explains the HOW of
language learning and therefore serves as guiding principles for language teaching.
Component 2 describes knowledge and skill areas which are essential to effective language use (understanding of cultures,
understanding language, processes and strategies) which will be developed through language arts (macro-skills).
Component 3 shows the interdependence and interrelationships of the macro-skills of the language (listening, speaking and
viewing; reading, viewing and responding; writing and representing) and the development thinking skills (critical thinking, creative
thinking and metacognitiion) allowing students to make meaning through language.
Component 4 explains the holistic assessment of the Language Arts and Literacy Curriculum which serves as feedback of its
effectiveness to students, teachers, school administrators, and curriculum developers.
For effective language acquisition and learning to take place, language teachers must be guided of the six (6) language teaching
principles. These principles explain the natural process of language development.
1. Spiral Progression
Skills, grammatical items, structures and various types of texts will be taught, revised and revisited at increasing levels of difficulty
and sophistication. This will allow students to progress from the foundational level to higher levels of language use.
2. Interaction
Language learning will be situated in the context of communication (oral and written). Activities that simulate real-life situations of
varying language demands (purposes, topics, and audiences) will be employed to help students interact with others thereby
improve their socialization skills.
3. Integration
The areas of language learning – the receptive skills, the productive skills, and grammar and vocabulary will be taught in an
integrated way, together with the use of relevant print and non-print resources, to provide multiple perspectives and meaningful
connections. Integration may come in different types either implicitly or explicitly (skills, content, theme, topic, and values
4. Learner-Centeredness
Learners are at the centre of the teaching-learning process. Teaching will be differentiated according to students‟ needs, abilities
and interests. Effective pedagogies will be used to engage them and to strengthen their language development.
5. Contextualization
Learning tasks and activities will be designed for learners to acquire the language in authentic and meaningful contexts of use.
For example, lessons will be planned around learning outcomes, a theme, or a type of text to help learners use related language
skills, grammatical items/ structures and vocabulary appropriately in spoken and written language to suit the purpose, audience,
context and culture. Learning points will be reinforced through explicit instruction and related follow-up practice.
6. Construction
Making meaning is the heart of language learning and use. Learning tasks and activities will be designed for learners in such a
way that they will have time to reflect on and respond to ideas and information. Learners will be provided with sufficient
scaffolding so that they will be able to reach their full cognitive, affective, and psychomotor potentials and become independent
learners who are good consumers and constructors of meaning.
There are three major applications of the macro-skills of the language (Understanding of Cultures; Understanding Language; and
Processes and Strategies). They are described as the knowledge and skill areas which are essential to effective language use
demonstrated through the language macro-skills.
1. UNDERSTANDING CULTURES. Learning language through text types and literary appreciation exposes learners to
different cultures of the world, including one’s culture. Learners develop sociolinguistic and sociocultural understandings and
apply them to their use of the language (Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English). Sociolinguistic understanding refers to
appropriate language use. It is defined in this document as taking into account the social significance of linguistic forms and the
linguistic implications of social facts. Language is a complex social practice that reflects and reinforces shared understandings
about appropriate actions, values, beliefs and attitudes within a community. These shared understandings determine not only
what is communicated and when and how it is communicated, but also who does the communicating. These collectively
constitute the sociolinguistic features of language.
Sociocultural understanding refers to knowing about the language speaking communities. It means taking into account the
non-linguistic features in the life of a society. Learners broaden their frame of reference beyond their own social and cultural
experiences. They gain insights into different values and belief systems and acknowledge the cultural contexts which underpin
them. They make sense of the social fabric of the target language community. They understand that the natural and physical
environments – as well as the social, economic, historical and political environments – influence the language speaking groups
and their cultural traditions.
2. UNDERSTANDING LANGUAGE. Learners apply their knowledge of the system of the language to assist them to make meaning
and create meaning. They come to recognize the patterns and rules of the language which emerge as they interact with a
plethora of texts (literary and informational) to make meaning. They apply this knowledge and understanding to create their own
spoken, written and visual texts. Differences in language systems are expressed in a variety of ways: for example, in grammatical
differentiations, variations in word order, word selection, or general stylistic variations in texts. By comparing the system of the
language with the systems of other languages students understand that each language is different, but has identifiable patterns
within its own system.
3. PROCESS AND STRATEGIES. Learners select from a repertoire of processes and strategies by reflecting on their
understanding of the way language works for a variety of purposes in a range of contexts. They deliberate on how they use
language and apply different language strategies, depending on their purpose, context and audience. They use language as a
Language is the major instrument in communication (oral and written) and the heart of which is the exchange of meaning. Language
learning should focus on guiding students make meaning through language for different purposes on a range of topics and with a
variety of audiences. Students must be able to adapt to various situations where communication demands greatly vary.
The skills, grammatical items, structures and various types of texts will be taught, and revisited at increasing levels of difficulty
and sophistication. This design allows students to progress from the foundational level to higher levels of language use.
The Language Arts and Multiliteracies Curriculum (ELAMC) is composed of five (5) intricately intertwined and integrated sub-
strands (listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing) that serve as building blocks for understanding and creation of meaning
and for effective communication across curricula (Matrix 1).
1. The K-12 languages curriculum ensures that processes and products of learning actively foster and contribute to the
achievement of the basic education program goals.
2. Competencies are spiraled across the curriculum and year levels. Upper level courses will focus on writing, comprehension
and study strategies.
3. Content includes print and electronic texts that are age, context and culture appropriate.
2. Phonological Awareness √
4. Alphabet Knowledge √ √ √ √ √
6. Fluency √ √
7. Spelling √ √
Oral language
Phonological awareness
Alphabet knowledge
Vocabulary development
Reading comprehension
Listening comprehension
Study strategies
Use of Content and Prior Knowledge Activate prior knowledge conceptually related to text and establish a purpose for reading
Comprehension Strategies Be self-aware as they discuss and analyze text to create new meanings and modify old knowledge
Comprehending Literary Text Respond to literary text through the appreciation of literary devices and an understanding of story
Comprehending Informational Text Locate information from expository texts and use this information for discussion or written production.
Attitude Demonstrate a love for reading stories and confidence in performing literacy-related activities/task
GRADE 12 - Students should be able to integrate communication and language skills for creating
meaning using oral and written texts, various genres, and discursive contexts for personal and
professional purposes
GRADE 10 - Students should be able to interpret, evaluate and represent information within and between learning area texts and dis
GRADE 6 - Student should be able to construct meanings and communicate them using creative, appropriate and grammatically cor
GRADE 3 - Students should be able to demonstrate eagerness to explore and experience oral and written texts and to communicate
demonstrates manipulates skillfully Recognize/produce speech sounds (letter names and sounds)
understanding of the speech sounds Identify/count individual words in phrases and sentences
sounds and sound through simple Substitute sounds in words using onset and rimes
patterns for production meaningful guided
of words conversations
Book and Print
Phonics & Word
demonstrates fluently expresses Interact with others using correct intonation in:
Fluency understanding of ideas in various o greetings and leave-takings
punctuation marks, speaking tasks o introducing and acknowledging others
rhythm, pacing, o asking permission
intonation and vocal accurately and fluently Read aloud grade 2 level text at a rate of approximately 60
patterns as guide for reads aloud literary words per minute.
fluent reading and and informational texts Read grade 2 level text with an accuracy rate of 95 – 100%
speaking Read grade 2 level text in 3 – 4 word phrases using intonation,
expression and punctuation cues.
Read with automaticity 100 2nd grade high-frequency/sight
demonstrates analyzes pattern of Distinguish words with short and long vowel sounds
understanding of the sounds in words for Apply basic phonemic performance tasks
relationship of phonetic meaning and accuracy o Blending - /s/ /a/ /y/=say
principles of Mother o Segmenting- /b/ /e/ /d/ = bed
Tongue and English to Blend onset and rime into whole word - /c/ -onset /at/ - rime
decode unknown cat
Phonics and Word words in English Manipulate individual phonemes
Note: Listen to sounds in English words and sentences from ICT-based materials and from other content areas like
math, science, social studies, etc.
demonstrates correctly identifies Identify the front and back of the book
Book Knowledge understanding about book parts and
the concepts about follows reading Identify title, author and book illustrator
print conventions
Translate knowledge of reading conventions learned in Mother
Tongue to reading in English
Note: Classes of words should be discussed in the context of responding to wh-questions based from familiar stories
and informational texts with themes on environment, health, nutrition, history, interests, etc.
Read and spell one- to- two syllable words with consonant
digraphs(eg. ch in chin, ph in pheasant) and trigraphs(e.g. sch in
efficiently delivers Memorize and deliver familiar literary pieces with ease and
demonstrates oral presentations confidence
understanding of verbal
and non-verbal cues for Perform oral presentations from notes and outlines
effective oral using verbal and non-verbal cues (eye contact,
presentation gestures, voice projection, emphasis, tone etc.)
demonstrates creatively presents Give and follow oral directions listen and respond to questions
understanding of information using involving directions
information derived from broadcast media
multi-media sources for Restate and retell information derived from multi-media
clear and creative sources (e.g. television, radio, electronic gadgets.
Distinguish between fact and opinion from informational text
demonstrates understanding of uses the classes
Use nouns correctly (Common, proper, count, mass and
English grammar and usage in of words aptly in collective nouns)
speaking or writing various oral and Form plural of collective nouns
written discourse
Use plural forms of nouns ending in ch, x, s or s-like sounds
uses simple present tense
forms and uses the progressive (e.g. I was walking; I am
walking; I will be walking) verb aspects
uses modal auxiliaries to convey various conditions
uses common contractions (e.g., in tag questions)
form plural of collective nouns
demonstrates understanding of uses demonstrative pronouns accurately
English grammar and usage in uses the classes observes pronoun-reference agreement
speaking or writing of words aptly in ADJECTIVES
various oral and uses adjective to expand sentences
written discourse orders adjectives within sentences according to
conventional patterns (e.g., a small red bag rather than a
red small bag)
uses adverbs of place and time
uses prepositions and prepositional phrases correctly
uses prepositions idiomatically (Verb + prep (give up, give
in, give off, give back)
Note: Classes of words, should be taught in context/theme (e.g. Environment, Science, History, Health and
Nutrition, etc).
Use demonstrative pronouns
uses the correct Observe correct pronoun-reference agreement
demonstrates command function of nouns, Ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent
of the conventions of pronouns, verbs, agreement.
standard English grammar adjectives, and adverbs in ADJECTIVES
and usage when writing or general and their Use adjective to expand sentences
speaking functions in various Order adjectives within sentences according to
discourse (oral and conventional patterns (e.g., a small red bag rather than
written) a red small bag)
Use adverbs of place and time
demonstrate command of uses the correct Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives
the conventions of standard function of nouns, and adverbs, and choose between them depending on
English grammar and usage pronouns, verbs, what is to be modified.
when writing or speaking adjectives, and adverbs in PREPOSITIONS
general and their Use prepositions and prepositional phrases
functions in various Use prepositions idiomatically (Verb + prep (give up,
uses a variety of Identify sources and gather relevant information for use
demonstrates research strategies to in shared writing
understanding of the effectively write a variety Participate in shared writing about familiar topics, topics
research process to write a of texts for various introduced through printed materials and other
variety of texts audiences and purposes classroom activities (Ex. Writing as a group about a
book unit, field trip, or other shared experiences
applies knowledge of Describe different forms and conventions used in print,
demonstrates the various forms and non-print and digital materials (colors, lines, layout,
understanding of the forms conventions of print, non- icons and images, verbal use)
and conventions of print, print, and digital materials
non-print, and digital to appropriately Describe different forms and conventions of film and
Viewing materials to understand comprehend print, non- moving pictures (lights, blocking, direction,
various viewing texts print, film and moving characterization, acting, dialog, setting or set-up)
demonstrates evaluates effectively Analyze the forms and conventions used to
understanding of the various the message constructed establish the following
forms and conventions of and conveyed in various Meaning/ message
print, non-print, and digital viewing texts Identity
materials Analyze the versions of reality created and their effects
to the viewer and society
Limited reality
Make believe
Realities embedded in fantasy
Facts and non-facts
demonstrates applies different views Identify the target audience
understanding of the various of the real world to Analyze the setting used in print, non-print and digital
forms and conventions effectively interpret materials (Urban or Rural; Affluent or Poor)
Phonics and Word
understanding that printed uses knowledge of Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound
words are made up of phonics (analytic and correspondences, syllabication patterns, and
Vocabulary interconnected letters with synthetic) to effectively morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read accurately
separate sounds that are decode grade-appropriate unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of
blended together to form words context.
coherent pattern of sounds
Compare and contrast the varieties of English (e.g.,
dialects, registers) used in stories, dramas, or poems.
PROGRAM STANDARD: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts
types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Philippine Literature and
other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture.
The learner The learner listen to appreciate communication roles, expectations and
demonstrates understanding performs an intentions in specific communicative contexts or situations
of the varied communication enhanced
rendition of a
roles, expectations and
listening text Note the roles and expectations of each speaker in intimate
The learner The explain orally significant human experiences and ideas based
demonstrates learner presents on literary or expository reading, listening, or viewing
understanding significant an excerpt of a selections in unrehearsed and rehearsed individual and group
human experiences in play highlighting modalities
relation to the ideas significant human
presented in the literary or experiences.
expository reading, Narrate specific personal experiences related to the ideas
listening, or viewing presented in a selection.
Compare and contrast ideas presented in a selection or a
set of related selections.
The learner The learner Establish semantic relationships of words including figurative
demonstrates creatively prepares and academic language.
understanding of the a scrapbook of
various academic and poems and other Distinguish between literal and figurative expressions.
figurative language to texts highlighting
enable him/her to figurative language. Identify figures of speech that show comparison (simile,
understand underlying metaphor, and analogy).
meanings of selections
Comprehension The learner The learner Use different reading styles (scan, skim, read closely,
demonstrates understanding produces a etc.) to suit the text and one‟s purpose for reading
and appreciation of various creative
literary and informative texts compilation of Scan for specific information
with emphasis on Philippine Philippine folk
folk literature to develop literature and draws Skim rapidly for major ideas using headings as guide
better understanding of the out in them inherent Read closely to find answers to specific questions, note
human condition and the Filipino values to be
environment. presented in a sequence of events, etc.
personally preferred Use non-linear visuals as comprehensive aids in content
Transcode orally and in writing the information presented
The learner The learner Use appropriate mechanisms/tools in the library for
demonstrates retells a story locating resources
understanding of the creatively using
interesting accounts of appropriate sources
people‟s ideas, feelings, of information, Use the card catalogue, the online public access catalogue,
and values pertinent to the multimedia and or electronic search engine to locate specific resources
development of their culture technology.
and society using the most
appropriate sources of Get information from the different parts of a book and from
information and technology general references in the library
with emphasis on Philippine
literature in English and
other text types. Gather current information from newspapers and other
print and non-print media
The learner The learner Use ideas and information gained from previous
demonstrates understanding interpretatively and readings and personal experiences to better understand a text
The learner The Use varied text types to develop extensive reading
demonstrates understanding learner writes skills
of the distinctive features of vividly a personal
essays and other text types /reflective essay Interpret instructions, directions, notices, rules and
used by the Filipino authors that expresses regulations correctly
to present lessons learned meaningful views
from experiences and and insights based Make generalizations and significant abstractions from
personal observations. from the different different text types
texts read.
Distinguish between general and specific statements
learner writes a Sequence/reorganize ideas or information
summary in book Cite evidences to support a general statement
Organize information read into an outline
Identify the sense and reference of words in reading texts
for a better understanding of the selection
Literature Quarter 1 Quarter 1 Show understanding and appreciation of various literary
types e.g. stories (legends, fables, myths, folktales), poems,
The learner The learner essays, dramas (with emphasis on Philippine literature)
demonstrates understanding proficiently
of how the structure and compiles Identify the elements of a literary form which distinguishes
content of various literary Philippine Folk it from other literary forms: short story, poem, essay,
types (Philippine literature) Literature stating drama
reflect the ideals, beliefs, the values
culture and experiences of underscored in the
the Filipino people to literary pieces. Explain the characteristics of fables, legends, myths,
express one‟ identity and folktales
cultural heritage.
Point out the author‟s technique for characterization
The learner The learner Discover literature as an art form serving as a means of
demonstrates understanding interpretatively and developing better understanding of human condition and
of the distinctive features, proficiently the environment
aesthetic elements and performs in an
underlying objectives of excerpt of a play
varied literary and other text or drama Express appreciation of one‟s identity and
types of Philippine literature highlighting human cultural heritage
better understanding of rights.
human condition and the
environment. Show appreciation for worthwhile local traditions and
The learner The learner Discover through Philippine literature the need to work
demonstrates understanding participates in a cooperatively and responsibly in today‟s global village
of the basic features, parts, literary character
The learner The learner Grasp the message conveyed by a program viewed
demonstrates understanding produces a
of the various analytical and reaction paper of a Form mental images of the information conveyed by a
evaluative techniques program viewed.
The learner The learner Determine reality and fantasy from a program viewed
demonstrates understanding writes an
of how viewing conventions evaluation paper Compare television content to outside sources of
affect the way viewers of a program information
grasp, interpret, and viewed.
evaluate the meaning of a Determine one‟s own television-viewing behavior
program viewed.
Discuss the principles of lay outing in a viewing material
Quarter 4 Quarter 4 Quarter 4
The learner The learner Discuss the principles of lay outing in a viewing material
demonstrates understanding presents a review
Discriminate between and among colors and how they
of how viewing conventions of a program
affect the way viewers incorporating symbolize ideas
grasp, interpret, and viewing
Distinguish basic camera functions
evaluate the meaning of a conventions.
program viewed. Verify how symmetry provides balance
Identify the concept of perspective through vantage points
in viewing
Writing Quarter 1 Quarter 1 Quarter 1
Distinguish between oral and written modes of language use
The learner The learner with emphasis on their exclusive features and properties.
demonstrates understanding writes a retell of a
of written modes of myth or a legend. Compare and contrast the basic features and kinds
paragraph development with of paragraph
Compose a travelogue.
The learner demonstrates The learner writes a Organize information into short written discourse using
understanding of the features moving appropriate literary and cohesive devices.
and elements of personal/reflective Analyze the features and basic types of short written
personal essays, and feature essay. personal/reflective essays.
articles to write for a variety
Distinguish between and among a capsule biography,
of audiences. biographical sketch, and feature article.
PROGRAM STANDARD: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts
types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Afro-Asian Literature and
other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
The learner demonstrates The Employ appropriate listening skills when listening to
understanding on how learner creates an descriptive and long narrative texts
employing projective listening audio – video (e. g. making predictions, noting the dramatic effect of
The learner demonstrates The learner proficiently Determine the persons being addressed in an
understanding in validating writes an editorial informative talk, the objective/s of the speaker and his/her
information, opinions, or article concerning an attitude on the issues
assumptions made by a issue raised by the Use attentive listening strategies with
speaker to arrive at sound speaker in a text informative texts
decisions on critical issues. listened to.
The learner The learner creatively Process speech delivered at different rates by making
demonstrates understanding renders a choric inferences from what was listened to
of how the orchestration of interpretation of a text
harmony, unison, rhythm and listened to
Use syntactic and lexical clues to supply items not
the structure of narratives
listened to
and other text types enable
him or her to appreciate their Anticipate what is to follow in a text listened to
richness. considering the function/s of the statements made
The learner The learner Ask for and give information, and express needs,
demonstrates joins actively in a opinions, feelings, and attitudes explicitly and implicitly
understanding of the various panel discussion in an informative talk
means on how figurative on a current issue or
and academic language can concern. Formulate responses to questions noting the types
be used in various of questions raised (yes-no, wh-questions,
communication settings. alternative, modals, embedded)
Make inquiries
The learner demonstrates The learner proficiently Use appropriate turn-taking strategies (topic nomination,
understanding of using turn- conducts a formal, topic development, topic shift, turn-getting, etc.) in
taking strategies in extended structured interview extended conversations
conversations to effectively of a specific subject.
Interview persons to get opinions about certain
convey information. issues
Respond orally to ideas and needs expressed in
face-to-face interviews in accordance with the intended
The learner The learner Develop strategies for coping with unknown
demonstrates creatively prepares a words and ambiguous sentence structures and discourse
understanding of the comparative log of
strategies for coping with academic and o Identify the derivation of words
the unknown words and figurative language
ambiguous sentence reflected in
structures and discourse to documents with the o Define words from context and through word
arrive at meaning. same themes. analysis (prefix, roots, suffixes)
The learner The Develop strategies for coping with unknown words
demonstrates learner creatively and ambiguous sentence structures and discourse
understanding of the produces a o Identify the derivation of words
strategies for coping with frequency word list.
the unknown words and
ambiguous sentence o Define words from context and through word analysis
structures and discourse to (prefix, roots, suffixes
arrive at meaning.
o Use collocations of difficult words as aids in
unlocking vocabulary
The learner The learner Develop strategies for coping with unknown words and
demonstrates proficiently produces a ambiguous sentence structures and discourse
understanding of the glossary of words
strategies for coping with related to specific o Identify the derivation of words
the unknown words and disciplines.
ambiguous sentence
structures and discourse to o Define words from context and through word
arrive at meaning. analysis (prefix, roots, suffixes)
Comprehension The learner The learner Adjust reading speed based on one‟s purpose for reading
demonstrates understanding produces a Reading and the type of materials read
of the different reading Log showing various
styles to suit the text and entries like the Use different reading styles to suit the text and
one‟s purpose for reading. choice of reading one‟s purpose for reading
materials, the type of
reading employed, Scan rapidly for sequence signals or connectors as
etc. basis for determining the rhetorical organization of
The learner The learner Utilize varied reading strategies to process information
demonstrates understanding creatively produces a in a text
of varied reading approaches digital chart of
to make sense and develop various text types Recognize the propaganda strategies used in
appreciation for the different with clickable advertisements and consider these in formulating
text types. features. hypotheses
Distinguish between facts from opinions
Use expressions that signal opinions (e.g. seems, as I
see it)
The learner The learner Utilize knowledge of the differences among text types
demonstrates understanding prepares an (instructional, explanatory, recount, persuasive, informational
of how to abstract abstract of a text and literary) as an aid in processing information in the
information presented in read. selection read or viewed
different text types and to
note explicit and implicit
signals used by the writer. Assess the content and function of each statement in a
text with a view of determining the information structure of
the text
Abstract information from the different text types by noting
explicit and implicit signals used by the writer
Interpret instructions, directions, notices, rules and
The learner The learner Show understanding and appreciation for the different
demonstrates creatively compiles genres with emphasis on types contributed by Asian
understanding of how Afro-Asian literary countries (i.e. Haiku, Tanka, etc.)
significant human pieces as accounts
experiences are best of experiential Point out the elements of plays and playlets
captured in various literary learning.
forms that inspire humans to
bring out the best in them. Determine the macro discourse patterns of essays and
The learner The Discover Philippine and Afro Asian literature as a means
demonstrates learner produces a of expanding experiences and outlook and enhancing
understanding of the critical review of worthwhile universal human values
different genres to heighten articles with the
literary competence. same themes but Express appreciation for worthwhile Asian traditions
different genres. and the values they represent
The learner The learner Point out the role of literature in enabling one to grow
demonstrates produces an e- in
The learner The learner Discern positive and negative messages conveyed by a
demonstrates effectively writes program viewed
understanding of the reactions to movies
different text types and viewed. (movie
React appropriately and provide suggestions based on
genres of programs viewed review)
an established fact
to effectively derive
information and find
The learner Decode the meaning of unfamiliar words using structural
meaning in them.
presents a review of analysis
a program viewed.
Follow task- based directions shown after viewing
The learner The learner Analyze the elements that make up reality and fantasy
demonstrates produces a reaction from a program viewed
understanding of the various paper to a program
analytical and evaluative viewed. Compare and contrast one‟s own television-
techniques employed in viewing behavior with other viewers‟ viewing
critical viewing. behavior
The learner The learner Recognize the principles of lay outing in viewing a
demonstrates puts up a model material
understanding of how television
viewing conventions affect production Explore how colors appeal to viewer‟s emotions
the way viewers grasp, incorporating viewing
interpret, and evaluate the conventions. Identify basic camera angles
meaning of a program
viewed. Ascertain how balance created by symmetry affects
visual response to a program viewed
The learner
creates a blog on
the internet
commenting on
issues and
Quarter 2 Quarter 2 Quarter 2
Use non-linear texts and outlines to show relationships
The learner The learner between ideas
demonstrates understanding conducts an opinion
of the power of language poll, interprets, and Transcode ideas from texts to concept maps
structures and forms in presents the findings
shaping people‟s reactions, having a local-based
perceptions, points of view, or national issue as Make a write-up of ideas presented in concept
and beliefs in local, national reference. maps
and global communities.
Use three-step words, phrasal and sentence
outlines to organize ideas
The learner The learner Organize one‟s thoughts and adopt the appropriate
demonstrates understanding makes a write-up of writing style in letters, resumes, critiques, etc. using
of how to have a good an interview. appropriate styles (formal and formal)and audience in
command and facility of the mind
English Language necessary
to produce writing in different
genres and modes. Employ interactional functions of language in different
genres and modes of writing (pen-pal letters, letters of
invitation, a “yes” and “no” letters, book reviews,
interview write-ups, journal entries, etc.)
and modification)
o correct complex and compound-complex sentences
o correct conditional statements
o appropriate parenthetical expressions
(Subsumed in all
Q2 The learner demonstrates Q2The learner presents a well- Shift from one listening strategy to another
understanding of how to use documented report about the based on purpose, familiarity with the
various listening strategies that solution to a societal problem topic and level of difficulty of the
serve as highlighted in an argumentative or persuasive text
Listen to get important information from
gateways to the meanings of argumentative
ORAL LANGUAGE & Q1 The learner demonstrates Q1 Determine the appropriate stress, intonation,
FLUENCY understanding of how to use The learner proficiently phrasing,pacing, and tone while
audible and visible codes in delivers an inspirational delivering an extemporaneous or impromptu
speaking to achieve effective and speech showing the speech
Use appropriate volume, enunciation, stress,
meaningful communication. interdependency between
phrasing, pacing, eye contact, and gestures
the audible and visible codes. that meet the needs of the settings, the
audience and the topic
Observe social and linguistic conventions in
oral interactional and transactional discourse
Deliver oral presentations with ease and
Q2 The learner demonstrates Q2 The learner presents an Employ varied verbal and non-verbal
understanding of how to use audio-visual presentation strategies to create impact on a specific
verbal emphasizing the importance audience while delivering various forms
and non verbal strategies in of using verbal and non – of extemporaneous or impromptu speech
Use appropriate communication strategies to m
conveying valuable messages verbal messages in various
for the inadequacies in the use of English
speaking situations. Apply oral communication skills and strategies
to interviews, group presentations, formal
presentations and impromptu situations.
Q2 The learner demonstrates Q2 The learner proficiently Determine the level of formality or register in
understanding of how language produces a mini thesaurus which a word or expression is to be used
formality and register affect the of formal terms. Decide on the formality level and language
meaning of the message register to use in various situations
Determine specialized vocabulary/jargons in
various disciplines
Q4 The learner demonstrates Q4 The learner efficiently Employ vocabulary know-how in taking exams
understanding of how enhanced constructs a word blog Show how vocabulary becomes job hunting
vocabulary helps in taking (Wiki-inspired) of essential
competency exams and in terms used in certain a
meeting career/profession
the word proficiency requirement
various careers
READING Q1The learner demonstrates Q1The learner efficiently Articulate prior knowledge concerning the
COMPREHENSION understanding of how schema produces a summation blog topic of reading or viewing selection using
building helps in understanding detailing the content of the guided small group discussion strategies
the selections read Scan rapidly for sequence signals or
connectors as basis in determining the
meaning of texts
macro discourse pattern and rhetorical
organization of texts.
Skim to determine the key ideas,
author‟s purpose and citations made
Assess a text in the light of previous readings
Assess advance organizers, titles,
sub-titles, illustrations, etc. in the light of
information given in a text
Q2 The learner demonstrates Q2 The learner produces a Compare and contrast information presented in
understanding of how textual cross analysis of two or more two or more related reading or viewing
analysis selections read selections using guided text analysis strategies
of various selections help in and devices in a small group structure
Q3 The learner demonstrates Q3 The learner proficiently Ascertain the features of the reading or viewing
understanding of how tradition of produces an promotional video Selection that clarify its adherence to or
literary production is reflected in of an advocacy. dismissal of a particular tradition of literary
the production
Read intensively to select appropriate details
richness of the reading selection
for a specific purpose from a given text
Organize information from a written text into an
creates life-long impact outline.
Q4 The learner demonstrates Q4 The learner efficiently Ascertain the features of the reading or viewing
understanding of how thorough produces a selection that clarify its adherence to or
analysis of textual features position paper dismissal of a particular social issue, concern,
influences on or disposition.
Judge the relevance and worth of ideas,
stance on social issue, concern, the features of
soundness of author‟s reasoning, and the
or a selection effectiveness of the presentation by reading
disposition read critically to what is real
Viewing Q1 The learner demonstrates Q1 The learner produces Structure information from a program viewed
under- program portfolio that as to how they can be used in a discourse.
standing of the different text monitors their progress as
types viewers in terms of interest,
and genre of programs to preference, and reflection
effectively on individual viewing
derive information and make this behavior.
information meaningful.
Classify the information derived from the
genre of programs viewed.
Q2 The learner demonstrates Q2 The learner produces an Authenticate the answers to the questions
under- evaluation paper to a program raised from a program viewed.
Q3 The learner demonstrates Q3 The learner puts up a Tell the big idea/key concept implied by the
understanding of how viewing model television production gestures of interlocutors.
conventions affect the way incorporating viewing
viewers conventions.
grasp, interprêt,and evaluate the
meaning of a program viewed.
Prove how the elements that make up reality
and fantasy affect viewers‟ program
Interpret the meaning of television content
and other sources of information.
WRITING & Q1 The learner demonstrates Q1 The learner produces Identify ways by which information is
COMPOSITION understanding of how a synthesis paper showing the systematically organized to meet specific
information extent of information to be goals and objectives in written discourse
must be organized to understand considered in writing a Make sense of a language structure of a
and appreciate written discourse discourse
Present information in non-linear text
Utilize graphs, maps, flow charts, diagrams,
tables, and other information
Write for variety of audiences and purposes.
Develop a paragraph with a topic sentence,
supporting details and a concluding sentence
Choose appropriate organizing strategy
(pros-con, cause-effect, reason- result, and
problem-solution) to present a topic
Review, edit, polish ones work for elements of
language following guidelines and basic
principles of paragraph development
Select and use pre-writing,writing and post
writing strategies
Use variety of patterns to organize
information in multi paragraph writings
Q2 The learner demonstrates Q2 The learner produces a Employ a variety of language and discourse
understanding of how expressing :”response blog” that considers patterns in expressing one‟s view and
views and opinions can be best strong arguments on critical opinions concerning a particular topic of
Produce a variety of creative written works
Q3 The learner demonstrates Q3 The learner creates an Use specific cohesive and literary
understanding of how extended e-folio of written works which devices to construct extended literary and
literary and expository written can be commented on and expository written discourse as short fiction,
discourse are best understood modified. argumentative, and persuasive essays,
speeches, and opinionated journalistic writing.
through the use of specific
Write in argumentative and persuasive mode
cohesive Compose persuasive and argumentative text
and literary devices Collect and write about the significant human
Experiences communicated in literary,
informative , descriptive and other text types
Write argumentative essay based on personal
observations, reflections,imaginations, and
Illustrate the structure, content, language, and
organization of details in an argumentative
Use cohesive devices and appropriate
rhetorical functions and techniques in
expressing ideas, thoughts, feelings and
Use key idea sentences, support sentences,
transition devices and restatements of texts.
Q4 The learner demonstrates Q4 The learner produces an Consider the nature of the written documents
understanding of how writing inventory and compilation of to be produced before employing the
style is various writing styles and appropriate writing style and organizational
anchored on the kind of patterns. pattern to ensure a unified and coherent
Document, cite and acknowledge sources
to be produced following the right of information/ data
conventions and organizational
GRAMMAR Q1 The learner demonstrates Q2 The learner creatively Use other cohesive techniques and devices,
AWARENESS understanding of how sentence designs an on-line tourism various polite expressions, varied techniques
structures are best expressed by pamphlet using correct of softening expressions, appropriate
taking in consideration various cohesive techniques, and techniques to avoid confusing sentence
cohesive techniques and devices, devices as well as polite
polite expressions and expressions
Q2 The learner demonstrates Q2 The learner proficiently Formulate appropriate restatements, correct
understanding of how grammar presents a features segment negation structures, meaningful structures of
proficiency is made evident by highlighting restatements, fronting, inversion,and emphasis, effective
correct restatements and correct negation structures, sentence with controlled length and rhythm
negation, structures of fronting, meaningful structures of
inversion, and emphasis, fronting, inversion, and
effective emphasis.
sentence with controlled length
and rhythm
ATTITUDE TOWARDS The learner demonstrates The learner proficiently Adopt an appropriate, sensitive, and
LANGUAGE, understanding of how free and Produces a Responsive disposition in articulating,
LITERACY & effective expression is best Reflection Nook in articulating maintaining, and challenging diverse
LITERATURE manifested by taking into account feedback on a research opinions and points of view concerning
specific issues and concerns
the perspective of other people conducted, film viewed and
on specific issues and concerns. article read
PROGRAM STANDARD: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types
for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other text types
for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
Listening Q1 The learner demonstrates Q1 The learner activates prior Examine how spoken communication between
Comprehension understanding that listening is knowledge conceptually related to and among speakers in specific situations may
the receptive skill in the oral text and establishes a purpose for be repaired or enhanced verbally and non-
mode that allows one to listening. verbally to suit various functional purposes
comprehend what is heard using
ones skills and background Show courtesy while listening to the ideas
knowledge (schema). and feelings of others.
Listen attentively to what is uttered
Allow a speaker to expound on a topic
before reacting to what was said
Identify implicit and explicit signals, verbal,
as well as non-verbal, used by the speaker
to highlight significant points
Single out direct and indirect
signals used by a speaker
Note the intonation used by the
speaker to signal key points in a
Derive information that can be used in
everyday life from news reports, speeches,
informative talks, panel discussions, etc.
Point out the effectiveness of the
devices used by the speaker to
attract and hold the attention of the
Identify the roles of discourse
markers (e.g. conjunctions,
gambits, adverbs) in signaling the
functions of statements made
Q4 The learner demonstrates Q4 The learner locates information Assess the effectiveness of listening strategies
competence in responding to from expository texts and uses this employed considering text types, listening task
important information raised in information for discussion or written and one‟s purpose for listening
the listening texts. product. Listen to take down information from
detailed reports, lectures, and discussion
of issues
Utilize outlines and concept maps
when taking down notes from oral
Reading & Q1 The learner demonstrates Q1 The learner activates prior Assess prior knowledge concerning the topic of
Viewing understanding that reading is a knowledge conceptually related to reading or viewing selection using individual or
Comprehension psycholinguistic guessing game text and establishes a purpose for group assessment devices
which utilizes visual and non- reading. Use previous experiences as a scaffold for
visual information in order to processing information in a given reading
confirm, modify, and monitor or viewing selection
one‟s comprehension. Test new insights against previous
Note the effectiveness of textual aids
like advance organizers, titles, non-
linear illustrations, etc. in activating
background knowledge relevant to the
Develop strategies for coping with
unknown words and ambiguous structures
and discourse.
Identify the derivation of words.
Use collocations of difficult words as an
aid in unlocking vocabulary difficulties
Define words from context, and through
word analysis.
Arrive at the meaning of structurally
complex and ambiguous sentences by
separating kernel sentences from
Viewing Q1 The learner demonstrates Q1 The learner produces program Use the structure information in a familiar
Comprehension understanding of the different portfolio that monitors their
text types and genres of progress as viewers in terms of
programs to effectively derive interest, preference, and reflections Validate the information derived from the
information and make this on individual viewing behaviors.
genres of programs viewed
information meaningful.
Link connections of events and how these
connections contribute to the totality of a
program viewed
Apply symbols derived from mental images to
written or oral communication
Confirm authenticated answers to questions
raised from program viewed with another
Quarter 2 Quarter 2 Interpret the message conveyed by a program
Note: Vocabulary Enhancement, Attitude and Study Strategies are integrated in other literacy domains.
1. Galileo Go BEE-CDD
C. Workshop on Determining Gaps Between BEC Grade 6 Competencies and the K to 12 Grade
7 Competencies
Venue: DAP, Tagaytay City
Date: September 7-9, 2011
A. Dr. Roderick Aguirre Language and Preschool
B. Ligaya Ilagan EPS II DepEd CO/BEE-SDD
I. Workshop on the Review and Refinement of the K to 12 Curriculum Framework and Standards
Venue: DAP,Tagaytay City
Date: May 10-13,2011
J. Consultative Workshops for the Validation of the K to 12 Curriculum Framework and Standards
1. Irene C. De Robles CDD – BEE
2. Jose Tuguinayo, Jr. CDD – BSE
3. Marivic Abcede CDD – BSE
4. Mirla Olores SPED – BEE
5. Simeona Ebol CDD – BEE
6. Fe Villalino SDD – BEE