Unit 5 Test Standard B
Unit 5 Test Standard B
Unit 5 Test Standard B
1 Track 05 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę. Odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z treścią nagrania.
0 Where did Jessica see Oliver’s holiday photos?
On Instagram.
1 Which part of America did Oliver visit?
2 How many weeks did he spend there?
3 Which animals did Oliver not see: alligators, manatees, snakes or sharks?
4 What meat did Oliver try?
5 Did Oliver enjoy the Kennedy Space Center?
___ / 5
2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo.
checked delighted fare must-see taken torch vehicle
0 The plane hasn’t taken off yet.
1 Hurry up! Our flight leaves in an hour, and we haven’t ______________ in yet.
2 If you like history, the Tower of London should be on your list of ______________ places.
3 We could see two men in a long ______________ behind us.
4 The boys couldn’t afford a taxi. The ______________ was very high.
___ / 4
4 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź: a, b lub c.
1 Look at the waves. It ___ be a great day for surfers.
a will b mustn’t c ’s going to
2 We ___ definitely have time to see one museum in London. Which do you prefer—the Science Museum or
the Natural History Museum?
a shouldn’t b won’t c ’ll
3 Brian ___ visit his cousins in Ireland in August. They will be away on holiday.
a is going b can’t c will
4 We ___ take a ride on the London Eye yesterday only because we had booked our tickets in advance.
a may b was able c were able to
5 I think I ___ hiking tomorrow. Would you like to come with me?
a ’m going b ’ll go c go
___ / 5
6 Z opcji A–C wybierz poprawne tłumaczenie fragmentu podanego w nawiasie.
1 Terry and Michael ___ (zamierzają wynająć) a car to tour the south of France.
A will hire
B are going to hire
C are going to fare
4 You ___ (nie musisz) to ask for a refund if you don’t want to.
A don’t have
B haven’t
C must not
7 Przeczytaj cztery oferty wycieczek (1–4) oraz zdania ich dotyczące (A–F). Do każdego zdania dopasuj
właściwy tekst. Uwaga: dwa zdania nie pasują do żadnego tekstu.
1 Banff, Canada
Have you ever wanted to be a cowboy? Here’s your chance! First, you’ll enjoy a horse ride along the Bow River
while we point out some of the wildlife and amazing scenery. You’ll then arrive at 3 Mile Cabin, where you’ll
enjoy some real western hospitality and some delicious cowboy food – large steaks, baked potatoes and baked
beans. You’ll also have the chance to try some western games – how to use a lasso* and throw horseshoes.
* a rope used by cowboys
What’s included:
• guide for the ride • helmet
• basic riding instruction • BBQ lunch
What’s included:
• passionate guide • water
• helmet, torch, batteries • snack
This trip:
A will take you to the top of a mountain.
B offers a hot meal.
C will take you on a cruise along rivers.
D will let you see the earth from above.
E offers free tickets to a museum.
F will allow you to see some ancient species.
8 Uzupełnij dialog. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
Ticket agent: Can I 0 help you?
Travis: Yes, please. I’d like a ticket for the next train to London Liverpool Street, please.
Ticket agent: Single or 1 __________________________________?
Travis: Single, please. How often do the trains run?
Ticket agent: They 2 __________________________________ fifteen minutes.
Travis: OK. How much is the ticket?
Ticket agent: Are 3 __________________________________ sixteen?
Travis: Yes. I’m seventeen.
Ticket agent: That’ll be £19.40. 4 __________________________________ cash or card?
Travis: 5 __________________________________ by card, please?
Ticket agent: Sure. ___ / 5
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to express my disappointment with …
Yours faithfully,
___ / 12