Swan Et Al-2017-Metaphilosophy
Swan Et Al-2017-Metaphilosophy
Swan Et Al-2017-Metaphilosophy
37 3,616
2 authors, including:
Melanie Swan
Purdue University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Melanie Swan on 29 December 2017.
FIGURE 1. Two fundamental eras of network computing (expanded from Sigal 2011)
[color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
far might be the first phase of the Internet, characterized by the trans-
fer of information via simple networks. Today, a second phase of net-
work computing is emerging—one that enables the secure, end-to-end,
and computationally validated transfer of value (whether it is repre-
sented by money, assets, or contractual arrangements) via smart
The idea behind smart networks is that value transfer is performed
by the network itself. Intelligence is built directly into the networks
operations through a sophisticated protocol that automatically identi-
fies, validates, confirms, and routes transactions within the network. In
the case of most existing blockchain-based networks, what makes the
peer-to-peer transfer of value possible is the proof-of-work protocol
(sometimes referred to as mining): that is, the economic competition
between agents who contribute their computing resources to securing
and maintaining the network. As a result of this process, a new form
of “algorithmic trust” is created, one that significantly distinguishes
itself from the more traditional typology of trust that was initially only
between human agents.
One implication of transferring value with blockchain-based smart
networks instead of relying on human-based institutions is that the tra-
ditional intermediaries responsible for verifying and validating transac-
tions may become obsolete. As a result, the institutional structure of
society could shift to one that is computationally based and thus has a
diminished need for human-operated brick-and-mortar institutions.
Blockchain technology applies to advanced and emerging economies
alike. In the context of advanced economies, institutions could be reen-
gineered, leading to a future where a substantial portion of human
interactions, in particular value transfer and contractual engagements,
Symposium Thesis
The present symposium explores the metaphilosophical issue of
whether an open call to thinkers to consider the philosophical
2. Summary of Contributions
This section provides a summary and analysis of the papers making up
the symposium and of the broader philosophical themes they raise.
The following are detailed summaries of the argument, method, conclu-
sion, and implications of the findings in the seven ensuing papers.
(1) In “On the Philosophy of Bitcoin/Blockchain Technology: Is It a
Chaotic, Complex System?” Renato P. dos Santos maintains that, while
the bitcoin blockchains proof-of-work consensus method is compli-
cated, it is not complex. Building upon Crutchfields Statistical Com-
plexity,1 dos Santos points to two principal methods for measuring the
complexity of a system: algorithmic complexity and statistical complex-
ity. The first method analyses the complexity of a particular data set by
the length of the program necessary to reproduce such data. This
method, however, is not generalizable to other data sets produced by
the system or to the system as a whole. Accordingly, algorithmic com-
plexity lacks the ability to distinguish between signal and noise. The
second method, statistical complexity, relies on statistics as a means for
measuring noise, and constitutes therefore a more general method of
measuring complexity (Badii and Politi 1999, 9).2 And so statistical
complexity can be defined as measuring the amount of information in
a system that describes the systems dynamics and that can be used to
predict the future states of that system (Shalizi 2006, 59). Statistical
complexity is measured along the parameters of randomness (entropy)
and order (complexity).
Applying Crutchfields Statistical Complexity to measure the predic-
tive information in the bitcoin blockchain consensus system (the pro-
cess of cryptographically winning the opportunity to validate a new
Also known as Crutchfield-Young Statistical Complexity (from 1989) and
Grassberger-Crutchfield-Young Statistical Complexity (from 1986) (Shalizi 2006, 59).
Other proposed methods for measuring complexity have not been sufficiently
demonstrated—for example, power laws and thermodynamic depth (Shalizi 2006, 61, 65).
Thematic Discussion
The papers in this symposium consider themes within three main catego-
ries of philosophical concern: ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The
specific problematics addressed can be summarized as fitting models to
(2, 5, 6, 7). Some of the key elements in the process of knowing include
naming, the performing of actions, and the ability to confirm and refer
to what is known. Epistemological issues are heightened in the block-
chain context due to the coupling between the physical and virtual
domain, where the tightness of linkage in these relationships is uncon-
firmed, both when they are initially established and persistently over
time. One challenge in establishing correspondence between these two
domains is due to the different natures of these two worlds: the virtual
world is quantitative (digital ones and zeros), and the physical world is
qualitative (messy, variable, irrational). Ultimately, we are still in the
early days of the experimental process to identify the computational
equivalents of human-based qualities, such as trust and truth.
In the context of signification, the idea of using Goodmans nota-
tional system as a fine-grained method for specifying blockchain identi-
ties suggests a broader analysis of signification. For example,
Saussures dyadic semiotic sign (the signifier and the signified) and
Peirces sign (with explicit extension to the physical world) might be
helpful in further delineating the correspondence of blockchain entities
as they move between the physical domain and the virtual. Perform-
ance is likewise important, including what counts as the performance
of an action in the blockchain context, and what might grant identity
or over-personify it. For humans, performativity is connected to the
expression of identity. While this is not directly applicable to block-
chains, one might consider performativity metaphorically. Both John
Austins speech acts (mere utterance has performative action) and
Judith Butlers notion of performance (identity is real only to the
extent that it is performed) can be transposed easily into the block-
chain context in that transactions do not exist in a fully realized way
until they are broadcast (that is, performed)—and if transactions are
not broadcast to the network, they are simply deemed not to exist.
Nuances in performativity theories could be helpful in further specify-
ing the range of existence of blockchain entities; in the case of transac-
tions, from wallet submission to validation, confirmation, broadcast,
and propagation. Indeed, while a peer node merely publishing transac-
tions on the network might not necessarily have a higher claim to iden-
tity than any other database, a smart contract that can update its own
code might have more ground to do so.
Finally, when it comes to messages being received and acknowl-
edged, blockchain networks have a sense of peer-to-peer reciprocity
that is articulated in the “hear say yes” affirmation relation Derrida
sees in Joyce (Derrida 1991, 256). Blockchain peer nodes engage in a
“hear say yes” affirmation as the means by which state changes are
confirmed and propagated through the system, since each party cosigns
and assents to the new state of the network. Accordingly, decentraliza-
tion is not merely architectural (in the setup of the peer-to-peer mesh
network) but also operational, in the sense that each participating node
is responsible for evaluating and confirming the new blocks that will
become part of the new state of the world, rather than just accepting
the update from a hierarchically superior main node.
The third theme, axiology, is fitting models to sociopolitical institu-
tions. Axiologically, some of the main topics regarding what is valor-
ized or ignored in the world are ethical and moral issues, and
aesthetics. First looking at what we valorize as being moral or ethical,
we are concerned with right conduct as we enact our lives individually
and collectively. In this area, one paper looks at property as a political
institution (4), another at the political structures of money production
(7), and a third at human rights issues in the context of political cor-
ruption (3). Second, concerning what we valorize as aesthetic (what is
elegant, efficient, beautiful, or sublime), one paper discusses the
blockchain-based protection of digital artworks (2), with the assump-
tion that digital artworks are valuable in society. A broader considera-
tion of the aesthetics of blockchain might encompass on one hand an
evaluation of the computational elegance or efficiency of the crypto-
graphic equations or software, for example using techniques like
Occams razor (the simplest solution is the most efficient and elegant).
On the other hand, the aesthetics of blockchain might range to the
analysis of artworks made with blockchain code or the political mes-
saging of blockchains, such as Cryptoarts fine art combined with bit-
coin storage or cryptographic art, such as the ASCII Bernanke
recorded in the bitcoin blockchain (Pastebin 2011).
From a high-level abstraction, the framing of all these papers is episte-
mological, in the sense that the general problem is a grasp at understand-
ing blockchain technology as a new occurrence in the world. Within the
general epistemological problem of an understanding of blockchains,
there is a host of other issues: what blockchains are ontologically, what
we can know of ourselves and our world through blockchains, and how
we can make the world a better place (or not) axiologically with block-
chains. To answer these questions, we must explore a variety of known
ontological, epistemological, and axiological approaches to bring us
toward a more profound articulation and understanding of blockchains,
as has been demonstrated here with mathematical and scientific models,
signification models (naming, performativity, and confirmation), and
world sociohistorical political and aesthetic models.
Melanie Swan
Department of Philosophy
Purdue University
100 N. University St., 7th floor
West Lafayette, IN 47907
[email protected]
Primavera de Filippi
CERSA/CNRS/Universite Paris II
10 rue Thenard
75005 Paris
[email protected]
A special thank-you to Renato P. dos Santos, Florian Glaser, and
Craig Hayenga for reviewing certain sections.
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