EMC51 Marvin 255 Postprint
EMC51 Marvin 255 Postprint
EMC51 Marvin 255 Postprint
Marvin, Andrew C. orcid.org/0000-0003-2590-5335, Dawson, Linda, Flintoft, Ian David
orcid.org/0000-0003-3153-8447 et al. (1 more author) (2009) A method for the
measurement of shielding effectiveness of planar samples requiring no sample edge
preparation or contact. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. pp. 255-262.
ISSN 0018-9375
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Andrew C Marvin, Linda Dawson, Ian Flintoft and John Dawson, “A Method for the Measurement of Shielding Effectiveness of
Planar Samples Requiring no Sample Edge Preparation or Contact”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility,
Vol. 51, No. 2, May 2009, pp. 255-262.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TEMC.2009.2015147
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=4812060
A Method for the Measurement of Shielding
Effectiveness of Planar Samples Requiring no
Sample Edge Preparation or Contact
Andrew C Marvin, Senior Member IEEE, Linda Dawson, Ian Flintoft, Member IEEE
and John Dawson, Member IEEE
Abstract—A method is presented for the measurement of shielding effectiveness of planar materials with non-conducting surfaces
such as carbon fibre composites. The method overcomes edge termination problems with such materials by absorbing edge-diffracted
energy. A dynamic range of up to 100 dB has been demonstrated over a frequency range of 1 to 8.5 GHz depending on the size of the
sample under test. Comparison with ASTM D4935 and nested reverberation measurements of shielding effectiveness shows good
T he measurement of the shielding effectiveness (SE) of a planar material sample is required in order to predict the suitability
of the material to form an enclosed electromagnetic shield. A typical shielded enclosure has an ultimate shielding
performance that is limited by the shielding performance of its structural features such as apertures penetrations and joints. For a
high quality shielded enclosure the SE expressed logarithmically may exceed 100 dB when the enclosure is first commissioned.
Typical equipment enclosures, or enclosures that have a secondary shielding requirement, such a vehicle bodies, may have SE
values in the range 10 dB to 80 dB. This lower performance is a consequence of the structural features and the consequent
requirement for the shielding performance of the structural material is lower, typically no more than 90 dB. Any sheet metal used
as a structural material will have a SE considerably in excess of 90 dB. Structural materials formed from metallised plastic or
other non-conducting substrates with an internal conducting component, such as carbon fibre re-enforced composite (CFC), may
have SE values in the range below 90 dB and thus require measurement.
Such materials are conventionally measured in test systems that require a planar sample of the material to be placed across an
aperture or within the cross-section of a transmission line. Examples are the use of nested reverberation chambers (NRC) [1,2],
nested anechoic chambers and coaxial TEM waveguides, typically the standard ASTM cell [3]. In each of these systems the
measured reduction of transmitted electromagnetic energy (insertion loss) through the aperture or cell with the sample present is
compared to that without the sample present and the data is processed to estimate the SE of the sample material. With the sample
present the energy flow is through the sample and possibly around the edge of the sample if a good conducting contact between
the outer edge of the sample and the inner edge of the aperture/cell is not maintained along the entire sample perimeter. The edge
contact requirement has been overcome in some coaxial systems [4,5] but can be a major source of measurement error in other
systems that require contact with a buried conducting material or samples with conductor on one side only. These problems are
particularly acute as the frequency of the measurement increases and especially in the microwave frequency range where the
structural dimensions of the sample material features, for example the weave in the fabric of a composite material, become
comparable to the wavelength.
The measurement of SE in this system relies on the suppression of reflected and edge diffracted energy relative to that
penetrating directly through the sample. The frequency range of operation of the prototype system is from 1 GHz (limited by the
efficiency of the absorber and sample size), to 8.5 GHz (limited by the instrumentation available). A vector network analyser was
used for the measurements; simplistically the SE may be defined as the insertion of loss through the system when the sample is
put in place:
S 21
SE measured
. (1)
S 21
Samples exhibiting significant shielding due to the presence of one or more conducting layers within the sample have an
electric field reflection coefficient close to -1. A standing wave is therefore set up in the cavity formed in the absorber below the
sample. Thus a simple measurement of SE performed by taking the ratio of the received field with and without the sample present
has a superimposed ripple.
In order to overcome the ripple effect a reference sample technique was implemented using a sample of known SE, in this case
a brass sheet of thickness 300 m with a square array of circular holes of diameter 3 mm and spacing 10 mm etched into it. The
SE of this sample was measured using an ASTM D4935 cell [3] and a NRC using the NIST corrected calibration technique [1,2].
In either measurement case, the metal reference sample presented no contact problems with the sample holder and has no
The SE of the reference sample was also computed using TLM assuming that the sample is a thin PEC sheet and then also
accounting for the thickness of the sample material. In this case a single cell of the array was modelled in a problem space
bounded with appropriate PEC and PMC walls to simulate an infinite array by reflection. The TLM mesh size was 50 m in order
to enable the model to account for the finite thickness of the sheet.
The results of these measurements and computation are shown in Fig. 13. Note that the ASTM cell only works in the frequency
range below 1.5 GHz due to over-moding in the cell and that the NRC measurement is limited to frequencies above 1 GHz due to
minimum mode density requirements in the smaller of the nested chambers. The measured results are in good agreement in the
overlap frequency range and the computed result accounting for the sample thickness provides the best estimate of the SE. The
actual SE of the reference sample (SEref) was assumed to be that of the ASTM cell measurement in its frequency range and a
straight-line projection (in the dB scale of Fig. 13) of the ASTM result in the higher frequency range. This straight-line projection
overlays the noisier reverberation chamber measurement in the higher frequency range.
The results of measuring the reference sample using the absorber system are shown in Fig. 14. It can be seen that the agreement
between the absorber system and the ASTM cell is good and that between the measurements and the simulation is also good, even
though the superimposed ripples due to the reflections in the absorber cavity are present in this uncorrected measurement. The
agreement between the absorber system and the reverberation chamber shown in Fig. 13 is also good.
Using the reference sample calibration technique the SE of the sample-under-test, SEsample, is calculated from equation (2):
S 21
SE sample
SE ref sample
. (2)
S 21
SEref is the assumed known SE of the reference sample, SE21ref is the measured transmission through the reference sample and
SE21sample is the measured transmission through the sample-under-test.
Fig. 15 shows this technique applied to a sample comprising a second 300 m thick brass sheet with a square array of circular
holes of diameter 1.5 mm and spacing 5mm etched into it; the array spacing and hole size of this plate are thus half those of the
reference sample. For comparison, the ASTM cell results for this sample and the uncorrected measurement defined by
equation (1) are also plotted. In the overlap frequency range the two techniques agree within 1 dB and the measured SE at
frequencies above this range follows the same gradient as the computed result.
Fig. 16 shows the results of corrected measurements on two conducting fabric samples and a copper coated plastic film. In the
case of the samples with the lowest SE the limitation of the reference sample calibration technique can be observed at the highest
frequencies where the SE is lowest. In these cases the standing wave pattern is not established in the same way as for the high
performance samples and the ripple re-appears.
This paper has described a method that may be used to assess the shielding effectiveness of planar materials with non-
conducting surface finishes (such as CFC). These materials are difficult to measure as the imperfect edge terminations which are
found when using such materials tend to dominate the measurements. The method assumes that fields will propagate around the
edges of the material sample and aims to attenuate these fields sufficiently to minimise their impact on the measured results. The
proposed method utilises a relatively simple and low cost test setup, which is easy to use but has still been able to measure a
shielding effectiveness of up to 100 dB over the frequency range 1 GHz to 8.5 GHz. The frequency range demonstrated was
limited by the test equipment available. In principle the dynamic range and frequency range of the measurement could be
increased by enlarging the test jig and the samples which may be tested in it.
It has been shown that the results obtained are similar to those obtained using ASTM D4935 and nested reverberation chamber
test methods at frequencies where the methods overlap. The proposed method also has a limited capability of showing the
shielding effectiveness for different incident wave polarisations where the material under test is anisotropic, with an anisotropy
less than 15 dB. Where the anisotropy is greater, the co-polar field in the absorber system and non-ideal performance of the
antennas used limits the accuracy of the measurement of the polarisation with the higher SE.
The measurement method is easy and rapid to carry out compared to alternative techniques and the test jig is simple to
construct and more robust than the alternatives, making the technique very cost effective.
[1] International Electrotechnical Commission, “Testing and measurement techniques - reverberation chamber test methods”, Standard 6100-4-21:2003, 2003.
[2] C. L. Holloway, D. A. Hill, J. Ladbury, G. Koepke, and R. Garzia, “Shielding effectiveness measurements of materials using nested reverberation
chambers”, IEEE Trans. Electromag.Compat., Vol. 45, No. 2, May 2003, pp. 350–356.
[3] American Society for Testing and Materials, “Standard test method for measuring the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of planar materials”,
Standard D4935-99, 1999.
[4] J. Catrysse, M. Delesie and W. Steenbakkers, “The influence of the test fixture on shielding effectiveness measurements”, IEEE Trans. Electromag.
Compat., Vol. 34, No. 3, Aug. 1992, pp. 348-351.
[5] M. S. Sarto and A. Tamburrano, “Innovative test method for the shielding effectiveness measurement of conductive thin films in a wide frequency range”,
IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., Vol. 48, No. 2, May 2006, pp. 331-341.
[6] P. F. Wilson, M. T. Ma and J. W. Adams, “Techniques for Measuring the Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Materials: Part I: - Far-Field Source
Simulation”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., Vol. 30, No. 3 Aug. 1988, pp. 239-249.
[7] Emerson and Cuming Microwave Products, ECCOSORB LS Material Data Sheet. Available: http://www.eccosorb.com.
[8] K. Hataeyama and H. Togawa, “Evaluation Method for Shielding Gasket at Microwave and Millmeter-Wsves”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., Vol.
39, No. 4, Nov. 1997, pp. 349-355.
[9] C. Christopoulos , “The Transmission-Line Modeling (TLM) Method in Electromagnetics”, Morgan & Claypool, 2006.
[10] J. F. Dawson, “Representing ferrite absorbing tiles as frequency dependent boundaries in TLM”, IEE Electronics Lett., Vol. 29, No. 9, Sep. 1993, pp. 791-
[11] C. L. Holloway, M S. Sarto and M. Johansson, “Analyzing Carbon-Fiber Composite Materials With Equivalent-Layer Models”, IEEE Trans. Electromag.
Compat., Vol. 47, No. 4, Nov. 2005, pp. 833-844
Andy Marvin received his BEng, MEng and PhD degrees from the University of Sheffield, England between 1972 and 1978. He is Professor of Applied
Electromagnetics, Leader of the Physical Layer Research Group at the University of York and Technical Director of York EMC Services Ltd. He is currently
Chairman of COST Action 286 (EMC in Diffused Communications Systems). A Senior Member of the IEEE and Member of the IET he represents the UK on
URSI Commission A (Electromagnetic Metrology). He is co-convenor of the joint CISPR/IEC task force on the use of TEM cells for EMC measurements, a
member of the IEEE Std-299 Working Group and an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans EMC.
His main research interests are EMC measurement techniques and shielding.
Linda Dawson received her BSc and DPhil degrees from the University of York, England, in 1983 and 1990 respectively. She worked in a commercial EMC
consultancy from 1988 until 1995 before moving back into research as a Research Fellow in the Applied Electromagnetics Research Group, University of York.
Her main research interests are EMC measurement techniques and shielding.
Ian Flintoft (M’99) received BSc and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Manchester, England in 1988 and 1994 respectively. Between these two
degrees he work at Philips Research Laboratories in Redhill, UK, for two years as a scientist in the Simulation and Signal Processing Group. He took up his
current position as Research Fellow in the Applied Electromagnetics Research Group at the University of York in 1996, where he has worked on immunity of
digital systems, EMC in complex and distributed systems and EMC aspects of telecommunication systems.
He is currently active in a number of areas of research including computational electromagnetics and dosimetry for mobile telecommunication applications.
John F Dawson (M'90) is a senior lecturer and member of the Applied Electromagnetics Research Group at the University of York, England. He received his
BSc and DPhil degrees from the University of York in 1982 and 1989.
His research interests include numerical electromagnetic modelling, electromagnetic compatibility prediction for circuits and systems, electromagnetic
compatibility test environments, and optimisation techniques for EMC design.
S o u rc e R e fle c tin g
a n te n n a s u rfa c e
s a m p le
D iffra c te d R e fle c te d
w ave w ave
R e c e iv e
a n te n n a
S o u r c e a n te n n a
D if fr a c te d w a v e
s a m p le
R e c e iv e a n te n n a
ab so rb er
Fig.3. Prototype absorber system showing cavity with part of horn antenna just visible at the bottom.
Fig 4. Representation of the TLM absorber system model. Only half the structure is included in the model with a symmetry plane enforced in the front plane.
Fig.5. Modelled and measured dynamic range of the absorber system with a 300 mm square sample.
Fig. 6. Modelled performance in absorber box of fictitious materials with frequency independent SE from 20 dB to 80 dB. The PEC line indicates the maximum
dynamic range of the system for the same size of sample..
Fig. 7. Modelling the effect of a gap between the sample and absorber using a quasi-two-dimensional TLM model.
Fig. 8. Effect of permittivity in the gap between a conducting sample and the absorber.
Fig.9 Electric field contours in the plane of the sample in dBV/m at 3 GHz with a y polarised horn incident field. Left is the x polarised field and right is the y
polarised field. Note only half the cross-section of the cavity is shown, there is a symmetry plane along the axis.
R id g e d h o rn
a n te n n a
ab so rb er
E xpanded
s a m p le p o ly s t y re n e s u p p o rt
300m m
600m m
R id g e d h o rn a n te n n a
Fig. 10. Cross sectional view of the final absorber system.
Fig. 11. Final system showing sample and antenna support on top of absorber.
Fig. 12. Final system with the source antenna in place. The receive antenna port is visible at the bottom of the left hand wall of the box.
Fig. 13. Computed SE of thin and thick perforated brass sample compared with measured results using ASTM cell and NRC.
Fig. 14. Comparison of computed SE of perforated brass plate with measured SE using ASTM cell and uncorrected measurement in absorber system.
Fig. 15. Corrected and uncorrected measurements of second perforated brass plate (in absorber system) and ASTM cell measurement.
Fig. 16. Measured results on two conducting fabrics and copper coated plastic film.
Fig. 17. Computed and measured results for an anisotropic perforated plate with the field polarisation across (x pol.) and along (y pol.) the array of slots.
Fig. 18. Measured results on a 1-layer isotropic CFC sample.