Hedge Fund Technology Platform
Hedge Fund Technology Platform
Hedge Fund Technology Platform
01 Trading Technology 2.
Order Management System (OMS)
Execution Management System (EMS)
02 Research Technology
Backtesting Engine
7. Market Data - Real time & delayed
03 Risk Technology
8. Risk Management Platform: Factor Models, VaR, Scenario Analysis, R,
01 Trading Technology 2.
Order Management System (OMS)
Execution Management System (EMS)
02 Research Technology
AlphaSense, etc.
Backtesting Engine
7. Market Data - Real time & delayed
- Research Data Warehouse has MANY shapes and sizes however commonalities:
- Time series in OLAP optimized storage
- Snowflake or BigQuery for $$ (benefit of referential integrity)
- Parquet/Arrow + Spark/Athena to save some on cost with plenty flexibility
- Don’t Hate on PostGRES or SQL Server
- Including ETL, Data Catalog, and MDM in Research Data Warehouse
- Research Management Platform SHOULD BE ITS OWN SLIDE
- Development Env (Python, R, Excel)
- Research Platforms like Visible Alpha, Bloomberg, and Alpha Sense
- Don’t forget about notes!
- Backtesting Engine needed for both discretionary and systematic
- Market Data more and more vendor solutions
- Important Cross-Technology Touch Points
- Research Data Platform -> Risk Management Platform (Risk)
- Market Data -> Trading Technology
- Controversial
- Including a single bullet point for Research Management Platform
- Including Market Data as separate component
- Including ETL and data and data quality as Research Data Platform
03 Risk Technology
8. Risk Management Platform: Factor Models, VaR,
Scenario Analysis, R, Python
- Risk Management Platform takes various shapes and sizes, but there needs to be an explicit set of solutions
where risk is derived and disseminated to decision makers
- Common Products:
- Risk Decomposition using off the shelf and in house factor models
- Performance Attribution using the same models
- Fund Wide Scenario Analysis (Black Monday, 9/11, Covid, Flash Crash)
- Hedge Portfolio Construction
- Portfolio Optimizer
- Pro-forma portfolio analysis
- Important Cross-Technology Touch Points
- Risk Management Platform -> OMS, Research Management Platform
- Controversial
- Most likely stack to be built by the end users. Just technical enough to be dangerous. Don’t always fight
it but make sure they can see the big picture and don’t re-engineer other systems (share this deck).
- Did not include a Risk Data Platform (probably the cause of above)
9. Post Market Trading (PMT) - Reconciliations,
Clearing & Settlement
10. Accounting - EOD PnL and NAV
11. Portfolio Finance Technology - Treasury
Email: [email protected]
Youtube: @hedgineer