Runes of Magic Abbreviations and Jargon

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Runes of Magic Abbreviations and Jargon.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------General Chat Afaik: As far as I know Afk: away from keyboard Asap: as soon as possible Bb: bye bye Brb: be right back Ftw: for the win (indicates the reason for success, e.g. Just owned Tijgerhaai, Shadow Prison ftw!) Gn: good night Gtg: got to go, also can be confusingly good to go Gz: congratulations Idk: I don't know (see also the Ice Dwarf instance below) Iirc: if I recall correctly Imo, imho: in my (humble) opinion Inv: invite KoS: Kill on Sight (typically in chat ex: /world OMG Tijgerhaai just ninjad a HD SoF! KoS!) Lfg: looking for group Lfm: looking for more Lfp: looking for party Lmao: laughing my a** off Lol: laugh out loud, lots of laughter Nn: night night Np: no problem Otoh: on the other hand Pmsl: p***ed myself laughing R: ready Rofl: rolling on the floor laughing Thx: thanks Ty, tyvm: thank you (very much) /w, w/m: whisper (me) (also Warrior/Mage) WTB: want to buy WTT: want to trade WTS: want to sell Y: yes. Usually as reply to some obvious question that does not deserve full word: "Do you think I should attack this elite boss mob with evil grin on the face and bunch of sharp objects in its hand?""y" Yw: you're welcome

Classes D: Druid (Elf only) K: Knight (Human only) M: Mage P: Priest (Human only) S: Scout R: Rogue W: Warrior Wd: Warden (Elf only)

Game Functions ABL: Advanced Bind Lifter Aggro: this is a measure of how ****ed the mobs are at you. If you are at the top of the aggro list for any mob it will attack you. Healing also generates aggro. The principle task of DPS classes and Healers (aside from dmg and keeping people alive) is not to over aggro the tank, if you do, it is your fault and not the tank's. This will nearly always cause a wipe, unless you have a very good and alert off-tank. Each mob has its own aggro list so if you attack mobs the tank has not gotten hold of, it will immediately target you. AH: auction house Alt: alternative (character) AoE: Area of Effect, skills that effect everything within range (sometimes up to a certain number of targets, I'm looking at you Warriors' gimped AoE(now fixed)) not just the target AT: Arcane Transmuter BoE: bind on equip BoP: bind on pick up Bound: only your character can use the item, can be unbound BoP items need an Advanced Bindlifter, BoE only a common or garden Bindlifter Bubble: a buffer of HP provided to a character by a spell (life source, wave armour, etc...) Buffs: a skill that boosts an ability or stat on a target. You will see in party sometimes people asking "Buffs please". Those generally refer to skills such as Grace of Life (abbreviated as HP usually or Grace). They can also include the resist buffs and other buffs available party buffs (ex: dodge for a R/P, Angel's blessing for a P/M etc...) CC: Crowd control (Stun/Root, usualy the type that stuns a character for 30 sec but is cancelled by damage on the target ex:lasso, Freeze and Static Field) Chicken: Raikacha the Destroyer, last boss in the Royal's Refuge, Ystra Labyrinth CoD: Cash on delivery, an item sent through the mail that someone can only get if they pay you the set of gold that you have set. If they don;t the item is returned to you. DD: damage dealer De-buff: The same as a buff but has a negative effect. DoT: damage over time (damage per second(s)/tick) DPS: damage per second Exp, XP: experience (points) Farming: Killing the mob or mobs over and over again for the loot that they drop, or might drop if you are lucky. Fusion stones: the magical items that can take stats of items, destroying the equipment in the process. Grinding : Staying in the same area fighting the same types of monsters for a very long time, for XP rather than Farming which is for loot. HD: High Durability (over a hundred) HP: Health points HoT: heal over time (like regenerate) Imba: imbalanced LD: Low Durability (under a hundred)

Leeroy Jenkins: WoW term, search YouTube for the infamous video. Basically a raid spending about 10 minutes planning their tactics only to have one player who was making chicken throughout this shout 'Leeroy Jenkins!' (his character name, yay for roleplaying) and rush in wiping the entire raid. Can be used for gung-ho or stupid/noobish behaviour, e.g. Oh no, Tijger is about to go Leeroy Jenkins on us. LL: life leecher (first boss in origin) Loot: treasure dropped by mob/boss or chest Lvl: level Matt, mattk: magical attack Mdef: magical defence Mdmg: magical damage Main: Your main character (often your highest level but doesn't have to be) Mana stones: the magical stones that fusion stones plus equipment make. Can be used in threes to add stats to equipment. Mob: not mob as in group, but from early MUD days (multi-user dungeons) an abbreviation for mobile monster, as opposed to those that were fixed in place, this still takes me a while to get my head around that it is singular and not plural. MP: Mana points Nerf: Downgrade Ninja: Person that doesn't roll for loot according to the politics of the group/out of class for obvious monetary reasons thus effectively stealing a piece of equipment from another party member. Ninja-fix: A correction to the servers or game mechanics that is fixed or changed without notification or even sometimes without maintenance. Noob, nub, nab, newb, etc: Very versatile word that means new player, an ignorant player, an insult that can be used to call a player ignorant even if it is plain they are not, and a self-depreciating term meaning something like, if every other player joined together and attacked me, I still would laugh in their faces and vapourise them. I'm looking at you, Adamex. NPC: Non Player Character. Any character in game that isn't controlled by another player. Off-tank, Off-healer: a secondary tank/healer. Not necessarily well equiped for the role but there to step in in 'oh ****' moments or to provide back up where needed. Oom: Out of mana OP: OverPowered Patt, pattk: physical attack Pdef: physical defence Pdmg: physical damage PFS, puri: Purified Fusion Stone PK: Player killer Plussing: See refining. Pull: draw a mob into combat, generally by twating it about the head with some sharp implement, though ranged weapons probably are best thinking about it. PvE: player versus environment PvP: player versus player Raid: An party that exceeds more then 6 players

Refining: Refining Jewels give bonuses to equipment. The type of bonus is determined by the type of item it is. For example all chain gloves give the same bonus when refined, also called plussing due to the +6 that appears after the name that shows an items refinement level. There is also a small bonus given to the damage or defence values. Currently the maximum refinement level is +12. There are many types of Refining Jewels available in the item shop, arranged by level (1-20, 21-40, 41-60) type (Sun - for jewellery, Moon - for armour, Star - for weapons, Nebula - for wings) refinement level (up to +6 and up to +12) and success rate (there are perfect Jewels available from the Ruby shop that have a 100% success rate). So as you can see it is very simple and straightforward. I hope you have been paying attention as there is a test at the end of post. Res: Resurrect SoA: Staff of Admiration (level 50 2h Staff dropped by Naga Elites that nearly all casters use as they level) SoF: Sword of Fear (level 55 1h Sword that at time of release had higher damage than any other weapon including 2h Axes SW: siege war Tank: party member that soaks up damage, essential job is to keep the mobs hitting them and not anyone else Tier: Equipment has tiers. From lv1-20 tier 1, lv21-40 tier 2, lv41 and up tier 3, roughly speaking. Abbreviated to t3 for example. You can increase the tier of equipment by using mana stones, created from higher level items. A t1 item when combined with a fusion stone will give a t1 mana stone. This is true up to t4 mana stones. T4 mana stones come from either combining 3 t3's in the Arcane Transmuter, or from white lv60 items (which are still t3 items themselves), green lv58 items, blue lv55 items or purple lv50 items. Tiering: Increasing the tier of an item. Each increase in tier adds 10% to the inherent properties of the an item., e.g. damage, defense and unnamed ghost stats. Weapons (used for damage) should be tiered as this is the best way to increase your raw damage (off-hand or bows that are not used for DPS can still be statted), and statted items can be made t5 or t6 to increase their value. Tp: teleport, talent points Twink: another name for an alternative character, implies has gear that is way above its actual level or abilities (provided by your main).

Common Skills AA: Amplified Attack (pattk buff) GH: Group Heal UH: Urgent heal DC: Discharge (also Disconnect when someone goes offline) TS: Thunderstorm Int: Interrupt skill HA: Holy Aura HS: Holy Shield EA: Enhanced Armour Zones WC: Weeping Coast (or World Chat, or Wrong Chat) DDC: Dust Devil Canyon AV: Autolia Volcano SL: Savage Land OB: Obsidian Stronghold SJF: Southern Janost Forest NJF: Northern Janost Forest Instances ACoS: Arcane Chamber of Sathkur (Sascillian Steppes) FA: Forsaken Abbey (Silverspring) NoM, Necro: Necropolis of Mirrors (Aslan) MA: Mystic Altar (Ystra Highlands) PS: Pasper's Shrine (Sascillian Steppes) CL, Cycs: Cyclops Lair (Dragonfang Ridge) KS: Kalin Shrine (Dust Devil Canyon) IDK (35, 50): Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom (lv35 and lv50)(Dragonfang Ridge) TT: Treasure Trove (Ravenfell) WD: Cave of the Water Dragon (Dragonfang Ridge) HotO, Ho0, OH: Heart of the Ocean (Weeping Coast) Origin: Origin (Aslan) HoS: Hall of Survivors (Silverspring/Savage Lands) Gestero: Cave of the Demon Dragon (Autolia Volcano) ZS: Zurhidon Stronghold (Autolia Volcano) DS, HoDL: Hall of the Demon Lord (Autolia Volcano) DoD: Dungeons of Dalanis (Thunderhoof Hills) WA: Warnorken Arena (South Janost Forest) RT: Raksha Temple (North Janost Forest)

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