LifeMaster Manual
LifeMaster Manual
LifeMaster Manual
Model SL3000UL
• This
T model is for use on vehicular
passage gates ONLY and not intended
ffor use on pedestrian passage gates.
• This
T model is intended for use in Class
II, II, III and IV vehicular slide gate
• Visit
V to locate a
professional installing dealer in your
• This
T gate operator is compatible with
MyQ® and Security+ 2.0® accessories.
1. Take a photo of the
1 HP Single Phase camera icon including
the points ( ).
1/2 HP Single Phase 2. Send it in by texting the
photo to 71403.
300 Windsor Drive
Oak Brook, IL 60523
SAFETY 1 Photoelectric Sensors and Edge Sensors ............................................26
Safety Symbol and Signal Word Review ...............................................2 Locks ...................................................................................................26
Usage Class ...........................................................................................3 EXPANSION BOARD OVERVIEW 27
UL325 Entrapment Protection Requirements ........................................3 Exit Fail Switch.....................................................................................27
Safety Installation Information ...............................................................4 AC Fail Switch ......................................................................................27
Gate Construction Information...............................................................5 Anti Tail Switch ....................................................................................27
INTRODUCTION 6 Quick Close Switch ..............................................................................27
Carton Inventory ....................................................................................6 Auxiliary Relay 1 and 2 ........................................................................28
Operator Specifications ..........................................................................7 WIRE ACCESSORIES TO EXPANSION BOARD 29
Site Preparation .....................................................................................8 Photoelectric Sensors and Edge Sensors ............................................29
INSTALLATION 9 Control Station .....................................................................................29
Types of Installations .............................................................................9 Loops ...................................................................................................30
Step 1 Determine Location for Operator ..............................................10 ADDITIONAL WIRING 30
Step 2 Install the Operator ...................................................................11 SAMS Wiring With Relays Not Energized ............................................30
Step 3 Attach the Chain .......................................................................12 Field Wiring ..........................................................................................31
Step 4 Install Entrapment Protection ...................................................13
Step 5 Earth Ground Rod.....................................................................15
Remote Controls (Not Provided) .........................................................32
Step 6 Power Wiring ............................................................................15
LiftMaster Internet Gateway (not provided) .........................................33
Step 7 Dual gate setup.........................................................................17
Constant Pressure Override (CPO) ......................................................33
Step 8 install the cover ........................................................................18
Gate hold open feature.........................................................................33
ADJUSTMENT 19 Erase All Codes ....................................................................................33
Adjust the Handing and Limits.............................................................19 To Remove and Erase Monitored Entrapment
Fine Tune the Force .............................................................................20 Protection Devices ...............................................................................33
Obstruction Test ..................................................................................20 SETTINGS 34
OPERATOR OVERVIEW 21 Gate Operator Setup Examples ............................................................34
CONTROL BOARD OVERVIEW 22 Dual Gate Settings ...............................................................................35
Learn Button ........................................................................................23 MAINTENANCE 36
Diagnostic Display ...............................................................................23 Important Safety Instructions ..............................................................36
Handing Buttons ..................................................................................23 Maintenance Chart ...............................................................................36
Bipart Delay .........................................................................................23 TROUBLESHOOTING 37
Timer-to-Close (TTC) ...........................................................................23 Diagnostic Codes .................................................................................37
Reversal Force Dial ..............................................................................24 Diagnostic Codes Table .......................................................................38
Test Buttons.........................................................................................24 Operator Alarm ....................................................................................40
Status LEDs .........................................................................................24 Troubleshooting Chart .........................................................................41
Three Button Control Station ...............................................................25
Fire Department ...................................................................................25 REPAIR PARTS 45
Loops ...................................................................................................25 WARRANTY 46
Safety Symbol and Signal Word Review
When you see these Safety Symbols and Signal Words on the following pages, they will alert
you to the possibility of Serious Injury or Death if you do not comply with the warnings that MECHANICAL
accompany them. The hazard may come from something mechanical or from electric shock.
Read the warnings carefully.
When you see this Signal Word on the following pages, it will alert you to the possibility of
damage to your gate and/or the gate operator if you do not comply with the cautionary
statements that accompany it. Read them carefully. ELECTRICAL
• BEFORE attempting to install, operate or maintain the operator, you must read and fully
understand this manual and follow all safety instructions.
• DO NOT attempt repair or service of your gate operator unless you are an Authorized
Service Technician.
WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including lead, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer or birth defects
or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
Usage Class
Class I - Residential Vehicular Gate Operator
A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in garages or
parking areas associated with a residence of one-to four single families.
Class II - Commercial/General Access Vehicular
A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in a commercial
location or building such as a multi-family housing unit (five or more
single family units), hotel, garages, retail store, or other buildings
accessible by or servicing the general public.
Class III - Industrial/Limited Access Vehicular
A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in an industrial
location or building such as a factory or loading dock area or other
locations not accessible by or intended to service the general public.
Class IV - Restricted Access Vehicular Gate
A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in a guarded
industrial location or building such as an airport security area or other
restricted access locations not servicing the general public, in which
unauthorized access is prevented via supervision by security personnel.
1. Vehicular gate systems provide convenience and security. Gate systems 9. The Stop and/or Reset (if provided separately) must be located in the
are comprised of many component parts. The gate operator is only one line-of-sight of the gate. Activation of the reset control shall not cause
component. Each gate system is specifically designed for an individual the operator to start.
application. 10. A minimum of two (2) WARNING SIGNS shall be installed in the area
2. Gate operating system designers, installers and users must take into of the gate. Each placard is to be visible by persons located on the side
account the possible hazards associated with each individual of the gate on which the placard is installed.
application. Improperly designed, installed or maintained systems can 11. For a gate operator utilizing a non-contact sensor:
create risks for the user as well as the bystander. Gate systems design a. Reference owner’s manual regarding placement of non-contact
and installation must reduce public exposure to potential hazards. sensor for each type of application. See Install Entrapment
3. A gate operator can create high levels of force in its function as a Protection section.
component part of a gate system. Therefore, safety features must be b. Care shall be exercised to reduce the risk of nuisance tripping,
incorporated into every design. Specific safety features include: such as when a vehicle trips the sensor while the gate is still
l Edges Sensors (contact) moving.
l Guards for Exposed Rollers c. One or more non-contact sensors shall be located where the risk of
l Photoelectric Sensors entrapment or obstruction exists, such as the perimeter reachable
l Screen Mesh by a moving gate or barrier.
l Vertical Posts 12. For a gate operator utilizing a contact sensor such as an edge sensor:
l Instructional and Precautionary Signage a. One or more contact sensors shall be located where the risk of
entrapment or obstruction exists, such as at the leading edge,
4. Install the gate operator only when: trailing edge and post mounted both inside and outside of a
a. The operator is appropriate for the construction and the usage vehicular horizontal slide gate.
class of the gate.
b. A hard wired contact sensor shall be located and its wiring
b. All openings of a horizontal slide gate are guarded or screened arranged so the communication between the sensor and the gate
from the bottom of the gate to a minimum of 6 feet (1.8 m) above operator is not subject to mechanical damage.
the ground to prevent a 2-1/4 inches (6 cm) diameter sphere from
passing through the openings anywhere in the gate, and in that c. A wireless device such as one that transmits radio frequency (RF)
portion of the adjacent fence that the gate covers in the open signals to the gate operator for entrapment protection functions
position. shall be located where the transmission of the signals are not
obstructed or impeded by building structures, natural landscaping
c. All exposed pinch points are eliminated or guarded, and guarding or similar obstruction. A wireless device shall function under the
is supplied for exposed rollers. intended end-use conditions.
5. The operator is intended for installation only on gates used for
vehicles. Pedestrians must be supplied with a separate access opening.
The pedestrian access opening shall be designed to promote pedestrian
usage. Locate the gate such that persons will not come in contact with
the vehicular gate during the entire path of travel of the vehicular gate.
6. The gate must be installed in a location so that enough clearance is
supplied between the gate and adjacent structures when opening and
closing to reduce the risk of entrapment.
7. The gate must be properly installed and work freely in both directions
prior to the installation of the gate operator.
8. Permanently mounted access controls intended for users to activate,
must be located at least 6 feet (1.8 m) away from any moving part of
the gate and where the user is prevented from reaching over, under,
around or through the gate to operate the controls. Outdoor or easily
accessible controls shall have a security feature to prevent unauthorized
use. Exception: Emergency access controls only accessible by
authorized personnel (e.g. fire, police) may be placed at any location in
the line-of-sight of the gate.
1.5 An existing gate latch shall be disabled when a manually 3.1.3 A gap, measured in the horizontal plane parallel to the roadway,
operated gate is retrofitted with a powered gate operator. between a fixed stationary object nearest the roadway, (such as a gate
support post) and the gate frame when the gate is in either the fully
1.6 A gate latch shall not be installed on an automatically operated open position or the fully closed position, shall not exceed 2
gate. 1/4 inches (57 mm). Exception: All other fixed stationary objects
1.7 Protrusions shall not be permitted on any gate, refer to ASTM greater than 16 in. (406 mm) from the gate frame shall not be
F2200 for Exceptions. required to comply with this section.
1.8 Gates shall be designed, constructed and installed such that 3.1.4 Positive stops shall be required to limit travel to the designed fully
their movement shall not be initiated by gravity when an open and fully closed positions. These stops shall be installed at
automatic operator is disconnected, in accordance with the either the top of the gate, or at the bottom of the gate where such
following. stops shall horizontally or vertically project no more than is required
to perform their intended function.
1.8.1 Vehicular horizontal slide gate. Shall not result in continuous,
unimpeded movement in either lineal direction of its travel. 3.1.5 All gates shall be designed with sufficient lateral stability to assure
that the gate will enter a receiver guide, refer to ASTM F2200 for
1.9 For pedestrian access in the vicinity of an automated vehicular panel types.
gate, a separate pedestrian gate shall be provided. The
pedestrian gate shall be installed in a location such that a 3.2 The following provisions shall apply to Class IV vehicular horizontal
pedestrian shall not come in contact with a moving vehicular slide gates:
access gate. A pedestrian gate shall not be incorporated into 3.2.1 All weight bearing exposed rollers 8 feet (2.44 m), or less, above
an automated vehicular gate panel. grade shall be guarded or covered.
3.2.2 Positive stops shall be required to limit travel to the designed fully
2. Specific Applications open and fully closed positions. These stops shall be installed at
2.1 Any non-automated gate that is to be automated shall be either the top of the gate, or at the bottom of the gate where such
upgraded to conform to the provisions of this specification. stops shall horizontally or vertically project no more than is required
to perform their intended function.
2.2 This specification shall not apply to gates generally used for
pedestrian access and to vehicular gates not to be automated.
2.3 When the gate operator requires replacement, the existing gate
shall be upgraded to conform to the provisions of this
2.4 When the gate of an automated gate system requires
replacement, the new gate shall conform to the provisions of
this specification.
Carton Inventory
NOT SHOWN: Documentation Packet, Chain #41 - 25 feet, Eye Bolt Kit
Tools Needed
1/2" wrench for cover screw 5/16", 3/4" wrench for 1/2" concrete anchors, Screwdrivers (phillips head and flat head), Cable cutters and strippers
Operator Specifications
Usage Classification Class I, II, III, & IV
Main AC Supply Model SL3000501UL 1/2 HP: 120 Vac, 6 Amps (12 Amps including accessory outlets)
Model SL3000101UL 1 HP: 120 Vac, 12 Amps (18 Amps including accessory outlets)
When Optional Transformer Kit Model 3PHCONV is installed in the field, operator is rated
208/240/480/575 VAC, 4.8/4.2/2.1/1.7 A, 60 Hz, 1 PH
Accessory Power 24 Vdc, 500 mA max. for ON + SW (switched)
Maximum Gate Weight Model SL3000501UL 1/2 HP: 1000 lbs. (453.6 kg)
Model SL3000101UL 1 HP: 2000 lbs. (907.2 kg)
Minimum Gate Travel Distance 4 feet (1.2 m)
Maximum Gate Travel Distance 52 feet (15.85 m)
Maximum Gate Travel Speed 1 foot/second
Maximum Daily Cycle Rate Continuous
Maximum Duty Cycle Continuous
Operating Temperature Without Heater: -20°C to 60°C (-4°F to 140°F)
With Optional Heater: -40°C to 60°C (-40°F to 140°F)
Expansion Board Provided
External Entrapment Protection Device Inputs (non-contact Main board - up to 2 close entrapment protection devices and 1 open entrapment
and/or contact) protection device.
Expansion board - up to 3 entrapment protection devices configurable to either close or
open and up to 4 edge sensors using wireless edge sensor kit model LMWEKITU .
Site Preparation
Check the national and local building codes BEFORE installation.
l To AVOID damaging gas, power or other underground utility lines, l DO NOT touch the heater when switch is on, heater may be hot.
contact underground utility locating companies BEFORE digging more
than 18 inches (46 cm) deep.
Types of Installations
Rear Installation
1. The gate operator should be installed near the back of the gate in the OPEN position. Lay out the concrete pad.
2. Install the electrical conduit.
3. Pour a concrete pad (reinforced concrete is recommended).
Rear Installation
DO NOT run the operator until instructed.
NOTE: This installation will require two extra idler pulleys. Make sure all
exposed pinch points are guarded. Refer to Gate Construction
Information on page 4.
1. Move the back pulley to the bottom hole in the operator.
2. Manually close the gate and align the bottom bracket so the chain
will be level with the bottom idler pulley and parallel to the ground.
Weld the bottom bracket in this position.
3. Align the top bracket so the chain will be level with the top idler
pulley and parallel to the ground. Weld the upper bracket in this
4. Route the chain through the operator.
5. Connect the chain to the brackets using the eye bolt hardware. Chain
should not be too tight or have excessive slack.
6. Remove the pin from the vent plug on the gear box (see above).
The chain should have no more than 1 inch (2.5 cm) of sag for every 10
feet (3 m) of chain length.
Control Board
(2 Terminals) The CLOSE EYES/INTERRUPT input is for photoelectric
sensor entrapment protection for the close direction. When an
obstruction is sensed during gate closing the gate will open to the full
open position and resets the Timer-to-Close. This input will be
disregarded during gate opening.
(2 Terminals) The CLOSE EDGE input is for edge sensor entrapment
protection for the close direction. When an obstruction is sensed during
gate closing the gate will reverse to the full open position, disengaging
the Timer-to-Close. This input will be disregarded during gate opening.
(2 Terminals) The OPEN EYES/EDGE input is for photoelectric sensor or
edge sensor entrapment protection for the open direction. When an
obstruction is sensed during gate opening the gate will reverse for 4
seconds then stop. This input will be disregarded during gate closing.
Expansion Board
Open or Close Direction Photoelectric Sensors, the functionality is based
on the switch settings (located next to the terminals)
Switch set to CLOSE: gate reverses fully when an obstruction is sensed
Switch set to OPEN: gate reverses 4 seconds when an obstruction is
Open or Close Direction Photoelectric Sensors or Edge Sensor, the
functionality is based on the switch settings (located next to the
Switch set to CLOSE: gate reverses fully when an obstruction is sensed
Switch set to OPEN: gate reverses 4 seconds when an obstruction is
All control wiring used to connect external devices to Class 2 circuits of the operator must be (QPTZ) Power-Limited Circuit Cables, Type CL2, CL2P,
CL2R, or CL2X or other cable with equivalent or better electrical, mechanical, and flammability ratings.
Power wiring
1. Make sure the AC power switch on the operator is OFF (the AC power switch will turn the incoming 120 Vac power ON or OFF).
2. Turn off the AC power from the main power source circuit breaker.
3. Run the AC power wires to the junction box on the operator.
4. Remove the junction box cover.
5. Connect the green wire to the earth ground rod and AC ground using a wire nut. NOTE: The earth ground rod can be grounded to the chassis.
6. Connect the white wire to NEUTRAL using a wire nut.
7. Connect the black wire to HOT using a wire nut.
8. Replace the junction box cover. Ensure the wires are not pinched.
9. Turn on the AC power from the main power source circuit breaker.
10. Turn on the AC power switch.
Wireless setup
To activate the wireless feature:
1. Choose an operator to be the network primary operator. All wireless accessories will need to be programmed to the primary operator. NOTE: We
recommend that all accessories and board configurations are set on the primary operator.
2. Press and release the LEARN button on the primary operator. The green XMITTER LED will light. NOTE: The operator will time out of programming
mode after 180 seconds.
3. Press and release the LEARN button again on the primary operator. The yellow NETWORK LED will light.
4. Press and release the OPEN test button to assign this operator as network primary.
5. Press and release the LEARN button on the second operator. The green XMITTER LED will light.
6. Press and release the LEARN button again on the second operator. The yellow NETWORK LED will light.
7. Press and release the CLOSE test button to assign this operator as network second.
Both operators will beep and the yellow NETWORK LEDs will turn off indicating programming is successful.
The adjustments allow you to set where the gate will stop in the open and
close position. The force is adjusted automatically when you set the
limits but should be fine tuned using the FORCE dial on the control OPEN OPEN RIGHT OPERATOR EXPLANATION
board (refer to Force Dial section). The Test Buttons on the control board LEFT LED LED MODE
will not work until the handing is set. For dual gate applications the OFF OFF NORMAL MODE Control board not
limits will have to be set for each operator. The gate MUST be attached to powered
the operator before setting the limits and force.
OPEN RIGHT: If the operator is installed on the right side of the driveway
when looking out of the property, the gate should be set to open right. MODE
OPEN LEFT: If the operator is mounted on the left side of the driveway BLINKING ON HANDING SETUP Handing set to the
when looking out of the property, the gate should be set to open left. MODE direction of the solid LED
Obstruction Test
The operator is equipped with an inherent (built in to the operator) obstruction sensing device. If the gate encounters an obstruction during motion, the
operator will reverse direction of the gate and then stop. The following procedure will test ONLY the inherent (built in to the operator) obstruction sensing
1. Open and close the gate with the TEST BUTTONS, ensuring that the gate is stopping at the proper open and close limit positions.
2. Place an object between the open gate and a rigid structure. Make sure that any external entrapment protection devices will NOT be activated by the
3. Run the gate in the close direction. The gate should stop and reverse upon contact with the object. If the gate does not reverse off the object, reduce the
force setting by turning the force control slightly counter-clockwise. The gate should have enough force to reach both the open and close limits, but
MUST reverse after contact with an object.
4. Repeat the test for the open direction.
Test the operator after any adjustments are made.
Learn Button
The LEARN button is used for programming (refer to Programming).
Diagnostic Display
The diagnostic display will show the operator type, firmware version, and codes. The operator type will display as “SL” followed
by a “30” which indicates the operator type as SL3000UL. The firmware version will show after the operator type, example “1.2”.
For more information about the codes refer to the Troubleshooting section.
Handing Buttons
The handing buttons are used to determine which direction the gate will open and they are also used to set the
limits (refer to the Adjustment section).
OPEN RIGHT: If the operator is installed on the right side of the drive when looking out of the property, a swing
gate will swing to the right (turn counter clockwise) when opening and a slide gate will slide to the right when
OPEN LEFT If the operator is mounted on the left side of the drive when looking out of the property, a swing gate
will swing to the left (turn clockwise) when opening and a slide gate will slide to the left when opening.
NOTE: For gates installed on the outside of the property, the setting will be opposite. Determine the direction by looking towards the property from the
Bipart Delay
Used in dual gate applications where a maglock, solenoid lock, or decorative overlay would require one gate to close before the
other. The BIPART DELAY is also used in applications where one gate travels a longer distance than the other.
ON/OFF: The operator with the BIPART DELAY dial ON will delay from the close limit when opening and be the first to close from
the open limit.
BOTH OFF: No affect.
BOTH ON: No affect.
Timer-to-Close (TTC)
The TTC is factory set to OFF (0). Rotate the TIMER-TO-CLOSE dial to the desired setting (0 to 180 seconds). Any radio command,
single button control, or CLOSE command on the control board prior to the TTC expiring will close the gate. The TTC is reset by
any signals from the open controls, loops, close edges, and close photoelectric sensors.
0 seconds (OFF): The gate will remain open until the operator receives another command from a control.
1-180 seconds (ON): The gate will automatically close after the specified time period.
Test Buttons
Used to operate the gate (OPEN, STOP and CLOSE). Also used to view the code history (refer to the Troubleshooting section).
Status LEDs
OFF OFF state
ON AC power available
OFF The timer is disabled
ON The timer is enabled
TIMER 1 blink/second The timer is running
2 blinks/second The timer is paused
8 blinks/second The timer is cancelled
OFF The gate is stopped
ON The gate is opening or closing
1 blink/second E1 (single entrapment)
8 blinks/second E2 (double entrapment)
OFF Accessory power is okay
ON Accessory overload protector opened
All control wiring used to connect external devices to Class 2 circuits of the operator must be (QPTZ) Power-Limited Circuit Cables, Type CL2, CL2P,
CL2R, or CL2X or other cable with equivalent or better electrical, mechanical, and flammability ratings.
Fire Department
FIRE DEPT (-) and FIRE DEPT and OPEN terminals act as a hard open. Maintained
OPEN (+) input overrides (ignores) external safeties (photoelectric sensor and
edge), pauses Timer-to-Close. Momentary input logic as single
button control and safeties remain active, re-enables Timer-to-
The Loop terminals are used for connecting loops and various control devices such as telephone entry keypads, vehicle probes, etc. Connect the accessory
to the terminals based on how the accessory should function.
EXIT and COM This input is a soft open command (maintained switch does not
override external safeties and does not reset alarm condition). Used
for exit probe, telephone entry, external exit loop detector, or any
device that would command the gate to open.
l Opens a closing gate and holds open an open gate, if
maintained, pauses Timer-to-Close at OPEN limit.
SHADOW and COM This input is used for external shadow loop detector when loop is
positioned under the swing of the gate.
l Holds open gate at open limit
l Only active when the gate is at the OPEN limit, disregarded at all
other times
l Pauses Timer-to-Close at OPEN limit
INTERRUPT and This input is used for photoelectric sensors and external interrupt
COM loop detector when loop is on the outside of the gate.
l Holds open gate at open limit
l Stops and reverses a closing gate to open limit
l Pauses Timer-to-Close at OPEN limit, activates quick close and
anti-tailgate features when enabled on the expansion board
NC and COM Normally Closed (N.C.) output for maglocks. Relay
Maglock Wiring
activates prior to motor activation and during motor
run. Relay is off when motor is off.
l To AVOID damaging the circuit board, relays or accessories, DO NOT connect more than 42 Vdc (32 Vac) to the AUX relay contact terminal blocks.
* Cycle count
First, note the current Aux Relay switch positions. To determine the RED/GREEN LIGHT FUNCTIONALITY
actual cycles that the gate operator has run (in thousands), set all three Red light wired to AUX RELAY 1. Green light wired to AUX RELAY 2.
Aux Relay switches to the ON setting for Aux Relay 1. The Expansion AUX RELAY 2
Board’s 1, 2, and 3 LEDs will blink out the cycle count, with 1 LED AUX RELAY 1 SWITCHES
blinking 1000’s, 2 LED blinking 10,000’s, 3 LED blinking 100,000’s, and 1 OFF 2 OFF 3 OFF 1 ON 2 ON 3 ON
simultaneously all three LED’s blink 1,000,000’s (e.g. 1 LED blinks 3
Closed Red light OFF* Green light OFF
times, 2 LED blinks 6 times, and 3 LED blinks once. Cycle count is
163,000.). Cycle count displayed is between 1,000 and 9,999,000 cycles. Opening Red light ON/Flash Green light OFF
After servicing, set Aux Relay switches back to their appropriate Open Red light OFF Green light ON
positions. Cycle count cannot be reset or changed. If under 1,000 cycles Closing Red light ON/Flash Green light OFF
the 1, 2, and 3 LEDs will turn on for 10 seconds, then turn off. Defined Mid Stop n/a n/a
NOTE: The expansion board will flash the cycle count 3 times then all the Undefined Mid Stop Red light ON Green light OFF
LEDs will turn on solid for 10 seconds then turn off. Timer more than 5
Red light OFF Green light ON
Auxiliary relay wiring example
Timer less than 5
Red light ON/Flash Green light OFF
* For red light ON when gate is closed, set switch 1 on AUX RELAY 1 to ON
EYE/EDGE and COM Open or Close Direction Photoelectric Sensors or Edge Sensor, the
functionality is based on the switch settings (located next to the
Switch set to CLOSE: gate reverses fully when an obstruction is
Switch set to OPEN: gate reverses 4 seconds when an obstruction
is sensed
EYE/EDGE and COM Open or Close Direction Photoelectric Sensors or Edge Sensor, the
functionality is based on the switch settings (located next to the
Switch set to CLOSE: gate reverses fully when an obstruction is
Switch set to OPEN: gate reverses 4 seconds when an obstruction
is sensed
Control Station
SBC and COM l Gate command sequence - Open, Stop, Close, Stop, ...
l Soft Open, Soft Close, Soft Stop (maintained switch does not
override external safeties and does not reset alarm condition)
OPEN and COM l Open command - opens a closed gate
l Soft open (maintained switch does not override external safeties
and does not reset alarm condition)
l If maintained, pauses Timer-to-Close at OPEN limit
l Opens a closing gate and holds open an open gate
CLOSE and COM l Close command - closes an open gate
l Soft close (maintained switch does not override external safeties
and does not reset alarm condition)
STOP and COM l Stop command - stops a moving gate
l If maintained, pauses Timer-to-Close at OPEN limit
l Overrides an Open or Close command
EXIT Loop wire connection for plug-in loop detector when loop is inside
secured area near gate.
l Open command - opens a closed gate
l Soft open (maintained switch does not override external safeties
and does not reset alarm condition)
l If maintained, pauses Timer-to-Close at OPEN limit
l Opens a closing gate and holds open an open gate
SHADOW Loop wire connection for plug-in loop detector when loop is
positioned under the gate.
l Holds open gate at open limit
l Disregarded during gate motion
l Pauses Timer-to-Close at Open Limit
INTERRUPT Loop wire connection for plug-in loop detector when loop is on the
outside of the gate.
l Holds open gate at open limit
l Stops and reverses a closing gate
l Pauses Timer-to-Close at Open Limit
SAMS Wiring With Relays Not Energized
To protect against fire and electrocution: For continued protection against fire:
l DISCONNECT power (AC or solar and battery) BEFORE installing or l Replace ONLY with fuse of same type and rating.
servicing operator.
Field Wiring
There are 3 different options for programming the remote control depending on how you would like the remote control to function. Choose a
programming option:
Single button as OPEN Program a single button on the remote 1. Press and release the LEARN button (operator will beep and green
only control for open only. The Timer-to-Close XMITTER LED will light). NOTE: The operator will time out of
can be set to close the gate. programming mode after 30 seconds.
2. Press the OPEN button.
3. Press the remote control button that you would like to program.
Single button (SBC) as Program one remote control button as an 1. Press and release the LEARN button (operator will beep and green
OPEN, CLOSE, and STOP open, close, and stop. XMITTER LED will light). NOTE: The operator will time out of
programming mode after 30 seconds.
2. Press the remote control button that you would like to program.
Three separate buttons as Program each remote control button as an 1. Press and release the LEARN button (operator will beep and green
OPEN, CLOSE, and STOP open, close, and stop. XMITTER LED will light). NOTE: The operator will time out of
programming mode after 30 seconds.
2. Press the OPEN, CLOSE, or STOP button, depending on the desired
3. Press the remote control button that you would like to program.
The operator will automatically exit learn mode (operator will beep and green XMITTER LED will go out) if programming is successful. To program
additional Security+ 2.0® remote controls or remote control buttons, repeat the programming steps above.
NOTICE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules and Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This device must be installed to ensure a minimum 20 cm (8 in.) distance is maintained between users/bystanders and device.
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules and Industry Canada ICES standard. These limits are designed
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used
in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Expansion Board
l The entrance is for vehicles ONLY. Pedestrians MUST use separate
To protect against fire and electrocution: For continued protection against fire:
l DISCONNECT power (AC or solar and battery) BEFORE installing or l Replace ONLY with fuse of same type and rating.
servicing operator.
Maintenance Chart
Disconnect all power to the operator before servicing.
Entrapment Protection Devices Check and test inherent (built into the operator) and external devices for proper operation X
Warning Signs Make sure they are present and replace if worn or broken, see Accessories X
Manual Disconnect Check and test for proper operation X
Drive Chain and Sprockets Check for excessive slack and lubricate X
Belt and Pulley Check for excessive slack, wear or damage X
Gate Inspect for wear or damage; ensure it still complies with ASTM F2200, see page 5 X
Accessories Check all for proper operation X
Electrical Inspect all wire connections X
Chassis Mounting Bolts Check for tightness X
Operator Inspect for wear or damage X
l Severe or high cycle usage will require more frequent maintenance checks.
l Limits may have to be reset after any major drive chain adjustments.
l If lubricating chain, use only lithium spray. Never use grease or silicone spray.
l It is suggested that while at the site voltage readings be taken at the operator. Using a digital voltmeter, verify that the incoming voltage to the operator
is within ten percent of the operator’s rating.
l Over time, the drive chain on the operator will stretch and need to be tightened. To tighten the drive chain adjust either of the two chain eye bolts. The
chain should have no more than 1 inch of sag for every 10 feet of chain length.
To protect against fire and electrocution: For continued protection against fire:
l DISCONNECT power (AC or solar and battery) BEFORE installing or l Replace ONLY with fuse of same type and rating.
servicing operator.
Diagnostic Codes
The operator will show the code sequence number followed by the code
To Exit
Press and release the STOP button to exit. The display will also time out
after two minutes of inactivity.
The operator will only keep track of up to 20 codes, then will start saving
over the oldest codes as new codes occur.
Operator Alarm
If a contact sensor detects an obstruction twice consecutively the alarm
will sound (up to 5 minutes) and the operator will need to be reset.
When the inherent force of the operator (RPM/current sensor) detects the
following (twice consecutively) the alarm will sound (up to 5 minutes)
and the operator will need to be reset.
A. The gate is hitting a wall or vehicle.
B. The gate does not meet specifications.
C. Debris is on the gate's track such as mud, rocks, dirt, etc.
D. The gate has one or more broken axles or wheels.
E. The gate wheel is off the gate rail.
Remove any obstructions. Press the reset button to shut off the alarm and
reset the operator. After the operator is reset, normal functions will
Troubleshooting Chart
Operator does not a. No power to control board a. Check AC power
run and diagnostic b. Open fuse b. Check fuses
display not on. c. Defective control board c. Replace defective control board
Control board a. Reset switch is stuck a. Check reset switch
powers up, but b. Stop button active or jumper not in place b. Check Stop button is not “stuck on”, or verify that the stop button is a
motor does not for stop circuit normally closed circuit, or put a jumper on the stop circuit.
run. c. Open or Close input active c. Check all Open and Close inputs for a “stuck on” input
d. Entrapment Protection Device active d. Check all Entrapment Protection Device inputs for a “stuck on” sensor
e. Vehicle loop detector or probe active e. Check all vehicle detector inputs for a “stuck on” detector
f. Defective control board f. Replace defective control board
Gate moves, but a. Gate does not move to a limit position a. Use manual disconnect, manually move gate, and ensure gate moves
cannot set correct b. Gate is too difficult to move easily limit to limit. Repair gate as needed.
limits. c. Limits are set too close (slide gate b. Gate must move easily and freely through its entire range, limit to limit.
applications only) Repair gate as needed.
c. Ensure the gate moves at least four feet between the OPEN limit and the
CLOSE limit.
Gate does not fully a. Gate does not move to a limit position a. Use manual disconnect, manually move gate, and ensure gate moves
open or fully close b. Gate is too difficult to move easily limit to limit. Repair gate as needed.
when setting b. Gate must move easily and freely through its entire range, limit to limit.
limits. Repair gate as needed.
Operator does not a. Check Open and Close command input a. Check all Open and Close inputs for a “stuck on” input
respond to a wired LEDs b. Check Stop button is not “stuck on”
control/command b. Stop button is active c. Check Reset button
(example: Open, c. Reset button is stuck d. Check all Entrapment Protection Device inputs for a “stuck on” sensor
Close, SBC, etc.) d. Entrapment Protection Device active e. Check all vehicle detector inputs for a “stuck on” detector
e. Vehicle loop detector or vehicle probe
Operator does not a. Check XMITTER LED when wireless a. Activate wireless control and check XMITTER LED is on. Re-learn
respond to a control is active wireless control/transmitter to control board. Replace wireless control as
wireless control or b. Stop button is active needed.
transmitter c. Reset button is stuck b. Check Stop button is not “stuck on”
d. Poor radio reception c. Check Reset button
d. Check if similar wired control operates correctly. Check if wireless
controls works properly when within a few feet of operator. Check
operator’s antenna and antenna wire. Check other wireless controls or
Gate stops during a. Control (Open, Close) becoming active a. Check all Open and Close inputs for an active input
travel and reverses b. Vehicle loop detector active b. Check all vehicle detector inputs for an active detector
Gate opens, but a. Open control active a. Check all Open inputs for an active input
will not close with b. Vehicle loop detector active b. Check all vehicle detector inputs for an active detector
transmitter or c. Fire Dept input active c. Check Fire Dept input
Timer-to-Close. d. Timer-to-Close not set d. Check Timer-to-Close (TTC) setting
e. Close Entrapment Protection Device active e. Check all Entrapment Protection Device inputs for an active sensor
Gate closes, but a. Vehicle loop detector active a. Check all vehicle detector inputs for an active detector
will not open.
Exit loop activation a. Exit vehicle detector setup incorrectly a. Review Exit loop detector settings. Adjust settings as needed.
does not cause b. Defective Exit loop detector b. Replace defective Exit loop detector.
gate to open.
Interrupt loop does a. Vehicle detector setup incorrectly a. Review Interrupt loop detector settings. Adjust settings as needed.
not cause gate to b. Defective vehicle loop detector b. Replace defective Interrupt loop detector.
stop and reverse.
Universal single and 3-button remote LiftMaster elite series maglock package
controls Model MG1300RLYPKG
Ideal for applications requiring a large
number of remote controls.
Models 811LM and 813LM
Entrapment protection
If the gate opening distance is greater than the maximum separation
distance of the photoelectric sensors, then edge sensors MUST BE USED.
Refer to the photoelectric sensor instructions for maximum separation
LiftMaster monitored through beam
photoelectric sensor
Plastic channel
8 ft. (2.4 m) for both small and large profile edges (pack of 10).
Model L50CHP
Aluminum channel for edge (pack of 8)
10 ft. (3.1 m) for small and large profile edges.
Model L50CHAL
LiftMaster large profile monitored edges (4ft.,5ft., 6ft.)
Model L504AL, L505AL, L506AL
LiftMaster small profile monitored edges (4ft.,5ft., 6ft.)
Model S504AL, S505AL, S506AL
Edge cutting tool
Wraparound round monitored edge (4 ft., 5 ft., 6 ft.)
Models WR4, WR5, WR6
Wraparound square monitored edge (4 ft.,5 ft., 6 ft.)
Models WS4, WS5, WS6
300 Windsor Drive
Oak Brook, IL 60523