Astm D4389D4389M-16
Astm D4389D4389M-16
Astm D4389D4389M-16
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D4389/D4389M − 16
CLASSIFICATION 9. Filament Diameter
9.1 The range of values for the filament diameters are listed
4. Classification
in Table 2. The average filament diameter for the rovings in the
4.1 Designation of Woven Roving Fabric— The basic des- woven roving fabric shall be within the interval listed in Table
ignations for glass woven roving fabric is by mass per unit area 2.
and is given in grams per square metre (ounces per square
yard). Historically, an ASTM type number has been used by the 10. Strand Construction
industry. These numbers have been sequentially assigned as 10.1 The construction of the component strands shall be
new woven roving constructions as they were added to this agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier.
specification. Numbers 1 through 10 are shown in Table 1 with
the relationship to mass per unit area and fabric count. 11. Weave Type
REQUIREMENTS 11.1 For woven roving fabrics listed in Table 1, the weave
type shall be plain weave. For woven roving fabrics not listed
5. Material in Table 1, the weave type shall be agreed upon between the
purchaser and the supplier.
5.1 The roving shall be continuous filament fiber, free of
any free alkali, such as sodium or potassium metal salts and 12. Mass per Unit Area
foreign particles, dirt, and other impurities. It shall be an E type
12.1 For woven roving fabrics listed in Table 1, the average
glass as defined in Specification D578.
mass per unit area shall conform to the requirements of Table
5.1.1 The fabric shall be uniformly woven, have uniform
1. For woven roving fabrics not listed in Table 1, the average
color, overall cleanness, and no objectionable odor.
mass per unit area shall be agreed upon between the purchaser
6. Fabric Count and the supplier. The average mass per unit area for the lot shall
be within the interval: specified mass per unit area 6 10 % of
6.1 For woven roving fabrics listed in Table 1, the average the specified mass per unit area.
fabric count shall conform to the requirements of Table 1. For
woven roving fabrics not listed in Table 1, the average fabric 13. Width
count shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and the 13.1 Fabric width shall be agreed upon between the pur-
supplier. chaser and the supplier. The fabric width, including both
7. Yarn Designations selvages but excluding any feathered edges, shall not be less
than the specified width and no more than 13 mm [0.5 in.]
7.1 For woven roving fabrics, the roving designations shall wider than the specified width.
be as agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier. The
requirements of the individual elements of the designation are NOTE 3—During the processing of glass fabrics, the selvages may be
slit to minimize tension influences. This slit distance is excluded when
specified in Sections 8 – 10. measuring the fabric width unless otherwise agreed upon between the
purchaser and the supplier.
8. Yarn Number
8.1 For woven roving fabrics listed in Table 1, the average 14. Length
size-free yarn numbers of the yarns designated shall conform to 14.1 For woven roving fabrics listed in Table 1, the fabric
the requirements of Table 1. For woven roving fabrics not length on each roll shall not be less than 2 m [2 yd] below the
listed in Table 1, the average size-free yarn numbers shall be requirements listed in Table 1 unless otherwise agreed upon
agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier. between the purchaser and the supplier. For woven roving
TABLE 1 Physical Properties of Generally Available “E” Glass Finished Woven Roving Fabrics
Roving ConstructionA
Count Nominal Roving Length Per Unit Mass Standard Roll
ASTM Mass Per
Weave 25.4 mm Length
Type Unit Area Tex yd/lb
[1 in.] min
g/m2 oz/yd2 Warp Fill Warp Fill Warp Fill m yd
1 Plain 441 13.0 10 4 840 to 755 1065 to 925 590 to 655 465 to 535 91.5 100
2 Plain 542 16.0 10 4 840 to 755 1680 to 1505 590 to 655 295 to 330 91.5 100
3 Plain 831 24.5 5 4 2360 to 2065 2680 to 2255 210 to 240 185 to 220 68.5 75
4 Plain 831 24.5 5 3 2360 to 2065 3545 to 3105 210 to 240 140 to 160 68.5 75
5 Plain 915 27.0 5 2.5 2360 to 2065 4960 to 4725 210 to 240 100 to 105 59.5 65
6 Plain 610 18.0 7 6 1210 to 1835 1340 to 1155 410 to 270 370 to 430 68.5 75
7 Plain 745 22.0 5 4 2360 to 2065 2155 to 1910 210 to 240 230 to 260 68.5 75
8 Plain 610 18.0 4 4 2360 to 2065 1655 to 1505 210 to 240 300 to 330 68.5 75
9 Plain 559 16.5 5 4 1710 to 1525 1710 to 1525 290 to 325 290 to 325 91.5 100
10 Plain 711 21.0 4 4 2420 to 2155 2420 to 2155 205 to 230 205 to 230 82.5 90
In some cases, the fill yarn may be woven as 2 picks per shed and as 1 fill yarn. The basic roving length per unit area used to produce the above fill yarns should be
D4389/D4389M − 16
TABLE 2 Letter Designation for Average Fiber Diameter Range of TABLE 3 Woven Roving Fabric Defects
Glass Roving Used in Woven Roving Fabrics Crease or wrinkle, embedded; cannot be removed by hand rubbing
SI Units US Customary Units Any knots
Letter Diameter in Micrometres Diameter in Inches Any brittle or fused area
Designation Any smash
At Least Below At Least Below
Any broken or missing end or pick
G 8.9 10.2 0.00035 0.00040 Any hole, cut, or tear
H 10.2 11.4 0.00040 0.00045 Any spot, stain, or streak clearly visible
J 11.4 12.7 0.00045 0.00050 Any pulled together or torn filament
K 12.7 14.0 0.00050 0.00055 Any torn, broken, or otherwise damaged selvage
L 14.0 15.2 0.00055 0.00060 Any thick or thin place, clearly visible
M 15.2 16.5 0.00060 0.00065 Foreign matter adhering to surface, clearly visible
N 16.5 17.8 0.00065 0.00070 Any jerked-in filling or slough-off
P 17.8 19.0 0.00070 0.00075
T 22.8 24.2 0.00090 0.00095
fabrics not listed in Table 1, the fabric length on each roll shall overall width of the fabric, unless otherwise specified. The
be agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier. maximum number of pieces contained in any roll shall be as
specified in 18.1.
14.2 No piece of woven roving fabric shall be less than 14
m [15 yd] long and there shall be no more than two pieces in 17.2 Unless otherwise agreed upon, as when specified in an
a roll, unless otherwise agreed upon between the purchaser and applicable material specification, each roll shall be packed in a
the supplier. sealed, vapor-tight bag of polyethylene not less than 0.05 mm
[0.002 in.] thick in such a manner as to ensure that the fabric,
14.3 None of the sample rolls shall contain more than the
during shipment and storage, will be protected against damage
allowable pieces, and the combined length of all of the sample
from exposure to moisture, weather, or any other normal
rolls shall not be less than the combined lengths given on the
identification labels of the sample rolls.
NOTE 4—Once opened by the user, if the roll is not totally consumed,
15. Ignition Loss it is good practice to rebag the roll, add desiccant, and seal the bag.
15.1 The organic content of woven roving fabric shall be no
less than 0.075 % and no more than 0.25 % unless otherwise 18. Packaging
agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier. 18.1 Each roll of woven roving fabric, put up as specified,
15.2 The type of, level of, and tolerances for roving finish shall be packaged to afford adequate protection against physi-
shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier. cal damage during shipment from the supply source to the
The roving finish should be compatible with, and produce the receiving activity. The supplier may use his standard practice
required performance characteristics for the resin system when it meets this requirement.
specified in the applicable laminate specification or other
19. Marking
procurement document. If the purchaser and the supplier agree
that laminate testing (wet and dry) is to be used to determine 19.1 Each package shall be marked to show the following
acceptability of the finish content, this fact and the test method information unless specified otherwise between the purchaser
shall be specified in the contracting document. and the supplier. Characters shall be of such size as to be
clearly legible and shall not be obliterated by normal handling:
16. Fabric Appearance 100 % Fiber Glass Woven Roving Cloth
16.1 The woven roving fabric shall be generally uniform in Glass Type E
quality and condition, clean, smooth, and free of foreign Fabric Type
particles and defects detrimental to fabrication, appearance, or Length
performance. Width
Purchase Order Number
16.2 The fabric in the laboratory sample for the fabric
Manufacturers Identification
appearance shall be examined for the defects listed in Table 3
Finish Designation
and the acceptable quality levels (AQLs) shall be 6.5 total
defects per hundred units of fabric unless otherwise agreed SAMPLING AND CONDITIONING
upon between the purchaser and the supplier.
16.3 When specified, the warp direction of the fabric shall 20. Sampling
be marked by blue direction-indicator yarns running warpwise 20.1 Lot Size—A lot shall consist of each 9070 kg [20 000
in the cloth and spaced approximately 150 mm [6 in.] apart. lb] of a single woven roving fabric type unless otherwise
agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier.
17. Put-Up 20.1.1 When small multiple shipments are made from an
17.1 Woven roving fabric shall be furnished in rolls and inspected lot, the shipments may be made without additional
shall be wound on spiral tubes measuring 76.2-mm [3-in.] inspection as agreed upon between the purchaser and the
minimum inside diameter and 25 mm [1 in.] longer than the supplier.
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20.2 Lot Sample—Unless otherwise agreed upon, as when 25. Filament Diameter
specified in an applicable order or contract, take at random as 25.1 Determine the filament diameter for both the warp and
a lot sample the number of rolls of woven roving fabric filling yarns as directed in Specification D578 by using 50
specified in ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 and a single sampling plan. individual filaments from one yarn test specimen from both the
20.3 Laboratory Sample—As a laboratory sample, take the warp and filling yarns in each of the rolls in the laboratory
following samples: sample.
20.3.1 For visual appearance, width, mass per unit area, and
length, the rolls in the lot sample serve as the laboratory 26. Strand Construction
sample. 26.1 Verify the number of single strands and the number of
20.3.2 For other properties, take at random from the rolls in plied or cabled strands on one test specimen of warp yarn and
the lot sample the number of rolls specified in Table 4. one specimen of filling yarn in each of the rolls in the
20.4 Test Specimens—For visual appearance, width, mass laboratory sample.
per unit area, and length, the rolls in the lot sample serve as test
specimens. For other properties, take material from the outside 27. Fabric Weave Type
of each roll in the laboratory sample as a source of the test 27.1 Determine the woven roving fabric weave type as
specimens required in the respective test methods in this directed in Specification D4029 using one test specimen from
specification after first discarding a minimum of 1 m [1 yd] each of the rolls in the laboratory sample.
from the very outside of the roll.
28. Mass per Unit Area
21. Condition
28.1 Determine the mass per unit area in grams per square
21.1 Condition the laboratory samples without precondi-
metre (ounces per square yard) of the woven roving fabric as
tioning for a period of at least 5 h in the atmosphere for testing
directed in Test Method D3776, Option A, using each roll in
glass textiles in accordance with Practice D1776, unless
the laboratory sample.
otherwise specified.
29.1 Determine the width of the woven roving fabric as
22. Material directed in Test Methods D3774, Option A, and the free-of-
22.1 Accept the supplier’s certification that the material is tension procedure, except that five measurements per roll shall
of the correct grade as specified in Section 4 of Specification be made on each of the rolls in the lot sample.
D578. Verify that the fiber is continuous filament as specified,
during testing for filament diameter as directed in Section 25. 30. Length
Determine the freedom from detrimental impurities during the 30.1 Measure the length of each roll in the lot sample as
inspection for fabric appearance as directed in Section 32. directed in Test Methods D3773 using any one of the four
optional procedures. Verify that none of the sample rolls
23. Fabric Count
contains more than the allowable number of pieces. Sum the
23.1 Determine the fabric count as directed in Test Method lengths for each of the rolls measured, and compare to the total
D3775, making one count in the warp direction across the full of the lengths specified on the identification labels for those
width and three counts in the fill direction spaced 1 m [1 yd] rolls. In case of dispute, use Option A of Test Methods D3773
apart, on each of the selected rolls in the laboratory sample. to resolve the dispute.
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31.1.2 If laminate testing is specified in the contracting 34.2 Upon request of the purchaser in the contract or order,
document, the ASTM specifications listed in 31.1.1 are recom- a manufacturer’s certification that the material was manufac-
mended as the source for testing procedures unless otherwise tured and tested in accordance with this specification together
agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier. with a report of the test results shall be furnished at the time of
32. Fabric Appearance
32.1 Determine the fabric appearance as directed in Speci- 34.3 Upon the request of the purchaser in the contract or
fication D4029 on each of the rolls in the lot sample except order, the certification of an independent third party indicating
classify the defects as listed in Table 3. Each defect listed in conformance to the requirements of this specification may be
Table 3 is considered major. accepted instead of the manufacturer’s certification.
33. Put-Up, Packaging, and Marking 34.4 The purchaser and the supplier may agree on other
procedures to establish conformance, including control charts
33.1 During the sampling and testing of the shipment, verify
furnished by the supplier, and other sampling plans such as
the correctness of put-up, packaging, and marking.
sequential or double-sampling.
35. Keywords
34. Conformance
35.1 appearance; construction; fabric count; glass woven
34.1 The test results for the lot must conform to the roving; ignition loss; length; mass per unit area; width
requirements for all characteristics listed in this specification
for the lot to be considered acceptable.
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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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