The Impact of Learner Centered Teaching On Students Learning Skills and Strategies

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The Impact of

Teaching on Students’
Learning Skills and

Maria Angeles Dano-Hinosolango, Amparo Vedua-Dinagsao

Mindanao University of and Technology, Philippines
Backround of the Study
Definition of Learner-Centered Teaching
Learner-centered teaching serves as an approach allowing students to become responsible for their own

• Students will be given the chance to become active participants in the learning process
• Learner-centered teaching should be integrated and sustained in the faculty development program for
teachers to be updated on the current learner-centered teaching strategies and techniques

• To determine the impact of learner-centered teaching on the students’ learning skills and strategies in
the English classes from first year to fourth year levels.
Theoretical Framework

Constructivism Experiential Learning Learner-Centered

Theory Teaching Principles

Constructivism learning Kolb’s experiential learning • Principle 1: The nature of the

theory states that theory defines learning as learning process is most effective
human beings produce "the process whereby when it is an intentional process
or construct meaning, knowledge is created of constructing meaning from
understanding and through the transformation of information and experience and
knowledge of the world experience, and knowledge • Principle 3: Construction of
from their own results from the combination knowledge wherein the
experiences. of grasping and transforming successful learner can link new
experience." information with existing
knowledge in meaningful ways
Conceptual Framework
This Study made use of Bekele and Melesse's study wherein the principles wherein the
principles of learner-centered teaching was epoused:

1 Using Prior & Existing


Encouraging 2
Interpretation & Alternate
3 Using Discussion &
Using Instructional 4
Materials and Activities

5 Providing a Conducive
Learning Environment

Providing Opportunities 6
for Learners to Utilize New
Ideas and Process

Assessment of
Respondents Sampling Methods Learner-Centered
10 English teachers Purposive sampling Teaching
and 900 First Year with Likert scale: Practices
to Fourth Year high highly evident, English teachers rated by
school students evident, less students on the extent of
evident and not learner-centered teaching in
evident the classroom. Instrument
tested for reliability and validity.
Result of the Study
Table 1. The overall extent of implementation of learner-centered teaching
Table 2. The overall extent of implementation of learner-centered teaching as
evaluated by the students
Table 3. The overall level of learning skills and strategies of first year to fourth
year students
Table 4. Regression model showing the impact of learner-centered teaching
with learning skills and strategies
• Teachingmethods significantly affect students'
learning skills and strategies.

• The study recommends a shift to a learner-centered

approach among teachers.

• Teachers' organizational skills impact students' skill


• Learner-centered methods enhance students'

learning skills significantly.

• This approach encourages active participation and

engagement in learning.

• It fosters lifelong learning skills beneficial beyond

higher education.
The authors would like to extend their deepest gratitude to
the students and teachers who participated in this study. They
would also like to express their appreciation to Mindanao
University of Science and Technology for its generosity in
supporting the researchers in this endeavor.


● Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes Through Learner-Centered
Instructional Approaches
● Comparative Analysis of Learning Skills in Traditional vs.
Learner-Centered Classroom Settings
● The Influence of Learner-Centered Methods on Self-Regulated
Learning in Students

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Martin, Timothy
Batoon, Albritz Andrei
Rosete, Kate Alyssa
Espedido, Dan Louise
Aguinaldo, Deo Frank
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