Sri Narasimha Kavacham
Sri Narasimha Kavacham
Sri Narasimha Kavacham
I shall now recite the Narasimha-kavaca, formerly spoken by Prahlada Maharaja. It is most
pious, vanquishes all kinds of impediments, and provides one all protection.
वव िंपत्करिं चैव स्वर्वमोक्षप्रदायकम ।
ध्यात्वा नसृ हिं िं दे वेशिं हे मस हिं ा नस्स्ितिं॥2॥
sarva-sampat-karam chaiva
dhyatva narasimham devesham
It bestows upon one all opulences and can give one elevation to the heavenly planets or
liberation. One should meditate on Lord Narasimha, Lord of the universe, seated upon a
golden throne.
ृ ास्यिं त्रिनयनिं शरददिंद ु मप्रभिं ।
लक्ष््यासलिंगर्तवामािंर्म ववभूततसभरुपागितिं ॥3॥
vivrtasyam tri-nayanam
vibhutibhir upashritam
His mouth is wide open, He has three eyes, and He is as radiant as the autumn moon. He
is embraced by Lakshmi devi on his left side, and His form is the shelter of all opulences,
both material and spiritual.
ुव िं कोमलािंर्म स्वर्वकुण्डलशोसभतिं ।
ऊरोजशोसभतोरस्किं रत्नकेयूरमुदद्रतिं ॥4॥
chatur-bhujam komalangam
The Lord has four arms, and His limbs are very soft. He is decorated with golden earrings.
His chest is resplendent like the lotus flower, and His arms are decorated with jewel-
studded ornaments.
sphuran manikya-diptibhih
He is dressed in a spotless yellow garment, which exactly resembles molten gold. He is the
original cause of existence, beyond the mundane sphere, for the great demigods headed by
Indra. He appears bedecked with rubies which are blazingly effulgent.
ृ ी मे पातु नरहररमतुव नवयवस्तुततवप्रय: ।
ना ािं मे स हिं ना ास्तु मुखिं लस्क्ष्ममुखवप्रय: ॥9॥
smrtam me patu naraharih
nasam me simha-nashas tu
mukham lakshmi-mukha-priyah
May Lord Nrhari, who is pleased by the prayers offered by the best of sages, protect my
memory. May He who has the nose of a lion protect my nose, and may He whose face is
very dear to the goddess of fortune protect my mouth.
May He who is the original Cupid protect my thighs. May He who exhibits a human-like form
protect my knees. May the remover of the burden of the earth, who appears in a form which
is half-man and half-lion, protect my calves.
महोग्र: पव
ू त
व : पातु महावीराग्रजोऽस्ननत:।
ु व क्षक्षर्े तु महाज्वालस्तु तनरुव तौ ॥17॥
manograh purvatah patu
maha-viragrajo ’gnitah
maha-vishnur dakshine tu
maha-jvalas tu nairrtah
May that most ferocious personality protect me from the east. May He who is superior to
the greatest heroes protect me from the southeast, which is presided over by Agni. May the
Supreme Vishnu protect me from the south, and may that person of blazing luster protect
me from the southwest.
which is predominated by Vayu, and may He whose form is in itself the supreme ornament
protect me from the north, where Soma resides.
ु वान िनवान लोके दीघावयर्
ु व पजायते ।
यिंयिं कामयते कामिं तिंतिं प्रप्नोत्य िंशयिं ॥21॥
putravan dhanavan loke
dirghayur upajayate
yam yam kamayate kamam
tam tam prapnoty asamshayam
Whatever one desires in this world he can attain without doubt. One can have wealth, many
sons, and a long life.
This is the supreme remedy for the poisonous effects of serpents and scorpions, and
Brahma-rakshasa ghosts and Yakshas are driven away.
ू े वा तालपिे वा कवचिं सलणखतिं शभ
ु िं ।
करमूले ितृ िं येन स द्ध्येयु: कमवस द्धय: ॥24॥
bhuje va tala-patre va
kavacam likhitam shubham
kara-mule dhrtam yena
sidhyeyuh karma-siddhayah
One may write this most auspicious prayer on his arm, or inscribe it on a palm-leaf and
attach it to his wrist, and all his activities will become perfect.
ततलकिं त्रिभय
ृ ाद्यस्तु तस्य र्ह
ृ भयिं हरे त।
त्रिवारिं जपमानस्तु दत्तिं वायवसभमिंत्र्य च ॥28॥