Applied Physics

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PHYSICS second (s)

[Time] The duration of 9192631770 periods
Physics of the radiation corresponding to the
• deals with concepts which describe transition between the two hyperfine levels of
properties of matter, energy, space and the ground state of the cesium 133 atom
• It is an experimental science; it relies on ampere (A)
idealized models of complex physical [Eletric current] The constant current which,
situations. if maintained in two straight parallel
• It is not a collection of facts and principles; conductors of infinite length, of negligible
it is the process which we arrive at general circular cross-section, and placed 1 m apart
principles that describe the behavior of the in vacuum, would produce between these
physical universe. conductors a force equal to 2×10 newton
per metre of length
Fundamental quantities
kelvin (K)
[Thermodynamic temperature] the fraction
1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature
of the triple point of water

mole (mol)
For each fundamental quantity [Amount of substance] The amount of
there is an arbitrarily chosen fundamental substance of a system which contains as
unit. Other units based on combinations of many elementary entities as there are atoms
fundamental quantity units are called derived in 0.012 kilogram of carbon 12.
candela (cd)
System of units [Luminous intensity] The luminous intensity,
a complete set of units, both fundamental in a given direction, of a source that emits
and derived. Example: mks, fps, cgs. monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 ×
10 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in
In measured and computed that direction of 1/683 watt per steradians.
quantities, significant figures only should Universal Law of Gravity
be retained. Physicists usually express small
and large quantities in powers of 10. THE LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION

UNITS AND MEASUREMENT It expresses the fact that every particle

attracts every other particle with a force
meter (m) directly proportional to the product of their
[Length] The distance travelled by light in masses and inversely proportional to the
vacuum in 1/299792458 of the duration of 1 square of the distance between their centers
second of mass.

kilogram (kg) m1m2

Mass] The mass of the International F=G
Prototype Kilogram (a cylinder of platinum – s2
iridium alloy)


F = force of attraction
m1m2 = respective masses of the two particles 1. Which of the following is not among
three fundamental dimensions?
s = distance between their centers A. Length C. Mass
G = Gravitional constant B. Temperature D. Time
N − m2
= 6.67 x 10-11 2. What are the units of the number π?
kg2 A. Radians C. Meters
B. Degrees D. No unit
The weight of a body at any point in
space may be defined as the resultant 3. Which of the following is correct:
gravitational force acting on the body due to A. 0.021 has three significant figures
tall other bodies in space. B. 120 has three significant figures
C. 250.00 has five significant figures
PENDULUM D. 0.004128 has six significant figures

4. Determine the force of gravitational

attraction between the earth (m = 5.98 x
10 kg) and a 70-kg reviewee if the
reviewee is in an airplane at 40000 feet
above earth’s surface. This would place
the student a distance of 6.39 x 10 m
from earth’s center.
l 1 A. 567 N C. 812 N
T = 2π f=
g T B. 684 N D. 982 N

T = Period (s) 5. What is the length of a pendulum with a

f = frequency (Hz) period of 10 seconds?
l = length (m) A. 15.6 m C. 24.8 m
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s
2) B. 24.8 m D. 18.5 m

STORED ENERGY IN A SPRING 6. Suppose you are an astronaut and need

to find the acceleration due to gravity on
an asteroid using a pendulum. The
period of the pendulum is 20 seconds
and the length of the pendulum is 10
cm. What is g?
2 2
A. 0.03 m/s C. 0.02 m/s
PE = 0.5kx 2 B. 0.01 m/s
D. 0.04 m/s

PE = stored energy in a spring

k = spring constant
x = elongation

WAVES Speed of a Longitudinal Wave

Two Types of Waves E

v long = for rod
Transverse Waves ρ
the particles of the medium vibrate in paths
perpendicular to the direction the wave
moves. B
v long = for fluids

E = Young' sModulus (rod)
B = Bulk Modulus (fluid)
Longitudinal Waves
ρ = density
the paths in which the particles vibrate are
parallel to the direction the wave travels. v = speed

Frequency (f)
is the number of waves per unit time that
pass a point.

Period (T)
is the time required for one wave to pas the
Speed of a Transverse Wave in a String point in question.

TL f=
v trans = T
T = Tension in cord f = frequency
m = mass T = period
L = length of the string
v = speed of the transverse wave Wavelength λ
is the distance between two adjacent
particles that are in the same phase.

Two particles are in the same phase if

they have the same displacement and are
moving in the same direction.

Speed, Frequency and Wavelength γ = ratio of specific heat (const P to const V)

Relationship: = 1.40 (air)
P = pressure
v = fλ
ρ = density
Where: R = universal gas constant
v = speed = 8.317 J / mol − K
f = frequency T = absolute Temperature (K)
λ = wavelength M = molecular mass

SOUND WAVES Doppler’s principle

apparent frequency of a source of sound is
Sound changed if there is relative motion between
• disturbance of the type capable of being the source and the observer.
detected by the ear. The disturbance is
produced by the vibration of some V ± v0
material body. f0 = fs
V mv s
• Transmitted through air and other
media, solid or fluid, in the form of
compressional (longitudinal waves). Where:
V = speed of the wave
Speed of Sound Formula v s = speed of the source
fs = frequency of the source
B v o = speed of the observer
v long = , for fluids
ρ f0 = observed frequency of the observer

E Sonic-Boom Shock Wave

v long =
ρ ,for rod a highly concentrated pressure wave
produced when an object flies faster than the
speed of sound.
E = Young' sModulus (rod) refers to an object travelling faster than
B = Bulk Modulus (fluid) sound.
ρ = density Ultrasonic
v = speed refers to the sound produced by an object
which is vibrating at a frequency higher than
a human can hear.
γP γRT
v= = , for gas
ρ M


OPTICS 7. A horizontal cord 5 m long has a mass of

2.5 grams. What must be the tension in
Absolute index of refraction: the cord if the wavelength of a 120 Hz
c wave on it is to be 50 cm?
n= A. 2.5 N C. 1.8 N
v B. 2.9 N D. 3.5 N

Where: 8. Find the speed of sound in air at 23

n = refractive index degrees Celsius.
c = speed of light in vacuum A. 343 m/s C. 347 m/s
B. 349 m/s D. 345 m/s
v = speed of light in a medium
9. A car approaching at 22.2 m/s blows it’s
Snell’s law: horn at a dog sitting on the road. If the
frequency of the horn is 437.9 Hz and
n1 sin θi = n2 sin θr the speed of sound is 337 m/s, what
frequency will the dog hear?
Where: A. 468 Hz C. 452 Hz
n1,n2 = refractive indeces B. 493 Hz D. 434 Hz
θi = angle of incidence
10. The angle of incidence of a ray of light
θr = angle of refraction
at the surface of water is 40° and the
observed angled of refraction 29°.
Total internal refraction Compute the index of refraction.
may occur when light passes from a medium A. 3.412 C. 1.325
of less speed to one of greater speed. B. 2.621 D. 1.230
If the angle of incidence in the denser
material is greater than the critical angle 11. For a glass (n = 1.5) and quartz (n =
1.38) interface and angle of incidence of
Critical angle 35 degrees, what is the angle of
the angle of incidence in the denser material refraction?
for which the angle of refraction is 90 . A. 38.57° C. 12.75°
B.42.12° D. 25.83°
12. This refers to the phenomenon where
Focal length light is emitted by a high-speed charged
distance of the principal focus from the lens particle when the particle passes
through a transparent, nonconducting
Real image material at a speed greater than the
formed if the rays actually pass through the speed of light in the material.
image after refraction. A. Leduc emission
B. Cherenkov radiation
Virtual image C. Sonic boom
formed if the rays only appear to come from D. EM radiation
the image after refraction

• Always forms a virtual image

Concave Mirror

• makes a set of parallel rays converge after


Converging lens
• makes a set of parallel
• Forms real images when the real object is
rays converge after
farther from the mirror than the principal
• Forms real images
when the real object is
farther from the lens
than the principal focus
• Forms virtual images when the real object
is between the lens and the principal focus
• Forms virtual images when the real object
is between the mirror and the principal Diverging lens
focus • renders a set of parallel
rays divergent after
• Always forms a virtual

Mirror / Lens Equation:

1 1 2 1
+ = ==
Convex Mirror p q r f

• renders a set of parallel rays divergent

after reflection
p = object distance from the mirror
q = image distance from the mirror
f = focal length
r = radius of the curvature

NOTE: 13. The index of refraction of benzene is 1.80.

For concave (converging) mirrors: r and f The critical angle for total internal
are positive. reflection, at a benzene-air interface, is
For convex (diverging) mirrors: r and f are about:
negative. A. 20 deg C. 34 deg
For real objects (images): p and q are B. 14 deg D. 90 deg
14. The image produced by a convex mirror of
For virtual objects (images): p and q are
an erect object in front of the mirror is
A. virtual, erect and larger than the object
Linear Magnification for spherical mirrors B. virtual, erect and smaller than the object
C. real, erect and larger than the object
q D. real, erect and smaller than the object
15. If an object is 6 cm in front of a concave
mirror with a focal length of 4 cm, its image
Where: is at
p = object distance from the mirror A. 4 cm C. 8 cm
B. 6 cm D. 12 cm
q = image distance from the mirror
16. An object is 4 cm in front of a convex
Thin-Lens equation: mirror which has a focal length of 6 cm. its
image is at
A. 2.4 cm behind the mirror
1 ⎛ n2 ⎞⎛ 1 1 ⎞ B. 4.6 cm behind the mirror
= ⎜⎜ − 1⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟
f ⎝ n1 ⎠ ⎝ R1 R2 ⎠ C. 2.4 cm in front of the mirror
D. 4.6 cm in front of the mirror

RELATIVITY 17. The image would be _____, if the concave

mirror had a focal length of 6 cm and the
1. Special Relativity object was 4 cm.
2. General Relativity A. Erect and virtual
B. Inverted and real
Special Relativity C. erect and real
• The laws of physics are the same for all D. inverted and virtual
observers in uniform motion relative to one
another (principle of relativity) 18. A lens has a convex surface of radius 17
cm and a concave surface of radius 38 cm
• The speed of light in a vacuum is the
and is made of glass of refractive index of
same for all observers, regardless of their 1.55. Calculate the focal length of the lens
relative motion or of the motion of the and classify the type of the lens whether
source of the light. it’s diverging or converging.
A. 55.93 cm, converging
Relativity of simultaneity B. 57.45 cm, converging
Two events, simultaneous for one observer, C. 55.93 cm, diverging
may not be simultaneous for another D. 57.45 cm, diverging
observer if the observers are in relative

Time dilation When the speed of a body approaches

Moving clocks are measured to tick more the speed of light, the mass of the body
slowly than an observer's "stationary" clock. increases according to the relation:

t0 m0
Δt = m=
v v2
1− 1−
c2 c2

Length contraction
Objects are measured to be shortened in the
direction that they are moving with respect to m0 = rest mass
the observer. m = mass at speed v
c = speed of light
Planck’s theory of radiation is based on
Mass–energy equivalence
2 the assumption that a body emits and
E = mc , energy and mass are equivalent
absorbs radiant energy only in multiples of a
and transmutable.
quantum of energy:
Maximum speed is finite
No physical object, message or field line can Photon Energy
travel faster than the speed of light in a
vacuum. E = hf

General Relativity Where:

E = photon energy
Gravitational Time Dilation
f = frequency
• Clocks run more slowly in deeper
gravitational wells. h = Planck's constant
• Orbits process in a way unexpected in h = 6.6252 x 10 -34 J ⋅ s
Newton's theory of gravity. (This has been
observed in the orbit of Mercury and De Broglie Wavelength:
in binary pulsars).
Rays of light bend in the presence of a λ=
gravitational field mv

Frame-dragging Where:
Rotating masses "drag along" the space- h = Planck ' s constant
time around them; a phenomenon termed m = mass
v = speed
The universe is expanding and far parts
of it are moving away from us faster than Wave properties of the electron were
the speed of light. verified in diffraction experiments by

Davisson and Germer and by G. P. 19. The focal lengths of two lenses are 10 ft
Thomson. and 20 ft. What is the focal length of the
combined lenses when they are in
Uncertainty Principle contact?
showed by Heisenberg that in quantum A. 15 ft C. 12 ft
physics there is an inherent limitation on our B. 30 ft D. 6.67 ft
ability to make measurements. The
determinism of classical physics does not 20. An observer sees a spaceship, measuring
100 m long when at rest. He passed by in
exist in quantum physics.
uniform motion with the speed of 0.5 c.
While the observer is watching the
spaceship, a time of 2 s elapses on a clock
on board the ship, what is the length of the
moving spaceship?
A. 87 m C. 83 m
B. 85 m D. 76 m

21. The captain of a spacecraft send a pulse

of light towards earth and then exactly 1
min. later (as measured by the clock on
the spacecraft), sends a second pulse. An
observer on earth sees the second pulse
arrive 4 minutes after the first. What is the
velocity of the spacecraft relative to the
A. 0.987c C. 0.954c
B. 0.968c D. 0.943c

22. A beam photon has a wavelength of 526

nm. Compute its energy.
A. 2.36 eV C. 2.45 eV
C. 3.41 eV D. 1.45 eV

23. What is the frequency of the photon having

energy of 2 eV?
A. 483 THz C. 300 THz
B. 500 THz D. 250 THz

24. When a Uranium nucleus at rest breaks

apart in the process known as fission in a
nuclear reactor, the resulting fragments
have a total kinetic energy of about 200
MeV. How much mass was lost in the
A. 3.56 x 10-28 kg C. 1.24 x 10-18 kg
B. 0.27 x 10 kg D. 2.10 x 10-18 kg

7. The approximate value of g at an
1. In the formula F = Gm1m2/r , the altitude above Earth equal to one Earth
quantity G: diameter is:
2 2
A. depends on the local value of g A. 9.8 m/s C. 2.5 m/s
2 2
B. is used only when Earth is one of the two B. 4.9 m/s D. 1.1 m/s
C. is greatest at the surface of Earth 8. An object is raised from the surface of
D. is a universal constant of nature Earth to a height of two Earth radii
above Earth. Then:
2. Suitable units for the gravitational A. its mass increases and its weight remains
constant G are: constant
A. kg·m/s C. kg·m/s B. both its mass and weight remain constant
2 3 2
B. m/s D. m /(kg·s ) C. its mass remains constant and its weight
3. The magnitude of the acceleration of a D. both its mass and its weight decrease
planet in orbit around the Sun is
proportional to: 9. The first man to measure the value of
A. the mass of the planet gravitational constant is
B. the mass of the Sun A. Galieo Galiei
C. the distance between the planet and the B. Henry Cavendish
Sun C. Charles Blagden
D. the reciprocal of the distance between the D. Isaac Newton
planet and the Sun
10. The nearer the satellite from the earth
4. Let F1 be the magnitude of the is,
gravitational force exerted on the Sun by A. the lesser the velocity is required to keep
Earth and F2 be the magnitude of the it in a circular orbit.
force exerted on Earth by the Sun. B. the greater the velocity is required to keep
Then: it in a circular orbit.
A. F1 is much greater than F2 C. the lesser it’s escape speed.
B. F1 is slightly greater than F2 D. the greater the required mass is for the
C. F1 is equal to F2 satellite to keep it in a circular orbit.
D. F1 is slightly less than F2
11. Neglecting air resistance, a 1.0-kg
5. Let M denote the mass of Earth and let projectile has an escape velocity of
R denote its radius. The ratio g/G at about 11km/s at the surface of Earth.
Earth’s surface is: The corresponding escape velocity for a
2 2
A. R /M C. MR 2.0 kg projectile is:
B. M/R D. M/R A. 3.5 km/s C. 7.1 km/s
B. 5.5 km/s D. 11 km/s
6. Venus has a mass of about 0.0558
times the mass of Earth and a diameter 12. The escape speed at the surface of
of about 0.381 times the diameter of Earth is approximately 11 km/s. What is
Earth. The acceleration of a body falling the mass, in units of Earth’s mass, of a
near the surface of Venus is about: planet with twice the radius of Earth for
2 2
A. 0.21 m/s C. 1.4 m/s which the escape speed is twice that for
2 2
B. 2.8 m/s D. 3.8 m/s Earth?

A. 2 C. 8
B. 4 D. 1/2 18. If a star’s surface temperature is 30,000
K, how much power does a square
13. If two objects are in thermal equilibrium meter of its surface radiate?
10 2 12 2
with each other: A. 4.6 x 10 W/m C. 4.6x10 W/m
11 2 13 2
A. they cannot be moving B. 4.6x10 W/m D. 4.6x10 W/m
B. they cannot be undergoing an elastic
collision 19. Which of the following statements
C. they cannot have different pressures pertaining to a vacuum flask (thermos)
D. they cannot be at different temperatures is NOT correct?
A. Vacuum reduces conduction loss
14. Suppose object C is in thermal B. Vacuum reduces convection loss
equilibrium with object A and with object C. Vacuum reduces radiation loss
B. The zeroth law of thermodynamics D. Glass walls reduce conduction loss
A. that C will always be in thermal 20. When the temperature of a copper
equilibrium with both A and B penny is increased by 100◦ C, its
B. that C must transfer energy to both A and diameter increases by 0.17%. The area
B of one of its faces increases by:
C. that A is in thermal equilibrium with B A. 0.17% C. 0.51%
D. that A cannot be in thermal equilibrium B. 0.34% D. 0.13%
with B
21. Possible units for the coefficient of
15. There is a temperature at which the volume expansion are:
reading on the Kelvin scale is A. mm/C◦ C. (C◦)
numerically: B. mm /C◦ D. 1/(C◦)
A. equal to that on the Celsius scale
B. lower than that on the Celsius scale 22. The coefficient of linear expansion of
C. equal to that on the Fahrenheit scale iron is 1.0 × 10 per C◦ . The surface
D. less than zero area of an iron cube, with an edge
length of 5.0 cm, will increase by what
16. Which one of the following statements is amount if it is heated from 10◦ C to 60◦
true? C?
2 2
A. Temperatures differing by 25◦ on the A. 0.0125 cm C. 0.075 cm
2 2
Fahrenheit scale must differ by 45◦ on the B. 0.025 cm D. 0.15 cm
Celsius scale 23. The coefficient of linear expansion of
B. 40K corresponds to −40◦ C steel is 11 × 10 per C◦ . A steel ball
C. Temperatures which differ by 10◦ on the has a volume of exactly 100 cm at 0◦ C.
Celsius scale must differ by 18◦ on the When heated to 100◦ C, its volume
Fahrenheit scale becomes:
3 3
D. Water at 90◦ C is warmer than water at A. 100.33 cm C. 100.0033 cm
3 3
202◦ F B. 100.0011 cm D. 100.0011 cm
17. A Kelvin thermometer and a Fahrenheit 24. 273 cm of an ideal gas is at 0◦ C. It is
thermometer both give the same heated at constant pressure to 10◦ C. It
reading for a certain sample. The will now occupy:
3 3
corresponding Celsius temperature is: A. 263 cm C. 283 cm
3 3
A. 574◦ C C. 301◦ C B. 273 cm D. 278 cm
B. 232◦ C D. 614◦ C

25. Two identical rooms in a house are B. the potential energy is equal to the
connected by an open doorway. The kinetic energy
temperatures in the two rooms are C. the motion is along the arc of a circle
maintained at different values. Which D. the amplitude is small
room contains more air?
A. the room with higher temperature 31. A particle oscillating in simple harmonic
B. the room with lower temperature motion is:
C. the room with higher pressure A. in equilibrium at the center of its path
D. neither because both have the same because the acceleration is zero there
pressure B. in equilibrium at the ends of its path
because its velocity is zero there
26. It is known that 28 g of a certain ideal C. never in equilibrium because it is in
gas occupy 22.4 liters at standard motion
conditions (0◦ C, 1 atm). The volume D. never in equilibrium because there is
occupied by 42 g of this gas at standard always a force
conditions is:
A. 14.9 liters C. 33.6 liters 32. A block attached to a spring oscillates in
B. 22.4 liters D. 42 liters simple harmonic motion along the x
axis. The limits of its motion are x = 10
27. A 2-m weather balloon is loosely filled cm and x = 50 cm and it goes from one
with helium at 1 atm (76 cm Hg) and at of these extremes to the other in 0.25 s.
27◦ C. At an elevation of 20, 000 ft, the Its amplitude and frequency are:
atmospheric pressure is down to 38 cm A. 40 cm, 2 Hz C. 40 cm, 2 Hz
Hg and the helium has expanded, being B. 20 cm, 4 Hz D. 25 cm, 4 Hz
under no constraint from the confining
bag. If the temperature at this elevation 33. A certain spring elongates 9.0mm when
is -48◦ C, the gas volume (in m ) is: it is suspended vertically and a block of
A. 3 C. 2 mass M is hung on it. The natural
B. 4 D. 2.5 angular frequency of this block-spring
28. In simple harmonic motion, the restoring A. is 0.088 rad/s C. is 200 rad/s
force must be proportional to the: B. is 33 rad/s D. is 1140 rad/s
A. amplitude C. velocity
B. frequency D. displacement 34. 0.20-kg object attached to a spring
whose spring constant is 500N/m
29. In simple harmonic motion, the executes simple harmonic motion. If its
magnitude of the acceleration is: maximum speed is 5.0m/s, the
A. constant amplitude of its oscillation is:
B. proportional to the displacement A. 0.0020m C. 0.20m
C. inversely proportional to the B. 0.10m D. 25m
D. greatest when the velocity is greatest 35. The period of a simple pendulum is 1 s
on Earth. When brought to a planet
30. An oscillatory motion must be simple where g is one-tenth that on Earth, its
harmonic if: period becomes:
A. the acceleration varies sinusoidally A. √10 s C. 1/10 s
with time B. 1/√10 s D. 1 s

36. A simple pendulum has length L and D. two media having slightly different
period T. As it passes through its sound velocities
equilibrium position, the string is
suddenly clamped at its midpoint. The 43. The standard reference sound level is
period then becomes: about:
A. 2T C. T/2 A. the threshold of human hearing at
B. T/√2 D. T/4 1000 Hz
B. the threshold of pain for human
37. Suppose the maximum speed of a string hearing at 1000 Hz
carrying a sinusoidal wave is vs. When C. the level of sound produced when the
the displacement of a point on the string 1 kg standard mass is dropped 1m onto
is half its maximum, the speed of the a concrete floor
point is: D. the level of normal conversation
A. vs/2 C. vs/4
B. √3vs/2 D. 3vs/4 44. The intensity of a certain sound wave is
6 µW/cm . If its intensity is raised by 10
38. The speed of a sinusoidal wave on a db, the new intensity (in µW/cm ) is:
string depends on: A. 60 C. 6.06
A. the frequency of the wave B. 6.6 D. 600
B. the wavelength of the wave
C. the length of the string 45. The sound level at a point P is 14 db
D. the tension in the string below the sound level at a point 1.0m
from a point source. The distance from
39. The tension in a string with a linear the source to point P is:
mass density of 0.0010 kg/m is 0.40 N. A. 4.0 cm C. 2.0m
A sinusoidal wave with a wavelength of B. 202m D. 5.0m
20 cm on this string has a frequency of:
A. 50 Hz C. 100 Hz 46. A virtual image is one:
B. 0.25 Hz D. 630 Hz A. toward which light rays converge but
do not pass through
40. The speed of a sound wave is B. from which light rays diverge but do
determined by: not pass through
A. its amplitude C. from which light rays diverge as they
B. its intensity pass through
C. its pitch D. toward which light rays converge and
D. the transmitting medium pass through

41. Convert 2000 Hz to mel 47. When you stand in front of a plane
A. 1521 mel C. 1020 mel mirror, your image is:
B. 2000 mel D. 700 mel A. real, erect, and smaller than you
B. real, erect, and the same size as you
42. “Beats” in sound refer to: C. virtual, erect, and smaller than you
A. interference of two waves of the D. virtual, erect, and the same size as
same frequency you
B. combination of two waves of slightly
different frequency 48. An object is 2m in front of a plane
C. reversal of phase of reflected wave mirror. Its image is:
relative to incident wave A. virtual, inverted, and 2m behind the

B. virtual, inverted, and 2m in front of parallel light. The source should be

the mirror placed:
C. virtual, erect, and 2m in front of the A. as close to the mirror as possible
mirror B. at the center of curvature
D. virtual, erect, and 2m behind the C. midway between the center of
mirror curvature and the focal point
D. midway between the center of
49. A plane mirror is in a vertical plane and curvature and the mirror
is rotating about a vertical axis at 100
rpm. A horizontal beam of light is 55. A concave mirror forms a real image
incident on the mirror. The reflected that is twice the size of the object. If the
beam will rotate at: object is 20 cm from the mirror, the
A. 100 rpm C. 0 rpm radius of curvature of the mirror must be
B. 141 rpm D. 200 rpm about:
A. 13 cm C. 27 cm
50. The focal length of a spherical mirror is B. 20 cm D. 40 cm
N times its radius of curvature where N
is: 56. A man stands with his nose 8 cm from a
A. ¼ C. 1 concave shaving mirror of radius 32 cm.
B. ½ D. 2 The distance from the mirror to the
image of his nose is:
51. Who discovered the electron in 1897? A. 8 cm C. -16 cm
A. Carl D. Anderson B. 16 cm D. 24 cm
B. James Chadwick
C. P.A. M. Dirac 57. According to ________, the universe
D. J. J. Thomson originated as a very small space,
possibly a single point. Its expansion is
52. An erect object is located between a described in terms of temperature,
concave mirror and its focal point. Its average particle energies, and
image is: distances.
A. real, erect, and larger than the object A. Grand unified theory
B. real, inverted, and larger than the B. Big Bang model
object C. Hubble`s law
C. virtual, erect, and larger than the D. Electroweak theory
D. virtual, inverted, and larger than the 58. Where must an object be placed in front
object of a converging lens in order to obtain a
virtual image?
53. As an object is moved from the center of A. At the focal point
curvature of a concave mirror toward its B. Between the focal point and the lens
focal point its image: C. Greater than the focal length
A. remains virtual and becomes larger D. At twice the focal length
B. remains virtual and becomes smaller
C. remains real and becomes larger 59. An erect object placed outside the focal
D. remains real and becomes smaller point of a converging lens will produce
an image that is:
54. A point source is to be used with a A. erect and virtual
concave mirror to produce a beam of B. inverted and virtual

C. erect and real B. 1.1 m D. 1.1 cm

D. inverted and real
66. In nuclear energy, the splitting apart of
60. Let p denote the object-lens distance the heavy nuclei of uranium is called
and i the image-lens distance. The A. fusion C. radiation
image produced by a lens of focal length B. fission D. meltdown
f has a height that can be obtained from
the object height by multiplying it by: 67. Hadrons are composed of
A. p/I C. f/p ___________.
B. i/p D. f/i A. Fermions C. Hadrons
B. Leptons D. Quarks
61. A camera with a lens of focal length 6.0
cm takes a picture of a 1.4-m tall man 68. A spaceship moving away from earth
standing 11m away. The height of the with speed 0.90c fires a robot space
image is about: probe in the same direction as its
A. 0.39 cm C. 1.5 cm motion, with speed 0.70c relative to the
B. 0.77 cm D. 3.0 cm spaceship. What is the probe`s speed
relative to the earth?
62. In a cinema, a picture 2.5 cm wide on A. 0.96 c C. 0.98c
the film is projected to an image 3.0m B. 0.97c D. 0.99c
wide on a screen that is 18m away. The
focal length of the lens is about: 69. If the observed radiation of an atom
A. 7.5 cm C. 12.5 cm moving toward you has a frequency of
B. 10 cm D. 15 cm 10.2 x 10 Hz, at what speed are the
atoms moving towards you given that
63. An insect, trapped and preserved within the frequency in the rest frame of the
the amber, appears to be 2.78 cm atom is 5.1 x 10 Hz?
beneath the surface, when viewed A. 0.5c C. 0.7c
directly from above. How far below the B. 0.6c D. 0.8c
surface is the insect actually located?
[OCT 2011 ECE Board Exam] 70. Whenever a new theory is in partial
A. 4.29 cm C. 1.54 cm conflict with an older, established
B. 3.19 cm D. 1.16 cm theory, it still must yield the same
predictions as the old in areas in which
64. Material a is a water and material b is a the old theory is supported by
glass with index of refraction 1.52. If the experimental evidence and pass this
incident ray makes an angle of 60 with test called
the normal, find the direction of the A. Turing`s test
reflected ray. B. Correspondence principle
A. 49.3 deg C. 60 deg C. Principle of relativity
B. 91.3 deg D. 34.7 deg D. Invariance

65. The moon is 3476 km in diameter. What 71. The speed of light is
radius of curvature should a concave A. the same in all inertial frames
mirror have if it is to produce a lunar B. independent of the motion of the
image 10 mm in diameter when the source
moon is 3.84 x 10^5 km away? [OCT C. constant
2011 ECE Board Exam] D. all of the above
A. 2.2 m C. 2.2 cm

72. The following statements are true 79. One joule is equivalent to one ________
EXCEPT A. kg-m/s^2 C. kg-m^2/s
A. Nuclei are composed of protons and B. kg-m^2/s^2 D. kg-m/s
neutrons 80. At the surface of the earth, g = 9.806 m/s2
B. All nuclei have about the same . Assume the earth to be a sphere of
density radius 6,371 km, compute the mass of the
C. Nuclei have no angular momentum earth.
A. 5.12 x 10^23 kg C. 5.96 x 10^23 kg
but have magnetic
B. 5.12 x 10^24 kg D. 5.96 x 10^24 kg
D. Isotopes are nuclei of the same 81. A pendulum of length 3 m is pulled aside
element that have different and released. Find the frequency of the
number of neutrons pendulum on earth.
A. 0.29 Hz C. 2.9 Hz
73. A single nuclear species is called B. 0.35 Hz D. 3.5 Hz
A. Nuclide C. Isotope
B. Nucleus D. Neutrino 82. A large coil spring (k = 12 lb/in) is
elongated, within its elastic range by one
74. The rate of decay of unstable nucleus is foot. Stored energy in foot-lb is nearest to:
described by A. 72 C. 600
A. half-life B. 720 D. 60
B. decay constant
C. half-life and decay constant 83. Determine the speed of sound in concrete
D. none of the above material with Young’s modulus of 3 x
10^10 N/m2 and a density of 2400 Kg per
cubic meter.
75. Who discovered the positive electron ,
A. 3355.53 m/s C. 5353.53 m/s
or positron?
B. 3535.53 m/s D. 3553.53 m/s
A. Carl D. Anderson
B. James Chadwick 84. Find the speed of sound in air at T = 20°C.
C. P.A. M. Dirac The mean molar, mass for air (a mixture of
D. J. J. Thomson mostly nitrogen and oxygen) is M = 28.8
76. This is defined as the distance that light g/mol and the ratio of heat capacities is
travels in vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a 1.40.
second A. 344 m/s C. 350 m/s
A. meter C. mile B. 340 m/s D. 330 m/s
B. light year D. fathom
85. If a listener L is at rest and a siren with a
77. The kilogram, which is a unit of weight is source frequency of 300 Hz is moving
based on the mass of a particular cylinder away from L at 30 m/s, what frequency
of _________ alloy which is kept at does the listener hear? Assume that the
International Bureau of Weights and speed of sound is 340 m/s.
Measures A. 276 Hz C. 273 Hz
A. stainless steel C. platinum – iridium B. 326 Hz D. 329 Hz
B. gold – silver D. iron - cobalt

78. Which of the following is correct:

A. 0.001 has three significant figures
B. 100 has three significant figures
C. 100.00 has five significant figures
D. 0.000249 has six significant figures

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