Diabetes, The Metabolic Syndrome, and Ischemic Stroke: Epidemiology and Possible Mechanisms

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Diabetes, the Metabolic Syndrome, and

Ischemic Stroke
Epidemiology and possible mechanisms
ELLEN L. AIR, MD, PHD1 younger ages (25). The Greater Cincin-
BRETT M. KISSELA, MD2 nati–Northern Kentucky Stroke Study
(GCNKSS) found that the risk for isch-
emic stroke in white diabetic patients is
higher at every age-group compared with

troke affects more than 700,000 in- 50% of mortality in diabetes. Because of
dividuals each year; it is the third the overwhelming impact of CHD, the nondiabetic patients, with highest relative
largest cause of death and the largest impact of stroke has been relatively under- risk (RR) of 5.3 found in the 45- to 54-
cause of adult disability in the U.S. Diabe- appreciated. Thus, physicians, diabetes ed- year age-group. Among African Ameri-
tes is a major risk factor for the develop- ucators, and nurses are less equipped to cans, the highest risk was even greater (RR
ment of stroke, yet this risk is not realized educate patients. We therefore review the 9.9) and was found in the 35- to 44-year
or understood by patients with diabetes. relationship between diabetes and stroke. age-group. A substantial peak in stroke
This likely reflects a lack of understanding Given that more than one million risk is seen in the 45- to 64-year age-
within the medical community of how di- people are diagnosed with diabetes group in whites and in the 35- to 54-year
abetes confers this risk. We will explore yearly, a figure that is expected to rise, the age-group in African Americans (7).
the potential underlying mechanisms that impact of diabetes on the incidence of Although stroke is more common
lead to increased incidence of stroke stroke is of increasing importance. Dia- among diabetic patients, most studies re-
among diabetic patients. Beyond diabetes betic patients compose roughly 6.3% of port a significantly reduced rate of tran-
itself, the metabolic syndrome and its the U.S. population but account for 15– sient ischemic attacks (TIAs) in diabetic
components will also be discussed. The 27% of all incident strokes, based on patients compared with nondiabetic pa-
impact of diabetes and hyperglycemia on 2002 estimates (4,7–12). This is certainly tients. Diabetic patients are more likely to
stroke outcomes and a discussion of cur- an underestimation, as most studies clas- present with cerebral infarct, indicating
rent approaches to reduce stroke in this sify patients as having diabetes only if di- that ischemia in diabetic patients is less
high-risk population are included. Because agnosed before stroke. When considering likely to be reversible (7,26 –28). This
type 2 diabetes affects the vast majority of age-adjusted incidence rates, diabetic pa- presents a unique problem for preventing
those diagnosed with diabetes, it will be the tients are 2.9 times as likely to have a stroke in this population. TIAs can serve
primary focus of this discussion. stroke compared with nondiabetic pa- as a warning sign, providing a window of
tients, a disparity that is seen in multiple opportunity for medical intervention to
DEFINING THE PROBLEM — It racial/geographic groups (4,7,9,13–15). prevent a completed stroke. The relative
has been well documented that diabetes This is due specifically to an increase in lack of warning in diabetic patients re-
confers a significantly increased risk of the rate of ischemic stroke rather than quires that physicians, nurses, and educa-
stroke, as well as increased mortality fol- hemorrhagic stroke (7,16 –18). tors be aggressive about risk factor
lowing stroke (1–7). Stroke is a prevent- The heaviest burden of stroke for the intervention, as comprehensive programs
able disease with high personal and general population lies with older and mi- to reduce risk can be highly successful
societal cost. While great progress has nority groups (4,12,19 –22). Diabetes ap- (29). For those who do present with a
been made in understanding the link be- pears to amplify these nonmodifiable TIA, aggressive treatment is equally im-
tween diabetes and coronary heart disease risks, in part due to the increased preva- portant since diabetes has been shown to
(CHD), the literature on diabetes and lence of diabetes in these groups increase the risk of subsequent completed
stroke has been less enlightening. CHD is (7,23,24). Diabetes also confers an in- stroke (30).
a larger problem that accounts for 40 – creased risk for neurovascular disease at
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
From the 1Department of Neurosurgery, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio; and tempts have been made to discern the un-
the 2Department of Neurology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Brett M. Kissela, Department of Neurology, University of derlying mechanisms through which
Cincinnati College of Medicine, 231 Albert Sabin Way, ML 0525, Cincinnati, OH 45267-0525. E-mail: diabetes increases stroke risk. Such stud-
[email protected]. ies have largely taken cues from the car-
Received for publication 21 July 2006 and accepted in revised form 8 September 2007. diovascular literature in which diabetes
Published ahead of print at http://care.diabetesjournals.org on 11 September 2007. DOI: 10.2337/dc06-
and the associated components of the
Abbreviations: ARIC, Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities; CAD, coronary artery disease; CARDS, metabolic syndrome (i.e., hypertension
Collaborative AtoRvastatin Diabetes Study; CHD, coronary heart disease; CIMT, carotid intima-media thick- and hyperlipidemia) have been found to
ness; EPIC, European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer; GCNKSS, Greater Cincinnati–Northern Ken- contribute to cardiovascular disease de-
tucky Stroke Study; NHANES III, Third National Health and Nutrition Survey; TIA, transient ischemic velopment (31–33). This approach has
attack; UKPDS, UK Prevention in Diabetes Study; WHR, waist-to-hip ratio.
A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Système International (SI) units and conversion been informative, yet the relationships
factors for many substances. between diabetes, the components of the
© 2007 by the American Diabetes Association. metabolic syndrome, and stroke are


Diabetes and ischemic stroke

clearly unique. Here, we discuss these in- tionship between hyperglycemia and summarize, a significant association be-
dividual relationships, highlighting the stroke incidence. Rather, it is apparent tween insulin resistance and stroke risk
differences between stroke and cardiac that diabetic patients have an increased has been found, but the magnitude of this
risk. risk of stroke regardless of their level of association is less than the association
metabolic control. seen with cardiovascular disease.
cussion of diabetes and its sequelae, the METABOLIC SYNDROME, components of the metabolic syndrome,
fundamental question arises as to whether AND STROKE — Without substan- hypertension is the single most important
stroke risk is increased due to chronic hy- tive evidence that intensive glucose con- risk factor for the development of stroke.
perglycemia. Published studies provide trol reduces stroke risk, the focus has In this respect, stroke varies significantly
conflicting evidence. Lehto et al. (34) shifted to insulin resistance and its asso- from cardiac disease, where hypertension
studied 1,059 diabetic patients and corre- ciated metabolic syndrome. Type 2 diabe- is a lesser risk factor.
lated their baseline fasting glucose levels, tes, characterized by an inability to produce Evidence suggests that some of the in-
A1C, and duration of diabetes with stroke enough insulin to overcome insulin resis- creased risk of stroke among diabetic pa-
over 7 years of follow-up. All three factors tance, frequently coexists with a constella- tients is attributable to the increased
contributed significantly to increased risk tion of cardiovascular risk factors including prevalence of hypertension. The GCNKSS
of stroke, while fasting hyperglycemia hypertension, obesity, and hyperlipidemia. found that the prevalence of hypertension
(⬎13.4 mmol/l) remained significant af- Together, these have been termed the met- was 79% among diabetic patients and
ter accounting for other cardiovascular abolic syndrome (also known as syndrome 57% among nondiabetic patients (P ⬍
risk factors (odds ratio [OR] 2.6 [95% CI X or insulin-resistance syndrome). The role 0.0001) (7). A significant, though
1.5–3.8] compared with normoglycemia) that these factors have played individually, smaller, difference was found in the
(34). The Honolulu Heart Program re- as well as together, in the development of Copenhagen Stroke Study (48 vs. 30%,
ported similar results in nondiabetic pa- cardiovascular disease (40) has made them respectively, P ⬍ 0.0001) (10). Prospec-
tients when comparing the extremes the target of studies regarding stroke as well. tively, follow-up of diabetic patients in
(80th and 20th percentiles) of serum glu- the UKPDS found that the occurrence of
cose levels (RR for thromboembolic INSULIN RESISTANCE — Insulin vascular complications, including stroke,
stroke 1.4 [95% CI 1.1–1.8]) (16). A resistance, as measured by basal hyperin- were significantly associated with hyper-
Finnish cohort study measured A1C and sulinemia (or impaired glucose tolerance, tension (48). The converse relationship
fasting glucose in diabetic and nondia- which is equated to a state of insulin re- has also been seen. Among hypertensive
betic patients. In both groups, they found sistance) has been associated with coro- patients, diabetes is a significant predictor
a significant association between each nary artery disease (CAD) and subsequent of ischemic stroke (OR 3.76 [95% CI
measure of glucose control and stroke risk cardiovascular events (41– 44). Several 1.67– 8.46]) (49). Data from the ARIC
using multivariate analysis (35). More re- studies have evaluated whether an analo- Study suggest a similar increased risk
cent data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in gous relationship exists between insulin among diabetic patients with prehyper-
Communities (ARIC) Study reiterated resistance and stroke. In a retrospective tension, as compared with nondiabetic
this relationship, finding an increased RR study, impaired glucose tolerance was not patients, although the number of strokes
of stroke with increasing levels of A1C in associated with stroke (45). A prospective was insufficient to calculate an RR for
both diabetic and nondiabetic patients study of Japanese men found no relation- stroke alone (50). No study has included
(36). In contrast, the European Prospec- ship between insulin resistance and statistical modeling to specifically address
tive Investigation Into Cancer (EPIC)- stroke incidence (46). In contrast, the whether hypertension fully accounts for
Norfolk Study did not find a significant ARIC Study found an increase in RR for the increased risk of stoke in diabetic pa-
relationship between A1C and stroke risk ischemic stroke of 1.19 for every 50 tients. It appears that the two are syner-
until a threshold level was reached (37). pmol/l increase in basal insulin among gistic in increasing stroke risk and
The only clinical trial to date that has nondiabetic patients, supporting a role account for up to 40% of the population-
directly evaluated the effect of tight glu- for insulin resistance (2). This was similar attributable risk for all ischemic strokes
cose control on stroke is the UK Preven- to results from the elderly patient popu- (7). A number of studies have found anti-
tion in Diabetes Study (UKPDS). Type 2 lation of the Finnish cohort study that in- hypertensive treatment to reduce the inci-
diabetic patients in the intensive treat- cluded both diabetic patients and dence of cardiovascular events, including
ment group (average A1C 7.0%) had no nondiabetic patients (35). As with studies stroke, in those with diabetes (51–57), but
significant reduction in stroke incidence of insulin resistance and cardiovascular fewer studies have focused on stroke specif-
(P ⫽ 0.52) compared with those receiving disease, the association of insulin resis- ically. The Systolic Hypertension in Europe
traditional medical therapy (average A1C tance with stroke is attenuated by the ad- Trial specifically noted a 73% decrease in
7.9%), indicating that tight glucose con- justment for other cardiovascular risk stroke incidence in diabetic patients treated
trol is not sufficient to prevent excess factors (2,35,43,44). However, data from with antihypertensive medication. Stroke
strokes (38,39), though the study may the Third National Health and Nutrition incidence was decreased in nondiabetic pa-
not have been sufficiently powered to de- Survey (NHANES III) revealed a small, tients by 38% (58). Thus, diabetic patients
tect a stroke-specific relationship and/or but significant, independent association appear to benefit preferentially from antihy-
the intensive control may not have been between insulin resistance and stroke pertensive treatment.
“intensive enough” to substantially im- when other risk factors such as hyperten-
pact stroke incidence. sion and level of glycemic control were HYPERLIPIDEMIA — Hyperlipid-
To summarize, there is no clear rela- taken into account (OR 1.06) (47). To emia is one of the most important risk


Air and Kissela

factors for CHD and CAD but a less im- to find a convincing association between obesity—is a significant risk factor for
portant risk factor for stroke. As with hy- BMI and risk for stroke (2,72). An associ- ischemic stroke (81). Regardless, the im-
pertension, diabetic patients who have ation has been noted in studies of specific pact that obesity has on the risk of
suffered a stroke are more likely to have subpopulations, such as middle-aged, diabetes, CAD, hypertension, and
hyperlipidemia than those without diabe- Korean, or nonsmoking Japanese men hyperlipidemia will confound studies
tes (16 vs. 8%, respectively, P ⬍ 0.0001 in (73–75). The Nurses’ Health Study re- that address the risk of stroke (71). It has
the GCNKSS) (7,10). It is currently not ported a significant association with BMI, been estimated that the reductions in di-
clear to what degree the increased preva- such that subjects with BMI 27–28.9 abetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia
lence of hyperlipidemia accounts for the kg/m2 had an RR of 1.8 (95% CI 1.2–2.6), associated with a 10% weight loss could
increased risk of stroke, especially as the subjects with BMI 29 –31.9 kg/m2 had an lead to reduction of stroke of up to 13 per
contribution of hyperlipidemia alone to RR of 1.9 (1.3–2.8), and subjects with 1,000 people (82).
stroke incidence is controversial (59 – BMI ⱖ32 kg/m2 had an RR of 2.4 (1.6 –
64). Subset analysis from large placebo- 3.5) compared with those with BMI ⬍25 MICROALBUMINURIA — The
controlled trials, such as the Helsinki kg/m2 (76). A less robust, but still signif- World Health Organization definition of
Heart Study and Scandinavian Simvastatin icant, association was found in the Wom- the metabolic syndrome also includes mi-
Survival Study, which evaluated choles- en’s Health Study (77). The Physician’s croalbuminuria (30 –300 mg/24 h) as a
terol reduction as primary or secondary Health Study found an RR of 1.95 (1.39 – final component. Microalbuminuria is a
prevention of cardiovascular disease, in- 2.72) for ischemic stroke for those with significant marker of cardiovascular dis-
dicate that diabetic patients may benefit BMI ⬎30 kg/m2 compared with those ease and is highly associated with hyper-
preferentially from treatment in stroke re- with BMI ⬍23 kg/m2. The risk increased tension (83,84). It is encountered in
duction. Recently reported results from by 6% for each unit increase in BMI, al- diabetic patients more than twice as often
the Heart Protection Study, in contrast, though it was attenuated when other car- as in nondiabetic patients (84) and may
did not support this difference, finding diovascular risk factors were taken into also contribute to the increased risk of
that risk reduction did not vary with dia- account (78). stroke. The largest population-based pro-
betic status (65). The Collaborative AtoR- While BMI has been commonly used spective study to evaluate microalbumin-
vastatin Diabetes Study (CARDS), which in the literature as an obesity measure, uria and stroke risk is the EPIC-Norfolk
expressly evaluated the contribution of many studies have shown it to poorly re- Study. Among 23,630 individuals aged
hyperlipidemia to stroke risk in the dia- flect the health impact of obesity. Rather, 40 –79 years over 7.2 years of follow-up,
betic population without known CAD, abdominal obesity has been more specif- microalbuminuria conferred a signifi-
was halted early due to a significant 48% ically associated with vascular disease and cantly increased risk of total and ischemic
reduction in the incidence of stroke other health complications (79). Waist-to- stroke in multivariate modeling (hazard
among the treatment group (66). CARDS, hip ratio (WHR), while highly correlated ratio [HR] 1.49 [95% CI 1.13–2.14] and
taken together with the Stroke Prevention with BMI, better represents abdominal 2.01 [1.29 –3.31], respectively) (85).
by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol obesity and therefore may provide addi- Data from the Heart Outcomes Preven-
Levels Study (67), is highly significant in tional information on stroke risk. Despite tion Evaluation Study implicate mi-
that statin treatment can now be recom- the lack of a relationship between stroke croalbuminuria as a factor in stroke
mended for stroke prevention even in pa- and BMI, the Northern Manhattan Stroke incidence among those with diabetes
tients who do not have cardiovascular Study did find a significant relationship (57). Treatment of nonhypertensive dia-
disease, regardless of diabetes status. between WHR and risk of stroke. Analysis betic patients with an ACE inhibitor, a
However, based on the CARDS results, it included 576 ischemic stroke patients class of medications known to reduce mi-
seems that patients with diabetes may sig- and 1,142 age-, sex-, and race/ethnicity- croalbuminuria (86 – 88), reduced stroke
nificantly benefit from statins, making it matched control subjects. Compared incidence by 32% despite a minimal de-
even more important that those with dia- with the first quartile, the third and fourth crease in blood pressure (57). These data
betes be considered for statin treatment as quartiles of WHR had an increased risk of support a role for microalbuminuria in
part of their stroke prevention regimen. stroke (third quartile: OR 2.4 [95% CI increasing the risk of ischemic stroke,
1.5–3.9]; fourth quartile: 3.0 [1.8 – 4.8]) which may not be entirely dependent on
OBESITY — Obesity contributes to after adjustment for other risk factors. its direct relationship with hypertension
more than 300,000 deaths per year and These findings were consistent across and other well-known stroke risk factors.
nearly doubles the risk of death from all both sexes and all race/ethnic groups, al-
causes (68 –70). Given its particular asso- though the effect of WHR was stronger THE METABOLIC
ciation with CAD, hypertension, and dia- among younger subjects (72). Direct SYNDROME — Each of the compo-
betes (71), investigators have attempted comparison of BMI versus WHR and nents of the metabolic syndrome is asso-
to discern the contribution that obesity stroke risk in 28,643 male health care ciated with higher stroke risk to various
makes to stroke incidence with variable professionals without previous cardiovas- degrees, as described above. As has been
results. Many studies utilize BMI (mea- cular or cerebrovascular disease yielded mentioned, analysis of individual factors
sured as weight divided by the square of similar results. RR for the first and fifth causes substantial adjustment of observed
height in meters), which provides a broad quintiles of WHR was 2.33 (95% CI 1.25– risk because of the interrelationship of
though nonspecific estimate of obesity, is 4.37), whereas that for the first and fifth these factors. Therefore, studying the
easily obtained from patient self-report or quintiles of BMI was 1.29 (0.73–2.27) metabolic syndrome as a whole may pro-
medical charts and is commonly used in (80). vide a better estimation of the true risk for
clinical practice. Both the ARIC and Taken together, these studies suggest ischemic stroke.
Northern Manhattan Stroke Study failed that obesity—in particular, abdominal The Botnia Study examined risk for


Diabetes and ischemic stroke

cardiovascular events and stroke con- role in the response to ischemic challenge (115). Thromboxane A2 is also elevated in
ferred by the metabolic syndrome in (96,97). diabetic patients, possibly contributing to
4,483 subjects. In a multiple logistic re- Only indirect evidence is available at hyperaggregation as well (116).
gression analysis, the metabolic syndrome the present time linking NO dysregula- The relative contribution of these
was a significant independent risk for tion and stroke. A recent study found a mechanisms to increased ischemic stroke
stroke (RR 2.3, P ⬍ 0.001 compared with decreased response of cerebrovascular risk in those with diabetes has not been
those without the metabolic syndrome). blood flow to NO synthase inhibition in specifically evaluated, although several
None of the individual components of the diabetic patients compared with nondia- studies have implicated these pathways in
metabolic syndrome contributed signifi- betic patients, although not enough pa- the general population. In both cross-
cantly to stroke risk (89). Similar results tients were enrolled to determine sectional and prospective studies, in-
were obtained from examination of more significance (98). In addition, parasym- creased tissue plasminogen activator
than 10,000 subjects in the NHANES III. pathetic neurons that secrete NO into the antigen and plasminogen activator inhib-
In logistic regression modeling, the meta- perivascular space have been docu- itor-1 levels have been significantly asso-
bolic syndrome was associated with in- mented to degenerate and eventually die ciated with ischemic stroke (117–119).
creased odds of stroke (OR 2.2 [95% CI in the absence of insulin signaling (99). Treatment with aspirin or clopidogrel tar-
1.5–3.2] compared with those without Numerous studies have found that HMG- gets platelet aggregation by inhibiting
the metabolic syndrome). After the meta- CoA reductase inhibitors (statins), which thromboxane A2 and ADP, respectively,
bolic syndrome was in the model, each upregulate NO synthesis in addition to and are now widely used in the secondary
individual component was also tested. their activity in stabilizing atherosclerotic prevention of stroke, as they significantly
Only hypertriglyceridemia entered as an plaques (100), significantly reduce the reduce the risk of recurrent stroke (120 –
additional factor with independent sig- risk of stroke (56,67,101–104). The dual 125). Several trials, such as the Clopi-
nificance, while hypertension and insu- actions of statins make it difficult to dis- dogrel for High Atherothrombotic Risk
lin resistance/diabetes trended toward tinguish which action exerts the greatest and Ischemic Stabilization, Management,
significance (90). A few studies have effect. However, the growing body of ev- and Avoidance (CHARISMA), Clopi-
evaluated the risk of stroke associated idence indicates that statins exert protec- dogrel versus Aspirin in Patients at Risk of
with the metabolic syndrome in the ab- tive effects against stroke independent of Ischemic Events (CAPRIE), and Manage-
sence of diabetes, revealing similar two- changes in cholesterol levels. ment of ATherothrombosis with Clopi-
fold increases (91,92). In the ARIC dogrel in High-risk patients (MATCH)
Study, both hypertension and low HDL HYPERCOAGUABILITY studies, evaluated whether diabetic pa-
cholesterol independently and signifi- CONFERRED BY DIABETES — tients derived more or less benefit from
cantly increased risk (92). Defects in endothelial function may be antiplatelet therapy in preventing recur-
The data presented above provide ev- further confounded by the hypercoagula- rent ischemic events with mixed results.
idence that the individual components of ble state of diabetic patients. Plasminogen As the reported end point in these studies
the metabolic syndrome significantly activator inhibitor-1 and antithrombin was a composite of all ischemic events
contribute to the incidence of ischemic III, which inhibit fibrinolysis, as well as and mortality, the specific impact of anti-
stroke. These components are more prev- tissue plasminogen activator antigen, a platelet therapy in diabetic patients on
alent among diabetic patients and may act marker of impaired fibrinolysis, consis- stroke is unclear (126 –128). Further in-
synergistically to promote increased risk tently have been found to be elevated in vestigation is required to determine the
of stroke. In addition, several studies sup- diabetic patients and in those with insulin relative importance of these mechanisms
port a significant relationship between the resistance (105–107). Some studies have in diabetic patients.
collective metabolic syndrome and isch- further suggested that coagulation fac-
emic stroke. tors, such as factor VII, factor VIII, and CAROTID INTIMA-MEDIA
The metabolic syndrome and diabe- von Willebrand factor, also rise with de- THICKNESS — Consideration has
tes have their association with insulin re- gree of insulin resistance (108,109). This also been given to the impact of the in-
sistance in common. At a cellular and upregulation is likely secondary to a creased incidence of atherosclerosis
molecular level, insulin resistance confers chronic inflammatory state induced by among those with diabetes and stroke in-
changes that are becoming recognized as diabetes, as several inflammatory markers cidence. Carotid intima-media thickness
increasingly important in the pathophys- (e.g., C-reactive protein, lipoprotein- (CIMT) has been found in a number of
iology of vascular disease, including associated phospholipase A2) have been studies to be increased with diabetes. The
stroke. correlated with increased thrombotic fac- Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study
tors and stroke incidence (108,110 – found a significant increase in common
112). The promotion of thrombus carotid thickness in the setting of estab-
ENDOTHELIAL formation likely occurs via platelet hyper- lished diabetes as compared with those
DYSFUNCTION AND NITRIC reactivity. Studies of platelets from dia- with newly diagnosed diabetes (129). Al-
OXIDE — Both diabetic patients and betic patients have found increased though not to the same degree, impaired
those with impaired glucose tolerance aggregation in response to ADP (113), a glucose tolerance is also associated with
have decreased endothelium-dependent response that may be mediated by the up- increased CIMT (130). Diabetic patients
vasodilation (93–95), due to either de- regulation of GPIIb-IIIa receptors that oc- that have suffered a stroke have signifi-
creased nitric oxide (NO) production or curs in diabetic patients (114). Insulin cantly greater CIMT than both those with-
impaired NO metabolism (95). Normally, normally acts to inhibit platelet aggrega- out stroke and nondiabetic patients
NO exerts a protective effect against plate- tion in response to ADP; however, this (131,132). As hyperglycemia, regardless
let aggregation and plays an important action is attenuated in diabetic patients of diabetes duration, was directly related


Air and Kissela

to CIMT, tight glucose control may yield among these is educating those with di- Sarti C, Vartiainen E: Diabetes mellitus
benefits on carotid disease (129). abetes as to their true risk of stroke. A as a risk factor for death from stroke:
significant barrier appears to be the in- prospective study of the middle-aged
SURVIVING STROKE — Despite congruence between the information Finnish population. Stroke 27:210 –215,
the uncertainties of the pathogenesis of the medical community believes it is
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stroke in those with diabetes, the im- imparting to patients and the actual Kannel WB: Probability of stroke: a risk
pact of hyperglycemia and diabetes on level of knowledge demonstrated by pa- profile from the Framingham Study.
outcomes has been more consistently de- tients. Ninety percent of physicians report Stroke 22:312–318, 1991
fined. Hyperglycemia during the post- discussing the risk of cardiovascular dis- 5. Ho JE, Paultre F, Mosca L: Is diabetes
stroke period, regardless of diabetic ease and the importance of prevention, mellitus a cardiovascular disease risk
status, is associated with increased mor- although only one-half of patients report equivalent for fatal stroke in women?
bidity and mortality. Studies have gener- their physician had discussed risk factor Data from the Women’s Pooling Project.
ally found increased 30-day and 1-year modification (165). Recent data from the Stroke 34:2812–2816, 2003
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tients (133–137), although increased tinued Health (REACH) registry corrobo- Cohen J, Wilson A, Brass LM, Frishman
W, Price T, Stamler J: Risk factors for
mortality was not seen in other studies rates the continued undertreatment of stroke and type of stroke in persons with
(7,138). Morbidity, as defined by func- cardiovascular risk factors (166). Frequent isolated systolic hypertension: Systolic
tional outcome and neurologic recov- and repeated patient advising regarding Hypertension in the Elderly Program
ery, is also worsened in the setting of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular Cooperative Research Group. Stroke 29:
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142). This holds true among those with signs is necessary to improve utilization 7. Kissela BM, Khoury J, Kleindorfer D,
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such individuals fare better than those measures. Ewing I, Moomaw CJ, Szaflarski JP,
with chronically elevated glucose levels The potential benefit of aggressive Gebel J, Shukla R, Broderick JP: Epide-
whether diagnosed pre- or poststroke multiple risk-reduction measures in those miology of ischemic stroke in patients
with diabetes: the Greater Cincinnati/
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glycemic patients (142,145–147). One ment of hyperglycemia, hypertension, tion: National Diabetes Fact Sheet: Gen-
recent study has found a decreased re- dyslipidemia, and microalbuminuria; 2) eral Information and National Estimates on
canalization rate following recombinant secondary prevention of cardiovascular Diabetes in the United States, 2002. At-
tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) ad- disease with aspirin; and 3) behavioral lanta, GA, Department of Health and
ministration in the presence of hyper- modification, resulted in significant re- Human Services, Centers for Disease
glycemia, although this was not seen in ductions in cardiovascular disease, in- Control and Prevention Atlanta, 2003
the pivotal National Institute of Neuro- cluding stroke (HR 0.47 [95% CI 0.24 – 9. Grau AJ, Weimar C, Buggle F, Heinrich
A, Goertler M, Neumaier S, Glahn J,
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(139,148). Normalization of glucose lev- seen in studies that targeted treatment to tors, outcome, and treatment in sub-
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tially large impact that can be made with bolic syndrome, and stroke require 10. Jorgensen H, Nakayama H, Raaschou
aggressive medical management in these ongoing investigation to provide new HO, Olsen TS: Stroke in patients with
patients (149). methods for prevention and treatment, diabetes: the Copenhagen Stroke Study.
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