The Case of The Tipping Forklift
The Case of The Tipping Forklift
The Case of The Tipping Forklift
This Math Toolbox article will be sometimes specified as kilogram-meters Note: When force is not applied per-
the first of two installments on the role (kg-m), equivalent to 9.8067 N-m.] The pendicularly to the lever arm, a more
of levers in occupational safety. Because direction of torque may be denoted with general formula is used to account for
levers can amplify force, they provide the a positive sign for clockwise motion and the angle of applied force: τ = f ∙ d ∙ sin θ,
basis for many helpful devices, including a negative sign for counterclockwise ro- where θ is the angle of the applied force.
pry bars, wrenches, pliers and wheelbar- tation. We will simplify here by using the For simplicity, we will consider only
rows. When we lose control of levers, on directionless, absolute value of torque, those cases in which force is applied per-
the other hand, their unchecked actions designated as |τ|. The formula for torque pendicularly.
may cause injuries. (absolute value) is defined as follows (illus-
Figure 1 illustrates the tragic conse- trated in Figure 2): Calculating Torque
quence of an out-of-control lever in the To illustrate the method for calculating
|𝜏𝜏| = 𝑓𝑓 ∙ 𝑑𝑑 torque, imagine you are using a wrench
form of an overloaded forklift. In this
case, the weight of two bundles of lumber where: to loosen a bolt, as illustrated in Figure 3
caused an undersized forklift to tip for- |τ| = torque (absolute value), also (p. 46). Further imagine that with your
ward. The top bundle struck and killed known as moment (M); a turning or hand, you apply a force of 18 lb perpen-
the truck driver, who was between the twisting force dicularly to the wrench. We will consider
load and the trailer. f = force applied perpendicularly (at a this force to be applied at a point that
We will begin our exploration of le- right angle) to the lever arm represents the average location where
vers with an introduction to some basic d = distance at which the force is ap- your hand presses on the wrench. In our
terminology and calculations. The next plied; the distance from the fulcrum to example, your hand presses on the wrench
article will delve deeper and investigate the line of applied force (measured per- at an average distance of 0.75 ft from the
concepts such as mechanical advantage pendicularly to the line of applied force) center of the bolt (the fulcrum). Assuming
and distinctions among the various
classes of levers.
Fundamentals of Levers
Before applying leverage concepts to
forklifts, let’s begin with a more basic A forklift The oper-
operator was ator lifted
example of a lever: a box-end wrench, as unloading two bundles
shown in Figure 2 (p. 46). A lever can be lumber. of lumber
defined as a rigid device that pivots on a at once,
fulcrum. The fulcrum is the pivot point, The truck
driver stood
or the point about which the lever rotates. nearby.
the forklift’s
In Figure 2, the wrench pivots on a ful- capacity.
crum consisting of a bolt. The worker’s
hand exerts force, which is a push or pull
in a particular direction with a particular
magnitude. The magnitude of force is
often specified in units of weight, such as As the forklift was
ounces, pounds or newtons. [Magnitude is backing away . . .
occasionally expressed as kilogram-force
(not to be confused with kilogram-mass).
One kilogram-force is equal to 9.8067
newtons or 2.2046 pound-force.] . . . it tipped forward.
When a lever pivots on a fulcrum, we
The top bundle of
Opposing torques may be created in the effort and load arms of a lever,
designated |τeffort| and |τload|, respectively.
the weight of the wrench is negligible, how Alternate example: This time, we will •A force of 80.07 N is applied perpen-
many foot-pounds of torque are you ap- calculate torque in international units of dicularly to the wrench. This is the value
plying to loosen the bolt? The data can be newton-meters. Once again, you apply of f in the formula.
summarized as follows: a force of 18 lb perpendicularly to the •The force is applied at an average dis-
•A force of 18 lb is applied perpendic- wrench at an average distance of 0.75 ft tance of 0.23 m from the fulcrum. This is
ularly to the wrench. This is the value of f from the center of the bolt. the value of d in the formula.
in the formula. The international unit of force is new- To calculate the new value for torque
•The force is applied at an average dis- tons (N). One pound is equivalent to about in international units of N-m, use the
tance of 0.75 ft from the fulcrum. This is 4.4482 N. Thus, we multiply 18 lb by 4.4482 original equation to solve for |τ|:
the value of d in the formula. to convert the force to newtons, as follows:
|𝜏𝜏| = 𝑓𝑓 ∙ 𝑑𝑑
Based on these data, we can calculate
𝑓𝑓 = 18 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 ∙ 4.4482 = 80.07 𝑁𝑁
the torque (|τ|) in ft-lb as follows: Next, insert the values of force (f =
(rounded two places
Step 1: Start with the equation for beyond the decimal)
80.07 N) and distance (d = 0.23 m) to
torque: obtain the following result:
Step 2: Insert the known values for Knowing that our 18 lb of applied force is |𝜏𝜏| = 𝑓𝑓 ∙ 𝑑𝑑 = 80.07 ∙ 0.23 = 18.42 𝑁𝑁 − 𝑚𝑚
applied force (f = 18 lb) and distance (d = equivalent to about 80.07 N, we next convert
0.75 ft). Then solve for |τ| in ft-lb: the distance of 0.75 ft to meters. One foot is The calculation indicates that a
equivalent to about 0.3048 m. Multiplying torque of 18.42 N-m is being applied
|𝜏𝜏| = 𝑓𝑓 ∙ 𝑑𝑑 = 18 ∙ 0.75 = 13.5 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 − 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙
0.75 ft by 0.3048, we find the distance in to turn the bolt (which, based on our
Step 3: We interpret our calculation to international units is about 0.23 m: earlier figures, is equivalent to about
indicate that you are applying a torque of 13.5 ft-lb).
13.5 ft-lb in your effort to turn the bolt. 𝑑𝑑 = 0.75 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 ∙ 0.3048 = 0.23 𝑚𝑚
If 13.5 ft-lb of torque is sufficient to over- You Do the Math
come friction, the bolt will move. Other- We can now summarize our data as Apply your knowledge to the following
wise, it will not budge. follows: question. The answer is on p. 63.
1. Imagine you are using a wrench to the bolt, while the lever in Figure 5 must roadway is level, friction is negligible,
loosen a bolt. As shown in Figure 4, you overcome torque created in the load arm and the load’s center of gravity is at the
apply a force of 30 lb perpendicularly to the (assuming friction is negligible). same height as that of the forklift.
wrench at an average distance of 0.6 ft from As illustrated in Figure 5, we must
the center of the bolt. Assuming the weight consider the opposing torques on both Forklift Body: An Effort Arm
of the wrench is negligible, how many foot- sides of a lever to determine whether we to Resist Forward Tipping
pounds of torque are you applying to the can move a load. To calculate opposing Figure 7 (p. 48) depicts a loaded forklift.
bolt? Use the equation for torque (|τ|) and torques, we apply our previous formula When a forklift tips forward due to leverage,
solve in units of foot-pounds (ft-lb). separately to each side of the lever. By the front axle serves as the fulcrum. The
convention, the force and distance values portion of the forklift located behind the
Two Sides to Every Lever for the effort arm are often designated f1 front axle (highlighted in yellow) serves as
Let’s now expand our understanding of and d1, respectively. On the other hand, the effort arm to resist forward tipping.
levers beyond the specific case of wrench- the force and distance values for the load As always, the effort arm develops torque
es. As noted, a fulcrum may consist of any arm are normally designated f2 and d2 . (|τeffort|) from force (f1) multiplied by distance
point about which a lever rotates, such as Figure 6 illustrates how opposing torques (d1). The force (f1) includes all weight located
the bolt in the case of a wrench. Other ex- affect the motion of a lever. When torque behind the front axle (including the weight
amples of fulcrums (or fulcra) include the created by the effort arm equals torque cre- of the driver). The distance (d1) is measured
hinge as the fulcrum of a door; the heel ated by the load arm, a lever will be balanced from the center of the front axle to the
as the fulcrum of a pry bar; and the front (i.e., the system will be in a state of equilibri- weight’s center of gravity (CG, the average
axle, which may become the fulcrum of a um). On the other hand, when torque from location of the weight behind the front axle).
forward-tipping forklift. the effort arm exceeds torque from the load Example: Imagine you are operating a
Every lever also has “arms” that are arm, a lever will be unbalanced, and the forklift, as shown in Figure 8 (p. 48). The
free to rotate. The effort arm (or arm of load will rise. Finally, the load will descend weight of all forklift components behind
applied force) is the portion of the lever when the effort arm produces less torque, the front axle equals 5,000 lb (this includes
to which we apply the effort, or input compared with the load arm. your weight, as the operator). The center
force. For example, the effort arm of a of gravity for this 5,000-lb weight lies
wrench consists of the handle gripped Opposing Torques in a Tipping Forklift 2.5 ft behind the center of the front axle.
by the worker. The effort arm of the lever We are now ready to examine leverage Considering all components behind the
in Figure 5 also consists of the portion concepts in the case of a tipping fork- front axle as an effort arm, how many foot-
grasped by the worker. The load arm (or lift. Note that the capacities depicted on pounds of torque (|τeffort|) are available to
output arm) is the portion of the lever forklift data plates include many consid- resist forward tipping? The data for this
directly connected to the load. In the erations not explored in this article (e.g., example can be summarized as follows:
case of a box-end wrench, the load arm forklift movement, height of the load, •A force of 5,000 lb is applied perpen-
consists of the box end (the part in direct strength of materials, sideways tipping). dicularly to the effort arm. This is the
contact with the bolt). For the lever in Furthermore, forklift data plates are sim- value of f1 in the formula.
Figure 5, the load arm is the portion on plified to allow measurement of distance •The force is applied at an average dis-
which the anvil rests. from the forklift carriage, rather than the tance of 2.5 ft from the fulcrum. This is
When we push on the effort arm of front axle. The purpose here is to examine the value of d1 in the formula.
a lever, our effort meets resistance. The the most basic leverage concepts involved Based on these data, calculate the
lever will move the load only if the torque in forward tipping. The interpretation of torque (|τeffort|) in ft-lb as follows:
created through the effort arm over- data plates is considered later. Step 1: Start with the equation for
comes friction and any torque created To keep forward-tipping calculations torque generated by the effort arm:
through the load arm. For example, a simple, we will assume the forklift and
wrench must overcome friction to turn load are stationary (not moving), the !𝜏𝜏!""#$% ! = 𝑓𝑓& ∙ 𝑑𝑑&
!𝜏𝜏!""#$% ! = 𝑓𝑓& ∙ 𝑑𝑑& = 5,000 ∙ 2.5 = 12,500 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 − 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 The forklift components located behind the
front axle serve as an effort arm to resist for-
ward tipping. The forklift may tip if torque
Step 3: Our calculation indicates the developed by the rearward components
effort arm of the forklift can generate a (yellow) does not exceed the torque devel-
torque of 12,500 ft-lb to resist forward oped by the forward components (gray).
tipping. If 12,500 ft-lb is sufficient to over-
come forward tipping forces, the forklift
will remain upright. Otherwise, it may tip.
Alternate example: This time, we will
calculate torque in international units of
newton-meters. Once again, the weight of
all forklift components behind the front
axle equals 5,000 lb, with a center of grav-
ity located 2.5 ft behind the center of the
front axle. Considering all components
behind the front axle as an effort arm, how FIGURE 10
many newton-meters of torque (|τeffort|) are
available to resist forward tipping?
Since one pound is equal to about CAUSE FORWARD TIPPING
4.4482 N, multiply 5,000 lb by 4.4482 to
convert the force to newtons: FIGURE 9 All components located ahead the front
YOU DO THE MATH, axle serve as a load arm that may cause the
𝑓𝑓! = 5,000 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 ∙ 4.4482 = 22,241 𝑁𝑁 PROBLEM 2 forklift to tip forward. The forklift may tip if
the torque developed by the forward com-
Next, convert the distance to meters by ponents (gray) exceeds the torque devel-
oped by the rearward components (yellow).
multiplying 2.5 ft by 0.3048:
𝑑𝑑! = 2.5 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 ∙ 0.3048 = 0.76 𝑚𝑚
Following is a summary of the data:
•A force of 22,241 N is applied perpen-
dicularly to the effort arm of the forklift.
This is the value of f1 in the formula.
•The force is applied at an average dis-
tance of 0.76 m from the fulcrum. This is
the value of d1 in the formula.
We calculate torque in international
units of N-m by inserting the values of
force (f1 = 22,241 N) and distance (d1 =
0.76 m) as follows: front axle. Considering all components the center of the front axle to the forward
behind the front axle as an effort arm, how weight’s center of gravity).
!𝜏𝜏!""#$% ! = 𝑓𝑓& ∙ 𝑑𝑑& = 22,241 ∙ 0.76 = 16,903.16 𝑁𝑁 − 𝑚𝑚 many foot-pounds of torque (|τeffort|) are Example: Imagine you are operating a
available to resist forward tipping? forklift, as shown in Figure 11. The weight
Our calculation indicates the effort of the load and all forklift components
arm of the forklift can generate a torque Load Arm That May ahead of the front axle equals 1,000 lb. The
of 16,903.16 N-m to resist forward tip- Cause Forward Tipping center of gravity for this 1,000-lb weight
ping (which, based on our earlier result, Remembering there are two sides to lies 3 ft ahead of the center of the front
is equal to 12,500 ft-lb). every lever, we will now calculate the axle. Considering all components ahead
torque created through the forklift’s load of the front axle as a load arm, how many
You Do the Math arm, the torque that may trigger forward foot-pounds of torque (|τload|) are created to
Apply your knowledge to the following tipping. Figure 10 depicts a loaded fork- induce forward tipping? The data for this
question. The answer is on p. 63. lift. The load arm that induces forward example can be summarized as follows:
2. Imagine you are operating a forklift, as tipping is represented by all components •A force of 1,000 lb is applied perpen-
shown in Figure 9. The weight of all forklift located ahead of the front axle (in gray). dicularly to the load arm. This is the val-
components behind the front axle equals Torque in the load arm (|τ load|) develops ue of f2 in the formula.
7,100 lb (including your weight, as the oper- from force, f2 (all weight located ahead •The force is located an average dis-
ator). The center of gravity for this 7,100-lb the front axle, including the load), mul- tance of 3 ft from the fulcrum. This is the
weight lies 3.1 ft behind the center of the tiplied by distance, d2 (measured from value of d2 in the formula.