Evrc Grade One-Math Dll-5thweek2ndquarter
Evrc Grade One-Math Dll-5thweek2ndquarter
Evrc Grade One-Math Dll-5thweek2ndquarter
B. Performance Standards The learners is able to add and subtract up to 100 and solve problems.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Illustrates addition as putting together and subtraction as taking away comparing and adding up.
Write the LC code for each
Identify the operation to be used.p. Transform the word Solve one-step word Solve one-step word Solve one-step word
problem into a problems involving problems involving problems involving
number sentence. addition of whole addition of whole addition of whole
II . Content numbers including numbers including numbers including
money with sums up money with sums up money with sums up
to 99 using various to 99 using various to 99 using various
strategies. strategies. strategies
III. Learning Resources
A. References:
1. Teacher's Guide page/s
2. Textbook page/s Math for All pp.138-143 Math for All pp.138-143 Math for All pp.138-143 Math for All pp.138-143 Math for All pp.138-143
3. Learner's Materials page/s (MATH Math Workbook p.105 Math Workbook p.106 Math Workbook pp.107- Math Workbook p.109 Math Workbook p.110
4. Additional Materials from Video ( youtube ) Video ( youtube ) Video( youtube )
Learning Resources (LP) portal
laptop, flat screen, real laptop, flat screen, real laptop, flat screen, real laptop, flat screen, real laptop, flat screen, real
objects,rods,blocks,flats objects,rods,blocks, objects,rods,blocks, objects,rods,blocks, objects,rods,blocks,flats
B. Other Learning Resources flashcards, picture, word problem word problems in a flip word problems in a flip word problems in a flip flashcards, pictures,
chart chart, cutouts chart, cutouts chart, cutouts word problem chart
IV. Procedures
Divide the pupils into 3 groups. Give Give copies of word Write the number Write the number Write the number
A. Reviewing the previous lessons or each group an activity card. problems to the pupils sentence for each word sentence for each word sentence for each word
presenting new lesson Activity 1 and let them write the problem in the box. problem in the box. problem in the box.
Cross-out the word clue in the word operation to be used. 1.Miko and Lito went to a 1.Gab and Robin went to 1.Mario and Manolito
problem. 1.Tony feeds his pets toy store. They saw 14 a toy store. They saw 23 went to a toy store. They
Miko has 23 candies. His friends have everyday. He feeds his 24 balls and 16 guns. How balls and 25 guns. How saw 36 balls and 33 guns.
10 candies. How many candies are chickens with corn. He many toys did they see many toys did they see How many toys did they
there altogether? feeds his 15 monkeys altogether? altogether? see altogether?
Activity 2 with bananas. How many 2.Tony placed 61 books on 2.Ryan placed 31 books 2.Rio placed 72 books on
Encircle the word clue in the word pets does he feed the first shelf and 20 on the first shelf and 40 the first shelf and 30
problem. everyday? books on the second books on the second books on the second
Ten children are watching a gold fish. Operation:____________ shelf. How many books shelf. How many books shelf. How many books
Twenty-two came and joined them in 2.Marisa and Rina have are on the shelves? are on the shelves? are on the shelves?
watching it. How many children are photo albums. Mariah 3.Lester gave his teacher 3.Larry gave his teacher 3.Leo gave his teacher 27
there in all? pasted 46 pictures of 27 roses and 16 yellow 17 roses and 36 yellow roses and 16 yellow bells.
Activity 3 dolls. Janine pasted 53 bells. How many flowers bells. How many flowers How many flowers did Leo
Box the word clue in the word pictures of ribbons. How did Lester give to his did Larry give to his give to his teacher?
problem. many pictures are there teacher? teacher? 4.The Grade I-SSES boys
Thirty-four cars are parked in the lot. altogether in the album. 4.The Grade I-SSES boys 4.The Grade I-SSES girls planted 34 rambutan
Ten other cars arrive. How many cars Operation:____________ planted 18 atis trees and planted 28 guavano trees trees and 43 guava trees.
in all are parked in the lot? 3.Juan and Marlon are 43 mango trees. How and 31 apple trees. How How many trees did the
friends. They help one many trees did the boys many trees did the boys plant in all?
another. One day, Lester plant in all? girlsplant in all? 5.There were sixty-five
helped Marco clean his 5.There were twenty-two 5.There were twenty- bees on a branch. Fifty-
bird’s cage. Lester put 51 bees on a branch. Forty- three bees on a branch. two more bees came.
white and 38 blue birds in one more bees came. Forty-four more bees How many bees were on a
another cage. How many branch?
How many bees were on a came. How many bees
birds are there in all?
Operation:____________ branch? were on a branch?
4.Marta keeps ribbons.
She has 46 red and 30
yellow ribbons. How
many ribbons does she
have altogether?
5.Mila made 76 bags. Nita
made 24 bags. How many
bags did they make in all?
B. Establishing purpose for the Show pictures of animals. What are Show pictures of turtles Mommy Joannah saved- Mommy Cristy saved- Mommy Rosana saved-
lesson the animals did you know? to the class. Php 50 last week. Daddy Php 50 last week. Daddy Php 50 last week. Daddy
Six turtles dive in the Joselito saved Php Jonathan saved Php Jose saved Php 10.Chris
pond. Three other turtles
Do you like animals? Do you have pets are afraid to dive. How 30.Marco and Gab also 30.Milko and Miko also and Eric also saved P40.
at home? How do you show that you many turtles are there in saved P20. How much did saved P20. How much did How much did the family
love your pet? What do you do to take all? How many turtles the family save the family save save altogether? Is it right
dive in the pond?
care of your of pet? altogether? Is it right to altogether? Is it right to to save money? Why?
How many turtles are
save money? Why? (Talk save money? Why? (Talk (Talk on the importance of
afraid to dive?
How many turtles are on the importance of on the importance of being thrifty.)
there in all? being thrifty.) being thrifty.)
Father has 16 horses and fourteen Present a picture of boys Roberto saved Php 40 in Ronnie saved Php 30 in Roberto saved Php 20 in
goats in the farm. How many animals and girls cleaning the his piggy bank last his piggy bank last his piggy bank last
does he have in all? room or outside the room Saturday. The next day, he Saturday. The next day, Saturday. The next day, he
or in the yard. Guide the he saved again hp P80. saved again hp P40. How
saved again hp P60. How
C. Presenting examples/ instances of pupils in making a word How much did he save in much did he save in all?
problem about the much did he save in all? all?
the new lesson.
Discussion Discussion Show some words Show some words Show some words
a. How many horses does father How many children are problems. problems. problems.
have? there in all cleaning the Pass the “step dice” while Pass the “step dice” while Pass the “step dice” while
b. How many goats does father yard? playing the music. As the playing the music. As the playing the music. As the
have? Do you help your music stops, the pupil music stops, the pupil music stops, the pupil
c. How many animals does he classmates in cleaning holding the “step dice” holding the “step dice” holding the “step dice”
have altogether? the room? Why? will throw it and fill up the will throw it and fill up will throw it and fill up the
d. What is asked in the problem? How about in your table according to the the table according to the table according to the
D. Discussing new concept and e. What are the given/facts to solve home? Do you help your step shown on the dice. step shown on the dice. step shown on the dice.
practicing new skills the problem? mom in cleaning the Mario has Php 80 in his Marvinhas Php 70 in his Mario has Php 80 in his
f. What will you do to get the total house? wallet. Carlos has Php 10. wallet. Carlo has Php 20. wallet. Carlos has Php 10.
number of animals they fed? Do you also help your How much money do they How much money do How much money do they
d. What operation to be used? sisters/brothers in have in all? they have in all? have in all?
cleaning your house?
Tell what operation is to be used. Follow the steps in Read the word problem Read the word problem Read the word problem
1. There are thirty-three bees and four solving the word and complete the table. and complete the table. and complete the table.
butterflies in the garden. How many problem. 1.Nathan buys the bear 1.Norito buys the bear 1.Angelo buys the bear for
insects are there in all? Step 1: What is asked? for Php 45 and the ball for for Php 35 and the ball Php 65 and the ball for
2. There are sixty-five love birds and Step 2: What are given? Php 32. How much he pay for Php 31. How much he Php 15. How much he pay
two doves. How many birds are there Step 3: What is the word in all? pay in all? in all?
altogether? cue? A:__________________ A:__________________ A:__________________
E. Discussing new concept and 3. Fifty-two squirrels and seventy-one Step 4: What is the G:___________________ G:___________________ G:___________________
practicing new skills monkeys are playing in the forest. operation to be used? O:__________________ O:__________________ O:__________________
How many animals are there in all? Step5: What is the N:__________________ N:__________________ N:__________________
4. Joselito made 45 big chairs number sentence? S:___________________ S:___________________ S:___________________
and 32 small chairs. How many chairs A:__________________ A:__________________ A:_________________
did he make in all?
5. Nenita has 14 notebooks. She
bought 6 more. How many notebooks
does she have altogether?
F. Developing Mastery Read the problem and write the . Read and solve: Read and solve: Read and solve:
( Lead to Formative and operation to be used in your paper. Write the number 1.Mila has Php 3.Cora has 1.Marissa has Php 5.Cora 1.Akira has Php 6.Clarisa
Assessment ) 1. Eduardo feeds his pets sentence on your sheet of Php 4. Jose has 2. How has Php 4. Jojo has 2. has Php 2. Mico has 3.
everyday. He feeds his 19 chickens paper. much money do they have How much money do How much money do they
with corn. He feeds his 47 monkeys 1.Miguelito has 43 balls. altogether? they have altogether? have altogether?
with bananas. How many pets does he Michael has 26. How A:__________________ A:__________________ A:__________________
feed everyday? many balls do they have G:___________________ G:___________________ G:___________________
Operation:______________________ altogether. O:__________________ O:__________________ O:__________________
_ N:__________________ N:__________________ N:__________________
____ + ____= _______
2. Mariah and Arisa have photo S:___________________ S:___________________ S:___________________
albums. Mariah pasted 36 pictures of A:____________________ A:___________________ A:___________________
dolls. Janine pasted 53 pictures of 2.Carmela bought 52 2. Mrs. Santos bought a 2. Mrs. Cruzbought a fan 2. Mrs. Vergara bought a
ribbons.How many pictures are there flowers. Father gave her fan for Php 38 and a bag for Php 28 and a bag for fan for Php 28 and a bag
____ + ____= _______
altogether in the album. 63 more. How many for Php 53. How much did Php 25. How much did for Php 13. How much did
Operation:______________________ flowers did Carmela have she pay in all? she pay in all? she pay in all?
3. Lester and Marco are friends. in all? A:__________________ A:__________________ A:__________________
They help one another. One day, 3.You made 54 points in a G:___________________ G:___________________ G:___________________
Lester helped Marco clean his bird’s basketball game. Then, O:__________________ O:__________________ O:__________________
cage. Lester put 72 white and 45 blue you made 42 more. How N:__________________ N:__________________ N:__________________
birds in another cage. How many birds many points did you S:___________________ S:___________________ S:___________________
are there in all? make in all? A:____________________ A:___________________ A:___________________
Operation:______________________ 4.Jolina keeps ribbons.
4. Marisah keeps ribbons. She She has 5 red, 8 yellow
has 65 red and 32 yellow ribbons. How and 3 white ribbons. How
many ribbons does she have many ribbons does she
altogether? have altogether?
____ + ____= _______
5. Milagros made 76 bags. Nida
made 24 bags. How many bags did 5.Felisa made 17 bags.
they make in all? Marie made 28 bags.
Operation;______________________ How many bags did they
make in all?
____ + ____= _______
Read the problem and write the Draw and write the Solve and write the Solve and write the Solve and write the
operation to be used. number sentence for complete answer. complete answer. complete answer.
1. Peter has 115 marbles. Father each word problem in the 1. Marisa paid Php 64 1. Marie paid Php 44 1. Milagros paid Php 34
gave him 235 more. How many box. pesos for her notebooks. pesos for her notebooks. pesos for her notebooks.
marbles does Peter have in all? 1.Mother and Leo went She paid Php 23 pesos She paid Php 13 pesos She paid Php 13 pesos
Operation:_____________________ to a toy store. They saw 5 more for her pad paper. more for her pad paper. more for her pad paper.
2. The Grade I –SSES pupils gave balls and 6 guns. How How much did Marimar How much did Marie paid How much did Marimar
231 books for Book Week Celebration. paid in all? in all? paid in all?
many toys did they see
The Grade II-SSES pupils gave 418 2. Melanie bought a paste 2. Melody bought a 2. Mely bought a paste
books. How many books are there in altogether? for 45 centavos and art paste for 75 centavos and for 45 centavos and art
all? Draw: papers for 40 centavos. art papers for 50 papers for 40 centavos.
Operation:_____________________ How much did Inna spend centavos. How much did How much did Mely
G. Finding practical applications of 3. There are 51 big rabbits and ____+____=_______ in all? Melody spend in all? spend in all?
concepts and skills in daily living 34 small rabbits. How many rabbits 3. Rosalinda bought a 3. Innah bought a blouse 3. Rose bought a blouse
are there in all? 2. Teresa placed 6 books blouse for P32.00 and a for P42.00 and a pants for P46.00 and a pants for
Operation:_____________________ on the first shelf and 10 pants for P43.00. How for P53.00. How much P41.00. How much did she
4. Twenty-four children went to books on the second much did she spend in all? did she spend in all? 4. spend in all?
the school canteen. Fourteen of them shelf. How many books 4. Danilo sold the crabs 4.Danny sold the crabs 4. Daniel sold the crabs
went to the clinic. How many children are on the shelves? for P35 and the shrimps for P25 and the shrimps for P25 and the shrimps
went out of the classroom? for P29. How much did he for P49. How much did he for P18. How much did he
Operation:____________________ Draw: get for the crabs and the get for the crabs and the get for the crabs and the
5. Pepito has 65 guavas. Pillar shrimps? shrimps? shrimps?
has 31 guavas. How many guavas do ____+____=_______ 5. Mr. Santos bought a 5. Mr. Rodriquez bought 5. Mr. Yabut bought a
Pepito and Pillar have in all? table for P55.00 and a a table for P75.00 and a table for P54.00 and a
chair for P22. How much chair for P23. How much chair for P21. How much
did he pay in all? did he pay in all? did he pay in all?
H. Making Generalizations and What is the fourth step in analyzing What will you do with the What are the steps in What are the steps in What are the steps in
abstraction about the lesson. word problem? problem before solving solving word problem? solving word problem? solving word problem?
The fourth step is telling the operation it? The steps in solving word The steps in solving word The steps in solving word
to be used. Transform the problems are knowing problems are knowing problems are knowing
problem to a number
sentence. a. Aasked f. Aasked k. Aasked
What is the fifth step b. Given g. Given l. Given
in solving word problem? c. Operation h. Operation m. Operation
The fifth step is to
d. Number Sentence i. Number n. Number Sentence
write the number
sentence? e. Answer Sentence o. Answer
j. Answer
Answer Activity in Math Workbook Answer Activity in Math Answer Activity in Math Answer Activity in Math Answer Activity in Math
I. Evaluating Learning p.105 Workbook p.106 Workbook pp.107-108 Workbook p.109 Workbook p.110
Give copies of word problems to the Write the number Read and solve: Read and solve: Read and solve:
pupils and let them write the sentence for this
operation to be used. problem. 1.Linda bought 2 ballpens 1.Lerie bought 2 ballpens 1.Lisa bought 2 ballpens
1.Mother has 24 guavas. for Php 27 and a notebook for Php 23 and a for Php 14 and a
1.Lito feeds his pets everyday. He She bought 51 more for Php 15.How much did notebook for Php 25.How notebook for Php 12.How
J. Additional Activities for
feeds his 53 chickens with corn. He guavas. How many she spend in all? much did she spend in much did she spend in all?
application or remediation
guavas does Mother have
feeds his 32 monkeys with bananas. all?
in all?
How many pets does he feed
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons worked?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve.?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use, discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?