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An Information System Proposal For Streamlining Software Development Process

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An Information System Proposal for Streamlining Software Development Process

Serkan Nalbant MilSOFT Yazlm Teknolojileri A.. [email protected] Abstract

In this paper an information system for automating the software development process is proposed in order to be employed by software development organizations. The aims and characteristics of the proposed system are described. Furthermore, its use is illustrated via the explanation of an exemplary software system called PACE that serves as an information system for planning, managing, controlling, measuring and improving software development process and projects. The relationship of PACE with Software Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is also provided. CMM was developed to help both those organizations which develop software to improve their software processes and those organizations which acquire software to assess the quality of their contractors. To fulfill the former goal, CMM provides a guide for software organizations in selecting process improvement strategies by determining the current level of their process maturity and identifying the key factors that would lead to improvement. The underlying assumption, as in all process models, is better processes lead to improved quality in the product [2]. The software organizations should employ various software tools for completing their projects properly (in terms of budget, schedule and quality). The necessity of using tools for software development is increasing steadily due to difficulties faced both in management and technical sides of the software projects. Actually, it is impossible to perform most of the tasks without the use of corresponding tools. Especially, the tools for managing and executing software development projects becoming more and more critical. Thus, in this paper we explain such tools ,which we call software development information systems and propose a model characterizing them. Section 2 describes the tools used in software development. Then in section 3, the aims of and the needs for the proposed software development information system are outlined. Section 4 presents the main functions of the proposed software development information system. Software Development Process Definition and Control System (PACE) is introduced in section 5 in order to illustrate the proposal. Finally, section 6 provides a brief discussion.



Today, software is a basic component of many businesses. In some areas, it is even impossible to survive for an organization without the use of associated computer softwares (e.g. banking, telecommunications). Because of this fact along with the increasing competition, advances in technology and enhancing capabilities of software development organizations, the need for more and more sophisticated software systems is growing constantly. The realization of such systems requires successful completion of complex projects. Obviously, this can not be accomplished without the existence of effective software processes which underpins the software development activities. Software Capability Maturity Model (CMM) of Software Engineering Institute (SEI) defines software process as; a set of activities, methods, practices, and transformations that people use to develop and maintain software and the associated products (e.g., project plans, design documents, code, test cases, and user manuals) [1]. A number of software process models have been developed in the last two decades such as TickIT, ISO 9001, BOOTSTRAP, CMM, ISO/IEC 12207, ISO/IEC TR 15504 (SPICE), Unified Process (UP). SEI's CMM deserves special attention among these, since it is probably the most widely used and recognized one by software organizations (although its extension to system level, namely CMMI, is starting to replace CMM).


Tools for Software Development

As others, software development organizations (also) must employ softwares (tools) in order to produce the software, which delivers what customer needs without any defects, on time and on budget. Regarding the context of this paper, these tools are classified into two as: Computer-aided Software Engineering (CASE) Tools and Software Development Information Systems. Ghezzi,

Proceedings of IMPROQ 2003, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey

2 Jazayeri, Mandrioli defines CASE tools as the tools and environments aiming at automating individual activities that are involved in software engineering [2]. Whilst, Software Development Information Systems aim to manage and integrate various activities performed, while producing software, by sharing & unifying information, automating many aspects of the software organization, providing necessary planning, control and measurement mechanisms. The scope of Software Development Information Systems is all activities carried out by a software development enterprise, whilst CASE tools try to optimize and/or automate the tasks performed in order complete single or several software development activities (see Figure 1. Interaction of tools with software activities ). In this paper, a model for the tools of second type will be introduced and explained. In order to do this, Software Development Process Definition and Control System (PACE)1 of MilSOFT will be employed. PACE is a web-based software development information system developed to be used in software development enterprises. PACE aims the integration of different facets of a software company via the embracement of project management, budgeting, quality assurance, configuration management and human resources functions in a software setting. The research carried out on software development tools revealed many softwares that automate various software activities such as code analyzing, debugging, testing etc.. Also, some tools were encountered which aim to individually manage different aspects of software projects such as risks, metrics, tasks etc. Although no specific names are given here, software tools that can be classified as a software development information system were available. Further, at first sight, generic Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) packages were thought to be customized for covering the needs of software development organizations, but then the impossibility of this alternative became evident, due to its enormous implementation cost.


Software Development Information Systems

Configuration Management

Software Design


Software Testing


Figure 1. Interaction of tools with software activities software organizations; Standardization of the activities regarding development and management of software projects, To serve as a software system which facilitates the operation of the company according to the software development related standards such as CMM (Level 3), IEEE/EIA 12207 (Standard for Information Technology), IEEE 1490 (Adoption of PMI Standard, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge), To maximize the integration among the functions of the company and to enhance the information sharing among the people, To provide cost savings by enabling more efficient and effective performance of the operations, To supply inputs about performances of resources and processes which enable the initiation of improvement actions, As a result of the above items, to increase the quality of the software delivered. The following representative business flow depicts the reasons from which the needs, whose coverage is aimed by the proposed system, are come out. Software development projects usually follow the operations below from the commencement to the closing of the project: Definition of the software project as a business opportunity, Estimating the software size and effort when proposal is requested by the customer for this business opportunity, Initiation of the project by obtaining the approval of top management, Assignment of project manager,


Insight for the Proposed Software Development Information System

The proposed Software Development Information System pursues the realization of the following goals for
The implementation of PACE was sponsored by The Scientific & Technical Research Council of Turkey (TBTAK) and Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV).

Proceedings of IMPROQ 2003, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey


Construction of Project Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) which depicts the work packages that will be performed in the course of the project, Examination of personnel skill and training information in order to determine the candidate individuals to include in project team, Requisition of the individuals, whose workload is suitable, from the related work groups (departments & projects), Finalization of project team via the assignment of their roles in the project, Defining and tracking project risks, Preparation of project expense and revenue budgets, Entrance of timing and resource information to the WBS items to prepare project schedule, Taking the approval of top management for project schedule, Selection of metrics to be collected for monitoring the performance of the project in terms of schedule, cost and quality, Designation of targets for the selected metrics, Definition and tracking of configuration items (software units, modules, documents etc.) to be produced in the course of the project, Assigning tasks to project personnel from the approved project schedule, Tracking the completion of assigned tasks, Entrance of timesheet values by the project individuals, Definition of software and document problems faced during the development in the configuration items, Correction and verification of the problems identified by taking the approval of related configuration control authorities, Requisition of training for project personnel, Update of personnel skills as training completed successfully, Keeping records for reviews performed, software units completed and tests executed, Purchasing of the needed hardware, software items for the project by controlling against the available project budget and by reflecting the expenses in cost records, Update of project hardware and software inventories, Controlling the performance of the project (in order to take necessary actions when necessary) by examining the effort, cost, schedule reports generated, Auditing the project for checking if it performs in accordance with the related processes,

Revising project schedule, estimation, configuration item versions, budget etc. when necessary, Carrying out personnel performance operations, Measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of activities performed in the projects for taking necessary improvement actions.


Functions of the Proposed Software Development Information Systems

Main functions that are included in the proposed system are explained below. These describe the group of operations that can be performed by the user. Project Definition and Initiation : This function enables the generation of a software project in the system. In order to carry out the various operations about a project, the project shall be approved as a result of a cycle, in which initiation, review and approval (or disapproval) of the project is performed. During the initiation phase of this cycle, the project is defined in terms of different aspects such as scope, target budget, type of the project. Project Risk Management : Project Risk Management function is employed to identify, assess and track the risks (risk items) of software projects. This is accomplished via a risk matrix (composed of risk items), which is available for each project in the system. Furthermore, the versions of risk matrix are stored in the system. Software Estimation : The purpose of this function is to provide the necessary capabilities to the user in order to estimate, as accurately as possible, the size, effort, cost and schedule of a software project. The estimation of a software project are performed according to three different methodologies which are; function point estimation, object point estimation and COCOMO II (Constructive Cost Modeling). The system also gives the opportunity of performing estimations for different phases and components of the project. Metric Data Management : The user tracks project metrics by the help of this function, in order to take the necessary actions for completing the project in the allowed budget and time. For each metric, a datasheet is maintained, which contains the measurement records for the corresponding metric. Each measurement point is composed of data required for the metric. These data are obtained generally from the related parts of the system and seldom from the user. By utilizing the information in the datasheets, metric charts are generated. Thus, a visual analysis can be carried out for identifying the potential problems regarding the software project, more easily. The followings are the examples of the metrics which can be included in the system:

Proceedings of IMPROQ 2003, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey

4 Earned Value, Rework Effort, Defect Density, Software Productivity, Requirement Status, Problem Status. Project Costing : Project Costing function enables the user to control the costs of the software project. These costs include personnel costs and other expenditures of the project (such as hardware expenses, training costs, etc.). Personnel costs are calculated by employing the time data entered via timesheet part of the system. Other expenditures are entered for the project or for a specific activity of the project. A report that depicts the total cost incurred for the project can be obtained. Activity Definition : This function provides the capabilities for entering the information about activities and other related entities namely, processes, process details and artifacts. The information stored in the system for each activity is Unified Process compatible. The activities defined via this function are employed while preparing the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) of the software project. Furthermore, they are also utilized when assigning tasks to personnel. The reporting of the values such as average effort, average personnel cost etc., which are accumulated from the data generated as a result of performed tasks, is also provided. The effects of changing the procedure of an activity can be evaluated the versioning of the activities. Construction of Project WBS and Schedule : By using this function, the user can form the project's WBS (Work Breakdown Structure). During this operation the activities defined in the system are employed. However, the user has the opportunity of adding detailed activities under these, so the project specific activities may be embraced. The task assignments of the projects are done by specifying the corresponding item in the WBS. The WBSs constituted are product based, i.e. the configuration items of the project (such as modules, software units, documents etc.) can be included in the WBS. The system allows the creation of WBS templates, which can be utilized while constructing a project's WBS. For each item in the WBS, start date, end date, duration, effort, assigned personnel, dependencies with other items, related cash flows are stored for coming up with project schedule. The schedule is also represented as a Gantt chart. Finally, different versions of project WBS and schedule can be kept in the system. Personnel Information Management : The maintenance of personnel related information is performed via Personnel Information Management function. The following capabilities are included in this function : definition of a personnel, maintenance of the skills possessed and trainings taken by a personnel, entrance of actual and planned personnel salaries (for


each personnel category), definition of personnel skills to be used in the system. Timesheet : Each personnel enters the time s/he expanded for the tasks s/he performed via Timesheet function. Task assignments made by work group managers result in the formation of related timesheet entries in related personnel's timesheet. Work Group (Team) Management : A personnel group, in which several people participates for accomplishing a certain goal, is called a work group. Consequently, departments and projects are also work groups. However, other workgroups can also be constructed, e.g. a work group which involves personnel from different department can be formed in order to complete the business planning of the company for the next year. The operations concerning this work group mechanism are handled via Work Group (Team) Management function. A corresponding work group is created automatically, when a new department or project is added to the system. A hierarchical structure can be constructed for the work groups, i.e. a work group can be defined under another one. Task Assignment : The managers of the work groups specify the activities that they want to be completed by their personnel by using Task Assignment function. The activities included in the project's Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) are utilized when performing task assignments for a project work group. The following main data is entered to the system for each task assignment : Personnel, Activity, Start Date, Due Date, Duration, Action Type (as creation or rework). By using the duration of the assignment, the workload of the personnel available for the work group and the other task assignments created for the same work group, the feasibility of the task assignment is checked. In fact, this feature is crucial for a software organization in order to manage its human resources properly. Training Management : In this function, the related capabilities, regarding the in-house and out-sourced trainings, are involved. In this context, training courses are defined. While defining the courses, the personnel skills (entered via Personnel Information Management function) acquired as a result of taking a specific course are also stored. Furthermore, the related records about planned and performed trainings are maintained. The requisition of trainings are provided. Another important feature is the automatic updating of the skills for a personnel as s/he takes a particular training. In this situation, the skills corresponding to the attended training are appended to the skill list of this personnel.

Proceedings of IMPROQ 2003, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey


Also, the list of the trainings that the personnel attended is updated automatically. Personnel Performance Evaluation : This function enables the definition of performance criteria that is used in personnel performance evaluation process. These are used while specifying the criteria related to a specific role. For each criterion associated with the role, the effect of the criterion on the performance evaluation of the persons having this role are stored as percentage. Also, the capability for planning of the personnel performance evaluation throughout the company is included. Furthermore, via this function the personnel evaluation process is carried out. Problem Definition & Resolution: Problem resolution process is implemented by the forms that record and track the status of different types of problems. These include document, software, deviation from standards, process inconsistency problems which originate from different activities such as peer reviews, audits, tests etc. Audit Operations: This function enables the planning of project audits. Also, audit results are recorded along with the non-conformances detected during audits. Configuration Identification and Control: Through this function, project configuration items (software work products) are defined and the current status of each configuration item is tracked. Furthermore, it enables the realization of changes in configuration items after necessary control mechanisms are completed successfully. Budgeting : Project expense, project revenue, department expense budgets and organizational budget are prepared by the help of this function. The user can input planned expenses to the system for each budget item

and month, on accrual and cash flow basis. Besides, the planned personnel costs can be included in the expense budgets by specifying the required number of personnel of a certain personnel category, in a particular month. Furthermore, different versions of budgets can be kept in the system. This function also provides the capability of entering budgeted currency exchange rates that are employed in budget related currency conversions. Another feature provided by this function, is the storage of actual values of the project and department budgets. This feature enables to compare actual values against the budgeted (planned) ones. Hence, a budget control mechanism is provided. Finally, organizational budget scenarios can be generated and one of them is set as the valid budget of the organization for the corresponding period.


A Illustrative Software Development Information System and its Relationship with Software Capability Maturity Model (CMM)

As mentioned before, we will employ PACE system as a representative Software Development Information System for the proposed model. PACE system is composed of five modules as shown in Figure 2 along with the functions contained in each of them. PACE System is developed via the use of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) Technology and with an N-tier architecture. Also, independency in terms of platform, application server and database are considered during the design and implementation of the system. A sample screenshot from the scheduling function is provided in Figure 3.

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Figure 2. Modules of PACE

6 CMM (Level 3) is the primary standard that PACE intends to comply, when employed in a software company. The reason for having such an aim is the high recognition of this standard throughout the software world. Furthermore, SEI describes level 3 as the one through which organization establishes an infrastructure that institutionalizes effective software engineering and management processes across all projects [3]. Each level of CMM is decomposed into Key Process Areas (KPA). SEI defines KPA as a cluster of related activities that, when performed collectively, achieve a set of goals considered important for establishing process capability [1]. The key process areas of CMM Levels 2 and 3 are: 1. Requirements Management (L2) 2. Software Project Planning (L2) 3. Software Project Tracking and Oversight (L2) 4. Software Subcontract Management (L2) 5. Software Quality Assurance (L2) 6. Software Configuration Management (L2) 7. Organization Process Focus (L3) 8. Organization Process Definition (L3) 9. Training Program (L3) 10. Integrated Software Management (L3) 11. Software Product Engineering (L3) 12. Intergroup Coordination (L3)


Requirements Management: Different types of requirements are defined and they are tracked via Requirements Status and Requirements Stability metrics. The changes in the requirements are performed according to formal change management mechanisms. Software Project Planning: Size, effort and schedule estimations are performed via Function Point, Object Point, COCOMO II methods. Furthermore, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and schedule of the project are constructed. Software and Hardware inventory of software development projects are maintained. Project risks are identified. Software Project Tracking and Oversight: Various project metrics regarding the quality, effort, schedule, productivity perspective are tracked. Project schedules are updated as needed. Also, the risks of the project are tracked via risk matrices. Finally, the lessons learned from the projects can be maintained in order to feed back the gained expertise. Software Quality Assurance: Quality activities are planned and tracked, audit results are maintained, resolution of non-compliant issues is carried out. Software Configuration Management: Identification of configuration items (software work products) and informing the affected groups about status of CIs through

Figure 3. A sample PACE window: Project Schedule Preparation 13. Peer Reviews (L3) The handling of each relevant KPA by PACE system is as follows; the use Configuration Status Account List are provided. Additionally, the changes in these configuration items are

Proceedings of IMPROQ 2003, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey


performed by filling in the necessary forms which are subject to approval of configuration control boards. Organization Process Focus AND Organization Process Definition: Software development process is maintained and improved through the necessary requisition and approval mechanisms. Furthermore, the processes and activities carried out in the course of software projects are defined, which in turn employed in generating project WBS and assigning tasks to personnel. The effort and cost information gathered from the completed tasks across all projects in the organization are reported. These reports are utilized for evaluating the performance of activities and processes. Organizational standards are made available online to project individuals in accordance with the project's selected software process. Integrated Software Management: Project schedules are constructed in accordance with software development plan by selecting among organization-wide process database. Historical metric data and estimation results are made available for further estimation by the related functions implemented in Project Management module. Intergroup Coordination: Dependencies between different groups are identified through the WBS construction and scheduling functions. Automatic messages are generated for notifying the related parties when certain events are occurred. Peer Reviews: The planning of peer reviews may be recorded in project schedule. The results of peer reviews and tracking the related problem reports or action items can be traced through the use Peer Review Summary Report forms. Additionally, peer reviews are analyzed via the use of review status metric. Training Program: Training courses are defined, training plans are prepared, records of completed training are kept, the skills corresponding to the attended training

are added to the skill list of personnel automatically, training waivers are handled.



For continual existence in competitive markets, software development organizations shall have the capability of coping with complex software projects which execute simultaneously. The simultaneous execution further complicates the situation and makes the proper achievement of these projects a more difficult task. Consequently, software development organizations should streamline their management and development processes by incorporating software development information systems into their system for accomplishing the organizational objectives. In this paper, a proposal for such systems is presented, which has the capability of delivering real benefits to software developing organizations.



[1] T.G. Olson, N.R. Reizer, J.W. Over, Handbook CMU/SEI94-HB-01: A Software Process Framework for the SEI Capability Maturity Model, SEI, September 1994. [2] C. Ghezzi, M. Jazayeri, D. Mandrioli, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Prentice Hall, Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey, 2003. [3] M.C. Paulk, B. Curtis, M.B. Chrissis, C.V. Weber, Technical Report CMU/SEI93-TR-024: Capability Maturity Model for Software, Version 1.1, SEI, February 1993.

Proceedings of IMPROQ 2003, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey

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