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From Aaron’s Rod to Eli

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AGES 8-10



See more at Teacher Resource - Unit 3 Level Three
Teacher Resource
Teaching Sonseekers........... 1
A teacher’s guide................. 2
Publisher’s note................... 3
Teaching Sonseekers …
Unit 3 (Lessons 33-48):
33. Aaron’s rod........................ 4 Dear Teacher
34. Moses hits the rock............ 8
Teaching young people about God’s Word is a great honour and privilege.
35. The bronze serpent.......... 12 We note God chose Abraham, a man of faith because he “would teach his
36. Balaam and his ass......... 16 children and his household after him, to know the Way of The Lord” (Gen
37. Joshua and Rahab........... 20 18:19)
38. Crossing the Jordan, One who undertakes such a task will understand they have accepted a
Jericho............................. 36 responsibility to become a witness of God’s great love and faithfulness.
As an example of Christian faith and integrity they have a wonderful
39. The sin of Achan.............. 40
opportunity to share their love for God’s Word. The tremendous blessing
40. The sun stands still.......... 46 for those who commit themselves to this task is that the Holy Spirit will
41. Gideon’s fleece................ 50 strengthen and equip you to shine as a light to your class.
42. Gideon and his army....... 54 Recent trends away from Sunday School structures towards child minding
43. Samson............................ 58 activities have, we believe, been unfortunate as they fail to recognise the
impact and effect the message of God’s love through Christ has on young
44. Samson and Delilah........ 62
45. Ruth, Naomi and Boaz.... 68
Children are the Church’s future. As such they are precious and well worth
46. Hannah............................ 74 any investment in quality resources and dedicated teachers.
47. Samuel hears God speak.78
The ‘Sonseekers’ curriculum offers children Sunday School material that
48. Eli, Hophni and Phinehas.82 gives them a sound background in Biblical events, people and places.
Unit 3 Awards........................ 87 Secondly it offers a pastoral approach for the children to know God is able
Curriculum Outline.......... 88 to help them and change their lives.
Structurally, any program will operate effectively if those teaching are
Published by faithful, zealous and committed to a team approach that might include:
visionone inc ●● regular prayer and discussion in relation to curriculum issues,
ABN 37 430 685 890 student needs and upcoming events and presentations;
10 Old Goombungee Rd ●● organisation and management of resources;
Toowoomba Qld 4350
●● training and development needs of teaching staff.
Teaching Sunday School is a rich and rewarding task. May God bless and
Phone: 1300 885 048
guide you as you serve in this way.
Fax: 1300 728 293
Email: [email protected] Yours in Christ
©All rights reserved The Sonseekers Team
July 2009

Introduction Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 1

A teacher’s guide to using the
Sonseekers materials . . .
Timeline What are the Sonseekers materials?
Creation The Sonseekers Sunday School materials are a four year course of
4000BC Adam and Eve 128 Bible lessons. The lessons are written with the twin aims of
The Fall teaching the students an accurate chronology of Biblical events and
2500BC Noah also drawing from each lesson pastoral points relevant to the age
The Flood and stage of each child. They are written at four levels to cover
Tower of Babel
from Prep to 12+ age groups. The 128 lessons are organised into
2000BC Abraham
1900BC Isaac 8 units, each of sixteen lessons. The table below indicates the
1800BC Esau and Jacob suitable age group for each level:
1750BC Joseph
1360BC Moses Sonseekers Student School
1280BC Exodus from Egypt Level Age Level
and Journeys Level One 4-5 Kindergarten, Prep
Level Two 6-7 Lower Primary
1240BC Entry into and
Conquest of Land Level Three 8 - 10 Middle Primary
1220BC Judges Level Four 11 – 12+ Upper Primary
1100BC Gideon
1070BC Samson
1063BC Samuel
The Sonseekers materials comprise two related elements:
1020BC Saul as King • Teacher Resource – including lesson plans & activity masters
980BC David as King which can be photocopied;
940BC Solomon as King • Student Handbooks – including homework activities.
900BC Kingdom Divided
839BC Elijah Emerges; Mt Carmel
There is also a Bible timeline showing chronology of major events,
814BC Elisha’s Ministry with the dates of the current unit’s lessons highlighted, included in
749BC Jonah each Teacher Resource.
662BC Hezekiah; Isaiah
576BC Josiah
540BC Daniel taken to Babylon
What’s in my Sonseekers
527BC Exile into Babylon Level Three Teacher Resource?
457BC Restoration from Babylon
4BC Birth of Jesus Each Level Three Teacher Resource contains sixteen lesson plans
26AD Baptism of Jesus for the relevant age of your students. Each lesson plan comprises:
Call of Disciples
28AD Feeding of 5000 ●● the key thought or focus for the lesson;
Parables ●● a suggested way to introduce the lesson;
29AD Miracles; Transfiguration ●● a summary of the relevant bible story;
30AD Raising of Lazarus ●● a memory verse for the lesson, together with a suggested way
Parables of teaching that verse;
Palm Sunday ●● an activity which can be used in the lesson;
Jesus’ Crucifixion and ●● a number of extra ideas involving fun, practical activities.
Day of Pentecost Note: The photocopy masters for each activity are included with
Peter’s Ministry the lessons in this Teacher Resource book.
33AD Conversion of Paul
45AD Paul’s Missionary Journeys
60AD Paul as Prisoner to Rome …/cont’d

Page 2 Teacher Resource - Level Three Introduction

. . . teacher’s guide . . .
How do I best use my Teacher Resource?
The art of serving as an effective Sunday School teacher is linked to the degree of diligence in preparing for
each lesson. The Sonseekers materials are only designed to assist the teacher in this process. They do not
take away from the teacher his or her responsibility to prayerfully consider the needs of the children in the
class and to seek God’s revelation and wisdom in presenting each Bible lesson. The following suggestions
are then made with regard to using this resource.

Prior to the lesson

♦♦ Prayerfully read the Bible passage for the lesson. The reference is provided in the header on the first
page of the lesson plan. All Scripture references are taken from the New King James Version (1983
♦♦ Read through the lesson plan and decide which activities will be most appropriate for the students in
your class. Generally, aim for a variety of activities over a unit.
♦♦ Think about how you will combine the various elements of your lesson. Refer to the suggested teaching
approach for ideas if necessary. Link the activity to the story so that the significance of the activity is
clear to the students.
♦♦ Prepare all activities thoroughly prior to the lesson. Rehearse any planned activity at home to make
●● that you know how to do it yourself;
●● that you have all the relevant materials in the quantities you will need;
●● that you know the length of time that the children will need for the activity.

During the lesson

♦♦ Review the memory verse from the previous lesson with the children. Also check on the completion of
the homework activity page.
♦♦ Revise the previous lesson before going on to a new story. You may like to use the timeline to help you
do this.

Publisher’s note:
The publisher wishes to acknowledge the use of clip art from Coreldraw, Clickart, Bible View Clip Art by Pastoral
Computer Services and Logos Bible Clips.
The publisher gives permission for artwork masters to be photocopied for the use of the students in the Sonseekers
classes. However, no other part of this publication may be produced or transmitted in any form without permission in
writing from the publisher.

Introduction Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 3

Aaron’s rod Numbers 16 - 17

Storyline Theme One

Korah, Dathan, Abiram and On, who were “Obedience to those in authority”
leaders amongst the children of Israel, If we have bad attitudes such as anger, jealousy or envy in our
gathered to themselves a further 250 men hearts, God will discipline us and deal with us to see our attitudes
to question Moses’ and Aaron’s authority. changed. It is important that we guard our hearts, keeping them
Moses challenged them to seek the face of the free from wrong attitudes that would damage relationships. We
Lord but their hearts were rebellious. Moses must desire to have a heart that is submissive to those in authority.
became very angry and sought the Lord to
reject their offerings. God heard Moses and Key Thought
destroyed these men, their households, and Keep our hearts pure and soft towards those in authority, ready
the other 250 leaders. However, the children to hear instruction and not be blaming others when our wrong
of Israel continued to murmur and blamed attitudes have been exposed.
Moses and Aaron for these deaths. God’s
anger broke upon them in a plague killing Aim
14,700 people. Moses instructed Aaron to To encourage the children to willingly, not grudgingly, obey those
intercede on behalf of the rest of the people in authority when they are at home, in church or at school.
and the plague ceased. To prevent further
murmurings, God commanded that 12 Memory Verse
rods, one from each tribe, be placed in the “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.”
tabernacle. The man whose rod sprouted was (Ephesians 6:1).
to be God’s chosen leader, Aaron, of the tribe
of Levi.
Theme Two
Suggested “Being fruitful for the Lord”
Just as Aaron’s rod supernaturally budded, blossomed and produced
Teaching Approach fruit, so we will become fruitful as we allow the Lord to work in
1. Present the story, emphasising the heart us. We cannot change ourselves but we can commit our ways into
attitude of the rebellious leaders, and the His hands that we might show forth the fruits of the Spirit which
discipline that the Lord placed on those are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
who joined them. gentleness and self-control. This will happen as we make right
choices and allow the Spirit to produce the fruit.
2. Either in the presentation of the story or
during the activity, remind the children of Key Thought
the benefits of obedience and the pleasure Godly attitudes, a willingness to be changed and waiting on the
of the fruit. Lord will produce the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.

To show the children how God’s love and life can become evident
in their lives, as they yield to His hand.

Memory Verse
“I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.”
(John 15:16).

Your class will be excited at the beginning of

the year. It is important to be enthusiastic and
focus your class on the year ahead. Discuss
and formulate class guidelines together.

Page 4 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 33

Activity A - Make a Fruitful Rod
• Cellophane (green, clear and red or orange).
• Almonds (either whole in the shell, or blanched).
• Sticky tape (one roll in a dispenser to every three children would be ideal).
• A ‘rod’ for each child. These could be strong sticks you have collected prior to the lesson, approximately 15mm
thick and 600mm long. (An alternative would be cardboard tubes from finished rolls of dress materials, available
from some haberdasheries, or firmly rolled and taped newspaper.)
• Mint leaves; small artificial flowers for buds.

• Show the children a finished ‘rod’ you have made at home.
• Cut cellophane into 8cm squares.
• Place an almond or lolly in the middle of
a cellophane square and twist cellophane
tightly around the almond. Secure the twist
with sticky tape.
• Tape the almond to the ‘rod’.
Almonds, fruit or lollies
• Continue until each rod has approximately in cellophane
ten ‘buds’ or all almonds/lollies are used. Rod of cardboard or a stick
• Encourage the children to share and explain
their ‘buds’ with their family.

Activity B - “Who am I?”

• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Pens/pencils.

• Follow the instructions on the Activity Sheet.

I was a leader among the children My husband

of Israel, but was jealous that Moses brought
was leading us. I was as good as he! destruction on
With Dathan, Abiram and On, I planned all our family.
to challenge Moses. Who am I! With his
______ __________________ brother,
Abiram, and
I called the children of Korah and On,
Israel out of Egypt. I spoke he refused
from a cloud and chose Moses to accept
to be their leader. I wanted Moses as our
these people to be faithful leader
and obedient to Me. I sent appointed by
an earthquake to kill the God. Moses
leaders and their families said that we
who challenged Moses. would be
Who am I? ___ _______ swept away.
Yes! God sent
I was one of the twelve rods, each with an earthquake
the name of one of the fathers of the to swallow us
households of the children of Israel. alive? Who was
Moses put me into the tabernacle. Buds my rebellious
and almonds appeared on me. Whose husband?
rod am I? __ ___________ _ ____

Lesson 33 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 5

Page 6
I was a leader among the children My husband
of Israel, but was jealous that Moses brought
was leading us. I was as good as he! destruction on
With Dathan, Abiram and On, I planned all our family.
to challenge Moses. Who am I! With his
_____________________________ brother,
Abiram, and
I called the children of Korah and On,
Israel out of Egypt. I spoke he refused
from a cloud and chose Moses to accept
to be their leader. I wanted Moses as our
these people to be faithful leader
and obedient to Me. I sent appointed by

Teacher Resource - Level Three

an earthquake to kill the God. Moses
Activity B – “Who Am I”
Aaron’s rod

leaders and their families said that we

who challenged Moses. would be
Who am I? _____________ swept away.
Yes! God sent
I was one of the twelve rods, each with an earthquake
the name of one of the fathers of the to swallow us
households of the children of Israel. alive? Who was
Moses put me into the tabernacle. Buds my rebellious
and almonds appeared on me. Whose husband?
rod am I? ________________ ___________

Lesson 33
This page is intentionally blank

Lesson 33 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 7

Moses hits the rock Numbers 20:2-13

Storyline Theme One

The children of Israel continued to travel in “God desires obedience”
the desert. There was no water where they Moses recognised the children of Israel’s need for water, so he and
camped and the people murmured once again, Aaron spent time with God seeking God’s answer. God spoke to
blaming Moses and Aaron for their distress. Moses and told him exactly what to do. He was to speak to the
Moses and Aaron approached the Lord at rock. However, Moses rose up in anger towards the people and, in
the Tabernacle of Meeting. God instructed disobedience to God, hit the rock twice with his rod. We need to be
Moses to take the rod and speak to the rock obedient to what God has instructed. Here we see Moses judging
and water would pour forth. Moses struck the the people, and reacting to the people, rather than simply obeying
rock twice out of anger towards his brethren. God’s command and allowing God to work His purpose through the
Water did pour forth, but God reprimanded circumstances.
Moses and Aaron for their lack of faith and
esteeming of His name. This prevented both Key Thought
from entering the promised land. God saw the need of His people. He told Moses what to do to meet
that need. Moses disobeyed, and we see that God did not give
any special treatment to Moses, but in fact disallowed him from
Suggested entering the promised land.

Teaching Approach Aim

To teach the children to hear God’s voice and to be obedient to His
1. Present the story of Moses striking the instruction.
rock rather than speaking to the rock.
This shows how God requires obedience. Memory Verse
You might like to point out that on a “We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29).
previous occasion God asked Moses to
strike the rock for water to come forth,
but this time He said to Moses just to Theme Two
speak to it. It would be good to share
“God is faithful, merciful and loving”
with the children that Moses and the Lord
were talking, and Moses was in right God intended to reveal His holiness, even though the children of
relationship with the Lord. Then when Israel continued to rebel. By looking at this story in the light of the
Moses saw the people he became angry faithfulness, love and mercy of God, we see how God displayed His
and disobeyed God. You could point out great love to the children of Israel. We see how He is tolerant to
to the children that even though Moses His people throughout the ages, and how faithful God is. God had
was God’s chosen leader, God needed promised to deliver them, and meet all their needs. Even though
an obedient leader. He had to discipline Moses was disobedient and the children of Israel were rebellious,
Moses and, in the same way, He will God met their needs, and God continues to meet the needs of His
discipline parents, church elders and people. He is continually faithful to those who are called by His
teachers. name.
2. Also point out to the children how Key Thought
faithful God was to His promise. He We should never lose sight of God’s continued faithfulness and His
promised the children of Israel that they mercy towards us, even when we fail.
would enter the promised land. Despite
the disobedience of Moses, and the Aim
grumbling of the people, God fulfilled To help the children see that God’s mercy and love is able to save
His promise by meeting their needs in them, even though at times they are like the children of Israel
the wilderness. It is important for the (when they grumble and murmur). God continues to be faithful.
children to understand that God requires Memory Verse
us to have an open faced relationship with
“The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and
Him, to be obedient to His word and not
great in mercy.” (Psalm 145:8).
to judge others’ activities.

Page 8 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 34

Activity A - Make a ‘Water from the Rock’ Spinning Disk
• Firm cardboard.
• Scissors.
• Hole punch.
• Colouring pencils/felt pens.
• Two medium to long rubber bands per child.
• Copy of Figure 1 and Figure 2 for each child.
At Home
• Cut out Figure 1 (whole circle) for each child and glue to cardboard. When dry, cut cardboard disk around outline
of Figure 1.
• Cut out Figure 2 (whole circle) for each child and glue it to the reverse side of the cardboard disk, with T’s to the
top of the disk. The water must appear to be upside down, the opposite to the rock in Figure 1.
In Class
• The children colour each side of the disk (brown for the rock, blue for water).
• Punch a hole in each side of the circle.
• Thread a rubber band through each hole and fix as shown (Figure 3). You
will need to demonstrate this carefully as the younger children may find this
• Place a rubber band over each forefinger and wind up the disk, by turning it in
the direction of the arrows. When fully wound up, gently pull hands apart. As
the rubber bands unwind, the disk will spin and the water will appear to come
from the rock. It may be easier for the children to do this in pairs - one hold-
ing the bands, the other turning the disk in the direction of the arrows.

Activity B - Volcano Demonstration and Discussion

• A small moulded volcano of clay, plasticine or playdough, approx. 5-7 cm high, on a plate. The hollow in the top
should be approx. 1 cm deep.
• Vinegar.
• Bi-carbonate (baking) soda.
• A syringe or dropper (syringe is best, or a small squirt bottle could also be used).
• Red or yellow food colouring or paint dye.
• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Pens/pencils/rubbers.
• Place 1 teaspoon of bi-carb into the hollowed top of the volcano and add a little
food colouring.
• Draw up vinegar into the syringe and squirt a small amount of the vinegar into the bi-carb in the volcano. The
mixture will froth and bubble and, with sufficient vinegar added, will run over the hollow and down the sides of the
• As a discussion, introduce the concept of quick reactions (like a volcano). Some people react to instruction,
discipline and frustration like a volcano. They have a quick temper and react quickly and dramatically. Moses was
like this when he struck the rock in anger, rather than speaking to it as instructed. Other people react by grumbling
and being continually negative. They are always finding fault with teachers, parents and leaders. They are the
knockers. They are like seething pools of hot bubbling mud. The children of Israel reacted like this.
• Ask the children to think about three different situations when they have been cross about what they have been told
to do. Ask them to decide if they reacted like a grumbling mud pool or a violent volcano. They should then briefly
write their situations in the appropriate half of the Activity Sheet.
• Encourage the children to share what is on their sheet. Discuss how God wants us to respond. Pray with the
children, asking God’s help to respond correctly to Him.

Lesson 34 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 9

Moses hits the rock
Activity A – “Water From the Rock” Spinning Disk


Figure 1 Figure 2
(Rock) (Water)


Figure 1 Figure 2
(Rock) (Water)

Page 10 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 34

Moses hits the rock
Activity B – Volcano Demonstration and Discussion

Mud Pool

Lesson 34 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 11

The bronze serpent
Numbers 21:4-9;
John 3:14-15

Storyline Theme One

As the children of Israel continued their “Confess your sin”
journey through the wilderness, they became The people soon realised they had sinned when the judgement of
very discouraged and spoke against God and God came upon them in the form of deadly snakes. They admitted
Moses, accusing them of not supplying their their sin and asked for deliverance. God’s answer was to have them
need of food and water. They rejected the lift up their eyes to look at a symbol of their sin - a snake on a pole.
manna too, calling it worthless bread. So the The penalty of our sin is death. In confessing our sin and looking
Lord sent fiery serpents among the people to Jesus who became sin for us (He was nailed to a cross), we
which bit them and many died. They cried out escape the judgement of God that would otherwise come.
to Moses asking for forgiveness as they knew
they had sinned. The Lord instructed Moses Key Thought
to make a bronze serpent and set it on a pole. Open confession brings God’s mercy to us instead of His
If anyone was bitten, they were to look upon it judgement. Our sin is forgiven by God who is faithful and just in
and so be healed. His dealings with us.

Suggested For the children to understand clearly the importance of
recognising, admitting and confessing their sin in order to
Teaching Approach experience God’s forgiveness.
Present the story, expressing the many highs Memory Verse
and lows the children of Israel experienced as
they wandered through the wilderness. When “He bore our sins in His own body on the tree.” (I Peter 2:24).
they were faithful, God would bless them, but
when they disobeyed, He had to discipline
them. The children should be able to draw on Theme Two
their own experiences in this regard. “God is our healer”
Because of their complaining, many Israelites were bitten by snakes
and many died. We have all come under the curse of sin and its
effects on our lives. As the children of Israel turned to look at the
serpent on the pole, we too need to look to Jesus who died on the
cross, and provided deliverance from sin and also healing for our

Key Thought
The children of Israel were healed as they turned to look at the
serpent on the pole. As we turn or repent, we also can be healed
Engage all students in and forgiven.
discussions by distributing
your questions evenly Aim
throughout the group. For the children to know that we can look to Jesus for forgiveness
Ensure your level of and for healing.
question is appropriate
for each student. Some Memory Verse
questions could be “And by His stripes we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5).
prepared beforehand.

Page 12 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 35

Activity A - Make a Balancing Snake
• 1 Activity Sheet per child mounted or copied onto
• Scissors.
• Glue.
• One knitting needle or skewer (minimum length of 35
cm) for each child. Needle
• Blu-tack or plasticine.
• Either metallic crayons, metallic felt pens, gold spray
paint or plain crayons or felt pens.

• Children paint or draw a pattern on their snake being careful not to obliterate the cutting lines.
• For a “bronze” finish, spray paint gold or copper paint (best done in a cardboard box outdoors with teachers help or
supervision) or decorate with metallic crayons or felt pens.
• Alternatively, the children could write key words from the lesson along the snake to form a pattern.
• Cut out the snakes carefully along the cutting lines.
• Push the blunt end of the knitting needle onto the Blu-tack or plasticine on a flat surface eg. table, so that the needle
points upright.
• Balance the tail end of the snake on the point of the needle so that its body is wound around the needle (see diagram
above). Because the weight of the snake is spread evenly down to the head, it will balance and a slight breeze will
make it spiral round and round. It takes a little patience to balance the snake but it really does work.

Activity B - Unscramble the Words

• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Pens/pencils.
• Colouring pencils/felt pens.

• The children try and unscramble the words, then SERPENTS BITTEN
if time permits they can colour and pattern the
plain snakes around the border. SNIS MSOES



Lesson 35 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 13

The bronze serpent
Activity A – Make a Balancing Snake

Page 14 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 35

The bronze serpent
Activity B – Unscramble the Words

Lesson 35 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 15

Balaam and his ass Numbers 22 - 24

Storyline Theme One

The children of Israel camped in the plains of “God protects us against evildoers”
Moab. Balak, the king of the Moabites and God’s people were unaware of King Balak’s intentions to have
all his people were afraid that the Israelites them cursed. Balaam listened to Balak and deliberately disobeyed
would over-run their land. So Balak sent God because he was a greedy man. God had full control of the
for the prophet Balaam to come and curse situation and only allowed blessings to be declared over them. God
the children of Israel. God spoke to Balaam guarded Israel against both Balak’s evil intentions and Balaam’s
twice, giving him instructions. The first time greed and unrighteousness. As we have a love for the truth and
Balaam heeded God’s word and the second a hatred of evil we can then have great confidence in God’s
time he didn’t. Therefore God sent an angel protection.
to slay Balaam because of his disobedience.
However, it was his donkey which saved him Key Thought
as she was able to see the angel with his sword God always has our interests at heart and protects us even when
drawn. Balaam struck the donkey three times we’re unaware of dangers or difficulties.
in anger as it wouldn’t move. God then spoke
through the donkey to get Balaam’s attention. Aim
His eyes were opened and he realised that To teach the children to trust God to protect them.
he’d sinned. God directed him to go to King
Balak and deliver the prophecy which was Memory Verse
to “bless the Israelites and not curse them.” “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own
Balak tried three times to persuade Balaam to understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5).
curse the Israelites, and three times Balaam
blessed them. This angered Balak. Balaam
then prophesied what the Isaelites would do to Theme Two
Balak’s people.
“You can’t manipulate God”
Balak wanted to hear what suited him. He kept trying to get God to
Suggested change His mind to suit his own purposes. He built altars and made
offerings and moved to different places. However, the Lord’s will
Teaching Approach was set for Israel and He would not have them cursed. We, with all
1. Preparation for the teacher: To gain a our wiles and reasonings, cannot manipulate God to make our own
further insight into what Balaam was plans and desires come to fruition. Instead we must seek His will,
really like read Numbers 25:1,2; 31:16; and desire His will for our life.
Jude 11; Revelation 2:14-20.This Key Thought
highlights why God stopped Balaam in
God will not be manipulated by us. Instead, He would have
such a dramatic way.
us search out His ways and set our hearts to serve His will and
2. Converse with the children about whether purpose.
they would expect animals to talk to
humans. Ask what their reaction would Aim
be if one ever did. To help the children realise that we are here to please God rather
3. Present the story emphasising God’s than have Him please us. God’s will, not ours, is the central issue.
love in the manner in which He stopped
Balaam. Memory Verse
4. Go on to discuss with the children “Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My
how desiring a love for the truth is so people.” (Jeremiah 7:23).
important to their protection. a key to
e m a n agement is
Res o u rc are your
l te a ching. Prep t
suc c e s s fu the day tha
e s w e ll in advance of
resourc eded
they are ne

Page 16 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 36

Activity A - Bible Pictionary
• Set of small cards with a different word from the list, written on each card.
• Egg timer or stop watch.
• Blackboard and chalk, or several sheets of paper and pencil.

• Divide the class into two teams.
• From team A, one child draws the first card from the pile (without the other team members seeing it).
• When the egg timer is turned, the child commences to draw the word while his/her team mates try to guess what
the word is. The drawer is not permitted to speak or spell, or use numbers, or to make the sounds of animals, or to
mime an action, but they may say “yes” or “no” to their team mates’ guesses.
• The team scores a point if they are able to guess the word before the timer runs out.
• The turn then moves to team B.
• Each player in both teams takes a turn as the drawer.
• Remind the children that all the words are found in the story. This should help their guesses.
• For the younger children the teacher may need to help them read the word they are to draw.

Word List
Donkey King Mouth *Fear
Sword Message Saddle *Refuse
Angel People Stick *Anger
Eyes Road Speak *Curse
Plain Servants Fight *Hit
Riding Kill
(Words with the * are more difficult)

Activity B - Hidden Verses and True or False Questions

Begin at the letter “O” and go around the edge of the shield, skipping every next
letter, to find the hidden verse. You need to go around the circle twice to use all
the letters, ending with “MY PEOPLE.” Write the verse on the lines below.
• 1 Activity Sheet per child. Start here, then drop out the “O” second time around.

• Pens/pencils.
• Starting at the letter “O” the children write out every GOD AND
second letter, going around the puzzle twice, the second YOU MY
time skipping the letter “O”, and then finishing with the PEOPLE.
word in the middle.
• They then circle true or false beside the questions below.

1. It was the children of Queensland who camped at Moab. False

2. Balak and his people were happy at the thought of the Israelites
running over their land. False
3. God gave instructions to Balaam twice. True
4. Balaam did what he was told twice. False
5. Balaam killed his donkey with his sword. False
6. The donkey spoke to Balaam to get his attention so the
Lord could speak to him. True

Lesson 36 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 17

Balaam and his ass
Activity B – Hidden Verses and True or False Questions

Begin at the letter “O” and go around the edge of the shield, skipping every next
letter, to find the hidden verse. You need to go around the circle twice to use all
the letters, ending with “MY PEOPLE.” Write the verse on the lines below.
Start here, then drop out the “O” second time around.

True or False
1. It was the children of Queensland who camped at Moab. True/False
2. Balak and his people were happy at the thought of the Israelites
running over their land. True/False
3. God gave instructions to Balaam twice. True/False
4. Balaam did what he was told twice. True/False
5. Balaam killed his donkey with his sword. True/False
6. The donkey spoke to Balaam to get his attention so the
Lord could speak to him. True/False

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Lesson 36 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 19

Joshua and Rahab Joshua 1 & 2

Storyline Theme One

After Moses died, Joshua, who was Moses’ “God’s way is different from ours”
assistant, became the leader of the children God promised the Israelites they would possess the land of Canaan
of Israel. The Lord told Joshua that if he and the two spies believed that God had prepared the way. God
followed all the laws of Moses and was strong had prepared the heart of a sinful Gentile woman, who became
and courageous, then God would never leave an instrument in God’s plan for delivering the spies. We need
him. So Joshua commanded the people to not concern ourselves as to how God works to bring about His
prepare to move into, and take, the land the purposes in our lives, but simply trust that He knows the best way
Lord had promised them. Joshua sent two for us regardless of the method He uses.
men to spy out the land. When the king of
Jericho heard of it, he sent men to capture the Key Thought
two spies. Rahab, the lady of the house in Rest in the knowledge that we are in God’s hands and by faith
which they hid, secretly helped them escape, allow Him to organise things to bring about His perfect will in our
because she knew of the God of Israel and His lives.
power. She asked the spies to deal kindly with
her and all her house in return for their escape Aim
and her keeping their mission a secret. A For the children to realise that God’s ways are not our ways, but we
scarlet cord hanging from her window would can safely trust His Spirit to lead us through the circumstances that
be the secret signal to save all her house when He has tailor-made for us.
Israel attacked.
Memory Verse
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My
Suggested ways, says the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8).
Teaching Approach
1. The building of the wall activity could Theme Two
be used as a teaching aid, if desired. “The Lord wants to change our lives”
Alternatively, tell the story and have the
children repeat it as they build Rahab’s Rahab had lived an evil life in an evil land, but when she heard
section of the wall. about the Lord and what He had done for His people her heart was
open and she was able to help the Israelites. This changed her
2. Talk about how life-changing this whole life and she later married an Israelite and became the mother
experience was for Rahab, and how God of Boaz and the great, great grandmother of King David. If we are
works in mysterious ways. really searching for the right way, when Jesus comes to us, we will
open our hearts and let Him change our life.
Arrange regular
sessions with Key Thought
your Sonseeker When we ask Jesus to enter our life nothing is the same. He
team leader to becomes the centre and change occurs as we focus our eyes on
give feedback on Him.
your class and
For the children to be aware that Jesus comes to dwell within us so
that we can be changed to be like Him.

Memory Verse
“We … are being transformed into the same image … by the Spirit
of the Lord.” (II Cor 3:18).

Page 20 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 37

Activity A - Construction of the City of Jericho
• This activity continues for two weeks.
• In next week’s lesson are the instructions for the construction of the model of the wall, including Rahab’s house,
and the figures of the people for both lessons. The wall is in panels and may be made as a complete wall or in part
to suit the class situation. If you wish you could just use Rahab’s house with a panel either side, or another option
is to adapt some panels as flannelgraph pieces by adding felt or sandpaper to the rear.
• The model can be made as a class activity over the two weeks, then used by the children to re-tell the story, thus
reinforcing the learning. The walls can be knocked over to simulate the collapse of the city wall while Rahab’s
house remains standing.
View of the walls of Jericho made up
House The

1a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

• 1 set of the 12 Activity Sheets mounted or photocopied onto cardboard.
• Scissors/colouring pencils/sticky tape/red cotton/ruler.

Steps - see continuation in next lesson

Activity B - Find the Secret Verse

• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Pens/pencils
• The children discover the message by placing
the first letter of each picture in the box
provided. Y O U R G O D



Joshua 1 & 2

Lesson 37 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 21

Joshua and Rahab
Activity A – Construction of the City of Jericho (Panel 1a)

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Joshua and Rahab
Activity A – Construction of the City of Jericho (Panel 1b)

1b Back of Rahab’s House

Lesson 37 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 23

Joshua and Rahab
Activity A – Construction of the City of Jericho (Panel 2)

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Joshua and Rahab
Activity A – Construction of the City of Jericho (Panel 3)

Lesson 37 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 25

Joshua and Rahab
Activity A – Construction of the City of Jericho (Panel 4)

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Joshua and Rahab
Activity A – Construction of the City of Jericho (Panel 5)

Lesson 37 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 27

Joshua and Rahab
Activity A – Construction of the City of Jericho (Panel 6)

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Joshua and Rahab
Activity A – Construction of the City of Jericho (Panel 7)

Lesson 37 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 29

Joshua and Rahab
Activity A – Construction of the City of Jericho (Panel 8)

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Joshua and Rahab
Activity A – Construction of the City of Jericho


God’s people crossing Jordan.

Priests entering the Jordan River with the Ark.

Lesson 37 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 31

Joshua and Rahab
Activity A – Construction of the City of Jericho

Israel’s armed men, who went before the priests and the Ark when marching around the walls of Jericho.

Page 32 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 37

Joshua and Rahab
Activity A – Construction of the City of Jericho


Cut 8

each wall.
Brace to

The rear guard to the priests marching around the city wall.

Rahab Spy Spy Soldiers of Jericho

Lesson 37 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 33

Joshua and Rahab
Activity B – Find the Secret Verse

Joshua 1 & 2

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Lesson 37 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 35

Crossing the Jordan,
Jericho Joshua 3-6; I Kings 16:34

Storyline Theme One

Joshua obeyed God and followed the Lord’s “Following God’s word can bring miracles into our lives”
detailed instructions on how to enter the This generation, under Joshua’s leadership, heard and obeyed the
promised land. The priests carried the Ark Lord in faith. The Lord stopped the river flowing and caused the
of the Testimony into the Jordan River and city walls to fall down flat. When we hear the Lord’s voice and
the river stopped flowing. All the Israelites obey His instructions, He is able to bring His will into our lives. As
crossed over on dry ground and stopped with the Israelites, the Lord can perform miracles in our hearts and
opposite Jericho. The people sanctified in our attitudes to give us the victory over sin and disobedience.
themselves to the Lord and celebrated their
first Passover feast in the promised land. God Key Thought
then told Joshua how to defeat Jericho. They Open hearts and hearing ears provide the way for God’s will to be
had to march around the city once a day for done in our lives. The Lord never changes, but the way He does
six days. The men of war went first, then things with us may be different from the way He did things with the
seven priests blowing seven trumpets, then Israelites. One thing is certain, God will fulfil what He promises.
the priests carrying the Ark, then more men
of war. On the seventh day they marched Aim
around seven times, then the priests blew the To teach the children that they must be open for God to have His
trumpets and they all shouted, and the city way in their lives. God often speaks to us through leadership. Eg.
walls fell down flat. The Israelites moved Dad and Mum, Sunday School teachers, elders, etc.
in and destroyed everything and everyone
except Rahab and her family. The gold, Memory Verse
silver, bronze and iron vessels were saved “And Joshua said to the people, ‘Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow
and consecrated to the Lord. Joshua then said the Lord will do wonders among you.’” (Joshua 3:5).
that if anyone rebuilt Jericho he would be
cursed and would suffer the loss of two sons.
Six hundred years later this prophecy was Theme Two
fulfilled. A man by the name of Hiel of Bethel
rebuilt the walls of Jericho and his eldest and “The Lord keeps His word”
youngest sons’ lives were lost. The Israelites had been wandering around the desert for 40 years
waiting to enter the promised land. God kept His promise of years
ago and the Israelites entered the land. We, too, can rely on God
Suggested to keep His promises to us, and they will be fulfilled in His perfect
time. Sometimes we have to be patient and live our lives in the
Teaching Approach assurance and knowledge of these promises. We also should note
As part of telling the story, a wall could be that God, having spoken through Joshua, said that the walls of
constructed and then destroyed, leaving Jericho were never to be rebuilt. Six hundred years later, we see a
Rahab’s section in tact. If the written activity disobedient man building the walls, and as it had been prophesied,
is chosen, highlight the details whilst telling his firstborn and youngest sons died.
the story. It is important to tell the children Key Thought
that God is faithful to His promise. It is
Even though we may be required to be patient, the Lord is faithful
important to see that this time the children
and will keep His promises.
of Israel obeyed Joshua’s command, thus
they obeyed God’s command. As a result of Aim
obedience, they became co-participants in the
For the children to understand that God is reliable, trustworthy and
miracle of the walls of Jericho falling down
will not forget anything He has promised.
Memory Verse
“Do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and
patience inherit the promises.” (Hebrews 6:12).

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Activity A - Construction of the City of Jericho (continued)
• Cut out the panels around the solid lines.
• Colour the panels if desired and if time permits.
• Fold the panels along the dotted lines to form tabs as bases and on Panel 1a and 1b to form tabs to glue back
Rahab’s house and the hidden spies.
• Make a hole for a piece of red cotton in the bottom corner of the front window of Rahab’s house. Attach the cotton
to the inside with tape, allowing it to hang down the outside.
• Glue the tabs and assemble the house.
• From scrap cardboard cut triangular braces to support the walls to the bases as shown. Attach
with sticky tape.
• The gates in the wall may be cut around the curved top, down the centre and along the bottom.
After scoring the straight sides, the gates can be open and shut.
• A further aid could be a U shaped section of blue cardboard to simulate the Jordan River
for the tribes of Israel to walk through.

Activity B - Find the Hidden Message

• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Pens/pencils.
• Rulers.

• The children colour in the shapes, then
rule a black line along the top and
bottom of each line of shapes to reveal
the secret message.

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Crossing the Jordan, Jericho
Activity B – Find the Hidden Message

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Lesson 38 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 39

The sin of Achan Joshua 7

Storyline Theme One

One of the Israelite soldiers, called Achan, “Sin is serious”
secretly kept some gold, silver, and a robe, One man in all Israel disobeyed God’s order to destroy everything
and buried them in his tent, even though God except that which was to go into God’s treasury. God saw his sin
had told them to keep nothing for themselves and punished all Israel, and eventually destroyed Achan and his
from Jericho. This made the Lord angry and family. God is not pleased when we sin and the consequences
He caused the Israelites to be defeated when of our sin can hurt us and people we know and love . If we have
they went to battle against Ai. Joshua and the sinned we must repent and ask God’s forgiveness, while we still
elders sought the Lord to ask why. The Lord have the opportunity.
said that Israel had sinned and He wouldn’t
be with them any more unless they destroyed Key Thought
what had been taken. The Lord told Joshua No matter how small we consider our sin to be, God still sees it
to have all Israel pass by Him by tribe, clan, as serious. God does not want us to excuse our sin, but to take
family, household and He would show the responsibility for it.
sinner. God revealed it was Achan. He
confessed, then he along with his family and Aim
belongings were destroyed, for Achan’s sin For the children to understand that sin is serious and must be
had brought disaster on Israel and 36 men died dealt with immediately and to know that Jesus offers us a way to
because of him. forgiveness if we truly repent.

Memory Verse
Suggested “He who covers his sins will not prosper.” (Proverbs 28:13).
Teaching Approach
Highlight the following elements: Theme Two
• God sees all we do, even when we try to “Obey God”
hide our disobedience. God gave His people instructions - for a reason. They may not
• Sin affects not only ourselves, but others have understood why, but He required them to obey. God could
also. not be with the army while there was sin in the camp. God desires
• When God reveals our sin, we must deal and requires our obedience. God cannot walk with us if we hold
with it. on to sin and disobedience. The wages of sin is death. We cannot
presume on God and live disobediently.

Key Thought
More than anything else, God asks us to obey Him. If we confess
our disobedience, we can enjoy His presence.

For the children to become aware of the need for God to teach them

Memory Verse
“Observe and obey all these words that it may go well with
you”(Deut 12;28).

Some activities will require more time

than others. If you are unsure of how
long the activity will take, complete the
activity at home

Page 40 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 39

Activity A - Word Puzzle
• 1 Activity sheet per child.
• Pens/pencils.

• Coloured pencils/felt pens.


S I L V E R • The children work through the puzzle, then colour the



Activity B - Make a Storybook

1. Simeon 2.



• 1 of each Activity Sheet per child.


• Scissors. Naphtali

• Glue. Asher


Steps Gad

• Have children cut out each section i.e. A B C D. 3. 4.

• Starting with Section A, show Achan with his family and Zabdi’s grandson

possessions. Families of Zarhites

from the clan of

• Over the top, glue Section B, to show the stoning.


• Over the top, glue Section C, showing the burning.

• Over the top, glue Section D, showing the end result, the
Achan confessed only
after the lot had shown
his guilt

idea being to show how final it was.

• Now have the children make a storybook each from the 5. 6.

second Activity Sheet.

• Cut out the six C B

pages along
the outside
lines. The
dotted lines
indicate a
border for
stapling down
the side. Let D Valley of Achor A
Zabdi‛s grandson
them turn the Achan and
pages and family

follow the
story as you
tell it.

Achor means trouble

Lesson 39 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 41

The sin of Achan
Activity A – Word Puzzle

To find the sin of Achan -

Take the letters from the word-picture
and join them together to form the sin of Achan.
From Joshua 7







Page 42 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 39

The sin of Achan
Activity B – Make a Storybook


D Valley of Achor A
Zabdi’s grandson
Achan and

Achor means trouble

Lesson 39 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 43

The sin of Achan
Activity B – Make a Storybook
1. Simeon 2.

Who Levi
Reuben has
Benjamin sinned?


Tribes of
Israel Dan



3. 4.

Zabdi’s grandson

Families of Zarhites
from the clan of

Achan confessed only

after the lot had shown
his guilt

5. 6.

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Lesson 39 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 45

The sun stands still Joshua 10:1-15

Storyline Theme One

The Gibeonite people had made a peace “Nothing is impossible for God”
treaty with the Israelites because they did not Joshua knew that God was with the Israelites and would help them
want to be destroyed. So the Amorite people win the battle. He had seen the hailstones the Lord had sent to kill
decided to attack Gibeon. The Gibeonites many of the Amorites. He knew God had power over all things
asked Joshua for protection. The Israelites because He made all things. So he had no hesitation in stepping out
went to fight the Amorites. The Lord told in faith and asking God to make the sun and moon stand still. We
Joshua He would help Israel win. The too can pray knowing that nothing is too hard for God to deal with.
Israelites were winning the battle and then
God sent hailstones which killed more of the Key Thought
Amorites than the Israelites did. Joshua asked When we call on the Lord to help us with a problem, we should
the Lord to make the sun and moon stand still believe He can help us, no matter how impossible it may seem.
as they needed more time to win the battle.
God answered his prayer. Aim
To have the children realise they shouldn’t limit God only to what
seems possible to them.
Memory Verse
Teaching Approach “With God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26).
1. To arouse the children’s interest – speak
briefly about the way the sun, earth and
moon work together to bring about night Theme Two
and day on the earth. You could use cut- “We can know God’s will for us”
outs on a felt-board or cardboard circles
attached to a larger piece of cardboard Joshua took a practical approach to seeing God’s will performed in
with split pins – thus allowing rotation. the defeat of the Amorites. He asked for the sun and moon to stand
still. God’s will for us is also very practical. He instructs us from
2. As you explain about the sun and moon His word how we should live. Learning to forgive, learning to
standing still, talk about: love, learning to obey, are all practical ways of knowing and doing
• The power of God. God’s will.
• The faithfulness of God, causing
all this to take place for the sake of Key Thought
Israel. If we read His word and spend time in prayer, God will instruct us
• God performed a miracle so big; can in practical ways how to do His will.
He not perform miracles for us when Aim
we ask?
For the children to realise they can all know God’s will for them
and to want His will in their lives.

Memory Verse
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.”
The last lesson of term (Psalm 32:8).
should contain an element
of celebration and
reflection. A small party or
‘fun’ awards ceremony will
encourage all students.

Page 46 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 40

Activity A - Mystery Strip
• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• 1 piece of cardboard 48cm long by 8cm wide per child.
• Scissors.
• Glue.
• Colouring pencils.

• The children cut out the six pictures on the Activity Sheet, arrange them in the correct order to tell the story, glue
them on to the cardboard strip, and colour them.

“The Lord said to Joshua, The Lord hurled large hailstones down on them.

‘Do not fear

them, for I have “Joshua
delivered them came upon
into your hand.’” suddenly.”

“Sun, stand still over “So the sun stood still.” “Then Joshua returned ... to the camp at Gilgal.”
Gibeon; and Moon, in
the Valley of Aijalon.”

Activity B - Hailstone Game

• Pieces of white paper or white tissues.
• Pens.

• Have the children write out the words from one or both of the memory verses on the pieces of white paper or tissue,
one word per piece of paper. Roll up the white paper or tissues that have the memory verse words written on them,
and also extra blank pieces, into small balls to represent hailstones.
• Select one child to be ‘up’ and with the pile of ‘hailstones’ beside him/her throws them at the other children as they
run past and try and dodge the ‘hail’. When they are hit by a hailstone they are ‘dead’ and out of the game. The last
child remaining wins and you may like to have a prize for that child, and they can take the next turn at throwing the
• When you have finished playing that, the children all scramble to find the hailstones with the words of the memory
verses written on them and put them in the correct order to work out the memory verse.

Lesson 40 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 47

Lesson 40
The Lord hurled large hailstones down on them. “The Lord said to Joshua, “Then Joshua returned ... to the camp at Gilgal.”
‘Do not fear
The sun stands still

them, for I have

delivered them
into your hand.’”
Activity A – Mystery Strip

Teacher Resource - Level Three

“So the sun stood still.” “Sun, stand still over
Gibeon; and Moon, in
the Valley of Aijalon.” “Joshua
came upon

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Lesson 40 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 49

Gideon’s fleece Judges 6:36-40

Storyline Theme One

The nation of Israel had turned their backs on “God knows our heart”
the Lord and so He allowed their land, crops Gideon was very conscious of his weakness and doubted his ability
and belongings to be plundered. They lived in to perform the task God had called him to do. Gideon appeared to
caves and were very afraid of their enemies. find it difficult to believe. God was patient as He knew Gideon’s
The Angel of the Lord came to Gideon heart and that he was well able to accomplish the task. We, too,
declaring, “The Lord is with you, you mighty may feel weak and unable to do God’s work. However, if our heart
man of valour! Go in this might of yours, is toward the Lord, He will strengthen us and we will succeed.
and you shall save Israel from the hand of the
Midianites.” Gideon debated that he was a Key Thought
mighty man and needed assurance to confirm God never calls us to do anything for Him that He will not equip us
this. He placed a sheepskin on the threshing to do, provided our heart is willing.
floor overnight and suggested that dew only
be on the sheepskin and not on the ground. Aim
The Lord fulfilled this request but still Gideon To help the children understand that, if their heart is willing, they
was not convinced, and asked the Lord to are well able to do what God wants them to do.
reverse it by allowing the dew to be only on
the ground and not on the sheepskin. God Memory Verse
performed this other miracle, thus Gideon “God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.” (I John
gained his confidence in the Lord. 3:20).

Suggested Theme Two

Teaching Approach “Trust in the Lord”
Discuss what it must have been like for the Gideon wrestled in his trust of the Lord and wanted some proof
Israelites to be living in fear and always that the Lord would be with him and enable him to save Israel from
hiding from the enemy. Just a quick play-act their enemies. Gideon knew his limitations and needed to know
would reinforce this by having two teams, one the power of God would be with him. It pleases God when we trust
trying to hide from the other. Consider what Him without requiring a sign from God.
it must have been like to have the Angel of the Key Thought
Lord speak to them. Would it make it easier
We need to have a simple trust and faith in the Lord and to take
to believe?
Him at His word.

To encourage the children to believe God’s word, not necessarily
Remember teaching is needing a sign.
90% organisation and
Memory Verse
10% inspiration. Ensure
that you review all “O my God I trust in you; let me not be ashamed.” (Ps 25:2).
lessons and materials
for the term before the
first lesson.

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Activity A - Blindfolded Obstacle Course and Picnic
• Blindfolds (enough for half the class).
• Any items you might like to use for a simple obstacle course, eg. a plank of wood and bricks, large cardboard boxes
opened as tunnels, tables, chairs, old tyres, hoops, etc.
• Bowls, spoons, moist cloths, cups.
• Some form of soft food eg. yoghurt, jelly, ice cream or cereal, and drink eg. cordial or water.
Before Class
• Set up a simple obstacle course. It could be good to use parts of a children’s playground if available at your Sunday
School venue, but keep the course close to the ground for safety.
In Class
• Discuss briefly what trust is. Having confidence to do something in our own strength or by our own wits is not
trust. Gideon had to come to trust that God was able to do what He said He would. Explain that these activities are
about trusting, putting their faith in someone else to help them go or do what they can’t see or do themselves.
• For the blindfolded obstacle course the children work in pairs, taking turns to be the sighted guide and the blind-
folded person. The ‘guide’ directs or leads their blindfolded partner through the obstacle course OR
• Work in pairs, sitting opposite each other. One child is the blindfolded eater, the other is the sighted feeder. The
blindfolded child must not use his/her hands.
• Regroup the class to discuss their experiences, relating to it Gideon’s initial difficulty trusting God and to their own
lives. You could ask:
• How did it feel to be fed, or climb steps blindfolded?
• Did you want to take over and feed yourselves?
• Did you wish you could peek under the blindfold?
• Did you feel angry at your partner if you had difficulties?
• What sorts of things does God want us to trust Him about?
• Are there times when it is hard to trust God or when you want to take over God’s plan for you life?

Activity B - Jigsaw
• 1 of the Activity Sheets with the
jigsaw plan per child plus a few The Lord is with
• 1 jigsaw with the words per child.
• Pens/pencils. you , you mighty
• Colouring pencils.
• Scissors.
• Envelopes. man of valour .
• Bibles.
• Children read Judges 6:36-40.
• Children cut out the pieces of jigsaw with the words on them, and place the pieces in the right spaces on the jigsaw
at the top of the page.
• Then using the blank jigsaw at the bottom of the page, colour the pieces lightly in one colour (so they do not get
mixed up with other children’s). Then write one of the ways Gideon asked God to prove that he could trust Him.
One word each piece.
• Cut out the pieces and give them to a partner to make up.
• Any children who finish early can use a spare jigsaw to write down something God is saying to them, then cut it out
and ask a friend to reassemble it.
• Jigsaw pieces can be taken home in an envelope.

Lesson 41 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 51

Gideon’s fleece
Activity B - Jigsaw

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Gideon’s fleece
Activity B - Jigsaw

man you Lord you

valour The is

with of . ,

man you Lord you

valour The is

with of . ,

Lesson 41 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 53

Gideon and his army
Judges 6:11-35;
7:1 - 8:28

Storyline Theme One

At God’s command Gideon destroyed the altar “God’s ways are not our ways”
his father had built for Baal. Gideon then Even though Gideon chose a large army, God in His wisdom
gathered 32,000 fighting men to defeat the reduced the number drastically. In this way, the army could not
neighbouring enemy armies. God said there take the glory to themselves; instead, God would get the glory. To
were too many men as He knew Israel would men it may seem stupid to go into battle with such a small army,
be inclined to claim glory for themselves in but Gideon was willing to trust God’s plan. Gideon was convinced
the victory, so He instructed the fearful to that the Lord would bring the victory. We have to learn to listen to
return back, and 22,000 returned home. There God rather than follow the way that would seem more logical.
were still too many and God instructed those
remaining to go down to the water’s edge and Key Thought
drink. Those who lapped by bringing water God’s wisdom far surpasses worldly wisdom. We need, therefore,
to their mouths were chosen over those who to discover God’s way and not follow the way of the world.
knelt down, leaving only 300 men. These
assembled during the night with only a Aim
trumpet in one hand and a flaming torch in a To encourage the children to seek God’s wisdom for all situations.
pitcher in the other, surrounding the enemy’s
camp. At Gideon’s command they blew their Memory Verse
trumpets and smashed the pitchers, shouting, “My foot has held fast to His steps; I have kept His way and not
“The sword of the Lord and of Gideon.” turned aside.” (Job 23:11).
The enemy was taken off guard and in their
confusion took the sword to one another,
killing 120,000. Some escaped including two Theme Two
kings but were pursued by Gideon’s army.
God’s people wanted to make Gideon their “God gives the victory”
ruler but he declined saying “The Lord shall Because Gideon’s army was not able to rely on being heavily armed
rule over you.” or on their numbers, they stood in the “Name of the Lord” and were
victorious. God is our defence if we’ll put our trust in Him. This
may be difficult for us to do as we look at the battles we have to
Suggested face, however, we should trust in the Lord to give us the victory.

Teaching Approach Key Thought

We can have the victory if we stand in faith and rely on the Lord’s
Discuss what armies are for, eg defence of
power to overcome.
a nation/to protect the people. Normally
the bigger an army, the better and safer the Aim
people are. Comment on the fact that God
To emphasise to the children that if they are obedient to the Lord,
reduced the size of the army and discuss how
He will win their battles.
the people must have been feeling about this.
Their victory depended on following God’s Memory Verse
command - compare the battle of Jericho.
“It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.”
Note that Gideon must have been a humble
(Psalm 118:8).
man to refuse to become their ruler as he lifted
the Lord up instead.
Middle primary aged students are
interested in facts and practicalities.
Add to discussions on spiritual
principles, practical responses. eg.
‘God gives us wisdom. How does He
do this?’

Page 54 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 42

Activity A - Group Mural
• A large sheet of paper, at least .7m x 1m, but preferably 1m x 2m. (Printing firms often sell ‘end of rolls’ of good
quality paper, quite cheaply, or join several sheets of paper.)
• Photocopies of Activity Sheets.
• Scissors, glue sticks, sticky tape.
• Colouring pencils, felt pens, crayons. Tents of
Army of the enemy
• Blue coloured paper, red cellophane, brown paper, and Alfoil 32000 Army of 300
or gold paper.
• 3” squares of plain coloured cloth (calico, canvas or hessian) Army
drinking Army of 300 attack
cut into 2 triangles.
• Small sticks or birthday candles, toothpicks or small skewers.

• Discuss the suggested plan for the mural as per the diagram above and allocate or help the children select sections
of the mural to work on, in pairs or small groups. You could pencil the guide onto the mural sheet first if you wish.
Explain what needs to be done in each section before the children commence the mural.
• Army of 32,000. On the main sheet of paper, the children draw many small stick figures in a group. Cut small
circles of Alfoil for shields and glue them among the stick men. Glue or sticky tape toothpicks to mural for spears.
• Army Drinking. Cut river or lake shape from blue paper and glue to the mural. Colour the drinking soldiers from
the Activity Sheets, cut around them and glue to the mural at the edge of the blue paper.
• Army of 300. Draw figures (fewer than for army of 32,000). Glue the trumpets to Alfoil and cut them out. Glue
the pitchers to brown paper and cut them out. Glue trumpets and pitchers to the mural. Tape half the sticks or
candles to the mural as torches.
• Gideon and the 300 Attack. Cut out Gideon, colour and glue to the mural. Draw stick figures for soldiers running.
Draw musical notes around the men (for the trumpet sound). Tear small pieces of brown paper for broken pitchers
and glue to mural. Tape small pieces of cellophane to remaining sticks and tape to mural (torches lit).
• The Enemy. Glue cloth triangles to mural for the enemy tents. Draw red puddles to represent the slain Midianites’
• To finish, children could draw in sky, mountains, trees etc. and write short captions next to each part of the mural.

Activity B - A Scytale (A secret Battle Plan in Code)

• Long thin strips of plain paper - these should be approx. 30 mm wide and 1 metre long. You may have to join
shorter pieces with masking tape to give this length. stick
• Matching pairs of sticks eg. cardboard rolls from lunch wrap etc., I G
broomstick handles or length of thick dowel, each pair at least 25 mm = Listen for the trumpet signal.
thick and 300 mm long. The hidden message appears like this:
• Pens or pencils and sticky tape.
• Explain what a scytale is used for. Demonstrate how to write the secret message by winding a long strip of paper
around the first of one pair of sticks, then writing the message along the length of the stick, one letter to each turn of
the paper (see diagram). Do not allow spaces between words. Unwind the strip of paper. The jumble of letters will
make no apparent sense until wound around the matching stick where it can be decoded.
• Children form pairs or groups, with message writers and message receivers. The writer wraps his paper around
the first stick, using sticky tape to secure, and writes one of the following messages or similar, related to Gideon
and his army. (Younger children may need to copy from the board.): The battle cry is “The sword of the Lord and
of Gideon.” Listen for the trumpet signal. Those who are afraid should leave. Hide your torch in your pitcher.
God will give the victory. 300 will defeat 120,000. Do as the Lord commands. Soldiers who bring water to their
mouths should stay and fight.
• Writers unwrap their message and pass it to whoever has the matching stick to decode. (The receivers should not
see the message while it is being written. They write their own secret message to swap with their partners.)

Lesson 42 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 55

Gideon and his army
Activity A – Group Mural

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Gideon and his army
Activity A – Group Mural

Lesson 42 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 57

Samson Judges 13, 15

Storyline Theme One

The children of Israel did evil once again “God brings deliverance”
and the Lord handed them over to another God’s people were being oppressed by the Philistines because of
enemy - the Philistines. The Angel of the their sin and unfaithfulness to God. However, in spite of their
Lord came to a childless couple and declared sin, God’s heart was toward them to see them delivered. For this
they would have a son and no razor would reason, He raised up Samson to be their deliverer. We, too, have
touch his hair because he would be a Nazarite been unfaithful to God, but He has provided Christ as our deliverer,
(set apart to God from birth, he would begin not only from our enemies but also from our sin.
the deliverance of Israel). They believed, and
a son, Samson, was born to them. He grew Key Thought
and God’s Spirit stirred in him. He took a We can know God as our deliverer, setting us free from sin and the
Philistine wife but was denied her, and in his enemy of our souls, Satan.
anger took vengeance by tying 300 foxes’
tails together and attaching lit torches which Aim
set ablaze the Philistine’s fields of wheat and To help the children understand God’s faithfulness to deliver His
other valuable crops. In retaliation, they killed people in spite of their rebellion.
Samson’s wife and father-in-law and then
demanded Samson’s life. The Spirit came Memory Verse
upon him and he slew 1000 Philistines with “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer.” (Psalm
the jawbone of a donkey, declaring victory. 18:2).

Suggested Theme Two

Teaching Approach “Separated to God”
Consider the reasons why the children of God called Samson to be set apart as a special vessel for His
Israel kept falling and committing the same purpose to deliver Israel. As a Nazarite, Samson was called by God
sins. Compare our walk and how we can to live a particular type of life, which would show that he was set
avoid falling and committing the same sins. apart for God. Even though Samson struggled in his personal life,
Samson was an ordinary man who was strong nevertheless God was with him. God has called us to be set apart
with the power of the Holy Spirit and it is the and to live a life that is pleasing to Him.
same for us. Key Thought
God wants to set us apart for Himself and His purposes, so that we
don’t walk the way of the world.

To help the children to see that being separated to God means living
godly lives.

Memory Verse
“But know that the Lord has set apart for Himself him who is
godly.” (Psalm 4:3).

Practical approaches to retelling the

story can engage some students
better than discussions. Remember,
not all students learn in the same
way. Vary your delivery to cater for all

Page 58 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 43

Activity A - Mystery Person or Object (Team Quiz)
• 1 Activity Sheet.
• List of people, tribes or objects from Judges 13 and 15.
• Blackboard and chalk, or large sheet of paper and pen for scoring.
• Scissors and a hat, bowl or box.

At Home
• Cut the Activity Sheet along the dotted lines, and fold each section.
• Place in a hat, bowl or box.
In Class
• After reading and discussing Judges 13 and 15, divide the children into two teams.
• Team ‘A’ draws a name from the hat. Team ‘B’ asks questions, one at a time, to determine who or what the mystery
person or object is.
• Team ‘B’ is allowed up to 10 questions.
• For each question asked, Team ‘A’ scores a point, until Team ‘B’ runs out of questions, or guesses the correct
• Team ‘B’ may attempt to guess at any time, but an incorrect guess is counted as a question and scores a point for
Team ‘A’.
• If Team ‘A’ is unsure of an answer to a question, they should check the Scripture reference by asking the teacher,
who has the master list.
• After 10 questions and 1 final guess (unless the answer has been guessed earlier), Team ‘A’ tells Team ‘B’ the
answer. Team ‘B’ then selects a mystery item from the hat and Team ‘A’ asks the questions.
• Turn continues until all the people or objects from the list have been used. Tally the scores to determine the
winning team.

Activity B - Wanted Poster

• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Pencils, felt pens, rubbers and rulers.

• Discuss with the children what the Philistine leaders
may have put on a ‘Wanted’ poster, if one had been
issued for his capture.
Here are some details you might suggest they include:
• A picture of Samson.
• His age, and a description of him.
• Examples of what he has done, and of his
• Where Samson comes from, and whom he
• Why the Philistines want him.
• Where he was last seen, and with whom.
• What reward is offered.
• Warning to approach Samson with care as he is
• Children design their own Wanted Poster for Samson.

Lesson 43 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 59

Activity A
Activity A –– Mystery
Mystery Person
Person or
or Object
Object (Team
(Team Quiz)

1. Samson’s mother Judges 13

2. Angel who spoke to Samson’s mother Judges 13

3. Samson Judges 13 & 15

4. Samson’s father Judges 13

5. Samson’s father-in-law Judges 15:1,2,6

6. The Philistines Judges 13:1; 15

7. 3000 men of Judah Judges 15:11-13

8. Foxes Judges 15:4-5

9. Donkey’s jawbone Judges 15:15-17

10. Torches Judges 15:4-5

11. New ropes Judges 15:13-14

12. Spring of water Judges 15:19

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Page 30 Activity Masters – Level Three Lesson 43
Activity B – Wanted Poster

Lesson 43 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 61

Samson and Delilah Judges 16

Storyline Theme One

Using his strength, Samson had destroyed and “God brings good out of bad”
embarrassed the Philistines during his 20 year Although Samson had been called by God to deliver the Israelites
leading of Israel. They wanted to discover from the Philistines, he strayed from the Lord and was captured,
the secret of his strength. Samson fell in love blinded, and imprisoned by them. How could he now continue
with a Philistine woman called Delilah. The in God’s plan to help save the Israelites? God knew of a way for
Philistines persuaded her to get Samson to Samson and He knows a way for us, too. Even if we don’t do
tell her the secret. He did, and while he slept God’s will and are in a bad situation, if we repent and turn to God
his hair was cut off and his strength left. The He can still bring good out of the situation.
Philistines captured him, put out his eyes and
used him as a grinder in the prison. His hair Key Thought
began to grow. During a Philistine festival Even though God can bring good out of bad, this is no excuse for
he lent on two pillars, causing the building us to please ourselves or live our own way.
to collapse, killing himself and thousands of
Philistines. Aim
For the children to realise that while God can bring good out of
bad situations, it is best to always obey the Lord as there are still
Suggested consequences for us to face.
Teaching Approach Memory Verse
Discuss the sorts of things that might cause “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take
someone to choose not to follow God. up his cross daily, and follow Me.” (Luke 9:23).
Consider together how important it is to keep
obeying so that our life of service does not get
cut short. Theme Two
“Men should never be so confident in themselves that they
forget God”
Samson’s whole being from his conception was by the grace of
God. God created him to fulfil His purposes. During Samson’s
life, it seemed he could do great exploits for God because of God’s
gift that was on him. He felt he was infallible. Without God, he
Parents will failed miserably. God’s gifts and talents are only a blessing while
appreciate feedback we serve the Lord.
in relation to their
child’s progress. Key Thought
Parents will often When God gives a gift to us, it is for always, but it will only bless
offer to donate us and others while we are living in His Spirit.
resources or to help
with a particular Aim
activity. To have the children understand that only when we are living in His
Spirit, will His gifts and purposes really work for good - for God’s

Memory Verse
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who
love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
(Romans 8:28).

Page 62 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 44

Activity A - Samson Model
N.B. This activity is time-consuming in preparation. If time is short, consider making one only for a class

• 1 of each 2 Activity Sheets per child photocopied or mounted on cardboard (the arms need to be on double
thickness cardboard).
• 1 piece of strong A4 sized cardboard for the base per child.
• Glue, stapler, small hole punch or a sharp object to form the
• Six split-pins per child.
• Cut out all the pieces.
• Join A and B on the arms to the shoulders behind the body
with split pins.
• Bend the hands forward at right angles to the arms at the
legs up
• Cut a slot in the cardboard base parallel to, and 40 mm from,
the bottom edge. The slot is 50 mm long centrally located on the long side of the A4 cardboard.
• Push the legs through the slot from behind extending up to the shoulders.
• Connect the legs to the arms with split pins C and D.
• Fit the washer behind the body to separate the arm movements. It is stapled at X to the body.
• Staple thighs to the base at Y.
• Staple head to the base at Z.
• Fold the pillars to form square columns.
• Insert the split pins at E through the columns and then the base 90 mm from the centre of the body and 90 mm from
the bottom.
• Glue the columns.
• Use the model horizontally. By moving Samson’s legs he will knock down the pillars. After completion, the legs
may be joined together below the knees with sticky tape if desired.

Activity B - Jumbled Words

3 965
t h r e e
• 1 Activity Sheet per child. h

9 67 1

• Pens/pencils. 3
r s
e l e v e n
• Bibles.
i e v
g s e v e n

h n

• The children complete the crossword. 5
t w

t w e n t y
o 8

Lesson 44 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 63

Samson and Delilah
Activity A – Samson Model




place between
the mechanics
of arms moving
x x at the back
of Samson

Staple to hips
(not including legs)
x x
Page 64 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 44
Lesson 44
Glue this flap under other edge. (Score and fold on dotted lines).

Teacher Resource - Level Three

The two pillars.
Activity A – Samson Model
Samson and Delilah

Glue this flap under other edge. (Score and fold on dotted lines).

Page 65
Samson and Delilah
Activity B – Numbers Crossword

3 965


9 7

5 6

9 7

78 5
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Lesson 44 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 67

Ruth, Naomi
and Boaz Ruth

Storyline Theme One

Naomi, her husband and two sons settled in “Follow the Lord”
Moab during a famine in Judah. Her two sons Ruth decided to follow Naomi even though she knew it could be
married Moabite wives but after some time the harder lifestyle. She knew in her heart it was the right thing to
her husband and later her sons died. Naomi do. She wanted to link herself with Israel and to make Israel’s God
started back to Judah telling her daughters-in- her God. Just as Ruth did this, so must we follow the Lord even
law to stay in Moab. Ruth insisted on going though it may look to be the harder road, uninviting, and we can’t
with Naomi. In Judah, Ruth gleaned in Boaz’ see how things might get better. As Naomi gave Ruth a choice,
field to earn food. He was kind to her. Naomi God gives us a choice.
advised Ruth to go to the threshing room floor
and lay at Boaz’ feet after he’d gone to sleep. Key Thought
When Boaz woke, he blessed her and said God allows us to make a freewill choice as to whether or not to
he would speak to her closer relative about follow Him and it is not always an easy one to make.
redeeming Naomi’s land. Later Boaz married
Ruth and they became the great grandparents Aim
of King David. For the children to realise they have choices to make during their
lives as to whether or not they will follow God’s way in various
Memory Verse
Teaching Approach “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua
1. Play “Follow the Leader.” 24:15).
2. Discuss why Ruth decided to follow
Theme Two
3. Observe leaves/bugs etc. through a
magnifying glass. Relate this to how “Your lifestyle as a Christian is observed”
people closely observe us at times Ruth went quietly about following Naomi’s instructions and caring
and also how Ruth must have closely for her. The community noticed Ruth’s hard work, caring lifestyle
observed Naomi’s life. and worth. God saw too and blessed her with a husband and child
and she became King David’s great grandmother. Neighbours,
school friends, teachers, will notice your lifestyle - what you do,
Both you and the children

say, and how it matches your actions if you say you are a Christian.
will find it rewarding if you
God will also notice.
monitor their workbooks.
Giving stickers and Key Thought
showing an interest
We need to be aware that people around us, and God, observe our
in ‘home activities’
lives and notice any contradictions in them.
encourages students to
do their best. Aim
To impress upon children the importance of their lifestyle as a
witness to those around them.

Memory Verse
“Therefore be followers of God as dear children. And walk in
love.” (Ephesians 5:1-2).

Page 68 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 45

Activity A - Board Game
• 1 picture board and 9 counters per child.


At Home
• Make up one picture board per child by photocopying the
pictures from the Activity Sheet as many times as needed, then
cutting them out and gluing them in varying combinations onto
the squares on the other Activity Sheet, making sure no picture
appears twice on the one picture board and that no two picture
boards are the same.

In Class
• Give each child their picture board.
• Read out the questions below one at a time. The children place
a marker on the picture answer if it is on their picture board.
The first child with all their pictures marked wins.

Questions and Answers

1. Where did Ruth lay? Feet.
2. Whom did Ruth obey? Naomi.
3. What did Boaz fill with barley? Shawl.
4. How many measures of barley did Boaz give Ruth? Six.
5. Where did Boaz meet with the elders? City gate.
6. What did Boaz buy from Naomi? Field.
7. What did the close relative take off to show he would not buy the land? Sandal.
8. What did Ruth and Boaz have after they were married? Baby.
9. To whom did Ruth go on the threshing room floor? Boaz.
10. Ruth became the great grandmother of whom? King David.
11. Who was loving and kind to Naomi? Ruth.
12. Who witnessed Boaz’ redeeming of the land? 10 elders.
13. What were the men winnowing? Barley.
14. The country Ruth came from? Moab.
“Go, Ruth 1:8 Ruth 1:16 Ruth 1:19
“Entreat me “Is this
return each to

Activity B - Story Strip

not to leave you, or to turn Naomi?”
her mother’s house.” back from following
after you.”

• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Scissors.
Ruth 2:2 Ruth 2:4 Ruth 2:10
• Glue.
“Please let me go to the “The Lord
field, and glean heads be with you.”
of grain.” “Why have I found

• Colouring pencils.
favour in your eyes,
that you should take
notice of me, since I
am a foreigner?”

• Children cut out word balloons and
glue them in the correct box to tell the
story of Ruth and Naomi. “Come here, and
Ruth 2:14 Ruth 2:20
“Blessed be he of the “It is good, my daughter, Ruth 2:22
eat of the bread, and dip Lord, who has not forsaken that you go with his young
• Children could then colour the strip. your piece of bread in
the vinegar.”
his kindness to the
living and the
women, and that people do
not meet you in any
dead!” other field.”

Lesson 45 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 69

Ruth, Naomi and Boaz
Activity A – Board Game

Page 70 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 45

Ruth, Naomi and Boaz
Activity A – Board Game

Lesson 45 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 71

Ruth, Naomi and Boaz
Activity B – Story Strip

Ruth 1:8 Ruth 1:16 Ruth 1:19

Ruth 2:2 Ruth 2:4 Ruth 2:10

Ruth 2:14 Ruth 2:20 Ruth 2:22

“It is good, my daughter, “Come here, and

that you go with his young eat of the bread, and dip “Is this “Please let me go to the
women, and that people do your piece of bread in Naomi?” field, and glean heads
not meet you in any the vinegar.” of grain.”
other field.”
“Why have I found
favour in your eyes,
that you should take “Go,
“Blessed be he of the “The Lord notice of me, since I
Lord, who has not forsaken be with you.” return each to
am a foreigner?” her mother’s house.”
his kindness to the
living and the “Entreat me
dead!” not to leave you, or to turn
back from following
after you.”

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Lesson 45 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 73

Hannah I Samuel 1 & 2

Storyline Theme One

Elkanah had two wives, Peninnah who had “Persist in prayer”
children, and Hannah who was barren but Hannah had been wanting a child for years and had been mocked
deeply longed for a child. Peninnah would because she didn’t have one. Each year the family went to the
provoke Hannah about her childlessness and house of the Lord. One year, she prayed so fervently for a child
make her weep. Each year they all went to that Eli, the high priest, thought she was drunk. She explained her
the house of the Lord to make sacrifices to longing for a child and Eli promised her she would have a child.
the Lord. One year, after being teased by Just as Hannah poured out her soul to the Lord in prayer, so must
Peninnah, Hannah wept and prayed to the we. We can bring everything to the Lord in prayer. Keep praying
Lord for a child. Eli saw her and also asked and seeking Him until we find an answer to our situation. Be
the Lord to grant her request. In time she serious about seeking the Lord in prayer.
had a son, Samuel. She was so thankful to
the Lord for her son that she took him to the Key Thought
house of the Lord after he was weaned, and We need to keep praying to the Lord about an issue until we receive
gave him back to the Lord. He lived at the an answer - be it yes or no.
house of the Lord to be trained by Eli. Than
Hannah prayed in thankfulness and joy to the Aim
Lord. For the children to realise that God wants us to be earnest and
persistent in our prayers.

Suggested Memory Verse

“But we will give ourselves continually to prayer.” (Acts 6:4).
Teaching Approach
Discuss things children may have asked
parents for and why they may have had to Theme Two
wait for some time before their request was “Giving to God”
granted or not granted. Help each child to
select a prayer point and to persist in prayer Although Hannah desperately wanted a child, she also made a vow
for about a week. Discuss elements of prayer that if God would give her a male child, she would give him back to
as exhibited in the “Lord’s Prayer” Matt God. Hannah kept her vow and when the child, Samuel, was born
6:9-13, eg. thanksgiving, supplication and and weaned, she took him to the house of the Lord to serve there.
intercession. She later had three other sons and two daughters. She delighted in
giving to God and He rewarded her. Many people make vows to
God, but not all of them remember to pay their vows.
Reward based charts
for memory verses Key Thought
and activities work When we make a promise to give something to God, He expects us
effectively for this to keep our promise. Most of all, He wants us to give ourselves.
age. Remember,
however, that rewards Aim
are for effort and For the children to understand that it is very important to keep the
not to generate promises we make to the Lord.
Memory Verse
“They … first gave themselves to the Lord.” (II Corinthians 8:5).

Page 74 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 46

Activity A - Thumbprint Strip
Materials 1 2
• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• 1 or more light coloured stamp pads.
• Pens/pencils/colouring pencils/felt tips.
• Wet cloth for removing excess ink from
the children’s thumbs.

Steps Hannah was miserable. Hannah wept.

I Samuel 1:6 I Samuel 1:7
• Children create Hannah as a thumb print
person in each of the six boxes. To do 3 4
this, the body is made by pressing the
child’s thumb onto a light coloured
stamp pad and then pressing the thumb
into the centre of each square. The
features of the person are simple enough
to be copied by the children. Have a
wet cloth available to remove excess ink
from children’s fingers. Hannah prayed. Hannah’s face was no longer sad.
I Samuel 1:10 I Samuel 1:18
• Teachers may wish to ask children why
Hannah acted as she did in each square. 5 6
Older children could write their answers
in the boxes.

Hannah worshipped the Lord. Hannah sang to the Lord.

I Samuel 1:28 I Samuel 2:1-10

Activity B - Praying Hand

• 1 sheet of blank paper or cardboard per child.
• Pens/pencils.
• Scissors.

• Children trace their hand onto a piece of paper or cardboard.
• Cut out the handprint.
• On one side, children write or draw something they are praying for on as many fingers as they wish. However, if
they don’t have a prayer point for each finger it doesn’t matter.
• On the other side of the hand they can:
1. write or draw on each finger something they are thankful for,
2. write a poem of praise to the Lord on the palm.
• Children could keep their prayer hand in their Bible as a reminder.

Lesson 46 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 75

Activity A – Thumbprint Strip

1 2

Hannah was miserable. Hannah wept.

I Samuel 1:6 I Samuel 1:7
3 4

Hannah prayed. Hannah’s face was no longer sad.

I Samuel 1:10 I Samuel 1:18
5 6

Hannah worshipped the Lord. Hannah sang to the Lord.

I Samuel 1:28 I Samuel 2:1-10

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Lesson 46 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 77

Samuel hears
God speak I Samuel 3

Storyline Theme One

The child Samuel ministered to the Lord “Learning to hear the voice of the Lord”
before Eli. In those days the word of the Samuel began his service in the house of the Lord when he was
Lord was rare and there was no widespread still only a boy. There was no recognised prophet at that time and
revelation. At first Samuel did not recognise Samuel had not yet learnt to hear from God. He heard his name
the Lord’s voice when He called. Three times being called three times, but thought it was Eli who was calling
the Lord called Samuel. Each time Samuel him. Eli realised God was wishing to speak to Samuel and he
ran to Eli presuming it to be his voice. Each instructed him as to how to respond. We live in a very different
time Eli sent Samuel back. Only on the third age, but it is still very important for us to learn to hear God’s voice.
time did Eli realise that it was the Lord and Sometimes He speaks through parents and leaders and elders,
instructed Samuel to respond accordingly. sometimes He speaks through His word. Sometimes He speaks
When the Lord called Samuel the fourth time, through circumstances or by direct instruction.
He told Samuel that He would not abide the
iniquity of Eli’s house any longer. In the Key Thought
morning Eli made Samuel reveal all that the We need to learn how to hear the voice of the Lord and how to
Lord had said. Eli knew that it was of the respond when He speaks.
Lord. From that time on the word of the Lord
was with Samuel and all of Israel knew that he Aim
was to be a prophet. To encourage the children to realise that they need instruction to
hear and understand and obey the voice of the Lord.

Suggested Memory Verse

“You must say, ‘Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears.’” (I Samuel
Teaching Approach 3:9).
1. Read the background story, I Samuel 3.
2. Discuss with the children that even
though they may be brought up in the
Theme Two
church, they still need to learn to listen “A willing heart”
for God’s word and that their hearts need When the Lord called Samuel, and Samuel responded, the Lord told
to be willing to receive the word. him of the terrible judgments that would fall on Eli and his sons.
3. Share with the children a personal When Eli asked him the next morning what God had said, Samuel
experience of hearing God’s voice. told him everything. From that day, the Lord was with him and he
became known as a prophet in Israel. The Lord requires us, not
only to hear His voice, but also to declare His message without fear.
Students at this age In that way, the Lord will share more things with us.
are beginning to enjoy
working cooperatively. Key Thought
This type of activity No matter how young we are, God can speak to us, but He requires
still needs careful us to have a willing heart to speak out the message He gives us.
planning to provide the
children with structure
that encourages To encourage the children to have the same heart attitude as Samuel
success. - that when the Lord calls they will respond with a willing heart.

Memory Verse
“They came, both men and women, as many as had a willing
heart.” (Exodus 35:22).

Page 78 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 47

Activity A - Games - Listening to the Voice of the Lord
Game 1 – Chinese Whispers
• Messages on the Activity Sheet, cut out along dotted lines. Pen, notebook for scoring, a large open space.
• Divide the class into two teams. (If the class is smaller than eight children, remain as one big team.) Teams take
turns alternately. Children sit in rows.
• Hand the first child in Team A a message (make sure he can read it) and ask him to whisper it once only to his
neighbour without anyone else hearing.
• The message is passed down the line and the last child speaks out the message he receives. The team score 1 point
for each word that exactly matches the original message.
• Team B then have their turn.

Game 2 – Who Calls?

• Blindfold and a large open area.
• Seat all children in a circle with one child in the centre, blindfolded.
• The children in the outer circle may swap places with each other until the teacher says, “stop.” The teacher then
points to one child (without calling his name), who then calls to the child in the centre, addressing them twice by
their name, eg. “Samuel, Samuel.”
• The blindfolded child tries to guess who called him.
• The children take turns in the middle, blindfolded.
Help the children to consider what it means to listen to God’s voice. You could ask:
• Why didn’t Samuel know that it was God calling him?
• How did Eli know that it was God?
• Why didn’t God call to Eli or Eli’s sons?
• When God talks to us, is it easy to hear Him?
• What does He say?
• What things make it difficult for us to hear God?

Activity B - An Acrostic
• 1 Activity Sheet for each child.
• Chalk, blackboard, pencils, Bible.
• Practice completing the acrostic on the blackboard first (see example below).
• The children can refer to their Bibles to help complete a sentence about Samuel and then Eli, with the first letter of
each sentence, starting a letter in Samuel or Eli.
• Suggest that an action, or doing words, are the easiest to fit as the first word in each sentence.
• If you have younger children, you may wish to work as a group, writing all the sentences on the blackboard.
• S – said, “Speak, for Your servant hears.” E – eventually realised that God was speaking to Samuel.
• A – arose when he heard God’s voice. L – lived so long, his eyesight failed.
• M – ministered to the Lord under Eli. I – in the end had his family punished by God.
• U – understood he had to give Eli God’s message.
• E – expected that Eli would be angry.
• L – loved God and Eli.

Lesson 47 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 79

Samuel hears
Samuel God
hears God speak
Activity A
Activity A –– Chinese
Chinese Whispers

Each team should have messages of equal difficulty, so the messages are grouped in pairs.

1a. God called to Samuel.

1b. Samuel served the Lord.

2a. Eli became old and blind.

2b. God made Samuel a prophet.

3a. Samuel was afraid to tell Eli.

3b. Eli said to tell him everything.

4a. God called Samuel four times.

4b. God would punish Eli’s house.

5a. Samuel didn’t know it was God at first.

5b. Samuel thought that Eli was calling to him.

6a. As Samuel grew, God was with Him and revealed

Himself to Samuel.

6b. Eli said, “It is the Lord. Let Him do what

seems good to Him.”

Page 80 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 47

Page 40 Activity Masters – Level Three Lesson 47
Samuel hears God speak
Activity B – An Acrostic

S _______________________________
A _______________________________
M _______________________________
U _______________________________
E _______________________________
L _______________________________

E _______________________________
L _______________________________
I _______________________________

Lesson 47 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 81

Eli, Hophni
and Phinehas I Samuel 4 - 6

Storyline Theme One

Israel fought against the Philistines and were “Sin of presumption”
beaten, losing four thousand men. The ark The Israelites might have expected that God would fight for them
was brought from Shiloh by the two sons of against the Philistines, but instead they were defeated. Then they
Eli, Hophni and Phinehas. In the next battle took the ark of the covenant of the Lord out of the house of the
Israel lost thirty thousand men, the ark was Lord and took it into battle, thinking the Lord would certainly give
stolen and Hophni and Phinehas were killed. them the victory. This was very wrong and very presumptuous.
Eli fell over and died on hearing this news. The result was that they lost the battle and the ark. In the same
God judged the Philistines wherever they took way, we must not presume that God will give us the victory unless
the ark, until they finally sent it back. God we are walking with Him in His ways.
also judged Israel when some men looked
inside the ark, and fifty thousand and seventy Key Thought
were slain. Because we call ourselves Christians, read the Bible and go to
church, we may think God has to make us successful in all we do.
To do this is mere presumption.
Teaching Approach To teach children that being a good Christian is not just a matter of
As the lesson spans three chapters just always doing the external things, like going to church, etc., but of
summarise the main points. Make reference being obedient to God, parents and others, from the heart.
to the verses which relate in particular to the Memory Verse
theme that you choose, eg:
“Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins.”
1. Chapter 4:3-5,17; 5:7-9; 6:13. (Psalm 19:13).
2. Chapter 4:2-4,16-17,21-22.
The key thought can be reinforced by reading
the memory verse and then doing the alphabet Theme Two
code (Activity B). If time permits Activity
A can also be done in class time - this can be “We must respect God”
coloured in also. Provide a brief explanation The ark of the covenant was a very holy thing and only the high
on the homework activity. priest was allowed to approach it once a year. But the Philistines
captured it and put it in the temple of their god. The result was that
their god fell and was broken. Wherever the ark went there was
Vary your routine to illness. Eventually the Philistines realised that God’s hand was
celebrate your last against them and they sent the ark back to Israel. When the ark
lesson. The students arrived back in Israel, the people looked inside the ark and over
could write some 50,000 were killed. Only then did they realise how holy God is.
feedback to you on their We must never treat the things of God lightly, but give honour and
favourite lesson, bible respect to God.
character or activity.
Key Thought
It is very important that we understand that our God is a holy God.
We must give Him reverence, honour and respect.

For the children to appreciate the holiness of God and the things of
God. We must never treat God or His things lightly.

Memory Verse
“Serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” (Hebrews

Page 82 Teacher Resource - Level Three Lesson 48

Activity A - Find the path
• 1 Activity sheet per child.

• Pen.

• Bibles


messenger brings news of the capture of the ark; Eli falls down dead. (4) When the ark reaches Gath,
• Ask the children to follow the ark as in the Scriptures I

the people begin to suffer with painful sores. The Philistines send the ark back to the Israelites.
Samuel 4,5,6.
• The children can then colour in the pictures.

(1) Follow the ark from Shiloh to the (2) battle with the Philistines. (3) A

(5) The ark is opened up at Beth Shemesh and fifty thousand die.

Activity B - Alphabet Code Memory Verse

• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Pen.
• Bible.

• Use the number code to find the Memory Verse.

• Use the number code to find the Memory Verse.
20 15 15 2 5 25 9 19 2 5 20 20 5 18

20 8 1 14 19 1 3 18 9 6 9 3 5
I Samuel 15:22

C ode:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Lesson 48 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 83

Page 84

Teacher Resource - Level Three

Activity A – Find the Path

Eli, Hophni and Phinehas

(1) Follow the ark from Shiloh to the (2) battle with the Philistines. (3) A
messenger brings news of the capture of the ark; Eli falls down dead. (4) When the ark reaches Gath,
the people begin to suffer with painful sores. The Philistines send the ark back to the Israelites.
(5) The ark is opened up at Beth Shemesh and fifty thousand die.

Lesson 48
Eli, Hophni and Phinehas
Activity B – Alphabet Code Memory Verse

the number
code to find a
Memory Verse.

20 15 15 2 5 25 9 19 2 5 20 20 5 18

20 8 1 14 19 1 3 18 9 6 9 3 5
I Samuel 15:22

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Lesson 48 Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 85

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Sonseekers Curriculum
Unit One Unit Two Unit Three Unit Four
1. Creation 1 17. Jacob becomes Israel 33. Aaron’s rod 49. Saul chosen
2. Creation 2 18. Joseph, the favourite son 34. Moses hits the rock 50. Saul and the Amalekites
3. Adam and Eve 19. Joseph goes to Egypt 35. The bronze serpent 51. David chosen
4. The fall 20. Joseph interprets the 36. Balaam and his ass 52. David and Goliath
5. Cain and Abel dreams 37. Joshua and Rahab 53. David and Jonathan
6. Noah builds an ark 21. Joseph’s brothers 38. Crossing the Jordan, 54. David and Saul
7. The flood, Noah and his 22. Israel in Egypt Jericho 55. David crowned
sons 23. Israelite slaves, Moses 39. The sin of Achan 56. David and the ark
8. The tower of Babel born 40. The sun stands still 57. Absalom
9. Abram called, Abram 24. Moses flees and returns 41. Gideon’s fleece 58. Solomon becomes king
and Lot to Egypt 42. Gideon and his army 59. Solomon’s temple
10. The covenant with 25. “Let My people go” 43. Samson 60. Israel divided, Rehoboam
Abraham 26. The first passover, Israel 44. Samson and Delilah and Jeroboam
11. Ishmael and Isaac delivered 45. Ruth, Naomi and Boaz 61. Elijah and the widow
12. Sodom and Gomorrah 27. Crossing the Red Sea 46. Hannah 62. Elijah on Mount Carmel
13. The sacrifice of Isaac 28. Manna, water from the 47. Samuel hears God speak 63. Good King Jehoshaphat
14. Rebekah, Isaac’s bride rock 48. Eli, Hophni and Phinehas 64. Elisha and the double
15. Jacob and Esau 29. Sinai and the ten portion
16. Jacob’s ladder, Leah and commandments
Rachel 30. Moses and the tabernacle
31. The golden calf
32. Twelve spies, 40 years of

Unit Five Unit Six Unit Seven Unit Eight

65. The widow’s oil, a boy 81. Zacharias, Elizabeth, 97. Jairus’ daughter, a 113. Palm Sunday
raised Mary and John woman touches Jesus 114. The last supper and
66. Naaman 82. The birth of Jesus 98. Jesus walks on the water Gethsemane
67. Famine in Samaria 83. Jesus in the temple 99. Miracles of healing 115. The crucifixion
68. Jonah 84. John the Baptist 100. The transfiguration 116. The resurrection
69. The captivity of Israel 85. Jesus baptised and 101. A boy is healed 117. Peter restored
(the northern kingdom) tempted 102. The unmerciful servant 118. The risen Christ and His
70. Hezekiah and 86. The call of the disciples 103. A man born blind ascension
Sennacherib 87. Water turned to wine 104. The good Samaritan 119. The day of Pentecost
71. Isaiah 88. The temple cleansed, 105. Prayer 120. Peter and John
72. Josiah Nicodemus 106. The raising of Lazarus 121. Peter and the Gentiles
73. Jeremiah 89. The woman at the well 107. The lost sheep, coin and 122. Stephen
74. The captivity of Judah 90. Healing of the paralysed son 123. Philip
(the southern kingdom) man 108. Attitudes of a servant 124. Paul’s conversion
75. Daniel interprets the 91. The house built on the 109. The marriage of the 125. Paul’s first missionary
king’s dream rock king’s son journey
76. The fiery furnace 92. Jesus stills the storm 110. The ten lepers 126. Paul’s second and third
77. The writing on the wall 93. The feeding of the 5000 111. The ten virgins missionary journeys
78. Daniel in the lions’ den 94. The centurion’s servant 112. The talents 127. Paul’s capture and
79. Esther 95. Forgiveness in Simon’s imprisonment
80. Restoration house 128. Paul’s final journey
96. The sower and the seed

Curriculum Teacher Resource - Level Three Page 88

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