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DLP - Translating Verbal Into Mathematical Phrases and Vice Versa - Lagarde

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Teacher Quarter Second
Teaching Date/Time
Learning Area MATHEMATICS 7 School Year 2023-2024


I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
• identify the words/phrases that are used to indicated mathematical operation;
• translate verbal phrases into mathematical expression and vice versa, and
• appreciate the importance of using symbols.
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of algebraic expressions, the properties of real numbers as applied
in linear equations, and inequalities in one variable.
The learner is able to model situations using oral, written, graphical, and algebraic methods in solving problems involving
B. Performance Standards algebraic expressions, linear equations, and inequalities in one variable.
C. Learning Competencies The learners translate English phrases to mathematical phrases and vice versa. (M7AL-IIc-1)
II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: translates English phrases to mathematical phrases and vice versa

1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7vBYfvLMDk
Learning Resource (LR) Portal Math7_ Quarter2_Module3_TranslatingEnglishPhrasesandSentencest MathematicalPhrasesandSentences_
Revised Final 01122021.pdf

B. Other Learning Resources Laptop, PowerPoint, projector/TV screen, whiteboard marker, visual aids.

III. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1.Daily Routine (2 minutes)
a. Prayer “Let us all stand and pray.”
“Before we start our lesson, let’s first have a prayer.”

b. Greetings
“Good morning 7 - ________ ” “Good morning, Ma’am Elaiza!”
c. Classroom Management and Monitoring
“Before you take your seats, kindly pick up the piece of dirt around
you and arrange your chair properly “
“You may now take your seat.”
(The arrangement of seats is based on their group number.)

d. Checking of Attendance
“May I know who is/are absent for today” (call the leader per group to (The Leader of each group
report the attendance) will tell who is/are absent in
their group)
Project ReBaMs (Remastering Basic Multiplication Skill)
Bring out your mathematics notebook, then write down the table of
multiplication for whatever is being picked. I will give you 1 minute to
complete the task. Those who got the lowest score will be going to the faculty (Students listed down the
to recite the multiplication table. multiplication table given)

3. Review
“What was our topic last meeting?”
“So, conversion of units is conversion between different units to another units” “Conversion of units ma’am”
“Very good!”
“It is called (Blank) which it is a number used to change one set of units to
Another?” “Conversion of factor ma’am”
“Very good”
“What do you call on a non-universal way of measuring by means of body “The English system”
“Very good!”
“And how about for decimal system?”
“Excellent” “metric system ma’am”

B. Developmental Activities 1. Motivation: “TRANSLATE ME!”

(Let the student identify or translate the different signs/picture shown):


“What is the importance of interpreting or translating symbols into words and “
vice versa correctly?”

2.Presentation of the Lesson (3 minutes)

We commonly solve mathematical problems with given numbers by
performing various operations. This belongs to the branch of Mathematics
that consists of the study of numbers and their properties and the various
operations known as Arithmetic.

Algebraic term – either a single number, a letter, or a product of several
numbers or letters.
Algebraic expression – a statement containing one or more terms
connected by plus or minus signs.
factors – the numbers and symbols in a products
literal factor – a letter used as a factor.
Numerical coefficient – the number in an algebraic term.
Literal coefficient – a letter used to represent number.
Exponent – a small number written to the right of and slightly above
another number or letter to indicate how many times the latter is used as
a factor.
Base – a number or letter which an exponent refers.
Power – the product of a number used two or more times as a factor.
Similar terms – algebraic terms that have the same literal factors and in
which each letter has the same exponent in all of the terms.
Constant – a number, letter, or symbol which value is fixed.

3.Discussion (15-20 minutes)

One of the important aspects in solving problems in algebra is a
working knowledge of the ability to translate the statement in algebraic
symbols. Thus, one has to develop this ability in order to represent word
problems into mathematical statement using algebraic symbols.

The symbol of operations and relations with their corresponding

meanings are as follows:
+ − × ÷
plus Subtracted by Times The quotient
Increased by The Multiplied by The ratio of
difference of
The sum of Minus The product
More than Diminished
Decreased by
= ≠ > <
equal to not equal Greater than Less than
Equivalent Not the same
The same as

Example 1:1 Translate the verbal phrases into mathematical phrases.

Verbal Phrase Mathematical

1. The sum of a and is written as a+3
2. 8 more than p is written as p+8
3. 6 subtracted is written as b–6
from b
4. The product of 5 is written as 5c
and c
5. The quotient of is written as 𝑚
m and 8 8
6. 10 added to c is written as c + 10
7. 7 plus a is written as 7+a
8. the product of 8 is written as 8m
and m
9. 10 times c is written as 10c
10. q increased by is written as q+p

Example 1:2. Express the mathematical phrases into verbal phrases.

Mathematical Verbal Phrase

1. the difference of is written as m-8
and 8
2. 7 minus a is written as 7-a
3. q decreased by p is written as q-p
4. 18 reduced by n is written as 18 - n
5. 10 divided by c is written as 10
6. The ratio of 7 to a is written as 7
7. 10 subtracted is written as c - 10
from c
8. 5 less than t is written as t-5 “The symbol and meaning ma’am”
9. 9 take away d is written as 9-d
10. x divided into is written as 𝑥
10 10

“What must be considered in translating verbal phrases to mathematical and

vice versa?

“Very Good”

“Now, let us consider that x is a certain number used in the following

verbal phrases.”

Example 1:3. Translating with the use of “x” into mathematical phrases.
Verbal Phrases Mathematical Phrases
1. three more than the number x+3
2. twice the number less two 2x – 2
3. 15 decreased by a number 15 – x
4. a number less than 23 23 – x
5. a number greater than 12 12 + x
6. the product of x and the xy2
square of y
7. 10 added to twice a number 2x + 10
8. a number decreased by five x-5
9. a number multiplied by 7 7x
“Yes ma’am”
10. 14. twice a number divided 2a ÷ 3 0r
“None ma’am”
by 3 2𝑎
“Do you understand class?”
“Any question?”

4. ACTIVITY: Small-Group “Match Me Up!”

a. Divide the class into groups
b. Your group will be given a set of mathematical expression and another
set of verbal phrases on strips of paper.
c. Each group must match each mathematical expression to its
corresponding verbal phrase and vice versa.
d. There will be remaining phrases that never match to any of the
expression, so you need to translate it into mathematical expression and
vice versa.
e. Lastly, presentation of the output will follow

Understanding Of Translating
Verbal phrase into mathematical
phrase and vice versa. (5 POINTS)
Content and Accuracy (5
Teamwork (5 POINTS)
Overall Presentation (5 POINTS)
Group 1: Answer:
1. The sum of a number and three (x + 3) 1. (x + 3)
2. Four times a certain number decreased by one (4x – 1) 2. (4x – 1)
3. A certain number decreased by two (x – 2) 3. (x – 2)
4. A certain number decreased by three (x – 3) 4. (x – 3)
5. Twice a number decreased by three (2x – 3) 5. (2x – 3)
6. Seven more than Three times a number (3x – 7) 6. (Seven more than Three times a
7. 5 + x (Five increased by a number) number)
7. (Five increased by a number)
Group 2: Answer:
1. One subtracted from four times a number (4x – 1) 1. (4x – 1)
2. Four increased by a certain number (4 + x) 2. (4 + x)
3. Three more than a number (x + 3) 3. (x + 3)
4. The difference of two and a number (2 – x) 4. (2 – x)
5. The sum of four times a number and three (4x + 3) 5. (4x + 3)
6. 4 – y (4 less than a number y) 6. (4 less than a number y)
7. Four less than twice a number (2x – 4) 7. (Four less than twice a number)

Group 3: Answer:
1. A number added to four (4 + x) 1. (4 + x)
2. A number increased by three (x + 3) 2. (x + 3)
3. A difference of four times a number and one (4x – 1) 3. (4x – 1)
4. The sum of four and a number (4 + x) 4. (4 + x)
5. Six less than a number (x – 6) 5. (x – 6)
6. the product of c and a number d (cd) 6. (the product of c and a number d)
7. 2w + 8 (the sum of twice a number w and eight) 7. (the sum of twice a number w and
Group 4: Answer:
1. The product of m and a number (mx) 1. (mx)
𝑥 𝑥
2. The quotient of x and seven (𝑥 ÷ 7 or 7 ) 2. (𝑥 ÷ 7 or 7 )
3. The sum of twice a number n and six (2n + 6) 3. (2n + 6)
4. The product of thrice a number (3x) 4. (3x)
5. Eight more than a number (x + 8) 5. (x + 8)
6. 3 + 4x (Three plus 4 times a number) 6. (Three plus four times a number)
7. the product of thrice a number n and eight 8(3n) 7. (The product of thrice a number n
and eight)
Group 5: Answer:
1. Nine increased by a number cubed (9 + 𝑥 3 ) 1. (9 + 𝑥 3 )
2. The difference of three times a number and five (3x – 5) 2. (3x – 5)
4𝑥 4𝑥
3. Four times a number divided by three ( 4 ) 3. ( 4 )
4. Eight times a number less three (8x – 3) 4. (8x – 3)
5. Nine decreased by a number (9 – x) 5. (9 – x)
6. 𝑥 3 + 10 (a cubed of a number x increased by ten) 6. (a cubed of a number x increased by
7. three more than a number y (3 + y) ten)
7.(Three more than a number y)

5.Analysis: Ask the students (About the activity)

1. How did you come up with your answers? (Student answer may vary)
2. What are your difficulties in writing verbal phrases into mathematical
phrases and vice versa?
3. In how many ways you can translate mathematical expression?

6. Application “First Pass, First Winner”

“This time we will have a contest. On the same group the first team who will
finish the game will be our winner and explain their answers in front. Did you Answer:
get it?
°F = 5 °C + 32
Translate the verbal phrases into mathematical phrases and solve it: 9
= 5 (25) + 32 =
A temperature of in degree Fahrenheit is equal to nine-fifth of the temperature = 45 + 32
in twenty-five degree Celsius added to thirty-two is equal to? = 77 °F

7.Abstraction: Ask the students

1. What is the difference between verbal phrase and mathematical (Student answer may vary)
2. How to translate verbal phrases to mathematical phrases and vice versa?
3. Why it is important to be able to write verbal expression as algebraic
expression and sentences as equations and vice versa?

"Mathematics is the language through which we can describe the patterns of the
-Max Tegmark

“The implies that the universe operates according to patterns and order, and
mathematics is the tool that allows us to understand and describe these patterns.
And as a human we should appreciate on whatever we have in life.”

IV. EVALUATION Short Quiz: Find me!

Match each English/verbal sentence under Column A to its Answer:
mathematical sentence under Column B. Write your answer on ¼ sheet of
I. Assignment COMPLETE ME!
“For your assignment do practice and application.” (1 Whole Sheet of paper)

Direction: Let us see how far you have learned! Complete the table below by
translating English/verbal phrases and sentences into mathematical phrase Answer:
and sentences or vice versa. COPY AND ANSWER.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% of the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities or remediations
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require

Prepared by: Checked by:

Elaiza Mae N. Lagarde John-John Roman
Mathematics Student Teacher Resource Teacher

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