KEN BLANCHARD The One Minute Manager Meets The Monkey (121-142)
KEN BLANCHARD The One Minute Manager Meets The Monkey (121-142)
KEN BLANCHARD The One Minute Manager Meets The Monkey (121-142)
Pursue Those
Who Treat Other People's
Requirements In A
Cavalier Fashion!
122 / Discretionary—The Most Vital Time
Share It with Others!
132 / Praisings
We would like to give a public praising to a
number of important people who played key roles
in making this book a reality:
Robert Nelson, a very talented writer and vice-
president of product development for Blanchard
Training and Development, Inc. (BTD), for his
assistance with thewriting, editing, and coordination
of this book.
Eleanor Terndrup, secretary extraordinaire, for
her tireless effort in typing numerous drafts of this
book over a four-year period.
William Oncken III and Ramona Neel of the
William Oncken Corporation, for their invaluable
assistance in editing the manuscript and helping to
keep the content consistent with the "Managing
Management Time" seminar.
George Heaton of Blanchard Training and
Development, Canada, for providing the original
spark from which this project grew.
Praisings /133
]Services Available
Ken Blanchard, Bill Oncken III, Hal Burrows,
and their organizations work closely together in
helping other organizations develop more skillful
managers. Providing books such as this is only one
of their services; complementary services have
been designed to help managers personally acquire
the skills described in The One Minute Manager Meets
the Monkey.
Services available include: presentations at
conventions and major meetings, seminars ranging
from two to five days, ongoing consultation, and
learning materials (including self-assessment
instruments, books, micro-computer programs, and
audio and video programs).
If you would like further information about any
of these services you may contact:
Turn Onthe People inAny Organization THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER®
Increase Productivity. Profits, and Your Own Prosperity
• The Scrubdown, twenty-five questions that a coach would ask their client
• The Four Questions, honingin on the clients self-image and abilities
• The SixLeverage Points, including Managing your Gifts,
GettingYour Needs Met, Cherishing Your Valuables,
Naming and ClaimingYour Standards, Drawing
Your Boundaries, and Eliminating Your Tolerations. LEVERABE
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