Detail of Folk Media in Bharat

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Role and functions of Mass Media

Name:- Karan Narayan Bhusare

Enrolment No:- MITU22BAJM0020

Detail on traditional and folk Media in Bharat

Karan Narayan Bhusare
(BAJMC 1st Year)

Traditional Folk Media Of India.

• Introduction:-

Apart from the highlu organized medium of mass communication that are
used in excessive manner presently, like print, audio and audio-visual
medium,traditional folke media is popular among the rural masses
considerably well .Traditional media generally,cover folk song, folk dance
drama that depict the the stories of most common rural
dwellers.Traditional folk media can not present what it want to deliver, in
glamorous and colourful manner equally, as compared to other organized
sector of mass medium that we have.Traditional folk media cultivate the
rural lifestyle and culture specifically,as to match their needs and
demand,who are illiterate and backwarfed as well.Traditional folk media go
with rural masses side by side, bringing slower change in their
development.Although,they provide so many messages, that contribute to
the rural development significantly.Traditional folk media can command a
very strong position in the rural people’s mind , as it weave almost of its
messages to serve thevarious needs and purposes as well as entertain the
numerous rural people as well

• What consists of Traditional Folk media?

Traditional folk media generally include the presentation of different types

of programmes like folk song & music, folk dance,yatra, drama & theatres,
puppetry and street theatre etc.All programmes have the individual criterias
and attraction as well, that can render distinctive taste and flavour to the
audiences well.

Here is few popular programmes, those are widely accepted among the
people, in different states or region for its’ unique presentation of

1. Tamasha:- It is a commercial theatre like,widely popular in Maharastra

and in other part of western india.Female performer carries on the
programme of singing ‘on demand’ as proposed by the patrons among the
audiences.Such programme does not convey any message on religion or
morals of life or social values.Only ‘Dholki-baris’,a refined from of
‘Tamasha’,delivers such effective messages.

2. Powada (Powala}:- It is a folk balad form,that is widely accepted by

‘Maharastrian’. It appeared during the 16th century,and carries a dramatic
form of nature. Powada is presented mostly,by telling the stories of history.
By singing in accordance with the musical instruments,is its main feature.

3. ‘Keertana’ (Harikeertan):- It is a kind of ‘monodrama’,in which whole

presentation is operated or performed by single actor. Such a single actor
enter into the topic, by acting different characters lying in it.Here,one
actor,performs various roles simultaneously, at a time to tell the stories of
all characters concerned.that y evolves an environment both interests and
attractive moods within the audience . The uniqueness of ‘keertana’ is,that
the a single person carries the entire programme,by holding charm of the
programme as well.Such ‘harikeertana’, is widely popular in many states in
India like, Mmaharastra, Karnataka, Bengal etc.keertana,covers the stories
in our ‘epic’ generally.

4. Yakshagana:- It is another type folk drama, that is widely popular in

Karnataka. It is constituted basically on ‘Bhagabata’,but presented in
addition with local flavour,as to produce extra charm into it. Here, the
narrator sings and explains then the theme to the audiences. It is indeed, a
mass medium for educating as well as entertaining the people as well.

5. Nautakin:- It is the most popular folk drama form,can be seen in north

India widely.It is generally, performed openly irrespective to any special
arrangement as done in ‘Jatra’.It starts with the presence of a
‘sutradhar’,who is narrator of the story,that taken from ancient epic or
historical events.A small group or unit,take part in such drama ‘nautakin’,as
to perform other roles pertaining to the story chosen for this purpose.It
renders messages through its presentation is, both educative and
entertaining as well.

6. Jatra:- A popular folk drama that widely celebrated in east & north-east
India like, West Bengal,orissa,tripura and Assam. It is an organized
teamworks and performed by well set-up groups or units, who are
professionally engaged for better presentation to the audiences,as to move
forward this social & cultural form of folk media.In an well set-up stage
outfit,equipped by light & sound system,The whole programme creats an
environment of charming and attractive moods for the audiences.It goes
through a chosen story,taken from history, ancient epic, social or political
matter,which is well written by script writer.The characters all pertaiming to
the story undertaken for Jatra,are pweformed by the other performers in
the group concerned. Jatra,is really aducative as well as an entertaining
form of rural folk media.It is also,adored in urban equally.

7. Bhavai:- A stylized medieval dramatic form,Bhavai is extensively adored

in Gujrat. Basically it is being operated initially,by Ranglo’ and Naik followed
by other characters. Ranglo is considered to be a ‘stock chacter’and jester
at the samerime. Naik is here,a sutradhar who delivers the dialogues
abundantly in attractive style.

The programme starts with devotional song which is dedicated to

‘Amba’.Then her son Gonesh enters into the stage to perform his role by
hiding his appearance by a brass plate.At the end of his role, Gonesh faces
to the audiences as usual form.The total programme carries a lot of
varieties like dialosongs,music,songs,dances and acrobatics,that can not
signify itsexcellence or improved quality rather than individual perticipantl’s
uniqueness. Although,it can fetch much more audiences ,that implies its
sound popularity.

8. Therukoothu:- It is the most popular traditional folk media of

Tamilnadu.Therukoothu includes a combination of different puppetry
like,Puravi Attam, Nizhal Attam,Kazhai Koothu. Kalachem and Villupattu. It
is a charming street theatre,composed in accordance with the music,drama
and dances of classical flavaoured. The presentation,takes into account
the characters like,koothadi (clown) and the god ‘Ganesha’
Currently,Therukoothu has significantly been changed from its origin of
forms and shapes. It is now being presented on thewell-arranged stage or
screen, in the form of sangeetha and natakan in attractive form.

9. Rammlia And Rashlila:- Bboth of the programs, are widely adored

and accepted in rural society of India. Ramlila specifically,celebrated in
northern India.It presents, a series of stories on lord Rama. It includes the
stories,starting from the birth of prince Rama, childhood of Rama, sworn in
as the king of Ayoddhya, marriage with Sita and so on, a long lasted
dramatic play,that can attract and entertain so many viewers easily.

Rashlila,on the other hand, is also, could be seen to be celebrated widely in

northern state of India, Maharastra,Kerala and in other places in our country.
Rashlila is an enchanting play,that presents the storiesall about the relative
matters between lord Krishns and Radha,taking with the ‘goppies’.The
entire play is very interesting, and flavoured with juicy entertainment
wrapped with religious feelings and motives.

10. Street Theatre:- .During the decade between seventy and eighty,the
street theatre appeared vigorously in Indian mass communication. Street
theatrse, that can be seen in different types and styles, involve the activities
of differebt groups or organization who accomplish such dramatic play or
show openly to render their messages to the public
widely.Specially,political parties,student unions,religious groups,Women
welfare organization and NGOs,are involved in presenting such attractive
show or play,with a view to draw thepublic attention as well as generating
the awareness whin them through the delivered messages.Such street
thetre can be seen in different states like West Bengal, Andhra
Pradesh,Kerala and Tamilnadu in India. About six oi seven thousand groups
have been engaged in playing on such street thetre in India.

In the year 1944,Bijan bhattacharya did set up Indian people’s Theatre

Association (IPTA),apioneer theatre group,that conducted first play on the
street.Its objective was to highlight the exploitation were taking places
within the innocent and ignorant peasants of Bengal.

The street theatres generally,carry the social culture and education as well
for the audiences a cludes local folk forms and styles to remain as
one of the streangthful medium of mass communication.

11. Puppetry:- It is one of the most popular as well as adored folk

medium, that can attract the children and adults equally. In India,puppetry
can be seen in four types or forms.Puppetry is widely seen in
Orissa,Karnataka, Tamilnadu,Andhrarajsthan and West Bengal.There are
four types of puppetry. Sutradharika ,Rod Puppetry,Shadow puppetry and
Hand Puppetry.

Strength & Advantages Of Teaditional

Folk Media:-
Traditional folk media that cover the various performances that relate to
express all events and facts,ideas & thoughts of the respective rural society
through the presentation in the manner of pleasure &
enjoyments.Although,traditional folk media,sya what,are mostly come to us
ridiculously or humorously as well.But,it does never mean that the
traditional folk media has no effective message,which is incapable to
influence or impact the rural audiences.On the contrary,it could be
stressfully said, that the traditional folk media can mould or motivate the
numerous unwary and illiterate villagers effectively.It cater what for the
rural people,are mostly in easy and understandable manner.It apply very
common and widely used languages of the respective society which make
any presentation understandable quickly. The presentations as catered by
the traditional folk media, always come to the rural people in the form of
entertainment and enjoyments as well. On the way of giving pleasure and
enjoyment,traditional folk media educate the rural illiterates so many,by
rendering useful informations regarding healthcare,child& women
education,employment and other roundabout, as to make the rural people
wary of the present life.As the performers of the traditional folk media,are
all concerned to the respective rural society,can present various
facts,difficulties,applicable resources for better output and all other ins and
out of the society in better manner.So, messages evolved from such rural
media naturally,would serve the purpose of numerous backwarded rural
people definitely.Beside this, as there is minimal accessibility to the mass
media like, newspaper,radio and television in the rural society, so,major
people’s interests and emphasis is naturally lying on such traditional folk
media predominantly.As the Traditional folk media ,cater its major
programmes through ‘face to face’presentations to the audiences,it can
command the ‘confidence’ of them as well.It can earn the ‘credibility’
through its live presentations easily from the audience.So,the Traditional
folk media take the opportunity of ‘moulding’ and ‘motivating’the rural
people,by delivering its’ messages.It is true,that the traditional folk media
have significant contribution towards bringing the success of many
developmental programmes like ‘Family Welfare’,’Children Education’etc as
undertaken by the government of the state.It also have inspired the rural
people in adopting the latest techniques in cultivation as well. Traditional
folk media thus,can claim to be the ‘mentor’ of unaware and backwarded
rural society.Modern mass media today,pay more attention and emphasis
on the various enchanting as well as humorous prgrammes all, as catered
by the traditional folk media with a view to further presentation in their
channels.Presently,the television medium cater off and on,the programmes
from ‘traditional folk media’lively. It can be considered as the ‘reward’paid
to the ‘Traditional folk media’for their dedication to the rural society
people.Traditional folk media have considerable flexibility in comparishon
to other mass madia that have.It can introduce any messages
instantly,according to its necessity for beterising the presentation,which
other mass medium can not perform.Above all,it can impact the audience
with an immediate effect through its catered programmes, in exchange of
less expenses that it can afford easily.At the sametime,the rural people
so,can enjoy all programmes that the traditional folk media provide in
dedicative manner.

Role Of Folk Media:-

. Folk media play very important role on the rural citizens of our country.
The rural people are mostly, illiterate, simple and ignorant as well,and this is
why ‘Folk Media’have come to be very suitable to them all. As the
messages all, delivered by the folk media, are easy and understandable
quickly as well, So,the villagers can enjoy its presented programm as a
whole.Very few common errors that take places in our daily life, folk media
oftenly try to to point out those, as to aware through their presentation.
Folk media carry a diverse messages,of
education,political,social,healthcare and agricultural innovation,as to inform
and educate the rural citizens.In the village life,wherethe medium of mass
communication like radio, newspaper and television,. Have not been
profuse introduced,folk media have tried to compensate such wider
incoverage as well as the communication gap.Folk media,as it do not
maintain any decorum and well any protected status like other mediums of
mass communication have, that allows the rural audiences to come closer
to such media considerably well..On the otherhand,the communicator
presents the messages,, related to the facts that happen in villagelife
everyday. As the major messages in folk media, are delivered in the form of
entertainment, to the audiences,who have no experience or any tastes for
other types of amusement or entertainment at all like other urban citizens,
tend come to closer with such easily available rural media of interests and
get themselves stick to its presented programmes all with greater
emphasis The predominant emphasis of rural people,has been mostly
utilized by the folk media, through their presentation of varied programmes,
that contribute to the development of rural sector cater so
many programmes on ‘family welfare’, ‘adult & women education’ ‘uses of
fertilizers to boost the crops production’,’pollio vaccination’etc. so many
other issues, with a view to aware and motivate the unwary rural people,as
to impulse them to the right direction,in achieving the goals for the
development of the nation as well.Although,folk media messages, are
insufficient,lack of proper exidence or documentation and indecently
catered to the audiences,it appear to be fruitful and exist uptothe mark to
the mark of the living standard of the rural villagers or people to persuit
their needs and demands as well.

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