Detail of Folk Media in Bharat
Detail of Folk Media in Bharat
Detail of Folk Media in Bharat
Name:- Karan Narayan Bhusare
Karan Narayan Bhusare
(BAJMC 1st Year)
• Introduction:-
Apart from the highlu organized medium of mass communication that are
used in excessive manner presently, like print, audio and audio-visual
medium,traditional folke media is popular among the rural masses
considerably well .Traditional media generally,cover folk song, folk dance
drama that depict the the stories of most common rural
dwellers.Traditional folk media can not present what it want to deliver, in
glamorous and colourful manner equally, as compared to other organized
sector of mass medium that we have.Traditional folk media cultivate the
rural lifestyle and culture specifically,as to match their needs and
demand,who are illiterate and backwarfed as well.Traditional folk media go
with rural masses side by side, bringing slower change in their
development.Although,they provide so many messages, that contribute to
the rural development significantly.Traditional folk media can command a
very strong position in the rural people’s mind , as it weave almost of its
messages to serve thevarious needs and purposes as well as entertain the
numerous rural people as well
Here is few popular programmes, those are widely accepted among the
people, in different states or region for its’ unique presentation of
6. Jatra:- A popular folk drama that widely celebrated in east & north-east
India like, West Bengal,orissa,tripura and Assam. It is an organized
teamworks and performed by well set-up groups or units, who are
professionally engaged for better presentation to the audiences,as to move
forward this social & cultural form of folk media.In an well set-up stage
outfit,equipped by light & sound system,The whole programme creats an
environment of charming and attractive moods for the audiences.It goes
through a chosen story,taken from history, ancient epic, social or political
matter,which is well written by script writer.The characters all pertaiming to
the story undertaken for Jatra,are pweformed by the other performers in
the group concerned. Jatra,is really aducative as well as an entertaining
form of rural folk media.It is also,adored in urban equally.
10. Street Theatre:- .During the decade between seventy and eighty,the
street theatre appeared vigorously in Indian mass communication. Street
theatrse, that can be seen in different types and styles, involve the activities
of differebt groups or organization who accomplish such dramatic play or
show openly to render their messages to the public
widely.Specially,political parties,student unions,religious groups,Women
welfare organization and NGOs,are involved in presenting such attractive
show or play,with a view to draw thepublic attention as well as generating
the awareness whin them through the delivered messages.Such street
thetre can be seen in different states like West Bengal, Andhra
Pradesh,Kerala and Tamilnadu in India. About six oi seven thousand groups
have been engaged in playing on such street thetre in India.
The street theatres generally,carry the social culture and education as well
for the audiences a cludes local folk forms and styles to remain as
one of the streangthful medium of mass communication.