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Cybersecurity: A Review of Internet of Things (Iot) Security Issues, Challenges and Techniques

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CyberSecurity: A Review of Internet of Things (IoT)

Security Issues, Challenges and Techniques

Aishah Abdullah Reem Hamad Mada Abdulrahman Hanan Moala Salim ELKHEDIRI
College of Computer College of Computer College of Computer College of Computer College of Computer
Qassim University Qassim University Qassim University Qassim University Qassim University
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— The network revolution is becoming bigger and more

400,000 351,937
complex and data need to be secured against cybercrimes.
Cybercrimes caused the loss of billions of dollars affecting the 301580 298728 288012
300,000 269422
global economy, with the intention to maliciously affect critical
and confidential information. With the presence of these crimes
committed on a daily basis, the security of the cyberspace has 200,000
become an urgent reaction to reduce and possibly avoid the effect
of cybercrimes. Nowadays, the internet of things (IoT) revolution 100,000
is becoming the focus of research, and both security and privacy
are recognized as the main issues for IoT applications, mainly 0
because of its implementation in critical areas, such as healthcare 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
systems. In this paper, the cybersecurity state in IoT domain
Total Complaints
along with its security challenges are discussed, also we
address some security requirements and techniques to Figure 1. The number of IC3 complaints received from thelast five years [2].
overcome these challenges. Finally, blockchain technology
is discussed as a recommended solution to support IoT processes. Integrity is the property of accuracy and
security. completeness. Availability is being accessible upon demand by
an authorized entity. Other properties, such as authenticity,
Keywords- Cyber-Attacks, Cybersecurity, IoT Security, Security accountability, non-repudiation, and reliability can also be
Techniques, Blockchain. involved [3].
Moreover, The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution has been
Network attacks are malicious activities designed to disrupt, a focus of research, which is shifting everyday objects into
deny, degrade or destroy vital information and services. The smart things, with the ability to interact among themselves and
attacks on networks are delivered through data streaming on with the surrounding environment. The motivation behind IoT
network computers to jeopardize the computer system's is to improve the quality of services given to people, develop
confidentiality or its availability. In recent times, cybercrime has the using of public resources, and to reduce the operational
caused a significant loss of billions of dollars, with a possible costs of the services, the major goal is mainly to create a better
negative effect on the global economy. Therefore, the security
life for human beings [4]. The IoT term refers to, first, the
of computer systems is crucial in modern life [1]. The Internet
Crime Complaint Center (IC3) was mainly established with the global network that uses internet technology to interconnect
intention of fighting cybercrimes. In 2018, The IC3 published its smart object to each other. Second, a group of supporting
report on cybercrime, it received complaints from victims across technologies such as sensor/actuators, Radio Frequency
the world. Fig. 1 illustrates the number of IC3 complaints Identifications (RFIDs). Third, a set of application and services
received from the last five years, reaching its maximum total of that use it in business purposes [5].
351,937 complaints in 2018, the estimated total losses of the last The resulting system of IoT may include a very large
five years is around $7.45 billion [1],[2]. number of heterogeneous devices. Therefore, security and
privacy are widely recognized that reproduce critical issues in
According to ISO/IEC 27001:2013, information security is such a context. On the one hand, confidentiality and integrity of
the protection of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the transferred and stored data should be secured, as well as,
information. Confidentiality means that information is not made authentication and authorization mechanisms must be
available or exposed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or implemented to prevent unauthorized individuals or devices to

978-1-7281-0108-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

falsely access the system. On the other hand, privacy of users, as
the ability to provide data protection and users anonymity,
should be guaranteed. In fact, not solving these serious
problems, IoT will not reach enough popularity and all its
potentials can be wasted [6].
In the next future, billions of smart devices will be included
in the IoT, which can process, sense and motivate capabilities
eligible to be connecting with the internet. However, since
scurity and privacy issues are considered as one of the greatest
challenges for IoT, the security issues are highlighted because
of the lack of standards intended for devices with limited
resources and heterogeneous technologies. Therefore, these
devices cause many vulnerabilities that appear as a fertile
ground for cyber threats[7].
Implementing IoT in sensitive applications in our lives,
including industrial application, and some which are directly
connect with the individual's life such as smart homes [7], makes
them very attractive targets for cyber-attacks. The majority of
these threats are not new, but the fact that utilizing them in a Figure 2. IoT Architecture [10]
domestic context causes second-order threats to the physical and
emotional safety of the residents [8]. At the end of 2016, a
the attacker is recolonized as the main purpose of most of the
multiple Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS ) attacks targeted
researches in IoT field. Table.I. summarize the possible threats
to the Domain Name System (DNS) provider for Dyn company
(that support main internet platforms and services such as of IoT in each layer.
Twitter,PayPal, VISA, etc.) through using botnet which contains Confirming the potential cyber threats on IoT, the
a great vulnerable IoT devices (such as printers, IP cameras) that researchers Abomhara and Køien [12] highlighted the reasons
was infected by Mirai malware[7]. for hacking the connected devices or machines. These reasons
include firstly, the lack of monitoring of devices in IoT due to
Starting from this worrying and challenging context, this unattended operation by humans in most IoT devices. Secondly,
paper discusses the current status and how to protect IoT from dependence on the wireless network in communication between
cyber threats, by highlighting IoT challenges and some proposed IoT devices, which an attacker can obtain confidential
solutions. As an aim to participate in the IoT field, we review information by eavesdropping the flowed data. Finally, poor of
some recent researches in IoT regarding cybersecurity threats supporting new and complex security schemes due to restricted
and techniques to deter these threats. The remaining of this paper capabilities of some IoT devices. In addition, the authors
is as follows: Section II presents the related work of discussed the potential cybercrimes in the IoT that aim to steal
cybersecurity in IoT. Section III reviews some discussions about intellectual property, identity and brand thefts.
cybersecurity threats and solutions. Section IV presents the

II. RELATED WORK Layer Main Threats

In this section, some of the previous work in the IoT domain Data Leakage
are reviewed, focusing on the cybersecurity aspect and its Application layer
DoS Attacks
potential threats. In addition, a generic IoT system architecture
will be discussed with some of its potential threats. Malicious Code Injection

According to most of the researchers' opinion, a generic IoT Network layer Routing Attacks
system architecture contains three main layers: Perception layer,
Network layer, and Application layer as shown in Fig.2. Each of DoS Attacks
these system levels' security challenges and techniques will be Data Transit Attacks
discussed in Section (III). Enhancing the security of IoT model
should be applied in all three layers, with taking into Perception layer Physical Attacks
consideration each vulnerability and possible attacks for each
layer [9]. Impersonation

Cyber threats can exploit each limitation and vulnerabilities DoS Attacks
in IoT. Hossain et al. [11] discussed the security threats based Routing Attacks (e.g. in WSN, RSN)
on limitations on hardware, software, and networks. The goal
of their research is to identify limitations in IoT, in order to Data Transit Attacks (in WSN or
make the IoT system more robust and reliable against attack. RSN)
Supporting and solving each vulnerability before exploiting by
The researches of IoT also discussed the importance of
applying the cryptography objective in IoT system. As an aim to TABLE II. SECURITY FEATURES IN IOT ARCHITECTURE
augmenting the reliability of IoT [12]. They focused on
cryptography objectives, which is shown in Fig.3 below. Security Security Security
Consequently, Katagi et al. [13] discussed applying lightweight Features Requirements Challenges
Nodes have - Lightweight - Unauthorized
cryptography, which is a cryptographic algorithm designed to limited power encryption Access to the
complement with constrained environments. Two-goals of and storage, technology. Tags.
lightweight cryptography, firstly, to increase communication Perception thus, difficult to - Sensor data - Tag Cloning
efficiency, secondly, to be applicable to limited resource Layer set up a security protection. - Eavesdropping.
devices. protection - Spoofing.
system. - RF Jamming.
Finally, the researcher Christidis and Devetsikiotis [14]
examined whether the blockchain technology makes a good fit High ability to - Identity - Sybil Attack.
provide a authentication. - Sleep
for the IoT that can upgrade its security. Blockchain is a complete safety - Anti-DDoS Deprivation
distributed peer-to-peer network that offer a trusted environment Network protection, with Attack.
without any central authority. Their research showed that Layer the possibility of - DoS Attack.
blockchain integration with IoT can be very powerful and can Man-in-the- - Malicious code
brings authentication, integrity, and nonrepudiation into the Middle attack injection.
and counterfeit - Man-in-the-
network using the asymmetric encryption. Also, each block in attack. Middle Attack.
the blockchain has a distinctive hash which allow nodes to use it Problems of data - Authentication
to verify the integrity of the block’s contents. Finally, the system privacy, access and key
- Malicious code
uses digital signature algorithm (DSA) to authenticate that the control process, agreement.
authorized user is using the block. Application and information - Privacy
- DoS Attack.
Layer disclosure, protection.
- Spear-Phishing
education and
- Sniffing Attack.
The IoT is often used in crucial areas e.g., medical service management.
and healthcare, and intelligent transportation. Therefore, the
security of information and network should be highly equipped
with properties such as, identification, confidentiality, A. Perception Layer
integrality, and un-deniability [15]. In this section, we will
analyze the IoT security requirements and challenges based on The lowest level which collects all types of information
its features, then some of the proposed security techniques are through physical equipment, such as, RFID reader, all kinds of
listed to overcome the potential attacks. sensors, GPS and other equipment. The key component in this
layer is the sensor, for capturing and representing the physical
I. IoT Security Architecture world in the digital world. The perceptual nodes are usually have
As we stated in Section.II, the IoT architecture can be limited power and storage capacity. Therefore, it is very difficult
divided into three main layers, as previously shown in Fig.2, to set up a security protection system. Meanwhile, outsider
each layer’s security features and its requirements will be attacks such as denial of service (DoS) cause new security
explained. Then, some potential security challenges of all layers problems. Also, sensor data needs the protection for integrity,
will be reviewed. The summary of this section is shown in Table authenticity, and confidentiality [15].
II. • Security Requirements for Perception Layer
Firstly, authentication at the first node is required to prevent
an outsider node access. Secondly, to ensure the confidentiality
of the transmitted information between the nodes, data
encryption is indispensable and it has to be a lightweight
encryption technology to balance the safety level and the limited
resources. On the other hand, the integrity and authenticity of
sensor data is a very important aspect [15].
• Some Security Challenges in Perception Layer
Firstly, unauthorized access to the Tags can occur, because
of the lack of a proper authentication mechanism in RFID
systems, tags are possible to be accessed by anyone without any
authorization, the attacker can read, modified or even deleted the
data. Therefore, tag Cloning is possible, which refers to the
possibility of capturing tags by an attacker who can create a
replica of the tag and then compromising it in a way that the
reader cannot distinguish between the real and the compromised
Figure 3. CIA triad [7] tag [16].
Secondly, Eavesdropping can occur because of the wireless C. Application Layer
characteristics of the RFID, it becomes very easy for the attacker The uppermost layer which provides personalized services
to sniff out the confidential information flowing from tag-to- according to the users' needs. The application layer interface
reader or reverse. Thirdly, spoofing can take place when an provides the users an access to the IoT using a personal computer
attacker broadcasts fake information to the RFID systems and or mobile equipment. The security needs vary in different
makes it assume its originality falsely, in this way the attacker application environments, and the data sharing characteristic is
can get full access to the system making it vulnerable. Finally, creating many problems of data privacy, access control process,
RF Jamming is likely to happen, by compromising the RFID and information disclosure [15].
tags to simulate a DoS attack in which disrupts the
communication through RF signals with large number of noise • Security Requirements for Application Layer
signals [16].
In order to solve the security problem of the application
B. Network Layer layer, two features are required. One is the authentication and
It is the second layer, which plays a main role in providing a key agreement across the heterogeneous network, the other is
reliable transmission of information (synchronization) from the the user’s privacy protection. In addition, in the term of
perceptual layer. In this layer, the information transmission uses information security, education and management are extremely
some basic networks, which are the mobile/private network, significant, especially password management [15].
wireless and wired network, and communication protocols are • Some Security Challenges in Application Layer
also important to the information exchange process between
devices. The network layer consists of the Wireless Sensor Firstly, malicious code injection attack can occur in this
Network (WSN), which is responsible to transfer the data from layer, which allows the attacker to inject a malicious code on the
the sensor to the destination with high reliability. The network system to leverage from an end-user to steal data. Secondly, with
layer has a relatively high ability to provide a complete safety a sophisticated DoS attack, it offers a smokescreen to execute an
protection, but Man-in-the-Middle attack and counterfeit attack attack to break the defensive system and hence jeopardizing the
are still possible, meanwhile, network congestion with large user's data privacy. Thirdly, spear-phishing attack can happen,
number of flowed data can be occurred. Therefore, the security which is an email spoofing attack in which a victim, usually a
mechanism in this layer is very essential to the IoT [15] [16]. high ranking person, is led to open an email through which the
attacker can gain access to the victim's data. Finally, a sniffing
• Security Requirements for Network Layer attack can be executed where the attacker can force an attack on
In this layer, existing communication security mechanisms the system by using a sniffer application, which might collect
are difficult to be applied. Identity authentication is required to network information causing a corruption to the system [16].
prevent any outsider nodes, confidentiality and integrality are II. Security Techniques at Different Layers
also important and it need to be established to the data.
Distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) is a very common There are many researches dedicated to provide a reliable
attack in the network and a serious one in the IoT, so stopping well-defined security architecture to ensure the confidentiality
the DDOS attack for the vulnerable node is a problem that need of the data, security, and privacy. W. Zhang et al. suggested an
to be solved [15]. architecture for the security against the possible attacks, here we
list these proposed techniques in each layer as summarized in
• Some Security Challenges in Network Layer Fig.4 [16].
Firstly, Sybil attack can happen in this layer, which is a kind A. Perception Layer Security Techniques
of attack in which the attacker presents itself with multiple
identities for a single node to disturb other nodes, it can cause a Perception Layer is the lowest layer of the IoT architecture
false information about the redundancy to the system [15]. which offers several security features to the hardware. The
purposes of this layer are [16]:
Secondly, sleep deprivation attack can occur, since the
sensor nodes in the WSN are powered with limited lifetime • Authentication. Authentication can be applied using
batteries, so the nodes are restricted to sleep to extend their Cryptographic Hash Algorithms, which offers digital
lifetime. This attack keeps the nodes running to consume more signatures to the terminals that could defeat all the
battery to minimize the battery lifetime, which leads the nodes possible known attacks such as Side-channel attack.
eventually to shut down [15]. • Data Privacy. It can be guaranteed by both symmetric
Thirdly, DoS attack is another possibility, which jams the and asymmetric encryption algorithms, which prevents
network with a lot of traffic by an attacker, to exhaust the any unauthorized access to the sensor data while being
resource of the system, which leads to network unavailability. gathered or sent to the next layer.
Fourthly, a Man-in-the-Middle attack can take place, which aims • Privacy of sensitive information. To conceal the
to eavesdrop to the communication channel to monitor or control sensitive information, anonymity of the location and
all the private communications between the two parties. Finally, identity can be offered by using K-Anonymity approach
malicious code injection attack might occur, which is a serious which guarantees the protection of the user information
attack in which an attacker uses a node to inject a malicious code like identity and location etc.
into the system which gives the attacker a full control of the
network, it might even cause a complete network shutdown [15].
• Risk Assessment. An element which identifies new
threats to the system, which could help to avoid the
security breaches and to determine the best security
strategies. A Dynamical Risk Assessment method for
IoT is one of the examples.
B. Network Layer Security Techniques
The network layer is exposed to many kinds of
attacks. Because of the openness of the wireless
channels, communications monitoring can be easily
launched by an attacker. The network layer security can
be classified into three types which are [16]:
• Authentication: A robust authentication process and
point to point encryption can prevent illegal access to
the sensor nodes. The most common type of attack is
the DoS attack. Figure 4. Security Techniques at Different Layers [15]

• Routing Security: Routing algorithms are implemented

to ensure the privacy of data exchange between the III. Recommended Solution for IoT Security
sensor nodes and the processing systems. The security
of routing is guaranteed by providing multiple paths for The blockchain technology has become an attractive topic
the data routing which helps the system to detect any for many fields. Blockchain is a distributed open ledger which
errors and keep performing even if any type of failure is shared publicly between all the members on the network.
occurred. Blockchain has a lot of features, one of the essential features is
using the cryptography which can provide the authentication and
• Data Privacy: The control mechanisms monitor the integrity for the information in the network. The integration of
system for any type of intrusion. Therefore, Data blockchain into IoT brings some refinements such as
integrity methods are performed to ensure the received decentralization and scalability, identity, autonomy, reliability,
data are in the same original situation. security, and market of services. Therefore, these points could
C. Application Layer Security Techniques be appealing for who are working in the IoT area [14], [17].

This layer gives the user access to the IoT and it As discussed in Section. II, many researchers studied the
needs to be secured. The security categorization is [16]: recent IoT solution, which is the integration of blockchain into
IoT [14], based on that, we recommend the blockchain as a joint
• Authentication: Firstly, the authentication process solution to serve all three layers of IoT. Fig.5 shows how
blocks the access of any unauthorized user by utilizing blockchain can serve security requirements in term of
identity identifications, this layer supports authentication using a digital signature algorithm (DSA),
authentications by some particular cooperating services integrity based on a hash algorithm, confidentiality by using
which means users can choose which information can asymmetric cryptography.
be shared with the services. The main technologies used
in this layer are Cloud computing and Virtualization,
both are possible to attack.
• Intrusion Detection: Intrusion detection techniques
provide solutions for many security threats by
constantly monitoring the system to generate an alarm
in case of any suspicious activity, it also keeps a log of
the attacker’s activities which could help to trace the
attacker. There are many existing intrusion detection
techniques including: the data mining approach and
anomaly detection.
• Data Security. Data security can be ensured by many
encryption technologies which prevent the data-stealing
threats. Furthermore, to prevent other malicious
activities of the attackers, Anti- Dos firewalls and up to
date malware and spyware are offered.

Figure 5. Blockchain joint solution

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