Seg 00001
Seg 00001
Seg 00001
2021/2022 Session
Dr. M. O. Azeez
Soil phases
Importance of soil
• Soil is the basis for farming activities
• Supplies water and nutrients to crops
• Soils provide anchorage for plant root
• Home to myriad of micro-organisms
• Protect the quality of drinking water, air and wildlife
Soil management
• Soil management is the application of operations practices
and treatments to protect soil and improve its performance
• This includes soil amendment, soil conservation and
optimal soil quality
Soil management contd
• For effective soil mgt, you must know the type of soil you
have, and this means that you should have soil tested for
macro and micro- nutrients, pH, CEC, heavy metals etc
• There are inherent properties of soil that depend on the
parent materials, geography and soil forming processes; and
are stable over time
• For instance, soils formed from limestone parent material
tend to contain more calcium and generally have high pH.
• Other soil properties are dynamic and can be changed in a
relatively short period of time by human mgt practices e.g
soil organic matter (SOM), nutrient availability, pH e.g
nutrient holding capacity of sandy soil can be improved by
building SOM
• In Nigeria, the farming system that is common is multiple
Soil mgt practices for crop production
• Maintaining SOM and biodiversity
• Preventing soil erosion
• Application of fertilizers- avoid application of too much
fertilizer to soil becos of environmental implication
• Use of cover crops – legumes- protect the soil and
provides good habitat for soil organisms
• Regular weeding and disease control
• Monitoring soil performance- keep soil records
• Enhancing aeration through tillage operation, minimizing
compaction and providing sufficient nutrients to plants
Tillage helps in preparing seed bed and controlling
Excessive tillage damages soil structure, degrades
SOM and the risk of erosion
Soil mgt practices for crop production
• Crop rotation: involves growing different types of
crops in the same area in sequential order. Increases
soil fertility due to inclusion of legumes in the rotation