Wurth 3
Wurth 3
Wurth 3
Jammu &
Himachal Pradesh
Punjab Uttarakhand
Arunachal Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Our product range includes products for Automotive Technology, Service Maintenance, Chemicals,
Paints, Engine Oils, Adhesives, Abrasives, Cutting Devices, Fasteners, Furniture and Construction Fittings,
Dowel Technology, Industrial Safety and much more.
Ÿ Enhanced wear protection
Ÿ Enhanced Engine Cleanliness and sludge protection
Ÿ Enhanced cold start up performance
Ÿ Enhanced high temperature protection
Ÿ Excellent oxidation stability to reduce engine deposits and
sludge build up and help maintain engine cleanliness
Ÿ Enhanced low temperature capabilities for outstanding cold
weather starting
Ÿ Enhanced wear protection
Ÿ Enhanced high temperature protection
Recommended Engine lubrication of Maruti, Tata Motors,
Mahindra, Hyundai, Ford, Honda, General Motors & Mitsubishi
passenger vehicles.
Ÿ Engine oil specially formulated from selective base oils and additive
packages to meet the lubrication requirements of Diesel Passenger
Vehicles. The Multi-grade property ensures that the oil can be used for all
climatic conditions. Designed for lubrication of vehicles with Naturally
Aspirated or Turbocharged diesel engines both in city, on and off highway
roads. The Anti-wear property en-sures reduction in engine wear, thus
prolonging the life of the engine. The oil has good detergent & dispersant
property which keeps the engine parts clean.
Ÿ Recommended for engine lubrication of vehicles of TATA Motors,
Mahindra, Ford, Honda, General Motors, Hyundai, Mitsubishi SUVs,
MUVs and Commercial vehicles. Also suitable for engine lubrication of all
Grade : CF4
Art. No. Contents
0897154001 1L
0897154705 7.5 L
0897154015 15 L
0897154055 55 L
0897154210 210 L
Ÿ High performance engine oil specially formulated from selective base oils
and additive packages to meet the lubrication requirements of all the new
generation Diesel Passenger Vehicles. The Multi-grade property ensures
that the oil can be used for all climatic conditions. Designed for lubrication
of vehicles with Naturally Aspirated or Turbocharged diesel engines both
in city, on and off high-way roads. The excellent anti-wear property ensures
reduction in engine wear, thus prolonging the life of the engine. The oil has
very good detergent & dispersant property which keeps the engine parts
clean. Excellent control on oil thickening.
Ÿ Recommended for engine lubrication of vehicles of TATA Motors,
Mahindra, Ford, Honda, General Motors, Hyundai, Mitsubishi SUVs,
MUVs and Commercial vehicles. Also suitable for engine lubrication of all
Grade : CH4
Art. No. Contents Art. No. Contents
5869115411 1L 5869115408 15 L
5869115403 4L 5869115414 55 L
5869115412 5L 5869115415 210 L
5869115407 7.5 L
Diesel High Performance diesel engine oil for new generation
passenger vehicles
Ÿ Diesel engine oil blended using high performance base oils and additive
packages to meet the lubrication requirements of all the new generation
Diesel Passenger Vehicles. The Multi-grade property ensures that the oil
can be used for all climatic conditions. Designed for lubrication of vehicles
with Naturally Aspirated, Turbocharged or EGR fitted diesel engines for
both in city, on and off highway roads. The superior anti-wear property
ensures reduction in engine wear, thus prolonging the life of the engine.
The oil has very good detergent & dispersant property which keeps the
engine parts clean. Excellent control on oil thickening. Minimizes oil
Ÿ Recommended for engine lubrication of vehicles of TATA Motors,
Mahindra, Ford, Honda, General Motors, Hyundai, Mitsubishi SUVs,
MUVs and Commercial vehicles. Also suitable for engine lubrication of all
Grade : CI4
Art. No. Contents
0897154107 7.5 L
0897154115 15 L
0897154155 55 L
0897154205 210 L
Ÿ Engine oil specially formulated from selective base oils and additive
packages to meet the lubrication requirements of Diesel Passenger
Ÿ The Multi-grade property ensures that the oil can be used for all climatic
Ÿ Designed for lubrication of vehicles with Naturally Aspirated or Turbo-
charged diesel engines both in city, on and Off highway roads.
Ÿ The Anti-wear property ensures reduction in engine wear, thus prolonging
the life of the engine.
Ÿ The oil has good detergent & dispersant property which keeps the engine
parts clean.
Ÿ Engine lubrication of vehicles of TATA Motors, Mahindra, Ford, Honda,
General Motors, Hyundai, Mitsubishi SUVs, MUVs and Commercial
vehicles. Also suitable for engine lubrication of all Tractors.
Art. No. Contents
0897120407 55 L
0897120406 210 L
Ÿ Uniquely designed molecules of engine oil keeps engine running like new
even in demanding & arduous operating conditions
Ÿ Outstanding wear protection
Ÿ Excellent low temperature characteristics
Ÿ Exceptional high temperature performance
Ÿ Outstanding engine cleanliness
Ÿ Meets API SL/CF, ACEA A3/B3-10, VW/501 00/505 00, MB 229.1
Ÿ Offers improved fuel economy and emission reduction besides good cold
Ÿ The engine oil is specially formulated using synthetic base stocks and
advanced additive technology to provide outstanding engine
cleanliness, wear protection and unsurpassed performance during
severe operating conditions.
Ÿ Maximizes power output because of beer engine performance.
Significantly reduces fuel consumption.
Ÿ Advanced Clutch-Lok Technology ensures improved clutch
performance enhancing drive feel.
Ÿ The G-Protek formula ensures excellent wear protection for
transmissions. High evaporative stability ensures lower oil consumption.
Ÿ Ultimate gear protection under extreme loads.
Ÿ Superior performance even in shock load conditions
Art. No. Contents Art. No. Contents
0892008182 250 ml 0892008191 250 ml
0892008181 500 ml 0892008190 500 ml
Anti-Corrosive, long life coolant suitable for the protection of
cooling systems of all petrol engines and heavy and light-duty
diesel engines operating in on-road & off-road or stationery
Ÿ Prevents boiling of cooling water. Radiator Coolant - WPSC
Ÿ Increases the cooling system
efficiency. Art. No. Colour Contents
Ÿ Improves vehicle performance.
0893601601 Green 1L
Ÿ Can be used for all types of
vehicle (Japanese, American, 0893601602 Blue 1L
European and Korean). 0893601603 Violet 1L
Ÿ Does not damage rubber seals.
Ÿ Thick consistency – does not 0893601604 Red 1L
Ÿ Mixes evenly with water.
Ÿ Increases the life of the engine.
Ÿ Mixing ratio 1:2 parts of water.
Wurth Premium coolant has been formulated using Inorganic Acid Technology
(IOAT) intended for long life of coolant.
Art. No. Colour Contents
0893556350 Green 500 ml
0893556385 Red 5L
0893557210 Green 210 L
0893558210 Blue 210 L
Model Sump Size Make Recommendation Model Sump Size Make Recommendation
Bolero 6 To 7 Diesel SAE 15W-40 Aria 7.5 Diesel 5W 40,API SM I ACEA A3/B4,
Scorpio 6 Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4 Estate 6.7 Diesel SAE 15W-40
XUV 500 6 Diesel 5W 40 ACEA A3/B4 lndica 4 Petrol 10 W 40- ACEA A3/B4
Xylo 6 Diesel 5W 40 ACEA A3/B4 lndica 5.5 Diesel SAE 15W-40
Quanto 5 Diesel SAE 15W-40 lndica Xeta 2.6 Diesel SAE 15W40
Thar 6.5 Diesel SAE 15W-40 lndica Xeta 3.7 LPG SAE 15W-40
Indicab 4 CNG SAE 15W-40
Verito 3.1 Diesel SAE 5W-30 - ACEA A3/B4
lndicab 5.5 Diesel SAE 15W-40
VeritoNerito Vibe 3.1 Diesel SAE 15W-40
Manza 3.3 Petrol SAE 5W-30- ACEA A3/B4
Marina 4 Diesel SAE 15W-40
Rexton 7 Diesel 5W 40,API SM I ACEA A3/B4
Jeep 5.7 Diesel SAE 15W-40 NANO 2.5 Petrol 10W40- ACEA A3/B4
Safari Storm 7.5 Diesel SAE 15W-40
Logan 4 Diesel SAE 15W-40 Safari 7.5 Diesel SAE 15W-40
Scorpio 6.5 Diesel SAE 15W-40 Sierra 6.7 Diesel SAE 15W-40
Fortuner 6.9
Innova 6 Petrol Amaze 4.5 Diesel SAE 15W-40
SAE 5W-30- ACEA A3/B4 or SAE 15W- Amaze 3.6 Petrol SAE 5W-30
Innova 6.8 Diesel
Accord 4.5 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Land Cruiser 4 to 7.5 Petrol 5W 40,API SM I ACEA A3/B4
Brio 3.6 Petrol SAE 5W-30
Camry 4 to 4.2 Petrol 5W 40,API SM I ACEA A3/B4
Civic 4.5 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Prado 6.9 Petrol/Diesel 5W 40,API SM I ACEA A3/B4 CR-V 4.5 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Prius 4.2 Petrol 5W 40,API SM I ACEA A3/B4 Jazz 3.7 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Qualis 4 Petrol SAE 5W-30- ACEA A3/B4 City 3.6 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Qualis 4.5 Diesel SAE 15W-40
* Oil recommended at Wuerth Lubricants is only indicative purposes based on technical specifications of vehicles manufactured.
Please refer to vehicle manufacture service manual for exact specifications.
Model Sump Size Make Recommendation Model Sump Size Make Recommendation
Figo 4.1 Petrol SAE 5W-30 Punto 3.2 Petrol 5W 40,API SM/ACEA A 3/B4
Figo 3.9 Diesel SAE 15W-40 Punto 3.2 Diesel 5W 40,API SM/ACEA A 3/B4
Fiesta 4.5 Petrol SAE 5W-30 Linea 3.2 Petrol 5W 40,API SM/ACEA A 3/B4
Linea 3.2 Diesel 5W 40,API SM/ACEA A 3/B4
5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Fiesta 4 Diesel
Eco Sport 4 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4 MARUTI SUZUKI
Eco Sport 4 Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4 A Star 2.9 Petrol SAE 10W-40/ SAE 20W50
Elantra 3.9 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4 Ertiga 3.1 CNG SAE 10W-40/ SAE 20W50
Elantra 5.9 Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4 Ertiga 3.1 Petrol SAE 5W-30
Ertiga 3.1 Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
i10 3.1 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Esteem 3.3 Petrol SAE 5W-30
i10 3.1 LPG SAE 10W-40 Esteem 4.7 Diesel SAE 15W-40
Eon 2.5 LPG SAE 10W-40 Grand Vitara 4.8 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Eon 2.5 Petrol SAE 10W40 Gypsy 4.2 Petrol SAE 5W-30
i20 3.6 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4 Kizashi 3.3 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Swift 3.1 Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
i20 5.3 Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Swift 3.1 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Sonata 4.3 to 4.5 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4 Swift Dzire 3.1 Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Santro 3.1 Petrol SAE 10W40 Swift Dzire 3.7 CNG SAE 10W-40
Santro 3.1 LPG SAE 10W-40 Wagon R 3.7 Petrol SAE 5W-30/ SAE 10W40
Tuscan 5.9 Petrol 5W 40,API SM/ACEA A 3/B4 SAE 5W-30/ SAE 10W40/
Wagon R 2.7 Petrol SAE 20W50
Terracan 4.4 Petrol 5W 40,API SM/ACEA A 3/B4
Terracan 7.1 Diesel 5W 40,API SM/ACEA A 3/B4
Verna 3.3 Petrol 5W 40,API SM/ACEA A 3/B4
Verna 5.3 Diesel 5W 40,API SM/ACEA A 3/B4
SAE 5W-30
GETZ 5.3 Petrol
GETZ 5.3 Diesel SAE 15W-40
Santa Fe 4.3 to 5.7 Petrol 5W 40,API SM/ACEA A 3/B4
Santa Fe 5.9 Diesel 5W 40,API SM/ACEA A 3/B4
* Oil recommended at Wuerth Lubricants is only indicative purposes based on technical specifications of vehicles manufactured.
Please refer to vehicle manufacture service manual for exact specifications.
Model Sump Size Make Recommendation Model Sump Size Make Recommendation
Omni 3.2 Petrol SAE 20W-50/ SAE 10W40 Fabia 4 Petrol 5W 40,API SM I ACEA A3/B4
Ritz 3.1 Diesel SAE
15 Fabia 4 Diesel 5W 40,API SM I ACEA A3/B4
Ritz 4.3 CNG SAE
10 laura 4.3 Petrol/Diesel 5W 40,API SM I ACEA A3/B4
SX4 4.3 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4 Octavia 4.5 Petrol/Diesel 5W 40,API SM I ACEA A3/B4
SX4 3.1 Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4 Superb 4 Petrol/Diesel 5W 40,API SM I ACEA A3/B4
Zen 4.3 Petrol SAE 5W-30 C-Class 5.5 to 8.5 Petrol/Diesel 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5, MB 229.5
Cls-Class 9 Petrol 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5, MB 229.5
AUDI E-Class 5.5 to 8.5 Petrol 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5, MB 229.5
A4 4.5 to 5 Petrol/Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
GL -Class 8.5 to 11.5 Diesel 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5, MB 229.5
A6 6.5 Petrol/Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
S-Class 6.5 to 9 Petrol/Diesel 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5, MB 229.5
A8 8.5 Petrol/Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Sl/SLS/AMG 8 to 8.5 Petrol 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5, MB 229.5
Q5 5 Petrol/Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
SLk-Class 5.5 to 8 Petrol 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5, MB 229.5
Q7 9.5 Petrol/Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
R8 8.5 Petrol/Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4 VOLVO
TT 4.5 Petrol/Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4 XC 60 5.9 Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
M5 7.5 to 8 Petrol/Diesel 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5 Beetle 4.3 to 4.5 Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
X1 6 Petrol/Diesel 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5 Jetta 3.2 to 4.6 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
X3 5.2 Diesel 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5 Jetta 3.8 to 4.3 Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
X5 7.5 to 8 Petrol/Diesel 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5 Passat 4.6 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
X6 7.2 Petrol/Diesel 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5 Passat 3.8 to 4.3 Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
X4 8 Petrol 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5 Touareg 5 Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
* Oil recommended at Wuerth Lubricants is only indicative purposes based on technical specifications of vehicles manufactured.
Please refer to vehicle manufacture service manual for exact specifications.
Model Sump Size Make Recommendation Model Sump Size Make Recommendation
911 9 Petrol 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5 Cedia 3.5 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Boxster 7 Petrol 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5 Evolution X 5 to 5.6 Petrol 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
Cayenne 7 Petrol 0W 40,ACEA A5/B5 Lancer 3.5 to 4.8 Diesel 5W 40,ACEA A3/B4
* Oil recommended at Wuerth Lubricants is only indicative purposes based on technical specifications of vehicles manufactured.
Please refer to vehicle manufacture service manual for exact specifications.
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