Boton de Nace 2
Boton de Nace 2
Boton de Nace 2
Introduction: The objective of this 3-arm parallel randomized clinical trial was to compare the effectiveness of
temporary anchorage devices (TADs), Nance button palatal arches, and headgear for anchorage
supplementation in the treatment of patients with malocclusions that required maximum anchorage. This
trial was conducted between August 2008 and February 2013 in 2 orthodontic departments in the United
Kingdom. Methods: The study included 78 patients (ages, 12-18 years; mean age, 14.2 years) who needed
maximum anchorage. Eligibility criteria included no active caries, exemplary oral hygiene, and maximum
anchorage required. Outcome: The primary outcome was mesial molar movement during the period in
which anchorage supplementation was required. The secondary outcomes were duration of anchorage rein-
forcement, number of treatment visits, number of casual and failed appointments, total treatment time,
dento-occlusal change, and patients' perceptions of the method of anchorage supplementation.
Randomization: Treatment allocation was implemented by contacting via the Internet the randomization
center at the University of Nottingham, Clinical Trials Unit. The randomization was based on a computer-
generated pseudo-random code with random permuted blocks of randomly varying size. Blinding: A
research assistant who was blinded to the group allocation recorded all data. Intervention: The patients
were randomly allocated to receive anchorage supplementation with TADs, a Nance button on a palatal
arch, or headgear. They were all treated with maxillary and mandibular preadjusted edgewise fixed appli-
ances with 0.022-in slot prescription brackets. They were followed until orthodontic treatment was
complete. Results: Seventy-eight patients were randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio among the 3 groups. The baseline
characteristics were similar in the groups, and they were treated for an average of 27.4 months (SD, 7.1
months); 71 completed orthodontic treatment. The data were analyzed on a per-protocol basis and showed
no differences in the effectiveness of anchorage supplementation between TADs, Nance button palatal
arches, and headgear. Compared with headgear, the average mesial movements of the maxillary right
molar were 0.62 mm ( 0.32 to 1.55 mm) with the Nance and 0.58 mm ( 1.53 to 0.36 mm) with TADs; the
maxillary left molar was moved 0.09 mm ( 1.00 to 0.83 mm) with the Nance and 0.96 mm ( 1.89 to
0.04 mm) with the TADs. Peer assessment rating scores were significantly better with the TADs than in
the headgear and Nance groups. The patient questionnaires showed that comfort levels on placement of
the TADs and the Nance were similar. Headgear was more troublesome and less popular with the patients.
Conclusions: There was no difference in the effectiveness between the 3 groups in terms of anchorage
support. There were more problems with the headgear and Nance buttons than with the TADs. The quality
of treatment was better with TADs. As a result, TADS might be the preferred method for reinforcing ortho-
dontic anchorage in patients who need maximum anchorage. Trial registration: Identifier:
Consultant orthodontist, Chesterfield Royal Hospital, Chesterfield, United Sandler is a consultant for American Orthodontics, involved in product evalua-
Kingdom. tion and lectures. American Orthodontics provides support for courses given
Consultant orthodontist, Royal Derby Hospital, Derby, United Kingdom. by Jonathan Sandler, Alison Murray, and Kevin O'Brien. No other conflicts
NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer, School of Dentistry, University of Manchester, were reported.
Manchester, United Kingdom. Funded by the British Orthodontic Society Foundation.
Oral surgery trainee, Royal Derby Hospital, Derby, United Kingdom. Address correspondence to: Jonathan Sandler, Chesterfield Royal Hospital,
Professor, School of Clinical Dentistry, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Calow, Chesterfield S445BL, United Kingdom; e-mail, JonSandler57@gmail.
Kingdom. com.
Professor, School of Dentistry, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Submitted, November 2013; revised and accepted, March 2014.
Kingdom. 0889-5406/$36.00
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Copyright Ó 2014 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and the following were reported: Jonathan
Sandler et al 11
NCT00995436. Protocol: The protocol was published on the above site before the trial commencement.
Funding: The British Orthodontic Society Foundation funded the study and American Orthodontics provided
all the TADs and associated equipment. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2014;146:10-20)
n this article, we present the results of a randomized MATERIAL AND METHODS
controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of Trial design
methods of anchorage reinforcement for orthodon-
tic treatments requiring maximum anchorage. When This 3-arm parallel group randomized clinical trial
the evidence base underpinning this type of treatment had a 1:1:1 allocation ratio.
is critically examined, the level of evidence is not high.
For example, when we reviewed recently published tri- Participants, eligibility criteria, and settings
als as part of a Cochrane Review we found 7 publica- Participants were recruited at 2 hospital orthodontic
tions.1-7 Of these, 1 study suggested that headgear departments in the United Kingdom, Chesterfield Royal
and midpalatal implants were equally effective in Hospital and Royal Derby Hospital, and treated by 2 cli-
providing anchorage,1 whereas another large study nicians (J.S. and A.M.), both of whom have wide experi-
found in favor of surgically assisted anchorage.2 Inter- ence with the treatment methods. The clinicians were
estingly, both studies used palatally placed osseointe- salaried hospital employees, and all treatments were pro-
grated surgical anchorage devices. Two further vided within the United Kingdom's National Health Ser-
studies evaluated temporary anchorage devices vice at no direct cost to the patient or family. The study
(TADs), comparing them with conventional anchorage, was approved by the Central Research Ethics Committee
such as headgear, palatal arches, and banding of sec- and the research and development departments at Ches-
ond molars.3,4 These studies concluded that TADs terfield Royal Hospital and Royal Derby Hospital Na-
were more effective than other methods of anchorage tional Health Service trusts. A data-monitoring
supplementation. committee was established, and annual reports were
When we consider any form of orthodontic treat- submitted to this committee throughout the study to
ment, it is essential to study the patients' perceptions, reassure them that progress was being made and that
since their values can differ between treatment methods. any untoward effects were reported. The trial was regis-
Unfortunately, this has only been considered in a few tered at Identifier: NCT00995436, and
studies evaluating anchorage supplementation.5-7 This the protocol was published on that site before the trial.
information has been confined to the patients' We followed the guidelines in the declaration of Hel-
perception of pain or discomfort associated with sinki.8
implant placement or removal. They reported that the The study was carried out with 78 patients. To be
placing and removal of midpalatal implants and included, patients had to be between 12 and 18 years
onplants are uncomfortable, requiring extensive local old. The operators had assessed them as needing
anesthesia and often postsurgery analgesia, compared maximum anchorage. This was defined as “no mesial
with the relatively simple procedures of placement and movement of the molars during the period of anchorage
removal of TADs. supplementation.” No attempt was made to achieve
We therefore decided to investigate the effectiveness distal molar movement because clinically this was not
of 3 methods of anchorage supplementation, with a required.
group of patients defined as needing maximum The exclusion criteria for the study were patients who
anchorage, and report on both orthodontists' and pa- (1) required functional appliance therapy or orthog-
tients' values. nathic surgery, (2) had previous orthodontic treatment
We tested the hypothesis that there is no difference in or extractions, (3) had hypodontia of more than 1 tooth
the effects of TADs, headgear, and Nance button palatal per quadrant, (4) had craniofacial syndromes or clefts,
arches when used to reinforce orthodontic anchorage and (5) had poor dental health precluding orthodontic
with respect to (1) the amount of molar tooth move- treatment.
ment, (2) the duration of treatment, (3) the number of
treatment visits, (4) the total treatment time, (5) Interventions
dento-occlusal changes (peer assessment rating [PAR] All patients were fitted with McLaughlin, Bennett,
index), and (6) the patients' perceptions of the Trevisi prescription (American Orthodontics, Sheboy-
treatment. gan, Wis) maxillary and mandibular preadjusted
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2014 Vol 146 Issue 1
12 Sandler et al
edgewise fixed appliances. During the initial phase of Outcomes, primary and secondary
treatment, we derotated the molars in all 3 treatment The primary outcome measure in this study was
groups. This involved bracket placement on all premo- movement of the molars. The following secondary
lars and molars in the maxillary buccal segments and outcome measures were collected from the patients'
working through 3 archwires (0.016-in Sentalloy treatment records.
[Dentsply, GAC, Bohemia, NY], 0.018 3 0.025-in
1. The process of treatment (number of attendances,
Neo-Sentalloy, and 0.019 3 0.025-in stainless steel
duration of treatment, number of missed and
[American Orthodontics]) until the molars were aligned
canceled appointments, and any emergency ap-
(Fig 1). At this point, the first data collection (DC1)
records were taken.
2. The dento-occlusal outcome of treatment using the
We observed the following treatment protocols.
PAR index with the United Kingdom weightings.9
For the headgear patients, this was a pragmatic trial,
Calibrated dental technicians, blinded to treatment
and all operators determined the design of the headgear
allocation, performed this.
according to their current treatment protocols. They
placed 250 g of force per side on the headgear bow In addition, the patients were given questionnaires
and requested at least 100 hours of headgear wear per about the comfort and discomfort levels of placement
week from the patients. We asked them to fill in a diary and removal of both TADs and Nance palatal arches during
of headgear wear throughout treatment. The clinician the week after the procedure. The headgear patients only
checked both the headgear force and the compliance completed a questionnaire about their clinical experiences.
with headgear charts at each visit. Extractions were per- There were no outcome changes after commence-
formed once the headgear was fitted. ment of the trial.
For the Nance button patients, molar bands were The data were collected at the following time points:
fitted, and an alginate impression was taken over the at the start of full arch treatment when anchorage sup-
bands; a Nance button on a 1.0-mm stainless steel plementation was provided (DC1), when anchorage sup-
palatal arch was made by an orthodontic technician. A plementation was no longer required (DC2), and when
large Nance button was used to cover the entire vertical active orthodontic treatment was complete (DC3). The
part of the hard palate. This was fitted 1 week later, and following were collected: (1) maxillary and mandibular
any required extractions were arranged. silicone impressions (DC1, DC2, DC3); (2) photographs,
For the TADs patients, the maxillary and mandibular 4 extraoral and 5 intraoral (DC1, DC3), and intraoral
fixed appliances were placed, and arrangements were (DC2); (3) orthopantomogram images (DC1, DC3); (4)
made for the necessary extractions before the TADs TADs questionnaire (2 weeks after placement and 2
were placed. On the sides requiring anchorage supple- weeks after removal); (5) Nance questionnaire (2 weeks
mentation, 8 3 1.6-mm TADs (American Orthodontics) after placement and 2 weeks after removal); (6) headgear
were placed under local anesthesia, usually at the junc- questionnaire (2 weeks after headgear was stopped); and
tion of the attached gingivae with the reflected mucosa (7) PAR scores (DC1, DC3).
and mesially to the maxillary molars. The TADs were Data collected from patient notes included (1) num-
placed before any retraction force was placed on the ca- ber of attendances; (2) number of visits from DC1 to DC2
nines. Retraction was carried out with nickel-titanium and from DC2 to DC3; (3) duration of overall treatment;
July 2014 Vol 146 Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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14 Sandler et al
Fig 4. Models rotated to allow the entire occlusal, buccal, and palatal surfaces to be highlighted.
Fig 5. Movement of maxillary right molar shell and measurements in all 3 planes.
Randomization (random number generation, procedures. When the patient and the parent had con-
allocation concealment, implementation) sented to be in the study, the randomization center at
Randomization (random number generation, alloca- the University of Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit was con-
tion concealment, implementation) was done as follows. tacted. Demographic data were entered; after confirma-
When we identified patients who satisfied the inclusion tion of the veracity of the data, the group allocation was
criteria, we asked them to take part in the trial. Once indicated. Twenty-seven patients were randomized to
informed consent was obtained from either competent the TADs group, 26 to the Nance group, and 25 to the
patients or their parents, the orthodontist accessed the headgear group. At DC2, we analyzed 22 TADs patients,
University of Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit randomiza- 26 Nance patients, and 23 headgear patients (Fig 6).
tion service (
login.asp) to obtain a treatment allocation. This ensured Blinding
separation of the recruitment and randomization pro- The clinicians and the patients were blinded to the
cesses. allocation sequence; however, it was impossible to blind
The randomization was based on a computer- them to the treatment method. Assessment was blind
generated pseudorandom code with random permuted because it was impossible to distinguish between the
blocks of randomly varying sizes. The sequence was held groups, since the Nance and the TADs had been removed
on a secure server according to standard operating before the DC2 records were taken.
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Sandler et al 15
Statistical analysis A similar analysis was carried out for the secondary
A double determination was performed on 20 pairs of outcome measures; the dependent variables were total
superimposed digital models. The study models were treatment time, total number of visits, number of missed
randomly picked and analyzed at 2 time points 4 weeks and canceled appointments, and dento-occlusal changes
apart. as measured by PAR scores. When it was relevant, the pre-
Bland-Altman plots,11 intraclass correlation coeffi- treatment PAR score was fitted as a covariate.
cients, and paired t tests were used to assess reliability. The SPSS software package was used (version 21;
Summary statistics were calculated for the data at the SPSS, Chicago, Ill), and statistical significance was set
start and finish points of the study. We checked the var- at the 5% level.
iances of the molar movements for normality; when they RESULTS
were found to be normally distributed, parametric tests
were appropriate. Participant flow
A per-protocol analysis was performed. All patients in Ninety patients were initially informed about the
the study either were included in the data analysis or, if study, and 12 declined to enter. Three did not want to
they had dropped out, were reported on individually. wear headgear, 3 did not want the Nance button, but
The data were analyzed with analysis of covariance only 1 patient did not want to take part because he or
(ANCOVA), with headgear as the reference group and she was unhappy at “the thought of TADs.” The other
molar movement at DC2 as the dependent variable. The in- 5 patients had personal reasons for not wanting to
dependent variables were the treatment groups (Nance, take part in a research study. All patients who declined
headgear, and TADs). Because the groups were unbalanced were offered alternative treatments.
in their sex distributions after randomization, we also fitted Of the 78 patients enrolled, 27 were allocated to
sex as a covariate to adjust for the baseline scores. TADs (16 girls, 11 boys; average age, 14.15 years; SD,
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2014 Vol 146 Issue 1
16 Sandler et al
Table I. Sample summary statistics at start of treatment, by treatment group, and for total sample
Patient details Headgear Nance TADs Total
Age (y) 14.38 (1.67) 14.14 (1.48) 14.15 (1.25) 14.22 (1.46)
n 5 25 n 5 26 n 5 27 n 5 78
PAR score 33.13 (13.40) 36.92 (12.52) 34.86 (13.39) 35.06 (12.99)
n 5 23 n 5 26 n 5 22 n 5 71
SNA ( ) 80.99 (3.43) 81.40 (5.13) 82.12 (3.31) 81.51 (4.06)
n 5 23 n 5 26 n 5 24 n 5 73
Girls (n, %) 14/25 (56%) 7/26 (27%) 16/27 (59%) 37/78 (47%)
Values are mean (SD).
July 2014 Vol 146 Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Sandler et al 17
Table III. ANCOVA models for the effects of treatment on molar tooth movement measured on digital models
Outcome Effect of treatment (95% CI)* Overall effect of treatment R2 Covariate
Maxillary right molar (z) mm Nance, 0.62 ( 0.32 to 1.55) TADs, 0.58 ( 1.53 to 0.36) F (2, 67) 5 3.10; P 5 0.05 0.07 Sex
Maxillary left molar (z) mm Nance, 0.09 ( 1.00 to 0.83) TADs, 0.96 ( 1.89 to 0.04) F (2, 67) 5 2.58; P 5 0.08 0.09 Sex
z, Mesiodistal movement of the molar teeth; F, level of significance P 5 0.05.
*Reference category is headgear.
Table IV. Total treatment time and number of visits from the initial placement of appliances to debond of all attach-
Process of treatment Headgear (n 5 23) Nance (n 5 26) TADs (n 5 22) Total (n 5 71)
Total treatment time (mo) 28.01 (17.46-38.51) 27.43 (15.03-39.83) 26.83 (8.5-45.16) 27.42 (13.5-41.34)
Total visits (n) 19.24 (6.66-31.8) 21.77 (13.13-30.41) 18.38 (5.8-30.04) 19.84 (8.57-31.11)
Values are mean (95% confidence interval).
Table V. ANCOVA models for total treatment time and number of visits during treatment
Outcome Effect of treatment (95% CI)* Overall effect of treatment R2 Covariate
Total treatment time (mo) Nance, 0.58 ( 4.68 to 3.52) TADs, 1.18 ( 5.41 to 3.04) F (2, 69) 5 0.16; P 5 0.87 0.01 None
Total visits (n) Nance, 2.53 ( 0.62 to 5.68) TADs, 0.87 ( 4.08 to 2.35) F (2, 72) 5 2.47; P 5 0.09 0.06 None
F, Level of significance P 5 0.05.
*Reference category is headgear.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2014 Vol 146 Issue 1
18 Sandler et al
Table VII. ANCOVA model for the effects of treatment on the PAR score at finish
Outcome Effect of treatment (95% CI)* Overall effect of treatment R2 Covariate
PAR finish Nance, 1.24 ( 4.36 to 1.89) TADs, 3.97 ( 7.20 to 0.73) F (2, 67) 5 3.13; P 5 0.05 0.23 PAR start
Table IX. Questionnaire results about headgear wear, comfort, and convenience
Headgear Hours requested Hours actually worn Months Comfort Convenience Social interference Did it bother you?
Mean 13.87 10.87 9.89 2.87 2.91 3.78 2.76
SD 3.31 4.01 4.73 1.39 1.41 1.51 1.55
These data were derived from the 6-point Likert scale, with 1 representing a large negative effect and 6 representing little effect or comfort.
Values are mean (SD).
July 2014 Vol 146 Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Sandler et al 19
There were no dropouts from the Nance group and Although there were no difference between the effec-
only 2 from the headgear group. In the TADs group, tiveness of TADS and Nance treatments, this information
however, there were 5 dropouts; all occurred before should be given to patients along with the description of
the TADs had been fitted. Although the number in this the treatment process so that they can make an informed
group was still above the sample size, it could be sug- choice of their preferred treatment. This study provides
gested that this introduced a moderate risk of attrition clinically relevant information that will aid orthodontists
bias. and patients in determining the optimum form of
Secondary outcome measures in this study included anchorage reinforcement.
treatment time and number of visits. We found that the The failure rate of TADs in this study was 2.8%, which
overall treatment times were similar to other studies.1,5 is significantly lower than the 12% failure rate reported
It is also clear, from reviewing other studies in this elsewhere.14
area, that few investigators have reported the final out-
comes of treatment.2-4,6,10,12,13 Therefore, we evaluated Limitations
the final occlusal result of the treatment with the PAR In this study, it was not possible to blind the opera-
index. This analysis showed a clinically and statistically tors and patients to the treatment allocations. Neverthe-
significant difference between the TADs and the less, the assessment of the outcomes was blinded, and
headgear groups. The only other study that previously we considered that the risks of observation and detection
investigated this outcome reported no difference in the bias were low. We think that attrition bias might be an
PAR scores for midpalatal implant and headgear issue, however, because more patients dropped out of
treatments; this is different from our results.5 It is diffi- the study in the TADs group. This could be interpreted
cult to identify the reasons for this finding; it might as the patients' possible reluctance to accept the surgical
reflect the natural variability between studies. placement of TADs.
We found some important and interesting results
from the patient perception questionnaires. First, there Generalizability
were no marked differences in the perceptions of the pa-
tients who had been treated with the TADs or the Nance The external validity or generalizability of this study
palatal arches. This suggests that the 2 interventions is good. It was carried out at 2 district general hospitals
were equally acceptable to patients. by experienced clinicians. The patients were selected
When we considered the perceptions of the headgear from the normal caseloads of the departments, and all
patients, it was interesting that the average hours of re- received routine care.
ported wear were 3 hours less than the minimum of 14
hours that we requested. Five patients reported that CONCLUSIONS
they thought that the headgear only needed to be worn We can conclude the following: (1) there was no dif-
for half of a day. This demonstrates that even with careful ference in the effectiveness of TADs, Nance button
planning and explanations of treatment, mixed messages palatal arches, and headgear for reinforcing anchorage
can still arise, and full cooperation is not always forth- during orthodontic treatment; and (2) the information
coming. Although this level of cooperation could be from this study can be used to help orthodontists and
considered disappointing, this was a pragmatic study, patients determine their preferences for the method of
and we are reporting on treatment of real-world patients anchorage reinforcement.
whose behavior is relevant to practice.
Whereas there were few real differences in the scores ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
from the Likert scales, the free text sections showed
important clinically relevant findings, and it was clear We thank all patients and parents who contributed to
that patients preferred not to wear headgear. this study, the supporting staff at both treatment cen-
This study adds to the body of evidence that TADs are ters, Tanya Walsh for her statistical input, and American
an efficient and effective method of supplementing Orthodontics (Sheboygan, Wis) for providing the im-
anchorage. Although there were no differences between plants and associated equipment.
the 3 interventions in terms of reinforcing anchorage, it
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