Product Data Sheet Deltav PK Controller Deltav en 3583460
Product Data Sheet Deltav PK Controller Deltav en 3583460
Product Data Sheet Deltav PK Controller Deltav en 3583460
November 2023
DeltaV™ PK Controller
Powerful Standalone. Easily Integrated
its place and restarted without any additional recommissioning Integrated safety: The DeltaV PK Controller can use either of
activities or the need for a laptop. Simply swap the SD-Card the DeltaV SIS products, including DeltaV SIS with Electronic
from the old controller, to the new controller and insert the Marshalling, or the DeltaV SLS1508 Safety Logic Solver.
new controller onto the carrier - easy. Both offer unique benefits and are easily scalable.
When standalone, no need to manage databases on Easily connect third party devices: Third party devices such
laptops: The on-board SD-Card stores a backup of all as Panel HMIs and variable speed drives are easily connected
configuration and HMI files, enabling a laptop to retrieve using the native on-board protocols, without the use of a
those files and begin engineering a system without having dedicated Ethernet or I/O card. For protocols not supported
already had those files on the laptop to start with. This avoids natively on the PK, the DeltaV Virtual IO Module 2 (VIM2) can
the pain of having to manage files on servers or drives and be used as well as any of the traditional DeltaV Bussed cards.
ensure the latest is being used.
Secure: The DeltaV PK Controller requires a password to
Local HMI: A Standalone DeltaV PK Controller can be deployed access and edit its configuration. In addition, the carrier has an
with one DeltaV Operator Station (Panel HMI or workstation PC) on-board key that when enabled requires physical presence to
to serve local HMI needs1. The DeltaV Operator Station download configuration changes to the controller. Files stored
will communicate with the standalone PK Controller on a on the controller’s SD Card are encrypted. These capabilities
dedicated port on the DeltaV ACN and operate as a Full Span provide added layers of protection against unauthorized access
of Control Operator Station. The DeltaV Operator Station of the controller in standalone applications. When used with
will support 250 DeltaV Continuous Historian tags, a ProPlus as a part of a broader DeltaV system, laptops cannot
which can be scaled up to 3,250 tags. The DeltaV Operator connect to the DeltaV PK Controller or to the DeltaV Network,
Station can support DeltaV Advanced Batch functionalities keeping the DeltaV system closed from unauthorized access.
(Batch Executive and Batch Historian), Quad-monitor support,
Speed: The DeltaV PK Controller executes control modules as
and DeltaV Mobile Communicator along with many other
fast as 25ms, enabling control of faster process applications.
standard DeltaV functionalities.
Advanced Software: The PK Controller supports all of the
Save cabinet space: Using the six built-in Ethernet ports,
advanced DeltaV features that are expected in a world class
the need for additional Ethernet switches is eliminated in
Distributed Control System:
many applications. The introduction of the M-Series 4-wide
I/O Carrier allows for reduced footprint on installations with DeltaV Class-based control and unit-modules
reduced I/O count needs. DeltaV Model Predictive Control
Easy redundancy: The DeltaV PK Controller supports 1:1 DeltaV Neural Networks
redundancy for increased availability. Simply install the
redundant controller onto the carrier next to the primary – Works with DeltaV Batch Executive
no added cabinet space or configuration changes. Works with DeltaV Version Control Audit Trail (VCAT)5
Flexibility in I/O: The following DeltaV I/O may be used
with the DeltaV PK Controller: M-Series Series 1 & Series 2 Product Description
traditional2, 3, S-Series traditional with the use of the M-series
to S-series I/O Interface Carrier Adapter4, CHARMs I/O (CIOCs), The DeltaV PK Controller executes control logic based
and Wireless I/O (WIOCs), enabling you to select the I/O family on the process signals derived from the I/O and Ethernet
that best meets your needs. Device subsystems.
See the DeltaV Workstation and Server Hardware Product Data Sheet for additional details on supported hardware for the Panel HMI and workstation PCs.
M-Series Intrinsically Safe traditional cards are not supported for use with the PK Controller.
M-Series 8-wide I/O Interface Carriers manufactured prior to 2002 are not compatible with PK Controller. Contact your local sales representative for
additional information.
M-Series Vertical Plus I/O Interface Carriers are compatible with the PK controller when using the M-series to S-series I/O Interface Carrier Adapter.
Contact your local sales representative for additional information on installation and setup.
VCAT is only supported when the PK controller is used as part of an integrated DeltaV system. VCAT is not supported on the Standalone PK Engineering software. 2
DeltaV PK Controller November 2023
Control modules are automatically scheduled by the controller, The DeltaV PK Controller can be used for a variety of Ethernet
based on their assigned scan rates. This allows each control Devices, supporting Modbus TCP client or EtherNet/IP interface
function to be optimized based on the process dynamics. in port P01 and PROFINET(PN1). Port P01 and PROFINET (PN1)
Modules scan times can be set as fast as 25ms, and as slow can be enabled at the same time for greater functionality.
as 60 seconds. The number of control modules that can DeltaV PK Controller will be offered in 4 sizes with the
be assigned to a controller depends on the complexity following capacities:
and scan rate of each modules. For the fastest loop
execution time, use the supported High Density cards # Ethernet
# Ethernet
in a simplex configuration. Sizing # DST’s Devices
Devices in # Batch Units
PROFINET (Standalone)
in port P01
port PN1
Each controller node can be installed as a simplex or redundant
node. Redundancy is provided by adding a second controller, PK100 100 16 50 2
mounted adjacent to the primary controller. Controllers may PK300 300 32 100 4
be connected to DeltaV traditional I/O carriers, which are PK750 750 64 150 8
mounted to the right of the controller carrier. Up to 8 carriers
PK1500 1500 128 250 12
with 8 cards each can be connected to the local bus I/O,
for a total of 64 traditional I/O cards. 4-wide I/O carriers may
be used in combination with 8-wide I/O carriers, and in this
case, the maximum of 8 total I/O carriers is retained. 3
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DeltaV PK Controller November 2023
See the DeltaV Workstation and Server Hardware Product Data Sheet for additional details on supported hardware for the Panel HMI and workstation PCs. 5
DeltaV PK Controller November 2023
Available in the PK Controller only when integrated into
a DeltaV system and starting on v15.FP1, PROFINET is a LAN A 6
DeltaV PK Controller November 2023
Advance Networking
With advance networking in the PK Controller, now it is easier than ever to setup the IP addresses for all the different network
configurations used in the Ethernet ports. Now in one place you can set up IP Address, define the default gateway, enable PRP,
or bond ports to participate in an MRP ring topology.
Network Interface Diagram allows you to see the network configuration for all your Ethernet ports in the PK Controller.
Hardware Specifications
Dimensioned Drawing of Redundant DeltaV PK Controller with Carrier and Power Modules. 7
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DeltaV PK Controller November 2023
PK Controller Specifications
Item Specification
Input power requirement through +24 VDC ±10% at 350 mA maximum; 700 mA maximum for redundant.
the PK Controller carrier
Externally applied backup power +5.0 to +12.6 VDC at 15 uA typic for a simplex controller. Double the consumption for
for real-time clock redundant PK Controllers.
Power dissipation 7.5 W simplex; 15 W redundant.
Isolation None. All circuits are referenced to the +24 VDC return.
SD card interface Supports a removable SDHC version 2.0 memory card of either 2 GB or 8 GB capacity.
The memory card is physically accessible only when the PK Controller is removed from
the carrier.
*For systems that require additional power (more than the power modules supply), use one of our recommended methods for injecting power into the I/O card carrier.
See DeltaV M-Series I/O Subsystem Horizontal Carriers PDS for more information. 9
DeltaV PK Controller November 2023
4 11
Callout Description
1 Screw terminals for backup battery connection.
Physical key switch
2 When the switch is in the locked position, the KeyLockStatus parameter of the controller has a value of TRUE
and you cannot download, decommission, upgrade or Telnet to the PK Controller. When locked, you can
commission and authenticate the PK Controller; and, backup or retrieve the PK Controller’s project.
Redundant Power Module
Provides power to connected I/O.
Ethernet ports 1-3. These appear in software as Network Portx.
4 The three RJ45 connectors on the primary ports are connections for separate networks. These have an
electrically isolated shield for each port. The Faraday shield for each RJ45 connector has no DC ground
connection (floats) and only used to extend the shield onto the electronics around the Ethernet circuitry.
5 Pushbutton release for Ethernet ports 1-3
6 Screw terminals for primary power
7 Redundant PK Controller
8 Redundant PK Controller
9 Screw terminals for secondary power
10 Pushbutton release for Ethernet ports 4-6
Ethernet ports 4-6. These appear in software as Network Portx.
11 The three RJ45 connectors on the secondary ports are connections for separate networks. These have
an electrically isolated Faraday shield for each port. The Faraday shield for each RJ45 connector has no
DC ground connection (floats) and only is used to extend onto the electronics around the Ethernet circuitry.
Redundant Power Module
Provides power to connected I/O
13 Carrier connector 10
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DeltaV PK Controller November 2023
FM 3610 ATEX
EN 60079-0
EN 60079-15
Marine Certifications: IACS E10 13
DeltaV PK Controller November 2023
Environmental Specifications
Operating Temperature -40° to 60°C (-40° to 140°F)
Storage Temperature -40° to 85°C (-40° to 185°F)
Relative Humidity 5 to 95%, non-condensing
Protection Rating IP20, NEMA 12
Airborne Contaminants ISA-S71.04-1985 Airborne Contaminants Class G3
Conformal Coating
Shock 10g ½-sine wave for 11ms
(Normal Operating Conditions)
Vibration (Operative Limit) 1mm peak-to-peak from 5Hz to 13.2Hz, 0.7g from 13.2Hz to 150Hz
LED Indicators1
Power – Green V Indicates DC power is available
Error – Red Continuous Indicates an internal error condition
Error – Red Flashing Indicates the controller is decommissioned
Active – Green Indicates the controller is operating as the primary controller
Active – Green Flashing Indicates the active controller is not configured or a download is in progress
Standby – Green Indicates the controller is operating as the backup controller
Standby – Green Flashing Indicates the standby controller is not configured or a download from the active
is in progress
For additional information refer to DeltaV Books Online.
Software Specifications
Minimum Host Computer Requirements for VM Version of Engineering Software
Operating System Windows 10 (recommended)
Memory 16 GB Ram
CPU 64-Bit Processor
Space 160 GB hard drive available space
Networking 1 physical NIC adapter with RJ45 jack (use of wireless network adapters is not supported)
Peripherals 1 USB 2 port 14
DeltaV PK Controller November 2023
Modbus TCP (Client)1 Modbus TCP protocol as specified by except for a limited amount of
register types, it only allows 9999 of each category.
Register addresses are limited in the following ranges:
z Coils: 1 – 9999
z Discrete Inputs: 10001 – 19999
z Input Registers: 30001 – 39999
z Holding Registers: 40001 – 49999
PK Controller as the Modbus Client reads and writes data from and to Modbus
Server devices.
The number of supported connections is different for each model of the PK Controller
as indicated in the sizing table.
Available in port P01. No license is required to enable this protocol. When integrated
to a DeltaV system, adding Ethernet connected I/O (EIOC and PK) licenses for each
device connected in port P01 is required. Then one DSTs will be consumed for every
LDT that is configured.
*Please review the VIM2 product data sheet as an alternative to provide added Modbus TCP functionality
(e.g. Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII,etc.)
EtherNet/IP Interface1 EtherNet/IP interface in the PK is a Scanner Device (Client) that reads and writes data
from EtherNet/IP Adapter devices (Servers).
EtherNet/IP interface supports the following types of messaging connections:
z Implicit messages (Class 1)
z Explicit messages (Class 3)
z Class 3 with PCCC
z UCMM with Logix Tags
Configuration of this messages connections is only supported via manual
configuration on the DeltaV Explorer at the LDT level or bulk edit configuration.
EDS files are not supported.
Available in port P01. No license is required to enable this protocol. When integrated
to a DeltaV system, adding Ethernet connected I/O (EIOC and PK) licenses for each
device connected in port P01 is required. Then one DSTs will be consumed for every
LDT that is configured.
*Please review the VIM2 product data sheet as an alternative to provide added EtherNet/IP functionality
(e.g. EDS file support.). 15
DeltaV PK Controller November 2023
OPC UA Server PK Controller is a Server and allows reads and writes from OPC UA Clients.
Supports up to 6 client connections.
Allows up to 5000 reads/sec and 500 writes/sec.
Supports only the DA profile (real time data).
Is based on OPC UA standard version 1.02 that supports the following:
z OPC Binary Transportation
z 128 or 256-bit encryption levels
z Message Signing
z Digital Certificates – Self Signed and Certificate Authority (CA)
z Support online browsing
No license is required to enable this protocol, and it does not consume DSTs.
*Please review the DeltaV OPC UA product data sheet for more information regarding other OPC UA clients and
servers available in DeltaV
The PK Controller can natively support running either the Modbus TCP Client or the EtherNet/IP Scanner interface but not both simultaneously in P01. The Modbus TCP
Server and OPC UA Server can be run simultaneously alongside one of the chosen protocol Clients in P01 and PROFINET. 16
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DeltaV PK Controller November 2023
*Where xxx and nn is the number of Physical Devices that you want to license in the EIOC and PK. VE4109Sxxx licenses are system wide and are shared across the EIOC
and PK Controllers on the system. Also, VE4109Sxxx license is additive in the system and therefore you just need to buy more licenses if you want to increase the number
of physical devices in the system (there is no scale up license). 20
DeltaV PK Controller November 2023