(IJCST-V12I1P5) :debashis Dey, Samiran Das, Pallavi Thakuri, Dr. Bornali Gogoi, Prof. Nelson Varte
(IJCST-V12I1P5) :debashis Dey, Samiran Das, Pallavi Thakuri, Dr. Bornali Gogoi, Prof. Nelson Varte
(IJCST-V12I1P5) :debashis Dey, Samiran Das, Pallavi Thakuri, Dr. Bornali Gogoi, Prof. Nelson Varte
The data collection involves gathering plant leaf images Custom CNN Model architecture:
in jpg format, labeling each with its respective name, and
The Custom CNN Model is inspired by the LeNet- 5
categorizing them into disease classes. The dataset is
architecture of CNN. It consists of 7 layers with 48 kernels
primarily sourced manually from cultivation fields,
and 11 neurons.
comprises of 300 leaf images categorized into 3 classes
based on species and disease. Some of the image dataset is The key features and components of the Custom CNN
leveraged from online data source Plant Village to solve the model are:
problem of data scarcity. The goal is to efficiently train the
model to detect diseases in plant leaves, including rare ones. 4.2.1 Input Layer:
The images are resized to 640x640 pixels for computational This layer receives images of dimension 640x640 pixels with
efficiency during model training and predictions. This small- 3 colour channels (RGB) i.e. (640,640,3).
scale dataset provides valuable insights into disease detection
for a variety of plant leaves, optimizing resource utilization. 4.2.2 Convolutional Layers:
Custom CNN starts with a convolutional layer that performs computes the function: f(x) = max (0, x).
the initial feature extraction from the input image. The
subsequent layers consist of residual blocks, each containing SoftMax: The SoftMax activation function is utilized in the
multiple convolutional layers. These convolutional layers last dense layer of a neural network for multi-class
learn and extract increasingly complex features from the classification tasks. Its primary purpose is to convert the raw
input data. output scores of the network into a probability distribution
over multiple class.
We use the Convolution2D class to create the convolution
layer in the neural net by passing a pair of arguments.
4.2.7 Compiling and building the model:
I. First Conv2D layer convolves the input image with Keras library supplies the ‘compile’ method via the
32 filter/kernel, each of size 3x3. ReLu (Rectified previously instantiated model.
Linear Unit) activation is used here.
II. Second Conv2D layer convolves the input image Backpropagation:
with 16 filter/kernel, each of size 3x3. ReLu Backpropagation is used to optimize model weights by
(Rectified Linear Unit) activation is used here. iteratively adjusting the loss function. This minimizes
4.2.3 Pooling Layers: prediction errors, enhancing the model’s accuracy.
After importing all the libraries, we'll now bring in the data
set. The Keras library has several dataset tools that can be
used with ease for this purpose.
5.1 Accuracy:
5.2 Loss:
Fig 5.4: Front-End Demonstration (Output) of the plant disease
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Plant Sci., 23 July 2019 Sec. Technical Advances in Plant