NA To SS EN 1991-1-6-2009
NA To SS EN 1991-1-6-2009
NA To SS EN 1991-1-6-2009
NA to SS EN 1991-1-6 : 2009
(ICS 91.010.30)
Published by
Licensed by SPRING Singapore to Er.Joshua Ong Cho Whatt, Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Singapore Standards Invoice No : LP2-IN0000025796 / Downloaded : 10-04-2015
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NA to SS EN 1991-1-6 : 2009
(ICS 91.010.30)
Singapore National Annex to Eurocode 1 : Actions
on structures
– Part 1-6 : General actions – Actions during execution
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this Singapore Standard may be
reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and microfilming, without permission in writing from SPRING Singapore at the
address below:
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Singapore 138628
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ISBN 978-981-4278-10-2
Licensed by SPRING Singapore to Er.Joshua Ong Cho Whatt, Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Singapore Standards Invoice No : LP2-IN0000025796 / Downloaded : 10-04-2015
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NA to SS EN 1991-1-6 : 2009
This Singapore Standard was approved by the Building and Construction Standards Committee on
behalf of the Standards Council of Singapore on 16 June 2009.
The Building and Construction Standards Committee appointed by the Standards Council consists of
the following members:
Name Capacity
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Singapore Standards Invoice No : LP2-IN0000025796 / Downloaded : 10-04-2015
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NA to SS EN 1991-1-6 : 2009
The Technical Committee on Building Structure and Sub-structure appointed by the Building and
Construction Standards Committee and responsible for the preparation of this standard consists of
representatives from the following organisations:
Name Capacity
The following Technical Experts contributed in their individual capacity to the preparation of this
Licensed by SPRING Singapore to Er.Joshua Ong Cho Whatt, Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Singapore Standards Invoice No : LP2-IN0000025796 / Downloaded : 10-04-2015
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NA to SS EN 1991-1-6 : 2009
Licensed by SPRING Singapore to Er.Joshua Ong Cho Whatt, Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Singapore Standards Invoice No : LP2-IN0000025796 / Downloaded : 10-04-2015
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NA to SS EN 1991-1-6 : 2009
National Foreword 6
NA.1 Scope 7
NA.2 Nationally determined parameters 7
NA.3 Decisions on the status of informative annexes 10
NA.4 References to non-contradictory complementary information 10
Bibliography 11
Licensed by SPRING Singapore to Er.Joshua Ong Cho Whatt, Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Singapore Standards Invoice No : LP2-IN0000025796 / Downloaded : 10-04-2015
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NA to SS EN 1991-1-6 : 2009
National Foreword
This National Annex was prepared by the Technical Committee on Building Structure and Sub-
structure under the purview of the Building and Construction Standards Committee.
This standard is an adoption of the UK National Annex (NA to BS EN 1991-1-6 : 2005) to Eurocode 1 :
Actions on structures – Part 1-6 : General actions – Actions during execution.
Acknowledgement is made to BSI for the use of information from the above publication.
This Singapore NA contains information on those parameters which are left open in EN 1991-1-6 for
national choice, known as nationally determined parameters. The Singapore NA is to be read in
conjunction with the SS EN 1991-1-6 : 2009 – Eurocode 1 : Actions on structures – Part 1-6 : General
actions – Actions during execution.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Singapore Standard may be the
subject of patent rights. SPRING Singapore shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all of
such patent rights.
1. Singapore Standards are subject to periodic review to keep abreast of technological changes and new
technical developments. The changes in Singapore Standards are documented through the issue of either
amendments or revisions.
2. Compliance with a Singapore Standard does not exempt users from legal obligations.
Licensed by SPRING Singapore to Er.Joshua Ong Cho Whatt, Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Singapore Standards Invoice No : LP2-IN0000025796 / Downloaded : 10-04-2015
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NA to SS EN 1991-1-6 : 2009
NA.1 Scope
This Annex gives:
a) the Singapore decisions for the nationally determined parameters described in the following
subclauses of SS EN 1991-1-6:
2.2(4) Note 1
3.1(5) Notes 1 and 2
3.1(8) Note 1
4.9(6) Note 2
4.11.1(2) Table 4.1
4.11.2(1) Note 2
4.12(1)P Note 2
Annex A, A1.1(1) Note 2
Annex A, A1.3(2)
Annex A, A2.3(1) Note 1
Annex A, A2.4(2)
Annex A, A2.4(3)
Annex A, A2.5(2)
Annex A, A2.5(3) Note 1
SS CP 14 Design of scaffolds and SS CP 23 Design of formwork shall apply. For design of temporary
earth retaining structures, the requirements of the relevant authority shall apply.
For other types of auxiliary construction works, use the recommended design rules in BS EN 12810,
BS EN 12811, BS EN 12812 and TG20:(05) [1], as appropriate and defined for the individual project.
The limits of movement for construction loads classified as “free” should be defined for the individual
Licensed by SPRING Singapore to Er.Joshua Ong Cho Whatt, Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Singapore Standards Invoice No : LP2-IN0000025796 / Downloaded : 10-04-2015
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NA to SS EN 1991-1-6 : 2009
For guidance on design situations for wind actions during storm conditions, refer to BCSA Publication
No. 39/05 Guide to steel erection in windy conditions [2].
NA.2.4 Return periods for the determination of the characteristic values of variable
actions during execution
[SS EN 1991-1-6:2009, 3.1(5) Note 1]
The values should be defined for the individual project, using the recommended values as a minimum.
The recommended value should be defined for the individual project. As a guide, the following wind
speed values may apply:
NA.2.6 Rules for the combination of snow loads and wind actions with construction
loads [SS EN 1991-1-6:2009, 3.1(7)]
The criteria associated with serviceability limit states should be defined for the individual project.
The recommended rules and values may be appropriate; however, they should be defined for the
individual project.
Licensed by SPRING Singapore to Er.Joshua Ong Cho Whatt, Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Singapore Standards Invoice No : LP2-IN0000025796 / Downloaded : 10-04-2015
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NA to SS EN 1991-1-6 : 2009
Qca – The characteristic value qca,k of the uniformly distributed load may be defined for the individual
project and a minimum value of 1.00 is recommended.
Qcb – The characteristic values may be defined for the individual project. The recommended minimum
values should be used for bridges. For other applications use the recommended rules.
Alternative values for Qca and Qcc may be determined for the individual project if a specific assessment
is undertaken.
Values for Qcf should be assessed and determined for the individual project taking account of the
information provided in Table 4.1 and 4.11.2.
Values should be specified for the individual project. The recommended rules and values should be
used for determination, although the given value of 2 may be appropriate, subject to assessment.
Other specific requirements, such as for shipping, may apply. See also SS EN 1991-1-7 and its
National Annex.
The design values for ground acceleration and the importance factor 1 may be defined for the
individual project. See also BS EN 1998 for further information if it is relevant.
The recommended values should be used, including those for transient and persistent accompanying
Licensed by SPRING Singapore to Er.Joshua Ong Cho Whatt, Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Singapore Standards Invoice No : LP2-IN0000025796 / Downloaded : 10-04-2015
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NA to SS EN 1991-1-6 : 2009
The recommended value may be appropriate; however, values should be determined and defined for
the individual project.
NA.2.20 Design values of vertical deflections for the incremental launching of bridges
[SS EN 1991-1-6:2009, Annex A, A2.3(1) Note 1]
The recommended values may be appropriate; however, they should be determined and defined for
the individual project.
NA.2.22 Reduced values of characteristic snow loads for the verification of static
equilibrium [SS EN 1991-1-6:2009, Annex A, A2.4(3)]
The recommended values may be appropriate; however, they should be determined and defined for
the individual project.
The recommended rules and values for the friction coefficients, μmin and μmax may be appropriate;
however, they should be determined and defined for the individual project.
Annex B may be used for buildings and most civil engineering works.
Annex B may not be used for highway or railway structures unless its use is specified in the individual
BCSA Publication No. 39/05, Guide to steel erection in windy conditions, British Constructional
Steelwork Association, London 2005.
Licensed by SPRING Singapore to Er.Joshua Ong Cho Whatt, Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Singapore Standards Invoice No : LP2-IN0000025796 / Downloaded : 10-04-2015
Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited
NA to SS EN 1991-1-6 : 2009
Standards publications
SS EN 1991-1-7, Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures – Part 1-7 : General actions – Accidental actions
Other publications
[1] NASC TG 20 05, Technical Guidance on the use of BS EN 12811-1; Guide to Good Practice
for Scaffolding with Tubes and Fittings. National Access and Scaffolding Confederation,
London, 2005
[2] BCSA Publication No. 39/05, Guide to steel erection in windy conditions, British Constructional
Steelwork Association, London, 2005
Singapore Technical Reference for deep excavation
In preparation
Licensed by SPRING Singapore to Er.Joshua Ong Cho Whatt, Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Singapore Standards Invoice No : LP2-IN0000025796 / Downloaded : 10-04-2015
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NA to SS EN 1991-1-6 : 2009
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Licensed by SPRING Singapore to Er.Joshua Ong Cho Whatt, Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Singapore Standards Invoice No : LP2-IN0000025796 / Downloaded : 10-04-2015
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