Influence of Essay Assessment On Student Competenc 105823
Influence of Essay Assessment On Student Competenc 105823
Influence of Essay Assessment On Student Competenc 105823
Received: July 24, 2023 Abstract: The low scores of Pisa and TIMSS Indonesia show that students' abilities are
Revised: September 7, 2023 still weak in 3 categories, namely linguistic literacy, scientific literacy, and mathematical
Accepted: September 25, 2023 literacy. To measure how far the achievement of student competence can be used
Published: September 30, 2023 assessment essay. Therefore this study aims to see the effect of essay assessment on
students' competency achievement in science learning. This study used the literature
Corresponding Author: review method through searches on Google Scholar and ERIC with the keywords
Fatni Mufit "student competency achievement", "Essay Assessment", and "scoring". As research
[email protected] subjects, 16 articles were used which had been extracted from 1000 articles in national
journals and international journals between 2019 and 2023. The results showed that the
DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i9.4994 use of assessment essays based on educational level, namely at the high school level had
a percentage of 62.5% while at the university level has a percentage of 60%. Furthermore,
© 2023 The Authors. This open based on the material, it can be seen that the percentage of using assessment essays in
access article is distributed under a biology and physics subjects obtained a percentage of 60%. So it can be concluded that
(CC-BY License) Essay Assessment has an influence on the Achievement of Student Competence in
Science Learning.
360, which is relatively low compared to other countries ability is the foundation of critical thinking (Nurhida,
(Noviana, 2020). In terms of scientific literacy, students 2021). This statement is in line with research conducted
in 2018 were ranked 70th out of 78 countries with a low by Hasanah (2023) which states that good critical
score of 396. In contrast, in the 2015 TIMSS assessment, thinking skills will influence students' ability to
Indonesia was ranked 44th out of 49 participating understand the material well and is reinforced by
countries with an average score of 397 and an average research conducted by Nurlinda (2019) who applies
score of international average. 500. The survey journals as teaching materials that can improve abilities.
respondents' achievements were categorized into four student. High level thinking skills and encourage
categories based on TIMSS criteria: low (low 400), students to actively look for answers so that their ability
moderate (medium), high, and very high. Indonesia's to understand science material becomes better.
position is at a low level (Suparya, 2022) as evidenced by Based on the explanation above, this study aims to
statistics showing low (550 low), high (550 high), and see how much influence Essay Assessment has on
advanced (625 advanced). Student Competency Achievement in Science Learning
The poor scores of PISSA and TIMSS show that in terms of subject matter and educational level.
there are still challenges in increasing students'
understanding of the subjects being taught. According Method
to Wahyuni (2022), one of the factors causing students'
poor PISA performance is their inability to translate This research uses a literature review method.
problems and think visually. The cause of poor PISA Literature review is an activity that focuses on a specific
scores is the paradoxical nature of public education, topic that is of interest to critically analyze the contents
which leads to low creative thinking abilities (Suharyat of the text being studied (Wahyuni, 2022). The data
et al., 2022). To develop as individuals, generate original collected begins by conducting a literature review search
ideas, and develop their skills and knowledge, students on Google Scholar and ERIC with the keyword
must be able to think creatively. One strategy to "achievement of student competency", “Essay
overcome this problem is to speed up the educational Assessment”, and “scoring”. As research subjects, 16
process and encourage students to use their imagination articles were used which had been extracted from 1000
(Fradila et al., 2021). This thinking skill involves solving articles in national journals and international journals
students' ideas to produce new knowledge or concepts. between 2019 and 2023. The research flow can be seen in
Essay assessment is a type of test that can be used figure 1.
to measure student competency achievement. Where in
Anderson and Kartwohl's taxonomy on achievements
C4, C5, and C6, as well as affective and psychomotor
elements of critical thinking skills and creative thinking
skills, all of them are included in the PISA-oriented essay
assessment. Competency-based evaluations called
assessment essays require students to formulate,
produce and offer original answers. Because essay tests
can show how well students are at gathering,
organizing, synthesizing, and analyzing knowledge,
education professionals sometimes use them. Essay
assessment provides several benefits, including the
ability to test students' thinking and reasoning
processes, test higher-order thinking skills or critical
Figure 1. Literature review systematic flowchart
thinking skills, and offer real-world experiences
(Zubaidah, 2018). Students with strong conceptual
Researchers may find it simpler to comprehend the
understanding will be able to apply this information to
evolution of journal contents, as well as the differences
solve new problems in other contexts because
and similarities across journals that have been the
knowledge received through higher-order thinking
subject of research, thanks to the availability of this
processes is more easily transferred than simply
journal matrix. According to the constraints of the topic
remembering (Hutapea, 2021).
that the researcher is trying to address, namely the
Apart from that, essay assessments can also be used
impact of assigning an assessment essay on the
to improve students' learning skills. Meanwhile, the 4C
development of student competency in learning science,
skills (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and
the researcher will examine each journal one at a time.
communication) needed in the 21st century can also be
obtained through essay evaluation. Problem solving
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) September 2023, Volume 9 Issue 9, 539-549
Articles with codes A1, A6, A7, A9, A11, A13, A17, show the use of assessment essays in research to
A18, A20, A21, A23, A24, A25, A26, A27, A28, A29, A30, demonstrate a competency which is part of the skills
A31, A32, A33, A35, A36, A37 , A38, A39 and A41 needed in the 21st century and the competencies needed
present articles about the use and development of essay to improve students' PISSA. and TIMSS scores. in
assessment in learning which shows an increase in Indonesia.
student competencies such as critical thinking, creative The use of essay assessment can also be integrated
thinking and others. Meanwhile, articles with codes A2, with several learning model approaches as seen in
A3, A8, A10, A12, A14, A15, A19, A22, A34 and A40 articles coded A2, A3, A4, A18, A20, A21, A23, A24, A25,
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) September 2023, Volume 9 Issue 9, 539-549
A27, A29, A30, A31, A32, A38 and A39, namely models HOTS-based science learning could improve students'
Pjbl, PBL, blended learning, Recorse, R2L, stem-PBL and critical thinking skills. This is in line with research
inquiry. Where by implementing essay assessment with conducted by Astawa et al. (2022) who in their research
the Pjbl learning model approach can improve students' succeeded in proving that by using essay assessments
metacognitive abilities. The PBL model improves critical thinking skills can be measured and research
students' critical and creative thinking skills. The conducted by Yusuf (2019) which proves that the use of
RICORSE model and blended learning can improve essay assessments in secondary schools in Kuala
critical thinking skills. The R2L model increases Lumpur can measure increasing students' critical
academic literacy, while using the inquiry model can thinking skills. Essay assessments can improve critical
improve students' critical thinking, problem solving and thinking skills because written assessments take the
cognitive abilities. The ability to assess essays using the form of essay tests, which require students to compose
inquiry model is in line with research conducted by answers using their own words (Wiyastuti, 2020). This
Fadli (2020), who in his research proved that using the was further clarified by research conducted by Alsaleh
inquiry model and measuring students' abilities using (2022) which stated that students were asked to write
essay tests can improve students' skills. Apart from that, essays to improve their critical thinking skills and were
as has been mentioned, the use of essay assessments can encouraged to use higher order thinking skills.
improve students' cognitive abilities, in line with Students' critical thinking skills will encourage
research conducted by Safaruddin et al. (2020) and students to have good problem solving abilities. Thus, it
Darmawan (2020) and Muhayati (2023) who in their can be concluded that essay assessments that can be
research succeeded in proving that the use of essay used to improve students' critical thinking skills will
assessments can improve students' cognitive abilities. encourage students' problem solving abilities. This is in
Minimum competency assessment based on MCA line with research conducted by Ramdani (2021) who in
is used in the education system in Indonesia. The three his research utilized science teaching materials based on
elements that form student skills assessed by the the 5E learning cycle integrated with local wisdom to
national exam are the Minimum Competency improve students' critical thinking skills using essay
Examination (MCA), character survey, and learning assessments in their evaluations. The results show that
environment survey. Students' cognitive abilities are the essay assessment is effective in improving students'
evaluated using the reading and mathematics literacy critical thinking skills, which also encourages students'
components of the Minimum Competency Assessment problem solving abilities. This is further strengthened by
(MCA). Students must meet the MCA competency research conducted by researchers with journal codes
criteria. A36, A38, A42. Code A38 uses teaching materials and
A sign of increased cognitive and logical thinking is code A40 uses worksheets that integrate essay
the capacity for self-criticism and one's challenges in assessments for evaluation.
generating new ideas (Akromah, 2019). Marisa (2020), Research A38 uses a quasi-experimental method
on the other hand, notes that cognitive indicators in and A40 uses an R&D method with a 4D model. A38 by
scientific literacy also include indicators of scientific utilizing essay assessments in teaching materials after
knowledge, indicators of understanding the nature of the pre-posttest shows an increase in students' problem
science, indicators of science as a way of thinking, and solving skills, while code A40 in the LKS effectiveness
indicators of interactions between science, technology test shows that LKS containing essay assessments can
and technology, and society. improve students' problem solving skills. Problem
According to studies (Ulmi, 2018) and (Sari, 2021) solving skills are also related to scientific literacy
essay assessment can have an impact on students' critical abilities where these skills will develop students'
and creative thinking abilities. Fluency, adaptability, thinking skills because in learning students are
originality when generating new ideas, and detail (or conditioned to be able to dig up as much information as
elaboration) when presenting ideas are indicators of possible, then formulate questions and determine
creative thinking, while information, concepts and ideas, solutions to the problems created so this is very good for
points of view and conclusions must be clear, relevant increasing students' scientific literacy. This is in line with
and precise indicators of critical thinking. The ability of research conducted by Fakhriyah et al. (2019) which in
essay assessments to improve critical thinking skills is in their research proves that scientific-based teaching
line with research conducted by Sidiq et al. (2021), who materials (scientific literacy) that have been developed
in their research used essay assessments to improve are effective in improving students' thinking skills and
critical thinking skills. This research was conducted this is further strengthened by research conducted by
through quasi-experimental research with a sample of 60 Pursitasari (2023) using essays, in interactive teaching
students who were given pretest and posttest questions materials improve students' critical thinking skills and
and the results showed that essay assessments for scientific attitudes.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) September 2023, Volume 9 Issue 9, 539-549
Ulmi (2018)/Kode to encourage student creativity aspect in question is the cognitive aspect in accordance
in learning physics, A1 created an essay exam. Physics is with Bloom's taxonomy. Metacognitive skills are
the subject that uses the most assessment instruments measured in 3 types of science material, namely
(Tanjung, 2022). Therefore, by using essay evaluation, community, ecosystem, food chain and food web.
students' creative thinking abilities are evaluated in 4 Students are required to read the content before the
areas. The four abilities considered are clarity of thought, lecture, make a mind map, present it in front of the class,
adaptability of thought, originality of thought, and and discuss to observe how mind mapping in the
detail-oriented thinking. The research results showed learning paradigm by applying essay evaluation affects
that the essay assessment worksheet created was metacognition. Students took identical essay tests on
successful in improving students' original thinking metacognitive abilities both before and after learning.
abilities (73.08 in physics learning). Pantiwati et al. Metacognitive ability indicators used in this research
(2022)/code in A13 used an essay exam to assess include goal setting, documenting related information,
participants' capacity for original thinking on and drawing conclusions. It has been proven through
biodiversity-related topics. Six questions were asked to research that using essay assessments allows for the
examine how essay exams impact students' ability to measurement of students' metacognitive skills. The
think creatively. one question on originality, one statement above is in line with research conducted by
question on fluency, one question on elaboration, one Mahfuzah et al. (2020)/article code A2 which is based on
question on flexibility, one question on metaphor, and research by utilizing essay assessments in biology
two questions on thinking. The experimental class had a learning to measure students' metacognitive abilities. To
higher proportion of creative thinkers than the control clarify the effect of providing essay assessments on
class, according to test results for six creative thinking student competence, categorization is carried out,
questions. Students' responses to questions demonstrate namely based on educational level and subject. The
their capacity for original thinking. Because this study effect of essay assessment based on education level on
found that assessment essays impact students' creative student competence can be seen in Table 2.
thinking capacity, it is recommended that assessment
essays be used in conjunction with other biological Table 2. Categorization by Education Level
resources. Education Level Frequency Percentage (%)
The increase in student creativity due to the use of JHS 5 11.63
essay assessments is in line with research conducted by SHS 24 55.81
Rizal et al. (2022) who in their research succeeded in University 13 32.56%
proving that the use of essay assessments in measuring
the level of creative thinking abilities and science process Based on the data in Table 2, it shows distribution
skills was effectively used. The ability of essay data on the use of essay assessments as student
assessment to increase student creativity has previously competency assessments, consisting of 5 articles for
been proven by researchers at code A20 who in their junior high school (JHS) level, 24 articles for senior high
research explored the scientific creativity of high school school (SHS) level and 13 articles for tertiary institutions.
students on static fluid material in STREM PBL with an Based on Table 2, it can also be seen that at the SHS
e-authentic assessment using 3 essay questions for the education level the percentage is 55.81%, while at the
pre-posttest showing an increase in student creativity. university level the percentage is 32.56%. This shows
This statement is also in line with research conducted by that the use of essay assessments as an assessment of
Jawad (2021) in his research to determine the impact of student competency is quite widely used at both high
science, technology, engineering and mathematics school and university levels. This is because based on
education on creative thinking and research conducted research conducted by Stavinibelia (2021), essay
by Suliyanthini (2023) who in his research used project- assessment can improve students' critical thinking skills
based learning with evaluation. Using essays can and to better understand learning independently
improve students' creative thinking. By utilizing essay without the help of a teacher and before the teacher
assessments, students' creativity can be measured. Based teaches the material to be studied at school so that it can
on the explanation above, it can be seen that the use of be understood. It is said to be useful for competency
essay assessments can improve students' 21st century assessment, namely the extent to which students'
skills, namely creativity and critical thinking Supena thinking competence is based on the answers given in
(2021), besides being able to increase student creativity. the essay assessment.
Astriani et al. (2020)/codes A14 and A26 use essay The appropriateness of using essay assessments to
assessments to measure students' metacognitive measure student competence is strengthened by
abilities. Where metacognition is a person's ability to research conducted by Faudzan (2021)/A15 which states
control their cognitive aspects. Where the cognitive that essay assessments are a methodology for collecting
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) September 2023, Volume 9 Issue 9, 539-549
information about student learning processes and thinking and critical thinking competencies which are
outcomes using measuring tools in the form of essay part of the skills needed in the 21st century. Meanwhile,
tests (description). This information gathering process is critical thinking indicators include information,
carried out continuously in every learning process so concepts, points of view and conclusions that must be
that essay assessments are very well used to measure the clear, Relevant and appropriate indicators of creative
level of student competency achievement in all cognitive thinking include fluency, adaptability when thinking
aspects (knowledge, understanding, application, about a problem, originality when coming up with other
analysis, synthesis and evaluation). Meanwhile, for the ideas, and detail (or elaboration) when presenting ideas
JHS level, the level of essay use is still relatively low (Sari, 2021).
compared to the other two levels, namely SHS and
university. This is because according to Hadi (2020) the Conclusion
level of students' intellectual development differs from
one student to another. There are several factors that Based on the data and research results, it can be
influence students' intellectual development. Among concluded that essay assessment can influence students'
them is age, the older the child becomes, the clearer the achievement of competence in science learning. When
tendency towards process maturity and maturity in the viewed from the moderator variable, the following
thinking process will help answer the essay assessment conclusions can be drawn: First, based on education
well. After it is known that essay assessments are widely level, it can be seen that at the high school level it has a
used in assessing student competency at the SHS and percentage of 62.5% while at the university level it has a
tertiary level because of their good ability to measure the percentage of 60%. This shows that the use of assessment
level of achievement based on the essay answers given, essays as an assessment of student competence has an
the percentage of essay assessments used to measure influence at the high school level and at the university.
student competency based on subjects can be seen in Second, based on the material, it can be seen that the
Table 3. percentage of using assessment essays in biology and
physics subjects obtained a percentage of 60%. This
Tabel 3. Categorization Based on the material shows that the use of assessment essays as an assessment
Material Frequency Percentage (%) of student competence has an influence on science
Biology 15 34.88 subjects, especially in biology and physics subjects.
Physics 19 46.51
Chemistry 8 18.61 Acknowledgments
The author would like to thank profusely for the award that
Based on the data in Table 3, it shows data on the has been given to the author, in which this article has been
distribution of the use of essay assessments as an analyzed and referenced. The author is very honored and
assessment of student competency based on subject excited to know that this work has been accepted and
type, consisting of 19 articles for physics, 15 articles for recognized by a respectable journal such as
biology and 8 articles for chemistry. Based on Table 4, it
can also be seen that the highest percentage of using Author Contributions
essay assessments to measure students' competency Author contributions include Utari Prisma Dewi, and Fleony
Dea Amanda: collecting data, analyzing data, writing original
levels is in physics subjects, namely 46.51% and biology,
drafts, and so on; Fatni Mufit and Festiyed: focus on
34.88% and the lowest percentage is chemistry, namely methodology and review writing.
18.61%. This proves that the use of assessment essays to
measure students' competency levels in chemistry Funding
subjects is still lacking. This research was independently funded by researchers.
This is due to the shortcomings of essay answers,
namely that it is difficult to assess the answers and Conflicts of Interest
requires a lot of time to correct them. Teachers also have The authors declare no conflict of interest.
their own obstacles in the process of correcting answers,
sometimes corrections have to be taken home by the References
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