Comp5311 20231
Comp5311 20231
Comp5311 20231
Subject Synopsis/ • Data-link networks and IP: shared medium and point-to-point
Indicative Syllabus networks; the internetworking problem, the hour-glass model,
address resolution, IP fragmentation, packet reordering, IP
• IP forwarding: longest prefix match algorithms, routing vs
Jul 2021
switching, IP address lookup, packet classification, IP
tunnelling, ICMP.
• End-to-end issues and protocols: end-to-end argument, end-to-
end reliability, TCP and UDP, sliding window protocol,
acknowledgment strategies.
• Control congestion in Internet: TCP slow-start and congestion
avoidance, TCP fast retransmit and recovery, fairness, buffer
management, packet scheduling, and queue management.
• Applications protocols, e.g., DNS and HTTP, and their
interactions with the lower layers.
• Internet routing: Internet topology, distance vector, link state,
and path vector routing protocols, convergence and routing
loops, Routing Information Protocol, Open Shortest Path
Protocol, Border Gateway Protocol, Inter-AS relationship.
• Design philosophy of IP and TCP, and future challenges.
Assessment Methods in
Alignment with Intended Specific Assessment % Intended subject
Learning Outcomes Methods/Tasks weighting learning outcomes
to be assessed
a b c
Assignments, Tests &
Projects 55
Final Examination 45
Total 100
Student study effort Class Contact:
expected Class activities (lecture, tutorial, lab) 39 hours
Other student study effort:
Assignments, Quizzes, Projects, Exams 66 hours
Total student study effort 105 hours
Reading list and (1) J. Kurose and K. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down
references Approach, 8th Edition, Pearson, 2020.
(2) L. Peterson and B. S. Davie, Computer Networks: A Systems
Approach,, 2019.
(3) Academic Journals and Conference Papers such as
publications in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, ACM SIGCOMM,
Jul 2021