BCA Paper-V Unit-8

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Unit : 8 Pointers

Lesson Structure

8.0 Objective
8.1 Introduction
8..2 Pointer and its Characteristics
8.3 Address and Indirection Operators
8.4 Pointer Type Declaration and Assignment
8.5 Pointer Arithmetic
8.6 Passing Pointer to Functions
8.7 Pointer to Pointer
8.8 Arrays and Pointer
8.9 Pointer and String
8.10 A function Returning More than One Value
8.11 Function Returning a pointer
8.12 Dynamic Memory Allocation
8.13 Summary
8.14 Questions for exercise
8.15 Suggested Readings

8.0 Objective

After going through this unit, you will be able to learn :

 The need of pointers in the programming
 Characteristics of pointers
 Pointer type declaration, Assignment of pointer and initialization of pointer
 Pointer arithmetic

 Passing pointers to function, Pointer to pointer

 Function returning more than one value
 Function returning a pointer
 Arrays and pointer, Pointer and strings
 And the concept of dynamic memory allocation

8.1 Introduction

A pointer is a derived data type in C. It is built in from one of the fundamental data
types available in C. Pointers contains memory address as their values. Since these memory
addresses are locations in the computer memory where program instructions and data are
stored, pointers can be used to access and manipulate data stored in the memory.
Pointers are undoubtedly one of the most distinct and exiting features of C language.
It has added power and flexibility to the language. Although they appear little confusing and
difficult to understand, but they are very powerful tool for programmers. Pointers are more
efficient in data handling arrays and data tables. Pointers can be used to return multiple
values from a function via function arguments. Pointers allow C to support dynamic memory
management. They reduce length and complexity of programs and increase the execution
speed and reduce the program execution time.
A normal variable is a location in memory that can hold a value. For example, when
you declare a variable i as an integer, two bytes of memory is set aside for it. In your program,
you refer to that location in memory by the name i. At the machine level, location has a memory
address, at which the two bytes can hold one integer value. A pointer is a variable that points
to another variable. This means that it holds the memory address of another variable. Put
another way, the pointer does not hold a value in the traditional sense; instead, it holds the
address of another variable. It points to that other variable by holding its address.
Because a pointer holds an address rather than a value, it has two parts. The pointer
itself holds the address. That addresses points to a value. There is the pointer and the value
pointed to. As long as you’re careful to ensure that the pointers in your programs always point
to valid memory locations, pointers can be useful, powerful, and relatively trouble-free tools.

8.2 Pointers and Their Characterstics

The computer’s memory is a sequential collection of ‘storage cell’. Each unit is known
as byte, has a number called address associated with it. The addresses are numbered
consecutively, starting from zero. The last address depends on memory size.


Whenever we declare a variable, the system allocates, somewhere in the memory, an

appropriate location to hold value of the variable. Since, every byte has a unique address
number, this location will have its own address number. The size of this block depends on the
range over which the variable is allowed to vary.
An ordinary variable is a location in memory that can hold a value of specified type. A
pointer is a variable which hold address of another variable as their value. A pointer variable
points the another variable.
int p = 120;
the above declaration shows a memory space named p with a value 120. Let us
suppose the system allocated the address space location 1000 for p. we may represent it
as follows :
p variable

120 value

1000 address

We can acecess the value 120 by using either variable name p or by address 1000.
Since memory addresses are simply numbers they can assigned to other variables, which
can be stored in memory, like any other variable. Such variables which holds memory address
is known as pointer variables. A pointer variable is a variable, that contains an address ,
which is a location of another variable in memory
Variable Value Address
P 120 1000
ptr 1000 1006
Figure 7
Suppose we assign the address of variable p to the pointer variable ptr, now we can
access the value of p by ptr. Since ptr points to the variable p.
Characteristic features of Pointers:
i. The program execution time will be faster as the data is manipulated with the help of
addresses directly.


ii. Will save the memory space.

iii. The memory access will be very efficient.
iv. Dynamic memory is allocated.

8.3 Address and Indirection Operators

The actual location of a variable in the memory is system dependent and therefore,
the address of a variable is not known immediately. The address of a variable in C is determined
by using & operator. The & operator immediately preceding a variable returns the address of
variable associated with it. e.g :
p = #
will assign the address of variable num to the variable p.
C also uses a unary pointer operator “ * “, called value at address or indirection operator. It
returns a value stored at that address.
Example1: write a program to print the address associated with a variable and value stored
at that address.
# include <stdio.h>
# include <conio.h>
void main( )
char a;
int x;
float p, q;
a= ‘A’;
p= 10.25;
q= 18.75;
printf(“ %c is stored at address %u\n’, &a);
printf(“ %d is stored at address %u\n’, &x);
printf(“ %f is stored at address %u\n’, &p);
printf(“ %f is stored at address %u\n’, &q);
printf(“ the value of a is %c\n’,*( &a));
printf(“ the value of a is %c \n’, a);

printf(“ the value of x is %d \n’, x);

printf(“ the value of p is %f \n’, p);
printf(“ the value of q is %f \n’, q);
A is stored at address 5436
125 is stored at address 4563
10.250000 is stored at address 4442
18.760000 is stored at address 4438
the value of a is A
the value of a is A
the value of x is 125
the value of p is 10.250000
the value of q is 18.760000
We have used %u format for printing address values. Memory addresses are unsigned

8.4 Pointer Type Declaration and Assignment

In C, every variable must be declared for its type. Since pointer variables contain
addresses that belong to a separate data type, they must be declared as pointers before we
use them. The general syntax to declare a pointer variable is:
data_type * pointer_var_name;
data type tells that the pointer variable points to a variable of specified data type. The
asterisk(*) tells that the variable is a pointer type variable and the pointer variable name is a
valid identifier.
int * p;
declares a pointer variable p as a pointer variable that points to an integer data type.
float *a;


declares a pointer variable x which points to a float data type.

The process of assigning the address of a variable is known as initialization. Once a
pointer variable is declared we can use assignment operator to initialize the variable.
Example :
int quantity;
int *p;
p = &quantity;
We can also combine the initialization and declaration .
int *p = &quantity;
we declare a integer type variable quantity and a pointer type variable p and assigned
the address of quantity to the pointer p. we must ensure that the pointer variable point to the
corresponding type of data.
Null Pointer Assignment
It does make sense to assign an integer value to a pointer variable. An exception is an
assignment of 0, which is sometimes used to indicate some special condition. A macro is
used to represent a null pointer. That macro goes under the name NULL.
Thus, setting the value of a pointer using the NULL, as with an assignment statement
such as ptr = NULL, tells that the pointer has become a null pointer. Similarly, as one can test
the condition for an integer value as zero or not, like if (i == 0), as well we can test the condition
for a null pointer using if (ptr == NULL) or you can even set a pointer to NULL to indicate that
it’s no longer in use

8.5 Pointer Arithmetic

Like other variables, pointer variable can also be used in expressions. For example if
ptr1 and ptr2 are pointers, then the following statement is valid.
y = (*p1) * (*p2)
sum = sum + (*p1);
z = 7 + (*ptr1/ *ptr2);
*ptr2 = * ptr2 + 10;
In C, the programmer may add or subtract integers from pointers. We can also subtract
one pointer from other. We can also use short hand operators with the pointer variables as
we use with other variables.

C also allows to compare pointers by using relational operators in the expressions.

p1 > p2,
p1 = = p2
p1 != p2
When using pointers, unary increment (++) and decrement ( —) operators have greater
precedence than the dereference operator(*). But both these operators have a special behavior
when used as suffix.in that case the expression is evaluated with the value it had before
being increases. Therefore the expression;
*ptr ++
Is equivalent to *(ptr++) as ++ has greater operator precedence than the dereference
operator (*). Therefore the expression will increase the value of ptr so that it now points to the
next element. This means the statement * ptr ++ does not perform the intended task. Therefore
to increment the value of the variable whose address is stored in ptr , we should write
(*ptr) ++;
Points to be remember:
1. A pointer variable can be assigned the address of another variable.
2. A pointer variable can be initialized with a null.
3. A pointer variable can be assigned the value of another pointer variable.
4. Prefix or postfix increment and decrement operators can be applied to a pointer
5. An integer value can be added or subtracted from a pointer variable.
6. A pointer variable can be compared with another pointer variable of the same
type using relational operator.
7. A pointer variable can not be multiplied by a constant.
8. A pointer variable can not be added to another pointer variable.
Example 2: write a program to illustrate the use of pointer in arithmetic operations.
# include<stdio.h>
Void main()


int a, b, *p1, *p2, x, y, z;

a = 12;
b = 4;
p1 = &a;
p2 = &b;
x = *p1 + *p2 - 6;
y = a * - *p2/ *p1 +10;
printf(“address of a = %u\n”, p1);
printf(“address of b = %u\n”, p2);
printf(“a = %d, b = %d\n”, a, b);
printf(“x = %d, y = %d\n”, x, y);
*p2= *p2 + 3;
*p1 = *p2 -5;
z = *p1 + *p2 - 6;
printf(“\n a= %d, b= %d “, a, b);
printf(“ z = %d\n”, z);
Address of a = 4020
Address of b = 4016
a = 12, b = 4
x = 42, y =9
a = 2, b = 7 z =8

8.6 Passing Pointer to Functions

Pointers provide a mechanism to modify data declared in one function using code
written in another function. when we use pointers to pass arguments to a function we pass
addresses of the variables as arguments and the called function must declare those incoming


arguments as pointers. To modify the variable sent by the caller, the called function must
dereference the pointers that were passed to it. thus passing pointers to a function avoids the
overhead of copying data from one function to another. The general syntax to declare this
type of function is :
return_ type function_name( datatype 1* , datatype 2*,…, datatype n *);
e.g. int swap(int *, int *);
or int swap(int *a, int *b);
Example 3 : write a program to demonstrate passing pointer to function.
void sum (int *a, int *b, int *t);
void main()
int num1, num2, total;
printf(“\n Enter the first number :”);
scanf(“%d”, &num1);
printf(“\n Enter the second number :”);
scanf(“%d”, &num2);
sum(&num1, &num2, &total);
printf(“\n total = %d”,total);
void sum(int *a, int *b, int *t)
*t = *a + *b;
Enter the first number : 5
Enter the second number : 8
Total = 13


8.7 Pointer to Pointer

When we declare a variable it holds the value of the variable, if we declare a pointer it
holds the address of another variable, if we declare a pointer to pointer it will hold the address
of another pointer variable. The general syntax to declare a pointer to pointer is ;
data_type ** pointer_variable_name;
int ** ptr;
this declaration tells the compiler that ptr is a pointer to a pointer of int type. To
retrieve the value of target variable we use the dereference operator(*) twice.
e.g :
int *ptr;
int **ptr1;
int a;
ptr = &a;
ptr1 = &ptr
100 102 104
10 100 102
p p1 p2
Figure 8
Example 4 : write a program to demonstrate pointer to pointer
void main()
int a, *b, **c;
b = &a;
c = &b;
a = 50;
printf(“ %d \t %d \t %d”, a, *b, **c);
** c = 95;
printf(“\n %d\t %d”, *b, a);


*b = 120;
printf(“ \n %d \t %d\t %d”, a, *b, **c);
50 50 50
95 95
120 120 120

8.8 Arrays and Pointer

When an array is declared, the compiler allocates a base address and sufficient amount
of storage to contain all the elements of the array in contagious memory locations. The base
address is the location of the first element of the array. The compiler also defines the array
name as a constant pointer to the first element. For example if we declare an array as :
int arr[5]= {1,2,3,4,5};
arr[0] arr[1] arr[2] arr[3] arr[4]

1 2 3 4 5

1000 1002 1004 1006 1008

Figure 9
Suppose the base address of arr is 1000 and assuming that each integer requires
two bytes, the five elements will be stored as above.
The name arr is defined as a constant pointer pointing to the first element arr[0] and
therefore the value of arr is 1000, the location where arr[0] is stored.
If we declare p as an integer pointer, then we can make the pointer p to point the array
arr by the following assignment:
P = arr;
This is equivalent to p = &arr[0];
Now, we can access every value of arr using p++ to move from one element to another.
The relationship between p and arr is as follows:
P = &arr[0]


P +1 = &arr[1]
P +2 = &arr[2]
P +3 = & arr[3]
P +4 = &arr[4]
The address of an element is calculated using its index and the scale factor of the data
type. For instance:
Address of arr[4] = base address + (4* scale factor of int)
= 1000 + (4x 2)
Example 5 :: write a program to read and display an array of n integers using pointers.
void main()
int i, n;
int arr[10], *ptr;
ptr= arr;
printf( “ enter the number of elements”);
scanf(“%d”, &n);
printf(“\n enter the elements”);
for( i =0 ; i<n ; i++)
scanf(“%d”, ptr+i);
printf(“\n the elements entered are:”);
for( i =0 ; i < n; i++)
printf(“\t %d”, *(ptr +i));
Enter the number of elements: 5
Enter the elements : 3 6 8 9 2
The elements entered are : 3 6 8 9 2


8.9 Pointer and String

As we have seen in strings, a string in C is an array of characters ending in the null

character (written as ‘\0’), which specifies where the string terminates in memory. Like in one-
dimensional arrays, a string can be accessed via a pointer to the first character in the string.
The value of a string is the (constant) address of its first character. Thus, it is appropriate to
say that a string is a constant pointer.
A string can be declared as a character array or a variable of type char *. The
declarations can be done as shown below:
char country[ ] = “INDIA”;
char *country = “INDIA”;
Each initialize a variable to the string “INDIA”. The second declaration creates a pointer
variable country that points to the letter I in the string “INDIA” somewhere in memory.
Once the base address is obtained in the pointer variable country, *country would
yield the value at this address, which gets printed through,
printf (“%s”, *country);
Example 6 : write a program which displays a string using pointers.
void main()
char str = “welcome to nou”;
char *ptr;
ptr = str;
while( * ptr ! = ‘\0’)
printf(“%c”, *ptr);
Welcome to nou

8.10 A Function Returning more than One Vaue

Using call by reference method we can make a function return more than one value at
a time, which is not possible in the call by value method. The following program will makes
you the concept very clear.
Example 7: Write a program to find the perimeter and area of a rectangle, if length and
breadth are given by the user.
#include <stdio.h>
# include <conio.h>
void periarea(float length, float breadth, float *, float *);
void main()
float len,br;
float peri, ar;
printf(“\nEnter the length and breadth of a rectangle in metres: \n”);
scanf(“%f %f”,&len,&br);
printf(“\nPerimeter of the rectangle is %f metres”, peri);
printf(“\nArea of the rectangle is %f sq. metres”, ar);
void periarea(float length, float breadth, float *perimeter, float *area)
*perimeter = 2 * (length +breadth);
*area = length * breadth;
Enter the length and breadth of a rectangle in metres:
23.0 3.0
Perimeter of the rectangle is 52.000000 metres
Area of the rectangle is 69.000000 sq. metres


Here in the above program, we have seen that the function periarea is returning two
values. We are passing the values of len and br but, addresses of peri and ar. As we are
passing the addresses of peri and ar, any change that we make in values stored at addresses
contained in the variables *perimeter and *area, would make the change effective even in
main() also.

8.11 Function returning a pointer

A function can also return a pointer to the calling program, the way it returns an int, a
float or any other data type. To return a pointer, a function must explicitly mention in the calling
program as well as in the function prototype. Let’s illustrate this with an example :
Example 8 : Write a program to illustrate a function returning a pointer.
# include<stdio.h>
# include< conio.h>
float *func( ); /* function prototype */
void main( )
float *a;
a = func( );
printf (“Address = %u”, a);
float *func( )
float r = 5.2;
return (&r);
Address = 65516
This program only shows how a function can return a pointer.
program based on pointers
Example 9 : write a program using pointers to compare two strings.

int compare_string (char*, char*);

main ()
char first [100], second[100], result;
printf (“Enter first string\n”);
gets (first);
printf (“Enter second string\n”);
get s(second);
result = compare_string(first, second);
if ( result == 0 )
printf(“Both strings are same.\n”);
printf(“Entered strings are not equal.\n”);
return 0;
int compare_string(char *first, char *second)
if ( *first == ‘\0’ || *second == ‘\0’ )
if( *first == ‘\0’ && *second == ‘\0’ )
return 0;
return -1;
Enter first string : NOU

Enter second string : NOU

Both strings are equal
Example 10: write a program to copy a string using pointers.
void copy_string(char*, char*);
char source[100], target[100];
printf(“Enter source string\n”);
copy_string(target, source);
printf(“Target string is \”%s\”\n”, target);
return 0;
void copy_string(char *target, char *source)
*target = *source;
*target = ‘\0’;
Enter source string : nalanda
Target string is : nalanda
Example11: write a c program to concatenate two strings using pointer

void concatenate_string(char*, char*);

char original[100], add[100];
printf(“Enter source string\n”);
printf(“Enter string to concatenate\n”);
concatenate_string(original, add);
printf(“String after concatenation is \”%s\”\n”, original);
return 0;
void concatenate_string(char *original, char *add)
*original = *add;
*original = ‘\0’;
Enter source string : nalanda
Enter string to concatenate: university
String after concatenation is nalanda university
Example12: write a program to reverse a string by using pointers.
int string_length(char*);


void reverse(char*);
char string[100];
printf(“Enter a string\n”);
printf(“Reverse of entered string is \”%s\”.\n”, string);
return 0;
void reverse(char *string)
int length, c;
char *begin, *end, temp;
length = string_length(string);
begin = string;
end = string;
for ( c = 0 ; c < ( length - 1 ) ; c++ )
for ( c = 0 ; c < length/2 ; c++ )
temp = *end;
*end = *begin;
*begin = temp;
int string_length(char *pointer)
int c = 0;
while( *(pointer+c) != ‘\0’ )


return c;
Enter a string hello
Reverse of entered string is “olleh”

Example13 : write a c program to find whether a given string is palindrome or not by using
#include <stdio.h>
int is_palindrome(char*);
void copy_string(char*, char*);
void reverse_string(char*);
int string_length(char*);
int compare_string(char*, char*);
char string[100];
int result;
printf(“Enter a string\n”);
result = is_palindrome(string);
if ( result == 1 )
printf(“\”%s\” is a palindrome string.\n”, string);
printf(“\”%s\” is not a palindrome string.\n”, string);
return 0;
int is_palindrome(char *string)
int check, length;
char *reverse;
length = string_length(string);


reverse = (char*)malloc(length+1);
copy_string(reverse, string);
check = compare_string(string, reverse);
if ( check == 0 )
return 1;
return 0;
int string_length(char *string)
int length = 0;
return length;
void copy_string(char *target, char *source)
*target = *source;
*target = ‘\0’;
void reverse_string(char *string)
int length, c;

char *begin, *end, temp;

length = string_length(string);
begin = string;
end = string;
for ( c = 0 ; c < ( length - 1 ) ; c++ )
for ( c = 0 ; c < length/2 ; c++ )
temp = *end;
*end = *begin;
*begin = temp;
int compare_string(char *first, char *second)
if ( *first == ‘\0’ || *second == ‘\0’ )
if( *first == ‘\0’ && *second == ‘\0’ )
return 0;
return -1;
Enter a string madam
“madam “ is a palindrome string


8.12 Dynamic Memory Allocation

C language requires the number of elements in an array to be specified at compile

time. The process of allocating memory at run time is known as dynamic memory allocation.
Although c does not have this facility inherently, there are four library routines known as memory
management functions that can be use for allocating and freeing memory during program
1. malloc() : allocates requested size of bytes and returns a pointer to the first byte
of the allocated space.the general syntax to allocate memory using malloc is :
ptr = ( cast_type *) malloc(byte_size);
x = (int *) malloc( 20 * sizeof(int));
on successful execution of this statement, a memory space equivalent to 20 times the
size of an int byte is reserved and address of the first byte of the memory allocated is assigned
to the pointer x of type int.
2. calloc() : allocates space for an array of elements, initializes them to zero and
then returns a pointer to the memory.
The general syntax to allocate memory using calloc is:
ptr = ( cast _type *) calloc ( n, element_size);
st_ptr = ( record *) calloc( class_size, sizeof(record));
on the successful execution of above statement the calloc allocates memory to hold
specified size records.
3. free () : frees previously allocated space. The general syntax to free memory
space used at run time is :
4. realloc() : modifies the size of previously allocated space.the general syntax to
realloc memory is :
ptr = realloc( ptr, newsize);

8.13 Summary

In this unit we have studied about pointers, pointer arithmetic, passing pointers to
functions, relation to arrays and the concept of dynamic memory allocation. A pointer is simply
a variable that contains an address which is a location of another variable in memory. The
unary operator &, when preceded by any variable returns its address. C’s other unary pointer
operator is *, when preceded by a pointer variable returns a value stored at that address.
Pointers are often passed to a function as arguments by reference. This allows data
items within the calling function to be accessed, altered by the called function, and then returned
to the calling function in the altered form. There is an intimate relationship between pointers


and arrays as an array name is really a pointer to the first element in the array. Access to the
elements of array using pointers is enabled by adding the respective subscript to the pointer
value (i.e. address of zeroth element) and the expression preceded with an indirection operator.
As pointer declaration does not allocate memory to store the objects it points at,
therefore, memory is allocated at run time known as dynamic memory allocation. The library
routine malloc can be used for this purpose.

8.14 Questions for exercise

1. Define pointers.
2. What do you understand by null pointer.
3. What do you understand by dynamic memory allocation? Expain different function
used in dynamic memory allocation.
4. Write short notes on pointers to pointers.
5. Write a program to print hello world using pointers.
6. Write a program to subtract two integer values by using pointer.

8.15 Suggested Readings

1. Programming with ANSI and TURBO C, Ashok N. Kamthane, Pearson Education,

2. C, The Complete Reference, Fourth Edition, Herbert Schildt, TMH, 2002.
3. The C Programming Language, Brain W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, PHI.
4. Computer Programming in C, Raja Raman. V, 2002, PHI.
5. Programming in ANSI C, E. balagurusamy third edition
6. Pointers in C , Yashwant Kanetkar

Reference Link

1. www.programiz.com/c-programming
2. www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming
3. www.cprogramming.com
4. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language)
 To declare a structure
 Accessing the members of structure
 Initializing Structures


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