Communications Strategy Handbook
Communications Strategy Handbook
Communications Strategy Handbook
About PARIS21
The Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21) promotes the better
use and production of statistics throughout the developing world. Since its establishment in 1999,
PARIS21 has successfully developed a worldwide network of statisticians, policy makers, analysts
and development practitioners committed to evidence-based decision making. With the main
objective of achieving national and international development goals and reducing poverty in low-
and middle-income countries, PARIS21 facilitates statistical capacity development, advocates for
the integration of reliable data in decision making and co-ordinates donor support to statistics.
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p5: Unsplash, Ryutaro Uozumi p23: Unsplash, Jacqueline Brandwayn
p7: Unsplash, Brands People p24/25: Unsplash, Austin Distel
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p16: Unsplash, Hans Peter Gauster p31: Unsplash, Alvaro Reyes
p18: Unsplash, Sam Balye
Statistics are essential in developing the right policies to enable progress on the Sustainable
Development Goals. They provide the evidence needed for decision making and to hold
governments accountable for their actions.
Communication of national statistics is essential. It helps the public to understand the neutrality and
independence of national statistical offices (NSOs), and the value of national statistics as the basic
building blocks of governance and policy making. This drives greater acceptance and use of national
statistics by the public, journalists, and policy makers, thereby bolstering civic engagement.
A communications strategy provides both a strategic vision and roadmap for communications
over the long term. This helps to align communications activities and messaging with national
statistical office processes and frameworks, such as the national strategy for the development
of statistics (NSDS). A communications strategy helps an organisation to map out a series of
activities and programmes that not only help it engage with key stakeholders (internal and external)
in an effective and streamlined way, but also help reach the organisation’s core objectives.
This handbook provides strategic guidance and outlines the practical steps and resources needed for
national statistics offices (NSOs) to develop an integrated communications strategy. It covers in detail
each step of a five-step strategy development process: scoping, research, analysis, drafting and launch.
The handbook is intended for use by communications professionals working in national statistics
offices. It is meant to be practical, with a mix of instructions, tips and resources. Some NSOs will
find that this is all they need to proceed with strategy development independently. Others may find it
necessary or valuable to engage external support for some or a large part of the analytical work.
This handbook is not only for use by communications specialists. In fact, we strongly advise that a
multidisciplinary team be involved in the strategy development. It goes to creating broader institutional
buy-in as well as ensuring that a diversity of opinions is reflected in the choice of priorities.
Whether external support is employed or not, every organisation using the resource kit will need
to adapt its contents and approach to their own particular circumstances. The templates and
guidance are adaptable in order to allow application to a wide a range of situations. The resources
in particular are meant to be enhanced and refined based on the organisational needs, context
and culture. These include factors such as overall objectives, timeline, resource availability and
the situation in which the strategy is being developed. Nonetheless, this handbook should be
seen as a foundation upon which any strategy development process can be carried out.
This handbook is intended to complement the Guidelines for Integrating Communications into
National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS). PARIS21 strongly recommends
that communications be integrated into long-term statistical planning and the guidelines provide
NSOs with a rationale for integrating statistics as a means to achieve strategic NSO objectives
as well as an indication of how to create the conditions under which effective communications
can take place. This handbook builds on that guidance and provides NSOs with the knowledge
and tools necessary to develop a robust statistical communications capacity.
Note: You’ll find links to any resources (templates, workplans and
guidance documents) at the start of each Step).
STEP 1................................................................................................................... 10
Define the team.......................................................................................................................................... 11
Resource: Communications Strategy Framework
Conduct an internal scoping........................................................................................................................ 12
Resource: Focus Group Questionnaire
Develop the roadmap.................................................................................................................................. 13
Resource: Communication Strategy Roadmap
STEP 2................................................................................................................... 14
Market analysis........................................................................................................................................... 15
Resource: Competitor/Peer Matrix
Resource: Audience Insights Matrix
Audits........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Resource: Media Audit Worksheet
Resource: Social Media Audit Worksheet
Resource: Human Capacity & Skills Worksheet
STEP 3 .................................................................................................................. 19
Review existing material.............................................................................................................................. 20
SWOT analysis ........................................................................................................................................... 20
Resource: SWOT Analysis Worksheet
Brainstorm Strategy Objectives.................................................................................................................... 22
Risk Assessment And Response................................................................................................................... 22
Resource: Risk Assessment Worksheet
Identify channels and messages.................................................................................................................. 24
Resource: Message Development Worksheet
Consolidate situation analysis...................................................................................................................... 23
STEP 4................................................................................................................... 25
Work and implementation plan..................................................................................................................... 26
Resource: Communication Strategy Workplan
Resource: Editorial Calendar
Drafting...................................................................................................................................................... 26
Resource: Communication Strategy Framework
STEP 5................................................................................................................... 29
Present to senior management for approval.................................................................................................. 30
Launch....................................................................................................................................................... 30
2 • Market analysis
• Brand audit
• Social media audit
• Human capacity and skills audit
• Media audit
X Brand audit
Conduct a detailed audit and research X Social media audit
X Human capacity and skills audit
Step 2
X Editorial calendar
X Work and implementation plan
Step 4 Draft the strategy
X Communications plan
X Communications strategy framework
Before the strategy development can begin, the parameters of the
exercise must be clearly defined. This includes determining both the
scope of the exercise and the process that will be followed in order
to create a smart communications strategy. Getting this step right is
essential because the information gathered will form the basis for the
subsequent steps of the communications strategy development.
DEFINE THE TEAM moves more quickly, but there are also fewer
Resource: Communications people to share the burden of the work)
Strategy Framework X Who should be the primary focal
point driving the process?
The team will be responsible for seeing the X How will the team members be nominated?
project to completion. The team will first assess
X How much time should they expect to
the current state of communications within the
organisation, before drafting a preliminary plan for dedicate to the process weekly/monthly?
the execution of the strategy. This “roadmap” will X Are the team members empowered by their
be a living document that will be continually added managers to dedicate a portion of their work
to and adjusted over the course of the work. time to the strategy development, including
Identify who within the organisation will be the main participating in off-site workshops?
focal point for the strategy development process
and who will participate on the development/drafting
team. It is highly advisable that the communications CONDUCT AN INTERNAL SCOPING
chief or unit drive the process, as they will principally Resource: Focus group questionnaire
be implicated in implementing the resulting
communications programme. However, a cross Once you have the team in place, you may find it
section of staff – in terms of area of expertise, easiest to convene them for a workshop (no longer
seniority, and programmatic work – should also be than four hours) to undertake the scoping exercise
included in the team. When inviting team members, and develop the framework. The first brainstorm
share with them the communications strategy framework of the strategy development is to get everyone
so that they understand the scope of the exercise. on the same page – in a very basic sense – as to
the purpose of the exercise. Discussions should
also cover why the strategy is being developed
and why now, as well as what are the major
Useful questions issues that the strategy is expected to address.
The following questions should be asked when
creating the strategy development team:
Key takeaways
X The outcomes of the initial brainstorm on the scope of the
strategy (why this strategy, why now, for whom, challenges,
opportunities, to address what, etc.) should inform later
discussions on the strategy objectives as well as the
situation analysis (this includes discussion of the NSDS and
X The issues captured in the internal focus groups should be
captured, paired with the findings of the external stakeholder
audits and fed into the choice of activities during the
planning step.
X When preparing your roadmap, start with the expected
launch date and work backwards.
Step 2 is to conduct a series of audits, research and external
stakeholder consultations. These processes will dig deeper into
the impressions that came out of the initial brainstorms, producing
concrete evidence to support, modify or refute them. They will help
the team to make strategic and tactical choices in Step 3 in terms
of what stakeholder groups to target, where to prioritise efforts,
what order to roll out the various activities and messaging.
This will help make the case for what goes in the strategy and what does
not. It will help whittle down a long list of possibilities to leave you with
only those that feed directly into the objectives you will define. When in
doubt as to what approach the strategy should take on a specific issue,
your team should come back repeatedly to the results of these exercises.
In Step 3, you’ll make a series of analyses and choices that will determine
the focus of the strategy. After this, it should be clear to the team what
activities should be carried out, for whom, why and how those activities
will help meet long-term objectives. If done well, it will lead smoothly into
the drafting step where all of these findings will be captured and worked
into one coherent narrative.
It is strongly advised that this step take place through a full-day workshop.
SWOT analysis
PARIS21 23
1. GEE WHIZ: The wow factor, designed to the risk assessment worksheet to identify the
impress, arouse wonder and distinguish your potential risks and ways to avoid them. You don’t
organisation from others. This is about your need to go into great detail on risks, as those
will be covered in the risk section of the strategy
organisation and why it, or a specific product,
but you should show cognisance of factors
campaign, etc. is different and special. potentially affecting the success of the strategy.
2. SO WHAT: Once you have created a Once the workshops and activities have been
carried out, it is important to inform senior
sense of wonder you need to leverage
management of the key findings. This should be
this by answering ‘so what?’ What done with a presentation to all senior managers
does that wow factor mean in terms of who will eventually be asked to approve
added value for the target audience? the final strategy. This activity allows senior
management to raise questions or concerns
It is critical that there is an awareness about early enough to be considered in the drafting,
the key messages that extends beyond the and it gives the team the possibility to respond
communications team to the entire organisation. to their concerns and determine how best to
The message is more consistent and focused address them in the final strategy document.
when everyone in the organisation is “on
script” and internal confusion is eliminated. The presentations should include the following
A co-ordinated message also reinforces key takeaways from the activities conducted.
professionalism, which creates greater After the presentation, one person in the
confidence in the organisation’s capacities. team should be responsible for noting down
and synthesising the reactions of senior
management. This document should be
CONSOLIDATE SITUATION ANALYSIS circulated to managers for them to approve.
This activity builds on the research carried out Management feedback can then be added
in Step 2 and the strategic focus that has been to the strategy framework and taken into
developed so far in Step 3. It helps to bridge the consideration during Step 4 – Draft the strategy.
ideas identified in the workshop with the drafting
of the final plan. The first step in drafting the
situation analysis is to note the main issues to be
addressed by the new communications strategy. Tip: At the end of this
The content will feed directly into the situation activity, synthesise takeaways
analysis section of the communications strategy. and include them in the
relevant sections of the
The situation analysis should also point out communication strategy
the opportunities for the organisation that document, which will be drafted
emerged from the SWOT analysis. Write down during Step 4.
the resources available and the challenges and
obstacles that are present. Again, you can refer
to the SWOT analysis for this section. Refer to
Key takeaways
X A SWOT analysis
X A stakeholder mapping and engagement plan
X A situation analysis
X A risk assessment plan
X Basic strategy messaging
X A commitment to specific channels
X A communication strategy workplan
X An activity implementation plan
X Senior management feedback on the first set of strategic
decisions taken by the drafting team
X A draft activity/implementation plan for the strategy
The drafting step should commence when all research, inputs and
workshops have been concluded. It is also important, at this stage, to
develop an editorial calendar to track the progress of the strategy drafting.
Work and
implementation plan Drafting
Communications strategy framework
strategy workplan
Editorial calendar
6. Monitoring and impact evaluation. This 8. Others. Some NSOs choose to include
section should provide a list of indicators to a background section before the situation
monitor and evaluate the activities for each analysis, which covers the institutional
objective. Select the indicators in line with mandate, values, objectives, etc. of the
the capacities listed in the Step 2 - Audits organisation. The background section
exercise, ensuring that expectations are might also list and review past and existing
reasonable and achievable according to communications strategies. It could also
the resources of the organisation. refer to the relevant NSDS sections, which
were used to inform the strategy. This places
the strategy into the much larger context of
the history of the organisation and the other
Tip: It is helpful also to institutional factors at play in the strategy’s
establish baseline indicators, development and implementation. If the final
against which progress can strategy document is to be made is public,
be measured.
it is advisable to include this background.
Key takeaways
Once the strategy has taken shape, there are only a couple of
remaining steps to take before implementation begins. First, the
strategy document needs to be endorsed by senior management.
Then, the strategy should be launched internally so that all staff
are aware of it and understand the implications for their work.