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RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (A HOUSE OF S011, BUILDING;ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) 4490 REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIVA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LUCKNOW, U-P. 226021 5952199910 Website: www.reliabletesthou GEOTECH INVESTIGATION REPORT FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF 0.H.T AND PUMP HOUSE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION - SWSM WATER SUPPLY PROJECT IN VILLAGE- JANAPUR, BLOCK- TILOI, DISTRICT - AMETHI, UTTAR PRADESH CLIENT GAYATRI - RAMRY (J.V), HYDERABAD \Qyeayare aero 500082 PRESENTED BY RELIABLE TEST HOUSE, LUCKNOW NABL ACCREDITED LABORATORY 1 THE NAME SAYS IT ALL RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (stor of son UUDING ROAD MATERIAL WATER TEETING LABORATORY apna RESEGENGY MINEARU PUTA. NEAR ATU JANEPURIM EXTENSION 9452808346 3955199910 SS © [email protected] Website: www.reliabletesthou: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PROJECT NAME: -Proposed Construction of O.H.T. & Pump house under Jal Jeevan Mission-SWSM Water Supply Project in Village - Janapur, Block- Tiloi, District - Amethi, Uttar Pradesh. CLIENT NAME _ : GAYATRI -— RAMKY (J.V), HYDERABAD We are thankful to GAYATRI-RAMRY (J.V.), Hyderabad for providing us the opportunity to carry out soil investigations and we appreciate the co-operation & assistance provided during whole work. Looking forward to provide many such reliable & timely services in future. Managitg Director Reliable Test House 2 THE NAME SAYS ITALL RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (Autouse oF som, BUILDING,ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) “45D REQAL RESEDENCY MIRZATUR PULIVA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LUCKNOW, U.P. 726021 9452804346 8953199910 Ae © Email: [email protected] Website: www.reliabletesthouse.com TABLE OF CONTENT: ih PROJECT NAME ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION REFERENCES FIELD INVESTIGATION LABORATORY WORK WATER TABLE SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND GENERAL NATURE OF THE SOIL STRATA. LIQUEFACTION INTERPRETATION OF THE TEST RESULT & CRITERIA OF SBC & SETTLEMENT ASSUMPTIONS RECOMMENDATION &CONCLUSION ANNEXURE- I (LABORATORY TEST RESULT) ANNEXURE- II (BORE LOG CHART) ANNEXURE- II (PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS GRAPH) ANNEXURE- IV (BEARING CAPACITY & SETTELEMENT CALCULATION SHEET) ANNEXURE- V (SITE PHOTOGRAPH) RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (A HOUSE OF SOIL, BUILDING,ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) “438 REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIYA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LUCKNOW, U.P. 226021 AB szs0IIH6 @ 2958199910 1,0 INTRODUCTION: 1.1 This report covers the result of field & laboratory test conducted at the proposed site for construction of “O.H.T & Pump house under Jal Jeevan Mission - SWSM Water Supply Project in Village - Janapur, Block- Tilot, District - Amethi, Uttar Pradesh”. These investigations have been made to assess the nature of soil strata and to find out the safe allowable pressure of the soil required for the safe and economical design and execution of engineering works. 1.2 The boring points were decided by the Engincer-in-charge of the site ic three boreholes (BH-1, BH-2 & BH-3) upto a depth of 12.00m each. However for shear considerations, BH-1 & BH-3 is the governing borehole producing the lowest bearing capacity at certain depths. The boring was conducted in accordance to IS: 1892 - 1979. Disturbed and Undisturbed Soil Samples were collected along with conducting the standard penetration test at an interval of 1.5 m or change of strata which ever met earlier starting from boring points up to the termination of bore holes. 2.0 REFERENCES: For sub-surface investigation of 1s: 1892 :1979 soil for foundation 2. 1s:2131 1981 For Standard Penetration Test 3. |g: 2139 4986 For sampling of Undisturbed and Disturbed Sample: 4. 15:2720 & their Parts For all Laboratory Tests on collected Soil Samples 4 THE NAME SAYS IT ALL RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (A HOUSE OF SOIL, BUILDING,ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY} 1437 REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIVA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LUCKNOW, UP. 226021 9452804846 8953199910 ee © ‘Website: www.reliabletesthouse.com For Classification & Identification Of Soils For determination of Ultimate & Safe Bearing Capacity For Calculation of Settlement of Foundations For Permissible Maximum Settlement 1s:1498 : 1970 Is: 6403 :1981, 15: 8009(Part |) :1976 Is: 1904:2021 3.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION: 3.1Nominal 150 mm dia. bore have been done at the proposed site. During boring visual observation about the strata in different layers have been recorded. Undisturbed and disturbed soil samples have been recovered from bore holes in the following way. 3.1.1 UNDISTURBED SOIL SAMPLES: ‘These samples have been collected by the open drive sampler. After recovery of soil samples from the bore holes, the ends of the tube have been cleaned, waxed and marked properly. The depth of undisturbed soil samples have been indicated on the bore log chart as well as on the Laboratory test result sheets (Bore Log fig.). The soil sampling have been done as per IS: 1892 - 1979. 3.1.2 DISTURBED SOIL SAMPLI The depth of the disturbed soil samples have been indicated on the bore log chart as well as on the laboratory test results and were collected in polythene bags & properly labeled. 5 THE NAME SAYS IT ALL RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (A HOUSE oF Som, BUILDING,ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) 43D REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIVA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LUCKNOW, U.P. 226021 RE 752601046 2958199910 Email: reliabletesthouse@gmai site: www.reliabletesthouse.com 3.2 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST: ‘The standard penetration test have been conducted in the bore holes at an interval of 1.5 meter as per latest IS: 2131 - 1981 i.e. “Method for standard penetration test for soils”. In this, the standard split spoon sampler is driven into the soil at required depth, with the help of drive weight of 63.5 kg falling freely under gravity through a vertical height of 75 cm. The number of blows for every 15 om is recorded. The number of blows for the first 15 cm is neglected due to local disturbance and as a scating drive, and the number of blows for next 30 cm are recorded as penetration blows ‘N’ of the soil at the depth. The samples were properly sealed, labeled, recorded and carefully transported to laboratory for testing. The results of the standard penetration test have been indicated on the laboratory test result sheet as well as on the bore log chart. 4.0 LABORATORY WORK 4.1 UNDISTURBED SOIL SAMPLES: ‘The undisturbed soil samples collected from the bore holes have been tested for the following to determine the Engineering properties of soil as per requirement. a) Natural water content is determined by oven drying method as per IS 2720(Part I1)-1973. The results are reported in results sheets attached. 6 THE NAME SAYS IT ALL RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (A HOUSE oF SOIL, BUILDING,ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) ‘49D REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIYA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LuckWoW, U.P. 226021, 19452804046 6959199910 SS © ») Dry and Bulk density of soil strata is obtained using Shelby tubes in accordance with IS 2720 (Part XXIX)-1975. The results are reported in results sheets attached. Particle Size Analysis test by hydrometer methods performed in accordance with IS 2720 (Part IV) - 1985 on the part of soil samples obtained after the sieve analysis. The results are reported in results sheets attached. Atterberg Limit’s test are performed in accordance with IS 2720 (Part V) - 1985 and results are reported in results sheets attached. Specific Gravity tests are performed in accordance with IS 2720 (Part III Section1) -1980 and the results are reported in results sheets attached, ‘Tri-axial Compression Test under Unconsolidated Un-drained (UU) condition as per IS: 2720 (Part-XI)-1993 R.A 2016 are performed on the undisturbed soil samples obtained during the field investigation. ‘The results are reported in results sheets attached. Direct Shear Test is performed as per IS 2720 (Part XIII]-1986 R.A 2016 on the undisturbed soil samples obtained during the field investigation. The results and the density of samples are reported in results sheets attached, Consolidation Test is performed as per IS 2720 (Part XV)-1986, on the undisturbed soil samples obtained during the field investigation. The results in the form of compression index (Cc) are reported in results sheets attached. 7 THE NAME SAYS IT ALL RELIABLE TEST HOUSE {A HOUSE oF Sol, BUILDING,ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) 4438 REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIVA, NBAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LUCKNOW, U.P. 26021, a 145201046 @ 8959199510 4.2 DISTURBED SOIL SAMPLES: These samples have been tested for the following if required: a) Sieve Analysis b) Atterberg’s Limit All the laboratory tests have been carried out as per relevant LS. codes & have been tabulated at laboratory result sheet. 5.0 WATER TABLE: The depth of water table was observed during boring operation at about 6.10m depth below existing ground level in BH-1, at about 6.20m depth below existing ground level in BH-2 and at about 6.40m depth below existing ground level in BH-3, at the time of investigation, However, the calculations are done by assuming 1.00 meter rise for post- monsoonal/seasonal fluctuations. 6.0 SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Soil classification has been done with the help of the soil properties obtained by laboratory test as per ILS. 1498 “Method of classification of soil for general engineering purpose’. ‘7.0 GENERAL NATURE OF SOIL STRATA: The general nature of soil strata is comprises of “CI” silty clay of intermediate plasticity, “CL-ML” Mixture of silty clay of low plasticity and clayey silt of very low plasticity and ‘CL? silty clay of low plasticity, below ground level at the time of sub soil exploration as per LS. specification. ‘THE NAME SAYS IT ALL RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (4 HOUSE OF SOIL, BUILDING,ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) ‘49D REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIVA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LUCKNOW, U.P. 226021 AB szs0H—46 8959199910 Website: www.reliabletesthouse.com 8.0 LIQUEFACTION “Liquefaction is a state primarily in saturated cohesionless soils wherein the effective shear strength is reduced to negligible value for all the engineering purposes when the pore pressure approaches total confining pressure during earthquake shaking. In this condition soil tends to behave like a fluid mass”. The soil under consideration is of seismic Zone III ic Modcrate damage risk zone but not having “SP” classification soil, therefore the liquefaction analysis is not applicable. 9.0 INTERPRETATION OF THE TEST RESULTS: 9.1 The choice of the type of foundation depends upon the safe bearing capacity, design & layout of super structure, relative economics of various alternatives and practical consideration. In case of Raft foundation the safe bearing capacity/allowable bearing pressure, calculation is governed by IS: 6403 - 1981, for shear consideration & IS: 1904 ~ 1986 & IS: 8009 (part — 1) - 1976, for consideration of settlement. 9.2 SHEAR CONSIDERATION: 9.2.1 BEARING CAPACITY BASED ON SHEAR ANALYSIS aay Condition as per Void Ratio (e) Bai cus g Genre Perrier fered curt een cy a THE NAME SAYS IT ALL RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (4 HOUSE oF SOIL, BUI.DING,ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) ‘498 REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIVA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LUCKNOW, UP. 226021 AB s2s04946 @ 2952199910 GENERAL SHEAR FAILURE 1 a Inu - EN eScthele + U(Ng= 1)Sgdqig + 3 BYNySyetyiy * W' LOCAL SHEAR FAILURE a 4 Tn = ZN Sects q(n'y — 1S qealg + ZBI ySrdyly x W" INTERMEDIATE SHEAR FAILURE (( se ) x @e-055) +65) 0.75 — 0.55) Where, L.S. is Local Shear & G.S. is General Shear w = Correction factor for position of water table. Ne, Na & Ny Non-dimensional bearing capacity factors depending We, N’q & N’'y upon angle of internal friction @ & void ratio ‘e’. The values have been taken from Table 1 (Cl 5.1.1) of IS 6403:1981 Shape factors from Table 2 of IS 6403:1981 0 130 130 B 14027 410 THE NAME SAYS IT ALL RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (A HOUSE OF SOIL, BUILDING,ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) 485 REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIVA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LUCKNOW, U.P, 226021 A szs0r—4s @ 2952199910 For all é values >10° =10° Where, =Inclination of the load to the vertical in degrees, =Angle of shearing resistance 9.2.2 BEARING CAPACITY BASED ON SETTLEMENT CRITERIA AS PER IS 8009 (Part-I)-1976 & 1904-1986 PRIMARY CONSOLIDATION SETTLEMENT Primary consolidation occurs due to expulsion of excess pore water pressure generated due to increase in total stress. It is the process in which the soil volume decreases. Primary consolidation treats the consolidation to take place only in one dimension. 41 THE NAME SAYS IT ALL RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (A HOUSE oF som, BUILDING,ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) 4490 REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIVA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LUCKNOW, UP, 226021 45280434 am 9852804546 @ 2959199910 SECONDARY COMPRESSION SETTLEMENT: It occurs under constant effective stress due to continuous rearrangement of clay particles into a more stable configuration, Predominates in highly plastic clays and organic clays after primary consolidation the soil structure continues to adjust to the load for some additional time. This settlement is termed secondary consolidation. -1FOR PLASTIC SOIL (CLAY) Depth of pressure bulb (effective zone) =(1.5 x B) below, Dy ‘Where, 1, =Depth of Footing (m) & B= Width of Footing (m) SETTLEMENT CONSIDERATION: ‘The consolidation settlement in the plastic soil indicating some cohesion is given by the formula CoH ee ) 1+e@, Py Where, Ce/Cr = Compression Index/Re- compression Index € = Void ratio for pressure Po H Thickness of layer Py = Initial effective pressure at mid dept of the layer. 42 THE NAME SAYS IT ALL @ RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (A HOUSE OF SOIL, BUILDING,ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) ‘433 REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIVA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LUCKNOW, U.P, 226021 AB MEzE0I946 8952199910 Email: [email protected] Website: www.reliabletesthouse.com AP Change in pressure at mid depth of the layer : ey Where, z= H/2 i.e. Mid-point of the thickness of layer below center of loaded area Pp = Applied Pressure at foundation Level on a circular area with radius R FOR NON- PLASTIC SOIL (SAND) Depth of pressure bulb (effective zone) =(1.5 x B) below, Dy Where, Dy Depth of Footing (m) 8 B= Width of Footing (m) SETTLEMENT CONSIDERATION: Settlement in cohesionless soil of layers of finite depth within the stressed zone due to foundation loading has been calculated as per Clause 9.1.2 of IS 8009 (Part-1) 1876 :- : H, hot 5, = 2903 7 tose [2 Al 3 Cea * po Cxa~ Cone resistance from Table-2 of Annex-B of IS 2911(Part-1/Sec-2):2010 c= AP e Incremental Stress OL) faevmreeP] 413 THE NAME SAYS IT ALL RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (A HOUSE OF SOIL, BUILDING,ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) 4498 REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIVA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LUCKNOW, UP. 226021 AB 9452808946 @ 2950199910 Email: [email protected] ‘Website: www.reliabletesthouse.com Where, z = H/2 ie. Mid-point of the thickness of layer below center of loaded area p= Applied Pressure at foundation Level on a circular area with radius R H = Thickness of layer Po = Initial effective pressure at mid dept of the layer. FINAL SETTLEMENT 5; = (Consolidation Settlement + Immediate Settlement) x Depth factor X Rigidity factor Where, Rigidity Factor = 0.80 is taken from IS 8009: 1976 (Part I} Depth Factor is taken from the graph IS 8009: 1976 (Part -1) Permissible settlement is governed from Table 1 of IS 1904: 1986 10.0 ASSUMPTIONS : > For calculating Net Safe Bearing capacity, Factor of Safety is assumed ieFOS=25. 14 THE NAME SAYS IT ALL RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (A House oP som, SUELDING,ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) 4438 REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIVA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LUCKNOW, U.P. 2260721 Aa Ezs0I—46 @ 8955199910 [email protected] 1. The strata in the effective zone below footing level is comprises of cohesive soil only. 2. The water table was observed during boring operation at about of 6.10m depth below existing ground level in BH-1, at about 6.20m depth below existing ground level in BH-2 and at about 6.40m depth below existing ground level in BH-3. 3. The value of allowable bearing capacity at a depth as required by client, below existing ground level is tabulated below: width (6)/] Depth of |Outer] inner] size of Foundation Dia. | Foundation| Type of faoting| (mm) (my | (LxB) (on) Net Safe Bearing capacity (rine Settlement | Recommended produced | Net Safe Bearing, {rmm) | capacity (F/M?) 300/20 9.63 80.25 6.00 200/45 10.03 67.84 7.39 io | 0? eww ar racc| 96.41 6.20 200/45 FooTING 34g 3.00] 2.0 35.94 3.00 200/15 13:37 7353 1.00 1x aan 21.66 2 z E ruaeise Cae x 773 37.01 STAR 150 1x 354 20.25 ‘QUARTER & comouno | 1.50 2x B76 36.29 wae 2.00 1x aos | 2432 2.00 20a 9.82 35.90 (Note: Permisible settlement considered as SO Yor Raft Footing &lalated Footing 25 por Gents requamant Note:- The above recommendations are based on the field investigation data results and the laboratory tests results of the samples collected from the boreholes and our experience in this regard. If the actual sub-soil conditions during excavation for the foundations differ from that has been reported, a reference should be made to us for suggestions. The recommendations should be taken as guidelines for the designer and designer should take into consideration all the factor required as per cqdes. 415 Stevie THE NAME SAYS IT ALL SHIV PRAS. aL HT laaal ea? g | ]~ i TE] a hed, | ate [euleoelen| iy iit i HW i sales wi W J [88 ots | mito i a ow i a temo oe |e] Stat ete ens ornna | wrtanomay | om Sor Tae a HOA ww Wied Tarn) HHeway -FOHSIC TOUL -FooIR " INdeuep -WIA Ve eenoH dung ® L'H'O JO UONONASUOD petodolg *iodjolq) SLINSH ASSL AUOLVAORI T-SunKSNNY aos feua@asnouisess|qeies Tews oresetesos @ overosesre = B) LX NVAINGDANVE MLV AVSIN 'WATING BNW ZAI AONSICIASEE TOS SEE ))g) Uwosvuoavt omen: waive % TieaivN avowouTGTINg “Tos £0 "80K V) ASNOH LSAaL ATSaVIToa a a ats es Sis eT ets thre i : alae wala a 3E pata Sis arte = is eo = z a att a tate —— Pas =| fH ig teh ote | ae [ewlarelan| $] E/E SreHEE HAla li aes 4) *S|smen | aeamwenceonma | worrssncmny | saa svonareen |atStau| woreda] St Toca aS Sema Tan) Hrewy -ouNsIG “ond 01g “Ind je eno} duind @ HO Jo UoganaSuOD pasodolg = DePig| SEInsa 1631 AVOLVHORV Tar Tos ssnoyIsoIaIqelar MMM FOUSTONN otesstesce @ NOISNAIXS AVA NEDINGE NLIW MVAN "WAI (aionvuoay7 ONIISaL waLvm 9 TVR ASNOH LSAL ATAVITHA a fi iz t esse eee [ve a ata ae a tet aaa aaa 7m eta ana zoel 5 a} wet aria im t ela feeet a ore meg se : elses at eee te ta i eteteps an} seat TF : SS ease eral ee a[ eee meta 7 ep =tetets nee te SHR fe eee pil seee rat Hl EG 3/8 5 vee Zoho sha |e frst) ae 4 if i i i He so P| wae | ili}, ee e TREE nl oy (e Cee Semen oe | | "S|sten | amamansonnne | watery | oom aconareen |p lm} aonretntea| e1ge1 278A 10 deg woo 9H 10a) HAeAT “80 :0N HOH 9108) TLL SIE" ndour ‘ssnoH duind @ [HO Je woRaMASUOD pasodolg = Wala SLINGS 1831 AIOLVIOETT T-SUNXGNNY [ o1ssstescs @ overoststo = tz09ee “a'a ‘moNONT “NOISNSUXA RVEAGDINVE Ooty AVAN 'WATINd aNavZaN AONA CISaY IVOm sey (stoivuoayi OMILSaL HELVA TVRIELVM GVOu'oMIaTIO ‘TOS 40 asn0H Vv) ASNOH LSaL ATAVITAAa RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (A HOUSE OF SOIL, BUILDING ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) 4438 REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIVA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, LUCKNOW, U.P. 226021 1@ HsaHH6 Q 88890 Email: reiabletesthouse@gmalcom ‘Website: wiww.relabletesthousecom Annexure-Il BORE LOG CHART Project: Proposed Construction of O.H.T & Pump House at Vill- Janapur , Block- [District- Amethi_ (U.P) Bore Hole No: 01 Depth of Bore Hole : 12.00 M_|Depth of Water Table : 6.1m loi, Corrected SPT ‘SPT Value <——————pepth (m) A a 3 tabtncharge) S ; i Locke RELIABLE TEST HOUSE (4 HOUSE OF SOL, BUILDING;ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) “138 REOAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPOR PULIVA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, Werwow, UP 226021 1B eI Q s5219m0 Email eliabetesthouse@gmailcom ‘Website: www.relabletesthousecom Annexure-ll BORE LOG CHART Project : Proposed Construction of O.H.T & Pump House at Vill- Janapur , Block- Tiloi, District- Amethi (U.P) Bore Hole No: 02 Depth of Bore Hole : 12.00 M_|Depth of Water Table : 6.2m SPT Value & € | v Corrected SPT ————= (a HOUSE oF Sot, BULDING ROAD MATERIAL & WATER TESTING LABORATORY) 438 REGAL RESEDENCY MIRZAPUR PULIYA, NEAR AKTU JANKIPURAM EXTENSION, RELIABLE TEST HOUSE LUCKNOW, UP. 226021 Q ssH190910 1 280016 ‘Website: wow reabletesthouse.com Erni relabletesthouse@gmailcom Annexure-Il BORE LOG CHART Project : Proposed Construction of 0.H.T & Pump House at Vill- Janapur , Block- Tiloi, District- Amethi_ (U.P) Bore Hole No: 03 112.00 M_|Depth of Water Table : Corrected SPT NValue ———> 15.00 21 wz (ou o) meu ro (ww) e090 ro EO 9D 4000 y00¢0 o oy oo 9 sexcop om ob ° e 2 2 ee eC arene 2 EESe & 3 8 ge 8 3 8 ee serosy —*—*— deg sere <= $8'+-08|}——=—»—uidog 10:0N #10} 0g 10H 8108 ydeig sisAjeuy 8zI1S e|2!ed wos senoqysoxoigelios 7 9usqam ios eu @aenowrsereraeiies: HeW-3 S otscstescs @ ovevoscsre 1Z09zz ‘dA “MONON ‘NOISNGLXA WVNNdDINVE NINV NVSN ‘VAI INd NNdVZaIW AOQNACESaA ‘Ivpaa Aer (AXOLVUOSV ONLLSAL ATLYM & TWRIALVW AVON'ONIATIN’ “TOS 40 ASNOH v) ASNOH LSaL ATAVIIda et aby xjoura ou oF vo woo toa 40000 mune, seg 2 oy i | é oe wu o os oo Epsgecwe cme paaeee Ce eee tens mmacs seororo; ~—e-=— ude sre-006 a> SOLOS. yg dog 10:2NefoH e108 10:04 90H 8108 ydeig sishjeuy azis aja1yed was senouisarelaetie; 7 urea tios qeuim@emounreie|qeHes: WEVeS orecstescs @ ovevosesve S* 1Z097z ‘dA “MONNONA “-NOISNELXA WVYYNADINS 1INW AVAN “VATINd ANAVZAIW ADNAGASTA Twoaa Aer (AHOLVUOAVI ONILSEL UTLVA BY TVINGLVW GVON'ONIATING “OS 40 ZSNOH v) ASNOH LSAL ATaVvVITda be oe 000 000 4, to beooy 0 ti es 00 ? 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