Psychoanalytic View of The Rorschach Comprehensive System
Psychoanalytic View of The Rorschach Comprehensive System
Psychoanalytic View of The Rorschach Comprehensive System
To cite this article: J. Reid Meloy & Jacqueline Singer (1991) A Psychoanalytic View of the Rorschach
Comprehensive System 'Special Scores', Journal of Personality Assessment, 56:2, 202-217, DOI: 10.1207/
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J. Reid Meloy
University of California, San Diego
Jacqueline Singer
California School of Professional Psychology
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Rapaport agreed with the criticisms that his original work o n diagnostic
psychological testing had "shortcomings as a piece of controlled quantitative
researchn (Rapaport et al., 1946/1968, p. 1). Although these shortcomings have
been addressed by Exner's (1986a) empirically based approach to the Rorschach,
the theoretical rationale for formal thought disorder has not been set forth in his
Comprehensive System. Weiner (1986) contended that a n empirical approach
to the Rorschach should be enhanced by a conceptual approach, which
questions "why" a certain response occurs. Through a n examination of the
Comprehensive System (Exner, 1986a) special scores, a n empirically reliable
measure of formal thought disorder, we explored the notion that the validation
of these test findings is found in their linkage to external behavior, empirical
data, and a developmental theory of personality and psychopathology.
We are committed, nonetheless, t o both the empirical rigor of Exner (1986a)
and his colleagues and to the search for intrapsychic contextual meaning of the
psychoanalytic Rorschach clinicians and researchers. It is our intent to review
Quinlan, Harrow, Tucker, & Carlson, 1972; Quinlan & Harrow, 1974; Wilson,
1985) and have inferred, but not empirically measured, a relationship to
defensive operations (Lerner, Sugarman, & Gaughran, 1981) and object rela-
tions (Sugarman, 1986). Athey (1974, 1986) probed the individual differences
among patients regarding their thinking and object representations at different
levels of regression or fixation and was critical of the nomothetic work of others
for ignoring idiographic subtleties. These psychoanalytic researchers primarily
used the Rapaport et al. (1946/1968) system of administration, scoring, and
interpretation, making direct comparison with the Comprehensive System
(Exner, 1986a) difficult, but not impossible.
The Comprehensive System was developed as an empirically defensible
system to be used by all Rorschach clinicians and researchers (Exner, 1986a).
Special scores were categorized to quantify structural aspects of the Rorschach
response that previously had been qualitatively interpreted. Exner, Weiner, and
Schuyler (1976) originally proposed five special scores for the Comprehensive
System, derived from the work of Rapaport et al. (1946/1968), Schafer (1954),
and Weiner (1966). There are currently 12 special scores in the Comprehensive
System (Exner, 1986a). We chose 7 for this analysis, because they appear to have
the closest link to the Rorschach psychoanalytic research concerning formal
thought disorder. The Comprehensive System divides these unusual verbaliza-
tions into three groups: deviant verbalizations, inappropriate combinations,
and inappropriate logic. The specific categories are the deviant verbalization
(DV), deviant response (DR), incongruous combination (INCOM), fabulized
combination (FABCOM), contamination (CONTAM), and inappropriate logic
(ALOG). We added the seventh, confabulation (CONFAB), score to our
analysis, because a similar category (DW) occurs in the Rapaport et al.
(1946/1968) scoring system.
The Comprehensive System (Exner, 1986a) views these unusual verbaliza-
tions as a form of "cognitive slippage" and limits the use of these scores to
entirely different. Rather, it appears that the meaning, or lack thereof, implied
by each system differs.
A Comparison of the Special Scores From the Comprehensive System and Rapaport,
Gill, and Schafer's (RGS) Formal Thought Disorder Categories
Desaiption of Response Comprehensive System RGS
The INCOM is defined as the condensation of blot details or images "that are
inappropriately merged into a single object" by the Comprehensive System
(Exner, 1986a, p. 163). The INCOM response has been parcelled out of the
analytic FABCOM literature by Exner, so it is hidden within the empirical
analytic research concerning the FABCOM. Direct analysis of empirical psy-
choanalytic findings concerning the INCOM response is generally impossible
because there are no data, unless a category that can be equated with the
INCOM (e.g., FABCOM-serious) has been established for a particular study
(see, e.g., Lerner et al., 1985).
Psychoanalytic Rorschach researchers, however, have theorized that the
INCOM is a more pathological condensation of the FABCOM due to the
INCOMs and FABCOMs in Exner Normative and Clinical Samples: Frequencies,
Means, and Standard Deviations
Study Subjects n INCOM M SD FABCOM M SD
Exner (1989) Normals 700 46% .52 .65 16% .17 .41
Exner (1986a) Normals 600 43% .54 .79 12% .18 .56
Exner (198613) Borderline 84 56% 1.11 1.34 36% .62 1.06
Exner (1986b) Schizophrenic 80 77% 1.76 1.66 73% 1.58 1.60
Exner (1986a) Schizophrenic 320 66% 1.51 1.71 78% 1.59 1.63
merger into one object instead of two (Blatt & Ritzler, 1974; Lerner et al., 1985;
Sugarman, 1986). This is not supported by Exner's (1986a) research despite the
analytic assumption that spatial or temporal incongruity between two objects is
less regressed than one object. Although INCOMs and FABCOMs necessitate
temporal or spatial incongruity, FABCOMs usually include an additional
movement incongruity: for example, a "four-legged chicken" (Exner, 1986a, p.
163) is an INCOM with spatial incongruity; "two chickens holding basketballs"
(Exner, 1986a, p. 163) is a FABCOM with both spatial and movement incon-
gruity. We think that inherent in the FABCOM is a greater violation of the
constraints of real-world objects and, consequently, secondary process thinking,
due to this additional movement incongruity. Such a marked departure impli-
cates more severe disturbance in thinking, which is supported by the empirical
Lerner et al. (1985) indirectly tested this hypothesis when their
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Level 1and Level 2 INCOMs and FABCOMs in Exner (1990) Normative and Clinical
Samples: Frequencies, Means, and Standard Deviationsa
Normalsb Character Disordered' lnpatient Schizophrenicsd
Frequency 46% 51% 71%
M .52 1.06 1.53
SD .65 1.36 1.44
Frequency .4% 17% 49%
M .OO .36 1.17
SD .07 .68 1.68
Frequency 16% 39% 44%
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which is within and which is without? Bion's (1977) analogy of the container and
the contained sheds light on our distinction between the maintenance of
boundaries (the container), yet the confusion concerns the origin of psycholog-
ical content (the contained). This alternative manner of understanding
CONFABs is allied with the projective-introjective defensive cycling of psycho-
logical content found in borderline personality organization (Kernberg, 1975;
Meloy, 1988):The patient can distinguish between internal and external stimuli,
but is not sure which is which.
Wilson (1985) found that CONFAB-tendency means were significantly
greater in inpatient borderlines than inpatient neurotics or psychotics. His
CONFAB-tendency definition was virtually identical to Exner's (1986a) IDR
definition. Lerner et al. (1985) also found significantly greater mean CONFABS
in inpatient borderline personality disordered patients when compared to
inpatient schizophrenics and outpatient borderlines and neurotics.
Exner (1986b) found that CONFABs did not significantly differentiate be-
tween borderline personality disordered subjects and schizotypal subjects. The
proportional frequency of DRs in the normative sample (n = 700; Exner, 1989)
was 15% at Level 1; in the borderline personality disordered sample (n = 84;
Exner, 1986b),the frequency was 23%; in the schizophrenicnormative sample (n
= 320; Exner, 1986a), the frequency was 46%; and in another schizophrenic
sample (n = 80; Exner, 1986b),the frequency was 60%. Again, the trend when
comparing frequency of occurrence in a large sample is that a CONFAB is more
likely to appear in the records of more severely disturbed patients. Yet the
comparison of means of CONFABs among various psychiatric groups appears
to yield a consistent finding of more CONFABs in Rorschach protocols from
borderline personality disordered (DSM-111; American Psychiatric Association,
1980) patients, a descriptive diagnostic group of patients who can be reasonably
assumed to be organized at a borderline personality level (Kernberg, 1984).
CONTAM Frequencies in Schizophrenicsin Five Studies
S ~ Y Subjects n Frequency
Rapaport et al. (1946/1968) Combined Schizophrenics 75 17%
Johnston and
Holzman (1979) Acute and chronic schizophrenics 69 13%
Exner (1986a) Inpatient schizophrenics 320 18%
Exner (198613) Inpatient schizophrenics 80 15%
Edell (1987) "Early" schizophrenics subchronic course 30 16.7%
to autistic logic in the Rorschach (Rapaport et al., 1946/1968), and finds its roots
in the paralogic or paleologic of the primary process (Meloy, 1986). Most
CONTAMs occurring on the Rorschach contain ALOG, but ALOG responses
usually appear in the absence of a CONTAM response. ALOG usually violates
one of the four principles of Aristotelean logic (Meloy, 1986),including identity,
contradiction, excluded middle, or sufficient reason.
Autistic logic in the Rapaport et al. (1946/1968) data was present in only the
combined schizophrenicsample (n = 75) with a frequency of 20%.Johnston and
Holzman (1979) reported a frequency of 33% in their acute and chronic
schizophrenic sample (n = 69 combined). Exner (1986a, 198613, 1989) reported
ALOG frequencies of 4% in his normative adult sample (n = 700), 54% in his
normative schizophrenic sample (n = 320), 13% in his borderline personality
disorder sample (n = 84), and 26% in his schizotypal personality disorder sample
(n = 76). ALOG, or autistic logic, responses to the Rorschach appear to be
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larger area . . the overall response will be inappropriate for the total area
involved" (Exner, 1986a, p. 166). This is the Rorschach DW response in the
psychoanalytic literature (Rapaport et al., 1946/1968)1.Called transductive
thinking by Piaget (1954), it is the discovery of the reality significance of the
inkblot through the autistic logic of pars pro toto-the part is the whole (Meloy,
1986; Rapaport et al., 1946/1968).
The difficulty with the carefully scored CONFAB is that it rarely occurs. In
the Rapaport et al. (1946/1968) samples, the frequency in the combined
schizophrenic group (n = 75) was 27%; in the borderline schizophrenic group (n
= 33) 18%;and in the combined depressive, neurotic, and control groups (n =
145) 3%. Exner's samples (1986a, 198613, 1989), however, have yielded signifi-
cantly less: the schizophrenic normative group (n = 320) found a zero frequency
of CONFABs, as did the new adult normative group (n = 700).
The differencein frequency of CONFABs between the Rapaport samples and
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1986; Lerner & Lerner, 1980), object representations (Blatt, Brenneis, Schimek,
& Glick, 1976), and interpersonal modes of relating (Kwawer, 1980).
3. The Comprehensive System should eliminate the CONFAB response, and
rename the DR CONFAB. This would historically link future Comprehensive
System research to previous psychoanalytic Rorschach research and provide
impetus to the already promising findings concerning confabulation and its
discrimination between neurotic, borderline, and psychotic groups.
4. The Comprehensive System should add the word because as a necessary
criteria for scoring ALOG and should define strained reasoning as private,
nonconsensual logic. We think the current definition does not sufficiently
explain the nature of an ALOG (Exner, 1986a).
5. The new Level 1 and Level 2 scores in the Comprehensive System appear
to be quite promising. Their retest reliabilities are high and range from .82 to .93
(Exner, 1989). Interjudge agreement was 80% in an initial 1986 study (Exner,
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1987). This may increase both the sensitivity and specificity of DV, DR,
6. Psychoanalytic researchers must be careful ta not equate borderline per-
sonality organization (Kernberg, 1984) with the descriptive diagnosis of border-
line personality disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 1980, 1987). None
of the psychoanalytic studies we reviewed drew this distinction, but rather
developed their theoretical inferences concerning borderline personality orga-
nization from empirical findings based on samples diagnosed as borderline
personality disordered. We appreciate the difficulties inherent in sample selec-
tion, but the Kernberg (1984) criteria for levels of personality organizaqion, if
valid, should be operationalized without the use of DSM-111 or DSM-111-R; or,
at least, other independent variables should be used in addition to descriptive
diagnostic criteria to define subject samples in a more valid psychoanalytic
7. Both Comprehensive System and psychoanalytic Rorschach research
concerning formal thought disorder should report specific categories of formal
scores, including means, standard deviations, and frequencies of occurrence in
samples. This will allow for more rigorous comparison between studies for
validation purposes. Statistical analyses also must be carefully chosen for
appropriateness of parametric versus nonparametric tests and means versus
frequencies based on the psychometric nature and clinical meaning of the formal
thought disorder index being researched.
We hope that these recommendations will help build a bridge between the
empirical rigor of Exner's (1986a) Comprehensive System special scores and the
theoretical and conceptual depth of psychoanalytic psychology's formal thought
disorder research. The joining of definitions and the alliance of methodologies
should greatly enhance the reliability and validity of future research efforts in
this important area of research. Perhaps, as Rapaport (1951) wrote, "after the
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J. Reid Meloy
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