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and Fibre
Paul Kramer
Fruits and vegetables make up
a huge part of a healthy diet.
They contain essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that
keep your body functioning well and protect it against harmful
free radicals. To get all your fruits and veggies, consider creative
ways to add them to your diet.
Table of Contents
What are Phytonutrients?................................................................................. 06
The Origin of Specific Phytonutrients.......................................................... 07
Phytonutrients and Antioxidants................................................................... 07
Blueberry................................................................................................................ 09
Broccoli.................................................................................................................... 11
Green Tea................................................................................................................ 13
Grape Seed Extract.............................................................................................. 15
Tomato..................................................................................................................... 17
Chromium............................................................................................................... 19
Folate........................................................................................................................ 21
Molybdenum......................................................................................................... 23
Selenium................................................................................................................. 25
Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene.......................................................................... 27
Vitamin C................................................................................................................. 29
Vitamin E................................................................................................................. 31
Zinc........................................................................................................................... 33
Phytonutrient Blend........................................................................................... 34

What is Dietary Fibre........................................................................................... 36
Soluble and Insoluble Fibre............................................................................. 37
Cinnamon............................................................................................................... 39
Guar Gum................................................................................................................ 41
Konjac Root (Glucomannan)............................................................................ 43
Xanthan Gum........................................................................................................ 45
What are Phytonutrients?

“Phyto” means plant and the term “phytonutrient” applies to
nutritional substances found in plants. Beside the macro nutrients,
like carbohydrate, fats and protein, plants also contain many beneficial
nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals, and thousands of
phytochemicals (which are nature’s creations).

Vitamins play an important role in helping us stay healthy, aiding

our cells in the production of energy, and protecting the tissues in
our body from damage. There are lots of discussions and research
being done to determine if and how vitamins help to prevent certain
diseases or maintain good health.

Minerals are inorganic substances found in rocks and ore, some

of which are essential to human life. Minerals enter our diets via
plants and through animals that feed on plants.2 Like vitamins,
minerals are needed in small quantities, without them the body
cannot properly function.2

In just one serving of vegetables there may be over 100 different

kinds of phytochemicals, which include carotenoids, capsaicin,
flavonoids, indoles, isoflavones, and protease inhibitors. Different
plants supply different kinds and amounts of phytochemicals.1

Phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids, are the largest category of

phytochemicals and occur naturally in fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts,
seeds, flowers and barks. Plants produce these phytochemicals to
protect their own health, longevity, and reproduction.2

Vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals produce a synergistic effect.

That is they increase the positive effect each one has on its own. For
example, it is well-known that vitamin D is important for good bone
health, because it aids in the absorption and utilization of calcium.3
Studies show vitamin E and selenium works together and may help
to prevent breast cancer.5 Vitamin C may increase iron and chromium
absorption.3 Grape seed extract and chromium together is known to
help reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.3

The Origin of Specific Phytonutrients References:

1. K
 im O’Neill & Byron Murray (2002)
Phytonutrients are nutrients derived from plant sources, that Power Plants. Brighan Young
includes phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, fibres etc. The most University Cancer Research Center.
well known phytonutrients are Flavonoids, EGCG, OPCs,
Carotenoids and Lycopene. 2. L yndel Costain (2001). Super
Nutrients Handbook. New York
Flavonoids are a group of health-promoting compounds found in 3. N
 atural Standard: The Authority
plants. Some flavonoids have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, on Integrative Medicine.
anti-inflammatory, and cardio protective functions. Flavonoids may www.naturalstandard.com
also help protect against heart disease by relaxing the arteries.1
EGCG and catechins in Green tea are known for their significant 4. Thorne research. Oligomeric
Proanthocyanidins (OPCs)
antioxidants properties.1 Tea catechins acts as an antioxidant monograph. Alternative Medicine
protection by inhibiting free radicals.3 Red grapes are rich in oligomeric Review. Volume 8, Number 4. 2003
proanthocyanidins (OPCs). The antioxidant properties of OPCs have
made products containing these extracts candidate therapies for 5. P
 aula M. Horvath and Clement lpz.
a wide range of human diseases.4 Fruits like mangos and tomatoes Synergistic Effect of Vitamin E and
Selenium in the Chemoprevention
are rich in carotenoids which are responsible for the red, orange of Mammary Carcinogenesis in
and yellow plant pigments that give fruits and vegetables their vivid Rats. Cancer Research 43,
colours. They are also found in dark-green vegetables, such as spinach 5335-5341, November 1983
and broccoli.1 Carotenoids play a key role in the support of the immune
system and enhancement in humans.1 In the 1990s, researchers found
lycopene significantly protected cells from DNA damage.1 Lycopene
can be found in tomatoes and pink grapefruit.

Phytonutrients and Antioxidants

Phytonutrients act as a protective shield around plants, and we are
just beginning to learn that there are hundreds, even thousands
of phytonutrients that may also help us in similar ways. Colour is
indicative of the amount and type of phytonutrient that food contains
so try to “eat a rainbow” of different fruits, vegetables, and other
foods in order to obtain a high level and variety of antioxidants
in your diet. Since most people don’t eat enough fresh fruits/veggies
every day, phytonutrient/antioxidant supplements are necessary.

Antioxidants are unique nutrient compounds such as certain vitamins,

minerals, and various phytonutrients that protect and repair cells from
free radical damage, or oxidation. This protection reduces the risk for
many health problems including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and
arthritis. Phytonutrients are essentially “plant-nutrients” that exert
certain beneficial effects, such as repairing damage to cells, helping
build our immune system, and acting as antioxidants.


Common name: Blueberry
Botanical name: Vaccinium Angustifolium
Part of use: Fruit

Blueberries are native to North America. Blueberries were

domesticated in the 20th century, and were collected by the North
American Indians and then later by European settlers. Blueberries
hold a special place in the foods of North America, since more species
of blueberries are native to North America than any other continent.
Thanks however, to increasing cultivation blueberries are now enjoyed
throughout the year on many of the world’s continents. Blueberry
flavours range from mildly sweet (cultivated) to tart and tangy (wild),
blueberries are nutritional stars bursting with nutrition and flavor while
being very low in calories.

Blueberries are rich in phenolic acid and flavonoid phytochemicals,

and have the highest antioxidant ability of all fresh fruits.2 Half
a cup of blueberries yields as much antioxidant power as five
serving of other fruits and vegetables.2 Blueberries also have effective
anti-inflammatory, anti-blood clotting, and anti-bacterial effects.2

Blueberries are a good source of vitamin C, fibre and folate.

Other nutrients include: Beta carotene, Niacin, Pantothenic acid,
Riboflavin, Thiamin, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin K, Tocopherols, Amino
acids, Lutein and Zeaxanthin.1

Health Benefits of Blueberries

Blueberries and blood vessels
Blueberries protect the blood vessels and support and strengthen
the small blood vessels. The anti-inflammatory action of blueberries
helps to control the integrity of capillaries (small blood vessels) by
stopping free radical damage from making them leaky. Researchers
suggest this effect might help to protect against capillary damage
associated with diabetes, which can lead to eye and kidney problems.1

Blueberries may delay the effects of aging.1 A study showed that
blueberries could reverse some signs of aging in rats. A diet on
blueberry extract seemed to reverse the normal deterioration in motor
skills associated with aging.1 Older rats who ate the equivalent of half
a cup of blueberries daily for eight weeks showed an improvement
in age-related decline in short-term memory and coordination. 2

Blueberries are rich in the flavonoid anthocyanin, which gives the

blueberry its deep blue colouring.1 Blueberries are ranked the highest
in berries because they contain the most oxygen radical absorbance
capacity (ORAC).

1. Kim O’Neill & Byron Murray (2002) Power Plants. Brighan Young University
Cancer Research Center.
2. Lyndel Costain (2001). Super Nutrients Handbook. New York


Common name: Broccoli
Botanical name: Brassica oleracea var. italica
Part of use: flowers, stems, leaves

Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family, and is closely related

to cauliflower. Its cultivation originated in Italy. Broccolo, its Italian
name, means “cabbage sprout.” Broccoli’s name is derived from the
Latin word brachium, which means branch or arm, a reflection of its
tree-like shape that features a compact head of florets attached by
small stems to a larger stalk. Because of its different components, this
vegetable provides a complex of tastes and textures, ranging from soft
and flowery (the florets) to fibrous and crunchy (the stem and stalk).
Its colour can range from deep sage to dark green to purplish-green,
depending upon the variety. One of the most popular types of broccoli
sold in North America is known as Italian green, or Calabrese, named
after the Italian province of Calabria where it first grew.2

According to the American Cancer Society and the Canadian Food

Guide to Healthy Eating, it is recommended to include the Brassica
vegetables in our daily diets due to their nutritional value and
medicinal properties.1

Broccoli has many nutrients and biochemical substances, such

as vitamins, minerals, fiber, carotenoids, bioflavonoids, sulfur,
dithiolethiones, and glucosinolates. More importantly, these vegetables
enhance the body’s cancer-fighting abilities, possess antioxidant
effects, and remove harmful chemical additives, including radiation.1

Health Benefits of Broccoli

In the early 1950’s, researchers found that those who consumed
even the smallest amount of broccoli reduced their risk of cancer
significantly.1 Broccoli is an excellent source of phytochemical
sulforaphane, which can inhibit the action of cancer causing agents.2
The cancer fighting abilities of sulforaphane may help to explain
studies that link regular intake of cruciferous vegetables, such as
broccoli, which is known to reduce the risk of cancer in the bowel,
stomach, breast, lungs, and kidneys.2

Antioxidant effects
Broccoli contains Vitamin E, Vitamin C, carotenes, flavonoids
(quercetin), minerals, and other phytochemicals, and act as direct
antioxidants that neutralize free radical molecules.1 Evidence suggests
that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially the Brassica
vegetables, may increase plasma oxygen radical absorbance capacity
(ORAC) and Vitamin E concentrations.1
1. Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. www.naturalstandard.com
2. http://whfoods.org/genpage.php?dbid=9&tname=foodspice

Green Tea

Common name: Green tea extract, Camellia sinensis extract,
Thea sinensis extract
Botanical name: Camellia sinensis ; Thea sinensis L. (Theaceae)
Part of use: Leaf

Tea ranks second only to water as a major component of fluid intake

worldwide and has been considered a health-promoting beverage
since ancient times. It was introduced to Western cultures in the
6th Century.1 Green tea is the fourth most commonly used dietary
supplement in the United States.1 It is grown and consumed primarily
in China, Japan, and countries in North Africa and the Middle East.
Green tea is made by briefly steaming the just harvested leaves,
rendering them soft and pliable, preventing them from oxidation/
fermenting or changing color.

The components of Green tea include caffeine, polyphenols, trace

elements, and vitamins. Major polyphenols include catechins,
epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG),
and proanthocyanidins.1

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Antioxidant effects
The secret of green tea lies in the fact that it is rich in catechin
polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is
a powerful anti-oxidant: It inhibits the growth of cancer cells and
kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It is also effective in
lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation
of blood clots. The latter takes on added importance when you
consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots)
is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.

Cardiovascular effects
Catechins in Green tea may prevent cardiovascular diseases by
preventing LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage due to its free
radical quenching and metal chelating abilities.1 A Japanese study
showed that drinking green tea regularly may significantly lower
cholesterol levels. This may be explained partly due to the ability
of flavanols’ to inhibit cholesterol absorption into the body.2

Other benefits
Green tea is used as an antioxidant for chronic disease prevention.1
It can help prevent tooth decay. Just as its bacteria-destroying abilities
can help prevent food poisoning, it can also kill the bacteria that
cause dental plaque. Traditional health claims for green tea include:
Improving blood and urine flow, assisting in the elimination of alcohol
and toxins, relieving joint pain, and improving resistance to diseases.
Green tea is an accepted cancer preventive agent in Japan and
Fiji. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners use green tea as
a cardiotonic, central nervous system stimulant, and diuretic.
In India, green tea infusions are used to treat fungal infections.

1. Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. www.naturalstandard.com
2. Lyndel Costain (2001). Super Nutrients Handbook. New York

Grape seed extract


Common name: Grape seed extract
Botanical name: Vitis vinifera
Part of use: Seeds

Red Grapes are rich in colourful flavonoids called anthocyanins

and their colourless precursors called oligomeric proanthocyanidins
(OPCs).1 The ability of OPCs to complex protein is referred to as
astringency and is responsible for the “puckery” sensation when
tea or red wine comes in contact with saliva and buccal tissue.2

Health Benefits of Grape seed extract

Grape seed extract is a source of antioxidant for the maintenance of
good health.3 The OPCs in grape seed extract has potent antioxidative
properties that fight against free radical and oxidative stress. Cathecins
components of grape seed extract, helps to reduce allergic responses
by inhibiting enzymes involved in the formation of histamine – therby
helping to reduce symptoms of allergies and excess histamine in the
stomach that may lead to stomach problems. Researches on OPCs
show it inhibits chemically-induced lipid peroxidation.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)

Grape seed extract helps to relieve symptoms related to
non-complicated chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), such as the
sensation of swelling, heaviness and tingling of the legs.3 In Europe,
some researchers use OPCs to treat various vascular disorders,
such as varicose veins, venous insufficiency, capillary fragility, and
retinopathies. Several clinical trials have confirmed the beneficial
effects of OPC use in treating vascular disorders.2

Other benefits
Edema is swelling caused by surgery or an injury, and seems to go
away faster when people take grape seed extract. Edema is common
after breast cancer surgery, and one double blind placebo controlled
study found that breast cancer patients who took 600 mg of grape
seed extract daily after surgery for 6 months, had less edema and pain
than those who took placebo. Another study found that people who
took grape seed extract after experiencing a sports injury had less
swelling than those who took placebo.4

Currently, grape seed extract is available as a dietary supplement
in the United States. Based on historical use and available research,
it appears that grape seed extract is generally well tolerated.1

1. Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. www.naturalstandard.com
2. Thorne research. Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPCs) monograph. Alternative
Medicine Review. Volume 8, Number 4. 2003
3. Health Canada Compendial Monograph
4. http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/grape-seed-000254.htm


Common name: Tomato
Botanical name: Lycopersicon esculentum
Part of use: Fruit

The tomato is native to the Andes and was spread throughout

Central America by the Spanish Conquistadors.1 Tomatoes are actually
fruits, but most often thought of as vegetables because they are
usually prepared and served like vegetables, which is why they are
often categorized as such.1

One medium tomato has 35 calories and provides 40 percent of the

RDA of vitamin C.1 85 percent of lycopene in our diet comes from
tomatoes and tomato products.2 Lycopene is an antioxidant that is
known to reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases.1

In terms of phytonutrients, tomatoes are basically off the chart

containing Flavonones, Flavonols, Hydroxycinnamic acids, Carotenoids,
Glycosides and Fatty acid derivatives. Specific antioxidant nutrients
found in tomatoes, whole tomato extracts, and overall dietary intake
of tomatoes have all been associated with antioxidant protection.

Tomatoes are a treasure of riches: They also provide an excellent

amount of Vitamin C and beta-carotene, a very good amount of the
mineral manganese, and a good amount of Vitamin E.

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Heart Disease
Lycopene is linked to a reduced risk of heart attacks.2 A study in Europe
showed that men with high levels of lycopene in their bodies had half
the risk of heart attacks than those with low levels.2

Prostate Cancer
Tomatoes are linked with lower prostate cancer risk.1 A study of 47,000
American men showed that those who ate tomato products 10 or
more times a week had 35 percent less risk of developing cancer.

Breast Cancer
Lycopene in tomatoes helps to reduce the risks of breast cancer.
Results from a study in Cancer Causes & Control suggested “that
lycopene and other plasma-carotenoids may reduce the risk of
developing breast cancer and that menopausal status has an impact
on the mechanisms involved.”

1. Kim O’Neill & Byron Murray (2002) Power Plants. Brighan Young University
Cancer Research Center.
2. Lyndel Costain (2001). Super Nutrients Handbook. New York


Common Name: Chromium
Proper name: Chromium
Source material(s): Chromium Chelate
Chromium is an essential trace element found in foods and
supplements and appears to have very low toxicity and a wide margin
of safety. Benefits of chromium supplementation appear to be related
to several factors, including chromium intake/status and a degree of
glucose intolerance.1 Chromium supplement has gained popularity
among Americans, especially those seeking a weight-loss program.1
Good chromium food sources include whole grain breads and cereals,
lean meats, cheeses, and some spices, such as black pepper and thyme.
Brewer’s yeast is also rich in chromium.

Health Benefits of Chromium

Blood sugar balance and Diabetes mellitus
Chromium plays an important role in the regulation of insulin in
blood glucose. It acts as a cofactor for a number of enzymes involved
in energy production and has been used to treat diabetes. Chromium
treatment has also been reported to improve glycemic control in
patients with type 2 diabetes and may also help regulate blood sugar
in patients with low blood sugar disorders.1

Cholesterol lowering
People with blocked arteries may have low Chromium levels, which
can lead to heart disease. Research studies on people with raised
blood cholesterol levels taking 200 mcg of chromium supplement
daily showed evidence of reduced levels of LDL or “bad “cholesterol. 2

Why take this supplement?

People 55 years and older who exercise regularly may have increased
losses of chromium. Also people who eat diets rich in processed
foods containing few good chromium sources, or has a poor ability to
balance blood sugar levels in their body, or those that have a tendency
to gain weight, may benefit from this supplement. 2

Because of the potential for side effects and interactions with
medications, you should take dietary supplements only under the
supervision of a knowledgeable health care provider.

1. Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. www.naturalstandard.com
2. Amanda Ursell (2001).Vitamin & Minerals Handbook. New York.


Common Name: Folate
Proper name: Folate
Source material(s): Folacin, Folate, Folic acid, Vitamin B9

Folate and folic acid are forms of the water-soluble B9 vitamin.1

It is crucial for the correct development of the body’s spinal
cord within the first three months of conception.2 Folate occurs
naturally in food, and folic acid is the synthetic form of this vitamin.1
Folic acid is better absorbed by the body than folate.2 It is effective
at increasing folate levels in the blood and decreasing symptoms
associated with inadequate folate status.1 Folic acid is benefical
for cognitive enhancement, cancer, psychiatric illnesses, and
cardiovascular conditions.1

Health Benefits of Folate

Neural Tube Defects
Studies have shown folate to be related to Neural Tube Defects
(NTDs). NTDs result when the tissues of the brain, spinal cord, and
the tissues that surround them fail to develop properly. The most
frequently occurring NTD is known as spina bifida and results in the
failure of the spine to close properly around the spinal cord. In the
most severe cases the spinal cord can actually protrude out of the
back. These complications bring with them an assortment of physical
and neurological difficulties including varying levels of paralysis,
incontinence, and mild learning disabilities.3

Tiredness and fatigue caused by anemia, are related to folate
deficiency. Anemia can be treated by taking folic acid supplements,
and anemia during pregnancy can be treated with a combination
of vitamin B12, folic acid, and iron.2

Why take this supplement?

Folic acid supplements are suggested for use in women of
childbearing age in order to prevent neural tube defects (NTDs).1
Men may also benefit from it to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis,
caused by raised levels of homocysteine. Supplements could also
be considered if the following symptoms occur: Tiredness, fatigue,
eczema, cracked lips, anxiety, tension, poor memory, poor appetite,
low moods and pale skin.2

Food Sources
Sources of folate include cereals, baked goods, leafy vegetables, okra,
asparagus, fruits, legumes, yeast, mushrooms, organ meat (beef liver,
kidney), orange juice, and tomato juice. Folic acid is frequently used
in combination with B vitamins in vitamin B complex formulations.1

1. Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. www.naturalstandard.com
2. Amanda Ursell (2001).Vitamin & Minerals Handbook. New York.
3. Lyndel Costain (2001). Super Nutrients Handbook. New York


Common Name: Molybdenum
Proper name: Molybdenum
Source material (s): Molybdenum

Molybdenum is a transition metal, required by most organisms,

including humans. Molybdenum is found in the earth’s crust, soil,
and plants. Higher levels are found in the soil of certain countries
like Australia and New Zealand. In plants, molybdenum is found in
higher concentrations in legumes and leafy vegetables.1 Molybdenum
is also found in animal livers and dairy products.1

Health Benefits of Molybdenum

Molybdenum is involved in the functioning of several important
enzymes that help the body to make use of the energy from fats
and carbohydrates in food. 2 In the human body, molybdenum is
considered an essential trace element present in very small amounts
in the body and plays an important role as a cofactor for several
enzymes. It is involved in many important biological processes,
possibly including development of the nervous system, waste
processing in the kidneys, and energy production in cells.
Molybdenum deficiency results in a decreased activity of this enzyme.1

Other benefits
Molybdenum and related compounds have been studied for its
benefits in some diseases and conditions, such as cancer, macular
degeneration, cataract prevention, cirrhosis, symptomatic Wilson’s
disease (an inherited disorder resulting in too much copper),
hypertension, and stroke.1 Further research is needed.

Why take this supplement?

Humans require very small amounts of molybdenum, and deficiency
appears to happen only under the rarest of circumstances.
Supplements may be useful for a person fed entirely through the
veins for a very long time, or in a person with a genetic problem in
which the body cannot use the molybdenum that is eaten in foods.3
Supplementation may also be necessary for people who eat cereals
and vegetables that have been grown on molybdenum depleted soils,
and also in areas of soft water, which is low in this mineral.2

Food Sources
Legumes, leafy vegetables, livers and dairy products.1

1. Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. www.naturalstandard.com
2. Amanda Ursell (2001).Vitamin & Minerals Handbook. New York.
3. h


Common Name: Selenium
Proper name: Selenium
Source material(s): Selenium Yeast

Selenium is an essential mineral found in small amounts in the body.

Selenium can be found in some meats and seafood. Animals that eat
grains or plants that grow in selenium-rich soil have higher levels of
selenium in their muscles. Selenium also occurs naturally in foods
such as whole grains, garlic, eggs and mushrooms.

Due today’s farming method and nutrient depleted soil, it is important

to supplement with selenium.1 According to Dr. Richard A. Passwater,
“Your body needs this mineral for the production of several important
body compounds, including enzymes, or catalysts, which are involved
in antioxidant protection and thyroid-hormone metabolism. It has
been estimated that there are between 50 and 100 different
selenium-containing proteins in the human body, including those that
build heart muscle, red blood cells, and sperm.”1

Health Benefits of Selenium

Immune system stimulant
Selenium supplements appear to stimulate the immune system,
which in turn helps to protect the body from infections.2

It is believed that selenium helps to fight diseases including cancer
by neutralizing harmful elements called “free radicals,” the unstable
molecules that damage tissues.1 It has also been shown that people
who have diets rich in selenium have lower rates of cancer than those
who have poor intakes of this mineral. Studies are currently assessing
whether taking selenium supplements can actually help to reduce
the risk of certain cancers, especially those of the lung, prostate gland,
colon, and rectum.2

Heart Health
Selenium benefits the heart by helping to reduce LDL “bad” cholesterol
buildup that clogs artery walls. It also helps to prevent damage to the
artery walls from free radical attacks.2

Why take this supplement?

There are different forms of selenium in the nutraceutical market.
Selenium can be purchased either in a salt form or in an organically
bound form. The salts are sodium selenite and sodium selenate,
both has been shown to be less bioavailable than organically
bound forms of selenium. Organically bound forms of selenium
are high selenium yeast or selenomethionine. High selenium yeast
is produced in a consistent and controlled fermentation system.
Yeast provides increased bioavailability for the human body compared
to other forms of selenium, which greatly reduces the potential
for toxicity.1

1. Richard A. Passwater, Ph. D. Avery Publishing Group - Garden City Park, New York
2. Amanda Ursell (2001).Vitamin & Minerals Handbook. New York.

Vitamin A and Beta-carotene


Common Name: Retinol, Vitamin A; and Beta-carotene,
Proper name: Vitamin A; and all-trans-beta-Carotene
Source material(s): Vitamin A palmitate/All-trans retinyl palmitate;
and Beta-carotene

Vitamin A is a nutrient that is vital to growth and development and

is obtained in two ways:
• As vitamin A from animal sources such as liver, fish oils, egg yolks,
and dairy products
• As beta carotene from many fruits and vegetables (such as carrots,
broccoli, spinach, squash, peaches, and apricots) which the body
converts to retinol (a type of vitamin A) in the small intestine.

Vitamin A is stored in the liver until needed by the body. Vitamin A

and closely related molecules are also known as retinoids. 4

Health Benefits of Vitamin A and Beta-carotene

Eye Health
Vitamin A is called the Eye Vitamin; good for general eye health.
It helps to maintain the eyesight, and helps in the development and
maintenance of night vision.3 Prolonged vitamin A deficiency can
lead to exophthalmia (dry eye).2

Vitamin A deficiency has been shown to impair the mobilization
of iron. A supplementation of vitamin A has been shown to raise
hemoglobin levels and serum iron concentrations, particularly in
children and pregnant women. It has also been shown to enhance
the efficacy of iron supplementation in patients with vitamin A
deficiency and iron deficiency anemia.1

Other benefits
Vitamin A helps to maintain skin membranes. It also helps to maintain
the immune function and helps in the development and maintenance
of bones and teeth.

Why take this supplement?

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin. Anyone on a long term low fat diet
or has poor absorption may benefit from this vitamin. Vitamin A
deficiency may trigger the inability to adjust the eyesight to see in
the dark, poor growth in childhood, dry, scaly skin, poor tooth enamel
development in children, etc.2

At recommended doses, vitamin A is generally considered nontoxic.
Excess amounts may lead to acute or chronic toxicity.

1. Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. www.naturalstandard.com
2. Amanda Ursell (2001).Vitamin & Minerals Handbook. New York.
3. Health Canada Compendial Monograph
4. www.cancer.org

Vitamin C

Common Name: Vitamin C
Proper name: Vitamin C, Ascorbic acid
Source material(s): Ascorbic acid/Vitamin C

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin that is an essential

nutrient for humans. In living organisms ascorbate acts as an
antioxidant. It is necessary for the formation of collagen in the bones,
cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels. It also helps the body to absorb
iron. Severe vitamin C deficiency may cause scurvy. Although rare,
scurvy may lead to potentially severe consequences, including death.1

Excellent food sources of vitamin C include broccoli, bell peppers,

parsley, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, lemon juice, strawberries,
mustard greens, kiwifruit, papaya, kale, cabbage, oranges, cantaloupe,
grapefruit, pineapple, chard, tomatoes, collard greens, raspberries,
spinach, green beans, fennel, cranberries and asparagus. It is important
to note that most of the vitamin C in foods will be destroyed with
cutting, cooking, storing, and other forms of processing.

Health Benefits of Vitamin C

Immunostimulant effects
Supplements of vitamin C may increase the immune system’s ability
to fight viral and bacterial infections, helping, for example, to reduce
the duration of a cold.3

Wound Healing
People who take 200-250 mg of vitamin C daily have an improved
recovery rate after surgery, while the healing of bedsores and bleeding
gums are evident in people taking 250-500 mg daily.3

Other Benefits
Vitamin C helps the body to metabolize fats and proteins: It helps in
the development and maintenance of bones, cartilage, teeth; helps
in the development and maintenance of gums and helps in connective
tissue formation.2 It also helps to detoxify our bodies, promotes
healing of all of our cells, and allows us to better deal with stress.
It also supports the good bacteria in our gut, destroys detrimental
bacteria and viruses, neutralizes harmful free radicals, removes heavy
metals, protects us from pollution, and much more.

Why take this supplement?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, meaning that your body doesn’t
store it. Vitamin C supplement is necessary for people who are
not consuming enough fruits and vegetables. For adults, the daily
recommended dose of vitamin C is 45-90 mg.2 Smokers, pregnant
women and breast-feeding mothers need to take more vitamin C.
Vitamin C overdose are rare.

1. Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. www.naturalstandard.com
2. Health Canada Compendial Monograph
3. Amanda Ursell (2001).Vitamin & Minerals Handbook. New York.

Vitamin E

Common Name: Vitamin E
Proper name: Vitamin E
Source material(s): RRR-alpha-tocopherol/d-alpha-tocopherol

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant properties.

Vitamin E exists in eight different forms. Alpha-tocopherol is the
most active form in humans. Vitamin E supplements are available
in natural or synthetic forms. The natural forms are usually labeled
with the letter “d” (for example, d- alpha -tocopherol), whereas
synthetic forms are labeled “dl”.1

Vitamin E helps to neutralize potentially damaging free radicals in

the body and is very important for helping to keep cell walls in good
condition. Vitamin E is also essential for maintaining healthy skin,
nerves, muscles, red blood cells, body circulation, including the heart.3

Foods that contain vitamin E include eggs, fortified cereals, fruits,

green leafy vegetables (such as spinach), meat, nuts, nut oils, poultry,
vegetable oils (corn, cottonseed, safflower, soybean, sunflower),
argan oil, olive oil, wheat germ oil, and whole grains. Cooking and
storage may destroy some of the vitamin E in foods.1

Health Benefits of Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant for the maintenance of good health.2
It helps prevent oxidative stress by working together with a group
of nutrients to prevent oxygen molecules from becoming too reactive.1
Vitamin E supplements may also lower the risk of heart disease, stroke,
and angina by reducing the formation of atherosclerosis plaques on
artery walls.3

Other benefits
Vitamin E may be appropriate for people with a family history of
heart disease, those exposed to pollution, and anyone interested
in slowing down the aging process.3 Vitamin E improves the activity
of vitamin A in the body, and, unlike other fat-soluble vitamins,
seems to be stored for only a short time in the body-indicating the
need for regular intakes.3

1. Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. www.naturalstandard.com
2. Health Canada Compendial Monograph
3. Amanda Ursell (2001).Vitamin & Minerals Handbook. New York.


Common Name: Zinc
Proper name: Zinc
Source material(s): Zinc sulfate

Zinc is a trace mineral essential for the functioning of enzymatic and

other cellular processes. Zinc is present in all organs, tissues, fluids, and
secretions of the body.1 It helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates,
proteins and fats2; it is a co-factor for over 70 different enzymes. Zinc
plays a vital role in the growth of children and is especially important
for the production of healthy sperm. Adequate amounts of protein
in the diet can help to improve zinc levels in the body.3 Severe zinc
deficiency may result in growth failure, diarrhea, hair loss, sandpapered
nails, decreased immunity, and low testosterone (in males).3

Health Benefits of Zinc

Immune function
Zinc is necessary for the immune system and for the healing of wounds.
It helps to detoxify harmful metals.3 Zinc has also been shown to help
relive E. coli-induced diarrhea in children.1 Zinc has been studied since
the 1960s.

Children’s health
Zinc supplementation is effective in enhancing the physical
development of children, particularly with low birth weight, stunted
growth, or malnutrition, as determined through the examination of
weight, height and body mass composition.1

Wound Healing
Wounds that take longer to heal than usual, are often as a result from
a lack of zinc in the diet, and may be improved by taking modest daily
zinc supplements.4

Other benefits
Zinc helps to maintain healthy skin; helps the body to metabolize
carbohydrates, proteins, fats and helps in connective tissue formation.3

Why take this supplement?

Zinc is essential for normal growth and development. The requirement
for zinc increases during pregnancy.2 Intake of zinc by individuals
over 65 years of age in the United States is less than two-thirds of
the RDA for zinc.2 The primary clinical manifestations of severe zinc
deficiency includes: Growth retardation, delayed sexual maturation
and impotence, immune deficiencies, night blindness, delayed healing
of wounds, impaired appetite and food intake, etc.

Food Sources
Zinc is available through foods such as beef, pork, shellfish, peanuts,
and legumes. Within the body, zinc is distributed in the muscle, bone,
skin, kidney, liver, pancreas, retina, prostate, and particularly in the
red and white blood cells.1

1. Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. www.naturalstandard.com
2. Maurice Shils, James Olson, Moshe Shine, Catharine Ross. Modern Nutrition in Health
and Disease. 9th edition. 1998 Baltimore
3. Health Canada Compendial Monograph 33
Apple Powder Cauliflower Powder
Apples contain a type of fibre Cauliflower is in the same family
called pectin which helps to as broccoli and cabbage and
promote regularity. Apples shares the same cancer fighting
also contain phloretin which abilities as broccoli. Cauliflower
has antibacterial activity and contains sulforaphane and
are also high in quercetin, isophiocyanate, the two
a powerful phytonutrient. phytonutrients responsible for
its cell protecting abilities.
Beet Root Powder
Beets contain a component Cherry Powder
called betaine. There is evidence High in anthocyanins, cherries
to suggest that beets can assist help support healthy eyes and
in maintaining a healthy liver also contribute to the health
by removing fat deposits. of the cells in the body. Cherries
are high in antioxidants.
Cabbage Powder
A source of the phytonutrient Garlic Powder
called anthocyanins, cabbage The active compound in garlic
supports healthy eye function. is called alliin. This nutrient is
In addition, cabbage has been useful in supporting the immune
shown to reduce pain associated system and has been shown
with ulcers. to reduce cholesterol.

Carrot Powder Grapefruit Powder

Very high in natural beta Grapefruit plays an important
carotene, carrots support healthy role in weight loss and overall
eye function as well is a powerful well being. Grapefruit is
natural antioxidant. known to reduce insulin levels,

References: Ichikawa M, Ryu K. 2002. Antioxidant effects of Anderson RA. 1998. Effects of chromium on body
tetrahydro-beta-carboline derivatives identified composition and weight loss. Nutrition Rev.
Broome CS, McArdle F, et al. 2004 July. An increase in aged garlic extract. Biofactors. 16(3-4):57-72. 56(9): 266-70.
in selenium intake improves immune function
and polio virus handling in adults with marginal Hindi T, et al. 2004. Determination of the McCarty MF. 1996. Chromium and other insulin
selenium status. Am J Clin Nutr. 80(1):154-62 antioxidant capacity of an antioxidant sensitizers may enhance glucagons secretion:
combination using the fluoroscan assay in vitro implications for hypoglycemia and weight
Salman H, Bergman M. 1999 Sep. Effect of a garlic and visualization of its effects using histological control. Medical Hypotheses. 46(2):77-80.
derivative (alliin) on peripheral blood cell immune methods. Arch Dermatol Res. Pubmed.org
responses. Int J Immunopharmacol. 21(9):589-97. Konopacka M, et al. 2001. Antioxidant vitamins C, Dulloo A G et al. Efficacy of a green tea extract
E and beta-carotene reduce DNA damage before rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in
Ciocoiu M, Lupusoru EC. 1998 Jan-Jun. The as well as after gamma-ray irradiation of human increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat
involvement of vitamins C and E in changing the lymphocytes in vitro. Mutant Res. 491(1-2):1-7. oxidation in humans. American Journal of Clinical
immune response. Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi. Nutrition 1999; 70: 1040-45.
102(1-2):93-6 Marchioli R, et al. 2001. Antioxidant vitamins
and prevention of cardiovascular disease: Fujioka, K. 2004. Grapefruit Diet. Nutrition and
S.N. Meydani, M.Meydani, et al. 1997 May epidemiological and clinical trial data. Lipids. 36 Metabolic Research Center at Scripps Clinic.
7. Vitamin E supplementation and in vivo Suppl: S53-63. Oakley, GP. 2002. Global prevention of all folic-
immune response in healthy elderly subjects. A acid preventable spina bifida and anencephaly by
randomized controlled trial. The Journal of the Niki E, et al. 1995. Interaction among vitamin C, 2010. Community Genet. 5(1):70-7
American Medical Association (JAMA). Vol.277 vitamin E, and beta-carotene. American Journal of
No.17. Clinical Nutrition. 62(6 Suppl): 1322S-1325S. Ray JG, et al. 2002. Association of neural tube
which regulates fat metabolism Parsley Powder Rose Hips
and may have the ability to This common cooking herb is One of nature’s highest sources
control appetite. used for its ability to enhance of vitamin C, rose hip supports
digestion. Parsley contains healthy teeth, gums, blood vessels
Mango Powder quercetin, a phytonutrient that and capillaries. Useful for helping
Mango is an excellent source helps with peptic ulcers. to fight colds and infection.
of beta carotene, potassium
and vitamin C. High in natural Pineapple Powder Spinach Powder
antioxidants; mangos also Pineapple is very high in vitamin C High in naturally occurring
contain an enzyme that helps and mineral manganese. In iron, spinach helps to maintain
improve digestion and sooth addition, pineapple contains the healthy blood iron levels, thereby
the stomach. enzyme bromelain. This enzyme ensuring normal energy levels.
helps to break down and digest
Onion Powder protein in the diet. Strawberry Powder
Onion has been traditionally Strawberries contain a
used to maintain cardiovascular Prune Powder range of nutrients, vitamin C
health. This allium species and Prunes are one of the highest heading the group. They also
their constituents, act on blood antioxidants known to mankind! contain significant levels of
coagulability and have positive They have the highest ORAC phytonutrients and antioxidants,
effects on other risk factors for measurement, the standard which fight free-radicals. Studies
cardiovascular disease. for measuring antioxidant suggest that it can help protect
values. Prunes assist in against age-related macular
Orange Peel Powder bowel regularity. degeneration (ARMD) and
Very high in vitamin C and rheumatoid arthritis.
bioflavanoids, oranges help to Raspberry Powder
maintain healthy teeth, gums Very high in natural antioxidants,
and connective tissue. raspberries contain quercetins
Bioflavanoids also support which help to fight asthma and
strong capillary health. hay fever.

defects and folic acid food fortification in Canada. Biology Medicine. 1;35(9):1121-8. Norbornyl Isothiocyanates. 91:3147-3150.
Lancet. 360(9350):2047-8.
Kay CD, et al. 2002. The effect of wild blueberry Shukitt-Hale B, Carey AN, Jenkins D, et al.
Beattie JH, et al. 2004. Is Zinc deficiency a risk (Vaccinium angustifolium) consumption on Beneficial effects of fruit extracts on neuronal
factor for atherosclerosis? British Journal of postprandialserum antioxidant status in human function and behavior in a rodent model of
Nutrition. 91(2):177-81. subjects. 88(4):389-98. accelerated aging. Neurobiol Aging. 2006 Jul 10.

Bordia A, et al. 1975. Effect of the essential oils Zheng Y, et al. 2003. Effect of high-oxygen Kay, C. D. and Holub, B. J. The effect of
of garlic and onion on alimentary hyperlipemia. atmospheres on blueberry phenolics, wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium)
Atherosclerosis. 21(1):15-9 anthocyanins, and antioxidant capacity. Journal consumption on postprandial serum
of Agricultural Food Chemistry. 51(24):7162-9. antioxidant status in human subjects. Br.J.Nutr.
Kendler BS. 1987. Garlic (Allium sativum) and 2002;88(4):389-398.
onion (Allium cepa): a review of their relationship Klebanov GI, et al. 1998. The antioxidant
to cardiovascular disease. Preventative Medicine. properties of lycopene. Membrane Cell Biology. Schmidt, B. M., Howell, A. B., McEniry, B., Knight,
16(5):670-85. 12(2):287-300. C. T., Seigler, D., Erdman, J. W., Jr., and Lila, M. A.
Effective separation of potent antiproliferation
Rao AV. 2002. Lycopene, tomatoes, and Gamet-Payrastre, et al. 2000. Sulforaphane, a and antiadhesion components from wild
the prevention of coronary heart disease. naturally occurring isothiocyanate, induces cell blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) fruits.
Experimental Biological Medicine. 227(10):908-13 cycle arrest and apoptosis in HT29 human colon J.Agric.Food Chem. 10-20-2004;52(21):6433-6442.
cancer cells. Cancer Research. 60(5):1426-33.
Jiao HL. 2003. Protective effects of green tea
polyphenols on human HepG2 cells against Zhang Y, et al. 1994. Anticarcinogenic Activities of 35
oxidative damage of fenofibrate. Free Radical Sulforaphane and Structurally Related Synthetic
What is Dietary Fibre?

Dietary fibre includes all parts of plant foods that your body can’t digest
or absorb. It is also known as roughage or bulk and has no calories.1
Good sources of fibre can be found mainly in two food groups: Grain
products, including whole grains such as wild and brown rice and
oatmeal, vegetables and fruit. Meat alternatives such as beans and
lentils also provide a high source of fibre. Food sources of dietary
fiber are often divided into soluble or insoluble fiber. Plant foods
contain both types of fiber in varying degrees, according to the plant’s
characteristics. Many people think of dietary fibre as a single, simple
food component but fibre is a complex and varied macronutrient.
In fact, it has been suggested that measuring the total fibre content
of a food is about as useful as measuring the total vitamin content
of a food.2

Research on the beneficial effects of dietary fibre show that high levels
of dietary fiber intake is associated with significantly lower rates for
coronary heart disease and stroke. Furthermore, increased consumption
of dietary fibre improves serum lipid concentrations including blood
glucose control in diabetes, and promotes regularity.2

Fibre is a vital part of a How Much Fiber?

healthy diet, but most of us Countries have developed guidelines for dietary fibre intake ranging
are getting less than half from 21g to 40 g per day, whereas the WHO recommends a total fibre
the recommended amount. intake of 25g per day. However, estimates of actual total dietary fibre
consumption in various countries range from a low of 14g per day
to a high of 29g, with most countries reporting consumption levels
below either national or WHO recommendations. In Canada, surveys of
nutrient intake from foods indicate that dietary fibre intakes range from
14.3 to 16.6 g/d for women and from 16.5 to 19.4 g/d for men. In Japan,
the suggested daily dietary fiber intake was 20.5 g daily in 1952, which
rapidly declined to 70% of that level in 1970 (14.9 g/d). This intake is well
Note, people with diabetes should below the IOM recommendations for dietary fibre and reflects a limited
watch their fruit intake
consumption of whole-grain cereals, fruits, vegetables, and pulses which
References: are considered to be the best natural sources of dietary fibres.
1. Brenda Watson and Leonard
Smith. (2007) The Fiber 35 Diet. The results of the 2008 Tracking Nutrition Trends VII survey (Canadian
Nature’s Weight Loss Secret. New York. Council of Food Nutrition, 2008) indicated that a large majority
2. Proposed Policy: Definition
and Energy Value for Dietary Fibre.
understands that some types of dietary fibre can help reduce blood
Bureau of Nutritional Sciences. cholesterol (74%) and that a diet high in fibre may help prevent colon
Health Canada. (Dec 2010) cancer (78%).

Soluble and Insoluble Fibre
There are two basic types of fibre-soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibre dissolves and breaks down in water.
When this happens it forms a thick gel. It includes pectin, gum, and mucilage. Insoluble fibre does not
dissolve in water or break down in the digestive system. Insoluble fibre passes through the gastrointestinal
tract almost intact. It includes cellulose hemicelluloses and lignin. It is important to consume
both soluble and insoluble fibre, given that each type provides unique benefits.

Soluble Fibre Insoluble Fibre

Function of Soluble Fibre: Function of Insoluble Fibre:
• Prolongs the emptying of the stomach so that • Moves bulk through the intestines
sugar is released and absorbed more slowly • Controls and balances the PH (degree
• Binds with fatty acids, which are the building of acidity or alkalinity) in the intestines
blocks of fats
Some Benefits of Insoluble Fibre:
Some Benefits of Soluble Fibre: • Promotes regular bowel movements and
• Lowers total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol prevents constipation
(bad cholesterol), thereby reducing the risk • Removes toxic waste from the colon
of heart disease • Helps prevent colon cancer by keeping optimal
• Regulates blood sugar PH in the intestines to prevent microbes from
• Remove toxins and unwanted metals producing cancerous substances
• Slows the absorption of food after meals and • Helps prevent hemorrhoids, varicose veins,
is therefore good for people with diabetes colitis, and constipation
• Reduces the side effects of radiation therapy • Assists in the removal of cancer-causing
• Reduce the risks of heart disease substances from the colon wall
and gallstones • Promotes weight loss
• Helps lower cholesterol levels
Some food sources of Soluble fibre: • Helps to prevent the formation of gallstone
Fruits and vegetables, especially berries, by binding with bile acids and removing
oranges, apples and carrots, barley, beets, stones before they can form
lentils, oats, oatmeal, peas, etc… • Beneficial for people with diabetes or
colon cancer

Some food sources of Insoluble fibre:

Whole grains (breads, pasta, oatmeal, cereals),
fruit skin, cauliflower, root vegetable (such as
potatoes) skins, sour plums, wheat
bran, flaxseed, popcorn, etc….


Common name: Cinnamon
Botanical name: Cinnamomum aromaticum
Part of use: Bark

Cinnamon has been around for thousands of years and revered as

a spice and healing agent. The ancient Egyptians included cinnamon
in their embalming oils. In China it was used to treat fever, diarrhea
and menstrual symptoms as far back as 2000 BC. Cinnamon is
mentioned in historical documents as a well-known spice in the
New World and in Europe. It was traditionally used mainly as a
stomachic and carminative for gastrointestinal complaints and is
still used for these conditions today.1

Cinnamon is commonly used in supplements to help to maintain

blood glucose. It is shown to be highly effective in improving
glucose and insulin metabolism. Cinnamon has some of the same
health benefits as consuming fibre, such as lowering blood sugar
and blood cholesterol effects. Cinnamon is also popularly used in
some fibre formulas to enhance the effects of reducing blood glucose
and cholesterol.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Based on human and animal studies, cinnamon may control blood
sugar. The insulin-sensitizing effects of cinnamon was established
and first published in vivo studies on cinnamon supplementation in
humans: It reported a substantial reduction of fasting serum glucose
concentration and improvement in blood lipid profile in patients
suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Cardiovascular effects
Cinnamon has been proven to have an effect on the blood and
the cardiovascular system, and has been shown to reduce blood
pressure in some studies. Other human trials also demonstrated
lowered systolic blood pressure upon treatment with a water-soluble
cinnamon extract.

Other Benefits
Antidiabetic effects, antioxidant effects, anti-inflammatory effects,
anticancer/antitumor effects, Immunomodulatory effects

Cinnamon has been approved Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)
status as a food additive by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA). The bark is the only part of the plant that is used as a spice or
for medical purposes.

1. Louise Tenney (2000). Today’s Herbal Health. 5 th Edition.
2. Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. www.naturalstandard.com

Guar Gum

Common name: Guar Gum
Proper name: Cyamopsis tetragonoloba
Part of use: Seed endosperm

Guar gum is an extract of the guar bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba).

The plant is primarily grown in Pakistan and parts of India. Guar gum
is widely used as a food-thickening agent. It is also found in nutritional
supplements.1 Due to paper shortages in the 1940s, guar gum became
popular for commercial use as a replacement in the paper industry.1

Guar gum is considered a plant-based dietary fiber. According to the

American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) International, a dietary
fiber is “the edible parts of plants or analogous carbohydrates that are
resistant to digestion and absorption in the human small intestine with
complete or partial fermentation in the large intestine. Dietary fibers
promote beneficial physiological effects including laxation, and/or
blood cholesterol attenuation, and/or blood glucose attenuation.” 2

Guar gum may be beneficial in reducing cholesterol levels, as there is

a substantial amount of evidence to support its use for this purpose.1
Guar gum is used to promote normal gastrointestinal (GI) motility and
may be useful in patients with diarrhea, constipation, or irritable bowel
syndrome (IBS). Guar gum has also been shown to reduce postprandial
glucose and insulin levels in diabetic and nondiabetic patients. 1

Health Benefits of Guar Gum

Antidiabetic effects
In human research, guar gum has been found to decrease fasting blood
glucose, and postprandial and fasting glycemia. Guar gum was reputed
to produce postprandial glycemic decrease through the reduction
and absorption of glucose in the small intestine. Guar gum may also
increase insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin resistance, which may
play a role in improved glucose control.1

Blood pressure effects

Supplementation of guar gum has been found to reduce blood
pressure. Conversely, it has also been found to lessen hypotension
following intraduodenal and oral glucose load. This effect may occur as
result of reduced gastric emptying and absorption of glucose.1

Other benefits
Guar gum is used in weight loss formulas. The use of guar gum for
weight loss may be based on the theory that it may suppress appetite
by absorbing water and expanding the stomach, thus creating the
sensation of being full.1

1. Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. www.naturalstandard.com
2. Brenda Warson. (2007) The Fibre 35 Diet. New York

Konjac Root (Glucomannan)

Common name: Konjac glucomannan
Botanical name: Konjac glucomannan
Part of use: Root

Konjac root (glucomannan) is a soluble, fermentable, and highly

viscous dietary fiber. Glucomannan fiber has been used as a food
and as a medicinal agent in various Asian cultures for more than
a thousand years. Its introduction into Western cultures is more
recent. In the 1980s, glucomannan gained interest with respect to
its cholesterol, blood sugar, and weight reduction properties. The
most common term for glucomannan is soluble fiber derived from
the root of Amorphophallus konjac (elephant yam or konjac plant).
The konjac plant is native to Asia and may have blotchy green, white,
yellow, and/or brown markings on its stem, resembling snake skin.
The tubers can grow more than 10 pounds in weight.

The plant has various uses which include its traditional use as a food
source (sliced and fried, baked, boiled, stewed, or as cereal meal, flour,
or candy) or topical gel, as well as more recently, a source of dietary
supplement. Glucomannan is a highly viscous soluble fiber thus when
consumed, it absorbs water in the digestive tract, whereby reducing
the absorption of carbohydrates and cholesterol. It is this property
that makes glucomannan a product of interest with respect to weight
loss, blood sugar lowering, and cholesterol reduction. There is good
evidence to support the use of glucomannan for cholesterol reduction,
constipation, diabetes, and weight loss. Glucomannan is being studied
as a means to deliver drugs to the large intestines, due to its resistance
to digestion in the upper digestive tract and absorption in the colon.

Health Benefits of Konjac Root (Glucomannan)

Cholesterol levels
Glucomannan supplementation is known to significantly reduce
cholesterol levels in humans according to meta-analysis and
randomized controlled trials. Glucomannan is a high-molecular-weight
water-soluble polysaccharide: It is thought that soluble fibers interfere
with the transport of cholesterol and bile acids. It was also determined
that glucomannan improved blood lipid levels by enhancing fecal
excretion of neutral sterol and bile acids.

Evidence from randomized controlled studies, as well as studies
of lesser methodological quality suggested that glucomannan
supplementation reduced fasting and postprandial blood glucose
in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Studies show that Glucomannan supplementation significantly
reduces blood pressure.

1. Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. www.naturalstandard.com

Xanthan Gum

Common name: Xanthan Gum
Proper name: Xanthan Gum
Part of use: Whole cell

Xanthan gum is a high molecular weight glucomannan gum that is

derived from Xanthomonas campestris by a pure-culture fermentation
process. In the food industry, xanthan gum is a natural carbohydrate
and is used as an all- purpose stabilizer and thickener due to its unique
physical properties, heat, PH stability and high viscosity.1

Like guar, xanthan gum has been reported to slow gastric emptying
of glucose and nutrient energy in animals. It proved to be more
effective than guar in inhibiting the preferential emptying of sugar
and fat from the stomach. Xanthan gum, like guar, is a suitable
candidate for metabolic studies in man.2

Health Benefits of Xanthan Gum

Xanthan Gum and diabetes mellitus

In one study, xanthan gum was fed to diabetic and non-diabetic
patients or controls, with moderately elevated serum glucose but
managing without insulin or hypoglycemic drugs. The consumption
of xanthan gum was shown to lower fasting and post load serum
glucose levels. Xanthan gum also tends to lower fasting and post load
levels of gastrin; subjects reported a sense of fullness but no severe
digestive symptoms.

Xanthan Gum and High Cholesterol

Xanthan Gum can lower cholesterol levels. In the same study of
xanthan gum consumption in diabetic and non-diabetic patients or
controls, xanthan gum was shown to reduce fasting levels of total
plasma cholesterol. The fasting levels of total triglyceride and total
cholesterol were also reduced.1 In another study it was found there
was a moderate (10%) reduction in serum cholesterol.2

Other Benefits
Xanthan Gum is used by people who are allergic to gluten, to add
volume and viscosity to bread and other gluten-free baked goods.

1. Osilesi, O., Trout, D. L., Glover, E. E., Harper, S. M., Koh, E. T., Behall, K. M., O’Dorisio,
T. M., and Tartt, J. Use of xanthan gum in dietary management of diabetes mellitus.
Am.J.Clin.Nutr. 1985;42(4):597-603.
2. Daly, J., Tomlin, J., and Read, N. W. The effect of feeding xanthan gum on colonic
function in man: correlation with in vitro determinants of bacterial breakdown.
Br.J.Nutr. 1993;69(3):897-902.


of choices
Eating the full rainbow of foods regularly helps give your body the
nutrients it needs. In addition to fiber, vitamins and minerals, naturally
colored foods contain phytochemicals. These powerful nutrients are
the disease-fighting substances that give fruits and vegetables their
array of colors.

Each different color fruit and vegetables contains unique health

components that are essential to our health. The next time you are at
the supermarket or local farm stand, try to choose fruits and vegetables
from each of these categories:

Red: Red apples, cranberries, red grapes, pomegranates, raspberries,

strawberries, watermelon, pink or red grapefruit, tomatoes, radishes,
radicchio, red peppers, red onions

Yellow/orange: Yellow apples, apricots, cantaloupe, oranges,

peaches, nectarines, mangoes, grapefruit, pineapple, yellow peppers,
pumpkin, sweet corn, yellow tomatoes, lemons, sweet potatoes

Green: Green apples, green grapes, kiwi fruit, honeydew melon,

kiwi, avocado, broccoli, spinach, okra, artichoke, zucchini, lettuce,
celery, asparagus

Blue/purple: Raisins, blackberries, blueberries, plums, purple

grapes, eggplant and purple cabbage, purple figs

White: Bananas, white nectarines, white peaches, garlic, cauliflower,

mushrooms, onions, potatoes

This book contains information based on the research and experience of its authors and
was created to provide useful information with regard to the subject matter detailed.
The authors and publisher are not engaged in providing medical or other professional
services in the book. Circumstances vary for practitioners and this publication should
not be used without prior consultation from a competent medical professional.
This book is not intended as medical advice, but is solely for
educational purposes only. This book is not intended to
diagnose, treat, or prescribe, and does not replace
the services of a trained health professional. The
reader should consult a medical or health
professional if they know or suspect they
have a serious problem.

The publisher and authors disclaim

any responsibility for any liability, loss,
injury, or risk, personal or otherwise,
which is incurred as a consequence,
directly or indirectly, from the use of
any of the contents of this book.
Paul Kramer

Paul Kramer has more than 25 years

of experience in nutritional product
development, Network Marketing and
corporate management. Paul is the author
of the best-selling book, Fighting Body
Pollution, available in eight languages
worldwide. As a Nutritional Consultant,
Paul is recognized as an expert in the health
and wellness industry.

Paul has conducted several health and

wellness seminars around the world educating
individuals to live a healthier lifestyle. He is
a graduate of the Advanced Holistic Nutrition
program from the Canadian Nutrition Institute
and currently represents Lifestyles as a
member of the American Botanical Council.

Copyright 2012 Paul Kramer

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,

stored or transmitted by any means without written consent
of the publisher.

Although every effort has been made in the accurate

preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume
no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability
assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information
contained in this book.

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