Easy Reading - Milly's Busy Day
Easy Reading - Milly's Busy Day
Easy Reading - Milly's Busy Day
Paw marks
Which picture?
1. __ Milly is at her desk.
2. __ She is holding a cup of
3. __ She is mopping the floor.
4. __ She is carrying a shopping
5. __ She is typing.
6. __ The window is open.
7. __ Her husband is studying.
C 8. __ There are papers on the floor.
D 9. __ The dog is jumping up at the
10. __ The sink is full.
11. __ The vegetables are falling out
of her bag.
12. __ The waste bin is under the
True or false?
Today is Tuesday. Milly is having a busy day! In
Picture A, it is morning. Milly is doing a bit of 1. It’s a week day. t/f
cleaning before work. She is mopping because 2. Milly is having a lazy day. t/f
the floor is dirty. The floor is covered in paw 3. She is doing a bit of cleaning
marks – naughty dog! Milly is a part-time after work. t/f
worker. She starts work at 11 o’clock and she 4. The cat’s dirty paw marks are on
works three days a week. She works in an the floor. t/f
office. In Picture B, she is typing up some notes 5. Milly is a full-time worker. t/f
for her boss. She is a very good typist, but she 6. She does office work. t/f
is not very tidy. She does a bit of shopping on 7. She is a tidy person who keeps
her way home. In Picture C, she is carrying the everything in order. t/f
shopping. She’s got some fruit and vegetables. 8. She does a bit of shopping on her
When Milly gets home, she sees that her way to work. t/f
husband is studying. He is doing a course. His 9. When she gets home, her
course is about Astro-Physics. That is about the husband is out. t/f
planets and the Universe – very complicated 10. Her husband is studying. t/f
stuff that does not interest Milly. Milly often 11. Milly is bringing him a cup of tea.
says, ‘I am too busy to study!’ Here, she is t/f
bringing him a cup of coffee. There is Betsy the 12. The dog is black. t/f
dog again, jumping up. She always wants 13. The dog’s name is Paws. t/f
attention. At least her paws are clean this time! 14. This time, the dog’s paws are nice
and clean. t/f
True or false?1t, 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f, 6t, 7f, 8f, 9f, 10t, 11f 12f 13f 14t