J2 - 2022 Web Mapping Plat Rem Sens
J2 - 2022 Web Mapping Plat Rem Sens
J2 - 2022 Web Mapping Plat Rem Sens
1 Structural and Geotechnical Dynamics Lab “StreGa”, Department of Biosciences and Territory,
University of Molise, 86100 Campobasso, Italy; [email protected]
2 Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), Civil Engineering Department,
Abstract: European countries are affected by various levels of seismic hazard, including many areas
with medium to high seismicity. Heavy damage over large areas has been observed in past earth-
quakes in these countries, particularly in masonry buildings located in historical centers, confirming
the need for enhancing the current knowledge on the seismic vulnerability of these constructions,
so more informed technical and political decisions towards the mitigation of the risk can be taken.
Citation: Columbro, C.; However, the characterization of building stocks for engineering purposes is still an open issue due
Ramírez Eudave, R.; Ferreira, T.M.; to the enormous amount of resources that such a project would require. Nevertheless, the availabil-
Lourenço, P.B.; Fabbrocino, G. ity of virtual images and maps represents an outstanding opportunity for having remote ap-
On the Use of Web Mapping
proaches to urban environments. The role of on-site inspections can be complemented or even sub-
Platforms to Support the Seismic
stituted by means of these remote approaches, provided it is complemented with suitable ap-
Vulnerability Assessment
proaches. The use of these resources is not new, but the critical assessment of their capabilities and
of Old Urban Areas.
limitations deserves a critical discussion. The present paper aims at assessing the opportunities of-
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424.
fered by web-based mapping platforms in the context of seismic vulnerability assessment of ma-
sonry buildings in old urban areas. After evaluating the advantages and shortcomings of some of
Academic Editors: Cettina
the most popular web-based mapping services, an explanatory application to a set of 39 buildings
Santagati, Ilaria Trizio and
located in the historic center of the city of Leiria (Portugal) is presented and critically discussed,
Belen Riveiro
contrasting the results obtained by using on-site and remote inspections. Two different seismic vul-
Received: 2 January 2022 nerability assessment approaches are applied and analyzed herein, confirming that web-based
Accepted: 7 March 2022 mapping platforms can represent an efficient and cost-effective complement to traditional field sur-
Published: 15 March 2022 veys when the large-scale seismic vulnerability of old urban areas is of interest.
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-
tral with regard to jurisdictional Keywords: seismic vulnerability assessment; urban-scale survey; web mapping platforms;
claims in published maps and institu- historic centers; masonry structures
tional affiliations.
1. Introduction
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Li-
The development of methodologies for the assessment of the seismic vulnerability of
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
historic centers received increasing interest in the last decades due to the intensity and the
This article is an open access article
extension of the damage on constructions characterized by their architectural and histor-
distributed under the terms and con-
ditions of the Creative Commons At-
ical value [1,2]. Several studies have been conducted for assessing the seismic vulnerabil-
tribution (CC BY) license (http://crea- ity of building stocks on a regional and urban level using specially developed algorithms
tivecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). [3]. Any large-scale seismic vulnerability assessment procedure is often related to surveys
aimed at collecting the main structural, geometric, and material characteristics of the
buildings. Due to the considerable number of buildings usually involved, this task often
involves time-consuming and costly field survey operations. In the specific case of the
historical centers, image processing and remote sensing techniques are expected to offer
attractive options for knowing and characterizing built heritage [4]. However, these tech-
niques cannot yet replace field surveys mainly because it is still necessary to balance the
amount of data to collect with the computational effort related to the analysis. Web-based
technologies and approaches, used as a complement to traditional field survey activities
[5], can play a role in this regard [6–9]. Then, it is convenient to explore the limitations and
opportunities of performing remote inspections for seismic vulnerability and condition
assessment purposes. This study primarily must observe the type of information offered
to the user, its suitability in the context of vulnerability-assessment approaches, and the
reliability of using these approaches in contrast to traditional field surveys. In the view of
the exposed, the main objective of this work is to discuss the adequacy of the use of open-
access web mapping solutions as complementary information sources to support the seis-
mic vulnerability assessment of masonry buildings in old urban areas. To accomplish this
objective, some of the most popular web-based mapping platforms were reviewed to
identify their potentialities and shortcomings. Then, an explanatory application was con-
ducted in a way that the selected platforms were used for feeding a seismic vulnerability
analysis of the Historic City Center of Leiria (Portugal) and for forecasting damage scenarios
based on simplified performance assessment methodologies associated with both global—
Building Approach, BA, and local collapse mechanism—Façade Approach, FA. A compara-
tive analysis of the results based on virtual surveys of remote sensing and those coming from
technical information coming from traditional field surveys were finally discussed.
The paper is divided into five sections. Section 2 deals with the opportunities and
limitations related to the use of commonly available web-mapping platforms. Section 3
recalls the fundamentals of the selected approaches to the quantitative analysis of the seis-
mic vulnerability (BA and FA) based on those data effectively surveyable by remote ob-
servation of the buildings. Section 4 briefly illustrates the features of the selected area for
the benchmark study in the center of the City of Leiria, Portugal. Section 5 reports the
assessments and the results including the comparative analysis of the BA and FA method
performance against the reference analysis conducted after a more traditional field sur-
vey. The last section draws some conclusions and final remarks.
support of remote inspections was explored for the city of George Town (Malaysia), find-
ing an encouraging potential on this workflow [11].
The use of mobile devices also represents a promising opportunity for optimizing
field surveys. For example, the android-based RViSITS (Rapid Visual Survey by Institut
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) app [12] is aimed at optimizing data gathering for as-
sessing the vulnerability of high-rise buildings (8–15 floors). This app permits a direct ap-
plication of the Rapid Visual Screening method for estimating the seismic vulnerability of
large sets of constructions based on correlations between the predicted seismic perfor-
mance of specific typologies and materials [10]. A similar conceptual approach is given
for assessing post-earthquake damages in masonry constructions [13], given the conven-
ience of centralizing the field data gathered from several experts and professionals imme-
diately after the seismic event.
The ML-EHSAPP (Machine Learning-based Earthquake Hazard Safety Assessment
of buildings via smartphone App) is an example of development for final users in which
a simple and friendly data acquisition app may give an easily understandable outcome
for contextualizing the seismic vulnerability of constructions [14]. The information gath-
ered by the app facilitates some additional processes, such as training artificial neural net-
works (ANN) for refining the methods and approaches on determinate environments. The
representation of more complex effects and time-dependent events is able to be made by
means of logic trees, such as the LOG-IDEAH (LOGic trees for Identification of Damage
due to Earthquakes for Architectural Heritage) assessment tool [15].
The use of remote observations is, therefore, a feasible strategy for performing sim-
plified approaches based on visual surveys, provided the level of detail and accuracy of
the observations may comply with the parameters of the vulnerability approaches. An
objective comparison among the most common remote observation tools and their suita-
bility in the context of straightforward methods is needed to propose complete workflows
of inspections and assessments.
Therefore, it guides the operator in quickly identifying hazardous conditions of the build-
ing and the situations requiring temporary housing solutions to the occupants. The out-
come of this survey is reported on a form aimed to distinguish accessible buildings from
those that cannot be used.
The AeDES (the acronym from the Italian “Agibilità e Danno nell’Emergenza Sis-
mica”—Usability and damage in the seismic emergency) is the first-level form for ordi-
nary buildings in a post-seismic emergency scenario date back to the Umbria and Marche
earthquake in 1997. It is the official reference tool for the expeditious survey of damage,
the definition of emergency measures, and the evaluation of the post-seismic viability of
ordinary buildings [18]. Besides the damage survey, these data are also useful for an initial
evaluation of the repair and/or improvement costs.
A contribution to the definition of a set of relevant parameters for masonry buildings
is offered by the “PALAZZI” (the Italian word for ‘historical buildings’) form, which deals
with the assessment of the features and seismic damage of those architectural assets
whose structural behavior is similar to ordinary buildings [19]. It is divided into two sec-
tions; the first is made of 13 fields and is aimed at locating the object of the survey and the
context in which it is allocated. The second one contains 19 fields and is specifically ori-
ented to the typological and damage survey of the different components of the construc-
tion, and to the identification of the collapse mechanisms. It is worth mentioning herein
also the level I “CARTIS” form has as its purpose the detection of building type structures,
which appear to be made up of homogeneity of the building fabric, given by the age of
first construction and/or structural construction technologies [20]. Its main objective con-
sists of creating a national-wide repository of relevant structural data representatives of
building stock capable of feeding large-scale analyses and supporting evolving tools use-
ful to deepen seismic vulnerability-related knowledge and extendable to other natural
hazards, such as volcanic activity eruptions and hydrogeological events.
The detailed review and analysis of the above-reported vulnerability and damage
survey forms led to the identification of 18 parameters common to all the forms, confirm-
ing their relevance in the estimation of the structural and seismic performances of the
buildings. The selected parameters are reported in Table 1; it is easy to recognize that they
are aimed at defining both global and local features of the building structure. For this
reason, the capability of the web-mapping platforms in providing the knowledge demand
in the context of seismic vulnerability assessments was tested against this specific set of
structural parameters.
Table 1. Survey form: List of the most common parameters in the analyzed forms.
Id Parameters
1 Position in the urban context
2 Total number of floors, including underground floors
3 Average floor height and average floor area
4 Masonry characteristics
5 Presence of tie rods or perimeter concrete belts
6 Connection between orthogonal walls
7 Average wall thickness and distance between walls
8 Floors characteristics
9 Mixed structures in reinforced concrete, presence of additions with different construction techniques
10 Mortar type
11 Presence of porch/arcade
12 Presence of specific elements of vulnerability, including non-structural elements
13 Roof type
14 Wall Façade openings
15 Regularity in plan and height
16 Structural interventions in time
17 Status of conservation
18 Foundations
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 5 of 25
The benchmark building is located in the parish of Estrela, just in the heart of Lisbon, at
Arriaga street. This building is of relevant cultural value since it was part of the Headquarters
of the British embassy until 1940 and the residence of the ambassador until 2003. It is a Pom-
baline style building that was built after the devastating 1755 Lisbon earthquake.
From the well-reasoned application of the four out of the five pre-selected plat-
forms—Yandex Maps was disregarded due to its poor coverage in Western European
countries, including Portugal—it was possible to observe that the Google platform offers
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 6 of 25
the most suitable tool for the purpose of obtaining data that can be subsequently used to
support vulnerability assessments.
As can be seen in Table 3, the use of Google Maps permitted the evaluation of 12 (out
of the 18) parameters. Mapillary was found to be the second most suitable tool, with 11
parameters fully evaluated. Finally, Open Street Cam and Bing Maps allowed evaluating
10 and 6 parameters, respectively.
A comparison between the images obtained from the different tools to identify the
location of the building and its conservation status (Parameter 17, in Table 3) is given in
Figures 1 and 2.
Table 3. Comparison of the web-mapping platforms considering the parameters that can be con-
sulted on each platform.
Figure 1. Comparison of the satellite images for evaluating plan regularity by using different web
platforms: (a) Google Maps, (b) Bing Maps, (c) Mapillary, (d) OpenStreetCam.
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 8 of 25
Figure 2. Evaluation of the façade images for assessing the conservation state by using different web
platforms: (a) Google Maps, (b) Bing Maps, (c) OpenStreetCam, and (d) Mapillary.
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 9 of 25
The total vulnerability index initially obtained can have a range between 0 and 650,
later normalized to an Iv index between 0 and 100. It is worth pointing out that the method
herein used is based on a calibration to the Portuguese built environment based on a wide
set of collected damage data obtained in the sequence of the magnitude VII earthquake
that struck the Azores archipelago on 9 July 1998 [30]. The calibration of the method leads
to the definition of updated weights given to each parameter compared to the values ini-
tially proposed by Vicente [28].
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 10 of 25
Table 4. Parameters, groups, and relative weights considered for the Building Approach, BA.
Figure 3. Satellite view of the City of Leiria (top); view of the Historic Centre, including the area of
study (bottom). Google Maps and GeoPortal.
Figure 4. Region of study (Zone 1), emphasizing masonry-based constructions and the key assigned
during the data acquisition campaigns.
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 13 of 25
Vulnerability class distribution
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14
Not Evaluable D C B A
Figure 5. Vulnerability class distribution for each parameter throughout the total of samples.
A feasible way for dealing with this uncertainty, inherent to the proposed data-ac-
quisition strategy, is to take an average grade from the effectively assessed buildings for
being later used on those that were not completely assessed. For all those parameters that
were not evaluated, two approaches were used: assigning two default extreme vulnera-
bility classes, class A and class D, leading respectively to a less and more conservative
scenario. Consequently, two values of the vulnerability index were obtained for each
building: Iv+ corresponding to vulnerability class D; and Iv− corresponding to vulnerabil-
ity class A. The vulnerability assessment was applied to 39 buildings. As regards the lower
limit of the seismic vulnerability index, Iv− , the average value is 39.15 with a standard de-
viation of 7.43; approximately 33% of the assessed buildings have a vulnerability index
value greater than 40 and about 21% greater than 45. No buildings present a vulnerability
index lower than 20. The minimum and maximum values obtained are respectively 25.50
and 60.33. Considering the higher limit of the seismic vulnerability index, Iv+ , the average
value is 44.15 with a standard deviation of 7.43; approximately 67% of the assessed build-
ings present a vulnerability index value greater than 40 and about 33% greater than 45.
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 14 of 25
No buildings were found to have a vulnerability index lower than 20, and the minimum
and maximum values are respectively 30.50 and 65.33
In order to verify that the data followed a normal distribution, the Shapiro–Wilk test
was performed on both groups of Vulnerability Index, Iv+ and Iv− . The hypothesis of nor-
mality was satisfied, with a value of p-value equal to 0.06 for both cases and therefore
higher than α = 0.5, assigned level of significance. The graphical representation of the fre-
quency distribution of the reference vulnerability index Iv,ref (corresponding to the vulner-
ability classes that were assessed on-site) and the comparison with higher and lower val-
ues computed, Iv+ and Iv− , are presented in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Vulnerability index obtained from Iv,ref, Iv+ , and Iv− , showing the normality of distribution.
It is worth noticing that the extreme assessments (i.e., Iv+ , and Iv− ) are more concen-
trated than the Iv,ref values. The average reference value Iv is equal to 42.88, and therefore,
it fits well in the calculated range of 39.15–44.15. The standard deviation value obtained
herein is quite different from the reference one, 7.43 and 12.74, respectively.
Figure 7 illustrates the divergences found among the parameters that were effectively
assessed by means of web-based images when compared to the on-site survey. It shows
the proportion of web-based assessments that were conservative, non-conservative, and
equal to the assessments performed in-situ. In most cases, the vulnerability classes as-
signed during the web-based survey correspond to those considered in the reference sur-
vey. Attention must be paid to the selection of the vulnerability class for Parameter 6 since
this parameter is associated with the soil classification according to relevant National and
International seismic design codes. Geological and geotechnical data can be retrieved by
documents and data distributed by public administration but can also be estimated by
means of the analysis of the topographical slope of the soil surface [38]. This methodology
is certainly useful and validated at a large scale, but it can present some limitations in
urbanized areas, where a more careful analysis of the built and natural environment must
be carried out. In the case of the investigated area, it is worth noting that the area is char-
acterized by a flat soil surface pointing out an alluvial subsoil generated by the floods of
the nearby Lis river. Based on this, a “loose soil without impulse and without rock foun-
dation”, Type D according to Eurocode 8 classification [39], was considered, differentiat-
ing on this point the work from a preceding one that referred to the same area [37].
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 15 of 25
Web-based vulnerability class assessments
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14
Conservative Not Conservative Equal Classes
Figure 7. Comparison between the reference vulnerability index and the classes assigned using re-
mote surveying.
The graph given in Figure 8 shows, for each building, the relationships between the
reference and herein obtained vulnerability indexes.
Vulnerability Index, Iv
Building ID
Iv- Iv,reference Iv+
Figure 8. Comparison between the reference vulnerability index and the computed ranges by using
remote surveying; the Building ID refers to the keys in Figure 4.
Around 64% of the buildings resulted in a range of vulnerability index values that
is higher or coincident with the reference value. The graph given in Figure 9 presents the
percentages of the cases in which the reference vulnerability index falls within the com-
puted range (more and less conservative scenario, Iv+ , and Iv− ) and in which the same
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 16 of 25
range of values is more or less conservative than the reference value. The GIS application
software adopted in this study was ESRI ArcMap 10.8.1 [40].
Figure 9. Comparison between the indexes calculated in this work and the field-campaign reference
The next phase was the operational implementation of the methodology of the Vul-
nerability Index. Bernardini et al. [41] proposed an analytical expression that correlates
hazard with the mean damage grade (0 < µD < 5) of the damage distribution in terms of
the vulnerability value, as shown in Equations (3) and (4).
I + cV − d
µD = a + b tanh � � × f(V, I) (3)
f(V, I) = �e2 , if I ≤ 7 (4)
1, if I > 7
a, b, c, and d are constant values 2.5, 3.0, 6.25, and 12.7, respectively, as per Bernardini
et al. [41].
I = seismic hazard described in terms of macroseismic (MMI) intensity.
V = vulnerability index obtained from the normalized IV index (Equation (5)).
Q = ductility factor (1 ≤ Q ≤ 4). Following the calibration made by (Ferreira et al.,
2014), a value of Q = 2.0 was herein assumed.
f (V, I) = is a function depending on the vulnerability index and intensity.
The vulnerability index Iv can be related to the vulnerability index V through the
following equation:
V = 0.592 + 0.0057 × Iv (5)
Following the above-presented analytical formulation, it is possible to obtain damage
curves for a given IV that represent a certain damage grade µD expected to occur because
of a seismic event of a given macroseismic intensity. This damage grade represents a min-
imum value of 0 that represents no damage at all and a maximum value of 5, representing
the total collapse of the structure. Figure 10 presents the construction of the curves for the
mean Iv+ , Iv− and Iv,ref found throughout the sample. The reference vulnerability curve fits
within the range of the two curves calculated in the previous section.
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 17 of 25
Figure 10. Vulnerability curves for the mean I+
v = 44.15, Iv =39.15, and Iv,ref = 42.88. This curve exem-
plifies that the minimum and maximum values are reasonably close to reference values, supporting
the hypothesis of having an accurate approach.
Figure 11. Damage scenario for different macroseismic intensities IEMS-98, considering central values-
(a) and (c); and reference values (b) and (d) of the Vulnerability Index Iv.
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 18 of 25
Figure 12. Mean damage grade distributions obtained from both approaches for IEMS-98 = VII (left)
and IEMS-98 = VIII (right).
Influence (%)
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13
Not Evaluable D C B A
Figure 13. Vulnerability class distribution for each parameter, considering the façade approach.
The Shapiro–Wilk test was performed on both groups of Vulnerability Index, Iv+ and
Iv− .The hypothesis of normality was not satisfied, with a value of p-value equal to 0.01 for
both cases and therefore lower than α = 0.5, assigned level of significance (Figure 14). The
graphical representation of the frequency distribution of the reference vulnerability index
Iv,ref, and the comparison with higher and lower values computed, Iv+ and Iv− , are pre-
sented in Figure 15. Once again, the results of this work are more concentrated than the
reference values.
Figure 14. Vulnerability index distributions obtained from Iv,ref and overall comparison. The hy-
pothesis of normality was not sustained in this approach.
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 20 of 25
Influence (%)
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13
Not Conservative Conservative Equal Classes
Figure 15. Comparison between the vulnerability classes assigned for each façade-related parameter.
The average reference value (42.42) is close to the lower bound of the calculated range
of 42.34–47.90. The standard deviation value obtained herein is quite different from the
reference one, 5.71 and 12.79, respectively. Figure 16 presents the ratio between the refer-
ence (in-situ survey) and the evaluation classes of the vulnerability parameters.
These results are coherent with the building approach. In fact, 6 of the 13 parameters
evaluated show a compatible vulnerability class. The vulnerability classes assigned in this
work are the same as those calculated in the reference work. The graph in Figure 16 pre-
sents the relationship between the computed and the reference values. It is important to
note that each building was assigned the maximum vulnerability index value computed
considering all the relative façades. Approximately 74% of the buildings show a vulnera-
bility index value higher or coincident with the reference value (Figure 17).
Vulnerability Index, Iv
Building ID
Iv- Iv,reference Iv+
Figure 16. Comparison between the reference vulnerability index and the computed range.
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 21 of 25
Figure 17. Comparison between the Vulnerability Indexes evaluated in this work and the reference
values for the façade approach.
The Vulnerability Index for the façade walls was calculated using Equations (3) and
(4), and adopting the following coefficients: a = 2.51, b = 2.5, c = 5.25, and d = 11.6; and a
ductility factor Q = 2.0, as recommended by Ferreira et al. [43]. The application of this
analytical formulation led to the following vulnerability curves: the upper and the lower
average value of the vulnerability index distribution are plotted side-by-side with the ref-
erence vulnerability curve.
The reference vulnerability curve fits within the two computed vulnerability curves,
such as for the building approach. The central value of the range of vulnerability index
was used in the following analysis and shown in Figure 18. The mean damage grade µD
was computed for two classes of macroseismic intensity (VII, VIII) and compared with the
reference value of vulnerability index distribution (Figures 19 and 20).
Figure 18. Vulnerability curves for the mean I+
v = 47.90, Iv =42.34, and Iv,ref = 42.42. Minimum and
maximum values are close to reference values, supporting the feasibility of the approach.
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 22 of 25
Figure 19. Damage scenario for different macroseismic intensities IEMS-98, considering central values
(a,c) and reference values (b,d) of Vulnerability Index Iv, based on the façade approach.
Figure 20. Mean damage grade distributions obtained from both intensities: IEMS-98 = VII (left) and
VIII (right) for the façade approach.
6. Final Remarks
The present paper reported the main results of an investigation on the feasibility of
structural surveys for seismic vulnerability assessment of masonry buildings inside his-
torical centers based on web-mapping platforms. The latter is becoming more and more
sophisticated and widespread, thus offering opportunities to the technical community
and decision-makers to improve their knowledge and awareness about the current condi-
tions and the level of vulnerability of the building stocks under their administration.
The investigation reported herein started from selecting key structural data among
those selected by well-established traditional vulnerability and seismic damage survey
forms concerning buildings made of masonry.
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 23 of 25
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, T.M.F. and P.B.L.; methodology, T.M.F. and P.B.L.; formal
analysis, C.C.; data curation, T.M.F.; writing—original draft preparation, C.C. and G.F.; writing—review
and editing, T.M.F., G.F. and R.R.E.; supervision, T.M.F., P.B.L. and G.F.; funding acquisition, P.B.L. and
G.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The datasets generated and analyzed during the current study are
available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
RVS Rapid Visual Screening
RViSITS Rapid Visual Survey by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Machine Learning-based Earthquake Hazard Safety Assessment of buildings via
smartphone App
LOG-IDEAH LOGic trees for Identification of Damage due to Earthquakes for Architectural Heritage
Fabbricati per l’Agibilità Sintetica post-Terremoto–Buildings for synthetic post-earth-
quake usability
“Agibilità e Danno nell’Emergenza Sismica”-Usability and damage in the seismic
“CARatterizzazione TIpologico-Strutturale dei comparti urbani costituiti da edifici
MIM Maximum Intensity Maps
GIS Geographical Information System
Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1424 24 of 25
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